I'm just really super interested in that this and I like you and I want to talk with you a lot more, but like you just spent hours talking and you just spent hours doing something, right? And it's like, yeah, now oh let's go get a coffee and let's chill. Do you have time to talk on Zoom? And it's like, yeah kind of know, like, no, daily like, I don't know what to say, like, no. And so if you multiply it by nine classes with 20 students at each one, you're looking at 180 people that are like, yeah, constantly, right? I hope I did my math correctly. I'm not sure. Yeah, but it was, it's actually more because so some of my classes had four had 40 people, you know, whatever, but some of them were online. So it's like, of let's say the nine time, I think three were online and six were on ground or something. Yeah.