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Ep. 87 JINKIES - De Profundis image

Ep. 87 JINKIES - De Profundis

S1 E87 · The Fellowship of the Tabletop
116 Plays3 years ago

This week on a rather sexy and spooky episode, our semi Scooby Gang enter a desolate, run down mansion….JINKYIES


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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade -

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Helena's Fiery Suggestion

in favour? Fucking me! What? What? That probably sounded better in your head.

Podcast Introduction

everyone and welcome to this week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop. We are a live play 5e D&D podcast set in the magical home-brewed world of Eryth. My name is Mark and I am the Dungeon Master. And also

Character Introductions

with us for today's episode, we have Will who plays the human-barred Karstan. Let's play some fucking D&D! We've got Ian who plays the Dragonborn Barbarian Paladin, Drago. Let's play some fucking D&D.
Callum, who plays the gnome sorcerer Folly Fizzlebang the ninth. Then let's play some fucking D&D. We've got Darren, who plays the human fighter Rogue Robin. Let's play some D&D. Wow. We've got Casey, who plays the human champion Hell in a Sleepguard. Let's play some D&D. And we've got Danny, who plays the human cleric Claude. I

Discord Humor: Mark's Mute Mishap

must edit this section out. Mark, you're muted on Discord. Case just doesn't know when to speak.
That was good timing. I've sorted it now. And stand by for my introduction. Let's fly some dungeons and dungeons. I think we leave it all in anyway. That was beautiful. Nice to have you back, Will.

Episode Recap: Rebellion & Bracelet Quest

Right, on last week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop, what even happened? We had Helena wandering off with Sebastian to go see Cassandra over at the lodge to instill a rebellion against the perfectly legal forces of the Crescra. We also had the rest of the party moving north and slightly out of the city by
feigning of the passing away pass a guard in order to visit a man who apparently knows more about the book the world away once they visited this lovely lovely chap who I had lots of fun playing actually and
They told, this man told them that they needed to help find a bracelet that had been basically taken from him quite a few, quite a bit of time ago. And if they managed to find it and bring it back to him, he will tell them everything he knows and point them in the direction they need to go. They told them to go, he told them to go to the Green Barrel estate and that there was an old mansion that hasn't been touched in quite some time. And

Regrouping at the Green Barrel Estate

within there,
that is where they would find the bracelet. And the party managed to move over with the help of Claude using his little magical item, Ping, managed to make the way over and found the building in question. During this time, Karstan was tasked by Sebastian to take a number of items that Foley had given him over to the kind of
Hostel area of the city in order to drop them off with notes to pass the items on to the Renstad family the remaining family the surviving family of Jessica Renstad in ever Shire and after that Event cast and also had a message from Claude saying meet us here at the seven so managed to break make their way there
And so the party's all now finally back together in an awkward way, outside of this dilapidated mansion on the Green Barrel Estate on the west side of the city. The smell of salt is in the air as we're relatively close now to the dock area of Goldview. You can hear in the air the sounds of the sea, the sounds of seagulls, and also the sounds of kind of business taking place around you. But in the central area where these low green
hedges form with this unkempt grass seems at odds with the other surrounding opulence and grandeur of the family's known wealth in the other areas.

Exploring the Dilapidated Mansion

This building has fallen into disrepair and whilst other areas have been maintained and fixed, this one building, this one area seems to have been left bereft and it's dying, it's overgrown. No one seems to go near this part of the estate anymore.
As you walk in, you walk up to this area, there's really no one around, and you can see the odd person from a distance now kind of looking over at this grouping of people standing outside this dilapidated mansion. And Karsten, you've just kind of made your way over, kind of waving to the group and kind of jogged over to join the rest of the group outside of this, these double oak doors that seem to stand
relatively high above you, up a number of stone steps to the entrance to this mansion. You know you need to go inside. You know you need to go in and find this bracelet for our fella back at the... I've forgotten his name. What's his name? Fonkin Threadbear. Fonkin... Thank you. Ah Ian, you take notes. I love you. Fonkin Threadbear. We need to find this bracelet for Fonkin somewhere within this house.
And as you approached it, if you remember, you swear you could see a figure standing in the window of the first floor up. But then as your eyes kind of looked up again, that figure was gone. Most of the windows are really kind of misted over or it seems to be soothed over from the inside. So very, very little light seems to get in. You can't see in either.
The sun is, it's early morning at this point, it's still relatively early in the day and it feels quite, there's a sense of opacity in the air, it's warm but cool at the same time and you're all kind of gathered outside in a little kind of, I imagine it like some kind of like American football huddle just outside meeting up before choosing to reverse into this house. Is there anything you want to do or say before you enter in?
Can I just say, as an expert on reading stories, that every single story that I've ever read that involves a group of people going through a spooky, ruined house ends badly. I'm just putting it out there.
What's wrong, Castan? You afraid? Look, I've read lots of books and I know for a fact that normally people go into buildings like this and the stories usually involve horrible, grimly deaths and someone's going to die first. It's probably not going to be me. I'm looking at the non-humans because that's how the stories go. I'm sorry. Listen, Castan, this isn't a story, OK? This is real life and it's not going to happen that way. OK.
I'm just saying, just, you know, these stories are usually based on facts. Well, we're very well prepared for this sort of thing. We've all got our weapons. It's it's fine. This is exactly what the people who go into the building say before they go into the building. I'm just I'm just saying. Are you volunteering to knock on the door, Kastan? Sure. Why not? Because that person is normally OK for a little bit of the story. And be my guest. OK. Kastan. Yes.
I don't want you to let us down again. All right. He won't, and I'm just going to put a hand on your shoulder and cast guidance on you and give you a little tap on the lower back because off you go. Did you just tap his ass? Yes, he did. I enjoyed it. Come on, sport. And with a little hop as Claude pats my bum, I'm going to walk up to the front door.
OK, what would you like to do to it? I'm going to knock on it. A nice little jolly rat-a-tat-tat. Ooh, I imagine he says rat-a-tat-tat. With a little swanky glance back at the party in a grin.
I think we're downstairs as well. Like you're the sole character, only if the camera pans back. It's just you at the top of the stairs, big oak doors. And we're right at the bottom just going, you got this. I kind of wish I could just make everyone invisible. He turns round and we're all just gone. I have a genuine question for Karsten. Do I imagine he's the type of person that walks into a room and says, knock, knock, as he walks in? He might do, yes.
I thought so, I thought so. We hate this topic, no. Okay, so you knock on the door and what you notice, Carson, as you get up there and you knock on the door, the doors themselves seem rotten. The lock seems to be missing from the central portion of this. There's no kind of handle to it either. There used to be, obviously, a big knob in the middle of the door, but that seems to be missing as well. Thank you, Will.
The most most of the kind of the metal work has been obviously robbed or something from this from this door And so as you rat-a-tat-tat and say at the same time the right hand door Just creaks open ever so slightly and then he moves back a bit with the with either the weight of the door or the wind or something else Mark yes while cast and is knocking on the door Drago is going to just look down at the floor close his eyes grab the amulet and
for Akiva, and I'm going to use Divine Sense. So can you tell me, as I try and detect good and evil, can I sense anything affected by... What's this? Hold on. As an action, you can detect good and evil until the end of your next turn. You can sense anything affected by the Hallow spell or know the location of any Celestial Fiend undead within 60 feet. That is not behind total cover.
So being in the building with count as total cover, because you can't add your line of sight to it. Well, then see, there you go. This is me as a rookie, as a paladin. So I'm going to burn that because I wouldn't know. Tell me what I feel. You don't get a ping back.

Haunted Mansion Atmosphere

What you do notice is that
The way I kind of described to Claude's relatively similar bit, it's kind of like static and lack of static and a high amount of static. And you get like no static from most of the place around you. But there's something in the general direction in front of you that doesn't feel right. It doesn't feel as empty as say like as you turn around to the open
open lands around the Green Barrel Estate where you get no ping, no static. Something in the building does give you some static, but you can't place where or what or when it kind of is. Okay, with an air of more confidence about him, because he believes that he cast the spell perfectly, Drago will just turn to the group and go, be on your guard, something unfriendly in there. What gave you that impression?
A divine sense. Robert, are you telling me that looking at this big spooky house, you don't have a similar feeling? It's, um... It's called being... never mind. Shall we go? What does that irony? What did he say about the irony? I don't know. I think he said irony and he used to write one. Robert, if he needs to go back and do some chores, I mean, we've got this, if it's urgent, you should go to me pressing... No, um...
The urgent thing is that we have to be out of this city by nightfall. So I think we need to get moving. Did something just backfire on Robin a little bit there? I think so. I think he's trying to cover it up. Poor guy. You'll get us next time. You'll get us next time. The point still stands. Be on your guard. You've been outsmarting that chord, Robin. I know. It hurts. But I'll get over it. But seriously, we do need to get moving.
Karl Stan is going to jolly stand at the top of the steps and be like, so this place looks pretty well run down. So I reckon we just let Folly burn the place to the ground and then we can sift the rubble and find the bracelet then. Yeah. Claude will raise his hand. I agree. To be fair, that's not the worst idea that's come out of that man's mouth.
We have not gone inside. We have not seen what we would be facing. Can I just add as well that we are trying not to draw too much attention to ourselves? Exactly, I'm with you Robert. We can make you look like an action. A colossal house turning on fire all of a sudden might actually give away our location. I don't think it's the best idea right now. I'll do it later.
OK, I was just putting it out there. OK, the door's open. It's burning it down. It could make a good distraction if I know nobody's in here. Well, maybe we could then burn it down. Anyway, the door's open. So we've basically been invited in. I think the house is invited in. Read into that what you will. Hello, house.
Drago is going to unsheathe his axe of Shader and walk up to work Austin. I'll take the visual cue and I'll just get my shield ready as well, but look very concerned towards Drago. Claude, do you want this axe back that you gave me? Because it's been waiting quite heavy. Oh, I thought you were strong enough to deal with it. Yeah, I think whatever you did to me wore off. You can probably have it back. I can't keep doing that. Can I suggest when we get some time, you just lift some weights or something?
yeah all right but i'm more of a man of mine i'll watch out are you gonna spot me okay that's fine yeah we'll have some kind of montage it'll be really cool yeah we could like have the rocky thing to play in it'll be great
Drag is going to appear in the open doorway. What's the level of light like? The level of light inside is very dim, but once your eyes start to adjust, once your eyes start to adjust, you can start to make out shapes, you can start to make out the floor, you can see a large amount of dust in the air, shafts of dust you can see from the from the crack of your open door at the moment.
I just did shafts and crack in a sentence. I'm very impressed with that. We'll keep it all together. Well done, Mark. Well done. Thank you. Sexy episode. What's on your mind, guys? What can I say? It's been a long lockdown. Anyway, what I can say... Hashtag In Gong. Did you say there was dust in the rain? In Gong.
there was is there is dust in there as present tense um as you open the door so it's not dark the windows you can kind of assume let in a little little bit of very speckled broken light enough for you to roughly see around it's not going to call basically it's not going to cause you disadvantage struggle and that's what i'm getting at thank you uh mark the figure where we saw this we got this sense there was someone at the window was that on the ground floor the top floor where about in relation to the front door was that
So the mansion is two stories. You're on the ground floor. I've considered it the first floor, which is also the top floor. From you looking outside from the front doors, it was kind of top left window.
Am I right in thinking Karsten was the only one that saw that figure and then when we turned to look, the figure wasn't there? No, if any of you had looked up, it could be any of you. I kind of said that the group would have done it, but more like an ominous thing. So sorry, I've written that. It might be that some of you just chose to forget about it thinking it was just a trick of the light or something like that. It was kind of that quick and that much of a flicker. Are we pressing on?
I'm, yeah, let's go for it. So Cast Down will have taken his loot off his back. Oh God. And I'm going to be plucking a few strings in a quite a fairly jolly tune and I'm going to be infusing sort of my magic into that. So I'm essentially going to be perpetually casting Counter Charm Mark. Okay. Ooh. And that gives any creatures, any friendly creatures in 30 feet of me,
advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened. You sexy motherfucker. Lovely, very nice, thank you very much. Mark, can I also ask, can Helena put her armour back on whilst we're, or now that we're sort of out of the city?
Yes, absolutely. Yeah. We can, if you want to sit rep, we can, we can, not sit rep, retcon, we can say that once you were kind of in position and you saw Kassan take, making his way over, you use that time to get your armour on to save us weight. Yeah, great. Yeah. Yeah. Fully, fully armed back up to full fighting strength. Yeah, brilliant. Cool. Who's going first?
or are we burning a diner? I thought Drago had gone and stepped in. Yeah, Drago walks forward with a look at Castan and a nod, and then Drago will take steps in. Helena will be behind Drago. And then Claude will go in. I'll cast Light against my shield so as to make it a bit more of a sensible, visible option for us all. I will just say to Castan as I go past,
I'll be in front of you if you hear anything behind us. Try to let me know as discreetly as possible. OK, I'll probably scream let go. There is a damp and dark feel in the air as you pry open the rusted and rotten door. Rotten, rotten, damn it. There's a grand staircase before you in a large open room with a number of items within it.
This grand staircase has velvet, kind of carpet running down, kind of licking down each step, but unfortunately on top of all of this seem to be these huge chunks of masonry, a series of boulders and rocks. The masonry doesn't seem to have fallen from above, it seems somewhat out of place, it can't have fitted in through the door, it hasn't fallen from above, yet it stands there, blocking the staircase.
In the foreground of the staircase is a giant, huge coat of arms, stood upright, holding a giant pole arm facing you, facing the door. It has a thick layer of dust over the helmet and shoulders. It stands high, almost filling the grand ceilinged room.
On either wall to your left and to your right, you can see the huge head of a kind of bust of an animal pinned to the wall. These look like almost like a giant reindeer for all intents and purposes. They're dark, slightly reflective

The Grand Staircase & Mystical Armor

eyes seem to glimmer in the light as the doors open. A chill passes through the air, though no windows seem open.
The windows, as you turn around, to look, are ashen and, as you rightly thought, blotted out, and only miniscule shafts of light pierce whatever has been slathered on the glass to block out the light, or block others looking in. The floor, again, is covered in a thick layer of dust, and you can see from this layer, even drago, as you enter.
that no one has walked on this floor for quite some time. You also noticed the floor is tiled black and white. Black then white seems to be more akin to a chessboard than a reception room. What would you like to do? So, Drago walks forward, looks at each of the walls and takes in everything that you so beautifully described.
The chill in the room compared to Drago's own ice temperature, do I feel this as colder than just my actual being? Or is it on par or am I warmer? What's the sense as Drago just takes a heavy breath?
It wouldn't necessarily be cold. It's more the atmosphere is cold, so not so much the actual temperature. It does feel slightly cooler because you don't have the sun on you, but more there seems to just be a muted, a muted feeling. Yeah, more than actually the temperature being colder. Yeah. Gotcha. Mark, the boulders you've described, can I go and investigate them, please?
can indeed give me an investigation check and what i'm looking for as well as as well as investigating them generally is um are they like remotes are they human um in sort of shape and the like i was as in are they human shaped or have they been human by human hands as in are they human shaped um as in a shell like humanoids but i'm also going to investigate them generally but that is something i'm also going to be looking for i've got a 29
Okay, no, they aren't human shaped. They're just massive, massive, like almost like bits of a building, huge, huge chunks that fill this really quite, you know, 25 foot wide staircase that sits directly in front of you at the far end of this massive room.
And they also don't match the masonry around, so they don't match the same woodwork or brickwork of the building you're currently in. And as you look up above the staircase, the ceiling is still there. So this has not fallen from above. This seems to have manifested itself in some other way. Upon closer investigation, you also get a very strong, iconic feel from them as well, either residual or current, that something has or is currently
something magical is is or has currently sorry something has or is currently working on it in an iconic way
OK, so you guys will see Carson. Look at the rocks. I'll put my hands to it, get a bit of dust. And like in due south, I'll taste the dust. And they're like, yeah. There is something magical about this. But to be pleased to know, I did think that these might be human shaped rocks. So we're not facing a medusa if that is any reassurance to anybody.
What the fuck, I'm a juicer. What is that? It's something that tends to turn people to stone in stories. And because I saw these random blocks of stone, I just wanted to check it wasn't one of them. OK, let's do the stories, I think, Karsten. Am I right in seeing that that's the only way out of this room? As Drago looks towards his death. Sorry, I should have also told you. Yes, thank you, Drago, for reminding me, says a voice from above. There are three- You're welcome, Akiva.
I'm not doing the keep it to words, I have a cold. There are three doors, again, large, dark oak doors, smaller than the one you entered through. It's only a single door. But as you enter into the room, there is one on your right, about 30 feet away. There is one on your left, 30 feet away. And then to the right-hand side of the staircase, at the far end of the room, on the right-hand side, there is also another door.
in the back left corner there seems to be good on the back left corner there seems to also be some kind of sideboard with a number of kind of dusty items upon it that from your current location you can't quite see are the rocks blocking us going up the stairs correct okay that's fine okay if anyone else get the impression that we're being led through some sort of a game here the game
Are you referencing the checkerboard flooring? Yes and no. Those rocks at those stairs have been placed there. They're not part of the debris from this building.
Yes, they're possibly magically summoned. They've certainly got an air of magic to them, Robin. We should be prepared for traps. Magical rocks. Surely I can move them. Yeah, let's try it. Okay. Okay, I don't know how to bookshelf. Castan, didn't you say they're... Okay, let him do it.
I'm going to try and see if Drago will help me shift one rock, so we put our combined strength into moving one rock. Okay, Drago, do you want to roll with advantage or make a roll each?
So yeah, that's bullshit. As you both grasp the side of this large piece of masonry, you make a little bit too much eye contact as you start to strain. And as you continue to strain, the eye contact is actually a bit off putting and you both break it away quite quickly. But then the damage is already done and it just doesn't seem to budge at all. There's a little bit of grunting from both of you, which kind of echoes around this this large room slightly as you can hear the shifting feet of other characters kind of moving around the space.
But the rock does not move. And you stop staring at me in the eyes with that expression, please. It's off-putting. You've got to use your legs. No, I know how to lift things, but that weird look you're giving me is just putting me off. I couldn't help it. I just, you know, I needed something to concentrate on. Just quit it. Don't concentrate on me. I'm not doing a very good job of lifting this. Are you putting your weight into it? While the rod you're in, Ollie's just going to cast Levitate on the rock.
at the rock doesn't move. Yeah I don't think this is working. I've got an idea. Can Helena please investigate or just at least look at this figure of standing armour in front of her please.
Yeah, sure. What do you want to investigate? Yeah, I think I want to investigate because I have a feeling or I just want to see if there's any sort of magical connection to this thing that we needed to have like, you know, moved the sword that it's holding or touched some part of the shield that it's got, anything there that's going to connect to the rocks in front of us.
Okay, give me an investigation check please. At 16. As you look over this impressive set of armour, you start to notice a couple of things.
Firstly, the shield it holds is kind of down by its side in its left arm. The right hand, which has the pole arm in it with a large kind of lance spike on top of it, is holding with his right, we say hey, the figure is holding with a right hand. The visor of the shield, the visor of the helmet is down. The armor also looks ornate. It looks older than
armor you will have seen in the Slickard Empire. You don't recognize it. You're training over in the Harel Empire. You've never seen this armor. It seems almost like this would be more fitted in for a museum than anywhere else. This seems odd. It also seems odd that this massive set of armor seems to fit. It looks real, like as in it would be worn by a figure.
but this figure stands at 16, 17 feet tall, this set of armor, and so would be oversized for any human or creature you have ever seen before. So the size is strange and off-putting slightly, but also the style of the armor is ancient in comparison to what you know, Helena. Okay, thank you. Mark, are any of the doors open?
Good question. Apart from the door you came through, which slowly just kind of moved back on its hinges to kind of shut again. Not all the way shut, but that was the natural kind of bend of the... Anyway, it's naturally shut. The other three doors are shut. Mark, while the world's greatest man, strongest man comes into this going on, the person's also just going to be investigating the room, probably starting in the bottom.
left corner where that bookshelf is and working his way around okay and over at the bookshelf you notice on top of it are an inordinate number of burnt out candles the wax kind of pouring over onto the top of this huge number of candles you can see like hundreds of wicks sticking up almost now that the top surface of this uh sideboard is now literally one big candle they're all burnt almost to the wick
And there's a layer of wax over everything, but then also a thick layer of dust on top of that. Below there, you do notice a number of books and also a load of kind of manuscript paper stuffed into the top area above the book below the next shelf up manuscript paper kind of stuffed into that as well. Can I ask what can I I'll join cast and then investigating the room while the rock failing is going on.
And do any of the doors have any displacement of dust? Do any of them look like they've been used? Is there any evidence that one of them is more traversed than the others? Give me an investigation check, please. I'll assist him on that as well. With advantage. Will, you sexy motherfucker. Thank you for that. Thanks to Will, 25. You look at all three doors.
and the southern door, the one next to the staircase, there again is a thick layer of dust on the small golden handle. The door to the east, so the left, there is also a layer of dust on the small golden handle. However, the door to the right, there's no, with a roll like that, there's no clear marks with the handle being grabbed, but for some reason on the door, in general, there is slightly less dust.
Looking at the floor though, you do not see any marks where the door has scuffed on the ground and thus bringing up some of the dust. There is also no discernible prints on the ground in front of it. There's a white tile just in front of the door and you cannot see any disturbance in the dust in comparison to the other squares around it either.
Yes. Your stories, when the three doors that appear to be identical yet one of them feels slightly different, what does that tend to mean? That bad things or the story wants you to go in that direction normally? Perhaps both I'm guessing. Yeah I mean normally natural curiosity does kick in until the first people start to die so
Well let's let's go with natural curiosity then and I'll head over to that head over to that door and just take a look at it. Yes castan before I... Oh and and and just this is a will that oh is that sorry mark um is is that the right door the wrong door because you said east was you said the western door was the one affected
No, the Western door was unaffected. The door to the right was the one that was affected. Sorry, I flipped it in my head and I'm thinking stage right, that's all. Of course you are. No, that's the right one. The right-hand door has been affected. Yep, the left-hand door has been unaffected. The left-hand door is the same as the door to the south. Yeah, cool. Probably best that we don't split up. So if we're going to go through this door, we're getting the others with us as well.
We can all hear you and I'd say that if Robin's going to open a door, we're following. Okay. Right then. Let's see what happens and I'll open the door. Can I actually have a look at the, um, the deers, the stag heads? Yeah. Is this happening? I assume that's happening as. Yeah. As these guys are going towards the, the Western door, I'm just mosey on, moseying on over to the
Western Staghead, just to see, sorry, Eastern Staghead, just to see if there's, you know, does it look like it's watching me? Does it look, are they real? Are they stuck to the wall? You know, how are they stuck to the wall? What else is in them or on them?
As you approach that stack edit, you can actually kind of, it's at kind of your head slash shoulder height. So you can actually kind of reach up and
inspect it quite closely. I'll be looking kind of a relatively close inspection. Yeah, yeah, yeah, again, because I think in Helena's mind, there's got to be a logic to what's going on in here. So she's just going to have a little look to see if there's anything else out of place that might give us more clues about this room, obviously, with these rocks being placed here, as Kaftan had said.
She sort of thinks that there's got to be more to it. So yeah, just going to have a little more of a closer inspection. Could you give me a investigation check, please? Followed by a slight of hand. That's going to be a nine inspection. And slight of hand is a 21. OK.
you have a good look at this stag's head and you look mainly at the eyes because the kind of the glazed nature of these eyes is slightly disconcerting it's got a huge pair of horns that stick up atlas that
that stick out from his head. And as you start looking all over this figure, it seems almost perfect in the way it's laid out. It is real. It almost feels like it could come alive at any moment. As you stare into the eyes, you can see a glint of light thinking for a second that this creature is watching, but then you realize it's cast down and Robin passing by one of the nearby windows, blocking out one of the few shafts of light. There's now
a series of dust in the air that seems to just kind of it seems to feel colder now as well. As you look down towards the mouth you can see actually the lips are slightly parted and you can see the lines of teeth within this creature's mouth and as you start looking closer in the dim light you can you swear you can almost see blood in the mouth. As you reach your hand out just to just to see or just to run your hand along it slightly
it's just a bang bang and the head and the stand is lent on just hits into the ground making a big rattle a noise echo out across the room and a layer of dust get kind of pushed up into the air and kind of hangs high in the air fuck she's gonna shout sorry sorry have i done anything as everyone falls silent for a second and kind of wits about them
Are these deer heads? It's okay, I was just holding a bit of suspense there. Sorry. No, nothing happens. Carry on. Are these deer heads larger than normal deer heads? Are they abnormally large? Yes, they are. Okay.
Princess, what happened? Well, I thought I saw some blood in the mouth of this stag and I just went to touch it and it obviously fell off the wall. Old stuffed stag blood or relatively fresh non-staged stuffed blood? I'm not too sure. It can't be well fixed on the wall. Is there anything behind the wall that it was on that's now, you know,
exposed. As you look up to that space it's kind of wooden a deep
deep wooden wall behind it that's been kind of plastered over with this at one point lovely kind of white paste but behind the stag's head obviously they just painted around it and didn't bother actually painting underneath it and you can see now the dark wood that forms the wall behind it as you look closely you can see now the bent rusted nail on which it stood and just for a split second out of the wood you swear you can see her face it just disappears out of sight for a second again you think it could be the dust it could be
It could be the darkness, it could be the growing and pending sense of doom that you're feeling, Helena. I'm sorry, what the fuck's going on here? I'm sure I just saw something in there. Claude's just... Where? In there, and she's just going to point to the wood panel behind where the stag's head was, and she's going to take a couple of steps back.
And there's again a second of silence this dust in the end you can really see these thin shafts of light a cool breeze kind of runs over but not doesn't move the dust and you just as you wait there for just a second just to see if anything does respond Claude you just hear this
noise, whisper noise, whip around the room and then just disappear again.
Castan, what does the book say about the wispy whisperers that go around the room when you knock on wood? Normally it's either the house or an angry thing or something trying to scare us. Castan, at this point, is by Claude because he titled over when things got interesting. And he's also going to be looking at the stag's head and the mouth trying to find the blood, as it were. OK, as you... Sorry.
And as he's doing that, he's sort of chatting, sort of, he's trying to lighten the mood and he's turning to Helena, being like, well, you know, these creatures are actually extinct now, actually. They say that great herds of them used to traverse the plains and the deserts of Dralak. Did you know, Your Majesty, as I'm investigating the mouth, trying to make it seem really normal, this situation, rather than being really weird?
Yes, normally I would think that these things in the natural, well, the nature outside, they'd be quite beautiful on the wall, I'd say very different. Yes, the most families do like to keep them as souvenirs of past times, apparently.
And as that conversation goes on and you, you're inspecting and you run your fat, your hand, you're trying to investigate this, this, the mouth of this to see if you can find this blood, you do run your finger along it and pull your hand up. And you do notice there is some, there is some red blood, it seems on your fingers. It seems what seems still liquidized. It still seems to move around on your fingers.

Unveiling the Mansion's Secrets

Okay. I was, it's,
Is it definitely blood or is it actually going to turn out to be like moisture that's coloured the leather or whatever of the animal? As you hold it up to the lights, the small thin shafts of light through the dust, you make out the very obvious clear colour of red and as you smell it, you get that smell of iron as well. You can deduct from this that it is indeed blood, relatively fresh blood.
OK. So is this when I burn the building down now? The princess was right. These things do have blood in their mouth. I would like to second the calling up of the option to burn the place down from the outside. Jogga is going to walk out. Yes. Oh.
I was just going to say when Kastan's got his hand dipped in blood, Drago's going over to the opposite side of the room where the other head is attached to the wall and dick his hand in the mouth. All the way in, arm deep, but all the way in. Shoulder deep. Shoulder deep. Essentially punching through the mouth to see if it's...
Okay, so two things happen all at once for this. So Drago, your hand first, you prize open the jaw of this other creature across the way, which looks very similar to this creature that's fallen off the wall. And you push your hand in feeling the roughness of this tongue passing the teeth as your hand tries to slide back until indeed you feel basically the wall behind it as you reach the back of this head.
And as your arm goes in, you do notice as it goes in, you can feel the teeth kind of scraping over your dragonborn scales as you push your arm in. It's very brave of you, Ian, to do this. And the drug is just stupid. You start kind of feeling around and you do see as you're kind of looking at this, the teeth, especially that seem to stand out, these white pearly teeth, you do seem to see blood start to trickle down from it slightly and
then this and something else will happen at the same time. You feel a cold embrace, almost like a hand. You know, if someone has been outside for a while, the hand's really cold. You feel that from the hand inside. Just very, very gently caress your finger, almost like a thumb down the middle of your hand, but it's icy cold. That happens at the same time as, Helena, can you make a dexterity saving throw, please?
Oh no. Oh no. It's a 10. No, no, no, no, no. Okay. As Carstan is holding up the blood to the light and you're kind of looking over his shoulder and trying to discern, he's trying to make sense of this as he's talking to you about the creatures of Drow, like da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da. You take your eyes off the creature on the floor and all of a sudden lets out this noise and just bites your leg. It comes to life for a second and bites into your ankle. Oh fuck. You take, you take 10 points of piercing damage.
Oh, shite.
and then the head instantly bursts into kind of a dark blue flame and then just literally in a couple of seconds she becomes ash and cinder on the floor leaving just the stand looking almost shield-like leaning against the wall
Drago, this has happened to you at the same time. No, no, it doesn't happen to me at the same time. I pull my arm out, I pull my arm out. Not that happens to you, sorry. You felt that stroke at the same time you've heard Helena probably shout out in pain as you felt that stroke across your palm. I can get my arm out the fuck out of that mouth, man. I think things just bit my leg. Fucking fuck! I'm just going to repeat this for the third time. Can we just burn the house down?
All in favour? Fucking me! What? What? That probably sounded better in your head. Yes, you're right Robin, it did. I just meant that I vote to vote on the place down as well.
I think if it was that easy someone would have done that many many years ago. Turns out these ideas are never all people never consider the most obvious idea and this is the most obvious idea like everyone thinks oh no we'll investigate the house it'll be fine and then they end up dead.
Well, if I may, for what it's worth, I've tried using my magic in here on some of the objects and it seems to be having no effect. Yeah, but we'll be outside when we cast it. It could have the same. The house itself could have some immunity to magic. In the name of science, is it worth giving it a go?
Look, I can cast the Firebolt. No, no, no, not what we're in. No, no, no Firebolt, no, no Firebolt. As Drago's trying to get rid of the shaking his left arm to get rid of the blood and probably, I don't know, is it just blood on his arm? Is he shaking it? What's he flinging? Is it like mucus? Is it blood? Is it gore? It seems to be a lot more blood than you'd expect from just blood on the teeth of an animal. It seems to be leaking it almost.
as he's shaking down sorry his left hand sorry and it's just like up up all that the whole length of your arm it's like a when it's like a big skid mark of blood the whole way up i don't know what i expected to be fair um but as he's shaking his left hand uh arm he's with his right that's holding the axis shader he's gonna slice down um on that motherfucking head and just slice it in half yep roll to hip
How is a 23 that sexy as yeah, you lot the head away from the neck or do you want to kind of half the skull? Like I'm going center between the eyes just straight down split the mother. Oh in twain. Oh nice. Okay. Nave to the chops. Like I like it. Okay. Yeah. And literally the ax thuds into the back of the wall as the head and two halves of it just thud onto the ground. You then see from the inside of this, yes, it is still a creature, but everything inside of it seems to be.
partially alive or was at least until it's cut in half. The brain seems to have blood around it. There was at least at some point moving liquid and stuff around this. The head seems to have been kept alive for God knows how long. Finally, it's either been put out of its misery or you've managed to slay a creature. Robin, how's that door coming along?
It's fine. Is the door unlocked, Mark? I don't know. Are you trying it?
I will first of all just inspect the door just to see if there's any sign of a trap on it for what it's worth and then I will check the handle. Okay, there's no sign of a trap as far as you're aware and then as you reach out, reach the golden handle and you twist it, the door handle turns giving you the notion that it is unlocked but as you push against it, something seems to be blocking it from the other side. You manage to move it literally a millimetre or two past where it would be locked but past that it just doesn't seem to budge.
as in if you were just to kind of try and open a door normally. Obviously if you want to give it a shunt or whatever then that's a different role but just from normally trying to open the door it doesn't seem to move. This way appears to be blocked. I suggest maybe we take a look at the other doors. I think we're being led through this house rather than us choosing where to go. We should expect the unexpected and keep moving. I also think that these deer heads were put here to
to spy on us. I think something already knows we're here. How's your leg? Well, it's not very good. You can see it for yourself. Look at the gash there. Yeah, this is freaky shit. Carson's going to go back to plucking his loot, just making sure
that we are good against being frightened. Is that a euphemism, Will, or is that...? No, no, that's a bit here. It says... All in favour of fucking me. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. We've had Helena say, all in favour of fucking me, and then say, look at my gash. And now I've cast that fucking glue. Just what is happening? Sexy episode. I'm so sorry.
He's going to be grasping the half of his lute in one hand. It's been a while, everybody. This is bringing new meaning to B and B. I'm sort of stroking the strings with the tips of my fingers. Stop, stop, stop. That's enough. Is this everyone's coping mechanism for being in a scary house? Is that what it is? And everything's sexual. Being very lewd. Bang, bang. Anyway, no, I am going to... Best of a bad situation, everybody.
I've got the lube, a drugger holds his arm up. Oh man, that is just too far, too far. I'm going to go back to casting counter charm until I need to do anything else. Okay lovely, so you're plucking away. I just want to check the other two doors in the same way that I've just checked that one if I may.
Both doors seem to be unlocked. Both doors seem to be openable. As in they open further than the previous door. It depends whether or not you're actually going to go and open it or not. I will open the one nearest the stairs. So the one to the south? Yes. Okey-dokey. Let's move your little figurine on roll 20.
I've got him, I've got him, don't worry. Oh, I popped him out already. Has anyone else, Robbie, kind of going on his own? Or are we just kind of... Eleanor's limping over. I'll follow him. Yeah, just watch him. I'm going to stay within 30 feet so that I can...
And are we opening, opening this door or just peeking in? I will, if it opens, I'll do what Drago did when he first came in. I'll open it, but not step in. Just so what I see through the door in the first instance. Okay. Let me just see if I can do this.
We're the fucking wet bandits, and this is home alone, by the way. What's happening right here? What we are is, we are like any group of people who go into a spooky haunted house. That's what we are. We're the Scooby Doo gang. The magician's about to shout, I'm up here, and I'm really scared.
What about this is definitely the right term for us all at the moment. Absolutely. As you peek into this room, you can see another relatively large room and stuffy and warm.

Cryptic Blightcraft Writings

And there's very low levels of light, very, very low levels of light. There seems to be no exterior windows. You notice a large pile of paper and books strewn across the floor and what looks at the beginnings of a long table in the center of the room. You also see the back and a side.
of a series of bookcases within this room. That's just from you kind of, just kind of peeking in through the door and what you can see from the light from your room entering into it. I'll just say back, this way's a study or some form of library. That's obtained from what I can see so far. Ooh, fascinating. Robin, stay away from the books or we might lose you. Don't worry, I'll look at the books. Yeah, just keep Robin well clear. Okay. Well, okay then.
I'm stepping first to protect you Robin and I'm just going to shimmy around Robin and go into shield first please Mark. I hope Claude actually does a little shimmy as he goes in.
Yeah, almost like a ninja role into a really good defensive stance. Shield up, I'm just going to go into the... Like Troy, the film Troy. I knew exactly as you were saying it, I was like, I see it. You're like, yeah. Shield up and then my axe over the top ready to be like a spear. Yes, mate. Spartan 300 style. Yeah.
As you enter into this room you very quickly realise that this is a study of some kind or a personal library of a proprietor of this space. In the centre of the room as Robin de Cern there is a long long table quite a big table as well with a plush ornate single chair sat in the middle of this table. Across this table again is a large number of
bits of paper, a large pile of blank manuscripts, a pot of ink, some quills, and all around the edge of this room are an inordinately large number of bookcases that stretch from floor to ceiling. This room being about 20 to 25 feet tall. This is quite a large open room with the central area bereft of anything. These bookcases
adorning almost leaning and yawning in on the space with this chair and table in the centre and a large pile of books and papers strewn on the floor just to the left of it so closer to you. What do you want to do? I would like cautiously advance towards the chair in the middle of the room and I'll just turn over my shoulder and say fully look at all this kindling
And then I'm just going to let out a big swag of my axe and I'm going to try and knock the chair on its back to try and like make it fall backwards. So anyone that's underneath the table might get a shock from me.
Okay, as you hit the chair back it does hits back into it and this layer of dust gets pushed up into the air and it kind of hangs above the air and you think almost for a second Claude it seems to have been controlled by something because it seems to billow up in an interesting way but then you realize it could just be the way this chair has fallen and it's kind of catapulted some dust into the air.
The crack of the wood hitting the hard marble floor rings out high above you in this room. And again for a second you wait for silence to return, that ever present, ever friendly silence to return. There's nothing seems to change.
And there's nothing underneath the table. When you look under and you have a quick gander under... Wait, have you guys got darkvision? Yeah, everyone except for that. I've got a cast light. Okay, brilliant, yeah. The shadows get cast from the legs of this chair, but sorry, the legs of the table. And underneath it, you do see a couple of a string bits of paper. These have all been crumpled up into balls underneath the table. But apart from that, there is no creature, there is no person, there is nothing under this table of note.
Okay and then I will just form a defensive perimeter around the most threatening looking bookcase and I'll just signal that it's okay for Robin to enter. You notice Claude as you look around quickly scanning over there is one book in particular that has the word war in it and that is just yeah pretty much where you put yourself actually and that probably is the most threatening bookcase. It also looks a little bit ominous more compared to the other because there are a couple of books missing from it as well so you position yourself, you position yourself there.
Yeah, great, okay. What condition are the books on the bookshelves in? They're in relatively good condition. How old is this place meant to be? Sorry, you're asking me, you're asking me. There's out loud the party. I don't know. No idea. Hmm, these books are in really good condition.
I mean, could the book we're looking for be here? Just, you know, if it's like a really old collection? I doubt it. Be a bit coincidental, wouldn't it? A bit too easy for this place. Are there any doors in here? Yes, there are. Apologies. Yes, I should really mention these, shouldn't I? There are two other doors out of this place. There's the one you've entered into, and then there is a door to the south.
And there is also a door to the east, to the kind of southeast corner of the room as well. It's slightly L-shaped to this room, ever so slightly. So there are those two doors leading on from this space. We should keep moving. I'd like to give the room a curse. We should stop just in case. And Carson's going to be saying this, sort of, and he's going to trail off. And I'm just going to give a cursory glance at the bookshelves mark.
Basically, Carstan's looking for any book titles that would, basically, that he may have heard of that are particularly rare or that are quite ancient or something like that, something that might be of interest in the room book-wise.
As you quickly scan around the room, Claude's light casting cursory shadows that flicker and move as he moves around in defense of a bookshelf. You notice one to the south of the room and it instantly catches your eye for one reason and one reason only. And this strikes you as odd and then slightly chilling as well. Every single book on one of the southern bookshelves has exactly the same name.
It seems to have been etched into the side of the book. They are all different in terms of their leather covers. Some are more worn, some are newer, some are of different colors and hues, but they all say the same thing on the side. The forseer, the forseer, the forseer, the forseer, scraped into the spine of every single one of these books. Could you clarify the spelling?
as in a four seer to see forwards F O R E S E E R. Is that as in it's had the original title scratched out and it's replaced or as if this is being used to title them? That's being used to title them. Okay, I'm going to pull the first one off the shelf.
Okay, and as you look through it, it seems to be full of the written word, but of a rather strange etching. Everything, this has been handwritten, there's no printing involved in this, and it's been written by someone obviously very academic, but also someone that's
struggled with penning a book that would seem to make sense. You clean over sections of it and sections of it start to interest you. You see the word blight appear a couple of times. Two of the sections themselves seem to really stand out to you. It sounds almost like a conversation this person is having with someone else, yet the conversation is never reciprocated.
sections of it that stand out to you as you flick through, even of all, for aught I can yet procure, and namely, that there is such a thing as blightcraft or relivers, and I would pray you to resolve me thereof if ye may, for I have reasoned with sundry in that matter, and yet could never be satisfied therein.
As you skip over a few more pages, the writing seems to get worse. I think ye take me to be a reliver myself, or at least would faint swear yourself pretense to that craft. Always, as I may, I shall shortly satisfy you in that kind of conjurations which are contented in such books.
that I call the blight school. There are four principal parties and this kind of goes on. It seems to have been this person's take on what the blight is, but written in such a way that it almost makes it illegible, legible to read, but illegible to to discern and to understand as you read over this, the writings of this troubled mind.
OK, so I've just picked a random copy up. Can I look for the book that looks the oldest and then the book that looks the newest?
Yep, and very clearly, you notice a book on the far left of this one bookcase that has them all seems to be relatively new. There seems to be less dust on it, it seems to be of a newer leather, it's a better cured leather. And then there's one right at the bottom on the right hand side, it seems to the leather is almost kind of peeling away now from the spine of the book slightly, giving you reason to believe it's the oldest.
Okay, so I'm going to look at the oldest one first, just wondering whether if this person was going slightly mad, maybe the writings are more sensible early on. So you're looking at the oldest or the youngest first? The oldest book first.
the oldest book it seems to be even more conversational and it literally sounds like this person is speaking to someone else literally in the text it's I am surely very glad to have met you this day for I am of the opinion that ye can better resolve me of something where have I stand in great doubt nor any other whom would I could have met
And there's like a space almost like he's waiting for a response. In what I can, that ye like a spear to me, I am willing and freely tell my opinion. And if I prove it not sufficiently, I am hardly content that a better reason carry it away then. And again, there is a pause. What do you think of strange news? And again, there is a gap. I mean of these relivers, many of them call them the blight.
Surely they are wonderful. And I think so clear and plain confessions of that purpose have never fallen out of any age or country. No question if it be true, but thereof are the doctor's doubts. What doubts of it doubt ye of? And this kind of this, this monologue continues in this strain of like a conversation happening to oneself. Does it look? The book? The oldest one. Yeah.
I wouldn't be out of place in a museum for some of the books in the San Greenlands. This could be anywhere from 50 to 500 years old, but as you look at the edges of these pages, you see them yellowed incredibly. This book hasn't been read in a very long time, but the edges seem to dust slightly, giving you the impression that this could be
at least 200 years old this book. I'm going to put that in my satchel and then I'm going to look at the youngest one.
This book is of better make, but the writing seems identical. It has not changed. This book could have been bought at a bookstore literally yesterday. And as you open up to a page, the abominable kind of the blight's abusing of men and women was called of old incubi and succubi, according to the difference of the sexes that they consorted within. By two means, this great kind of abuse might possibly be performed, one with the Julian-only spirit and stealing out of the dead body.
abuses them in some way and not gains this appetite and shape and feeling of anything. And so it kind of continues the same way. But this feels more, less conversational now and more monologue-y, like this person's trying to come to terms with something and make, put an art, get an answer out of something. Yes. And Carson's sort of going to be broken out of his sort of reading and be like, oh, sorry, everybody. Yeah. Found anything.
Whoever wrote these books, they mention, it mentions in a roundabout way, what I can only describe as whether it's the blight itself or the dead without sort of, what was the word it called the mark, sorry? Relivers. Relivers, thank you. Like it calls them relivers, but this book's especially old.
and it's just strange. It calls them relivers and it mentions blight in several passages, several things. Whether it's, yeah, it's very strange. I don't know whether it, I'm gonna keep them just in case. I don't know whether it'll have something or whether it's just mad ramblings, but just odd that
whoever wrote these, and this book, and Carson's gonna sort of pat the satchel where he put the oldest one, it could be nearly 200 years old. Are you saying that the blight could be up to 200 years old? Carson's going to look to Claude, because the blight's been existing for as long as, and Claude, how old is the blight? It's a tough question for me to ask,
answer um because when i fell into the eternal plane princess helena was only seven i think i could somewhere in the region of seven and when i came out how old are you now i mustn't ask that question but clearly not a seven year old so
My idea of time is a bit loopity-loop. Okay, Folly, by normal standards, how old is the Blight? I'm afraid I'm not too sure myself. Roughly 20 to 15 years, that's how long you've known it's there. Says the wind. Thanks, Akiva. You're welcome!
voices from nowhere. I've only been aware of the blinds in the last, oh, I don't know, maybe 15, 20 years. Okay, I mean, you've all been alive a lot longer than me. So you know, I've known it since I was like, you know, clever remember something. But okay, just this person is talking about
uh relivers or the undead in some way shape or form hundreds of years before the blight has been in the way we know the blind so whether the blight's been before and been forgotten well there i i might have mentioned this there is a second blight oh
that's on the other side of the world. Do we have to? If we stop the one near us, does that one stop as well? I can only hope so, but we're only really looking at this one because there's like 54 countries between here and there. I think there might be less than that, Claude, I think you're exaggerating. Yeah, it isn't quite that many there, Claude. It's far. They can deal with it. People will live there.
Sorry Robin, other than some mad ramblings and that lot, there's nothing else but
I still hang on to the books there. Oh, absolutely. I intend to. If we get a chance to come back, it might be worth peering over this library. There could be some old books here. Good thing I didn't burn it down yet. Well, yet for now, I'm still on the fence. I'm pretty sure that the end is just by the means of the situation. Anyway, so we have sorry. And while that's going on, are you still with Helena in the in the main kind of reception room?
Yeah, so when they all moved to the library, Drago was, I've positioned him on roll 20 next to the statue. So after watching everyone go or whomever left, Drago would have kind of semi sauntered up to this 12 foot, 16 foot statue and looked him up and down with this sense of, yeah, I could have taken you. And he's going to reach out and grab the pole arm.
Um, but yeah, that's what drag I was doing during the thing. Just to see, he just wants to see if he can hold the weapon. What's it feel the weight, but he's just eyeing up this big ass statue that, you know, if these two other animals that were mounted on the wall were alive at some point, he assumes that this being was alive at some point. So he's just kind of, um, testing his metal as it were. And he's come away going, yeah, I could take him. Okay. Fondling the polar hump.
my lord are you trying to remove the pole i'm you trying to pull it off yeah it would it wouldn't be like anything uh drastic literally um sorry he would reach up with one hand grasp the shaft and pull hard
to see if anything would come out. So as you reach around the pole arm and slowly grab the shaft you pull it away from the grip of this tall statue
and it kind of comes thudding down to the ground it's heavier than it looks and you realize then the entire thing is made out of a solid piece of metal there's no kind of wooden element to it like you normally would expect this is solid metal and weighs a lot more than you thought but it still stands at about literally kind of just above your head height this is an incredibly large weapon that you've just pulled down and you can hear it kind of
ringing almost as you pull off. And as you do that and you kind of, yeah, that's pretty good. And you look into kind of the chest plate of this, this armor, you swear you can see a figure stood behind you. Like in the reflection of it, there's like a humanoid figure almost coalescing behind you. Okay. As soon as Jago sees that he turns about face as quick as possible. What the fuck? You still holding onto the pole arm?
If it's there, yeah, if it's in my hands, absolutely, yeah. Okay, and as you spin round, there's nothing there, but what you do start to notice is nothing that is literally right in front of where the door would have been. There's also the door is to the outside world, to freedom, to sunlight and to safety.

Eerie Smoke & Rising Tensions

you see nothing but what you do luckily notice is as you turn around from both the doors the door to the left and the door to the right you see a really thin layer of what looks like white smoke starting to billow out from underneath both of them at the same time and it starts to gather in a space underneath it's coming out from the crack underneath the door and start to gathering on both sides in in that space there
And back in the room in the study, Karstan, the bookshelf that you were closest to, the same thing seems to happen. Out of the corner where you remove the oldest book seems to be this thin trickle of, it looks like white smoke or white something or other seems to start pouring out of where that book was. It starts to start building into a large and hard to kind of puddle of mist on the floor. I try and blow it away.
Some of it moves and then it kind of pulls back against your breath and moves back into the space and slowly kind of gathering pace as it starts to go. I'm going to immediately go and try the other two doors in this room. Both doors are open. Which one are you trying first? I'll try the one closest to me, the south one.
The south one, okay. As you push open the south door, you can see the beginnings of what looks like quite a large, long room off to the left, but all you can see are stacks of boxes. There seems to be some kind of storage area from where you can currently see. There is also a door which seems to be a back door, and then a door to the right, right next to the back door. The storage room, is it basically a dead end?
No, there are two doors. There's a door directly to the south in the storage room and a door to the left, so to the west of it as well. I'm going to head into there and I'm just going to shout, get away from the smoke to every, back into the rooms behind me. Draggo, back in the main room with you. This stuff has started to coalesce and form more and more and more. And so it almost like fills a single space. And so you can almost not see either of these doors, one to the left and one to the right. And from one of them, the door to the right,
A figure who steps out of the mist and the mist seems to dissipate and fall around it. This figure stands as a humanoid. It looks like a human, save for the incredibly long nails on all its hands that are blackened. Its skin is a slightly greyed dark colour, slick back hair, high ears like an elf, ornate blue clothing with a long red cape, a black boots and a face that instills a sense of terror. As the eyes open, you see nothing but darkness in the eye.
and as the smile appears on the face it looks over to the other set of mist and a very similarly dressed similar figure steps out of the mist there this figure also smiles and in one shaft of not sorry not one shaft of light but in the in the glimmer of the very low level of light in this room you see
thin sharp pointed teeth coming out from where the incisors should be cast down as you continue to blow the same thing happens and out of the bookshelf let alone this mist itself another very similar figure appears staring oops have you shared something oops done something wrong again uh staring out at you as these three figures stare down upon you
their eyes boring into Kastan and their eyes boring into Drago. That's what we're going to leave it for this week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop.
Oh shit. And all I am is jerking off a pole arm right now. This is not going to be good. Shit. Thank you all very much for tuning in and listening and making us a party every day a week. We love you for it. Hopefully you enjoyed that spine chilling episode of The Fellowship at the Tabletop.

Humor in Conclusion

It was quite intense. It was quite spooky. It was quite sexual.
Overtly sexual in some parts. I think it's how we deal with this kind of level of fear. I think that's my favorite faux pas because I assume you didn't mean it like that. That's my favorite faux pas we've ever had.
all in favour of fucking me. Fucking up or something like that. It's just like, hands up. I thought it was brilliant. It definitely didn't come out like that. Yep. That's what she said.
It was brilliant, brilliant. My favourite, my favourite quote. And it's obviously going to start this episode. If you wanted to keep in touch with the podcast, please do so on our Twitter page. We have the combined one. We have, we have the combined one. You can find it at Fellowship Table. And then if you wanted to go one step further and follow us individually, you can do that too. I'm at iWorldA1, Casey's at... Eunuch Horn Crit.
Very, very well played. Callum's at the D20 Gamer. Oh, still with the T. Where is that? Natural 20 inches. I hope it's all natural. Can Darren beat that with his Twitter handle? Of course I can't. D, page 06. I've not got nothing. I can't come off for six inches, ladies.
That is at... Oh, Total Orgy Thrills! Okay, this is slowly falling on his ass. Will is actually at the D20 game. No, the Natural 20. God's sake. Who's Natural 20? I'm at Natural 20, Will. Will's a Natural 20. Ah. Enjoy editing this.
This isn't being edited out, this is the closing. And if you wanted to follow the only sane person in the room, our fabulous DM, you can do so at Hasterly Roll DM. Until next time, guys. Farewell. That was sexy as hell. That was hilarious.