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011: 5 practical tips on how to build a vision board with Maria Maldonado Smith image

011: 5 practical tips on how to build a vision board with Maria Maldonado Smith

S1 E1 ยท The Career Slay Talks Podcast
63 Plays1 year ago

Can you imagine your employer organizing a Vision Board workshop during your work hours? And not to build the company's vision, to build your personal and professional goals?! In this Episode I chat with Maria Maldonado Smith, an eternal optimist and enthusiast, driven by her passion for goal setting and dreaming big. Through her consulting firm, she has a knack for helping people achieve their goals through her Vision Board Method and Process, Executive Vision Imagery. Her program transfers well in the small business and corporate spaces as she challenges team members and staff to set bold goals and be accountable to them. She organizes corporate workshops and has helped several folks get clear on their goals. Unlock the power of Vision Boards and take your goal getting and goal slaying to a whole new level in 2024. Don't know where to start? Listen to this episode where Maria shares 5 practical tips on where to start!


Introduction to Korea Slay Talks Podcast

Hello everybody and welcome to the Korea Slay Talks podcast. My name is Brenda Dogbay, also known as The Korea Slay Mama. And on this podcast, we center Black Canadian voices as well as African diaspora. And of course, anybody and everybody is welcome to listen to enjoy and participate in this podcast.

Meet Maria Maldonado-Smith: Vision Boarding Enthusiast

So today I have the pleasure of talking with Maria Maldonado-Smith. Maria is an eternal optimist and enthusiast that's driven by her passion for goal setting and dreaming big. And through her consulting firm, she has a knack for helping people
achieve their goals through her vision board method and process executive vision imagery. And her program transfers very well in the small business and corporate spaces as she challenges team members and staff to get bold goals and be accountable to them. So you guys know exactly how excited I am about vision

The Birth of a Vision Boarder: Maria's Early Experiences

boarding. So I am super pumped to get another voice speaking in this space. And Maria, welcome, welcome, welcome.
Thank you so much, Brenda. I'm so honored to be here today. Thanks. Yeah. Why don't we start with you sharing with us how you got into vision boarding and a bit of your background. I think you started pretty early on. Yes, you're right. I got started when I was young and not anything that I did on my own, it was actually at the guidance of a teacher of mine. My third grade teacher,
It's interesting because I talk to so many people and I feel like eight is such a pivotal age in our lives and we don't even realize that so much happens at eight. But I really think that we start truly becoming who, not necessarily that we're meant to be, but we start to realize that we have a place in this world. Absolutely. At the age of eight, our teacher just asked us to get out a piece of paper and write down three things that we wanted to do. She really gave us no parameters. It wasn't an assignment that said, specifically, I want you to
to know what you're going to do with your life, it was just write down three things. The more that I talk about it and the more that I teach to it and everything and I share the story, I feel like the idea or I guess what she was trying to accomplish was just to get us in the habit of writing our goals down, writing our goals down because the kids, it's a classroom of eight-year-olds, so they interpreted it all differently.
Some wrote things that they wanted to accomplish by the end of the week, you know, some wrote by the end of the school year, you know, the month. And then me, I'm over here like big dreamer, like, whoa, I'm just going to like lay it all out there. This is what I want to do.

Maria's Evolving Goals and Techniques

And so, so I think that's really what started my love for like writing things down. So I took the piece of.
at home. I would go to my mom's office after work every day and she and I, we transferred it to a Post-It note. I was obsessed with Post-It notes. I still am. Me too. I put that Post-It note on my mirror and really over the years of course it would fall off and I would rewrite it, but it was the idea of consistently doing that over time and sticking it on my mirror and it stayed there until I went to college.
You know, I look back on those goals and I've accomplished two of those three lifelong goals. And, and, you know, I just, that's amazing. Right. You know, I just think that, and in some ways I would say that I've somewhat accomplished the third. My third goal was to become a United States Senator. And if you know anything about the political landscape in the U S I mean, it's a, it's an absolute cluster. So I have, you know, no desire whatsoever. That one's been modified with time.
Yes, exactly. Yes. Yes. We can consider that one parked. Correct. Absolutely. Age provides that wisdom. If I share that with kids because I say to them, that's the beauty of
creating kind of a vision for your life is that it can change. Our interests change. We evolve. Cellularly, we reproduce, which is kind of crazy, every seven years. Our smells are changing over, like our taste buds, everything. And so when we think about that from a perspective of our goals and our mindset and all this stuff that we do,
That's why we're able to change our mind, to redirect, to improve, to make ourselves better. We're constantly evolving as humans. I think that's the beauty of the process in and of itself. I started at eight and then it turned into over the years.

Education and Ambitions: Maria's Journey Through School and College

I was fortunate enough to go to an arts-based school and I had a major and a minor and elective by the time I was in sixth grade in middle school.
They ended up going there all the way through high school and then through that, they kind of championed and encouraged all of the dreaming, all of the, put yourself out there. Imagine yourself because we were in theater, we were in voice, we were in dance, music, everything.
you're kind of putting yourself in those situations. So as a child, I think it just fostered my continuous appreciation for the growth process. Absolutely. And then it shifted to business boarding, you know, as I was- And that's a good segue, because I wanted to hear more about how you transferred that big dreaming, but written goals into vision boarding and that visual representation.
Yeah. So really it became, um, you know, I think when I was in college, I was just struggling to kind of, I had so many interests and I was struggling to piece them all together and figure out how they were going to work. And so, you know, I was, I was attending, uh, the university of Kentucky on a vocal performance scholarship. I really was, you know, heavily involved in like, not saying politics, but like leadership roles. And I was doing the natural next natural step is.
I had this goal to be a United States Senator. I'll be a political science major as well. Let me double major. And then I loved psychology. It just has always been something that I trended towards. I took AP psychology. It was one of the only AP tests that I took in high school that I did really well on. So I was able to get college credit going into my freshman year.
And so I thought, you know, I just enjoy learning about how we are, how we behave. And so over the years, I think that, you know, using those vision boards as I competed. So my first two goals, which I'll just mention, one was to go to college because, and to graduate because I'm a daughter of an immigrant from Argentina who had an eighth grade education.
And my mom, while she was raised in the US, um, you know, did not have the means either, you know, to go to college, went to a business, uh, you know, it got her associate's degree in, in business and accounting. And, um, and, and both my parents just worked really hard to provide, you know, education for us. That was very important for them. So I wanted to graduate. And then the second one was to be Ms. Kentucky, because I had been watching Miss America with my mom since I was about six.
And so I knew like I really want to, I want to be that girl

The Miss Kentucky Dream and Vision Boarding

to be that girl. And at eight, like that's not as tangible, like looking back, you could say, well, I want to be Ms. Kentucky. But if you're looking back from an eight, like that's a pretty bold goal to have in an amazing way.
Yeah, I had the fortunate opportunity to meet Ms. America in 1990. I think it was Marjorie Judith Vincent. I just remember being in awe of her. She was so kind.
You know, melt down because, you know, we're little people and it was just, you know, a few of us. And I just remember the poison, the grace and the kindness and the generosity. And that stuck with me for a lifetime. And so I remember that and I knew that I wanted to be, I wanted to be her.
So I get into college and I think I started competing for the title of Miss Kentucky to kind of fulfill that dream and vision boarding really just helped me stay focused and helped me. And at times I think when I would get off track or get off center or just feel lost, the vision imagery process for me was something that just
kept me grounded and rooted. Then interestingly enough, I get into corporate and I start building vision boards for how I wanted my life to be from a corporate perspective. Then I would create a vision for how I wanted our family to come to me. Looks like. Yeah. Could you share a little bit about your experience? Because again, this is a career podcast.

Navigating Corporate Spaces: Maria's Visionary Approach

I think part of the reasons why I center black voices black Canadian voices is because we are often at least in North America bombarded with a lot of negative imagery, and that does a number for you, especially when you think about representation, the lack of representation often results in
young people, professionals, just not seeing those role models and not seeing themselves. And like for you, you saw Miss America and that becomes something tangible for you to hold onto. So I'd love to hear about how you leveraged vision boarding for your career. Like, did you put like job titles? Like what did you put in there? And what was some of that process? And then how did you translate that process into actually achieving those goals?
Yes. So for me, I think it was one, because I never, I never saw myself in the career that I ended up, but the career path that I ended up taking in corporate. I honestly saw myself more entrepreneurial minded, but I think at the time and age in which I was in, I just didn't have a ton of support. And, and I, you know, my, my, my parents weren't entrepreneurs. So I think that's a little bit more difficult. So, you know, I wanted, and I also too,
i think felt this like sense of responsibility and duty to like work for a company and work for them for 30 years like my mom and my dad had you know and that's the thing is you know go to school get your you know get your degree and then work and that was that i mean our parents that was the stability the job security and then you're set for life and retire after 30 years or whatever right yes
Yeah. And so I think that interestingly enough, I think the words that kept coming to my vision board from a career perspective were like purpose and meaning and value. And I wanted, I think that's where I thrived and then somewhat struggled within the corporate space because I was very driven and ambitious because those words were absolutely on there too. Yes. You mentioned promotion. Absolutely. I kind of said, if I'm going to commit to this corporate career, if I'm going to commit to this sales environment,
I'm going all the way. I'm going all the way. I'm not here just to show up every day and like, you know, do this, you know, I'm going to go all the way. And so I set my sights high on management, on leadership, on opportunities that would allow me to be a part of conversations where I could. Influence.
Yes, yes, yes, and guide and lead and serve. I came from an organization, the Miss America organization is rooted so much in service and you have a community service initiative that you promote. And so I had been doing that for seven years at that point. And so it really was a way for me.
to, I wanted to learn, I wanted to grow, I wanted to develop myself and develop others. So those were some of the things that really kind of caught my eye.

Family, Home, and Personal Growth

As far as images, yeah, I think that I always kind of pictured, you know, that woman with the briefcase and the suit and like a lot of those kinds of images would like typically pop into my mind and for what I would put.
And then I think as a result of that, I started to see a life for myself and for my family that I didn't necessarily envision at first, which was, you know, a home I had, uh, I was raised, you know, in a 900 square foot apartment, you know, five people, because my mother was the property manager of the apartment complex. And so we were able to live there and that afforded my parents other things, you know, it afforded them the opportunity to send my brothers to private education.
it afforded me the opportunity to dance and for them to pay that tuition because they weren't paying a mortgage. So things that we traded in for the experiences that they afforded us, it was something that I always was very mindful of. And so as I started building a life and a career and all of that, other things started popping up on my vision board that I don't necessarily, I always knew when I was younger, like I want a home, like I want a home. And listen,
Our apartment was a home. Yes. The love was there. You were surrounded with amazing opportunities, but you wanted square footage. Yes. Yes. Yes. There I go. I think about it now because ever since we have been making all these moves across the Southeast for jobs and whatnot, relocations.
my home has become less and less of a place that I desire as far as like the beauty of it, the splendor, the square footage, all of that. I think now I could really pack up and leave and live anywhere as long as I have my people with me. But it was important and the imagery to get you from an apartment into a home is that sometimes you do have to put that goal in front of you so that you can achieve it and work towards it.
Yes. Yes. And I think that there's just so much to, um, to, to be said about kind of accomplishing, you know, putting those goals out there and being 100% authentic and owning them and saying like, this is what I want. And it's okay. Like I have, you know, every right to dream the dreams that you have. They're there for a reason. Yeah. Your dreams are definitely valid. Um, so let's talk a little bit about your,
coaching or guiding folks into creating vision boards and what that process has been for you and then for them.

Aligning Personal and Professional Goals

Yeah. So, okay. So I, I really love working in the corporate space and I know because this is a career podcast. So I think that, that I want, I'll focus more on my work within the corporate space because it's really why I, why I built the program. Honestly, I mean, it was over, I spent almost 20 years in a corporate environment. And I think, uh, some of the things that I learned were that we, especially during the pandemic and I did leave my organization during,
The pandemic to start my own consulting firm, but you know, I think that we all feel burnt out depleted at times Whether it was pandemic related or not I mean we were having it was everything just came together in us in a way that it was an awakening for a lot of people Yes, it really was it really was and then and I think you had people starting to realign their goals we aligned the vision for their life I think it caused a lot of people to wake up and say like
Well, what am I working for and who am I working for and why? What's the point? Yes. And as human beings, I mean, I think that, you know, whether you are spiritual or not or whatever you believe in, I feel that we're all grounded and rooted in this desire to
live a meaningful and purposeful life. We want to know that we have created and done something on this earth before we leave it. And so executive vision imagery came from meeting with my team members, with coaching and developing them and walking them through, well, what does your professional journey look like? And how might this align with your personal life?
And I think what we found, or what I found specifically was that, especially when it came to women, uh, is that we, we feel this, this, this need and almost this, um, I'm not finding the right word, but almost like we, we have to almost like, you know, like we have to fill up as two different people.
Right. We're compelled to kind of separate. Yes, compelled. That's a perfect word for it. Yes. That we can't show up in our personal lives. Like let's not talk about our kids because we're talking about our kids too much. Then people are going to think that that's all we think about and are we really focused on the work? But then we can always talk about work and it's like, geez, I mean, is she... You're so ambitious. How can you? Yeah. Yes. Yeah. All she talks about is work. Work, work, work.
Does she do anything outside of that? We can't win for Lucy. We were constantly competing against our own self, which blows my mind when we think about how we show up for ourselves. I wanted to create and design a program that really forced people to look inward.
and forced them to say, these are my personal goals. This is what's gonna make me a better me. I don't need to be a better me for anyone else but me. So if I get up and work out every day, it is not for anyone else but for me. I am going to commit to this goal because by doing so, I'm honoring who I am as a person. Now in my professional life, I'm also gonna work on these things because it's gonna make me a better me.
The payoff might be that my company gets a stronger, more present, more motivated, empowered person, but I'm not doing it for them. That's such a shift. My goal is to become a better me so that I can show up. And if companies truly want what's best for their employees, that is the
That is the mission, the method, the approach, and the message that they would send to them consistently. Right, right. And how have you found, like, has that been transformative or transformational in terms of just making that paradigm shift? Because again, as women, you're supposed to be all things to everybody often, and not all of that for you, yourself.

Vision Boarding in the Corporate World

So what has the response been like?
The response has been great. It's been phenomenal. And I've been really, I've been welcomed by so many organizations who, I think here's the thing too, is I'm very real in the fact that like I acknowledge that I've not reinvented the wheel. Lots of people do personal and professional goals and lots of people even probably do it the way that I do it. I think what's different is that we're creating a space for allowing people to do this within the work setting.
Yes. We're not having them take extra time outside of their work. They're actually saying, you know, managers, leaders, executives are saying this is so worth it that we need to be doing this during the work day. We need to be allowing and making space for this.
Not as an extracurricular, not something that's a punishable offense. Like you got to go work on yourself, but you got to do it on Saturday morning, not between Monday and nine to five, you know? So that's probably the thing that I have appreciated the most is their willingness to say, we're going to carve out time within your workday. And so these are not like your corporate mission, right? Like this is not let's come together to build the mission of the organization. This is.
Let's help our employees build their own personal goals within the work setting. Yes. Oh, that's amazing. Yes. And companies are open to this because I, and now I'm curious as to how open they are to really, like that would be the neatest thing to have your company host a vision board workshop for you at work, but for your goals.
Yes. Yeah. So, yeah. I mean, listen, I get told no a lot, but for, as in any industry, as in any role, but I get told yes. And when I get told yes, we jump on the opportunity to engage with those corporations.
to date about five major companies that we are working alongside. Interestingly enough, I do a lot in the pharmaceutical space. I only spent five years in the pharmaceutical industry, but they have been, I think because of the mindset of what they do, they're all about health wellness and leaning into the whole person, so it fits very well. The industry that I came from, my hope is that they engage in
in working with someone or myself know that entity where
where they could benefit from this because, to be honest, it was because of the lack of what I kind of had and the resources that I had at that organization that this program was born. So, you know, I- Do you bring supplies? We bring it all. You bring like pens, paper, scissors, magazines, I'm guessing. Yes. So in the database that we have created, we have over 2100 images and that is continuing to grow.
We don't bring all of them with us. You know what? Let me make a question. We probably bring about 1,800 with us. Just print it out. There's three to four images per page. The workbook actually will be on Amazon later in the fall. Yeah, so early fall will be on Amazon for people to order.
A very reasonable price and I think it's going to give you about 150 to 200 images and phrases and words and different things that you can kind of get started with. But we bring the boards, we bring the scissors, the glue sticks, the images, the magazines, whatever we can travel with our ship, we absolutely bring. And then plus the workbooks. Workbooks are about 50 pages and it gives you plenty of space.
to not only work on your goals for this year, but really we designed it. When I think about the reason that we added extra pages for people to write is because I'm a huge journaler and I wanted to give people an opportunity.
to bring the two together. Yes. Revisit their goals. Tweak their goals. Say, you know what? I might want to paste a picture over top of what I originally put on this vision board because my goals have shifted. They've changed. Oh, that's phenomenal. So maybe to bring the conversation around, what advice would you have?

Getting Started with Vision Boarding: Tips and Tools

What could you share five tips that you would have for somebody who's relatively new to vision boarding, trying to figure out whether they should get into it? What advice would you have for them?
Okay, so my advice would be start small. Or if you start big, work your way back. Understand that it's a process. And I love the way Canadians say process. It is, it is. Yeah, it is. I love it. But I typically start with a word of the year. That would be my step one. And the reason is because
I think we all can kind of find a word that we're searching for. I think when we think about how we want just our life to be lived or the next year, how we want to approach it, finding a word of the year centers me. It really centers me and has me anchored onto, whoo, this is what I'm working to build. And even then, and all the goals that you might write or all of the things that you're working to achieve throughout the year or to grow would be
would be centered around this word. So that's how I would start. I would say too, at the core of everything, we need to have values. We need to know who we are and how our core values align with the work that we're doing. I will say this news flash, I've met people who after workshops have come up to me and said,
I realized that where I'm at and who I am do not connect with- There's a misalignment. And here's what I always say too, because this actually came up in a corporate recap that I had.
where two employees that taken the workshop had contacted me and I actually started working with one of them individually and she's a beautiful soul. She ended up leaving the organization and we talked about that and I said, listen, here is the deal. One, I'm not saying that this is like a foolproof that we're going to just engage all of your employees there and become these amazing like workers for you and all that stuff. This is actually a beautiful thing because don't you want people that work for you that are committed to. And that want to be there.
want to be there. In this process, you are really finding that your people want to be there. If they don't, let them go and send them away. That's not a bad thing. Exactly. I always used to tell my employees when I was on a team, if you have an opportunity, go take it. Do what is best for you.
Because we have one chance at this, so go do what's best for you. But then the third thing I would say would be a mission statement. The mission statement is really centered on ... Mine is, I think, posted on LinkedIn. I always tell people they can go there. I always share it within a presentation format, but it just talks about the way that I live my life, the way that I approach my life, the
the concepts, the aspects, the things that I want to incorporate into my life and how I live it. I think we all need a mission statement. I think every single person, companies have it. Companies have it because they want us to fulfill that mission. But here's the thing, I got to fulfill my own mission first. I got to make sure that I'm living up to who I am first, and then I'll go, and then I'll decide whether I'm going to follow that mission. Yeah.
And you giving yourself the permission also to evolve from that mission as you change it, as you evolve.

The Power of Habits and Personal Transformation

Yes, absolutely. And then after that, you know, I would say that's when you can, that's really when you're ready to start building your goals. That's really when you're ready. It's kind of, it's always that knowing. I always say we kind of have to know ourselves, just to know who we are, what we're about, you know, what we're, what we're truly focused on before we can start setting goals to improve ourselves.
I think then you set your goals, your personal, professional. I have a goal also called the do the dang thing goal or the do the dang goal. And it's that bucket list item that you keep putting off every year, whether it's the 10 pounds that you keep saying you're going to lose, but you never commit to, or if it's the travel, the place you want to visit. Yes. And we make all the excuses in the world, right Brenda?
We say money's the excuse. We say all of these different things. Time. And then season. It's just not the, you know, when I'm in a better place or whatever. No, that's so true. Yes. But then it's really all rooted in, you know, I would say the fifth step is everything is rooted in a foundational setting of building habits and building positive habits. Yes, absolutely. And that's so critical, right? Yes.
Yes, it really is because I think that while I am a huge proponent of goal setting and having a goal, the idea is that building habits is what helps me tick off those goals. Absolutely. It's building the process, the systems, the consistency. That's what actually helps me to become
effective and achieve my goals no matter what the goal is because I'm just applying the same process and systems.
to each of them. If I want to run that race, I know that I have to work out. We break down the goal to say, okay, what are the habits that I have to form and that I have to do on a consistent basis in order to accomplish that? It's not just that I'm looking at a 120-day window to say, okay, I'm going to run this race by the end of it.
10K by March with no daily plan. Right. And even still, if all we're focused on is checking the box on the 10K, but we didn't learn throughout the process that we're really building habits that should stick with us for a lifetime. Well, then we've also
Not necessarily failed at the assignment, but we might have failed at the progress of why we were doing it in the first place. And I have had those goals too. I have had some of those goals in the past. I'm sure you have as well, where it is literally just to check the box item. I've run a half marathon.
Yes. And how did that change you? How did that transform you? And I think that's the true transformative power is that beyond box checking, because we've all been there, go to college, get the job, get the house, get the husband, get the kids. And then after all of that, there's still something that's missing. And so being able to, how does that translate? Coming back to your key point, which is your values, right? Yeah, just as you as you assessing, you know, what are we doing in this lifetime?

Maria's Online Presence and Future Endeavors

Like, how are we creating the vision and
And doing so unapologetically, how are we, because so much of our life I think is consumed by what other people tell us that we should do. And this process really allows you to lean into yourself to say, but what does Brenda want? What do you want? And interestingly enough, I had a guest on my podcast about a month ago. And one of the things that she mentioned was that an executive coach of hers said,
what do you want and simply just write on that prompt. Since then, I've really been incorporating that into my own process of what is it that I just truly want? What are you looking for and what's that? It's a simple sentence, but it's very powerful. It is. Thank you so much for your time. Where can folks find you? I want to hear too about your new resource that's forthcoming.
Yes. So you can find me really on all the platforms. I've taken a social media break over the summer, but I'm starting to get back at it. And that was a beautiful thing in and of itself. So I am on LinkedIn as Maria Maldonado-Smith. I am on Instagram at Maria Maldonado-Smith.
Same with Facebook threads. I don't do Twitter or X. I just have never found that platform. Anything I was interested in, so don't do that. You can also find me too at my website, which is
So it's And yes, we have the workbook going up on Amazon for everyone to order because I have a lot of people reach out individually who say, I want to work with you, but it's just I kind of want to, yeah, I want to see what you got to offer.
And I thought, you know what, my goal and my message really is to, to spread the value of what it means to create the vision for your life. And if I can do that, uh, you know, via sharing this workbook and aligning people with their, their vision and their goals, then my, my job will be well on its way to getting done.
And you have a podcast as well. I do. Yes, I know, which we're going to get you on as well. So yes, my podcast is called Creating the Vision. And I'm not sure when this is dropping, but the trailer will drop on Wednesday, August 16th, and then it will be followed up with three episodes to kind of kick the season off on the 23rd. And yeah, we have been recording all summer, and so we are well into
well into bringing that to fruition. It's been a passion project of mine for about the past year. Yeah. It honestly was my do the dang goal. Okay. And you just needed to get done. And I think this podcast too was on my, it wasn't my vision board. And again, it was just one of those things that just kept being pushed off. And then
I started scared, I started without all the answers, and I'm really glad that I jumped into it because I've met so many amazing people, including yourself.

Reflections on Representation and Alignment

It's so great, isn't it? Just to connect in this way. And you learn so much about people and you learn things that surprise you and that just absolutely fill your cup. I mean, I think that's been the coolest thing is the connection that has brought me even to people who I know, even to people who are close friends of mine. And then I learned something new about them. I'm like, I never knew that. Yeah.
It's been great. For sure. So we'll be on the lookout and for sure we'll share details once your podcast is launched. I just wanted to say a huge thank you for chatting with us, for sharing your amazing insights. And we look forward to having you back again because I'm sure this doesn't end this conversation. I consider this a conversation starter and look forward to continuing to connect.
Oh, thank you so much for having me and thank you so much for being a source of representation and alignment for women in the career field and women of color. And believe me, as a Hispanic child growing up in Kentucky, you know, having that representation does absolutely matter. And so just thank you for all the work that you do. And I really appreciate you having me.
Oh, likewise, likewise, likewise. Okay, so let's leave vision boarding together.