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Ep. 62 A Golden Problem - Bellum Draconis image

Ep. 62 A Golden Problem - Bellum Draconis

S2 E62 · The Fellowship of the Tabletop
109 Plays1 year ago

After defeating the Roper, a golden opportunity presents itself, though the prize can’t be taken freely.

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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade


Introduction and Character Introduction

Boom, boom, boom, boom. Oh, oh, Sean.
Hello everyone and welcome to this week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop Bellum Draconis. We are a live play 5e DnB podcast set in the magical homebrewed world of Eryth in the Kingdom of Drolak. I am Mark and highly distracted and I am also your dungeon master and also with us for this week's episode we have Daron who plays the High Elf Artificer Rainshadow.
Start of the episode, are we going to hear that twice? We have Callum, Callum who plays the Warforged Artificer Alpha. Hello. That's not how your life's movements go, try again Callum. No! I think I'm cute. No, I'm sexy. Ian who plays the Tiefling Warlocks, Nyx Carell. Hey. Will who plays the human cleric, Emron.
Oh hi. Will who plays the divination wizard, oh girl. Oh hi. And Danny who plays the half orc monk and rose of broken tusk. Sweet chin music. There you go. You could remember who you'd introduce they could you. I'd totally forgotten. I'd randomised that order and then totally forgot and then obviously forgot my favourite. I say that because. I think you may have forgotten.
Who? Have I forgotten anyone apart from

Recap and Loot Discussion

that? No, I said Callum. You're just saying forgotten. I wanted to forget Callum. What do you think, Callum? I'm a very forgettable person. No. Oh, no, no. Don't indulge him, guys. You say that deliberately. It's only because... I want attention, dammit. I have other screens up and I'm not looking at your beautiful faces like we do on Zancast and you guys are. And so I'm looking at other screens as well. I just go off the voices I hear and, you know, so...
Might as well say it. You've just got to discern the ones that you hear from your head to the ones that are actually in your headphones. Exactly. Exactly. It's very difficult to tell. Many voices. Mark has voices in his head. They counsel him. They understand. Wow. That's two. We've got two wrestlers in so far. Straight up. Let's see how many we can get in total here, guys. Yeah, right. Our...
chronicle to get a quick update. I was going to do a big dog reference, if I won't. And I'll chronicle it for a quick update on what happened in last week's explosively dramatic episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop. Well, let me tell you something, brother. In the last few pages of our adventure, the party in the depths of the lair of the Roper finally encountered their prey.
fight ensued between our heroes and this stalagmite, stalactite, tentacle-esque creature. An epic battle of whips and tentacles and flight and some sort of bullshittery of Alpha's cannon meant the heroes succeeded. What was waiting for them after treasure more than they could carry.
fat loot. And we stand there, the six of you, maybe a bit of gog, maybe a bit of ghast, maybe not at all actually, staring in the small alcove space off from the large cavernous leaking room of the roper, say room cavern, and remember last week it was a cavernous cavern as well, off from that central portion of the room into a kind of a dead-ended space that has just been dumped, maybe not by the roper, maybe by the drog of diets with this
mountainous amount of gold. And as I mentioned last episode, probably looking on an average about 30,000 gold pieces worth of loot available for you. You stood all six of you looking at this money. What do you want to do?
I want to do something that I've always wanted to do, guys. Always wanted to do this. And Nix will run over and try and swan dive into the money. Almost like Scrooge McDuck. This is like water, you know, you'd basically... It's a solid metal. It's a matter, it's there in front of me. It's glistling gold, I'm going for it. So yes, I'll do a swan dive into the...
The coins. All right, you take two points of bludgeoning damage. As you head... I'm unconscious. You head the gold, but you... You're unconscious. No. That's my money though. What a way for Nix to go though. That would be the way. And clarify that the amount was three zero, not one three.
Three zero zero zero zero. Pretty sure you said 13,000 last week. He said three zero now, so we'll take the 13. I've taken down 13,000 gold. I've changed it. Oh, it's 13 then. What did I say last episode? Thanks, Will. What did I say? 30? Yeah, Will. I've written down two different fucking numbers on the floor. We'll take the higher one.
I've underlined it multiple times now with a dagger next to it. 13,000, sorry. Is that all in gold or is there any copper or platinum in there? It is almost all in gold, especially on the top, this glistening pile of money. As you delve deep, you start to notice the old silver, the old copper, the old ingot bar of gold. But the majority of it, the
heavy weight of it, primarily, 95% of it is going to be out of gold coins from an array of kingdoms and worlds around the place. The weight alone is immense. You hear the water range from your
from your head on the ceiling. It's a steady flow just above your head, though, but there's no real danger at the moment with that. Nick's just dive-bombed onto the money and hurt his head slightly, but you have managed to cause a little splash of gold coins. I'm making coin angels. Yes, there. Just deliriously laughing, like, ha ha ha, look, guys! And then throwing coins up in the air and just having fun. It's a good job you've got that bag of Alden rings, otherwise I don't think we'd be able to carry all of this gold out with us.
Yeah, I don't normally care too much for... I'm not my one for gold, but a gold port keep could show you that and so could our debtors. I mean, the reason you don't care for gold is because you've grown up as a rich prince, so for the rest of us who don't come from having a golden spoon in our mouths, we quite like this. Well, no, that wasn't a never-looking gift horse in the mouth.
This isn't my motivator, but we have debts to pay. Do you have debts to pay? They're not yours. Well, when folk take you in under their roof when we had nowhere else to go, and we've now, well, we pretty much deposited all the other people who have since started inhabiting that keep there. They're there because of us.
Are they? As a side note, Nix is putting as much as he can inside himself in every office scenario. All right. I'm talking not just his pockets, guys. Use your imaginations. If you can think it, Nix has got gold there. That's all I'm just saying. I'm going to spot this and just lob her bag at you and inspect. I'll catch it. We'll make sure we divvy this up, obviously.
Six ways, old girl. I assume you're wanting to share as well. Well, yeah, if you could give me 35 gold pieces in one half, that would be a matter of time. We'll make it 36. No, 35 gold pieces in one half. That's what I need, please.
MC, can you just divvy up some change to ensure he has half a gold? And MC will come out with the experience. What is change shit? Well, it's a... I thought you owned a shop when someone pairs with gold and they give you gold. Alpha will be able to chomp half a gold. It'll be fine. Yeah, that's what I'm going for. And I'm going to go and grab a coin and bring it back to Alpha. God. Go on and say chomp this in half, boy.
No, the only one I've kind of read is I'm going to try and bite down on it. Of course you are. Give me... What do you check for? I have no idea. Let's go with... You've got a perfect memory, so there's no point making you do a history check, is that right?
Not really. You still make him do a history check. Make him do a strength check. Yeah, strength check. Give me a, give me a straight up strength check. I thought I thought I'd do a new one. Go on. Oh, bollocks are made at five. Unable to bite. You bend it, but you don't bite through it. Do you give back a bent coin basically?
I'd like to think if he swallowed it, he'd be like one of those things at Disneyland where it goes all the way through and comes out with that. His eyes roll over. Does he start singing It's a Small World after all?
Is there anything else amongst the pile of gold? Is it just coins or is there equipment as well?

Escape from the Flooded Cavern

Are you not satisfied, Will? Are you not satisfied, Will? Are you not satisfied, Will? Are you not satisfied, Will? Are you not satisfied, Will? Are you not satisfied, Will? Are you not satisfied, Will? Are you not satisfied, Will? Are you not satisfied, Will? Are you not satisfied, Will? Are you not satisfied, Will? Are you not satisfied, Will? Are you not satisfied, Will? Are you not satisfied, Will? Are you not satisfied, Will? Are you not satisfied, Will? Are you not satisfied, Will? Are you not satisfied, Will? Are you not satisfied, Will? Are you not satisfied, Will? Are you not satisfied, Will? Are you not satisfied, Will? Are you not satisfied, Will? Are you not satisfied, Will? Are you not satisfied, Will? Are you not satisfied, Will? Are you not satisfied, Will? Are you not satisfied, Will? Are you not satisfied, Will?
From what you described previously, you expected to find corpses and corpses with weapons and armor and gold upon them. This seems to have been a specific space dedicated to just money and to the gold elements of it, like they're less interested in the money, more interested in the material maybe. And there's a real absence of literally anything else, no skulls, no corpses, no
Nothing. This seems to have been an uninhabited space of the cavern until they started choosing to put gold in there. Alpha, you've bit down the corner. Have you given it back to old girl, Ben? I will have given it back, yes, just to the best of what I can do. Well, shit that'll do. I don't care. You wouldn't have the rest. I just need this. Sorry, go ahead.
Has this field you start collecting gold? Are we collecting money? Are we doing this? Yeah, Marietta's probably not going to trust her share to go in the bag of holdings, so she's putting as much on her person as she can carry. Callum really wants to imitate Nixon to scoop as much gold as what we can do into the bag of holdings. So I'm going to take the bent coin that I have failed to break in half, just give that back to old Gell. Well, shit, that'll do, I suppose.
Okay, nice. I am sorry that I could not break it in half correctly for you. No, I thought you were stronger than that, boy. So did I. With that, am I thinking, how are we divvying this up? I know there's a bag of holding range. You're talking about your bag of holding. Nick's Amorote seems to be divvying up your own money. Obviously, this is going to take a bit of time, but just so I know roughly who's kind of doing what.
I think we're all dividing up money. Everyone takes a fair share because should something happen to the bag of holding, we lose all the gold. At least if it's distributed across us, there's... So everyone's taking over his share of coin packs. We'll all take our own share. We'll say, for example, that we're able to expertly, without spending a pajillion hours, count out that much gold. One for you, one for you, one for you. None of the gold. Don't enter me in a story competition or something like that. I don't want to lose this much gold again.
And for a length of time, you're all kind of at work kind of scooping this money out and separating it out for an hour or so as the stars don't go by. You hear the constant stream of water flowing down from the ceiling from the hole that rains had made to help affect the AC of the Roper in the last episode we had and kill that enemy. It seems to progressively get louder and louder. The water pools, but not in like a dangerous way for a while.
for a while and then there's a loud crack and a large piece of the ceiling of the cavern comes thudding down stalactites the ones on the ceilings fall down and there's a large gushing now of water pouring into the space i'm talking a small waterfall of water pouring into the space
time is running out, the space is starting to fill. This isn't going to become a very, very, very busy, very wet, very drownable space very soon. We're going to turn this into a skill challenge to get you guys going. It's going to be, you each get a
I've run this differently before, and I've changed it slightly since my last time. It's an overall pass or fail for the group, but you individually fail things or you individually pass things, depending on it can damage you or impact you slightly, but then there's an overall pass or fail ratio as well. You're basically aiming for six passes to three fails, okay? But there's, sorry, there's six rounds in total, if you will. Three or more fails is what you don't want. You don't want that because that's when damage starts eking up. So even if you fail a round,
You still kind of manage the thing you're trying to do. You just fuck it up and don't do it particularly well. And that then will have an impact later on down the line. I'm going to mention it then and there. Okay.
Within reason, like I've done before, you don't have to be proficient in it because I think it opens up more options, but I'll give you a couple of suggestion skills, but then if you've got a better one to override it and you can convince me to it, it's not hard, I know I'm very palatable to your suggestions, you can override it and go for that instead. The DC will change, the DC will be mine, and I'll just tell you at the end if you pass or fail it as we work through it.
So I've just made a random order. So we're not going to roll like initiative for this. And we're going to go down the list. And then for the next round, go up the list and down the list and up the list. So it's going to start off going Reigns, Emerald, Nyx, Morota, Olgail, Alpha. Second round will be Alpha, Olgail, Morota, Nyx, Emerald, Reigns. And we'll just go up and down that for the six rounds. I'll keep tabs of everything. And we'll just see what happens. And it's going to take us from our room to hopefully us getting out in some kind of a dramatic fashion, maybe.
The water starts pouring in deeper and deeper now. You realize now, from the color of the water and the situational position you find yourselves in, that this is the water coming out from the lake that was on the space that you were just previously in with the droglodites. You are basically emptying. You have entered in below that lake, that lake with something in it that killed that explorer in the floor above, which also had Alpha's crossbow in it.
The space starts to fill, fill, fill, and you realise now there's a sense of panic, there's a sense of not much time. You can see the light though from the space into the Dralak Desert, not far away from where the Troglodytes had clawed a hole out. A hole big enough for a humanoid, one at a time in order to get through. It's up quite a steep portion of the wall of the cavern, reachable, absolutely. The question is, how much money do you want to leave behind?
The first round is loot the room. You can use whatever skill you want that you have in your ability to scoop as much of the gold as you possibly can. If you all pass, there's a high success rate that you get all the loot in the room basically, anything that's kind of remaining there. You've already banked a certain amount given you spent a bit of time on it.
So there's a guaranteed amount, but the more likely you are to pass, the better your pass rate, the more loot you basically get. I have a question. Yeah, go ahead. Do we also have a phoner friend ask the audience, I'm 50-50. Yes. And you will also be facing the chaser. The chaser is death.
So starting off with rains, the water's filling up the water, the space is filling up the water. Give us a skill that you wish to roll for to pass my DC in order to collect in more money that you might be good at.
Okay, time to go. Rains will say that NC, we're gonna just run a little retcon between you and me. Coins at this point are no longer a priority. The ingots are worth more. Let's find as many as we can and Rains will summon NC from the Bag of Holding. NC will join Rains in just having a quick scan through the area. NC will actually dive down into the gold because he doesn't need oxygen, for he is an automaton. Can't we just leave Alpha down here actually just to scrape it all up because he actually
There was a creature in the water that will kill me. He is, yeah, Reigns is investigating.
to find ingots rather than coins at this point. Okay, in order to, okay, to prioritise money, okay. So what we all say is you can only use the skill once and the skill challenge. So if you're using- That per person or- Yeah, yeah, per person. So Darren just can't spam investigation because whatever. And the same way that, you know, Morota can't spam a specific decks thing over and over again because you spread them out basically, you know what I'm saying. So what did you get then, Rains?
I got a 24. Nice. Okay, nice. Thank you very much. You both jumped through three or four of these ingots just appear and more and more start appearing out and you start grabbing the mic. Very nice there, very nice for an exercise. So over next to Emron, what would you like to do, loot in the room? I would like to use athletics to help scoop the money into the various bags that we have.
It's such a dramatic challenge and we're using words like scoop, scoop, scoop, dragging up as much money as you can. Massive armfuls of coins and dropping them into bags of holding in separate bags, et cetera. Okay. Give me a roll. Okay. So it's brave using athletics on the first, uh, just saying. Well, you know, fuck it. It's the important one, obviously not living.
That's a 20, unnatural. Lovely, absolutely. Grouping up this massive, and with NC's help drawing up the ingots, you know you're getting like the lion's share, so to speak, of the high quality stuff here, loading up these bags. Thank you very much for that. Nick, over to you.
So Nix is feverishly just trying to put gold in every, as mentioned before, part of his body possible, down the vest. And so it kind of bulges around his belly, in every little pocket, in his boots, everything in his pants, he's going hardcore for it. And as he's fixated on this, a spectral hand just appears out of nowhere as he's concentrating and all he's thinking in his head
is just get money, get the gold, get the gold. And he unknowingly casts mage hand and the hand is started to scoop and kind of also put coins into him. So I'd like to use slight of hand for my mage hand in this check. Okay, yeah, give it the roll.
How's the 17 do you? Yep, nice. Absolutely. That's a pass again. And you managed the hand again and helped to do everything else. Purple hand, nice purple hand. Okay, purple hand. Alongside everything else that here starts to zip through the coins and pulling in, grabbing kind of scruples of money towards you and helping you usher in as much gold as you can. Morota, over to you. I don't know what you are, but maybe with me and you can talk later. As Nix is holding his shirt open and the hand is like pushing coins into his chest.
Marocha is going to stand side by side with Alpha, and as Alpha is sort of beginning to, I guess, get together to figure out how to help us, Marocha's just going to offer with one hand her boomerang to Alpha and say, you seem a bit under-resourced as of late. Just take this in case we see anything bad.
And with her other hand, I'm going to attempt to pickpocket the gemstone out of Alpha's pocket. What a fucker. Okay. Somebody slight of hand to try and bait and switch. Okay. And that's going to be against that against Alpha's perception. It's passive perception, isn't it? It's not going to be active. Yeah. So what is your passive? I think it's 11 or 12. 11. 11. So I have to be 11. Come on.
That's your one. I'm in my reaction. Bountiful luck.
Oh! Wait, does that work on a skill challenge? I don't know if it works on a skill challenge. Yeah, but it's not a skill challenge. Even a skill challenge is just a separate action. Old gal, I used to like... When they fail with an attack crawl, an ability check, which this is, yeah, that's fine. There you go. You really should have asked me. I can re-roll, is that right? With advantage. Yeah, that's my reaction. Is it just a straight roll or a re-roll with advantage? You re-roll, no, no, not with advantage, you just re-roll it because it's a natty one. Giving you my lucky. Come on, narrator! Nice. 14.
Yeah! You pull the coin out as Alpha Sound reaches up and you manage to see it... What? Yeah, but you said coin. Oh. Reaches up to give you the boomerang and if you take the boomerang you notice it kind of bulging out of an internal pocket and you manage to kind of, as you push past in the cacophony of sand that's happening at the time, swipe the gem. I'm counting as a fail because you didn't actually manage to do anything to help with money, but it's absolutely fine.
Yeah, O'Gell is not looking at the gold, he's not even looking at the water, he's just looking into his orb, as usual. But what he's going to do whilst looking into the orb is just hold a hand out to the left. He's also going to cast Mage Hand and just be scooping money into pockets, into kind of various things, literally not paying any attention to it, doing that. And I think seeing as, I suppose, Nick's used Slider Hand, I might as well use the same role if that's okay.
Okay. Yeah. And see if actually, no, fuck me. That's an eight. Oh, look at that reaction to the pad. One has become the master. The, uh, something in the orb, uh, disturbs you and the mage hand kind of flickers in and out of reality for a second or two, meaning it drops the money. It's trying to hold and it fails, unfortunately. And finally alpha.
I think he would take the boomerang from Marota, most certainly, probably using it as a scoop rather than its actual intended purposes, just kind of gathering all into the satchels and whatnot. So, yeah, it's like a fan for that, I think, as well, just to make the best use of the boomerang as a scoop for some description.
Okay. Spooning in the money with a boomerang. Go for it. Spooning in with a boomerang. Spoonerang. Spoonerang. With an 11. With an 11. Yep. That passes. You managed to effectively collect in the money. This boomerang does seem to help in extension onto your arm almost, and you managed to scoop in a bit more cash. That is overall a big old pass for that first round. So well done, gang, for that.
As that's happening, you gather in as much as you can before a large crack in the ceiling above you in that space cracks and smashes down. A wave of water crashes down over all of you, drenching you from head to toe, freezing cold water in something deeper, something stranger, something that hurts inside slightly. This water isn't normal and it panics you. It panics you and it worries you. The water hits you with quite a bit of a wave. There's two things that could happen. One, it knocks you off your feet or two, it drives you into a panic and you take in a breath of water.
Could I ask that you think of something that will stop that? One of those two things affecting you, basically, because it's one or the other, really. So either it's going to be knocking you off your feet, or either it's not knocking you off your feet, you stand still, but there's a chance that this wave of panic and worry be given the water or something in the water, or maybe for Nixon wrote, literally, water again.
could be the thing to set you off. One of those two things you need to offset, not both, just one of them. We'll go back up the opposite way, so we're going to go straight back to alpha again. I know you can breathe underwater, so it may not be that. It's probably going to be the decks, some kind of deck storm strength save, I think, probably for you.
In all fairness, I think what Alford would do, he knows that water, not that it can't harm him, but that he doesn't have to breathe and he doesn't need to intake water. If there's water rushing towards everybody, I'm wondering if I could do maybe like a constitution saving throw to kind of stand at the precipice of where the water is coming into everybody else and maybe just kind of take the brunt of it a little bit.
maybe give some people advantage or something like that. There might be more of a strength if you're trying to smash through the main brunt of the water. It's me, you just kind of stand there and take the initial brunt of the water. Okay, nice. I like that. What I'll say is, this is a bit different, the DC for you for this one is going to be one higher, but if you pass it, you lower the DC for everyone else by one. Ooh, lovely. Okay. So what kind of strength?
Is that a strength check? No, not a saving throw, but an A formus, so it could be athletics. One of the strength-based. Acrobat? No. Not really acrobatics. It's just athletics, I think. I'll just punch the water really hard in the face.
for a dirty 20 on that. Absolutely. The DC for everyone else has been lowered by one. Well, that's past that. And as you smash into the water, it does kind of ensconce you still, but the weight of it hitting everyone else now has been lessened as a result. Very nice, Callum. Good stuff. Moving up the round, we got to old Gal next.
I just interrupted you. Yeah, I like to think that all girls looking into that orb like a split second before it all crashes down will take his kind of action then if you like and
knowing if you will, I know this is, well, it's all girl, isn't it? Knowing what alpha's about to do, he's going to try and leap up and kind of deftly and hopefully dexterously cling onto alpha's back like a baby monkey. Like you've done before. Like Yoda. Exactly. Why not? Fucking Yoda. Um, I could be a backpack. If I can take that as acrobatics, I would rather that go for it. Amazing 13.
Yep, absolutely, well done, it's a pass. And yeah, you managed to avoid almost all the brunt of the water because you're behind Alpha's sturdy frame in front of you there as the water continues to pool around you. But the main, this big wave that's been moving its way towards everyone has surpassed you. So two passes there, well done so far. Morota, up to you.
Seeing this rushing in above all our heads, is there like a safe spot that we could stand which would mean that the sort of big deluge drop isn't going to hit us? Is there enough? Yeah, there's a couple of stalactites and stalagmites to the sides that would probably allow you to offset some of the initial damage of it. If you're looking for quickly getting there, you could, I'm thinking maybe something like you could give it a perception-based check in order for you to notice it in time or
And if you just want to use your impulse, a dexterity based one, just to kind of back into it. I'm thinking a bit more heroic than that. I think what I would like to do is use
Use my acrobatics to leap from where I am and shove nicks in the direction of a safe space. So I would essentially take the brunt of where nicks is standing and then shoulder barge nicks into a place of safety. Okay. So I'll do what I did for alpha, but.
Yeah. I won't make the DC harder for you because he's a still target. You can drop kick him. It's fine. Um, but if you pass this, you fail, but you make Nix's DC lower. So cool, cool, cool. Okay. So I'm just going to straight acrobatics leap from where I am and just sort of barge him out of the way into a safe space. Okay. At the expense of, of your own safety. Okay, cool.
12, okay? Yeah, that passes. And so because of that, Nix, your DC has been lowered for the thing that's coming up basically, which is now. Am I in the safe area now then? No, you'll be, you're stumbling towards it. You're not fully there yet. So you might think of something along the lines of your perception in order to go, oh, I know what's happening here. I'm being pushed towards the safe bit. Or if there's something else you want to do aside from that, either way, you're being nudged towards safety.
Nix is kinda frozen in terror, the whole water not a good mix.
With him, there is something that he could do, but it would require an iconic check just to... He's got a spell in his book and he obviously would have read about it. And I think out of sheer fear, he would try and grasp at whatever memory he could on how to cast the spell. And as he kind of gets hit by Marota, he was...
As he was going to get hit by Moroto, he was already getting ready to crouch down and put his hands over his head and kind of close his eyes. So he got bumped. And so as he's kneeling down, he's going to cast Shape Water on the Pfeiffer area himself and try and
create an ice of the water that's hitting and we can freeze water so just enough to just stop from the water from filling his face and his lungs it's just around his face area can only manipulate a five foot area and I'd probably elect to do an iconic check if that's cool. Yeah I'll give you that obviously because normally intelligence isn't it sorry yeah.
Yeah, it would be an Arcana. You'd roll with your Arcana bonus. And spells just generally work, but because of the format of it, and I like because of the terror you're feeling and the panic, we might add in the fact that it could fail anyway. So that's a nice touch. Yeah, go for it. Well, it totally fails because it was a nine.
So he can't grasp the memory of how it's kind of... Hasn't the difficulty been lowered twice for him? It has. It's gone from 12 to 11 to 10. Unfortunately, your... It makes sense, narratively. It does. It does. But it was a really nice touch. I like where you were going with that. So at the moment, we're at two passes, two fails as we work our way back up through. We're having two six rounds of this, aren't we? Okay. Emrom.
Are we checking to withstand the weight of the water or is it the malignant, the malign influence of whatever's in the water? What are we having to check for? Either. I was just giving you two things that the water could affect you by. It could be that it physically hits you. I don't want to make everyone basically do a strength check because the water hits you or make everyone do a constitution or a wisdom saving throw because it affects you. I'm just giving options so it's less streamlined and you can come up with more ideas.
Can I can I cast protection from good and evil on myself? Yeah to then make my and then I was gonna use religion to Stop the and my faith in Alito. Yeah, go for it. But I was good I was gonna use from good and evil to make it because obviously that affects aberrations less your settlementals faith fiends and that lot. Yep. Yep. Yep 100% And then yeah, I'll don't need to roll for anything for that so that's cast and I'm gonna do religion check and my faith in Alito and
Just normal roll, yeah? Yeah, just a straight up religion check, yeah. Okay. Ah, 15. Nice, okay, suddenly you notice something in the water as well. There's a slight darkness to the water that recedes and it recedes away from you and actually recedes out towards where the water's coming down. You can actually see the water changing color as it spurts down from the ceiling, going from a darkened color to a slightly lighter color, only a little bit. It might be psychosomatic, it might just be in your head, but
It seems to be having an effect on something in the water slightly. That is a pass. Finally, down to rains. It is a little bit make or break for this round. It's three passes, two failures so far. If you pass this, the round is passed. If you fail it, it is a draw and I roll a dice, I guess.
Sure. Rains has seen Nix and Marota just tumble at this point. Having seen Marota's selfless attempt to get to Nix and being slightly impressed by Nix and just on instinct from how useful Nix has been and seeing Marota's selflessness, Rains isn't going to try and let that not go unchecked. It's instinctively going to make their way over to Nix and it's just going to go and see clones 25 and what Rains is going to do is where
Nyx has just submerged into this water. He's going to touch the water and cast and cast purify food and drink on that water. So it'll be a five foot radius just to where the gnarly stuff is getting over Nyx to just remove that water of disease or poison. So I'm going to do Arcana as well. OK, nice. Roll to hit. Oh, not roll to hit. Roll to. Roll to roll to push my face. Hit the water. It's a 12. Nice. Passes. Yeah.
Two rounds of passing so

Skill Challenges and the Surreal Escape

far. Is that all of a sudden the water that's just flowing over Nix's face will just suddenly go clear? So Nix can't see because of the darkness. What he will see is this glow as all of a sudden rains his hand is there. Kind of like when Sam pulls Frodo out of the water. The water has just gone clear. Oh Sam! Oh Sam.
The water continues to fill and the crack gets louder. Alpha, you realise that the space isn't going to last much longer and you, with old girl, I assume still only back, start to move out of the space and away from the money area into the large cavern, the cavern which is now filling with water. It's up to
to your chest and slightly higher for some of you. It is full and we're gonna have to start swimming quite soon. As that happens though, large chunks of masonry and debris are falling down from the ceiling space above you. You're still able to move around the space and kind of dodge these as they fall, but there is a very, very high risk that something is going to hit you or might hit you. So you can roll. I'm gonna give you again a couple of options for things. I don't wanna nail it down and just make you do a deck saving throw. It could be that some masonry,
of the ceiling is coming down again to hit you and you want to dodge out the way. It might be you want to do something to prevent it from hitting you, or it might be something totally different. But the threat is shit falling from the ceiling and hitting you. It's up to you how you translate that. Somehow you've got to come up with a scenario where you pass pass through that. Okay. Again, you can't use the skills you previously used. So so as to those of you who've used things like athletics, but but hey, whatever, it's all part of it.
So, that's up to you basically. So, Reigns, we're going to start with you. That's okay. We're going to work back down that list. What do you want to do? Yeah, Reigns has... So, am I thinking we're looking for ways out here as well? No, at the moment it's just... There's something coming down. The immediate threat is, I feel like something is going to hit me. Yeah. And it could be that, right, you say, right, I want to make a athletics check. I want to...
eyes up and just dodge or i want to make a perception check and i want to make sure that i want to see if anything's coming so i can move out of the way or i want to use nc and use an arcana check to yeah i don't know do something where you cut the stalactites or you know got you rains will see that and he'll immediately close his eyes and he'll go
them with father keep under the city under the city, fidget and earthquakes, how do you avoid them? And he'll cast, he's going to use nature and his eyes are just going to glance up and he's just looking for fidget and cracks. He's just trying to see if there is a point where this is going to go mission critical. That all of the farms and all the agricultural stuff in Chatham end is under the ground. So studying what's above you is really important. So he's going to use nature from very nice and in father keep to just try and
Very nice, Darren. I like doing these. It's a 17. Thank you. You notice the sudden recollection and realisation that there is an area to the right which luckily moves away from where you want to go, which is going to fall very soon and will be a huge part of the chasm wall that will collapse.
And you intimate that to the group passing. Yeah, Rain's hand comes up. If you get left, left. He's just going to shout that to everyone as he sees these fissures appearing on the right-hand side. Very nice. Emron, you hear that? What would you like to do? Emron, using Rain's thing to guide the group. Emron's going to take the lead, and I want to use survival to try and help navigate the best routes so everyone keeps their sure footing, and I'm going to use survival to do that. Perfect. Yep, absolutely. Give it a roll.
Ah, fuck. That's a natural one. Um, you... Reaction. Bountiful. Fucking hell.
go for the girl. 14 passes. Thanks Will. Passes and you notice and you you can see through the water slightly and you can you can remember back to your you know the time you spent in the training you've had and find the most applicable routes in order to get you closer which avoid these falling debris that's splashing through. In fact sometimes you actually go into the space where there has been fallen debris because you know
It's very unlikely that it's going to fall directly on the same point again, actually, and start to making your way to the left. I'm trying to lead the party and guide them as well, yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, I got that as well. Perfect. Two passes so far. Thank you very much. Nick, over to you. So, his mind is a bit foggy from all the fear and he can feel his spell that he tried to pull off, kind of, disassipate into nothing. He was just trying to maintain
his lung capacity and his heart rate and he's trying to stem it down. And it's all water and it's cold and memories of last time. And then he just tries to go, right. Okay. Just move just fucking one foot in front of the other. And as he looks deep inside of himself, he can feel something pushing him as he just uses his, uh, athletics to move out the way, but he's going to use ties of chaos to gain an advantage on that. Okay. Nice. Yeah. Let's do this. Athletics bump, bump, bump, bump.
Good job he's got an advantage because that was a four. So how's an 11? Fails.
The the even with the surge within you doesn't quite get you over the mark here. You're still so fatigued from the fear you're fatigued from the situation from the fight. And your body just isn't is numb and isn't returning the same way that you wish it would. Unfortunately, that is a fail. Marota, you see Nick's flag again. What would you like to do? I will
Can I make a save instead of a skill check? Was that an option to sort of, I'm like in a waist height of water and there's rocks falling. Is it too reactionary to do a save instead of a skill check? No, no, you can do that. Absolutely. But it would, it won't be a deck saving throw. I might misquoted that, but it might be something more like, yeah, like an athletics.
analytics check or an acrobatics check or something to cartwheel out of the way. Unfortunately, if I let you use a deck save or something like that, then we'd have to kind of nullify all decks possibilities after that. I think what I'm going to do then is I'm going to sort of attempt to recenter my key and gain a bit more
of a grasp on the situation, because I've been hit by the water as well. I'm panicking on Nick's behalf is I'm just going to take a lead from Enron, and I'm just going to take a moment of inward inflection. I'm just going to concentrate, use the Force Luke almost, and just sort of recenter my key via religion check. And as I just take a moment to breathe, study, like keep an eye on anything falling directly above me, but breathe, concentrate, and I'm just going to recite
every one of the six. So I'll say a short blessing to Tirani, a short one to Vatinis, a short one to Alito, a short one to Akiva, a short one to the Order of Whispers, and a short one to the Faith of Mixawas very quickly and in various languages that I can speak. And yes, I'd like to just make a religion check to sort of just regain composition.
Like that chap in the mummy who's got all the necklaces. And give yourself inspiration. I'm going to reel off all six of the religions that we've made up four or five years ago, with your help, of course, Danny, but fair play right off the top of your head.
I'd forgot, I was like, six? Oh yeah, there were six. So give yourself advantages, not advantages, give yourself inspiration. Nice, I'm going to need to add that. Okay, so I rolled an 11 on that religion check. So Mark, what is a DM inspiration? What dice is that? I don't know, I've forgotten. Six, isn't it, normally? The D6? Yeah, let's go with the D6. You pick, mate, it's your game. Fucking, yeah, D6. Okay, so that's a 15 altogether on that religion check.
That passes. Oh my God. The face was born of gods and your heart slows and your vision improves and the situation becomes more logical, more marota, much less responsive, much more thought through. You can see the logic in the situation now rather than the panic. Yes, you pass that. Very nice. It's three passes to one failure so far, which leads us on to, oh, Gail.
Ooh, nearly. Old girl has, other than doing his backflap into Yoda style onto Alpha's back, been pretty much with his orb the whole time. And I'm going to keep up with that trend. So if you'll allow it, I'd like to make an Arcana check as I delve further into the depths of space and time into my orb and work out or try to work out which slabs of ceiling are going to fall down next. So it's the best direct Alpha. I know that Reigns behind has been going left, left, left, left, left.
I'd now like to keep that going, but with all the orb. Okay, roll for your Akana. Awesome. My Akana roll is a 19. That passes. Four passes. One failure so far. It's a really good place. But Alpha, we need to get your score anyway because it might impact everything in the long run. What do you think, Alpha? Oh, shit. Here he is.
With that, I think what Alf will be doing, if we're moving through the water, you're going to try and just scoop up some of the
smaller pebbles, stones, whatever from this cave and he's going to be casting light on them and basically throwing them out into the darkness just to try and get as much heads up as possible further down the line as to what is going to be coming down where things are weakening and it's a cantrip so I can just keep throwing these stones as many as what I can grab.
and cast a light on them you have just yeah sorry um and but you have just what i've just been note of here is you have just adjusted and the dc of round six by doing that just fyi you did bring up the hand from the the rules consultant oh yeah i think i know what we're going to say and it's what i was about to say as well even though i'm covering your ass yeah no no i go on the play
I don't know what you mean. Every time I cast a new light to the old one end so I can only do it on one thing at a time. That's exactly right. Because you were describing it as like little... Yeah, that's why I said it against the ground. How about instead, you throw one big fucking rock and you give me a strength check or something like that. You throw one big rock and it's a big lighthouse. But it's still 20 feet. It still does the same amount of light so I may as well go for a smaller one.
Oh, fine, it puts in there. Right, okay. But I will be doing Arcana for such a thing. Okay, give me an Arcana check then, please. One of my better ones, so hopefully so. 22. Nice. You have just affected the DC of the last one. You've loaded by one.
Yeah, can we get will like a little yellow flag so he can just fly fly up in the air and all that kind of holding Imran unintentional rule break five yard penalty and you lose inspiration
Replay round three. It was just the way he was describing it. Mark was like, hang on a minute, this isn't how light works. Yeah, I'm glad you know, because I don't fucking know anything. Right, moving on. So we're making our way, I think, kind of single file. The area is kind of falling around. Everything's collapsing. It's really intense.
despite all our bullshittering. And as you're going around, I like to see this from Nick's perspective, because I think this is probably the most interesting to see it from. You're there, your heart's pounding and panicking. You're in the kind of middle of the group. I've got you in a line. And all of a sudden, right next to the water now is like a neck height, and you're having to at certain moments kind of like, kind of doggy paddle a little bit, each of you are, as the water starts to get higher, as the place starts to fill. Right next to you, Bob's passed all of you a chest of money.
Oh, come on. A large open chest of money just kind of bobbing past. Now, this is quite like a take it or leave it situation here, really. You get two choices and even if you've used it, you can reuse it for this one bonus round in the middle here. It's athletics or sleight of hand. Athletics, you ignore it and you just fucking keep going because you're about to go underwater and you want to prepare yourself for swimming.
Or slight of hand, you fucked that over and you try and grab some more gold. If you grab more gold, obviously the overall gold amount goes up. However, you're more likely to have had to take damage later on down the line. Morota, you've got something you want to say. Could I please use an intimidation check on Nyx to get him to not think about that check?
Possibly. You all get a shot at it because it's going to bob past all of you with the current. It's going to bob past you all. But literally, you can choose to ignore it and just athletics, which means you are less likely to take overall damage depending on how the passes and failures go so far. We're at three passes so far. Or slight of hand, you go for the gold and try and take it. You can pass or fail each of them. If you pass either, you pass the round. If you fail either, you fail the round. But it might impact on your chances of taking damage on the other side.
It's a mimic. Of course, exhaustion. Do you imagine? That would be amazing. No, the room resets in here back at the... Is the water flowing out the hole that was made or is that higher up? It's higher up at the moment. It seems to be circulating round and there's still a strong push to it as the space is starting to fill up.
So we'll start with alpha and move up the round at the back of this chest, Bob's past you. Do you want to ignore it and go for athletics or do you want to go for it and go for a sleight of hand? No, I'm going to sleight of hand it, try and swipe. Okay, go for it. See what you can nab. And I get a natural one. Reaction. I love you all over again.
Oh, good God. That was even worse, but seven, they were still very, very atrocious. You failed. You reach out with it and blob. You miss your hand and your face gets a mouthful of water. Not that it really matters, but you need a bit more WD-14 next week. I don't know. So that's you done. Oh, Gel, over to you. So I'm on Alpha's back and he's now reaching for gold and I am small and I am probably headed just above the water. I'm going to like kind of gurgle and cough up some water and be like,
Stop, drop it, go for the fucking gold, boy. Just get me out of this shit. And I don't give a shit about the gold. I've got my 35 and a half gold pieces. I'm gonna use athletics to try and cling onto alpha and push my head above the water. Climb on my shoulders. That's my intention. Okay. Sorry, I usually click before that. Fuck. Five.
Oh no. Oh, I've only had your bountiful luck. Unfortunately, no, that is another failure. All this isn't looking good so far for you guys.
Marota, yeah, pretty much. Marota, thank you. Do we all have to swipe? Does it have to be an overall success to swipe or an overall success to? You're each swiping a little bit, or it's cumulative. Ah, okay, I'll thank you, I'll do it. It's bobbing past you all, and you can each take a little bit of it, maybe just to up-putt, and it's something fun. Like a little bonus level in the middle. Marota, what are you going for?
Can I take a second just as this oil, oil mark, this chest comes out and it's like one of those cinematic poses in the really dense action where everyone sees just this thing exiting. I'm thinking like that bit in Pirates of the Caribbean where they're all fighting on the island and the guy nicks the chest and starts going away. I'm just going to turn to nicks as soon as I spot that. And I'm just going to say, I'll tear that fucking horn off your face if you do. I think you're going to do. And then I'm going to
Uh, well, I'm going to continue to do the athletics to just crack on, but, um, uh, hopefully intimidating Ian into not letting Nick's do the thing you think he's going to do. There's a 17 on my athletics check. Nice. You pass that. Thank you. Uh, very good. Very good. Uh, Nick's and you hear that straight off the back. This chest is bobbing past you. You are weighed down anywhere with money and you are rubbing your nipples on camera. This is disturbing. What would, what do you, what do you do? So.
Nick's obviously hears that, but his mind is still a feverish from the fear that's taken hold because he's failed his last two checks at trying to use magic and then trying to use any internal power he's got. And all he sees is this floating thing bobbing next to him. He's going to grab it.
And if he feels as he grabs whatever it is, this chest go down, he's going to take the gold and scoop it out and try and use it as a flotation device. Like a drowning person does in fear, whatever scoops next to them, they grab hold of and don't let go as long as it floats. This thing is floating. Nick says, do you want to try and get on top of it? And if he needs to, he's letting the gold out of it. Okay. Can I scoop and scoop?
Can I argue therefore that you roll athletics for this because this is for your survival, not for the gold? Absolutely. We'll go for that.
I know you've used athletics before, but a 20! Unnatural. Nice. You manage to climb onto the chest, and you do start to sink, and you shove out some of the money, and you manage to keep it just above the water, and you grab a hold of whoever's in front of you. Emron's back, and you're pulled along slightly by his chainmail armor at the back, or a shield that's tied to his back, perhaps, and you've just been pulled along by that above the water, just about keeping your float.
Yeah, I want to make it clear that Nix isn't seeing gold. He's seeing a flotation device and weights. And so he's just equalizing the shit out of it as quickly as possible. Nice. Thank you for that. Emron, over to you. We're at two passes, two fails at the moment. What would you want to go for? I know it doesn't make narrative sense, but let's argue that... I'm going to use athletics to pull Nix along in the HMS gold, you know.
HMS Bucket. Yeah, go for it. Boaty McBoatface. Yeah. Let's do some athletics. Ah, fuck. That's a nine. That is not a pass. That is a failure. Three failures. Damn it, Nick. Two passes. Reigns, it's all up to you. It has to be athletics. Reigns at this point has no care for the goal. It has to be athletics. Okay.
No pressure, Darren. Two minus one, one. Oh my god. Wow, these have had some shit rolls in this round. We have our bonus round. We've had great rolls, but we've had shit rolls. It's still on, yeah, it still counts. It's around, it feels like a bonus round, but it still definitely counts. Is this one of our six? That is one of your six, yeah. That's the fourth of six. So we're at pass, pass, pass, fail.
Round five, into round five, the water level starts to continue to increase your swimming now. To be able to maintain your breath and just keep it above the slops and splashes of water, you need something. You need to either have the right mindset, you need to be able to use your body to get your head above the water, a memory of your swimming lessons, puddle ducts back in the day, whatever you did as a child, whatever it is, to maintain your ability to breathe in air, that is not water.
We're going to start with rains at the top of the order we've got at the moment. What do you do to keep yourself there, swimming towards this literal light at the end of the tunnel, Dralak, the dry air and freedom?
So I can use a skill just to basically keep myself on the natural senses. On the level, yeah. So back to the normal setup where you can't reuse a skill you previously used, et cetera. But yeah, it's literally just what keeps your head above the water, what keeps you sane, what keeps you swimming, what keeps you going. Yep. Rains is going to draw upon, again, some of the excursions and things that he had to do whilst earning his keep whilst living in Father Keep. And he's going to remember
a breathing technique that can come from the shawl of the studded leather that he's going. And he'll remember that the Shredder style facade that he can pull over his face is designed to keep out dust, but it can also as well just keep out nasty toxins. It's part of the very fabric of the armor. So he's going to use a history check just to see if we can remember how to just bring this across quickly in a pinch and get that around his face. So a low light history check.
Okay, brilliant. Lovely. Thank you. I like it. Some of the bitch eight. No, that is a failure. That's a plus six of that as well. Jesus. Shit, man. You rolled that one. Unfortunately, that is a failure. Unfortunately, moving on to Emron here on the straight and narrow towards the exit. I'd like to use medicine to not breathe water in.
I like to use medicine to change my breathing to gills. Who needs knowledge of breathing to know I shouldn't be swallowing water? I like to use alchemy to create ghillie weed. I'm not buying it man, sorry.
But medicine, medicine, so your ability to take Calpol should make you be able to swim. No, medicine is my knowledge of how, of how biology works. So I know, breathing water is bad. Yeah, fuck off. I'd like to use a perception to be able to time my breath so that the tropics for the water. Yeah. You know, yeah. That's nice. So that's much better than Calpol boy. Right. Go on then.
Eleven? It's a failure. You make great headway, guys.
but not by much and it's getting a bit dark despite the light here, the alphas released and the light at the end of the literal tunnel and the space is filling with water, there's debris in the air, there's dust, there's rocks falling, it's a literal cacophony wave splashing up, you can't time your looks up given you can from the waves but not from the splashes of falling rocks around you, that unfortunately is a second failure of the round. Next, let's turn the tide.
Nix is feeling a little bit more clear headed now that he's above the water on floating things. So he's gonna once again, can I cast the same spell even though I use a different ability to check?
Sell it to me and then I'll- Alright, he's going to cast Mage Hand and that hand is going to attach itself almost in a ghostly like fashion to the back of the chest. And then the hand is going to do a motion that also, that looks like a fucking flipper of a fish as it acts as a moony propeller to kind of shift him forwards. What's the skill? I like to use athletics.
Does using the spell give me advantage on any roll he makes? I wouldn't say that's athletic. If you put your legs in the water and start kicking. No. That's very creative. I really like it but I didn't think... What about performance? That's Ian's performance though. Acrobatics? No, because it's... Animal handling. The hands turned into a fish.
That's a fish hand. Running out of skills with the... Deception against the DM. I've used Arcana to see... I've used Arcana. I've used athletics. To be fair, I've used lighter hand. Survival? Again, I don't know how you could... Damn it. OK, you could go something with survival, as in continuing to bring yourself down, to calm yourself, so that you can just paddle with your hands,
Let's do that. Ignore the megacand. Yeah, but that's great though. Remember that. I love that.
I'm just looking at what I can do, just trying to think of new ways. The calm is good though, because he's been trying to do that. Now that he's on top of the chest, he's trying to get his breathing back down, and he would use both hands to, one, just to equalise the buoyancy of the chest by removing the gold, but he's still kind of trying to breathe down. So yes, survival check just to bring his breathing down, and once he gets that into a good place, he'll just kind of paddle with his hands, his chest,
on the chest, trying to keep above the water and remain calm. That is a 19 passes.
Passes, good shit, we've got a pass finally. The hand then comes out and it starts going, Ariel, what you gotta do? Morota, over to you, what would you like to do? I would like to, if you'll allow it, use my whip as though I am grappling something in the exit vicinity. Okay. To sort of make a hard tie line out of this impending doom.
Yeah, that sounds really good. What do you want to roll for that? What are you looking at? It's going to use the way in which I use athletics on the whip. So it's slightly inflated in number. But I haven't used athletics yet. So I could just use straight athletics if you'd rather I wouldn't. But I'm literally doing an attack with my whip. This is a skill challenge. Give me GC athletics, please. Nice try, though. 18.
Yeah, nice. Two passes, two failures. We've clawed it back. Old girl. Fuck yeah. Old girl's going to pull some old girl bullshit. And again, he's got all be all there. He's looking into it. He's looking back.
In time to when he was in old girls wheels and woes seeing these events Unfold and he's gonna cast his mind back through into the orb and go right. Okay. When did you hold your breath to avoid that wave? So I'm basically bullshitting my way through to try and get the history check again. Yep. No go for it. It works I mean old girl can always have a history joke pretty much because everything
14 points on the history check yep roll that passes three passes to one failure alpha so up to you yeah don't fuck it up alpha too late it's my turn meaning it's already fucked up um what i'm going to do uh in all fairness because water still does not bother me however i am very aware that i have old gal on my back so instead of him kind of
Yodering me. I like to think that at this stage try and keep old girl going I've lifted him up off my shoulders and I'm just kind of holding him as high as what I can do above the water Does while I my head's probably completely underwater. You see these robotic arms going along carrying this So you're R2D2 and he's the little thing that comes up in the swamp is basically what's happening
But I think it was acrobatics, I think is the closest one I've got left. It's almost like some kind of water display going on here. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. I mean, the fact of balancing something is, yeah. Yeah. He's allowed to do acro aerobics. I wasn't allowed to. No, you can't use medicine to make fish gills. Oh, God. Yes.
Fucking hell, Alpha. I can try, but I will naturally fail and I'm gonna get a three. Fuck's sake, now I need to flip a coin. Okay, I need to do that later then. Right, moving into the final round, and Alpha, we're gonna start with you again, so buck up your ideas. Yeah, come on, Alpha, start fucking it up from the start. The space continues to fill with water and things are getting worse and worse and worse, and suddenly there is an almighty...
almighty crunch noise from above as a huge portion of the space to your right, which is what Raines had noticed, at which he told you to the left, falls down into the water and a gush, a huge gush of water follows afterwards, but not just the water that follows though. The strange, acrid black smoke starts to fill the space, blocking your field of vision, be able to see the exit, to be able to see the outcome. You can barely make out the exit now, barely see where you need to go,
as the dust and the dark and the smoke and the sense of foreboding and dread starts to overwhelm you further and further. This is the last skill challenge. This is the last check. Can you get to the door?
Can you get to the exit? You are helped somewhat by a dual source of light, one of the key to Drolak, the entrance to the sun, and also a secondary light that's closer, which gives you, and has lowered your DC for this, the light that Alpha has created previously, giving you kind of two markers in order to give you an idea about how to get there.
Under the water it's dark, above the water it's barely difficult to see. This isn't darkness, this is dust and smoke blocking your vision. So those with dark vision, you are under the same kind of difficulty here.
You might be looking at things like history. Do you remember intelligence? Can you figure it out? Survival? Can you feel the wind? I don't know. Anything in terms of that that you can try and come up with to get you to that door. You are mere meters away from it now, but now suddenly your vision has disappeared and you're just swimming in darkness. Can you make it there, Alpha? Can you? No, you can't, but let's try. Let's try.
Althas going to use his phoned in perfect memory to hopefully try and remember the exact path, the exact distance and all this that he saw the exit at moments before his eyes were all smogged up and clogged. So I'm going to go for a history check. Smoked and clogged. I've not done one yet. Oh, for fuck's sake. Oh my lordy lord. Can Callum get a new character? Yeah, just kill me off already. Just let old girls survive. I rolled an eight. Oh, fuck.
He's not giving it to you. He's not giving it to you either. I can't give it to him. It must be a natural one. Natural one. Oh, does it? I rolled a three. Didn't roll bad enough. Fair enough. Fair enough. Of course, it's like the halfling luck thing, isn't it? Cool. That is a failure, of course, unfortunately. But you might be the reason why some people pass, though, Callum. So don't kick yourself yet. Kick yourself in a minute when we all fucking die. Yeah, exactly.
not why old galley doesn't throw old gal up speaking of which old gal it is over to you yeah I mean for the first time old gal stops looking into the orb and he takes in his surroundings and with the light source both light sources and
As well knowing full well that the Troggos managed to make it out up here with the water coming I just like to make an investigation check and see if I can help guide alpha knowing that he's now stumbling Help guide alpha to the exit with an investigation check. Yep. Okay, go ahead And I like to think that old gal slips off one of his shoes and lets it sink to the bottom and uses his foot To kind of signal out pointing kind of like with his toes down there right in front of his face tapping on one side of the head trying to lead him on That's a 27
Yeah, I've got that Merlin from Sword in the Stone with his weird gangly toes. Yeah, absolutely very nice. Wow, that's a hell of a pass. Fantastic work. Good job. Can his past counteracts cut him as shit rolls? No, I can't.
Nothing can counteract my role that are that shit. Moving up then we've got Marota next. So Marota's sort of in the water, two hands holding onto her whip with the other end of the whip secured in her safe spot and she's just going to hand her end of the whip to Nyx and say, you'll be safe, don't let go of this.
And then she's going to climb the rest of the whip to get up to that point of safety. And she's just going to shout, I know you can't see, but this is the way out. And she's going to take out her flute and she's just going to huge inhalation of breath. Just let out one huge note continuously to try and signal an audio, like an audio cue for where the exit is. So I'm going to make a performance check. Very nice. Go for it. I really hope I just don't like inhale the flute and roll a natural one.
I wonder if there's anybody out there? 13. Me to beat. And that only passes, that only passes because of what Alpha did earlier. And because of that, you have just lowered the DC by another one. Before the party as well, because it's a nice obvious. I like to think if we have a set DC, you do shit that makes it easier. The DC should get easier as a result. So it was a 15, then it was a 13 out of 12.
So that was a pass, very nice indeed. Nice thinking, right? So it's just a really hard C ringing out across the cavern for everyone to locate. Very nice. Next, you hear this note, you hear a voice and you see a light at the end of the tunnel. What do you want to do?
I see the note. No, I hear the note. I see the light. So am I right in thinking that I have got in my hands a whip? And from that, there is a route to the exit. Yep. It's tethered. So it's like you're holding a mooring line. Right. Is there any chance that Nix can tie that to the chest that he's on and then climb it?
Why not? Everything's possible in D&D, baby. Everything's possible in D&D. So Nix would take Marotta's whip and loop it around the lid of the chest to kind of do a shipment's knot, because he has a history check on that one. But he could do a history check on the knot. Or he could use a acrobatics check on climbing the rope.
probably the acrobatics check but before he does so he's going to shout out to the group now that he's calmed more now he's out of the water and it's great and he's going to also check the weight of the chest as soon as he starts to climb just to make sure there's enough weight in there for it to kind of almost hold itself down
And if there's not enough weight in there, he's going to start taking out some of the gold from his chest and put it back in the chest of gold to add the weight to it. So it stops kind of moving around so much and it becomes more of a kind of weighted entry point so people can kind of grab this rope and follow it to the exit. He's going to shout to the others, go.
Everyone, follow the flute sound. And if you hear my voice, there's a rope here or a whip that you'd be able to grab hold of and it will take you to the exit. And then he's going to start climbing. Okay. Athletics, please. Athletics or acrobatics? Oh, acrobatics. Sorry. You said acrobatics. Sorry. How is a 21? Yes. 21 is a pass. Very nice. Very nice. Um, and that setup is brilliant then for Emron next penultimate skill challenge. Um,
I'd like to use, combining with everybody else's... I feel bullshit. I feel bullshit's coming on. Combining with everyone else's efforts. I would like to use persuasion and he's going to invoke Alito's name and persuade and encourage people towards where they're going. Sure. Let's go for that. Thanks. You clutched well at that straw.
What did you get, Will? Six. Was it from a one? No. No, it wasn't from a three. Unfortunately, that is a fail. You go to persuade everyone and you just get a glug full of nasty water in your gob. Unfortunately, you don't manage to persuade them, but you're still moving in the right direction. You're still going to get out. Right. Finally, last but definitely not least, Reigns.
What are we up to on this score, by the way? It's three passes, two failures. So if Darren fails this one, it does go to the fates. And if he passes it, it's a pass. Okay. Okay. Raines is seeing all this and he's hearing Nyx. He's heard Marota. He's going to glance at Nyx and he's going to go.
All right then, Salim, I guess I'm following you. And what Rains is gonna do is he's gonna just offer a quick, he's never been a spiritual person before, but he's gonna go, okay, mistress of the night moon, follow me, let me follow your disciple, I guess. At which point what's gonna happen is this little squirrel's head is just gonna appear out of the bag of holding and it's just looking at Rains up through the water.
and is going to go, you know, Rains, Artificer is the journey of discovery. And what's going to happen is these two little hands of these little squirrel eyes look up, are just going to push up this orb towards Rains and Rains is going to reach down into the bag of holding. And it's going to take out the orb of gravity. Oh, God. And what Rains is going to do is think
Well, I suppose I am an artificer. I'm just going to squeeze the orb of gravity. And we all die. And we activate it. We all just fall to heaven, so you never stop. Yeah, all the water in us just flip. Emron, Rains and Nyx. The other three are out at this point. Nyx is out.
Not Nick, not quite. I'm just putting a few more people for failure. That's the best thing about Nick. You don't know if he's out or in. He could go either way. As you continue to move, you definitely do, whatever, shut up. I'm doing this. And you just feel this weightlessness. And Nick, you are literally on the rope, pulling yourself up. And as you get close to the edge, you just suddenly feel your legs start to come up and over the top. As you're holding onto the rope now, you're pulling yourself down as opposed to pushing yourself up.
and Emron you feel this lightness suddenly like you've become ultra strong and your weight is lifted but the water seems to just hold itself and there's a stillness as instead of the gushing waves and frothing foamy water that's been moving around suddenly there's a stillness to the whole thing is almost like feels more jelly-like and rains as you walk you manage to
Definitely kind of almost pat a kind of pad through on the water until you're kind of like walking it like it feels almost like snow as you reach the surface of the water and you can clearly kind of make a way and see through this this this cacophony of Of dust and dirt and rocks full shot from the ceiling and then as they get within that barrier
slow right down and start to move almost at a snail's pace before you. You could just push them to the side away, and they kind of just move out of those huge slabs of stone, move across to the side. Though, when that happens, you do feel something inside you. Something happened, something odd. You can't quite put your finger on it yet. If something changes, something odd doesn't feel comfortable. You make it to the exit.
pass. I'm going to give that just a straight pass as the last one. Darren, I don't need you to get to the roll that overall.
you make it to the exit and there's a small cave entrance as rain as you move through, and I imagine take your concentration away from the orb, the effect wears off and you will kind of smash out through this whole sprinting as a group then out, quite cinematic. The water gushes out of the single butthole size hole and squirting out over the landscape. Why did I ruin it?
I know. And suddenly in the afternoon sun of Dralak and water sprays out and then eventually comes to a trickle and almost you feel like a small river has formed off the back. This is supposed to be pointed out. Fucking don't. What comes to watermark? And dark. Is it the red? The clay. Fucking don't. The clay.
This is a very, very disgusting inside joke for us that no one else needs to know about. So I do apologize. You look out over the stretching, the stretching shadow. No, let me use words. Don't ruin them for me. And the stretching shadows of the afternoon sun over the kingdom of Dralak over the hills and dunes that stretch forth beyond you.
And as

Encounters with the Caravan

you take a second and you pant as you look out over the surroundings you have, you notice something not too far off in the distance, a couple of hundred feet, if not slightly further, you notice a small caravan, a series of caravans passing by and a figure on top. The caravans have stopped looking out with a hand rested over an old, balding man looking out in your direction. And as you see this figure slowly start to make his, that make their way over to you,
I, as a DM, can tell you that you passed round one, passed round two, passed round three, failed round four, round five, which was the split. You passed. Round six, you passed as well. So the total score of five passes and only one failure for the silly bonus round I threw in last minute. That was pretty good going, guys, especially with some of the things you did to adjust the DCs as well. Very nice on that front.
which does mean that as you wait for these figures to make the way over to you, you consult and see what you've managed to collect and gain in Ghana from the situation. It was a partial success you had successfully in your pockets retained and received.
10,000 gold pieces amongst you. The other 3,000 unfortunately either fell out or weren't available to you but it is offset by at least 1,500 that were gained in the chest that was spat out along with Nyx as well. So actually your total isn't 13 but is 11,500.
the amount that you've actually gained. You did, because you had five passes and not four or less, all avoid any kind of serious physical damage to each of you as well, which was a definite, definite threat further down the line. So very well done for that. That's 300 less coins each for anyone doing your maths. Thanks. Solid amount.
A man appears standing in front of you. He seems to have a short sordid aside and kind of quite loose, light-colored clothing, a kind of clay-colored clothing and a large kind of hood that sits over above his head. He seems to be either a messenger or indeed a bodyguard of whoever is on the caravan below. Faziz said, he'd like to speak to you. Would you please follow me?
Uh, okay. Who, who said what? He's the guy on the caravan over there. He's just saw your spat out here and he just wants to say a few words to you. Okay. Ask if you're all right. That's all really. He wants to come see, see if you're okay. No, I've just, it's just being hospitable. The desert's a pretty nasty place. Okay. Okay. Right. Yes. All right. And everyone's like wiggling water out of his ears. Um,
What the fuck did you do in there anyway? Long story. Shall we? Aye. Old girl already starts kind of pottering past, climbing down off of Alpha's back. Old girl's clearly seen it. Just walks towards the caravan. I guess we are. Old girl's clearly seen this as a good thing, so let's follow him.
As you start to get closer, you approach the merchant caravan in this deep part of the desert. You see a long line of horse and donkey-drawn wagons, five or six of them down the line, actually. Each wagon is adorned with colorful fabrics and painted designs, hinting at maybe the wealth of this merchant. The sun still beats down. Despite it being late afternoon, it dries out yourself, your soul, your hair, your clothing, and equipment very quickly across the heat of the dunes.
At the head of the caravan is the figure you saw, a portly man probably in his late 50s, plump face, plump body. Years of outdoor travel has kind of leathered his skin and he has his dark sleeves rolled up to expose his lower arms.
He's got a wide brimmed straw hat that protects his face from the sun, which he removes sometimes to use his hands to look at, and then puts his hat back on, even though his hat does the same thing anyway. He wears a fine blue robe with gold embroidery all around it as you start to approach. Ah, fellow travelers, how do ye? Fine. We do okay.
You look like you got spout of an arsehole over there. What happened? Exactly. Sensitive subject. Yeah. All right. This is a pretty harsh place. And when you see people being spout of water holes in the middle of desert, you tend to ask questions. And just wondering if you need any help. I've got some water for sale, got some items, some food perhaps. I don't know if you've got anything on you. Where are you heading anyway? Just somewhere local.
Aye, I know the route well. Take the caravans from here to there, all through Drannach and up to Slickard to Scorchhelm all around. You're looking for something in particular? No, nothing in particular. Well, actually, I'm looking for some sort of transport to Scorchhelm. You see, I only got one shoe on, so you were... You happy to take a passenger to Scorchhelm, dear friend?
Aye, no problem, there we got room. See, it's a bit awkward, you see, because usually the cost for travel with me is 71 gold pieces, but considering there's only one of you, how about 35 and a half? Well, funny you should say that, friend. And I'll stand up.
I'll hand over exactly 35 and a bent gold coin. You've overpaid,

Future Paths and Mysteries

man. I'll make sure you have extra provisions in your caravan for the journey. I appreciate that very much, dear. Well, would you like to say for anyone else? Like I said, I'm just passing through. You're all right for water or for supplies. We must look after each other. I look after you. You look after me if you find me in here.
Do you need anything on your way? Where we're headed, we're not following the roads, so thank you for the offer. Aye, well, that being said, we'll crack on, sun's high and we need to get to camp before the sun sets, it gets pretty cold out here. Yourself, mister, sir, third one down my friend tells me it's pretty empty at the moment, there's only one other chap in there, you feel free to bunk in with him.
And for the extra half of gold, you know what? I'll get him to leave so you can have it to yourself. No, I appreciate that. I like my space. I might be little in statute, but I like to stretch out what I do to sleepin'. Right, a lot of information there. I tend to need to know, but no problem. Get on board. It's a couple of days at the scorch helm, so yeah. We'll chat later. I'm interested to know about yourself. Anyway, I'll leave you to say your goodbyes and then we'll be on our way.
I appreciate that. Yeah, I got a couple of things I need to say to this lot here. And I'll turn to the rest of the group and say, well, this is where I'm going to say my goodbyes to y'all, but it's not like I'm, you know. It feels like we've just been spat out of that asshole, as that gent just said. And all of a sudden you're leaving? Well, yeah, it all kind of played out how I thought it was going to play out. You could have given us a heads up that we would have been soaked.
Yeah, but the trouble is, Nix, when our duns tells you things that's gonna happen, they don't happen. That's the issue. Like, you know, when we was down in the... I'm surprised. I'm not gonna point to Emron. He's got all his limbs. Like, if we'd have gone in first time, that guy was gonna have one arm left, and you guys decided to take the long rest, or the short rest, we took an extra 50 minutes, and hell, he got all his arms, so, you know, it worked out in your favor. We's all good, right?
So I can't argue with that. Are we going to see you ever again? I mean, I was assuming that you were going to stick with us because you kind of, you know, become part of the team. So. Oh, hell yeah. Well, I.
It's a shame for you to be leaving. No, I appreciate that, but I ain't like no little bitch or nothing. I got my old shit to do. I can't just go around and wipe your asses all the time we go into, you know, seeing ropers and shit. I mean, I think we're off to see some dragons next, if you fancy that. Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa. Let's not say that too loud now, then Ron. I should be right. Old gal will kind of get up close to you, I'm on as well, and say, you know what? There's a man on this here.
Caravan don't knows a little bit thing like that. Maybe even just just mentioning not necessarily the dragons per se but if you don't say something You describe where's use going? Someone here knows where's use gone be so they'll be able to give you a little bit of a little bit of the details If you know what I mean, but you don't know I can't go with you dad. That's not my thing I got a score channel to go to I gotta go see some things it points out for you to you as well
Darren, he'll point over to you and go, and you hefty boy were gonna be pleased with what you done with his orb. That was impressive shit. I mean, you stopped those three there from drowning yourself as well. You got great control over that, and I'm not gonna be gone for good. I'll keep an eye on you on my orb. I'll seize all the kind of shit that you're doing. I'll level with you. I'm garden daddy. I'm dog girl.
I feel like shit. I don't know what the hell was in that role, but I do not. Do not feel good right now. Just give me a minute. That's right. No, you take all the time you need. Hell, you take all the time you need. I'm going to be gone so I don't give a shit.
Yeah, and as old girl says that, Reigns is just going to turn, drop to his knees, but the suit is going to stay upright. He's just going to vacate the suit of studded leather. And just in his, his travel clothes, his rich travel clothes, he's just going to fall onto his knees until the dirt. And he's just taking some deep breaths. He's like, Oh, I didn't, I'd enjoy that. Oh damn. He'll scuttle up to Nick's, give him a tap on the cheek as well and say,
You done pretty good with that there crack door, boy. You maybe have the sight after all. That's bullshit, but I'm pretty impressed. I got to say. Cool. Right. Have a nice life. He'll scuttle himself away to the caravan and suddenly stop for a second and turn back around and go, oh, uh,
Yeah, one last thing. This ain't goodbye. You'll see me around. Hell, you know what? I'm going to see you again with a 13-comer knocking. And with that, he's going to turn, scoot off, and jump on the caravan. What did he say? 13-comer knocking. He said I was really good. Emron's going to have gone over to Reigns.
and just be putting his hand reassuring on his shoulder, you know, like rubbing his back, you know, when someone's trying to be sick, kind of thing. I'm going to cast Healing Word while I do that. I know it's not going to have any, like, hit points effect, but I'm just trying to cast Healing Word on Darren to make, or to range, to make range feel better. It does seem to have a little bit of an effect and does kind of lift the nausea and feeling of wrongness away slightly from you. And as he does that, he's going to look over to Alfred and be like, uh, Alfred, you've got,
good memory. Can you remember the details of where we're going? You could ask that person in the caravan for a bit more of information. Just purposely trying to set me up because I've had to have a new fucking book. I have no idea what my old one is. I generally have no clue. I can't remember. I go back in my book and I was like, where is it?
So I kind of will wait. No, it could take a while. My first note is on episode 54. Perfect memory. It's when we rescued Marota and the Drake talked to us. Why the fuck did you choose a character that has a perfect memory? It was for the bonuses for it. Course it bloody was. But now that role play is coming to...
Rains was just shouting from on his knees. This one has a question. He's just processing. This is what happens when he's searching for his question. Come on, Alpha. You said you're getting quicker at this. All right, young man. What questions did you have for me? Was that about your travels? Where are you going? If I stop rolling, that's like a loading screen. When the guy starts rolling and he's back in the room, that's when he'll have his question for you.
A loading screen. I don't know what a screen is, but I know a loading. Is it like a dock or something? Nah. He was broken by the Y2J.
Yeah, it's like a memory. You imagine going in a warehouse where you have like a perfect memory, but it's in a warehouse and you have to find it in the warehouse before you can find the memory. Like some sort of mind palace kind of thing. I feel like you guys are stalling for your friend here. It's supposed to be really impressive, but it's kind of embarrassing because every time we ask him to you that this happens.
kind of took a long ass time and in all fairness I'm still kind of disappointed in my notes here. Follow the sudden road, find the master in sands and crystal tunnels. What damn hell for your voice has changed?
I'm sorry reaching I'm sorry reaching so far back and scored me to
What directions to the place you're going wouldn't have been easy. Everyone, I'm hallucinating. I'm hallucinating. Alpha's doing that strange voice where he sounds like a, where he sounds like he's from Mansfield again. I don't even know where Mansfield is. I believe it's a small town in Shadowman. It's a reach shell. A field of men. I don't like the sound of that at all.
I do named after a very mad local Lord who thought that he could grow a population by planting people in the ground. Very weird. And anyway, if we don't hurry up, one of those people will have grown out the ground by the time it takes Alpha to find the goddamn memory. Alpha, what's happening?
I'm afraid I can't recall. I can't find a damn thing. Maybe ask me the thing you thought about just now. We're supposed to be searching for the sands and crystal tunnels. I didn't think of such an agent. I was seeing if I had any more notes. No, you didn't. That's what I fucking gave you. Take the fucking bait, Callum.
You know, when you leave your phone in the sun for too long and it just shuts down, that's effectively what happens. I'm waterlogged. I'm waterlogged right now. Your alpha is overheating. Some applications may not be available. How many writes? I'm going to make a character with a perfect memory. I can't see that backfiring. I'm not going to make notes. I can't do the rest of the players basically grilling me for everything. I'm going to tell you to F off. Right. Should we try again, Callum? Do you want to ask me?
We're keeping all this in, I hope. I sincerely hope we are keeping all of this character in. So, young man, I hear you have a question for me. My memory records mentions of crystal tunnels. Are you familiar of such a place? I am. My question to you would be why you're searching for them. We have been given an objective to go and explore and report back.
Fine. You don't seem to course me any trouble. I'm going in the opposite direction anyway. You follow my tracks back for about a couple of hours. You turn right, follow the sun. It's not necessarily caves, but it's something sparkling. That might be what you're after. People will ask about things in the desert. They never ne'er do well, but they're never great in the head either. That's why I questioned you first.
Like I said, a couple of hours back the path and take a right, follow the sun. You should make it before sundown. When you say follow the sun, do you mean follow the sun as it's setting or follow the sun when it's rising? As it's setting. As it's setting my life. Yep. So same day. To Western. Right.
And then I said, like I said, you'll be there. You'll see the thing. It's the only thing that glares in the desert that I've seen in my many years of going through here. So I didn't know about any caves particularly, but the only thing they have that glimmers that people ask about is this thing. If they're out, we should be careful of. Not that I know. I'll stay clear of it. Don't go near it.
I see people coming from it sometimes, creatures that are, I don't know, I'm not sure I say creatures, I don't know, it's sort of fairy wife's tales, doesn't it? I see figures,

Mutual Aid and Conclusion

distance, I think they might be people, people living in the desert maybe, but there's something twinkling out there. If it's gonna be something, it'll be that, but that's the only thing apart from sand and fucking corpses of traitors. That's all you gotta find out here pretty much. And apparently a butthole of water.
Which is new, I'll be told I'm a fucking idiot when I tell people about that. So anyway, down the track, follow me, follow him up. Just hold, hold the sending stone. Traders. What do you mean by traders? Traders, people. You know, if you're gonna dispose of a corpse, where's a better place to do it than the middle of the desert? You're gonna get eaten by some of the sand creatures that are out there anyway? The worms or some of them? Ah, some of them. Ah, some of them. Makes me wonder, who have they betrayed, that's all.
Could be anyone, could be their own clan, could be a kingdom, could be anyone. It's a good place to hide. No one really likes to come at you, you know. So just keep your wits a bit here. That's why I colour everything like this. You can't really pretend that I'm not, you know, handfalutin' when you got shit like this goin' on. I'm not a traitor, you see. Just a caravan and just a merchant.
Thanks for your verse, we appreciate it. Mark, is there anything on any of his carts that looks slightly broken that I could fix? Yes, actually quite a few caravans down, one or two of the spokes and one of the wheels is broken. There are a couple of people there whilst they stop trying to fix it. They're not fully broken but they're cracked and they're trying to replace them out before he asks to get moving.
Again, everyone's going to turn to the man. We appreciate what you've done and obviously given the advice and allow me to repair your kindness and everyone will then go over and I will use the cantrip mending to help fix the wheel. Oh, very nice. Reigns was assistive that year. That's a kind thing because obviously it's very spoke area. So just to make that quicker, Reigns will go over and just just just help them run cast mending.
Nice. He turns to you. Oh, you have my blessings. Good on you. Thank you very much. But it's the way of the sand. You must repay that to those which need help, and you hope that it will come to you when you are in aid yourself. So it's the way of the road, but I thank you nonetheless. Stay travels, travelers, and I hope to meet you again someday.
And he's going to, to his lead donkeys and move the caravan on. And the men that will work on the wheels give you a nice little, oh, thank you, thank you, thank you. As they pass as well, as they hop on, as the caravan moves off away from you, leaving a slight trail of dust. And as you look back the way they had come towards Corey, towards your possible.
final destination for your next destination, your next mission entrance. That is where we're going to leave it for this week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop. We are almost there.
Finally almost getting there guys hot diggity. Damn. That's a lot skill challenge. Very nice. Very creative. And a lot of those did appreciate that. I can't wait for Will's next character to come in next episode. Oh, the girl just being an MV motherfucking P. What's your name? I'm young gel. Young gel. I'll pick up the mummy.
Well all that leads me to say is thank you very much for tuning in listening make us a part of your every day week. If you wanted to keep up to date with the podcast then get on top of us and tell us or me to update our X page. Get on top of us on a social media outlet not on a physical sexual outlet as some people here in this Zencaster has thought I was alluding to.
You can follow it at iWorlda1, it's my own personal page. And then if you wanted to follow the main page, it's at Fellowship Table. If you wanted to go one step further and follow Callum individually, you can do so. He's at the D20 Gamer. Danny's at Total Party Thrills. Darren is at
Well, one is at Natural20Will. Will, two is at Fellowship NPC PC. And our one and only DM can be found at HastyRolledDM. Until next time, guys.