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Ep. 29 Farewell Ol Gell - Bellum Draconis image

Ep. 29 Farewell Ol Gell - Bellum Draconis

S2 E29 · The Fellowship of the Tabletop
108 Plays2 years ago

Alpha learns what responsibility is. 


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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade


Can anyone breathe fire?

Tell you what, you want to be able to breathe fire? You want fire coming out your mouth, boy? Yes, he does. Do I? Do I want? Yes, he does. He would love that. I would love that.

Introduction to 'The Fellowship of the Tabletop'

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop. Bellum Draconis, we are a live play 5e D&D podcast set in the magical homebrew world of Aerith in the Kingdom of Sleepguard. My name is Mark, hello, and I am the Dungeon master and also with us for this week's episode we've got Danny who plays the half-orc monk morrow to Broken Dusk. Bonjoule. We've got Will who plays the halfling, I'm trying to remember this, the halfling divination wizard O'Gail.
Salut! We've got Callan who plays the Warforged Artifers at Alpha. Good and bad. And we've got Ian who plays the Tiefling Warlock, Nyx Karel. Ciao! We're picking up pretty much where we left off, guys, but in case you have missed out on what's happened over the last seven days since you've last listened to our wonderful, wonderful little podcast, we're going to pass right over to our chronicler for an update on last week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabla Top.

Goblin Negotiation Recap

In the last few pages of our adventure, our not-yet-heroes find themselves in the tunnels of the Runkclaw Clan Goblins, underneath the Murgor Estate. Using the captured goblin as hostage, Alpha negotiates passage through the tunnels, requesting the audience of Liag's, the Clan Chief. In his grand hall, Nyx attempted to persuade the Clan Chief to cede power of the Clan to the party, but this was unsuccessful.
Alpha then proceeded to challenge Liags in a one-on-one combat, but Liags had a counteroffer. The party will face Liags and his goons in a non-fatal competition after being allowed a short rest to prepare.
Nix was able to feign a fall into the treasure hoard and deftly locate and pocket the crystal ball old Gell had taken from him. As most of the party left to rest, Marota struck up an independent bargain with Lyax, to which he accepted.

Preparing for the Competition

We find the four of us in a small hovel of a room which has been dedicated to the four of you to recover or to rest to make it a fair fight between Liag's and his crew and yourselves. There are a number of beds broken and battered scattered around the space dragged down these two flights of stairs from below the mansion to where they currently find. Some have covers most disgusting many of which probably have been slept in very very recently by some of the many goblins that stare through from the room to the north.
However, in your current locale, you are alone. The four of you are in there, and you have about an hour. I'm going to assume, as the episodes begun, we have all taken our hit dice and long rested, regained spell slots, et cetera, that we need to do for a short rest.
Is there anything that you would have wanted to have happened during that time? RP discussions or any tinkering or game breaking things?

Alpha's Past and Emotional Battles

Callum, you might want to do... Well, there is something I had in mind. Just as we are waiting, Alfred's going to be just kind of sat in a chair. He's not going to be doing much else, but he's going to have in his hand the shield that was obviously picked up from the armory previously.
much like he did for Emron. He's going to try and do the same kind of magical game breaking bullshit with this one. And he's running low on a lot of energy. He's just going to try and channel in a little bit of energy into the shield. So now I'm going to have my enhanced defense instead of Emron. Okay, lovely. Thank you very much. Yeah, that's going to just up my AC a little bit. Is that by one or by 11?
Technically, because I put the shield on now, that's plus two, and then I get a plus one for enhanced defense as well, so it's plus three. Okay, fair enough. Fair enough, that's cool. For the three remaining players, anything else you guys wanted to do during your long rest? We'll go over to Nixle first of all. As Alpha is messing with himself, Nixle kind of wander over.
Uh, you really remember nothing, Alpha, about when we entered this building? About, like, your emotional, uh, state? There are flashes, brief moments that I recall. I remember approaching, uh, the goblins. I remember, uh, Kree Stor coming out of his tent. I seem to recall,
doing something horrific to a poor unfortunate goblin. Not horrific. You weren't out of hand. I actually think you were rather powerful and you were fearsome. And I was hoping that you could probably tap into that power for what's to come because we need it. We need you.
It did not have much success before. Why would anything change now? You seemed more focused and single-minded, which in battle... I mean, I'm not well-fed with a lot of land battle, but I do know that a focused and single mind would help.

Philosophical Musings on Life and Growth

So I just... You're over here, you're tinkering around with
Whatever you're doing, I just didn't know if it was worth a word with you just to try and get you on track and focus because I think whatever they've got planned in there is bad for us. So I just wanted to make sure that you're on your A-game, as it were. I will see what I can do. I recall you told me to think of a memory that indeed made me angry.
Well, yeah, that kind of had like an outstanding effect. What memory were you pulling from for that to happen? It is an old one from shadow men, when I do not reach to really very often, but sometimes I can't help but think about it. I always brush it to one side. I believe possibly sadness normally overwhelms me, but it is the first time that I felt angry.
What happened to make you so angry? I was betrayed by somebody who I thought was my friend. We were supposed to leave Shadow Mend together. But... Is this another robot friend? No. No, not a robot friend. He is of an organic nature, yes.
But like an organic as in a Nyxul kind of gesture to himself. Not of your ilk, more similar to Raine's. What was that person's name? He called himself Finch.

Character Backgrounds and Trust Issues

Everett Finch. He gave me as a gift. It's pistol.
Oh, and then left and that angered you. It did for a brief moment. And that's what you pulled on that emotion earlier. Indeed. Well, well, that couldn't have been easy for you. And it also made me sad. I felt like I had betrayed my dad and father.
betrayed their trust. It was not a feeling I liked. That is the emotion that I believe. Why do you feel like you betrayed your fathers? They trusted me to stay mostly within the confines of the house, only venturing out under supervision. But
Back then, I, much like you and Morota, encouraged me to do, ventured forward by myself, eager to learn of different cultures and different ways. The betrayal of their trust only led me to horrendous things, horrendous feelings, but I do not wish to betray their trust again.
offer you can't go through life and not come up against these feelings by you being housebound or protected
You're not living a full life. And unfortunately, part of life is sadness and betrayal, but they also teach you to understand there's happiness and fun and laughter. But you can't have the light without the dark. Everything's balanced, light, dark, happiness and sadness.
I don't know. What about good and bad? That's, for the most part, for my very short understanding, subjective, other than the hard truths that some people are just bad and some people are good. But if you go too deep into that thought, I don't know if your self is up. But I do know that to understand what happiness is, you need to understand that sadness happens.
Do you consider yourself good, Nix? Marota, is there something I can help you with? I don't like this question. I think we spoke about this before. You decide what's good, you decide what's bad. I don't think we can measure each other with the same stick. Subjective.
I was merely asking for his own perspective, or his own actions. Does it have to be so binary? Can it not just be him? We all have good and bad tendencies, the light and the dark as Nick stated. I merely was curious to see if he would put himself in any individual category. I myself would not know where to put me. Well that makes you like all of us.
Alpha, just doing your best. But I'm just saying, don't feel like you betray anyone by doing things that cause a reaction and emotion inside of you, because that means that you're living. I will take it into consideration. Thank you. Absolutely. And thanks for being so honest with me. I think when you tell your dad about what happened,
I don't think he will say that he felt betrayed or disappointed in you. And if he does, I think share the words that we've shared with you. It is possible. Perhaps one day I will be able to tell him. I wouldn't call it fear as such, but there is something in me that does not wish to reveal this information to him. I can't explain the hesitancy.
You've got a few bumps and scratches. How are we going to explain those? I believe he's talking about his time with Finch, Morota. Oh. Not this time with the goblins. I understand. I believe I can come up with a reasonable paragraph or two that would explain the damage to me. Oh, are we talking about the goblins? On this occasion, since Morota has bought it up,
Yes. I'd be really curious to hear what you have to say about the acid burn in your foot there. Goblins can sometimes be known to brew weapons of great

Magical Abilities and Battle Preparations

devastation. I got away quite lucky. Alpha, I'm pretty sure that no matter what you tell your dads about what's transpired here, me and Marota will go along with any story, any story, as Nyx looks towards Marota, that you should tell.
That is good news. It's like a circle of trust thing that we have here. I like that. Likewise to know that, yes, you can trust me. What I was going to say, likewise, if you feel like you've got things that are burdening you that you can't tell your dads, you can always come to me and Marota.
There is something interesting about you, Nick. Something fascinating. Probably my eyes. Is it his inability to do anything well? That is a strong trait that I've picked up. Yeah, like falling over that chair that was just not moving. Yeah, speaking about that, old gal.
So you look over and see old girl kind of sitting cross-legged on the floor probably is back to you And what you would notice is he's got his staff planted in the ground sort of perpendicular to the ground Crystal orb at the top of it. You can see a hoot is there opposite him wings unfurled and
old girl's kind of got a feather in each hand and you can see him kind of making gestures on the floor in front of him and kind of drops the feathers in front and effectively what i'm doing mark is i am ritual casting augury a divination spell which is basically to kind of
almost see into the future in some way. I'll just quickly read you what it basically says. I pretty much ask to receive an omen about a specific course of action that I plan to take within the next 30 minutes and the DM gets to choose the possible omen's wheel, if it's for good results, whoa if it's for bad results, wheel and whoa for a mixture or nothing if it's nothing especially good or bad.
and effectively in the casting of this, Olga is just going to basically ask about the outcome of this fight. If we all fight to the best of our ability in this contest coming up, is it going to work in our favour?
You feel your body kind of warm and warmth kind of flows through Olgail's body as always happens when you choose to cast Olgrew. And the resounding response is that of Will. Okay. Yeah, a raw smile. Do I need to give you anything else apart from that? Do I need to give you any more details? No, no, no. It's literally just that. Just that? Okay, cool.
literally just that thank you and yeah a small kind of smile will cross his face and he'll just kind of say gently to his snowy owl in front of him when they say it was a four v four i don't think that means you a hoot so you best uh get back up on this here turban on my head i'm just gonna pop you away for a little bit and i'll have a hoot fly up onto my head and just kind of disappear
as you're coming over. Apologies. Hey, old girl. Oh yeah. Well, yes. Hello. Are you okay? Oh no, I'm absolutely fine. Yeah. I was just doing some, uh, just doing some seeing, you know, what I say about the negatories and affirmatories looking into the future, things like that. That was the future of good.
Well, I do certainly hope so. Like I say, I've got the cracked orb, so it don't always tell me all the good things and the bad things, not always 100% accurate. Yeah, about the orb. You said earlier that if they gave you the orb, you would just go and leave us.
Well, that's what I said in the time, yes, but you see, I got this special ability to help me kind of disappear up into the sky. I was done thinking that I could do that for a little bit. See how you guys get on and then help out when it has and when I need to. Nix is going to roll a perception on that or whatever it is.
Again, Will, you can roll against that. You can roll Deception or Persuasion depending on whether or not you feel you want to be inside for you. Deception or Persuasion for Will.
Fucking bullshit either way. I'm rolling like shit. Um, eight, eight minus one seven. So, um, what are you, what are you looking to, uh, envision? I want to know if he is, uh, if he's telling the truth in the fact that he wasn't going to fucking leave us. If he got his orb, like, I want to know if your, if your information is solid. Yes. The information was.
Awesome. So upon hearing that, Nix will reach into his leather jacket, into his deep pockets and pull out the orb and almost kind of play with it in the style that it rolls from the back hand over the fingers into his palm and then back over the fingers to the back of his hand. Like Bowie in Labyrinth.
Yes, thank you. It's been in my mind since the last episode. I'm like, I know exactly how I want to present this. Nice. But I didn't know where that image was coming from. It is exactly like Bowie in Labyrinth. That's exactly what I'm trying to do. Now, whether or not you need me to roll a performance check because I'm trying to make it look cool as fuck. And as Maro has already said, Nick, that's a habit of fucking things up. Just let it happen. Drop it. Drop it. Oh, man. I cracked it. How's the 21?
You drop it. It's literally, you know, they got a hat. Obviously, they had to get a hand to double for that scene. If you don't want to talk about going watch back labyrinth with Bowie and yeah, for that bit, they get a hand to double because obviously he can't do all that. He's great. He's not that great. But yes, you're literally like that hand double man. I'm gonna find his name at some point. And it's just like perfect.
You don't have like cannonballs or something in your past, this is light and light and easy as you make this look yeah. Oh girl's eyes light up and he goes, oh no lally, how do you even do that, I don't understand. Oh you done, I did not see this coming, that's so, oh well. Oh what, and he kind of, you can see him kind of skipping from leg to leg, really excited at this.
I believe we had a deal where if I was to reclaim your orb for you, I would get that cracked orb on top of your staff. That's true. I tell you, I don't need this one. If I can have that one there, you start unscrewing the crystal orb on the top of his staff.
Thank you. And there's the spoils of your war. Please don't leave us. I think we're going to need you in the fight ahead. I'm trusting you here. Oh, no, I'm definitely... And as he's saying this, and the orbs are exchanged, and your hand kind of joins his hand through the orb, you'll see it immediately light up. And you kind of sense this power coming from old girl, and his pupils just disappear. His eyes are milky white. And all you hear is,
Incarceration, tempest hidden, upon the waves a rescue bidden. His pupils come back straight away. He takes the open door and says, I've been looking for this for such a long time. Thank you so much. And he's kind of twisting onto the top of his stuff. You're welcome. You're welcome. Yeah, Sammy.
Cool. So don't leave us. Oh, not a chance. No, I stay with you for this one. I tell you what, you want to be able to breathe fire? You want fire coming out your mouth, boy? Yes, he does.
Yes, he does. He would love that. I would love that. It's advantageous. Oh, okay. I can do it with some, I can make it like a freezing cold if you like it. It's pretty limited. Let's go for the fire. Let's go for the fire. Why not? That sounds pretty good. Tell you what, when this fight happened, you give me the high five, I'll give you the fire breath. Right. I'll give you the high five and off fire breath. Do you want like a
Maybe a wink or something. If I'm right next to you and a high five you and fire comes out my mouth, I'm just thinking. No, that's a good point. But you see, I've got to touch you. I've got to put my hands on you, boy. Right. This is getting better by the moment. OK, cool. Cool. OK. All right. All right. Making a note for when I tell this to Raines and Emron, Nick touched by weird old man.
I'm hoping at some point I could really kind of pick your brain and Nix pulls the crackdaw about how to read this. I find it fascinating. And maybe you could just point me in the right direction of where I could learn such skills. Yeah, that's not a problem. You're willing to study for 50 years of your life, son. Well, that's not a problem. I point you in the right direction. As soon as we get out of here, I'll show you the right way to go. OK, that's very good of you. And I'm glad I could help you get back your prize possession.
I do appreciate that. I am in your debt mix. Thank you very much. If we get out of this alive, consider ourselves square. Sounds good to me. Okay. Is there anything else that wants to be done before we head back into the room and head this off? No. All right.

Entering the Goblin Arena

The small, grubby guard comes to the door and looks at you all. Uh... Leag told me to come get you. Are you used already?
I'll take my silence, you are. You follow me, follow me. And he beckons with his finger and he walks, turns left down the corridor, past the bone wall that stands between you and the entrance to the large antechamber that is the runk claw clan headquarters. And oh, has it changed?
Many of the goblin clan have filled the space at the far end almost creating a semicircle from the center of the room towards where you enter from. They split only for the large spit of raw warg that rotates still. There's still one goblin whose job it is to rotate the warg as it cooks slowly over the fire.
There are probably about 20, 25 goblins all stood anticipating the event, seeing what's going to happen. You see in front of them and directly opposite you as the four of you enter is Liag's stood in the middle with two melee fighters either side of him and also one goblin with a crossbow. These are the gnarly sort. They are much bigger.
but they still look pretty war hardy. But Liag still stands a good half a foot to a foot taller, both his large, kind of viciously, brutally damaged scimitars in either hand stood down flexing hard with his large metal pauldrons and his sharp ears and black teeth staring back at you.
As you step into the space, the two guards that stood at the sides stand in behind you. There is no one really else apart from the four of you and the four of them. They're kind of forming a semicircle to reduce the space. In and around you, though, are some objects that might be advantageous to give you a sense of the surroundings. You have almost equidistance between you and them, two pillars, either side, the far side of the space.
there are a number of broken crates to your back left corner there is a broken bed to your back right corner there are a number of candles dotted around the space directly in front of old gel where you enter is a ball and chain and just to the in front of the left pillar there what looked like an old kind of church pew almost up on its side causing a space for a bit of bit of cover as well and that's kind of it
There stood opposite you and Liag's looks at each of you in turn. Well, I hope you're all well rested. I am prepared for you. This will be a very short encounter. Yeah, sure. And he turns to the other goblins that surround him and he voice booms out, but I won't boom it because I'll lose my voice.
He shakes. I am Liad's. Defeater of Kestan. Defeater of Rugrot. Defeater of Sarsdan. I stand here as the leader of the Runk-Claw clan. Alpha, shoot him now. He coughs off the side, spits on the floor. And I stand here.
as your leader. Yeah, okay. If Marotin's whispered it to me, I'm just going to roll a quick d20 just to see if I get range. I've got a natural 20 anyway, which is such a waste of a natural 20. But no, I stay calm. I stay logical. And yes, I will withdraw my pistol and basically go to shoot him straight in the chest while he's monologuing. Good boy. Okay, roll to hit.
15? Misses. Well, it hits him, but a pin bounces off the pauldron. He pauses. Everyone's quiet. As he turns around. That wasn't very good of you. Are we doing this or what?
He bares his teeth and just runs forward. Can we roll initiative, please? Okay. Did everyone get 20 plus? 50 to 20? Yeah. 16. I think Murata's got the higher decks. I would hope so. I have 15. I have 30. Dex modifier. Dex modifier. Yeah. Plus one. Plus two.
Alpha. What did you get? Oh, Gell. Oh, Gell got it. Solid 12. 12 and Nix.

Battle with Goblins and Liags Begins

13. Lovely. Leag is going to start the round. It's handy on a 17. And he's going to run towards you. He's going to be shouting out. If you don't play fair, I don't play fair.
and bring up his stats so I know what I'm doing. He's going to take a few steps forward and then he's going to turn back to the others around him.
What are you waiting for? And they're going to, it's kind of one of his kind of villain actions taken, and they are gonna be able to move, and I'm moving just a second on their turn. I've got the three, the other goblins separately, I actually got two separate sets working out. He's also gonna run forward, say that to the guys behind him, and then he's gonna look to the guy in his right, who is currently in the audience to say, don't just stand there.
And this goblin is going to look terrified for a second and then nod his head. He's going to draw his scimitar and he's going to step forward out and join the battle. The other three are going to take the command. Five seconds.
God, I lost the ability to count then. That was embarrassing. That was really awful. Both the melee guys are going to run forward towards you. They can't quite get in range. God, that's really annoying. I should have put you closer to old Gal and to Marota. I've got you at the moment in left to right. Old Gal, Alpha, Nix, and then Marota.
Nick Marotta on the right. We've got Ljagz in the middle and then a Misarcher friend is just off to the side. He's going to stay where he is and he's going to take a pot shot directly at Nick's because he's in his line of sight. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. What's that plus? Five breaths. 23 against your armor class. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That is six points of piercing damage.
as it comes flooding in. I mis-rage. Yeah, man. You still would have taken it. That is the end of Liag's turn and everyone else. Oh, sorry. No, he couldn't have fired then. Apologies. Take that back. Take that back. Take that back. Wow, I'm hitting everything. I'm so sorry. It's Liag's turn. He could have instigated movement. They can't then attack because they go on a separate turn. They got much lower initiative order. So take that off. I'm so sorry.
Take it off. So they've moved. He's forced the move. He's forced the other goblin to get involved, but he can't get into range. And they can't shoot until it's their turn. Apologies for that. Morata, it's your turn. You saw an arrow fly out and then the DM plucked it out of the air, but these two other melee attackers have moved forward. You've seen a third melee goblin joined from the left-hand side on old girl and alpha's side. Yes, this is turning into a hairy combat. What do you want to do? So I'm looking at that ball and chain.
How much slack would you say is on the chain? How much slack? As in, if the ball didn't move, how long would the chain be? Would the chain be like 15 feet, would you say? That's a very Callum way of wording it. Five meters, if you would. Okay, cool. I'm going to go grab the chain.
Uh, and I'm going to try and just in one movement, pick it up and I'm going to try and shackle it around the, uh, shackle it around. Uh, yes. Okay. So in, in, to try and restrain him essentially. Yeah. So this is using the use in action, uh, using item action. Would he just let you do that though? Do he feel like he needs to roll something too?
So I'm wondering if he, if he sees me running towards him with a shackle in my hand, maybe the instinctual check there is a deck saved to see if he can avoid me doing it. Yep. It was contested then against your kind of like a grapple thing. I don't.
I'm using an item. Oh, is it just a save on my end? I would say, but I don't know what the DC would be. I'd say roll sleight of hand, maybe, just because you're trying to slip it round him. But I'm not. I'm trying to literally just throw it onto him brute strength. I could do an athletics check if you want. No, I feel like it's like a hit. You're kind of slapping it on him, cracking it on him. So just use your
modifier that you would normally have to hit because that's the same kind of thing. Uh, yeah, I think it kind of improvised weapon.

Creative Combat Strategies

Okay. How about this? How about this to justify it? A chain with a little heavy thing at the end is really like a whip. So why don't I use the thing I'd use to hit with the whip and say, go for it. We'll contest it. So we haven't got to come up with the DC. Okay.
I've rolled his dexterity. I've got 13. It's successful. Okay. Okay. Okay. So he would be restrained? Yeah. Well, you pick because like it is now what I would say in this area.
is that if the ball takes up five foot on its own, the chain is a length of five foot. I would say he can move in a circle of five foot around the ball. Well, 15, I think. I would just say whatever the slack of the chain is, which I believe Danny's previous question would be almost the square of movement, if you will, around it, I'd imagine.
Yeah, so I imagine that you've probably got him, you've attached him on, you've linked him in at kind of its most taught. He won't go to move much further away from that, but he has got like a range around it. Where the ball currently sits, which is just off in front of one of his goblin mates, just to your back, left shoulder, Marotta.
Um, that, that ball stays in place. I've got it. Well, it's a, I've got it as a 20 kilo ball. So 40 pounds worth of weight. So I'm going to say that he can move it, but it's going to cost him movement a third or half, or maybe I don't know, three quarters movement to kind of lug it, to move it in order to give him more range unless he attacks the thing directly. Nice. Very nice. Ooh.
No, that was a bit of thinking. That was a bit of chitchat, but thanks for going along with that. That was a really great idea. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So yeah, I've bound him. And now I'm going to use my bonus action. I'm going to try and slap him in the throat to stop him from giving commands. Wow. This is an actual incapacitation, or is this just a... No, I'm just going to pummel at his throat in hopes that one turn he might have to cough rather than speak. He has coughed a lot so far. Because I figure his voice is going to be a problem.
You're saving me a bit of throat work, so I appreciate that. Ooh, throat work? Yeah, exactly. I'm doing this for you, Mark, and I hit him for 21 in the throat. Yes, that hits the throat. Well, it hits him, yeah. Three points of blood damage. Catch him on the side of the throat, punch him on that, where the carotid artery, and artery is, anyway, punch him on the throat. He says. Cool. And I end my turn in attack mode. Yeah.
Nice, thank you very much. Alpha, your turn. What do you want to do? You stood in the very, very middle. There's Goblins behind you, Goblins to the front. Here you are, stuck in the middle with Oakhill. That's fine. What Alpha's going to do is really impressed with Merosian's swift movements against Liagh. I'm just going to put myself the other side of
Oh, Gil. Other side of Nick's. Sorry. Thanks. Yeah, you're welcome. Just so I have a little bit of a clear line of sight against Leog. Instead of trying to shoot past Marota, which in past experiences for Alpha has not gone very well. And I'm going to take another shot with my pistol. Click, boom, fire away. Click and boom.
Something good! 19 to hit! That hits! Yeah, absolutely. I was like, distracted by my rotor, but the damage is shit. Four points of piercing damage. It slams into his forearm, cutting through some of the flesh below his arm. But he's still obviously upright. Bit of a shit. Bad guy if he went down after that. Anything else you want to do, Alpha?
No, nothing else I can do. Lovely. Nyx, Alpha's just kind of shimmied past you, shimmy, shimmy, shimmy, bang and shot just off your right shoulder. Sorry, Meritorious, is this something you wanted to? Just a quick question. Are we treating the boss as, sorry, Liax as restrained, the actual condition? No. I was- So there's no conditions. I think the only thing, I'm imagining it's like a ball in chain, you've kind of wrapped around his ankle.
He can move though because he's got the slack of the chain so he's not going to be able to move. It's grappled that main movement is zero. Restrained means he has movement but other things... Restrained means the speed still becomes zero. They both mean zero. Sorry, you're correct. You're correct. So there's no conditions on that because I was going to say he could roll with advantage on attack. I think except if he... I guess except if he moves out of that space, I think then we treat it like
restrained because he's pulling against a large object that would pull him back and cause him disadvantage. I think at the moment it's attached, he realizes what's going on. But I think within that sphere of the ball, it makes sense that he can still move relatively freely. Annoyingly, there's a chain and there's a chance he can get tripped by it.
Um, but I, so if, if we could push him out of it, then he would potentially be restrained. Yeah. I mean, I literally have no idea. We're all kind of making this up as we go along. Yeah. Why not? You know, give him a shove and we'll see what happens and we'll, we'll have another chat about how to make it work. I like it. I like it. It's interesting. We've got to include more balls and chains. It's like, don't do alchemy to randomly place on the map. And, um, and there you go. It's become integral now to

Strategic Discussions and Rising Tensions

the combat. So good stuff. Um,
Sorry, next, you've just noticed Alpha shimmy to your right and then fire off your right shoulder. Maro's just chaining up with ball and chain. Liags, two other goblins are bearing down on your position. What would you like to do? I'm going to check the two goblins that are bearing down on our position and Nix is just going to shimmy out the other side of Alpha and his horns glow purple as he charges up his
energy and all of a sudden the purple energy courses down his veins as he thrusts both hands out and he casts Eldridge Blast. He's going to hit the one out of the two, it's the one who's closest is coming at him. Correct, the North, yeah. Yeah, so that's a seven. Didn't you throw the hit first?
get to hit oh that is your all to hit that misses that misses horrifically sorry yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that was that was so low that you thought it was damaged just all bad just all bad yeah that is terrible um yeah unfortunately that does miss that does horrifically miss cool um so nyx is going to
Ignore that embarrassment. He's going to just check that Marotta didn't see it after the earlier comment of Nix is very good at messing things up. And he's just going to make his way to the corner of the room right near the bed and the candlestick. Okay. So he can survey everything that's going on. Nice. Oh, Gell, over to you. Okay. Oh, Gell's going to turn to his right and go, let's do the high five. Oh.
and see that Nick is further than his movement speed would allow to get to. And he's going to go, oh, maybe Hawking. And I want to. You do see a giant metallic robot there, just saying. Yeah, I'm going to cast sleep on the guy directly ahead of me and then any overlap onto
probably not the big bad guy I imagine but effectively what I do is I just roll a number of hit points and it turns out I've clicked the spell description rather than actually rolling for it it's 5d8 so bear with me I'll do that on so depending on the number of hit points that's a really decent roll holy shit that's a really decent roll 28
was the role that I got. So starting with the creature with the lowest hit points.
effectively, what happens is they just they fall unconscious ahead of me. Is there a cone? Is that a cone effect? Is it just any of them? No, it's a 90 foot radius around. Oh, sorry. I'm with you. I'm with the apologies. Yeah, it's a 20 point kind of area if you like. So a 20 foot apologies area. From there. Yeah. I mean, if I could affect the other guy that was
that was kind of summoned in as well. That'd be amazing. But I don't know whether the hit points would allow it. Basically, if their hit point maximum is below 28, then it just gets, they fall asleep and then the next one gets the remaining hit points and so on and so forth. So is it a 20 foot cube that I'm looking at in terms of the spacing or is it? It looks like a sphere. So. Do you have to center it on
It just says creatures within a 20 feet of a point you choose within range are affected. Okay, so if you put it directly on the bad guy, pretty much or just a little higher, you might be able to get all four. Oh my God. Basic bitch goblins.
I mean, if it would work, then I suppose he'd try and affect as many people as he could with it. Yeah, you get him with a 15 foot radius. So it's 28 hit points in total. 28 hit points, starting with the guy in front of me. I want him to fall asleep first.
And then I'd probably start from me and work my way out and how this would look visually, just I suppose work out the hit points. You would see old gal kind of raise his staff in the air and that crystal, that brand new looking crystal ball will just kind of glow brighter and brighter and brighter and almost like you shall look past flash, just kind of flash out and hopefully affect as many creatures as you can of those features. And a new orb.
The new warp works to horrifically excellent effect. 28 hit points is exactly the hit points of four goblins. Oh my lord. It's seven each and that's 28.
I mean, so I'm on the six of five and eight, the six and the three. Wow. And all four of them literally just collapsed to the floor. Lee actually stood in the middle left, looking around confused as all four of them just collapsed down on the floor, mid run, mid shot, mid arrow as they all run in. It was their turn next. So you've done an absolute number of them. Just remind me of the, with regards to breaking out of it, if they get attacked, they, they, they, it falls.
out of it. That's correct. Is there anything else that they can they can roll on their turn to remove the effect of sleep? Or is it just? No, they don't. It's literally a no save no roll minute long effect. But yes, if they get kind of slapped out of it or shaken awake, then they will wake up or if they take damage. But otherwise, they're asleep for the next minute. Okay. Shit, man, you guys are smart.
I love it. I absolutely love it. This is great. Goblin's turn. They're all asleep. Liag's turn.

Struggles in Battle with Liags

He is going to be thoroughly, thoroughly confused and thoroughly pissed off for only a couple of seconds. Then he's going to grab ahold of the chain and kind of try and pull the ball forward as movement. So he's going to shimmy himself just to the left of Marota and with the butt end back of his of his
others and one of the sympathies, he's going to just butt the guy in front, hitting him. Yep. Causing one point. Yep. One point of damage to that goblin, but he's going to wake him up. So he's going to thud him awake. He says to him and he does wake up, takes part damage. Well, that goblin there is awake.
With his other main attack, we've got multi-attack, he's going to turn and swing his scimitar full effect down on the side of Morota. Have I lost the ability to count tonight, sorry. 13 against your armor class Morota. Miss. Okay, swings misses, the chain gets in the way.
And then he's going to turn back to the others. I said, don't just stand there. And another goblin from the far side that he has locked eyes with will step out and draw his scimitar.
The next thing he's going to do doesn't work because they're all asleep. Oh, no, it does work because one's asleep. And he's going to turn to Marotta just look snarl over his shoulder. He's just going to say, focus on that one. And they're all going to get I say they're all those that are able to will get movement and an attack.
So the goblin that's just been called in and the one that he's just re-woken up will use half his movement to stand himself back up and they are on the alternative so they'll get advantage and they're just gonna get an attack. That is unnatural, unnatural 20 for the first one. Hits. And that's five points of slashing damage and then 13 for the next one. Sorry, does 13 hit your armor class for the next one? No, that misses. Cool, so it wasn't the damage.
And that's... I can't do that because that hasn't happened yet. That's all he can do. That's all that can happen. Oh, Gail, you've wiped the floor with this at the moment, my God. Incredible. Very, very good. Very good. That's the end of Liag's turn. Marota, your turn. You're just being flanked by two goblins and Liag's just to your side. What do you want to do?
I'm going to just keep my attention on Liyaks. I would like to please use my whip to take the shove action, doing that special thing that we said we could do with the whip. An attempt to just pull in prone, using the whip if possible. Okay. What do you need from me? I'm just rolling to hit. And if it hits, he's prone. That is 19. That hits.
Sorry, no, that's wrong. It's a contested challenge, but I'm allowed to use my whip. So you now roll Acrobatics or Athletics, and it's got beat 19. Otherwise, he's on his butt. Five. He's on his butt. Three. God damn it. And then I'm going to use Flurry of Blows to do two hits at advantage on his throat. Flurry of Blows on his butt.

Tactical Mishaps and Challenges

So that's with advantage 13 on the first hit. Misses. And then this is dog shit. Okay. That's better. 21 on the second diets.
Aye, he takes six points of bludgeoning damage. Ooh, nice. Hitting at the throat, he just winces away from it as you catch him right in the middle of his goblin's apple. Nice. Nice. And that's just me. And then I'm just gonna, for flavor, that one that did hit was my boot, and I'm just gonna lay it, like press it against his throat for the round. For the lols, nice. Thank you very much, Morita. Alpha, over to you. Goblins have fallen asleep.
Yeah, I was going to kind of look random and a little bit of puzzlement. But he still sees that Liag is up and active. Down. Down and active. He's going to take full advantage of it. He's going to try and shoot him when he's down. He's not bothered. He's also going to be shouting at Liag.
job was kind of on not a bit of autopilot. It's just like a vast motherfucker. It says it with a little bit of confusion. He remembers Nick saying that before we got to the manor. You barge in and you would say a vast motherfucker. So Nick, Alfred's trying to just remember it's a vast and confused like motherfucker as he's shooting him on the ground. All right, roll to hit motherfucker.
Disadvantage. Oh, bullshit. Oh, I do want to get an advantage. Yay! Hopefully better. Advantage? Do you not get advantage when it's prone? Disadvantage. Oh, the ranged attack, mate. Disadvantage. No, my apologies. Disadvantage with a ranged attack. Well, I'm still an 11 to hit. Then this is, unfortunately, for you. Yeah, which is fine. I've asked. I've asked nothing. I've asked nothing. Is there anything else you want to do, Alpha?
Nothing at the moment now. Okie dokie. Nix, over to you. Some of them have fallen asleep. Two more are surrounding Marota along with Liacs. What would you like to do? Nix looks just quizzically at the ones on the floor asleep and quickly shifts his gaze to Ogil. Nice! Good job there! And he's going to just move in range.
He's going to go back to standing next to Alpha, who is by the bed at the bottom of the big hallway. And he's going to look at the nearest one to Marota. And once again, Purple Energy animating from the horns. He juts out a single hand this time and says Eldridge Blast. All right, roll to hit. For a 20. Boom. Not natural. There we go.
So force damage juts out of Nick's hand and he gets six points of force damage. This slams into the side of him pushing him back against the pillar and he slides down leaving just a big splatter blood against the pillar as he is unconscious, well depends really, he can still be conscious.
Leags has said this isn't to death, but this is to knocking, not basically knocking seven, so they just shit out of each other. But I could probably let you guys decide whether or not to do that. Next, do you want this to be lethal or non-lethal? Non-lethal. Okay, then he is going to have a big X over him, but he is alive, but he is unconscious on the floor.
Yep, playing by the rules. That won't quite forward. The choice is yours. I want to give it for each of them when it comes to him. Oh, Gale, you've just seen her Hadougan move from Nyx. Clear line of sight on the strangely prone, chained, punching, throat hurting, Liags in front of you. What would you like to do?
Okay, so I'll go, we'll kind of look over and see Nix and go, well, maybe you don't need the fabric, huh? And he will use his full movement to kind of get himself into some form of cover, probably at the bed that Nix was at and just kind of get down behind it. And as he's running over, what he's gonna do is he's gonna look into that crystal ball on the top of the orb. And this is very much just for flavor, but what he's doing is like,
In fact, actually, no, I'll cast light on it. And you'll see this orb light up. So as his action or cast light on it, and you'll see or he's basically looking into it. And he's kind of you can hear muttering to himself as well, piecing things together. And that's that's just going to be his action. All right, very nice. Very nice. Very nice. And the act is going to use his reaction.
And his reaction is he turns to the guy who's been splatting against the wall and basically screams at him, get up now. And the sheer violence within his voice is going to just kind of almost half jauntingly wake up this goblin and put him back up on one hit point. And he turns to the others ready to fight again.
It's now the goblins turn the ones that aren't asleep, which are two of them. And they are going to... One of them is still in contact with Marota, but he's going to use his bonus action as disengage to move away from you, Marota, because you're a dangerous AF, and skimmy around the corner towards where Nyx is. The guy that's up on one hit point is going to try and do the same.
It's Nick saying dangerous at all. To alpha. Towards alpha. Avoiding, he's gone around your field, Marotta, staying well clear of you. Okay. And trying to instigate a bit of violence with you. Oh, wait. How wide? Because I have a 10 foot reach. Oh, then he's totally hit that reach. Okay, cool. I'm going to hit him. Go for it. You hit that.
10. Misses. Never mind. Sorry. The one who got splattered against the wall actually... No, keep it that way. Who got splattered against the wall has come up against you, Alpha. Blood draining from the nose, standing there with a kind of a scimitar up in the air, wobbling on his feet slightly. He's going to roll to hit you.
That's quite fitting. It's a five against your armor class. You need a move, I imagine. And the one against Nyx, 12 against your armor class. Now it misses. Unfortunately, my goblins aren't fighting very well. That's okay, though. It's now Ljax's turn. He is firstly going to shout over and another.
and sheepishly a goblin's going to volunteer himself forward from the gang. He's then going to turn to Marota and with both his full action. He's still prone.
Yes, he's going to then force himself up, thank you for reminding me, force himself up onto his feet, kind of moving the chain to kind of give himself a little bit of movement, grabs his two scimitars and both swings are going down on you. But before you roll it.
I want to use my Divination Wizard feature, Portant. And I'm going to change that first roll to a natural one, and that second roll to a natural three. Wow! For that multi-attack. And basically what has happened, what has transpired in this time is he's looked into the Orvan scene very, very briefly into the future, into what's about to happen, into the beatdown that perhaps is coming the rotous way.
And just in this moment, what he's going to do is he's just going to call out Tumorota very, very quickly, something like, duck your head, lift your feet, or something like that to kind of pre-warn.
I love it. And as that happens, what's happened is as, as, um, as the legs has reached down to move the chain, he's also kicked up a bit of dust in the air and he's literally going one high, one low swinging at the same time, thinking if you, if you ducks, when I get the legs, if you lift the legs, I get the head and she's swinging at both

Focus on Liags and Divination

and motor. You hear that just in the nick of time, you jump up into the end, tuck your legs up into a small ball in the air as both scimitars just miss past you. Um,
With a natural one, there's also a weird pull on one of his scimitars, and it almost falls out his hand, which makes him stagger five feet away from you. But still within range of the... That was sick. And he looks fully confused at this point, looking at each of you in the corner as you kind of back away into the corner slightly. That is the... Can you do anything else?
Oh, I can't, it's his last villain action. Round three. Yeah, we're in round three now. He's going to look confused, kind of grab back hold of his scimitar, just point it at the group of Nyx and Alpha and Ol' Gel. He just says, kill. And each of the goblins in range get two additional scimitar attacks. Oh, damn. They're all in the shit though.
First one is the one next to you, Nix. That's a 12. Nope. And then an 11. Nope. Fucking need it. And then the one against you, Alpha, that is 16. Nope. And a 12. Nope.
For your reference listeners, Mark has just thrown his dice crate across the room. We're the great oomph. I'm so hungry.
Yep. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. I feel like I feel bad for these goblins because it's not them. It's me. It's really just me. What can you do? I've given this guy, you know, like a proper, proper anyway. Right. There's some pills out there for performance issues, man. That's fine. And well, Leags needs them at the moment. Morota over to you. You've just, for some reason you did what old girl
don't tell you and somehow it's worked. He's backed off. He looks fully confused. The space is opening up between you and him. What do you like to do? I'm going to just at this point loosen the grip on the coil part of my whip as though I'm going to get ready to hit him. I'm just going to say to him at first, if I was you, I'd kneel.
I'm going to make an attack with my whip, targeting his knee in the hopes that maybe he'll acquiesce when he realizes he's out of his depth here. So I'm going to do a whip attack at him, please. Okay, roll to hit. Ah, roll over to a two at the end. Eight. Ah, that misses. She misses off to the side as the leash slips in. Then I'm going to spend a key point, flurry of blows, and I'm going to kick him twice in the kneecap. Okay, roll to hit.
Uh, nope, that's a five. That misses. I'm not rolling well either. Nope, that's a 12. That's two. That natural one. About that. I'm just going to change that. Would you mind rerolling that, Danny? As like you feel like this mage hand almost redeliver your foot from where old Gell is.
as I use my bountiful luck. Yes, I will for a 20. Oh girl, oh girl. Yep, fuck it into the campaign now. All right. Roll damage. Four points of damage. As I'm just proper heel of my foot into the kneecap of
I have to think of it that for that you're still reeling from the fact that what Old Gail told you was so effective that you almost try and look back at Old Gail and in the process what would have been a missed hit because of the twist of your neck actually lifts your foot slightly higher which means you catch the knee perfectly. Yes, very nice, very well done.
Excellent stuff. Cool. Anything else, Morota, you want to do? No, that's my turn. All right, Alpha, over to you. You've got a gobo on your face. Nyx has one just in the north, and old Gels has been shouting stuff at Morota. What do you want to do? The goblin that's approached me is the one that's already been knocked down once. He's bloody, he's exhausted. And Alpha's just going to look down to him. I would advise you stay down. And I'm just going to whack him with my shield as an unarmed strike. All right, well done.
Oh god, it's a natural one. Fuck. Roll a d20, straight d20. If it's a 1 to 5, that's all I care about. My shield's gonna break. It's a 4! Bikes. Nicks. Aww, I knew it was me.
Could you make an athletics check please? Yeah, of course. This was supposed to be something where it's literally like a bonk on the nose or something like that. Lovely. How's a three? There we go. That's fantastic. That's fantastic. All right, this is what happens.
Oh, gal, do you want to step in? Mark has now got an incredibly excited about this. Alpha, you swing round with your shield just to bump him on the face to knock him down, thinking you've seen this in your stories before. You know this is how it works. Let him have the benefit of the die. He looks injured. You don't want to overkill him. But as you swing, actually, you underestimate the goblins' dexterity. They are very dexterous creatures. It steps back and your swing moves more unwieldy than you can. And you bomb nicks in the back.
Nix, you're totally off balance by this and you fall sprawling over the sleeping goblin that's in front of you, waking him up. You are now sharing the same... I know, Nix, I'm going to say for making it easy, you've kind of rolled over. You are prone as well. Of course. But the goblin is still prone, but he is now awake as well, as he realizes what's happened.
That's awesome. Thank you, Callum. It's probably the best role you've made all night for me. If I have to live vicariously through your shit roles. Probably as it happens, you'll see Alfred turn and he'll go, oh my. Anything else you want to do, Callum?
No, I would leave it there. I would leave it there. I'm staying there. All right, no problem. Nix, it's your turn. You're prone. Two goblins stand between you and Alpha and old Gell. It's you and all the other goblins to the north. Two goblins have been here, friends, but like, what do you want to do? So as Nix ended up face first on the floor, he's like, no, no, no, shit, Alpha. And it's kind of on the floor and looking up at the horde of goblins directly in front of him.

Fire-Breathing Owl Turns the Tide

And he's going to turn around off his back. So he's back on the floor and he's going to hand out in front of him and cast Eldritch Blast again at the goblin that's now kind of at his feet. Is he prone still? Sorry. He's prone and you're... I'm also prone. Mona, you just use half your movement to stand up. Is there one stood up?
The one stood up was to your left, or to the east, yeah. So where you're looking at him, the one directly in front of you is on the floor, just waking up, the one to the left. I'm going to aim the one standing up. I'm still on my back, so whatever disadvantage there, but so hand juts out and I'm going to fire it from the floor. There's nothing from that, but I think it's a ranged attack, isn't it? It is. And you're within melee range. So we'd be getting disadvantage anyway. It'd be the same disadvantage for either, because you can't get double disadvantage, so. Yeah, that's fine. Does a 12 hit, because if it doesn't, there's no...
It does not hit. Yeah. Shot fires up above his shoulder. Missing him. Awesome. And then Nix is going to stand up gingerly, rubbing his shoulder. Okay, lovely. Thank you very much. Oh, Gale. Could you just say hello, Gale? I look a lot of pain. It's surveying the battleground and just kind of seeing that things are starting to turn. Oh, Gale is going to say,
I don't think he's playing fair. I think we need a bit of time for a hoot. And he's going to use his action to summon his snowy owl right on top of his head. And with that, he'll use his bonus action to say go and get him girl and cast Dragon's Breath on a hoot. And that'll be fire damage he's going to choose. So do you want me to roll a initiative for a hoot?
put him in just after you. Perfect. I was hoping you'd say this. An old girl is going to just dive to the floor behind himself and dive prone pretty much out of the way behind the bed and a hoot is going to get himself pretty much to the back of the two gobos that are near Nyx.
and open wide. All right, so dexterity saving throw, is that right? Yes, it is. Ideally, obviously, you want to get the two in front. I don't think you'd be able to angle it perfectly to get the other one. So maybe just those two if you allow it. Yeah, I'll allow that. What star DC save for this is a 13. It is a 13, Dex 13 saving throw. First one got a 12.
And the second one got a natural 20, the first three of the night forever. So one passes, one fails. In which case it's 10 points of fire damage. I wasn't going to say is this lethal or non-lethal, but I don't think you can make fire damage non-lethal really. You've got to burn their corpse. Is that really soft fire? Yeah. Oh, it just pushes you to sleep. Yeah. It's a mild. Both of them are both perfectly burnt to death. We're talking full on Anakin Skywalker, brutal.
burning. As Nick just stood in front of us again, this violent owl just eviscerates the two creatures directly in front of you. This owl is going to haunt your nightmares. It really is, really is. I like to think that it just has a little bit of, I don't know, like it dribbles a little bit of fire or a little bit of acid on its beak that it just, I don't know. Smoke comes out its nose afterwards. Yeah, its feathers. Anything else you want to do, old girl slash a hoot?
Yeah, with the remaining, I mean, my turn's over, but for a hoot with the remaining kind of flight speed, he's got 60 foot flight speed, so I imagine he'll be fine. I just want him to basic fly back over to me and get down behind the bed. I just want him to get into cover. Okay. A very fragile brood. The goblin that's currently in combat with you Alpha is going to use its nimble escape bonus action and disengage. I do not blame it.
and run away. Out of the room, past the guards, he's skedaddling. The other two are asleep, the chap at the back that's just joined, he's, I like to think he stepped out, yeah, I'm going to help. He's just seen this owl then eviscerate two of his mates and he's going to try and moonwalk slowly back into the crowd and pretend like, oh, that wasn't me, that wasn't me. And he's going to pass, pass the crossbow to his friend and just stand there without a weapon watching.
And that's all they're going to do. That's all they're going to do. Leags his turn. He's going to realize that things are not going his way. And he's going to swing at you anyway, Marota. He's not going to go down without a fight. And he's going to try and hit you. OK, that's better. That's a 21 against your armor class. Hits. Five points of slashing damage. And then a 14 against your AC.
I'm going to use Agile Parry so it misses. Okay. With the second scimitar hit, it misses. He turns around and expects it to get more involved and he just looks at each of them. But you're fucking cowards. And that's all this time. Moroto, over to you. I said kneel. Whip. Okay, roll to hip.
Do something. Fourteen. Misses. The whip, again, he skips to the side just at the last second. He knows it's coming. He's my last key point. Floria blows. Two more blows on him. Come on. Oh my god. Ten. Yes.
Oh my God. Natural one. Give me another D 20. It's going to get punched in the face. I'm prone. I'm prone. I can't see. Sorry. Yeah. Otherwise I would. I think I peaked. I think I peaked at the shackle in the first round and I think you did standing here since you did. That's the end of waiting. Ah, sorry,

Struggling Against Liags

man. Um, cool. Alpha over to you. The guy in front of you is run away. What'd you want to do? I'm going to let him run away.
I'm going to slowly move a little bit of distance closer to Liargh just so I can make sure I'm in line of sight. And I'll raise my pistol and concede Liargh. No, no, no, no, no, that's not how it sounds at the moment. Conceed Liargh. And I'm going to fire off another shot and I'm aiming for kind of like the shoulder or some kind of joint to try and hit him. Right, roll to hit.
19 to hit. That hits. Yes, definitely, thank God. And six points of piercing damage. Nice. The shot hits into his shoulder, knocking him back ever so slightly, but keeps himself upright. Anything else you want to do, Arthur? Nope. I've said it all I want to say. Nick's over to you. I'm going to
Just take out a dagger. Take out both my daggers, actually, and I'm going to run over to where our big, bad boss is. Spin the daggers in my hand. Two hits. I'm going to hit him with the butt of the blade to try and knock him out right on the fucking forehead. Right. Roll to hit. Yeah, that's right.
Let's see if this is any good. Okay, the first one is a lousy 11. That does miss, unfortunately. And so as he kind of goes over the top of the head of this goblin, he's going to follow up with his second blade. Once again, the back end of it, he's going for the temple on this one. For 20. That hits.
Yeah, buddy. Come on. That's two points of bludgeoning damage, I guess, in this case. Yeah. Nice. On the side of the head. It doesn't knock him out, unfortunately. No, I... No, no. It looked better than it actually was.
Not a problem. Like many things in Nick's life. You landed a hit. You landed a hit. I landed a hit. Every bit of damage. Every bit of damage. You look like you're doing damage, which is the important thing. Oh, Gail, no turn from behind the bed in the corner of the room. Oh, Gail's gonna peek his head up.
Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry. Go, go, go, go, go, go. Or I was gonna peek his head up and kind of look around and see that actually, okay, things are turning out to be pretty beneficial for us after all. And he'll kind of scoop a hoot up in one hand, get himself up onto the bed and look over at Lee eggs. And he'll kind of hold out his hand with, with his owl kind of in tow as well. And he will just kind of say out loud to Lee eggs.
Uh, let me just show you what happened if you don't concede and I need them to make a intelligent saving throw. Okay. 12.
It's DC 13, so he is going to take just three points of psychic damage as I just cast the cantrip mind sliver. He's going to subtract a d4 from his next saving throw before the end of my turn. Just how I imagine this to happen is I just imagine the kind of
the crystal orb to glow again and you see some of that white light just kind of shine through and like a direct beam down into the head of Liag's. As I imagine some sort of vision comes through of fire and death and whips and blasts and gunshots. Nice. Love it. A single scimitar stabs into the ground and another
Stabs into the ground on the other side. And then a knee comes crashing down onto the floor in front of Marota and in front of Nyx as he pants. He looks up slowly at you, Marota, to Nyx, to Alpha and old girl. I concede. He turns to the goblins.
I concede. I'd like to finish him off, lethally. Okay, roll to hit. With advantage of his prone? Yep. Thirteen. Misses.
an arm strike bonus action. Will you commit me if he's having a whack to try and cast a spell in between? I mean, Mark, I'm just going to keep pummeling at this thing till I hit it. Well, we'll keep it in initiative order. We'll keep it in initiative order. It's Liak's Marota, Alpha, Nyx, Old Gal Goblin. So we'll just run it through another round of initiative. That's all right. So use your bonus action. Unless, Will, you've got something that allows you to use that as a reaction.
Okay. No worries. They're married to go for the bonus strike. Okay. Hmm. With advantage too. 50. Misses as the second hit comes, he just misses off to the side. He, uh, the clenches a fist. Alpha, your turn. You just, you're married to start swinging at the eggs on the floor.
I want to follow his lead. He understands that power is what's supposed to be best in order to almost gain control of the goblins, for want of a better phrase. So he's going to kind of have a slow little bit of a pace walking towards him. And yeah, I'm just going to take another shot at him. All right, fire away. Ah, 14 to hit. Misses, my god. We can't finish this guy.
Nix is dumbfounded. He's looking between Marauder and Alpha, kind of mouth open. Dagger's limp in his hands at his side. That's his turn, like speechless.

Building Up for the Final Strike

Fair enough. Old Gal. Old Gal standing up there, standing there with the owl in tow as well, seeing him on his knees, seeing these guys trying to kind of pound on him.
He's gonna kind of close his eyes. Close his eyes for just like a second or two. Look into open them again, stare back into the staff. And he's going to
hold a spell, if that's all right. Yeah. And the spell will take effect on the next attack against, next attack against Leags. Okay, thank you very much. It's the goblins turn, but they're all going to just stand there in stunned silence.
Leags is going to take an unarmed strike against Morota. A natural 20. Two points of bludgeoning damage. One fist comes up and he's going to swing for the upper cut with the other one. 21. Hits. Two points of bludgeoning damage as two hits come up as he kind of stumbles to his feet. That's all he can do.

Morota's Dramatic Victory

Yeah, keep pummeling. Okay, roll to hit. Uh, assuming it's still advantage on the... Oh, he stood up by this point. He stood up. Oh, 22 to hit. That hits. Takes four points of slashing damage. Is this with the whip? Yeah. How do I do it? Will my reaction take place as the attack comes in? Oh yes, of course. Sorry.
If another attack came in, then this would happen. So this happens before the next thing happens. Yep, go ahead. What I'm going to do is I'm going to cast Mind Sliver on Liag's. Okay. And I'm just going to say it ends and I need him to make an intelligence.
Save. 16. Yeah, passes. So just nothing happens. That's fine. Okay, and then the damage comes in. Yep. So just going to smack the whip. It's going to bounce off the floor, almost ricochet off the floor, and then corrode round his neck. And I'm just going to yank it back and just do a full on neck break.
His body thuds to the ground, a thin film of dust raises. All you can hear is the crack of the fire and the panting from your own ears, Marota, and the slow snoring of the two goblins who are still currently asleep.

Transition of Clan Leadership

And if you'll allow it, I'm going to just start, I'm going to grab the body. I'm going to start to head towards the fire. And I just want to throw it on there. But if we're in, if we're in initiative, I'll let that happen. But that's my intention. We're not in initiative order. So yeah, you can start doing that. Does anyone want to do anything else whilst this is taking place?
Yeah, Nix. Yeah, so Nix is like looking between each person, each person, and kind of still a little bit open mouth, but he's sheathed his daggers now and his morrow starts dragging the goblin king, if it were, away. Nix is just going to kind of put his back against the wall. Shimmy left. Shimmy left. Shimmy left.
all the way to the gold and that's where you'll find him. And his eyes don't leave Marota as his instinct takes over. And then as the body comes to the fire, Nix is bent down on the gold, still watching what's transpiring, but a hand goes out, grabs gold, fills his right pocket, left hand goes out, grabs gold, fills his left pocket, all the while watching what's going on. Open-mouthed.
The body gets thrown onto the pit and slowly is engulfed in low level flame and smoke. The rest of the goblins look on, not now so much awe struck in what had happened to their ex-leader, Leags, but now the potency of the power of their current leaders. Christo steps forward.
bloodied, battered and acid-burned as he is, missing an ear and half an eye, he steps forward and looks to the four of you. You ought to be the leaders of the Christo clan. No, I'm the Christo, oh shit, everything's wrong. What is wrong? Got the name wrong? It's the acid burn, I'm sorry. You ought to be the leaders of the Runk Law clan. No.
We are to be the leaders of the Alpha Clan and I'm going to point and that is your chief Alpha. I'm going to try, I'm intending to like really make a scene and they were watching and no one's looking at Nyx. Christo looks towards Alpha and he nods and looks to the other goblins. They all start nodding as daggers and scimitars are sheathed. Crossbows are put on back.
and they all start nodding. Christo looks at you and says, need a bit of time to tidy up round here a bit. What are your orders? Alpha. More gold, more gold. Say something. A mute doesn't help us very much.
Alpha is just going to look around at all these goblins that are now waiting on his command. And he's going to issue one word at this time. Celebrate.

Celebration and Power Shifts

And they all just start... They start taking food and passing drink around. Something gets a little drum type. And they all start celebrating. But while they're celebrating, every now and then they do look over just to make sure that they're celebrating right. As they continue celebrating, Christo smiles and walks over to you as they start kind of celebrating around and says, I will happily stay in there.
If you need to leave, I can send emissaries to your location if you need. Or do you want us to come with you? What's the deal here? You will remain here for now. Yep. I will send you a specific object in which I will be able to communicate with you from anywhere. You will listen to its commands and do as I dictate. For now, I wish you to enjoy the evening.
Celebrate. Have fun. And he turns to Nick as he says that as well. Enjoy life. I'm enjoying life. Nick is just like weighing a coat down with gold at this point. You are not to go near gold port keep again unless you are going to aid it. Do you understand? Understand.
We have your blood. Now, if you try to cross us, if you think of anything at all that we won't like, we will track you down and we will kill you. Do you understand? Understood. Good boy. Off you go. Play with the others.
He goes playing with the others next once you've kind of filled your pockets with gold I mean I'm saying within reason you could probably fit yourself 200 gold pieces Nice. Can I grab the scimitars mark? There were two yes, there are two of their chieftain ones. Oh the chieftains one. Yes, you can absolutely. Yeah They're regular
There's a thing, there's a thing with them. I never got a chance to use it, but I'll talk you through them later. Okay, so Alpha, your stack of Goblin Gold has been decreased by 200 gold. So your 2536 gold, because Alpha's stolen. Sorry, Nyx has stolen 200. Nyx has stolen it. Of that, of your gold. I'm assuming my passive would not be enough to deter, well, to see Nyx steal this gold. He's too far away. There's too much going on. Okay. Let him have it as his cut of making you a warchief, mate.
They don't feel this, that was you. Okay. That's fair enough.

Old Gal's Magical Guidance

So while this is going on, oh, yeah, what have you been up to? After burning half the cobalt, they seem to have ignored your. Oh, girl, he's just, he's there kind of on the bench. He's kind of looking at the corpse of Liag's looks around the room, probably at the smoldering ashes that were once goblins as well. And kind of
shakes his head from side to side, almost weighing up, like, yeah, it's not like I've got a clean slate, fair enough. And he'll look over at the group, kind of just give him a little nod, and he'll get the owl back on his hat, and he'll slowly start making his way towards the door. Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
Yeah, we did what we came here to do, right? I got things to do. I know. We just wanted to thank you, I suppose. I mean, I would like just some sort of direction on how I could learn to read this thing.
And you want to thank him. Thought you next. Well, I mean, I managed to get what he needed. This is like a yes, thank you, of course. Thank you a hundred times. But maybe a heading. I don't know. I find you extremely fascinating and your talents and skills are something that I would like to. I don't know. Even just open the door a little bit and learn. Just where do I go?
Wow. Like I said, you need a lot of time. I didn't just wake up like this. This is a lot of studying, a lot of like, I used to be a whippersnapper like you, but then I did all the learnings and I learned all the cool stuff I can do. Did you see that? Did I do it? Yeah, that was pretty cool. What you wants to do if you wants to learn how to be pretty nifty like me and sees what I see in the orbs and stuff.
I mean, I went to Goldview University, they do all the kind of scholastic things there, you can just take yourself down there, you can enroll yourself in some lessons, maybe learn how to do a little bit of minor illusions and pretty cool small fry stuff, but then you put the time in, you put the effort in, you put the monies in and you could be, I don't know, give it 50, 60, maybe 70 years, you could be just like me.

Nyx's Theatre Show Promotion

Good, so there's no deity that I have to pray to or blood magic that I have to spill.
What the hell do you think I am? Just past experiences for myself. Okay. Thank you. No, I'm a learned gentleman. Thank you very much. Like I said, it takes a long study, studious study. You mentioned that you want to do up that shack we found you in. Yeah, that's right. I want to get my business off the ground. That's what I got to start doing on now. You need a pair of hands, some labor to do the work.
We're only up the road in in Goldport Keep and we've got some time to kill. So, you know, call on us if you need us. Oh, if that's a genuine offer there, big lady, that's very kind. I'll text you up on that if that's all right. Aye. Well, thank you very much. And if you feel like you want your futures told, now that I got my good crystal ball, I'm pretty good at it. You can come find me. You'll find old girls wheels and whoa, that's going to look pretty fly.
Maybe you could keep an eye on these goblins through that crystal ball. Let us know if they're in any trouble.

Old Gal's Scrying Discussion

Well, I suppose I could always keep an eye out. Yeah, probably. I mean, you was an interesting bunch. I kind of want to see who's watching stores for you guys, too. Hey, old gal! Maybe less of the watching, or just drop it down to, you know, once a week, something like that.
Can you just choose as and when you want to watch and see things? Yeah, because there are some private things I don't want you to see. Oh, I've seen them all. Why? I'm just joking. I'm just joking, big lady. I don't do that kind of creepy stuff. That cost extra. No, sometimes some of the things come through to me. Sometimes if I go looking for things, I can seize
Certain things is in the future. It's not entirely clear. I see sort of sometimes fuzzy outline. Sometimes it's shaped. Sometimes it's color. Sometimes it's real clear. If I gave you a name of a vessel, would you just be able to look upon the current state of the crew? Not straight away. You're talking about some sort of scrying?
Honestly, this is all very new to me. I just wondered if you knew. You saw me and my friends here. I've got other family members that I was just wondering if you could look into, but don't worry

Parting Ways with Old Gal

if not. I'll tell you what though, if you are in the market for something to do in your downtime, there is a wonderful show you could go and frequent over at the Goldview port.
Let's stop selling that story. It doesn't sound entirely up my alley, but hell, tell me about it anyways. Well, it's part of the whole, my crew, the crew, the Esmeralda, we're a theatre, massive theatre ship. You should have probably heard of us by now, and if you don't, just go to the Goldview port. You'd see a big splendid ship there. Go at the sunset, because the sun just gleams beautifully off the deck of the ship where the gold is. It's stunning. I miss it.
Very much. But the play, yes, we do a play. The play is called Everybody Dies, a true undergoblin story. I bid you go. In fact, mention my name. You get a free ticket on the house, and it's a night of entertainment for nothing. As a thanks for doing all of this for us. That's my thanks to you. A night of pure entertainment. I do appreciate that there, Nick. Thank you very much. Maybe I'll bring the owl though. What's wrong? What's wrong with who?
Look, nothing. I just don't want anyone to get melted. Oh, she don't do no melting on the ordinary. I've got to do the magic through the hoot. And she the channel of the magic. She don't just go around spitting ass, spitting fire. What you think she is? She's out. Commenting on what I've seen is all. Sometimes you've got to look past what your eyes can see, boy. Very good. I will try and take the lessons and read.
Oh yeah, you give yourself lots of time, time to your studies. You get good, you get learned, you end up like me. Ah, one can only hope. It's like the pinnacle of education. But there we go.
Sorry, everyone's going to say something. I do appreciate all the help in getting this back. Really, I do. And like I said, if you want to learn some wheels, want to learn some woes, you come find me. I do some prophecies for you. I'll give you a good old discount. Now you got lots of gold. You'll see us again. Don't worry. The show. Thank you. The show. Go and see the show. I'll see you there.
and with a nod of his turban, he'll kind of turn around and start making his way out the door.
and you head out down the long corridor back to your future wheels and woes and the opening business that will come.

Episode Conclusion and Gratitude

Remember little round of applause for Will, please. I fear he deserves it. Oh, absolutely. I do not want your character to go. Bravo. Well done, Will. And I'm sure, I'm sure that that old girl will be back in the not too distant future, I'm sure. We have fortunes to give. I see a one shot with Nixon.
Oh, Gail going off and developing quite the relationship between the two of you and wonderful work. Well, thank you so much for jumping in for the last couple of weeks and enjoying it. Thanks for having me. And for incredible work as well, not just jumping in, that character is diving in.
And I was going to have a nice little and as we leave it with the goblins all bowing down to alphabet, they're all partying at the moment because you told them to. In all fairness, I'm kind of getting a C-3PO and Ewoks vibe from that whole situation. I love that. I love it so much. I think that's awesome. But that is where we are going to leave it for this week. With that exit of old girl down the dark alley goblin alleyway, that is where we're going to leave it for this week's episode of The Fellowship with the Tabletop. Thank you for totally disabling my big nine goblin.
100% just disabling that entire combat, making it very easy. So well done, guys. Well done. Some good game IQ there. Good stuff. I don't know where to pick up from that because I'm just wheeling over the fact that Alpha's got this command over goblins now. I know. Chief Alpha. I know. I'm the Alpha Clan. I can't wait to know if we're keeping this a secret from Rains and everyone. Like Alpha's got this secret army. I have so many plans. So many plans already for this.
And to find out what those plans are, you're going to have to tune in to next time. Thank you very much for tuning in this time and making us a part of your everyday week. I'm going to echo the words of Mark and give a massive thanks to Will for just turning up and ruling and rocking and being incredible.

Social Media Handles and Sign-Off

You have a way of making characters stick in the minds of not only the players, but I'm pretty sure the listeners as well.
If you wanted to keep up to date with the podcast, you can do so on our various social media pages. Our main one, Twitter, I'm going to say. Hello, Twitter. At Fellowship table, if you wanted to hit us there, if you wanted to go one step further and follow us individually, you can do so. In fact, Will has his own one. So if you wanted to get in touch with Will, follow him, DM him and just say, man, I wish you were a part of the main cast. You can do so. You never know. If you wanted to find him, you could find him at Fellowship NPC PC.
Amazing. If you wanted to find Callum, you could find him at the D20 Gamer. Our resident Danny Dimes can be found at Total Party Thrills. And don't frown at me because I referenced the Giants quarterback, because our Danny is much better than Danny Dimes. If you wanted to find our awesome... Go Jets. It's my sign off, man. Why are you ruining it, Danny? No, ruin it with the Jets. Coming up to the season, guys.
Coming up to the season, go Giants, go. You know the Jags are gonna win, don't worry guys. I have no faith in the Giants. I lost faith in them years ago. Anyway, do me, do me. If you wanted to do Mark, you could find him at OnlyFans.
hastily rolled DM. Until next time guys, farewell.