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Omen Days and Nature Magic  image

Omen Days and Nature Magic

S1 E48 · The Bell Witch Podcast
379 Plays2 months ago

Welcome to a rather spontaneous episode of The Bell Witch Podcast, Witching in the 21st Century. In this episode Swailes the Friendly Green Witch, inspired by a Christmas Day jog, talks about magical Omen Days in her witchcraft. She reflects on her previous journal pages, their uncanny relevance and how nature magic and Omen Days intertwine.   Swailes encourages listeners to share their pages on Instagram, tagging @the_bell_witch_podcast online.  

The episode finishes with a Running Water spell written by the host to the calming sound of a running stream.  

Produced with love and magic by Swailes the Friendly Green Witch friendlygreenwitch | Twitter, Instagram, Facebook | Linktree

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Introduction and Omens Day

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Hello hello witches and beautiful souls to this rather spontaneous episode from the bell witch podcast with your festive swales the friendly green witch helping you to get witching in the 21st century today of course is boxing day and i hope you've had a beautiful christmas day and a nicely chilling full of cheese in your pyjamas today because that's what it's all about and I encourage you to actively rebel against capitalism and do absolutely nothing zero zilt.

Jogging, Witchcraft, and Reflection

But yes, back to the 26th of December, not only is it Boxing Day, it is also the very first Omens Day. And it's kind of uncanny because I felt like I needed to do an episode on the Omens Day but I never quite got round to it. And then yesterday, Christmas Day, I went on a jog.
Yes yes I know I'm obsessed with jogging but to me witchcraft and jogging are quite heavily entwined and I think there's an episode in that as well which I'll get around to at some point but yeah it does help me so much and it was a beautiful jog it was quiet there was nobody around Apart from the odd jogger, the odd dog walker, I got my best time. I felt brilliant afterwards. And to celebrate, I went down to this little stream that's in my local woods where I jog. And I sat with this stream reflecting and celebrating. And it was just such a beautiful moment. And it really got to me like how beautiful it was. I ended up staying there quite a while and writing a spell by the water side.
But then when I got home I realised I was still thinking about how beautiful this stream was and then also that it's Omen days on Boxing Day and so I looked in my old journal from last year in which I'd done the 12 days Omen days for the first time and uncannily enough December's pages was all about water and the sea and how the ocean moves and me celebrating my cell and excepting myself myself. So I thought, gosh, how uncanny is that? do You know, the December Omen days from last year, which is all about celebratory and the way water moves. And this has happened to me yesterday. And it just made me go like, wow, that is amazing.
I don't know why it catches me off guard all the time because when witchcraft comes into your life a lot of this happens and it always makes me go like wow. And so I thought I could make an episode to celebrate and encourage you to take part in omen days and then finish with this lovely little stream spell I created.

Journaling and Personal Reflection

So omen days eh?
Got to thank my friend Sally Go Lightly who does maternal journal because she introduced me to omen days probably a couple of years ago and now and I did it the first time last year and it is a really beautiful self-care act to do journal and it doesn't have to be huge and beautiful and perfect it is just your authentic self, noticing the natural world around you, the seasonal changes, the noises, the wind, reflecting and observing and wondering why this thing stands out to you and then perhaps journaling or writing about it. There is no right or wrong way to do it. What I found last year was, after I'd done the 12 Days of Omens,
I ended up carrying the practice on automatically in my daily life like when I was out and about and something natural stood out to me I was a bit like oh that's interesting I should write that down and that's a really good practice in general witchcraft going around and noticing what stands out to you and recording it somehow and then researching it when you get home and nine times out of ten you'll be amazed how that applies to your life how it's answering a question you've been asking how it's just spot on that happens to me all the time so i do encourage you to do the omen days for the next 12 days and just see how you feel about it
and if it becomes part of your practice and what would be really good as well is if you could tag the Belle Witch Podcast if you wanted to share your pages it'd be lovely to see what you do.

History and Significance of Omens Days

I'm going to share mine on the old Instagram as well. Let's have a little conversation about Omen days and how awesome they are.
So I thought I'd just make a quick little episode about omen days and how they've come about and a little bit of tiny little bit of history and then we'll finish the episode with this beautiful stream spell I created and you can use that in your practice and yeah so enjoy and of course happy Christmas to those who celebrate and merry sofa day to those who do not.
Throughout history, many have turned to journaling as a means of capturing these fleeting moments. Their practice allows us to connect the dots between our daily lives and the larger universe. Journaling becomes a sacred act.
transforming observations into personal omens. Omen days remind us to be present and aware and to listen to the world and to ourselves. This practice of journaling is a way to cultivate intuition, connecting us to our inner wisdom.
and the wisdom of the universe around us the omen days ask us to take time to not be distracted to breathe deeply and just notice life around us Why does that tree stand out? Being there all this time and I've only just really noticed it. Why is this insect crawling at my feet? How lovely the water looks in the pond. I ask you to take a moment and sit with it. Journal or write or type. Record in whatever way is most natural to you.
The Omen Days are a Celtic tradition that takes place during the 12 days between St. Stephen's Day and Nologna Maban or Little Christmas on the 6th of January.

Understanding Omens in Modern Witchcraft

During this time people watch out for omens or signs that indicate what each month of the coming year will be like. So the 26th of December would be January, the 27th would be February, the 28th would be March and so on. The last day is January the 6th and that represents December. The omen days are similar to the genomic
Rahul-shaped R-A-U-H-N-A-T-A-C-H-T-E I can't even don't ask Mary that because I can. Which is also a 12-day period when people watch out for omens of the coming year. The start and the end dates of that word that I can't blooming at sea vary by country. But what exactly is an omen? Can it be anything?
An omen is a happening that is believed to be a sign or a warning that something that will happen in the future. In ancient times, omens could be many things including lightning, cloud movements, bird flights, sacred animal behaviours, the way the wind moves, the way the water moves, the sounds you hear, anything at all from the natural world. Historically it was believed that the behaviour of the natural world had insights to mankind and were just so well respected and held in our regard because it was the universe and the universe was spirituality, religion, a higher knowing, a sacred power. And we can all tap in to the sacred power if we just take a moment to do the Omen Days. And what I absolutely love about doing the Omen Days is there is no incorrect way to do this.
Everything is intuition and your understanding and your authenticity. It's always correct by default because the act of you noticing it makes it correct. I mean there's a rough guide which I'll go through and you'll recognise quite a few of them because they are really common and really woven into our normal everyday Western society behaviour.
Some examples are the black cat. A black cat crossing your path was considered a bad omen. Absolutely not the case anymore because we're witches.
Rain on a wedding day is said to be a bad omen. A butterfly flying in your home is considered a good omen bringing good news or an important guest. A bird pooing on you is a good one. We know this don't. We're like it's good luck to get pooed on by a pigeon. That's an omen. Itchy hands considered to be a good omen bringing in money. Shooting star you make a wish.
bats nesting in your home is considered a good look omen finding your initials in a spider's web is a very good omen and meeting up with a snake is considered a good omen oh didn't know about that one i'm surprised by that one from what we've learned They're so numerous and varied. Like I say, it really is a personal journey. I'm asking you to go on. Looking back on July of my own open days from last year, it's all about the sky in the morning and it was just such a beautiful sky and I've attempted to draw it. It was kind of like a rainbow red sky.
And July was such a lovely month for me. It was a beautiful, warm and sunny, colourful month. So it's just weird how I do find connections from the urban days that appear in that month of the urban day. So there is definitely something to it.
So yes, get your Roman days on. Do tag The Bell Witch Podcast separated by underscores on Instagram if you would like to show me your Roman days.

Stream Spell and New Year Intentions

You don't have to but I'd love to see them and yeah, good luck with it. Okay, next up is the stream spell I wrote. I'm going to recite to you now to finish off the episode and I hope you Enjoy and I will be next speaking to you in the new year. ah So merry meet, merry part and merry meet again.
Running stream spell for 2025. Written with love and magic by me swales, the friendly green witch. Take a walk into nature.
and find yourself next to calm, running water.
May it be a river, a stream, a sea, whatever is available to you. Repeat these words as you gaze into the running water.
Dear nature's water, I bring you love and respect. I ask for myself that I may go ahead into the new year clarity as clear as your waters.
and with the ability to move and flow around obstacles with ease.
I ask for the ability to flow peacefully without fear and that I may have the awareness to stay true to myself and to always be nourished with love from family and friends but most of all myself gaze into the water perhaps make contact with it place a hand bring it up to your face and gaze or paddle in the sea spending time with the natural water wholeheartedly in no rush
with no distractions. Just complete unwholesome still and and ease. Blessed be.

Conclusion and Podcast Connection

You have been listening to the Bellwetch podcast. Created with Love and Magic by me, Swales, the friendly green witch. I love to hear from you and I absolutely love, love, love, love to celebrate you. If you have a podcast or a business, a witchy business, a pagan related topic you love to talk about, you can reach me on the bell witch podcast at Yahoo!
dot com Send me a trailer and I will absolutely play it, because there is magic in sharing audiences amongst podcasts. Music by Jeff Harvey of Pixabay. The official Bell Witch photographer is the lovely Beverly Thornton. Thank you so much for choosing the Bell Witch podcast to fill your ears. Stay magical witches!