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How Can Crystals Enhance Your Witchcraft Practice? image

How Can Crystals Enhance Your Witchcraft Practice?

S1 E50 · The Bell Witch Podcast
482 Plays1 month ago

Welcome to The Bell Witch Podcast. Witching in the 21st Century. This is episode 50 and is dedicated to my late snake Heidi aka 'Snakey' who I had for almost 20 years. 

In this episode  host Swailes chats with Genna, a witch from Sydney, Australia, about the magical world of crystals. Genna shares her journey with crystals, starting from a childhood gift to her current studies in crystal healing. They discuss various crystals like rose quartz, citrine, and malachite, and their uses in daily life, including for pets and plants. Genna explains cleansing methods and the importance of maintaining crystals. The episode also touches on the significance of solar and lunar energies in witchcraft, offering listeners practical tips and heartfelt insights into crystal magic.

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Podcast Introduction

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Hello dear witches and beautiful souls.

Personal Significance of Snakes

You are listening to episode 50, official 50 of the Bell Witch podcast. Witching in the 21st century with me, Swales of friendly green witch.
It's been a bit of a turbulent ride for me since the last episode I missed a mate and unfortunately I lost my little snakey of 20, well nearly 20 years. I remember buying her in 2006, I think it was February time. I bought two babies together, they were little hatchlings like two orange corn snakes and her sister died pretty early on because she escaped and came back poorly.
But Snakey lived a long glorious life for her sister and she's been with me you know through weddings and deaths and house moves and children being born so although I was preparing for it because she was an old lady you never really can prepare that much it hurts it does hurt. Snakes are so important to me in my personal life and my witchcraft they really are my spirit animal and i've kept them for half of my life like 20 odd years it was blue monday it was the most bluest monday ever but i can't help but notice that she shuffled off her mortal coil not only on blue monday but also on the year of the snake
Therefore I am dedicating this episode to my little snakey and if you are into snakes or you'd like to hear a little bit about my snakes and magic of snakes you can check out episodes and 36 which have a snake theme running through them.
the dual nature of snakes in mythology which is quite a personal episode and then there's the mooc loop what is Kundalini activation and that also has lots about snakes as a theme. And now it's time to introduce today's episode. episode, which is another Mootaloo with Jenna all the way over in Australia.

Witchcraft Tools and Practices

The theme is Crystal Magic, witching with crystals. It's a bit of a 101, just generally geeking out about why crystals are just so awesome. So yes, enjoy the show and show the Bellwetch podcast a bit of love by leaving ratings and reviews wherever you get your podcasts.
Hello, Jenna, and welcome to my little witchy podcast. How are you? I'm really good, Swales. Yeah. Thank you so much for having me on. I'm feeling honored and great to be here. Cool. I'm just stoked that people from across the world want to come on my podcast. It's really cool.
So do you want to introduce yourself and tell us all a little bit about who you are and what you do? So I'm Jenna. um I'm a witch that lives in Sydney in Australia. It's night time at the moment. In terms of my witchy self, things that I actually love I guess would be crystals, my oracle cards, a bit of pendulum divination and of course the moon as well.
There's just a few things on the witchy side. Otherwise, you know, by day, work part-time as a receptionist at a chiropractic clinic and yeah, really enjoying that and helping people along their health journeys. So yeah, that's what everybody got me. And are you a business witch? Are you a witch privately for yourself? Just for myself mainly and also branching out into helping, you know, friends and family as well. I've never been to Australia. I'd love to go down under. It boggles my brain that you have Samhain in the spring.
Yeah and the fact that we have Yule like not at Christmas time. Oh my word that's just so weird. Because I remember like celebrating you know Yule this year with friends and just having a couple of them round and you know looking at movies to pop on the list and I'm like so many of these movies are Christmas movies and I can't thank you if you know me too. At a Christmas barbecue isn't it?
I wouldn't mind a Christmas barbecue, actually, but it's quite good. Yeah, quite good, must say. So what's your area of expertise? Is it crystal magic, did you say? Yes, yeah. Crystals would definitely be, it was definitely the first batch of magic that I ever got into. and I've always loved crystals growing up like my mum got me like a set from National Geographic of crystals and I still got a lot of them today and I'm actually doing a crystal healing course as well and it's been really interesting sort of seeing how I can tie in what I'm learning in my course to you know witchcraft and the and the healing side of it because that's a really big you know part of it for me especially whether it's doing healing up on myself or more for like friends and family
um Yeah, it's really great to see how it all ties in together and sort of works. So yeah, I would say that and it's gonna sound really cliche but my spirit crystal I would say would be rose quartz for sure just because of that, you know that unconditional love energy the fact that you know it applies to you know yourself so self-love friends family people that you don't know it's just a really gentle stone in that I think For me personally, I really love that energy. and Because life can get really boisterous and, you know, things can sort of, especially if I'm, you know, in a bit of a creative hire or anything like that, it's really good to have a stone that sort of is complimentary to that and just has that real gentle soothing energy. So that's one that I really love. Other ones that I really love working with are Moonstone. Moonstone and Selenite's really sort of tying into moon energy and that sort of thing. Like Selenite is my glow to
Aura Cleanse, I love to do it, you know, on the weekend, sort of leading into a fresh week, sort of just doing an Aura Cleanse and it's really great, you know, charging other crystals, you know, on like a plate or a bowl, like a bowl is one that I've got at home.
Satrine I actually use yeah a lot as well and what I love about it is it's one of the stones that you know is associated with Brigid and she you know the Celtic goddess and she's one that I've been working with for a number of months now and so I've got like you know a couple of Satrine tumbles out on my little kitchen altar you know to honour her so that's sort of a way that I use Satrine. So yeah those will be the three or the four top ones that I sort of work with more regularly Rose Quartz is a good old timer, isn't it? I mean, there's a reason why it's so popular because it's so gentle. And I mean, I bath with Rose Quartz every week. It's such a good bath crystal for that moment when you just want to chill and not look at your phone and get right deep and relax.
Yeah exactly and I kind of find as well I've had many a time where you know if I'm meeting someone for the first time or like we sort of connected a little bit you know like you know on Instagram or something then we're meeting or whatever like I just love having just like a little tumble in my bag just to you know to help to to calm the vibrations you know if there's any nerves or anything sort of helps to calm down so it's really helpful in terms of you know bolstering friendships.
Yeah, you can't go wrong with quartz. I think quartz is a good all rounders, aren't they? And the safety stone to do elixirs. I use a really big crystal quartz that I inherited from my mum to do Reiki. So like I could draw and point the Reiki on the body with the big crystal quartz. And I absolutely love that gemstone. It's such a good one.
It's really interesting. One of my friends, who is not a witch at all, who thinks it's all a load of rubbish, messaged me the other day and said, I don't know what it is when I wear my moonstone. I just feel better. Is that a thing? And I was like, that's absolutely a thing, yeah. It's because you obviously obviously say i' have connections with moon energies and being a female and stuff. And then she said to me, but how do crystals work? And I thought, do you know, I don't know if I know the answer to that.
started in my brain. Yeah, I mean, I guess a simple way to sort of explain it to your friend, I guess, is just the way that, you know, everything carries energy in the world and in the universe. And I think partly comes down to the way that the energy field of the stone reacts with our own energy field it and the surrounds as well. like They are brilliant holders of information and, and you know, stories of energy and And yeah, I think that's probably the most basic way of summing it up, I would say. Yeah, it's fascinating. And I think the purple one, God, what's it called? Amethyst. yeah Amethyst. I read recently, amethyst vibration matches like the brain's vibration, which is why it works with your upper chakras, your crown and stuff. So it's all about different vibrational patterns, would you say? Yeah, like frequencies. Yeah.
Yeah and I'm like I've just loved you know throughout my crystal healing course just you know learning yeah more about the chakras and like chakra crystals and and that like I feel like I've and you know doing some practical work with you know friends and family like I feel like I've gained a more holistic I guess view of what crystals can do and and how they can be used you know both the like you know the physical body and like subtle bodies and other you know areas of our auric field so It's definitely something that I want to continue, you know, upskilling myself in and and growing my knowledge of. Is there any crystals that you don't like that really repel you?
Yeah, that's a really good question. There is one, um and it's actually one of my birthstones, funnily enough, but I always just get a bit of a weird vibe from it, is Malachite. Oh! Yeah, so it's like I have heard that it has quite an intense energy and some people if they hold it like they actually get like a real physical reaction from it and they just can't work with it but I think and I haven't you know held a pace or anything like that but just from what I've seen of it and read of it like it just it doesn't resonate really with me so I think that would probably be the one that I guess I'm not overly into. God I love Malachi it's just so green and I'm obsessed with green as you might be able to tell.
But it's quite heavy and dense, and I do have ah an egg over there. And also malachite, it draws energy away from other crystals, so to say, you shouldn't have it in a draw with all the other crystals because it'll suck all the ah the energy, which is quite interesting. For me, it's hematite, actually. I just don't like it, and I don't really know why.
Because it looks beautiful. I feel like I have heard that a little bit with people and hematite. Like, I mean, it's definitely like the sheen and just a bit heavy as well. It's not very optimistic if it had a personality. It's a doer, isn't it? It's a doer stone. I think it's a masculine, energy stone. Maybe that's why, but it just makes me feel kind of like stagnant and perhaps a little bit greasy. Water that's left to fester or something. I don't know. You know I know exactly how you feel. I mean I have used it a bit in like protection magic and so on like when I've been spelling rings and things into protective talismans I have used it in that sense but yeah it's definitely not a daily crystal or regular one that I use so I definitely feel that for

Crystal Magic and Healing

sure. Probably better for magic maybe in spells.
yeah i think so because it's a duet yeah so perhaps not so much to have on you for tlc and stuff but more of a that i've got this thing i've got an action this stone will get the action good way to put it yeah so how do you use your crystals So I've got, um as you can probably see, um I've got a few that I wear day to day, so I always, you won't catch me without a crystal bracelet on. and This one here, um this one's actually one that's a crystal that you can only find in Tasmania. It's called Serpentine Stitch Tight. So it's a combination of two different crystals. So that one's really good for like just like general like emotional healing. like I really love that aspect of it. So it's sort of one that I wear oh yes like daily.
On my right, so I usually switch this one out. and During the day, I will have a fire quartz crystal bracelet, which is really good for, you know, vibrancy, action, all the things associated with fire. And so that's sort of like my day bracelet. And then this one um is my Angelite. So really good with connecting to our spirit guides, very soothing, calming energy again, which is really good, especially like for sleep and that sort of thing. So I have used it in a couple of meditations, you know,
ah with spirit guides and it's been quite good yeah so those are the ones that i sort of wear in terms of like maybe like tumbles i might like carry some around and like in my day bag with my rose quartz is usually there like i might have my moonstone as well if i'm you know doing something where perhaps i need ah bit of courage or a bit of motivation. um I tend to bring my sunstone tumble because that's you know really awesome yeah for for that. um So I'll have my sunstone there and if I need to amplify the qualities of any other crystals that I'm carrying then I've got my clear quartz because it's really good. Those are the ones that I would carry I guess in my bag day to day.
If I was traveling, so for example, if I was on a trip or if I was traveling for business or whatever like that, I would have a stone that's really good for travel. One of my rings is actually my engagement ring here. It's got a big garnet in the middle um and garnet I've always associated with but travel. And so I turned that into a bit of ah a travel talisman. And so it's always good to have, if i'm especially if I'm traveling or anything like that. So that's sort of another wearable sort of use for it.
There's a lot in there. There's a lot to know. I often forget stuff, I learn stuff, and then it pushes someone else out my head. Yeah. there is this i mean like Lots of offshoots and magic like herbs and crystals. There's just so much to soak up and I guess you really just have to focus on the things that really resonate with you because otherwise you get overwhelmed, right? Especially you know if you're starting out in the craft. I get overwhelmed. I've been doing it now for maybe eight years and I still get Like, oh, I can't do this. It's too hard. I forgot this. I forgot that. Get Buck out. And have you got any unusual ways that you use crystals? Um, that's like a question. Yeah. I can't think of any unusual, like, cause I use it in sort of the more traditional ways, you know, especially like carrying it or wearing it or having it in like a little satchel or a mojo bag. Um, and then having like this a train out for Bridget. Um, I can't think of any unorthodox ways that I use them.
they're all sort of pretty um sort of common ways of using them da bra them da brah never think of that actually everybody does that you take your bra off with all these crystals just like yeah ah I put them on my houseplants. That's actually not a weird one though because and it's becoming more of something that's being explored like you know in books and and podcasts is actually you know I've heard like citrine because there's a quartz crystal is really good to promote growth in the soil and you can even have like protective crystals like obsidian or a tourmaline as well ah around so that actually is becoming increasingly more well known I think.
buried in a big garden. That garden's covered in random crystals. And I've been making a fish pond for those who have been following me on Instagram. My kids were inspired by an episode of Bluey. Bluey? Oh my God, it's transforming my life is Bluey. I swear I got all my parenting tips from. There were an episode where they made a pond in the back garden, so we started digging out this pond. So now I'm going to put crystals in it because I've got crystals in my fish tank in my house.
Nice. So the fish benefit from the crystals? How cool is that? Yeah, I love that. Yeah, I mean, I have heard, especially like you know um with with cats and dogs and and pets like you know having crystals for them like you know tucked in their bed or like on their blanket. or or something like like that actually like helps as well. So yeah, that that actually feeds yeah into that well, although I'd never heard of that with fish, but I love it. but It is really cool and it looks nice as well instead of gravel. Just put a few, I've got a few quarts. It's only a tiny little thing. but And of course you have to cleanse them, aren't you? Because they sit there and they get pooed on and stuff.
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So tell

Crystal Cleansing Techniques

me about cleansing them. How do you choose to cleanse them? So I think the really good thing about Selenite is it has this dual thing where it both cleanses and charges at the same time. So yeah, definitely like the Melchrystal bracelets or any tumbles that I've used, you know, throughout the week.
I'll just put them in a little selenite bowl and like oh it'll do its thing and they'll be be really good, you know, in the morning. Another favourite way that I like to cleanse them is, and this is only ah for water safe crystals, um is with water. Just running them and you're under the tap and just saying like a little affirmation just about cleansing the crystals and then that's pretty good to go. Another way that is usually good, I don't tend to do it you know that often nowadays just because a lot of crystals are very sun sensitive is sunlight or moonlight is is a safer alternative and I will do that um as well you know when it's a full moon and that's a really good place to charge your crystals. Another way that is is good as well I don't do it nearly as often though um is smoke cleansing so just getting you know like a sage bundle and
you know, just doing smoke. One that is slightly more orthodox or less common that I love doing is sound cleansing. So getting my little altar bell and just, you know, doing a cleanse with that and just letting the vibrations sort of, you know, cleanse the stone. It's such a brilliant way and it's so good, you know, if you're afraid of water, if you're afraid of sunlight and you're, and you can't, you know, do smoke for whatever reason, sound is such a good way to do it.
You could even sing to them, can't you? Yeah, exactly. Yeah. I do bells, you know, like little, and little trinket bells. and And I do clapping. And then there's also the one where you can hold them and imagine lights and stuff coming through your palms. And if you're Reiki practitioner as well, you can also use Reiki to actually benefit your crystals rather than with Reiki, which I just love.
Yeah, oh, that's really cool. um And then I think what it just came to, because it's something that I've been doing, you know, throughout my course, so is if you've got like an amethyst, druze or cluster, um setting your crystals on top of that, or even and just around the crystal, provided that it's been sort of programmed to charge the kinds of crystals around it, is such a great way and you can, you know, get a lot of cleansing done with that method too. So, you know, that's another one that I would recommend.
Because the shape of the crystal reacts the energy different, doesn't it? So is it if it's a natural one, it kind of shoots off like a disco ball. Yeah, a little bit. I love that. The points, it's like a pencil, you can direct it. I don't know what eggs do. Do eggs, ah they are they more about representation of new beginnings and stuff?
I think so because I think like a round shape has I think the properties of both the spherical and the triangle or something like that it has sort of like dual properties and definitely like if it's an egg so it's more like oval shape like that's definitely you know symbolical fertility which is really great you know if you want to do like a crystal egg ritual around like a star It's a really good time to do to do manifestations with a crystal egg. So yeah, it's it's been really great sort of learning about the different shapes of crystals and what they sort of mean and their and their properties. And yeah, it's it's a really great topic.
i'm I'm after a Willy Crystal, I don't own a Willy Crystal. But I'm gonna get one soon. i just It's kind of hard to display it. Yeah, true. People are like, what what is this? Nothing, nothing. is ah It's like, what are you doing with that? Well... I know what you'll think. It'd be good just for Goddess of God work, really. Yeah. For the old alti. Well, you have to let me know if you ever do end up getting one.
I'll be showing everybody our pictures now, look at this, but i'll I'll need a uni as well. I can't just have a willy, I'll need a uni as well. yeah And they'll have to match, they'll have to be similar sizes. And that's really hard to find the same, you know what I mean? It's just like one's massive and one's tiny. Oh, it's nice to geek out about crystals.
because Yeah, because there are there are people or like friends or acquaintances that you know they perhaps witchcraft a little bit witchy and and some of them actually don't vibe with crystals, which is totally understandable. So it's really good to actually you know connect and and sort of you know' chat all about them. It's it's really nice.
well I'm terrible for because I've got quite a lot now. I've stopped buying them, but cleansing them, you forget, and then they end up sitting on a shelf gathering dust. And then in your opinion, would you say they stop working because they do need effort and attention? ah Yeah, absolutely. Like I definitely think, you know, if you're absolutely just like not cleansing them at all or giving them any sort of maintenance, yeah, they're definitely, they're not going to work very effectively or at all if you've left it for for too long.
I'd say but I mean like I think like even just doing like once a month like if you are going to use moonlight and do it under the full moon like I think that's more than enough like and I think it also depends on how frequently you're using certain crystals so if it's for example jewelry like the crystal bracelets I was telling you about I'm charging them you know nightly because they're on me I call this all the time But if it's a crystal that you're only using you know once or twice, like you know it's great it's fine to charge it every two weeks, every month. I guess it all just depends on on yeah on the usage, really. Yeah, i can I'm thinking of some I've got now on the shelf, you know really big ones that are just pretty that I don't really give any attention to. And it's a shame because they could be really good.
Yeah, ah for sure. You know, just to do something little. Even if it's just, you know, they're clapping or, you know, something simple. And I would go a long way for sure. ah Do you have any moldivite? No, I don't. It is a stone that I've been looking at and reading about. I haven't had a particular pull to it um as of yet, but I have been seeing it around.
It got huge in lockdown, didn't it? I've been watching it. There's not much of it in the world, so it does get quite expensive. And last year for my birthday, I bought myself a tiny little 0.4 gram piece.
and ah wrapped it in a silver chain and I wear it every so often. But it is quite extreme when I wear it and I go out and I meet people, loads of stuff, materializers. So I don't sleep in it, because I read that's really bad. Oh yeah, I can that You'd have like two balloons of dreaming to the point where like, you might be sleepwalking or something. It's really cool that, you know, you get, you know, downloads. It might be helping you to access information from the spirit, perhaps. Maybe that's that's why you're getting, you know, all those downloads when you're out and about.
Do you want to tell us a little bit about your magic and how you do your magic with crystals and maybe a little bit of good mental health stuff? and This is something that you mentioned earlier in terms of making crystal elixirs. I actually have one that um as part of my course I'm making at the moment so I was just charging under the the moonlight um and so I'm making a creativity um crystal elixir and this is where we can sort of tie into different numbers and shapes of things. So I've decided to go with um three carnelian crystals that I just sort of set them
sort of on the points around the jar. um Because three is really good in terms of creativity, um just going into neurology. I did a bit of sound, I used my altar bell sort of as well, um so just to send the vibrations into the elixir too. So what I'm planning to do with it is in the morning I'm going to collect it, I'm going to drink some of it, I'm going to bottle some, stick it in the fridge. Because I know that if you if you don't put any preservatives like alcohol or anything in it to make it last longer, you can refrigerate it for up to two weeks.
and sort of consume it within that time but otherwise yeah if you are using alcohol it'll last a lot longer than that but I'm sort of preferring the ah no preservative approach and so yeah I'll definitely drink some in the morning, store some for later and because I'm actually working on um a poetry manuscript um at the moment.
and So that's why I decided to do a creativity outlook sub, but you can do it for a whole range of things, you know, whether it's for healing. So if you wanted to do one, you know, if you have like an ailment or something like that, you could do amethyst would be really good for that. And six is a number that it's good for, it's associated with health.
and harmonies so you could definitely you know put three of the amethyst crystals around the elixir and sort of create it for that but you can create it for all sorts of things that you're trying to manifest but definitely um in the context of of healing um yeah amethyst would be really good there. I know sometimes like you might think that having the crystals in the water ah my and indirect contact with it might release the energies of the crystals into the water a little bit better. I guess for that though you would just have to be careful that whatever crystal you're using toxins don't actually leach into the water so you'd have to be quite careful with that. my Quartz is quite safe so if you're using
you know, any rose quartz, clear, sertrine, those would all be fine, you know, if you wanted to place it directly in the water, um but otherwise over some other crystals, yeah, just just look them up and make sure that it's fine, um otherwise you can just place them um around the glass. So that's one way that I used crystals and on the healing side as well. Does it work as well, the crystal not touching the water, do you think?
Yeah, it'd actually be pretty interesting to experiment with both and sort of do them both at the same time and then sort of see, and maybe with the exact same crystals and see what the effect is, you know, after consuming, you're like a group A, and group B sort of thing.
um logically you know submerging the crystals in the water I mean we're having that direct contact I would say there would be more of an effect doing that and that is how I up until doing the course is how I have domicrystal elixirs in the past but I think yeah if you're definitely if you're worried about you know the safety and everything like that you know best bottle core is just to sit them around yeah the glass jar or the bottle whatever you're using for the elixir so Yeah, I'm always in two minds about what if it does or not. I do put, again, it's always quartz as quartz as I say for most things because it's just a hardened glass really, isn't it? Like a naturally made hardened glass. So you can't go wrong with them. And I do drink quartz in plastic water bottles most days. But Tiger's Eye surprises me quite a lot because that's got the shine in it. what What is it now? It's asbestos, isn't it? The shine in Tiger's Eye made of asbestos.
So it's really dodgy to buy raw tiger's eye, I think. I think it's got to be sealed to be polished. Yeah, so yeah we need to like get it in like, you know, like a bit of a, like ah almost like a dish or somewhere, something like a glass encasing where you can display it but not directly touch it. It is beautiful because it's the shine. But I mean, I only found that out maybe a year ago and I use tiger's eye a lot. It's such a good grounding one, isn't it? And it's an earthly chakra, so it it works to keep me from flying off too much on a research in. Yeah, that would be a good one to add to show up.
it for the root chakra. Yeah, so do your research and if you think you want to put something in water, do good research if you're going to consume it or add it to plants or whatnot. Yeah, exactly. and Definitely do your homework. So where do you buy them from then? Have you got special places?

Local Crystal Culture and Businesses

Yeah, so I'm quite lucky that ah here in Sydney we do have quite a few really good crystal shops. Yeah, and then they are quite close to me as well, so it's not yeah it's you know it's not too far for me to get out to them. and It's always such a good vibe, you know, going out and and feeling a good vibe. and You know, and it's funny because every Bristol store is different, right? You're not going to vibe with each and every one of them, but I do feel quite grateful that pretty much all the ones that are sort of around me, I really vibe with them. And I always feel like I'm walking out with treasures, you know, every time I visit. Yeah, so quite lucky there. I do buy some of them online, primarily, and this is a shout out to one of my favourite witches, Kirsty.
ah She lives in Victoria. um She's got a fabulous witchy business um and she sells really high grade quality crystals. The Fire Quartz bracelet that I mentioned earlier or is where i um I got it from her. um So yeah, I just love you know shopping with her and you know she she's been you know in the crystal business for a long time before transitioning more into the witchy stuff. It's such a pleasure buying crystals from her. So yeah, I feel very lucky where I am. And what's a little business called?
It's called Witch & Co. Yeah, it's it's such a beautiful um online shop. She has been doing, been opening sort of just like up like a room with some of her wares um sort of in Victoria for people, a local, you know, which is just sort of have a look and and browse and things. Yeah, but it's a lovely online store and, you know, she she does, you know, blog posts as well on the website and she see she's such a wealth of knowledge and and so lovely. So shout out Kirsty if you're listening.
And I'll link the shop in the show notes so people can find her. So does Kirsty know the journey of the crystal, where it comes from? and Because I think that's becoming really important in terms of the good vibrations within the crystal or the mind and stuff. Yeah, definitely. She's an absolute wealth of knowledge when it comes yeah to that end-to-end sort of knowledge of the journey and you know she definitely takes pride in um you know where she's sourcing the crystals making sure that they're ethically sourced too that you know they're high quality um and especially for depending on how are they're going to be used so she she really thinks about um the end-to-end process including you know when it reaches um you know the customer or the witch and um yeah and just how thoughtful and diligent she is like that part of the reason why i keep going back and back aside from her being a good friend of course
Ah yeah, totally support your local witch biz. It is important though and I think it's becoming more present in today's society about how we shop and where stuff comes from. I don't buy your crystals from Wish or Teemu because... Oh yeah, absolutely not. and ...little kids will have been paid a penny an hour to stand in dirty water and ugh, it's not good. Yeah, it's horrible. Are there any more crystals you can tell us about from your native land of Australia?
Um yeah the one that I mentioned um so this one I'm wearing uh yeah the serpentine stitch tie yeah that is native to Tasmania. Opals can be found in quite a few places but Australia is very well known for opal. Yeah I don't think there are one I mean apart from from this Tassie one I don't really know of others that are just Australian. Yeah that definitely would be something for me to look up or look um up so food for thought.
What? Do you know what Opal does? I've never worked with Opal. I think, yeah, I mean there's different types of Opal. Like I know that pink Opal's got that beautiful, yeah, that pink sort of colour is quite good, which, you know, and a lot of pink crystals, you know, it's good for that dimensional healing, um you know, self-love, you know, that sort of thing. I think, and then it's the way that I sort of sort of filled with this opal crescent moon necklace that I appended that I have. Just with the sheen like I just I feel like a strong sense of clarity when I wear it when I look at it and I think that is partly down to the actual look and the aesthetic of it and it sort of ties into what we we're talking about about some of the moon um related crystals and clear quartz is also one that's associated with the moon too um and and that's really good for clarity so I think you know clarity and universal connection are some of the things that I
connect with our This is a bit of an unpopular opinion but I think the moon is really overrated. Really? Controversy! Controversy! I'm just such a solar witch, solar powered witch. I mean the moon seriously triggers my emotions anyway. I always know when it's a full moon I much prefer a new moon to a full moon. I think the full moon is just not for me at all and I genuinely hide from it.
And that's really understandable because you know the moon really affects us all in such powerful ways and you know it can be very emotionally overwhelming for some people. um But I love that you've talked about the fact that you're more of a solar witch because that's something that I'm getting more and more into. And like I know that yeah there are different correspondences or different types of magic that's great to work.
you know, at certain times of the day, be it like sunrise, noon and sunset. So I'd love to hear, I guess, your experience into the solar cycles and and how you use them in your craft. I mean, it's hard being a solar witch in UK because they're in much. I love the summer. I love the spring and summer for that reason because being within the sun, it alters me dramatically.
Yeah. And the phases of the sun go through a day, whereas the phases of the moon go through a month, so it's very masculine energy. Which means fast paced, active, problem solving, ambition. It really does work well with my soul and appeals to my spirit, I guess. I want to be out in it all the time. And there's the warmth, I don't like being called. Long time. Are you living in Australia? You're so lucky.
I know, I do feel quite lucky. Yeah, definitely, in that respect. Because in terms of solar magic, you know, I was telling you about that five-day spell where it was just like a non-stop sun and I was just like, I'm just gonna, you know, sleep out here for a while because, yeah, it's just lovely. um I definitely have been working more and more with the sun in my practice. It's only been a rather recent thing where I and i attended this talk by this fabulous Australian witch called Stacy DeMarco.
and she does like some seasonal lunar diaries. She did a whole um free talk on solar magic so it was really great to sort of soak up that knowledge and then yeah try to delve into it more with my own practice yeah. Oh I bet that were a good talk.
Yeah, um she's an absolute natural and you know such an experienced witch when it comes to the craft and has a wealth of knowledge and and yeah she's done quite a few talks um this year actually that I've been to. Like she did one about um how to use like her seasonal diary and sort of working you know, with different energies, like the moon and the sun. She's released a new oracle deck actually to do with the sun. I think it's called Queen of the Sun. And it's sort of like the sister to, she's got like a moon oracle deck. So I still love that sort of holistic approach that she has. Just look at her works in general. So yeah, it's a big shout out there to Stacey. Oh my God, I need to buy it. I'm gonna buy it. Yes, you should buy it. I need to, because I need another oracle deck, that's why. Yeah, absolutely, out of like 100 now.
yeah yeah ah Speaking of Oracle decks actually, I do have one with me because I thought I might show you. So I'm not sure if you've heard of a witchy author called Aaron Murphy Hiscock. Yeah so she's known as the Green Witch and cheese she actually wrote a book called the Green Witch and this Oracle deck is I think like the companion to that book and it's all about you know natural magic so it's got like you know seasonal cards. It's got crystals, it's got herbs, it's got animals. um just I just love everything about it. It's just that that natural magic aspect. I actually got a card here to show you. So this is chamomile, lintleness, relaxation and sleep. I'm actually looking to plant some of that in my spring garden but I've just been using it. I do like a daily pull you know at my altar which is like my bedside table pretty much and
It's just a beautiful way to connect in with the witchcraft practice every day, just every morning. So, yeah, it's a beautiful deck. So, if anyone wants to get that, um I highly recommend. Is there a set of books, isn't there? Is the Green Witch and then Kitchen Witch? Yes. I know these books. Yeah, the Green Witch there usually sold as a set or like you can buy them.
you know and the in you know, with the two of them together, which is great. So and she also has a really brilliant book called Spellcrafting. So that's actually about the mechanics of spellcrafting. So what is spell and how can you raise energy? Like what are the different methods? How can you troubleshoot a spell if it hasn't been effective? It's just a bit of a, it's a sciencey sort of book and I love it because it's sort of grounded in that, that real realism, which I think is a great sort of compliment to how to, you know,
Most of the witchy books that you would see, yes, is one of my absolute favourite authors, Aaron Murphy-Hiscock. Nice. I mean, I have a lot of books. It is a problem, but when you're a witch, I think you really do. You think it is a problem, but it also isn't a problem. Yeah, like, Put them is the problem, not reading them. Exactly. Have you got any books you can recommend for crystals and crystal magic and stuff?
Yeah, ah so definitely for people that are starting off in the witchcraft practice, I'd recommend a book by Lisa Chamberlain. It's sort of in her Mystic Library series. It's just a beautiful ah little book and it's called Wicca Crystal Magic.
um And it just delves into I think like the 12 or 13 sort of most commonly used crystals. A bit of sort of like lore and history into crystals and how they're performed and that sort of thing. So you get a bit of a science-y background as well. And then um just like a tiny little gromois section of little crystal spells and try. So that one, yeah, is is definitely one that I would recommend especially to anyone that's sort of starting off with with crystal magic and spellcraft.
The other ones that I'm thinking of like they're not crystal specific like there is a good book called Wikipedia you might have seen. Yes I know that one. That book yeah is great and it's got like a good little section on crystals as well and a little bit of an encyclopedia. So it's really good yeah for people that sort of yeah they don't know many crystals and sort of would have expanded knowledge about different ones and and so that one's really good. Those are the two that sort of come to mind in terms of crystals more specifically. The Crystal Bible as well. It's old school by Judy Hall. I've got it right here at the front library. I'm just eyeballing it now. Have you been into crystals a long time before, witchcraft, or were they about the same time, do you think? um I mean, I always sort of grew up loving them. um You know, I got my first set of crystals from mum when I was, you know, really young and sort of always loved, you know, if I was on like, you know, a trip or the forest or
or somewhere and there were rocks around like I'd always want to like inspect them and sort of put my hand on them and and things so I've always sort of had that love but then I hadn't always thought about them for a while and then getting into witchcraft actually rekindled that passion that sort of deep-seated love that I have for them so that's definitely you know one of the reasons like I'm really grateful and you know for the craft is you know rekindling that passion crystals and and now I'm i'm doing a crystal healing course and if all goes well hopefully start practicing as a healer and yeah like you say kids like treasure I mean my two kids have boxes of random junk and treasure and crystals all over the bedroom and when I were a kid because my mum was into all tarot and oracle and and she would have psychic medium so she had a select few crystals you know that I weren't allowed to touch I couldn't not to mess with she had this
tiny little amethyst and i've still got it and i used to pinch it and put it in my doll's house like as a centerpiece for the dollies and she used to get so cross at me and i think back then i would go well that's a shame because i looked after it i wasn't kicking it around like a football i knew it was precious and it obviously helped me be okay mentally because i always wanted it but she used to get really like don't touch my crystals there are certain crystals where i'm like like i've got this beautiful rose quartz chunk um which I got from Kirsty on my altar and that's one of my voices also and I'm just like don't touch it.
And it's sacred. Sacred. Sacred. Yeah, but um I mean, with most others, though, I'm pretty chill. Like, I'm not constantly on on my husband or or my cat, Percy, about it. But it's really funny as well, though, because crystal greens are sort of another way that I use crystals in my craft. I'm like, I've currently got in this room, in this study, I've got like a a little abundance green with like green fluoride and some tangerine quartz and some smoky quartz as well.
um and sort of like a see-the-life pattern. But it's funny because I had to build one as part of my course and I was just thinking like, where am I going to put this where Percy, my cat, is like not going to like start backing the crystal away. And I figured out a solution where I put it in the living room, but when I'm not in the room or like out, I've got like a cushion that I can sort of like put as a bit of a barricade so that he won't actually touch it. There's a bit of a workaround.
But then I would remove it as soon as I got home or whatever. So yeah, it's it's it's interesting having, you know, pets around and but they see it as a toy, but I feel like they can also feel the energy in a way and they want to play with it. Cats looking at you like, is that a challenge, mother? Yes, exactly. Can I touch it now? Can I touch it now? Can I touch it now? Oh, go on then. Go on, touch it. Yeah, exactly. I mean, I've got to say though, in general, with my main alter, Percy's pretty good.
Like I do have like a little cup of water that I do, you know, as representative of the water element. And he will daintily sort of just like, you know, drink from that, but he won't touch anything else. And i just soon like you and I've got like little moonstone chips in it as well. You know, so it's a bit of a crystal, crystal water and he just loves it. Even though he's got like his way his normal bowl, just like in the kitchen, he's like, I'm going to drink this water. Yeah, it's great. But he just doesn't touch anything else. He's just such a good boy. um I think he really senses the magic.
Witches can't, you say, they know. I've actually been using um the whiskers that Percy's been shedding around the place. I've been using that in magic. Oh, nice. Yeah, because um because whiskers, um they're a really good um symbol of both protection and good luck. And so I was i was crafting like a a witchy protective bottle or protection bottle for a friend of mine, and I just popped a little whisker in there just to amplify. So I love that he really is my familiar in that sense. Oh. Yeah, it's great.
Reason 528 why I want a car, I can use the whiskers in that magic. You could steal a whole encyclopedia of reasons. Yeah. You mentioned when you were a kid and you used to collect rocks and stuff. Because rocks, I think, are very similar to crystals and would work as well because the earth created them. So you don't have to have crystals as a witch, you could just use pebbles that you found.
Absolutely yeah and you could even use like they're not rocks per se but you could use like seashells for example you know yeah they really target the water element you know to the earth so i feel like definitely yeah just use whatever you've got at your disposal if you if you're tidal money and you can't get crystal for reason yeah just collect you know pebbles from the beach or seashells or just other sort of earth and related rocky sort of things and and you can use them because be able to you know put your hand on on the rock whatever sort of feel and vibe with the energy and sort of build the correspondence from there so it doesn't it have to be a crystal from a crystal shop yeah just here's what you have it's hard not to get sucked in by the bling I must admit yeah very true yeah I mean every time like I walk in a crystal shop I'm like go to myself be good you've got loads you know go and get more
It's fine. Nice. Well, I think we've had a really good conversation here. Yes. Do you want to give yourself a little plug, Jenna? Where can we find you? So, yeah, if you want to, I guess, just um delve more into my witchy life and and, you know, the everyday magic and that I do, ah you can follow me on Instagram at rosecauldronmagic with a K um at the end. Yeah, and you'll be able to find also witchy things, you know, herb spotlights, sabbat-related content, like other little tidbits here and there. um You'll see some oracle draws every now and again, too. And that'll be the best way um to sort of connect and and find me. Well, thank you for coming on. It's been an absolute ball. It's brightened up my murky rainy morning. Well, I'm so glad to hear that. And, you know, it's definitely given me lots of food for thought. I feel very inspired and witchy. Thank you so much again for having me on.
You have been listening to the Bell Witch podcast. Created with Love and Magic by me, Swales, the friendly green witch. I love to hear from you and I absolutely love, love, love, love to celebrate you. If you have a podcast or a business, a witchy business, a pagan related topic you love to talk about, you can reach me on the bell witch podcast at Yahoo!
dot com Send me a trailer and I will absolutely play it, because there is magic in sharing audiences amongst podcasts. music by jeff harvit of pixabay the official bell wait photographer is the lovely beverly thornton thank you so much for choosing the bellw podcast to fill your ill they magical witches
We are castles and cryptids where the castles are haunted and the cryptids are cryptic as fuck. We're a couple of Canadian chicks who are fascinated by freaky shit. So join us as we fall down numerous rabbit holes. Numerous so very many rabbit holes. Fortune telling. We talk true crime cryptids, haunted AF stuff, and much much more.
There are definitely some movie tangents in there too because we love our horror movie chat.