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From the Narrowboat Kitchen: The Magical Journey of Food, Foraging, and Folklore image

From the Narrowboat Kitchen: The Magical Journey of Food, Foraging, and Folklore

S1 E51 · The Bell Witch Podcast
611 Plays26 days ago

Welcome to The Bell Witch Podcast. "Witching in the 21st Century" 

In this episode of The Bell Witch Podcast, the host Swailes the Friendly Green Witch  enthusiastically welcome Laura May, a kitchen witch living on a narrowboat in London named May Moon. Laura shares her journey into kitchen witchery, emphasizing her connection to food, foraging, and cooking. She discusses her transformative relationship with food, overcoming past eating disorders, and infusing her culinary practices with ritual and storytelling. Laura also highlights her creative projects, including a tarot deck that merges recipes with folklore. The conversation touches on the challenges of boat living, the symbolic nature of ingredients, and the importance of embracing imperfections in cooking.

Back Laura's Kickstarter tarot deck here-

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Introduction to Pod of Terror and Belle Witch

Are you tired of hearing about the Ted Bandies and Jeffery the Amazon True Crime Podcast? I thought so. We've got something just for you. I'm Pat. And I'm Darcy, and we are the hosts of Pod of Terror, a true crime podcast that dives into lesser known cases from around the world. Grab a glass of wine and join us every Thursday as we discuss them as the vile, despicable human beings on the planet. It'll be a dark and twisted journey, so don't forget your drink. You're gonna need it. We're looking forward to seeing you next Thursday.
Darkcast Network bringing our indie podcasts out of the shadows.
Now then, witches and beautiful souls, you are listening to the Belle Witch Witching in the 21st century with me, Swales, a friendly green witch. This is episode 51 and I'm feeling a lot more chipper than I was for the last main episode listener. And there are many reasons for this. One is at last.
I broke my goal in the new year of over a thousand Spotify followers. 1,115 to be exact. Woohoo, she's buzzing!
And did you hear my snazzy little promo and story shout out over on an amazing podcast called Real Life Ghost Stories? Yes, it did. Real Life Ghost Stories with Emma. I was absolutely chuffed to bits with the lovely shout out she gave me and I got loads of listeners from it and loads of downloads and everything's

Swales on Community and Engagement

up. So thank you so much, Emma, for mentioning the Bellwetch podcast.
I shall link that episode in these show notes just for you and also add a little flurry of patreon members of which I will thank right now. Thank you so much to Juniper Berry and Rowan Milne. Is it M-I-L-N? Milne? Terrible. Thank you for becoming official members and also welcome to London Hill, the Shelby King, Kylie O'Brien, Ruby Reid Sharp.
Carla and English Witch in France. Thank you for joining and I hope you like it here enough to stay and maybe become a full time member. And I'm always open to ideas and suggestions to put stuff on. I have made a Discord group. It's a little bit tumbleweedy at the moment, but I guess it'll take a few members to pop on over and come and talk to me and see if we can get some witchy conversation going on. That would be awesome.
I recently recorded a very powerful meditation for my patreon members it is the meet y'all loved ones meditation this one is quite historic for me i first did this meditation when i was really young you know in the spiritualist church that i speak about in my mum's episode and i remember manana just died and we did this meditation and that was the first time i met nan in spirit I remember it so vividly it was really powerful and so every so often I do this meditation throughout my life. I have customised it a little bit to make it more personal to me and I hope it helps you and if you are in a good place emotionally do come and listen to this meditation it's about 20 minutes long but if it's not a good time don't worry about it do it when you know you're ready for it as it is an emotional one but it'll be there for you always okay if you're a patreon member it'll never get deleted
And I think this might be the first of many a new thing for Patreon.

Imposters and Warnings

I am also going to write one about meeting your spirit guide, your spirit animal, similar to the one I learnt from Louise Bloomer, the wicked lady that enabled me to meet my Reiki horse. I'm going to create one uniquely for my Patreon subscribers. It'll be so lovely. I can't wait.
I'm going to read some stories as well about witches. I found this book at school in the little libraries in the playground. It was from the 70s and it was stories about witches. I thought, oh, it'll be interesting to see how witches are portrayed. Hopefully they're not all scary, ugly, like, warty green ones. There must be some nice ones in there. So that'll be quite a cool little experiment.
Oh, what else? What else have I that to tell you about? Ah, the monster that is TikTok. Somebody set up a clone TikTok of me. So if you've come over from TikTok after following the Bell Witch podcast too, welcome.

Laura's Kitchen Witchcraft

But that's not me. It is an imposter pretending to be me. Outrageous.
It's great you're here and I sincerely hope that you didn't give them money. Apparently they are DMing people saying, can I give you a reading? What's your star sign for a donation? I can't stress it enough. Legit readers, witches, light workers, oracle card readers, palmistry people.
spirituality people. We just don't do it. We do not message your unsolicited offering your readings and then ask him for a donation. Please don't fall for it. I can't believe these bloody scammers. It must be profitable for them because they're still doing it. I ask if anybody messages you're saying, I'm drawn to you. You've got a lovely night round you. There's some up going on. I like your name. What's your star sign? Can I give you a reading?
report and block. Oh my god it just stresses me out knowing that some of my fans are could be getting scammed. Ah please don't fall for it. We don't do it honestly. Oh my gosh. We trust you to find us if you want a reading. You find the person to give you a reading and then you ask us for it. We never ever offer unsolicited readings ever. Keep safe out there my lovelies.
Okay so this episode is another lovely moot loot with an amazingly gifted kitchen witch, Laura who lives on a long boat called Maymoon doing amazing videos on her Instagram.
She has lots of followers and she's also bringing out a deck on Kickstarter. So I said I would mention this deck on Kickstarter and encourage you all to go over there and have a look at this tarot kitchen deck because it looks bloody amazing. Please check it out. Laura has sent me a little blurb, so I'm going to read you that now. For the last few months, Laura has been working on the ritual kitchen recipe tarot deck.
which marries up the meaning of each card to an ingredient and a recipe based on the folklore and magical properties. It's basically a tarot deck and recipe collection all in one. Laura is illustrating this project and there is a Kickstarter campaign which runs until February the 21st to raise the money and get it backed and get it created all swish and professional and high spec. So I'm aware that's not much time hence me bringing this moot loop forward. 21st of February will be here like lightning I tell you. So I shall link the Kickstarter in the show notes below because I just love to be helpful.
Do please check it out and if you can support Laura on this amazing endeavor Please do because this deck will be absolutely amazing and I love that she's illustrating it all herself So it will be so incredibly special And who doesn't love an indie deck? Who doesn't? Indie decks are the best decks in my opinion. OK, without further ado and ramblings from yours truly, I'm going to hit play on this lovely Mootloo. Grab yourself a brew and something sweet treatish to eat. It rhymes and enjoy the show.
Welcome Laura to my little witchy podcast. I'm just so excited to have you because you're a bit like witchy royalty to me. Oh that's so nice. Thank you so much for having me. Laura is an amazing witch that I discovered on Instagram. I think another listener actually mentioned you to me and had a look into your amazing Instagram. You've got a lot of followers but your videos are lovely.
oh about you and your little boat and all this stuff you get up to it's really cool so i was like oh my god i want to run the podcast and you need it here you are as if by magic absolutely as if by magic i manifested it so my name is laura and i describe myself as a kitchen witch my practice hasn't always been primarily based around food but i would say for the last Five or six years I've been exploring witchcraft as a practice primarily through food, through plants, through foraging. I live on a narrowboat where I cook my little witchy creations. I make videos talking about the history of witchcraft and what it means to me and also throw in a bit of talking about things like feminism and the food industry and like social commentary.
But yeah, primarily just love food and love witchcraft. Your little narrowboat is lovely from what I see on your videos. mere moon yeah Yeah, I love my boat. i um I actually found my boat through witchcraft as well, strangely, because I'd always wanted to live on a boat for a really long time. I don't know where the idea came from, but it was just something that I desperately wanted to do. I sort of knew that it was the right path for me. And strangely, after I got the boat, I found out that my grandparents had narrowboats
in the Midlands and in the 60s so maybe it's in the blood kind of thing. But yeah in spring of 2020 I kind of finally got the opportunity to invest in buying a boat and I spent the whole summer of 2020 sort of trying to find the right boat. I think I looked at 12 or 13 different boats in and around London mostly because that's where I was based. None of them felt like the one I put a couple of offers in, things had fallen through but none of them really felt like my boat and then I went to Cornwall for the autumn equinox and I did a spell at St Nectans Glen
to find the right boat and within a week I found Maymoon. Unfortunately she was 70 miles away from home so like not the most convenient boat to buy. Bringing her back down to London was quite a yeah eventful journey but I learned a lot and yeah she she is the right boat for me in many many ways she's taught me so much. And when I emailed you I addressed it to Laura and Maymoon because it's I can tell it's so important like the boat is She's her own character, she's her own personality, and I really, really vibe with that. I love it, absolutely love it. And I love that it's your 13th boat that you were looked to. I mean, how witchy is that?
That's true. i've I've not really thought about that before. But yeah, I think I think she was the 13th. But she also had um some runes painted on the side of her, one of which um I think it's the Anzuz rune, which is all about communication and creative expression. And I have the same one tattooed on my leg. So that's how I ended up going to see Maymoon. I went to a marina to see a different boat, but I spotted her this boat that had runes on the side of it. And I was like, what is this?
let me go and have a look at her and then I set foot on her and I was like, yeah, just burst into tears. I was like, this is my boat. Oh, wow. Amazing. You named her Maymoon. Yeah, her original name is written in ruin. So I don't fully know what the name was. It was written as Tabin or Tabian. I'm still not sure exactly what her name was and it is bad luck to rename your boat when she's in the water but because my boat I never really knew her original name I feel like I've kind of worked around that getting through superstition with a loophole. It's been five years Safa you're definitely in the clear.
Yeah, I mean, it hasn't all been smooth sailing, but um we're still together. We're still happy. So yeah. How is it living on a boat? It must be amazing. it It must bring you so much joy just being on the water. It does. It does. For the first three years of living on the boat, I was continuously cruising. So that meant that I wasn't staying in any place for more than two weeks. You have to keep moving along the towpath and basically live a very nomad existence.
So I bought the boat up in Northampton and the plan was to bring her down within a week. But lockdown was sort of chasing me down the country. Do you remember in like December when the tears were locking down county by county? And it was literally chasing me down the Grand Union and I was racing against it. And eventually it caught up with me in Berkhamstead. So I had to stay in Berkhamstead for months just static.
But it turned out to be one of the best things. I mean, I was on a boat for the first time. This was like a week into my journey. And, ah you know, I was locked down. No one else around me, no one that I knew, not in walking distance of anyone that I knew. So I had to spend the winter lockdown like completely alone living on a boat for the first time.

Living on a Boat: Challenges and Lifestyle

but it turned out to be the best thing that could have happened because it really forced me to get used to boat living. Yeah I love boat life. I'm now in a marina so things are a lot easier because living on a boat on the towpath is it's like having a part-time job aside your full-time job it's a lot of work but I've really loved that period of boat life and I wouldn't change it and maybe one day I'll go back on the topa. I just have this crazy vision in my head you know like a comic book like lockdown coming to get you you there with boat you know like don't get me don't get me I'm chasing you.
It was exactly like that. Every day I would look at the news and be like, oh, it's only one county away now. I need to hurry up because i I'd never driven a boat before I bought my boat. So I was having to get people to come and help me move the boat um and help me do locks and things because it was a bit daunting to do on my own.
So I could have technically kept on moving, I mean it was against the rules but I probably could have gotten away with it but I just didn't want to move the boat alert alone so that's why I got stuck.
I've got a lot of questions about just boat living, which aren't really witchy. I just need to get it out my system and then we'll talk about the witchy stuff. That's fine. That's fine. Everybody wants to know about the boat. It's fine. How do you get post? Where does the post go? Because you don't have an address. Where? What? It's always so funny to me that post is like the number one question that people ask. but but it's not something I ever really like considered that much because I don't really get any post. It's not really a problem. ah Sometimes I use my mum's address. Sometimes I use a friend's address. Like you you actually don't need an address. um A lot of people will tell you that you need an address for like a doctor's. You actually don't need an address to be registered ah out of doctors and you don't need an address for a bank or anything. you're You're allowed to use an elected address.
So it hasn't really been a problem. I don't really buy things online either. So that's that's not really much of an issue. I mean, it can be a pain. Like recently I bought a fridge and that was a real pain because it's very difficult to buy a fridge if you're not getting it delivered. It's very difficult to buy a fridge for collection. um So it's little things like that. But aside from the rigmarole of it, it's not actually stopped me from doing anything really. I didn't know that. I thought you had to have an address to register stuff, but You don't? You're holding it first? They want they want you to think that you need an address, but you don't. And for things like voting, you can actually vote in any constituency that you have been through in the previous, I think the previous year. So I can't remember which election it was, but everybody, all of the voters voted in Upsbridge to try and get Boris off his seat.
and because they were allowed to register there even though most of them had just transited through there. Did it work? It didn't it didn't work. There's not enough voters really to tip the scales that much but um we tried. And you work from home I guess.
Yeah so for seven years I had a job in social media and so for the almost the entirety of my time living on the boat I was working from home because obviously we went working from home in 2020 which is why part of the reason why I was able to I think it would have been a lot more difficult if I wasn't working from home. People do it and hats off to them because I would really struggle with that, like continuously cruising and going into the office every day or going into work every day. I solely do my own business now. It explains a lot that you used to do social media and your social media. I find really good, really, really good. Oh, thank you. Yeah, it is obviously quite contrived, but um I know it's so good. I love it. OK, one last one last question about the boat. Go for it. I honestly don't mind boat questions. So when it's windy, then I guess it rocks a lot. Yeah, it can. Yeah. Just get used to it, again do I Do you? It's really not too bad on like the canals. I would not live on a sea boat. I couldn't. ah Yeah, I would get vertigo, I think.
I've only ever gotten land sickness once the first week that I lived on the boat. You just kind of get used to it. But there have been nights that the boat has been tossed around quite a lot. I don't love it, and but it doesn't happen very often. It's fine. It's more the rain that's annoying because the the sound of the rain on the roof can be incredibly loud and that should be like really comforting.
But I had an incident a couple of years ago where I went away for a couple of days and I came home and my boat had been vandalized really badly. um Like windows smashed, engine wires cut, like it was a bit traumatic to be honest. And I didn't have windows for months because it took a long time to get them fixed.
And so I was like constantly battling with tarp and covers and like trying to stop the rain coming in. So I think ever since then, every time I hear a trick of rain on the roof, it it awakens this like anxiety within me. So if I'm asleep on the boat and it starts raining, it just always wakes me up no matter how gentle it is. and I can't bring back the comforting feeling of the rain anymore. It still feels a bit panicky to me. um That's worse than the wind, I think. I like the idea of getting land sickness. Is that literally you stand on the land and go, oh, I'm going to be sick. Yeah. that's If you're on the boat too long um and don't go for like a daily walk or you're not used to it.
The second you sit down or, you know, stay still on the land, you start moving because you're like, oh, why aren't I moving? I feel like I get that we sit is actually like city sickness. Yeah. a go I don't want to be I'm going to be sick. goodbye but Yeah, feeling claustrophobic amongst the buildings for sure.
There's a bookshop in Leeds called, I think it's had fast books and it's a bookshop actually on a badge. It's so cool. Oh, that's cool. I love that. So if you ever come up here on your boat, because it's in like the dock, but you should come and have a shop. I used to live in York, so originally I was going to bring my boat all the way up north just for a jolly more than anything. Just go up to York because I used to live there and then come back down. I didn't end up doing that, but maybe one day as like a pilgrimage.
Yeah, and they are quite slow, aren't they? So it's a good... Oh, yeah. He can walk faster than the boat. Going at the pace that I go would probably take me months, but yeah, it would be a nice little pilgrimage. You have to let me know if you ever do. I'll come see you in mere moon. It'd be awesome.
Yeah, come visit. Yeah, just me inviting myself there. That's what I'll do. Am I right, cheeky witch, I tell you. OK, so the reason you're on the Bellwetch podcast is because you are a fantastic kitchen witch. And I absolutely love that you talk about the folklore of food. I mean, I never kind of put those two things together. I can't cook. I am the worst cook.
I can boil an egg, I can make some toast, I can throw stuff on the grill and in the oven. I can't cook for my life and I'm alright with that. It's okay. Yeah, absolutely. Sometimes that's enough, you know. I definitely don't, I don't go for the whole like,
complicated, Michelin star, like that's not me at all. I'm a home cook, definitely not a chef, not trained in any way. I love food, love making food, but I'm not trained. I'm not a professional. And I think that is so undervalued as well. Like a lot of the posh fancy food that we like look to to be the trendsetter and like aspirational cooking.
But the best food is probably like cooked by your mum on a Sunday dinner, you know? Those are the meals that we all remember and that we connect to and probably that are the most enjoyable. And it is just kind of undervalued, probably because we're not paying for it. I mean, even the way you do it, when you cut it up on the little wooden board and everything. Everything just looks so good and delicious and I'm like, wow why can't I do that? I'm watching Awe, I tell you. So can you tell us a little bit about how you became a kitchen witch? You know, the reasons why you love to cook and all that jazz?
Yeah, I think again, it's just going back to that connection, really. My

Food, Folklore, and Society

journey with food has not always been a positive one. I had quite severe eating disorders from the age of 10, really. And so this journey through kitchen witchery has been part of my recovery. I'm definitely not saying that people can cure themselves.
and and that it's a replacement for therapy and medical intervention but it has definitely been really impactful for me because I used to look at food as just calories, you know, I had diaries full of calories instead of memories and now I look at food in a completely different way because I'm not just trying to create something that has taste or Macros or proteins or low calories. I'm looking to add ritual into my life, add stories into my life through food and it's really changed the way that I look at a meal. I started throwing sort of these like ah elaborate dinner parties for friends in sort of 2018, 2019 and that was kind of the beginning of things. I think it all started with a party that we had at my house share where I baked a cake and everyone went crazy for this cake and I was like,
Oh yeah, all right actually. I like doing that and then that kind of evolved to me making a um ah Halloween party that with a huge spread of food and I just got really into the weeds of like the symbolic nature of like the apple. I just got really obsessive about every little detail of making this spread From there, I spent a couple of years just throwing these elaborate dinner parties, mostly for friends. Like I throw their birthday parties and every single ingredient sort of meant something that was personable to them or to the theme of the food. I was already doing a lot of foraging in 2019. 2020 is when I got really, really into it. I mean, my dad is very into plants.
and wildflowers in particular. So he used to teach me about wildflowers but I never really listened when I was a kid. But now I feel like I, I mean I'm not an encyclopedia of knowledge on the subject by any means but I can definitely take you into the woodland and say this is what Yarrow looks like and this is what it does and I also have a bad memory so the way that I remember that what those things do is through the folklore behind them and through the stories connected to them and yeah I think everything that we do is stories right I feel like my um content online is first and foremost storytelling before it is cooking I mean I love cooking I love food I'm really interested in it
But before I was doing this, I've done many things i've done video editing, I've been an artist, I've done tattooing, and it all comes back to this like connection with others and this form of telling stories. So yeah, that's kind of how how it's evolved.
I love it. I love the stories behind the ingredients. The pomegranate one you did recently, the bloody amazing that was and I was just like, oh, because it's in the tarot and everything and it pomegranates everywhere. I love Greek mythology. like i I can't read them off off the top of my head because they're so convoluted like there's so many different Greek mythology stories and like Zeus is shagging everyone that you know I mean like it's ah it's a very complicated family tree is Greek mythology but when you read about it it just really speaks to you it's so interesting the story by the behind the pomegranate is it's the story of how we get winter so Demeter has a daughter called Persephone and they
live on the earth and it's very green and verdant and sunny and beautiful and I can't remember the exact bits and pieces but Persephone ends up in the underworld with Hades, kind of gets Stockholm Syndrome to be honest, she is essentially his captive but she ends up kind of kind of enjoying his company And eventually, because Demeter is mourning her daughter and the earth has gone to winter and you know the sun has disappeared and it's dark and it's cold because Demeter is in mourning of Persephone. And so Hades allows Persephone to leave and to go back to the earthly realms and Persephone is not allowed to eat or drink anything in the underworld. But before she leaves, Hades offers her six pomegranate seeds and she eats them. And so
That obviously means that she has to stay with him, but she only has to stay for six months of the year. So when autumn happens and when winter happens is when Persephone is going back into the underworld and Demeter is going back into mourning. And so the earth turns to scarce cold mourning again. And then in springtime, Persephone comes back to the earth. There's lots of stories.
that mirror that in lots of different cultures as well, and that's one of the most famous ones. But you do tend to see that throughout different folklores, like there's the story of the, I think it's the Calliège, which I think is a Celtic story or possibly a Eastern European story or two two sides of the same coin, like they might have a different word for it. But again, that's like a wintery being that stalks across the earth and turns everything to winter. So there's there's loads of different examples of that story across lots of different cultures taught told in slightly different ways but they all kind of have the same thread and I love it. I find it so interesting. It is really cool like from from a sort of witchcraft paganism perspective. I really enjoy learning about the food yeah and yeah and then I don't need to cook it so it's all good. Yeah it's definitely not necessary to cook it.
Have you got any more like favourite food stories that you can remember? My absolute favourite story is, I mean it's not really a story so much as a real thing that happened in sort of like folk Britain, is this practice of the Sin Eater.
And I found out about this because I'm from Shropshire and I was staying in a cottage earlier in the year and I wanted to make something called Shropshire Butterbuns, which I'd never made before, but I had heard of them. So I thought, oh I'll have a crack at making those. And through sort of like bits and pieces of research about Shropshire, about food, about the the folk stories connected with it, I found the story of Sin Eaters.
which were people who were employed essentially paid to eat above dead or either recently deceased or dying people and it was thought the act of eating or drinking over the corpse or or the the dying person would absorb the sins of that person because say they'd already passed on or or they were incapacitated, they weren't able to speak their sins or absolve themselves of their sins. So a person would eat over them to take the sins within them. And the last sin eater of England
can't remember his name unfortunately but he is buried in Tropshire on the like Welsh English border in Tropshire and I just i find that story so fascinating and it really connects to how we we assign like morality to food or especially to not eating food because him eating is the sin there. So again it connects to me because of my like history of eating disorders and putting morality on food that just doesn't need to be there. But you see that a lot in like religion and folk stories as well. And yeah, I just love it. It's it's a dark tale for sure. But those are always going to be my favourites.
I don't think it's interesting that in diet culture, you know, like slimy world, it's called sins, isn't it? Sin? Sin? That's so true. Do think you think they know that history? Or is it a complete coincidence? So that's the universe going like, hmm.
Do you know what? I hadn't even made that connection. um I think about this stuff day in and day out. That's such a good point. I totally forgot that they call them sins, which is like such a gross thing when you think about it. It is. I did two rounds of diet culture and they were like, nah, mate. Why am I paying you for this? I mean, it's gone.
Yeah we all fell for it though we all fell for it hook line and sinker and it's so i think one of the reasons why it's so tempting and engaging is that it puts like purpose into your day it puts purpose into your daily rituals of food. That's essentially what I'm trying to do, but from like a more holistic perspective, like a positive perspective, rather than saying, oh, this is a sin and I'm counting these points. It's kind of enjoyable to do stuff like that in a weird way. And again, through like my disordered eating, I i enjoyed it like in a really sick and perverse way. It gave me something to think about. And I suppose I still think about food
in a ritualistic way but much more positively and much less obsessively. I have found that through my practice through like connecting it with witchcraft and stories and the magical properties of what I'm eating. Do you use food in actual spells?
almost all of my recipes are like a spell of some kind especially what I'm doing like day to day I have these things called moon milks which are very simplistic versions of like a food spell because it's really easy to just grab five or six ingredients that have magical properties stick it in some milk and have it as a moon milk like a candle like it's a really simple way of doing it you don't need to bake anything elaborate it just means that you're doing something with intention. I do do spells that are not based around food, but most of my spells are food based. Some of them are more recipe based than others. I like it when you get your little broom when you do that. like I eyeball in like, I love that.
That literally started as a bit of a joke because I i really wanted that broom. which that I bought it from um a little shop in Oxford and I really, really wanted it and it it was before I'd really started making much content. I think it was in like February, right at the beginning of when I started making content around my food practice.
And the person that I was with, I said, I'm gonna buy this broom and I'm gonna put it in video so that I can expense it. Like I wasn't even making money from content at that point. It was just kind of a joke. Like I'm gonna use it in videos and therefore I can justify the fact that I've spent 45 quid on a silly little broom. But then it became a real part of the ritual, real part of the practice and it has a meaning behind it. um But it all started as tax evasion.
Well, keep it because I do actually love ah do it. It's so good. It is really cute. It is really cute. I need to like sell them or something because people love that broom. There's something frightfully chilling going on in Otley Town. Book yourself onto the Otley Ghost Tour and embrace the miserable history of Otley in Leeds. A seemingly quiet, quaint historic. market town, settled near the looming gates of the ancient chevin, learn about the small town eccentrics, who once upon a time hobbled over the cobbles, and find out about the phantom characters who still persist today. Your ghoulish guides will regale you with tales of bygone days, and you will finish the evening with an optional free drink in one of otter's most haunted brew houses.
deal listeners. If you fancy yourself a deliciously dark evening in Otley, I'll let you into a little secret. I have formed a deal with the ghost leader, Spindle Shanks McScrew, and you will receive a free gift if you repeat this quote prior to your tour. Oole Boolie, let's get goolie. Have a grizzly good time, witches.
How long does it take for you to make these wonderful videos? You must have cameras all over. It's all on my phone. No. Yeah, I change the angle for every single shot that I do. So I wish I had lots of different cameras. But I've just found that my process, like I'm so used to it now. I mean, it does take a while to make each video. It depends how long really. it's Sorry, it depends on the complication of the recipe as to how long it takes.
Sometimes the thing that takes the longest is just creating like the story behind it, creating like a voiceover. Sometimes I'll make a a recipe and I like i had made a carrot cake a couple of months ago and it sat in my dress for ages because I couldn't come up with... I made it because I wanted to make a carrot cake, essentially.
And the only sort of voiceover idea that I had for it was talking about Queen Anne's Lace, which is a wild carrot, um and the history of Queen Anne's Lace, which the flowers actually go into the recipe itself.
um But every time I went to do it, I felt like it was slightly boring. But then I somehow landed on this bizarre coincidence while I was doing the voiceover. So I didn't even plan it. was I did this voiceover and scrapped it because I found out this information while I was doing a bit of research.
and it just all came together so beautifully that I was like how how has that coincidence just come upon me like so lucky that it all just came together if I remember rightly again I have a terrible terrible memory but what it was that Queen Anne's Lace is named after Queen Anne of course of Denmark and it was said that the there's a tiny little red flower in the middle of this sort of bird's nest display of a queen ant's lace flower and it was said that she had pricked her finger while just one darn a lace weave a lace create a lace however she did her lace
She pricked her finger and the red flower represented the drop of blood. And that's how you identify a Queen Anne's lace. It's really easy to identify because of that tiny pink or red flower in the middle. But then I fapped out where I already knew that carrots, our traditional orange carrots, are orange because farmers in the Netherlands had bred them to be orange in honor of William of Orange. So I knew that.
and i I didn't think there was a way to marry those two facts but it turns out that Queen Anne's granddaughter ended up marrying William of Orange which is just a bizarre coincidence and not only that but their son that they went on to have I didn't actually mention this in the video because it just kind of went it would have gone off on one too much but he was James I who was famously the witch hunter king of England like he wrote the book Demonology and sort of popularized this idea that we hunt for witches or at least made it very very mainstream. So yeah just a bizarre coincidence that I never imagined that I would be able to get such a cohesive tale out of a Queen Anne's Lace but it just kind of happened upon me
So I was quite pleased with that. Well I remember the video actually and the tiny little red flower in the middle. Yeah. God I'm just so into it. It's like I wish I could cook but. Oh there's no need to. Oh well baking, baking cooking. Yeah well a bit of basic like shortbread. I could do shortbread. I could do cake and buns and. That's harder than cooking I think. I think baking, cooking you just throw in whatever but baking has to be like You have to get it right or it won't work. I don't know, you know, because when I try and cook, it looks amazing. It smells of amazing. And then when I... It tastes bad. It tastes of nothing. It tastes shy. Whereas with baking, it can go a little bit Pete Togg, but then it still tastes all right because it's... Yeah. Yeah, that's fair, actually. I guess cooking is it maybe more intuitive? I'm not sure. Because I do kind of make it up. i'm I'm not really, like I say, I'm not trained or anything. I'm just kind of making stuff up.
but it works, you know, it's tasty enough, I think anyway. I use a lot of lavender in ah in my baking because I've got lavender plants all over. I drink it as tea and do it in magic and I always pour it in my goddess shortbreads. They just taste so lovely. Well that's, there you go, you're a kitchen witch. That's kitchen witchery. Kind of like half, kind of like foot in the door.
too But I'm right messy as well, I just end up like covered in it. Yeah, I love a bit of lavender as well. Do you have any stories about lavender? I haven't actually done I've done a video that had lavender in the recipe but I haven't actually done a video on lavender yet. I know that it you know it's about healing and divination to a certain extent and calming. We all kind of intrinsically know what lavender is because we know how we feel when we smell lavender and it's that very like calming soothing oh it's like you instinctively know what lavender does. But I haven't actually done a video about lavender so I'll have to do that
I was going to make a lavender in Pandan Battenberg this summer but I never got around to it so maybe it'll be that. Oh that sounds amazing please do that. Yeah I'm not I'm not sure what the story would be yet I have to do a bit more research about lavender maybe I can find some weird folklore about it.
the universe will just be like, here you go. Yeah. Here's some weird coincidence. Pandan is like an Asian version of vanilla that I absolutely love. It's such a lovely taste. So maybe, maybe lavender will have some really weird links to pandan in some way. Before I came on tonight to record with you, I just saw your recent video about meat. Like I didn't make that connection, but as soon as you said it about steak and stuff, I was a bit like, oh,
Yeah, I do find it really bizarre, that movement of meat being connected to manliness, very odd. And like this really outdated version of manliness as well, like caveman. I don't know if you know who the liver king is, but someone alerted me to this person recently and I was asked like, what is happening in thes the zeitgeist? He's this really like muscular man who eats like raw liver and shouts a lot. And I was just like, This is bizarre. you and it Yeah, it's kind of gross. And it really got me thinking about the carnivore diet and how often that seems to be like there is a ah stereotype of a person who does this carnivore diet. And it is usually that like masculine muscular man who wants to be like the epitome of like caveman ra toughness. And it's strange how a lot of like male wellness crazies seem to be about endurance.
like the ones that they latch on to are things like the intermittent fasting because it's like a test of character, like a test of endurance. Like I have suffered, which again, this is not and anything to do with like male individuals. This is what is pushed upon men because I do get comments sometimes. I've literally had one just tonight talking about how, you know, I must hate men and I have beef with them. ah Excuse the pun.
um But it's not that at all. What I take issue with is the narrative and the expectation of masculinity that's being pushed on men. you know And I have seen friends of mine, men who who don't eat meat or who are vegan or vegetarian or whatever, I've seen that character be ridiculed as being like feminine somehow. Like all this soy boy, um you know these male vegans and they're all growing breasts because they drink soy milk. I'm like, what?
is going on food is obviously a political issue and it has been for a really long time but i think because of the nature of the internet and all of these different fab diets and trends and wellness culture as well it's sort of splintered off into all these various different cultures all of them connected to this like moral situation and obviously because gender is a really big talking issue at the moment I do think that there seems to be this strange narrative of like stake equals manhood and I don't like that. Isn't it desperate Dan? Isn't it like I just remember desperate Dan you know from comic books with big stakes. Although Popeye loved his spinach to be fair so maybe I'm talking rubbish.
Popeye! Bigger Popeye loves spinach. The carnivore thing is strange because it's not even about eating meat, it's about not eating vegetables. like Why wouldn't you eat vegetables? That's bizarre. But yeah, maybe Popeye's spinach was actually just like powdered greens.
It did kind of look like powdered greens to be fair. It did. he He didn't get it out the ground did he? He got it out of a can so maybe it was just AG1. Processed. Even myself though, I mean I do eat meat and i I am making an effort to not eat as much meat as we used to in the past because of the world and gases and you know like eco-friendly stuff. Not so much about veganism, which it probably should be a bit more about veganism, but we're just really conscious of his global footprint. you know like yeah Yeah, for sure. it' i mean That's a whole other a massive conversation that's going on. I don't massively get involved in that conversation. I don't even say what my diet is online because I know whatever I say
someone will just weaponize it against me or they'll think that I'm projecting my stuff onto them and I don't want to do that and I definitely want my recipes to be as inclusive as possible so my recipes don't have any meat in them and they will each of them will work no matter what butter milk you choose to use like doesn't matter what if you you're using dairy milk and butter or non-dairy milk and butter doesn't matter the recipe will work either way so i've kind of designed them so that they will work for as many diets as possible and i'm trying not to do the thing of like telling other people how they should eat because
there's a lot of people on my page who also have a history of eating disorders and so I'm not going to put that morality onto food. The whole point of my page is to not put morality onto food and to question the morality that we as a society put into food. So I think if I go around telling people that they need to eat how I do then it's doing my entire message a bit of a disservice really. Not everyone will agree with that but I think I have a bit of responsibility. um Like I don't want to trigger people or leave them out of the conversation. So try to just bring in as many people as possible and make it accessible for as many diets as possible.

Dining Experiences and Rituals

And I can see that it does come across really well. Yeah, and I do see that. That's good.
Have you ever made summer and it's gone wrong or it's tasted bad? Oh my god yeah well I've got a couple of these. I did a recipe recently of these like delicious looking plum swirl buns they looked so so good and I had bought a couple of different sugars or so I thought from a shop in Brighton called the spice shop who does all different spices and sugars and like these amazing things So I bought some strawberry sugar and some bourbon vanilla sugar. Mmm, delicious. Sounds lovely. And I used that bourbon vanilla sugar in the recipe where I'm making this like plum jam. I didn't taste the jam before I put it in the swirl buns. Looked absolutely fine. And it was salt. No, I didn't. I didn't realize that it was salt until I'm on camera eating it and it dawns on me. Ah,
This is very salty. So so that went wrong. But i'm I'm not going to say it in the video because that recipe, as long as you use sugar and not salt like an idiot like me, will work and it will be delicious. But it was salt. Did your face not give it away? You were like, oh. Yeah. I'm just going to edit that out. You'll have to do one with it in. I want to see.
I might have a blooper reel. If I still got the footage, I might have a blooper reel of just me realising that it it is not sugar. So yeah, I do things like that all the time because most of the recipes that I'm making, I haven't tested them before I do the video. Usually like the first time that I'm making that recipe. um And if it works, it works. And if it doesn't, it doesn't. And a couple of times it hasn't. Like there was a custard tart recipe, a honeysuckle custard tart recipe. Absolutely messed that up. I should have made like a corn flour mix with cold water.
and I put, for some reason, I don't know, I was filming, I was distracted, I did it wrong, it was all wrong, but that's okay, I made the video about how we all make mistakes, so it's fine. I think it's good as well that you keep that in, you know, that you're not like this perfect video editor all the time, stuff goes wrong, and because that's life, isn't it? The mistakes aren't necessarily to be avoided.
ah Sometimes mistakes end up leading to like really good discoveries, but in the case of my salty swirl buns. It reminds me of Chef's Chocolate Salty Balls. Yeah. If it had been less salty, it would have been fine. Just, oh, this is an interesting salty flavour, but it it was a lot of salt. Like this.
Yeah, it tasted like soy sauce. Oh my god. I used to have such a repulsion to salt. Only recently I've started trying to introduce a little bit into my diet because I would actively avoid it. And I went to a healer a few months ago and he did this, I don't know why did, you you know, when they just look at you and they know.
yeah yeah but magic and he said to me you want to start putting a little bit of salt on your diet like celtic salt on your tongue and stuff just to help because you you're a little bit dehydrated you're not holding onto water and yeah you know that i was a bit like oh that's interesting because i do i refuse salt so often so now i'm getting into just putting in a tiny little bit of pinks all on my chips and that's amazing that they were able to just look at you and just be like yeah this girl's deficient in electrolytes no idea how we did it you know he was asking me to like walk up and down the hall and stuff and I don't know has it worked I think so yeah feel like I'm
functioning a bit better. Do you just hate the taste? Sort of training myself to just suck it up basically. Yeah. Like don't be so repulsed. I think because I do a lot of, well I used to do a lot of sea swimming before I had children and when I got salt, the sea salt in my mouth it did make me want to vomit because it's really really salty isn't it? Yeah that's what my swirl buns tasted like. Yeah oh my god.
And that kind of gave me a little bit of a like, oh my God, salt, you know, it made it a lot worse than it probably actually was to eat salt. Yeah, I could see that. Because association of like vomiting in the sea one time. Yeah, that makes sense. We've all got that thing. For most of it, it's vodka, but we all have that one. It is. Oh, Sambuca. Sambuca in my case. Bloody hell. We all have taste trauma from something. Oh, you did cocktails as well actually talking about alcohol, didn't you?
Yeah, yeah, I'd say like one in four of my recipes now are drinks. Because again, i've always I've always made cocktails. That's, again, another really easy way to do a spell because you can sort of like put four or five ingredients together. I absolutely love doing the cocktails, usually because I film like four in one day and end up getting really drunk on my own. And it's quite fun. Yeah. Oh, yeah. That gin and ginger one, I have to say, I've made that for a few people now because it is delicious. That is fully a staple, a bar staple for me now.
ah but Yeah, do you know what? When I bought the boat, I was going to do my supper club in the boat and I'm still very much thinking about it. Like maybe come January, maybe that's something that I'll start doing. It's just so small. It's just really difficult. I'd only be able to have a few people at a time and it's just, is it is it worth the time and the mess and stuff like that? But I would love to do it. ah One day I'll have a wide beam and I'll be able to have loads of people on.
I've got to say, you're going to need a bigger boat. Yeah, yeah, literally you're going to need a bigger boat. But also it's your sanctuary. I mean, would you want loads of people coming through? You know what I mean? I do sort of think that's a bit of a tug of war, isn't it? It is. It's like if I'm in the mood for it, I feel like I can be a good host. I've got this madcap idea at the moment of um hosting these ritual dinners to take people through these rituals and obviously you get food along with it so you know it is also a dinner party and we'd have a laugh together it's not all serious serious but then ah you're not always in the mood to sort of
host or switch it on, you know, so I just worry that I would get nervous and bottle it or mess it up. I'm trying to reason with that. I'm trying to create like a really sturdy ritual that I can bring to people alongside a dinner um because I did a ritual at the beginning of the year for in bulk, which was essentially a transformation ritual that I designed And my life has changed immeasurably since I did that ritual. I'm not saying it's all down to that, but it definitely kickstarted my sort of like confidence and motivation. And there's been a real shift. So I would love to do that. It's called the lemons. I won't go into it, but it's called the lemon. And I would love to do it alongside like a dinner party for people. So yeah, that's something that I'm really trying to think about the the logistics of how I could create that.
it would be very difficult to do it on the boat but I also feel like the boat is you know the character of my content so I'm like how can I get the essence of the boat into a different place so that I can hold more people because doing it with three it would be nice and intimate I think it would be much better if I could do it with like 10 11 people at once but we'll see maybe I'll start it on the boat and see where we go from there I'll think of something Oh, good. I'm actually hosting a death over dinner this month. I've got a little coven called friendly coven. I went to a death over dinner in August and I absolutely loved it. It was so interesting freely talking about death and g grief and what happens to bodies and it was bloody fantastic. That's really cool. I love that.
I was going to say is that a certain food that would be good you know like as a centerpiece that represents death. Pomegranate is a great one. I love rosemary for death because rosemary is really connected to remembrance, partly because it's good for memory. Like scholars in ancient Greece used to wear rosemary while they were studying to help them retain the information. So for that reason, for its like connection with memory, it's really, really connected to remembrance and I am working on a couple of recipes right now for sowing that entail like rosemary and remembrance and like soul cakes as well as another one and setting the table for a person who's passed on but yeah I would definitely

Fun with Food and Podcast Wrap-Up

pomegranates because that's obviously connected to like the underworld and
growing into winter and the death of the earth well not death but a form of death but yeah rosemary i think it's a really really good one so maybe like a rosemary for capture or something that's so good it's a really good advice there thank you i knew you'd have some thank god you asked about something that i know about kind know oh well yeah i did have a little inkling what what floated your boat all the puns Is there any food that you really can't stand? Licorice. Oh I hate licorice as well, it is a minging. I love like the taste of basically everything apart from that like aniseedie. I can kind of do fennel but licorice is a step too far, so no no yeah.
And there's this drink called, like, Genetan or something. That is disgusting. It's horrid. It's like a herbal mixture. ah bit A bit like a vermouth tonic type thing. really It's not for me at all. Do you like Marmite? I do like Marmite, yeah. Oh, no way! Do you know what? I feel like Marmite, even though everyone says, oh, you love it or you hate it. I'm like, it's all right.
No. I don't, I don't, I don't love it, but I don't hate it. It's all right. You're indifferent to my, my, oh my God. yeah I just have to be, I'm not like the other girls. I don't, oh, I'm indifferent to my. Is that the title of my episode is ah right now?
If you had any advice for somebody who wanted to get more food into their witchcraft practices, have you got any sort of quick, easy ways you could start out? um Yeah, the moon milks are a really good one because it's just so easy. There's a couple of recipes on my page. Bread is always good. I mean, you don't even have to put anything in for bread to be a spell. You're tactile with it. You're needing it. You're touching it. It's bringing mindfulness into that. I mean, making bread is a ritual.
And if you want to like connect to the ancestors, make some bread. Every like culture on earth has been making bread since time immemorial. So I think making bread with intention, with mindfulness, even if that's carving a sigil into the top of your bread before you stick it in the oven, could be something like that. The yeast in the bread, it's rising.
therefore it's growing something it's alive so yeah making bread is a really easy one and there are some bread recipes that are so easy as well the bread recipe that i make the most often is soda bread soda bread so delicious you don't have to mess about with yeast even it will work and I've got a video coming out that's a store cupboard soda bread so it's like whatever you've got in the cupboard just stick it in give it a clear out and you can look up the magical property I mean I i won't ream off the magical properties of like every single ingredient right now but they're really easy to find there's a book called Cunningham's herbal dictionary something like that I use it every day and I can't remember the exact title but it's Cunningham's And it has like the magical properties of loads of different plants and herbs, really easy to use. And yeah, that's kind of my Bible. That's my dictionary. So that's, that's a really good one. If you just get a copy of that, you're away. I do actually own that book. Oh, there you go. I own pretty much all of Scott's books because he is proper the witch to go for for a solitary practitioner. Yes. Yeah. I really, really love him.
Oh, I want to go and make some bread now. It's literally all like, oh, actually, maybe I can do a little bit of this and a little bit of that. You can. It's so easy. there's ah There's a soda bread recipe on my page. Yeah, make some bread. Enjoy. Enjoy the feeling of dough between your fingers. It's ah it's a lovely, lovely thing. And forget about the mess. Clean it up when you're done.
It's all part of the practice. It's all part of it. It's fine. I love bread. When I was a student, I used to go around and go and respect the bread. I don't know why. I don't know why I did this. I used to write on all my books, respect the bread. I love that so much because bread gets such a bad rap. Everyone thinks that bread is like bad for you and it's really not. Bread is like it's the pillar of human existence. It's a long history. It's been around for forever. I always like the idea of making my own butter as well, you know, just getting a churner and yeah doing milk and I need to do that. I don't have the muscles for that. It takes a text a while and it all of a sudden it just goes, doesn't it? And it's like, I've got butter? How amazing is that? I made cream in February. That was a lot of arm work, but it's the same. It's like liquid, liquid, liquid for ages. And then suddenly it's cream and you're like, oh, amazing. Oh, there it is.
Put a bit of sugar in it to make it into cream, dear. A little bit of powdered sugar. I think a little bit of corn flour just to give it some structure. Yeah, and it just it just does its thing. And you can do it with any kind of cream as well. I've done it with oat cream. I've done it with milky coconut cream, you know, the like liquid, not coconut water, but coconut cream. It does. It works. I think it just all comes from the arm work.
And then you've earned the right to eat the butter. There you go. And the bread as well. I like the idea of toast, like who made the bread and somebody went cooking again. It's like now you've got toast. Such a good idea. Yeah. How did they discover toast? Who knows? Some genius, some absolute genius. I bloody respect them. I do. I respect them. It's been such a good conversation. Laura, thank you so much for all this amazing foodie talk.
Do you want to give yourself a little plug? Where can my listeners find you? I'm about to change my name on Instagram so that is obviously a difficulty. So my name for the moment is at Maymoon Narrowboat. I am changing it because on TikTok it's at The Ritual Kitchen. On YouTube I'm also about to change it to The Ritual Kitchen but it's currently Maymoon Narrowboat and it'll probably be Maymoon Narrowboat for the next few weeks. So I'm not sure when this goes out, but either one of those you'd be able to find me. So what's your new name? On Instagram. I haven't decided yet. I'm trying to find the right because the ritual kitchen is taken on Instagram. So I'm trying to find the right the right one. I think I'm going to change the name to Laura May ritual kitchen.
Oh, like that. Yes. So on Instagram, it's at Laura May ritual kitchen. And I guess it'll have to be that now because I've said it. That's it now. No going back. So yeah, it should be ritual kitchen everywhere. So we come and have a look at your Instagram for all this amazing stories and folklore behind the recipes and the ingredients. Yeah, I'm sorry, I've made it so convoluted for you to find my Instagram.
It is such a good Instagram profile. I look at it all the time and I share it often because thank you my listener were like, oh my God, swells, you need to look at this Instagram right now, would you like, sent me and tagged me? And it was a bit like, oh, Look at this. Oh, that's so nice. Yeah. Brilliant. Thank you very much, love. Oh, thank you so much for having me.
You have been listening to the Belle Witch Podcast, created with love and magic by me, Swales, the friendly green witch. Big thank you to my lovely guest for this episode. And thank you to you, dear listener, for choosing the Belle Witch Podcast to fill your ears.
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