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Ep. 111 A Diplomatic Solution - Bellum Draconis image

Ep. 111 A Diplomatic Solution - Bellum Draconis

S2 E111 · The Fellowship of the Tabletop
27 Plays2 months ago

You join us for our second challenge, which sees our Emron step up to the plate. 

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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade

Music kindly provided by Fesliyan Studios


Introduction to Aeroth

Some really shit rolls by the way yeah really you're telling me saving thought natty twenty We're saving on that 20s for when we get to hit
Hello everyone and welcome to this week's live episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop,

Character Introductions and Roles

Benham Draconis. We are live, play five E D and&D podcasts, set in a magical homebrew world of Aeroth, and we're gonna down in the kingdom of Dralak, joining you for this week's combat heavy episode. We only have one OG player. We have Poobear, who is playing the human cleric, and Ron, how you feeling, Will? Into the valley of death, do I walk?
And then we have a bunch of unknown, mostly bloodied characters that are taking place in the Jewel of the Desert Champions round two. Firstly we have Darren, who are you playing Darren? I'm playing Elaris Moonshadow, Wood Elf Road. We've got the Edgelord Callan.
Darieth Bellore, half elf sorcerer. Darieth Bellore, Finn Bellore. That's a fucking great name. We've got ah Will, who is playing? Rurik Ironforn, the dwarf artificer. We've got Ian, who is playing? Shailah Moon, Whisper, the elf wizard. and My name is Mark, and I am playing Slimma Zimba, the no rock gnome wizard. Another wizard, hell yeah.
and last but by no means least none at all given the state of last week's combat we have uh the boss man bard who gets us all hard The love cannon of our sex gallon, dungeon master. That's amazing. Which number was that, Mark? Get hard? I'll say number four. Well, my last one was the love cannon of our sex gammon, which makes no sense.

Arena Scene Setting

Mark, genuinely, you left this room to Google what rhymes with cannon at one point. They came up with gammon. They came up with gammon. Well, either that or Rick Bannon or Buchanan. So our vegan queen over there, you just compared to gammon.
It's been a full day. When you guys were all like, you know, planning you're playing it seriously I was writing down things to call Danny. Yep. I've got none left. I need to write some more and We pan over to Sligard and we see stood in the rain catching raindrops in his mouth with his big Ugly teeth kind of up and opens catching raindrops on his sodden yellow tongue his long toes digging into the mudded ground It captures some rain swallows and reaches into his pocket and pulls out the orb it glows he holds it close to his face and he says

Combat Recap and New Map Description

Round one! Let me give you a blow-by-blow! Melly! The Misty Step Bros! Nixon said, get to the eggs! Chaos! Rope trick in darkness! Murder! Fizzles now! Bella Draconis! Sacrifice! Therax a Cat-Man's a stoner! Xanathar has the egg! Number three! Darkness! Xanathar's in darkness with the egg! Nick saves Therax!
Oh, Shatters! Seth, Shatters, Zal, Therak, Flees! Finish them! Seth, Flees, Zal! See what I did there? Andix and Seth, win them out!
the more and more we describe old girl, the more and more he starts to come become Gollum. What Gollum is we go, he's going to be fishing. that's our problem all so he It's the orb, it's corrupting him. You should not do the pantry and you do not know who else is watching. But he was all of him, did he?
Anyway, there's all our fellowship, there's all our fellowship references for the next year. I think it'll be a good year. I think we're on our budget now.

Strategic Combat Begins

Welcome to the second round, the second arena of the Jewel of the Desert Champions. Oh, shit. On your screen is the new map for today. Listeners, in this arena,
um picture a lake of lava the northern edge of that lake in the the sort of magma itself is what looks like an ancient red dragon to the south in the combative area is this outer ring of rock followed by a small moat of lava and then an inner area of rock. At the centre of that inner area of rock is one small mass of ice that is magically withstanding the heat in here. Players.
You had your instruction. be the last two to survive, that small area of ice is all that will protect you from the dragon's fire. Each of our competitors are starting on their outer ring, equidistant, from the center. At this point, I ask you all to roll initiative. Oh, God.
Did you laugh at me?
let me roll anything does it cause it's a new
Anybody above 20? Rurik. Rurik, top of the round.
And above 15. Nope. And above 10. Yes. Shayla. Shayla. 11. I've got 11 as well. I've got a Dex modifier of 1. What's your Dex? moddiify zero okay so that is glimmer some really shit rolls by the way yeah really you're telling me saving' fine natty twenty we're saving on that 20s for when we get to hit shit yeah was it limit not yeah glimmer and number five eyes bang um seven seven four hello seven four various
Dariath. Dariath. And then, Darren, your character? Elaris. Yep.
Emron, what did you get? Three. Who are we missing? One, two, three, four, five, six, yeah, Emron. Okay, so that's our initiative order. Rurik, top of the round. Cool. What would you like to do? So Rurik is standing there and beside him you can see this golden contraption, four legged golden ah contraption basically ah for listeners. This is his steel defender.
And what Rurik... Please, if you wouldn't mind. ah What Rurik is going to do is he is immediately going to look down to the Steel Defender and say, come on Bessio, let's get to the middle. And he's going to cast Jump on himself.
So that's his action. And just looking at the map that I have in front of me, Danny, I've got a tripled jump distance now with that spell. Will I be able to clear what looks like lava in between to get across? So it's a 15 foot moat of lava. It's 25 feet to the side for you. If you take a run up though.
but triples his yeah He'll be able to do it. Yeah. Yeah. Yep. Well, that's what he's going to do. He's just going full big dick ah run and jump. Oh, thank you. And he's going to make it over the top. um It will end his movement close to depending jumping movement takes up movement speed as well, doesn't it? Yes. Yeah. Yeah. In which case he'll be he'll he'll have to end his move turn kind of near or near to that point in there or moving more into this middle.
uh i want to move in that's 15 from where you jump oh i can i can get 10 but did you have to take five you have to go back five feet and then do you 10 feet run up to the edge with a triple jumps. but No, cause long jumps. Long jumps. You were there. So you were on the, you were on the slide. Okay. However far you can get is, is what he's going to do. he's He's basically, he's jumping the lava to get as close to this thing as possible, as early as possible. Can you take a step back or not? If that's what he needed to do to get there, then yeah, he's got the movement speed. He's got 25 to be able to get there. So his, but his jump though, his walk.
uh tripled whatever his jump strength modifier strength score his strength score sorry guys uh is a 13 yes 30 so you can do 39 so you can get to there. Oh my god. he cover the stuff Yeah, he's getting he's getting as far as he can. If he's casting that spell, he's... 40 foot four footot movement. Awesome. He's spunk the money on it. ah he's yeah he'll He'll get himself as close, genuinely as close as possible as that. And that is his action. um He's not going to use anything for a bonus action at the moment, but he's going to do a really sharp whistle.
and end his turn, but his steel defender takes a turn immediately after him. yeah ah So the steel defender, if I'm not mistaken, has got 40 feet of movement speed. um So it's going to be in it on the closest available path that is not through the lava to get to him. Yep. So there's a small ah sort of rubble area to the north of you, which does connect the inner and outer rings.
okay perfect that's what he'll do then he'll go he's there for you on the map you can see just oh yeah he's back okay that's absolutely fine uh i believe i don't think i can command the still defender to uh to dash i think it can only take the dodge action and unless i take an action of my own i will just quickly does he not get to shoot kalim has his shoe on his own yeah but that's kalim and kalim's rules Yeah, yeah, the only action it can take is is a dodge action, but it can... I can use... you know It can move and use its reaction on its own. yeah How does it shoot itself then? Oh wait, it says I can expend my bonus action and command its second action from its stat block or some other form. I'm so sorry, that means I've got a bonus action I can use. so Awesome. In which case I will obviously use that and ah the other actions... Can't do anything to help because none of them are, yeah, none of them none of them are dash and that's what I need it to do. So now I know that I'm good. It can get to me, I believe in the next turn, hopefully, which is what I'd need. And then that's me. That's a rick.
g glamer
um She's going to look around, clock the people around and then see a little ledge towards where the ice area is and go, oh, that's time to jump the ledge. And she's going to run towards the ledge whether she makes it there or not. It depends on how far she can, her little gnome legs can move. 25 feet. One, 10, 15, 20, 25. She gets to the ledge. but
runs out of steam as she moves towards the ledge. This ledge is only a five foot gap of lava before it's the start of the platform which holds the ice. So she was just there and she's going to have a quick gander around and clock Rurik over there and is going to cast
Just for funsies. Grease on the floor. That's flammable in the next edition. That's what? It's flammable in the next edition. Oh, they're not in this one. Not in the tradition, no. um Cast Grease

Dragon's Flight and Chaos

at the Floor around Rurik. That's a 20, 60 feet, 10 foot block. So I'm going to build it just in front.
and On Rurik, actually. It's annoyingly halfway through a block. 10 foot. Yep, 10-foot block there. So it's covering a little bit of the icy area, yeah covering Rurik and then the space in front of him. So for him to get to the ice, he has to go through it, or he's already kind of technically already in it. What this means, though, for Grease Boy... Do I need to make a deck save straight away? Start at your turn. When the Grease appears, each creature standing in its area, um when the Grease appears, must make a deck saving throw or fall prone. The creature enters the area or ends its turn, must also do a deck save. The pass is a 14.
Seven. I'm down. You are prone, baby. And she goes to herself and then um ah stand there laughing. Tune. Thank you very much. Shailah.
That's you. I didn't realize that was me, to be honest. I was expecting to hear the word nix. Far be it from me to think I was someone else. so
I will take a look at my standing, my position, see that there's a big motherfucking dragon just there. What's the dragon doing? It's hard to say. It's ah the end of this platform that you're on is this column that ascends to the roof. And a lot of the dragon is obscured behind that column. You're seeing the tail. You're seeing that the face. The dragon is facing that central platform. That's all you can really tell. Okay. Well, there's not much, unfortunately, that I can do on this turn. So I'm going to use my full action and war
my full 30 feet I'm going to stay the fuck away from the steel defender
It's the best way to do it. I'm gonna walk south from my direction. So I'm on the top left part of the map. Like you said, there's a column in front of me and there's a dragon head and a tail sticking out either side of the column, because the dragon's body is obscured from view. yep The steel defender is in a bottom corner to me on the, depending on where I'm facing, if I'm facing where the dragon's facing, and bottom left. So I'm just going directly south, moving 30 feet. And that's the end of my go.
Oh, I'm looking out ah trying to find everyone get where they are in the situation. Can I just, I've just seen I've got an infusion that can, I can use a reaction to stop myself getting not prone. Just as I'm checking out the character, I know I'm jumping in on your turn. Sorry about that, but would you mind if I can use that? very Yeah, yeah. So he'll just kind of, there'll be some sort of thruster thing. That's okay, darling. So he's no pro, no longer pro. Okay, so Dariath.
i'm good me sorry I'm going to see glimmer on the opposite side of where I am. I'm going to start making my way to the ledge that's kind of on the opposite side of a great big pool of lava, kind of making myself level with glimmer ready for moving on to the pedestal at the next opportunity. I'm going to look at glimmer, give a slight nod.
She reciprocates towards her as well. Oh, conspiracy. And there are some steps that are on the far right. Yep.
Yeah, I'm going to cast Fog Cloud okay centered on those steps, just to kind of obscure the landing ah position of, I see a character there, 82 Demron. How big is the 20 foot radius?
yeah radius Yeah, radius. Which is that? Yeah. a surf for It's a sphere technically, but it'll still be alright. I'll figure it out. Anything else you're doing on your turn? At the moment, no, that's okay. Thank you very much. Elaris. Elaris is going to, just very quickly, see this happen, and without even drawing her weapon, what this very slender, hard wood elf is going to do, is she sees this fog cow come in, she sees that M1 hasn't reacted yet.
and she's going to steer wide enough of Enron to not provoke anything from him, and she's going to dash down towards, what was your character's name again? Glimmer. Down towards Glimmer, and then she's going to use her cunning action to double dash, so she's got about, I think that's 120 feet in here, isn't it? because it's yeah two rounds of dashes. So she's heading down towards Glimmer. So she will pass through Emron's range. She's going just like i said she's going to go wide to give Emron a wide berth. She's going to climb, yes. So that's difficult terrain if you're moving into the Rocky a bit on the outside. yeah as You'll notice there's lots of different levels. So that's going to essentially half all the movements. You're going to get 60 if you go around the outside or you're going to come back in after that
the M1 section. I'd say that the most you can comfortably get to is about 20 feet to the east. I'll first dash then, she's going to go down towards M1. I don't know how far she gets. 25 feet in range. to i ro Okay, she'll go to 25 to M1. She'll go to pass M1.
35. Is she going round to me? If she's going to go round, she's going to play it safe, she's going to take disengage of her coming action and then keep moving. So she's now only got 90 feet of movement rather than 120. 75 gets you to there. 85 and 90 are just off Glimmer's right shoulder on the ledge near Dereith as well. Perfect. Thank you. Me done.
okay Thank you very much. ah Emron, you're up. Okay, Emron's going to have taken in the so of his surroundings and everything that's sort of happening. He's looked, he's trying to gauge, he's seen, is it Rorik? In the middle, yeah. is it or yeah Yeah, Rurik. Seen Rurik in the middle. um i assume i can see can you Can I see over the... Yeah, this is all flat. All flat. ever through the rury Seen the dragon called around the column. Seen um this Alaris dashed past him. He's not quite sure because he's obviously very aware of what they were told by the Wind Watch that there are allies in the arena. He doesn't know what to do at this stage. And he looks and he he sort of settles himself.
lido and we be with Be with me this day and I'm gonna cast my spiritual weapon yeah that will appear to the...
It's gonna appear up and towards the right of him, sort of 25 feet away. He's got a range of 60 feet and it appears just the other side of where he's aiming for at this time. And then he's gonna move 20 feet off to the side as if he's sort of gauging him. He's building himself up to take a running jump across that gap, okay? And then I'm gonna take the dodge action.
End of your turn. End of my turn. Okay, bottom of the round, the dragon is going to move. Couple of things happen here.
The dragon takes flight and comes straight south through the map. And everyone in that vicinity is going to need to make a deck save if there is your hit by a wave of wind. and shit That is going to be Rurik, that is going to be Deryth, Glimmer and Allaris, please. so as Deck save, was that right? Deck save. thank you The dragon is just going to fly straight through the map.
I need you to check the rules of fog cloud so that no winds are going to disperse. it Yeah, winds are going to disperse. It it is dispersed. Bastard.
It's just the spells, it's just the wings. I guess it's wings. It's not a spell, no. Danny Alaris rolled a 16. One second. Sorry.
momento profit about um okay rurik what did you roll four you are knocked back 20 feet oh no shit in the direction that it's flying uh so the direction that you're hit by the wind so you're no i'll move you thank you sorry away from it in the lava you are loveva you are thrust into the lava and you will sustain billion points. That's a lot of dice rolls. Seven points of fire damage. That's a riot. I'll take that. What did you roll? Uh, seven.
Really glad it's not going the other way. Yeah, I was going to say, I thought...

Reactions and Alliances

You might still...
Something happens to you, Dariah. Thank you, Dariah. You are caught in that final force of wind, as just as the dragon halts at a just position. And you'll notice, if you look at the bottom of your map, that everything falls down an enormous waterfall. Lava fall. Oh my lord. And you fall to your death.
Woah! Oh my god, thank you! You bastards! Bastards? Yeah, I don't think I've got any of them. Can you remind me if this character is bloodied or not? Bloodied. Yeah, this character is permanently... You bastards? There's a question mark there because everyone doesn't know how he feels about this. Glimmer.
Shit. That's it. Seven. The exact same thing happens to you. But you're in the exact same position. You have climbed right at that peak. And you but you are glimmer has or is not blood. Is or is not blooded. Is not blooded. Also permanently killed. I had so much of my life. Sixteen. You're knocked prone. You are not pushed back.
Okay, so we lost Glimmer b and we lost Dariah. What's the rules of this di arena again? You have to be on the ice at the end. of ice No, so the ice is just protection from the dragon's fire. That's it. But you've got, it's like just have the last two standing. There's no round limit. There's only one more left to die. There's only exit to this arena. To exit? By apologies. Yes, you need to climb east or west out of the map.
like fuck ba wasn't on this one but my gosh Unless unless either of you two had like slow fall was a reaction is my only nope I'm an illusion wizard. So I had nothing like that. Okay, that was and Everyone was going that way. Right, so top of the round, Rurik. Rurik, you're up. Thank you. But you are swimming in molten lava. Is this lava, is it on the same level as before? Yeah, everything is flat and small. And do you take damage at the start of the round? No, I won't do it because you're pushed into it. It's the first time you enter it. Cool. Okay. um Yeah, he's he's getting out of the lava. because because you take damage if you're still there at the end of your round yeah yeah no worries um so he's he's definitely getting out of the lava yep and uh he's only got 25 foot movement speed so it's five feet obviously to get him out and then in 20 feet he can get into the center yeah but then you also need to make
Dexter same there for the grease. You're now gonna run through it again is the grease exactly on that corner. Yeah, or yeah It's covering that just check it' still there cuz now I'm dead yeah you concentrat increase is it concentration no it isn't no yeah you will You will make it that's fine cuz he'll be yeah, that's absolutely fine. He'll he'll make the deck say that's not okay, and it's a 14 deck save it's a beach. Okay, so you remain grounded and Yeah. ah He is going to kind of roll his shoulders, do another sharp whistle, and he's going to hold a spell um with the provider being that when the, when Bessie, his steel defender, yeah he gets by his side, yeah his spell, he's going to enact his spell on his steel defender. Okay.
ah Still the vendor's turn? Yeah, that's his... ah yeah Oh yeah yeah, still the vendor's turn. Still the vendor is going to avoid the grease, yeah make its way directly next to him, and the spell that he is casting is second level warding bond. What's its speed? It's one action. Oh, what's the speed of the steel vendor? Sorry, 40 feet.
Okay, so it can get there. Yeah, perfect. So he's basically reached that hand to this and you see this energy almost emanate from the Steel Defender to him and back again. And that's his action, that's his movement, his bonus action. Well, he didn't need to use it, so that's him. Great. That's him. Thank you so much. So we have the Steel Defender and Rurik now on that ice, that safe ice, let me think.
Shayla was walking south and then watched as two two characters in this arena just fucking got yeeted down and just goes Hell no, darling, I ain't doing that, no! We'll turn and spy Emron across the other side of the map and she'll take out a book and start kind of flicking through it, then peer at Emron and put her hand towards you and her eyes narrow down. She looks like she's trying to concentrate and you hear in your head, I'm part of the winged watch, darling, and I'm with you. Let's get you through to this.
this here round um so i yeah can i answer to that yes you can you can respond uh and one says meet me in the middle well that I can't respond to that one ah no sex so cast message I am then going to I watched everyone get fucked by that dragon going in the middle so she kind of looks at you and
makes a motion as to say you've said meet in the middle she puts two fingers up to her eyes and then points at the dragon as if to go fucking okay that thing um so she's going to take her 30 feet of movement and start tippet towing across the bridge of rocks yeah but not within the fucking wingspan of the dragon that she watched yeet out everyone what's your speed 30 feet so I want to get to that place where I've just seen the dragon, I know how far the dragon ah stay fit and but that is inbrain that was in range dragon. This is difficult terrain. I don't want to be in range, I want to get as far as possible without being in the range of the dragon. So you need to be at least another square to the left I think, judging from where the others got yeeted from.
where It's where you think the range is because obviously I mean I did watch this dragon come down and move could could go somewhere else. Good wings in it Got wings in it. Happy. Yes. Okay, Alaris Okay, I'm going to take a little bit of license with this character in that Elaris came in here with a group of three. She bag begged the other two to not go in bloodied because she was absolutely terrified about the prospect of it. they both got All three of them got to the point where they could see the middle and she felt this joyous hope in her youthful heart and then the dragon swept over and her two friends have just been sent careening to their death.
her courage fails her she weaves herself she's terrified there is a dragon there she is not made for this she's going to point of view darren open this whole beautiful speech with I'm gonna take license to this and I've just looked over to Danny's face that this whole explanation has been brilliant <unk>s it to go fuck are you doing I don't think I've enjoyed anything. No, no, no, no. You're doing great, you're doing great. Ignore them, Darren. You carry on. Do what you're doing, do what you're doing. Yeah, she's terrified. She looks for the way out and dashes and double dashes and is out of here. She's just watched her two friends die. She's beside herself, she's terrified, she's out of her depth. She begged them to not go in bloody then she's just watched them both die.
was you'll meet how much you're moving double dash back up the but up you you can just go Jewish I thought you had to go the top there and yeah but anywhere east or west oh sorry I Oh, so he said that whole length, or is it just the two corners? It's just the whole length. Oh, sorry, I thought it was the corners. Apologies. That's okay. Thank you, Alaris, for your contribution. Of running, and then running. You did really well. You did really well. And you disengate. And you disengate. Sorry, disengate. How many characters come up face-to-face with Agent Red Dragon? I hear you. I hear you. I'm a friend of ours. I hear you. Yeah. 100% me. Oh!
i'm wrong ah you've just made a allegiance from all the way on the other side from Shayla in the middle is Rurik one of the favorites of the entire competition and you see the dragon animating again okay so um
M1 is going to take a long jump and leap over with his 20 foot of jumping yep over the edge to the other side. That's his movement done. Okay. He has 30 feet of movement. That's it. Boing. Yeah, boop boop boing. Like Mario. Yep.
Then with my bonus action, my spiritual weapon which can move 30 feet thanks to the knuckle dusters of awesomeness.
I don't think I can move that. You can if you use the right tool mate. Why is it? Thank you. You're going to move to there. And M1's going to, he has no idea what Rorik's allegiance is, but he knows he's a favourite to win and he's bloodied. The spirit weapon will make a hammer attack at him. Okay. Roll to hit. Hit him on the spilt defender.
I'm going to take up the steel defender initially. So, spirit weapon attack against the steel defender. I need to change fucking dice. That's an 8 to hit. Nope. Fucking A. Late turn. That is the action. I'll take the dodge action again.
okay Bottom of the round, the dragon takes flight. This time with an emblazoned belly. And it's just going to let loose an almighty wave. A fan of flames as it flies over the map again this time, but not landing as far in the pools. It's actually going to land with its front legs on the central ring that you are all in. So it's occupying that northern edge of that platform the platform you're all gathering. Shit.
As this fire comes through, Rurik, this icy field you're in completely negates that flame from kidding you. A small number of ambers and ash make it through and touch your body, but nothing's gonna harm you. Emon and Shayla, on the very edges of this, are just gonna catch some of that secondary outward burning wave, if you will. So I need you both to make deck saves, please. I would advantage to make thanks to Dodge.
again because of dodge it says if you can see the attack and you make a dexterity saving throw you get advantage correct when you got that armor that halves yep shit yeah ten ten say that yeah six both take two points of fire damage I'm resistant to this. Good job I made my way to the centre. I mean, it did kill us. Okay, ah round three. Rurik, you're up. Rurik's going to kind of look up at that, see the fire come across, turn to face both of you. Only one of you is getting through this.
make up your mind uh and he's going to blast out towards you amron because you've just attacked him with a well yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so he's gonna blast out towards you yeah it was the thing you love it hit oh it's all right it's all right and he is it's with a um he kind of almost almost like you'd imagine a gunslinger spinning around a a ah gun but it's a crossbow levels it up to you and takes a shot um it's a disadvantage isn't it i mean the first one the first one's a 14 i'm assuming it doesn't hit so no they at first attack misses so he's just gonna uh oh wait
Can I make two attacks with a light crossbow? yeah is It has loading. Does it have a loading? A light, a hand crossbow doesn't. I think a light crossbow does. It does. Oh shit. Yeah. Yeah. So in which case, no, he can't, he can't take a second shot with that. That's absolutely fine. So that kind of pings off your armour. And then what he will do,
is I'm just gonna quickly, once again, see those bonus actions. While he's doing that, Danny, how deep are the, just out of interest, how high is this platform in relation to the stairs? We're talking like a diagonal five foot drop, so you are 10 feet lower. It's not that, no, it's not that high. You're talking maybe a foot, and these are very shallow

Arena Outcome and Victory

stairs. Okay, cool, just checking. This whole chamber is incredibly flat. I was just thinking in terms of cover, but yeah. Sorry, I'm not here, sorry. Just enjoy.
uh that's that's him he he's he's holding his ground he's taken a shot off at you you missed him hit his thing he's missed you uh he's he's left that out in the open and there was a held spell last round that i used it as a reaction when the seal defender are right next to him so that's it's not concentration based it's just that's already happened thank you um shayla uh cast messy oh no
because that takes up ah an action Shayla's gonna just try and make money wave over to you to get your attention and then give you a wave a kiss turn around six feet movement out of the arena no way yep okay and through sheer diplomacy we have two remaining what Tell me I'm wrong. Cheers. And there is this cannon fire. There is this fireworks. But rather than ruptuous cheers, the crowd are booing.
there There is booze ringing out. We died for nothing. As they boo, everyone's going to football um have his hammer and he's going to salute towards Rurik and the the the Clan Shadow Shield symbol will blaze, nod of salute and nod and that's, the yeah, in recognition towards Rurik.
Yeah, yeah, he just kind of stares at you, a smile comes across his face, and there's the faintest of nods as well. I was going to talk to him in Dwarvish, but I was like, did I just punch out a shield? I mean, just, he said there'd be two people alive. Yeah, no, no, no. I was like, I was like, I'm just going to go in and just dwarf, and yeah. Are they still going? I'm a very young wood elf who's supposed to make you die. There is a lot of booing. We're dead. Yeah, it all makes sense. Emma will salute walk into the middle and just in Dwarvish say,
I salute you master wharf in the wharvish and you know clan shadow shields well well met into August, I've said this. Okay. And it is impossible to hear each other over the booing, unless you are... I walked towards the middle. I walked so I was in the middle. I think you said next time I'll kill your gold contraption. I think you didn't kiss me. While you're having this exchange... Everyone walks into the middle, yeah. The arena begins to morph back to stone again and you're just seeing the whole arena around you.
And it's just Emron and Rurik stood as the two remaining champions of that arena. And the camera is going to zoom out.
and a bird's-eye view over arena 3 and that is where we're going to end this week's very short episode with fellowship of the tabletop Bellum Draconis you bunch of negotiators and two very unlucky my i i couldn believe stupid positions well I didn't know like I didn't actually see it was a clip I was expecting fire not wind I didn't see it was a clip like totally it's not like you that and i pointed out clearly thought yeah really see it put some signs up next time health and safety yeah but k jar would have a fee or day it's any i wasn't zoomed out i do that i didn't part Part of my name's character was um you're with this other group, but you will turn on them at any chance you really so my next thing was going to be raise your jump i was going to push you into the lava anyway i had i had nothing i had nothing like that well i took it as i'm the only one who's unbloodied she's the one who's not sure about it and then she's red dragon she's just yeah like you were you were convinced to get involved because you're two mates imnna anyway they're all dead yeah wrap it up i good i mean more backstory i did very little i jumped over and this has been fucking I love the crowd crowd noise there. and what's just Congratulations, everyone, making it through. I cast a spell and jumped. You did good. and And congratulations, every one of you listening at home. Thank you very much for tuning in. Make this part of your everyday week.
We hope you loved it. Next week, we've got part three of our grand tournament and it involves our very own Reigns, Emron, and Baal. No, Reigns, Alpha. We just had an Emron. Reigns, Alpha. I was so used to saying Reigns and Emron. Yeah. It's because of Alpha. Reigns, Alpha, and Baal, which is, I think,
Well only good. Only two of them can go through. It's gonna be good. Only two. Only two. Everyone's talking at once when I'm just trying to say. Scarametta man, we love you big. I'm gonna do the same thing I did last week. I'm just gonna sign off until next time guys. Bye bye.