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Ep. 94 The Gamechanger - De Profundis image

Ep. 94 The Gamechanger - De Profundis

S1 E94 · The Fellowship of the Tabletop
102 Plays3 years ago

In the aftermath of the fight, Vance & Drago sense something stirring around them, as all hope seems to fade, Claude attempts to change the party’s fortune...


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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade -

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Action-Packed Opening

Helena, with that, she just punches him in the face. Okay, roll to hit. How'd it go? Is this to kill, yeah?

Welcome to The Fellowship of the Tabletop

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop. We are alive for a 5E D&D podcast set in the magical homebrood world of Aerith. My name is Mark and I am your dungeon master and the dungeon master. And also with us for today's episode we have Casey who plays the human champion, Helena Sleepguard. Woah, we're halfway there. We've got Ian who plays the dragonborn barbarian paladin, Drago. Woah, living on a prayer.
Danny who plays the human cleric, Claude. Take my hand, we'll make it, I swear. And Darren who plays the human fighter, Rogue Robin. Whoa, ho. We are living on a prayer. That was beautiful. That's...
It's the Fellowship of the Tabletop. Anyway, that was an epic opening. We find ourselves still deep into the blight-filled forests of Sleepguard.

Entering the Blightlands

Deep in the Blightlands, as I've been referring to it, and we have just fought off and killed three of these disgusting Morkov creatures that came out of the deep woods, the mist-covered woods. The sun is now high in the sky, but it is nothing but a small orb of light that is filtered through an immense amount of mist.
bringing a dark almost gray almost sepia-esque feel to the entire area. It's like the area has been drained not only of life but also of color. The group is separated as the combat falls quiet after Drago's immense killing blow and we have these different kind of contingent groups of Helena, Lucian and Drago to the south.
Yes, you have now become a plural. Vance, Carstan and Claude in the centre, Foley to the north and Robin on his own to the west. All roughly around 56 feet apart, so not a massive spread in the area. And after that killing blow,

Sensing Dangers Ahead

drago you what seems like only a second dropped to a knee your eyes shut and then very quickly they opened again and there's almost a a severity in your eye and only probably lucian and helena might have noticed it but to be honest they had the dying husk of this creature between you and them so that's just what's happened to you
Vance is still looking off to the west where Robin is, to the north to the west and to the southwest as well, which is your route deeper into the Blightlands, deeper towards the centre, deeper towards the rift, and that is where he's just mentioned that something might be coming. He stood perfectly still, sword in hand, looking out towards it as silence again falls over the group.
Castan in the center is continuing to mutter to himself, still under the effects of his own confusion, which still affects him and he's just muttering quietly to himself and then every now and then just turns and looks a different direction and still deep in that muttering thought, almost not lucid at all to what's happening at all.

Claude's Recovery and Spellcasting

What would you like to do?
Just to check, am I still confused as well? I have not kicked out of that yet, for want of a better way of putting it. You are no longer confused. That haze of confusion drops away from you, and for what seems like the first time in a few episodes, but only really what seems like 18, 19 seconds, you're kind of well within your faculties and back in control of your body. And these weird lucid memories you seem to have, or the fugue of confusion which you referred to, which I wrote down because I really liked that. That veil kind of lifts
Claude is going to rush to the south. Protect me. I need some time to protect everyone.
And I'm going to drop to one knee and I'm going to start to cast my ritual, uh, sixth level spell mark. Could I just before you start doing that, may I just for, um, for Fonzie's sake, say that they came to you more in the center of the battle map? So we've got a bit more space. Yeah. Call a huddle. Call a team huddle. Are you wanting to call everyone in? Yeah. Helen is just going to ask, sorry, Kellyn is just going to ask, how long do you need?
10 minutes. I think I better take the time now because I think... 10 minutes. Can you hurry up a little bit because something's on its way? Yeah, that's why I better get started. Don't disturb me, but keep me safe. And I'm going to drop to the floor and I'm going to start to cast Forbidden's Mark. Okay. Which, as long as I can get it away in time,
I create a magical ward around all of us that's 40,000 feet wide. In that ward, creatures can't teleport into the area or use portals. The spell protects against planar travel.
and prevents creatures accessing the area by way of the Astral Plane, Ethereal Plane, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. Okay. There's lots of additions to this, so I worry that I'm full, that spell damages the types of creatures that you choose. So if any creatures enter this 40,000 feet radius that are undead, they are going to take 5d10 radiant damage,
every turn they're inside it does that not include us no it's only if you're undead so if you're undead it's gonna hurt does that include you i'm technically not undead i'm resurrected you start seeing drago's flesh just evaporate from himself
When I cast this spell, I can designate a password. A creature that speaks the password can enter and take no damage. I'm not going to designate a password. Any undeads are going to get burnt. Okay. Caveat is, the spells can't overlap. So if there's another forbidden spell in effect, I can't use it. But it lasts, this part doesn't matter. If I cast it every day for 30 days,
Basically the entire world, the entire area is like securely forbidden. So I would drop my knees and start casting that. I need 10 minutes of protection. So just to check, is that a constant, once it's car, once it's up, how long does it last for? One day. One day, okay. One day. But I can keep casting it each day. It's not a concentration, but it's a ritual. So I need 10 minutes to cast it. Okay. And 40,000 square feet isn't like a massive radius. It's close enough.
It is, yeah, seven and a half mile radius, essentially. Wow. Yeah. You're gonna, you're gonna, yeah. Okay. Cool. That changes everything. I've got a few minutes to fuck with you all. Cool. So you dropped your knees and you're going to start that.

Urgent Warning and Departure

Folly's going to turn and start making his way over as he's about to say something and in a flash of blinding white light this black figure appears hooded black figure appears behind it and you can see the kind of brown skin come through from those of you who would know this person which would be Robin, Claude and
Drago to be a what seems to be a gaunt haunted version of what used to be Kelsan the Carter cartographer and who Vance mentioned the previous episode was his brother and he has this kind of
a lucid look in his eye and he just reaches round to the front of, he's standing behind Folly, grabs Folly by the mouth, covers his mouth and literally just, as he kind of pulls him round, his cloak swells round and this white blinding light, and there's just like a little bit of smoke as the two of them have just kind of ethereally warped out of, well, they're no longer there. He's gone from existence at that same moment.
What the fuck was that? I will instinctively run to wherever this disappearance has happened and just look around to see if there's any evidence of where they've gone. You look around and you can see, actually give me an investigation check, Robin, if you want to have a proper check.
29. You see footprints really quite clearly that of what you can assume would have been Kelsan moving off into the distance towards the west but they don't seem to go in one line they seem to go forward a few back a few forward a few inner circle back a few forward a few left right they seem to just like he's almost either not making his mind up or not making sense of where he's going or he was lost because this isn't the footsteps of someone who knows where they're going these are definitely footsteps of someone and it's not like
It's busy with trees and it's a bit of a maze. It's relatively open ground with dying trees and multi-ground around you. So it seems very suspect these steps. They don't seem to make sense as to why he is gone, the route he has gone.
that's all you can find. Apart from any evidence as to where they've gone, the footsteps reach where Folly was. You can see Claude and Folly's footsteps and the corpse of this creature to the north. Aside from that, the footsteps just disappear after, where he's kind of thrown his cloak around Folly and disappeared. Helena. So, is Castan still confused? Yes, he is. He's still just left him close by, kind of looking at the group and as if it's a bard. Yeah, I'm such a fucking...
So does, does, does Helena, well, actually, um, so my question would be, if she's just seen Folly go, like, you know, he was confused and now he's just fucked off, is Helena going to be aware of the fact that Carstan's probably not in his right mind?
And will that attract your attention to look for Carson to make sure that he's okay? It's definitely obvious that he's not right and he's not within his faculties. I will make your role for that. That's quite straightforward that you can definitely see that. Yeah. Okay. So Helena is going to... Sorry, just before she does go over to him, because she would try to protect him. Just before she does, can she look over to Lucian? How's he looking?
He's looking relatively worse for wear, but he seems to be kind of shrugging it off and yeah, he seems okay. He's reaching into a satchel and pulling out a small healing potion as well and just giving him a bit of a bump up as well. Brilliant. So then we're seeing that Helena's going to, because at that stage she's probably just dropped to her knees.
from the fight already. Obviously, she hasn't really done much, but there's just been a lot of exhaustion, so she's going to pull herself up and sprint as fast as she can over to Karstan to where he's standing, so that if anything happens, she can hopefully try to protect him from this being, this figure that's just appeared to take her folly away. Awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome.
Okay. Drago's just stood in front of the kneeling, uh, Claude. So I assume Claude, your kneeling and your head is down, not eyes up searching. Yep. So Drago stood directly in front of you, dang onto deception out in both hands, uh, standing on the balls of his feet, uh, looking, um, all around it. He'll look at the front for a bit, look to the left, look to the right, look behind, just is open eyes, beady and on the balls of his feet, kind of just getting ready.
to protect you look at Vance who first kind of noticed this change and for what feels like a good minute or so there's silence but Vance doesn't move Lucian moves up to his shoulder and tries to follow his eye as he looks like he seems to have a perception that seems to pervade that of Lucian and he moves from location to location up and down the line
And another minute passes. When he starts to loosen his shoulder slightly and shifts from one foot to the other and turns to Lucian and says, I don't know where they've gone, but it's the same ones that came before. I'm almost certain of it. And Lucian just gives a knowing nod and continues to look out.
Did I hear that? Yeah, yeah, you're very close. What came? So Draghi would just shout

Surrounded by Undead

over to him. What came before? He turns and you can see now like his nose running with blood bruised black eye from the combat that's just taking place and just says the wraiths. Right. Okay. And a wraith is.
and he turns away from you and continues looking at Drago, you will see soon enough, my friend. Okay, great cryptic. That's what we're going for here. That's the best way to kill it. You know that thing you've got in your hands? Just swinging ahead. Got you. Do what you do best. You'll be fine. It's not them on their own. It's the number that they approach in. I was just going to ask, how many can we expect?
Lucian turns to you. The last time we faced these things, it was a larger contingent of us. There was 50 of us. And there were 50 of them. I don't know how many we can we can expect here, but we are deeper than we have ever been into Blightlands. How do you think we're going to defeat these? Surely we need to make a run for it.
There's no point running from something that doesn't run itself. These things will pass through you as easily as air through an open window. Then we don't stand a chance. We do. We just must, by the sound of things, if Claude is doing what I think he may be doing, and if he is a man of the faith in which I believe he is, he's our best hope here. Time isn't on our side. Time never was, Sister.
As this is happening, Robin is just going to come over to Helena and Carstan and is just going to say to Helena, we need to get Carstan behind us and we need to join rank with Drago. Yeah, I'll help. I think I'll probably try to sit him down as well so that he doesn't walk off. I don't know whether or not he will respond well to that or not.
Out the corner is I, Dragosin, you guys do this. Can you just hit him or something to get him back to his senses, please? Helena, with that, she just punches him in the face. Okay, roll to hit. How'd it go? Is this to kill, yeah? Sorry, Will, if you're listening. We love you. Nineteen to hit.
Oh, 19 to hit. Yeah, that hits. That beats his armor class. Oh, it definitely beats his armor class. And how much damage have you done just out of interest? It's four. Awesome. Yep. I'm going to say that he's, I mean, he is basically incapacitated anyway. Remind me never asked you to hit me. Just roll him up next to Kastan. Kastan, Claude.
and I start using his unconscious body as like a work table for some of the ointments and stuff that I'm using for my ritual. Like candles or even things like that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Rip off part of his clothing just to use to tie bits together. Or just for fun, just rip off his clothes anyway. Nice. There's a sacrificial part to this ritual. Oh, brilliant. Stab him in the chest. Excellent. And another minute passes. So that's three minutes. It's 10 minutes, isn't it?
Another minute passes. You continue to look out and deep into the mist you start to feel a coldness in the air. A new chill starts to approach. It seems to be like a new bit of wind coming in, but the mist isn't moving. It's all very still or very quiet.
Yet the mist comes through and seems to cool you. You see swirls of mist between the trees in the distance as well, and your eye catches them thinking, is that it? Is it coming now? Nothing. You hear a twig snap off to the north, and all your heads flick to that direction. Another minute passes, and another minute of nothing happens. A deeper mist passes over the sun,
and just for a second the air dips and the light dips for a second before coming back up again and you're thinking that second has something appeared above your head and you're all kind of looking in unison around yourselves you hear very light almost whispers but from the east from the direction behind you that you thought was safe and you have a real sense of almost here being surrounded by this
presence you don't know if it's psychosomatic if it's your own head telling you something's going wrong something's there or is it Vance or is it the fact that there actually is something there you can't tell the difference another minute passes the
silence pervades as you stand still on the precipice waiting for something to happen Vance has still not moved from his location the only thing that's moved ever so slightly is his head to the north to the east to the south to the east to the north
Lucien, staring at Vance, not looking out at the horizon but waiting for Vance's signal for an arrival of something, seems to be an uncanny and strange pervasive switch from our previous understanding that Lucien's in charge. Vance obviously is the expert when it comes to these. Another minute passes. Claude continues to chant, his words getting louder and louder, his human sacrificial table of cast iron,
snoring louder and louder as he balances candles and other cacophony of items upon himself. Some you think for the actual function of the spell, some perhaps just to please Claude and have some fun, you know, drop some wax on his forehead, that kind of stuff as well.
Another. Sorry. Did you say another minute? Another minute passes. Seven minutes. Awesome. OK, cool. So at seven minutes, can I with obviously I'm stood next to Claude at the moment and I'm keeping my eyes peeled. I'll just make a side note to Robin. Robin, just keep your eyes on the distance for me. And Drago is going to take Dengon's deception and literally turn it. So it's the tip of the blade is pointed to the ground and the hill is up.
And you'll see that Drago puts both hands on the very top of the blade and Drago's head bows down as well as his eyes close. He's going to use defined sense as an action to detect good and evil. So I will know in 60 feet the location of any celestial fiend undead. That is not behind total cover. OK. 60 feet. Yeah.
You get the ping of your surrounding friends. You also get a slight celestial buzz from Vance. Aside from that, you get no ping of the undead from anyone's surrounding. Okay, hiding the surprise of Vance being pinged as celestial as I'm still trying to learn exactly what a ping means. Just juggle, just keep an eye, look at Vance, shake his head from where the ping came from and
and then return to his station and give a nod to Robin to show that he's returned to his senses. Dengone steps him back up, standing on the ball to his feet. Is there anything else that wants to be discussed? I've got Vance kind of at the vanguard facing east, Lucian just to the north ever so slightly, also facing west. Where would you guys like to put yourselves?
Yeah, I'm facing north. I've just assumed I've taken wherever Claude's head was, that position, I'm straight in front of there looking ahead. So to the north? Yeah. Okay. Helena, what about to you? I am facing south.
So right at the bottom of the circle, if you like. Cool. The other side of Claude again. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So we kind of got him sandwiched between Drago and Helena. Fuck me, what a sandwich. And Robin, where abouts are you going to be? He's just due northeast of Helena and southeast of Drago.
Okay, as you guys have shuffled into those positions, another minute has passed, eight minutes, as the Claude spell starts to develop and build and build and build. Claude, you continue with your spell and you start to get slightly louder and maybe the noise of the infernal talk starts to lift in volume as it must do for such a stupendous spell as this.
And that's some of you takes you a little bit by surprise at the volume of what he has to say and the semantic element of his spellcasting. At the eighth minute, because another minute's passed by, Dengel's Deception is going to move just to Joago's left hand. Obviously it's a great sword, it requires two hands to wield it, but you can hold it with one.
And the axe of Shader is going to be withdrawn into his right hand, which is obviously a throwable weapon for him. So he's armed with both dengue deception on one hand, which is sitting slightly lower the tip of the blade towards the ground, purely because of the weight of it. But the axe of Shader is in his right hand and up towards his chest, getting ready to fling, if anything's out in the distance. Nice. Another minute passes. Nine minutes. Oh, my God.
At this point, even though Robin's got his bow out, he's getting very, very nervous now. So the mage hand is just going to lift up Ghostbane. So it's hanging above head height, just so I can see if there's any intensity change in the undead detector. It is almost blindingly bright at this point. It is the brightest probably you've ever seen it. Okay. So as Robin has done that with his mage hand, I'm going to cast Divine Sense again and send out eyes closed, send out my thoughts 60 feet.

Preparing for Battle with Wraiths

You get a ping. And this time it isn't the ping of something nice and celestial that you previously noticed. You get a strong sense of dread. Three strong senses of dread to the north. Seven strong senses of dread to the west. Seven? Yes. And they pepper themselves along that western line.
can't see them then as you look out to where you're drawn to the location of where these feelings of dread are and you know that link is to that of the undead, you still can't see them through the mist. How far are they? They're 55, they're around, they fluctuate between the 55 and 60, so they're just on the periphery of your spell.
Okay, so Drago, almost like when you come to from a bad dream and you gasp, Drago comes out of his kind of stupor, I guess, for want of a better word, like that, and his eyes are wide. We've got undead 50, 50 to 60 feet away, three to the north.
And as Draghi is trying to follow his brows, he's remembering the pings. Seven to the west. Everyone get ready. Arm yourselves. Through the mist.
To the west, as you spin your eyes out to that location, you see a pair from behind a tree, a pair of very small, thin, yellow eyes from a skull that seems to not be a skeleton skull, but seems to be a skull shrided in mist. Atop of this black misted skull with yellow eyes sits a tall pointed crown, and with a gaunt, jawless,
bottom to the skull the body below it is that almost of ethereal mist black mist that leans down to these long sinewy wisp-like claw hands down to a floating almost nothingness of a body below it its look is haunting
it's lidless it's jawless and it's staring directly at you and as it steps or glides out from behind this tree i will bring him into sight for you to the to the west it stands there still for a second and then you just hear this
that seems to be really quiet yet you can hear it it's like a whisper that you you all can hear the same sound these creatures step almost from the mist itself appearing and parts of you worry
Were they always there? Were they in the mist? Were they not in the mist? And you realize now the extent to which these creatures, where these creatures are, three to the kind of southwest, three to your immediate west, one to your kind of northwest, and three to the north, as these creatures seem to appear out of the whitish mist forming into these wraiths that have surrounded your three flanks as the party stands ready.
that's we're gonna no we're not we're gonna get the fucking combat could you all roll initiative oh my god helen is gonna shout get ready oh fuck my face oh oh my god
Danny, what a spell, by the way. Thank you. That helped build tension so much. You've given us that vocal point to like... How about that? It's worked really well. And what a fucking spell, man. I didn't even know that existed. Right. Anyway, did anyone get 20 plus? Yes. Anyone else? All right, then. 22. Dragos sits at the top of the round, which is lovely. Did anyone get 15 to 20? 16.
Anyone else? Ooh, this is going to be fun. 10 to 15. Oh, fuck. 14. Oh, thank God. Darren? 12. Lovely. Hey, Darren, guess what I rolled? 19. I'm guessing if you're asking me.
That's right, my friend, your favorite number. So these these creatures step through into the mist and you guys have all been ready. They're not going to get a surprise round on you because you've been ready for this. They step through into the mist. And yes, they're coming for you. They seem to all be coming for you. None of them seem to be armed except for their physical arms and their long, what look like claws that are the end at the ends of their wrists. Drago, top of the round. What would you like to do? OK, let's fucking
okay um chargo know what he's doing uh sorry i'm pumped i'm excited i'm fucking scared as well okay so chargo uh am i right in thinking the dude with the crown is to the west to uh west the west it's coming from the west directly to the west he's the one
He's the one most in front to the west. You can see him between two trees. Yep, I'm pinging him. He's also got two little bitches, bodyguards behind him that look very similar. They also have crowns, yet they are slightly smaller, stubbier, nubby, nubby crowns rather than. Nub nub. Nub nub. Nub nub crowns rather than pointy, pointy big boy crowns. Sorry, I'm undermining them. Pointy big boy. He's got the biggest crown. He's got the big boy crown. He's the big. Yeah. Yeah.
As he's the one that came through first with the bigger crown, Drago's going to assume leader and also assume that killing leader, maybe minions bugger off. Either way, Drago's going to step forwards. He's still got dengal deception in left hand, axe of shadar to the right hand. He's going to step.
25 feet away, so they are 30 feet away from him, and as he's walking forwards, axe in one hand, sword in the other, his chest is starting to fill with air as he's coming forwards, and as he makes the distance that he needs to, his claws of his feet dig into the ground, and his head goes back as he lets off this huge dragon roar,
and he's going to use Dragon Fear on the creatures in the hopes that he's going to intimidate the fuck out of them. So, I'm expending the use of my breath weapon to roar, forcing each creature of your choice, so each one of those three, to make a Wisdom saving throw, DC 15. On failure, a target becomes frightened of Drago for one minute, or until it takes any damage. Repeating the saving throw, ending on success.
The three creatures in front of you, the three wraiths in front of you, do not move. They stand unflinching, unblinking at the roar. Even though it echoes round the nearby forest, they do not seem to move or flinch at all.
Claude, can you do anything whilst on the spell? OK, cool. Feel free to throw some flavour in there at some point if you want. Claude will just... I don't have to. No, no, give me any platform, I'll do it. Claude will just start to begin to elevate his voice a little bit and the sorts of language to move through into different languages. And you can just catch snippets of the word.
Time to return back to the eternal plane. Awesome. Nice. As part of the six seconds plus of chanting. Gorgeous. Incantation, not chanting. Lovely. Incantation. Yeah, brilliant. Thanks very much. Helena, your turn. You've just seen them step through the mist, probably to your kind of right-hand side past one of the fallen trees. You can see them there. Helena is going to do what she does best.
Um, she is going to run as far as she can, which is her 30 feet southwestern direction towards the nearest Wraith. And she's going to, I'm going to say prepare an action because she can't reach the Wraith yet.
So she's going to just take both of her flails, swing them each either side of her body and start to propel them just as like an intimidation-y sort of action, but ready to fucking hit as soon as they come near her. Yeah, kind of fucking power play, like it, nice. So you're holding an action, is that right? Yes, please. Could I have the, what do you want the if to be? So if this happens, then you're going to attack, I assume.
Yeah, if it goes past me. One of the Wraiths. Yeah, if one of the Wraiths go past me, she's protecting herself, but first of all, she's protecting her friends and her brother. Cool. Thank you very much, Helena, for that. Lucien is going to step forward so he is in line with Vance. He is going to look to him and say,
just like before and nod and then look out and pull out his sword. Oh no he doesn't have a sword of course wrong one and he does it he drops yes this is what he does he reaches into his armpit and you hear this lag click and you're a thud on the ground as the large mace head attached by a series of changed thuds into the ground mud up round it and he just kind of pulls at
and the arm pulls up his right arm and starts in these long, sweeping swings start to bring this mace either side of his body, whooping it round one way or the other, faster and fastest, building like a comfortable speed. Think like the Witch King of Angla with his massive fucking mace head, kind of like that, but smaller and much cooler.
as he kind of just whoops around once over just kind of at a speed to kind of control that and actually interesting enough if you look from brother to sister they're both in the same kind of thing just swinging these things back and forth oh that's actually really nice um so they're both kind of mimicking each other on the battlefield which is um which is actually really nice and that's all he's going to do for some reason here i've written darren instead of writing robin so i change that robin robin um i have a feeling i know what you'll do but i want you to tell me what would you want to do
Yes, Robin's bow is still focused north as he's seen where the mist is, so he hasn't seen anything emerge through the trees yet. Without moving, Robin is going to take a very, very measured sweeping vista of the battlefield. And the one that will come into sight is the one that is
second up from southwest so it's the one at the furthest most westerly point of the map, him, that's it. And without doing any finesse or flash with the mage hand this time, Robin is going to take a deep breath and inhale and shut his eyes for a second and just focus on his heartbeat.
And then as he opens his eyes, he's going to expand all his movement and his bonus action to take steady aim to give himself advantage and is going to unleash a shot at said creature. Okay, now we find out how hard these creatures are. Could you please roll to hit, Darren? And you get advantage on this, don't you, because you're holding it? Yes, natural 20.
Wow, crit on your first hit, nice. And yes, that does hit, obviously it hits. And roll your double damage. So as the shot unleashes, it's going to go right through one of the vacuous eye sockets in this creature's head. And it's going to take 45 points of magical. Holy shit. Fucking hell. You're nursing a semi right now, aren't you? Nice. Oh, I enjoyed that.
that could tell the arrow your webcam went up a few inches the arrow thuds into the head and it does cause damage which you are glad to see the arrow doesn't just whistle through uh and shove thuds into the head uh kind of stumbling it back though it doesn't have feet stumble back in the mist slightly
as then it kind of regains its footing and starts to move itself forward. But this arrow is still literally sticking out of its eye socket. And you can see around it these cracked black lines coming from the eye socket, almost where you kind of crush glass. And it seems to have caused some kind of glass etching in lines between the arrow and its socket. Anything else down? Very quickly, very quickly though, I won't have advantage on this one. Hand to the back, second arrow, whoosh. Roll to hip.
26 to hit. Yep, that hits
Not as impressive. Six points of magical piercing damage. This arrow thuds into its kind of midsection, quite low down on the waist as the arrow skims over the fallen trees and through the mist, causing the mist to curl behind the arrow into the midsection. Almost missing, but it catches it glancing across the midsection. And again, you see the same cracked ice, cracked glass effect across its torso as it pushes across the body. Nice bit of damage there, Darren. Very, very nice. Anything else you want to do? You've used to movement.
Cool. That's me then. Vance is going to take two steps forward. So he's just near the left shoulder of a tree and in line with Drago facing off of the three in front. He's going to quickly look to Drago and say, you take the big one. I've got his friends.
And he's going to hold an action, same to Lucian, that if anything comes into contact with him, he will strike down with great vengeance and furious anger, as his friend Samuel L. Jackson would say. That's his turn. The Wraiths.

Wraith Assault

These things have until now been stationary, and then move with the speed that some of you were not expecting.
The creatures to the north in a fast approaching speed are flying. They fly hover fly across the above the ground, move in quickly.
What's interesting about these creatures is they don't seem to wait in front. They want to stand kind of in your space as well. So let me just move it more and then I'll explain. So they move quickly. They move at 60 feet. That's how far they can move. So it's a hell of a distance and they move quickly. And for
The ones to the north, those three have approached. One is just off Robin's shoulder. One is just off the unconscious body of Kastan, close to Claude, but more interested in Kastan. One is in the space of Lucian. One is in the space of Vance. One is in the space of Drago. And another one is off the shoulder of Drago. And the same for Helena. There is one in Helena's space and also off its shoulder as well. They can attack from within the space.
as well. There is also one of the southern creatures making its way towards the contingent of Claude, Carstan and Robin, but hasn't quite made it there. They are about 10 feet away from that person. So they have they have covered ground quickly. So there are a couple of things that need to happen now because we've had some held actions. Firstly, Helena, you've held an action that when a creature comes close to you, you're going to stab a bitch. What
We've had to you have to have an option which is the one just your north or the one in your space Which one would you like to direct this held action towards? It will be automatically the one is in my space. Okie dokie. Ok. Roll to hit The first one is a 20 non-natural. That hits Cool. So the damage is 15, please
Such a nice bit of damage as this thing comes into your space. You wouldn't have been able to do it. That's more than you would have been able to have done anyway, Helena, because they're out of range. Nice advance, held in action. Ah, he's going to roll like a bitch, though. It's 14. That doesn't beat its armor class. Lucian rolls even worse, so four. He does have two attacks. That's more like it, 18. And no, not two attacks. Sorry, he has the...
And the creature that's in Lucian's space does take a little bit of damage as it enters into his space. It is still their turn. So all creatures ends its turn, so I'll do that at the end. So I'll start with you, Helena, from the south.
It's going to, the one that's in your space is going to take a weapon attack against you. That's a 22 against your armor class. Yeah, that hits. It takes 15 points of necrotic damage. Could you please make a constitution saving throw? She should smash.
That is a 14. That's fine. You take the damage, there are no other effects. The creature that's just next to you, the one that's not in your space, 15 points of necrotic damage and nothing else happens. Brilliant. Yeah, thank you. Not a problem. 17 against your armor class. That misses.
No problem. So that's the creatures only go. Drago, we're going to do the same with you. We're going to do the creature that's not in your space and the creature that is in your space. The first one is a natural 20. Sorry, matey. Motherfucker. Take 27 points of necrotic damage. And could you also make a constitution saving throw?
I'm going to cancel out the effects of the natural 20, so it's not double damage. So it's just regular. Yes, I'm using my... Oh, what is this ability called? My cleric ability that lets me, as a reaction, whenever someone gets a run out of 20, I can cancel the double damage. Gotcha. Yeah, no problem. So that's 14 points of necrotic damage, Drago, and you still need to make the constitution saving throw, please. Of course.
18. No problem. The second one is going to hit you with a unnatural 20.
I'm rolling well, I'm sorry. Why are you sorry? 12 points of necrotic damage and the same again. Keep your d20s handy, guys. You're going to be rolling consaves every time they hit you. Could you make another consave, please? 24 with a crit. Oh, thank God. That's absolutely right. The creature on Vance. Oh, I rolled a two. Lucky he avoids it. The creature against Lucian. That is an 18. That does hit his armor class. He's going to take
10 points of, oh actually it doesn't.
Oh, doesn't it as armor class? Ignore me. Okay, that misses as well. They're both very handily missed. Karstan has an unconscious corpse body. Oh my God. Takes 15 points of necrotic damage and robbing the creature that's just off your shoulder. Oh, that is going to be an 11 against your armor class. Sorry, I'm assuming that misses. So you are fine also. That's the end of the turn. However, if you have a wraith within your space,
We've got the right dice. Where are they? A Wraith within your space. New from Mattel. Wraith within your space. The fun family game for all to enjoy. Helena, you take six points of force damage. Drago, you take eight points of force damage. What the mother fuck? Because it's basically in you. Not in the fun way. Vance takes one point of... Did you say nice, Casey? You fiend. Vance takes one point and Ellucian takes three points.
That is the end of their turn. Drago, just so you know, the big boss nast man, the one you were wanting to dick on, the horny boy, he's the one that's just next to you, not in your space, he's the one that's next to you, that stood just to your west, okay? I'll ping him now on roll 20 for you. Ping!
Yeah, he's the one who did the force damage, isn't he? No, the one that's in your space does the force damage because it's basically... Oh, he's in me. Oh, shit. Oh, my God. Okay, like the mentor style, like... It's just in your five-foot space. It's called incorporeal movement. The wraith can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 1d10 force damage if it ends its turn inside an object. And the object I've chosen is four of the characters. The others didn't have the range for it.
So that's the end of their turn. Top of the round. Drago, you have a Wraith in you and you have your Wraith King guy, if you want to call him that, just off to your side. What would you want to do? Not in you. He's like within your five foot space. You could, you can hit him though. That's what I'm saying. Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. Actually retcon, retcon, retcon, retcon, retcon, retcon.
I'm bringing Folly in. Folly? Oh, no. I won't tell you, actually. Okay, right. Fuck that. Edit, edit as a note. Stop at the top of the round, not Drago first. Callum, what did you roll for your initiative, just so I knew? Unnatural 20. I'll put you at the top, mate. Wait, what? No, Drago, what did you have? You had? 22. Okay, so you go just next to...
Um, I've had to kind of write you in the small gap column. So if I go drag her and then jump straight to Claude, stop me, because I might have just not been able to read your little name. I've popped in. Okay. So just make sure you're, you're okay. Uh, you're going to appear in a second. Don't worry. Cool. And we'll explain it. We'll, we'll do a little thing about what happened, um, later on. Okay. From.
In and amongst you, Claude, down on his knees, praying this meditative state, cast down with his wraith over his unconscious body, striking at him, Robin, bow drawn, and our three, four martial characters holding off this onslaught of the wraiths.

Folly's Return to Combat

From the very center of it, this white burst of light again appears. And again, you see your friend Folly appear kind of taking a couple of deep breaths and next to him.
only for a couple of seconds is sorry that you see is this black hooded figure of kelson who still looks unhinged unsure and you just hear him saying he's fucking following these you've got to leave you've got to leave
And then he does the same again, and in a white burst of lights, he just disappears. Vans has got his back to him at this point, so would not have seen this, but it's kind of plopped Folly back in and muttered a few lines of you having to leave and then you leave again. Folly looking around you, you see these basically wraiths, literally think almost more ethereal versions of ring wraiths maybe, or just look up on D&D beyond the wraith figure and you'll have a look at what we're kind of facing at the moment. And they are kind of surrounding the group.
They all seem to be protecting Claude for some reason. He's down on his knees using cast and as a table, and he's been muttering the incantations, getting louder and lighter, but he is down on his knees, seeming to be casting something. Everyone seems to be around him, protecting him. This will happen very quickly, mid-combat. You're now in the fold, Folly. Drago, top of the rounds. What would you like to do?
Drago's first thing is gonna fucking rage. I can't believe I didn't do that first time round. So annoyed at myself. And what happens if I step out of this race that's in me? Do you get an opportunity attack? Not unless you are five, you move basically two squares away. Yeah. So if you move five, if you move just out of the square, you're still in the race. Literally, Drago takes one step back. That's fine. So that the creature is no longer in him. So he's...
How it's looking, listeners, at the moment, is he's got the big fuck-off Wraith with the crown on his head to the left. In fact, no, Drago's going to turn and face him. And then on his right, he's got another Wraith, the one that was in him. Drago's just literally stepped out of his range. And then he's going to...
here, because he's still holding, this is shit, he's still holding the Axe of Shader on one hand, Dengon's deception on the other hand, you see the Axe of Shader just come up to the centre of the chest, and he's going to take two knocks on the back of the Axe head, across Dengon and then out of the Drago's chest, you hear two thuds as he casts Shield of the Faith on himself.
And that's that's all I can do good. Good. Good. Okay. Lovely drug. I thank you very much folly and From what you've just experienced which we'll go over you'll his shortly listeners and Has no bearing really on what is just happening. Your friends are under attack. What do you want to do? And welcome to the podcast to column nice to have you back. Hello, um
follows in a little bit of a blind panic a disappeared he's come back he has no idea at the moment where he went what the hell happened um he just probably sees the scene you described people seem to be protecting Claude we're getting surrounded um for once foliage kind of out of ideas um he's gonna kind of do a bit of
He's going to do a bit of retreating. Good turn. Cheers, Folly. Fucking attack. There's like evil gribblies. There's ethereal gribblies everywhere. Folly's going to go for an old favorite. It's worked well in the past. He's going to go for a wall of fire and just kind of create a barrier around. But based on previous experience, we know we are in a forest.
So he's not actually going to do fire, he's going to spend a sorcerer's point to transmute the spell into an element that's not particularly flammable. He's being very cautious. So what element are you going to go for then?
Is this like science with folly where we have to fill it in? I'm having a look and yes in all fairness I might stick with cold damage based off that kind of knowledge because I don't want to set the forest on fire that we are currently around. So I'm going to try and cast wall of fire in a 20-foot diameter centred on folly I believe covers
everybody in like a wall aside from Helena which I am very very sorry about but you're very far away. So 32 points of cold damage is going to be done from my wall of cold.
Okay, lovely. Thank you very much. Really good flavor there, Folly, thank you. And as this wall of ice goes up, six of you get up into the air and kind of blocking you off from the surrounding area and fog. Helena, you are kind of cut off on the outside with these two creatures on your own.
These two other creatures do seem to take the damage from this, and again, you see the ice shards seem to form crystallise upon their bodies as they try to, like, shake bits of it off. They do fall off as kind of snowflakes almost, but you do see it cause some kind of blackened damage to their bodies. That is the end of your turn. I assume, Folly, you want to move, or are you happy where you are? Folly is perfectly happy where he is at the centre of this wall of safety.
Awesome, thank you very much, Claude. Sorry, Folly, Claude, your turn. Anything you want to do? Yes, I realised that I could have had a bonus action, movement and reaction. It's just the action that's always used when I'm concentrating. So, I won't move, but what I will just do is I'll just be like, chanting, chanting, chanting, chanting, incantation, incantation, incantation, and then just produce a tiny little ball of healing light, throw it at Drago and say,
You got it. I don't know how to get back to it. Um, so I can... I love you. I love you so much. Uh, healing word. It's not much. Anything. 14 points of healing. I'll take it. Thank you. He don't heal much, but I know he loves you. He's my brother. He ain't heavy. He's my brother. Who's after me in the initiative order? Alana.
Sorry, before you make a decision on that, I call him, is the wall opaque? Or is it transparent? It is opaque. You can see through the wall. So it's transparent, not opaque.
Yes. He tripped you up on purpose there, man. Yeah, I was trying to look into what else I could do next turn. You sounded dumb as fuck. And I was just like, you dumb as bitch. He said, is it transparent? I made another comment. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So you can see through it. You can see through it. It is transparent. It is transparent. Cool. Just checking. Are you sure about that?
Well, I don't know. Just checking, in case Claude, you needed to know whether or not you could make eyes on Helena or not. Thank you. But no, that will be the end of my turn. I'll just break one moment of concentration really quickly to heal him and then return to my studies, my spells.
Lovely. Helen, you've just seen this massive transparent wall of ice appear behind you, locking you off from the other forces. You see one of the crew just takes some damage from it, and the one to your north takes a bit of damage to it as well. But you are, for all intents and purposes, cut off from the rest of your group with two of these gribblies on your, one pretty much on you in your space, right up in your personal space, not something we want in a COVID day, and one just five foot to the north. What would you like to do?
Helena's going to turn around to take a look at the rest of the group, seeing if she can catch her eye with anybody. If not, there's going to be a quick glimpse of panic in her eyes, but she's going to come back to the race surrounding her and feel this strength and this power within her surge forward, and she knows that she has to tackle this alone, so she's going to take another hit
what she can at the same wraith that she attacked before okay so the one just to your north just above you yes where's the other one sorry is the other one right next to me as well he's right up in your grill he is literally in your space so you can't see him because he's upon you so to speak
OK, so she's going to take the first hit at the one that she hit before, but what's going to happen is she's going to try to do them simultaneously. So hitting the one with one flail, hitting the other with the other, back at the other one, because obviously she does have her multiple attacks. OK. So the first one's going to hit the one that she attacked before. The one just to the north. Awesome. OK, roll that first one to hit. That is a 30 to hit non-natural. Or did you roll on that? I rolled A.
Which is a crit. That's a crit. That's a crit. You roll double damage. There's a crit. Darrin, what is it? Darrin, Darrin, Darrin, what is it? Hold on. It's not one-off a crit for Case. It's an actual crit. So, you're there. Thank you. We need to make... I don't know what we need for Darrin. We need like a crit bell. Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. Yeah. Okay. That's a 19. That's a 19. Double that damage. Double damage. That's going to be a 18.
18 damage for that first hit. Yes, you take a big old swing at this, as it's kind of bringing one of its claws up towards you, you hit the claw and the entire arm flies off, leaving this kind of shattered glass shards around this socket of this arm where this arm would have been, as it turns to you with its only one good working arm, it's still up. But you're swinging back at the previous one now, yeah?
Yay, I'm going to swing back at the previous one and I've hit it hopefully with a 21. That does indeed hit. Yeah. And with this, um, this other creature being like, she's going to do the same thing back at him or it and go back at it and the damage is going to be 11.
Again, you hit this square in the chest, thuds against this ethereal body that it looks like it should go through, but actually it hits against, boom, your flail hits it and causes like a little indentation. And again, this white kind of broken glass effect on its chest. It's still upright. Is your last attack now back at the previous one? Back at the previous one, yes, please. Nice, got it. Right, roll to hit. This one's an 18 to hit. That hits, roll the damage.
for Discord. 15 points of damage.
Your flail comes back in on your offhand for the last one, hitting into it, squaring the head, and the entire creature just breaks into literally small shards of what looks like glass as these fall to the ground. But as each shard hits the ground, it turns into mist, white mist, and joins the rest of the mist. It's no longer the black ethereal mist of this creature. As it hits the ground, it becomes the mist of the normal air. That creature has been smited, smotant, smitten, and is gone. Nice.
Good shit, Casey. Anything else you want to do with that, Helena? Yeah, can I do my bonus action, please? Absolutely more. Yeah, can I hit the fucking second one again, please? Absolutely. Roll that hit. Yeah. 23, please. That hits. You're very welcome. That does it.
And it's a 10 points of damage to which, yeah, she's just gonna take this last hit and really swing it at the neck of this thing, this creature.
And again, it hits the neck and hits against the side of it. The flare kind of sticks for a second before you rip it out. And again, you see like the broken shards of kind of white glass kind of pull from its black neck. It's still upright. Nice, good bits of damage. Thank you very much. Lucian is going to try and swing at this creature and fuck both of his attacks up. Good job, Lucian.
Douchebag. No, he's not a douchebag. He's a lovely man, really. He bought me a pint once. Robin, your turn. You've got a creature just off behind you. And then there's one also attacking Karstan too. Robin is going to leap over Karstan.
and land in the same space as the Wraith to try and draw its attention off Karstan. I am going to have to use my action to change weapons and just stand over Karstan, whirlwind style and go, I will kill you if you touch him. That's sexy. I like that. Thank you very much, Robin. Good stuff. Vance,
He's going to take a swing at this creature. Ooh, OK. He's going to do a little bit. Do a little bit of damage against the creature that's currently in the space. He's also going to back up. Back up one space to get away from this wraith, so he can actually get a good shot on it as well. And he's going to do a modicum of damage to this creature with his sword across its midsection, annoying it more than anything else. That is Vance's turn. The wraiths attack.
We're going to work from the south again. Helena, you've only got the one on you now. That is a 16 against your armor class, which is going to fail because I already know your armor class from before. The creature to the south that is not currently engaged is going to become engaged.

Claude's Struggle with Spells

He's going to go for Claude. Claude, is this spell you're casting concentration? Yeah. Okie dokie. He's going to roll to hit you.
It's a natural 20. It's not the end of the world, I mean, I've got wall casters, so I've got a good chance of saving against it. It all depends on the damage. Okay. It's a crit. Oh, I'm going to cancel the effects. Well, I'm stupid. Cool, no problem. So... Yeah, I used my reaction to use Sentinel at Death's Door, and his crit doesn't do the double damage. Lovely. You take 12 points of necrotic damage. Okay.
Oh, I didn't heal from the last fight. I know we didn't have time to. Oopsie. Okay. I'm still standing, but I haven't got much left in the tank. The corridor's looking very much worse for wear. So, I need to account, say, for the concentration, but I have advantage. Could everyone else make a perception check whilst that's going on, please?
Natural one, but I'm more preoccupied with Carstan at the moment in my defense. 22. Cool. Polly? 19. Thank you. Helena? Six. Okay, thank you very much. Carry on. 26, my Constitution saving throw. 26, thank you. Concentration saving throw. Concentration. Could you also make a Constitution saving throw as well, please? Okay.
The target must succeed on a constitution saving throw or its hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. Okay, so it's not your overall, so your top amount you can have is now reduced by 12. I thought it would be the amount of health you currently have. It's not, so your top amount you can heal until a long rest has been reduced by 12 points, okay? Yeah. Drago and Folly.
you can very clearly see that Karstan is, sorry, Karstan's unconscious so it doesn't really matter, he's in the mud, you can very much see that Claude is despite his now shaven face normally hiding the effects of combat and battle,
You can quite clearly now see the damage and wear and tear this this combat is taking on him and he is looking unwell to say the least and you two are very very aware of that, okay? Ian's taking off his shirt. I don't know why I'm getting warm. He's getting warm. I don't like it that I don't like it That's that creature's turn the creature that is was going for you Robin is going to take another pot shot at you and
Not the one that's in your space, the one that you're next to. That's a 21 against your armour class. Defensive dualist, that misses. Cool, thank you very much. The one that's currently in your space rolls a 19, which is one off a crit. Go on, it hits, it hits. It meets and meets. You take 11 points of necrotic damage. Could you also then make a constitution saving throw, please? And I rolled a 6, so that's a 15.
You did? Yes, you did. That passes. Thank you very much, Robin. The creature that is... I've already done the one that was engaged with Helena, that mist. The creature that is engaged with Lucian is actually going to move through Lucian's space towards Folly and take a hit at Folly. Roll the natural one, you lucky motherfucker. The creature that is up against Vance,
The one that's against Vance is going to step into Vance's space and roll to hit. This is that as well. The creature that's up against Lucian is also actually going to just take one more step forward as well. Sorry, we'll have done that normally and moved into Folly's space. The Wraith King, if you will, the one that's the leader, is going to step into Drago's space. The Wraith to the north of Drago is going to take a swing at him. That's another natural one. Wow, two. And the Wraith King itself, that's better. It's going to roll a 25 to hit you, Drago.
what the fuck man well the first one rolled a natural one so I mean you know you win some you lose some it's got plus eight so you know I'm gonna hit a few of you 21 points of necrotic damage I guess I can't half that can I you cannot because it is not and could you make a constitution saving throw please
12, you, your hit point total has been reduced your top amount by how much I said. So 21. So the most, you can only be hailed now, whatever your top, um, HP was before it's now 21.

Overwhelmed by Wraiths

Correct. Yeah. Got you.
The Wraiths continue to encircle and enshry the group, pushing you closer and closer together as the damage starts to become apparent. The damage to Claude, your saving grace, your chance to basically push back the Blight by 40,000 feet, clearing the area between you and the Blight towards you and home becomes ever so more tenuous and ever less likely. And to find out if we make it, you're gonna have to wait till next week. Are you fucking, don't fuck this. Don't do this. I'll let you get it.
Oh my god, it's getting close. What the hell? Uh, this yeah, this is this is a top. This is the yeah. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep.
I don't know what to say. I don't know how to end. They are fallible. They are. They do die as Helena has, has rightly shown. And actually they don't have a massive amount of HP guys. Like, I mean, if this doesn't make you tune in next week, I don't know what does. I'm not even going to find the link. Just, you know, see us next week. And as always, thanks for tuning in this week and making us party every day week. We love you for it. I'm freaking man. This isn't good. But if you want to do, um, if you wanted, uh,
Find out more about us. You can follow us on our combined Twitter page, which is at fellowship table. And then if you wanted to follow us individually, uh, you can follow me at I wrote a one. You can follow Claude for now at total party thrills. You can follow Casey at nearly dead mate. No, the corn crits. You can follow Darren at Darren page six. You can follow column at the D 20 gamer.
Will, who's not here, but you can still follow him, is at... Natural20Gamer? Natural20Will, that's it. And, uh... Fuck you, Mark. You don't get one. What's yours, wonderful DM? About hastily rolled DM. Oh my god, guys. Until next time! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell! Farewell