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This Principle Will Change Your Career

The Solarpreneur
323 Plays10 days ago

In this episode, we're tackling a very simple principle that increases your credibility and rapport in sales. However, we shouldn't just pay it forward for the potential rewards. It's important to see what it could do as well to ourselves, especially with how we interact with the people around us. 

Sonny's Family Needs Your Support


Introduction to Solarpreneur Podcast

Welcome to the solarpreneur podcast where we teach you to take your solar business to the next level. My name is Taylor Armstrong and went from $50 in my bank account and struggling for groceries to closing 150 deals in the year and cracking the code on why sales reps fell. I teach you to avoid the mistakes I made and bring in the top solar dogs of the industry to let you in on the secrets of generating more leads, following up like a pro and closing more deals.

Defining a Solarpreneur

What is a solar printer you might ask? A solar printer is a new breed of solar pro that is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve mastery and you are about to become one. So some of you already know that I run my own door to door sales team here in San Diego. And as we were gearing up for the summer, I realized if we do the same thing we always did, we're going to get the same

Introducing Solar Scout App

results. But if I want to increase my deal flow, I need to do something different to get an advantage. Then we discovered an app called Solar Scout. But it's not a door knocking app. It's a data platform that shows us who is likely to go solar in our market.
It shows us who has previously applied for solar but later cancelled the deal, who has moved in recently, and even how much electricity the homes are using in a given neighborhood. It's been working for a lot of teams across the country and now I'm on board too. I'm going to be one of the first to use solar scout in San Diego so I decided to partner up, but I told them hey, I'm going to talk about solar scout on my show, you need to get my listeners a great deal, and they did.
So go to solar forward slash Taylor and book a demo with them and you'll get 10% off your first month when you sign up. That's solar scout forward slash Taylor. Okay. Back to the show. Hey solar printers.

The Principle of Micro-Giving

Today we're going to be talking about a principle that will change your life. If you're not doing this, it's going to blow your mind. Welcome to the podcast. My name is Taylor Armstrong. We're here to help you close more deals, generate more leads and referrals.
and have a much better time in the solar industry. I hope you are cranking out a ton of deals right now. Just got back from Utah, a little sales conference. It was great. This first time I've been to this called the Alchemy Sales Summit. A guy named Doug Cartwright puts it on. I'm going to be having him here for a podcast pretty soon. But while I was at the conference,
They had a bunch of great speakers. It was just one day. Um, took some of our guys had a great time. My brain was fried, but they saved one of the best for loss. Casey Boff. Yeah. If you don't know Casey, um, just extremely inspirational. You know, he's one of the OGs of door knocking, uh, was one of the original Vivint guys and, uh, did really well for himself, a Vivint and was able to use a lot of the money, um, he made during the acquisition.
to ah you know invest and really just multiply it. So he was one of the last speakers and he's actually the one that talked about this principle. Spoiler alert, it's not gratitude. Well, gratitude is a great principle, a great thing to do. But the secret that he shared with us is a principle called micro giving. Hey, what is micro giving?
ah Microgiving is just consistently giving of your time, energy, money to help people. It probably sounds simple, but ah just the way the stories he told and the examples he gave of it, he claims it's one of the principles that he thinks has just helped him think abundantly. And if you believe in karma, if you believe in God, whatever you believe in, then I think it's a good practice that the more you give, the more you're going to receive. And he's, I mean, it's one of the things he talked about most in his presentation at this sales summit. And it was just really cool hearing like hearing the stories, the emotion, how much of his success he attributes to this one principle. There were other ones, which we'll probably talk about in future podcasts. But I want to just share a couple of stories he told during it.
And um then at the end, stay tuned because I've actually got a great opportunity to practice microgriv micro giving. You know, unfortunately, someone in our ranks passed away. So I'm going to share that with you at the end if you do feel like giving. So stay tuned. But ah some of the stories he told as he was given this presentation and I would encourage if you have the opportunity to see Casey speak.
Go see him speak cuz you know i don't i don't do it justice it was really powerful hearing it from his lips but he gave us some examples he said the first one he was out taking his i think it was daughter on a little daddy daughter date.
So they went to Coldstone and he always carries cash in his wallet, and um, specifically for the purpose of giving to those in need, which he got that from Todd Peterson. Now, if you know Todd, there's lots of stories of him just given a hundred dollar bills to people in need, or I've heard stories of, uh, someone told me this, I can't remember, but they saw Todd asked, asked him for restaurant recommendations and he gave him the I think it was in Vegas. He gave him some restaurant recommendations. Then he gave him like 400 bucks and told him to go, just go ham, go, go to the restaurants. He told them, uh, so cool stories like that. If you follow Todd Peterson, but, uh, Casey back to his story, he took his daughter on a little daddy daughter date. They went to Cold Stone and they, uh, got their ice cream scoop. And the person working there was this teenage girl, probably, you I don't know, 13, 14, maybe. And he could tell she was just like,
Kinda slow, seemed kinda depressed, didn't really make eye contacts, didn't really look at him, was just scooping the ice cream. He said the service wasn't great. They finally got their ice cream. He looked at the girl and he said, hey, i just wanted to thank you, you're doing a great job here. Thank you for getting us our ice cream and ah doing the doing your best.
You're a great employee, something like that. And then he pulls out a hundred dollar bill from his wallet, gives it to her. He said this girl, she, uh, shocked, had never received anything like this in her working years and super excited. So Todd felt Casey felt great about it. But then, uh, the next day he gets a call and, uh, turns out, um, I guess somehow he'd known that the girl's dad in the past or something. So he gets a call from the girl's dad.
and the girl's dad tells him, hey, just want to tell you um that was my daughter that served you the ice cream last night. She came home and told us about the experience and just want to tell you she's struggled with depression, um suicidal thoughts, and she that was the happiest I've seen her in months and she couldn't stop talking about it. So thank you so much. So he told us this story and um he had a few other stories that were really powerful. um The other one was a guy that's was ah actually on his way to, sounds like, end his life. And him and Todd Peterson somehow caught wind of it, went and booked him into like a treatment center. And then the next day, he got an impression to go visit this guy's wife and give him $10,000. So him and Todd went it and gave this guy's wife $10,000. At this time, it was still a decent amount for him to go give $10,000.
It wasn't like an easy thing. Just go give it. He's fighting against it. But, ah you know, just crazy that he was so willing to just go, hey, um I feel like I need to give $10,000 this impression I got. And he talked a lot about God in his life and believed that that was a direct, you know, manifestation, impression, whatever the spirit, whatever you want to call it from God.
So we acted on it that benefited the people that he helped but he just feels so strongly that he's received the same benefits just because he's ah Grown to think so abundantly and he's grown to think that money flows to him it can be replaced He's not attached to it. So what I took away from this and one of the most important lessons I learned is that we need to be micro giving in whatever stage we're at in our solar careers. um I think if we learn to do this,
I believe it's going to help us think more abundantly. It's going to help us make more money. um We're going to bless a lot of people's lives. And who knows, we might have some awesome, incredible stories like Casey and Todd Peterson. But if we don't learn to start giving, even if we don't have a lot, then we're not going to give when we're loaded either. And that was a big point that Casey made.
If he was given a dollar when he had $10, if you you can't give a dollar when you have $10, then you're not going to give $10,000 when you have $100,000. So giving starts now, it doesn't start when you're filthy rich. A lot of you that have read the Bible, um there's the widow's mites. Most of us have heard that story word, the widow in the Bible.
has nothing to her name and she gives everything she has as like a tithe. So we need to learn the same lesson. Practice micro-giving. It's going to open up your mind. It's going to help you think more abundantly. And then one of the notes I took at the event that Casey mentioned the secret to living is giving. Practice micro-giving. The habit of giving starts when you don't have anything to give.
Hey, and then to wrap this up, I asked chat GPT to explain this principle according to Todd Peterson and Casey Baugh. And I thought it gave a pretty ah fire definition, pretty good explanation of it. It says, the principle of microgrieving, as discussed by Todd Peterson, Casey Baugh revolves around the idea of making small, consistent and intentional acts of generosity that create a ripple effect of positive impact, rather than waiting to accumulate vast wealth before giving. Micro-giving emphasizes regular, everyday giving in small amounts, whether financial time or resources that collectively make a significant difference. And then some of the key aspects are consistency over size,
Small, frequent acts of giving can be more impactful than in occasional large donations. Hence why Casey and Todd always carry cash in their pockets and their wallets.
You need to start doing that. yeah Number two, building a habit generosity. Giving regularly creates a mindset of abundance and reinforces generosity as part of one's identity. Number three, immediate action. You don't have to wait for the perfect moment or a mass of fortune to start giving. Number four, impact at scale.
When many individuals practice micro-giving, the cumulative effect can be transformative for communities and causes. Number five, compounding effect. Small contributions when combined with foals of others can lead to exponential impact over time. So there you have it. Great little explanation. So please start micro-giving. And like I mentioned earlier, if you want a great cause, a great thing to practice a little micro-giving, little micro-giving opportunity,
ah One of my friends and colleagues in the industry and that impacted so many people on solar and was just um a light, speaking of solar, array he was a light to everyone that he came in contact with.

Tribute to Sonny Rock

His name was Sonny Rock and he passed away on his 52nd birthday, I believe, just about a week ago at the time of this podcast.
and so I'm gonna depending on when you're listening to this should still be live but I'm gonna put in the show notes a link for his go fund me if you want to to make a donation if you want to practice this principle of micro giving I think this is a great opportunity tragic that we lost a friend in the industry He started one of the original Facebook groups, Solar Pros, and I actually had the opportunity to share the stage with him at SolarCon a couple of years back. ah We did a little social media panel. So just a friend of mine, so sad to see him go, and he impacted impacted a lot of people. So please consider making a donation. If you feel so inclined, go click the link below. It's going to take you to the GoFundMe page. And whatever you can do doesn't have to be
$1,000. Donate $10 if that's the situation you're in. I hope you practice this principle. It will change your life. and ah Stay tuned. We've got some exciting episodes coming up for you. Please, if you have not left us a review or shared the podcast.
share the show. That's all we ask. That's the way you can give to give knowledge. All right. So we'll see you on the next one. Thanks for tuning in. Go get some deals this week and practice micro giving. Peace.

Announcing the Soulciety Community

Hey, solar printers, quick question. What if you could surround yourself with the industry's top performing sales pros, marketers, and CEOs and learn from their experience and wisdom in less than 20 minutes a day? For the last three years, I've been placed in the fortunate position to interview dozens of elite level solar professionals and learn exactly what they do behind closed doors to build their solar careers to an all-star level. That's why I want to make a truly special announcement about the new learning community exclusively for solar professionals to learn, compete, and win with top performers in the industry and it's called a society. This learning community was designed from the ground up to level the playing field and give solar pros access to proven mentors who want to give back to this community and help you or your team to be held accountable by the industry's brightest minds for are you ready for it less than three dollars and 45 cents a day. Currently, Soulciety is open, launched, and ready to be enrolled. So go to to learn more and join the learning experience now. This is exclusively for Soulprenuer listeners, so be sure to go to and join. We'll see you on the inside.