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Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood (2019) image

Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood (2019)

S2 E32 · Hazardous Opinions
39 Plays1 year ago

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Introduction & Movie Overview

Hello, people. I'm Eric. There's Andy and Hunter. And we are hazardous opinions.
Today, I want to tell you a little story. It starts once upon a time in Hollywood. It's a dramedy starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Bad, Bad, Bad Pit, whoever that guy is, and Margot Roby.
Yeah. And I am excited to talk about this movie and hear your guys's opinions of this movie. It's by Quentin Tarantino. Yeah. One of my favorites. So we're doing kind of a recent release here. And the names you didn't mention, there's a huge list of people in this movie. Austin Butler of recent fame, Dakota Fanning, Timothy Elephant. Insane list for this movie. And of course, Tarantino always starring in his own movies.
So you can watch this one on Hulu and FX Now. I haven't used FX Now, but Hulu is also always good. If you guys haven't seen this movie in a while, the basic premise of this wacky movie is a Pulp Fiction-esque, more modern movie where an out-of-date Western actor played by Leonardo DiCaprio and his stunt double played by Brad Pitt
Try to make it big again in Hollywood after they've fallen from their fame when they used to do Western movies and now they're finding themselves as they're doing these movies getting intertwined in a Somewhat familiar real-life story with Sharon Tate in the Manson family in Hollywood So what do you guys think of this movie? What do you write this?

Movie Ratings and Personal Stories

Eric you go ahead since you picked this one
Oh, okay. I will go with a solid. Eighty four point five out of a hundred. Okay, so we're going we're going out of a hundred. This episode, not just the eight point five, not just a nine point five solid eight hundred sixty two out of a thousand.
I don't know out of a thousand point five. I don't know. I like this movie. I don't know. They're like, there is some things that we'll talk about that kind of make it a little dull in, uh, in the middle part of it.
But like overall, like it's like, it caught me off guard and like it does this interesting thing that Quentin Tarantino does where like it pivots the entire story in a different direction, which is like, it's cool. I don't know if like a huge fan of it, but like it's something that, you know, it's definitely a Tarantino staple and you know,
got to give it up to him. It's it's interesting writing is what I'm saying. So. Mm hmm. Yeah. Yeah. You're like the eight range there. Yeah. Yeah. Pretty much. OK. Yeah. If we can get a gauge of your. Rating. OK. Yeah. Perfect. Yeah. OK. All right. You want to go, Hunter? Oh, yeah. Yeah, sure. So honestly, with this movie,
incorporating movie stars and a very big grand story. Honestly, I would give this 9.5. 9.5. That's like 950 out of 1,000. Yes. Yes. And I will give that every fucking time. Yeah. Absolutely, man. I'll give it, honestly.
And I want to give it like perfect specs. Honestly, like I would have gave it a, like a 10 out of 10, but like, you know, for a couple of reasons we're going to get into eventually.
Honestly, why I gave it such a high performance is because one of the facts is Tarantino, it does have the movie stars, it has the story, it has the feel, everything like that. But also this film holds a special place in my heart, not only with the story performances and transportative nature,
But that it's the first theater experience by myself that I sat in a theater by myself, watch this movie. And then like a week later.
I eventually met my wife-to-be, but didn't know it at the time. I met her one night about like a week after that and in front of a group of like six people with her in it, I said, you know what? I went to my first movie by myself. I sat through a movie by myself in the theater and it was Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.
And everybody just like laughed and, you know, not in a mocking way. They were just like, wow, like, like, that's impressive. You know, I wouldn't have done that. And my wife says to this day, like, that is one of the things that kind of caught her when I was like talking, you know, that I just wasn't afraid to be by myself, be myself.
you know, and watch this movie. And I felt like this would be a very important movie for me. I was having a very down day that day. And I was like, you know what, my boy Leo DiCaprio, and my boy Quentin Tarantino, they're, you know, they're doing a movie together, you know, like, let's go. So yeah, I was all in for it. And God, was I so happy being in that moment. And
People need to realize that they, they can go to movies by themselves without feeling ashamed. Oh, absolutely. That's all I got to say. It's people will look at you and judge you. Probably. Uh, yeah, go ahead, Andy.
This is a very touching story, Hunter. Thank you for that. Thank you. I'm going to bring us back to the realistic world of Tarantino and start my review off by saying, what the fuck, Tarantino? Why do you keep showing me so much feet? Oh, man. OK, you know what? We'll get more into that. Yeah.
I will give Tarantino his time, because I want to talk about the feat. This movie might actually be my least favorite Tarantino movie. And that's not saying anything bad about this movie. It is a really high bar that he has set. And I put this movie probably in a seven, eight, seven, nine range. It's very enjoyable time. But like Eric said, there is a lull somewhere near the beginning middle area.
That kind of brings the down movie down a little bit, but that second half, absolutely killer. No pun intended. So I do want to get into a lot of this stuff. I'm excited to talk about it.
I got to say, Andy, I never thought I never thought I'd say this to one of you guys again, but. Disappointed dad. You might be on my shit list again. Hey, it is. I gotta say. There is way. There's always. There's only so high you can go. And when most of Tarantino's movies are in my eight to 10 range, it's so hard to break into that ceiling.
Okay, like one statement I will say right now. I feel like once upon a time in Hollywood is his second best movie behind and glorious bastards. Yeah, yep, I gotta say one's good. So I I love and glorious bastards.
This one, I don't know. I guess I, I haven't really thought about my ranking in Tarantino movies, but it's very tough. It is. I get, I get what you're saying, Andy. I like that. That's why I just said that out loud. Like, I think that would be mine. You know, fair enough. I, uh, I have Django probably up at my top one. Oh, motherfucker. Oh, motherfucker. Why did you bring up Django? Why did I, it's going to be upset out. Okay.
We're going to rearrange the list. It's going to be a tough top three guys. It's a tough top three. Honestly, like, and I know a lot of people put like reservoir dogs and pulp fiction up there, but honestly, I, I honestly, in my personal opinion, I would put those three up at my top Django once upon a time and in glorious.

Tarantino's Style and Historical Elements

Yeah, I think reservoirs in my second, it's really good. I still need to see that one. It is good. It is really good. Okay. But yeah. Do you want to get the feet conversation out of the way? Yes, actually. Why is Wirebarger Robbie's feet so dirty? Cause she's walking around. Wait, what? I thought she had a heel. Quite a bit.
Oh, maybe. Yeah, a lot of the characters in this were barefoot. And when I first saw those.
those ladies singing and running around barefoot, they actually really scared me. I'm like, this isn't right. Something is deeply wrong with them. Oh, God. For some reason, they really messed me up, but they were just like, skipping around, singing, and then like,
Like they're murdering people. I bet. I like I get his his M.O. and I was totally expecting some feet in this movie, but the tracking shots on Margot Robbie in that theater were excessive. He is all it up with Brad Pitt bringing the younger girl, Margaret Paul.
Yeah. Uh, pussy cat. I think it was her character. I think so. The feet on the dash for like a 30 second shot. Like, come on, man. Yeah. Oh no. Yeah. Up against the windshield and stuff. Yeah. No, people have pointed out like Tarantino's, uh, foot thing. And yeah, he, I think he's leaning into it. I think he does. He does have a foot fetish. I'm pretty sure I'm not even joking about that. I think he does in it.
Look, it's a little strange, but you know what? Yeah. When he gives us, I'll take it, you know. It just, it takes me out so much. It makes me realize I'm watching a movie. Yeah. I know. Right. I'm like, I, like, I don't know. Maybe it was just me, but like, it just made me uncomfortable every time somebody like was walking around barefoot on like the dirt and then like putting
her bare feet on his windshield. I'm like, how is he not like freaking out on her right now? Like who the fuck does this shit? I know. I don't know. I never existed in the 60s or 50s. So. And you know what? I love Tarantino, but I'm the total opposite of him. I hate feet.
Yeah, I don't like that. I don't, I don't like my own. I don't like my own. Yeah. I put socks on all the fucking time and anybody can quote me on that. Like, you know, I don't know. Just, I don't understand it at all. Yeah. Yeah. Slightly infuriating. Every time I saw the bare feet, honestly, I know. Right. God fuck. I don't care if they're hippies or, but.
And yeah, no, I understand you and I figured that would come up in our pod, honestly. Uh, and I just wanted to say like, to start this movie out, like it starts out with a bang, literally pew pew.
and throws you into the world of like Tarantino constructed for us. You can tell he was passionate about this time in history, cinema history, like the Western. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Where it like immediately kicks off. Just the Western TV series. Yeah, you know, it was called
Bounty Law. Bounty Law. That was cool to see. That actually like made me think that it was like an actual show that existed. Yeah. I love that. And they had the, was it the NBC jingle that went on? Yeah. We had a whole commercial for it. Honestly guys, like quite a bit besides some of the fictional characters, I think was a real thing and Tarantino just kind of like
put his fiction in there. You know what I'm saying? I think, I think quite a few, like, especially those, uh, those movies that like kept flashing back to like, uh, some of the world war two movies that had Leo, like Rick Dalton in there. Yeah. Yep. Those were real movies. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's cool. I didn't know that. Yep. Yeah. I've seen great escape. That was a good one. Yep. Yep.
the I loved him like being put in those scenes and it was just that was so silly but it was really funny yeah it was so great like it was so seamless and like from how Tarantino shoots the TV series like the camera angles in the positioning
It, it just seems like you're back in that era of TV. It's very convincing. Yeah. Even, even though it was very HD picture, it was black and white. And like, you can just, you can feel it, not, not really see it because it wasn't that grainy stuff that was going on in that time. Right. But like it just, it looked it.
I really liked when they were doing the shooting scenes for a lot of the show. And when he was with that, the Italian director, I think it was like, cinematography during a lot of scenes was so impressive. Like the.
Um It like makes you feel like you're in a show within a show. It's just The the layers that this movie has is is really impressive To be a movie is it's just I like it a lot. Oh, yeah Me too those little montages of the stuff he was talking about with his like brand deals and stuff Do you guys was it leo actually singing that green door song?
Yes. Definitely. Definitely. It was. Yeah. Yeah. I believe it was. He, he's not a, he's not a huge theater kid with like a good singing voice, but like you can just tell it's like, it's him in Rick's voice, you know? Yeah.
Yeah, no, I I really liked that part because like the song didn't uh make any sense I don't remember exactly how it went but it basically just door Yeah the green door it didn't make any sense because it's like I want to know what's behind the green door I just went back I like I rewound it back because like
Wish they'd let me in so I can find out what's behind the green door. I think it's the point of stupid commercials like with their jingles, right? The jingles, yeah. Yeah. I think that's like since it was like so bad that was just going to show that he's like washed up now because that whole like conversation that they had was like all like bad media that he's been in like trying to make it, you know?
Did he just say that? Because like...
Yes, also that. Yeah, he's doing everything that he's washed up from. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. Yep.
I do want to say like the vibe of this whole film, like especially Eric, you mentioning that commercial there, the vibe of this whole film from the costuming, the music choices, set pieces, and characters in their performances, it just totally transports us to the late 60s, early 70s. Yep. And
I obviously, okay, anybody could tell us three didn't live during that time. No, I know. I know. But wow, you, you really feel it. And Tarantino captured that. Like, I don't know how else to describe it that other than he captured it, that we like felt like we were actually there and transported. And that's,
That's exactly how you want to feel towards film. You want to be transported to a different reality that is different from yours. Right. I thought that the, uh, production design and like set designs really helped sell that like the houses and the cars. Oh, wow. Yeah. Those, those major streets in LA, like all those neon signs, Tarantino dressed it up.
Like those streets. And it's nuts how he did that. Is this a, is this a movie set or is that. Oh, it's an actual street. Wow. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, what's the budget like for this movie? Oh, I have no idea, but like he totally transported one of the Los Angeles streets with all those like old timey signs. That's cool. Just a cool 90 milli for this one.
Yeah, 90 million 90. Oh, wow. Yeah. No, that's that's not a whole lot at all. Oh, I can change, right? Yes. Yeah. No. They were really banking on it. I mean, is good. I mean,
Yeah, I like, along with the set design stuff, like everything has a sense of really well researched realism. Like, I don't know how familiar you guys are with Manson Family history. Like the, the, they're like headquarters and like all the people that were named dropped in this movie. I'm like,
Oh my God, this is like, it was like everyone. It's not just like a, like a cameo or anything. Right. Um, I thought all that was pretty cool and it leads in, I'm not going to discuss the ending yet. We'll save that for a little later, but, uh, leads you on a little rabbit trail that they like to subvert later when you're expecting the real story. Definitely. And like, yep.
I have always been into like a serial killer history and stuff. Not trying to sound like a psycho like that.

Character Deep Dive: Cliff Booth

It's just like, obviously that true crime stuff is interesting in a natural, okay way. You know, I'm not obsessed with it, right?
So I am familiar with the Manson Family murders, and that's partly the reason why I was kind of like intrigued by this movie. And I do have like, I will have more to say towards the end, kind of like what you said, Andy, honestly, like, once we get towards the end, yeah, kind of those bits that were thrown into it will like kind of dive deeper into. Yeah.
Yeah. I want to talk a little bit about the awesome fight scene between Bruce Lee and Brad Pitt. Oh, you want to jump to that. Okay. Okay.
Brad Pitt just being this like silent badass through this whole movie. He beats a few other people up, well, excessively later. And just awesome. I completely didn't know when he was walking up to Bruce Lee, which way that they would take this. I'm like, is Brad Pitt actually gonna be super washed up and out of it? Or is he like actually gonna kick his ass? And he's really happy to see that.
Yeah, yeah, it's it's adding to the alternate history of things where like Bruce Lee was do he was actually doing that stuff like he was consulting on movie sets and everything like that. So that was pretty accurate. But like the story behind why Kurt Russell's character and his wife didn't like Cliff Booth.
in the next one!
I could, honestly. I totally could. I thought it was him the whole time. He acts so naturally in that fucking role. Like, I'm like, wow, OK, is this just how Brad pays every day to every day? You know, like, you don't know. Yeah. He's just chillaxed. I I really like how little time they spend on the wife murder. Like, it was just like there's the one little scene of them on the boat. And you're like, yeah, that's the guy killed his wife. Yeah. And it's just like not brought up again.
Guys, there's a guy that killed his wife. I was like, I was a bit shocked. But then that happened. Like he killed his wife. Yeah, I actually rewinded. I'm like, wait, wait, Brad Pitt killed his wife.
That fucking scene, guys. Holy shit. That made me burst out laughing. Just how they cut to it and Brad Pitt is just sitting there with those goggles on. You can barely see his fucking eyes and just his mouth beneath the goggles. It just his mouth open and he's just acting all casual, just holding the fucking...
And then it just cuts away from that and I thought that was a genius part of comedy right there Like that we don't know if he actually did or not, but it was so fucking funny when it was going on
I was so thrown off when they said that. I'm like, wait, there's no way this guy is like so chill. I can't imagine like, you know, so angry to murder his wife or something. I don't even know what the reason was. I'm like, maybe he was framed. I was like coming up with all these things throughout the whole thing after that.
He seemed so chill about it. Yeah. Just like, okay. I want you to explain yourself. Don't tell me you killed your wife, man. And Bruce Lee has the right reaction to it. He's like, Oh, that's the guy killed his wife. Wait, that guy killed his wife. Yeah. Right. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
And I mean, even before we get to like that Bruce Lee stuff, I'm glad you brought that up Andy, because that is like a very good part in the beginning or in the middle section, I'd say.
But, um, I wanted to bring up the dynamic between Cliff and Rick is so nice and natural. Yeah. You're already right. You're already curious what the relationship is like between an aging actor and his longtime stunt double. They're so comfortable and they're one of my favorite duos like ever in a movie. Yeah. Does Brad Pitt live with Leo? No.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, just imagine they have their own houses in Hollywood Cliff does not live with Rick as you can see like he he returns to a trailer house and that that's also a scene I was gonna get to
Yeah. That's what I was thinking in the end. I didn't rewind back to double check, but then I was like, wait, he's feeding his dog at Leo's house. So he was staying with them for a special occasion. Yeah. Yeah. Yep. Yep. But.
Yeah, no, I am very happy you guys agreed that they are like such an amazing duo that you don't get to see a whole lot, you know. Brad Pitt deservedly, I think got an Oscar for his supporting actor role in that. He did. Yeah. Yeah.
Don't blame the academy for giving him that. We're going to blame the academy for other things, but Oh, yeah. Not nominating Greta Gerwig for best director. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Fuck the academy. We'll get into that next month. Margot Robbie that's in this movie for not lead actress. Right. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Fuck the academy sometimes. But
Yeah. Yeah. No, rightly deserved for Brad Pitt here, though. Yeah. I really liked Sharon Tate, played by Margot Robbie in this. Oh, yeah. I did never watch Sharon Tate's old movies. Me either.
But for a while, Margot Robbie had me going. I'm like, wait, is she actually Sharon Tate or is she pretending because she got she got up to the ticket booth at the movie theater and she was so unsure of herself when she said that she was in the movie. I'm like, wait, is Sharon Tate actually in that? And I had to look it up. I'm like, I was used to. Yeah. Well, OK. Yeah. Yeah.
I kind of gathered that Sharon Tate was actually in that movie and that Sharon Tate was kind of just this person that wanted to enjoy her own movie with the audience. Like it's intended. Yeah. Right. And I think I did hear that like she used to actually like the actual Sharon Tate like used to do stuff like that.
And it's so funny that like she wasn't that big that big. And I think Tarantino was like kind of like commenting on that, but she wasn't.
so small to where like people didn't recognize her. So like just having her go up to that theater like that ticket booth. It's just it's very interesting like that the girl doesn't recognize her even though she's working out of frickin movie theater with that's playing a movie with Sharon Tate in it. So like it's just kind of funny there like and Sharon Tate
It's kind of speaking to her, her character and like who she was probably as a person where she wasn't so.
like stuck up like, Hey, I'm like a famous person. Let me into my movie. You know, it's kind of just like, let me in. Yeah. Let me know. Like it just kind of like, Hey, yeah. Like I'm Sharon Tate. I'm in the movie. Like, can I, can I check out the movie? And she was perfectly fine with taking pictures with them and stuff like that. And I feel like Tarantino was just kind of trying to highlight like who she was.
as a person as described, you know? Yeah, I don't. Obviously, we were we weren't around that time. I don't think she was like huge. I think she was an up and comer for sure, because she was with a lot of huge names on those movies like Wrecking Crew that they show in the movie. Yeah. I thought that whole theater scene was super cute, though, like like like a small ish actor, like actually getting to enjoy people enjoying their work, I thought was just super cool to watch.
Yeah. And almost like self-referential to like, I wonder if Margot Robbie does that to like this movie, but yeah. That's a good question because of like quite a few actors I've heard, like, uh, especially Adam Driver. He doesn't like to watch his own work.
Yeah, really. So it's, yeah, yeah. It's, it's very interesting. Like, yeah. Oh, you don't want to like see the product that you made. And also at the same time, I can understand. It's kind of like, uh, hearing our own voices. When I listened to our podcasts, uh, I don't like, I don't hearing my, yeah, I don't like hearing my own voice, you know, stuff like that. Yeah. So I understand. I do.
Yeah, I suppose. I feel like if I'm spending several months to a year on a project, though, I'm definitely going to sit there for two hours and deal with whatever I got going on, cringing toward myself to watch that fucking movie.
That is a lot of hard work. And I'm going to enjoy it, be like, hey, that's me. But then again, I'm not an actor. So I guess I couldn't imagine how they would feel doing that all the time. Right. And it's performing. It's kind of like if somebody watches themselves sing on stage, or if somebody watches themself,
not even watching themself in the process of painting, but the the product of the painting, like just viewing their own painting, it's
It's stressful. You put yourself out there. That's painting, though. Like, obviously, you're going to like as an artist, you're probably going to like what you're making, right? So you are your own work. You hope so. I like I can tell you I didn't like it. Why wouldn't you? Why would you show everybody else? You know what I mean? Like, I don't know. I guess that happens sometimes. But then that usually gets botched.
You're worried how other people are going to react to it, even though you love it. Or I suppose you don't totally love it, but you're like, Hey, I have to put this out there. Like maybe to meet a deadline or something like that. You know? Yeah, I suppose. Yeah. Yeah. Like, uh, some of my paintings that I've made, like, at least for my wife or myself, um, so far.
I'm like, I really like this. I really enjoy doing it. And then and then I take a step away from it for a while. And I'm like, God, do I really like that? Is it perfect? Can I fix it? You know, that's what I was kind of trying to explain to you, like, that it just might not be your, your product you want to put out.
Yeah, I suppose. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think you're, uh, you're touching on, uh, Maribel's, Maribel's speech a little bit, the, uh, the little, uh, girl in the Western. It's like you're always striving for the perfect and stuff, but you can't ever be perfect.
Yeah, man. Okay. I add that down to my notes. All right. Wait, wait, wait. That's, that's kind of towards the like kind of third, fourth of the movie. Should we like keep going a little bit on the first half?

Rick Dalton's Journey and Emotional Moments

She was in the first half because we, we cut back to the, the Western multiple times before he like finally gets it right at the end. Yeah. Okay. That was like right halfway.
yeah i think you're right it's like about an hour and when they're first going through the script together okay okay yeah no no no we yeah we can go through that for sure i thought that was cute her whole whole thing there she's reading the book and then he's tearing up on the thing reading about uh the buster bronco
Dude, when he walked up, like all done up for his character and stuff, I did not recognize him. I'm like, who is that? And why is he looking at that little girl? I'm like, me and Courtney both thought something weird was going to happen. And it's like, oh, it's just it's just Rick Dalton. OK. Motherfucking Rick Dalton. Yeah. Yeah. Rick's meeting with this little girl on set that
What was her name, Arabella? He was like Maribella. Maribella. Yeah, sorry. Okay. So like, it was really awesome. And really has that dynamic between a rising star and an old actor. That is like it. This like dynamic is so precious and insightful.
And a young person giving Rick that reminder, what acting is about and giving him that push to continue to succeed is so amazing. And she's taken it to the max like he probably did when he started. She's taking acting to the max, like their art form to the max when he started probably, you know, kind of like mirroring that in
Rick's passion is almost refueled after like she talks to him, which is just like a very grand thing, you know? Yeah. I liked, I liked all the scenes with her. She's awesome. Both the child actor and like just the whole dynamic between Leo and, and, uh, Maribela there. Yeah. Really giving him his push back to, uh, to be better.
right right when he's kind of like in that rut and he's doubting himself and like getting to that oldish stage of his life which it doesn't mean doom but he thinks it's doom
You know, and the book Rick is reading encapsulate encapsulates his life at the moment. Like it's such great writing by Tarantino to put that but that Buster. What was it that book? Buster Bronco. Yeah, it encapsulates like what Rick Dalton is going through.
Yeah, I thought at first that he was just bullshitting and like telling about his life. And I looked at the back of the book I'm like no it actually does say Buster Bronco. Yeah, yeah, no like I figured like it was kind of just a ironic thing that he was reading a book that was kind of
his life at the moment, honestly, you know? That's just good storytelling. Exactly. Tarantino. He happened to be reading a book that happens to drive it forward by him explaining the book to her and she, her giving advice about it and stuff. Right. I really like that. Yeah. Yeah, definitely. So was it after that? That's when he started, uh, he like, he had the refueled
you know, spurt of energy. And that's why he got real excited, poured himself a drink and started reading his lines. And then he, uh, he gets, well, he has an up into the bar scene. He gets super excited and then he goes way back down to his low eight goddamn whiskey sours scene. Guys, guys, I was waiting for this. Do you understand what I was trying to say in her actors and actresses now?
with the fucking I mentioned the camper scene. Oh, yeah. Yeah. That shit. Right. Okay. So Rick, Rick was killing it until he wasn't
then the best fucking scene that i mentioned in that they were actors and actresses finally came to life and the situation that rick is in is gold like the trailer scene that's what leo somewhat like improvised on that whole trailer scene
Yeah, no, it's just so great like oh my god the whole time he was throwing a Rant in that trailer like I fell for him cuz yeah, he was like tearing up and stuff I'm like man. This is great acting like I am really convinced that he is so
Dedicated to this role. Yeah, yeah, no like it Honestly guys like I I want to say Like I want to ask you guys should I say is? This the funniest Leo has been in a role I
I Wolf Wolf Wall Street might be close but yeah he's pretty funny in this one I was gonna say Wolf Wall Street would be very close but um yeah this one is also pretty funny in comparison to the two I don't know
I do agree with you guys. That's exactly what I thought during the movie. And then when I started continuing through the movie, past this trailer scene, I was like, okay, I really do think this is the funniest Leo has been. Honestly, I think Tarantino just wrote up a very good character for him. Honestly.
Leo was so funny in Wolf of Wall Street, but there was also funny players in that movie. I feel like Leo was one of the funniest characters in this one. You know what I'm saying? There was funny supporting characters in Wolf of Wall Street, but not a lot of funny supporting characters in this one.
Yeah, yeah, Jonah Hill. Exactly. Exactly. Like people to play off of. But it was just Leo in that trailer being fucking funny on his own. Yeah. Like any improvise that shit. God damn guys, he is. Well, Leo.
You're a god, man. Fuck it. He's my actor, guys. All he really has in this one is Pit to go off of, and Pit's really a stoic character, so he doesn't have much humor. He's funny in his own way as well. That's why I love him as a duo. Yeah.
He's a very dry funny. He's like, you know, I'm going to end up in jail one day in my life, but it's not because of Poon Tang. Okay. So, so leading into that, okay. So like you guys, did you guys like respect that cliff was like that towards Margaret quality's character?
Yeah. Yeah. What was your name? He's a very respectful suave man. Yes. Pussycat. Pussycat. Yeah. Even with the name like Pussycat, you know? Yeah. But like he was respectful. Like, I don't know. I mean, yeah, it was kind of weird that he was like kind of like checking her out, you know what I'm saying? Or he was just like, I don't know, interested in a different way. No idea.
But he could have been slightly interested. But then when she came on strong like that is like, yeah, so you want me to give you a blowjob? And he's like, oh, wait a minute. Oh, no. How old are you? Right. And she's like 18. And he's like, do you have ID to prove it? It's like, yeah, I believe it. No, I doing it. Respect for doing that. Oh, god damn. Yeah. Yeah. No shit. And.
Oh man, like the scene on Spawn Ranch is like, man, before you really get into it, it's like, oh, it's a whole nother world to this story and to this movie. And you're like, okay, okay. What's going on here? Right. And if you don't know the history of the Manson family, you don't know what Spawn Ranch is. I did before watching this movie.
So immediately I like kind of knew. And when you see all these people around, I'm like, Oh boy. And it's simply thrilling and fun at the same time. I think it's not totally serious. I didn't know a lot of the minor characters.
I didn't know much of the characters either. Of course, everyone knows Sharon Tate. Now she's very infamous. And then I heard Charles, or what did they say? I think they said Charlie. He's off in a different city. I'm like, wait, that's not the same Charlie, is it? Yeah, right. Yeah, you got to kind of wonder. And then I started to put together the pieces. I'm like, wait a minute. Yeah.
Yeah, it's the same way like I had no idea this was going to be like some sort of Manson thing like they said spawn ranch. I had no idea like because like, I don't know much about Charles Manson or anything. So this this all kind of, I mean, Courtney knew more about it than I did. So she was kind of filling me in on things that I was missing.
And I'm like, Oh, this is bad. This is really bad. Why is he here? He's going to the house and it's, it's, that's so suspenseful. I'm like, they're not going to kill Brad Pitt, are they? Yeah, no, no, for sure. And like, you know, speaking about like the Manson family and Bruce Lee, you know, and Sharon Tate.
It's, it's nice that fictional characters are being involved with this, with these like real life characters. It's always interesting to me. It's very, like in this movie, it's very unbelievable that it's funny. And yeah, it's just, it's so nice, you know, like it's interesting to have that mixture with fictional, non-fictional.
Yeah, I, I, uh, I liked the fictional non-fictional and I watched this movie in two parts cause it's, it's like three hours long. So I watched like the first hour and then after I knew it was going to be a little bit about Manson family, I researched more and.
So for most of the movie, I was like, is this going to go with the real life story? And then I didn't know where Rick Dalton and Cliff were going to fit into it. Cause I'm like, I don't think they're real people. Or maybe they might be based off real people or something, but.
I'm like, I just don't recall their names at all. And then, yeah, I think this movie ends up when it takes a twist being kind of like a jab in the right direction for a really horrible Hollywood tragedy. Like, almost like a, what do you call those? Like a revenge fantasy type of thing.
Oh yeah. Almost like an, well, okay. I'll get into my points about that, about the ending. Yeah. Yeah. But I get you. Yeah. Definitely. And like the scene where Rick comes back to hold the daughter hostage. Yeah. The final Celine scene.
Yeah, the final saloon scene, like what really got me about that scene, too, was like it's acting on two, two different levels. Like the whole scene. And when. And what what is the frickin girl's name Arabella? Mirabella. Mirabella. God dang it. Why do I say Arabella every time? Probably because I'm watching Love Island, UK. I'm sorry. There's a girl named that.
But like the whole scene where she said like to Rick that that's like the best acting I've seen in my whole life. It was so sweet. It's so sweet. And like, it's honestly I think Tarantino put that in for a reason. And I think it was with Leo for a reason. And honestly, what I what I think of it
Is like me personally, I think Leo in any role he takes on like that. I could like tell him that, you know, like she's telling him, like that's how I feel. And it like, that's why it's emotional to me. And then Rick fucking Dalton after it's just, it's amazing.
Yeah, I really liked that scene. I really thought that it was really like I before she even said that I was saying the same thing. I'm like, that was really good acting. And then like, apparently that was part of the improv he was doing to her as the hostage. I'm like, Oh, that was that was pretty witty.
after after she comments on his acting, you know, like, and he's just left there to his own devices. And he's like, I still fucking got it. Basically like that. That's all that line basically says, you know, and that like he has hope and rejuvenation again. You know, so it's just very nice to hear and see Rick fucking Dalton, man. Fucking fucking Dalton. It's it's unfortunate that
Cliff didn't really get like his stuntman stuff in the, well, he wasn't getting paid to do stuntman stuff since he got kicked off that set. He does get to do some fun stuntman stuff at the end of the movie. I feel like they both got their happy endings for sure. He did that crazy driving at the beginning.
Yeah, I feel like I guess that's like he just lives stuff in personality. Yeah. Yeah. Crazy shit. Well, you know, when when Rick finally got his like kind of big break in those spaghetti westerns, Cliff was able to go with him and be a stunt double there and like kind of be able to thrive again there. And that was nice. But like also like once we get towards the end,
I do feel like Cliff kind of, he got his resolution too. He wasn't this questioned, heroic guy. He was a heroic guy. And we'll get to that. He's a very simple man. All he needs is his dog and some TV.
Fuck yeah. Oh fuck. Yeah, and I have to get a cigarette. I Gotta hold on hold on. We'll get to that. We'll get to that. I can't wait guys seriously But he sense Yeah So we're not
When everybody was like kind of going home and stuff and like driving through that, like, I think it was like Hollywood Boulevard or whatever, when California dreaming, the song was playing. You guys remember that one? Yeah. Yeah. And they were heading home from the, uh, the two restaurants. Yes. There we go. From the two restaurants. Like when the whole night kick kicks off, right? Yeah. Just feels so nice. It's a very Cal like.
The song is so obvious, California Dreaming, but the version of it that Tarantino puts in this movie, kind of like all the music in the movie where it like kind of just plays off of like radios and stuff like that. It kind of just cuts into the story like so seamlessly, not too overwhelming and not too quiet. It's like, it's just kind of accompanying what's going on.
You felt good during that? California dream it? Yeah. Oh yeah. I loved it, man. It was just like such a, yeah, I don't know. Like it just fit in with the whole feeling. I feel like that was the start of my like really high uptick of anxiety, waiting for the action to kick off. Cause I'm like, I don't know. Things are wrapping up. Something's going to happen here with, uh, with Sharon Tate.
Oh, okay. I was just waiting for them to get home. I'm like, is this the night it's going to happen? And I didn't know if it was going to be like a central thing in the story, but as we kept going on, it kept getting pushed off. I'm like, okay, when's it going to happen? So I was, I was anxious from that whole night onwards. I'm like, okay, Dalton and Cliff are going to go home, pass out, and they're going to completely sleep through people getting murdered next door.
So hearing your thoughts there, like I totally understand you, dude. I do. I would say then if I was to combine my thoughts, I'd say it's the calm before the storm. Yeah. Yep. We'll, we'll go with that. I do like that. Yep. I like your insight into it. Like, and I do agree with it.
And I, I was kind of trying to form a full thought from that sequence with California dreaming. So I'm glad you added to it. Yeah. I think it's a calm before the storm. Right. I do think on subsequent rewatches, I mean, knowing what the payoff is, I'll probably like have a better time. I think you'll feel the same.
Yeah, I think you'll feel the same. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I I do want to say I was very jealous of Rick Dalton and his whole blender full of margarita. They looked really good. Oh, walking outside with it sloshing around and I'm like, he's just drinking the whole thing. Just look at him go. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. No kidding. And when Rick and Cliff are hanging out
And watching Rick on FBI most wanted, right? It like them hanging out encapsulates like us gathering around to watch something so important and exciting to all of us. And it's, it's so simple. And I love how Tarantino focuses on the TV screen while they're command, like commentating on the whole thing in the background.
Yeah, you know, like it's just on the TV screen. And we're just watching like what's going on on FBI. And we just hear Rick. And cliffs comments on the show. You know, it's just like a it kind of captures
what we would do as friends, like hanging out when we're at that age and just watching something, you know, or something that's important to us, even if we're not in it. I feel like I'm that guy because like movies are important to me. And if I'm showing my friends a movie I've already seen, you know,
Yeah, no, I get that's the exact kind of vibe. I was getting out of that too. Right. And then, um, you know, he, uh, Cliff is just like the best guy. He's like the best supporting friend you could have is he, he is. I liked it. And like like Dalton's kind of, but, uh, like Brad Pitts actually, or a cliff's actually like the talent almost.
Like he's doing everything. He just doesn't get recognized for it. He's just a great guy. Yeah. Right. Right. Yeah. And like, since like, honestly, since the beginning, you kinda, you, you understand their relationship already. It's very established in the beginning, which I enjoy. You don't have to get too far into it to like understand, okay, these guys are like best buds.
And it's actually in a good way. It's not this very toxic thing either. It's just like Rick isn't that super asshole like superstar that's such a play and so many stories. And Cliff isn't that hanger honor like so many are to like a guy like that, right?
And they're just comfortable with each other. And Cliff, Cliff is a good guy. He's not like a resenting asshole or resenting like a scared boy. And Rick is not this super pretentious person and asshole.
to Cliff either. That's what I enjoy. That's also what I enjoy about their dynamic. It's not those clear, clear signs of just those over saturated character developments or characters, you know? Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, we were able to see that, uh, Cliff, Cliff was there to be his friend and not like there to be like, you know, like a leeching onto him. So he's famous or whatever, because like, yeah, even then like, he doesn't even get paid that well. Like he does this because he loves it. Honestly. Right. Right. Yeah. I mean, you see the dichotomy between Rick and
And Cliff, you know, like they're, they come from two different worlds, but they're just so chill with each other. And yeah, I mean, even when Rick came out of the restaurant, he was like crying and he's like, Oh, it's official. I'm a has been pretty much saying like, Hey man, get a hold of yourself. You're Rick fucking Dalton. Don't you forget it. Yeah, exactly. So he's being supportive and that is since, you know,
That that's how you know, like they're, they're really, you know, they're good for each other.
Yeah. I like even showing their relationship by the, the, the place they went to, it was just like, it was a little Mexican restaurant, right? I think. And they just decided to go get drunk and go home and watch TV. Okay. That, that was on. What was that? Not on the very last night. Yeah. When Sharon Tate and JC bring and all those guys went to a coyote.
Oh no. Yeah. They go to the Mexican restaurant. They go to El Coyote. Yeah. Yeah. Dalton and Cliff went somewhere else, but it wasn't even like a, like a huge high-class restaurant or anything. They just went to go get home. I liked that of the relationship. It didn't have to be anything. Yeah. Yeah. No, definitely. And like that, that was after the whole spaghetti Western career in Italy, that rec had.
Yeah. And just one point about that, I will say it was laid out very nicely and not so drawn out. And that's what I love about it. Yeah. The whole like, uh, spaghetti Western career. Oh yeah. And it was basically montage, wasn't it? It was. Yeah, basically. Yeah. And it was shortened up, like short and sweet. I'm like, okay. Yeah. That's what he did, you know? And then we're back, back to LA. Yep. Yeah.
So about the assassination attempt. Yeah. You want to get into the end a little bit. Can, can we get into cliff being high as balls first? Yeah, actually. Yeah. I love it. Yes. How subtle it is when he's, he's going to, uh, start opening the can of dog food for, was it Brenda was his dog, something like that. No, uh, it was brand.
Hold on, hold on. It was Brandy. Brandy, yeah. And he's opening and all of a sudden he looks at his hands and he's like, yup. He's dripping. Yeah.
Yeah. And all I put in my notes is Cliff High's balls. Let's go. And then his his quote train has left the station. Well, he was still coherent enough for the next 15 minutes after that to handle all that.
Yeah, but he was still like he was like he was like looking at the knife later on too. And he's just like, whoa. Oh my God, dude. Well, yeah, when he got stabbed in the leg, man, like, I don't know, guys, I got to leave off with like this ending is perfection. Like cliff tripping balls adds to the chaotic nature of the whole end sequence.
And the tone flips the horrific true story that was supposed to happen into something comedic and one where the villains perish. Like more of what we wished happened, that alternate history. Yeah. Right. Back to that, like, like the revenge fantasy thing that I mentioned, like.
Yes. Like you, you get the scene of a squeaky, I think it was going to the, um, the back door and stuff. You're like, Oh shit, it's, it's about to go down. This is, uh, about to be a really brutal, unfortunate scene. And I was like, prepping myself. I'm like, I don't know if I want to watch this. And then as soon as they open the door and it's a fucking cliff and you're like, Oh, this is about to turn out very different.
Mm hmm. Yeah, yeah, definitely like just the whole like what you're kind of expecting the whole movie it kind of just like Tarantino flips it on its head. And it's in a very respectful manner. And the alternate history aspect
is like in glorious bastards that he did. That wasn't true to history, but he did it anyways. And it's a very good story. Like keep doing it, Hollywood. Honestly, like I am all up for stories like that. I liked it for this one. I think two of them are still alive that died there at the end. I think Tex and one of the girls are still alive.
Tex was in jail afterwards. I remember that only because of the series Mindhunter. But I think he's still alive now. Yeah, no, I believe it. I believe it. Yeah, it's just almost what you wish would have happened, right?
Oh man. It was just, it was so chaotic and so violent, like a lot of Tarantino movies. You're like, okay, this is Tarantino, you know, like encapsulated, like all these very great, like chill hangout conversations throughout the whole thing. And just, uh, I don't like saying this word, but I'll say it guys, a vibe. It's a vibe, the whole movie.
that late sixties, early seventies. And Tarantino knows it very well. He studied it very well. He knows what it's like. He transports it, it like to us and us in it. And then it's this violent, chaotic, darkly, funny.

Alternate Ending and Unique Structure

You think it's so amazing.
You think Tex or the other girl seen this movie? I just looked it up. The one died in 23, so she was alive when this came out. And Tex is still alive and in prison. Oh, do I think the actual people of the Manson Family? I wonder if they ever watched this. I hope they did.
That's a, that's a very good question because you know, like I don't know how they feel nowadays towards all that they did, but this ending is basically like a huge fuck you from the Manson family reading into it. I think there's like two people who are still like super into it. And I think one of those was squeaky, who is the, I think she was the redhead in the movie. Squeaky was Dakota fanning.
pretty sure, at the ranch. Squeaky was the one that was like, oh, like George, I think. We watched this on Sunday night. Yeah, the redhead girl. How am I supposed to know what color hair she has? I'm fucking blind. Yeah, yeah. Blind. That was great. Yeah, dude. Oh, my God. Bruce Dern.
like just have to bring up like okay guys do you realize how many faces are in this movie so many i i was going to yeah a little bit i'm like oh my god the cameos
I got a list here. Okay, guys, we have Timothy Oliphant, Kurt Russell, Margaret Qualley, Austin Butler, Luke Perry, Dakota Fanning, Al Pacino, Mickey Madison, Maya Hawk, Sydney Sweeney, and Victoria Pedretti. And most of those are in the Manson family. Like you're just like, whoa.
You know, like all these people, you know, it's just nuts. I can't believe it. Such a cast. Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely huge. And not like all flashy rules either. Not really. No. Yeah.
No. Yeah. Very tastefully well done. I think the, of course, our three stars are Robbie Pitt and DiCaprio kind of leading the movie. For sure. Yep. Yeah. Everyone does good in their roles. It's kind of interesting too, like that Rick lives right near Sharon Tate and Polanski. And like right away you kind of see what
Cliff's life is like Rick's life and Roman Polanski and Sharon Tate's life. Yeah. They're like, it's not just a two sided thing. I like that it's kind of a triple.
like different view at lives at the same time. And they all link together eventually. And that's what I really enjoy about Tarantino movies. Eventually, the stories connect. Yeah. Right. Yeah. I like because. Yeah. Dalton also sees himself as way below Sharon Tate and Polanski and stuff. And he's like looking up to them. And yeah, it's cool to see those levels.
Right, right. Yeah, like, you know, Cliff being on his own with his dog, Brandy, and him being perfectly content. Rick being alone, probably not content. Just but also he's really trying at this acting thing still. He's got he's got sad.
Well, at the end, at the end, he meets her. Yeah. But like I'm talking about like when we first like kind of really see the characters lives. Yeah. And, and then you have Sharon Tate and Roman Polanski living these
very young youthful party Hollywood lives, you know? Yeah, they went to a party at Playboy mansion. Yes. Yeah, that's what exactly. That's the point I'm talking about. Yeah. Yeah, like that.
Yup. I wonder how this movie was viewed in Hollywood itself too because Polanski is still a huge director to this day. I don't know if he still makes hits nowadays but he's got like a few really top tier movies out there and that dude's been through a lot too.
Yeah. Like, uh, Rosemary's baby, the pianist. I can't think of much else because I haven't seen much else, but, uh, I know there was controversy behind him. I can't, I know. I can't really recall the controversy actually. I think it was sex related charges, but like, there we go.
Yeah, of course he has his own problematic stuff, but like to lose your, your wife to that. And then like from his own personal life, losing his family through the Holocaust and stuff and also going through some of that himself, like, yeah, just the true story behind a lot of this is actually so insane to read about. Oh yeah. No, definitely. Definitely. Yeah. He he's had a rough life and.
I mean, yeah, I don't know if those controversies are true. Yeah. Yeah. I didn't look into those enough and not that trauma. Forgives you for causing trauma, but yeah. Right. That aside, I love that Rick Dalton got to bring his fucking flamethrower out. Oh, my God. Yes. Yeah. I was going to go to the ending again, like.
Oh, and guys, well, okay. We'll go back to the flamethrower. I promise, but Brandy, like, yeah, VIP. Yeah. MVP. I was going to say VIP too, but MVP. Yeah. MVP is the right word. MVP for the fucking ending. Yeah. You're sitting there in suspense a little bit. Like, okay, he's a good fighter, but can he take on a gun and two knives? And then he does the whistle and it's, it's over for those three.
Oh my god, when she fucking latches on to Texas balls, I was like, fuck yeah, fuck yeah. And then, you know, Cliff is handling the rest. And then like, you know, he kind of gets in a little
you know tiff and you're like oh shit oh shit and then he brings you bring that fucking dog off that man's nuts and you go straight for this fucking girl's face oh oh mikey madison and oh god guys like i i compare it to uh the ending of screen five and she's also in that movie but uh
Yeah, no, I won't say much past that since you guys haven't seen it. But uh, yeah, fucking all amazing.
Amazing. Just like fucking going after her too. That girl is, of course, you know, fucked up for the actions they did in real life, but, uh, damn, she got fucked up the most out of all three of them. It was brutal. Like between the dog and Cliff beating the shit out of her. And then to get to that pool scene with Rick Dalton. Oh my God. Yeah. Toasting that girl.
Well, Jesus Christ, like, I mean, you think of all three of them, like what they like, the deaths they went through. And I mean, it's it's kind of like a whole hell yeah, to the whole thing, because not because of the actors and actresses, like playing those parts, it obviously because of the Manson Family, right? And it's kind of that like revenge type, like alternate history we were talking about, right? Where the villains,
they go down instead of a tragic ending to this like true story, right? And Tex meets a bad ending. Fuck it. The other girl that's not Mikey Madison, Jesus Christ, her head is banged into the fucking fireplace. That makes me cringe every time. Holy shit. No, no, that wasn't Dakota Fanning.
It wasn't squeaky. I promise. Uh, it was, it was a different. Like redhead. I can't remember her name though. Uh, I know Maya Hawk's character was the one that left in the fricking car without them. Yeah. I love Maya Hawk fucking stranger things. And she's Ethan Hawk's, uh, daughter fucking she's awesome, but.
And then Mikey Madison, like we talked about, like being fucking bit in the face and shit from Brandy and then going out to the pool and getting fucking lit up by that flamethrower from Rick.
just all of them had fucking horrible deaths. And it was just like your jaw just like I remember myself in the theater myself just being there. And yeah, this whole ending just had me in a fucking tight grip. And my mouth was just hanging. Yeah. Yeah, it was just it was a bit love.
Yeah, it was great. It was a little hard to watch though, especially with, uh, you know, the dog just ripping his nuts off. I held my nuts and my, oh, you feel it, dude. You feel it. Yeah. Like it's, it's not just a like gruesome and bad. It's like, it's.
Darkly comedic is very comedic. It is like it was just so brutal that is yeah like whoa Yeah, you're just seven. Yeah, you're along for the ride is yeah, so quick. I Wasn't sure exactly what I seen, but I think text got curb stomped into the door frame
I think so. From Cliff? Yes. Yeah. I think so. He got messed up too. Yeah. I was trying to recall like what did him in actually, but yeah, Andy, I think you're, I think you're totally right. The fucking paramedics are acting like this is just a normal day in Hollywood. Not really. Nope. Yeah. They're just laughing at his jokes and acting like normal.
I love that the flamethrower was brought up in the beginning with Rick Dalton and Al Pacino's character like conversating. And they were talking about the flamethrower in that World War Two movie.
You know, and how Rick used it and like the funny scene with Rick using it and stuff like for the first time and whatever, like behind the scenes. I love those cuts, by the way, like, you know, behind the scenes and like the present, like kind of just hopping back and like showing us what happened, you know, like very quickly. It wasn't drawn out. Yeah. It's a quick, uh, showing you that he knows how to use it. He's like, can you make this any less warm when I use it?
yeah exactly that was such a funny scene and i love that it was brought up in the beginning and then it's just fucking used in the ending like that's perfect a perfect plant yeah right there you know well i think it's amil hirsch uh playing jc bringing there at the end and he's just like yes you want to like come up and hang out and margarabi's ask him to come up and he gives him the thumbs up he's like come hang out he's like finally feeling like part of the part of the crew
Yeah. Yeah. So like, you know, get into that too. Like when Brad Pitt goes away into the ambulance, I love his line and away we go. Like I always think of that in my mind, like ever since I watched this movie, like I, I love that. And you know, Rick and Cliff's interaction at the end, you just, you really feel like when it comes down to it,
what good friends they are. It's not a shallow thing at all. And it's not such a like a lovey-dovey buddy ship either. Like it just really comes through in the end and Cliff is like, Hey, I got you buddy. You know, like it just gives him a thumbs up when he's going in the ambulance and like Rick really looks at him like admiringly.
And he's like, you're a real good friend, Cliff. So that was very touching and nice to me that that's where it ended up. And the ending is definitely what could have been with Sharon Tate and her friends. There's an eerie feeling to this as well. And the music adds to it. It's incredible that Sharon recognizes Rick.
And it's just all of what could have been. I felt that, that sense too, when she was talking onto the, uh, the speaker box and talking to Dalton and stuff. And I'm like, there's almost the feeling that she like, I don't know. There's just this huge thing that was just avoided. And, uh, yeah, she doesn't, she doesn't even know. Exactly. Yeah. Like, um, it's just like, we know what actually happened.
You know, and it's like, God damn, like if, if only, if only this happened and I think Tarantino was feeling that too. And that's why I felt like it was very respectful and why.
The Tate family was totally okay with this as well. Like I, I read a bunch about that stuff. Like if, you know, the families were okay with this and I just, I can't see how it wasn't, you know, it's, it's just a big fuck you to the villains. Like, yeah, he would have been around in Hollywood when this happened. Tarantino. Tarantino. Yeah. Like maybe right after, cause he was early eighties, I think when he started off. He would.
So you might have been early, early eighties. He was definitely like a young man. Appreciating like the seventies and stuff. I feel. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Too far after all this happened. So. Yeah. Yeah. Reading more into it too. After like all the true story stuff. Mm hmm.
Like just some of the insane details about like, uh, Abigail Folger, who was also one of the victims that night, heiress of the Folger coffee fortune. Yes. I know. I know. It's, it's crazy to think about like who, who were the victims, right? Yeah. Yeah. Like they definitely, uh, got their message out there that.
And yeah, no, definitely. And Tarantino did a good job. Like, you know, I knew of the Manson family, but I wasn't totally aware of the late sixties, seventies, early seventies, like Hollywood history. And I didn't know a lot of the players in it. And I think he did a good job, whether you're a historian or if you know, the Manson family murders.
Or if you're completely oblivious to all of it, I feel like this movie could work for you because of Tarantino and how he laid this out. Do you guys agree?
I agree. I feel like I had a benefit going into this knowing a decent amount about it. I would like to also speak to people who have no idea. I think we're far enough away now where people might have a blind spot and not know the story. Watching this and if they would still enjoy it, if they don't connect those pieces.
Or if they'd just be like, oh, wow. As someone who fits that description, I would say, uh, you would enjoy it. Okay. You didn't think it was like senseless violence at the end. Like, like, are you talking about the violence or like the Manson stuff? The, the, the three intruders getting murdered at the end. Like, cause I'm thinking like, if you didn't know who they were, that that might seem like overkill on the outset.
Yeah, I don't know. I mean, it is overkill. I mean, it could be polarizing to people that like this style of movie, but then people that don't like the gore and stuff like that, but it's not that long either. So, I mean, I feel like they should just get over it. Yeah, I feel it's like, yeah, like I said, it's a big fuck you to
the the villains the criminals of the story and like if you hear of the the true story and what happened to the innocent people you're like hell yeah all right yeah you know like this story better you're like okay i like where this is going you know like it's i don't know they they did that to them it kind of goes into that moral quandary a little bit but
Yeah, yeah, just that like alternate history and that things could have turned out differently. Knowing what we know now. Tarantino is a
great treasure to this type of storytelling and I hope there's much like much more honestly for sure. You guys got anything left on land of the wood of Holly upon a time? One more question for you guys. Are you guys ready? Yeah. Yeah.
Do you guys enjoy the structure of the story? Like with more of a hang with a bit of tension underneath it for most of it than the violent insane ending?
I did enjoy that. I did enjoy the movie for what it was. Like it was like a hang or whatever. But like that's why I was saying it started to get dull towards the middle because I'm like I don't know where this is all going. I mean I like.
I like seeing all this, but sure, you know, it didn't seem like it built up to anything, but then it just kind of built up like right at the end and then, you know, came to the conclusion like, you know how you got normal movies, you have the acts and then you have the climax and then you have the resolution and stuff that like that all.
like most of it was just all like build up and then like the last like 20 minutes was like the climax and then resolution so it was like it was definitely different and i think that's why like i enjoy it so much same with like pulp fiction i i guess not pulp fiction there's like kind of ups and downs and stuff throughout the whole movie with that but most of the time it's kind of
Chill, but okay. Sure. Yeah. Okay. Andy, how about you? Yeah. Same with Eric. I, I think looking at this in the entirety. I enjoyed the ride. Uh, if you asked me about halfway through what my enjoyment of this movie was, I think it'd be a lot, a lot lower, not really knowing what that through line was going to be. Then obviously, yeah, it connects a lot in third act.
Okay. Okay. All right. Yeah. I was just curious what you guys thought and like, I'll sum it up in just like a little, uh, sentence. I thought it was a crescendo. A crescendo. Yeah. That's the way you articulate it. Honestly, I thought it was a crescendo and I was all for the hangout.
And kind of, uh, just going through these characters' lives and then it all led up to the ending. And I was blown away. It was like a grand finale. And that's perfectly okay. Like I, I loved that it was structured that way instead of, uh, a bang then.
boom, boom, bang. And then boom, you know, like first, second, third act, you know? Yeah. Yeah. You can't really tell the differences in the, the acts if there were any, I don't know. I don't know if it's just, it's so different of a structure. So I don't know if you want to say like,
for a second, third act, but. Sure. Yeah. Yeah. That's, that's what I appreciate about it. It's a, it's a different structure. It, I wouldn't even call it a very slow burn because I've seen slow burn movies and they've kept me way less entertained than this one. So props to this one. For sure. For sure. Yeah, I agree. Yeah. What have you guys been watching lately?

Brief Discussion on Other Movies

Eric, you go ahead, man. Got Oscar season, so much to watch. I recently watched a movie called Everest. And it's about a true story about a
climbing company. Well, it's like a company that like basically guides people towards the top of the mountain. Like they basically, uh, take, you know, anywhere from professional to amateur climbers and, uh, trains them and acclimates them to the environment and make sure they're, they have a safe climb and stuff. But, um, yeah, things take a turn in this trip and, uh, yeah, good movie.
Yeah, this one's been on my list for a while, so I'm excited to see it and glad that you also said it's good. It's on my list because of Jake Gyllenhaal and Jason Clark. How'd you feel about Jason Clark in the lead role in that? Was he good?
Yeah, he was. Yeah. Um, it was, I don't know if he's actually in New Zealand or whatever, wherever he's from, but, uh, yep. I think he's British. He's British. Oh, it's close. I guess. Andy, you, you're remembering him, uh, in Gatsby. He's Australian. Right.
Yeah, is he? Yeah. Oh, oh, well, yeah, basically, he was in a normal accident then. Well, yeah, no, it was it was good. He was really good. And I got really attached to his character. Through the whole thing, very respectable guy. Yeah, I love him. That might be my watch tonight. That one's on Max. So worth a watch. Yeah. Yeah. OK. Perfect.
Yeah. Andy or Eric, do you have anything else? I also seen strays. Oh, yeah. That one's pretty good. It's about a dog who kind of has like an abusive owner kind of like, well,
not like physically abusive. I mean, dude's just a piece of shit. And he he like basically like he does the thing where he abandons where people like abandon a dog with a throw ball and hop in their car and then drive away. Oh, and he did that meets up with some some friends and all the dogs like talking this and they they basically just make dog jokes a lot, I guess. I don't know. There's one team where they're like all peeing on each other.
because oh my god claiming territories is like oh we're all friends now we should all pee on each other and then they just they have like a circle where they're peeing on each other it's great man i love my dog i haven't seen this one yet but i feel like i've seen so many dog movies with this kind of thing where it's it's okay well it's it's r rated so like well uh r rated dog movies basically you're expecting it that's what you're gonna get
I've seen mostly family dog movies. So yeah, this one might be a little different. Yeah. There's a little more hijinks than like Beethoven or something. Or a little more. Yeah. Or guys, cats and dogs. Do you remember that fucking movie? I love cats and dogs. You know, I've always seen it once. I don't really remember much from it. OK, Andy, number one priority. Well, OK, behind scream.
Um, that we're going to watch together, at least the first screen, uh, cats and dogs, we're going to show cats and dogs, cats and dogs. Yes. Okay. Double feature. It'll be a great double feature screaming cats and dogs. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. Okay.
Before we can continue on the years, Hunter, I do want to shout out. Yeah, go ahead. Julia Butters was the actor for, um, uh, Maribella. She was also in one of our other movies on the pod in, uh, Gray Man. Yeah. She was. Yes. I knew. The daughter that he was protecting. So. Yes. Yeah. Just want to shout her out before we forget. So she, she will be an up and coming actress, I feel. Yeah. Yeah. She, she's very good. So what have you been watching, Hunter?
Oh, God, guys, a lot, but I'll kind of sum it up. So I finally checked out Thanksgiving. Yeah, that's on Netflix now, right? Yes, it is.
And I checked it out before it came on Netflix, thankfully, because I just couldn't wait any longer. Yeah. And it was about like a week before it came on Netflix and my brother-in-law had it, had it purchased on Voodoo. Yeah. So I watched that on my own and guys, I got to tell you.
it is up with those classic slashers. I feel like a lot of people will be watching this year round around Thanksgiving and they should. I thought it was a really good slasher. I mean, it doesn't match up to my scream, but I can sense the elements from scream and other good slashers. And I just feel like it's one of the decent slashers that we've had in so long.
So I'm going to like this one. I'm not going to be disappointed. No. And that's why that's why I'm not talking it up too, too much hesitated. No, no, no, no, no, no. Why I hesitated was because I was trying to think, did I fucking talk this up like too, too much? You know, like I didn't want you to be like, oh my God, this is going to be a fucking masterpiece. You know?
But it's a very, very, like I thought it was great. Yeah. There we go. Like not even really good. Great. Definitely doesn't look like a masterpiece, but it's not often that we get good slashers. Right. Right. And you know, uh, when we watch, well, okay, no, nevermind. Nevermind. I'm going to, I'm going to save my comments for scream when we watch.
And then I've also seen the iron claw to kind of get prepared for, um, even though it's not in like any Oscar contention, I just wanted to see it because it was one of the highest rated movies of the year, um, last year. And yeah, the iron claw was, Oh man, just Zac Efron. If you doubted him as an actor, watch him in here.
And it's such a good, it's not like one of those full blown biopics. It's just such a great story. And it's so devastating. And I really enjoyed it. I did. My wife and I watched it. And we also watched Wonka. Wonka was enjoyable.
That's all I'll keep it to. Well, like it was enjoyable. It was enjoyable enough. That's all I'll keep it to. Timmy, Timmy Chalamet. You are the dude. Loved him in it. And yeah, I'll like, I'll just keep it to that. So I keep this short, but like, I also watch anyone but you, the rom com with Sydney Sweeney and Glenn Powell. Okay. I've been recommended that one recently.
Yes. One of the best rom coms I've seen in a while. Okay. I will say that. All right. And then what I will end on is Orion in the dark.
Oh, Ryan in the dark and the dark and the dark. Yes. Yeah, correct. Okay. So it's on Netflix. It's a Netflix original, um, because Netflix bought it, but it's a dreamworks movie. Like Shrek and Puss in Boots, all of those, you know, and flushed away. And damn guys, like this is one of the most like grown up animated.
Also kids Movie that I've seen in a while and it really touched my wife and I honestly, it's Like just to kind of give a non-spoia spoilery Description on it. It's just it's about a young boy that's about like 11 or something like that and I
he is afraid of the dark. And it's just really about anxiety and all those just mental feelings in a grown up way. And it tells a kid in a really nice, gentle way.
And the animation is just wonderful. And you just, I don't know, you just really enjoy it. And it's like, it's about this boy meeting the dark, even though he's deathly afraid of him. And it comes with all of the other kind of like spirits or whatever of the night, like sleep and or sweet dreams, sleep.
And I can't, I can't think of like the other one. It's kind of like, uh, like anxious thoughts while you're trying to go to bed, you know, it like kind of those things. It like really dives deep into it. And it's like a very great writer was involved in it. Charlie Kaufman. He also wrote eternal sunshine on the spotless mind.
And that is a very, very deep movie that like is very beloved. And yes, Charlie Kaufman might have wrote the script years ago and it didn't get picked up until now. Might have been a little altered, but you can definitely feel that very good writing in it. And I was so excited for this movie because I'm a huge fan of I shouldn't even say a fan. I just I love the nighttime. I love nighttime. It's enchanting to me.
And I was very excited for this boy to meet dark. Like that was just the simple premise that I heard a couple of years ago before this came out. And I was just so excited and it lived up. It lived up to expectations. Perfect.
I, uh, that's all I'll say. I would also be scared of the dark. Uh, if I was Jacob Tremblay, uh, that kid made some really fucked up characters. Yeah. Jacob plays. Yep. Orion. And, uh, he does sound more grown up than we remember him, but, uh, it's, it's great. And yeah, I didn't recognize him from his actor photo. I'm like, wait, that kid grew fast. Um, yeah. Yeah. I will, I will add that to my list. Yeah. No, you definitely should.
Even though Andy, I know you don't love animated movies, but I feel like this one might like speak to you, you know, and speak to quite a bit of us adults, even though we think animated movies are childish. Like that's, yeah, my wife and I, like I, we were both kind of tearing up towards the end and we're like, yeah, like, uh, I would want my kid to see this. You know, that's how important it already was. Awesome.
Yeah. So that's it. I'm sorry. I'm sorry about my long. Yeah. I've been watching a lot guys. Yeah, you have. I got, I got two for you guys. So I, I got, I got one and me and Eric did not play on the South. Uh, but it's also a, it's about hiking Everest. Oh, so it's called the climb. Uh, these are both on Netflix that I'm going to recommend.
It's from 2017. It's a foreign comedy. I think it's French. I might be getting that wrong. I think it's in French, so you gotta watch my subtitles. About this guy who loves this girl so much, and he's like, well, I like you, and I'd do anything for you, and climb Everest for you. And she's like, well, I'll date you after you climb Everest. And thus, this movie goes on.
this guy has no no experience and this is semi based on a real guy that did a similar thing
And it's about his journey to go hike Everest. And it's really, really well shot. The comedy and romance is so cheese, but like the hiking aspect got me into it a lot. And I think for you, Hunter, at least you'll really like the rom-com portions. I think that would probably like that one too. Would I though, like would a guy do this for a woman? It's just really sweet. It's a sweet rom-com. I liked it more than I thought I would.
And this was a true story. It's based on a, I think there's a guy that helped write this movie that climbed Everest without experience. I don't think it was for love or anything. Oh, okay. Okay. Okay. I'm fine with that. Sorry. I was just like, wow. Yeah. I think he like consulted on the movie, but yeah, it's about this guy that no hiking experience, never really did any mountains. And he's trying to bullshit his way to get on Everest.
Wow. So, okay. Yeah. Okay. Really good movie. And, um, awesome. Well, not really good, but it was, it was good. It's surprisingly good. It was good. The one that is very good and quickly became one of my top tier movies, especially in the fighting world, which there's not a lot of.
Movies there. It's called the warrior or just warrior with Tom Hardy and Joel Edgerton as our main characters. And Nick Nolte as the dad of.
Tom Hardy and it's these two guys. One's a high school teacher and one's a former Marine MMA fighter and they're both brothers. They haven't seen each other in a long time going through this super tournament, trying to win all this money, both for their own reasons.
and it is a very good movie. I think I just like watching MMA in general and these kind of fighting ones and there's not many of these good movies and I had me on the edge of my seat for a long time and it's always really good to have those kind of like racing movies why I like those like you have your fights and stuff so you can see like your character's clearly winning or losing it's not there's no gray area so
Uh, okay. I recommend there. And that one's also on Netflix. Love those two main actors. So I will definitely be checking that one out. I'm pretty sure it's on my watch list already. And I will add, what was that one? The climb, the climb. Yeah. Okay. Okay. I'll be adding both of those, man. Yeah. All right. Sounds awesome. I hope you like it. Let me know what you think of the climb for sure. It's a, I think a lesser known one since it's a foreign film.
Oh, I for sure will. You said it was French? I believe it was French, yes.
French. Okay. Okay. I've been checking out more foreign movies lately. So, uh, yeah, no, I will check that out. And you guys kind of got me onto the foreign movie trail more again. Like I only watched parasite a couple of years ago and I was totally fine following that movie. I'm like, okay, I can do this, but I didn't watch any after. And then you guys recommended dead snow. Yeah. And that's German.
So I was like, okay, I definitely got to follow this, right? You know, yeah. So yeah, thank you guys for kind of helping me get back into the group of that. Yeah. I got, I got a backlog. So I will, I will show you more as you get through. Awesome. Okay. Perfect. Yeah. Yeah. The, the, um, was it impossibles, the, the, the in touchables.
The untouchables? Yeah, the untouchables. That's also a French movie.
Is it? Yeah, you might you might have seen the Americanized version of this movie with Kevin Hart and Tom Hanks, the something the bright side, not the bright side. But I forget what the American version of this was. But yeah, that's that's also a good
french one that i would recommend the untouchables the in touchables oh in touch i in touchables okay okay in touchables okay in touchables in touchables
Okay. Perfect. Yeah.

Future Content and Community Engagement

So we got Oscar season coming up and we're going to give you guys some, some good content, both Hunter and Eric have some good plans to reveal some more stuff for you guys. And, uh, you could do a special Oscar episode as well. Uh, just to for.
For expect that. For warning you to expect that. For warned is for armed.
Yeah, so we're going to try and do some more content around that and actually get involved more with some modern stuff and keep up on 2024 as it goes through. But yeah, for this next episode, our standard programming, we're going back to our monthly topic, which was one of my choices. So we're going to be covering some movies there, and I hope you guys tune in to hear that.
And yeah, if you want to reach out to us, we have this thing called Instagram and Discord. And then we also have an email and all that information is in the description for you to join or message us. Hunter makes a lot of great posts on there on Instagram. And we also chat a bunch on Discord.
And if you like hearing us rant about random shit and movies, give us five stars on Spotify or a review on Apple. We promise we will love you forever and cherish you in our hearts. Maybe. Maybe. I will cherish you forever if you rate it up.
Okay, Andy will. Eric probably won't. And me as a movie. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. No, I really appreciate you guys. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Yes. Hunter will cherish you if you go interact with the Instagram post. So leave some comments on that. Yes. So do it. Do it. We will see you guys.
See you guys. Thank you everybody for listening. Rick Fuckdon.
Well, I got down on my, on my, on my bended knees. And I began to pray.