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Ep. 93 Fork in the Road - Bellum Draconis image

Ep. 93 Fork in the Road - Bellum Draconis

S2 E93 ยท The Fellowship of the Tabletop
44 Plays6 months ago

Refreshed and Healthy. Our bunch of misfits' journey onwards. Surely nothing else can go wrong?

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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade

Music kindly provided by Fesliyan Studios


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Anyway, are you gonna buy that drink? That 500 gold you tiefling tit. Are you sure it's a what are you, a shorty shorty? Yes, and the piggy?

Introduction to The Fellowship at the Tabletop

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's episode of The Fellowship at the Tabletop, Bellum Draconis. We are a live Play 5e D and&D podcast set in the magical home-brewed world of Erath, in the kingdom of Dralak. Joining you for this week's episode, we have and I'm gonna get hyped more as we go through this, we've got Willy Blazer Dragonborn Druid Bar Valkon. And I'm not naked. We've got Eey Blazer Tiefling Wasser and Nyx Karel. If you're getting more hyped as you go along and you start with me, that feels like you don't want to get hyped with me, you just want to get hyped with the person that you choose at the end, you motherfucker.
four shot of his house um like it we've got but he plays you make Callum is the only person naked. ah lot of its own but out
but name mark i'm playing the human blating is seth far reva and by laugh but we no needs least
It started to... I forgot more. You've got nothing. You've got nothing. You're out. You've blown your load. I've got nothing left. It's the opposite. Very common problem. I was just... I was edging, that was. You've got two pumps in and it's gone. Our captain of the cannon, our controller of the scene behind the DM screen, our leader of law, DMD of D&D, Dungeon Master Danny. I like how quickly you could have put that all in chat GPT to give you an intro for me. Oh my God, I could just wo as well. like god I'm totally going to

Mystical Morning at the Docks

try that next time. a sotary voice was for us hello The tent flaps, burst open, an old gal comes bursting out, running down and scaring off some hoodlums. But if he just tries to pilfer from his tent, he looks up and the sun glares, the morning sun glares, and the smell of the salty docks reaches his nose. The orb falls out of his pocket and falls, slapped into some mud.
He doesn't touch it for a second. Lowers down and so his big beady eye is staring directly at it. And then he clocks you. Listener. Oh, cards on the table. So come until the end of the first day, Alpha comes to and they find a camp and Seth says he needs to talk about to explain some shit. Emron explains what happened to Alpha and tensions start to rise. Alpha suggests partying with Reigns and the party to keep them all safe and the group reassures him he gotta stay.

Unveiling Backstories and Tension

Nix leaves to chat shit with Dribbo and chat shit he does. He rambles on for fucking ages. Baal reveals that he doesn't quite trust Nix and and Amron gives Nix his entire backstory from the earlier part. Baal reveals all of his backstory about dragons and origins, and he's the son of some sort of ancient dragon matriarch, and each kingdom has an ancient dragon protector, and there's like a new kingdom, that means there's new dragons, and they have criss-cross steel and eggs, and it's all kinds of crazy shit. And he explains that he explicitly trusts Seth, to which Amron tells him that Seth actually made the fucking zombie, and Seth's like, I can't explain anything right now. And Baal's like, oh damn.

Reflections and Personal Growth

Reigns and Alpha have a deep meaningful chat and Alpha votes for a kamikaze over defeat Reigns. It's like, Alpha, you gonna knock the way, boy. You are more than Alpha. And then Alpha's all like, is that disc in the sky artificery? And then Reigns is like, we need you, Alpha. I'm so glad I'm not alone, says Alpha. And Emron talks about his worries for the moral compass. of the party. He even challenges Raines' moral compass. Raines suggests that perhaps they clean the air in the morning. And Emron's a little bit worried that perhaps the group are gonna do some fucked up shit that don't quite sit right well with him. Again! Emron's dream comes back at the end and he's on that ah big old platform way above everything. He falls the fuck off and starts falling down and there's some sort of fiery red wigging figure that catches him and takes him back and it reveals itself and it turns out it's fucking Baal who says, go!
So as we take the camera out of Seth's tiny hut, and we find ourselves in a very interesting scene where Nick's having achieved nothing really more than a one-way conversation with Dribbo. Alpha stormed out to to play and tinker with his toys. Baal just takes a step out and breathes in the evening air. Emron reigns and Seth sleeping for the first leg of the evening. And Paul, just in the first couple of early stages, the first half an hour or so of this watch before you really get to doing your activity, you just, you experience a couple of moments of breathlessness, a couple of sensations of falling, but not really
Not really happening. It's almost like you are in that state. You know when you're you're falling asleep and your whole body just jolts and you're you're fully awake temporarily. It's like you have that sort of spasm-like reaction. Not sure what caused it.
otherwise Otherwise... Nyx.

Night Watch Rituals and Connections

Baal. Alpha. What are you doing with the first part of the evening?
Baal is going to ritual cast Speak with Animals, and after those 10 minutes are up, go over to Trunks and just say, I am terribly sorry about what happened earlier, what with you getting stabbed up quite a bit, but um We've got your back and we're just resting up here for tonight. Please don't try to return to Scorch Helm. You are with us, not Scorch Helm, Snakerun. You're with us now. We're going off to Scorch Helm in the morning. ah You've done a good job. I will look out for you. Is there anything that you need? Are you hungry? Do you need a scratch on the hide? And you watch as Chunks just sort of rolls onto his side. Bully rub.
Oh, you've asked for this, but I was going to go in and just get all up in those scritches and scratches, ah probably trying to avoid the second trunk as much as possible. And as you do, you just see that the primary trunk moving in. a Primary trunk moving in approval, but not the secondary. Okay, cool. Secondary is just, just. Classic. Yeah. It is very impressive. I must say trunks. Keep away. away. Oh, don't worry. I shall. You're not my type. What? Nothing or switches and scratches. You're a good boy. Thank you. So like I said,
No venturing back off, just stay here. Do you, would you prefer to be staked to the ground? Is that what you've been trained to do? I know that some people choose to do that with... Oh, I'll just wait till the shiny rises in the sky. Perfect. As will we. If anything kind of comes your way, you're a little bit worried about anything, just give us a blast on the big trunk and I'll come running and I'll make sure you're you're okay.
That's what I'm talking about. I'm one last scritch for good luck. ah And I'll just kind of keep an eye out. I'll probably stay around near where Trunks is and just kind of keep an eye out um for any nefarious goings on towards the camp. okay And that's me. Nick, anything you'd like to do? I assume my conversation while my conversation with Drew Bow is over. He's still there. I mean, the topics from the evening would have just continued of him trying to communicate to you, but not necessarily landing the way he's intending. Yeah, no.
ah so Nick's will just end up taking the watch, as it were, with his back. He'd sit down on the ground, his back resting against the cage of dribbles, and say something offhand like, oh, I guess it's me and you tonight, my friend. And just start ritualizing himself, gets his glass orb out, gets his patron book out gets his takes off his necklace um with a tuna around his neck and he puts that down he starts to study each one he starts to study is goes into his fucking mind palace as it were and that's him okay okay now for his ending you wish to do
Yeah, um as Alfred sat down probably on the far side of where where the prisoner is

Alpha's Past Influences

at the moment. and that'll be That'll be the road. You'll be sort of facing the road. You're only about 15 feet away from the road. Yeah, I'm going to attempt. I'm going to take out for a moment. Morote's boomerang, just lay that on the ground. I'm going to take out the um stone. I still have a magnet to just lay that down on the ground. I'm just kind of, I was kind of using them as like a ah reminder of people who've have been with him, affected with him, just as ah something to kind of grasp onto for a moment. And then with some modicum of previous success, um I went off to try and
see if he can get in touch with the previous soul of the um memory room as he had done before where he had that little bit of a play thing but he knows it was very short, things weren't quite clear, things were still distorted so we're just going to try and think and recall back to that moment and see if there's any extra information that he might be able to accrue from a going back to it. okay you make
We can make a constitution check a disadvantage.
Well, that's not great. Straight off the bat. I've got a five.
So it takes you the best part of 10 minutes just to try and work through a lot of your surface feelings that are distracting you before you can really just concentrate on your core and concentrate on how that memory room has been affecting you recently.
After about 10 minutes of really hard work, you just feel
You feel as though you were empathizing someone else's peril.
You don't have any context. Do you feel like someone else is in a lot of danger and it's really making you feel upset? OK. At least feelings kind of come overwhelmed. They're probably a little bit new to Alpha. um seeing people in danger but it's always been a logical reason behind why they're in danger and there's the possibility of amending or stopping it but this there's nothing there's no logical thing you can see it kind of scares him a little bit in a little bit of a jerking motion just as he almost as any normal person would take a sharp inhalation of breath it's like a it's

Emron's Recurring Dreams of Falling

like a memory reset for him just temporarily shuts down starts up again very very minute
um but obviously with very little success, he'll just pick the boomerang and the Magnus's memory room back up, pull them back in the satchel. What's interesting is it, I'm going to play around with time a little bit here. By the time that you start doing that, it's dawn.
Not for everyone, you I'll catch everyone's evening up at the same point, but by the time you're It's almost like that feeling you experienced for hours and hours and hours, and you just were taken straight to the end of it. By the time that you're back to being you and not feeling that sense of peril, you can you can see the glow on the sands and in the sky as dawn is rising. Okay, yeah.
We'll call that the first watch complete. um So at this point, Baal would be fitting for you to go in, get your full night's rest. Would you wish to, Nix is obviously there, you see out for down by the road, sort of from your angle, he just looks sentry and wants to be left alone. And would you go to sleep or would you wake anyone first? Does Nix look like he has, as he always does with ah a kind of a long rest situation, is he fully engrossed within his book? Yeah, but but he's also completely awake. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, I think initially he would go over, like kind of stop about 10 feet away from Nick's kind of look at him for a little bit and then make his way in back into the bubble. Uh, and as discussed with Seth before he'd go over, kind of nudge him on the shoulder, kind of nod for him, you'll watch and he'll go over to his own hammock.
with ah yeah no more conversation than that. Okay, Seth. It's your watch. Seth, just look at his book, not talk to anyone, just set the tent set the table. pontificate, think, stare at the spell he casts in his spell book and just mull over ah some inner turmoil he's got. But that all goes on in his head. and So he won't actively be doing anything. He'll obviously be keeping an eye out, but he knows that you look over to the cart, the trunks, to the prisoner every now and then, but feels quite safe given where they are. But yeah, that's all he'll do for the entirety. He wouldn't try and socialize with anyone.
Okay, thank you very much. Then your pass, sorry, your watch passes without incident. Just when you reenter the hut, before you really have think, who shall I wake next? Enron, you have bolted upright as your your dream has ended and you are head to toe in sweat. and you are breathing incredibly quick, as though you are still experiencing that that scene, that fall of near terminal velocity.
I imagine instinctively you're up and you you'd you'd look for a weapon, you look to hold on to some sort of security, but Seth, as a you as you sort of close the chapter in your book, that that section in your book, and you think, right, I've been up long enough now, and you turn to think, who should you wake? Emron is upright and he is like, he has just been assaulted. Climb the tower. What? What tower? We passed the tower ages ago. No. It is a bang one. No, that... You're sweating a lot. It's not that hot in here. Are you ill? In in the sky, there was the platform and the chains and the ah city above Eryth.
and And I fell again. Emil, I don't know who you think you're talking to, but did none of this is making any sense to me. Are you all right?
It's the second time I've had the dream.
Right. And he's almost it's almost like he's it's like he's so he's sort of consciously there, but he's not like it's like he's he's answering your questions because it's external stimuli, but he's almost mulling it over to himself as well out loud. the platform out of his own on platformable ver it it the wood in the sky no maybe and the chains and the city and the like and the wind
Danny, can I do a history check from just the bits that everyone's been saying? Does go for it kind of know any get get any inclination he's trying to help put pieces together for his own sanity sake oh okay that's 23 at disadvantage please at disadvantage that's 24 that is 19 this is fragments of connected things and
and You've never encountered a city in the sky, not even in stories. There's no sort of living memory of that. You can't really conceive of the fact there's a city in the sky. The only thing you're drawn to is this this floating object in the sky. Does he mean that? This is so out of your sphere of reference and nothing you have personally studied or personally heard about.
And then the wind and the chains and there's a
The dwarf, the human, the dragonborn, but two no, two dragonborn.

Group Dynamics and Vows

Baal. What about Baal? I want to look at you, almost for the first time. He was there. Where? On the platform, with me.
in in your vision? Yeah. And and and he saved me.
Fiery wings. And then we were on the platform on to and shield were there. And he said, go. Go? Go. Oh, go. Okay, right. Go.
and And then now I'm here. And you say it's the second time you've had the exact same dream or just, you know, like similar? Second time. I've had the dream. Seth won't, not Seth, but I'll want there the first time I fell off. But enough of it was the same, you know, same place, same feeling. Same place, same action, same people. And you've never been there before? No. Like, I keep ah he wanting to try and look around, because to see where it is I am in the sky, but I can never... I'm always drawn up, never apart from a fall off. You never you don't recognise it from anywhere you've been in your past? Your home? Seth, I've... No. No, no. okay Nothing so exotic.
No, she's making sure it's not, you know, no, I have repeated dreams, but there are things I've done in places I've been yours. This is something someone's trying to tell you something. You didn't see your God there or your devour spirit person. And he wasn't there. Nothing from Milledo. I mean, there's a light and I get this. I get this drive to climb.
I just know I have to climb. And there's there's there's three others with me. Or is Baal the other dragon? I don't know.
ah than I know if it's prophecy or fate or could be messages and fucking elements. That's like a metaphor of that. I wouldn't die.
so me Sorry. No, no, no, go on. I've forgotten what I was going to say. Is it morning? I'm on the ground. Not yet. I was wondering who to wake up next and then you just said bolt upright shouting about the tower. so I'm awake. so you you You rest. out I'll watch. Probably need to sort that dream out that's in your head. Yeah. and Listen, about yesterday,
I do apologize for what I did. But, um, you know, I haven't worked with people before. It's been me and it's always been my way. And that having to change that will take some getting used to, but I kind of, I kind of appreciate where you're coming from. And I can, and I understand why you felt that way. Probably Seth, it's not the first time I've seen him do it or we've traveled with people that do it. Okay. Well, I'll say to you now, I will vow to change to make it better. um At least from my part, that's all. I can't control the actions of others, but I will try. There's something about us as a group together that is fucking ridiculously powerful.
I don't know what it is, but let me, since ah have since we had joined you guys, every time we fought someone, they have been stronger than us and almost every single time we fucked on them, even though half of us have been fighting each other. You just imagine what we all did if we followed and we were all on the same page. Fuck me. We're an army unto ourselves. So there's something special and I i'll vow to see it through. to see what we can really do when faced with a common fate. There's something special here. and I know we might not see eye to eye all the time, but know at least that i am I am willing to try and change to make it right. I appreciate that, Seth, and I'm not asking you to stop being you. Oh, no, I'll change me. I suck. I'm an awful human being.
guys you know i've I would change my name to Dix, I literally said it the other day, you know? I thought thought i thought Nix was Dix. It's very confusing, who is Dix? You were a Cyrus, Nix was Dix. I was a Cyrus. But no, I'm not looking to change it. um If you want to become a better person, I'm always happy to help anyone become something they are. I'm never um'm never looking for someone to
to see things the way out. What I do and what I follow and what I believe is mine to carry. I never expect others to to carry it for me. If others want to do the same, that's theirs. But I always know that it's mine to do.
if I'm making any sense. Not really, but it's okay. I'll get your feeling, I'll get the sentiment. Hey, I'm just gonna go pop out and sleep on the sand. It's a bit stuffy in here actually. Can't you turn temperature down? Oh yeah, probably. It was more than a chance just to give you some space to think really. You'll go, okay, I'll get watch. and Finally though, you know in all honesty, I hope you get to the bottom of your dream. I hope you climb my tail when you see what's in there. I hope I get to the top of the dream. I won't turn it to the others. It makes you sound a little fucked up, a little bit weird, and it sounds like yva you're either going to boneball or you're going to try and kill him again. Either way, it might not go down well with the group. So I'll just i'll just keep my my disfigured mouth shut and just let you get on with your thoughts there, brother. I'll see ya. Sleep well.
He's not going to walk out of the dome because the dome would then collapse. He can get to the end. Can I? can. The dome persists for eight hours. It doesn't require you anymore. Doesn't it say that if he leaves the perimeter? Yeah, that's what I thought. um The spell ends if you leave its area, yeah. So he'll get to the edge, he'll get to the edge and go, oh fuck no, I can't let you leave. And he's just going to stretch awkwardly and just lay near the edge and then eventually will actually fall asleep. But um at first it is quite very obviously false and as he realizes what he's done, but he's made it. Yeah, so then he'll just lay down.
Seth accidentally rolls and his sleep leaves the area. for about Everyone falls out the hammock. No, he'll just lay down and just, um, he'll, we might not sleep, but he might just. Potter and look at his book and just, you know, rest and stare up and, you know, usual shit that you can do on the rest. Okay. Everyone, your watch passes without incident. If there's anything particular like to do during that time.
No, everyone's going to think on the dream.
um Where is Baal right now? Baal's asleep about five feet away from you. Ah, there he is, of course he is. No, did you say he's sleeping with Trunks or did you come back in into sleep, Baal? No, I think I took my watch outside and came back into sleep. Yeah, Baal's only like five feet away from you. sno I couldn't remember, I thought. Yeah, M1 will look over at Baal.
Baal continues to be asleep. Yeah, I know. and Slips it in the earth. Fucking hell!
but Puts Baal's claw in a bowl of water. you know safety if you whi Whipped cream on one hand, feather in the other. Oh yeah. ah Barracks, room jokes. No, everyone will look over. Fucks sake.
And he'll sit and rest and look over out the tent that Nick's can't see into, see Nick's just staring.
And you see you see, you know, Alpha down by the road as well, just sort of laying sentry. And by the end of your watch, dawn rises. Out of a way of range, that meant some of that you would have been awake for. So if there was anything you wanted to do overnight, you're more than welcome to say otherwise morning will be Rains would have laid out the plate armour and would have put some of the Rubik's cubes on it and they would have been running over it and turning and changing and moving between the magic sigils. Am I right in thinking that the... the signa of... I'm not going to be right, I'm going to guess. What is the signa of how sleep guard? What is like the... what's on the crest of this thing? So, it is a...
Like cyan blue, like a really rich ah yeah pale blue diamond shaped hail drop. And inside is this this ah like castle portcullis in front. And then this particular variant of it, the the the sort of elite guard of King Leopold's elite guard, just has golden heraldry around in a similar sort of kite fashion around that insignia.
ah Prancing on Fields Rampant, either sides of it now, is an Andos Finks on the left and a Gynos Finks on the right. Rains would have put the the suit on and would have used his Arcane Armor effect on it to to attune himself to this, as he attuned himself to the plate armor of the royal surge of protection, I don't know what I'm saying here, of the protectors of the appalled sleepguard. So this has nothing to do with the surge. The surge was a military outfit that was formed to combat the flight. Yeah, that was the sip of a tongue. This is a royal guard, essentially. This is strictly for sleepguard and strictly for the king. I would attune to the armour and I need to change the type of armour that I'm wearing to the
to the heavier of the two. Okay. And we'll say with that then, all of you complete a long rest, so please recover everything you need to recover for that action to have taken place. Oh, thank fuck. Do we level up as well? um Absolutely not. Thanks to your tiny hut, you have all completed all the requirements of a long rest. I'm glad you said hut. Yeah, boy. Tiny hut. Does that include all of us though that didn't sleep in it? Yes.
It is the morning day is dawning.

Journey Preparations at Dawn

Trunks is a snoring no longer. Shit. and So without any action, otherwise you're all together again in the morning, preparing to journey ahead. And there are some people, the road has already sort of got busy. Alpha, you're you're really stirred by the fact that the road road users have begun again um as you sort of burst back in, but that the entire party now are making preparations, I imagine, to set off. Baal, what is it you're up to?
Just mechanically, should we all strike off a ah like a provision? um Yes, please. Plus one for um the prisoner if you're feeding them. And plus one for... Can he be fed? kit Can food pass? Yeah, I will ah counter that in a second. And one for trunks as well that you did. so yeah i christian i mean i many we Hang on, Hang on, let me look back at the notes, how many we actually bought. while that's happening and ah someone also said that they they they conjure water so if a spell slot could be taken for the the water conjuring for that um alpha will grab the jug that he grabbed back in so for giling a jug with her child it's all um there's the one we'll grab one jug that he picked up from um snake room and
Just with a bit of experimentation as well, this should possibly work. And he's going to reveal this jug. He's basically now got a load of, uh, iconic symbols on it. Um, just for the sake of expediency, I, I've created an alchemy jug with one of my infusions. Um, okay so with it, I can, I can pull one. Didn't we get a mug? I think so. I bought a jug. Um, so now you not just Just for clarity, you've now got jugs? It was a pair of jugs. You bought a bottomless jug, I thought. That was nice. Nick bought a mug that developed bottomless course, I think it was. a Sorry. Yeah, I've got a bottomless ale thing. I have an alchemy jug that I can basically dictate once per day. A liquid that it can generate. So my one for today is fresh water. Okay.
um And I can generate, I think, eight gallons of fresh water out of this jug of day. But that is enough to to libate to the party and suck that trunk up as well. As um as Nix, you start to come to, you'll just hear a very low whisper in your ear. ah Is a very low whisper in your ear. Nix. Nix.
I don't know what you want me to do about this. Nicks, wake up. Yep. Look at me. Look at me. Are you just next to me? Yeah, I'm right next to you, bro. I'm right here. Just turn over. Look at me. Yeah. And it's like a very, very happy, very, very much healed up. Seth staring back at you and like really close, like, nose is almost touching. Just says very clearly, clip Yay! Run off back and start loading up our trunks and getting his gear on. Are we going to eat on the road then? Or are we having breakfast here? What's the plan? Days of wasting. You got all still in the back? I can eat on the road. Those have been Australian shit. Oh. Where's that? Oh, can I? What if you eat on the bath? Ball, you up front? You on top?
Always. Oh, yeah, OK. Bal, how were your dreams in the night? What? I mean, Bal's going to blush a little bit and cast an eye very quickly sideways to Nick's. What? What? what yeah Your dreams, because I mean, you can see those. This is a conversation for later. Hmm. if For expediency, we'll say you you can be on the road and in travel as this has happened. Clip-clopping. Clip-clop. I just occasionally said, like, clip-clop. I like to think that the clip-clop doesn't come from um trunks, or it comes from, yeah, it comes from Seth, I think, directly from just his gob, or we put trunks in some high heels.
couple those good blood but only two out of four. When we were talking to the the Grand Master Sparrow bloke, I mentioned that I had a dream about the platform, and he dismissed that out of hand, but you know, that happened. I had another dream, exactly the same as I've had before, about being on a platform wanting to climb, and I fell off again, only this time I was saved by a creature with fiery wings,
that stood on the platform, put me down on the platform again, and it were you. What? Well, you were on... You were there because you took your shield off and the wind stopped. Did it look like my shield? It was exactly like the shield. It were you. And then you said, go.
Right. And then I woke up. And when was that? Last night. OK. I didn't. You clearly didn't have the same dream. So, you know, it makes me feel a bit foolish. No, not at all. No, it's a compliment that you're dreaming about me there. emron ah no but I mean, only thing after the usual felt a little bit dizzy when before I went to go to speak to Trunks, but otherwise, absolutely fine. Okay, so so just weird dreams then, okay. Do your dreams mean anything? do you Do you have visions of the future? Can I fly? You you were flying then, I don't know. ah I don't know, are they dreams of the future? I don't fucking know. There could be tilwha, there could be a bad bottle of wine with drunk, I don't know. Right.
I don't know if it's the same dream twice, I don't know whether your people of like power injury, I don't know. My people? I don't know whether Dragonborn, your true daughter, whether you have folk that dream or prophecy, I don't know. There are some who can commune with powers greater than ourselves, but we don't dream of platforms in the sky. I don't know whether it's that platform in M1 or point at the one in the sky or whether it's a different one. It's it's a metaphor. a I don't know. I'm wrong. Dreamers. And it's fucking annoying. Right. It could have power. It could have merit. It could be, fuck all. It could be the rations that you're eating. I don't know. Okay.
Anyway, I just thought I'd say, you know. Okay. so Well, if I have a dream of being in the sky and, you know, saving you from falling, you're welcome. Then I'll let you know. Cheers. Not a problem. Clip cloth. Ah, good.

Choosing the High Road

And as you package up your lambda spread segment, Seth, could you make an animal handling check at advantage please to sort of dictate our our speed and progress for the day? Double what? Okey dokey. Does I get, because I'm proficient with vehicles, is that the is that the the advantage thing I get? Well, yes. And I also have a lower DC as a result. Can I cast guidance? Absolutely. I will guide you. And as stupid as it sounds, is there anything I can do to help?
You're factoring into the DC. I'm with you. Okay. ah What is the guidance giving? 1D4. 1D4. That is going to be then a nice little tasty 24. Oh shit. Perfect. So it's good terrains for travel today. The weather conditions are looking good. We're looking to arrive on our destination at around 4.45 PM. ludicrously be No, yeah, you're following a road and that that's, you know, comfort to you. And you you will think back to a couple, well, a week ago when you were traversing awkward sands regularly at this sort of level of solid terrain is a walk in the park in comparison to to how you've traveled.
And you are the only elephant you have really crossed. So you are you are catching up to to people with horses, people with donkeys, people with camels, people who are just hoping there's some foot. You're passing a lot of traffic initially in the first couple of hours. And the way that the the travel sort of work is everyone sort of clusters towards the end of the day and the beginning of day as people sort of hit those resting points. And as you get to the middle of the day, your speed, you guys are but by midday, you are the only people on really on the road. Occasionally you have people crossing, coming back towards you. It's getting really familiar now, the sight of a a Chris Kirk patrols, but you begin to notice that that since yesterday, apart from that,
time skirmish you find yourself embroiled in the midst of between the crisca and sleet guard forces the crisca you pass since haven't been suspicious of you they haven't wanted to check anything there's nothing about your cart that necessarily suggests it's a crisca no one seems to mark the the cargo in any suspicious way you You're all vigilant enough that I imagine whenever certain parties approach you, you evoke a very cautious defensive stance. And there hasn't been anyone that really challenges that, and that you did that causes alarm or at least causes Seth any desire to want to slow down. It gets about midday.
you're making really good progress. Again, it's that same typical typical arid heat. The the the wind is is not comfort at all, even at that speed you'd hope, but it is it is a hot space you are constantly moving through. You spy Nix, are we in the same sort of formation where Baal actually, you're on trunks and Nix is just behind? That's what I'd prefer to do, I think, yeah. Then Baal, with your passive, you'll definitely be the one to spot this. About a quarter of a mile down the road, you notice it forks.
you're sort of beginning a slow incline and there is a fork that appears where one root takes you over a raised cliff edge and the other goes into a sort of, what is a ravine when there's no water? A basin, that also sounds like that has water, but a low ground. A wadi, a desert wadi. Are you sure it's a wadi? Are you sure it's a wadi?
So there's ah there's a high road which follows a cliff and a much deeper incline, and there's a low road that goes into sort of like a canyon. Canyon is the word I want. It goes into like a canyon, both heading in the same direction, but sort of veering off a couple of degrees apart. So, you know, the far distance, these the winds, we reconnect necessarily um immediately. But you're getting to about a quarter of a mile towards making that decision. So anything the party wants to do, it's about midday at this point, you've had a really good morning travel. Seth, a high road or low road coming up? What gets us to Scotland first? You take the high you take the ah road. I don't know this song. Which one? ah I take the high road. The low road looks like a trap. It's always good to have the high ground. It is. Up it goes. Look at that. We made a fucking decision. so and Is this unity? As you approach that fork a bit more, you're only a quarter mile away out. You begin to approach that fork a bit more.
It becomes really clear that the high road has also got quite joke three breezy sands blowing and you can't see in the distance. as far on the high road as you can, the low road, because there seems to be quite a lot of sand cloud being blown around. If that affects your decision at all. Visions limited up high, but... However, I will also add one more detail. The criss-cross mile markers do continue on both rows roads, which is the indication that they are still surveyed and and cared for. It's not like one is ah a B road going to a different destination. We're still happy with high road? Clip-clop.
Ooh. Now it's fucking ticking. Up we go.
so does it make Does it make trunks go faster if you say a clip-clop? I like to think so, but I don't think he listens. I'll ask him at the next long rest. You take the high road then. And as you begin this... sort of slower incline. And you do begin to notice that the all of you, you're you're bouncing an awful lot more. This isn't as even and under wheel, I suppose, not underfoot. And trunks is sort of, while you notice that if an elephant could sweat, he he's sort of panting an awful lot more. This incline continues for about half an hour before you're at the top of this cliff.

Sandstorm Challenges

And once you get to this top of this cliff,
while immediately you see all of that lowland to the to the side of you that is clear and crisp and ahead of you you just see a dense dense sandstorm uh fuck sandstorm ahoy uh fuck
Do we turn around? Can we go around it? Weren't we told something about sandstorms? Yes. About them bringing so ships ah brought in with sandstorms. We're supposed to keep an eye on them, right? An eye out for them at the very least. and Stay the course. Seth, if you at all are slowing this down, you notice you begin to sink a little bit with the lack of movement. Stay the course. You're just keeping it going but slower while you just figure this out. ah Someone needs to jimmy up some material. We need something to cover our eyes and mouth and nose. We dealt with something like this with the blight, ash and stuff in the air. We've got to cover up so we can just have slits of the eyes so we can see out of it a little bit. Has anyone got goggles? Or glasses? ah Next, don't you have those bits of cloth? Did you dye them dyed cloth? oh That was for a thing long past.
oh it Okay, we'll just go blind then don't worry but Yeah let's like but like selecting nick know Let's button up so I'm gonna start making sure that the canvas covers um On the on the tent secure so if we're inside we're a bit We only probably need two of us out here. I'll i'll drive by you stay out front and Would that work? like um i'll I'll come out front. I might be able to help. Oh, sorry. Oh, good. Yeah, okay. I still know which way is north with this and I'll wave my stick around. So I'll still be able to keep us on the straight and narrow heading eastward.
All right, I probably won't be able to see very well in this stuff. I've only got one eye anyway. Hold on, let me see. I might be able to help you. I'm just seeing what I got. Just bear with me. Rains is just going to start pulling out on the Rubik's Cube and just look through what he might have available at his disposal. One day you're going to have to explain what the fuck that is because I do not know what you're doing, young man.
He's completely lost on the Rubik's Cube. I imagine it's actually just a cube that like, rains his crayon down the little squares too. And he bebop, zipzop. My first invention. Is there anything else people are wanting to do? Everyone's maddening down the hatches. Maybe he's, if Nix isn't producing any chips and material, where is Nix right now? He's at the front. Okay, so it's a bit cosy up there with three of you. Okay, um everyone's like searching around, trying to go through their sacks, he's got any spare materials, trying to like fashion some kind of, you know, hood. He's got a sack, he's like, oh, do I just poke a hole in it and go, he's just gonna pull up his shirt up to his face and
put his hand over his eyes. Job done. Nick, are you looking back at all to Emron in this exchange? No. Is anyone looking back towards Emron in this exchange? and Seth would be kind of looking, I don't know, sideways to wherever Reigns is. if Is he behind still or are you up? yeah everyone Everyone apart from Bal and Nick are directly behind you. Oh yeah, then he'd be kind of looking at Reigns like, you know, you said you were going to do something. So he'll be kind of every now and then glancing back to him. said what Why is it you need help with? a Sorry, staring at Seth. Can you make a perception check, please? ah Yes. Now, I'm sure, Danny, I know we haven't got this, but I only have, oh, I've got plus one. I'm sure I should have a negative to my perception check. given or You lack depth perception, don't you? I've got no fucking eye. There you go. You can't catch for shit. I've got that second one. Three.
Okay, you just see the people you were trying to see, Reigns and Emron. Something to help me see better or to perceive better. ah I've gone Australian again, fuck. something to Something to help me perceive better. Something to pick by. Yeah, I got it. I absolutely got it here. And Reigns will just hand out a piece of cloth to Emron. It's basically a makeshift patch. And we'll say, put that over your bad eye, trust me. What do you mean, take take the, take the eye patch off? no So you have an eye patch? This is just going to point out into the eye patch. I'm sorry, I'm not very good with social service. I got lost in this. This is the first time I tried to do that. I don't sometimes, I sometimes forget things. you And anyway, let's try this and I'm going to cast enhance ability. I'm going to cast enhance ability.
on Seth. So, I'm going to give you advantage on any checks that involve wisdom. Okay, how long for? Wisdom. An hour. An hour. Okay. Seth, would you like to make that perception? Check it advantage. Okay. You've already made it. Keep that one role you rolled. I just want one more. Akidoki. Oh, that's a doctoral 20, so 21. as you're looking at Reins, who's bestowing this upon you with gratitude, you just spy over Reins' shoulder, directly behind Reins in the prisoner cart, is Dribbo, making the cutthroat gesture towards you. And when he marks, he clocks your eyes, he just sort of changes tact, holds both fit fists up in a boxing motion, and then gives you a side head tilt and points ahead of you.
How'd you like that, motherfucker? Let's see what you do with this. I know what he's doing because I'm not an imbecile, but I don't think Seth might not. Can I roll something? I don't know what, Danny, to see whether or not he gets what I get. Because he's he's he's socially dense. It involves your wisdom. it's at Turn that perception, so you've perceived him doing that, yeah into an investigation check as you're trying to read him. Okay, so that is a 12.
That is that is and high enough to ascertain what you think is the most logical response to that as a player. Looks like we're in for another fight, lads. Stay on the cart this time. Stay on the fucking cart this time, even if it is our friends, because they're not our fucking friends. We are our own friends. No one else. If you fall off, get close to this, and 20 feet above me, I'm going to summon my wildfire spirit. Just an explosion above us like a firework. Well, everyone knows we're here. It's all right. And you, and it'll quickly point at Nyx, don't fucking say no to it. It'll teleport you back to the cart. Look, hey, what the fuck?
Oh, and no darkness. No darkness. I'm going to equip my shield. Stay on the cart, dickheads! That's the easy only thing we have to do if we want to start shifting blame before we even get into a fucking fight. What? I've been quiet for all morning and this is what the shit that you give me. Oh, I missed one. You can fuck yourself. Everyone will move to the back of the car because you imagine everyone's out at the front just in case anything tries to climb onto the back and in through the rear. Okay. And ah Seth's going to pull up a cloth over his mouth and nose because he knows the shit can get everywhere. And just muffled through that, we'll say to Nick's, Oh good, you are wonderful greeting this morning and this is how you repay us, we swear. Clip cloth, motherfuckers, clip cloth. Seth, are you full speeding this along the road? but We're cannoning along. Okay. We are clapping. So, balls to the wall.
you forced people this along the road and within about five minutes your visibility drastically changes okay it gets the point where you can see no more than 60 feet ahead of you with these sands another five minutes it's about 30 feet ahead of you Another five minutes. Seth, you can no longer see Baal on trunks. Baal, you can no longer see the wagon. You can see that the reins go back to it. You understand the construct, but you just can't see. You can probably see the tips of like Seth and Nix's kneecaps at best.
Emron, were it not for the cart cover, you wouldn't be able to see. You can basically just see Nyx and Seth. I'm picking you all as like the spine here. Emron, you can basically just see outside the front of the wagon. That's it. no ah None of you apart from Emron can see Dribbo's cage.
You press on in the same fashion, Seth.
Yeah, but Seth would probably then quickly shout out to Baal. Just tell us if we start deviating from the track. Just say a bit to the right, a bit to the left, and we'll stay on. Okay? Can you hear him? Yeah, can I hear him? You can hear more than you can see. With your passive, you can definitely hear 15 feet behind you. Consider it done. Okay. Let's just fucking weather this storm. for the sake of argument, everyone is under the effect of darkness, essentially the sand storm acts as the same capacity.
nice I need you to make a series of perception checks at disadvantage as you try and steer through command, only being able to see five feet ahead of you. And Seth, I need you to make a wisdom saving throw for how quickly, hmm, it's a perception, but it's how, yes, thankfully, Raze has given you advantage, how quickly you can hear and respond to this, okay? So, Baal, I need one roll from you.
Mm-hmm. Seth, I need 12 is for the perception. Perception and disadvantage. Sorry, disadvantage, yeah, 12. Seth, I need a perception saving, sorry, ah wisdom saving throw from you. That's 14 with advantage. Great. So you've heard that. And immediately, Baal, you call out, oh, Baldur, move, shift to the left. And Seth, you're able to just make that tuck. And Baal, you sort of can help a little bit. You sort of slap, slap trunks on the the hind for the right side that you need him to move. And he sort of understands that from the relationship that you're you building with him. Again, please, Baal, another perception check, a disadvantage.
Well, that's a good one. ah It's a 20. Thank you, Seth. 22 on the wisdom. Thank you, Rains. Again, this advantage is a lifesaver. Mm-hmm. Perfect. And again, you're able to sort of shift. What's interesting here is Alpha and Nyx. And M1, I'm going to say you're quite occupied by just keeping an eye on everyone at the back, but also you're the only one with eyes on the prison cart. So Rains, Nyx, and Alpha, could you just make perception checks for me as you're sort of trying to see out from this sandstorm?
I got nine. Nine. Fifteen. Fifteen. I got ten. Ten. Rains. You're starting to see the shape of of the environment around you and you're moving into a bit of a
almost like ah a tunnel-like structure or another sort of smaller canyon but raised. There is a ah raised platform, a raised segment of the land to the right of the cart and a raise to the left. You're starting to see that you're going into this sort of ah a bowl almost and you just catch a glimpse of a serpent-like black creature for a split second, come a bit too close to the cart and then dip out. We're not alone. Serpent-like creatures out there. You're all moving at about 60 feet per second here. So Baal, another check from you, Seth, saved from you. Oh, shit. At disadvantage, Baal. Yeah, 11 this time. Seth? 22. So here's what happens. Baal, you are unable.
to spot quite a large obstacle in front of you.
And as a result, Seth, with your with your you are doing everything you can to listen to Baal and respond to the the feel of the terrain beneath you. You just feel for a second, Baal and Trunks come to um an immediate halt, and you have a split second to take an action. as they are instantly stopped and you know that you are going to come crashing, but it's almost like, it's almost like matrix slow down. You have a moment where you you are conscious enough to take an action, whether that is to shout a command, whether it is to do a spell, that's your call. Wait, so basically if they have hit something and the momentum you are going to, so they are coming to an abrupt stop and you 15 feet behind them are going to do the same thing with the wagon, the same thing with the prisoner car.
But you have a split moment of sentence.
So we're all going to just pile into the back of trunks and stop. Is that the... That's what you predict is about to happen. Okay. Fuck. He's going to shout, brace, brace, we're going to crash. Something like that. And that's probably always going to get before it's going to be a... what he thinks is going to be a hit. So he'll try and grab on to the back of the C.E.'s on and try and tense himself down and shite that. um Yeah, just before it all, the impact patterns. Good luck.
like ball
Yeah, my, my role is what I was expecting it to be. I've used up on my good roles, apparently.

Ambushed by Serpents and Yuan-ti

So, uh, Emron, what did you roll? Thirteen. Thirteen? Paul, what did you roll? Four. Fuck. Seth. Ten. Alpha. Five. Reigns. I'm adding nine, but it's seven if I'm not, but that's nine. Nyx. Twenty. Everyone apart from Nyx. She sustained eight points of bludgeoning damage. Shit. Nyx, you sustained four. Four?! That fucking flipped around like a ninja. As you are all brought to this immediate stop,
What happens next? I need you all to segue to roll 20, please. Oh, shit. So on roll 20, you find yourselves in this canyon, two cliffs either side.
On top of one of those cliffs is a much higher bluff. On that higher bluff are two, and only rains you can just about make this out, are two quite clearly, I believe you're familiar with this race. um You want tea, part snake, part human figures. much closer to you all surrounding you on those immediate cliffs are four black serpents that have a figure and then seem to have this sort of warped version of themselves in multiple ways coming out of them, almost like they're displaced somehow.
Does anyone want to do anything before I ask you to roll initiative? Yes, Reigns as immediately taking that damage would have dampened the fields and his armor would have triggered and to compensate for the other eight hit points, he gets five temporary hit points. Thank you very much. Now I'll ask you all to roll initiative, please. Anybody above 20? Yes, Seth got a healthy 21. Thank you, Seth. Anyone above 15? Yes, Reigns got 16. Anybody above 10? I got 12.
And know number five. I got nine. I got seven. And ball. 91 baby. Nice. Okay. Three. It's the top of the round. The U on T on the much higher cliff are going to go first. And you watch as both of them ah are able to just throw. And again, Holy Reigns is at any sort of sight on this. They seem to be able to sort of cut through some of this this sandy cloak. ah And Seth and Emron, you're both going to get hit. Well, we'll find out if you're going to get hit.
Are we still in darkness? You are technically still in darkness. So we are we blinded? yes
Yes. Everyone, does a 14 hit your armor class? ah No, but technically they should be at advantage if we're blinded, just so you know. They should be at advantage. Yeah, because attack rolls against creatures that... and Unless they're blinded as well. Unless they're blinded as well. Thank you everyone.
Sorry. Does a 14 hit your armor class? No. Seth, does a 19 hit yours? Yes, it does. You take four points of piercing damage as this spear hits you clean in the leg and you are poisoned. Oh shit. Disadvantage on attack rolls. Disadvantage on attack rolls. And maybe ability checks, not sure. But I can't get any worse because I'm only disadvantaged if I'm blind. oh Seth, however, it is your turn.
You've just seen that out of nowhere, you've been sort of knocked off the car. You'll sort of find yourself squished now between the rump of trunks and between the car in that tiny little space in between. Bar, by the way, you have been sort of flung over the front of the car. trunks and over this rocky boulder that's sort of been blocking the path that that trunks first impacted but Seth you were on the floor this spear has just caught you in the lake and it is it is pierced but you're also feeling this burning sensation around it what do you want to do? Seth's pierced man Seth don't like this poor trunks
Everyone's finally getting along, punch your fucking snake people, come and attack on us. Bing log, let's go fuck them up. And he's going to run towards the snake through the spear and he's going to run. And as he jumps up in the air, he's going to form a third level shadow blade. And then I'm going to play some meta magic and it's not real mass magic. It's a magic with metacaming. Um, so I have double disadvantage, which just counts as normal disadvantage, right? Right. But this is technically darkness. I'm going to do a bit of columning here. yes So the shadow blade means I get advantage on attacks in dim light or darkness. However, I'm poisoned, which would negate that, wouldn't it? Simply straight rolls. However, if I chuck Penlog the other side of the snake and he yeets over the top. He doesn't stack.
but i get i'd get um ah I'm thinking they negate each other until the last one. No, so you could have a million disadvantages and one advantage and it would still be a straight roll. or You can't, they don't stack. But if I have more advantages than disadvantages... It doesn't stack. if If you are both under the effect of advantage and disadvantage, just those effects cancel each other out. You could have a million of advantages and just be disadvantaged in one way, it would still be a straight roll. Oh, so even just multiple disadvantages and what factor you can't you can't have more than one instance of being at advantage. The next one cancels the first one out, essentially.
but So that means even without paying log jumping, i it'd be a straight rolling. day The shadow blade would still make it a straight roll. Cool. well they i's talking On your way to the UINT that threw the dagger at you, there is one of those displaced serpents. So if you would want to run past that, you would invoke opportunity. Where's the display? So is it the yellow thing next to it? Oh yes, for all of your references. These are the display serpents, the things here in green. This doesn't help our listeners, I'm afraid. and a bluff But this is just an accessible version for the players. They are the yuan-ti. So the yuan-ti are on that raised bluff and there are the space beasts on that first lip of the cliff edges that surround you.
I think Seth would go with the premise of going towards the the raised area where they are because they saw the spear coming off quite a high angle. But as take steps, suddenly this thing will just appear in its its field of vision. Fuck, I'm going to hit that instead. And he's goingnna he's going to swing um swing for that just because it's the first thing that's really kind of appeared in front of him. and That's going to be a 13 to hit.
The serpent? Yes, the serpent. That hits. Okay, that's going to be 16 points of psychic damage as it whispered, your tail looks like a dick. Nice. Vicious. And you, yeah, you don't get fooled by this sort of warped duplicates that sort of come out of this core creature and you strike straight and true. Anything else you want to do with your tail? I, that's the bonus a action. Nope, I've used everything up. Oh, Peng dog won't attack. No, he's going to stick by me. I need him to close for this. Okay. So the next thing you hear is spoken from a top that, hi, Cliff top with you on TR.

Spellcasting and Battle Chaos

They speak in Draconic. So ball and alpha, I believe the only ones who are hearing this and they just say,
Get the prisoner! He must be sacrificed! Which leads us into Reigns' turn. shit
Yeah, Rains will have heard all of that and he will go, okay, you like throwing things in the dark, just give you a few more targets and see, bring up the mirror image and what's going to happen is all of a sudden the suit is just going to infuse and three versions of Rains are just going to appear outside of the suit as he casts mirror image on himself. Come and get me, you sound dipshit. It's the final thing I can say. And that's the end of my turn because that's all I can do at this stage. Any movement you can scale the clips to? Oh yeah, Rains will see Seth and we'll... Does Rains see Seth actually? Yes, so you saw Seth sort of just just enough sort of climb that first 10 feet of the cliff edge to get to that first tier and then you saw him sort of take a strike but that's all you can really glean.
like Okay, Reigns will follow in and um just find Seth and come next to Seth and then probably realize there's a giant snake in front of him and go, what the fuck? And that's the end of Reigns' turn. Thank you. Nick's, you're up. Can you just remind me what I can see? How far out? You can see about 10 feet in all direction and that's it. So all I've got to go off is the big bump from Trunks. Um, the fuck that the fact that everyone got ah apart from Nick's got thrown off or something like that. And, uh, Seth making his hurrah. Yeah. And ah you probably would have seen Seth get impaled in the leg and like there' there'll be a spray of Seth's blood on the floor in front of you. Fuck. So shit's gone down. Um.
Is Nick still on the cart? Yeah, everyone was thrown from the cart. So you were just knocked straight to the ass, but because you passed the deck save you sort of landed with a bit more grace. Okay. I'm right next to the cart by the looks of things and thus I'd be able to see trunks. So Nick's is going to stumble ah forwards and he's going to put his left hand out ah to to touch the hindquarters of trunks and use that as kind of A measuring stick in some ways has just keep going forwards with his hand against chunks. So even though he's blinded, he knows that his hands on trunks, his hands on truck, he's got 30 feet of movement. So five, 10, 15, 20. He's going to walk the whole length of trunks to see what the holdup is, what happened, what what caused this animal to suddenly stop.
um So he would see the big fucking boulder. How big is this fucking boulder? Nyx is going to stand right in front of him now. knock and Chunk still to the left of him, but he's just at the foot of the boulder. so It's like a 10 foot diameter. It's a chunky piece of rock. How far up? About the same.
Well, fuck.
It's definitely been placed. you It's definitely an ambush. It has been put there. It's not naturally blocked the road. Nix is like, oh, I've got no fucking chance of moving that by myself. ah Guys, there's a big ass motherfucking boulder here that's stopping us from going forwards. He's just going to shout out into the void. ah
Cool. So as as you sort of do that and you you keep one hand on trunks as a sort of like guideline, and then you get both hands on this boulder and you're shaping it up, it's the boulder's in front of you. And to get to that point, you've had to clamor a little bit, so you've sort of elevated yourself about two feet going over that rubble. And then you just, to the right of you, peering over this cliff edge, staring direct at you, is this huge black snake, fangs drawn about
one foot away from you, just staring into your eyes. Holy shit! One foot away from me. Yeah, like you are, you are squared up to this thing. As you're holding the boulder, and you just look slightly to your right where you can see the top of this cliff and there is this snake there. It's a big black corporal displaced snake. God damn. Only five foot, so within her touching distance. Yeah. Bollocks, this is just... i I don't know what to do. So that's the end of my go. Okay, Emron. You're up. So about 10 feet in front of me is what you say, what I can actually see. Yeah. And and I know a spear came... It sort of landed between your legs from the east. Okay, that's where I'm just going to assume that's where the danger is then.
Um, I mean, I can get that. I'm able to climb up and get next to it. I sort of moved 25 feet towards one of the displacer beasts. Yeah. So it's 10 feet up. I'm moving up as difficult terrain. Okay. So it's essentially 20 feet to climb. Okay. Yeah. yeah So you're just at that point now where you are your eyes are level with the top of that ridge, and you can see just about the shadow of a serpent-like figure to the south of you. Next to you is definitely Rains, and over Rains's shoulder you can see Seth, but Seth is raised.
Can I cast Bless? Yes, absolutely. Okay, I'm going to cast First Level Bless on um myself, Rains and Seth, because they're the only three of us we can see. Can everyone please make a note, please, that they are blessed.
Anything else? Everyone, anything else? And that's so's all I can do. Alphabet. Yes. I will, first of all, shout out to the group. They are talking Draconic. They are after Dribo. if you'll permit me. And I'm i'm assuming I can see the cart where I have been flung from. So I will make the logical assumption and start making my way towards where towards the cart where Dribbough is actually kept ye ah itself, which is obviously just behind.
do do Do I see anything when I get there? I'm basically putting myself on guard duty around Dribbough. Not in your immediate vicinity that you can see and it's too difficult to see beyond the 10 feet. Dribbo is in there. You can see from the breaks in the the the linen that is lining that inner part of the cage membrane. Other than that, you don't see anyone or anything else. Okay, fair enough then. um just as i think just I'm just going to use my bonus action and I'm going to bring beta
um into it and it's just going to rest on my shoulder. For the sake of it, I'm doing the flamethrower one rather than the um magic cannon. Okay. So the damage will be slightly different, but I'm i'm on stationary. I suppose I'll use my action where if I see an unknown come towards me, can I get beta to attack them instead of myself?
As long as you hold your... I have Dan shaking his head so I'm assuming not. If you hold your action... I don't think you can and can take reactions. It enables an action for you. Okay. But you have to have a reaction available to do it because it burns up a reaction and I don't think the cannon has reactions. No, that's perfectly fine. I will just wait there then. I'm on standby. I'll take the dodge actions just for the sake of it in case anybody comes close. Okay. Oh. It is not your turn because of your silly, silly role. It is the the serpent's turn. and regular it Seth, the one that you struck at is going to strike back at you. And you're just going to see these four black fangs go for the same leg that was just wounded.
For 21 to hit. uh shield um the spell yes okay thank you very much sorry yeah not just i'm putting a shield up um that biffs it up to uh plus five so that makes it a 23 okay Well, you're really discombobulated. You don't really know what's going on. And just as you sort of lift your head out of the sand from being flung over a boulder, you just hear to the left and right of you the movement of sand very quickly as you're hit in stereo by two. Bring it on. Next, this will provoke an opportunity attack from you should you wish.
No, I didn't withdraw my blades. Nyx is just kind of dumbfounded with the situation. And he didn't have the wherewithal to attack once greeted with the thing. If it moves away from him, he's just going to go. And he does. It sort of slithers with purpose in another direction. Sorry. And Baal, you're going to get... Does a 20 non-natural hit? It does. And a 14. 14 doesn't. Okay, you will receive... seven points of piercing damage. Okay. And then alpha. You're just going to feel something slither between your legs. And it's going to take a bite at your rump.
Biting my backside, go for it. I did.
Yes, I did use the direction. ah i get Fortunately, it's a crit. On both. On the one, because the dodge gives me disadvantage. Yeah, it's just the lower roll, isn't it? No, so I also have an advantage. Oh, I see. Because of the darkness. Oh fuck.
okay you know you said i'm going to die Alf is going to self-destruct you take 14 points of piercing damage That's painful. It's defragging. Just as you are coming to after being bitten, you look down and you see in your forearm, really deep black teeth marks. Your hand feels incredibly numb. And just as you muster the strength to stand,
That is what we're going to end this week's episode. Bellum Draconis, the Fellowship of the Tabletop Edition. Oh, damn. I'll be in a bit. I got bit on the backside. You're going to be a vampire snake. Ooh, that'd be cool. Wow. My butt will be a vampire snake boy. While we hypothesize on Alpha's butt bites, let me say thank you for joining us, make us part of the everyday week. We love you for it. Tell a friend, review us, rate, like, subscribe, all of the stuff that kids say nowadays. If you wanted to DM us, you can do so on our Twitter pages. We have a combined one, which is
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Gaming Highlights and Session Conclusion

mind blank. I just went for the first one, which is... Most most memorable one there, clearly. The d20gamer is Callum, so you're done. I've got two new buttholes. Pooh bear. Natural 20 Will. Will. Fellowship NPC PC. Darrin. Darrin Pageau 6. Darrin Pageau 6. And our glorious DM is out. Total Party Thrills. ha That was a clusterfuck of an end. like Until next time guys.