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Ep. 20 Morotah Broken Out - Bellum Draconis image

Ep. 20 Morotah Broken Out - Bellum Draconis

S2 E20 · The Fellowship of the Tabletop
112 Plays2 years ago

This episode we put the Dragon into D&D


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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade


Introduction & Setting Overview

it is nobler. Ain't mine to suffer slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. Take arms, gates to your troubles and by opposing, end out. Right. That's the Shakespeare I'd watch.
Hello, everyone. Welcome this week's episode of Fellowship at Tabletop. Bill I'm Draconis. We are live-played 5A D&D podcast set in magical worm brood world of Eryth in Kingdom of Sleepguard. My name is Mark, and I'm Dungeon Master.

Character Introductions & Humorous Anecdotes

And also with us for this week's episode, we got a new place, Tiefling Warlock, Nick Skorl. All right.
We've got Darren, who plays iAlpha Artificer, Rean Zidao. Hey, up, sweetie. Will the emu play Zooming Cleric, Imron? Hey, up, lads. Callum, who plays Warforged Artificer, Alpha. Hello, all. I'm welcoming back. Perhaps. But we're going to have introduced him anyway, because why the fuck not? We've got him here. We've got Danny, who plays R4, Kamunk, Morota, Prokon, Tusk. Bonjour.
How was your two month haircut? Did you get it sorted?
I did, I did. We got caught at Darren's balls club for a bit. I thought you said my balls club. For the ball club for Darren and the balls club for Darren. I thought you said balls club. We all heard what we wanted to hear I think from what you have. That was a self-fulfilling prophecy of a sentence. How are you Danny though?
I am fantastic. Thank you for debutizing for me Wilhelm with all of your fantastic voiceover guy spin-off, diet voiceover guy. They've been awesome. You're welcome. They're no replacement but they were a good step in and yes, thank you very much Will for doing that because it saves me another job as well which has been awesome.
But speaking of which, for the last time, at least for now, let's pass over to our resident rules consultant for our final update on what happened last week's episode of this week's... Wait, no, what? I'm getting confused. What happened on last week's episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop? Previously

Recap & Heist Plans in Goldview

on The Fellowship of the Tabletop, Bellum Draconis.
Emron, Alpha and Reinde had a heart to heart outside of the city of Goldview, while Nyx crept back into the city and passed a message to his crew to plan a heist. Sounds like an offshoot episode if you ask me. Then, travelling towards the mill, Alpha made sure that Emron was that little bit harder, infusing his shield with some artificery bullshit to make it even stronger.
Reaching the mill, they traveled around and found a trap door. Opening it, they found a tunnel going 30 to 40 feet into the ground.

Exploring the Trap Door & Rescuing Marota

The heroes, emboldened by their bravery, and because everyone can't roll stealth for shit, decided to go down the stairs without much subtlety. Nyx decided to add it to it using prestiditation and making his voice echo down the corridor.
Kicking open the wooden door, the party found a room of suffering, pain, and debauchery. With three foes that they had seen in the streets before them, the party attacked, landing some, quite frankly, ace one-liners.
Defeating their foes with Nyx making a bar a guy eat hot coals Emron setting a man on fire and Alpha shooting Reginald Buckleman in the back of the head Our heroes search the room with Nyx tapping on the Iron Maiden desperate to hear Marota's dulcid tones Fantastic, well, thank you again. Thank you very much
And with those two bung bung echoing hits that come out of this iron maiden and echo around the space, you each turn and look at each other. Next, you are the one that wrapped upon the iron maiden as you are the most primary to this situation. I'm going to pass straight over to you. In this space is lit primarily from these horrifically large kind of mini furnaces that sit in each corner.
items of death, debauchery and torture settled all over the place and the constant thick warm air filled with the iron that can only be construed as the smell of blood filling your nostrils panting still from the combat that is just seconds earlier taking place and you hear the little zipping sound of a nutcracker flying. Nutcracker? Yeah and sea flying overhead. What would you like to do?
to confirm I heard. Did I hear it? And I did, didn't I? Yeah. So, Nix will be like, awesome. Okay, we'll get you out of there. Don't go anywhere. And then Nix will call down the corridor. Guys, guys, I found her. I found Marauder. She's up here. She's locked in some sort of weird kind of voodoo metal trap thing. I don't know. I don't know. And Nix is trying to shake the- Well, can you talk to her? Is she saying anything back? What were you hearing?
And I know you're quite still far away when you come closer. I'm just trying to shake the chains and the locks.
I'm saying that if I'm coming closer, I promise, and I'm walking down the room. Just to give you a quick idea about what this Iron Maiden kind of looks like. It's a large, almost like sarcophagus stood upright. There seems to be a thin slit up near the head end of this shape, and it seems to be one solid piece of metal on the front, a seam obviously for a hinge, and then a solid piece round the back. It stood up and held in place by these large wooden beams that sit
topping the base of this kind of large sarcophagus up and open. To the right you notice a large hefty iron lock that is stuck in place on the right hand side of this iron maiden. Reigns, Reigns, I've got an idea. I can see a slip at the top there. Get down on all fours. I'm going to get on your back. Actually, no, I'm going to get on your shoulders and put me on your shoulders. Come on. I ain't very strong. Emron, Nyx wants to climb on someone's shoulders. Emron will saunter over, having stepped over the bodies.
He will look to the lock, lift up his hammer, and I'm going to break the lock. Ugh. That's not what I was talking about. Strength check, I think, isn't it? Athletics? You want athletics? Yeah, I mean, you're aiming to bruise, isn't it? No, it's not good. It's the three. As the hammer comes clanging down, it just glances off from the lock, missing and thudding into the ground. You pull it back, the hammer is fine. Your ego is not.
Oh, I see there's a lug right there. Anthony, give me that luck pick back and I'm going to try and pick the lock instead. And Nix is going to climb the Iron Maiden. Just try and climb chain by chain up to poke his eyes through the slit. So whenever that comes up.
Cool, so Rains, give me the sleight of hand roll for that then, please. Whilst Nix, could you give me a athletics check, please, to see if you can climb this rather large, eight, nine foot tall thing to get up to sea. 19. Thank you.
at natural 20 for 22. Okay, right. So this is what happens. You climb up, as you start climbing up, you definitely get to work. It's a large archaic lock, very easy once you know what you're looking for to pick and you manage to get it off nice and quickly. Nick, you're still climbing at this point, trying to get your eyes in London in view of it. You finally do get up there and you're kind of up on the shoulders of it looking through. Are you aiming to look through, is it, Nick?
look through it so um whomever would be on the inside i've got really really freaking good dark vision would just see these bright kind of almost cat green eyes kind of peering through and as you peer through dunny what might nyx see of morota stood inside
Is that little eye window the only source of incoming light? Is it sort of sealed elsewhere? Yes, it is absolutely. But with his night vision, he would be able to see through that darkness. Am I bound?
No, but your arms and legs are kind of stuck in position given the position of the sarcophagus. It's designed to hold you in place to form as another form of torture. Sort of what, starfish? Arms down, arms down, yeah. So it's like a sarcophagus. It's like almost shaped around your shoulders as well to kind of keep you kind of wedged in position. Then Nix would just see two sandy yellow eyes slowly
open, and then as though no light has seen them for a very long time, the pupils would just massively dilate. Well that's her, that's her! And then Nix puts his mouth towards the slits. Don't worry Marota, we're coming to get you out, don't move! And that echoes through like a gramophone almost through. Guys, it's actually her! Where are we on getting her out? Oh it locks off, if you get off there we can get this open.
Oh, and then Nick's would jump down. All right, who's opening it? Raines is weak as shit. So he's going to start trying to push it and then go, give me a hand with this food. It sounds like you muted him around, but give me a hand with this thing anyway.
Sorry, it must have been a smoking room, it was for me lungs. And then Monal helped open it. OK, yeah, and it does manage to, it creaks and groans. You can tell by the debris that it captures on the way out, she's been in there for a bit. You manage to push this thing open and you see Marota there, stood in what is the remains of her kind of armouring clothing that she was previously wearing.
eyes drooping slightly, and as it opens she starts to fall forward. Like, next we'll try and rush and hug slash catch. It's more of a hug because as soon as the door opens, like a puppy, next we'll run forwards and try to hug. Um, I'm not stronger.
I'm not strong enough to catch Marota. So... I'm going to say you break the fall slightly and you're like starting to get help. You're going to start to go as well unless anyone jumps in. I think if I see Nick's coming at me towards in a hugging motion, I'm going to try and bat him away with a forearm as I'm falling out of it. All right, roll to hit. No. Is that what you... As in you want to... Just bat him away. Just hear this, Marota.
Okay, yeah, roll to hit. Even if it's just like a slap, we'll give it. I'm gonna imbue with a bit of disadvantage as well, please, Danny, if that's all right, given that you have been imprisoned. By a bit of disadvantage, I mean, no more disadvantage. Only a slight bit of disadvantage. Ah, disadvantage. I hope those rolls are coming through. Not onto D&D Beyond, but you rolled a... Not onto roll 20. That's a 12 with your lowest hit, I think. 12 is my...
Uh, next, does that hit? Um, no. Okay. So you try and bat him away and your palm reaches out and just kind of, I think that's his cheek and he lets it kind of slide. Um, goes in for the hug anyway. Um, hugs slash catches your legs buckling.
and you start to give way. He does catch you and stop and does break your fall, but he's going to continue to fall as he can't carry the kind of the musculature that is a half-orc. I've got you! I don't got you! Chit! Chit! And Ronald then reach out and arm underneath my rotas just to sort of help ease it to the floor with a bit of digging tea rather than belly flopping onto Nick's.
Nice. Yeah, you managed to do that and you kind of place her down more gently and down. Meritor, you are obviously conscious, you are awake, but you're just...
very much weakened and there's no direct, as the others look over you, no direct damage of torture or damage particularly to you except that you have been emaciated and stuck in a position in a way that you have not been treated, you can't move, you haven't been able to exercise, you haven't been able to do the things that you're
your orc ancestry wants you to do, which is move, and your profession, which is used to do in terms of being a monk, which is fight and exercise, and none of those things have been possible, so you're just a bit, yeah, weak. I suppose what's my last memory before going into confinement? Before confinement is you remember a street, you remember crossbows,
You remember shouting and screaming, and you remember red leather armor, a smile being dragged through the streets, and then a series of darkness of hoods, of voices, the smell of sulfur, and then darkness, more darkness. You think, or you might have dreamt, but you think there was a time where you fought back, and then you remember this.
Metal, a metal cage, and no lights. And it's been that way ever since. You have no idea, concept of time either, how long it's been. It could, you literally have no concept of time. It could have been months. It could have been minutes. No idea. So just eyes still at the floor, not looking at any of the party. Where are we?
We're outside of Goldview Lass in a den for a group known as the Jade Blood Drops, but take a few minutes. All's okay. We've got you. Anyone have any water or...? Aye, aye, and M1 also. Get his pouch. He's got some water on him. Take this, take it easy, not all at once.
I instinctively take it all at once. Nix is walking around you and just kind of brushing off all the dirt and the blood and the sweat. Could you give me a constitution saving throw, please Danny, just for the speed of which you've just consumed that water? Yes. Sorry, you're very good. Since they're poisoned. Ultimate kill move. You know, it's like when you dehydrate, you don't drink too much water at once, otherwise you're vomiting it back up, don't you? Same with food as well, isn't it? If you're starving, you know.
If watching Band of Brothers you can literally eat yourself there. Told me anything.
Shout out for Band of Brothers, by the way. Sorry, what was that? Nine. You take these massive gulps of water, and even though you tell yourself, just take a sip, you can't help it as your body just involuntarily takes on this water, and you drink, drink, drink, and then you feel yourself cough, you move the skin of water away, and then you just vomit the water back out onto the floor as this puddle forms under you. You retch, and it's nothing, nothing comes out except the water again.
This tells you you might not have eaten in a while either. Easy, easy. I'm going to let you clean yourself up actually. Right, let's just take it one step at a time. Alpha, range, nix. Let's try and find Marota's gear. I'm sure she wants it back. Absolutely. Yeah, sure, sure.
And then we sort of crouched down next to Morota, just now. Small steps last, come on. Why was I in there? You were, as far as we know, this group known as the Jade Blood Drops, they were looking for someone known as the Valkyrie, some kind of
Dralak assassin apparently and they for some reason thought you Were this Valkyrie and they were convinced without Any doubt and we did all we could in that street to stop them from taking you, but they laid all of us low They said they thought I was someone called the Valkyrie and
They did, aye. The person who's wanted posters are all over town? Aye. Why? Dunno, they thought you were this famous assassin. I don't know. And then we're going to take you back to Dralak as far as we were aware. Yeah, they're quite sure it was you. Nick says that you hear things being chucked around the room. On what grounds? Because I'm from the same country.
No idea, Lass. We... Someone helped us out. A man called Sir Tana Barry. And he was... He said that you bared no resemblance to this Valkryth, or...? Is there anyone who would want you back in Dralak? Because they were quite adamant on you going unharmed, but going to Dralak. I don't know. I have enemies, I suppose, but...
Not well-funded ones. While that conversation is going on, Nix, you've been searching through the room, and are you checking just for Murata's belongings? Are you checking corpses? Anything else that's around? I mean, Nix being Nix, so he's looking for Murata's belongings, but if there's something shiny that takes his fancy, he will also be on the lookout for that, because everything's an opportunity.
very true and you come across a number of things firstly you come across 21 copper pieces 19 silver pieces and eight gold pieces this is an amalgamation of corpses and money that's on tables etc or money that's on a specific table covered in blood
You also find in the corner of the room nearest the set of armor, a small box, within that box are a number of belongings of someone, of theirs, of victims, of people. A couple of items stand out in particular. There are four unusual coins that don't seem like they match anything. They seem almost bronze in color and don't match anything that you've seen on the high seas of your journeys anywhere. So four of them.
You find a deck of playing cards, a string of wooden beads, and a really small ebony bone whistle that has a thin string chain around it. It's obviously worn around someone's neck at some point. You also, as you're searching through this, it's quite low to the ground at this point. And as you're just searching through, you're looking through and you notice this
a patch of seeds that's there as well. They look almost like sesame seeds as someone's snack or something. You notice also a pair of dice. And as you're reaching around, looking around in this and taking whichever of those you really want,
Your hand pauses for a second. Your left hand pauses as your right hand searches. You notice looking back, it's very small, but very calm looking translate. Just crawl across your hand and then crawl off and continue its adventures elsewhere. You also notice a small pouch of chalk.
You rolled very well. I mean, you rolled to 20. That's a natural 20. I know natural 20 don't count well, but it's still 20 nonetheless. And you also- He was just about to say it. He was just about to say it. He was ready. What I was actually going to say was I can't believe that Marx has given Nix the deck of many things.
I don't know what that is. Let's play gin rummy everyone. Search through the bodies especially and on the body of Reginald Buckleman, the name that we totally have made up is a note. This note seems to be written as you open it up on incredibly expensive paper. It's also written in a cursive that doesn't look neat at all. It's a scroll.
And that really stands at odds. You'd think shit paper, shit handwriting, expensive paper, very expensive, cursive handwriting. This is a real mismatch. And this paper is like, like legit GSM. Like you could, you know, you met business cards from this stuff. Like I'm imagining it's top of the top line. If you go in for interest of paper. Anyway, upon the notes is what's probably more important than the GSM of the paper. And it says thus,
The third moon travel east to the desert along the abandoned road. Cross your human border. One day's walk through the sands following the mountain. Camp for the night near the crystal hills. I will know you from this. Bring her to me. Your payment will be an allocation from my hoard. I have sent them Bala to oversee.
If your treachery comes to fruition, if you choose to turn on me as so many of your kin do, he will not hesitate. He will not give mercy. Follow me or your soul will burn. It's not signed off by anyone underneath him.
Could you put that in the notes please? Yeah, don't worry. That was a lot of information to try and write now while you were talking. Yeah, if you could put that in the quest log, that'd be great rather than having to... Nix will just take that note and put it to the coals and just set it alight.
And then you put it on there and it goes I'm sorry, you can't drop this item Yes, I'm just trying to put it in the What are you doing our folks I asked you to do something in those travels I
Just while we're here, in those travels did I find Marota's Stuve? Oh yeah, he did as well. Sorry, I forgot about that. Right, awesome. So Nick's little satchel and everything else that was put in that is off to the side.
Amazing. So Nick's will pocket the eight gold. He will pocket the deck of cards. The box that was full of the four coins bronze that he's never seen before. He's going to put around his neck, the whistle. And he's also going to take the dice and the chalk. And then he's going to he's going to take Marotta's stuff, the bag and the armor. He's going to take the note with him back to the group with a furrowed brow.
I found your stuff, Marota. I've also found a couple of other items. There's some coins here. You never say I don't share. There's 21 copper and 19 silver there. I found these anal beads. I think you would love these reins. And Nix comes over and he puts them around you. There's some seeds here, Alpha. I'm sure you would love them.
And I've found this note as well. And Maro, here's all your stuff as well. And he's going to hand Emeron the note, but then probably just before he gives it to Emeron. Can you read? I can read. It'd be fine. OK, awesome. And then hands it to Emeron. Emeron, look at the note. Raines, you probably should have a look at this. Very nice.
Um, just as, uh, distributing, uh, stuff. Presumably I've got a couple of things. It's not just easy, just to hand me a tiny bag. Um, uh, while I'm taking things off next, I'm just going to say very quietly to you. Are you hurt? I'm better now. And then I'm not going to say anything else. Uh, and one all.
I've gotten up, just letting Marota look after herself. Did you say there was another door, Mark? There was. There is. I'd like to go and investigate the door, please. Okay, roll investigation, please. Well, when I say investigate the door, is it locked?
Oh, you don't mean investigate. You mean just look, okay. The door is made of wood. So when I say investigate, I don't want to know what it's made of and how big it is. So when you say investigate, you don't want to investigate it. You want to look at it. No, sorry. Wrong choice or work. I wish to interact with the door, please. I'm going to press the interact button. I'm sorry, you're not close enough. Yeah, so the door is a wooden door, but could you give me a perception check, please? Yeah.
Not a p-section, a per-section. Uh, 9 on a passive of 13. Take your passive, because it's quite loud as you get close. You hear the unmistakable noise, two unmistakable noises. Firstly, you hear a gurgling of what can only be described as someone
choking or gurgling on something wet like they're gargling water like in their mouth you also hear the unmistakable low rumble of something inhuman on the other side of this thin wooden door okay
Is there any way to, are there any gaps in it or anything like that that I can look through? Give me an investigation check. Yeah, of course. Now we should investigate the door. Now you want to investigate it. So it's a nine again. There's a, I mean, there's a, there's a lock, there's a keyhole. So, I mean, even with nine, you're going to notice a damn keyhole. Yes, there's a keyhole. There's no key in keyhole, in keyhole, and you can't look through keyhole. And
you see through the very limited scope that you can see in a keyhole. A man wearing very similar red leather armor to your chap that you pressed coals into the mouth of. Well, I didn't. Well, your party did. You were partly responsible. Lying face up on his back, on the floor, directly in front of the door, probably about five feet in front of the door, with most of his face and skull missing.
The sound of the gargling is coming from what can only be described as the remains of his esophagus. As you try and kind of lower yourself in the door to look further into the room, you can't see much else apart from that. Okay. Imran sort of stands up and goes, don't know what's through this door, but either we can have a look because there's one of them jade bud drops.
currently choking on his own blood. And I can hear something else, but I don't know what it is, or we can just leave. Without saying anything. Well, Nix is muted, but he basically trans. Ian did that, and I don't know what that meant. I don't know what that did. Shouldn't we heal Morota first? Anyone?
Yeah, hold on one second. Take your sex toy back, Dix. And as I throw the anal beads back towards him, NC is going to jump out of the bag of holding again and is going to land on Marota. Just pause and then dissipate a cure wound into Marota. Should it be required? That Mark's picking his bum, so he's not noticing. Picking my bum.
It's very slowly rolling for a terrible roll. It's not come from roll 20 yet, but it is awful. I promise you. Three. Yep. I'll take it. I'll take it. Well, it's four points of healing. Sorry.
For the meta that needs to be done with this Marota, I've given you a point of exhaustion.
But in terms of health, I'm not sure what you were at previously. I was on seven, so I'm now on 11. That's fine. That's kind of roughly where I want you anyway. And that's not your max, is it? No. Yeah, good. Yeah, that's what I want. Okay, cool. Absolutely fine. Okay, so when...
everyone says, what do we wanna do? I will instinctively just stand up and start to head towards the door and then just give a nod to Raines as he helps me out. I'm just gonna take a deep breath. I'm just gonna say, is it a push or pull? Can I see which side of the door the hinges are? Yeah, sure, yeah, it's a push. Okay, and I'm just gonna boot it with the bottom of my heel. Give me a strength check, please.
or athletics. Now with the Singapore, I can't remember the exhaustion. Disadvantage on the skill. First one's a 20, second one's a nine. Your foot buckles as it hits the door and kind of falls to the ground. You still hit the door, bang, that makes a noise, but the door doesn't kind of move off its hinges. Taking Marotta's lead,
push the door open. As in you're just opening it or you're kicking it again? Well, I might, I might, maybe I might use my hammer to try and see. If it didn't budge, everyone's going to assume it's locked. So he's going to sort of aim for his hammer sort of near the lock. Okay. Try and bust it off. All right, roll to hit. No, yeah, roll to hit, give me a hit. Nine, I'll get to the animate object.
Yeah, I'll give you it, I'll give you it, I'll give you it. Otherwise, you're just going to spend all day here twatting a wooden door. Yes. You take it. The AC shouldn't be really much higher than five or six, should it? Anyway, yes, you managed to hit the lock and the lock flies into the room. You echo off into the room. The whole mechanism falls into the room and the rest of the door
just swings about two feet open and the stops as it thuds against something. And you can all see into this room and see it's thudded against a pair of legs that are lying across the door. You can't see where the legs end or what's left of the body because it's obviously blocked by the door. You can also see a little bit into the room and you can instantly make out that this is some kind of dormitory room. There's a series of beds you can see just with the slit in the door at the moment. Aside from that, the room is relatively dark.
But it seems to go deep into the rest of the space. You can't see anyone's hammers still lit by the way Okay, you can see a little bit more then but yeah because it's only led us a slight angle You can see a wall you can see a couple of beds, but aside from that nothing else Can we see the the corpse the red armored corpse bleeding out You can see the feet of that. Yes feet of that
Right, let's have a look then. Push

Encounter with Danbala & Quest Proposal

the door open further and go in. Unless Marota wants to. No? No, no, go for it. You push the door open.
This is a long, deep room, lit with a number of small sconces around the edges. There are probably a dozen beds, hammocks, et cetera, spaced around the space. Yet a few of the beds have been overturned. You notice directly in front of you is the corpse of one victim with its head, its face, bitten kind of half off. You notice to the right and to the far end of the room two additional corpses.
One arms and legs have been removed, the other seems to have been toyed with for some time before being pinned up on the wall by the chest through a spear that had also been stuffed into the wall and then a corpse placed upon it. By looking around, figuring out what has done this, your eyes very, very, very quickly dart to the figure in the middle of the room, curling around,
A dark blue hue in the semi-darkness in the middle of the room wraps a small blue dragon wormling.
Its coiled tail fits around itself as it almost turns itself slowly around in a circle once, twice, three times before its head, yellow eyes, and pearly white teeth that seem to almost crackle with energy as it opens and glares towards you, turns as you enter the room. It looks at you, Emrom. Are you the only to enter so far? So far? No, I'll be in. And Morata.
its head turns quite kind of jerkingly as it looks at you to almost velociraptor-esque, I'm thinking original Jurassic Park here, as it looks at each of you as you enter into the room, or five of you making direct eye contact as you walk into the room. It doesn't move apart from that. Morita? So I'll step, I'll place a hand on Emron's shoulder, because I think Emron will probably enter the room first, given that, and then I'm just going to take
five, 10 feet into the room. And I'm just going to announce in Draconic, are you my captor or are you captive too? The dragon turns and this slightly head moves back for a second as it takes on that this figure can speak its native tongue.
It retorts, however, in common. I am here for one reason. They have failed. Who? I'll say back in Draconic. Its head moves as it nods towards the corpse it's hung up on the wall. Then,
Do you wish to be free? Its teeth are bad, big as it kind of shivers through its body. No one can control the blue dragons. I agree. You are the one they called Valkyrie, no? Aye.
But you are the one that is called Morota, yes? Aye. Your friends are more powerful than I first thought. Than that of my master, too. I am Danbala. Blue dragon wyrmling to my master. As I dart to each of you, and then for a second lands on Nyx.
It takes two deep steps. You are one of the arachnid. No. Hey, now, let's set the name call in. I could call you a lizard, but I'm not going to. I am confused. Dost thou not understand me? You have to use very small words with him.
I don't understand what's going on. You are one of the... You know all about sex toys and all about much else so you have to be real, kinda. Silence! You are one of the spider folk, no? You reek of them. Uh... No. I'm a Tiefling?
The horns, the tail. You do reek throw next. I mean, yeah, but do you know what a spider smells like? I don't. I think you're a little bit turned around here. Maybe the lack of sunlight and general outdoor. Outdoors is really good. Like, we've got a passageway that we've found if you need to go up and spread your wings. Might do you some good.
Rakhna, some yoga that you think I cannot get out of here is an insult and an arrogance that I will not hold back. I am not here out of no choice of my own. I come with an offer. I mean, technically, we came to you.
growls low and his wings unfurl large in a sign of just sheer dominance as the wingspan fills the side of the room as it kind of stands itself up on its hind legs. Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep. You came to us. You came to us. How about we do this? You leave us alone and we'll leave you alone and we'll all go our separate ways, yeah? We could all be friends here. You're from Dralak, aren't you? Yes.
You're the one they're talking about in Goldview. Said about treasure and whips. Shakes his head slowly. I am hoardless. I am weak. I am not worthy. I am not the one they speak of. My master is... Do you know the one they speak of? I do think he said it was his master. Ah.
Let's hear your offer. Five moons ago, if not before, my master bad these insolent fools to visit upon you, find a group worthy and bring them to him. They chose you, Marota, you and these people that are with you.
They failed, they fell to treachery and greed looking for bounty in Dralak over the almighty power of a dragon's horde. I come to you with the same offer.
Follow the southern road to the dustlands below. Find my master in the sands and crystal tunnels, and he will bestow upon you wealth and power. If you would visit and hear his plea, his... Do not interrupt me.
I'm just wondering if you could define the wealth and the power part. If you do not know the wealth and the power of the dragons, then maybe you, Arachnadi, are not worthy. Maybe I'm not, but then again, you came to us, as you said, so it must be quite important. If I can interject Dan Balor,
We, obviously we turn up and we've been, you've then said your master will reward us. But what do we have to do to get this reward? Seems a bit one sided if we just turn up and get given stuff. You will not be given stuff for no reason. Right. There will be, he stops for a second. My master has had some setbacks.
This horde has been plundered by weaker forms, by those that wish to take his position deep in the crystal tunnels below the Dralak Hills. There are other forms, other dragons at play here.
You will be the beginnings of a force he will use to take back power in the southern hills of Sleetgard and northern Drolak. In return, if you help him gather what he needs, he will repay you tenfold in gold power.
Or indeed, he will unfurl his own wings, take to the skies and destroy what you wish. But that is not a choice I can make. I, not a choice I can make. That is not my position, I am but the messenger.
And just so we're clear on what's happened here, he sent these jade blood drops to bring us, but for some reason they decided to betray your master and instead trying to take Marauder in here for bounty. Is that what you're saying? The Mistrka for some other form that I am not interested in and nor is my master. But yes.
You are correct in your assertion. And then they faced a death that is too quick and too worthy for them. But time is against me. What say you? I mean, it sounds like
On one hand, we get power and, well, tenfold. On the other hand, burn alive. I will not kill you. I have the need for it. Just know this. The hills to the south. Pass the border. Find the crystal tunnels. That is where my master resides. He will live an eternity beyond you.
He can wait a few more days or months if need be. I do not keep him waiting years for his vengeance will be swift on those who betrayed him. Well, thank you for to offer. I'm sure we will gladly discuss it.
in a more convenient location that ain't underground. We've got the details word for word that this one here has got perfect memory. Now point to Alpha. Is this like a thing where we need to commit to now or is this a... Okay. He looks towards Emron. Unite. Perhaps reconsider Arachnadi.
remove the weakness from your group and then come and then it's going to look up towards the sky and you all feel the hairs all over your body your skin your head your eyebrows everywhere start to kind of stand on end you feel goosebumps encircle your flesh arms legs everywhere as you feel a slight rumble in the ground all around you you feel
and static in your hands and in your fingers and Marota if your hand is on the shoulder of M runners you pull it away you get a little static shot between the two of you as this beast seems to draw on a deeper electric energy as it opens its mouth it looks up pushing a hole bursting a hole through the 30 feet up five six seven eight nine ten feet wide gap appears letting a shaft of light shine in down upon this creature
It stands, stunted, yet still impressive, up on its hind legs. Not in an aggressive way, but just in a look how fucking impressive I am way. You notice scars across its belly and across its eye, its left eye. As it stands there for a second, it looks across you all and just says, to the self, he will make it worth your while mortals.
considerate the wings I'd fell in one two big fads they take off and he pushes himself up through the whole kind of scuttling up using his arm his claws to put himself up and the wings to beat up it blocks the light for a second and then suddenly is gone well that

Alain Felfort's Request for Help

was unexpected ah what do you make of that alpha yeah what do you think alpha
I'm not too sure. There's a drug imprisoned. You can all go fuck yourselves. Shit, I forgot you were here. You got through the door a bit late. A lot of things have happened since you've been gone. I was distracted by this individual in need of aid still out in the previous room. He's still there. Oh shit, we forgot about him. Hello.
Hello there.
Can you hear me? Are you walking back out to see this chap? Okay, you notice a guy in what can only be described as kind of rags, a white tattered t-shirt that's now gray in color and some black trousers that are way, way, way too small for him. He looks about in his mid-30s. He has long, straggly black hair and just face full of beard, but unkempt is like thin, frail, wispy, wired as he looks slowly up out of his hands, finally up towards you.
He looks at you and his hands and body is shaking. Are you okay, sir? Are you okay there, friend? You take this one, Alpha. You take this one. Who are you? We are friends. My name is Alpha. Are you in need of aid? It's a food. Have you got any food?
I'm afraid I do not require sustenance. Does anybody here have food? I've got some rations you can have for it, and I'll give him one of my rations. Are you cold? Do you want someone to drink? I can heat you up. I can make you some tea or some coffee. Just water, please. Thank you. Give him a water skin. He takes a big gulp of water and stops and hands it back, and it seems to have calmed. He's shaking slightly.
Are they dead? Are they gone? They're gone. Yes. Oh my god. I'm going to glance at Alpha. I think my friend here was just about to find out your name. Where, Alpha? That would be an intelligent idea. What is your name, sir? My name is Alain Felfort.
Thank you. You feel... Am I... Am I free? What was that noise? Just now, through the door, what happened? We told you you'd freak out. Sorry, Alfred. I said I'd let you have this. I'm going to stop in the room. You're both out of note. I don't talk at all. So here I am, trying to lead a conversation. You keep butting your ass in. Stop arguing, please. I'm sorry. I just... My apologies, madam. Madam? Sorry. I'm a man. I've got a bitch.
Yeah, you did play that. My apologies, sir. Don't just assume my gender. A lot of you organic creatures look very similar. He pulls a perplexed face. Actually, could the other one come back, please? I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what. Why don't I? I think, Alpha, now what you're going to say is, are you in need of any healing? Are you in need of any healing? No.
Okay, good. Looks and reads now about what do I say next? Where are you from and do you need help getting back there? Where are you from and do you need help getting back there? Following inclinations and all of this. In the slightest way, I just need the door and I'll walk. You seem a bit odd in the nicest possible way. Very good fighter. The contraption you have is great but
I think I'll just, I'll just head out if that's okay. Thank you for the food and water. You are most welcome. So now, Alfie, you have to turn to page nine to find your next response and then... How many social interactions has Alfie had with people who actually definitely need help? How many social interactions has Callum had?
While they're doing that, everyone's just going to have a quick rummage around the barracks room. Yep. And you find a couple of other little things in the room. You find a blood stained map of the local area. You find a little pendant of stained glass and a kind of strange clockwork
device that looks a bit like a box clock, but I don't know, it makes no sense to you. It's full of cogs and stuff, but it's not working at the moment. Nothing's taking over. There's also a shopping list of a number of assorted fish related items and a necklace of animal teeth along with 13 gold pieces and 12 silver. Cool.
It was also at the far end of the room on the left, another door. Oh, I didn't even see that. I'll go and investigate that door. Is Marota still with me? Yes. Yes, I am. M1 will look to Marota and go, well, while they're doing that, shall we make sure police don't have anything else? I mean, what's going to be hidden next? Oh, next sister over there as well. Yeah, I'm here still. I'm just a bit confused over just what transpired.
I think the dragon gives a job offer. Yeah, it was more the, uh, the pointed comments towards myself. That, uh, gets a calling new spider boy, didn't it? Yeah. Can you climb walls? Ah, not without. Like I can. Perhaps it has something to do with the patron. Uh, well, that wasn't a spider. My patrons him.
No, no, no, I'm not your patron. I'm just the one that, you know, is trying to make sure you- And it's a horseshoe, it's not like a spider's web. Thing doesn't make sense. Anyway, let's go take a look at other door while Spyboy there decides what he's doing. All right. I prefer Spider-Man and I will follow you because you are my patron. So, Emron, Alpha, sorry, Emron, Morota and Tom Holland are walking down towards the bottom left.
As you open it up, what you notice is a series of empty cells. There's one very large one to the left, and then four to the right, separated out, separated down. All of them are now empty, save one of them, which contains within it a corpse, a fettered, rotted corpse that is long, long been deceased, and has with it a kind of eye-wateringly, mouth-wateringly,
a kind of pungent tone to it. It sits crouched in the corner of one of the cells. There is no very little light along here. So I imagine, Emron, you take your hammer down with you as you look down that series of cells that are down there. But there is no one alive and nothing worth from your looking around, worth taking from those cells. OK.
Everyone will look and be like, I think we should just leave this there, don't you? Maybe let's just go. Are there any more of the jade blood drops? No, there's nothing we can do for folk. You know, I've just realised something very strange. Go on.
Call me a detective, but they call themselves the Jade Blood Drops. I get the blood drops part, but I ain't seen no Jade. Well, it's all about their tattoo on the side of their neck. But you'd think that it would be about the stone. I don't know, maybe it's... I added that mix where they're all called Jade. Maybe. Maybe it's a family. You've murdered our whole family.
I'll tell you what, why don't you ponder on that for a little while and let you know what else you detect. The well is deep, Marota. You might be some time then. I hear that if M. Ron commands that you just sit in a corner and think about that, you have to do it. It doesn't go that far, but let's not test it.
And one will have shut the door. Is the horseshoe still intact? I'm just sort of glancing to see if it's... Oh, it's in her pockets on my round. OK. I assume the horseshoe covenant is still in effect. You will hear in your mind, yes, it is, and I've learned some new stuff. That's really creepy, Nix. But Nix is looking at you with a big smile, just nodding his face, nodding his head.
You're not the only one in there, so get lost. Everyone will be looking for the two of them, and be like, right, I'll leave you two to this. And everyone will head back into the main room. All right. Are you hurt at all?
No, no, I did some cool things. I played with some fire. But no, I'm not hurt. I'm not hurt. They're still an interesting bunch. I won't say more than that for now. OK. Well, thank you for coming to get me. Always. You're my friend. I don't know why I was captured. I don't know why me.
Doesn't make any sense. I was going to say, did you have any inclination as to why they chose you? You've been here a lot longer than me. I don't know if I just assumed you'd created some enemies along the way. Not that you create enemies. You've got a very sunny disposition, but you know, it's just have enemies, but no one this well funded or. You know. I.
Nothing made sense or didn't feel right until I saw that dragon. And that's the first time I've ever spoke that language. Draconic, right? Yes. Something in my head was telling me that it was Draconic. See, the thing is, I've never learned that language. Oh.
I just... Well, literally, just until you spoke it right now, you've never spoke... No, I've known it for a while. I've just never met a dragon to speak it to. I just woke up one day and I knew how to do it, you know? Like, I never put the time in that. It's... I can't exp... I don't know. Maybe you got a patron like me, but I couldn't do a load of the stuff that I couldn't. No. I've said too much.
Oh, I'm... I'm always here, Moro too, if you... Yes, I know, and it's really fucking annoying. I know, but sometimes people like that. I don't understand the social norms of how far you're meant to be apart from each other and how... how much... I just... I'm really excited to meet your other friends that you keep telling us about. Yeah, me too. It's gonna be a good day. In fact, I... in your mind, you hear, there's a job
Coming up, that's worth 565 gold. But it's not with this crew. Don't mention it to Emron. It's with the Esmeralda's crew. If you want in, you just have to nod your head. But for the love of God, don't talk about it to anyone else.
And next again, just kind of giving you wide eyes, big smile as he's kind of pushing this thought into your mind. I'm not going to nod, but I'm just going to raise an eyebrow and walk back into the other room. Spider-Man. Hmm.
Wouldn't it be funny? Can I stick on walls? And Nix was just going to walk over to the wall and just kind of palm it to see if anything happens. And you start to... No, nothing happens. You just high-five the wall a few times. I'm back! Still got the moves. It'd be really funny if Nix, what Nix was doing, was actually broadcasting his mind thoughts that everyone is really... Could of. Imagine that. He's only just gotten control of this, might not. Mark? Yes, sorry.
When I'm in the main room, I'm going to have a look at the suit of armour. I was going to get to you before that while you were down in the corridor. I was already on that. Alright. Okay. Rains, what do you want to do with that suit of armour? I would have just turned my attention to it.
Alpha, we've really got to work on the way that you talk to people. You're learning. No, I didn't help there, I suppose. Anyway, this harm is fascinating. I'm going to pull out a Rubik's Cube and throw up one of the images of the suit of armour that I had the night before.
Oh that's interesting. I'm going to go over to the suit of armour and I'm just going to start looking at it and see if any of it is loose, any of it can come away and just have a look at it. Just whatever it is. It's an old human set of armour. It's by the looks of things full plate. Heavy. Old though. A bit rusty. Probably not good to use in its current state.
all of it comes off if you wanted it. Oh, this is just absolutely stunning. Oh, I'm having this. I'm gonna just take it and just start taking it piece by piece and just putting, just literally lobbing bits of it in the bag of holding. This is, oh, oh, Alfred, I can, I'm excited about this. This is, look at it, it's fucking dreadful, it's brilliant. And I'm just gonna start lobbing bits of it into the bag of holding. It's actually fucking rusty, Alfred.
I actually think this is brilliant, and I'm just going to keep taking it. Fantastic. Is there anything else anyone else wants to do? I assume we all kind of come back into the room whilst Rains is losing his shit over some rusty armour. You've seen the armour as well then, Rains? Yeah, it's rusty as fuck, but I think it's brilliant. We can probably fix that, you know. Oh, I mean to try. I mean to try, Emeril. I might need your help though. I'm just going to keep taking bits of it off and lobbing it into the bad holding.
I don't know how good you are wearing clay, but alright. Well, I might surprise you. And then Steve's just picking up some of the smaller bits, like he's just dragging a gauntlet across to the bag of holding and he's just dropping it in. Oh, thank you, Wednesday. You get the boots, they're probably like, oh no, they look quite heavy. You can't smell those, so you can help with that, because oh god, they do stink. I'm just continually putting stuff in the bag of holding.
You eventually get most of the, all the armor into the Bag of Holding and there's a lull as you kind of look from one another to another. What do you want to do now? Right, shall we get out of here? Please, I'm dying to see the sun again or the moon, just anything. I'm going, but where are we going?
outside to see the sun or the moon? Yeah, I mean beyond that really. Well, we'll look out of Goldview now. Yeah, we're no longer in the city, we're still in the sleep guard, but we are not in the city, that is true. Have you all concluded your business in Goldview?
That's not words. Again, you, no words. I know, I know. It's the sound of indecision. I think Raines needs to work on his social interaction, much like myself. That is weird, Alfred. That is good. Save that in the memory bank. It's weird. Oh, good. I got someone right. We could always head towards that keep. If we were looking for a place to stay,
Then that keep, that adventurer were offered to us, could be a place for us to go. It's also worth noting that that dragon thing that we just heard about, that fella, the nervy fella in that shop with the creepy in the basement, he knew things about that big master dragon and could provide us some important context.
I mean, are we doing that? Are we going for the unimaginable... I don't know, but the guy in the shop who seemed quite nervous, seemed to know a lot about Wild Heart, and he also seemed to know a lot about the dragon in Dralak that was Horde and Treasure, which we also blew, which seems to match the description. I like it. I

Conclusion & Listener Acknowledgment

too, I'm interested. If it's all the same, I don't really feel comfortable going back to Goldview, so...
I'll happily wait if you need to pop by or we could just part ways here. It's been a real ride. Well, that said to anyone know how far away that gold port keep is, is it? And I'm going to look at the map that I picked up. Is it on their map?
As you look over it, it's very much a haphazard map. You notice there is a keep, an etching of a keep further along the Union Pass Road, further along almost the same distance on this very crude map. The distance from Goldview to the mark, which is an X on the map, which you've concluded is your current location, given they didn't want to obviously make a big deal of their location, advertise their location.
And then there is a keep, I don't know if it's the keep, a keep noted further down the road and to the north, probably another days or half days travel. Maybe. I mean, we're talking about estimates here. They did say that Goldport keep were a long union pass road, didn't she? Alpha. I can check my notes.
What it does sound about, right? I hope he's like doing that thing where you can see the memory bank whirling like a tape deck. I think it takes him. I mean, I've checked my notes. I'll see what Alfa's notes say.
So it's not like you chose a character that's got a perfect memory. Yeah. I chose a character that had sage. It basically means a DM when I can't remember. NC is going to appear on your shoulder like the old Microsoft cat, you know, that used to be on my word. It appears you're having problems with your memory. It's the paperclip. There's no problem breaking battles, but when it comes to remembering stuff,
In one out the other.
Maybe it's like... You know what? Let's just say, Will's right. I've got it in down here. No, because that's not what we do. Don't just make cannon. Don't just try and develop cannon. That's what I do. I make... To be fair, I do have the player's handbook here, which says, the stage background has the perfect memory until it decides it just wants to say that Will's right. Unfortunately for you, Callum, that is not the location of Goldport Keep. Goldport Keep is out on the high road.
So, hang on, gold port keepers on the high road follow the path, take a ride, there's a dip in the ground. Yeah.
So not out on Union Pass, is the question I was asking you in character. Done in episode 12. Don't look so impressed with yourself, Calum, that took you a good five minutes. No, it just takes me a fucking long time to find him. I've done more notes and campaigned in the first 20 episodes than I did throughout the entirety of my last campaign. That's what you get. I'd like to think that just as he comes back with that information, we're already gone and outside, and he just comes back and no one's there. Oh my, where is everybody?
Yeah, so we have back up the steep steps after that lovely comedic moment and to see what can only be described as a rather breathtaking beautiful sunset off in the distance over the barren hills of Kethering's old mill, which stands tall like a monument, the suffering of Marota behind you. As you each step up and Marota you feel the warmth of the sun on your face for the first time or it seems like forever you take a breath
of air, fresh, clean air, each of you away from the warm, stale, sweat and blood-filled space that you've just come from. Your journey orders keep. We'll be there. We'll have to find out next week on the Fellowship of the Tabletop.
Diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly didd
No. Okay, thanks. Bye. Well, we hope that you don't part ways with us, everyone out there tuning in and listening. We thank you for it. If you wanted to keep in touch with the podcast, you can do so on one of our many various social pages. We have a Facebook, which is fellowship table. We have a website, which is the fellowship, the And we have a Twitter, which is at fellowship table. Then if you wanted to go one step further and follow us individually, you can do so too. I'm at I rolled a one.
The fate bringer Danny is back at Total Party Thrills. Will is at Natural 20 Will. Callum is at The D20 Gamer. Bulbus balls Darren is at.
Bulberspool's Hot Shots at 0-6, or down at 0-6, Tri-Ever. Exemplary DM is at hastily rolled DM. Until next time, guys! Farewell!