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Ep. 44 Bomb’s Away! – De Profundis image

Ep. 44 Bomb’s Away! – De Profundis

S1 E44 · The Fellowship of the Tabletop
104 Plays4 years ago

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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade -

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Introduction and Recap

Wait the city tell Sally she can wait Get them behind me on the wall
Hello and welcome to this week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop. We have a live play 5E D&D podcast set in the magical homebrewed world of Aerith. My name is Mark, I am the Dungeon Master, and I just ate some nut filled chocolate. And also with us for today's episode, we have Ian, who plays the Dragonborn Barbarian Drago. What up?
We've got Darren who plays the human fighter rogue Robin. Holy optical length white Batman. Danny who plays the human cleric Claude. Bonjourno. Casey who plays the human champion Helena Sleepguard. Here and prepared. Will who plays the human bard Carstan. Hello. And Callum who plays the gnome sorcerer Folly Fizzlebang the 9th.
Hello, hello. On last week's episode, we've managed to meet Kennard, who is the de facto leader of Blackmouth at the moment. He looked rather stressed and worried as Julia led the party over to meet him. We understood and we showed him the head of Ericas and he kind of understood the situation slightly and had a conversation with Jena, who was the local stocky, the stock magic trader, who was trying to convince him also to let her blow up the mine.
The party was then kind of split up as Yanna needed some help with her bomb-making materials and Robin and Folly went off and helped her with that, Robin burning himself slightly on his hand and understanding literally first-hand what stock magic is capable of doing to the human body.
the other person who left was Claude who went off with Kenner to free Hentler who was the main reason they first came into the camp was to try and free this man Hentler who had been wrongly accused of murder which we now know wasn't him it was actually Ericas as Julia could confirm.

Revealing Truths and Intentions

We find ourselves
with Claude coming back with Kennard across the mud-filled paths of Blackmouth, the sun growing higher in the sky, back towards Jarry's Last Stand, which is the name of the now broken and disheveled castle. Kennard's gonna turn to you, Claude, and just... Well, I haven't actually seen you down these paths before. Claude, why is it that you're in Blackmouth?
Um, I don't like lying. Well then don't lie and just tell us the truth. I am from the Hailstorm Academy. He stops. He stops walking for a second and closes his eyes. You're Hailstorm. I am.
I came here not for reasons related to hailstorm business. I came here specifically because of what might be going on in the mines. And when we're all done, I'm happy to leave here without bothering you. I just want everyone here to be safe.
Your hailstorm and you know the history between Blackmouth and the rest of Sweetgarden you chose to come into Blackmouth. Is that right? Yep, I wanted innocent lives to be saved. And he looks you square in the eye Claude. I appreciate your honesty and I understand that, but next time I prefer it if you didn't hide information from me.
It wasn't that it was hidden. You just never asked until now. That's a rather important bit of information to hold back though, Claude. But water under the bridge. If this all goes to plan, you'd have saved us. So let's just get back and see what the rest of your crazy group are up to. They're not Hailstorm. And that is the truth. No, thank you for your honesty there, Claude. I'm a bit of a free agent.
Aye, I can see. You don't look, you don't wear the armour of the same as the hailstorm. Oh, I do. It's just a little illusion so that I could be allowed entry without getting shot at. Huh. Well, you're not as dumb as you look there Claude. No, I don't like getting shot at. No, I don't like getting shot at either. Now, after this is all done, where are you heading? Well,
I don't really know. I think I'm going to return back to the front to kill more undeadies. We could use someone like you. Fine. That's what Julia keeps saying. She says the rangers would be better use on the eastern front. With Lucian. But I don't know about that. I don't trust getting on boats. I don't trust that family.
I think maybe you should have a meeting with your closest followers and talk about the fact that there was almost a blight underneath your very, very feet. Aye. I think the time for differences is not now and I think we can go back to hating each other when there's no more dead surround.
That's fair. The quicker we'll kill all the undead, then the quicker we can get back to fighting one another. That's a good point. Yeah, maybe a little holiday in between, maybe we can all just like go to San Guilla, I hear it's nice there, have a couple of, have a couple of milks, you know, and then we'll get back to it, I'm sure, but we should really have a moment just to kick back and enjoy the fact that we're alive and humans.

Planning the Mission

Aye, aye, I appreciate where you're coming from there, Claude.
well let's deal with one thing at a time let's let's deal with this let's deal with this plague first off and then i like that all right here we are then and you're at the gates the the doors of the uh of the of jerry's before we go in hi how long have you known shiitake who is us a name that's the type of mushroom
How long have you known Jena? I mean that's very different from Shiitake, so I read different notes. Have you got a list of ingredients down there? No, I just couldn't read my wife's writing very fast.
How long have you known Jena? She's in and out of these parts every couple of years. She's quite well known around here. Her trade's quite particular though. She freelances. She doesn't sell like the other stockies. She freelances her job and her job is pyromancy, blowing shit up. She's very good at it. And is it like controlled? Like, you know, she's gonna blow up and only little things are gonna be destroyed, not the world.
Claude turns around and shuts the door before he enters into it. You've heard of the Unmending, haven't you? The big battle that took place 41 years ago. No.
I don't understand how you haven't. It's part of your training. The way the kingdoms were formed, we took on the faith of Miksoas. They betrayed us all on Traitor's Bay. And they saw this massive demon creature out of the abyss, out of one of the nine hells, and tried to kill us as a people, as a kingdom, as a realm.
Now, I don't know if it's certain, but Jena's done something. That girl is much older than she lets on, right? I'm pretty certain she was there. I'm pretty certain she had something to do with shutting the portal to one of the nine hells, okay? That woman is a lot smarter than she lets on. But you try asking her about it and she'll just deny it out flat. But isn't that a bit dangerous? Aye. If she's that powerful.
Well, luckily, she's on our side and not on theirs. Yeah, that is good news. Aye. It's good to have powerful people on your side, Claude. Like yourself and your friends. I'm sure you can deal with yourselves in battle. Oh yeah. Oh yeah, I've got a list as long as my arm. I could get into that another time. Aye, we'll look at that list later. Should we get in then?
Yeah, thanks for not having me phoning the cells and stuff. Thanks for saving those people by evacuating. All I'll say is just keep it down about your hailstorm. I'm gonna act with it for now because you're doing us a favour, but I've got friends who have died to hailstorm, so let's just keep that quiet because they're not gonna be too happy about it.
Yeah. Right. Let's head in then. Thanks mate. To see now the rest of you and just at this point Robin and Folly you're coming through from the room in the previous episode you had worked on the potion with Yenna. Yenna you're in the front Robin you're falling behind nursing your left hand if you remember that you'd hurt yourself spilling some of the liquid and then a moment or two later Folly after Folly has stolen a couple of the books from the stocking.
You walk into the room and see Julia, Tali, Helena, and Drago sat around the table having a conversation as these two groups seem to amalgamate in at the same time. And Julia turns to you all. Well, look at that. How convenient. Everyone's back at the same time. Well, we went to do the same thing, so that was always likely to happen, but carry on. What's wrong with your hand?
Let's just say that stock magic is as volatile as I remember it to be. I told you. What happened was... He got clumsy, that's all it matters. No, Robin, what happened? Well, I was holding a vial of this stuff for our dear stock magic user here and some of it spilled onto my hand but...
It's all right. I've managed to heal myself. I'm a big boy. That's a bit clumsy of you, Robin. It was. Well, I maintain that the clumsiness wasn't just my fault and I glance my eyes towards Jena. Well, don't look at me. You're the one who spelt it, not me. Where's Hentler? Oh, Hentler is released and safe. He looked very happy about the whole situation.
Yeah he's yeah and and and Kennard's going to tell some people to um get to a safe distance from the mine. Aye and at this point a few more people have come in some of the administrators have come in kind of jostling papers around around each of you especially around Drago annoyingly so probably for you Drago and um they Kennard would go oh make a little whistle noise with his mouth
take word, pass, write notes, put something out, tell everyone in the two closest districts towards the mountains, we're moving out, getting a fair distance away, and if they hear a loud explosion,
just to wait our return.

Jena's Pyromancy and Mission Prep

And they kind of, okay, I guess, of course, they all kind of start shuffling around. Get this shit away from me as well. Ow, ow, I'm sorry, I just, can I just reach over and get those papers? No. Oh, I'm just sorry, your claw is on my shirt. Do you mind just releasing it for a second? Oh my God. Ah, thank you. Scuttles out. At this moment, Carson, who had been ducked under the table, kind of goes, oh good, I've just finished warming up the bagpipes and now everyone's here, I'll play for everybody.
Great, so the music would be fantastic. No, I think we're good, Karsten. Oh, I'd like to hear it. Excellent. Maybe once we've dealt with the threat of the undead might be a time for frivolity and merriment, and I will be the first to look forward to it. I agree with Robin. We have some planning to do. We don't need any pipes. I've just warmed them up and I don't get... Oh, okay. I mean, there's a room out there if you really want to go and...
No, it's fine. I'll put them away. It's fine. It's fine. And Carstan will then put his bagpipes away. Everyone roll for upsetting Carstan's feelings.
I got a 20, natural. I roll a natural 19, so I'm not too far behind. It's super effective. There we go, killed. Yeah, I perceive that. Austin has a broken heart. So the bagpipes set out, a small little whine as he slowly sort of pushes the bag. Sounds like a dying cat. And he just shot off, you know. Oh.
But you're putting on a hard strings, Will. It's fine. It's fine. It was designed for everyone to have... Home had put all the effort in to get the bagpipes ready for them not to play them. So, Jena walks into the room and Julia walks towards her as well. And Julia says to Jena, am I right in thinking it's done? And Jena looks at her. Oh, it's done all right. These two lads have really helped me out. So, and she looks to you all.
Where did you see the undead? In the mines. In the mines? Where the statue to Tirani was? Statue of Tirani?
Yeah, we got to a bit of the mines where it was all, it had been, there were lots of, it had been very maintained. There was stone walls, there were torches on the walls, and then we looked into a room down a very large hole, and there we could see the undead. Ah, right, so you weren't in the main part of the mine then. That's interesting. I think I know a door off to the right.
Yeah, that's, that's miles earlier. Oh, okay. And you can, you could drop your bomb down that hole, maybe. Well, that sounds fantastic. That's better than my idea. I was just going to lob it off the edge of this cliff and hope for the best. It's a small contained place. That's, that's much more contained. That's more, more likely to contain the blast. Actually, this changes everything. Great. So are you saying you need to remake what you've already done?
Oh no, it makes things much easier and actually quite a bit safer if I'm being honest. It means more than likely the gap above you will just kind of fall in on itself, muffling the damage above ground, but really exemplifying it below and really just blowing that bastard up. Especially if there's something we're aiming towards, you mentioned about a portal, then it's gone for all intents and purposes. This bad boy will absolutely fuck it up and she taps it a little too hard on top of the lid. Maybe not so hard next time.
I'm no explosive expert, but if you send a bomb down a mine well shaft, won't it come back up? Yes. However, you're telling me there's a lot of space down there where the undead are running. Is that right? Well yeah, I think at this point it's best for you to come with us and decide these things for yourself.
Oh, I'm coming anyway. Don't you worry about that. I'm not gonna miss out on some action. And I live for this shit. Aside from Folly, we are not the best of explosives here. But then... And he blows himself up. Well, I tell you what, he was excellent in there. It's the other man, Robin. I don't think he's much of a stocky, but, you know, I think he's got his thing with his bow going on. He can keep that. I guess some people are too smart for your business.
Absolutely, you know, you've gotta you gotta lose a brain cell or two to be able to you gotta be a little bit on him He knows what i'm talking about and she points over towards folly There's a very fine line between genius and insanity Can we blow that line up every fucking day? Can I ask before I drift on to the other side of that line? Can we can we consider making a move?
I like where your mind's at, Robin. I think we should just get to it. Now, just quickly checking out, because Lady and the Armor, you've been staring at me a bit funny this whole time. Are you okay there? My name's Helena. Helena? Helena. I just go by Helena. All right, just the one name, like me. Nice. Yes, I fought with the Obsidianis. Oh, your name's Helena, and you fought with the Obsidianis. Yes. Interesting.
Listen, are we going to get going or is there anything you wanted from me? She's looking at you a little too long. Like she's putting two and two together a little bit. No, I think I agree. I think we should get on. Has anyone got any objections or should we head off? The sooner the better.
Right then, let's fucking go. And she picks up her small chest, which has this bomb in it and hooks onto her shoulder with quite some abandon and leads the way out before. And just as she kind of walked out the door, just pushes the doors open, you hear Tali just pipe up. Hey, guys. What? I don't really want to go back in there. Where are you going to go, Tali?
Well, I was just going to head back to the tavern or something. It's just from everything that's happened over the last couple of days and my face and just the thought of something happening. Do you mind if I just... Charlie, come here a moment and I'll move a bit away from everyone and go down to one knee. You still smell like piss, okay. Do you remember when we came in?
The first time into Blackmouth, we met at camp of Hailstorm Surge just outside the city. Hi, I remember. Why don't you go there? You'll be safe and you'll be away from the blast and you'll be above ground. Okay. I told the people who run the pub to get out temporarily, so you'll find them there.
Oh, okay, so... Sothetrn would be there. That's better. I'm not set to go yet. Means I'll know one person at least. I'm sorry, I feel like I'm ducking out a bit, but I just... Tali. I don't... Tali. I mean, if you want to help out, there's a big evacuation going on in the city, why don't you... Kennard, have you got any use for Tali? She's very resourceful and could help with the evacuation.
Yeah, I'm sure I can find someone, some areas for you to be clearing out entirely. There's some places just off to the north of here that, to be honest, my men won't really get to in time. If you head up that way, past the tavern you're on about, all those houses around there, you could do with knocking on doors, getting them out of there. Would you mind that, Tally? No, that sounds right. That sounds better. If that's okay with you, Drago and everyone?

Faith and Symbolism Discussion

Yeah, I think you'd be doing everyone a great service. And it would be good to have one of our own out there making sure people are safe. I trust it to you.
I like that. I'll go do that then. Mr Kennard sir, I'll go find those houses now and she walks out of the area. Before she goes, Robin would just snap his fingers and at her feet, just running between her feet, will appear at Nura and without saying anything, he'll just smile at her as if to say, you're not on your own.
Oh, lovely. OK, and she she looks down and notices him and kind of looks back towards you for a second, catching a ride before walking out through the doors into the into the sunlight. And Julia is just going to quickly say, of course, gentlemen and ladies, I will be bowing out of this round. I I've spent my time once in a mine already. I will I will meet up with you all at the hailstorm surge camp outside of outside of Blackmouth once you are successful. I wish you all the luck in the world.
Before you go, Julia. Don't forget, Onyx Reaver, we are still after information. She nods and her eyes flip towards Kennard for a second. And he turns to you, the Onyx Reaver. You after that? We are. Ah. I've heard some rumours about his placements. You sort this out with me. I'll lead you there myself. That is a done deal.
fantastic and he reaches out a hand to you drago uh drago shakes it firmly okay and he's going to squeeze it a little bit harder than you
No, fuck that, I'm squeezing harder. I was gonna let it go for the, like, just moving the story along, but now you've dangled that out. No, Drago's gonna squeeze that just a little bit harder while looking in the eye with a stern look as if to go, well, we can play. Kennard's gonna see this and he's gonna loosen his grip to release it and give you a knowing nod. All right, Drago, that's the same little nod of respect. No smile, though. And we...
head out the door. Does anyone want to do anything else before we make way back into the mine? Just one final quick thing, Mark. I have to, can't tell you how difficult it's been not to make Oasis puns every time Kennard speaks. Evacuate the city. Tell Sally she can wait. Get them behind me, Wonderwall.
I was I was half-infecting your cat familiar to trip up Talyx in the weavies with people's legs. Right, Geddle, today is going to be the day I'm going to throw it all back to you. Oh, this is brilliant. Can Helena just grab Julia before she goes?
Yeah, absolutely. So I will say everyone else is kind of going out the door. Kennard's coming. Oh, I'm coming with you, by the way. I don't say yes. I don't say no. I said maybe. No, I didn't like it all. But he's going to... That's your fault, Darren. He's going to head out the door with you. No, I love it. All I'm doing now is trying to think of other Oasis lines to fit him. He's going to walk out with you. And Helena, yeah, Julia's going to walk out just at the back of you, expecting to walk off to the hailstorm camp. But you can kind of grab her arm quite quickly for a second. Just pull her back.
Helena, is everything okay? Yes, I just wanted to quickly, I don't know when I'm next going to see you, and I noticed that when we were in the mines, you passed the statue of Terelani, and you touched it as you walked past, and I didn't say anything at the time, but I just wanted to know, do you follow that faith?
Yes, I do and I have for quite some years now. You probably know that Moonrise is a highly religious place and Tyrioni is our God. She is our deity. Do you receive messages? I'm not of that level, unfortunately. I'm just a follower, unfortunately. I take my early morning prayers in the garden. I tend to seedlings.
I've been known to appreciate a rather jovial Giuliani from time to time, but no, I've asked once or twice to join as a keeper of the garden, but I have other more pressing political means. Are you a follower? Yes, yes I am. What do you think the statue was doing in the mind? I've seen one similar to that from
In Goldview, actually, in the garden there, if you visit, and I recommend you should, there is a very similar plinth there with a brown wooden statue there. It seemed to have been placed there, but I don't know who by. It seemed very odd. Tyrioni's power would be used in some way to power that awful, awful place.
I have visited Goldview in the past, so when I next visit, I will look out for this. Absolutely. It's quite hidden, actually. If you head right to the very back of the garden, you'll see it there. Thank you. No problem. We'll speak soon, I'm sure. You take care. You too.

Entering the Mines

Take care. And she lets you walk out in front.
The sun's quite high in the sky at this point as we make our way back to the entrance of the mine, the body of which and the blood and the marks on the ground have all but disappeared as we head towards the entrance of this mine. Is there anything anyone wants to do or say just before we head into the darkness of this mine that seems to engulf? Yeah, there is one thing I'd like to do. I would just have the clay statues of the hawk, which is what I've used as my
at mode of resamining Nura. And I will just say, as I run them through my fingers back into my pocket, should Talia fall into any danger, return to me. And I will just put the statues back away, but just send Nura a little message that to me should Talia fall into any danger. Lovely. All right. I'd also like to get a moment with the cast down. Okay. Yeah.
So probably while we're walking to the mine, I'll just back off a bit and grab him. Hello, Claude. Hi. I didn't... I'd hoped you wouldn't have to go back into that mine so soon after last time. So would I, but sometimes maybe I've got to face that place again just to... I don't know, feel better about it. I don't know.
That's a good idea, face your fears by encountering your fears, yeah. And then I'm blowing the place up. Yeah, maybe you'll feel better if it's gone and then there's no creepy mine anymore to scare you. Well, yeah, I mean, the mine's not the place that scared me, but I think the mine just reminds me of what's sent me there, like your head that you keep waving around. Yeah, yeah.
So yeah, you know, I don't claim I'm a perfect person. I definitely got some flaws. But I've been to the eternal dark and I know how you felt. So just know I've got your back. Well, thank you, Claude.
That means a lot to me. Thank you. That really does. Thank you. Yeah, you looked after the Helen number. Yeah, I looked after Helen. Yeah. Yeah. And that also means a lot. So I've got both your backs. All right. Well, thank you. I've got your back as well. Thanks.
Okay, and we had... Now, Karstan's going to class mending on the head and stop it from smelling. And he's going to use... ...prestigitation, he's going to clean the head to stop it from smelling. Actually, I was going to pass it to you anyway, Karstan. Oh, um... Have an idea.
When we do get there and we throw down this explosive, maybe you'd also like to chuck the head in for the funds. Oh, yes, I mean, like a fuck you. OK, yeah, I'll keep the head and Karsten will sort of attach it to his belt and.
Could you make a constitution saving throw, please, Will? It's a car stand. No. Yes. I got a 14. Don't know why it rolled twice. No, it's fine. We'll take the 14. That's absolutely fine. I was going to roll to see if you'd have a little vomit. There's a disgusting head being passed to you that does still reek. The presentation works, but the sight of it and the sight of that face, it's reminder for you is quite potent still, but you managed to
Keep your composure as you head off into the darkness of the mind. Now I'm assuming Claude, you've cast your lights again. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Lovely. And Kennard also has brought in a torch which he holds high. He stands near the back of the group, rather unsure. Jena is at the front of the group as you head into the mind. And again, this mind goes on for quite some time, taking a deep
taking you deeper and deeper into the ground before taking a sharp right turn. As it continues along here, it starts to get open and open and open as you remember, it enters into a large open chasm, but something's different this time. You can hear movement, you can hear motion and commotion and crackling noise. This is a similar area to where you faced those weird fire spectres that had appeared last time and jumped around the place, much to Drago's displeasure.
Yenna is at the front. Thanks for that. Appreciate it. No problem. Yenna's near the front of this group, and she pokes her head further deeper into the mine and round the corner slightly, and then comes rushing back to you all. And there's a slight look of chaos in her eyes as she holds this bomb just in front of her. Well, there is a bit of a thing going on around the corner there.
I... It looks a bit dangerous. I'll just say that.
What do you mean? We've been here before. Are there fiery things again? There's fiery things, and what they've done is they've lit the ground on fire this time. Okay. Who am I kidding? This is the shit I live for, and then she turns and shouts really loud into the chasm. Down with the magicarium! And sprints into the cave. Holy shit. Okay, I can get on board with this.
Can you all roll initiative, please? Hell yeah, this is my kind of battle. So, did anyone get 20 plus for their... 24. 20. Robin, cast an... Champagne supernova, top of the order. Boom. Let's not turn this into an Oasis episode. Did anyone get 15 to 20? Ooh, yeah, I did, though.
Yes, it's in there and so did Kennard. You guys were all like shit. What about 10 to 15? I got 12. 11. 12. I got Helena Drago. Who else was in on that mix? 11 for Claude. Who have we got next? Left then, Folly.
just me i rolled a nine oh falling as you come around the corner and jenna is sprinting off into the distance the space really opens up and you notice that this this chasm has now changed from its previous form not in terms of the walls or the architecture
But you can see almost all of it for the first time as these specters seem to have started a whole cacophony of fires around the space, lighting up. You can actually now see the ceiling, which is many, many, many leagues above you. You can see the top of that, the stalactites hanging down. Stalactites!
It's stalagmites. It's stalagmites. I think it's mites go down tight. Mites, tight. Yes, that's the way I remember it. Yeah, it's stalagmites hanging down off the ceilings, but this place is now ablaze. Oh, a red and amber light seems to fill the entire space as you look into it. Just for you listening at home, this is a massive map we've got going on here with a number of creatures popped all around the place and Jena running off into the distance.

Battle Tactics and Strategies

She's holding this bomb above her head
Now, the idea behind this, and the way I want to set this combat up, is that she isn't going to attack anything, she's just going to peg it, and the idea being is, well, you've got to keep her alive, okay?
Where is she pegging it to? Fucking hell. Good point. She's going to the door. If you go to the bottom right-hand corner, there's a yellow blob. That is where she's trying to get to. Now, she has a couple of things she can do, so she's not going to be totally on her own. Well, pretty much. But she is just going to try and peg it. She's going to try and run around, fire, avoid combat, and try and avoid getting hit where she can, okay? But they will be actively, obviously, trying to kill you all. Sorry, Mark. Can I ask what the big open space is in the very centre?
That is, I think of it like a large pillar of dust, sorry, of rock, which is holding up a portion of the... So you can't access that. So all the black is inaccessible. So that's what we're aiming for. So we're going to go top of the round to begin with. Yanax just sprinted around the corner. Robin, top of the round, what would you like to do? She's just gone, for the magic area, for a dime with the magic area, and run around the corner.
Robin is immediately going to follow her. That's 30 feet. He will then take a bonus action to Dash to get alongside her. So Robin has literally sprinted right up alongside Yemma. And he's just going to say to her, do not drop that. Do not let them get too close to you. And he's going to hold his action with his bow.
placed on Yemma and just say as soon as something comes close I'll shoot it away get to get to where you need to get to as fast as you can and that's my turn okay lovely she's just gonna just with a really quick bit just you she doesn't say anything she turns around while she's shouting and kind of nods to you
as she continues to run with you catching up behind her. So you've held an action, thank you Robin, that's the first of your time. Karstan, your turn, what would you like to do? Karstan is going to move up to beside Robin, see this, one of these fire creatures. Yeah, it's about 30 feet away from you pretty much.
30 feet away from it. And I am going to create, I'm gonna cast Phantasmal Force. Awesome. Just for me and for everyone else, just explain what does Phantasmal Force mean you can do? So I create an illusion that takes a root in the mind of a creature you can see. The target needs to take an intelligent saving throw. On a failed save, I create a Phantasmal Object. I'm actually gonna create a towering, like a water tornado.
And if it fails to save, it believes it is entirely real and it can even be damaged by it, even though it doesn't actually exist. That's incredible. So what do I need to roll for that? Intelligence. Yeah, an intelligence saving throw.
That is 16. Failed. Oh, amazing. I'm so glad it failed. What does it do? So it's 10 foot range. Basically it's now this towering pillar of water and it can use an action to investigate it if it wants to try and check out whether this is actually real or not.
and as long as the creature is within five feet of it, it takes 1d6 psychic damage, so it takes four psychic damage. Right off the bat without any rolls. Yeah, because so it's basically an affected creature is so convinced of the Phantasm's reality that it can even take damage from the illusion. Each round on your turn, the Phantasm can deal 1d6 psychic damage to the target if it's in the Phantasm's area or within five feet of the Phantasm.
Amazing, that is such a cool spell Will, that's awesome. Amazing, yep so he's taken his four damage off that as this creature you see just in front of this this again very similar like a skeleton figure with bits of metal over its chest and everything but it's engulfed in flame, it's more flame than skeleton than anything else and these are the same creatures you've seen before. Does this creature count as being undead? It is, yes it does count as undead.
Oh in that case it has no effect on it, sorry. No problem, thank you for the honesty on that. It has no effect on Undead. I like that for you it's like oh but I know for a fact Claude's ears have just perked up.
Yeah, I might be smiling and I'm doing a little dance right now. It's smiling and draconic or whatever your, whatever language you speak. Okay, so I'm sorry about that, but it's still, it's still there. It's still had an effect on its mind. Does it not have any effect full stop? It just says this spell has no effect on undead or contract. So it might still be there, but I assume it just ignores it.
okay well we'll leave it there leave it there for now because it might play a part and only that creature can see it is that right yes it is only in that creature's head yes okay well you played it out really clever i like the using the water so we'll play it out a little bit where we can okay we'll leave it in the place then sorry about that lovely so um that has just happened next up we've got genna it's her turn and she's going to use her movement to run further diagonally southwest yes south southeast sorry southeast towards the bottom corners just relistening we are in the north
eastern corner of this map and it's a very big map I've made. Northwestern corner and there is a load of fire placed around the place that she has to try and traverse as well as these creatures as well. Holding a mine she needs to reach the south eastern corner of the map where the door to this entrance of the mine is and she's just pegging it now straight towards it down the middle off she goes and she's just run on her turn that's all she's doing.
Kennard is up next and he's going to use his movement to move up in front of Robin and is going to take a pot shot at this creature in front. He rolls a two and so misses. So this first eye just flies over the head and you hear him under his breath as he reaches for another arrow in his quiver. That's the end of his turn. Helena, you hear a commotion happening around the corner. What do you want to do?
Helena is going to run 30 feet so she'll run her maximum movement northeast isn't it? It's just around the corner of that stone wall pillar whatever that is and she'll head towards
is this is this a flame man thing to the east in front of the box yes so she's gonna yeah yeah that yeah there's a flame shape shadow thing so she's gonna head towards that she'll just have to stay there because she's got no other extra movement actually no i can you can dodge or dash i could dash another you go in there what happens if you go in that square yeah what happens if i go nothing nothing for you the square is just the creature
okay can i dash then another 30 feet please you can indeed see you're in in uh melee range of this creature now yeah brilliant thank you this creature probably stands at about a foot or two higher than you and you again you've been in close combat with these creatures before helena so you're quite aware of what they were like last time okay lovely thank you very much helena drago your turn everyone's running and pegging in your kind of fight
Oh, I'm loving this. So, Drago will... Just to make sure, we're going just for that yellow door. That's the objective. There's this thing in the middle, this black hole here. We're not going for that. That's just a big old bit of... That's like a big pillar. OK, cool. It's not the well that's got the undead flowing through it. Nice, OK. You can't get to it. You've got to go around it. That sounds like we're going on a bear.
can't go through it the big the big lava blobs they're just big flames areas of flame like flame pits that these creatures have made just inaccessible unless you want to get burned pretty much so drago's just gonna you might not rage up i'm just doing the calculated master see if i can get to fiery dude i can't get there which is fucking annoying drago's gonna just uh run in and
take himself as close as possible to the nearest enemy, getting ready to clear a path. Bum, bum, bum, which takes me to here.
Fantastic. So basically I've rounded the corner following Jena. Yep, following Jena. And I'm making a beeline for the nearest enemy to me, which is just towards the northwest of the cavern. OK, lovely. Thank you very much, Drago. Next up, we've got Claude. Everyone's run on ahead of you, as normal. I have no idea what's going on. I have not seen anything. So I'm going to run.
around the corner that everyone's run 30 feet and i'll just scream oh dear um can i see the one to the south or not from being like just come around the corner can i see that one from that position no you can't see it but you claud can sense it yeah i need line of sight for this spell
Okay, sorry all you people that have just spent all your movement going to that one I'm gonna look at that one that Helena is now engaged with and I'm gonna cast Banishment on it. Yes Okay, it needs to make a charisma. Is it charisma? Yeah charisma saving throw, please 18 fuck's sake
What's your spell save anyway on that? 17. They got a plus two, it's lucky.
16. That's a slot that's fucked. What do you do to try and banish this creature? So I just sort of scream into my amulet and point a finger at the creature and this black vine sort of flare out of my hand, wrap itself around the creature but the creature doesn't obviously go anywhere.
Okay, brilliant. I think I looked back on the stand there cursing and like crying a little bit. Lovely. Thank you very much. Claude Folly, your turn. What do you want to do? Everyone's run ahead of you as usual. Yep. Yep. Folly's always kind of behind. Um, he, okay. Folly is just going to move forward a little bit. Maximal movement basically puts him in line with the one that Helena and Drago has been running to. What Folly is going to do is slightly curse to himself.
Because he hates these things because a lot of his spells are fire based Remembering what I had that was effective last time
but not wanting to steal all of Robin's arrows. He's going to use his action to basically have his mage hand go through his lovely little backpack and basically pull out anything that he knows has got a point to it. So anything that's slightly sharp. So it's a mix of daggers, forts, knives, even random assortment of cutlery that's just got points on it, even if it's broken and it's got a point.
is pulling it out and is going to chuck it on the floor, which I think would probably take an action to actually kind of do. Yeah, I think so. Yeah, we're going through the Bruxack. Yeah, it's going to take time. He's going to cast Mage Hand to give him a hand because he can't, not the best position to go in there and search him for it all.
So yeah, that's going to be that. Okay, so what you notice, those of you who are nearby, so Robin and Kennard will be able to see this gnome just jump into the back of his backpack and start going through rummaging out knives, forks, broken bits of plate, sharp rocks, just start flying out of this bag, landing in a very neat pile, just in front of them. What he's also going to do, he's going to spend two sorcery points and use a bit of meta magic and cast quicken spell.
And basically what that means I can do is any spell of any level, I can spend two sorcery points to change it to a bonus action instead of an actual action. So I've used my action to get all the cutlery out. And now I can use my bonus action to actually bring all this cutlery to life. You can indeed. So I'll be casting the fifth level spell animate object. Your favorite. I absolutely love it. 20 for me, please.
Oh, you jackass. You're turning into a plant. I always feel like Callum's moves are based off the film Beauty and the Beast. Not too far off. I don't have a candlestick to bludgeon. You may as well be singing Be Our Guest as you join a battle. I think it's brilliant. It's Be My Victim is what I actually say. Nice. How would that go, Callum? No, I'm not singing yet. Damn.
I got a 14 on my detail. Fantastic. Thank you very much. So yeah, continue with your animate objects. Yep. So it's going to carry on. And just as always, these objects are start to come to life. They start to move the forks, kind of stand up by themselves and I stand up by themselves. Um, and I think just for a change of pace, he's going to almost have them in a marching order, uh, just in front of him, almost like a tiny little platoon of 10 objects.
Amazing. Are you humming the Fantasia music to yourself? I am now. Fantastic. It's the creature's turn now so we're going to start with the one closest to Helena at the moment. This creature is going to take a swing at you, Helena. And 18 against your armor class? No, this is.
Have you got your flailing shield at the moment? No, I'm two flails, actually. Two flails, yeah, no problem. And then a 17 against your armor class. Misses. Lovely, no problem. So on its bonus action, it's going to take these two big swings with basically these big molten arms with kind of shadowy flame-covered sword come swinging down at you twice.
hitting your shield or hitting your flails twice as you manage to parry the shots away. On his third, it just stops and that sword goes down to its side and it starts to vibrate ever so slightly as the armor you wear starts to feel hot and warmer and warmer as it starts to become sweat and starts to sizzle against your skin underneath your arm as it starts to burn through your clothing. Could you make a constitution saving throw please?
So firstly, you take five points of fire damage and you are forced to drop both your flails because they are made of metal, those two have fallen to the ground. If your console was a DC-15, you could have held on to them. Your armour is stuck on you, which is why you'll take fire damage every turn now, whilst this creature is doing this to you. But your flails, you've been forced to drop these flails to the ground. Point of order.
The spell says that if she chooses to keep holding the object, she just gets disadvantage. This is a different spell. Oh, not heat metal, sorry. No, no. This is a different one. Molten metal. Apologies then. It's all right, no problem. No, no, it's good to keep me on my toes. Thank you.
I've also just used one... I've used indomitable so... Lovely. So yeah I'm marking that off. That's who I need, thank you very much for that. That is that creature's turn. You also notice out of the flames another creature off to the east of it moved through this large area of flames and there is also one to the south that stays close to the flames but
angles itself closer ish towards Jena a few of the others start to make their way closer towards your party moving through the fire that triggers my hold action held action the one that's lovely yep so you have line of sight on it Robin I don't think you do actually
Oh, how clod. Actually, no, sorry, the one off to the east, you would be able to, I'd say you get line of sight on the one to the east. You could probably get. Yeah. As soon as I see something moving towards the end there, I'd unleash an arrow. Yep. So we'll consider the one to the east moving towards the end. So you can take your shot at that one, Robin. That's a 25 to hit. Yeah, that hits. Is it paying attention to me? Am I hidden from it?
No, you're not hidden from it. No, but it's not paying attention to you, but they're aware that you are all there. That makes sense. No, it doesn't take sneak attack. That's fine. It takes 10 points of magical piercing damage. Lovely. And that's all it takes because I'm going to hold my pushes.
I even rolled for it as well, Darren. I just assumed, but no problem. I'm going to wait until they're near the things that are carrying the explosives. Good idea. Good idea. Lovely. So that is the end of the creatures' turns as well. They move in towards you. Sorry, one final thing. Just as a held spoken word, because I've heard a canard go, forksake, I will just matter under my breath. Stop crying your heart out. Oh, god.
I like that you're probably holding that all round. Amazing. Lovely. Back to you, Robin. It's top of the round. It's your turn. Okay. Having seen that one move closer, Robin's going to think something else may be coming closer as well. So he's going to step around Claude to come into the room a bit. He's going to position himself just up next to Karstam and is now seeing
these creatures He's going to see the one near Helena and Drago and established that that's an immediate threat and what he's going to do is He's going to first off try and shoot the one near Helena Okay, we're all to hit that is a 27 to hit that Defo hits and Helen is engaged with it. So I get sneak attack. Mm-hmm
Okay, it takes... I love sneak attack. That takes 25 points of piercing damage. Ouch! Sneak attack, baby. Lovely, so this one arrow slams into the side of this creature's jaw and pulls through the other side, ripping out a couple of what you assume are teeth that are wreathed in fire. If its hold on Helena requires concentration, it needs to make a DC-14 Constitution saving throw. It's an aura thing, so unfortunately it doesn't break, no.
Okay, he will shoot it again. Okay. 22 to hit. Yep, that hits. A further six points of piercing damage. Lovely. And the second arrow comes slamming into its abdomen as you put, cause some more damage to, it was six, wasn't it? Yes. Yeah, as you cause some more damage to that creature. Lovely. Thank you very much. Anything else we can do, Robin? You got movement? Yeah, Robin is just going to, no, he's going to hold there. He's got a good, he's got a good line of sight of the whole room from there every minute. So he's going to hold there.
awesome thank you very much robin castan you're up next you've just seen robin unleash these two hours into this creature near helena what do you want to do so knowing that his first thing that he thought was quite smart hasn't worked castan has seen yena pelt it into the room and he's also seen what claud tried to do castan is going to run to be just in front of yena and i'm going to expend a fifth level slot to banish some creatures now because it's fifth level i can target two
creatures. Wow. Okay. It has a range of sixty. Now, is that just can I target the one dead ahead and then the one down into the to the west? Yes, you could hit both of those. They're in range. Yeah. Yeah. The two in front of her in a block of that. Can you make a cruise and saving throw for each please?
So the one to the south of you, that rolled a six, so that is banished. The one to the east of you rolled a 19. I am going to interrupt there. I'm going to use my bend lock ability. I'm going to spend two sorcery points to roll a d4 and I can apply that as a penalty.
Yep, you can indeed. A creature's roll. Can you do that even though you know... Now you know the rolls, or do you have to claim that before? Now, when another creature you see makes an attack roll, an obesity attack, or a saving throw, you can use your reaction and just spend two sorcery points and apply the number rolled as a bonus. You can do so after the roll, but before any effects occur. Cool. That's the bit I'm trying to get to. So I'll quickly roll a d4. Three!
Okay, so that becomes a 16. In that case, that also fails. Nice, guys. Teamwork. Teamwork! Dashes forward, pulls out his religious symbols from around his neck, and sort of mumbles to himself, looks at both of them and sort of clicks his fingers, and then they both sort of disappear out of existence.
but just as you do that you get the distinct impression that something wasn't fully within your control and as you turn around you can see uh oh you can't actually see folly or does that make it cause a problem that you're not line of sight folly oh um
It was the creature he could see. Ah, yes. Yeah, when a creature makes the role. So yeah, that one on the right-hand side. We'll give you that. We'll give you that. I'll give you that one, though, because that was good. I like that. That's cool. Brilliant. So those teams... Did you give it to me after you did this to me in my campaign?
fair enough fair enough so uh is that the end of your turn then uh so yes so having done that so it's now a concentration spell so if they're native to this plane they'll come back after a minute if they're not if the minute passes and the spell's not been broken that we've gone forever cast and will then um
turn to Helen and go keep going milady and i will give her bardic inspiration as a bonus action she's the one detent to add to anything yes
And that will be the end of my turn. Lovely. Yanna is going to see this bard run out in front and start flinging his hands around, banishing creatures left, right, and center. She doesn't care. And she barges past you. Get the fuck out of my way. It's not her voice. What is she? I get the fuck out of my way. That was even worse. Just move, she says.
And she runs straight towards this gigantic pillar that seems to fill the middle of this room. And as she gets to it, she turns around and sees the flames engulfing on multiple sides, thinking, and you can see in her eyes, she doesn't know which way to go. And that's her turn. Kennard is going to be overseeing this situation, seeing Kastan run in, and it's going to run after...
cast down and run after Jena and he's going to do the same thing he's going to use his dash action as well to run past you and run towards Jena to try and offer some support there and he's going to be kind of looking around for the best way to go but that is the end of his turn as well. Helena your turn this creature is all up in your face your armor is now hot your flails are on the floor. Okay does that mean that I have to make a consave or do can I pick up my flails? You can pick them up yeah that's absolutely fine.
Okay, so if I pick them up, is that action or? No, I won't consider. I'll consider that null and voids any bonus action you might have used if you are going to use one. I'll consider a bonus action just because it's quite a simple thing just to pick them up. Whereas if you're switching up, it might take an action, if that makes sense. So yes, you can. So if I pick them up, okay, if I pick them up, can I take a hit with them? Why not? Yeah, let's do that. It's a 14, it's a hit. Hit. Oh my God.
Damage. Okay my next attack. 22 to hit. Oh yep that hits. With 14 damage. 14 bloody hell. Yep. So you take these two massive swings at this creature as flames seem to explode off its left and right as your your red hot uh flails that you're holding in your hands you take these swings one two on it with your right hand. Yes yeah good.
Now I'm alright thinking, bonus action would have been to swing with the other hand, but we're treating you picking up the flails as, yeah, cool, okay. Is there anything else you want to do, Helena? No, no, that's gonna be it. Lovely, Drago, your turn. Helena seems to be flailing away at this creature covered in flame, what do you want to do?
Okay, Drago's going to... he's not raged so he's in a clearer state of mind and so he sees Helena, seems to be pretty adept at handling this situation and he's built up a quite a healthy amount of respect for this other warrior that's joined the party so he's actually
going to cast his eye over to Yenna and survey her position and where she possibly will go. But he sees that there's two lots of people with her, so he's going to circumnavigate. Right, okay. Sorry, a lot of conversation for nothing there. He's going to circumnavigate Helena. What happens if I go past
People get an attack of opportunity. Well, that's just annoying. You enter and leave, yeah. That's just annoying. Okay. You can pass him, providing you don't move out the other side, if that makes sense. Oh, I'm going to do it. I'm still going to do it. All right, I'm going to make a massive dash and do 80 foot of movement. I'm going to just run straight through and then fuck it. Why not? And there we go. So I will end up there. But do you want to take your attack of opportunity?
He will and as you run past he's going to take a swing. That's a 19 against your armour class. That's a shame because that hits. That does indeed and you're not raged are you? No no. I'm nice and clear headed.
I get to do some damage to you. Yeah, he did quite a bit. You take 16 points of damage in total, some of that bludgeoning, some of that fire, as this one, the freehand comes swashing down across you to catch you on the side of the face as you run past, but that's the damage you've taken. Lovely. That's the end of my go.
Okay. Love you. Thank you very much. You got it. Yep. Running straight through the fire creature with an eye on the final destination. Oh, I like it. I like where your brains are. That's clever. Nice. Cool. Thank you very much, Drago. Claude, your turn. The party splitting up.
I wish Jaga didn't do that just then because I can't reach him for this one. So I'm just going to cast who is round. Bit of a bless. Yeah, I'm going to cast a second level bless. Bit of a bless. On Folly, Robin, Helena and Casta. Oh bless you sir.
that's all i can do there and then i'm going to move 30 feet to my south to the south yeah there and uh i'm just going to can i like just have a closer inspection at the creatures themselves were they like i was trying to figure out are they the ones that we fought when we were in this room the first time are they different
They are the same creatures, they look the same as the creatures you thought the area of the mine, except these are slightly bigger. Okay, so don't ally the ones that were around, erm, ericasts. No, they're not fire elementals, no, these are fire spectres. Okay, cool, that's my turn. Okay, thank you very much. Folly, your turn. Everyone again has left you. Yeah, I'm getting used to that by now. I need to increase my speed somehow, I think.
Father's going to see things are getting a little bit dangerous, he definitely recognizes these creatures. He's very aware of the high-powered explosive that seems to have ran away from him, but he's running too fast, so he's going to try and do what he can to help. He's going to move forward, well, his movement basically. The cutlery that he's currently enchanted actually has better movement than what he does.
Which is absolutely terrible. So it's going to... Just for editor's note, this little box is the cutlery that's basically just going to stay together. Which, his cutlery is going to be a little bit influential. It's basically marched along with the same pace as Folly. And he's trying to keep up with the big bomb, but he can't actually do anything with it yet. Because I don't think it can attack unless it can get there with its speed. So I don't think I can actually attack this one.
So all just movement at the moment. The bonus action is to move the cutlery. I am going to cast Mage Armor myself as an actual action, however, just to give myself a little bit of additional armor. So Folly is going to be chanting to himself as he walks down and then just gets embroidered in a nice black glow that just increases his armor class.
Lovely. Thank you very much. Nice and descriptive. I like that a lot. Fantastic. So a couple things are going to happen now. The creature's turn. The creature that is currently engaged with Helena is going to move down slightly, move slightly south, still within range. You're just angling itself at a different angle slightly. And no, you know what? It's going to do it. It's going to move out of range into the fire. So, Helena, you get an attack of opportunity. Okay, fuck.
22 to hit. That hits. Wow. 10 damage. Thank you. So as it starts to move out of range, it takes a hit. You get a second attack, don't you? 20. Sorry, not on the reaction. Oh, sorry. No, no. A single attack on reaction. Apologies. Apologies. No, you're totally right. I forgot. Thank you. So you take this swiping hit.
Yeah, I was. I was like, yeah, do more damage. It's swiping here as it backs off into the fire. But one thing you notice, Helena, as it gets backed up into the fire, it seems to, it's disheveled state and it was looking rather ropey at this point. It starts to take on a stronger form as it starts to stand itself back up again as the armor seems to repair itself slightly in certain areas. Okay, so it's something you have noticed there.
I noticed that as well. You are facing it, yes, and you are highly perceptive. So yes, you would have noticed that as well.
The other creatures are going to move up now. The creature to the south moves up closer towards Claude, standing again in flames. A creature that is in the flames, very close to Jena, moves forward, dangerously close towards it. And this first spectre is going to cast a spell on Jena, and it's going to cast Firebolt on Jena. Jena, what have I called it? Yeah, it is Jena. I'm calling it multiple names. Jena, and it hits her. It does hit her.
Okay so Yenna has a couple of things she can do and what she does is she gets to here and she sees this firebolt coming in she manages to hold the bomb on one shoulder and throw up shield with the other which for your magic users is a magical spell reaction spell which blocks this fireball to hit against this magical shield and then disintegrates down. The second creature that's moved up is going to do a similar
thing to castan this creature has seen you pointing at his fellow fire folk and he's going to try and take a firebolt at you as well oh yes it is a 23 against your armor class i actually know that that totally hits yeah if you're about to say you do something that makes me stop there uh so you're gonna take
Oh Jesus, I rolled well for that. 15 points of fire damage. And can you roll for concentration? Someone remind me what concentration is? Is it a con saving throw, isn't it? Yeah, con saving throw. DC 10 for 15 points of damage. Or 10, yeah. 2 is 10.
I got a 21. Lovely. So as this firebolt hits the side of you, your concentration and keep the spell going to keep those two other creatures banished. The creature furthest away, closest to you Drago, is going to disappear. Motherfucker!
The creature just disappears similarly to how you remember from before where they just had, there's a small explosion and they just, usually they moved, they moved somewhere else, but this time this one just disappears from the spot. Great. Okay. Awesome.
There is one more further down. It's going to move himself right at the entrance of the door you're trying to get to. And he's going to move up towards, I say he, it is going to move up towards the action that's taking place, but it's still miles off being useful or anything. And that is the end of the creatures turn. Third round. Robin, top of the round. What do you want to do? You're muted, Darren, by the way. So I am. Thank you.
Robin, having seen this creature move into the fire, what Robin's going to do is he's going to continue to shoot at the one in the fire. Okay, roll to hit. That is a 14 to hit. That hits. Hold on. With bless. I don't need it. I was going to say with bless. It takes nine points of piercing damage. And can that one make a strength saving throw, please? 15. Fails. It's going to be pulled out of the fire back towards Helena.
okay and it gets yanked out of the fire towards Helena there back in melee range and i'm going to shoot it again okay lovely go ahead natural 20 hits obviously good okay so that's 2d8 and then 2d6 a sneak 4d6 a sneak attack lovely do you get the sneak attack on the second hit if it knows you're there yeah as long as it's it was like it's now in range oh yes of course 30 points of piercing damage 30 through zero
Wow, only had 22 left. So, Helena, you see this flame creature gets dragged out of the fire right up into range with you, and then this other arrow comes flying in, decimating the creature as it falls and dead. And this pile of ash is all that remains in front of now, a warming space as these fires seem to really start to heat the air up more and more for all the characters in the space. Thank you very much, Robin.
I'm then going to use my bonus action to dash into the space to keep an eye on Jena. Which one's Jena? Jena's one closest to the pellet in the middle. That will get me to the dash, just the other side of the flame. Is that cast down on next to you? If you zoom in, you can see the names. That's Kennard. Okay, Kennard. Okay, so Robin will dash into the room and end up next to Kennard.
Lovely, thank you very much. Karstan, you've just seen Robin take down this flame creature and you can see two approaching from the south, near Kanard, near Jena, near Robin and Claude. What do you want to do? Okay, so Karstan will turn, look over his shoulder towards Folly and say, Folly, the fires heal them, we need to try and move the fire or control it. So having yelled that towards Folly, he is then going to cast
dissonant whispers on the one furthest to the south closest to Jena and Robin in that lot. Can it please make a DC, can you make a wisdom saving throw please?
wisdom it can try oh 20 unnatural sorry go fuck yourself hey you did banish two of them so take that um hang on uh oh it still takes oh so it still takes damage so it just it still doesn't it takes damage so it gets it takes let's see if this works
So it will take 22 points of psychic damage then. Wow nice 22 points. Because it's halved because it passed it and it doesn't have to move away from me. Lovely okay thank you very much that's your turn. Jena is going to... And then having also done that he will then move to join Robin and Kennard.
Okay lovely. Yenna is going to see a large group of you there kind of encroaching upon her and she's got her back to this pillar, she sees her finger preaching but she's approaching from the south but she looks to the east and sees this wall of flame and realising it's going to take her so long to get around it. She's just going to look directly at you all and just this look of panic subsides and she just grins and pulls into her satchel, gets out a small green liquid potion
and just smash it on the floor in front of the phone. Suddenly her features seem to blur quickly. She casts haste on herself and she starts to take off and she's going to run south directly past this creature because it's the only way she can see to get past her.
and takes a double move worth of movement to be able to get past it, triggering an attack of opportunity, but it misses rolling a six as it swings out. It manages to nowhere near hit the speed at which this human now seems to be running out with her. A white hare almost trying to chase her as she runs alongside the central pillar, skirting up next to some fire, avoiding this creature and managing to make it around the south side of the canyon away from a few of the creatures.
That is the end of her term. Kennard's going to see this, let out a wry smile and go, that fucking lady. And he's going to roll a hit against the creature that she's just run past, rolling a five, missing again. And he goes, ah, fuck. I hope that archer isn't watching. And that's the end of his term. Helena, your turn. This creature has just been slain in front of you by Robin with his arrows. The area in front of you is now clear. What do you want to do? I'm thinking, Helena will, I think, follow
drago to get round so she's going to go 30 feet so she'll do her maximum movement to the east yep and then she will dash another 30 feet okay lovely which pulls you up quite close to where drago is at the moment yep and she'll be following his sort of um lead on that to see where he's going to go with it
Nice, thank you very much. Drago, you've just got Helena approach you on your right shoulder as she kind of sprints forward to keep you company. What do you want to do? Do a tag team move with a high five in midair, like a cheesy 80s style. And the explosions happening around us. It's like, barbarians, even though you're not one. Fuck yeah. I'm going to dash to the nearest enemois and I can get to around his
uh range so i'm just gonna dash south from where i am making a b-line still for the door but to the nearest enemy so i will end up i can't take him yes i can oh bollocks i'll end up there right close right up close yeah just oh just out of range that's just out of range i'm pretty sure i was just out of range as yeah um i wasn't there where was i was up here wasn't i yeah it's pretty
just out of range yeah this this is me for the whole fight just out of range yeah okay that's gonna be done awesome thank you very much uh sprinting south towards the enemies leaving helenet and the lurch even though she wanted some company yeah just as i put up to you you're away from me
Following on to Claude. Claude, your turn. Your utensils are up and as the fight seems to move on at a faster pace than you can keep up with. What do you want to do? I mean, yeah, there's so much going on. I've taken some time, composed myself, made my friends a bit more blessed, and I'm going to run into the fray in between the two fiery bastards. And I'm going to, realizing now that they're undead, use my turn on undead ability. So...
To make wisdom saves, please, Mark.
man 12 and 13 they both fail these two bastards these two cat bastards surrounding me they need to for a whole minute they've got to move away from me they can't willingly enter a space within 30 feet of me they've got to spend that action dashing further away from me they cannot do anything else so their actions they have to dash until the point where they're the furthest away from me and the only action they can take is the dodge action what yeah
Do they get bonus actions? It doesn't say you can do anything about the bonus actions, but it can't obviously advance towards you. I'll say they can use bonus actions, but yeah, obviously they have to get away from you first. They can't do anything against you. And the actions have to be dash. Yeah, gotcha. Damn it, that's a good spell.
Lovely. Thank you very much, Claude, for that excellent bit of play there. Folly, sorry, with your, with your cutlery following along, plotting on the back with Claude, what do you want to do? Sorry, my cutlery is faster than me, remember. Oh, yes. Folly, everybody just kind of sprinting away. Folly's kind of really just been left in the lurch now, so he's going to try and hobble as quickly as possible as what he can. He's just basically going to move south, the movement that actually permits him.
And Karsten did shout to you about the fire as well. Yes, he was indeed heard. The courtroom is going to follow him as well. The creature that is actually down south, that he actually sees embroiled in some fire, as his action, he's going to attempt to cast control flames, which is a cantrip on it.

Magical Flames and Fleeing Creatures

It's an instantaneous one as well, just to see if he can actually extinguish it
Part of it, I can basically instantaneously extinguish the flames within the cube as long as it is non-magical. It is unfortunately magical. Right. So it won't be able to have any effect on it, unfortunately. I like that idea. You could use it on some of the flames that are around, not necessarily the creature. You could use them on the... Oh no, I was trying to use it on the creature. I was trying to use it on the actual flames themselves.
apologies yes absolutely that does work and that does negate one area of the fire cool so you have managed that so as you as you reach out you manage to um dispel this fire that's surrounding the creature just to the south of you yep yeah with that i'm just going to quickly turn to go thanks for the tip nice okay it makes the dream work
oh exactly it's the creatures turn now and they have to these two we're going to work on the ones closest to clawed they have turned undead he's turned the undead they have to move away from him so he's going to the first creature is going to move running past folly to the north trying to get as far away from this creature as it can it's not trying to attack you uh
It's going to take his action to dash, so that first one has run up to the north, the other one nearest to you Claude that has to run away is going to move through the flames away from you to the south. Does Claude still get his reaction though? Sorry on that other one. Oh yes of course, you will be able to get a tax opportunity against these. I'll be with my fist, so I'm going to not use my reaction.
Okay, no problem. No, I meant, I meant Folly, sorry, apologies. Oh, Folly would, yes. We never, we discussed Folly's one, but never did it. Yes, and Folly, you've got your attack with the staff, if you want. Um, no. Okay, no problem. You don't have to. Absolutely fine. I'm, I'm, I'm not going to. I, I know, I know there's no point. Folly's tried hitting these things with its quarter staff before, and it just literally went, doing, then jackal. So not even worth the roll.
And the other creature that was the other side of Claude is going to make a big line south past by Jena to get as far away from Claude as possible. And that's where it's going to end up just south of Jena.

Drago's Defense and Robin's Actions

Moving across to the creature that's closest to Drago, the creature that disappeared
just appears back in with a little bit of a flame and a pop as it appears back in and turns to drago and both these creatures are going to basically encroach upon you drago and are going to take swings oh fuck i have still not raged
No, you have not. So the first one to the south of you, the two you're pinned in, one above, one below. The one to the south of you is going to roll a natural one, glory be, and a 14. So I'm guessing both of those miss. Thankfully. The second one is going to, oh my God, a 12 to hit followed by, oh my God, a 13 to hit.
Oh man, I'm feeling powered right now. Fuck. That's so annoying. I've got loads of things I could do and now I can't. Okay, but one of them is going to use its bonus action and it's going to use molten metal. And so the sword in your hand is going to become incredibly hot. Can you make a constitution saving throw, please? I've got disadvantage, am I right? No, just on skills.
okay this is a saving throw. Constitution seven throw coming right up. How's a 23? That passes and so you only take five points of fire damage as you manage to the handle of your sword the hilt of your sword becomes incredibly hot but you manage to despite not even raging manage to work through the pain as the cold of your veins of your dragonborn heritage pushes the heat back into the sword and away from your body.
and you're ready to go so basically these these creatures taking these massive swings with these fire swords to try and hit you and you've dodged the first two block the second two the flip the swords become incredibly hot but none of it's really affected you damn it drago i thought i had you here nope that is the end of the creature's turn
I'm feeling good about my next turn right now. I know you are, I bet you are. Robin, top of the round. You've just seen Claude scare these two set the aspect into just running off in different directions. What do you want to do? First of all, I'm going to say, I heard you, Kennard. I'm stood right behind you. Also, while we're here, it's Kennard. Not Kennard. It's Kennard. It's Kennard. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I love your pronunciation, though.
It's Robin's pronunciation. He's from the, uh, it's from the sword coast. They say things differently. And Robin is going to immediately run past Canard and get to there on his turn. He's then going to bonus action to dash and get to is now right up alongside Yenna. Um, so Robin has dashed and he's now running alongside Yenna and it's just going to say to her, I hope you know what you're doing.
and is going to use his turn to double dash, so I've double dashed, get to there, is going to see Drago, and immediately Robin is, do I want to action surge? That's the question. No, he would be holding onto that in case it was needed. Oh no, Drago's his friend and he's surrounded by these creatures. So instinctively, he's going to action surge to shoot the one directly south of Drago.
yep cool no problem roll the hit uh 21 to hit that does hit 13 points of piercing damage and can it make a strength saving fray please
It rolls a 10. Fails. It moves away from Drago. 15 feet. You motherfucker. You get an attack of opportunity. Calm down. You fucked my right next move up. You prick. Thank you very much. I take the attack of opportunity. A 19 to hit. Yep, the heads. Nice. But I'm still not raging. This is what happens when dragonborns don't rage. 13 points of slashing damage.
nice lovely so as this creature gets pushed away from you you manage to take a quick swim with your now red hot sword across its body as it gets pushed back to nearer to these flames that are just off to the east of it lovely thank you very much anything else robin is that all your turn yeah second shot yep go for it
With the Bless, that's a 17 to hit. That hits. Hold on. Before I do that, Claude, do I still have Bless or have you cast something that would mean I don't have it? No, you've got it. Go wild, my friends. That hits them. So it takes...
It takes seven points of piercing damage, the one that's been pushed away from Draghi. Another seven points. Lovely. And the strength save? Nope, because I don't want to push it too far. Oh, come on, please. Oh, go on. Yep, to be fair mate, you don't know what I'm planning. You've already done it once if it's part of the RP.
No Robin wouldn't push it into the fire if he's seen this one of these creatures already. Oh, sorry. I didn't realize it was right there. Yeah Boy just to fuck up Ian's move man. Just do it. Come on I think it's pretty fucked like what I was trying to do and I'm trying to work the maths out and I don't think it's gonna work anymore But it's all good. It's all right then roll with it
You've got to roll with it. Lovely. Thank you very much, Robin. Karstan, your turn. What would you like to do? You've seen one run off behind Folly, behind you to the north. This other one has pelted it down south towards Janna and run around this large pillar blocking your field of view from it. What do you want to do?
In this weird game of Follow the Flag, Castan will dash down further south, just past Folly, and then he's going to look towards the one that is to the south of Yenna, and whisper to it, and this whisper is carried over the 60 feet as if by magic, and he's going to say, run away, you silly little creature, and can it take a wisdom saving throw,

Turning the Tide Against Creatures

it can absolutely try it rolled a 15 it fails it takes 15 points of psychic damage yep uh does it get reactions i mean no because it's already turned on that case it just takes the psychic damage
Fantastic. Thank you very much, Karsten. Jena is now going to see what's happened there and is going to be rather happy about it. She's going to turn around and start making a beeline near Robin towards what's happening towards the doorway. What she's going to do, though, is she's going to look around the corner and see what's happening with Drago and these two other creatures. And she sees the entrance to Robin. She sees the entrance to Robin at the entrance via Robin to the place they need to go to. But, yep.
Her moral compass drags her towards helping out someone who has said to help her, so she's going to actually move. We need more people to help me.
towards Drago's position, and she's just going to reach into her satchel again, take out another vial, and lob it towards the creature that Robin has already hit twice, which is the one to your east, and this creature, yep, it hits, is going to take 13 points of cold damage, but that is doubled, that's 26 points.
So what you see is this potion fly out of her hand and hit this creature directly in the chest as these ice shards seem to form across its body, extinguishing the flames of a majority of it. This creature screams out in pain almost as its arm is the only thing that's still on fire at the moment as it stands near the flames trying to drag itself back to heat to its home but it can't.
And then Jena is going to use her last little bit of movement to move back after thinking she's done a good day's work towards this entrance about turns way away away from getting into the doorway and out of danger. That's her turn. Kennard is going to, he's not going to have a clue what's going on at this point. Fucking hell. He's just going to follow Karstan or Karstan's way down towards the south.
taking his dodge as well, sorry, his bonus act, his action to dash as well to get close to some creature to cause some damage on the next turn, but yet he has not hit anyone. He's very disappointed about that. That is their turns. Helena, your turn. You're right in the north. So, yeah, I'm going to run 30 feet max movement to the south, and I'm going to do another 30 feet of my dash option as well. And so I'm going to be
coming up behind this other flamey character to hopefully help out Drago here. Lovely. Now you do have action surge, so you could choose to use your action surge to attack it this round if you wanted to. I think I'm going to do that on this turn then. Sure, okay. Don't want to force your hand, just want to remind you of it. No, I knew I had it and I think my time will run out if I don't do it. Okay, roll to hit. That's 20, not natural. Oh, that hits.
14 bludgeoning damage. Wow, lovely bit of damage there as you smash into the back of this creature without it looking at you. 22 to hit on my next one. That hits. 9 bludgeoning damage and then my bonus action. 18 to hit. Yep, that hits. And 8 bludgeoning damage.
Wow, that's very specific of you. Lovely, thank you very much. As these three bigots, your double flails, still warm from them being forced to be dropped down, come smashing down on the back of this creature, absolutely hammering into it without even realising you're even there, causing an untold amount of damage, a very specific amount of damage as well. Really specific, it was great. Thank you very much for that, Helena. Thank you.
Drago, your turn. You've been helped out by so many people. I know. Let's see if you can do some damage. It's so nice. Drago is just going to find himself happy that he's surrounded by two enemies. And one step to the right looks to both the flame. For some reason, I want to say a bad word. So I'm not going to go without flame people in front of him. He's not going to rage still because
There's no real need. Oh, fuck it. No, he's not going to rage. He's going to use his dragon breath and hit both of them with a full icy breath. Nus nus. So I need you to make a 16 con saving throw, please.
I've never been so happy to say these words to you, Ian. They both failed. Ah, yay! I can do some damage! And is it hardcore because it's all ice? Is it, like, sexy stuff? Well, tell me the damage and I'll tell you what happens. Well, I'll show you the damage. Ten ice damage.
It causes 20 damage to each of the creatures as the damage is doubled and as you spew forth these shards of frozen gorgeous dragonness and it causes both of them.
to disappear into ash embers on the floor. The first one, which Yanna had taken a hit out of, the whole thing froze and it just fell to the floor crumpled in a pile of ash. And the one that Helen had been pummeling away on the back, this dragon breath echoes out, filling the entire space with your giant roar as these two creatures are just destroyed by this. And suddenly, there's a weird, eerie quiet to your area of the battlefield. Awesome stuff, Drago. Anything else to do?
No, I'm happy. I'm a very lovely. Wait, wait, wait. I've got movement still. You have indeed. I am going to take the rest of my movement and head towards the exit of this area. Lovely. Thank you very much. Claude, your turn. I'm just going to move around the south side of the pillar and then take a dash action to end up just behind Robin. And I'm going to shout, can we get a move on, please?
Lovely, thank you very much Claude. Folly, your poor fifth level spell. I know. Everyone else has been using the dash action, I think, and that's why they've gotten so far ahead of you. You're so far behind. I feel bad. Oh, he's all the way up there. I'm all the way up there. I've basically just been left and, you know, I'm about to just turn around and walk back out and go join Tarly.
Let you guys do it for leads going to Go for a quick bit of a dash. He's gonna go for double movements as well because everybody else seems so why the hell not yeah Brilliant wait for me. I got little legs
That is literally, I've just got this image at the moment of Folly just going like, wait, wait, wait for me. And he's really kind of running around fast as he can, it's like, buggeration. Yanna is going to make a run forward as she gets close to the entrance of the mine. She sees it then, she's waving to Robin as he's there. She takes her eye off the ground for a second and trips.
Darren well could you just roll a straight d20 for me please on 15 plus she's tripping oh it's 13 oh okay lovely so she well she does trip does is that she falls forward she manages her body falls against the falls against the dirt but she manages the one thing she holds up is this

Unexpected Moments and Reflections

this small chest that has this exposed finish you managed just to kind of hold it imagine like if you got into a got pushed into a pool and you had your phone in your hand it would be the only thing still above water she's kind of done that with this this case to keep it stable and to keep it above ground and she kind of looks up at you rubbing in oh i should have kept an eye on the ground i think
And she's going to that's going to be the end of her turn. So she's almost there. Kennard is going to see this happening and just sprint towards her muttering under his breath and cast and include you would have heard him just on our fucking stockies as he as he moves towards her that we all get to the door. Yanna stands back up and goes into the mine and you head down the stairs of this area. You're now very familiar with the plants are still lit. The lights are still on as you lead her through the corridors, Robin towards this
crack in the ground she gets there and looks down and for the first time you see a proper proper serious expression fall over her face and she holds this mind as she looks down into the hordes of undead pouring out of a portal deep deep into the earth oh and she looks to robin it's a very small room if you remember only probably robin could fit in there at the time robin this uh this better work
Yes, yeah, I share the sentiment. All right. Now that I'm here, it seems really, really fucking real. Do you want to drop it or should I?
You're the stocky. This is your profession. Do what you do. Right. Ooh, actually, can I just interject? Oh, for fuck's sake. Yeah, you almost scared me. I almost dropped this fucking thing. I thought that was the idea. I know, but on the floor here. The card stand comes up holding the head of, uh, Eric Hass. Jesus Christ. Yeah, whatever. Just get it away from my face. That fucking stinks. Okay, I can throw both if you want.
Yeah, go on then. You can take this and she gingerly hands over this small chest that looks like a small treasure chest almost. Just be really careful whether it's kind of the reason why we're here. So all we need to do is throw both of these down the hole, yeah? Just drop them in. You ain't got to throw them or anything. Just drop them in. I will drop them in.
okay and as your hands tip over the head of ericast bounces off the side and slowly falls down the hundreds and hundreds of feet deeper and deeper into the chasm and at the same time this chest starts to stays locked but moves over and over as silence seems to fall and you're all waiting to hear the sound as it tumbles deeper and deeper and deeper and then finally with a loud thud
It hits the ground. And to see what happens, you're going to have to tune in next week's to the next episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop.
Thank you very much, guys. And thank you very much, everyone. That was a cool episode. Cool episode.

Closing Remarks and Shoutouts

You smashed that. You absolutely smashed it. They caused you so much hassle last time. And I put in the fact that she was running with a fucking nuke and you still smashed it. Oh, God. We totally knew what we were doing that time. Well done. That was impressive. That was fucking teamwork. I had to put some drama in there. You made it so easy.
Hell yeah, man. That was awesome work. Great teamwork. Good stuff, guys. And thank you very much, everyone, for tuning in and listening and making us a party every day. Week, we love you for it. Hope everyone is safe and well out there. If you're not, please get in touch and we'll do what we can over the interwebs to make you feel a little bit better. Maybe send you a GIF your way. We've been getting quite experienced in making GIFs and sending them. So if you need a GIF... That's a GIF, not a GIF. And that's definitely not a GIF, a.k.a. It's a GIF. It's a GIF. Get out.
Jeff. Someone kick him. If you wanted to keep up to date. You want to try by all means. All right, guys, we are social distancing. Kicking is very hard done physically. Kick virtually.
Kick virtually, there's a t-shirt. Kick only virtually. If you'd like to keep in touch with these mad bants that you're hearing right now, you can do so with following our Twitter page, which is at fellowship table, where you can also leave us a comment, a heart, a tweet, some love, some hate if you wanted to, whatever. We love hearing from you all. A massive shout out to Daniel Kean, who's been a listener of our podcast since day one. And he's even talked about us in a local gaming store namedrop Red Panda.
Thank you very much, Daniel. We appreciate you and we appreciate all of you who tune in and listen. If you wanted to go one step further and follow us individually and get right into our minds, you can do so. I am at iWorldA1. Casey's at... Unicorn Crit. Danny's at... Total Party Thrills. Darren's at... Darren Page, 06. Callum's at... The D20 Gamer. Will is at...
Natural 20 will. And it's a very sad DM for creating a fight that we just smashed is at... I still rolled DM. Until next time guys. Farewell!