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Ep. 108 Part 2 Campaign 1 Finale - De Profundis image

Ep. 108 Part 2 Campaign 1 Finale - De Profundis

S1 E108 · The Fellowship of the Tabletop
100 Plays3 years ago

The fight against Graz'zt and the hordes of undead continues as our party try to find a way to end the Blight. Part 2 of our Finale is awaiting you. 


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Guidance from the Princess

Where do we go Princess? Hammer the door down. I'm going to get my horse up to the door, get to the rear up and kick the door in with it.

Introduction to 'The Fetish People's Tabletop' Podcast

Hello, everyone, and welcome to this week's episode of The Fetish People's Tabletop, where I play 5E, D&D, podcast, and the magical homebrew world of Aerith. My name is Mark, and I'm the dungeon room master, and also with us for today's episode, we have Ian, who plays the Dragonborn barbarian- Why are you all touching me? This is very awkward. This is why I preferred us to do this on Zoom, I think. We have Ian, who plays the Dragonborn barbarian paladin, Drago. We do record on a thing made by Zoom, so maybe that will ease the blow. Speaking of blow.
We've got Darren, who plays the human fighter, Rogue Robin. I've got nothing at this stage, listeners. Let's do this. Casey, who plays the human champion, Helen, a sleep guard. Well, I was trying to top Ian's very boring comments, and I can't, so apologies. Well, this is filling me with joy. We've got Will, who plays the human bard, Castan. Hi.
And we've got Callum, who plays the name-sorcerer of Folly Fiddlebank the Ninth. Hello there, everybody. My name is Folly Fiddlebank the Ninth. Nice,

Flashback: Danny's Story

I liked it. I'll fuck you up later. I'm trying to match your energy. Come on, let's do this. Here you go. In last week's episode of the Falon, we do... And Danny's hit. Hi, Danny. Hi, Danny. I'm playing a character in the future. Yes. Oh, but it's all now a giant flashback. Whoa! And it goes back to Danny lying there in the bed, and an old man is telling him a story. And that's how we won against the right.
How do you know Grandad Castan? Well, because I was there. Oh my God,

Episode Recap and Listener Reminder

imagine. No, you keep doing this, putting these big... Anyway, on last week's episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop, I mean, if you haven't listened to it, pause this, go listen to that episode, because... Spoiler alert. Spoiler alert.
you know, when two become one, it was a bit like that, but less so. Spiced gills. Spiced gills. Spiced gills. Spiced gills. Spiced gills. Spiced gills.

Battle with the Undead Forces Begins

Spiced gills. Spiced gills. Spiced gills. Spiced gills. Spiced gills. Spiced gills. Spiced gills. Spiced gills. Spiced gills. Spiced gills. Spiced gills. Spiced gills. Spiced gills. Spiced gills. Spiced gills. Spiced gills. Spiced gills. Spiced gills. Spiced gills. Spiced gills. Spiced gills. Spiced gills. Spiced gills. Spiced gills. Spiced gills.
facing just drago and the hordes of the undead and the blight surrounding them both the rest of the group managed to break away and break north towards the tower on horseback after they heard their horses heard the call of the fourth the horses broke into a quicker pace everyone almost fell off their horses Helena and Folly actually did Folly flew them back dropped Helena on the way and and
managed to make it back to the horses and make their way further towards the tower, leaving us with a really cool image of Folly facing the other way on the horse, firing fire bolts off with Robin at front, steely-eyed, looking forward towards the tower. We also had just flashing back to Drago and Claude and Grazad. Claude had just kind of just sat down, just sat down for all intents and purposes. He was dead, but he had just sat down.

Drago's Confrontation with Grazit

I will need an answer sooner rather than later, Drago." Grazit barks towards you as the rain continues to fall heavily around you, feeling it dripping down over your eyelids, over his body and over the undead that move closer and closer step by step towards you, Drago. You look to your side and see Claude, his eyes are open, yet something seems to have left him.
Well, he says, holding the sword out in one hand, open, palmed hand in the other. Barks drag out. Actually, I was imagining we have crumpets and he's playing the... Chewy. Chewy. What would I say? Wrong dog. Oh, wrong dog. Wrong dog.
I haven't literally ever seen one of those in years. I'm imagining the rain and the grass are looking really well boiled. Yeah. Nice pathetic fallacy as well. Kind of sexy. Yes, yes, thank you. I'm a slut for pathetic fallacy. Sorry Ian. Sorry, this gap helps me decide what I'm going to do. Betray the party, do an outfit. Never.
That would be a lot of smell, he just comes in to save Claude, like the last man. Stop ruining my- Why are you there? Why are you all there, shall I? Get rid of all these great things you could have had. We've come up with some amazing ideas. Like what Mark's just written. Mark's just like, fuck off guys. I'll just kill Claude, fuck off you. The rain continues to pour.
It's muted as well though. This is here the quiet thudding of feet. Closer and closer toward you. As we plod. Now. Well played, well played, well played. From the grave, yep.
Drag his eyes, dart briefly towards Claude as he slumped there, and his mind threatens to overwhelm him from the emotion of seeing one of his family killed in action.
I'm going to do this in a series of actions and bonus actions as it's Draugr's turn, but within a story element. From Cian Claude's body, lifeless body, the rage will dissipate as the emotional turmoil of what's just happened takes over the rage, which uses up a bonus action. And then as an action, looking from
Claude's body back to Grazia as he stood there, sword in one hand, hand out in front of him. Drago's eyes narrow and he takes a deep breath, closes his eyes and tries to channel whatever Claude imparted on him
throughout many of their talks and training and he tries to connect and be at one with the Kiva and get himself back into the moment, the present moment, the danger that's in front of him, the danger that's around.
try and steal his mind back into the battle and while doing so he's going to channel divinity and particularly vow of enaminity where i can choose a creature i can see and gain advantage on attack rolls against it for one minute until it drops to eight zero hp or falls unconscious then as drago's eyes open

Intense Battle: Drago vs. Grazit

the blaze is back but this time it's a holier blaze rather than the fires of pure rage this is a whiter fire of purity it takes a deep breath settles back in his stance dengons deception held out in front of him one of us will end here today
Bring it. And we'll just hold. Ready? That's your turn. Yep. Thank you very much. That was a very ghost ride rest. That was really nice. This cries its turn. The sword comes down from the shoulder.
and he swings at once over the wrist one side over the wrist the other side of his body and he comes for like an upward swing up from kind of your navel up towards your your throat to strike against you he's going to roll 18 against your armor that hits
You take 12 points of slashing damage, so that's 6. No, it's not half. 12 points of slashing damage and 15 points of acid damage. This has come slicing in the second hit.
It's a 2. So that's a 13 against drama class. That misses. So the second one almost, you dodge your head back as he goes for an extra strike at your throat. Your eyes still steel with this different look now. And for the first time ever in his face, you see a slight moment of consternation on his face. Consternation followed by an almost realisation. And he goes, ah. How foolish you all of you are.
He calls out to like everywhere around you and he shouts, Akiva! You hide behind these mortal ants when our battle has and will last an eternity! It's probably more than six seconds, but anyway, that's his turn. Over to you, Drogo. Uh, it's, uh, Drogo.
definitely dodges out of the way of the second attack from Graza. He takes a moment to gain another breath. I know you're still around here, Claude. And as Drago taps the middle of his chest, you're still in here, he's going to cast on himself Shield of Faith and gain two to my AC.

Lucien's Dramatic Entrance

And so Dragga will brush in for another attack. He's going to go for the upper calf of Grazette. Okay, roll to hit. For 23. That hits. I've got advantage, which is really nice. Yeah, 23 to hit, and it's 14 points of slashing damage.
Shot comes in, and you see his calf cut, and this black oozing liquid starts to pour out. He still hasn't reacted to it, but you can see you've caused a cut in his leg. I still got no attack. You do. Trago's going to pivot from hitting the calf, so that he's coming round the back of Grazette, and he's going to slice directly up the spine, and he's going to cast divine smite while doing so. Okay. Boom. 26 for the second. Yep, that hits.
Fifteen points of slashing. What's the pain? Nineteen points of radiant damage. I mean that's that's
As Drago then, after slicing up the spine, returns the blade to a normal position, defensive, and steps back, still within range, but just sure and steady on his feet. And he's refusing to look at Claude. His eyes are focused in on Grazia, and he's trying to channel as much as the faith as possible. With every attack, there's a slight, almost white glow to Drago's movements, and his amulet is burning.
Thank you very much. Grazert turns and a smile erupts on his face as he seems to almost flex and just flex through his muscles as his hand tightens around this greatsword he wields to the single hand. He pulls it up high and this was based on a round. If this had happened earlier, things might have been different. This was based on a round call.
He steps towards you. You're facing him to the south. He's facing you to the north. And from behind him, Drago, you see something, a figure, a single lone rider on a horse approach from behind him towards you. Fuck. I thought you meant behind me. No, behind him towards you. So from the south, riding north, you see the black armor of an obsidian horse. You see the one working left arm.
of a human gripping the reins and a swinging mace head from the right as approaching closer and closer flies in Lucien. As he gets closer and closer you see his face, you see the burning
desperation and determination in his face as he swings it round and as he releases it forward towards him, grabs it almost knowing this was happening, turns around, counter attacks, cleaving the neck and head off the horse, smashing through both of Lucian's legs.
He flies off the back of the horse, flicks out his mace, but it seems to now glow and spark with an energy that seems so mortal yet so foreign. His mace thuds into the back of Graz and for the first time you see pain on his face. Black wisps of energy whip over his body and, at once haunting but now comforting buzz, fills the air, crackles with energy, feels almost too full. Your ears are full of the sound, you feel your body buzzing and shaking with the power and force. Akiva's acolytes grow and then fall.
Lucian falls. You arch your head up and he almost floats through the air. His face a taut expression of pain and determination. His muddied face stoic, yet diminished. His legs don't move from their stirrups. Yet his body thuds into the wet earth below. His breathing shallow. His head does not lift. Fuck. He turns back.
And he screams out again, why will you not face me? Your fear stinks to high hell. Your power is weak and diminishing as the souls you were to watch flee from your care and join me. You are obsolete. You are a Kaic. You are past and present. I am the future of Eryth. I am the future and the eternity.

Grazit's Ambition Revealed

And he rolls to hit you, Drago. That's a 21 against your armor class. Ah, that hits.
Where the fuck has my roll thingy gone? There it is. That's 10 points of magical slashing damage and 12 points of acid damage. Thank you. 24. Thank you very much.
so good he's good he isn't the finesse of his previous attacks have fallen aside now it is just he's like hacking at you just trying to like full on just hack at you there's no finesse here there's no prowess there's no practice in it it is just sword bashing down down down down on you now drago he rolls i roll the 19 so that's a 30
That's a 30. That's one off a crit. That's one off a crit. That hits. My first one, one off a crit. You take 10 points of slashing damage and 8 points of acid damage. I'm just going to make another cons saving throw. And another cons saving throw, please. Uh, 10. How much damage?
Did he take? I think it's gone. I think the concentration is gone. Yeah, it's more than 10. Sorry. Anything more than 20, the damage then with DC goes up. No, he had 10 points of flashing and 8 points. Oh, he's starting. He's 6 to pass it. Oh, fuck. Just. Just, yeah. The shield is still up. This is skin of your teeth. Literally, skin of your teeth.
That is the end of, and what you do notice as the sword comes down, you manage to catch these shots as they come down with Dengong's deception, but it pushes the blade back. He's just pure strength attacking him. Hit, hit, hit. And you can see as you look up, a thin layer of blood almost start to pour from the corner of his eye and down from the crown of his head seems to come and pour down. It looks like it could be sweat, it could be blood. You can't really tell, but something is affecting him. Something has changed in him now. Something has changed within me.
Something is not the same. Oh my god, that does so well timed. My lord. The DM's through with playing by the rules. What? Of someone else's game. Oh okay, it's part of the song.
I'm making use a little bit of these three actions just to get the dialogue in so I do apologize for using more than six seconds but he will turn now heavy through the rain panting looking at you and he almost whispers in your ear Drago this is your final chance join me and see everything I can offer you and that's all this time and for the final time before we switch over to the others over to you

Drago's Resolve and Tactics

Jago steps back, the rain dripping from his face, dripping down the heavily bloodied blade of his father's sword. Claude still in the distance, slumped over. Jago takes a moment to look up and look past the divination magic that's surrounding him, straight at Grazet.
This all started with you. You did this. You took away everything to me.
I will never join you. I have joined others. I am more powerful now than I ever have been. And I will strike you down with everything I have." And as he's saying, this drug is going to run forward again for the final time and give an almighty scream and yell as he brings Dangon's deception down over his head, straight down. And there's a
27 hits divine smite final one
21 points of slashing damage. 13 points of radiant damage. Whoa, okay, that was, oh, my pen's there, that's the way. It's a 21 points of... Slashing. 13... Of radiant. Finish each other's... Sentences. He, again, the same thing that he did to you, you've done to him. As the shot comes down, he parries it, but your strength is too great and it pushes back the blade, pushing through him as well. For that first one, he feels...
He feels ill, like he's had a sneeze and so he just sneezes to himself. Ah, it's damn cold. You've given him COVID and basically- Wow, topical. No, this doesn't affect me. I've been triple drabbed. That one aged well. Part of me is in this moment, the other part of me is in Drago's head.
Yeah, you cut through, you cut through and putting his own blade, the blade is sort of back into himself for that first hit. You have a second attack, don't you? Roll to hit. So as the blade comes down, Drago stepped even closer with his lead foot. So his snout and Grazert's own face are locked face to face. And in that tight space, Dengal's perception is going to
slower this time make its way through as it's already in Grazet's body and just make its way through and as he brings up the hilt of dengon's deception it's gonna crack across Grazet's face as the sword comes all the way out. Before you roll to hit, I'm gonna pause you there. Oh my god!

Journey to the Mystical Tower

gonna pause there oh my god and pass over to remaining soldiers of fortune as they head out towards just like that towards the tower you ride on the tower approaches it stands like a shard of glass crap
from the earth. The tower sits at a slight angle, yet the power that seems to be emanating from it and pulling you toward it gives you the impression it's under no threat from falling soon. The once beautiful stone architecture that adorned this impressive building has fallen to the blight. The windowed gaps are now covered with ever-growing rot. The top of the tower is sharpened to a point as a section of the top parapet has fallen away.
leaving a sharp point jutting up and angled out towards the heavens. At ground level, the remains of a once impressive entrance to the tower is still visible. As you approach the rot of the blight lessons and you can see gaps on the powdered white stonework, you see through the destruction statues of heroic mortals of old inscriptions of deeds and people once known, and you see doors to the tower, if indeed doors they are.
These impressive wooden oak panels seem as tall as most buildings in gold view. As you hit them, it sounds like you're hitting a microphone. Now check it. Their wrought iron looks as if they've been blasted with a gold finish, which has started to rust away, adorning this entrance to the tower and would be familiar to that of Helena, are two low pillars with fires that burn from a top with an intensity that scares you.
It burns like that of a jet engine rather than a conventional fire. Not that any of your characters would know what a jet engine was. Exactly. But to give you guys a flavor of the intensity of the burn. The place buzzes with power and electricity. Your ears prick up, but for nothing in particular. Your eyes are big and flitting around, but for no object or person. Your skin's sensitive.
You're breathing shallow. The doors are shut. There is no one directly in front of you. The undead are in pursuit behind you, though. What do you want to do? Where do we go, Princess? Hammer the door down. I'm going to put my horse up to the door, get to the rear, and kick the door in with it.
The horse is going to rear up, I'm going to try and get the horse to kick the door because it looks cool. Okay, I'm going to ask for that to be an animal handling check if that's okay. Yeah, sure. Let's set that DC. I thought it looked cool, so you know. How about I said bash the door down? Okay.
It's a long roll. 19. Okay. Wow. Yes. You pull back and in some kind of, I'm imagining it's, um, it's the Lord of the Rings, isn't it? Where Gandalf kicks, um, what's his name? Onto the fire. Denethor. Denethor to the fire with the horse reared up and the awkward camera angle.

Entering the Tower and Facing Elfia

Um, you do manage to pull your horse back and kick these huge doors and made you fly open. And for a second, you feel like an absolute boss.
until instantly, the doors come back the other way and fire back out towards you. So you've kicked them in, they've held for a second, then closed them, instantly kicked out towards you, hitting into you and throwing you and whoever else was there, 10 feet radius of you back, which I'm considering probably just you, given that everyone else would have probably pulled up to the stairs and not gone any further. I was knocked down, I was thrown for it. Well, Carson, I didn't think you had it in you. So you're going to take...
It's going to be not going to match. You might kill you. Two points of bludgeoning damage. That's probably half your health for a bar, doesn't it? Kill me now. I can imagine. Fully dead. As you are not prone to down the eight or nine stairs, the kind of long, lazy looking stairs that lead up. You know those stairs that you have to step
Twice, I mean, for me it's for like every step because I'm short, but the normal people, like the long steps are about like a meter, so you've got to step, step, step each one. There's about 10 of those and you skid down about four or five of them down. The doors are kind of open for a second and full shuts again, but they don't kind of pull shut with any kind of magical power. They just kind of creak to like kind of gravity and pulls them back in again towards that position.
The doors were open for a moment. Okay, Helena's going to get down from the horse and go up to the doors, whoever follows. I'm going to follow. I'm following. I'll get up and follow. Okay. Bye, Bruce. My ego, Bruce. I'm thinking many ego, Bruce, isn't it? Yeah, we'll leave the horses here. I think they've done all that they can do. Maybe we should let them go and try and see if they can escape. I don't think so. We need to move. Don't worry about the horses.
And then that's the, that was the horse saying that. I do many NPCs in this video guys. It's like the horse from, um, from Tangled. It's that really, you know about that. You were in, you were in Tangled. Here comes this moulder. Yeah. Can we push open the door? Are you trying to do that? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Give it a push.
You look to Ryan for something and you're just gonna go push the air on the table. That was really harsh. The doors do just open after that first. It's my second. It was set as a trap and stood directly in front of you.
Actually, now I'll describe what else you see in there before we get to that. As the doors slowly kind of creak open, it sounds a bit like a haunted house, but it's not, the room inside the tower is all but fallen into the only thing that dominates the space. A huge ravine groans down from the earth in front of you. A constant rush of hot air pummels your face and shoots up, up, up through the shard above and into the open air of the ruthless hollow tower.
a shell for this ravine, this chasm, the rift. I put chasm in for a reason. There is limited room here. About 25 foot of the tower floor remains. A small stone platform still juts out over the rift as you peer into the darkness, you see and hear a sight that none should ever have to experience. You peer into the expanse of eternity, into the beyond, to life after death,
You hear the eternal groans of countless souls, their trials, their regrets, their anger, and their hatred. This fills your ears so much that you instinctively want to cover them, to make it all stop. Your eyes are drawn down, down, further down. You see wisps at first of slight yellow humanoids, alone on the sides of the rift.
As you catch what you need to be looking for, you start to see them in their millions. All climbing, all slowly beginning their ascent to the world of the living for their non-life to re-begin. Those that reach the surface stand for a second before melting into the ground and the tower seems to shudder slightly with energy with each soul that ascends.
In front of this, standing quite near to the jutting-out piece of stonework over the ravine, over the rift, stands the taut, pale-skinned elf, almost unrecognizable face of Elfia.
His eyes blackened to soot, his hair gone. His clothing replaced with a shroud of darkness which drapes over him like a cape. His clenched fists are a fury of wisps of purple which fly around each handed on holy speed. A thin smile creeps along his taut, bony face. You see the right side of his face and the scorch marks left from a gallon in hollows and folly's wall of fire.
I catch Fireball. Absolutely. Absolutely you can. But there is one other figure.
There is one other figure present, standing just to his left and behind him. This is a tall, armored... There's guardsman by the looks of things. A knight, a fool of the knights, some might say. He stands taller than Elf here, probably a head and shoulders above him. Full plate armor, with a large halberd in one arm. This is not prance at everyone.
He is covered head to toe in plate mail armour. You cannot see. Oh my god, that'd be cool. Stop it! Let's describe it. The helmet is completely covered, save for a very single slim visor cut across the eye line which gives you no sight into what is beyond this armour. From head to toe covered in armour. But anywhere there isn't
metal you've got these kind of painted pauldrons of yellow with spikes jutting through it and again this black ethereal mist seems to seems to just swirl around this figure as he stands still just to your left sorry to elf his left to your right they stand between you and the rift they stand between you and your mission sorry do we recognize the other chap
the other chap out there. No, the other person. No, no, no, no, no, no. All in plate armour with only slits across to the visor. Not at all. Also, are you about to ask us what we're going to do? Yeah, I was going to ask you that. I cast Fireball. Behind us, obviously, the undead were charging afterwards. Are they still coming? Yeah, yeah, yeah, they're still coming. They're still coming. You've made a bit of... Sorry, I should have made that clear, yeah, because otherwise you'd be like, oh, that's an issue. Close the door lock, does it? They are... You managed to... I mean, it was quite a...
journey that I just kind of expediated us slightly along it. You've probably got, I mean, if we're going to go into combat rounds here, you've got quite a while. Okay, that's fine. They're probably, you can see them in the distance, still fighting the obsidianis, but they would, they are on their way, but they're not as close as Drago's, I suppose. Fine, just check where we have them. No, that's a very good question. I should have mentioned that. Thank you very much. And so what do you want

Battle Initiated with Elfia

to do? I cast five on. Right, okay. First time I saw an elf there, I cast five on. I'm just going to do it again.
If it ain't broke down, fix it! Let's bring up some st-st-st-st-st-starts. Well, I was going to take that as like a pre-image to go. Yeah, yeah, yeah, happy. Happy. Because why not? It's a dexterity saving throw, isn't it, for both these... Yeah. Yeah, cheers. High level monk's going to be quite good at it. It's just you. Mark of long turns. I have, I never continue to roll turns. That was 16 for Elle Thea. That's a fail. However, I-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-
19. That passes. Okay, so the really slow hulking metal one somehow. I actually don't get armor stops the damage. Yeah, I'll go with that. That sounds better than me thinking that he's like, he's actually like Simone Biles under the armor. Let me roll damage him. I'm only casting this at third level. Only 86. Yeah, because now's a good time to pull your punches. Not got many yet. So, you know, we'll do our best.
or diabolical. 30 points of fire damage. In total? So, 30 on Elfeir and 16 on the Death Knight. Not that well known as the Death Knight. You said Death Knight, so yeah.
I felt already nervous. He's a knight, he's dead. Death knight. There you go. Okay, thank you. Can you all please roll initiative if you're still alive and in the combat? Everybody's roll initiative! You guys have got this. I really don't. I'm sorry, you guys have got this from somewhere in the ethereal plane. Can you drag it? I think I hit drag it. It's not bad. Okay, did anyone get 20 plus? Hold on a minute. Okay. Me and Clauda here, it's pretty okay.
I'm not okay. 22. There you go. I want your Dex modifier. Plus... Nothing, I don't think. Hold on. Let's do it. We're all gonna die as a team. 15 to 20. Just you got each other. What'd you get? 19.
I like each of your old terms. What's happened? I got the 12, which is pretty bad for Robin. And Folly? Six! Classic. I'll wait at the back. Bring it over here. Always. Got the door. Hold the door. Hold the door, Folly. I got the door. Hold the door. Hold the door. Hold the door. Right. Good. Okay. First things first.
Elphir's turn is your turn to you Helena and he's going to
reach out one of his hands that's got this black mist in it and just kind of almost almost hold it palm upwards like he's offering you something but from it there's black orb a purpley black orb that seems to have been kind of growing in his hand kind of feeds out and moves unholy paste directly towards you disgusting harm to you please could you make a constitution saving throw you should be pretty good at them as a fighter we said that about the monk of the deck exactly
22. Sorry, 22. Okay, well, it's halved then. You take 26 points of, what is it? It is necrotic damage, yes. I don't, I take half. Yeah, I'm resistant and necrotic. You do, so you halve the half, absolutely. So... I've done this. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
There is a barbarian subclass that gives you resistance to everything, but psychic damage as well. He says he has for this one. And with the other hand, he's going to cast out Ray of Enfeeblement towards Robin, which is going to be a ranged attack against you. I thought you were swearing, but you were censoring it. I'm just going to beep and hit you up. I'm going to hit you. I'm going to beat you up.
Hold on. If I change this number from a one to a two, it misses. Are you buffing the DM's guide, please? My god, it's good for the DM's guide. No. What are you asking about? I'm going to see if I can do this on spells where it's just attacks, defensive joules. I don't think it's going to matter. It's probably just. I think it's just attacks. It might be melee. Proficiency bonus is five, which will make my AC 24. So it meets and beats. Doesn't matter. I'm going to do it. Give me a look. Don't burn your reaction. A black beam of energy heads towards you and towards the center of your chest.
That's a 24 against your armor class.
I want to hit the target. Oh, is your weapon a strength attack? It's not, is it? Cool, that's absolutely fine, doesn't affect you. What's the damage then?
It just made sure the bonus action is going to say. Yeah, good point. Okay, well, you're now just enfeebled. You feel weak. Oh, no. And probably it'll have an effect if there's any strength saving throws. No, probably not as well. But at the end of your turn, you can make a constitution saving throw against the spell. If you're successful, the spell ends. It's an 18 to pass it, okay? From now on, after the contest. I'm pretty good at contest. Yeah, I think it'll be okay. Just trying to break you guys early.
Thank you. Thank you. Right, that's the end of Elfie's Go Helena. Your turn. What do you want to deadly do? Helena is... Helena's gonna say, you don't even know me. You don't know me. And then she's going to charge at him with her flails, please. Yeah, girl. Not if any fucker come between her and the rift. Okay.
15 to hit on the first one. Misses. Wait, who are you hitting? Althea. Misses. Natural one on the second one. That would have been a 13 as well, but yeah, sorry. Yeah, both of them missed. I thought I'd close the stat block for Althea, that's handy. No, that misses as well, unfortunately. Okay. Third one. Whoa, I'm rolling dogshite. 16 to hit on the third one.
That misses as well. Sorry. Good round, team. I'm going to go for manual roll here. Okay, 24 to hit on the fourth one. That misses. Oh, it does that if that hits. No, he's got better stats for Grazie. Yeah, I'm going to sod doing it off on digital. I'm going to doing it on here. Yes, it must be the dice. Trust in your dice. Yeah, obviously. 1D8, boy. What would the dice do? WDD. What would the dice do?
11 points off. Bludged. Yeah, bludgeoning. Bludged? Yeah. Yeah, that's it, isn't it? Can't do anything else? No, I'm not gonna do it yet. Okay, so you take a swing, swing, swing through them, and it moves like Neo from The Matrix. I feel like I mentioned The Matrix a lot recently. Misp, Misp, Misp, and the last one, you catch him just with like a back end of a float, you kind of feign out of an attack, and he doesn't realize it's coming again, and he claps and looks at the head. Yeah, she goes, ha! And she does it.
He doesn't go, oh, that's just me, the DM, doing it. He's much cooler about it. And, yep, he misses. Through the miss, the fourth one hits. Is there anything else you want to do, Helen, with your turn? No, thank you. Lovely. Karstan, over to you. Okay. You've launched your fireball, bolt, ball. Ball? Balls. That would have been fireball if that worked.
I would like to cast Faerie Fire. And I want to cast it in such a way... It's only within the area of Faerie Fire that if they leave the area they don't get affected by it, do they?
Mark, how big is the space that we're in? They're about 5-10 feet apart from each other. You're about 25-30 feet away from them. So you've moved up to... Yeah, I'm close. Do you want to give us an advantage but also something of them advantage? Yeah, I'm going to cast Faerie Fire. I'm going to light the area up with Faerie Fire. Okay. So it's a 20 foot cube.
A 20-foot cube within range is outlined in blue, green or violet light. Ideally, I want to make sure I'm definitely getting the knight and elf here in that box. Yep. And it looks like a little fighting boxing ring that will be lit up around them. Anyone in that has to make a deck saving throw. Okay. And they become lit up. So at the moment, Helena is in that as well. So Helena, could you make a deck saving throw as well, please? Good.
The Death Knight got 14, Elfie got 31. I mean, it's your stats. Your character, dude. Fuck me, those are. Alright, so the Death Knight is probably now lit up in a violet light. Lovely. And for the duration of the spell,
Anyone that attacks the death knight has advantage and he can't benefit from being invisible. No problem at all. It doesn't affect health here, does it? No. Your past, your final number to be there. Awesome, so it's just the death knight. The death knight literally lit up like a Christmas tree. And then I give, I then use my bonus action to give body inspiration to Helena. Helena has a d10 that she can use on any d20 role. Nice, thank you very much. Cast down.
Death Knight, DEATH KNIGHT! He's going to step up, and he's going to walk towards... Robin. With the range of you on the doorway at least, that is.

Death Knight's Attack and Robin's Struggle

And he's going to swing his halberd towards you, aiming to hit you, surprisingly, in the face. That is a 26. That hits.
You take two points of slashing damage and 18 points of necrotic damage. Okay. Has he left the Faerie Fire King? He has left the Faerie Fire King. In that case, he's no longer lit up, I don't think. No.
Any creature in the effect is cast. Whilst you're thinking about that because it's done the effect, it's done at the moment. He rolled another attack against you, Robin. That is 26 to hit. That is six points of slashing damage. Nine points of necrotic damage this time. Okay. I will uncanny dodge that one to reduce that to four points of damage total.
That is his turn. Sorry, what is the damage total? What was the damage total, because I halved it with Uncanny Dodge? I use it only on my first thing. Thank you. So seven if you're halving it down. What for? Okay, cool. And that is...
The Death Knight's turn, he's now in contact with Robin. Elfie is in contact with Helena. That's the end of the Death Knight's turn. Robin, your turn. He is still lit up. He is still lit up. It's like a glitter bomb going off. If it sticks to you, it sticks to you. Glitter, the herpes of the craft world. Robin, your turn. Robin will take one look at the Death Knight.
he's going to glance over to Elphir and remember his promise and he's going to disengage with his bonus action from the death knight and he's going to make his way over to Elphir
I'm going to like two attacks against him. Okay, roll to hit. I'm going to get into a position where I'm flanking with Helena. You wouldn't be able to because Elphir's back is to the rift. So there is nothing behind him save the rift in front of him. Him is Helena. So Helena would have to dodge to the left in order for you to be to the right. Do you see what I mean? So there's no back to him at the moment.
Just so they don't mock me. I just have to say, he rolled a 19. All together now. One off a crit. Need to get that on a bumper sticker. Did you consider Spartan kicking this guy off the rift? He looked at me when he said, I remember my promise to Elthir about Elthir and then just disregarded it totally. I'm going to go two attacks.
It's amazing. There was a great moment there where I grabbed Mark's shoulder. I felt it. In the anticipation of Robin. I'm going to chop his limbs off. That's it. I'm just going to hit him. If I wound him like I would did Anakin, he'll forgive me eventually, right? I won't be around to forgive anyone. I'm trying to figure out how much snake attack it is. Danny, how are you doing, man? I'm having a great time. You are a hero. I haven't got any responsibility of trying to figure out what to do with my turn.
Yeah, I've gone through like three different ideas at the moment. I don't know. You're inspiring each one of Drago's turns. Kill everything with fire. That's true. Oh God, maths. His biggest weakness. He's got to stab yourself. This is like, we're just very happy about the resistance of the thing. Don't forget to carry the one.
6-12. Vocabulary. Darrin. Advantage. Maps. 23 points of slashing damage. 24 points of slashing damage. 24. 24 points of slashing damage. 24. 27. 27. 29. 227. Is Elfeir undead? 180. Elfeir is not undead. I will then look at Elfeir as I crash into him as he's engaged with Helena. I'm going to try and
No, I can't. I can't move him, actually. I can't move him because he'll go backwards down the thing. I don't want to kill him. I will just say to him, last chance, Elphir. Turn back towards the light or we will be forced to end this. And as I do that, he's going to get
How far away is the Death Knight? The Death Knight now, it was in contact with Yia, so it's about 25 feet away. No, sorry, less than 20 feet away. I'm going to hold to see if there's any... I'm going to forego my second attack and just see if there's any let up in Elfie. Thank you, Robin. Great turn. Folly, your turn. Bottom of

Folly's Magic Alters Battle Dynamics

the round. It's probably quite nice being last actually. You can see where everything's kind of going out. Oh yeah, where everything's gone and happened and he's still like, oh, I'll print you. You're topless.
Just to give you an image of that. Yeah. How's that tattoo? Because you quickly dropped like into cannon. You've got a tattoo of a potion. I thought you said mom with mom on it. Yeah. Follies a little bit.
He's kind of surprised at L3O series, surprised that he's got company as well. And he doesn't like it. There is anger that builds up in Folly at this. He's going to just pull something out of his backpack. Something that has been saving for a long time.
I can't wait to see what bullshit is coming out of this backpack. You look at that one as well. Is this an action, by the way? This is an action. It's basically a scroll that I got given way back when I think in my mind the underground area where we got the onyx reaver in that temple. I think you pulled it from there. You listeners can listen back to this and realise that this is all bullshit.
It's somewhere in there, trust me. It's somewhere in there. Gallon and Hollow. Gallon and Hollow, thank you. Where you found James Hargrove's body outside with the riddles and the books and the burning. Yes, I think he picked the scroll up from there. Sure, why not? I mean, you know... It's not... It's like two years ago, I literally... It's not a wild magic scroll or anything like that. It's a scroll of resilient sphere. And you're going to start reading it and you're going to aim it towards your death knight. Is that an action? It's an action. So you've already done an action to pull out the scroll?
We've always played it where it's an action to pull it out and read it. If DM wants to change it, then fair enough. Oh, sorry, I didn't realise. It counts as his inventory. Ah, okay, yeah. You don't have to root around. So you need to make a dexterity saving throw, Mark. I want to look up what the spell is. What the fuck are we doing? You gave me the scroll! I've never heard of this thing. It's like a resilience fear. Resilience fear. Basically, yeah, it's a cage that's weightless. What do you need? What do you need from me? Dexterity saving throw.
Oh, right. On Elphir? No, on the death night. Okay, I haven't been listening at all. No, it's more of a falling bullshit, it doesn't matter. I was waiting for the moment where everyone goes, no, you can't do that, Callum. I did change. Uh, 12. Uh, you failed.
So as Folly reads the scroll out loud, focusing all of its energy on your death knight, a sphere of shimmering force seems to start appearing around your death knight.
You can kind of see the shimmering effects of it. Nothing, not physical objects, energy or other spell effects can pass through the barrier that your creature is now in. Although a creature can breathe in there. The sphere is immune to all damage and a creature or object inside can't be damaged by attacks or effects originating from outside, nor can a creature inside the sphere damage anything outside.
The sphere is weightless, and just large enough to contain the creature or object inside, which can be basically large or smaller. An enclosed creature can use its action to push against the sphere's walls, and roll it up to half of the creature's movement speed. Similarly, the globe can be picked up and moved by other creatures. Didn't fancy giving that to us before you left, did you? No, I didn't. You only just remembered to add it.
And as a bonus action on Folly's turn, because you always like to make the most of your turns, more Folly bullshit. I'm just going to sacrifice my last first level spell slot to give myself a couple of extra sources. Your last first level? Okay, I'm with you now, yeah. To give yourself what, 20,000? 1002.
The resilience here will last one minute. So 10 rounds. He's a French mime. He's inside a box he can't get out of.
Wait, let's just light it up to kill the creature. He can't do anything. He can push it slowly. He can push it half his movement. He can just pick it up like this. Wait, with him in it. Yeah, because it's waitless. We can push him down. That's really fun. No, but you can... What follow is going to say? Throw him into the void! That was pretty sick. Cast him into the fire! Cast him into the fire!
I know, I know. That was on trend folly and pretty sick. Yeah. And that, which usually isn't on trend folly, but you know, that's, that's fair.
You're the only one that's in contact with him, right? Me and you were in contact with Elphie. I wanted to get to Elphie. Okay, right. I've got nothing for that. I've got nothing for that. Screw you and your death knight. Right. Thank you, Folly, for breaking my bad buddy. It's Elphie's turn. Let's do some damage.

Elfia's Magical Assault

Okay. Elphie is going to look directly at you, Robin.
And say, mutter quietly under his breath. It's too late now. And he's going to slam his hands together now, and he's going to cast Shatter. And both of you that were in range, could you both please make a constitution saving throw?
And I've also got a fire inspiration as well. 12... 7... 12 at 7 is? 19. Wow, we all know the 7s. Yeah, it was nice. 19, 23. 23, you both pass. Cons like our thing, like high-level fires, that's all we're good at. Well, yeah, but... Yeah, you're all dead. You're all dead, that doesn't help. I know.
You both take nine points of thunder damage. Thunderdome! And all the rock and stone around you flies back out of the area.
And your helmet flies off Helena. That flies off. One thing you've got, nothing you have in particular. No, nothing flies off in particular. There's some non-magical objects not being worn or carried also take damage. And I'm going to imagine that your helmet just flies off. So how much of that will be taken off from my aesthetic? Sorry, there isn't being worn, ignoring. It's fine. Your helmet stays on. It goes to fly off and you shouldn't push it back on. I don't know.
held or worn. There isn't being worn or carried, also takes damage. Ah okay, so it's like there's a helmet on the side there. What's any of their equipment they're not currently wearing? Not being worn or carried. Well that goes for that. It's carried carrying. It's carrying. I think it's on your person. It's like there's something left on a table. Which I thought would be a nice kind of dramatic moment for your helmet to fly off but we'll just undo that, that's fine. And he isn't too happy about that so he's going to...
spend a key point and do some, well it's not really a key point now anymore really it's more of a point of evilness and he's going to hit you with stunning strike.
That is 28 to hit. That hits. You're going to take 6 plus 5, 11, 16 points of bludgeoning damage and you have to make a constitution saving throw please. Okay. I'd say that's a pass. 18 add 8 to the 26. That failed, no it does pass. It passes for that. That is Elfie's turn. Moving down, down, down. It's Helena, back to you.
Okay, I can't take a reaction, can I? Why do you need to? Because he's just hit me. No, I'm saying, could I took a reaction and then actually use my action? What would you want to take a reaction for? Probably just hit him back. Okay, it's fine then. I was just trying to get another action out of myself.
Um, then I will hit him back. Yeah, with my flails, please. Hit him. And you do have advantage because he's still got Fairy Fire. No, he doesn't. He dodged it. Did he dodge it? He dodged it. Sorry. Will's trying to keep his old character alive. Um, 17 plus 12 is? A lot. Yeah, that passes. Okay. I owe the 25s. To be honest, you guys have been rolling so well, like so well.
14 points of bludgeoning with the first hit. In fact, I'm just going to roll my hits all at once. Is that okay? Yeah, absolutely. Natural 20. 13 plus 12. 25. Yep. Yep. And 7 plus 12. 19. That fails. Okay, so two pass. One crit, one pass, yeah.
Alright, hold on then. This one's going to be my 20, so that's 5 plus 7 and then double plus 5 and then add 10. 5, double the roll. So 10. Okay, 17, then 17 points of bludgeoning. And then 8 points of bludgeoning. That's 25, no sorry, 30 points of bludgeoning in the title.
Sure, I wasn't keeping track. Sorry. Okay, good. Do I? Do I? Play them drums. Drum him. Action surge. Drum him. I will go an action surge then. Drill him into the floor. Another four hits. 12 plus nine is 21. 21. Yeah, I'll use rather more. Five plus seven is...
Great, this is points of bludgeoning. I feel like I'm in School of Rock, you know, and he's doing one bludgeoning. That's my impression of him. That's very good.
That's very good actually. That's the character for a new campaign. Just Jack Black. Black Jack. Come on man! Flick-a-dick-a-doo! The Blight! It's only killing you half the time! The other heads are breathing in! Didn't I need more, baby? Sorry, I know that whole album. I'm really sorry. Go listen to it. Inward Singing, check it out. I was looking for a way out of this. Yes, I was.
Yeah, so she's just raging down on him with her flails. Hit, hit, hit. 12 on the first. Yeah. I'm really sorry. Those second set of hits, what, what, how, what do you, sorry, what were you doing 20 rolls? What were you hitting on? What do you mean? What was I hitting on? What numbers were you rolling? Can you roll the first one just now? Oh, got you. Just so you haven't rolled them all. That's the first one. What did you roll for that to hit? 25. 25, okay. He's going to parry.
and up his AC. By his proficiency bonus, I think. Yeah, which I think is six.
Was it easier for me to just roll and hit at the same time? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I really had to roll and hit at one. So I'm going to pin that first one up so that first one misses. His AC now shot up a little bit as well, which has burned his reaction, FYI. But yeah, now roll the next 12 or however many you have. Two more you have. But just, his AC's gone up. Oh, six plus, what did I just say? 12. 18, that misses. Okay, and...
Oh, 5 plus 12. 17 misses as well. That's it, he's away using his Wing Chun, causing his Wing Chun, Tai Chi, yeah, burning his reaction as well in the process. His AC has bumped for this round. Good shit, Helena. Yeah, I mean, yeah, he's not looking healthy. Should I have done the other thing as well? Yeah, should I have second winded because I don't have...
Both that and action surgery, the bonus action, so you can't. So can't, okay, I'm gonna have to wait. It doesn't use a bonus action. It does, I'm sure it does. It's special. It can't do. It's a special. Okay, well then you can second wind you, it's not bonus action, but didn't you do your offhand? Yeah, you did your offhand, you can't second wind. Yeah, then I- Offhand is, do an offhand. Offhand is a bonus cat. Yeah, so then I can't do it, Danny, I'll just have to wait on the next one. Let's just hope that my- Yeah, second wind is better. Cool, good stuff, cast down.
I'm going to point at him and can you make a charisma saving throw please. What are you saying? What are you doing? Do I not get to know? I'm trying to banish you. Not this again. I'm trying to fuck up the entire final battle. 21. Oh, you bastard. You do in fact pass. I thought I could nullify the entire combat by having one banish to win a ball.
That fails. Thank you very much. Death Knight is going to roll his hamster ball towards you. And slam his halberd into the grind, but obviously to no avail. That is, I've got one known as DK here. That is DK's turn. Robin, your turn. What would you like to do? I'm going to glance at Helena. How bad does Helena look at our glance? Give us a perception check.
15. You can... Tell him the truth, if you'd like. How badly? On a scale of very good, good, fine, bad, very bad, for that kind of detail. In between, well, about, like, bad, above bad. I'm going to put my hand on her shoulder.

Robin's Moral Dilemma and Cliffhanger Ending

I'm going to, from a very swift defaction, bring my self-level with Elfie's face and just marshal Helena to one side and use bait and switch to our Helena's AC by six until the end of my next turn. If you're willing to be baited and switched. If you're willing to be just marshalled by Robin out of harm's way.
You're letting a man control you. Doesn't this still keep, don't you just swap position? Yeah. So if you're in range... She's still in range, but she's going to get the AC boost. Right, of course she does. Yeah, so yeah. That's fine. It's fine. She will take it. I like the bait and switch. She's been used for something serious. I like my one where I bait and switch out of a kiss. Thanks. Thanks for that. That was good.
And you get six to your AC. Yeah, thank you. So you're cool with that, you're complicit with that. There's misogyny that's taking place. Not so. Doesn't even ask for consent, Jesus Christ. So if Mark wanted to kill the heir of sleep garden, he's now... I thought, I thought with Follyspell and my spell, we should go and find the whole company. I mean, six to my ACs, we're already here.
Yes it is. So that's just my movement, because I can use bait and switch. I can't use any other superiority guys, but I can use that and still do an action. That counts as a bonus action, doesn't it? I don't think so. Must count as something. I think it counts as the use of my superiority though, which means I can't use them anymore for this round. I'm just joking. No, until you get a rest. Not this round.
One spirit die and switch places with the creature. Yes, I've expended this. It cost me the superiority die. So I'm now level with Elphir. I glance over my shoulder and I can still see the horde of undead coming towards us, can't I? You can, correct. They're still probably two or three minutes away from getting there though. I'm sorry it ends this way. And I'm going to take a swing at him.
gripping, healthier, and just kind of falling into the void. As your, this is Ghostbane, as Ghostbane comes up, you see the figure of Elthi the Tort's skin with blood now pouring freely from his face and from his arms and all the skin you can see exposed. His arms stretch up to kind of shield himself.
for a 22 to hit. Just before you do that, something happens. That's from a different document.
His whole being shifts and changes and in a second his voice shifts and as his body starts to change he shrinks down from his bold pale gaunt head Ginger hair sprites and pours down onto his shoulders as the face warps and twists into that of Tali and she stands in front of you hands up saying stop
I'm gonna let you decide whether or not you want to continue with the action now. That's as far as, that happens just as your sword is gonna up and on the way down. You can swing, you've already, I mean, what would you roll for it again?
21. 22. 22, okay. Well, it's still bumped anyway from the thingy, but that's just what's happened. And as you pause and you can feel the crumbling of the towers, a small section falls into the blight and a few more of the tiles shift and fall into the rift as it ever grows, ever grows, and the undead continue to move closer and closer at your rear. That's what we're going to end it for this week's episode of The Fashion of the Tabletop.
Come back next week You've shafted me wasn't really with that, but I guess it doesn't feel like it Hey, hey Danny, do you want to do you want to swing this ending for us? Hey, let's go
What does that mean? Very nice of you. Do you want to do the outro? Do the honours? Everyone needs to hear your voice, man. Well, then, to find out what happens to our heroes as the conclusion of the simultaneous Jewels of the Fates. Find their conclusion. You'll have to join us next week. This was the Fellowship of the Tabletop. Around our table, we have
a collective Twitter page where you can find us, at Fellowship Table. If you want to go to one step further and follow us individually, you can do so. You can follow Big Willy Will out.
Natural 20 will. You can follow Callum at... The D20 Gamer. Where might you find Darren these days? At Darren Page S6. Myself can be found at Total Party Thrills. Case, where can we find you? Unicorn Quit. And Ian, where can we find you? At Iroder 1. And our fabulous, glorious, absolutely raging at the fact his final combat has been basically
put in the kiddie pool. Mark, where can we find you? One, one of his final comments, can I just say? At aced in the Royal DM. Until next time, guys. Farewell!