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136: Becoming A Non-Toxic Household image

136: Becoming A Non-Toxic Household

S8 E136 · Two Kids and A Career
214 Plays1 year ago

Jill Devine met this week’s guest, Alycia, through the podcasting world and then started following her on Instagram. Jill was fascinated by the tips and tricks Alycia was sharing about living a non-toxic life.

As a mom and wife, Alycia started learning years ago about the toxic chemicals and ingredients in our products and food. She has since started sharing this knowledge, including recipes and tips, to help others cut out these toxic ingredients and lead a healthier lifestyle for themselves and their families.

Referenced in this week’s episode:

“Back To Eden” Book

Barbara O’Neill on YouTube

The Infamous Honey Recipe

Instagram: @coffee_cupcakes_kids

Alycia’s Website

Two Kids and A Career Website:

Two Kids and A Career Instagram:

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Thank you to our sponsor: Elemental Esthetics

This episode is brought to you by Elemental Esthetics. When you call or text the following number (314-279-6069) to schedule your appointment, mention my name and you’ll get a special gift with your purchase.


Convenience vs. Holistic Health

following podcast is a Jill Devine Media production. Our world has become 100% about convenience. It's been 100% about slap a Band-Aid on the problem. And let's hope that that fixes it and not really learning how to be healthy and holistic in the first place. It's the medical world has gotten so big medication has gotten so huge that we've learned that
that convenience of just taking something when we don't feel good as opposed to let's maintain a healthy diet so that we don't get sick has become what the whole world is about. This episode of Two Kids and a Career is brought to you by Elemental Aesthetics. You can be guaranteed that your experience is going to be unique and customized to your specific needs.
See how they can help you focus on natural beauty enhancements by visiting

Introduction to '2 Kids and a Career'

Hi there and welcome to 2 Kids in a Career. I'm Jill Devine. As an entrepreneur, wife, and mama, the daily grind of trying to build a business while taking care of kids and trying to maintain a healthy connection with my hubby, it's a lot. With this podcast, you're going to hear candid conversations with other moms.
parenting experts who can share their knowledge and insight, or you'll just hear me rambling to get it all out. There's going to be tears, there's going to be laughter, but most importantly, there will be support. Take a listen and connect with me so we can grow and learn from one another. This is 2 Kids and a Career. Welcome to this week's episode of 2 Kids

Podcasting: Strange and Isolating?

and a Career. My
My guest this week, well, we met through the podcasting world, which can kind of seem like a strange world, but also very isolating world. And then you just like, how do you even meet each other in the podcasting world? And I don't really know, but I'd like to welcome Alicia to my podcast. How are you? I'm good. How are you? I'm excited to be chatting again. I know. I'm so excited to talk to you. I have loved talking to you and
reaching out to you and seeing things through your Instagram posts and your blog posts, but really lately have for a number of reasons.
It's really cool that we reconnected that way. And so it just shows you that as much as I have this love-hate relationship with social media, it does work in some situations.

Alicia's Marital Journey

So if you, by any chance, Alicia, were just feeling like, oh, I just need to hang this one up. Don't, because you have a lot of valuable information. Aw, thank you. I think everybody has a love-hate relationship with social media.
first. It's like a cruel world, but yeah, but so much you can, there's so much great stuff that comes out of it. And I just focus on that stuff. Yep. That's what I'm going to try to do as well.
Well, I would like to talk a little bit about, I mean, why you're even on this podcast and, um, you and your husband, you are the creators of coffee cupcakes and kids, and I can relate to all three of those things. They're all amazing. Um, so I have had the pleasure to get to know you a little bit and then even read a little bit more on your blog. And I will tell you that.
I didn't initially want you to come on, and I don't even think I told you about this, but I didn't initially want you to come on to talk about your backstory. I wanted to talk about health and why I'm so fired up to talk to you, but I think that it's important that we do talk about your backstory because that's what this is all about. It's all about
It's easy for people to just want to be like, nope, I don't need to talk about that because I'm in a happy place. But I think that sometimes, even if you are in a happy place, I mean, of course, if it's going to trigger things, that's one thing.
being transparent and making sure people don't feel isolated.
You sometimes start to question yourself and you're like, okay, I am not living this life that I just can't keep up. I can't do things. So I'd like to start there and talk a little bit about your background and then we'll get into the health side.
Okay, cool. Yeah, actually, it's funny because my husband and I probably talk about it almost every single day where both of us were in the past, where we are now and how amazing our lives have become together and just this crazy journey we both were on. Yes, I was married before, which my seven-year-old may or may not ever know.
We'll get through when we get there, right? Yeah. When we get there, it hasn't happened yet and I don't plan on it anytime soon. However, I was very young. I was in a very different place and I just, I came to a place where I was not willing to settle
Uh, for the worst case scenario, just because I was married, just because, um, I didn't ever want to say I was divorced. Um, I didn't want to like, you know, have to admit I was wrong. All of these wonderful reasons to stay. Um, and I just, I couldn't
I guess in the end just couldn't live with being miserable

Life in West Hollywood

and I definitely at that point in my life was not healthy even though I maybe thought I was. Being in that kind of mind frame also takes a toll on your mind, your body, your spirit, the whole works.
I basically cut my losses early. We had no kids. We had no attachments other than we were married. And I said, this isn't for me.
It's funny because my current husband, we've known each other since fifth grade, which is weird still to say, and we laugh about it all the time. We could have cut out a lot of baloney out of both of our lives if we just stuck together.
Yeah, so we've known each other since we were 10 and we know pretty much everything about each other and we had reconnected after I split up with my ex. He was randomly doing a play in New York City. He's an actor. We hadn't talked in 10 years and we met up and we have been hanging out every single day ever since.
So, so cool. Like you said to you about, you know, you could have cut out all the baloney. You know that you also wrote about it on your blog that. Yeah.
cloning needed to happen. And that's one of those things that sometimes when I think about certain things in my life and I'm like, would I do that differently? And then I stop and I go, wait a minute, if I did that differently, I wouldn't be in this particular spot. Or what would happen? And it's very easy for many people to go down that rabbit hole.
I have tried to, any of those thoughts that come up about a specific event or incident in my life that I'm like, okay, but now what did you learn from it? What will happen? You know, because I think about all the time. Oh my gosh. I like that guy and give some energy to that guy, but there's a reason.
And so I enjoyed that you mentioned that as well.
Yeah. Listen, just like everybody else, I do catch myself sometimes saying, man, it would have been nice had I not gone through that. Or why did I put so much effort and time into trying to make that work when really I should have just listened to my inner and said, this really isn't a good idea. Let me just maybe just not do it. But had I not, I definitely wouldn't be where I was now.
I mean again this is like another conversation my husband and I have all the time and you know and in his case too he was in this long relationship and it was just you know we laugh about it because had we both not gone through those horrendous situations.
We wouldn't be as amazing as we are together where we are right now, had we not gone through those things. Maybe if we didn't go through them independently, we'd be going through them together right now because we didn't learn that lesson already. We went through what we went through and we often think about it, we talk about it, we laugh about it, which I think is very important that we don't get stuck on this, man, I really wish it didn't happen and it's so upsetting that I went through this horrible phase and
But we had to go through it to get to where we are together. And we grew a lot both in those situations. So when we got together, it was like, listen, we don't want baloney. I just went through a ton of that. Let's just cut to the chase. And here we are. So yeah. Well, and I didn't necessarily know
that you guys were, I mean, I know you guys had met when you were in fifth grade, but that you described him as your boyfriend, your first boyfriend. If he was. Yeah. So I laugh because I remember my first quote unquote boyfriend was in fifth grade. And I remember like,
wearing his jacket as a badge of honor and thinking I was so cool being together and I had a boyfriend and I can remember certain things from fifth grade that I'm like, wow. Really, for real, the teachers had to have been laughing at us. You guys are such suckers and you have no idea what. Yeah.
Yeah, it's so funny. We were 10 years old in fifth grade and I had a birthday party and my mom was like, you can invite five friends and we're all going to go out to the movies and go out to eat. And I was like, all right, cool. And he was my boyfriend, so obviously he was one of the five.
But he still remembers what he wore. It's hilarious. And he tried holding my hand in the movie theater. And I was like, oh my gosh, I'm not that kind of girl. What are you doing? It was just really funny. So we literally remember all of those things. And it's just, he's like, you broke my heart and broke up with me. And I was like, you were trying to touch me. It's just funny. Oh my gosh, yeah. I love the fifth grade. It was one of my favorite grades. So where can you two live now?
So now we live in West Hollywood, far away from where we grew up. We grew up in New York. And when we reconnected, we were both in New York City. And we lived there for a while. And then when we had our daughter, our entire life just kind of fell apart. We were like, what is going on? We don't know what's happening. We have a kid. We don't know what to do with her. So we ended up, that's a whole other discussion. We won't get into that. OK.
the joys of being a first-time mother and feeling like you have no idea what you're doing. That's always fun. Yeah, I know. When they go ahead, go home and you're... Yeah. Yeah. It was just, oh gosh, the things that went on. And anyway, so we left New York.
And we went, we were in New York City at then, but our parents both live in the same town still in upstate New York. And we ended up leaving the city, going upstate. And we thought, oh, hey, we'll spend a couple months up there. The grandparents can see the baby and spend some time with her. And our idea was to come out west because my husband's a writer and an actor. And it was like a natural progression. We had already made movies in New York. So it just seemed like logical.
And then we ended up being in upstate New York for like over two years. And it was an interesting, crazy ride. But now we are in West Hollywood and I feel like we are living our best life.

Faith and Family Life

And it's amazing. Totally opposite sides. Yeah. I mean, literally. Literally. Yeah. How is it in West Hollywood?
When we first came here it was weird. We did not realize what we were walking into. We didn't even really know where we were coming in California and we've learned, we've been here for five years now and we've learned in these five years that basically where we ended up moving was like the Manhattan of New York City if we want to compare it. And there's a lot happening here. There's constant sirens, there's
Lots of chaos. There's lots of people. But we're only 30 minutes from the beach, if that, and we are obsessed with the weather and we love it here. It took some adjusting, a lot of adjusting, but I think this last year we really felt like
We're not leaving. We love it. This is our home and started planting more serious roots here. What does that mean or how does that look? How does that look? Well, okay. Because we live in a major city, we are in an apartment. We live in an apartment building and that can seem like
you, not like a home. It can seem like there's any chance you could be moving. Something could happen and you're just like, I'm out of here. And it doesn't, it's not like, you know, you're in a house and you have a backyard and it's a very different life. So this past year, we really felt like because we're not going anywhere, like
we bought a new couch and we started like arranging the apartment where we're not like, this is our apartment. It's like, this is our home. And we've started exploring more and going away on weekend trips to mountains that we've never seen here. And just feeling more like, okay, this is our house. This is where we live and we have no intention of leaving. So I think for us, that's really, you know,
what made it more of a home for us as opposed to like, Oh, our home is back in New York. We're from New York. Like this is not like we're Californians. That makes actually a lot of sense because just kind of ironically that has happened with my husband and me. So, I mean, we're in a home and we've been in this home probably like
five years or so. Man, there's a lot of similarities happening here now that I'm speaking at that. But it was one of those where we were like, this is great for us right now. And eventually we want to have land and we want to do all these things and this and this and this. And so I feel like
I have not treated the home inside and out like I really want it to be my home. And my husband and I were talking the other day and this has been a conversation that's been going on for a little while, but it was kind of one of those
you know, where we live, if we build, then we're not going to get the kind of backyard that we currently have. And we love our backyard. And it's like, okay, you have to start outweighing positives, negatives, what's going to work. And so I said, all right, I need to feel like it's my home. So if that means
I want to whitewash the fireplace because I want it to look different in here, or I want to add some decor, or I want to think about redoing the cabinets because they aren't ours. I mean, this was a older house. This is what we need to do to make it feel like it's our own. I know exactly what you're talking about.
You just don't ever know. You don't know. I mean, maybe there is a possibility in the future, but right now, I can't keep living like that. Yes, yes. It's like that constant, I'm living for something's going to happen in the future, but while I'm waiting for that, I'm not doing anything else. I'm not making this feel like my own. I'm not... And I think a piece of that also we got more serious about because of our daughter.
She looks at this as her home. She's lived in this apartment for five years. She's only seven. So most of her life, this is her home. And when we started looking at it like that, we were like, OK, we need to start making this our own. Let's not keep thinking like, oh, we're going to be moving. Well, when we move into a house, when we do this, when we do that. And I think a big part of that also came for us because
for the last like year and a half, every single day our routine has been, we get up in the morning and as a family, we read the Bible together. We read and we started at the beginning and we said, you know what, we're gonna sit down and we're gonna read the whole thing. And that's like another part of our journey that is very, very close to us and near and dear to us and kind of something that has changed our perspective on a lot of things.
has been reading and becoming closer to God and finding that
even though we grew up together in the same church and we grew up going to Sunday school and yes, we believe and yes, we have faith, this has brought our faith and our belief and our understanding to a completely different level. Whereas where we might be worried that we're going to get a rent increase or we're going to move or there's rides going on, we might get shook and now nothing bothers us.
so strong together also as a family unit that it's like, I think that also contributed to like, this is our home. This is where we live. Like we need to be planting roots. This is where he brought us. This is our journey. We need to embrace it and every single day we need to give thanks and we need to praise him for that because we wouldn't be here without him as well. So it's like we've gone through a complete transformation
in our relationship, in our faith, in our health, you know, with our daughter, who we also homeschool, like that's gone to another level. It's just, I can't talk enough about how many things have changed for the good in our lives. And those are the things that we focus on. And it's just like our hearts and our spirit just feel so full because of it.
Yeah, because it's not absolutely not what I expected you to say. I don't know. It's just not, I mean, it wasn't a topic and yeah. Yeah. And you know, I, I think, and, and you just recently learned this and I've been recently talking about this on this podcast is that I have another podcast. It's, it is about my faith. Sure.
I am working in ministry. And those things, I am like, what in the world? And so when I have guest on two kids in a career and there's God talk, it feels weird sometimes. I mean, it feels really awesome as lately
we've been able to use people like you and say, you know what, you also have this story that belongs on normal goes a long way. And that's what's really cool. And that's what I'm loving is because people, it's just like the title, we want to know that
we're just normal and it's okay to be normal and a Christian. The two things can go hand in hand.

Holistic Health Through Faith

And yeah, I just think that's so cool. Like you start to see the good and I don't know, I just love that. Yeah. Yeah. And you know, and it's, it's probably one of the biggest parts of our, of our journeys. And as we've been reading,
It leads us to very specific things. And quite honestly, it led us to the health phase of our life that we're in right now. And us separately and us as a family and as a couple, we've always been into health. But the way that we're into our health now is more
I don't even know the right word to explain it. It's more wholesome. It's more holistic. It's more natural. It's not about taking supplements and going to the grocery store and finding foods that are labeled as health foods. It's about literally going back to
the Bible and learning what he gave us actually as nourishment for our bodies. And just that one little tidbit that we've read has brought us on such a curve of a journey. And there's actually this book that I wanted to share with you that I am currently obsessed with, and I learned it from someone else, and it's called Back to Eden.
And this book is just chock full of health knowledge. And it talks about literally every single herb that we've been given, fruits, vegetables, what they're good for, how you can heal your body with them.
you know, how to properly be eating because really we don't learn any of this stuff. And when I learned actually that doctors probably get two hours worth of nutrition information in their schooling, it's like, I need to be learning this. I need to find where this information is. I can't rely on
anybody else to teach it to me and it's funny because I have this book and it's like it's called Back to Eden and we read every day and there are very specific rules and things in there that that tells you what you should be eating and what you shouldn't be eating and it's not just because he gave us rules it's for our health it's for our well-being so it's
You can tell I'm speechless. I can't even give you the words to what that means or how that feels once those dots connect for you.
The reason why I have reached out to you and I mentioned this at the beginning is because of honey. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Before I continue with this week's conversation, I want to talk to you about one of the sponsors of the podcast, Elemental Aesthetics. And one of the big things that we talk a lot about on the podcast is self-care and self-development. And sometimes you don't realize that that self-care element comes from
what may seem as a simple massage. It's true. When you take care of your body and your mind and you feel good, that's self-care. And at Elemental Aesthetics, they have some really cool specials to help with that. And right now in May, you can get a back facial for only $100. You're like, wait, what's a back facial?
It is something that most people don't even consider and it is something that you should consider. So you can get that for $100 only in the month of May and you can step up your massage and your muscle pain relief. You can get cupping, you can get stones, CBD or aromatherapy free with any massage. Elemental Aesthetics is really designed to help you and your self-care, your
self-development, your overall well-being, and I encourage you to check them out, Mention my name and you'll get a free little goodie bag for making an appointment with them. It's All right, back into this week's conversation. One thing that, and this goes back to the whole social media thing, is having
been a follower of yours. It is very easy to be like, oh, she's doing all this all natural stuff that comes so easy to her. She knows what she's doing. And I think I don't remember how long ago it was where you posted
the, what you mentioned, the supplements, if you're doing this, if you're doing that, doing that, you don't need to, if you start eating this way, and this isn't you trying to sell stuff you're just talking about, the foods that are right in front of us, the herbs that are in front of us that we have access to, but you said, and I'm paraphrasing, like this
did not happen overnight. And I think so many times I do that to myself where I'm like, oh, it just they just grew up that way. And it's just been easy. And they know what they're doing. And I try to do it. And I'm like, half in half out. But when you say it took a while, that's what gives me hope.
Yes. And that's what I want. It's funny because I was like, knowing kind of what we were going to talk about, I was like, what is something that I really want people to walk away with from this conversation? And one of the big things was start little.
You do not have to transform your life overnight because I did not transform my life overnight. This is, and literally this is years of me learning information and piece by piece because let's be real. I used to have a podcast that I was constantly doing. I have a job. I am married. I have a daughter. I'm a busy lady.
I'm not sitting here reading books nonstop, trying to cram my brain with all the information I need. Then I'm like, I'm going to clean my whole house out today and tomorrow I'm going to start fresh. It doesn't work that way. I think the important thing is to have the motivation to even start with something small. My journey of becoming healthy started with
trying to make my house a little less non toxic and initially i had no idea that my house was toxic so it started with one thing and it was making my own face wash that's how i started and from that i learned something else.
And then I did a little research on that. And then from that, I learned another something else and it just became a natural progression. And I think once you have it in your mind that you're going to start looking for something or you want to learn about something, it starts coming to you and you learn one thing and then something else gets brought to you.
And it just becomes the overall journey. So do not stress. That's like the big thing. You just want people to understand. It's like, don't stress about it. You can't change everything overnight. It doesn't work that way. Nothing works that way. Oh, and so I guess then I will actually pat myself on the back and say that ever since I saw the honey post,
I mean, a few days later, because I had to get all the stuff I have been doing every night. And that's amazing. And I've been telling people about it too. And I told my mom, and so I know, and I hope you don't take offense to this, but I think you might understand once I say it, but when I was making it and I had it made, and then I was showing my mom, I said, mom, you know, I just,
I can't wait to start this or I've been doing this and I printed out your recipe from Instagram. And I'm like, look at all of these things. Like look at what this spice does and what this spice does. And I said, I know you're going to think like I'm a hippie and all that. And she surprisingly was like, actually, no, we are, you know, you are starting to see that
this is the way to go, that this we've been missing in our lives. And I didn't was talking to someone that I worked with at the church and I'm like, gosh, we really have taken for granted these amazing herbs and spices that have been given to us.
that back in the old days, they weren't using it just to spice up their food. There was like a reason behind it. And I feel like we're starting to come back to that slowly but surely where it's not like a hippie thing.
And my other thing is the garlic, the garlic and the honey. And you have me fermenting garlic now, and I never thought I would do that. But I have heard from an individual who is a friend of mine who is
vegetarian and she had told me about the amazing properties of garlic. I'm not going to get it right. You might know better than me, but she's like, yeah, if you're going to use garlic when you're food, cut it about five minutes before you go to use it or something along those lines because it's released these, I don't know, enzymes or whatever to help. I'm like, okay, nobody teaches you these things. Well, that's, yeah, that's the scary thing.
And I'm not going to get into like conspiracies and stuff like that, but I will say, but I will say that our world has become a hundred percent about convenience. It's been a hundred percent about slap a band-aid on the problem. And let's hope that that fixes it and not really learning how to be healthy.
and holistic in the first place. The medical world has gotten so big. Medication has gotten so huge that we've learned that that convenience of just taking something when we don't feel good as opposed to let's maintain a healthy diet so that we don't get sick has become what the whole world is about.
Then you get people who start sharing information like, I don't want to be taking this. And you know, a lot of the information that I have learned throughout this whole journey is the negative effects that a lot of ingredients and products have on our bodies. And that is what I started learning in the very beginning of my journey where I was trying to become like a quote unquote, non-toxic household.
And it was like, well, what am I putting on my skin? What am I putting in my body? What actually are those ingredients? And actually starting to pay attention to those types of things. And when you start doing that, you start learning very quickly
what to avoid and when you say okay well i don't want that what are the alternatives then you start finding like the recipe i shared and fermenting garlic in honey and what all of these natural herbs do peppers not just for putting on my food for seasoning.
Salt is not just for putting on my food for seasoning. It actually helps to hydrate me. There's so, so many things. I could probably talk to you for three or four hours about all of these things, which can be the overwhelming part for people. So I try to just be like, okay,
Let's just

Empowering Lifestyle Changes

start small, because I definitely get excited talking about it. And it's like, oh, you could try this. Oh, do you want to try this? Well, maybe try to avoid that. And it's like, OK, let me just keep my mouth quiet for a second. OK, ingest the one thing I told you.
If you're going to say start small, like I know I already chose my small, which is the honey recipe, which by the way, we will have it in the show notes, don't you worry. But what else, what would you say? Would it be based on what that person's looking for in their life? I think so because, you know, for some people making your own products can seem overwhelming and
I think there definitely has to be a certain mind frame shift for someone to also start this journey where they want to do it. Because you can share all the information and you can be as excited about it as you want, but if someone doesn't want to do it, they're just not going to do it.
So for someone who like, you know, I'll use this as an example, says, you know, I'm realizing that maybe some of the products I'm using for cleaning in my house are toxic, or I'm learning that the face lotion or the soap that I'm getting has a particular ingredient in it that I shouldn't be using.
Um, you know, and then that will prompt me to say, well, you could start small and make your own face wash. You could start small and you know, make this kind of face lotion and.
By just giving them one thing to do and then when they confidently do that, they go, oh, this isn't so hard. Oh, I can do this. What else can I change? And I think it's just that one thing that they might be interested in that you have to give them that little vote of confidence where they go, this is easy. This really isn't that hard.
And then that helps them to say, what else can I do? And then they take those baby steps, because that's exactly what I did. I started with one thing, and I went, oh, this is easy. Oh, this isn't that hard. Oh, I only need a couple things. OK, let me just have those couple things in my house, and then I can use this. And then I find out I can use those couple things for like 10 other things. And you go, oh, wow, this is super easy. I can do it.
Yeah, I mean the honey thing is so sweet. It's just starting. It's just a matter of starting. That's it. The hardest thing is actually going and buying this stuff, honestly. Yes, yes, yes. And I laugh because I'm constantly, I talk to my mom and I'll say, guess what I learned today?
Obviously, I'm going to my mom because it's my mom, and I'm like, guess what I learned today? I'm still like a little kid. I'm like, did you know this? Did you know this? The other day, my mom was telling me how her knee was bothering her. There is this amazing woman, and I would tell literally every single person who is listening to go on YouTube and search for this woman's name, the amount of videos that will pop up.
the information she provides is priceless. Her name is Barbara O'Neill and she teaches you how to use things in your kitchen, natural remedies, to heal yourself. And she actually has a health retreat that you can pay to go to where her staff will literally feed you, teach you, and help to heal you. And this is like
People with all kinds of ailments go there. Maybe people who just want to learn health and be healthier go there. People who found out they have cancer go there. You can find these simple remedies in her YouTube videos. She's amazing. She uses onion. She uses potato. You would think, what the heck is that going to do?
And guess what? It works, because I've tried it on my daughter. And it's like, oh my gosh, this is amazing. I have a potato. I have an onion. Why were we not taught this stuff in school? So yeah, for anybody who would love to hear about these, what a lot of people might think sounds crazy, like home remedies, Barbara O'Neill is who you want to go look up on YouTube. She's amazing. I love her.
I will definitely do that. And I will also put that in the show notes. And that is so weird that I mentioned the onion because that same conversation I had with my mom about this honey, she said, oh, you know, I'm, I don't even remember the book. She goes, I'm reading this like,
book and it's based in the Civil War and they talk about using an onion to help, you know, cure this or help with all that. And I was like, I heard the same thing, but not like I didn't know the exact details. So it's so crazy that you mentioned that too. This is like, listen, yes.
I know, right? Listen, mom never fails. Mom never fails. And the thing that I love about, I'll say about Barbara O'Neill is in these videos, she doesn't just post like these five minute videos where she touches on it and then she moves on. She gives you the full details. She explains to you why it's good, what it's doing.
shows you exactly how to do it. She uses this term, which I'd never heard before, and I was like, what? Now I'm entering a different world, but it's really not that. She's like, oh, we're going to make a potato poultice. And I was like, what the heck is a poultice? Where am I going right now? What am I learning?
she literally just greats that she did she told this i have to tell you that she told this amazing story and you can find it in one of these videos but she talks about you know she lived on like this farmland in australia and this guy cut his foot and she was talking about how she healed.
Now we're taught here, and the general public knows that, oh my gosh, tetanus is so serious. You can die within minutes. This is what we're told. And you need these tetanus shots. And you have to go to the doctor for it. That's the only way you're going to be saved by this. And she tells this amazing story with a potato poultice, which is just
shaved potato in this little pouch put on this guy's foot. He was saved from tetanus. And I was like, that's it. I'm sold. I love her. She's amazing. I'm going to do whatever she says. I couldn't even believe it. And she shares these amazing stories. And you just go, wow. So you got to look her up. And the way she explains things, you could listen to her voice all day.
And just, she very methodically explains it very slow and just, you know, and this is how it is and this is how you do it and nice and slow. And it's like, she, you walk away going, I can definitely do this, but anybody can do this. So.

Collaboration and Future Plans

There's hope. All right. Yes. Well, do you have like recipes and stuff on your blog? Is that how people could learn more? What do you, what do you got?
So I've started putting up a lot of videos. I'm going to start adding actual articles to my blog now, but right now I just started putting up Reels on my Instagram because I wanted to see, are people even interested in this? Should I be sharing this?
One of my big things is I don't want to start sharing information that I know nothing about. It took me a long time to start sharing even the thing that you saw because I was like, what if people start asking me questions and I don't want to look like an idiot? I don't know what I'm talking about. I don't know what this does. I just saw it on TikTok and now I'm doing it. Because there's a lot of that too where people start sharing stuff.
I've definitely done it when i'm like wow that's really amazing and i reach out to them and i like start asking questions like they know about it and they're like oh i don't know you know and so i want to be looked at not as someone who's just kind of like regenerating content to share and like oh it's healthy because i saw someone said it was healthy i want to be able to provide people with helpful information so i kind of started doing the reels
and seeing if anybody was even interested. And clearly people are because I have been getting a lot of messages that are like, wow, I didn't know you could do this. Wow, I didn't know about this. So I was like, OK, I need to start sharing more about this.
So I am gonna be writing up more articles about it and sharing there as well. But right now, if people wanna go look at stuff, they can head to my Instagram and see the videos of how to make the stuff. And I give some more information and yeah, I think that's the best thing to do.
And it reminds, well, not me, tell the listener. Sure. It's, um, coffee underscore cupcakes, underscore kids. Alicia. I just am so impressed with this and the, this whole conversation, it's just been.
like things have just matched up and it's been so cool. And I don't know, I can definitely foresee another conversation or two or three in the future because I don't like to do all the research. I just want you to tell me and explain that you're legit. Like I'm that person that says, I don't know, just do it. But
So I am just very thrilled that God even put you in my life a long time ago. And now you are. So thank you so much for coming on. And like I said, I'll have everything on the show notes. And just, yeah, thank you.
Yeah, thank you for having me. I could literally sit here and chat with you for hours. I love it. And before I say goodbye on this week's episode, a reminder to check out elemental aesthetics. They really are here to help you with your self care. And one of the ways that you can do that because listen, it is very easy for us to say, Oh, yeah, I'll book that massage and then you book it and then you forget to keep booking it because
you want a continuous booking to really help you they have membership options where you get to pick certain services at a discounted price so take a look at that at elemental aesthetics dot com and when you make your appointment which you can do via text you can schedule it online you can call.
All of the information is at Mention my name and you'll get a free little goodie bag just for calling and making that appointment or texting or scheduling online. Again, it's And if we're talking about websites, you've got to talk about my website You can go there for some
blogs like different spring cleaning tips or DIY or all kinds of other great things. Also, that's where you will find every single episode of Two Kids and a Career. As always, thank you for your support of Two Kids and a Career and thanks for listening.