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140: What The Heck Are Peptides? (Part 1) image

140: What The Heck Are Peptides? (Part 1)

S8 E140 · Two Kids and A Career
181 Plays1 year ago

Jennifer Warmann-Bloss is a licensed Esthetician, CEO of Elemental Esthetics and Blogger and has been working on clients since 2001. Elemental Esthetics has been a proud sponsor of Two Kids and A Career for the last year and a half. Jill Devine is a regular client of Jennifer’s and first had Jennifer on the podcast in Episode 79: How An Esthetician Approaches Her Clientele's Desire For Youth.

Jill invited Jennifer back on the podcast for a two-part episode to discuss some trends and beauty tips. In this week’s episode, the ladies discussed some hot words including amino acids, peptides, Ozempic, and Mounjaro.

More about Jennifer Warmann-Bloss:

Being educated in Boston at one of the top Esthetics Schools in the country, the Catherine Hinds Institute, sets her base education apart from the average esthetician in St Louis. She prides herself on maintaining her education ongoing and additionally keeping you, the client, educated as well on the latest innovations in anti-aging.

Her approach to services is to truly create a customized experience for anyone who comes through her doors. She doesn’t simply follow the same protocols for all but instead develops a program designed to make you look your personal best. With personalized facial services, lasers, peels and more, she has all the tools necessary to make you look amazing. Additionally, Jennifer comes from a professional background with previous work experience in the high-tech world. She helped build and develop some of the first car dealer websites in the 90’s when the internet was just developing, worked in e-mail marketing software and worked with predictive modeling software with Fortune 500 companies. This professional understanding of technology helped her greatly as she began to educate herself on lasers and many other business arenas of esthetics.

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Introduction to Peptides and Amino Acids

The following podcast is a Jill Devine Media production. These are peptides, which peptides are a chain of naturally occurring amino acids. That's what a peptide is. That's what I, because I was like, wait a minute, how do peptides go? You know, because I don't know because I'm like collagen peptides. What the heck does, how does that have to deal with insulin? So, so collagen peptides don't, but other, but other amino acid chains do.
So that's a cool part of peptides is you can put different amino acid chains together to do different things for your body. This episode of Two Kids and a Career is brought to you by Elemental Aesthetics. You can be guaranteed that your experience is going to be unique and customized to your specific needs.

Podcast Focus and Guest Introductions

See how they can help you focus on natural beauty enhancements by visiting
Hi there and welcome to Two Kids in a Career. I'm Jill Devine. As an entrepreneur, wife, and mama, the daily grind of trying to build a business while taking care of kids and trying to maintain a healthy connection with my hubby, it's a lot. With this podcast, you're going to hear candid conversations with other moms.
parenting experts who can share their knowledge and insight, or you'll just hear me rambling to get it all out. There's going to be tears, there's going to be laughter, but most importantly, there will be support. Take a listen and connect with me so we can grow and learn from one another. This is Two Kids and a Career.
I have a return guest coming to the podcast this week, Jennifer Warman-Bloss, who I talk a lot about because not only is she amazing, but she's also a sponsor of the podcast. She is the CEO of Elemental Aesthetics, and Elemental Aesthetics has been a wonderful supporter of two kids in her career. Jennifer, welcome back to the podcast.
I am ecstatic to be back. Oh, thank you. Well, if you missed her episode, episode 79, how an esthetician approaches her clientele's desire for youth can be found at And I have always talked about what I experienced with you when I discuss elemental aesthetics and we have
continue to grow our relationship and you continue to be a therapist to me and other ladies as they come across your way. And it's just really cool, before we get into some of the things I want to talk about, it's really cool to see the different women come through your doors. And I've talked about this recently
how I was there and when I was there I saw someone coming in for Dr. Walsh who we have had on the podcast a couple times and
Then I've seen people come in to see Laura, who we've had on the podcast. And it's just so interesting to see the dynamics of these ladies. Like we're talking older ladies, we're talking younger ladies, we're talking middle age. Everyone has a very unique situation.
And that's what's really cool about your office is that you can handle

Elemental Aesthetics' Clientele and Services

all of those. And I just didn't know if you wanted to kind of talk about that a little bit because sometimes people get really scared and put off when they see something like elemental aesthetics and they're like, Oh wait, well I don't need Botox or whatever. And it's like, no, no, no, no, no. Look at the whole picture. So,
Yeah, talk to me about that a little bit. Well, I mean, I think our whole goal is to be, we're real people, like staff are real people with our vulnerabilities and all the things that go along with that. Our own personal insecurities, just like everybody else. And we do tend to attract real people also. That means, you know, all different personalities, income levels,
socioeconomic status. We're across the board. We're really there just to honestly provide a place where someone can come and get a natural solution to aging. And so that's why when you mentioned Dr. Walsh and Laura, they're dealing with the inside of aging. And then the rest of the team is dealing with the outside of aging.
And so it's like a whole thing, you know? Yeah, it's all there in one place.
I'm so glad that you mentioned just everyone. I was just in with you yesterday, and I was joking around about, hey, I really would like to talk about this, but I'm really cost effective, which is the joke that I'm cheap. And so it is available. And then you were able to talk to me about those things, which we're going to get to a little bit later, because you have tips and tricks and secrets and all these great things.
I just think it's so important for individuals to know that you can walk into your doors and
You don't have to be from a certain area. You don't have to look a certain way. You don't have to be a certain age. You don't have to have a certain salary. Every single person is welcome. And I can truly say that's 100% true, especially because I have witnessed it. I am there. I'm not just saying I go there. I actually go there and I witness it. Well, thank

Impact of Social Media on Beauty

you. I mean, that's been the
That's been my goal from the beginning, to be a real place with real people. And it's nice to hear that people recognize that. Okay, so when we were talking recently, I wanted to have you back on to tackle a couple of different things. And the first is just some of this stuff
That we are seeing in. You know social media on the news everywhere anywhere you can see anything on some words that. Are becoming popular but we might not necessarily know what it means like peptides for example.
and there's all these diff for different things to h or this or that. And so t of our conversation that I don't know really anythi
when it comes to like the peptides and stuff like that, I know that the only thing I know is I have collagen peptides. And that's, I take that every morning in my coffee. And I don't even know if I'm saying that correctly. So I was hoping that you could school us all on the good, the bad, the ugly, the things that are coming up that are popular that maybe people haven't considered.

Understanding Insulin Resistance and Ozempic

Man, there's a lot to cover. Where would you like to begin? Well, let's maybe start with just explaining. Well, let me also start. Let me start before all of that by saying I am not a physician. OK, yes, we should say that. OK. So I'm not a physician, but I am a wellness geek to the highest element.
There are definitely times when I go in and meet with a traditional doctor on different subjects that I sometimes often know more than they do. I'm like a dog with a bone. When I get on a subject of wellness and the future of wellness, I just dig and dig and read and read and read until my mind's exploding. Then we internally, we try things and see
Are they real? Is it true? Is it not true? And I think a part of like explaining my understanding of peptides begins with the fact that I have been insulin resistant probably since I was a teenager. And for those that don't know what that means, it means that my pancreas produces way more insulin than my body needs.
and yet it's not processing sugar correctly so every time I eat a carb of any kind my body stores it instead of uses it for fuel and left unchecked insulin resistance turns into diabetes most of the time and you know my poor daughter who's who's just 19 has the same ailment it's definitely a
genetic thing for us and the family and so we know a lot about it. And I was diagnosed about 15 years ago and it changed my life. And so why I lay all that out ahead of time is to say that the solution, the thing that fixed things for me was a medication called Ozempic. Oh, interesting because yes, that's pretty popular right now. Yeah. So I was using Ozempic before Ozempic was cool.
Mm-hmm, but I think it's given me a lot of perspective as a as a user and studier of medication I am a person that prefers natural medication to traditional medication When possible in this scenario, it's probably not possible for me just because I'm fighting my own genes and I I bring it up because These are peptides
which peptides are a chain of naturally occurring amino acids. That's what a peptide is. That's what I, cause I was like, wait a minute, how do peptides go? You know, because I don't know cause I'm like college in peptides. What the heck does, how does that have to deal with insulin? So yes. Okay.
So, collagen peptides don't, but other amino acid chains do. So, that's the cool part of peptides is you can put different amino acid chains together to do different things for your body. So, one of the things I'll say about Ozempic and now Monjaro, which is on the scene and their generic versions, which are called semi-glutide and terzepatide,
Um, is that they definitely help control insulin. And honestly, without knowing it, a lot of the population is insulin resistant. Um, and it's even a test that most people don't even know. Like, like some doctors don't ever check for it. So if you ever want to check that for yourself, it is just an insulin test. So when you're getting your regular lab work, ask them for an insulin test.
Um, normal is considered under 19. However, you will feel better if you can get it under 10. And so when people struggle with weight or they're like, Oh my gosh, it doesn't matter. I like, I like eat perfectly. I work out like a fiend. I'm doing all the things and I can't lose weight. A lot of times it is either insulin or hormones or sometimes both. So.
those little demons play and are obstructing your ability to lose. And so that's how these peptides came onto the scene and they are a great solution for managing insulin and helping people to lose weight, but they're not without floss.

Peptides in Weight Loss and Health Benefits

Okay, that's kind of what I want to talk about now because
Oh, it's so difficult. I mean, there's all these cookie cutter things that are put into our media consumption on a daily basis. And I think you and really anyone can definitely agree that these cookie cutter items, there is not a magic pill. Maybe it's magic for a little bit, but in the long run,
it cannot be sustained. And so that's where I get a little bit like, well, is it helpful? Is it not helpful? I don't, I don't know. I mean, like I don't want to definitely discriminate against someone who is taking it for weight loss or
It's just tricky. It's really tricky. Yeah, I mean I've seen literally miraculous things for people on the weight lies lost side of this things that have changed their life and I've even seen things like a reduction in inflammation of even their skin by losing weight So there is something, you know, there is a lot of health benefits to the way they work what they do is they help your
pancreas produce insulin at a proper level, and then they also curb your appetite. And I think doing them in conjunction with some lifestyle changes, and they don't even have to be dramatic.
have kept my weight almost where I am for nearly 10, 12 years since I got on them. But it's not without work for me. It's not like I can just do this injection and do nothing else, and I'm going to be skinny. So it is something you want to be committed to doing more than just, and it's a shot that you do at home.
being more committed than to just doing a shot once a week. And then the other problem is with them is they are very difficult to get off and maintain the weight loss. Now, if you are really good with your lifestyle changes and you can maintain them after you complete a series with them, then you will have relatively good luck with that. But that's where working with someone
Laura or Dr. Walsh is helpful because they could help give nutritional guidance and things like that in addition to helping you use these to lose weight. Now you and I were also talking about this yesterday about compounding. Can you explain that a little bit? So the interesting thing about these medications is they're
kind of freshly FDA cleared. However, they so are compounded versions of them. So they're sterile compounding pharmacies across the United States that can custom compound these for you. And so like for me, this is an excellent solution.
I use Monjaro. I have been using Monjaro most recently just because of cost. It had a really good coupon for a while and all of that, but I switched to Terzepatide, which is the compounded version because I really got to the point where I only needed a really tiny dose maybe every couple of weeks to maintain
how I was feeling and to feel good and to continue my weight loss. And this is a great solution for people once they're finished using them. But the other problem with that is there are a lot of chintzy internet places doing this. So you do not want to go on the internet and buy semi-glutide or terzepatide. Do not do that. There's a lot of garbage out there.
like the pharmacy that we use, for example, has a guarantee of only a 3% variance in the quality of the product. And ironically, Monjaro, the pharmacy version has up to 10% variance in the quality of the product. So sometimes if you have the right compounder, you're going to get a better product.
But you do not want to, this is not an internet purchase. Go to a doctor, see a doctor, make sure, you know, make sure they know what they're doing and they have some experience with this. Okay, so then some more peptide talk, like give me some other examples. I know I mentioned collagen, but how this works in other areas of our life and really working from the inside.
Well, and the other thing that actually kind of leads me to one of the big downsides of both semi-glutide and terzepatide is they can actually make you skinny fat. So for some reason, they tend to break down muscle a little bit more and make you a little gooier.
And so where a lot of people lose weight effectively with them, they maybe don't have the same amount of muscle mass at the end as they did. Well, another peptide, there's a peptide combination. It's actually two peptides. One's called CJC, the other's called epimyrelin, and we marry them together and they help you build muscle. So I use both
I use the CJC and Epimarelin to counteract the negative side effects of the Mondaro or Terzepatite or whatever I happen to be using. Or you could go to the gym and work out and do the things you're supposed to do and keep working on that muscle mass while you're losing weight.
and that would help you as well. But there's- Okay, so you can't like have too many different variants of peptides? They're all naturally occurring and your body will remove what it doesn't need. Okay. So it isn't like you're gonna OD on peptides. But they're, I mean, they are amazing. There's so many things they can do. Like here's a crazy one. There's one called Melanotan 2 and it makes you a tan.
It activates your natural melanin. It also helps lose weight a little bit. Or there's a ton for sex drive. That is probably a big area that they use, peptides. A lot of women actually helps with low sex drive and they're very effective. There's anti-aging ones. There's ones for inflammation.
There's ones that help you lose fat. So there's alternatives to like semi-glutide and serzepitide. I mean, it's kind of amazing. So like in our office, you would meet with Laura Rogers and talk through what your needs were and find the right ones for you. And a lot of them, a lot of them you do short bouts of treatment and then you're off of them. So it's not like a, it's not a forever commitment. Why is that?
They just recommend cycling off so you don't kind of get immune to it almost, if that makes sense. So you do it for X amount of time, then you take a break and then you come back in if you want to kick it back up again, but you cycle in and out of it. You don't just take it forever. And I have talked about this a number of times on the podcast and I am like you where I love to team up
whatever I can naturally with, you know, some things you just, you can't stay away, you can't do it naturally. There's just some things that you have to, based on the individual, you know, work with your physician on. And so I guess, and I don't know if you can speak to this or not, but like, I just think that sometimes when it comes to that natural,
wellness and then you throw in something like a peptide that sometimes people are like whoa that's not natural at all that's not how you take care of yourself and I think that
And I feel that this has been discussed on this podcast before, but if I'm going back a number of years to what was it, the ephedra or whatever that was, and then it came out like how damaging that was. So then people get all weird about supplements and stuff. I'm like, I don't, I could go and talk to one doctor who will tell me one thing and another doctor would tell me something different.
And it's just very confusing. It's just cloudy. I just feel like all of this stuff. I think that that's the moment in time where you have to listen to your own instinct. Yeah. I definitely have tried to go fully natural in combating my insulin resistance and nothing ends up working for me. But mine is very severe.
Like if a normal person is 19, my normal insulin is like 60, you know? And that's very unhealthy and it makes you feel really terrible, sluggish, overweight, because you're not burning your calories right for fuel and it causes other problems with your body. And so, you know, there are some people, and I am unfortunately one of them, that are going to have to be on this as part of my life.
where I don't like to accept that, it's what I have to do because the alternative is to be sick. So, you know, you have to choose your battles. But I have done a ton of natural stuff that has helped me to reduce the amount of that medication that I need. So you can play with natural substances. And I love the peptides. I mean, I mean, they're all
I mean, amino acids exist in the universe. It's part of nature. And so it's pretty cool to me that a pharmacist can hone that nature in and make a compound that will help you feel better.

Professional Guidance on Peptide Use

So to me, that still plays in the wheelhouse of natural, in my opinion. OK.
Anything else that you would add about peptides or something that maybe we might be missing or like you said, you're not a doctor, but something to look out for because then I would like to transition into our next conversation. Sure. I mean, basically what I would say is don't do this on the internet. Do not do any of this.
Virtually with a doctor you don't know and you can't communicate with, just that is treacherous. You can either get bad product, bad advice. I mean, you know, fly by night, pharmacy, like all of these things, in my opinion, you need to use someone that's an expert. Like in our office, both Dr. Walsh and Laura can help with the weight loss peptides.
But Laura is exceptional with the other peptides. So even in our office, we kind of have a delineation between what direction the patient would go in order to find the best solution.

Preview of Anti-Aging Tips on a Budget

All right. Well, we will have all of this information at the show notes at, but individuals can go to as well.
to get more information. And so what we are going to discuss in next week's episode is anti-aging, but anti-aging on a budget and of course other anti-aging stuff. So join us next week. Jennifer will be back to provide some tips and tricks on that.