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Ep. 48 GAP – De Profundis image

Ep. 48 GAP – De Profundis

S1 E48 · The Fellowship of the Tabletop
97 Plays4 years ago

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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade -

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Hang on, I'm... Got it! I need to change my trousers.

Introduction of Players and Characters

Hello and welcome to this week's episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop. We are a live play by the D&D podcast set in the world of Aerith. My name is Mark and I'm the Dungeon Master. And also with us for today's episode, we have Ian, who plays the Dragonborn Barbarian Drago. What up? We've got Callum, who plays the gnome sorcerer, Folly Fizzlebang the Ninth. What up? We've got Will, who plays the human bard, Carstan. What up, everybody? Casey, who plays the human champion, Hell in a Sleepguard. Oh, what up?
Danny, who plays the human cleric, Claude. Bonjour. Guten Tag. Hola. Welcome back. We've got Darren, who plays the human fighter, Rogue Robin. What is up? I made this sound like there's another character to come. There is, and that's it. That's everyone. I could do an introduction for Tali, because we always forget her. That was great. That was beautiful. And Tali, who plays the Tali, Talious the Third. What's up? Oh, I've forgotten my voice now.

Tavern Politics and Onyx Reaver Quest

I'm going to have to practice that. Last week's episode of The Sound of the Sugar with the Table. I felt like a bad R-Truth tribute band.
was it? What's up? That took a minute. That took a minute to kick in actually. And last week's episode of the fellowship at the tabletop, it was quite a long, chunky episode. Lots of things happened. We spent quite a bit of time in the tavern discussing, I think at one point we were discussing the politics of
of monarchies at one point. Drago went off and got his sword sharpened, not a euphemism, or maybe it is. He also then broke up some schoolyard bullying that was going on. Claude spoke to Akiva and was told some interesting information about the party's plight, their kind of journey they're going on, and his own journey. Drago and the rest of the group kind of met up and then all kind of
Picked up pace really quickly all of a sudden they were aware that elf fear the elf that was in the party that now no longer is in the party was in blackmouth looking for the onyx reaver and is a few days ahead of them and similarly to gimli legolas and aragon as they chased after the orcs from merion pippin we find ourselves on a hunt
for this elf up the scale road mountains along with Talia and Kennard who is one of the black moth rangers who finds himself following along. The party picked up some supplies and also some coats as it gets very very very cold up there and the last thing we were told was Kennard turned to the group and said don't listen to the mountains and he said that a couple of times now.

Mountain Path Journey and Camp Setup

The sun begins to rise over the peaks to the north as the party continues to trudge through the early morning frost, now some distance above the town of Blackmouth. The fire that was burning fervently in the town has now been subdued from the fire elemental that had escaped. I think one of you had cast fear on it in the mines and had done some damage but had been taken out quite deftly.
by the Blackmouth Ranges. The path is winding and narrow. It seems to jut out from the mountain and leaves long, large and deadly drops down into the dark rock many hundreds of feet below.
The mountain was enticing those that are inquisitive, but not sure of foot. Small tufts of plants sprout out of the side of the path and seem to colour the otherwise bland mountains a slight tinge of green. A thin layer of fog begins to lift over the still morning air. You can see your breath as your cold faces are contrasted by the warmth of the mountaineering jackets provided by Kennard.
Kennard's at the front of the group and he turns to you. Listen now, the sun will be up in about an hour's time. I recommend we probably make camp somewhere on the way and just take some minutes, maybe take some food in. The path gets colder and more dangerous the further up we go. How are we all doing? Drago!
How are you? Is everything going okay? I could definitely do with the rest. Everything's just a little bit heavy at the moment. We left quite quickly there. I am sure that the rest of us would like to rest as he looks around to everyone and takes in the scene before him. How's everyone doing?
I mean, we've been walking all night. I started drunk. My head hurt. Okay, you're starting to sound like a tortle. So I know for sure, Castan, you're tired. How's everyone else? I think we could do the rest.
Even my backpack is starting to get a little bit heavy, and I don't think that's actually quite possible. Ken Hart, you're more familiar around these areas. Where's a good place to get some rest around here? I mean, if we're looking for a little bit of rest, just a little quick stop. It's a couple hours up the way, but somewhere we could maybe stop. It's not comfortable. It's just a larger jutting of the mountain. Like I said, it's not ideal, but we could start a little fire and maybe get a little warmth, eat some food, get an hour's rest maybe before heading on.
Mr Kennard, is it going to be cold all the way? Kennard doesn't answer, he just kind of points to one of the tallest peaks off in the distance to the north. You see that over there, Cleric? It's a mountain. We need to go over that. Do you see what's on that mountain? And you can see quite clearly it's lots of white stuff.
Yeah, but will it go into the clouds like it does in the middle of summer on the land? Or is it going to be cold all the way? Claude, Claude, it's only getting colder from here on out. I suggest we take a rest. Where can I sit?

Crossing the Dangerous Gap

We can warm up by the fire, get some food. Yeah, I agree. Cannot. Fine, show us the way. I mean, I've got some, I've got some, I've got a spell that's quite good for if we want to make camp that'll make us a bit more comfortable. Have you? Because to be honest, to be honest, Castan, this isn't going to be the nicest place. It's just literally a bush and it's a bit bigger. I can make ground.
i can make it quite i can make it reasonably comfortable well how about we get up there like i said bit more room and you can do your magic thing and i don't know what this is what is it what are you intending on doing it's not going to bring any attention to us is it no it's um it's it's it's a traveling spell that that um bards and other travelers are taught it we i create a magical hut around us that actually protects us from anything from the outside well it sounds a bit weird but uh is it warm
Yes. Well, that sounds good to me. But I, well, just follow along and I'll get us there in no time. Couple hours. The sun will be up by then and then you can make your little hot thing cast down. Can I just get a marching order? Just so I know, this path is probably wide enough for one person at a time. So we've probably got Kennard at the front. I'll go behind Kennard. Robin would be second. His eyes haven't come off the mountain during that whole conversation. All right, motherfucker.
Okay, so we've got Kenneth, Robin, Drago. We've got about the middle of the group now. Who'd be kind of around the middle?
I think Folly would definitely be at the back just pace and size wise against mountainous snowy areas he wouldn't be the best pace keeper. I'll be back with Folly keeping an eye on what's behind us in case anyone's chasing Claude. Lovely it's not quite snowy yet at the moment there Folly just to let you know it's not snowing. It's still mountainous though.
Absolutely and it's still cold like you can see your breath and it feels icy but it's just it's still kind of brown mountains and small tufts of of uh of shrubbery sticking out of the ground. I don't have any furs or you know winter jacket.
Yeah, go ahead. Because we haven't long rested in nearly 24 hours, or no, well, nearly, yeah, because it's the next morning. Just are we going to be, are we, I know we're quite tired. I assume we're not exhausted or anything yet. Not quite yet. No. Okay. You're going to be, you're going to be on to it quite, quite soon though. I'm used to that.
Okay so the path continues and Kennard leads quite deftly up this path. He's probably walking for about an hour. It's not a really steep incline but you are consistently aware that you are going uphill as he takes you twisting and turning around the edges of the one mountain leads into almost like a u-turn as it joins onto another mountain and continues to rise up
and round, like I said, not so steep that you can't keep walking, but stiffen up that you can feel it in your legs as you are trudging up the mountain. Are there any conversations that want to take place off the back of everything that's happened in Blackmouth? Is there anything that wants to take place along the way? I think it's quite hard to have one conversation worth following on from each other.
As you continue to make your way up this path, you turn a corner as the path begins to take a slightly deeper incline. And Kennard kind of says, hold, stop to the group. He turns to you and we've got a problem.
Oh and he gestures to Robin and Drago near the front and just with his head he steps to the side and quite obviously there you can see the path has disappeared for about 15 feet in length and below you there's about 500 foot drop. 500? Yeah.
It's, you know, you're getting high and this isn't even to the bottom of the mountain. This is just a ridge that happens to be sticking out that you would splat against if you wanted to hit. 15 feet roughly across. He just looks into staying. The mountains around here, the rocks fall off the mountain and break the path sometimes. It's the only way around. No, this is the only path. Not until we get to the fork in the road further up. This is the only way around other than going over this drop.
unless we go back into Blackmouth and then take the northern road up to near High Haven then try and... no, no, to be honest. Am I probably thinking then that it's like a broken bridge? Like you have the footpath on one side and then what was the bridge in the middle always collapsed and then there's the exit on the other side?
Yeah, imagine, in my eyes, there's a long path along the edge of the mountain edge, and then a boulder seems to have fallen down, smashing the path, and basically the path is missing there. So there's just a gap now between where you are and the path continuing on the other side. Is it more than my leg stride? It's 15 foot. So yeah. So it'd be three squares on a D&D map. Tell me, Drago, how strong are you feeling?
I mean, if you really want me to throw you, you don't have to ask. That's exactly my idea. Robin might have other ideas before I throw you over a mountain range. Robin is just at this point, Mark. What Robin is doing is he's glancing up at the rock formation and he's glancing down
into the chasm and is just inspecting to see if this looks like this is an act of nature or an act of sabotage. Could you give me an investigation check please, Robin? I can. 23.
You can firstly tell from inspecting the edge of this rock that it happened very recently. There is no sign of any kind of natural growth coming off this. There's no damage to the rock. The rock hasn't been eroded since being broken, so it's very recent.
And it also just seems a little too perfect. It seems too perfect that it seems to have destroyed the entire path and not just taken as you have passed on the way, chips and bits of it missing along the way, which could be natural erosion through rocks falling. This seemed a little too perfect. So yes, you could assume that this has been done as an act of sabotage.
As the discussion between Folly and Drago is occurring, Robin has knelt down next to the cliff formation. He's just run his fingers across the ledge, has felt the kind of very natural cut in the formation on the path and will just very clearly but not loudly go.
Elphard did this. Can I run and punt, Robin? Yes, this is how Robin does. Pumps him off the side of a cliff. Did you say that audibly, Darren? You said you said it quite quietly. It all audibly, but Polly and Drago at the front would probably have heard it. I don't know if they would have heard it. But yeah, it would have been loud enough for at least people in the immediate vicinity to hear. What's funny, Robin, is that if we had Elphard with us, he'd know exactly how to get across.
Well, I don't think that's quite funny, Claude. Folly, if I were to throw you over the gap, how the hell are you going to get the rest of us over? It wasn't so much as a throw, more of a push, and I'm going to just levitate on myself and start to kind of float up. That's all well and good, but I don't believe that you alone can get the Onyx Reaver. You're a powerful little dude, don't get me wrong. But how do you propose that we all make it over?
because I have a rope in my rucksack and my rucksack is also basically a natural anchor because it's so bloody heavy so I could float over take the rope with me and well other people can make the way across the rope that's yep that's uh that's ingenious Folly it's the best thing you've done here and he uh
pushes the smaller your back just enough. Can we actually take one body first? Claude's going to grab the other end of Folly's rope. Thank you. The rope doesn't go on the other side as well. Look, look, I'm just a muscle here. You know, I'm always happy just to pick him up and throw him. He's lucky that I am just going to push him. Let's just take this one step at a time.
And that argument's been having as Folly very slowly, just wobbles out over this large chasm. And as you do pass over that Folly, you do see the depth below is quite a sizeable distance. Quite some damage would be done if you did fall, even for those of you at the high level. As you slowly wobble over to the other side, you make it safely to the other side of the gap in it. Claude, you're on one side holding the rope. I imagine you kind of jostled yourself to the front in front of Robin
go yeah and I'll sort of pull it back so there's a nice like the rope rests along the the path and then like extends over the cavern and then uh yeah so I'm now at the back of the party but there's a rope going through us all across the smith and what folly has done on the other side he basically took his rucksack off uh so it rests on the ground um causing it to be heavy and he's kind of tied the rope through that
This is brilliant. I love this. Amazing. Okay, so you have Claude holding the rope at one end, the rucksack anchoring on the other. What do we do now? And it has fifth level bless on everyone, including Kennard, who is this side of the rope. It's only 15 feet away. Everyone's got bless. Just in case anyone needs to add a D4 to any accidental slip off a rope, they've now got that.
How many people can you bless? So it's a fifth level. So fifth level best is seven targets. So someone's not getting blessed. Claude. I don't need to be blessed. It's okay. I never do it on myself. I never do it on myself anyway. You selfless, you selfless man. Okay, so everyone including Tali has a bless.
I'm figuring if there's six people, seven people across the ridge and just me, all of them can collectively pull me across. I was going to suggest that everyone, you hold the rope, me and you hold the rope, everyone shimmies across, then you shimmy across, and then I'll hold the rope and jump and you guys pull. I'm quite happy. I mean, I could turn you into a large bird. No, no, no, no.
No, I'll take the birdie. I've always wanted to fly. Okay, I'll turn you into a bird then. Afterwards, because before would make my entire plan and spells use worthless. Yes, it would. You're right. But I can I can turn you into a bird so you can fly over. Wonderful news.
Everyone hop on the birdie rope! Okay, Claude, you hold near the edge. I'll hold behind you the rope, not you, and everyone else. And Chargo is kind of gesturing with one claw head. Make your way across.

Chasm Crossing Challenges

Maybe, Robin, you could go first and help people on the other side, because if Castan went first, he might slip. I mean, I'm pretty acrobatic, thank you. I know, but I don't know you very well, and Robin's really flappy. OK. While that's happening, Mark, Robin's just looking around to see if there's anywhere that the rope could be tied to just to help those who are holding it. I'm very strong. Yeah, you can. I'm very strong, too. You can give me a survival. No, investigation, investigation, investigation.
20 not natural. You notice there's a small outcrop of rock behind Drago that you could tie off the end of the rope to. We should tie that rope off as well just to make sure there's no giving it whilst you support its weight. I mean that doesn't sound like a lot of trust there Robin. Well we can uh you can take that as an insult or you can take that as potentially I don't want anyone to fall into the chasm below. Your choice. Claude what do you think do you take it as an insult?
I don't have the intellectual bandwidth to understand when people are insulting me. Fair enough. And Drago ties the end of the rope to the rock formation that Robin's pointed out.
I mean, I was going to say that I could have helped. I'm also very strong, but no one seemed to have asked me. Hello. You are more than welcome to volunteer yourself to hold this thing. I would, I mean, you've tied it to that thing. Really appreciate it. I'm playing tug of war with Folly's bag. If someone could cross the road. I've got this image of Folly just on the other side of the cabin, his arms are crossed and he's just like tapping his foot thinking what the fuck you've taken so long now. Robin Croft is, Robin Croft is.
okay can you give me an acrobatics check please out of curiosity mark um me ian and the mountain that's tied down against the weight of folly's bag you know laws of physics is there any movement are we really pulling nope the bag the bag doesn't move cool that is right isn't it column yeah yeah absolutely cool just checking yeah uh yeah so robin can you give me an acrobatics check please 17 before bless all that it's 18
okay you how do you cross because it's just a rope isn't it there's there's no flooring here how do you cross uh robin steps what while the um argument ensues behind robin's just going to take a step onto the rope by one foot first he's two hands come out so he's almost like in like a wing formation and just one foot in front of the other having probably done this before at some point you
existence is just going to walk across the cavern very slowly one foot in front of the other. And as you get about halfway there is a slight gust of wind that makes you have to stop for just a minute as the rope seems to sway ever so slightly with the weight of you upon it and the rest of the party falls slightly quiet at that point and then as you manage to continue walking you pass and get to the other side without a problem. So Robin you're across, well done.
Robin will just nod to Folly as in a good idea once he's securely on the other side. That probably will just nod back. Who's next? Who wants to go next? Helena can come next I suppose if she's not holding the rope. Okay so Helena can you give me an acrobatics check please with your bless if you want to use it. That would be 20 non-natural. That was acrobatics wasn't it?
Correct, yeah. As you step out onto the rope, I assume, are you doing it the same way as Robin did it? No, I'm not. Okay, how are you doing it? So, hold on a minute, just because I wonder, do I even need to add my D4? You don't? I don't want to tell you either way, just in case. Always add it because it's free. Can't hurt.
okay well then that'll be 22 then okay okay um and i'm gonna go up to the rope and i'm gonna sort of straddle it but drop with my hands um so i'm basically gonna tight rope it with my hands so i'm gonna pull myself along with my hands so i'm gonna yeah straddle it drop one side to make sure that i'm hanging and then i'm gonna use my hands to walk
Is this like a dog wiping its bum kind of thing, kind of? No. It's hanging. It's crossed over the rope and her hand's on the other side. Hand over hand and leg over leg. I thought you were on top of the rope, pulling yourself along by the hands, kind of like a dog would clean it. Right, maybe that's how a club will cross. I don't know. Anyway, so that works really well. And as you're pulling yourself across, it's quite straightforward. But again, your head is back and you can look down into the depths of this chasm and
You know, your training has prepared you for things like this, but you still realize this is quite a drop in quite a desolate area with unknowns, really. And you get to the other side, and just as you reach your hand out to kind of turn yourself back over to get on, that little bit of rock crumbles beneath your hand, but the other hand safely tight, safely on the rope, as are both your feet, and you manage to reach back up nice and clearly and pull yourself up back onto the other side.
and you're uh that was uh that was close who's robin kennard's gonna go up next he uh he watched that happen he's like uh bye to a library to go next uh are you lot gonna be okay if i uh skedaddle go kendron go on
right okay then and he uh he secures his bow onto his back a little bit and tightens his belt slightly takes a breath and just no hands walks one foot over the other quite quickly one two three four five six seven eight all the way across and without without a single problem he rolled a natural 20 for that and then got a three on his bless so he got you know 23 overall and that he might have a plus one i don't know i didn't give him it so um yeah he gets across on the other side that was all right that's
That was quite impressive, Claude, I don't know. I don't know if he saw that. He did look quite impressive then, didn't he? Castan, get going. It's on you, Castan, not to follow that up.
Okay, here we go. He's dead. He fell completely. For some reason, that was a poor roll. Let me have my bless. Okay, I got a 12. I rolled a three on my acrobatics check. Wow. Okay. So how would you cross?
Well, Karsten would have... Does he... Does it feel uncertain the moment he gets on it or does it feel fine? Feels fine. Okay, in that he's going to try and do what Robin did and walk across quite confidently. Okay, it's quite... I think, Robin, you had your hands out, didn't you? You know, like, literally, Robin, when he's in, like, The Flying Grace, basically like that.
Okay, so you're crossing and most of the way goes absolutely fine. You're getting close to the other side and suddenly your right foot comes down to press down. And as your right foot comes down, you look up and see the rest of the group. You're about two steps away from the edge, pretty much. And your right foot catches slightly off and your leg misses. Your shin hits the rope and you basically kind of bounce off the rope and you kind of twisting down towards the edge. There is a split second here of time that people on the other side, Robin, Helena, Folly.
Okay and instantly this half-turned karstan is suddenly floating in the air off the rope just hanging perpetually over this chasm. Ollie will also reach out with his quarter staff just so karstan can actually grab it and can just pull him across the rest of the way. Hang on. Got it. I need to change my trousers.
The moment that we saw Karstan lose his footing, I would immediately say, Tali, look at me a

Owl Scouting and Unexpected Finds

second. What? Are you feeling good about this just so she's not seen Karstan fall? And die. Yeah, so she for a second doesn't see that that happened.
What are you on about? It's your turn. It's your turn. Are you ready? Yeah, I guess. I think so. I'm going to do what Helena did. That seemed sensible. If you get nervous, just shout for help on the other side.
Okay, I will do. Here goes nothing. And she tentatively gets up to the edge of the chasm and just kind of sits on the edge with her legs over and kind of looks back at you. Her eyes are quite large at this point. And she kind of gives you like a shaking thumbs up. She grabs hold of the rope and then very, very slowly tips herself over the edge and quickly wraps her feet around really, really tight. And she hangs there for a few moments just breathing. Charlie, are you there? Are you okay?
I'd find you, just give me a minute, just- Okay Dan, take your time obviously when you do that, we can't see you. Robert, Robert, do your thing, she likes it when you speak, Robin. And then those- Charlie, listen to me. You're going to be fine. Get your way over to us in your own time and at your own pace. Yep, no, I've got this and very slowly one hand over the other slowly starts pulling herself along one hand over the other and she gets to about the halfway point and she takes a little break.
Okay. And then as she starts back up again, both her legs come undone. And she's just hanging by her hands for a second. Oh shit. And she pulls herself back up and hoics the ankles back over, tying them back on. Oh shit. Oh shit. And she moves quite quickly, quite quickly over to the other side, reaching out for the, to the side. Someone help me get up. I can't fucking pull myself up. Someone help me. We'll throw out a hand to pull her up. She'll take the hand will also come down as well.
and she'll pull herself up and she'll instantly kind of pat herself down and make sure her father's spell book is still by her side. Oh, Jesus. I mean, that keeps the blood going, doesn't it? She did well. Yes. It's just the last two now. I'm here. I don't know why I'm shouting. I can just see you. Well done. Well done. Now, do you two want me to cast a spell so you're both birds? No, I'm not.
In that sense, it's not happening. Let Jago, it's your turn. I'm confident I got this. Claude, another thing. I don't want to walk on no rope. Like, I have no, I'm not made for this. So if you're going to be the bird, can you just do me a favour and... Oh, just pick you up. No.
Can you tie the rope around my waist, please? And then I'm going to jump and climb up the other side and have the others pull the rope. I'm not walking over it. It just doesn't work like that. Look at me. Oh, Melinda's gonna shout from the other side. Why don't you just use your hands? Just hang from the rope. Yeah, you don't have to do it like Robin did. Or can I? Just, like, use your strength for me. You don't even have to use your feet. I thought you were strong, Drago.
Just go, Drago. Oh my god. Right, okay. One thing. And Drago withdraws Dengon's deception. Folly, can you levitate this? Why doesn't Folly just levitate you over? No. Folly, can you levitate this? If you want me to instead of you, then fine. Levitate the sword. I will cast levitate on the sword. And then Drago just pushes it. Drago, before you go.
before you go just take take take this is it's my last bear i can make today i'm not gonna take your bear i've done your bear i'm just gonna go no and Joago just uh just with a slight uh jumps to grab the fucking rope with both hands and he's just gonna if he makes the jit grab hang there and then shimmy across one paw with over another and another and another
But don't roll a one here. This is against my better judgement. This is not how I wanted to do this. So am I right in thinking that Claude and the Rock is holding you anchored on this side and you're going to kind of shimmy across the rope? Yeah. OK, cool. Yeah. Give me an athletics check. Not athletics, sorry. Give me an acrobatics check, please. OK. Roll a one. Screw you guys. If I die on this mountain, you take care of that damn sword.
I think actually Drago needs to tell Robin that, not Ian telling Darren. Well you were away. We were out of like the character situation. I'm not going to say it when I'm hanging down from the... I might say it when I'm hanging from the rope actually. I rolled a 20, not natural.
Okie dokie. So as you tentatively put claw over claw, are you crossing similar to how Helena did it? No. So Drago's literally hanging from the rope. Gotcha. Like dead style. And he's just kind of moving the rope between his hands. And as he's doing so, he's going to shout out to Robin. Robin! Robin! You're a disadvantage. You are exhausted. That's very true. Thank you. Who said that?
You dick, William. Danny, Danny, post it in the chat. Very true. You have. Yes, you please roll again and take your lowest roll. That was going to be brilliant.
Thank you, Danny. This is where he rolls a one and critically fails. That's 21, not natural. So I'll take the 20. OK. So as you start to cross over and you are dead hanging, as you take claw over claw, as you go across, you take your time over this and eventually you do quite without any issue, manage to get yourself to the other side and pull yourself up to see Dengon's deception just floating in front of you there.
And Draggo takes the sword from midair and puts it back on his back. It's still floating, isn't it? Yeah, I've not took the levitation spell off. You can take the spell off now, Folly. I'm half tempted to just... What Folly might do is just going to slightly raise the sword while it's in fact Draggo packs. Folly, you either take the spell off or you're over the mountain. It's really... It's a simple choice. Folly will deactivate it though. Thank you. We don't mess around with my sword.
And Drago is safely on the other side of the cliff. The last person is Claude to get over. Claude, over to you. Yeah, what I'll do is I'll untie the rope from the rock because we'll probably need the rope again. I'm going to send over a mage hand just to grab the rope. What I probably should have tried to do in the very beginning is I'm going to use divine intervention to see if Akiva will just put a magic bridge up.
Oh my god, if this works. Do you want to save that for another time? If it's not successful, wait a week. If it's not successful, I get it on a long rest. So, like, winner, winner, chicken dinner, you know what I mean?
Okay, I can't it would have failed it would have failed a roll to 34. It's fine fair enough So fails fails fails. I just thought I'd try it, you know with that gambit Yeah, now I like to think Claude would have waited make them all struggle. Yeah, and just summoned a Godbridge. Oh
It's like the second thing I've done that I realised I can do things which would have been beneficial to the party after the really problematic thing has happened. It's the first one. Yeah, but let's offset that on all the healing and the fact that I kept everyone alive. Exactly. So, Cord, are you ready? I'm very cold. Do you want to be an eagle or an owl?
I've never flown... How do I fly? Because I'm worried that I'll turn into one of these things and I'll flap the wrong thing and I'll fall. I mean, you'll float your wings. Yeah, but I've never had them, so how do I flap them? Cast down, might I suggest that you just do it and... Like when I turn into a birdie, on my feet, my arms, my arms, my feet. OK, OK, Claude, Claude, you'll still have feet because birds still have feet. Yeah, but which...
Which limb controls the right limb when you're a bird? I'm sure you'll know! Kiva saved me! Claude, Claude, you need to don't resist this. When this happens, don't resist, okay? Oh, I'm quite scared! Right, so I am going to cast a fourth level polymorph on Claude.
I really want to dispel magic. So how it works is, if you are unwilling, you can make a wisdom saving throw. What do I do? I'm scared. If you are an unwilling, sorry, if Claude is unwilling, you can roll. An unwilling creature must make a wisdom saving throw to avoid the effect.
I don't know how to fly, Kirsten. I'm sure in the Sanguilla, you can all fly when you want, but I don't know. Listen, birds know how to fly, so you'll know how to fly. Just stop panicking. I'm not a bird. Do you want to make a save or not? It's up to you. It's up to Danny.
I'm so confused! Cast the spell while I'm distracted, please! Okay, I've cast the spell. So, um, you start to assume the shape, your gear melts into the new form, and essentially you have taken on the form of a giant owl. As in, is the owl the size of Claude? It counts as a large beast. Bigger than Claude. Fuck me. That's huge. That's terrifying. Why did we just ride that thing?
I don't ride no animal. Well I'm not sure on how much it could carry people but it's a large beast. What you see in front of you is the calls and cries of a clawed screaming about not being able to fly slowly more from his voice into just the hoots of a large, large owl that echoes down the mountainside.
as the owl kind of looks at itself a little bit, looks up at the group, looks down to itself, looks up at the group, and then just starts lifting, wing, wing, foot, foot, and kind of just does a little nod to the group. Claude, over to you.
Yeah, okay. So I would now be flapping around and after a few minutes, a few minutes might I add, I've kind of figured out what limb controls what, what button do I press to do the squawk and all that. I'm going to take flight. It's going to be very unattractive. It's not going to be very graceful. I'm probably going to fall about 20 feet just for cinematic experience to make everyone go, oh, but no, I will rise like the owl I am and fly.
I'm going to go one step further and I'm going to fly higher up the mountain. OK, you want to do some scouting. I want to try and look for Elphie. So do you have advantage on your wisdom perception checks that rely on hearing and sight? There we go. I want to look for Elphie. I want to look for any baddies, any people that live there, a mountain goat or two for dinner. I'd like to look for Onyx Reaver, just in case someone left out on a ledge. Of course.
or anything that looks like a, like a temple or a, or a stronghold. So you might keep an artifact of significance. And then I'd also just like to just take scenery in. Do you also want to, uh, to see where the rift is, where you can end the game? Do you want to, you know?
If it's a cheat code, a general surveillance of what the Frick we're trying to ascend just to let you know you have a plus five to your perception because the giant owl skills overtake yours. Okay. You basically got giant owl eyes and giant owls. Could you give me a perception perception check?
It's advantage and add five William. Yes. Okay, natural one and then a 16. 21. You take off from the ground and like you said you don't go towards the group trying to fly towards the group you kind of just go off the ledge and it is very ungraceful and you just kind of
almost like a drunk diving into a pool, just kind of head first, boing into the water. And you just kind of disappear off the edge of the cliff. And then a couple seconds later, you kind of take off. And again, you're not flying with your wings at the same time. It's like one wing than the other. So you kind of like barrel rolling a little bit as you go. But there's some weird grace to it, actually. It seems somewhat controlled. It seems like you do two rolls one way, then two rolls back, and then there's a pause. And your wings kind of even out, then two rolls one way, two rolls back.
so it doesn't seem to look like it should work but somehow it does work and you fly over the group quite low over the group and they kind of duck down and you take off further up the mountain and further up the mountain you follow the path the path stays thin and you can see many of these snaking off around all parts of the mountains and as you barrel roll once twice three times to get some height up
you see the very peaks of the mountains. And now you see the sun clearly up over the top of the mountains. And as you pull yourself up and up the air, getting colder and colder, getting higher and higher, you can see over these top mountains. And what you notice is the number of things. Firstly, you notice over this tall mountain, you notice a really weird, strange biome almost at the top on the other side of the mountain, which is a kind of verdant green, almost jungle.
etched into the snow area, which seems really odd. This looks like almost tropical built into this area, which should just be snowy. So that's one thing you notice, and it's quite substantial. As you pass over that, it's not like a dome or anything. It's just like there's a jungle there for some reason.
And as you pass over that, you suddenly open up into, I imagine you fly quite low across the canopy of these jungle trees, and suddenly it opens up and suddenly you can see this absolutely massive quarry. And I'm talking off into the distance quarry. I'm talking thousands upon thousands of mineshafts and pulleys and machinery all left. No one's there. This seems like it's been left.
and no one is it in one single mountain peak or in a range it seems to have once been a mountain peak that has been absolutely taken down and so now actually it is lower into the ground the quarry goes deep into the ground the mountains seem to now surround it like it's a crown almost around the inside of this and there is equipment upon equipment this seems to be an industrial level of quarrying that once took place here i mean this this is
huge you've never seen anything upon this scale of industry before but none of it's working no one's there it's just all abandoned as you kind of fly around you can see a number of entrances to small offshoots of mines where they've been kind of digging out to test for obviously materials or something but there's one entrance in particular that seems more
innately arcane and not arcane, but historic, older, basically, that seems to have been built on purpose, that seems to predate the mines that seem to notice around it. This is a grand entrance to some kind of something inside the mountain that doesn't seem to be just for materials and mining purposes. There seems to be something else that seems odd. It seems to really stick out compared to industry that seems to surround it.
As you swing yourself back round, you know, try and look around for any food, any kind of animal, but you've seen no other life apart from you and your party so far. And as you fly back over the group to come back down to land, suddenly a number of things happen all at once. Karstan, you notice, you get a weird sense, actually, has anyone else got, what's your perception again, Karstan? You're passive. 26. Has anyone else got a passive above 20?
No, no. So just cast down, cast down the hairs on the back of your neck stand and you get the innate sense that you're being watched. You don't know where from but you get a feeling of being watched and you swear you just heard a whisper, you turn around entirely looking up at you with her mouth shut. As you look up and you hear the awkward squawk of Claude, I'm going to ask you Claude probably how you squawk in a minute but it's something to think about.
As you hear the awkward squawk of Claude, as he starts to kind of barrel back round, he kind of comes down the cliff edge and spins around to join you on the other side. You notice in front of him, as he's arriving, suddenly this purple shimmer starts to just appear in front of him in a wall-like fashion. And Claude, you just full on...
hits into this wall, crumpling our body as you start to fall back onto, it looks like you're falling down but you're still kind of falling forwards and you land with quite a hard thud onto the ground on the side with everyone else but you take
Robin will immediately upon that just start to scan in the direction that Carstan had said to see if he can see anything. Okay, go for perception. I've had the blast of that because that's still not good. Seven. You look around and you then, because of the way Carstan said it, the hairs on the back of your neck stand on edge and you start surveying the tops of the mountains. There's something very innately... What's the word?
15 points of bludgeoning damage.
ancient for humans to be scared of being watched. It's different, obviously, for those of other races, but for humans, it's built into your DNA that being watched in an open race like this, it gets you on edge a little bit, and suddenly you are scanning the edges, the rifts.

Mystery of the Purple Barrier

You start to not be sure if you're noticing tufts of shrubberies or figures off in the distance, as you can see far off into the distance, the mountain range continuing. As you scan across, you can't make out anyone obvious, unfortunately, from that role.
Claude, you kind of straighten yourself back up. You're still an owl, but you're... Yeah, and I will immediately just start talking as though I'm not an owl. Okay, well... Have we seen the purple barrier back up? Only you have. Did anyone else... Folly, did you see that there was a purple barrier? Claude just crashed into a purple barrier.
he's become a chicken no it's just it's unfortunately giant owls actually do sound like chickens up close you do know you're still an owl if you're trying to communicate it's not working tell me Carson can you turn that thing off or make him clawed again
um i can turn it off um and cast down sort of he screws his face up for a moment and um he stops concentrating on the spell and then um yeah cord will return to his normal form and shape and i will immediately throw up because i'm now discovered air sickness
brilliant and you throw up a little bit onto the path nearby, but you are now clawed again and everyone is on the right side of the broken path.
I just had this feeling when Claude was coming into land and before he hit that purple barrier, I just got the sense that we were being watched. What purple barrier? Well, listen, sorry Claude, the thing is, I don't think I got to tell anybody that when I was in my room, Julia came to see me and
She gave me a message that my father has given a couple of his men a duty to spy on me, my whereabouts, and it might be them, it might be something else. We might find this healthy friend of yours or enemy, but it might also be my father's men, and it's something that I'm very wary of. Maybe. How many people are watching us?
Well, I don't know. I was... No, I'm asking, Karsten. You said we're being watched by how many? I don't know. It's just this... I got this sense as we were watching Claude come into land. There was this... I just got this feeling and I don't know. I must have noticed something and I don't know the part of my mind that's out the corner of my eye. I just knew that we were being watched.
Okay, so we have to be careful of health here, keeping watch of us. Helena, you've got people after you that we have to be careful of. Anyone, while we're here on this mountain side, does anyone have anything else that we need to make sure isn't watching us? Your hand is up. Claude, you don't have to put your hand up. I've been hunted by people that don't like people. Yeah, I've got a price on my head now.
Right, is this to do with that illegal religion? Shit! No! Hang on, hang on a minute. What illegal religion? It's never a mine. Listen everybody, when I was an owl, right, I was just an owl. I don't know if you saw that, but it was quite impressive. There's a jungle on the mountain. There is a jungle on top of this mountain. Yeah, that's right. That's part of the mountain. I know about that.
I have never heard of a jungle on a mountain before. Yeah, nor have I. Folly, as someone who has a very intelligent brain, have you heard of a jungle on a mountain? Not something that I can recall of, no. Right.
Okay, so, just to recap, Claude's got people hunting him, Helena have got people, you've got people hunting you, and Elthir is, just, could be around at any time. So I suggest that we all keep our eyes open, our wit's about us. Maybe our weapon's drawn? I think that's a good idea too, and, um, well there's nothing else for it, but Kennard, you need to lead the way. Aye. Say we're supposed to be helping people, we have an awful lot of amount of people pissed off at us.
Well, also, let's just go back a minute. You said about, well, we all saw it, the purple thing. So whilst everyone was talking, I would have wandered over and I wanted to try and investigate where the purple barrier was, Mark. Yeah, absolutely. Just so you know, Casey, that only Carstan saw that. I've mentioned it, but I'm the only one who saw it, I think. Of course. Yeah, that's right. Yeah, yeah. So sorry, Helen, you could still mention it. So you go over and just give me an investigation, please. Please, Carstan. And I'll add my bless.
uh 22 you look to where this was you remember quite clearly that this was quite a small area of this almost shimmering wall like thing that just forms solid out of out of the air but it wasn't solid it was quite transparent and it had this like purple aura to it it's floating in the middle of the air randomly but just for a split second just as
as Claude hit it and then it seemed to disappear. And as you look up into the area to try and see it, you move from side to side, try and catch it in the sun, try and catch it against a different backdrop to see if you can see it. It's disappeared. It's gone. There's nothing there. Robin will see Castan trying to look in the direction of where the spell came. Running through Robin's mind is the colour purple and all of the discussions about
elfie's eyes and what that happened to elfie and he'll just look at canard feeling a sense of dread and apprehension and feeling very exposed and we'll just say we should keep moving with it i don't like the feel of this no i uh i tend to agree but uh claud our man onto your points you said about the uh the jungle up there and there's a mine that's abandoned
Yep, that's where we're heading. That's where we're heading. We're heading there. It's more of a quarry. I understand the quarry in the mountain, but tell us more about the jungle, please, Kenneth. Maybe that can wait for our next stop.
Maybe you're right, but don't worry. That's all stuff I know about. There's nothing new. This elf fear person hasn't put a jungle on a mountain or dug into the mountains. We know about them. That's part of what makes the skeletal mountains such a special treat here in Blackmouth. Do you mean weird? Some say weird. We like to consider them quirks of the area. I have another question. Okay, go on.
How about we do that question as we start walking? It's about walking. Kirsten, can you just change us all into eagles? No. I don't have the ability to... Because whilst you were doing it, I had to concentrate on maintaining the spell. So I couldn't... This way, right? Just up here.
Yep, just the only way we can go. We'd definitely beat Elfie to the onyx reaper if we could fly there. So as they're walking, Carson will just be walking beside Claude. So what was it like flying? I had the most magical experience. I thought I was gonna die and then I was flapping all the wrong bits.
And then I just felt these weird things, right? And I thought, what are they about? What are they doing? How do I move those? And all of a sudden the ground was reversing and I was going upwards. And then I didn't want to stop. It was like, it was like the first time and last time I tried ale.
Is that a good thing? No, I always not good, but I definitely like the flight. I understand why birds have a cracking time. Well, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. I had a great time. Anytime you want to do that to me, consider this an advanced consent form. Okay, I can only do it a certain number of times today, but
If you do it daily, I would enjoy that. Okay, if we have the spare time whenever we make camp, I'll do it again. And then I'm going to lean into Castan. And if you could secretly do it on Drago while he sleeps, I think that would make everyone happier. I mean, I mean... You motherfucker!
I genuinely think that. Look at poor Tali, right? She got some burns recently and hasn't really had anything to perk her spirits of. Imagine if her favourite friend the dragonborn turned into an actual dragon, you know what I mean? Castan, help us out, Castan. I could make Tali into any creature she wanted to be. No, you're on zebra road.
I mean, I could turn Drago into a plant as well. No, it's not fun, man. He used to fly. OK, maybe one day I'll do it. Karstan, that's all I need. All I need to hear. Karstan, can you tell us more about this purple thing that you said you saw? Sorry, I just would like to know more. I'm quite fascinated. It was like a barrier or some kind of shielding spell.
It wasn't there when I went to investigate, so I don't know whether it was just... Do you think something was trying to stop us from moving forward? What do you think it meant? Well, I don't know. I mean, it could have been something. Maybe if it was people who were protecting me, maybe they thought the owl was attacking us, so they put the barrier in front of the owl.
Or it could be that there are some like, I mean, I've heard stories and read stories about bells that have gone wrong and then travelled the world, but I think they're only stories. But I don't know. Does anybody else have any feelings about this? Does this mean anything to anybody?
And who follows that magic expert? I was like, um, based on, uh, Carstan's description, can I kind of do an iconic history check or something like that? Just to see if I've ever heard anything about a spell like this that seems to be back and forth. Um, and more to point, if I can identify at least what kind of area of magic it is. Okay. Give me, um, when you, you decide whichever one you think, if you want to look into your history or you will look into your knowledge of the arcane.
Pick which one and you roll for it. I would absolutely do, RK20, not natural. You recognize the style of spell that they're on about. The ability to form a wall is quite well known to you. You know of spells that can cause a wall from daggers, a wall of thorns, a wall of ice or fire, but your knowledge of a purple wall seems neglecting.
it would be a conjuration spell. You would need to use the school of conjuration in order to create it, but none of them ever seem to have an aura of purple that you can recall. Well, it's quite interesting. Any kind of barrier spell is always belonging to the conjuration field, and I've heard of many things being used to
conjure stuff. I mean, any object could always be used to conjure a wall, but I fear that who or what may have put it there could be indeed quite a powerful ally or foe, or perhaps even something I can't even imagine. Yeah, I mean, it was only for a moment, and it was, yeah. I'd be intrigued to see if they could turn it on and off, or possibly even specify what kind of creatures can go through it, or even at a specific pace. Like, normally spells persist for a certain amount of time, it was just, yeah,
I don't know. Or an instantaneous usage. Yeah, maybe. But, I mean, for the most spell I've been conjuring, you have to be quite close, don't you? Yes, normally. That's what's concerning me. I mean, it wasn't me, I'm just saying. It definitely wasn't me. I don't have such a spell. I wish I did. It certainly sounds quite useful. I mean, Talia, did you cast it? What? No.
How far away are we until we get to that?
I don't know. The other three, Kennard, Drago and Robin, have kind of just soldiered on a bit whilst the spellcasters and Helen have been discussing this barrier slightly behind. So we'll just pan forward over. Kennard's walking a few steps in front of Drago and Robin. He's more interested and more concerned with the path. He's not really listening to what's happening behind. So Robin and Drago, was there anything you guys wanted to discuss where you

Discussing Elfie and Potential Threats

currently are?
Yes, Robin will just say to Drago, as they're walking at quite a pace, we need to prepare for a scenario where Elfie is going to get to the Onyx Reaver before us. Yeah, I've been thinking along those lines too. Or prepare for a worst case scenario of him just suddenly, I don't know what kind of dark arts he's into, but if he was the reason why we've just suddenly, as you said, it was Elfie as Handiwork that collapsed that section of the mountain, he could just be laying traps for us.
on the way. He only needs to rest for four hours. We're going to need to stop for longer for that. I forgot about that. He's taken an hour out of our journey just crossing that cavern. I don't like this Draghi. We can only do what we can which is head towards the Onyx Reaver and hope that we're the first ones there. After that we're dealing with the situation as it arises but you are right we have to prepare ourselves. How do you prepare yourself against someone like that?
He saved our lives. We've saved his life. We've travelled together for years. This can only end with either him killing us or us killing him. I'm convinced of that. I see no way out. No, I agree. I agree. There's no way back for him. But how do you prepare for the actual entity that is out there? I don't know. And I'm worried that we're travelling... We're leading others into danger?
Well, I don't worry about that. They're all here willingly. I suppose they all have their own reasons for wanting the Onyx Reaver, and they're all, in some cases, running up this mountain away from something as opposed to towards something. But I think what really worries me the most about Elphir, and I don't mind saying this to you, is I think we're the only two here who truly grasp how dangerous he is. I think Claude does as well, but yeah, I think you're not wrong in what you say.
It's just and that's not a slight on the others. No, no, not at all. What scares me the most, being very frank, is the things he's learned since he's been apart from us.
Well, he doesn't know about Ghostbane. He doesn't know that I can cast spells. Well, respect his ambitions, but he doesn't know about Nura, so we might be able to. I don't know. Again, we can only keep our wits about us, keep heading to the Onyx Reaver, and hope that we're there first, and we'll deal with any situation as it arises. Just, you've got keen senses. Keep them sharpened for us.
I agree with what you're saying, but what I might say next may surprise you given previous circumstances that if we were to come against Elthea, we need to be at our full strength. So a rest every now and then might not be such a bad thing. I know, I know. And you understand the weight of what I've just said.
I understand. And Robin will- We don't want another Shader. Robin will chuckle to himself and he'll go. That would almost sound like wisdom, Draghi. No, no. Previous experience. It's not wisdom. Certainly something.
But I don't know. I can't see a scenario where we're going to get to the Onyx Reaver before... Well, once again, we might just have to rely on good old Faith. Because you know how faithful I am in such things. Faith is a matter of conjecture. Faith is a piece of shit. We can only do what we can do. And yet, these gods of this realm seem to talk to us. Let's not talk about gods.

Cliffhanger: Boulder Threat

And as the silence returns to the two of you, as you continue to walk, the camera will just pan back over to the group behind, which now you're pretty much catching up with them, probably only about 20 feet behind them again. And Karsten, as you're walking, you can see Drago and Robin having a conversation in front of you. You're probably picking up at some pieces of information from other people around you, Tarly talking to Folly, Claude talking about his experiences of being an owl. Suddenly you get the same sensation again,
of the hairs on the back of your neck standing on edge, on end, but it feels to go up into your head as well and you start to hear this weird whispering noise. You can't make out any words, it's not any language, but you can hear this whispering and it seems to come off far off in the mountains off to the right and then from behind and then in front and then to the left and as you turn to the left and look up you swear you can make out a small dark figure and all of a sudden you feel a rumble, not just you, the whole party feels a rumble as the whole mountain seems
vibrates slightly and off the top of the mountain you see this huge bit of boulder bashing into the side of the mountain corralling down the side of the mountain towards you and as it starts to turn in the air and smash as it wakes its way down further and further aiming for you as a party
That's where we're going to leave it for this week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop. Thank you very much for joining us, everyone. Wow. Man, we just can't get away from it, can we? We can't have just one nice walk up a mountain where we get to take in the stunning scenery. There's always got to be death on the doorstep. So I know how this ends because I've written this before. Rocks fall, the party dies. This is how this ends. I've seen this before.
Oh man, I'll tell you what though, that was good. I enjoyed that. That was brilliant. Nice session. Hells yes. And thank you everyone for tuning in and listening and making us part of your everyday week. We love you for it. Despite everything going on in the world, we're here for love and enjoyment all round. And I think everyone in this group would understand those sentiments to the fullest.
If you would like to keep in touch with the podcast, you can do so on our Twitter pages. Collectively, it is at Fellowship Table. If you wanted to go one step further and wanted to find and peer deep into our very souls, you can do so to and follow our individual Twitter accounts. I am at iWorldA1. Danny's at Total Party Thrills. Casey's at Nickhorn Quit. Darren's at Darren Page 06. Will is at
Natural20Will Callum is at TheD20Gamer And our absolutely huge huge member of a DM is at Hey Studio Roll DM Until next time guys Farewell!