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Only You Can Know - incl. Guided Visualisation image

Only You Can Know - incl. Guided Visualisation

S1 E29 · A Life By Design
47 Plays1 year ago

Only you can know what serves you & what doesn’t, what you desire to call in & what you need to let go of in order to make space for more of what aligns with your expansion journey.

No-one else can tell you what to do, how to do it or whether or not it’s right for you.

No-one else can actually know what’s best for you, your business, your journey.

Leaving decisions in the hands of others or blaming them for the result of your choices will only serve to hold you back from building trust in your own inner knowing.

In this episode I’m going to first share a simple example from my current situation, and then I’d like to take you through guided visualisation which will hopefully inspire you to connect with & stay true to the essence of who you are… and remember only you can know what serves you & your needs.


Lunar Crafting Sessions

Embodiment Coaching Service

Creators Nest Online Store





Intro & Outro Music: Shaman Dance by slavamusic


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Introduction and Purpose

Do you desire to turn your passion into income? Connect with other creative souls who also dance to the beat of their own drum?
I'm Marie Nicole and I'm devoted to combining beauty, uniqueness and connection in everyday living experiences. As a creative professional and Dharma coach, I help people connect to the truth of who they are and facilitate them in embodying their uniqueness. It is my hope in this podcast that I inspire you to live your life on your terms and earn your income
through being uniquely you. After all, it's the unique thread that we each contribute to the collective tapestry that creates the whole.

Empowerment Through Self-Trust

Only you can know what serves you and what doesn't. What you desire to call in and what you need to let go of in order to make space for more of what aligns with your expansion journey.
No one else can tell you what to do, how to do it or whether or not it's right for you. No one else can actually know what's best for you, your business or your journey. Leaving decisions in the hands of others or blaming them for the results of your choices will only serve to hold you back from building trust in your inner knowing.

Launch of Intentional Crafting Workshops

In this episode, I'm going to first share a simple example from my current situation and then I'd like to take you through a guided visualization.
which will hopefully inspire you to connect with and stay true to the essence of who you are. And remember, only you can know what serves you and your needs. Before I get into the episode though, I'd like to remind you that I'm opening up my workspace to share with others, offering intentional crafting workshops here in my studio shed.
starting with lunar crafting sessions where we will create a feather talisman based on the energies of the phase of the moon at the time of the workshop. These will be offered around the new moon or the full moon. The new moon session will be dedicated to setting intentions for the moon cycle ahead and the full moon session will be focused on limiting beliefs that we would like to release. In both sessions participants will learn
some leather and feather crafting skills while being introduced to how we can work with the energies of that phase of the moon to support them in creating flow in their life while intentionally crafting a talisman that will serve as a physical reminder of what they are calling in and wishing to release in their life's journey. If you'd like to be one of those participants then check out the links in the show notes for details on
when and where these workshops will be taking place. Now back to the episode.

Choosing What Meets Your Needs

So currently I am looking to buy another car. My trusty four-wheel drive, which we named Max, gave up on his journey and needed to be sold as a vehicle without a functioning engine.
While I'm in the process of looking for another car, I've had treasured friends loan me cars so I have time to find something within my budget that also serves my needs. During this process of sourcing a car, I have had numerous people tell me I just need a car to get me from A to B, a little city car that's low cost with low kilometres. Sounds like great advice, right? Well, yes and no.
A little car that gets me from A to B is not actually going to serve the needs of my lifestyle. I'm a single mum with a teenage boy who still lives at home with me and we live in a rural location. We source our own firewood to heat our home which sometimes means driving down rugged roads. We have two big dogs that we occasionally take down to the river and again we need to drive to get there.
Without my bricks and mortar store I am also more reliant now on travelling to trade or to offer workshops in various locations rather than in a fixed commercial space like I did before. At times that may mean camping for the weekend at a festival or it may mean camping overnight before an event.
Even when I had the commercial space, I was constantly carting large boxes, items of furniture, delivering sculptures and more. Even though I was travelling most of the time from home to the store, effectively A to B, I still had other requirements outside of that, which warranted having a four-wheel drive.
And now even more so, I need a vehicle that does more than just get me from A to B. The other day, I saw a friend who has also recently become a single mum. And she too has her own business. And Carts all matter of things about relating to her business and her lifestyle. When she asked how my car search was going, she also said, you're going to get a ute, right? She was the first person to actually say that and understand that a little city car will not serve my needs.
She also said you need a car that gets you from A to B to C to D to Q to R and everything in between. She gets it. She too has similar needs. I share this not to say that everybody else was wrong or that they're inconsiderate. They're just looking at it from a different perspective, through a different lens. A lens of their needs or what they perceive to be my needs to just get by.
The same can be said for other areas and aspects of business and life. Only you can really know what you need. So while it's valuable to seek advice from others, in the end you need to be able to discern what advice is actually going to serve your needs and what your vision is for your business. Who you are, how you're here to serve and who you're serving and how you're doing so through your offerings.

Visualization Exercise to Connect with Inner Child

I'd like you to stop for a moment and do a visualization exercise with me to connect back to your inner child from a time when you felt like the world was your oyster and anything and everything you ever wanted was possible. The experience of life can layer us with limitations and beliefs that make us feel like it's impossible to live the life we desire. So let's connect with our inner child.
And not as a way of connecting to our fears, but a way of connecting to the opposite. Connecting back to our fearlessness. Take a moment to close your eyes, if you're able to while you're listening to this. Otherwise, you can simply proceed with your eyes open, bringing part of your awareness to the exercise. Or pause this and come back to it later. With your eyes closed, gently take a deep breath all the way to the base of your seat.
then release it fully out your mouth. Continue to breathe in and out at a rhythm that feels soothing to you. Imagine yourself walking through a forest down a leafy path with trees towering overhead. Birds singing a chorus of melodic tunes in the background
As you walk down the path, each step takes you deeper into the forest, with scents that waft up from the damp forest floor. As you continue your walk, absorb the peace, the nurturing calmness that comes over you as you sink with the rhythm of the wild nature that surrounds you.
Up ahead there's a clearing in the forest with light streaming in from above. Make your way to the clearing. Find a spot in the middle of the clearing and take a seat. Look around you. Take in the little details.
The tiny flowers that adorn the floor of the clearing dancing amongst the soft gentle blades of grass. Now allow yourself to go back to a time in your childhood when you felt a sense of complete and utter freedom to be who you truly are without fear of not meeting anyone else's expectations.
Allow yourself to remember what you did as that fearless, carefree child. What brought you the utmost sense of joy or bliss? Was it drawing any and every animal you saw or learned about? Dancing freely without care or concern? Singing your heart out?
bashing away at keys on a piano. Don't be concerned so much with what you were doing, but more how you were feeling while you were doing it. Connect with that feeling of fearlessness when you noticed something you were doing as you moved your body didn't feel like you were flowing, how you would adjust to move with more ease.
when you didn't think the detail of what you were drawing was quite right, how you rubbed it out and redrew it until it felt like it was just as you wished it to be. As you sang the lyrics to your favourite song and forgot the words but didn't let that stop you from singing, you just hummed the parts you forgot and started singing the lyrics again when you remembered them.
How as you bashed those keys on the piano something made a screeching sound but that wasn't the sound you wished to make so you changed the way you placed your fingers on the keys and the sound came out more to your liking. Remember how it wasn't about getting it right but more about the feeling of doing it. Tweaking it and feeling the joy of creating it your way.
from the essence of who you are in a way that filled you with sheer bliss and joy. Now that you have that feeling absorbed in your being, thank your inner child for taking you back to that place of fearlessness, remembering that you actually knew what you needed to do to make adjustments you needed to make to create what you desired to create.
You didn't need someone else to tell you if it was right or wrong. You knew how you wanted it to look, feel, sound. Gently bring your awareness back to the clearing in the forest. Now take in the details of what creates this little oasis that you are absorbing. How there are birds that are dropping seeds into the soil created by the leaf litter that breaks down after they fall from the trees.
The sunlight that makes its way through the trees and warms the soil to just the right temperature for the seed to sprout, break through the soil and reach up to the sunlight to be nourished into becoming a little tree that will one day stand tall, just like those trees towering overhead that collectively create the forest. Think about how each part of this little ecosystem makes its contribution to creating the whole.
Now bring your awareness to how when you find your bliss, your joy, and when you create from that place, you are creating your contribution to the collective, to the whole. And think about how if you spent time, energy and effort trying to be a tree, when your makeup is more suited to being a bird that collects the seeds and distributes them, how the collective would be denied that component in the ecosystem.
Now with your newfound sense of purpose, slowly make your way back down the forest path, connecting to what feels in alignment with you. What you do that comes easily to you, what feels good to you, so you can effortlessly contribute your part to the collective.
gently open your eyes and if you feel called to do so take out your journal and write down any thoughts or insights that came through from this visualization that can help you with any decisions you may be needing to make right now or move through any blockages you may be feeling right now. And remember we all have our unique thread that we contribute to the collective tapestry.

Engagement and Feedback Invitation

I hope this inspires you to connect
with and stay true to the essence of who you are and remember only you can know what you're here to do, how you're here to serve and what supports you in doing so.
Thank you so much for your time. I know how valuable it is and I hope you got value out of listening to this podcast. If you are looking for a coach to support and guide you through your own unique journey of creating a life you love, then reach out for a connection call. And if you'd like to connect with other creative souls in person by joining us at a workshop or retreat or to book a unique shopping experience here at Creators Nest, I run those by appointment. So check out the website for more details. The link is in the show notes.
Oh, and please leave a review. I'd love to hear any insights or inspirations that were activated in you from this podcast. And I look forward to drumming, dancing or soaring alongside of you.