Episode Description:
After hearing another creative openly share that she did not wish to have children and the impact she felt it would have on her creativity, especially as a professional. I want to share my experience of motherhood as a professional creative to give those who may be sitting on the fence about whether or not embark on the journey of motherhood, a perspective on the impact of this on being a creative professional.
My decision to embrace this quest was very intentional after experiencing and witnessing the flow on affect of mother’s resenting the loss of their opportunity to embark on their desired professional journey’s I wanted to break the cycle and explore the option of enjoying both.
Determined not to loose myself in motherhood, even though I feared becoming a mother as I didn't feel like I really knew how to develop a healthy relationship in that area of life after my own experience in my childhood.
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Intro & Outro Music: Shaman Dance by slavamusic
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