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Conscious Convos: The Scamlympics image

Conscious Convos: The Scamlympics

S2 E5 · The Weekly Coop
26 Plays7 months ago

In this episode, we dive deep into the lasting legacy of the London 2012 Olympics and explore what happened to the iconic venues built for the Games. Join us as we uncover how these structures have been repurposed and integrated into the fabric of London. Also discover how much revenue was made, but profit was lost.

Episode Highlights:

  • Olympic Park Transformation: Discover how Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park has evolved into a vibrant public space, hosting events and fostering community development.
  • Venue Afterlives: We explore the current status of key Olympic venues, including:The London Stadium's transition to West Ham United's home ground
    The Aquatics Centre's role in public swimming and competitive events
    The Copper Box Arena's ongoing use for various sports and community activities
    The Lee Valley VeloPark's impact on cycling culture in London
  • Financial Deep Dive: We break down the revenue generated by the Games, estimated at about $1 billion, and contrast this with the staggering £9.3 billion total cost.
  • Long-Term Economic Impact: Examine the broader economic effects, including tourism boosts, job creation, and infrastructure improvements.
  • Legacy Challenges: Discuss the ongoing struggles some venues face in remaining financially viable post-Olympics.

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Introduction and Episode Overview

And hello everyone, welcome to another episode of The Weekly Coupe. Gonna talk about the Olympics and politics and a lot of distractions and quite frankly just a lot going on in the world. So where I'm getting at is I'm gonna talk about the funding of the Olympics or the revenue and how much it costs to build the Olympics. because it doesn't go to the community and I'll show you how.

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But first, Feedery, go to, sign up for the wait list, be a foodfluencer. We'll hopefully have that app out soon, ah hopefully in August or September is what we're shooting for. But that being said, thank you for joining again and let's get after it.
to another episode of the weekly coop. Conscious convo is just me.

Are the Olympics a Global Scam?

I'm gonna tell you something about the Olympics. The Olympics are on. Election is coming. A lot of distractions. lot of A lot of fugazi going on. Fairy dust, not real. It's crazy. um But I'm gonna break down the Olympics and how the Olympics is a scam. you think they're doing good for the world, but they're not. And I'll tell you why, because I deep dove and I found some interesting information, and this is how the world works, guys. But first,
Let me tell you about this hydrogen water bottle. I mean, honestly, I love it. um It's by Akua Boost and I have it on my TikTok shop. Honestly, it's one of my favorite things that I carry with me every single day because it adds hydrogen to your water. You actually need more hydrogen molecules. It's better than alkaline water. It's actually better than most of your waters that like you can buy from a grocery store or Whole Foods or whatever. because it's literally just taking already your filtered water and then adding hydrogen molecules and balancing out the pH as well. It helps with your gut health, brain fog, Gary Brekke loves it, I love it, and I think you should go to my TikTok shop and you should go buy it.
and look It's lit, I press the button, only takes three minutes and your health is already going to improve drastically. um I am not a doctor, however, personally speaking, I have felt way better after doing this. The Olympics, they're in Paris. um
it's It's interesting because I deep dove into the logistics because Joe Rogan talked about the Olympics and how the Olympics was a scam. And I also saw a TikTok from a guy talking about the Olympics being a scam because financially speaking, the Olympics has no significant impact on a country, on an athlete, or on anyone, except for this Olympic committee. But who's on this Olympic committee? Like who runs this? They say it's each country, but
Like I said, the money doesn't go anywhere. but Let me tell you why.

Financial Impact of Olympics on Host Cities

They go into significant amounts of debt to create this Olympics, to create a distraction for you, which that's what sports is. It's a distraction. Sometimes it's a good distraction. Um, I watch football, you know, I watched a little basketball here and there. Uh, I watched a little hockey here and there, like I'll go to sporting events. for networking purposes but most sports are honestly a distraction and the fact that athletes get paid what they get paid is insane um and I say that because athletes get paid an astronomical amount of money to
Do crazy physical things, but they don't provide any significant upgrade to society. You catching my drift here? Am I starting to make sense? um
So let's look at the London Olympics. So I went on Perplexity AI. Sorry, my water's done. Cracking open a cold one. A cold H2O.
based So based on the search results into perplexity AI, the cost of the learning games significantly exceeded initial estimates. So I didn't realize the estimates of the games were exceeded. The original budget was projected around four to $5 billion. dollars Yes, it's a billion with a B and I guess we're not surprised. But the final cost was 9.3 billion pounds. So that's pounds. That's over $14 billion dollars at the time. And that's now more than $17 billion dollars today. So the figure includes costs associated with infrastructure, security, and other related expenses. So the detailed breakdowns include Olympic Delivery Authority, do ah o ODA, spent 6.2
billion pounds of public money on preparing the grounds and venues so that's like building all the structures the track uh... the different sports fields if they don't have them i think london had the tennis court is a wimbled and so that makes sense uh... but anything for question anything for swimming being able to create the infrastructure is pivotal and nobody really has those structures. If we're going to be honest, like you have to build these structures. So that literally costs them six billion pounds. And then an additional 2.5 billion pounds was spent ah by other bodies and department for culture, media and sport. So my guess is that was for the opening ceremonies where there was like, I'm sure costumes floats. Um,
culture media support, maybe food related items, um lodging. Well, actually lodging is probably with the delivery authority. Anyway, two billion pounds. And then the London organizing committee spent two billion pounds on running the event. So that's like the security shuttles, um buses, ah like all that stuff. So so you you're probably thinking, oh, Cooper, OK, it's $14 billion. dollars you know It's no big deal. It goes to a good cause. The tourism gets better. you know There's so much good, right? Wrong. Revenue. The revenue generated from the 2012 Olympics in London was estimated to be $1 billion dollars from games-related activities.
This revenue came from various sources such as ticket sales, sponsorships, broadcasting rights, and more. However, it is important to note that this figure only represents the direct income from the games, does not include broader economic impacts and or long-term benefits. Okay, so we'll dive into that in a minute. So the total cost was nine billion pounds, $14 billion. The revenue was a billion dollars, So that's American money. So you're telling me the Olympics lost $13 billion. 13.
Series flabbergasted by that. um Sorry, I'm gonna let her shut down.
Okay, thank God. oh Sorry about that. Basically, what I'm trying to say, the Olympics did not bring any significant income. um it It brought a significant loss. ah
I'm looking up if there are any long-term impacts. with revenue.
So they had millions of visitors, yes. There might have been some small business growth, maybe.
Uh, there might've been some tourism growth, economic growth, infrastructure obviously was created. Maybe some memories, but the thing is after the games, they don't have any sort of direct impact.
Like I'd love to see the impact of Paris. after the Olympics, because people tell me like they don't love Paris. um
So I'm looking up another point real quick. um So Paris is already what I hear a shit show. from people traveling and those sorts of things. And then I also have heard athletes getting robbed, um their buses getting broken into, and then people throwing their shit out of these buses into the street. They were throwing poop in the Seine River um that the triathletes were performing in today.
There's a Netflix documentary about, uh, underneath, under Paris, I think is what it's called. That's about the sewage that goes in into the water in Paris. Um,
yeah, bomb threats. violence threats like there's a lot of stuff going on that you probably don't know about but they're not reporting on it because they don't want you they don't want you to worry or they don't want you to think about you know it's the Olympics it's supposed to be the best time of the year right well I'm just I'm here to give you the hard truth it's not what it is it's not rainbows and fucking unicorns so I looked at the venues built in 2012 and what they've done with them
So, Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park has been transformed into a public park, hosting various sports events, cultural events, includes residential developments and community facilities. Okay, so that wasn't a complete waste of money. London Stadium, so this was the Olympic Stadium, now home of West Ham United Football Club, hosts other sports events and concerts. so Looks good. Okay. The aquatic center remains in use for public swimming and diving as well as hosting competitive events. Fair enough. Copper box arena, multi-sport venue used for a variety of sports and community activities. Fair enough.
Velodrome. That's Lee Valley Velo Park. So that's for cycling events and is open to the public for cycling activities. And Olympic Village is converted into residential housing known as East Village, providing homes for thousands of people. So I will give London their credit. they It looks like they've created some sustainability with these structures. So let me go back to 2008. So I did some research on the 2008

Olympics: A Reflection of Global Economic Issues

Olympics. The Beijing stadiums that were built that cost, you know, hundreds of millions, maybe a billion dollars, they broke down that track stadium because it never got used.
So this $100 million dollar structure, tens of millions of dollars of ah of a structure was taken down. They had to demolish it. And it was demolished literally after a decade and a half of use. Like it never got used. That's the thing. um
Like that they they didn't they didn't use some of the stuff that they built, so they had to tear it down, which also costs a lot of money.
So it's like, what are the impacts of the Olympic games? Because to be honest with you, I haven't really watched a whole lot. um If I do watch it, it's because like I'm working and it's on in the background, you know?
But there's so much economic instability in the world, and we build these big events, and then we just have to tear them down again. It's like it's like gluttony and greed right in your face. Because people are like trying to get groceries, and people are starving, and you know you have all these economic issues.
But they don't give a fuck. TV ratings. the media The media corporations are really making a killing off of this. Like they're making so much money. Nike is probably making so much money. Adidas is probably making so much money. um Yeah, athletic wear brands are making probably a shit ton of money right now.
Cause they probably, you know, sponsor the athlete, give them the free shit and you know where they get their labor. And then you upsell it to your consumers that buy it, you know, cause it's, it's a scarce, it's a scarce product. And then, yeah, they, they make a good profit. Um, so. Another fact I wanted to point out too. If you look this up, there were only two cities that wanted to host the Olympic Games this year. You can name one of them because it's where they're at. Where's the other one? Los Angeles. The next one. If you said LA, you were right.
and And... What's sad is LA is next time. I don't, I guess they have a 2034 for, yeah, I guess that would be for summer. They might, they might have a 2034. I can't remember. Or no, I think that's the winter Olympics. Anyway, it doesn't matter. These countries don't want to host the Olympics because they know the financial implications that it causes.
And here's the thing, LA is the, probably one of the best, well actually I don't um don't even know how you logistically maneuver l LA for the Olympics, because it's already bad with traffic and those sorts of things. I don't know how you're gonna add a whole Olympic, you know, facet to it. Like I don't know how you're gonna facilitate all that. um Hopefully you have and ye have the best civil engineers to figure that out for you, but um yeah.
It's crazy, man.

Money, Politics, and Social Media as Distractions

um It's just when you when you look at the money, that's when you see the truth of it all. And that's what you have to be careful of. You have to understand that money is power and money controls all facets of the 3D realm that we live in and we can either choose to ignore it or we choose to play the game and we choose to get on top ah and better ourselves to better the world so we don't
give all our energy and all our power and all our finances to these corporations that practice greed and gluttony and lust too. You know, the deadly sins. I've written about them. So i want I want you to understand that the world is bigger than just athletes. The world is bigger than just the Olympics. Don't let this distract you, don't let the drama distract you from your purpose. Don't change up from the grind. Keep pushing or take time to yourself. Get off the internet, get off your phone, get off the TV, get off the couch, get outside. Embrace the the beauty around you.
Cause that's all we got. You know, that's, that's all we got and that's all we can get. You know what I mean? Like we gotta stay focused. Um, cause we got an election too coming up. I've been pretty vocal about it on TikTok in terms of Israel and Palestine because well, They're still bombing Gaza, still killing kids, still killing mothers, innocent people, civilians, they're still killing them, you know, the Israelis. We still allow it and we still want to put people in power that allow this. um Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, I mean, even
Trump in his stance, I'm sure he is pro-Israel just because I'm sure he has some financial backing with Israel. But that like it's it's a problem, guys. like Voting for Kamala Harris is voting for genocide. Voting for anyone that is pro-Israel is voting for genocide. and it's And it's crazy because we we have a voice and it's being suppressed by social media. like All my friends that, like I mean, it's a small group of friends, but the friends that are making me aware of this um are from the Middle East. And they've literally tried to explain like how
they're being suppressed and honestly like my feeds on Instagram and TikTok you don't see Palestine you don't see Gaza like you don't see that being talked about and they do shit right under our nose because we're distracted by the blood-sucking Olympic Games so you know where's your mindset going right now because Honestly, I'm pretty exhausted with all this. um I'm pretty tired. like i'm I'm trying to push through. I'm trying to do all the different things right now. um And it's just like, I got to deal with fucking slap dick talking about either Trump or Kamala.
you know And it it is doesn't even matter, they're they're two similar people, different but similar. um And that's gonna hurt a lot of people listening to this, and I understand. But the thing is, like you have to you have to grasp that these people don't care about you. Politicians don't care about you. Athletes certainly don't fucking care about you. I was an athlete at a collegiate level and you know, it's different. It's different when you're at a small school and you're tied with the community and people love you and you love them. When you get to the big level, man, you don't give a shit about anyone. You are a number. You are making money. That is what you're programmed to do. Just like a corporation.
That's what the country was built off of. was It was built off of a corporation. And I don't want you to know that. The Federal Reserve created the Corporation of America, the United States of America. And there are books that prove it, many documents that prove it. You just have to go actually read them and not just rely on me or rely on any wealth gurus. like you you You have to do it yourself at this point. Cause that's the only way it's going to get done. That's the only way you're going to be able to find the truth and then go execute and go succeed on whatever you want to succeed in. You know? So yeah.
I mean, I got friends that are unregistering about because they're like, this shit is ridiculous and it's crazy.
the voting construct and how all that works. um It's like, it's like the power of illusion or the power of the illusion of choice. That's what elections do. They give you this illusion of choice and you know, the last, like when was the last time we had really good like, when was the last time we had a really good presidency? Like from start to finish? You can talk about how Trump got screwed by the media and like things and and Tifa and like all those things so that, yeah. He also said a lot of dumb shit too. You know, Obama drone-striked innocent people. People don't want to talk about that. Bush was bad for his reasons. Clinton was bad for his reasons. Nixon was bad for his reasons.
George HW was bad for his reasons.
Joe Biden is definitely bad for his reasons. And when you wake up, you understand that a president is not going to enhance your life.

Escaping Societal Constructs for Personal Growth

What's going to enhance your life is your ability to grasp tough reality and somehow manage to push forward and find a way to survive and be your best self. Escaping the matrix requires escaping all constructs, which is live sports, which is politics, which is Hollywood.
Because they're all one and the same. And they're all one and the same because they're all actors. They're all paid actors to entertain you.

Conclusion and Future Content Teaser

That's all they're here for is to entertain you. While you have to fight for your survival every single day. They just add a little entertainment to it. A little drama. A little pizzazz. That's what they're for. So I'm going to leave you with that. Appreciate you tuning in. I got an interview next week. Yeah. I learned about some finances. But I got some big things coming up. And I'm going to keep you posted on it. But other than that, I love you guys.