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27 Plays8 months ago

Welcome to unfiltered Coop in SZN 2. I got new opinions, interviews, music, and more!


Season 2 Introduction and Intentions

And hello everyone welcome to season two season motherfucking two, baby um It's gonna be a ride I got some interviews some replays um Some stories My thoughts that are gonna be very controversial even more than what I've already done and i'm I'm basically kind of fed up with the spiritual space and the red pill community and all of the outliers that are full of shit. you know And

Critique of Healers and Societal Norms

I'm also gonna be unfiltered with that, you know with my experiences with some of these people that claim to be healers um that aren't fully authenticated.
or they hide behind their instagram accounts or tiktok accounts or whatever and i'm done with the shit uh so i'm also done with politics i'm also done with societal norms i'm done with a lot of the shit like i'm just ripping the lid off of it which is exciting because season two is an evolved version where I'm just not going to apologize for what I do or I say and you know I've lived too comfortably behind the screen in a way of
I've been too comfortable with myself and now it's time to be uncomfortable with myself and it's time to say harsh truths. So get ready. Launch Announcement

Also, Sign up for our waitlist to use the app. Sign up for our ambassador program to promote our app to get paid to review restaurants. It's going to be exciting. We're launching very soon. We're still trying to finish up the last few my new details and Yeah, I want you guys to celebrate our launch with us. So

Personal Reflections and Water Fast

We'll have a launch party here soon
and hello everyone welcome to another episode of the weekly coop season two new changes switching it up uh no youtube for this one i just kind of wanted it to do i guess just what season two is holding for me as i'm Doing a three-day water fast.

Relationship Struggles and Personal Growth

I am when you are listening to this. I'll be on day two. So Finishing up day one today um Lot of clarity in my life a lot of clarity a lot of clarity on my vision my purpose what I've meant to do um Still trying to find the right people around me I'm unfortunately
still um the type of guy that is working through himself and I still have to work on surrounding myself with people that don't take advantage of me um or take advantage of my kindness and respect my boundaries like I respect theirs and I'm still going through those struggles as ah as we speak so Yeah.

Self-Improvement Amidst External Challenges

And a lot of it is fixing my feminine wounds because a lot of my issues are in the feminine, whether it's my own feminine or feminine relationships right now. So it's just a reflection of my subconscious at the moment. So that's what I will be working on. Uh, but for now.
We got a lot coming up in the next, let's see, it's June 17th. We got a lot coming up in the next like four months. We have an election. We have an economy that is going to make a decision. You know, got a crazy housing market. We got people that are trying to find their purpose while also working a job. I'm in that boat. There's just a lot going on and the only way to I guess stimulate it is self-improvement over distraction.

Reality Distractions and Self-Discovery

And here's the thing, like I am discovering myself, like through, you know, Reiki and helping people and helping myself. And to be honest with you, there's like such a gap right now with people that are just bypassing their true purpose with distraction, not that, you know, going out, going on vacations or, you know, whatever, not that those things are bad necessarily. I'm just saying from the perspective of people that literally every day just do the same thing over and over again without even questioning the fabric of reality. I think you have to question the fabric of reality to get the type of answers that you want to get. And it's more than just being rich. That's like the
the problem with society is they're so consumed now with just getting rich because now you have content creators that make money off of your addiction to get wealthy. I'm not saying money is bad. I'm not saying like wanting to be wealthy is bad. It's just when you are constantly distracting yourself with that rat race, you're not going to get anywhere with it. So self-awareness is key. And a lot of people right now lack self-awareness for themselves and for others. And it's interesting because we live in a society that has the internet. We have a society that has
cell phones, we have a society that, you know, is connected through discord, Instagram, Facebook, ah social media, video games, we are so interconnected through technology that we are losing our sense of self by chronically being online all the fucking time. And

Technology's Threat to Creativity

that's the problem. Like, If you're a keyboard warrior, like eight hours a day, that's a problem. When I saw Apple come up with their ad for the iPad, and basically what Apple did with this iPad,
ah advertisement was they literally took the instruments that you use to make music, ah the art like paint, sketch, easels, canvas. They took a compressor and crushed all these elements in the ad. And what popped out the new iPad Pro where you can make music, make art, make movies, everything you want on one device. You don't need an instrument. You don't need a paintbrush. You don't need a pencil anymore. All you need is your iPad. And it's fucking hilarious because that is such a slap in the face to actual creative people. And that's the problem with business now.
There is such a lack of creativity because all that matters is money, technology, and like there is, there is no authenticity anymore because all that matters is money. So.
or killing the creatives slowly but surely. And it's disgusting to see. I'm not saying all AI is bad. I'm not saying all technology is bad. I'm literally using technology to make this podcast. However, killing the creatives through technology is the last thing we want to do as a society. Killing creativity with technology is a dangerous route. It's what's

Challenging Wealth-Centric Values

supposed to make us different from robots is our ability to feel and emotionally feel the creative industry does that. And a lot of these red pill content creator collective groups love the concept of AI and love the concept of, um,
everything that AI is for, and that's making money, right? It's just outsourcing all these tasks to make money. That's what AI is for, which honestly, yeah, that's what originally I was using it for. But now we're in this dangerous game of, oh, we want to kill creativity because of AI and technology.
and bypassing this truth because you're going to say, Oh, Cooper, this is just a ah projection of your pessimism, your negativity, your whatever. No, this is a reality check. I'm going to be a judgmental person right now and say, Everyone is bypassing something right now and you got to wake up, you got to wake up to the, the world of your imperfections and my imperfections. And that's the thing about all these spiritual community leaders and just like startups and everything.
because everything is inauthenticated right now. It's ingenuine. It's disingenuous with how much we care about just money and we don't care about the fucking relationship. with the person. All you care about is control. That's another thing too. The amount of people that just want to control the world or just control their business and control everyone through their business and control everyone's narrative, controlling everyone's perspective, controlling everyone's mindset. It's just insane to me that we're
bypassing bypassing like our own imperfections because we had a little bit of success on X, Y, and Z. You know what I mean? And success is like, all it's focused on is Instagram likes, followers, money. And I fall into this too, all the time. Awards, accolades, cars, material wealth, material items.
That's a problem. That's how we measure our success too. We don't measure success by what the fuck like what makes you happy. What makes you purposeful. And what makes you ah able to live the life that you want to live. Instead of just like comparing to other people. It's like we just compare ourselves to other people. And that in itself is a problem. Like we got to stop doing that shit.

Overcoming Fears and Addictions

We got to stop comparing ourselves to other people.
Compare ourselves to ourselves.
And I know you think I'm just on your yapping, which is fine. So that happens when you've fasted and you're trying to piece together a podcast episode to inspire people. Because that's what what my purpose was, to inspire people.
through my pain, through my trauma, through my imperfections and shortcomings. I'm not a perfect guy. Trust me, I've made plenty of mistakes. I've fucked up many relationships. I've hurt people and I've hurt myself. not physically speaking, although that's another thing I'll probably get into eventually down the line is how I hurt myself and committed slow suicide over time with through my addictions. Cause I mean, alcoholism definitely would have killed me at some point. Now I'm able to have a drink, you know, once a month with my family.
friends whatever and not feel like and an angry jackass you know that's the that's the shit that's conquering your your fear and that's another thing too we operate in subconscious fear whether you acknowledge it or not you are fearful of something you could be fearful of men women that's a popular one right now We want to hate men. We want to hate women. We want to fear them. It's bullshit. You're programmed to do that. So we destroy the family unit.
Or you fear being a business owner or you fear that cool job because you're not worthy of it, right? Or you don't think you're worthy of the success. You don't think you're worthy of being seen and heard as you are. because of some bullshit narrative you were fed. Whether it was you you as a child or you as a young adult maybe and it's forever ingrained but it's not forever because you can fix that. At least I know I know I fixed my shit.

Understanding Human Imperfections

Now, who is your circle? That's another good question. Who is in your circle? And who is your your partner? You know, because if you don't have a good relationship with yourself, it's going to reflect in your relationship with other people. That's what I've learned through friends and family. And I haven't had great business or friendships lately. I wouldn't say lately. I'd say I am still disintegrating some bad relationships, some unfair relationships to myself. In order to be fair to myself, I have to let go of certain individuals.
That's all it is. That's all you need. You need to understand that in order to become the best version of yourself, you have to let go of the leeches in your life. And I had a lot of fucking leeches and then you bring on new leeches because you bring on new insecurities or you bring on deep rooted insecurities that you didn't even know you had. That my friends is the power of what you hold within your life but within the universe But Don't forget karma because you can fix your shit, but if you go out and hurt people that shit's gonna wound back up to you Because let's be honest we've all hurt people
We've all hurt people in one way or another. I've done it. You've probably done it. Your mom, your dad, your brothers, sisters done it. Best friend, teachers.
There's definitely been some hatred in everyone's subconscious. There's been fear. There's been shame and guilt. Why? Because that's the human experience. You have to conquer those things in order to become the best version of yourself.

Upcoming Interviews and Controversial Topics

So that's why I'm going to air the shit out. All season two, I'm going to air and I'm going to bring out the loving stories, people that have been successful with a partner. I'm about to interview a guy this week. Um, his, his wife and him have scaled multiple seven figure businesses and they're married. They fucking did that shit. So don't tell me that the man and the woman have to be separate in their life. It's called it a fucking marriage for a reason. It's a union for a reason divine union. So I don't want to hear that shit.
I want to fucking hear, Oh, well, I choose the bear or I choose the tree over a man or a woman. Like I'm tired of that shit. And I know there's a deeper philosophical point. Sure. Understood. Understood. But both sexes are evil. both genders are evil in ways like women are evil men are evil like they both have eagle evil tendencies men is more physical women are more mental and emotional manipulate manipulation yeah there are
men that have hurt women, there are women that have hurt men. I've, I've been on the receiving end, but that's not the point of this discussion. Um, there are men that hurt kids. There are women that hurt kids. There are, there are stories of opposite genders hurting each other. So why don't we just fucking acknowledge it instead of just generalizing, let's, uh, come together and let's heal. Let's have that discussion. That's the problem. Like we're at this individualization now where women don't want to be around men and then men are like, all right, I don't want to be around women either. And it's honestly, it's going to hurt society in the long run. It may be easy now in the short term, but long-term I don't like the outcome of this. I'm going to air that shit out. I'm going to fucking air it out.
So be ready. I'm going to test you even harder as an audience because apparently me being controversial has gotten me pretty far. So I'm just going to keep riding that wave. But anyway, I'm done rambling. Welcome to season two. Got really ah dope interviews and replays cooking up for the next month. So be fucking ready. It's gonna be a while.