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We Are So Back Ft. Jakeb Livengood

S2 E5 ยท The Weekly Coop
26 Plays6 months ago

In this episode of **The Weekly Coop**, we sit down with Jakeb Livengood to reflect on our journeys of growth and transformation within **The Conscious Creators Kingdom**. Join us as we share insights on how our collective group has evolved, the challenges we've faced, and the exciting projects on the horizon. With a mix of personal anecdotes and practical advice, this conversation is a celebration of creativity, collaboration, and the power of community. Tune in to discover how we are nurturing our creative energies and supporting each other in our endeavors!

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Introduction and Episode Overview

i I'm back. What's up, fam? Welcome to another episode. The Weekly Coupe. I'm with my boy Jacob. We are so back. We got an amazing two hours of content. I know. What the fuck are you talking about for two hours?

Personal Growth and Manifestation Practices

A lot of gems, believe it or not.
We talk about our group, we just talk about the state of just life. I feel like there's just a lot of great movement for a lot of people and I'm really excited to to witness it, especially in my own circle. I had some profound experiences recently that have just brought me centered again and just brought me to a state of let's lock the fuck in and let's go for it um you know for the next you know six to 12 months and just go shoot for the moon. like that's That's what we're here to do. and you know It's crazy like when you get knocked off your balance for a while, like how much it can really affect you and how long it can take you to get back on you know the right timeline.

Sponsorship Announcement and App Launch

But I'm thankful for the clarity, the vision,
And yeah, I'm also thankful for Feedery for always being the presenting sponsor of this show. Go sign up for the waitlist ah We're going to be launching the app hopefully soon.

Energy, Intentions, and Community Building

And yeah, that being said, guys, let's get after it.
Wow. We're so fucking back. We're back. Look at these level up there. Oh, my goodness. I feel I feel like you and I are in the hangover movie. We're back. We're so fucking back. and It's new levels every day. How you feeling, brother? You know what? I'm absolutely fired up. I feel the new energy and the line portal yesterday.

Moral Duties and Authentic Living

Dude, i I woke up, I was fired up and then I just, I manifested this thing. I listed something for sale. I was like, I'm going to sell it this price. And then literally 30 minutes later, boom, and out of nowhere. and I was like, how? How? Like, amen. Oh, that's so cool. So I'm fired up. How are you? Amen. I'm super fired up. I did the same thing. You know, I did some.
Self Reiki last night, lit a candle, uh, did some breath work, meditation, just wrote everything I wanted, like everything I wanted from the five D to the three D from, you know, just the power to, to heal anyone that I come in contact with to, uh, having, you know, Richard Milley, like on my wrist, like, you know, it's just everything, you know, I'm just, I'm like, fuck it. I want everything and I want everything so I can actually.
give back as well, not just to to fuel my own self greed or like my own ah gluttony or lust. You know, like I want to be great because I want others to be great at the same time with me. And that's key because I think with manifestation, some people don't realize the power that comes with it, but the responsibility that also comes with it too. Like we have an obligation to manifest our reality in order to raise the vibration of everyone else around us. And you know, it's not about causing fire and chaos and trying to tear systems down. It's just building new ones up to compliment those old systems. Because if you tear the system down,
people die. Like that's, I mean, I know I'm laughing, but that's, that's the the truth. Like we tore down everything, whether it's healthcare or, you know, athletics, like anything. If you tear down the old system, just like fire and brimstone, you can really cause a lot of harm to like people that are underdeveloped or, you know, all those things. So it's really us creating our new systems to counteract those systems and have people get get the freedom of choice because this is what sovereignty

Daily Actions and Abundance Mindset

is all about. It's the freedom to make your own choice. Yeah. And you know what you just said, what what it made me think and rub into my cognition is that like, not only is it our like moral duty to be the best version of ourselves, the reason why it is is because if there's inaction and there's incongruence between your words and then your physical reality and what you're showing externally,
There's people out there that are looking to you as the guiding light of the world and how are they supposed to act on their pious version of self when in fact they're looking at you as the guiding light and they're not seeing you do those things that you're saying that you're doing. So it's sort of like the the analogy of like following the the shepherd and the sheep.

Team Dynamics and Partnerships

They're the sheep and they're trying to figure out, all right, I need some guiding light and direction here. And without you being that leader first to show them it is what you can do.
that they're sort of lost, they're wandering. I don't know. So it really is our moral obligation to just do what we say we're gonna do, actively get on it. And the beautiful thing about it is everyone has different interests and everybody has different skills and passions. And every abundance is abundant. I was listening to this thing the other day and it hit me so hard because I was in the song and was I was like, dude, this is awesome. Because it's like, okay, you're if you're living in lack,
thinking in black and you have this modality of like, oh, looking back, all these negatives, actually, you're in an abundance of black. There's abundance in everything. You're just choosing to believe that there's an abundance of black instead of an abundance of abundance. So there's always an abundance of everything. It's just how you choose to see it. So if you're having faith and fear, you're actively living in black, but it's because you think that there's an abundance of black when in actuality, there's an abundance of abundance.
100% damn, look at you. You've gotten even wiser since the last time I got on this show with you. I mean, we talk pretty much every day since we're, since we're homies now, uh, since we got an endeavor together, which is pretty exciting. Um, adding some more people.
Yeah, yeah, adding two people to the mix. We won't say their names yet. One is for sure signed on. The other one we're still waiting on. But two wonderful ladies that, you know, are very powerful in their own mindset, their own spirituality, and just like their own business endeavors. And and and to add that to the group as partners, I think is so crucial for other people to witness in terms of like this masculine feminine dynamic that we're creating as an example. And it's not just about trying to control or just try to like bring on people that, you know, because when I first created the group, I obviously wanted to bring on other people with me. I just didn't know what that looked like. But I didn't want it just to be like a transactional relationship where so I'm just paying you guys or like, you know, where it's more than that. That's why I want you guys to have a percentage of what
you know, this group entails because, you know, we want to create partnerships within our community. And how am I supposed to set that example in the group if I don't make partnerships on my own?

Self-Investment and Business Coaching

So that's why I brought you guys on. And that's why I brought on that. I mean, we i shouldn't even say me, because obviously you came with one of the people. I came with the other person, which is actually kind of cool that we both were like, hey, let's bring one person. And we did and we fucking did that.
And they're both women, which I think is amazing. And they're both feminine, which is amazing. ah But they're both very logical and they have masculine traits that have made them successful with their business. And I'm really excited for people to see that with us because we are such a balance of masculine and feminine energy that is so healthy. And it's almost like we we can prove that you can heal together and be successful together.
while still doing your own thing, you know, cause you got your own business event endeavors. Um, obviously our other two partners have their own business endeavors are great. They're very successful. And obviously we just want to create a community that helps people, uh, be encouraged to bring their authentic selves to the table because I just hired a business coach today. Like I just outsourced a lot of stuff for my personal branding.
and my other services that I offer because I know I want to be great. And obviously I'm in certain situations in terms of like work where I'm not giving my full potential yet. So it's like, I need to find someone to not motivate, because I'm very motivated, but someone to organize and structure what I'm about to offer, because I know the power within me and I know how strong it is. Like I know the the power that I bring to the table with Reiki is undeniable. And I have people that have given me testimonials saying that. And I know subconscious reprogramming is real, you know, because I've had breakthroughs with people. So now it's like,
put your nuts on the table, ah go fucking put your chips all in and go for it. And that includes self-investment. So with people that have an idea, they have something that works, they love, invest in yourself because how am I supposed to tell people to invest in this group and themselves if I don't do that, you know? And I'm sure you do it yourself too. You invest in other groups and you invest in coaches and you you know, that's what it's all about. that's why this industry is booming the way it's booming. Um, I don't think it's full of shit. Like some people have said with like coaches and those sorts of things, because I firmly believe we are meant to be connected to each other and it doesn't have to even be a forever thing, but we're supposed to take learning lessons from one another and build each other and create sovereignty within each other.

Mastermind Groups and Learning

100%. And a few things with that, right? One.
the two ladies we're bringing on are both masterful in their areas of expertise, which is going to just be well-rounded and help everybody. like The mastermind effect, which is what we're creating here with the CCK, the Conscious Creators Kingdom, right it's you can go a lot further along when you're in a group of other people that are more high-faceted in something that you might not be as experienced in. And the idea of ah like going, hey, there the the whole course-seller thing with the negative stigma You know how many courses I bought and I've actually seen profound breakthroughs in the specific area of expertise that they're teaching on? Here's the problem that happens with that whole negative stigma and the dogma around, oh, they're just a course seller. They sell courses because they can't do it themselves. That's not it. Okay. Courses work. It's just the real question is, do you work? You know what I mean? So you can buy all the courses you want, but if you're not actually putting in the action and and being
you know, actually accountable to yourself and your coach and your mentor, you're still not gonna see those results, no matter how valuable that course or that mentor that you get attached to can is, right? And, you know, hiring a business coach and being able to go to someone and go, hey, look, I'm doing these this, this, and this, and I see that you have this, this, and this in those same areas of endeavor, a little bit more dialed in than me, so they can help you delegate, automate, and and and then eventually scale up further because as CEOs, right,
All of us are CEOs. If you're building a digital brand or you're doing anything in tech or on the internet, no matter what it is, there's so many. I mean, we can go down the rabbit hole of all the different ways you can make money. It's so multifaceted. But if you're doing anything, that's exactly what we're doing. But if you're doing anything, you are a CEO and the problem that you get into in startup landia when you're you're the guy, you're the CEO, you're there the CMO, you're the you're the employee, your every single individualized skill set of the whole business. So you're, you're jury and executioner. And if you're not doing it in the beginning, it's not getting done. So you have to find a way to be able to increase your DMOs, your daily methods of operation through delegating, automating and like high, higher level executionables. Because if it's just you, you're one person, we all have the same amount of hours in a day.
And that's you're going to be limited. You're going to have a glass ceiling of of action items that you can accomplish in a day. One of the most beautiful things that I really like about the CCK and and you know why someone that's maybe a beginner entrepreneur in the whole digital realm of, okay, I'm going to make internet money now. I don't want to be stuck in my slave ship job and I want to be able to scale out of that into something that I love and I'm passionate about.
One of the really big things is people are scared to take that jump and make that investment because they're like, well, what if it doesn't work out? And again, as I said in the beginning, the abundance of lack, you're, you're actually putting faith in fear and faith in, in faith, right? If you have a mustard seed of faith, that's putting your faith in God. When faith and fear you're trusting and putting your faith in Satan, you're, you're letting your mind go down this rabbit hole of all the or what if this happens, and then what if this happens, and it's all negative. None of that leads anywhere to growth. So what if it does work out? And you see that's going to, your mind, the reticular activating system is really good at answering questions. So the quality of the question you ask it, it's it's just like an LLM, an AI large language model. The quality of the input you put in is going to directly affect the quality of the output you get out. So if you ask a negative perspective bias question,
You bet you're going to get a bunch of negative perspective bias answers. But if you ask and a positive perspective bias and question, you bet you're going to get a bunch of opportunities and positive perspective bias results. So it completely shifts everything. And the whole idea behind the CCK, look, I, I'm a big fan of e-commerce affiliate marketing cars. I like cars and I like flow arts. Okay.
There's nobody out there that is just like me with the same niches and the same hobbies that their path, as it as it Steve Jobs says, you can't connect the dots looking forward. You can only connect them looking backwards. There's absolutely not another human being on the planet that 10, 20, 30 years down the line, you look at my entrepreneurial endeavor and then in comparison to theirs, they there's not a single endeavor and journey of any individual that's going to be the same. They could be similar, but they're not going to be the same.
And that's the beautiful thing, because if you're put into a mastermind, a group of a bunch of high-skilled individuals, all in multiple different segments and multiple different niches with different high-income skill sets, you have the freedom of choice to go, you know what? I want to try my hand and and dip my toe into the water in this, this, and that, and then figure out, OK, well, what's my quickest path to escaping this job that I'm in?
which we can go down the whole ah you know the cash flow quadrant and and figuring out how that works. I'd love to talk about that. But um how what is my fastest path for me? Because it's not the same as Coop. It's not the same as Jake. okay It's going to be individualized to myself. And the mastermind effect, the reason why it's so important is Mr. Beast talks about this. Jimmy Donaldson, if you are trying to do, for example, YouTube, and you're doing it 10 hours a day, every day for a year,
You're going to make mistakes as you learn. And then you're going to optimize from that mistake. And then you're going to move on to not make a mistake like that again. And then you're going to keep learning and keep learning and keep learning. Well, what happens if you and 50 of your other buddies are all trying to do YouTube and you're consistently talking to each other and and getting critical feedback from each other? And one of you goes, hey, I made this mistake and this is the shift that I made for that. What's going to happen one, three, five years down the line?
Every single one of you is going to be much further down your journey because you will have been able to learn from others' mistakes instead of solely sticking in your own silo and trying to figure everything out by yourself.
I've been a full-time entrepreneur for eight and a half years, and the large majority of it was solopreneur. I'm in my own lane. I'm not talking to people. I have a large, warm network of individuals that know me that are also business people, but I wasn't you know ah wasn't making those those connections, nurturing those leads, and working to form a capacity of helping and assisting each other. But the mastermind effect will allow everyone to go faster together and further together. So it just makes sense. It's not scary.
And that's why, you know, of the facets of doing something that's, it's not even just doing something online, doing anything in the world that is, you know, meritocracy and you're building it yourself. It's not just money. In fact, money is, you know, the last thing to grow on an apple tree is apples. It's one of the last things that it sprouts about. But one of the first things is mindset.
Okay, you have to get your mind right to even believe. You have to be a little bit off, a little bit crazy to think, you know what? You can actually be a founder of a billion dollar company. I know I'm working at McDonald's right now, but I'm going to own a billion dollar company. You've got to be just ah a tidge off, but that's okay because you know together, as as we all come together, a little bit of delusion, it's the most powerful fuel. You wake up every day and you're like,
You know what? Today, I'm not what I see in my mind, in my mind's eyes. That's not me today. But I bet you I can take some action steps to move in that direction today. So that's that's where my head went from what you said. I don't know. You want to talk about the cash flow quadrant? Because I just read a book called The Financial Matrix in it. yeah You know an interesting thing that I've had happen multiple times along my journey? and And I know this. Everyone does this, right? You'll see your information.
and you'll read it and you'll take it in, you'll actually get this information. But it's not like it's like it doesn't hit your conscious mind. right It goes into the subconscious mind and it just gets filed in a filing cabinet a away. right You know it. You know the information, but it actually didn't affect your your life. It didn't change your systems, your habits, or your behaviors. You didn't implement it, but you did learn it.
and then You read it again, or you hear it again, or someone says it to you again, one, two, three, five years later, and something in your brain just clicks. And you're like, wait a second. Wait a second. One, I knew this, but two, I didn't see it that that directly falls into this little puzzle piece of the puzzle right here in my life.
And so its it's so interesting because it happens to me all the time a lot more recently.

Consistency and Resilience in Entrepreneurship

And it'll happen a lot faster if you're talking to other subject matter experts in similar you know fields. I just think it's really important. I cannot stress enough how beautiful the mastermind effect is because if you can be accountable, it's great to be accountable to yourself, but if you can be accountable to a group of people that are also high achievers, I'll tell you right now, right?
In my daily life, even though I go to the gym every day, I'm around other people that are doing things with their life, but the the conversations I have in my actual real world life when I'm off of technology aren't the same kind of conversations I'm happy and having with the people that I'm connected to in my digital ecosphere. I'm not around one percenters all the time. You're on the average of the five people you spend the most time with. so how What are the likelihoods that you're going to be connected physically with a bunch of other people that are all trying to do more, be more, and become something great? Probably not as likely. And so you are doing yourself a big, big disservice by thinking, I'm going to go at it alone. I don't need to be in any mastermind groups. That's just not true. You'll cut the learning curve massively, more than in half. What I did in eight years, through guidance,
and strategic learning and asking questions and thinking migraine, you could probably do it in two and a half. See? It's a big deal. And then another thing that I want to touch on before you jump in is Here's the thing about, you know, I have a personal brand, I have three actually, and I'm about to pass 750,000 followers, three quarters of a million. That's really cool. You know, if you're also supposed to do anything, right, a guy came up to me in the gym the other day and ran me over to the picture with me, I was like, bro, I'm just a normal dude, I just have more followers than you, that doesn't mean anything. You know, keep it grounded and so you can work for it. The point I want to make here, right, is I've been doing it eight years,
And a lot of people, they're working McDonald's or whatever their job is, right? They're in some job and they're fiddling with this idea of digital entrepreneurship and escaping this reality through building something better. And they fizzle out. Nine months in, they're still at their job.
And they're making $200 online a month. And they're like, I can't sustain or live off of $200. This sucks. This is a scam. I'm never going to make it. And then they they get all fizzled out. They get into negative vibration. And then they botch their own progress and success. And they they they lose. Because they give up. Here's the thing. If you stay the course, no matter how turbulent, how difficult it gets, I'm eight years in. And I still don't have my dream in reality. externally, but I'm a lot closer than I was. And so if you just stay the course and you be consistent and no matter your active, vibrational state that day, you go, I don't care how I feel. I know, consciously, I know the things that I have to do on a daily basis that move the needle forward towards my dream vision.
And I'm just, I'm feeling bogged down today, you know, the world's against me so hard, but I don't really care actually, I'm gonna do it anyways. And some days I wake up fired up, and some days I don't wake up fired up, but every day, I do the same things, because I know they're moving the needle forward. So I think it's real, and that whole principle right there, it's easier to consistently execute it individually, when you're gonna go with other high achievers, because when you're talking with them, they share a small weight in their life, it fires you up, you're like,
Look at the momentum of the steam. Coop's got one. Yes, yes, we're all winning together. This is great. So I'm a mastermind. I can't get you to know this. You need to get in a room with other people that are looking to do more and be more, because people will. I mean, a rising tide raises all ships. So it doesn't matter where you're at, level one, day one, where you're 10 years in, we can be of massive, massive benefits each other.

Flexibility and Diverse Paths to Success

Man, that's a lot to process. give me give me Give me one second just to process all that every day. I love you, brother. you are You are full of... You're full of whimsical quotes, a lot of knowledge, and and some maybe a touch of autism. I'm like just I just touched it. I don't care if you're over it, bro. It helps me a lot.
No, I love it. I love it. We all have a ah we all have a little tism in us From a standpoint of just obsession But no, that was beautifully stated So I'm gonna go into a few different because you went to a few different spaces So i'll I'll go into a few different spaces here, but we will talk about the cash flow for sure so part of What is so beautiful about life is you have the ability to change your perspective whenever you desire. You just have to make the choice. And what I mean is, you know, being uncomfortable ah has to be done to get to where you want to get to. And my first uncomfortable thing was talking about cryptocurrency and posting about crypto in a space where you would get a lot of hate comments like that's where I started.
two, three years ago was making TikToks on cryptocurrency. I mean, I started this podcast actually three or four, years actually four years ago in my bedroom at this apartment I was living at making content about quotes, how motivational quotes like affect you. Like, so your persona is going to change because your perspective changes because you're going to go where you're called the most. And that's where Reiki came in for me because Reiki was a saving grace for me.
And I had a guy who helped me hack my subconscious and that's where I knew I wanted to like help other people. And once like you're fully aligned, that's when people start coming to you. Because I had so many people start coming to me, asking me for services. you know And that's where that's where like you know you're in the right situation when people are coming to you. You're not like fully, like I'm still learning how to do the sales portion in terms of outreaching people and

Investing in Passions and Business Models

booking meetings. like I know that is a part of it. But like having a framework of people wanting to come to you, at least being like,
What's Reiki? Like, how did you get into Reiki? I would love to get to know you. You know, it's it's it's just crazy because I realized I was in the right spot probably like two months ago when I started having people reach out to me about Reiki. Although I would actually say even before that, because I actually worked, I coached someone.
um And I helped her and she, you know, paid me four times or like three, actually more like three times, like three times of what I make in, you know, my job right now. And it's like, once someone pays you like, you know, a hundred dollars an hour.
or like 150 an hour, 200 an hour, it's like, you can't go back. Like you can't, because it's like, someone valued me at this, I'm sticking with it. You know what I mean? Like that's why you that's what you do. And that's when you're in full force alignment with yourself. And it's it's fun because like Reiki to me and meditation for me is like just so much fun that like, I don't necessarily you need to charge people for it, but Obviously making a living is important. So it's like obviously this abundance thing, but I have so much fun with it It doesn't feel like work to me. So, you know You got to do what lights you up And then you got to go invest in that so you can fine-tune it and then you can go be successful That's why you know, I invested in my own personal business coach because obviously I want to go be great
And she has a blueprint for me already. Like in 30 minutes, she gave me an optical blueprint of how I can get to where I want to get to in a six month period, you know, and that's not a lot of time. Like that is pretty quick. So having that ability to also look into Like you said, you have multi passions. That's what I wanted to hit on multi passions. I love Reiki. I love meditation. I love hacking people's brains. Um, not that that I want to actually hack people's brains, but I love people that hack their subconscious and heal their wounds. Like it's a beautiful thing. I love that. Um,
I love working out. I love hiking. I love painting. Like I got into painting. I love writing. Like writing is a big thing for me. I love public speaking. That's a big thing for me. I love motivating young men and young women. That is also me. I can do all those things and and I can form a package to do that.
And that's why I hired this business coach, because I have so many great talents and offerings. Let's try to morph it into something tangible and something that is sellable. So when you figure that out. o it's a fucking it's just breezy after that because then it's like okay and I just got to go out and get people the hardest part is really starting like the hardest part is figuring out where the fuck I want to go with like all these things and all these systems once you have those situated obviously you get obstacles along the way for sure um kind of like with book writing I've written three books still haven't perfected it yet but
Each time I've done it, I've learned a lesson from it and I've gotten better from it.

Breaking Personal Limitations

You know what I mean? so like it doesn't like Nothing is ever perfect, but once you have the systems in place, you know when you scale, obviously outsourcing is like the next component of it. and That's like what we can teach to in the group. and you know I just love people that are multi-passionate, like not just all about one thing because we're not meant to be one person. We're meant to be multiple people. You're being actively your your truest, most authentic version of yourself. yeah Yeah, exactly. I have a few things to touch on what you said because... yeah so the whole for
concept of, um, you know, once someone pays me for this thing that I do, and then it's, it's more than what I'm making in this capacity. And then it's like, whoa, that's breaking that glass ceiling of your current level of reality. And then, you know, this phrase that was thrown a lot around in 2020, but the new normal, it's your new normal. You're like, wow, this is my round four. Like I'm here and this, this is what I'm doing now. And it's something that I love. And from that point you can scale it, which is amazing.
yeah And a thing about that is, right, the whole concept, we hear this a lot in the self development, self health world, and it's fake it till you make it. That's not real. Okay, what is real is face it until you make it. So the activity of becoming something before you are becoming something, you're being something and so you you actively just start being Okay. Someone that is coaching someone in Reiki, for example, or in fitness or in personal development or in business mastery, learning an Amazon business, whatever it is, someone that has 5,000 clients that are paying and they're running masterminds and they're making $2 million dollars net a month. And someone that has one client and is making $250 a month. They are the same. They're, they're at different levels of scale.
But when we when we step out a little bit, zoom out. Don't just get super trapped in the dogma of what it is that you're doing on a daily basis and your feelings and your energetic vibration. When you zoom out, time isn't

Avoiding Comparison and Embracing Uniqueness

really real. It's just a ah way for us to perceive tangible reality as it goes from from past, present, future. okay But those people, they're on the same path. They're just at different levels of scale. So it doesn't make sense to compare yourself to someone's level 50.
when you're a level two, okay? So just relax and stay that way. Like a video game. It's just like life is a video game. It's like Fortnite. Like if I hop on you with Fortnite and you're a level 50, I'm a level two. Yeah, you're going to carry my ass. Like that's okay.
like There's nothing wrong with that. If you get the victory royale, they didn't get the fucking victory royale. Who gives a shit? Who carried who? like that's just you know That's why I wanted to bring you on as a partner because like I saw the value in you and obviously, like you know we're similar age. Actually, I think you're younger than me, but you know I didn't care about that. like I cared about your experience in the world and like how smart you are and also how good natured and good willed you are. so I'm like,
Fuck yeah, I wanna be friends with this guy. I wanna go to battle with this guy like he is the man. so you know And then bringing on our two other people into the group like similar age, um similar you know similar values, different perspectives in terms of like different follower counts and like different you know incomes and like different job situations and like all those things. And that's okay because It's not a competition. You know, comparison is the thief of joy. Like all these people are saying nowadays, uh, which is true because I mean, I don't really care who's better than me, quote unquote, or who's doing better than me, quote unquote. All I care about is am I doing the right thing? And I know I'm doing the right thing yesterday.
Yeah, that's all that matters. And a man, it's a slippery slope when you start comparing yourself to people and then you're like, well, I'm not doing as well as those people. So then like you kind of turn into an asshole and then like you do stupid shit ah because you're just like, well, fuck it. Like I'm never going to get there, you know, and that's stupid. Like your words hold a lot of magic. I learned that last night when I was writing everything out, I wanted to manifest like my words are magic. And I know that like, because when I hold When I did these events like the past few Fridays in July and I was holding meditations for these people and I was getting their feedback, it was amazing to hear what they were visualizing from what I was saying. So it's like, I know I can bring that beacon of transformation to people on a spiritual level and on a mental level that hopefully then
projects into their physical body and their physical reality.

Building a Diverse and Lasting Community

That's where I come in. And then to you know validate what you're doing, you bring in bring in a mindset. I think all our partners bring in health. like We're all healthy people you know from a physical perspective. And I think we all bring in a good mindset.
I love the impact you can bring in terms of a social media presence. um In terms of my spirituality presence, I think I can tap into a metaphysical level with people and tap into like traumas and healing and how like the business can actually be a healing process for you.
Uh, and then we have, you know, a partner that's going to, you know, do a lot of finance stuff because she's an accountant. Like she worked for big, you know, big for accounting. She was huge. Uh, she still technically is. She, she does cyclical things for him. Um, and then we have, you know, our mindset girly, you know, uh, I'm excited to have her on next week, uh, with us. And we have the five pillars of.
finance and we have spirituality, mindset, health and impact to create our conscious community. That is where we can separate ourselves, but also everyone can come in and find themselves within our group and connect. And also what I want our group to do is I want our group to connect with each other and then we somehow get business partnerships built, whether it's person, like client to client, client to you, client to me, you know, and who cares? Like if someone wants to do a partnership with you and not me, that's not gonna, I'm not gonna get butthurt about that because obviously it's just more alignment. Like you offer different skill sets. I offer different skill sets. That's beautiful. And that's what we want. Like I want you, Jacob, to have small equity in a bunch of these
you know, companies that people create with us. I want to have small equity and maybe some book royalties from people that want to come in and be an author. Like I want our two other people to have small equity and, you know, startups with people that like the, the girlies that come in the group and want to do a girl, you know, a girl power type business. Love that.
I don't want to be in that, you know, it wouldn't make sense. that I'm not yeah have a guy. I get it. I get it. i have parts i I'm all about the girlies. I got a sister. I get it. Like I'm all about the girlies. Um, but yeah, like I want this community to thrive. And like, even when they, cause like, I want everyone to stay in the group forever. Don't get me wrong. But there are times where you're just like, I've been in here for,
three years, four years, you know, I'm ready to, you know, kind of spread my wings and, you know, move on. That doesn't mean we're going to cut you off. Like, it doesn't mean we're going to be like, you can't come back. You know, that's not, that's not the whole purpose of this. The whole purpose is to create a family. And then if you want to stretch your wings, like, you know, any sort of bird that needs to go out and do some solitude of some sort.
That's okay. We're going to, we're going to greet you when you come back and we want to stay in touch. But also another thing about that is it's like when, not if, but when you inevitably build something of merit, you have a true meritocracy written down on paper. Look at the things that I've done through the mastermind effect of this group. Three, five years later.
Instead of leaving the community, you've now elevated yourself beyond the entry-level entrepreneur. You're no longer trying to figure it out. You've done it, and you're doing it. So now you're a shmee, a subject matter expert. So now you can come to the level of, all right, we've got new entrants coming in. They're trying to just figure out their path. It's a choose your own adventure. And you can actually be of more tangible value to them now because you understand all the things that you understand. And also, each one of us, me, Coop, and our two new figures,
and anyone else that comes along and has some matter expertise in something. like I do social media, but I also make a full-time income on Amazon in several different forms and fashions. There's KDP, there's the Amazon influencer program, there's affiliate and doing blog post articles, and then there's e-commerce affiliate on TikTok shop.
I can teach eight different ways to make a full time income online of things that I've actually done and am doing. And so then it becomes a choose your own adventure thing where you have a multiplicity of different skills, high income skills that you can learn in this community at a high level.
and go, okay, now what I want to do? Because Sean Cannell ran for the YouTube channel. He's the founder of Think Media. I love the guy. I've never met him, but I'm going to. And he uses the acronym FOCUS, right? You're laughing because I think I could be a rapper, but I'm not, but I could figure that out. You know, my 75 HDs are going together to put bars out by accident, but it's the

Intentional Living and Embracing Innovation

acronym, right? It's follow one course until successful.
And so we hear this thing in the digital ecosphere of like, oh, you've got to niche down, you've got to niche down, you've got to niche down. No, absolutely not. It's the exact opposite because if you niche down, if I just today decide I'm a fitness influencer, I don't do anything except go to the gym and teach people how to do fitness, I would not be my co-author myself. I would feel inside of myself that being a chasm, a whole, like I'm not, I'm really not like sharing my interests and my passions in the way that I'd like to be.
And so, niching down is the opposite of what you need to do. What you actually need to do is be the fullest, most authentic projection of yourself. I do all of these things. And then someone that is one of your people comes in and they're like, hey, you know what? I like that Jake buys total cars and rebuilds them. That's cool. I like automotive stuff. And then they fall in love with it through personality, through seeing it.
And then they go, wait a second, he also teaches e-commerce and how I can build a full-time income on shop on Amazon. Wait a second, that's cool too, like I really like that. And now they start seeing all the multiple facets of you. And that is the power of branding and being truly what you want to be. And through our pillars of what we're teaching you and how we're walking you down the path from zero to hero, we can show you, no matter what you want to do, if you want to be up,
the world's biggest potato farmer, we can help you build the systems and put in the daily operational steps and the SOPs to make that happen and start moving in that direction. It doesn't even matter because, like we talked about on our last podcast, success is an aggressive realization or worthy ideal. So we know we are, you know, we're going to progressively move in that direction. That was long enough.
You're gonna get there. Okay, so success looks different for everybody. And for me, it doesn't look like what it looks like to do. But in all facets, success does look like building something that you're intentional about. No matter what it is you're trying to do, you intentionally set out a vision. And you're doing that thing, whatever that thing is. It doesn't even matter.
And we'll love you, we'll support you where you are, and we'll help you bring that in your hand before we out. Because what we'd be doing otherwise, we'd be selfish to not allow you to try and feed you some other dream. Like, uh, no, no, no, don't do this. This makes more sense. Now that's not you. We want you to do it for you, but we want to help you in whatever form and capacity we can. I'm so excited for what we're building for the CCK. I mean, it's been under wraps.
Think about this, this little image, this illustration of like, you've got a small little baby carrot with a bunch of foliage coming out of the grass, and you look at it and you're like, whoa, that's a huge carrot, versus like a giant game taken care of with a tiny little amount of foliage sticking out, and that means it's not ready to go. We've got so much value packed up.
that when we full launch this community, and we get a bunch of members in here to see it, we're gonna have so many testimonials, and we're gonna have so many people that are like, holy cow, look at what I built in the last three months through being connected to this mastermind. It's insane, my whole life has changed, and now it might be less similar. You know, I'm never going back. We're going in the direction, and another thing that's exactly correlated with this is like,
The biggest problem with mindset that people have is they can bog down and be like, hey, I'm doing everything that I could be, and I'm trying to get this here, and I'll be happy when I'm here. But in actuality, when you step back and look at it, you are even a human. So just because you don't have all the systems and everything that you do, you're actively living in it right now. You think you're not there and you're not in it, you're not in your purpose, but that's actually impossible. No matter where you're at in your life, where you're at in your process, what tribulation you're dealing with, you are exactly where you need to be, when you need to be, why you need to be. And so as soon as you accept that, if you're a conscious mind, you might have heard of it before, but you've built it in a way in a violent cabinet that you just have clothes locked up in your subconscious mind. You're exactly
Yeah, no 100%. I really do think we have a really good core group and I'm really proud of just all of us for for coming together, egoless, because ego is definitely a hindrance to growth. um And you know I think that you know we're we're in a good situation right now. I love that you talked about a level like an entry-level entrepreneur. I definitely think that's where I think we'll thrive the most is those people that
maybe don't have the craziest amount of capital to deploy in themselves. Because like our group is not going to be super expensive, you know, but it's going to be very impactful for you to get, you know, the ground moving, you know, get you know something into practice because in the end like you can literally do so much with the resources that you have that are all free like we literally have AI that's free like that's that's so fucking crazy because if I had AI
when i was in college oh my fucking god i i would have went so i want to win bananas on so many business ideas uh especially with social media because i wouldn't have had to work very hard with it like you would obviously have to put hard work into it but man it was like oh shit like if i had nil when i like i go i would have went to a d2 school to play football But with like AI and like tools, oh my God, NIL, I would have figured out how to make money at a D2 school. And I didn't even, I wasn't like an all American or anything. Like I wasn't even on conference, you know, but I would have figured it out because like, it's just, we have the tools.

Personal Branding and Authenticity

Like it's just overwhelming. Cause there's analysis paralysis with everything nowadays. So like, you know, it's just.
us putting our our best foot forward or helping people put their best foot forward just to like lay a foundation of, you know, all you got to do is just like publish something. So you just got to put something out there and build a foundation on social media and then offer a product that, you know, is a low tier product that you can sell. And then once you get, you know, your first sale, you're going to be like, Oh shit, somebody believes in me. And then when you,
You get addicted to that belief because if someone believes in you, that means there are millions of people that believe you. There's a million possibilities that people believe in you. Like it just starts with one. It always starts with one. And that's when, I remember when I published my first book, I was, how old was I? I think I was 21 years old. Yeah. I was 21 years old in college, published my first poetry book, which as an athlete and as a male,
That's a lot to take in like as a straight white male athlete, publishing poetry. It's like people are like, really? Like it's almost like, you know, they they tilt their head and they're just like, really? And I'm like, yeah, this is me. I'm a very obviously I'm a masculine guy. I played football in college, but I'm very soft and sensitive. Like at times I'm a very sensitive being.
Um, and, and people were buying into that and I'm like, Oh, I got something here. Like people really do believe in what I say and they do find beauty in my words. So then that's when I made book number two, like a couple years later. Um, and then, you know, I made the meditation book, you know, last year. Yeah. Like last year, um, two years ago. And it's like.
people keep buying. you know and it's just it's all you know and Becoming a two-time bestseller was actually pretty wild on the chart, ah being able to sell because Grand Rising Universe was very successful, ah selling over, I think it was like a thousand copies at this point. um and Then same with The Good, The Evil. like The good and the evil took a little bit of time, but it got to like where it is now. You know what I mean? And, um, like that's, to me, that's what feels good. Like being able to inspire people with my words and now.
Who's to say now that I remember at this point, I wanted to make, who's to say, if I, when, when I have a lot of success and people know the name Cooper Harrison, who's not going to go back and buy the good and evil. Who's not going to go back and buy for cheese and vices, even though I published it fucking 10, 20 years ago, who's not going to go back and buy that? Cause they're going to be like, I just discovered this guy. Oh, he's written books. I want to buy all of them. Yes. That's the compound.
That's me not giving it up. Exactly. So like you could put something out there and you're not going to fucking sell a million copies off the rip. It doesn't mean you still can't sell a million, a million copies. There's no deadline. You know, when you put something out there, like if you take it down, that's on you. You decided that you made that decision. A quick parallel to to what you're saying. Mr. Beast's first videos when he was like 11 and he was doing Minecraft walkthroughs.
Go, go to his channel and filter for earliest. They have tens of millions of views. They didn't have tens of millions of views when he was 11. Okay. Because people are like, where did this guy come from? So that's, that's what you're talking about. that compound ah You can keep going. it's It's great stuff. Thanks, man. I appreciate that. And honestly, yeah, like, you know, it, that's what people are so scared to.
just put themselves out there. And just because they're not a millionaire, like if they don't strike millions, like no matter what, that's okay. I don't care. Like I don't care what people think of me as a writer, just because I don't have like a New York Times bestseller or I don't have, like I still have these businesses. Like I'm not a full time paid writer, right? Cause honestly that, that vision is, it's not, ah it's not what you think being like rupee core is not successful just from her books.
She's successful because she published those books and then she made products and it's being like, it's not just book writing. The book writing part though is me being fearless and putting myself out there. The opportunities that come from book writing, that's what makes, that's what's going to make me financially free. Cause that is the first step of courage in putting yourself out there. And that's what we want to do for people. We want to give them the courage to use resources, unlimited, um, whether it's paid resources or even free resources and fucking put yourself out there. People don't want to buy the product or service. People want to buy you. Yes. And as crazy objective as that sounds, people want to buy you because they believe in you. They want to love you. They want to cherish you. They want to invest in you. That's what it is.
in all the simplest form. It's not buying something that maybe be you crafted. They want a piece of you. That's it. I have something mega profound to add to this. Okay. This is huge. It's sort of in the mindset realm, but it's also highly tactical. Okay. So the only way to become great is to start really bad. Okay. That's the only way it's going to happen. And people's perspectives are so, so thwacked, bro. Like look, ah think about this, right?
You don't post on TikTok because you you have a fear-based modality of, oh, my friends and the family are going to see it, and it's going to be so embarrassing and so cringe. I'm talking about you know whatever I'm passionate about. but yeah That's just not true. right And also another thing with that that's based in fear and lack is, like dude, i keep posting and everything gets 200 to 300 views and it's just capped at that bro oh my god I'm never gonna make it bro 200 300 views I'm looking at my for you page and this video has two million likes what you don't realize is every time you post it's an opportunity you're you're you're throwing putty at the wall you're throwing noodles at the wall and seeing what sticks and so it's not a
If you quit, you're going to quit. You're not going to become anything. But if you just keep doing it, it is in inevitable. And also where people's opinions and perspectives are whacked. Oh, I'm only getting 300 views. Do you have any idea what it would be like to be standing on a stage and you're looking down at an audience of 300 people sitting there? That is wild. That is a wildly large amount of people for the majority of people that haven't done public speaking.
you'd be overwhelmed looking at all those eyes looking at you. You're like, well, I'm about to talk to this many people, bro. like yeah you When you look at things from a lack-based modality and you allow fear, it's opening that door a little bit to

Perseverance and Staying True to Values

get that foothold. So say you can step into your mind and start planting all sorts of victim mentalities and poor negative thoughts that are going to seep into your consciousness and get you back into inaction. okay So yes, you might post 500 times and all of them get 200 to 300 views and one of them gets a thousand views. And then there's some girl that posts, you know, she's dancing in her little tube top or something. This went viral on TikTok like two weeks ago and she gets 20 million views and immediately has 3 million likes or 3 million followers. And you're like, bro, I've been doing this for so long. Where's the meritocracy? It doesn't even matter, dude, because that, like Coop said, right?
You keep posting this work. You keep posting this work. You keep doing podcast episodes on your digital brand. And five years in, or or for me, example, I started in 2016 on YouTube. I have a lot of big brands, personal brands that are faceless, not attached to me. My personal brand, Jacob Livingood, for me on YouTube, I just cracked 1,200 followers. I've been doing it since 2016. What the heck, dude? But yeah as I keep doing it,
there is going to be a point in my process where I reach exponential parabolic growth. And so one year I gained 60 followers, the next year I gained 80 followers, the next year I gained 120 followers, and then something breaks, the glass ceiling's gone, and the next calendar year I gained 200,000 followers. And now everybody goes, look at this guy, his overnight success, no.
No, no, no, no, no, no. you didn't me You didn't see what I was doing for the last eight years, okay? I've got friends inviting me to the bars, to the clubs. Hey, come on, hang out with us. Come smoke a J and eat some potato chips and let's watch this movie. I'm good off of everything. I am solely focused on bettering myself, bettering my friends and family around me and becoming the thing that I visualized in my mind for years Even if it gets to a point of scale personally, that I'm speaking from personal experience, where my family starts to lose faith in the vision and the images that I've projected about and talked about because it's been so long without seeing that actually come to fruition. They're like, hey, maybe it's time to step it back and actually just go the normal route and get a regular job because this isn't panning out. Even when you get to a point like that in your process, do you have the mental willpower and the wherewithal to go,
I am not going to fit into the mold that the matrix has tried to shape me to be. I am going to be what I visualize and see in my mind, no matter what difficulty and tribulation I have to go through. I might have to get a little uncomfortable to do it, but I don't care because when I sleep at night, when I meditate, when I'm clear conscious and clear minded, I have an image, a projection in my mind that is God given.
is preordained on my life. This is what I see myself becoming. And I do not care what leading indicators on my external reality keep telling me, no, that's not you. No, that's not you fit in this box. No, I will not rest until I am what I see in my mind. And that that's that little, uh, that's that little bit of, you know, crazy, that little bit of I, I, what insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results. That's a little bit of crazy of going, I know,
If I keep doing these daily action steps that are moving the needle forward, even if it's ever so slightly and somebody else goes viral first try and then look at them. Oh, life's so easy. Doesn't matter. Every day, taking that tiny little progressive step forward at some point, I'm going to look back on my life and the things that I've gone through and I'm going to be where I visualized and I'm going to go, ah, God, I get it. I didn't get it then, but I get why I had to go through all those things because it forged my character.
to be able to be the type of person I need to be today to hold the blessing that you had preordained for my life. Because if I had just if i had been the one that went mega viral, boom, 5 million followers immediately, i I would have made poor decisions that would have led to it not being long-term sustainable. I would have ah would have botched it. It's over. Just as fast as it started is as fast as it's gone. And that's that's the worst that's why It's the worst thing that you could possibly have because if you didn't get the if you didn't get forged through the fire and you didn't learn the lessons of what it takes to be, you know, money's an amplifier and makes you more of what you are. So if you blow up real quick and you haven't forged your mind to to break through all the the chakras and you're not you're not living out of love fully, maybe you're still in greed or you're still in lust or whatever it is, that is going to get massively amplified with money.
and And it's going to be, you get, you get one, you have one character, one. Okay. And and once that's, that trust has been broken with other people and they see you for, oh man, yes, you can grow and evolve and you can come back as someone better, but there will always be that thing where like, Hey, I know this person did this thing at this point in their life. They were, they were not living in love and they were being very selfish to their, their outer reality. It was all about them. No matter how much they grow, they'll see that you get one character.
You get one test of faith. And so you you can't sacrifice that for quick gains. It's not it. So right that's why I think being in a conscious community of other deliberate creators that are like, Hey, we're we're all cumulatively doing what we're trying to do. We're living authentically. And no matter how turbulent it gets, we're not cutting corners.
Even if it makes me a bag, i'm not I'm not really interested in taking the fast route that's going to call into question my moral compass. I'm good, okay? yeah I'll just sit on the sideline to watch you do that. Good for you. That's the way you make money. But I'm good, bro. I'll get there. I'll get to where you are, but I'm going to do it the right way. And I think um i think that's beautiful. I've gone on a side tangent, but I think everything was sort of a... No, it's relevant.
No, sure yeah I mean, uh, just, uh, I mean, I'm just going to piggyback off of what you said in terms of like monies and amplifier of, of who you are. Um, I'm seeing a lot of wealthy people now projecting insecurities and traumas that they never healed. So then they kind of like, they have the money. They're great. They're set up, but they, they, they change as people and like, you know,
That is something that I want our community to combat by healing those traumas and those insecurities from the foundational level. So when you hit that success, ah you're going to amplify the love parts of yourself, the courage, the bliss, the peace, and not be so like full of anger, discourse, um animosity, seeking,
arguments seeking negative engagement because you know some of those people do seek those types of activities when they become wealthy because why it's like ah there has to be some sort of opponent to get to where I want to get to. And we're we're not doing that in our group. We are actually feeling that perspective Sue, not everyone is an enemy for you. Not everyone's an opponent. like We want to be brothers and sisters, not enemies. That's not our goal. you know And that's when we turn out better people, not just better entrepreneurs, not better business owners, not better content creators, better people. That's what we're here to do. And I really think
money is an amplifier, and healing that relationship around it is going to help people use that in a way that is very beneficial, not for themselves, but for others as well. So yeah. There's a book I read recently. I have it over here, but I don't remember the author's name. The show is already to disobey. It's called The Science of Kevin Rich. I have a couple copies of it. And what you just said,
So here's the thing that happens, right? There's an exact precise science to get rich in it. It all starts with the mind. That's why we're starting that right here. You know, just start learning the high-income skills and start making a bunch of money. That's not how it goes. You have to base your mind first. So in this book, it teaches of the two modalities, the two primary modalities that are the competitive mind and the creative mind. And the competitive mind is sort of the idea that You know, if someone else gets this, there's less for me. So I have to beat them to the punch. I have to get there but before them so that I have it and that they don't have it. Whereas the creative mind is it's not incompetent. We're not in competition with anyone. You're in competition, but you're only in competition with you yesterday. Right?
and someone else achieving something on the world stage, whatever that may be, if that's financial or if that's a certain amount of followers, whatever the goal is, I got my mission board right here, that doesn't take anything away from you. In fact, it does quite the opposite. If your mind is fixed and you're in the creative mind and not the competitive mind, it will give you the thought that they did it, that I saw them do it, they actualized it and it's now in their physical, tangible reality. and You know what that means?
I can do it. I can be next. And it's a totally different perspective. Going back to one of the first things I said, abundance is abundant. If you're in the competitive mind, you're just believing that there's an abundance of lack. But if you're in the creative mind, you're believing that there's an abundance of abundance. and If someone can have it, anybody can have it. And I can be that anybody.
and And that's not to say you sit on your butt, twiddle your thumbs and sit in prayer for a position or in lotus and and just meditate all day and go, it's going to come to me, man. It's going to, I'm going to do it. No, no, no, no, no. The universal law of state, the law of inspired action. There is a doing to it.
Uh, it is, you know, it is in your mind and if your mind's right, then it'll come, but you're still going to have to do stuff. It's not just going to fall in your lap and everything's going to, you know, somebody is going to build all the systems for you. And somebody is going to give you the startup capital to invest into it. And somebody else is going to do the daily operational roles to get there. No, that's, that's, I mean, we need a little bit of delusion, but that's a lot of bit of delusion right there. Okay. It's not going to happen. yeah So.
There's still a doing to it, but the mind has to be fixed first. So getting the creative mind and the artist's way is largely going to help with that. yeah also I talked about this in our last podcast, and and you know we'll throw some more clips up there. I think it's so beautiful whether you're you know super divested in the whole New Age spirituality thing, which in fact, as a devout Christian man, I think spirituality is just talking about principles of the Bible without the Bible. I could direct reference quotes for you, but it's so cool. it's so cool that Each of the blocks and unlocks for each of the primary chakras in your body have a direct correlation to the the seven deadly sins and the seven lively virtues. One by one, every single one of them, each chakra is blocked by one of the seven deadly sins and unlocked by one of the seven lively virtues. It's so simple when you look at it. i it's It's even so simple that it's logical. You read it, you look at it, and you're like, wait a second, that makes a lot of sense. they're like it's It's great stuff. and so i think um
I think it's important to gather your your information and your perspective biases from multiple sources. That way you can you can know a faith that cannot be tested cannot be trusted. And so if you go and seek information from a wide variety, a wide array of areas, you can know that your belief system and and the way you think about things is is tested. it's like This is valid and it's because of these things that I've studied and researched and learned. So I think that's beautiful.
and Yeah, man, I'm just really overjoyed today. I woke up in a really, really high vibrational state knowing that, that, I mean, atddle boy you gotta do it, man. I mean, some days it's, I mean, even I told you before we got on air that I had this weird occurrence today you know and for the listeners like i got kicked out of my gym today because i was recording content and i was wearing fliplos and like lowke i ah two ah should have been mad triggered like super matt
like what the heck dude i'm three working sets into eight sets but away from Planet Fitness. I'm just like, dude, that's what I said to the front desk girl. I was like, well, I didn't know, I didn't know this was planet fitness now. No. Oh, that's crazy. But insane behavior. I know. oh That was, I was smiling. I wasn't being like, um yeah, I'm just talking with you. Yeah. Yeah. But the girl that kicked me out, I should have been upset. And instead, because I'm um literally less than halfway through my workout, instead I just smiled at her and I said, okay, sounds good. I'll leave.
And then that was it. So, you know, it's a, it's a thing about when you're in the right mindset, things outside external from you cannot penetrate. Like the only thing that's going to sink a boat is water inside the boat, right? You can, you can float on top of the ocean all you want, but if you've got holes in your boat, you're going to sink. And so if you're in the right modality in the might the right head frame,
No outside circumstance no matter how ridiculously Stupid it is can actually negatively impact your vibration because you're good. You're just like whatever um'm I'm going with the I'm rolling with the punches and this can't bother me I've got too much good stuff going on right now And I'm grateful that I woke up today And I'm grateful that I have the opportunity at life and I'm grateful that I got my friends and family around me pushing to be better instead of Oh, boo is woo. Everything's so hard and life's against me. Could you believe that? You're right. Life is against you. yeah But yeah, man, that's what I've got to say. We're jumping around, dude. I really might have the tism, bro. Like I said, we all get tism. We just have different varying degrees of of autism.
ah it's we're all We're all super hyper-fixated on uncertain things that we care about. Not that it's actually autistic. I'm just kind of just cracking jokes. But like, you know, the thing is, when you're so passionate, you'll go into every deep dive imaginable. And there's nothing wrong with that. And that's what I've been doing with the metaphysical space, you know, because I grew up Catholic. And honestly, like growing up Catholic, I kind of learned a lot of things about religion and spirituality. And it gave me opportunities to learn about other religions, which was pretty cool. I went to a
It's called a Jesuit school. So Jesuits are, um, I mean, that's, that's a conspiracy rabbit hole. I'm not going to talk about, but the Jesuits were a priest order in the Catholic church that, um, they were big on education for, uh, I wouldn't because they were the technically the Jesuits were the migrants when they came to America. So they were big on education.
They did some shitty things, which I'm not gonna get into, but like the whole purpose of what I'm trying to say is I went to a like a pre like a certain order of priests that were all about enlightenment, like this starvation of enlightenment. That's what I loved about that education part of my life was I went deep within myself at a young age because not everyone did this at my high school, it just took very, enlighten like it took mature people to do that, because my brother went to that school.
um No shade to him, love him to death. I got a different experience than he did because he didn't go that deep like I did. And I had to do a project. It was called the Magus project, which means more, um, in Latin and you, you seek more when you're curious as fuck. And I say curious as fuck because I have always sought the answers. I've questioned all of reality. So.
taking that religion, I questioned why did we believed in such things, even though I grew up Catholic, going went to a Catholic high school, went to a Catholic college, Catholic grade school. So I looked into different religions. Starting in high school, there was an honors class. So I learned about Judaism, Islam, and Buddhism, which Buddhism was my favorite. Buddhism really taught me because Buddhism is very self-centered. It's all about yourself in terms of like how I can make myself better or how I can make myself
ah more valuable to the world? Or how can I create more value to the world? like That is a very simple answer. But that's what I learned from Buddhism. And it's all about self-love. And honestly, the New Age spirituality, it's a... Yeah, you're right. It's kind of the same thing as like other you know Christianity and like all like different religions. It's just without the Bible structure, of course.
but this idea of self is actually important because in order to help the community that you live in, you have to heal yourself. like You have to ah create a better version of yourself in order to help others. And if you're not doing that, you're not living. like You're not living the right way. And that's the thing I've learned over the past, ever since you know COVID. like I learned my sense of self needed to be the the straightforward, you know, premise, the priority, because I never did that. I was a people pleaser and I would burn myself out. I'd get crabby, bad habits, drinking, alcoholism, drug addiction, like all these things to escape because I was sober and talk because I was a people pleaser. I never wanted to go inward. I was just distracting with outward. You know, the past four years I've really changed that mindset and I've been able to see
who Coop really is and being able to see my soul, my aura has been a beautiful process and then reconnecting with the inner child, which I also want to teach our people and to kind of wrap my segment up in a way. I want to help people connect with their inner child through their business because the inner child is what keeps you happy. That's what we don't understand. Our childlike tendencies are very, very important because that's what's going to keep us motivated. And that's what made us happy when we were five years old. We all wanted to do something when we were five, but we were told we couldn't do it, which is bullshit. I went to a wedding over the weekend. I was in a wedding.
And there was like this kid, I want to say i want he was like, how old is he? He was like seven or eight, probably. And, um, this kid kept like coming up to me and like doing like dance battles and like, you know, I gave him my watch to hold and he was like, Oh, you know, and all this shit. Um, and like, it was just funny cause this kid kept coming up to me and I was just like, you know, just hanging out with the kid while, you know, all the adults were doing the adult stuff. And I was just like, you know,
It's so just, it's fun to get the dichotomy of adulthood versus like childhood because childhood is so innocent, pure, very loving and fun. And they're not even like, think about it. These kids are not drinking. These kids are not on drugs. These kids are like very, at you know, sugar is sugar, but you know, these kids are not on any substances other than sugar. And they're so fun to be around.
Because they're so themselves and they don't care about what people think or what people say. They're going to dance and it's like hyper, like it it looks insane. to watch Like it's insane behavior to watch a kid like breakdance like at a wedding. Like you're just like, what are you doing? But it's so great because they're just them. They're authentically them. And it was fun to just like kind of connect with that in a way of like, yeah, I shouldn't give a fuck about what people say. Like I'm going to dance. I'm going to do my thing. I'm going to say what I want to say.
ah As long as it doesn't hurt other people, I'm going to be my loving self. and you know um it's just Connecting with the inner child is what I specialize in the most because I lost that inner child for a really long time in my life. and Having cancer as a kid and like going through childhood bullying as a kid and like going through some traumatic experiences as a kid, I didn't necessarily have the childhood that I wanted. So now it's time to give the childhood that I deserve now at the age of 27. And I'm grateful to do that. And then also teach my kid down the line, my son, to be authentically himself and to to love himself and to give him that childhood experience. Also that, you know, maybe I didn't get to have, like that's what matters, you know? So find it in yourself, find it in your business.
I have have three things that are big to touch on, and one is the the child wonderment of joy, one is escapism through substance, and the other is religious structure have that relates into and So to touch on each of those, the sort of childish wonderment, like, that's so beautiful, you're just hanging out with a kid at the wedding and he's just vibing out dancing, being crazy. Like, connect, we're supposed to be having fun.
on a daily basis. it's Like, yes, you're supposed to do certain things and you're supposed to like be an effective member of society. And, you know, if you're being intentional, not a wandering generality, but a meaningful specific, you're, you're being intentional about building a business around your passions and you're progressively realizing that worthy ideal, but all at the same time, you don't need to be like, Oh, I'm super monotonic, super stick or everything serious. Oh, dude, at the gym,
um I'm dancing around, bro. Like, between my sets, I've got headphones in, um I'm recording myself, I put it in some of my clip play, I don't know, I'm just goofing off, the dancing around. I could think and and let fear or seep into my consciousness, be like, well listen, that person's probably over there judging me. They might be, or maybe they're like, dang, dude, that guy's just living like Larry over there, I wish I was as much out of my shell that I could just do whatever I want. And that that whole modality, I wasn't, they went, in January of 23,
I was clinically obese, I was 246 pounds and 34.5% and I'm literally obese and that's when I started going to the gym. And when I was going to the gym, I was in sweatpants and at a hoodie. I didn't want anybody to see me like I was just trying to be as small as possible and I was not out of my shell. I didn't talk to anybody. And like there's something in the doing that along the way,
you You are able to further and and and more authentically externalize your higher self on a daily basis because you have the proof. You show them you. Because you don't you're not trying to prove anything to anybody else externally, but you are trying to prove it to yourself. When you're you go down the the journey of being intentional at some point along the process, you go,
I have a proven track record to myself. I've proven to me. I can do it. I'm doing it. And I can just be in football. ball I can be full in me. And if somebody's judging me, they're just not vibrating on my frequency. They're just, we're just not meant to be in alignment with each other. And that's okay. Like you go over there and drink your alcohol.
I'm going to be over here chugging my water and great dancing because I'm chilling proud like I'm doing whatever I want to do. So that's that's touching back with me like finding your childhood joy and just being the holiest, truest, most authentic version of yourself.

Escapism and Purposeful Living

And then the second one was escapism through uh through substances. I did it okay and you know what a lot of people that are like really big and profound on the world stage, a lot of them, their backstories all sound pretty simple. And it's like, no, no. I got to switch it around.
and or Or maybe it doesn't look it doesn't look the same for everybody, right? It might be escapism through alcohol and and substance abuse that way. Maybe it's doing a copious amount of substances, like psychedelic substances, and going to a rave. Or maybe it's, you know, self-pleasure. Or maybe it's, you know, using women around you to have copious, meaningless sex. There's different vices for everybody. Read the book, the book Outfitting the Devil, by homie Hill, it's great.
There's different vices for everybody, and why you're doing that at a fundamental level is because, and you know, when I say this, maybe let the devil say this, you're in your mind, and I'll go down that path and explain it, but why you're doing that is because you haven't found your purpose, you're not living in purpose, not in your purpose, and the whole devil's foothold here somewhere is not living intentionally yet, as they might go, well, he just said that about about You're exactly where you need to be when you need to be. Why you need to be that much? Not true. Because I'm not going to be my purpose. or i But that's also not true. Because that's a catch-22.
You're living in escapism and you're not going to be externalizing your higher self right now because you're being tested and you keep making the same decision you made previously when you're in your unconscious and not being intentional. So as soon as you flip that switch, you thought I'm not going to be wondering generality anymore. I'm going to be immediately specific. You're still on the purpose. You're on the purpose before when you're in the degeneracy, in the
But if you're still on your purpose, now you've set the intention to be meaningful, specific. And so I did that as well. And, and I went, I haven't talked about it. I haven't talked about it yet.
live the lifestyle. When I write my book about it and become public with any people that are gonna think I'm a storyteller and I'm making out and that's when they're gonna look at me now and press me and go, absolutely no way, that was you. But I went so far off as men, I was a, I feel like I'm God and I'm not who I was, man, but I'm God who's a different person. And when you have a spiritual opportunity, what I will, you know, every day, have to die to yourself, you know, you're cross and follow the enemy. And that's, you know, self-sacrifice, and you're not doing the things
I'd love you. I'd always love you. You're just being more proud of what I've become today, because you know, look how far you've come. Yeah, you've bridged this gap. So, yes, you do, so... But anyways, like, this escapism happened. A lot of people do this, but the biggest problem is a lot of people just get stuck there. You know what? This is my reality. I just have this desk job, and I hang out with my friend, he's out in the hall, there's escapism, or I play video games chronically, and I'm not qualified for it anymore.
You can do whatever you want with your life. It's like, it's like in Matrix when Morpheus gives Leo the option of the Red Bull that we know. At our age, and of the people that we're talking to, you really do have a choice. You can live under your capacity and be comfortable. You may be comfortable now, but you're sure you should be uncomfortable later.
You can choose the hard path, which is actually everything's hard. It can increase the hard and it can increase the hard path. It can increase the hard path. It can increase the hard path. It can increase the hard path. It can increase the hard path. It can increase the hard path. It can increase the hard path. It can increase the hard path. It can increase the hard path. It can increase the hard path. It can increase the hard path. It can increase the hard path. It can increase the hard path. It can increase the hard path. It can increase the hard path. It can increase the hard path. It can increase the hard path. It can increase the hard path. It can increase the hard path. It can increase the hard path. It can increase the hard path. It can increase the hard path. It can increase the hard path. It can increase the hard path. It can increase the hard path. It can increase the hard path. It can increase the hard path. It can increase the hard path. It can increase the hard path. output may be what can come of it if you adopt that positive mentality, but what I do instead of what I'm doing, one of them has to be profound, majorly higher lesson, you guys, very slick lesson, you can do whatever it is that you see in your mind, what you can just say in your job, that maybe you have an opinion sort of really angrily, maybe you even like your job, you enjoy it,
But that's the most dangerous drug in the world, a salary. If you're uncomfortable and you like your job and they're paying you $45,000, $65,000 a year in your life, you do this in a really good life. You're a therapist. Before you even got started, you're a therapist. It's scary.
And so we've got to challenge each other. This is the whole idea of collective conscience, which I'm going to touch on in the religious part that I want to talk about next, the collective conscience group. In order to raise each other cumulatively to the 5D and living the highest concentration of love and authenticity, you've got to not judge people, but you do have to challenge them and be like, hey, why are you okay with requesting you be icy?
for who you are now, but I also see your strengths and what you're good at. And I also know that you can use it in this form and capacity and you can affect rate or change up. But no, you want to go to your job and then you want to drink beers after work and just chillax. I know that you're capable of more than you're giving and that's okay if that scares you and you don't want to take that jump, but I'm telling you,
um I know you would help a lot of people become better, but you become better, and the choice is yours, and we'll do whatever we want. So that's the whole, uh, the whole idea of escapism. Um, you know, maybe we go down rabbit holes, but I think, you know what, another thing before I touch on the religious thing that I wanted to talk about. I, I think it's so cool that like, I never know what I'm going to say on a podcast or what I'm going to talk about. I have no idea what I'm going to say. I just let, I just let the collective conscious and and the divine, the Holy Spirit, whatever you want to self call it.
I just let it channel through me and and I feel individuality knowing, yeah, I think this is what I'm supposed to say to this. And then I just let it flow. So that's, that's like, it's beautiful. I know I'm on my purpose and on my, on my, on my mission. Right. So the last one, religion, okay. Religious structures. Now I'm not bashing. I'm not, I'm going to say this and it's from my story. I'm not speaking disparagingly. I know a bunch of people in this faith that, that I love as people. Okay.
But in the story of battling the Bible, um people start creating false idols, golden war, and they're they're rebelling against God, and so God creates language barriers to create divisiveness so they cannot communicate and they cannot construct false idols, okay? That's what happened in the Bible. It's a story. You can read it. I personally believe, and I'm going to explain why I believe this, and this call goes back to my Warning that I'm not speaking disparagingly about any religion or any person But I personally believe that religious barriers and different different faiths Were created in the same facet by the devil to create division between people because ultimately if you really do study all the different faiths And it's just like the whole collective conscious everybody's saying the same thing about
just differently. and just You're just saying it a little bit differently, but we're all getting from A to the same Z. We're just taking different paths there. So it's all the same stuff. The reason I believe this is because in high school, I was deeply Austrian. I went to a private high school that was 97% LDS, 97% Mormon. I love, I don't know a lot of Mormon people, I love them. But it would have seemed in high school that some of them were instructed to deliberately try to get you to convert and and be your friend and play play all happy. But then when you when they came to find you can't, you think you're unconvertible, they'd shun you, black sheep you stop talking to literally at lunch, like you'd go to sit with them and they'd like all ignore you and turn like out of a movie, like ignore you and stuff. And that's my reality that I dealt with in high school. And it's like, wow, why am I experiencing this? And it's because of that face. It's that false divisiveness. It's not
We all have faith and even if you don't have faith you're you're an agnostic or you're a die-hard atheist you do yeah just like yeah the ah but abundance of lack or abundance of abundance if you're a die-hard atheist you believe God couldn't be real because babies are dying in Gaza and and it's evil and there's people that are dying that are they shouldn't be dying it has to be it because of an unjust you know there can't be a devout God that's that's all purposeful and and of of purity and and and fair and just If you believe that, you still have faith. You just have faith in the faithless. So it's it's the ah whole abundance in lack, not abundance in abundance. You have faith that there is no faith. And that's unfortunate, um but it's not my job as a disciple to to try and sway your opinion. That's not actually what we're told to do. It's just to share our story fully and authentically. And however that resonates with you, that's that's not our decision or opinion. And that kind of circles back to the whole
the whole child wonderment thing, right? When you're living fully and externally at yourself, I ah ran a tech company in 2020, right large sector in the gloving space. um I love it. i'm I'm a huge passionate artist. But at the time I was when I joined the company, I was making $40,000 a month as a 22 year old, I sold everything I own to move into a garage, um live in a garage, live the startup lifestyle, just like Steve Jobs. And I told everybody in the community, hey,
Stop doing drugs, get intentional, get a journal and planner, build a high-income skill, and change your life around. It'll be great. and i got i got you know i didn't I didn't track who I was, my target audience, who I was talking to. It didn't even cross my mind at all. and I got completely shunned ostracized from the community.
I got kicked out. They hated me. I was, I was public enemy number one. They, they thought I was holier than thou. You think you're better than us, blah, blah, blah. You're trying to tell me how to live. And I was like, wait a second. I've been misconstrued here, but it was too late. They didn't care. And why I'm sharing this is because it doesn't matter how, when you're being fully, truly authentically yourself, it doesn't matter how others perceive you because here's why.
If you're being fully authentically yourself, there are going to be people that love you and there are going to be people that hate you. The people that love you are the the sheep of the world that haven't got on, they're still in the lack, they haven't got on their purpose and intention, but they see you doing it and they go, wait a second, this guy's living life completely differently than me. And that sparks something in them to then go be intentional and do more and be more. The people that hate you,
are like, I mean, no no hate, but they're literally demons, okay? they They are living in their unconscious and they they are so triggered by your authenticity and you living in love because what they see in you, they don't have in them, okay? So you your very essence, your actual being triggers their very nature of reality because everything you're doing is completely polar opposite to the way they look, the way they feel, the way they behave, the modalities that they function their life on. And so they see you and they're like, no, no, no, no, I like my blocks. Get away from me. And so it's, it's you know, it's it's sad, but it goes back to the childish wonderment thing. Never get dog dogmatic and caught up in how others perceive you because it's a losing game. It is a losing game.
Love the people that love you. Still love the people that don't like you, but just, you know, I want to see you eat. I love you. I want to see you eat, but you're not going to eat at my table because I don't need people talking disparagingly and negatively behind my back. Go do that over. So yeah, never worry about what other people are thinking. And those were my three big, big hit points there. And also oh between this podcast and the last one, I think this one's chock full of value, man. We're, we're, we're doing.
Oh, back. Yeah, I feel fucking back. That's for sure. ah You know, it's it's crazy that the amount of times I've had people come from my neck ah is crazy because of like how much hero shit I've done in my life. ah You know, I've raised I actually posted a tick tock about it was funny. I was like, you know, I've raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for charity. I've mentored you know kids with cancer. I worked for a nonprofit that you know helped give kids free trips that were terminally ill. ah you know I've done so much in life that is heroic. Some people still think of me as a villain. You know what I mean? like that's just That's just the nature of the beast. And that's what you just have to understand is
Not everyone's going to like you. Not everyone's going to, you know, want to support you and that's okay. You know, you just got to keep moving on. Um, and, and, you know, setting boundaries for myself has been such a relieving experience because it's really helped me understand who is with me and who's like not

Boundaries and Energy Management

with me. And that's okay. If you're not with me, it's just like, I got to go, you know, I have,
a lot of people that i that I want to heal in my lifetime. ah So in order to do that, I got to stay centered and ah clean, very clean of spirit. So I got to have the right people around me. And that's the thing too. Once I got Reiki attuned, I've been more ah intuitive with who I meet and who I stick with and also who I want to partner with. Whether, excuse me, whether it's like in a business sense or even romantically, you know, like it's just, I gotta be feeling on fire in my different tracker systems, depending on what that looks like. So if it's like, you know, business related, you know, it's gotta light up my sacral, it's gotta light up my passion center, you know, or it's gotta light up my, my root or
you know, my crown, whatever that looks like. If it's like something romantic, it's got to light up my heart. You know, it's got to light up, you know, everything in my love center. um If it's with friendships, same concept. If it's with opportunities to travel or just opportunities in general, it's got to light up, you know, the solar plexus. You know, if I'm doing a speaking event, it's got to light up my throat chakra.
um If, if it's, you know, something I need to see into the future, it's got to light up my third eye. You know, it's, it's very, it's, it's not simple. It's very complex, but once you get the hang of it, your intuition really breaks out and you start feeling into your body less into your mind. And that's where I'm starting to thrive with a lot of these connections. Um, so the people in my corner or my circle that I'm making.
I'm shedding people. are
i know you just mean that as a pun but that was twenty tocent circle Yeah, I'm shedding people, uh, but I'm adding people and that's, that's a beautiful thing. I'm adding old faces. I'm shedding old faces. Uh, I added and then shed new faces for a short period of time. Um,
Yeah, it's like, and then adding new faces that are going to stay, you know, so it's like, you really got to tap into your, your mind's eye, your third eye, and then tap into your other systems, your other chakra systems. If someone doesn't light you up, that is, it's not a problem necessarily, but it's like, okay, this person doesn't necessarily light me up. So like, you know, we're going to have this interaction. That's fine.
But I want people that light me up on a, on a daily basis. And, you know, I would definitely consider you as, as one of those guys. Um, and you know, that's the thing I got a brother. Uh, but like, I also am creating soul brothers and soul family. Uh, I call some, some of my friends, sister, you know, if like if I'm calling you sister, you know, that, that means like, I really care about you and I really see you as a part of my soul family, you know? So.
having soul sisters and soul brothers is very important to me. So, you know, you got to stay you and then you'll attract the right people. And some people just won't, they're not going to catch up with you. And that's okay. They might try to bring you down. And that's okay, too. You just have to get ignore that. And that is part of the thing with this life's journey. People are going to try to bring you up with them. That's when you know, Oh, fuck, I got to stick with those people, those people that try to bring you up with you. And they're like, you know, we we don't compare, but like those people that are better than you, like in terms of like business structure or whatever, and they're bringing you with them. It's like, Oh, fuck. Yeah. I'm, I'm going to stick with that person. Like I need to stick with that person. Um, but the people that want to try to drag you down, you gotta to go.
You gotta go evaluate that. like You gotta go evaluate that situation. You gotta be like, what do I wanna do? Because you can't get stuck in that. um everything you know If it doesn't make me happy, if it doesn't bring me money, or it doesn't bring me love, I ain't about it. 100%. I have a few things to say on that. The whole people that are better than you,
that business structure and stuff. like ah have seven I have a quarter million, for so three quarters of a million followers online. so some like This guy, Luke, the other other week, when I had this talk with him and I paused him, he came up an end girlly a He was like, bro, I knew it was you, bro. I've been watching your full lives since 20, 23 years. And my girlfriend told me I had to come up and take a picture with you. And I had to stop him. And I was like, bro.
Like because here's the thing, he was operating from a modality of like, you're better than me because you have more followers than me. And like I'm not a gatekeeper bro, like in the CCK I will drop every key that I've ever had and ever will have on on how I did what I did and how you can do it as well because I'm not. The idea that I'm better than you because I'm further along in my social economic class that doesn't yeah make sense. I'm not better than you. were all this We're all made out of stardust for the exact same thing. i And so I had to check it and be like, bro, i'm ah I'm here at the gym with the same water you've got where where I'm a normal dude, man. Talk to me like a normal guy. I'll still make a fun picture with you, but like I'm a guy, bro. And so it's like, we're all coming at an equal.
And another thing that I want to talk about that's like huge, about the hero journey, and I said this to my dad, and he said I would use blasphemous, because my dad, you know, that my parents were really not Christian.

Challenging Ideologies and Building Connections

And, you know, I don't think it's blasphemous at all because I wasn't trying to call, I wasn't trying to like, my dad, I think he heard me say, I think I'm Jesus Christ, but that's not what I said. What I said, or what I used, the message I meant to convey, was like the hero's journey,
Being ostracized publicly, black sheeped out, and being counter-culture and going against the way of the tide, that is the hero's journey. That's exactly what Jesus Christ went through in his life. And so if you're being intentional, you're going to see so many parallels in the way that you live your life as well that same way.
You're being mocked and scorned publicly, and then when I say publicly, previously it was in Town Square. Now it's on the For You page, you know what I'm saying? But as you're being mocked and scorned publicly, you're probably doing something fantastic because the only way you're gonna make it, like I said, when you're being bullied and you're yourself charging people, you're gonna love your EU, the only way you're going to blow up and build is by being in my city.
because how are your people gonna find you if you're not out there spreading these are the things I'm about, this is what I think, because if you're just a cookie cutter and you're doing your little chick-pot dances to fit in and it's gonna go viral, okay, you're not being you and those people that are for you, they're not gonna find you and they might even find you and they'll skip right over you because you're just totally covered like everybody else. And so, you should be divisive, you should be polarizing,
You should be, you. Whatever that looks like, and that's okay. And also, another thing, not to get political left, right, whatever, same bird. Like, there are some principles, some subsets of far left, far right, some individuals that, like, you can't, quote unquote, challenge them and talk to them about their ideologies, because they, one,
Either they don't fully have a whole grasp of what it is that they think they believe, because they've just been programmed to believe that, and they're like a parent. They don't remember that. They just regurgitate what they have been told to think. But you can't challenge them.
because it just triggers them and then they get super, they get in their super ego and they just start yelling at you and it becomes a personal attacks. And so those people that are are unfortunately locked at a lower level of consciousness, like it's you're just not coming to the 5D, bro. You're not gonna live in love and self authenticity until you figure that one out. You're stuck in the root, bro. You're not going anywhere, bro. So those aren't your people, man. And so we do ourselves no service by lowering ourselves to their standard and meeting them where they're at. But like you said, there's the crab in the bucket, right? And that's what I dealt with in 2020, where I'm like, hey, everybody, please come up this social economic ladder with me. Let me build you. And then there's the the people that go, no, you're goingnna we're down here and you're going to stay down here with us, the crabs in the bucket. Or there's the people that are like, hey, I'm two rungs up on the ladder than you. Come on, grab my hand and let's jump. Let's let's go further up.
Yeah. And so there's your people and there's not your people. And like, I, I get it, man, because I was there before. Like when I was, when I was in 2017, living unintentionally, like I was super down with it. Like when I would have smoke sessions with my friend, we'd all sit, sit around and talk about how miserable our lives are. Like that's what we, that's, that's how we bonded. It's like a trauma bond. We, we, we as a trump camaraderie, our camaraderie was ah all around how, how sucky everything is for us. And ooh, boo, boo, boo me.
Like that doesn't even make any sense. And, um, it's, it's horrible. And the cool thing of the way I know I'm right about this is one, just cause my intuition, but two actively. Okay. In 2020, when I'm running this tech company, here was my philosophy. And this is a marketing jam right here. So if anyone's trying to build something, okay. not What I did, my, my idea was, okay. I've got this tech company of tech wearables built around a super niche subset.
And so what I need to do, I was the VP of sales. I was in so in charge of e-commerce fulfillment and doing our internal team management. So I ran all our affiliates and all of our sales channels. And so I was like, okay, how am I going to sell more units? I know exactly how I'm going to do it. I already have a sizable social media follow me. And so I said, this is what I'm going to do. I am going to do a bi-monthly, so two calls a month call with my entire internal team for free.
where I mentor them on mindset and I mentor them on personal branding. Because if I can build enough people, if I can build enough people that are their own self-standing business entity and they are preaching this company and this company rocks, their products are great, and this guy helped me unlock and get to where I am, then then this company, Rising Tide, raises all ships, this company is going to grow.
And so my my marketing strategy was build pillars of other profound built up personal brands that all rep our stuff. And I set aside a marketing budget to get, they just, they never bought their gloves, their perishables or their lights. I just sent them stuff all the time. I'm like, Hey bro, every, every Friday you get in a package because, and then in exchange for that, what they did.
was all their content. They gave me permissions and rights to steal their content exactly, not not like remake it and shoot it the same, but literally download their content without the watermark and post it on our our brand page and then tag them. So it's mutually beneficial. We both grow. And that's what scaled our brand to 1.4 million followers. And the reason I know I'm right is because out of the 250 affiliates that we had,
Most most of them 85% of them were herd mentality and one guy even told me I'm a snake oil salesman He told me get this he said he said my wife has a doctorate and she's never heard of the universal laws. So I You're a snake oil salesman just selling us a bill of goods. and And this was after a call. This is so funny. This was after a call. I don't know if you're familiar with Bob Proctor or Proctor Gamble, but one of Bob Proctor's direct mentees who paid $50,000 before Bob Proctor passed away to be mentored one-on-one by him, he's my buddy. And I was like, bro, I know you charged $2,000 for a one-on-one, one-hour consultation, but I need you to come in here and drop the bombs on my entire affiliate team. Just brings massive value.
And he did it for me for free as a favor. And this guy right after that call said, I'm a snake gold salesman. I'm selling woo woo fairy stuff. The universal laws aren't real. And I called him. Listen, this is, I made a big mistake. I said, uh, you're just, you're incompetent. Okay. You're ignorant. And he thought I called him stupid. He thought I called him stupid. They're not synonymous.
But he thought I called him stupid, and then that created a whole โ€“ it added fuel to the fire of why I'm a demonstrable, capitalistic, moneymonger. But I was like, bro, I love you, but you're just no less than me in this specific field of endeavor. So to like don't โ€“ I'm telling โ€“ I'm giving you the keys, and you're โ€“ I'm leading you to water. You're not drinking it. But to get back on point with my point here, the reason I know I'm right is because of the 250 people, four of them listened to me Like, like I was, everything I said was an absolute fact. And they would, they would get on calls with me individually and call me and they'd go, dude, I'm doing this, this and this. Like, what do you think about that? And I would give them my insights. And those four guys, one of them has 700,000 followers on TikTok now and makes a full time living. He quit his job as an accountant to make a full time living, just going live three hours a day and doing flow arts. And he still does it to this day. He has more followers on TikTok than I do. He surpassed me. Okay. wow So the four guys that listened to me,
and didn't just go a negative perspective bias. This guy doesn't know what he's talking about and actually took action. They were self-stars. They're winning today. And so that's how I know, right? And that's just the the idea that goes back to why why allow negative perspective bias to seep into your mind. If you know, if you're acting in your full authentic self and you believe that the things that you're providing to the world and sharing and talking about have meritocracy, they have real value, and you just feel it in your heart and your soul, you have that intuition. Just keep doing it, man. Even if you don't have the the tangible reward, you don't see it changing anything. Okay, Michelangelo was hammering at David, and he saw on the first hit with his little hammer and chisel, he saw he saw the sculpture in there, but nobody else saw it at all. And he just chipped away at it, chipped by chip until it it came out.
And it's it's just knowing that I know that if I continue doing this with persistent, consistent pursuit of my potential, I will unlock it. And and you might need a support system to do that. You might need a mindset network. You might need some Reiki, because you you get your energies get all shifted up. and And maybe you hang around, maybe if you're still in that modality of of having you know careless, meaningless sex with random people from like Tinder or something,
Maybe you you get some ah Jezebel spirit on you and all of a sudden your ener energy's all thwacked and you're you're feeling these these unhealed traumas from this person. You don't even know, you're not consciously aware of what's going on but you you hooked up with this girl and now your next two weeks you're completely thwacked around and you don't even know it's such a hard time, right? we're going into the The trail's metaphysical stuff. with yeah Don't fuck with witches. That's all I gotta say. Don't fuck with them witches, brother. They're a scary motherfucking group. It's a bad problem. That you just went into that. Well, it's bad. But like real quick, let me circle back and finish this. like it's It's knowing that being your fully authentic self is going to pay off. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not even in five years. And all the people around you are going to be getting ahead
in the social economic world and they're going to be looking at you like, dude, why are you like still trying at this like small little thing? and then But just don't listen to that, dude. Don't listen to the negative feedback on the outside. Find your people. Find your mentors. Find people that can build and grow and are as fortunate as trying to do the same thing as you. You will win. It's inevitable. That's it. Yeah, 100%. Yeah, don't fuck with witches badly.
I've never fucked with witches, actually. that's not is not like I've befriended some witches and I make sure I keep that you know friendship as as clean as possible, you know no matter what. but yeah don for I've worked on some people. I actually worked on someone who messed with a witch. and not Yeah, that was, there was some scary shit that I saw. I was like, oh my God, like, no wonder you haven't been able to sleep for weeks. Yeah. So no, you, you have to, yeah, you you have to seek, you got to seek aid where you, where you need it the most. Um, and yeah that looks different for everyone. And honestly, like our entry-level entrepreneurs that we're targeting and our collective group, you know, I think they're.
Most of the people we're going to have, I believe have an idea that just have never acted on it because there are, there's limiting belief. There's trauma, you know, there's, there's a lot of hold backs. And that's why I think our group can really just entry level help with every sort of facet, like from healing your traumas. Got to get the cat out. She's chewing on my cables.
Yeah, you can't have that. Yeah, I can't have that. But you know your mindset's not 100%. So let's let's help with that. Your spiritual alignment's not there. So like let's help with that. And then you know your finances are in order because you don't take the time to budget. You don't take the time to find ways to get funding. We're going to help with that. You know you don't have the energy physically Because like you eat like shit, and then like you don't fast. Or like you you don't take care of yourself. So you're not going to be able to put in. You've got to put in long days, because you're still probably going to be working a job. We're we're we're all in similar situations like that. We're going to help fix that. you know So it's more of the want to. You have to drive to do it, and you could
You literally are going to have milestones with other people. Like we have a wins, you know, group chat. Like we have a group chat of wins. Like when you have your wins or your downloads, we want to hear them because we would love to support you. Like that's what we're here to do. We're here to run the same race. We're just going for a different metal in a way. We're all like going for gold and something different. We're all in the Olympics together.
We're all in the Olympics trying to win gold at a different event though. So like, let's all fucking come together and help each other out. You know what I mean? Like that's, that's what community is for. So yeah, I definitely think it's all about spiritual alignment, mental alignment and physical

Community Alignment and Mutual Support

alignment. And we have the pillars to get you there. Um, and when.
You do get there, you know, you'll just consume more and more content from us to to upgrade yourself and, you know, possibly work with us, you know, on some more of a personal level, whether it's a business venture or, you know, something else. That's, that's what we're here to do. And, um, you know, if you follow me or you follow Jake, um, like that's, we want you to come in the group because we want you to be a part of this beautiful process we have going that's very unique. It's not like other groups, you know, it's not like it's it's it's more than just a course. It really is. It's about connecting with each other and, you know, having opportunities to, you know, build friendships with other people that are at the same level as you because we're all. um Yeah, we might be at different stages in life, but like I said, same words, different font. That's
what this whole thing, that's what religion is, that's what this collective group is, you know, that's what we are all personally. we're We all have same letters, different fonts. That's all that matters. Like that's what I'm saying.
Hey, what's your mic? I can't really hear you. wow
Yeah, it went a little fuzzy. Yeah. I mean, it might show up on the the recording. I just can't really hear you.
The witches are coming for you, brother. Dude, I know I talked about it, and all of a sudden... Oh, there we go. That sounds a little bit better. That sounds a little bit better. So, one thing that you said, then, like...
I heard it now that this idea that someone with any one of the joints in, you've got the idea probably already, right? Just to execute on us. The reason, the number one reason why you don't have the executables and you're not doing it right now is because you've never been around people that were delusional enough to believe in your vision and then tell you that it was possible and you've been listening to your mom and dad and your aunts and uncles that have given up on their dream. They didn't go and do the thing that they have as a mission. They were in their early 20s, right? And so the reason why you're not actively executing one of those things is that the mission that you probably already have in your subconscious or maybe more conscious mind, you know what it is that you want to do. And you're not actively doing it. You haven't been told
That is active, possible reality for you. I don't know if you know that, but this can be your reality. This is not really easy. It's going to take a lot of work, but what you want to do to become active for a density, for vision, for your activity, for your work every day, and be super, super transparent with everything. You know, if there's much more strategy, I wish you all online. Got to be in your journey. Be around with your students.
sub-sex and skill sets than you, having met no word, having met no word, having met no word, having met no word, having met no word, having met no word, having met no word, having met no word, having met no word, having met no word, having met no word, having met no word, having met no word, having met no word, having met no word, having met no word, having met no word, having met no word, having met no word, having met no word, having met no word, having met no word, having met no word, having met no word, having met no word, having met no word, having met no word, having met no word, having met no word, having met no word, having met no word, having met no word, having met no word, having met no word, having met no word, having met no word, having met no word, having met no word, having met no word, having met no word, having met no word, having met no word, having met no word,
And that's what a masterkeeper does. Like you said, the CCK is not going to be incredibly expensive. This is not a mega high ticket. Like, this is something that you can give in too. And we can be that way, on that facility.
Yeah, beautifully stated, you know, I think Yeah, it's it's not meant to be a high ticket item because the high ticket item is, you know, you, me, our two partners that we're signing on and and their services that they offer. I didn't want to take that away from you guys because I don't, i I want, I want this to be a community that we're all invested in, but obviously we're all, we all have our own ventures on our own as well.
which I think is ah is a beautiful thing too so I don't want to take away from that so like that's that's why I didn't make this necessarily a high ticket item quote-unquote I made this a true community through and through because I know my business structure and my power is with the group for sure, but it's not that's not my only identity. like that I have a life outside of it and I realize you do too, everyone does. And that's the thing, like you know we're gonna make friendships that hopefully can meet up in real life as well you know with you know the community members and stuff. And that's like what I wanna do, like I wanna build events and like I wanna build
you know, true community, you know, virtually speaking. Um, but I understand that like you are really successful at other things. Um, and also our two partners are really successful at other things. So like the community is just like, I'm, I'm really curious to see like our interactions with the group and other people's interactions with the group and like how we all, um, like send just, you know, and then like,
You talk about not making it. always serious like the group is not always going to be serious too like we're gonna it's okay to post conspiracies in the group chat it's okay to post like this stupid fucking meme of like Donald Trump or Kamala Harris you know like it's okay to like post some stupid shit about your day that you had uh you know that's we want we want those interactions too it's not always um I promise you through and through this is going to be a beautiful community experience that
We're going to have fun. We're going to be serious at times and go be successful. But we're going to have fun too. And we want to see you win at life. We don't want to see you just win in business. I want to see people grow as humans. I want to see people grow as entrepreneurs. I want to see people who grow as spirits, like as souls. That's what I care about. I care about the full encompassment of maturity and scalability of self.
stuff. That's what I care about. That's what this group is for. And that's why we want we do want to make it as inclusive as possible in a way that we want people of all walks to come in, you know, whether you're a really successful business owner, and you just want to fine tune in some things, or you want to dabble in some crazy shit with us, or your entry level You have no fucking idea what you want to do, but you want to figure it out. We're going to help you with that. We want all walks of life. So I'm excited to do that with you.
That's true, it feels good, but it really made the greatest feeling in the world. I decided to make it a little bit more challenging, and I didn't really know what to expect, but I would give it to you. What I actually felt in some form in the past is, it made me be gratitude, like the guy that's got some incredible followers. He's sort of back with me, calling me one day, crying out, and crying out, and he's like, you know, so grateful for you. You changed my life.
And I have a real dream life right now that's going to give you information to share with me. And like I was so clutched, I got an intro on Twitter, it goes from like all of them, and I was so clutched, it started to remind myself of what I do. You have no idea what that means to get out of that for me a lot, because, like, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I,
Like, I'm the one who believe that you do not believe that you do not believe that you do not believe that you do not believe that you do not believe that you do not believe that you do not believe that you do not believe that you do not believe that you do not believe that you do not believe that you do not believe that you do not believe that you do not believe that you do not believe that you do not believe that you do not believe that you do not believe that you do not believe that you do not believe that you do not believe that you do not believe that you how do not believe that you long do not believe that you your scope do not believe that you do not believe that you do not believe that you do not believe that you do not believe that you do not believe that you do not believe that you do not believe that you do not believe that you do not believe that you do not believe that you do not believe that you do not believe that you do not believe that you do not believe that you do not believe that you do not believe that you do not believe that you do not believe that of intelligence is. Like, just by reaching a very personal and being casual and trying to write about you in the world, you'll never fully understand how entrenched those little roads go out over an interview. It's kind of crazy, but when you have those moments when I circle back, and you have those moments when you think about this, it's that little bit. It's so nice, and it's like, wow.
I just like to be me, and I try to be a valor in the whole world. I think some of you are going to convince kids how to enjoy being a religious person in that school. So that's what I think. And that's what the CCT will do. I mean, first of all, I love you. I've been in a young history for three years with a thing, and I use something to say to you guys, and you love them. Well, it's just everybody, everybody who wrote down those requirements, and it's as simple as that. It's my people now.
It's been a great discussion. I've really enjoyed it. feels good to be It feels good to be back back in my just my zone. I really have felt off-balanced. It's hard to talk about because I had, I had a lot of moments of anger the past, I'd say six months. Yeah, probably like six months. Um, and man, I was, I was hard to be around. I was hard to talk to at times because like, I just was so angry at certain situations that I didn't heal because I didn't want to heal them because I was enveloped in my ego and healing those recently.
through different situations and different people has brought me so much motivation and clarity to just go out and be me and go out and and put it all on on the line for myself. And that is what courage truly is. It's going in, admitting like you were angry or like you were in a lower frequency or a lower vibration.
and coming out of it. And you know we're all going we all have ebbs and flows in life. like We all have moments where we get very fucking angry. We have moments of shame and guilt. We have moments of happiness, bliss, courage, contentment, you know normalcy. And that's beautiful. And you know you have to enjoy every facet of life, be present with it,
and then move forward and then go be present in those other moments with those other emotions. And that's what we're going to try to build. And we're doing that right now. And I'm really excited to unveil it to you guys. We're going to unveil it very soon. We're going to have one of our partners come on next week. Really excited for that. And yeah, man, I don't really got anything else. How about you?
I don't know what to say, but I know what to say, and it's like, we need to work together. It's scarce. It's not that small. It's scarce. I don't like it. You can't start with my own opinion or close. I mean, just be sure.
Like, I guess I've heard a lot of people say this before. And like I said, I'm really struck by the podcast a long time ago when I got to the school where everyone went, like, well, when I did this thing with my name, I wanted to get my name back, so I might get my name back. Okay? I hope you get it. I hope you get it. I hope you get it. I hope you get it. I hope you get it. I hope you get it. I hope you get it. I hope you get it. I hope you get it. I hope you get it. I hope you get it. I hope you get it. I hope you get it. I hope you get it.
Yeah, no way podcasting is great and you know, it's just taking that first step. The first step is My opinion is the first step is always the hardest step. And you know when you when you fully envelop yourself into it, you'll be proud of yourself. And I know you'll get there. And it's always fun to just have you on, too, and just you know create some organic moments together. So man, I'm proud of you. We're almost there. We're almost to the launch. So yeah, man, I'm excited to see what unfolds for us. Sure.
now let's go get it war
Let's go get it.