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Money Mindset with the Mind Over Money Show

The Weekly Coop
27 Plays1 month ago

Join me, Cooper Harrison, for an empowering LinkedIn Live on Money Mindset 💸✨. In this session, we'll dive deep into the beliefs and habits that shape your financial reality. Learn how to reframe limiting thoughts, embrace abundance, and align your mindset with the wealth you deserve.

Whether you're an entrepreneur, professional, or someone ready to break through financial blocks, this live event will give you actionable strategies to shift your money mindset and step into prosperity with confidence.

Follow me for more insights:
Instagram: @consciouscoop_


Introduction & Financial Mindfulness

Hi, and welcome back to another Mind Over Money. We come to you every week with some great financial education, some tips, some tricks, some life hacks. And um as you know, I often preach about we've got to put our mind to how we're spending our money, how we're thinking about our money.
that everything in life revolves around money in some way. Every action you do, there is some money tied to it. You've heard me on the show for many years talk about, you know, think about when you wake up in the morning, what's the first thing you do? You turn on the lights. Guess what? That costs money. You go into the bathroom, you turn on the shower. Guess what? Water costs money.
And so we got to put our mind to our money every single day so that we're aware of how we're spending our money, where we're spending our money.

Meet Cooper Harrison: Empowerment Strategies

Now, this week, I've got a special guest with us, Cooper Harrison, um who I met recently online and we've struck up a little relationship. And the reason I've asked Cooper to come on the show is besides being an MBA and having you know all the credentials of what I love out of business people and entrepreneurs is Cooper comes to us with a little bit extra way of thinking about and helping individuals, you know, in the same mindset that I'm talking about, putting your mind to your money, Cooper helps people, you know, get their mind straight with their life and and various things. Cooper, welcome to the show. Why don't you tell us a little bit about what exactly it is you do?
Yeah. Uh, thanks for having me. I really appreciate this. It's an awesome opportunity. Yeah. Basically what I do is I'm an executive empowerment strategist. So what I do is I help executive leadership, uh, empower themselves to either start, you know, their own entrepreneurial journey outside of like their corporate life or help them become a better leader, a more conscious leader within their workplace.
so their company can scale, be more efficient, and also stay happy because happiness right now is such a crucial um aspect to your job because if you're going to put so many hours of your week to your job, you might as well be happy.
is if you're not happy, you're putting out a low vibration. You're putting out a low frequency. That's gonna affect your personal relationships with your friends, with your family. That's where addictions can come up. That's where like negative beliefs can come up when you're not happy.
it negatively affects your life. So I help conscious leaders build practices within themselves. And then hopefully, in turn, when they build those internal practices, they share that with their employees or their co workers. And then we elevate the collective consciousness. That's what I do.
Can you give us some examples of of how that I mean how that does that work what do you just go into the executives office and y'all have like a rap session or is there something specific that takes place with this.
yeah No, I love

Understanding Hypnotherapy & Money Beliefs

it. So I am a certified hypnotherapist. So basically what I do is I work on your subconscious. I rewire your subconscious. And what that entails is I use meditation as my, I call it my conduit of hypnosis. So basically what I do is I help people tap into meditation and meditative state, and then we go in and we heal any subconscious wounds or limiting beliefs within themselves.
and how that happens is I can do this virtually or in person, doesn't really matter, ah because virtually I can still you know record you know this meditation and do this live with someone as long as the internet connection's good, which is, I always have that, and so do my clients. we We'll go in, and you don't even have to tell me.
you know what that you know experience was for you. It doesn't have to be this crazy traumatic experience. It can be just someone telling you, you're never gonna be good at this or that. Like I had a teacher in sixth grade tell me I wasn't gonna be a good writer.
I'm a two-time bestselling author. You know what I mean? that's like that yeah that's what it That's what it entails. So I go in and I just help that person visualize that memory that created that limiting belief. And then we rewire and reprogram that within like a 30-minute span. And then we replace it with a positive affirmation. So I use hypnotherapy to build positive mindset.
and heal the subconscious mind. Because I don't know if you've ever seen um Inside Out or and Inside Out 2. It's the kids movie about like you know the emotions and thoughts within you know a child's brain. We have that as adults. And in the second movie, it talks about the subconscious, which is like the very back of your mind that holds old memories that you don't really think about. But they are still there, and they'll come up um down the road in certain situations. So if you think, you know, let's go with money, because we're talking about money, right? The money mindset is crucial. but If you say money is the root of all evil, or you say money is bad, or you have these negative thoughts or words around money, that's because you had a traumatic experience around money. Whether you grew up, you know, in a certain environment where where money was always an issue where you couldn't have things
you know, for Christmas or you couldn't, you know, have certain foods or you couldn't have certain experiences because of money. So you're told you you were never going to have those experiences because of money. you You have that mindset, but when you shift that and you believe I'm a millionaire or you believe I can have whatever I want or you can believe that you can make whatever you want with your business or in a certain corporate environment. You believe you can have this certain job because you are worthy. You have the skill set. It's going to come to you.
Your words are your bond is what I always say. So with the money mindset, I go in and help heal that experience, whether it was childhood or adulthood. And we take a limiting belief of, you know, I'm not worthy of being a millionaire. We reprogram that to, I am a millionaire. And even if it doesn't, then even, even if the next day you're not a millionaire, we've already programmed your mind to long term become a millionaire because you already have the, you planted that seed. So now you're going to search for opportunities to be a millionaire, whether it's coming up with like a side hustle, a hustle with like streaming or content creation or things on social media, or maybe you find a better opportunity with a job to make more money.
and then have better experiences and and create better investments for yourself where you could become a millionaire in like five years, 10 years, whatever that looks like. You've already planted the seed. So then it's just going out and looking for those opportunities. And they'll present it to you because when you build that money confidence, things are going to happen in your life that you just never even thought about. And that's the thing with my clients that I love.
It's not a next day, oh my gosh, it's coming to me. It's like a few months down the road where they're like, oh, this happened in my life. And it was a byproduct of healing this subconscious wound. And that's the cool part. That's what I love about doing this. I'm finally getting that awareness too. Exactly. because it right mean Now you mentioned earlier about you know the technique is using a deep meditative state and ah you know hypnotherapy. and and whatnot. I just want to be clear for those uninformed. We're not talking about, um you know, like, if you did that with me, you're not going to make me cluck like a chicken or something, right? I mean, we're we're talking about serious serious meditative, hey, we're we've got an issue here we're trying to solve.
Um, and you know, I just want to be clear for anyone watching this going, Oh, that Cooper guy, he's going to, he's going to put me under and make me do stuff I don't want to do. That's not, yeah I, uh, yeah, I always, it's funny. I laugh because I do get that a fair amount. And I always, I, I usually preface that. I got so excited. I forgot to preface it, but, uh,
Basically, it's not this gimmicky like cruise you know line you know entertainment trick. you know Those those like hypnotherapists that do you know those cruise lines or those dinner shows or like whatever where they hypnotize people and then they make them do embarrassing stuff, that is not what I do.
right I have thoughts and opinions on those. I won't share them because that's a whole round. You don't even need to recognize them. That's not what we're talking about. I just wanted to make sure people understood that that's not what we're talking about. So now yeah we've got a large audience um and yeah we we broadcast this on a bunch of different social platforms, LinkedIn being one of them. There are a lot of corporate executives that might be watching this right now. So explain how if they're like,
Hey, I might want to be interested in seeing how this progresses. what What exactly would be the process? They reach out to you and then what?

Addressing Limiting Beliefs & Empowerment

Yeah, so basically you know what happens is you can reach out to me you know via league LinkedIn,, and you can send me a message on there, a social media platforms, but when you reach out to me, we'll set up like a 30-minute consultation just to see what the limiting belief is, ah what the issue is in life, because like I said, it's very different for people. I have people that come in with money mindset,
I got people that come in with confidence issues. I got people with public speaking you know insecurity. I got people with different addictions.
ah that come in. I got people with anxiety, stress, time management. I have people that come in, like I said, wide array of things. And it's it's one of it's one of these you know types of concepts where I can have a broad range of clientele because I can go in and work with literally anything.
Like I can work on any sort of limit. We're we're not talking about just, you know, um high corporate executives, it could be any level, you know, a C a C level employee or just a regular employee says,
Hey, I saw Vanshow, the Mind Over Money. I really liked what Cooper had to say. you know i'm I'm not you know the CEO of the company, but you know I've got this addiction problem. or Or the things you mentioned, I want some help. They can come to you as well. I i just had this down. I i call them downloads. I receive messages you know on a daily basis. I received this message from my highest self. um You're an executive of your own life.
That's what I'm here for. I'm an executive empowerment strategist of your life, not just in business. It can be business and I love business. I got a master's degree in business and I love business concepts, technology, I love all the things. But I am helping you be the executive of your life because being an executive of your life is just as crucial as being a C-suite level, you know, employee of a billion dollar corporation. So I work with business owners on a small scale, like small business owners. I work with, yeah, just like if you're like a director,
at a company and you have maybe an alcohol addiction because like you have a lot of stress, the only way to escape, the only way to you know, get rid of your pain is you're drinking every night at a high level. We want to help get rid of that because when you so I like that a lot and you know that that's something that my existing clients will probably tell you because one of the things I preach to my clients, my individual clients is that when we're talking about their financial planning for their household, they have to start thinking about themselves as the CEO of their household. And they have to start thinking about their household like a business and what would the the business owner and I come in as the CFO helping them with their finances. So that's a lot in in the same context of what you just said, you know, of how you are helping empower them with their whatever their issue is. I like that a lot.
Yeah, and and I mean, you know, the thing is like you're a leader in the community, not just in the business world. Like if you want to be a leader with your family, you have to come from a place of healthy mindset. Like you you have to come from a place of abundance, not from a place of lack and scarcity. Because if you have kids, especially, you want to lead those, you know want to you want to lead your own kids,
to a successful life, but you have to build positive thoughts so they can go into you know school, they can go into any extracurricular activities, sports, just life in general, even after school.
You got to build that confidence up. And in order to do that, you have to like kids mimic you. Kids are the greatest mirror because they just mimic who you are as a person. So when you come from this healthy, abundant lifestyle and mindset, your kids are going to adopt that. And they're also they're going to become successful because, you know, as a parent, I'm not a parent, but I'm sure you can relate as a parent. I definitely can relate. yeah You want your kids to be more successful than you.
Because you're a selfless leader That just wants your kids to be happy and do what they want to do in life Not what they have to do in life.

Managing Stress and Simplifying Responsibilities

How many people come to you? Where you know, like I don't I don't have any addictions, you know and anything like that, but yeah sometimes the stress level of life is pretty hardcore and I think that's especially in today's society, we've got so, we're bombarded so much, you know, on social media, in the news, everything going on. It seems like every time we hear a news report, someone's getting shot in the stress level of life. So do you get a lot of people, they're saying, Hey, I just need some help taking some of this stress off my shoulders. How how important is that to people wanting to come to see you?
Oh, yeah. Well, I mean, I just always say the addiction, the root, the root of addiction, the root of anxiety is all your subconscious like limiting beliefs that is just coming up and repeating a cycle that you've always had and just never noticed it because you always just like compressed it and put it down. um But yes, in in the world today that we live in, it's just like a lot of energy, a lot of exertion, a lot of productivity, and that's why people are sick. People are sick all the time because they are just constantly stressed.
because they're constantly stressed with their job, trying to pay bills, keep up with you know their kids in sports, trying to keep up with life, you know social status, like whatever it is, because like you feel like you have to do all these things to feel self-worth. So I do come with a lot of anxiety troubles with people, and time management too actually is a big one. ah People are like, I work,
10 hours a day trying to, you know, especially with entrepreneurs, especially because a lot of entrepreneurs I work with, they work, you know, a job. Right here. Yeah, right here. And that's me. They work a job and they're trying to build a business and I get it.
It is so hard to work a job and then build a business, and then also spend time with family, try to have a social life. like it It's crazy. you know um and And the thing is, you have to set boundaries with yourself and with other people. Now, granted, you have to sometimes do things that you don't want to do, but you have to do. like I understand that. I understand that phrase more than anything.
but you have to take time and set boundaries to step back and relax and enjoy life and be present more and ah be grateful more and that's like one thing that I help people realize when they have like these high stress environments and they have all this productivity and they have to do all these things and they feel overwhelmed Sometimes it's good just to take a step back and say, I am so grateful for where I'm at in life. I am so grateful for these opportunities. I'm grateful for my friends, my family, my job. I'm grateful for you know my bosses, my mentors, and I'm grateful for the life that I get to live. And sometimes when you do that and you take a step back, you just create a more positive mindset, even when you're in a situation that
you don't necessarily want to be in. Um, and when you do that, you start to think, okay, how can I create a solution to this problem? And that's what I work. That's what I work through with my clientele. It's like, all right, you have a laundry list of things and it's overwhelming. I get it. I've been there before. Like just for example, you know, got my job.
Then like I got to create content for the next two weeks. I got to send out like a newsletter. I got to do this. I got to do laundry. I got to cook. you know I got to do all these things. right And it's like, OK, let's list out priorities. Let's prioritize what needs to get done in a certain order. And then let's go do it.
Let's do, so like, if, if you don't enjoy doing some things, how can we make it enjoyable? Like, even if it's just, like I said, laundry, like if, if you don't like doing laundry or folding clothes, okay, I gotta do this. How can I at least make this somewhat enjoyable? And maybe it's just like turning on music. Maybe it's turning on a podcast. Maybe it's like turning on a show in the background. Maybe that's all it is. That's, that's where I help people realize we don't need to overcomplicate everything. We can simplify things. i think that's not what i bring it I think that's good advice. I think anyone listening to this should should do some of the things that you just mentioned. um But if they want to do more than just, you know, hey, I'm going to turn on some music and they want to get some actual help, um you know, we're we're at the end of the show. So why don't you tell people how they can reach out to you if they they want to do more than just turn on music while they're doing laundry.

Heroic Path Program & Contact Details

Yeah, absolutely. Like if you're, if you're looking, so I have a six month program, it's called the heroic path. It helps you tap into your full identity, your hero identity, it activates your hero DNA to find the life that you want to live and also become successful, become wealthy, become abundant to help your family, your future generations, and also help you give back because when you're in your full purpose and you become wealthy and you become grounded in yourself, you're going to create a better world and a better community because like no matter how rich you get, you're going to want to give it back to certain communities to help grow because we want to grow the collective group, right? So that is the hero path. It's a six month program.
We do like we do we do two hypnosis sessions per month and then also active basically action items like coaching type things every day of the week. Like you have personal contact with my phone number. And I also do hourly hypnotherapy sessions as well for an hourly rate. So the way to find me is Cooper Harrison dot org. You can also follow me on Instagram. It is conscious Coop TikTok is conscious Coop as well. You can find me on LinkedIn.
under Cooper Harrison MBA RMT I think CH as well. Yeah I'd like to point out that's how I found you was on LinkedIn and there's a lot of Cooper Harrison's but you're the only one with MBA at the end of your name so yeah you're if those of you watching this on LinkedIn are looking them up on LinkedIn, ignore all those other Cooper Harrison's. They're not the real Cooper Harrison. and MBA, exactly. I'm glad I got a master's because, hey, whatever differentiates. Those three little letters at the end of your name in the world. Right. And and then my email, it's
If you want to just reach directly me ah directly to me from this video, Cooper P as in Patrick, and then a period, Harrison at gmail And that's how you'll be able to get in touch with me. We'll set up an appointment right away. Cooper, thank you so much for coming on the show. I really appreciate it. I know you and I are going to do some some other stuff in the future. yeah um But if anyone needs to reach out to them, just just do that. I highly recommend it and we'll be back next week for another Mind Over Money.