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It's not luck that creates success. image

It's not luck that creates success.

S1 E15 · A Life By Design
61 Plays1 year ago

What you don’t see when you witness someone operate in a seemingly effortless way are the trials & tribulations they have encountered and learned from along the way.

All the challenges they’ve overcome, the lessons they have embraced the learnings from, the tears & fears after what some might consider failures.

What leads to this seemingly effortlessness is determination, gratitude and a willingness to fall down get up, dust off & go again, pivot, tweak, try new ways… which is especially powerful when the driving force behind all this is a purpose driven by passion that aligns with what you value and how you’re here to serve in this lifetime… that is what leads to success, not luck!


As the Owner/Operator of a unique retail store offering which is ever evolving, and a Dharma Coach I hope to facilitate and support others in realising their dreams of creating a life they truly love, doing work that aligns with their values & unique skills.

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Book an immersive shopping experience at Creators Nest, a space showcasing handcrafted wares of professional creatives locally & beyond.

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Intro & Outro Music: Shaman Dance by slavamusic


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Introduction to Marie Nicole and her Philosophy

Do you desire to turn your passion into income? Connect with other creative souls who also dance to the beat of their own drum?
I'm Marie Nicole and I'm devoted to combining beauty, uniqueness and connection in everyday living experiences. As a creative professional and Dharma coach, I help people connect to the truth of who they are and facilitate them in embodying their uniqueness. It is my hope in this podcast that I inspire you to live your life on your terms and earn your income
through being uniquely you. After all it's the unique thread that we each contribute to the collective tapestry that creates the whole.

Secrets to Success: Preparation and Passion

It's not luck that creates success.
Over the weekend, I traveled to trade my wares for the first time in three and a half years and experienced success on so many levels, not just because of what I sold, but also because of the people that I connected with and the comfort and beauty of my stall, the experience of camping in a rooftop tent and sharing that experience with my two beautiful-hearted boys. But that's not to say that everything about this experience was easy or even lucky.
I'm often referred to as lucky, with phrases being said to me like, you are lucky because, insert whatever finishes off that phrase in your mind. But nothing could be further from the truth. I am not lucky. Nor are those performers that you see confidently sharing their gifts on stage.
What you don't see when you witness someone operating in a seamlessly effortless way are the trials and tribulations that they have encountered and learned from along the way. All the challenges they've overcome, the lessons that they have embraced, the learnings that they have taken from those lessons, the fears and tears after what some might consider failures.
What leads to this seemingly effortlessness is determination, gratitude and a willingness to fall down, get up, dust off and go again. Pivot, tweak, try new ways, which is especially powerful when the driving force behind all of this is a purpose driven by passion that aligns with what you value and how you are here to serve in this lifetime. That is what leads to success, not luck.
I was reflecting on what I believed led to a successful weekend for me.

Market Preparation Strategies

And I'd like to share some of those key takeaways with you in the hope that it helps you create success in your endeavours too. Number one, preparation.
There was a lot of forethought that went into setting us up in a way that would allow us to relax and enjoy the weekend's experience from having some of the food pre-cooked and frozen so that all that was required was to heat it up and to serve or to have some simple to cook meals that were nutritious and delicious. This was really important because the boys were helping me prepare lunches and dinners over the weekend and I made our breakfast.
and so we spread the load and we allowed ourselves the luxury of buying festival food on the last day. Another aspect of preparation is being prepared for all weather conditions, creating a comfortable market stall while keeping stocks safe and secure makes it so much easier to relax and enjoy the experience. I've learned many tricks over the years to stop my stock flying away in strong winds
I did have a couple of things blow away and over this past weekend but for the most part my stock was stable. Post-market I also write a reflection and record what I could have done differently and what I could do to improve the experience the next time and I keep a spreadsheet of all the items I need to pack
which I add to after every event. And a couple of things that made a big difference this time was throwing in an extra big throw rug and buying some natural fibre rope to create shade behind the stall. Now that throw rug suspended between the marquee and the tent made a big difference to our comfort level. It meant we did not need to leave the stall to chase the shade. Instead, we could just create shade as needed over the course of the day.
as the sun shifted and the throw rug was one that actually suited our market stall feel so it wasn't obtrusive to the eye it was a part of the atmosphere.

Staying Comfortable at Markets

Number two, personal comfort. With the unpredictability of weather conditions, it's important to be prepared for anything while still representing your brand. Being able to layer up and peel layers off as needed. If you know my work, you know that I work with natural fibers and quality fabrics. So I wear things that are breathable and beautiful and add to the overall look of my style, but they're still functional.
Now I've learned the hard way at a previous festival when I packed one of my beautiful vintage full length fur coats that looked great. But when a storm came through and I frantically reached up to hold onto the marquee I ripped that beautiful coat. So this time
I didn't take my beautiful fur coat which I have repaired since but it did take a fair bit of effort to repair it. This time I took a beautifully hand-woven woolen poncho and this way I could layer up easily over the top of my flowing linen garments and it left my arms free in case I would have to do the same again and reach up quickly to grab my marquee.
Now it was hotter in the day and the temperature then dropped very quickly as the sun set. So wearing lightweight linens kept me so cool throughout the day, but I also had leggings and a long sleeve tee available if I needed it, just to quickly add on those extra layers. Rather than wearing jeans and overheating, I prefer to stick to the cooler, lighter layers and then add and subtract as required.
Because this weekend was hot, staying hydrated was so important too, and drinking lots of water throughout the day makes such a difference to personal comfort. Now this all may sound like common sense, but I can assure you, I have witnessed firsthand others who have not considered these simple ways to maintain comfort, which is why I'm sharing them with you, just in case you haven't thought of them either.

The Importance of Presence and Reciprocity

Number three is presence.
Being present to the experience adds to creating treasured memories, taking time to connect with people, seeing them and being seen by them, is one aspect of a festival that I truly value, especially connecting with festival goers who are camping there for the weekend too.
the opportunity to really talk on a deeper level and with the expectation that we should receive a particular outcome, we have a very different experience than when we come to the event also to contribute to the experience ourselves. Which brings me to number six, reciprocity.
particularly sacred reciprocity, acknowledging that there is a mutual exchange of energy that creates harmony and balance amongst all life, which plays such an important role in the outcome of our market stall experience.
I'm not saying we should not expect to make money as market stall holders. We are not just there to add to the atmosphere, but we are a part of the experience for the festival goers, so creating an experience for them, that's as much a part of the magic that will in turn create a magical experience for us.
It's a learned skill holding space for people and giving them a beautiful experience in your market stall. Then gracefully directing the conversation to a close when another potential customer approaches your stall. But we are there after all to earn our living. So it's a really important skill to learn. Which takes me back to the opening statement.

Concluding Thoughts on Success

It's not luck
that creates success. It's living with purpose, driven by passion that aligns with what you value and how you're here to serve in this lifetime that leads to success. While keeping in mind what success means to you, which is a whole other topic for a podcast in itself.
Thank you so much for your time.

Invitation to Connect and Further Learning

I know how valuable it is and I hope you got value out of listening to this podcast. If you are looking for a coach to support and guide you through your own unique journey of creating a life you love, then reach out for a connection call. And if you'd like to connect with other creative souls in person by joining us at a workshop or retreat or to book a unique shopping experience here at Creators Nest, I run those by appointment. So check out the website for more details. The link is in the show notes.
Oh, and please leave a review. I'd love to hear any insights or inspirations that were activated in you from this podcast. And I look forward to drumming, dancing or soaring alongside of you.