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Ep. 18 McSalty - Shadowmend Tales image

Ep. 18 McSalty - Shadowmend Tales

E18 · The Fellowship of the Tabletop
108 Plays1 year ago

As the ever growing threat beckons, our party must make their case to the power in Dash. 


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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade

Music kindly provided by Fesliyan Studios


Introduction & Setting the Scene

Just saying, he's got a horse with a sword at this. We all just got wet for a waterfall.
Hello everyone and welcome to tonight's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop. We are a live play 5e podcast set in the disputed lands of the Verandian jungle in the magical homebrew world of Eryth. My name is Darren and I'm going to run some D&D for you. These are the Shaberman Tales. With me tonight we have playing the human ranger McBenna, Will. Hello listeners. Playing the dragonborn paladin Drago, we have Ian. What up?
Playing the hobgoblin with it ukaburra, we have Danny. Bonjour. Playing the dragonborn rogue Syengar, we have Mark. Hello, hello. Playing the goblin barbarian druid Kratz, we have Callum. It's me, it's me. And playing the bugbear druid Chungus Bongwater with our one shot extraordinary Wilbot. I think he's saying kiss me, kiss me. Smart ass motherfucker. Thank you very much guys, love it.
And as we approach the great city of Dashcalray filled with the wonders of the memory runes, we turn to our own descriptive memory rune of the epic voiceover guy.

Journey to Dashcalre

Previously on the Fellowship of the Tabletop, our party woke up and after Ren decided to throw a bit of a tantrum and storm off ahead, our party, through some mutual loathing, began their journey towards Dashcalre. Emerging from the forest, they saw the declaring that surrounded the mountain around which the city was built,
Trees seem to protect the forest and keep out the vicious Yuan Ti, and stop those within the city from being threatened. Our party travelled through what was a pleasant, green, lush farmland, seeing strange creatures, like furbolds and shifters, and MacBenna perhaps now becoming the most out-of-place member of the party.
Ahead of them, the tears of the city reaching towards the sky, shapes leaped into the air and go closer and closer, and the drakes of the city of Dashcalre approached. Reaching the party, Drago voiced his objection to the enslavement of the drakes, while the drake riders disputed Drago's claims.

Teleporter & City Dynamics

The riders wished to find the teleporter amongst the party, and Wren, revealing she could speak Draconic, revealed herself to be the teleporter. Fearing the UNT, the Drake riders have sworn that no teleporter can be allowed to freely practice their magic within the city, so must be under guard. Finally, the leader of the Drake wardens,
A Soul Reaver took the party towards the city, saying that the person in charge, this Skymar Earthcore, wished to speak with Drago Blightbane.
Thank you epic voiceover guys as ever for your brilliant and succinct description of what happened in the yester episode of The Fellowship of Tabletop. As you continue to move towards the city you firstly pass a series of pontoons and docking bays and a host of fishing boats that are mounted at the foot of the river.
This gives way to the great oat-coloured walls and a large grand dark fey trees with scarlet leaves that seem to protect the city. Beyond them sits the great waterfall.
As you are led up the path towards the first level of the city, you leave behind the Hudson houses that sit at the foot of it and climb up past the Great Waterfall. It's spraying its cool air onto you as you pass. You come to the first level. As Chungus told you earlier, this is the seat of nourishment. It is a second residential district that is home to the fishermen of the verandian. This district provides nourishment to the whole of Dashkalre and beyond.
The stench of fish hits you as you ride past the fish mascots. There are a host of eatery halls along the first level where food and tales of the jungle and mountain can be found aplenty. You see a host of strange travellers, a series of the jungles different races looking at you as you are walked through this area of the city following Solrever.
You leave behind these Hudson houses and these great feasting halls as you continue to move towards another series of darker, deeper, more rustic looking halls. Huddled around some of the cooking pits outside of these halls are the Goblin or Goblin Kim.
and you see a series of feasting halls that seem to belong to a host of clans of assorted clans of goblin king gathering around and cooking meat and exchanging mead and other forms of drink. As you continue to climb, you come to the second level and the seat of devotion, the great temple district, home to the druids of air and earth, and the training ground and temple of the fabled Drake Wardens.
You see as you pass through this road, built on the mountain side, is the great temple itself domed and built into the actual mountain. To the side leading back towards the ledge and down towards the lower levels, you in particular Chungus would note the crucible of the archfey.
crucible of the archfey is this great temple of purple groved trees that seem to just descend back down towards the mountain, almost forming like a form of arboretum on this great level.

Market District & Key Encounters

As you pass the temple of air and earth,
the great temple of the Drake Wardens. You can see a series of younger Drake Wardens, and you see Drake, some the size of horses, some the size no bigger than cats of hatchlings. And you see these young Drake Wardens appearing to be in training with these Drakes, mastering the bonds between Warden and Drake. As you come to the end of this level, you descend into the mountain itself.
and you come into this level of accommodation and shops that are lit by these firefly lanterns as you are now inside the Great Mountain. You notice on your side a series of shops and hearths and this appears to be the market district of Dash Kalrai.
You also see the foot of the great wondrous, what appears to be like a giant treehouse. This is the base of the great tavern of Moorcar's hearth. And as you follow that round, you come back out into the sunlight as you reach the fourth level, the seat of hospitality. It's called this as it is dominated by the top half of the great treehouse of Moorcar's hearth.
You see now that the tavern itself is built into what appears to be a large silvan tree with these branches descending with red and orb and colored leaves similar to what you have seen of the trees as you made your way towards the city. As you look out back towards the direction you can, you can now see some spectacular vistas and horizons of the verandian jungle and beyond as the sun continues to set. You are escorted to the top level, the seat of the elders.
The circular conclave juts out over the rest of the city if you're escorted down this long road towards it. The seat of the elders, as it is known, is home to the keepers of the roots, the governors of all of the eastern civilizations of the verandian.
The floor appears to be a circular conclave of a series of benches and you can see that these are filling up with people as people seem to descend up the pathway of the mountain. Your arrival seems to have provoked quite a crowd. You see stud looking out over the horizon at the centre of this conclave.
A tall, old-looking, eladrin elf. He has mossy white and green robes with long pale hair and stark green eyes. He turns to look at you as people continue to fill in and seem to be now sitting in this viewing gallery, this semi-circle, as you start to filter in. Welcome, travellers. Drago, Blightbane. You are all our most welcome here.
I am sorry that your friend has been greeted with hostility. Teleportation magic has long been outlawed within the walls of Dashcalary. That's not really the reason that the greeting was... ...displeasant for us. But, nevertheless...
Apology accepted, and can we just call me Drago?" Blight pain was for another, more worthy. As you will, Drago.
I have summoned the council and they are on their way. Apologies for the audience, and he gestures to the people who seem to be excitedly filling the seats that seem to, it's almost like an amphitheatre, this conclave, and the seats behind you, you can see that these raked seats are starting to fill. And he says to you, no matters of judgment or greetings of esteemed guests
is kept secret from the residents. Any decisions made by the Wardens are welcome to a public audience, and your arrival is provoking some interest. And for those of you who are not Drago, including you, Signguard, this is a sign, perhaps, of what your brother and what this, for those of you who's not his brother, what this Dragonborn may have achieved
in another part of the great world known as Erith, that his arrival here seems to have been greeted with anticipation.
I have summoned the council and they are on their way. Apologies, once again, for the audience and the hostility. You may ask me questions while we wait for their arrival, or you may talk amongst yourself. It is up to you. You know my name. What's yours? He turns to Chungus at this point and says,
I believe your friend here knows me as Scrymar Earthcall, which is the name that I have had for many moon turns now. Jungus isn't making eye contact. He's kind of quivering somewhat and looking down at Scrymar's feet. Jungus, you've talked about this man quite a bit. Is there anything you need to say? Look at him.
Please don't embarrass me in front of Scrymora, that's called Rago. He's not trying to embarrass you, it's fine. You can look at him, he's not going to hurt you, it's okay. And Jungus will kind of gradually lift his gaze somewhat to meet eyes with him and like his knees go a little bit weak and he's just kind of quivering a little bit. You see this kindly smile coming back at you that there is no need for
for you to feel intimidated by my presence, my child. What brings you back? Chungus, maybe Chungus can be nervous, but Astrid is confident. Well, uh, yeah, yeah, good, good point. Um, well, uh, Mr. Scrymar, uh,
Arch Druid, I don't know what to call you, I'm really sorry, I'm embarrassing myself now. Get it, get the rest of it. So, I don't know how well you read the stars. I thought it was a pretty stupid thing to say. And kind of Chungus is just kind of like half talking up to you, half muttering to himself, really, really uncomfortable in this situation. But eventually he'll kind of blurt out.
You kind of know why we're here in the first place. You've heard of the... you know of their movements. We've got people among us here, and he'll gesture over to Madena and Drago, that might have a little bit more to say on that. They might have a bit more information, and he'll nod over to Ren as well. And our friend Ren here, she's...
She's got this ability to connect with the person who might be leading this. I see. All matters that we will discuss when the remaining wardens are present, I do not govern alone, and I govern with the support of all of the voices of Dachkalre.
There is no singlier voice here. I have a question. Ask it. You said you saw me coming through a prophecy. I've been a part of prophecies before. Can I ask what prophecy this is? I believe when you arrived in this kingdom was the second time you and the girl
Had a letter, did you not? Yes. The one who sent you that letter is here, in this city, seeking refuge. He told me of you, and of what you had achieved. Okay.
I'm sorry to speak in rhythm not to answer your question, but I do believe that the answer to your question and the answer to why you're here and what you are needed for will become apparent in due course. Right. Standard affair, really. Jhago looks around the group. Anyone else? Anything to say? Just Skymar here?
Ben has sort of, shakes his head at Drago, he's sort of been looking around this sort of amphitheater reminding him of like, some of the, you know, mass executions that sometimes take place in Shadow Men where they put people in an arena and make them fight, but you know, and then he sort of looks behind him and sees the perhaps slightly muddy footprints some of them may have left and be like,
Okay. And he sort of just stands there silently, just waiting for whatever to happen, because, you know, this is like lords and kings and that kind of shit, and that's where he'd be on dim.
Thank you. As you wait in silence and if there are no more comments, you notice at one point there is a cluster of furbolgs who appear to be set on the bottom east side of this semicircular amphitheatre. A figure emerges through them, a brown soft yellow and black furred with green eyes appearing to be in their 50s furbolg.
She says as she steps forward,

Council Dynamics & Political Tensions

I am Morkar representative of the furballs and she come and stands on the platform with Skymar Earthkool. Goblinkin, you notice this very small appearing to be quite old goblin, potentially in their 60s or 70s. Step forward and it says RATOR!
representative of the goblin clans. And you can see that this is a very old looking goblin. He appears to be messing one ear and seems to have a shaven mohawk. So his head is completely shaven, but for this dark brown and purple mohawk that he wears on his head.
This continues as you see a shifter step forward, a man in his 60s, brown fur, dark brown eyes, k-coloured tussled fur.
If you're wanting to picture a representation for this person, think Archer from Small Soldiers and age him by about 20 years. This is the representative from The Shifter Clam. The last two arrive. For those of you who are not in there 30, Small Soldiers was a film that came out like a poor man's toy story way back in the early 90s.
Don't check it out. It hasn't aged well. I can appreciate that film. We can appreciate it. Imagine Fresh Eyes in 2023 watching that film. Good luck. It's on Netflix. Disney, we make it. Yeah, it's on Netflix. The last two of the arrivals are the Air Ganasi representative and the Earth Ganasi representative, who you have both seen. And they arrive by landing on the jut of this horizon.
as their two respective drakes, the brass and copper drake, land on this platform, and both riders descend from their drakes, and the drakes take back off towards the skyline as they take their place on the platforms. The crowds seem to hush as they take their spot, and Scrymarra, of course, then turns to everybody and says, I call this session of the Wardens to order,
We are joined by these guests. One among them has the means of teleportation and you can hear a rumbling from the crowd which stops as he raises his hand. But they come with those who have achieved great deeds elsewhere in these lands. Drago here, fought the blight in the kingdom known as Sleet Guard, Vanquisher of the Ember Scar.
I ask any and all of your party to answer me this. Before the citizens of this kingdom, what brings you all to the great city of Dashcalre? Vengeance. If I jart towards you. Crats next.
Yeah, I kind of agree with the dragon on this one. I've got a cat bastard I want to kill. Oh, but Ukumu has got something a bit different as well. The eyes jut to you, Ukubur. The cat bastard that was aforementioned slaughtered two goblin kin. We wish to convert their relics into memory runes. I see.
The eyes jut to you, and what of you? I do not recognise you, yet you look very familiar to this drago. And the eyes jut to you, Syengar. That's a bit racist, but okay, fine.
More being funny, I didn't really know. Long story short, big discovery thing. Bit awkward here. But suffice it to say, I've got a real hankering to kill UNT. And I hear you have a bit of a UNT problem. UNT's tied up with this cat bastard, as they call him. So I came along for the ride. Thought I'd get myself a bit of combat in the process.
So, mainly over the killing, yes, you're a bit of vengeance, too. And he looks begrudgingly over to Drago. He's family-ish. The eyes stay on you for a second before moving across to you, McBenna. McBenna looks to at the other side of the bin answering.
As Drago says, it's vengeance that brings us here. Some of us, while we're in Shadow Mend, we're doing something in the company of a person known as Kal-Git. And him, he betrayed myself and Drago and Ren, causing two of our party to die.
and be brutally murdered. He took from us an ancient tome of great power and he seeks to take this to some dark power that he served.
And every minute we're studier is a minute ease doing something else. And that's good for neither you nor us. We will talk more on this that I promise you. Last of you. Why are you here? And his eyes turn to you, Chungus.
Jungus' hand will raise to the leather pouch around his neck that contains the cards, most of which he's forged himself, and he'll cast an eye up into the skies above and simply say, destiny. I've read that my destiny has brought me here. I know that I am destined
For greatness, I know that I am destined for something bigger. I keep seeing signs of a collision. I don't know what it means. I feel like it's intertwined with my purpose, but everything's led me to this point and I'm hoping that from here I'll be led further.
As that happens, there seems to be this, and what you see is this orb appears above the platform where the elderly goblin is. Skrymar turns and goes, the council acknowledges a question from the goblin clan. And Rup Tor steps forward and goes, why are there three goblin kin from three tribes all here together? Are you tribeless?
And that's a question towards the free goblin kin amongst you, Ucaburra, Kratz, and Changus. As I understand it, I am. I was with the tribe, but there was some sort of volcanic activity maybe a week or so ago, and I believe I'm the only remaining member of my former clan. Much to my own shame and disgrace, I was
Rejected by what remained of my clan. And I... My eyes just stare at you, Chungus, after hearing the other two. We are in the makings of a new tribe. The three of us. And you kind of look and nod to those by your side. The Bongwaters. Ah! It's a good name.
I like their answer, Skrymer. Skrymer then glances back at all of you and says, What is this business that you bring us of the Yuan Ti?

UNT Threats & Secret Intel

We are aware of their movements, yet stay dart underground whenever we attempt to send the Drake Wardens after them.
Tell us, what do you know of their movements? McBenna will look to the group because nobody seems to be saying anything. Not much. One of our companions and McBenna will gesture Ren. She has the gift to be able to see
things far away, as long as we have a connection to that thing. And upon doing said magics, we discover that the person we seek, this kaljeet, appeared to be controlling, manipulating, or leading, or all three of them, a large group of UNT beneath the ground, their destination or direction we were not able to know. But we do know
that Karl Gieters tied himself or is using the UNT to further his own goals, which I assure you threaten all. What would you ask of this council? Let us go get our job done.
The council will consider your request and have an answer for you upon the morrow. Consider the request! We don't need permission to follow through with our own goals. And we did not seek permission. A poor choice of words. From who? From myself.
I do not wish to keep you from your quarry but rather help you in finding this one who appears to be leading the Yuan Ti. I have a knowledge of the Yuan Ti and I believe I will know where your erstwhile former friend is taking them. Where's that? Why can't you tell us?
for the same reason that teleportation magic is banned within this city. This cat bastard of a creature seems to be massing some kind of large coo of yoantives and you're going to hesitate in telling us where they are so we can stop them.
I'm sorry but I know I'm old and I'm not very smart but there's something that's not quite right about that statement. I do not know where they are but I believe I may know where they are going. Well tell us that then. He glances around at the audience and says this session
of the council is ended. Our guests here will be taken to Morkar's hearth on the lower level where they will be treated with all respect and courtesy due to them. With all due respect we are not done here. With all due respect our response is a pile of dino dung. He comes towards you and says
under his breath. Whilst the Yuan Ti would not attack this city head on, they think nothing of sacrificing the lesser beings in their ranks. They may have infiltrators amongst this crowd. Then why call a meeting in the first place? I am honoured and bound
to the rights of this city. Then protect your people better. That is what I am doing. In the meantime perhaps then if you know we're here to help or we're going to try and sort out this UNT problem you can direct us where we can get some of ourselves some better equipment and get ourselves ready for whatever fight this is.
or give us some of yours if it's good. I have equipment that I can give you. The darkness where you say you are leading, I believe it is the Arctic horizon. That is what you are anticipating, is that right? It is, and whatever dangers we might face.
In exchange for you willingly staying the night, I will in turn offer you whatever equipment you need. I will grant all of you with the exception of the girl freedom of the city. She will have to be confined to the accommodation that we provide for you. No.
He seems slightly stunned at that. I am offering you everything you need to find this person and the freedom of the city in good faith. All I ask is that the one who can cast teleportation magic remains somewhere safe.
Well, it was nice meeting you. I suppose we should leave the city now. Wait, wait, wait, wait. The sign guy steps forward and just kind of puts a hand on Drago's shoulder. Just give me a minute. If I may be so bold as to ask, bye.
looked after what do you mean what happened to her do you mean there's just one of your guard with us or does she are you saying she gets locked away what are you implying here let's just get all the facts stronger before we just we bluntly refuse yeah so could you could you fill us in a little bit more please my my brother here seems to have an issue with it follow me
Okay. She stays close to me. As long as she's not left on her own. If I may interject. She stay close to me. Perhaps as proving
of Clan Bongwater's place here and in seeking the approval of the Council of the Formation of Clan Bongwater, you may entrust Clan Bongwater to be the personal escort of this person of interest. Put her in our charge.
We will ensure that she is kept under control here in the city. No. In the hopes that you will recognize our clan. She, Ren, is not a drink. You cannot control her.
And I'm not gonna let you try to contain her. She had given a word, her word, that she won't use magic. If that is not enough for you, then we will be on our way, no quarrel. And we have gone this far without you.
Don't make the mistake that if you're not here, we won't find our quarry. Take her at her word. Or we are done. You all have a part to play in saving the world from the darkness that this Karl Jeet wishes to unleash. Very well.
I haven't you have no cause to trust me without me fully explaining the picture to you as I say follow me and in turn on the morrow I promise you I will ensure personally that you get to where this Carl GT is heading before he does why you would trust me for that you will have to follow me also
new goblin clan, I will personally grant you permission to climb the mountain and to forge the memory ruins that you seek to do so. And all I ask in return for this moment is that you follow me so that I may explain to you the situation safe from the eyes of others. So clan Bongwater is official.
It is not for me to judge that you will have to go to the halls of the Goblin Kin to do so. I think that's good enough for me. It's not a no. It's not a no. Ren, what are your thoughts? I don't want to. I'm not going to do any teleportation if that's what you're worried about.
I don't understand the hostility. And nor would you. However, if you follow me, it will all become clear.

Hidden Areas & Teleportation Mysteries

And Scrymar starts to walk down the mountain path. If you follow, Scrymar leads you back down the mountain path, all the way to the foot of the city.
You see him as he reaches the foot, go up to the lake at the bottom of the waterfall, and he starts to walk into the water, turns to you all at the very foot of the waterfall and says, come, and then walks through the waterfall. So I think I was going to shrug, look back at Drago. Well, I guess we kind of asked for this, and he's going to walk through.
We need to do a lot of walking today, but let's go. Yeah. Follow. Sooty. I just ran a bath about a month ago. I don't want to go in the water for a walk. Drago is keeping an eye on Ren though, and although Ren stormed off at the start of this whole day, has now kept her step and acts as her guard and stays within her shadow.
Yeah, the anger and anguish that she seemed to felt earlier, she stopped trying to distance herself from you. Even she's unnerved by the sheer volume of attention that she's got. The fact that five very large adolescent drakes were sent to effectively escort her to the city was the start of what was unnerving her. And being on this very public display seems to have, well, she's quite willing to stay close to you at the minute.
As you make your way through the waterfall you find yourself in this great cavernous space. It's just a large open clearing of earth that you find yourself in. Though it becomes clear immediately what you can see on the floor.
a series of scratchings and arcanic scribbles that those of you who have encountered teleportation circles before, in fact, that's pretty much all of you now, probably with the exception of Syengar. In fact, no, from shadow men, Syengar would even have seen them as well. Skrymar turns to you all and says, this is the only teleportation circle in Dash Kalray.
The great mountain that we are now standing within, a various gift, is connected to another mountain, far in the arctic horizon. That is where your friend is going. The darkness that dwells there is of the most serious and desperate nature. If your friend is going there with the Yuan Ti,
is because he means to unlock whatever darkness is there. He will find no easy passage for the horizon. However, should you prove yourself to be ready of the task of stopping him, I will allow the girl here to open this teleportation circle.
and allow you to get to where your friend is going. You're asking us to prove a future. I'm asking you to prove to me that every person here can put aside the differences that there are amongst you. We ever guardians see much and I saw what happened between you.
Just this evening past. I need to know. How? I am one with the verandian. What its trees see, I see. So you just need us to tell you that we are a team. And that's good enough for you. That's the proof you need.
I need you to embrace the power of memory to unlock all that you need to fight this creature. It's a bloody good job we came here then because it looks like we wouldn't have had any chance if we hadn't. Indeed. Your friend has aligned himself to a powerful race and if they follow him
It is because they deem him the best chance they have for bringing the power that they serve back to this world. A creature from the Shadowfell, known as the Dark Serpent,
What would you do if we failed this test? That we were allowed to act as individuals and agree that not all of us are aligned and we fail and Ren doesn't open up this teleportation and so you have Karl go up the mountain unobstructed unlock this serpent
What will you do? How will you best defend your place, your city? Answer me that, because I am not a pawn no more. I have already done that. I created the Arctic Horizon. I am the reason that land was turned to ice and snow. I planted the Everguardians to protect my people.
Sounds like you're powerful enough to deal with this Dark Serpent on your own then. The Dark Serpent is... I have a complicated relationship with him. Right, so you need us to go and deal with this for you. Your Drake Riders are busy, I assume then. The Drake Wardens.
The drakes will not pass into the Arctic horizon. The magic there keeps them and those creatures of the Feywild from entering. How convenient. Right. It is a protective measure in itself. There are those amongst my people in this city who would see the dark serpent returned. I mean, it sounds like you really need us then.
Doesn't really matter what we say. Without it, you're a bit fucked. Do you know what the Arctic Horizon conceals? Do I look like I know? It conceals a land of death. It conceals a land of decay. He turns to you, Drago. Thousands of years ago,
The dark serpent entered a pact with a creature that you know, a creature by the name of Grazette. Within this relationship, the dark serpent swore to serve Grazette, though he chose to betray him. For this betrayal, Grazette abandoned the dark serpent, and we were able to imprison it
However, with Grazette's death, the dark serpent has clearly decided that the turn is now ripe for him to return to this kingdom, to this mortal realm. You ask what accountability you have for this. In saving the world, you may have opened up
a new jeopardy and that created an environment in which an old one can return. And I will shoulder this burden, although it does please me to hear that Grazette is actually dead. I have no problem with going to do this task and this deed. I have a problem with the way that you're presenting it, as if it's a holier than thou. You are doing us the favours and all you need in return is a happy team talk.
I am not a Drake. I do not like the way that you conduct business. I do not like the way that you treat my blood. And yet, it seems that I can do you a great service here. And I agree.
I need to do this for what I've done in the past. You can either help me without judgment, without rules, or you can simply refuse and have that burden on your shoulders. But let's have a line of respect here. I know
that I am ready to go. I am willing to say the same for McBenna. As much as I don't want to, I can say the same for Ren. Saingar, I hope, will join. And for the Clan Chungus, it's not for me to make their choices. And it's not for me to align us. Regardless, I am going.
That should be enough for you. You make fair points. This city has a power. A power to return that is lost, to enhance and bring true essence of memory.

Memory Essence & Its Wonders

Perhaps you would grant me a favour
I ask of you the means to show you what can be achieved through the essence of memory. That's far more reasonable than asking us to align on our faiths. He turns to Ren and says,
I believe you have the ability to summon a familiar. She nods. Please. And she summons the same bird that she summoned before. She summons her own version of Nura. Skrymar holds out his hand and the bird flies towards him. It lands upon his forearm.
And he gently starts to stroke it under the beak and says, do you know how you were able to do this child? And she shakes her head. This bird is summoned from the essence of memory. Is it not your mother or someone close to you is able to cast them? My mother and my brother.
The amlet of Akiva around your neck, Dragonborn. I ask you to focus on it for a moment. Yeah, well, I haven't had much luck with that since I've been back, but as you wish. Dragga would grasp it with his right hand, close his eyes, and send a thought up to Akiva, because he has been trying throughout this whole Shadow Men campaign, but with no
Joy. So here we go. The amulet will start pulsing red as it feels, Drago's energy and wishes. Joy to himself. You get a feeling. You're pinged by a memory. The darkness of the ember-scarbed light. A line of horses in front of you.
and the bond to a particular horse, a creature by the name of Brood. And what happens is, if your eyes flicker open, is you expand a second level spell slot. Don't do this. And you cast the spell, find a steed, the second level paladin spell.
And what you hear after a few moments, thinking nothing has happened, is the sound of horse poofs. And suddenly this creature comes through the waterfall and stands in front of you. It glistens with the markings of the Feywild. But beyond that, its movements, its manners, its eye colour, its height, everything about it
is the essence of brood, returned via the form of memory, as you yourself tap into the same magic of Robin and Rem, and are able to summon forth a creature from the Feywild, bestowed in the memories of your bond with Brood. It is no trick, I promise you,
How is this possible? As Drago reaches a hand towards Brood, how does Brood respond? As he normally would, that bond is strong. This is the essence of memory and the powers that it can unlock. I don't understand. The Feywild in itself compresses time.
The Feywild itself is the very essence of time. And from that time, you reach into your own memories and are able to summon back to the Material Plane, that which you are bonded with. He's still alive in the Material Plane, right? In the Sword Ghost? I do not have that answer. But...
Your bond is strong enough to be able to summon him back to this plane, much like the girls and her mother's bird. If some motherfucker has killed Brood in the Sword Coast, Brood has someone killed you? Brood gives no kind of response to that or nothing that you can maintain. He just seems to be incredibly happy to be in your presence.
Another question for another time maybe, but I am glad you are here. Thank you. You are welcome. There is one more thing that we can forge from you, from the essence of memory. We have a forge, and I assume in this fight your father's sword would be of use.
I laid that sword to rest some time ago. Saingarm, can you wield our father's sword? He takes a long, hard look at you, almost like, you know I can't, and words I can hold the sword.
I can never wield it the way he did. Indeed, I assume the way you have. My strengths have never been in the brutal force of you both. My strength has always been in my dexterous ability to move quickly with agility and using strength in small and specific bursts. I can hold the sword, I can carry the sword. Can I do it justice? Can I do it honor?
That's a pain to me to say. Absolutely not. Maybe after this we can spend some time when you can learn. Aye. I like that very much. It would be incredibly helpful to wield Dengon's deception once more. Then I will make it so.
All I ask in return is that you spend the night in this city and then at dawn we will ascend the mountain. I will allow your goblin kin friends here to forge the runes that they wish to forge in honor of their fallen. And I will allow you access to the memory forge. And what of Ren?
If you were vouched for the girl, she is free to wander the city. How about if she vouches for herself? I don't take any offence for it, but yeah, I will try and open that thing, I promise, and she points towards the teleportation circle.
She won't let you down. On that, you have my word. I appreciate it.
I mean, this is all great and Drago has told me a lot about how good his sword was when he was telling a story about him being the fighter of the black. So what about the rest of us, you know? It would be good for us all to have pretty powerful stuff to go fight in this big thing you want us to fight. Just saying, he's got a horse with a sword at this. We all just got wet for a waterfall.
Never want the D&D players mentality, but yeah, but what do I get? I can't from riding into the sunset with Dangon's inception by motherfuckers! That was the old World of Warcraft thing where you could vote on which item you wanted. I wanted the fucking whole thing. Yeah, hang on. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We wanted a bid for that loot. Yeah. You are welcome to yourself.
recall any artifacts that you may have from the Memory Forge, there is also as well Morkars who is able to provide you with a host of wonderful and useful items in exchange for whatever Morkar could ask for in return. You might also as well seek out
Mygan is able to provide a host of wares for you to find your way through. It sounds like we're going to need pretty powerful stuff, so hopefully you've got big magics around here. The sort of stuff that's in the storybooks, not like you're common shite. I'm talking like, you know, stuff that shoots lightning and that kind of stuff.
I think more horses out of waterfalls, please. You are free to wander the city. I'm sure you will find what you're looking for. Great.
Thanks, sorry, just to fill the silence. OK, so, right. I think the rest of us are all a little bit miffed off that somebody's got a fucking horse and a sword. Drago gets a horse and a sword, and the rest of us have to sort of go scrambling around. I see. OK. Drago, well done, mate. You've clearly won this guy over. Does anyone remember when someone in the party took a load of jewels out of a bank vault that could probably be used to exchange? Yeah, which is great, mate. I can buy loads of fucking stuff. Rest my fucked.
And all I ask is that I be granted access to have a look at those memory rooms alongside Ookaburra and Kratzia. We do that for our tribe. We do that together. Just granted. Yeah, boys. Go Bogwaters.
Yes, I think I called you to Clan Chungus earlier. It wasn't those two, but I let it slide. We are a relatively new tribe. Yes. Are we going to need a flag? Yes, and some sort of tabard. I like where this is going. I'll start working on membership cards. And maybe like a sigil based around some sort of creature.
that bear no oh bears are not gonna survive long in this jungle something bigger i think i've got just the thing is it a flying tiger because these guys killed it too no i'll show you it i'll work on it if you wish to catch my guy his shop is my waterfront
He will be closing within the coming hours, but I believe you'll have the time to make it there before he does. We do have business with Micah, so that'd be useful. Fair enough. I will come find you on the morrow when you are ready to take your accommodation this evening. Head towards Morkah's hearth. We will put you in the finest rooms that we have there.
Do you know what this mygar thing reminds me of? Mygar. It reminds me of like a WWE match where the audience keep going, what? What? What's that kind of thing I think? Are you making your way to mygar's? Mygar, yeah. Certainly, Macbeth is like, right then, Drago, let's go find mygar.
Drago, you keep saying MAGA after me. MAGA! It must be the cave. It must be the echo in this cave, maybe. Hang on, let me try again. MAGA! MAGA! I'm the chicken old. Go on, Drago.
I was just going to drag. I was going to acknowledge McBenna agreed. Um, do, uh, brood. Do you stay or shift into a different plane?
This is very new. I think that's actually up to you. If you wish to dismiss him, he will return to the Feywild. Yeah, you can just cast that spell and summon him, is what Rem will say to you. If you can do it the way I do it, that is. How about you just stay around? And as for the Forge of my Sword,
When does that take place? With all respect. I will come and find you at dawn. Okay. Let's go and find this merchant of yours, MacBenna. Okay.
You make your way back through the waterfall, and as you pass the fishing huts that seem to decorate the southern part of this, or the bottom of this city, you eventually come to what appears to be like a traveler's shop. You can see that the lights are on.
and you can see that there is still smoke coming from the chimney. It has a thatched roof. I assume you're all going straight in.
Okay, as you as you enter the shoulder, you, you all latches, you follow them in, you see something quite strange. You see what appears to be someone sat upon a chair. And these
what we could only describe as fucks, they're humans, and this is the first humans you've seen in the city, just appear to be levying this person with punches.

Confrontation at Mygar's Shop

This person falls off the chair and looks at you all and just says, help me, please help me. Gentlemen, we have business with my guard, it would appreciate, it would be mighty appreciated if you both fucked off.
Who the fuck are you? Well, I'm the one, we're the ones that are gonna kill you if you don't fuck off. We're not gonna kill, we're just, if you wouldn't mind- Let him talk, let him talk. Oh, shit. And as you say that, the second figure turns around and looks like he's about to join the conversation, but his eyes clock you, Macbenna, and look at you, and he then goes,
I don't fucking believe this. I'll tell you who that is, he says to the other one. This fucker went into Fatherkeep with a promise towards Drezlin and hasn't kept it. Nice to see you again, by the way. And McBenna, you recognise this second thug as Torvid, the guide who
took you all to the outskirts of the city of Fatherkeep. And as you process this and take this in, that's where we're going to leave it for tonight's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop.
Prude is back! Yes, let's give Darren... Let's give Ian the weapon that can kill a plot in one hit. A little god slayer.
Oh demigod Slayer. Wow. Right I need to go shopping for wondrous items guys, just saying. As if you get into the shopping time mate, they're gonna kill you. Take all your money. You're gonna need to borrow Ukaburra's money. Where's the shop? I can kill him. I've got Drago next to me. My boy's there. Drago's trying to wrestle a fae horse through the shop. He doesn't understand.

Closing Remarks & Listener Engagement

And if you too wanted to play with any of us, you could find us on our social media pages. Give us a DM. Give us a like.
I don't know. There's many things you can do online nowadays. If you wanted to keep up to date with the podcast, you can do so on our social media pages, aforementioned. We have a website as well, which is the, and everything else is just basically at Fellowship Table, which leads me to say thank you for tuning in and listening. Make us a part of your everyday week. We love you for it. We heart you for it. All of the hearts for you all. Hmm. Yes.
You've kind of segwayed. If you want to follow us individually, you can do so. I'm at iRoller1. Will is at... Natural20Will. Howam is at... TheD20Gamer. Danny is at... Total Party Thrills. RentaWill is at... Fellowship NPC PC.
Mark is at hasty roll. Roll DM. And our wonderful DM, who's granted me many, many, many riches and wishes. You gave a quick hand, didn't you? I've got to say, there's something going off onto the table. Can we find that? I have a group of salty players, or Darren Page, those sticks. Here's to happy endings.