Do you want healthy, strong, fit children? A powerful lesson that most will never learn. image
S1 E11 · Russell Jones Speaks
Do you want healthy, strong, fit children? A powerful lesson that most will never learn.
Do you want healthy, strong, fit children? A powerful lesson that most will never learn.

Almost 20 years ago I met someone who has been instrumental in changing the trajectory of not only my health and my family’s health but he has also changed mindsets.

I’ve been blessed to have 2 people in my life who have continually modeled the question ‘what is humanly possible?’ And have demonstrated to me how I can apply that in my life. That approach to life is not limited to only physical things & comes with a mindset few ever consider.

I came to Jay seeking help for one of my children and stepped into a world I never imagined. His system is not just for the elite athletes he has trained but for all human beings. It’s to give everyone the opportunity to live as the miracle we are all gifted by birth. Some choose to apply it to sport, some choose to apply it to normal daily activities. It is for those of any age.

When I met Jay, I had been working in the personal fitness field and was performing as a strength athlete for over 20 years and I thought I knew fitness. I didn’t. Not only did I have to learn new things but unlearn so much.

My hope for today’s podcast is that you can have ears to hear what is being discussed. It can change your life for the better as it did mine.

Welcome Jay Schroeder!

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4 days ago

Almost 20 years ago I met someone who has been instrumental in changing the trajectory of not only my health and my family’s health but he has also changed mindsets.

I’ve been blessed to have 2 people in my life who have continually modeled the question ‘what is humanly possible?’ And have demonstrated to me how I can apply that in my life. That approach to life is not limited to only physical things & comes with a mindset few ever consider.

I came to Jay seeking help for one of my children and stepped into a world I never imagined. His system is not just for the elite athletes he has trained but for all human beings. It’s to give everyone the opportunity to live as the miracle we are all gifted by birth. Some choose to apply it to sport, some choose to apply it to normal daily activities. It is for those of any age.

When I met Jay, I had been working in the personal fitness field and was performing as a strength athlete for over 20 years and I thought I knew fitness. I didn’t. Not only did I have to learn new things but unlearn so much.

My hope for today’s podcast is that you can have ears to hear what is being discussed. It can change your life for the better as it did mine.

Welcome Jay Schroeder!
