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Ep. 112 Alpha Academy - Bellum Draconis image

Ep. 112 Alpha Academy - Bellum Draconis

S2 E112 ยท The Fellowship of the Tabletop
25 Plays2 months ago

For our third challenge, join Alpha and Reigns as they roll the dice to see if the odds are in their favour.

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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade

Music kindly provided by Fesliyan Studios


Unexpected Punches and Welcome

ah i and then he's going be pun frames in the back of the
Psych! And then he's going to punch Reigns in the back of the head.

Introduction to the Podcast

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's live episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop, Bellum, Draconis and the final of our three rounds of the Champion Desert People. We are a live play 5e D and&D podcast set in the magical homebrew world of Aerith. We are seven episodes into an all dayer and we are in the magical world of Aerith in the Kingdom of Dralak. Joining you for this week's episode as everyone checks the board to see if my maths is correct because it's not. We've got a couple of familiars, and then a couple of unfamiliars. Firstly, the familiars. We've got Darren, who plays the High Elf Artificer Reigns. We're in the endgame now. Finish your name, but okay, fine. We've got the Edgelord Callum, who plays the Warforged Artificer Alpha.
let's get it on we've got will who plays a dragonborn druid baal valcon fuality we've also got playing new characters for this episode only we've got poober who is playing bogrim stone fist hilwarf we've got ear new plays that they thever The Human Ranger Cailin Windrunner. And that means my name is Mark, and I am playing Seth's worst nightmare. Volus Stone Tusk. He all play as a serious man crush on all haters. That's so funny. It's worse than me. And my last but my new means least is our Maestro of Magic, our Commander of Combat. Our vegan queen behind the DM screen had to bring it back. Dungeon Master Danny! Hi!

A Humorous Scene in Sleepguard

We pan over to Sleepguard and we see swimming nude in a small pool of water outside the docks of Sleepguard. Old girl who's paddling kind of like the image of the album Nirvana's Nevermind with a baby underwater but it's just a wrinkly old man instead. and he's swimming because he's dropped the orb and he grabs the orb from under the water and swims up to the surface and he's holding on to one of the posts that sticks at the bottom of the port with all the barnacles attached he hangs onto it and searches into the orb and clocks us as listener as he regales
It's usually bigger when it's warmer. Woo! Round two. Let me give you a blow-by-blow fly-by. And people try to get central, and the dragon fucks it up and yeets two bitches to a perma-kill. Diplomatic disappointment. Two people run, two people win. The crowd goes boo. Amazing. Diplomatic disappointment.

Setting the Stage in the Arena

We find ourselves now in the third of our four arenas. This arena, as described to you, has been based off the worship of the moon and sun goddesses. that You've heard brains in previous episodes talk a lot about Sol and Selen. It is those two ah goddesses that are being featured in the the decor of today's courtroom, temple-esque aesthetic. The players are about to see on their screens the map for today's encounter.
o du This is a smaller map. So what they're looking at is this temple, this cleared out temple. On the floor are three circles, all with the symbol of the sun in them. Covering two of them is this wispy shadow-like entity.
The competitors are dotted around the perimeter of the room. The rules of this room are very simple. Be the last two standing and let the environment they all learn as the rounds progress.

Arena Rules and Challenges

Where are the exits?
Just Prego's life. Prego looks down, it is things for those of you wanting to try. There is nothing braver than a cappella study. How do I leave before they've even begun? It's environmental. On your map is a series of open windows and open doors. Go to any of those on the perimeter and you can escape. I just thought I'd ask.

Combat Begins

Without any further ado, I'll ask all of you, please, to roll initiative.
Shit. That's the... Anybody above 20. Anybody above 15. And above 10.
you um any listeners are goingnna be chip oh join me at above ten 16.
And above 5. Well, I got an 8. Alpha got an 8. Kalin got a 6. five exactly okay bars higher than i would have thought so yeah yep so it goes bar it goes alpha it goes kaolin and then it goes borgrim i mean why i i always bring like the rear of the ven initiative chief order this okay that is our order over to you bara Viara's gonna immediately turn the minute he gets free, and it's going to dash right up towards Alpha and stand at his back. Nay, he's gonna stand in front of him, facing everyone else. He's gonna turn to Alpha and say... You're passing through! I will defend you and your friends! And turn back to the group. Fists ready. What?
The orc asshole is on our side! hu ah That is... That is funny. That set me up in the audience watching with Nick's popcorn. No, simultaneously. Simultaneously. The only people who would be done by now are the people in the last combat. That's so funny. Thank you, Vara. Anything else you do in the turn?
Um, no, no, nothing really. He's just going to stand there, fist at the ready. He's got a cudgel on his back. Then he's just going to, um, or maybe use the action to, um, defend, um... Dodge. Dodge. Yeah, dodge. Thank you. Reigns.
Raines just had this bellow from around the corner and Raines is going to do what the original plan was. Raines stick to the plan, he's going to neck the potion of hill giant strength and he's going to cast jump on himself. He's going to come around the corner and he's going to leap over to alpha with this orc and go, did he just say he's on our side?
That's the end of my turn. kind of just i got I can't respond to my turn. Barl, over to you. So, Barl is going to ah look immediately to the person that was, or that is next to him, lock eyes on that person, and just go, no hard feelings, and he's gonna summon his Wildfire spirit literally in front of No, sorry ah five feet away from so they're five feet gap between it um So I need that person to make a Dex save for me DC 15 Kaitlyn It is What the fuck you hear me for? Um Dex save you yeah How does
And 19, do your bitch ass. Yeah, that that does my bitch ass. You take nothing, so fuck you. Canine does a flip around it and kind of looks at you and and lands like a superhero after the flip and he he gives you the eyes to say, I'm gonna fuck you up. and And like seeing that and seeing you kind of undamaged with it, he's gonna go,
tata And he's going to sprint forwards by just 10 feet kind of to the north, where he's seen now his friends congregating. This is about survival and victory for Baal. So during this sprint past the wildfire spirit,
ah He's gonna use his bonus action to get the wildfire spirits to fiery teleport him 15 feet from that point Leaving behind a small explosion another deck save bitch um Superhero jump. Yep. That would do how is a 23 fuck?
Another flip, another land on the superhero. now you on mom bar Someone killed that fuck. It's like a Tekken character. yeah i'm flipping The wild, fast spirit is going to move with me, staying just five feet above my head, and I'm sprinting over to where Rains is, just on the right hand side there.
um If I can so I view technically that's 45 feet of movement from where I was overall And with the wild fast spirit, it'll it's got 30 feet of movement. Yeah, this is I 45 for both basically Yeah, I'd like to be on the right hand side of our if I can so kind of yeah Yeah, like like near rain exactly. Yeah, so still in front strong boy reigns. Yeah not blocking him in perhaps maybe one more space to the right if i can do that instead just so that we we everyone's got a clear line of exit escape if needs be thanks me okay well that's the end of your turn just before yours alpha there is a rumble in the room
And one of the wispy pools shoots off northwesterly into the direct the cluster of the four of you that have huddled. Alpha, Pharah, Rains, and it's gonna catch you while on the way through.

Handling Hazards

And they need you all to make wisdom saving throws, please. That was a mistake, wasn't it?
Oof. Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!
welcome ten alpha got twelve twelve rainsco twenty but
raise you take half of this everyone else is taking the full damage ten points of necrotic damage as this swirling black mass covers you in this painful force, and you are all blinded while you're in it. Bal, as it moves through you, your vision doesn't get compromised, you can see fully, but the three of you who are in it, Vara, Alpha, and Reigns, blinded. Oh! Alpha! Alpha, your turn.
um I'm going to quickly respond to Rains now. Yes, it appears Vara is with us. And I'm going to kind of blindly just take a try and back out of the area that has um come into us. um So I'll use 5 feet movement on that. I'm going to cast a Jump on myself.
um and then we're just going to sprint down and jump as far away from this area as what I can do. So I'm kind of on the left side of the map, ye basically making B-line south now. How far can you jump? I ain't working that shit out for you, Callum. Three times your strength. What's your strength number? Fourteen.
ah but it that 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42.
that's where the jumble land you 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42. 42.
boing so not disadvantage for range taking good leaving the safety of numbers in the corner excellent yeah as gonna die chuck Anything else on your turn? No, that's it. Kaylin. Kaylin is like still in his superhero pose from missing Bal's attack twice and he's just gonna swing round on his left knee so he's facing Bal again and still... I'll be mean. Nope. Bal. And so, swing round so he's facing Bal and he's gonna jut two hands out and from the middle of... I'm dorking!
From the middle of the area that Vara, Baal and Rains is in, right in the middle of those three, he's gonna cast Spike Growth. 20-foot sphere, the ground in a 20-foot radius centered on a point within range twists and sprouts hard, spikes and thorns, the area becomes difficult terrain for the duration, When a creature moves into or with the a area it takes 2d4 piercing damage for every 5 feet it travels. The transformation of the ground is camouflaged to look natural. Any creature that can't see the area at the time of the spell must make a wisdom perception check against your spell save DC to recognise the terrain as hazardard hazardous before entering. So that's you and Valor, isn't it? Oh man. Okay.
Cool move. He's a very cool move, he's a very cool guy and he's gonna stand up and and then again in like a comic book who you really sort of think PSI is over a bowel gives him a nod. Whatcha got?
Anything else for the other day? That's it. Nice. Ballgrim. So, Ballgrim's going to... He's got his arm around it and then his helmet has what appears to be two cups and there appears to be two straws going to his mouth. He appears to be slurping from these as he fights and he actually ah surges because everyone's ignored him and everything got away he's going to move his 25 feet uh over to the towards the middle of the room for to there and he's going to look towards oh i can't there
And I'm going to sort of look, he looks towards where Baal and Alpha are, and he says, a fine day for watching sparrows, isn't it? And then he's going to cast ah Acid Splash on Caelan. Okay.
Can Cailin make a deck save please? Yeah, he's been fucking rolling these. He's going to flip off the wall. Super Mario over here just bouncing. Now he's going to do a kick flick off the, kick flip off the wall. Thank you so much. For 24. So he runs up the wall, flips down. yeah So this gives you the eagle eyes. So this splash of acid hits the floor. You dodge it straight away. Nice.
Nice. Thank you, Borgrim. It is the other Shadow's turn, and it is going to go to the next largest cluster of individuals. And it's going to zoom across the room and hit Alpha and Kaylin again. What the fuck? What do I need to make? ah If it's a deck save. Wisdom saves, both of you, please. No, he's dumb as fuck. He's a pretty boy, but dumb as rocks.
What did you get? 17. Alpha? 10. Okay, you will take half. Alpha is gonna die. You'll take full damage of two points of necrotic damage. You'll take one point of necrotic damage. And Caelan hits his heart and he just rolls around on the ground. I love him. I hate him. Okay. Top of the round, Pharah, you're up.
And Vara's not been enjoying that, and he's blind, and everywhere I walk is spikes, is that right? Yeah. But he doesn't know that. He doesn't know that because he's blinded. ah he's going to He's going to complete what he was going to do initially, which is going to he's going to back up and try and move out of the the blind, this thing that's coming forward towards him, and move backwards. And then your vision returns. ah But then I've also taken 2D4.
correct damage if you roll that or do you want to roll it in 2d4 i'll fucking roll it and that's 20 of your movement speed because it's difficult terrain as well too that's fine i don't need to move any further you're concentrating on spike growth uh i am yes can you roll for the necrotic damage you just took could you imagine that one point yeah oh no what is it but you're off the failed check unless it's your oh wait shit never mind 11 fine um take two g four Spiky boy damage that's right coming for you. I love your dice man, by the way. Thank you very much super cool six
points of piercing damage well for every five feet you travel yeah travel to five feet yep great spell okay so you now stepped out your vision is back yeah what does bara do it's going to turn and just go ha psych and then he's going to be playing frames in the back of the head
So the first is a 8th match. So I've tried to hit a fail but can I still float? So you have your bonus action anyway.
Which is one pledge, a glory blows for two. I wanted to use, um, a glory blows. So you use a glory blows as a key point? As a key point. And then you give it two, and I'm attacked. Even if I missed the hit, I tried, okay. Two hits, that's a 17, nope. And a natural one. So that's bang, bang, bang, I can use two attacks. So the last one will be a stunning strike, uh, uh, which is a... Yeah, you roll to hit first. Roll to hit first.
21. Stunning strike. Sorry, do the damage and then it's... Yeah, save. Do any damage for this one. no do no stick Still takes damage with damage. Four points of bludgeoning damage. It's been a key point. Make targets stun until the end of your next turn if you fail a con saving throw. The save is 12 DC. Con save.
Stun. Stun. It rolled from a 19. Rolled from a 19 and then went to the 1. Reigns, it's your turn. Is that your own turn? Are you doing any movement, Varro? I've used Kia, I've attacked twice. That's everything I can do. Okay. Sike! Reigns, it's your turn. You are stunned, blinded and standing in very spiky growth.

Reigns' Struggle and Perseverance

You have two effects here that trigger at the end of your turn. One is recovering from the stunning strike, and one is a second round of necrotic damage from the shadow. This is to the end of my next turn. End of your next turn. Thank you. Then it's just the wisdom save, please, for the necrotic.
At 18. Okay, you would take half, so you take two points in necrotic damage, and are still blinded. That's the whole turn, because you are stunned. Ball.
fuck Wildfire Spirit between myself and Reigns, 15 feet of movement speed back and to the right. So basically back into the centre of the room, if I can. If that means it gets Reigns out of the... ah Because the Wildfire Spirit can teleport anyone that's within 5 feet of it that's that's obviously friendly.
yeah um if that I think it it should be able to move him because it's not the full diameter of the the sphere. It should be able to move him out of the um the spike growth. That's the intention. yeah If it can't, I'll obviously change what I'm planning to do. Would would you allow it to be him to be moved out? yeah Yep, awesome. In which case, bonus action, that's what it's gonna do. Varrah's not within the the speed of it to be able to get that. um So he's moving out of there. he Can he see... I don't think he can see um the other person that was doing backflips and shit.
Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, okay Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn, so it looks really important to people who kind of group around yeah yeah not a problem so what i will do is i'll cast an eye back over my shoulder to where this other person is literally just uh say with the beer out on his head it's a wonderful day for looking as far as
I don't fucking know anymore, but I'm gonna take one step further to the, so I'm right in the center of that beautiful kind of sun imagery on the floor. And I am going to look at my mortal enemy Kalin and go, that's how you fucking like it, and cast Hold Person, so I need a Wisdom Save from them. What's the sexual energy again between you and Ian's character? Oh, you want, you got, oh, you want a- Give me a Wisdom Save.
Come on, you can't stop trying to come at me. Fuck you. Uh, 19. Shit's wrong, well. Now, I'm blind. And you still can't hit me. That's an ability check, isn't it? No, it's a save that I've asked him to do. but Save. Okay, sorry, I just didn't know whether, because he's blinded by this language. But I'd like you to know, that even though I'm blind, and I can't look you in the eye, I'm still comic book style, black screen, eyes peering at you, and getting narrower.
And then the hand comes in front of my face, all five fingers. and be bey be Cuck, you said I'm a motherfucker. Out of interest, what are you wearing, Caylen? John Cena outfit. No, I am wearing... I'm a human ranger and I have got... Any fillings?
um yeah Alpha, put your hand in his mouth. um Just the hand? that should Should fit you with a metal detector off. What sort of armour? I've got scale mail. Okay, that.
Long bows, arrows, and glows are trams. Cool. Cool. Cool. End of your turn. Cool. Use my bonus action, use my action, use some movement. and I'm good where I am, I think. try You receive three points of healing, Baal.
Next person, oh, it is the first shadow's turn. And it is now no longer serving a purpose. Everyone has moved out. So it's going to large then move to the next largest cluster it can find. It's going to move through Rains and end on Baal. So Rains are going to sustain, so Baal and Rains need to make wisdom saving throws.
17. Same. ah So you both take two points of necrotic damage, that's half for you. Tasty. Baal, you are blinded. Fuck. Rains, you were temporarily blinded and as the shade moved through you, your vision returns. Alpha. Just what you've done has changed what I'm going to do. Is alpha blinded or not? Alpha is not... I think it went blinded. Past me or through me.
I'm blinded, aren't I? You are, i just blind going did did it did yeah. I still can't hit me! I can't see you me! It's legitimate, where's my hand? Sorry about this, I just need to check a range on something.
and be
Okay, so what Alpha is going to do, he's going to move back ah towards where Reigns and Barl is and he knows he's putting himself in a little bit of a dangerous situation here. How far are you moving? Within the the square that's within 10 feet of them both. Yep. So that's there. Brilliant. How much movement did I use there? About 20.
I'm going to activate my Eldritch Cannon and I'm going to use the Protector Feet on it. okay oh um So I'm going to give myself, Baal and Rains some temporary hit points. Amazing. It's like an overshield inhaler. Beautiful.
you get seven temporary hit points great and then my last little bit of movement I'm just going to move away because already I've picked up on this thing seems to be hovering around where there's crowds I'm going to use 10 feet of movement just to move over to the left side of the map back away from them in in various direction or yeah straight yeah yeah over there great thank you very much that takes us to Cailin's turn
I'm going to move in a almost like a dance type movement, 10 feet. um My back's against a wall. So I'm going to move 10 feet north, which will be onto to my left. And as soon as I'm out and I see alpha, I'm going to, in one beautiful movement again, as if everything is done by an extension of dance, ah withdraw my bow and an arrow all at once, nook and fire at alpha. Okay, go for it.
Does a 19 hit. I'm going to use shield. So no. Okay. Um, now I've never played a ranger before. It does say attacks per action too. Can I do another again? Um, did it hit your shield? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Comic book style, narrowing the eyes again. No, no, no. And he takes the arrow from his quiver. Bang again. Uh, for a ha.
an eight. This is my first fail. Apparently you're fighting Puss in Boots as well. He's fighting a bow and arrow. That's the end of my go. Thank you. Borgrim. So Borgrim looks to the group and says, I can spread out, you idiots. And he's going to then move 25 feet towards the middle. 10, 15,
and five And then he's going to look towards Caelan and say, dodge this, you cocky fuck. And I'm going to cast magic missile at him. Nice. Nice. Nice. So three of these darts come whistling out of... Is it four? It's four, magic missile.
Darts, three. Well, three, okay. Slick it with the crabs. We found out Darren's been cheating on magic missile constantly.
And he takes, Cailin takes seven points of force damage as they slam into him. eat shit Again, he overtly takes it as well. He doesn't just bravely take it. He's like,
Your wife and kids screaming from the side. No! Anything else? People are so close to retirement. Ball grin. Ball grin. Yeah. Ball grin. Anything else? ah That action... No, I have no other actions. Okay.
It is the second shade's turn, and it it is going to go for Alpha and Borgrim. Oh, wait, wait, wait, yep, sorry. um I've got to make a con save on my spiky growth growth, thank you. You know you can just tell me that rather than try and mime it to me. Oh, I need to be further apart. um It's gone. Fuck you! ah Need to be further than 10 feet. Okay, Alpha and Borgrim, you need to make wisdom saves, please.
Oh shit, Varus now got nineteen lads amazing alpha got su clean So you both take half of nine, you take five points and you just watch as these black swirls grow in size. Top of the round, round three, Baro. Fucking hell.
Varro's going to sprint across. Don't don't don't don't. 15-30. There's a punch. There's the gate' no going. I was amping up for something. I think you were at advantage as well. um Yes. So the first one is going to be an unarmed strike with advantage. So it's 19 or 15, go to 19. Hit it. You're going to take seven points of bludgeoning damage. Second one is other.
I'm gonna try stunning strike again The advantage isn't it? Sorry Darren about this It's an unnatural 20 Seven more points of bludgeoning damage and stunned. He's got all the cons. Okay stunned I'll let you do that first. How many key points you got left? Two
give um Yep, just doing the confidence round. That's alright. 20. Okay, so no stun with that. And then bonus action. That's my fourth. Completing my mission. Completing what I've been told. Will be a Floria Burks. Floria Blows. He says Floria Burks. He's up with advantage now. Oh no, it is until the end of my next game. Oh yeah.
So it's a a 24 so that's that's 5 and 2. 7 more points of... yep Well that would have negated some back down to 11 because that's the 10 points film. Then it's a natural one or i'm sorry a 70 so it's taking 11 off rather than... and then 22. Yeah it is.
one. So ah three points of bludgeoning damage. You are no longer stunned. You're no longer stunned now. And then Baro's going to read the scene, read what's been happening with the blobs and stuff, and is then going to is use 15 foot or 40 foot movement. He's going to back off ah taking the attack for opportunity if needs be. He's still stoned technically until the end of your turn. Why can't I move him? I'm moving the whole map apologies.
ah He's going to skidaddle back 15 foot into the corner to pick up what's going on here. Great. Raines beaten but no longer stunned. Raines is going to leap after Vara.
And with his hill giant strength, he's going to shove him out of the arena. out the window Nice. it's Out of the window. That's a window as' an open window you pack up to. Okay, so you need to make an athletics or acrobatics check. You... no, sorry. Rains, straight athletics. Vara, you can choose athletics or acrobatics to negate.
say That's awesome. rains go I rolled a 23 to hit. No, it's a shove. No, it's using the attack axe. You can make a special melee attack to shove a creature. Yeah, so still got to roll to hit. So it's a melee attack, special melee attack for shove. The target has been no more than one size larger than numerous within your reach. Instead of making an attack, I'll start apologies. Well no, there's two paragraphs, it's pretty weirdly. It's all right, well, I got this. I've been shoving all my life in this game. But it's weirdly written though, no, it's not just me that says it's weirdly weirdly written. Just so far. He's using the attack action, but you've got a melee weapon attack. Feed the roll that Darren just... 23. 23.
I got 11 in total. You're yeeted out of the mat. Range is for five foot. Five foot. I'm at the window's edge. The window's edge. Can I describe how I do it? yep he's still in He's still in the arena, Darren. You haven't pushed him out. Probably don't describe. He's got two attacks, right? He's got two attacks. Oh yeah, you can go again.
The first one, Reigns is going to run in and he's just going to, feeling the thunder, run through his gauntlet. He's going to cock it and he's just going to come in with a flying punch and smack this person. thundersru And then he's going to do it again. To shove him out the arena.
for mom ti wrong with fifteen twenty twenty five You got a 30 foot movement. yeah Yeah, good. That's it. You're a max after this one. Same again. Do me baby. but i want I want you to do this.
23 again. Ain't no way you saving that. No, I got 14. Now you may describe how you knock him out of the arena. So the first one comes in and just sends him back. The second one, he then just pulls out a boot and just sends him flying through the window. And he just goes... You put out an actual boot. It's going to go... Sike, Sike, you're ugly too fuck.
Seth will be very proud, Reigns. and but you see as as virus sort of holds his footing after you've knocked him out tries to get back in thinking there's not nothing's gonna happen and he is just vamped and this force just propels him away from the arena entirely and he looks furious and he just stalks you from the outside of the arena the entire time Ranchers his chest back and goes, who are? No, he doesn't. Anything else you're doing with the turn? I've given you the bonus action just to give himself some temporary hit points as he uses one of his charges to just bring himself back into it. So to be a pain, does it change the eye count as one size larger? No, it says the target must be no more than one size larger. Your check in, your check in. Yes, good thought.
I didn't roll 19 and I think, sorry, I'm just checking. Okay. Sorry, buddy. I'm ready. You're good, buddy. You're good. You're the main character here, man. I'm glad you... This is Royal Rumble style, isn't it? It's literally, yeah. Baal's taken a step to the left to get out of the burning bubble of shadow. Um, and I am going to, am I within 30 feet of bitchface Kalen? Oh man, I've got all of you against me.
You are 35 feet away from Kayla. Okay, I'll take a step forwards. yep Bar will ah place one hand to his side and just trickling down his arm, his fire, and it forms a whip. And he's going to crack it to the side and slash it forwards towards you. Flame Whip, attack. They delve to keep it. Let's see if this works. 16 to hit.
yeah i think that unless i'm remembering my other character which i am yeah that hits awesome you say i don't know what i'm doing a online just let's let's do some rollies uh oh uh only six points of fire damage but you are pulled worth feet closer to me which i believe lands you yep in the shit just at the edge isn't he Five. Ten feet. Ten. He's in it. He's in it. He's in it. Cool. Then, with that, you're blinded as well, aren't you?

Kaitlyn's Strategic Moves

um I am now. Yeah, I'll just say. You're blinded but you won't take the damage to the end of your turn if you're still there. Okay.
And now you're surrounded, bitch. And he'll back off 20, a twenty his remaining 20 feet, he's going to go backwards and kind of away from, not near the window, having seen what just happened, but backing away from the and big old shadowing ball. And then he's going to use his bonus action.
to get his Wildfire Spirit to fly over above his head and launch a flame seed at Cailin also ah for a advantage. Oh, target's blinded. Oh yeah, thank God for that. very it' just flying it just it just It just says... for attack rolls against a creature have advantage, doesn't great specify which. Amazing. It was a natural 19, so it's 19 plus some. Oh yeah. um And then you take six points of fire damage from that as well. oh And that's Baal. Okay. Thank you, Baal. It is the shadow's turn. And the shadow doesn't need to move. It's already clustering around the largest cluster. So
currently Alpha, Cailin and Boilgrim are all blinded and you're going to sustain. ah Well, I need you to make wisdom saves, please.
Seven. Okay, thank you. Five. Thank you. Eleven. You're all taking nine points of necrotic damage. As this is now growing, so is the damage from being caught inside it. But that takes us to Alpha's turn.
First thing I was going to do is gonna back up 10 odd feet, um just to get out of the blindness of these shadow areas. If I look...
back to the right of me. Can I see a clear space on the outside of the arena? Like just some solid footing or something like that on the outside. Yeah, so all of the outside of the arena is more of that clay arena base that was out the night before.
um Kaylin, can you make a constitution saving throw, please? Absolutely. I'm very good at saving throws, as we know. How's an 18, big bitch? Big bitch? Big bitch. Unfortunately, yes, that is... Bing pot? That is strong enough, unfortunately. That's a bit of a... No. What are we trying to do? Yes, I know. You would have seen a swell of light, very similar to what these are doing, just kind of move along the ground and then appear at Kaylin's feet, but he's kind of able to resist it. So it just kind of fizzles away.
okay um I cast Vortex Warp. I was trying to teleport him outside. right wow um I've still got my cannon on me so I'm just gonna do myself some temporary hit points as well because I'm very low and that's 10.
Okay, you can't stack temporary hit points. No. No, yeah, they've all gone. Oh, great Kaylin, you're up. Yeah, Kaylin has realized that he's in over his head here But he's gonna still step back back to the wall. So he knows that he doesn't have to watch his back um So he's gonna take 10 feet and then he noticed that the big old Prince of Shadow Mend yeeted someone out of the window but also notices that he looks the worst for wear out the group so he's going to in that fluid dance motion with his long bow shoot two arrows and your direction reigns 21 to hit yep 21 21
11 points of piercing damage. Second arrow coming at you. For a 18 hit. Misses. oh That's the end of my go. Okay, thank you very much. What was the damage total sorry? 11. Borgren. You are blinded currently.
So, Borgram knew where Caelan was when he became Blinded. So he's going to surge forward in the direction of where he saw Caelan last. And thankfully, he's gone straight back to where he he was. Five, ten, fifteen. And I'm right in front of Caelan and no longer Blinded. I'm going to grapple Caelan. Can I move someone while grappling them? No. You can't move. You have to use the push or shove it.
Fuck it, I'm gonna see a window behind him and Borgham's going to oh look at Cailin and go, push. Okay, I'm gonna make a shove attack. So you you need to make a straight athletics, you can make athletics for acrobatics.
Okay. Well, so, Borgrim, what's the athletics? Nine? Twenty-three. He attempts to shove you and you just you just you just stand there unmoved. Unmoved. Anything else you're doing? Yeah, with my second attack, I'm going to flail him in the face. Go for it.
Fucking hell. Five. Can this one turn into an angel as well?
guys Okay laughing in your face, it's one of the shadows turns and again it's going to go to the largest cluster it can see which is sailing gra And going to surround them you're both need to make wisdom saves, please 19 You take points on the cutting damage ballroom.
You're both blinded. Okay, top of the round, please. Not Vara anymore, but Reigns. You just hear Vara. That's of your characters now that have been ejected. I'm going for it. Reigns will turn to that and just be like, you be quiet, please. I'm trying to work here. Reigns is going to first of all give himself some more temporary hit points because I can do this again to give myself a another five temporary hit points.
Rains is then going to go, thankfully for doing that I know where he is and I'm about done here so let's throw everything at that cocky son of a fuck and Rains is going to launch a second level magic missile at Keyla or whatever her name is. Keylin. Not even close. Keylin. I realise you can move while grappling someone. You can move but you can't. He says moving a grappled creature when you move you can drag or carry the grappled creature with you.
I apologize. It's okay. I apologize. Don't you apologize ever Danny. Okay. He is the rule. We both make some mistakes. He should know. He is the rules consultant. What do we have you here for? 12 points of damage. 12 points of damage, Cailin. Yeah. Yep. Yep. That hurts. Still standing. Yup. Okay. Reigns, anything else? Reigns is just going to, uh, then, no, Reigns is, yeah, Reigns is, no, that's it. Okay. Good job. Cool.
cool Baal's going to look up to his shoulder, to his Wildfire Spirit, give it the nod, he's going to try and blast Kalim, because we'll fuck you. There's a shit roll. ah I just need to double check the plus to hit, because that's how shit it is. And I press the wrong button. ah think is a I a plus. Let's just have a quick look at it there.
How are you all doing anyway guys? Real good. I love you all man. Get my ass handed to me. But that's okay. That's okay. They've still got to decide which of the three of them is going to survive. I'd love to take one of yous down. Fifteen to hit. That misses. Amazing. Never mind them. ah Yep, seeing that, Baal will kind of look, look at Alpha, look at the situation, the fact that they're all surrounded there, go,
So what about that final round? And he'll pop a cork on the Potion of Healing as his action. glu Glug, glug, seize off. Gives himself back a tasty seven points of healing, um which puts him very close to full.

Baal's Tactical Healing

And he's going to use his full movement to go and stand in the center of the star ah to the the furthest away from the action that's happening. Okay.
your What's your range of movement allow? 30 feet. Will it work with diagonals or not? Yeah. And you receive... ah Just four points of healing. Thank you very much. That puts me on full. Okay, it's the environment's turn and the shadows are going to... Well, this shadow is going to grow and move to the next biggest cluster without...
overlapping so it's going to cover Alpha and it's going to cover Rains because it's grown to that size. Both wisdom some saving throws please. Include a main. I know, Rains and Alpha. That'd be cool. Three. Twelve.
ah You both sustain. Fourteen points of necrotic damage. Rains is down.
when you're both blinded. Is it necrotic damage? Necrotic. Doesn't that do something to saving throws when you're down? Yeah, they take necrotic damage when they're already down. Oh, okay, yeah right, right, right, right, right. Ooh, I didn't know that. Yeah. The leaders, I've read it somewhere, remember? I'll look it up, I'm doing nothing. Thank you. honeynie you um Thank you.
and Alpha, you're up. But blind. ah But fortunately you're blind so you can't. Yeah I can't see the map. ah Well if you've been paying attention you will know exactly where you are you little bitch. You're there blind. i'm I'm blind but I wouldn't so I'm matching it. Raines go down. You wouldn't know. You're blind. I just said I wouldn't see your raines go down. They wouldn't.
yeah You're blind. I'm going to take a step back you can't you blow out of the blindness area. How do you know which way to go? Because I'm walking backwards. I know which way I'm facing. You were facing reins? I was previously, yes. All right, now you're blind.
run and du i'm I'm basically going to pull up my pistol. You're going to see the energy pulsate from my chest. The first time I've used it in this tournament, I'm going to take a nice little shot at Kaitlyn.
18 to hit. yeah it Fantastic. For 10 points of Cailin's down. Force damage. In a slow motion, Max Payne style takes the bullet and almost jumps back from the shock of it and hits the wall and goes, no! Nice.
down Thank you. I'm here son! Come hold me! Hang on, hang on. Just a reference because I lost all my temporary hit points on the last bit of necrotic damage. Yeah. So I'm just doing that again. Okay. How's a 91? Two death saves. Make a note, you've got two death saves there. That happened. Borgrim.
So, Borgram is going to hurt this bang. Ah, hang on. You've ended your turn. I'm starting.
I'm dead, dead. The shadowy wisp. Let's go. It's going to inflict a squeeze of necrotic energy in you again and it's going to grow. No, it's not going to grow. So you sustain a number that I won't bother rolling because it's damage. So you're dead, dead. I'm dead, dead. Cailin is out. He's no longer the windrunner. You're bloodied. Borgrim, back to you. You are blinded. Borgrim steps backwards.
inaugural blinded. He sees Reigns down, sees Caelan. He doesn't see Reigns. Oh yes sorry you can see him. He sees Caelan down and sees Reigns down. He sees Caelan on the floor he's like reach not having you do anything else and he's going to look around see it's just the three um of the player party. I'm going to walk towards the wall staying outside of the shadow. Can I grab Caelan and then I'm going to drag him through the window to the south. drag this, this guy's body out with me. Cause he doesn't know if he's dead or not. If I get back up again, yeah I'm going to, he looks round. That's it. You can drag him out and he can, as he looks, he's like.
Nice day for bird watching lads. Are you exiting as well? exing with okay I like to think that, you know like when you try and pick up a corpse from Fallout 4 and it's just like one limb and sometimes it flaps. I think he's like trying to do little backflips off the walls as he's gonna drag that. Drag the body out so he doesn't know whether it's gonna get back up again and nice

Dramatic Exits

and leaving.
yeah So the shade is going to grow one more time and it is going to move Towards alpha and a compass alpha alpha you're going to have to make a wisdom you take five points necrotic damage
And now it is round five, straight to Reigns' turn. Reigns, you're making saves. And C is immediately going to deploy an emergency cure wounds on Reigns. Can you do that? C can cast it while I'm still down. Does it really take a... It can take my turn, yeah. Okay.
NC is a powerful motherfucker. NC gives me 15 points of healing. I can't see it at second level. As that happens, Reigns gets up, he's going to withdraw his helmet and he's going to look around, he's going to realise he's pretty much spent. You're entirely blind, you can't see a thing. I'm moving, I'm moving out of the, I assume I can move.

Reigns' Tactical Exit

So you were prone to your papi movement? Yeah.
So you can move back towards the window. You can step towards the window. He viciously kicked me out of. Without leaving yet. He's going to glance around. He's going to take a look up at the box of dignitaries and just see if he recognises any shadow Mendian heraldry in there. There's nothing of that detail here at all. Oh, sorry. Outside of the arena. yeah You can't tell. You can't see out of it. Okay.
If anyone from Chavamand is up there, the crowd prince is coming for a wee chat, as blood is just dripping down his face, and he's just gonna step out of the arena and withdraw his armour. You're there, doing the other two and then you go two-shot in. Waiting for... going out of that doorway. And dance! Yeah, I'm gone. I'm gone. Which leaves our two remaining champions of Alpha and Bar.

Wrap-up and Teaser

Can I just add, Vara would be standing right there, and just go, SUCKER!
ah ready to pummel on it no not to pummel go run away and with that we have our two remaining champions and there is a ruptuous applause that sort of breaks this booze that some of you had started to hear or uncertain where they came from and when this begins to reshape and remold and as we zoom out of that arena we won't zoom in to the fourth because none of you are playing that there's no point our sixth but where it's in that So, the next time we meet on Bellum Draconis will be for the finale of the Jewel of the Desert Champion. It's so hard. But this is where we're going to end this week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop.
There's a bit of everything in there. R.I.P. Kaling, I'm just gonna say who's the best character of that episode. So, if you wanted to keep in touch with the podcast, you can do so. We have an X page, which is at the fellowship table. Then, if you wanted to go one step further, follow us individually, you can do that too. I'm at iRolled1. Darren's at. Darren Page, O6. Mark's at. HatedRoll DM. PoohBear is at. Natural20Will. When is that? FellowshipMCPCU. Callum's at. DD20Gamer. But not the IP of D&D. Dungeon Master Danny can be found at. total party thrill.
what's but you
Until next time guys!