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Christmas Special 2024 - Ep. 2 Jingle all the Games image

Christmas Special 2024 - Ep. 2 Jingle all the Games

E2 ยท The Fellowship of the Tabletop
26 Plays1 month ago

In Part 2 of our festive special, listen in as our group of Kobolds take on a variety of Christmas Party Games.

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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade

Music kindly provided by Fesliyan Studios


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Welcome to Gumpleton: A Christmas D&D Adventure

Hello and welcome to this week's Christmas episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop. We are live play 5E 2024 live play again D and&D podcast set in the Christmas you world of Gumpleton. Joining you for this mid-week mid-winter madness we have James who plays Fleek Dandy Tip. Everybody hello and welcome to act two. We've got Poobah who playsne lee ah we lie kalubu plays Callum who plays Crinkle Tinsel.
Come on, chaos. We've got Willy Plays, Crips, Dingle. Jingle these elves. We've got Ian who plays Meta Ian, Christmas Hemsworth, Droblo, Ho Ho Hornswoggle and many many more.
Drove old, sorry. Hi. My name is Mark and I am playing Hognosh Gobble Grabber. And my last, by no means least, is our admin of the madhouse, our substituting cheer leading the charge, Dungeon Master Darren. We find ourselves at the moment outside in a square with a... A man about to deliver these about to save Christmas, but in and out of the crowd are a concoction of cobolds.

Who is causing chaos in Gumpleton?

And we find, firstly, we're only getting a number of cobolds slowly introducing themselves, all with incredible different feats and problems going on with them. ah Listen to the last one to hear what what what issues they've all got. ah the An old the little girl comes down and screams, there's some cobolds downstairs and then mum comes down with a shotgun. Meta Ian, no, Drago Ian at the time, Drago Cobold at the time, Drobold steals the shotgun and tries to make a run for its foot just to Meta Ian and then leaves with the shotgun. Hopnosh Gobble Grabber starts by to the ankle joined by Cripps Dingle, no, by Cripps Dingle, sorry.
by Chris Dingle, who gums the other leg. um We have Kringleton's headbutt over, flying overhead, hit the table, whilst Shneavely licks a few bits of furniture and chooses to leave. ah Whilst this is all happening, Fligg Dandytip James completes an excellent fake fall. packed, dived, practiced at full, everyone claps and everyone then leaves out towards the square, where we join ourselves currently, listening to the speech of what looks like a mayor as he announces his intention to save Christmas.
Yes, the mayor in question is Tinsel Tom Von Bluey, a small halfling who has arrived on stage claiming to be the hero of Christmas, the saviour of Christmas.

Mayor Tinsel's promise to save Christmas

As the crowd go up in raptures and cheers, he shushes the crowd with a hand to say, yes, thank you, thank you. I acknowledge your cheer and I am so grateful for it. Thank you. He's properly, properly just taking this in and really, really enjoying the rapturous applause of the citizens of Gumpleton. I came to you all.
I came to you all 18 months ago, sleeping in a pod. You kept me safe whilst I slept and you welcomed me in when I woke, terrified, listened to me, elected me as your mayor. I told you of my multiversal travels, my desire for knowledge, my desire to better primitive species, to study them, to learn from them.
You elected me your mayor to save you from the feral dangerous kobolds that exist in this world, and that is what I have done. Have I not? And the crowd go up again and again, the mayor goes through this. He takes in the applause before shushing the crowd once more. You know.
Many years ago, when I saw that Dragonborn in that tank, I knew I could copy that spell. That is what I would need to do. And that Eryth was not safe for me, for those of my gentle disposition and gifted intellect, so I sent my clone through the multiverse. The fact that I am here, and I've never told anyone before, but as it's the festive season, I'm going to, I am here because I'm gentle Eryth! I was killed!
I suspect Eaton by goblins. I died in the name of sociology, of politics, death at the altar of bare cruel brutality. I know how small and horrible such creatures as the goblins or kobolds can be. That is why I am here and I am here to save you. And after last year, I can say there will be no kobolds in Gumpleton this Christmas.

What surprises does Santa bring to Gumpleton?

ah those series we go now go but where um Yeah, as this happens, there's the sound of dancing through the snow and all of a sudden the poof is one of the cobalt changes and one of them shouting, excuse me, the spotlights that are on the mayor to swing around and find all of you. And the crowd turn with a and you can hear the collective shock and horror as they see a group of cobalt.
We're here to save Christmas as well! and i boed out We've got a letter from Santa! We've got a letter from Santa! And the crowd start to murmur at that and all of a sudden you see the mayor go to one of his security and something happened. Can you all make wisdom saving throws, please? No, I can't. Definitely not. Sixteen. Ten. Five.
Six. 11. 13. Okay. Callum and Pooh Bear. What you both feel in your minds is you feel the very strange pull of the star at the top of the Christmas tree. A. A. I am your A. A. I am your A. A. Obey me. Destroy Christmas. ah Obey me. Destroy Christmas.
and Destroy Christmas! Destroy Christmas! I mean, I should truly know. And while I'm on the open sleigh, here we go. You laugh and go well. Christmas? Help our parents win. Merry Christmas. Don't listen to the style. It obviously doesn't know the joys of Christmas.
is right Just so much puffs of smoke is happening within the group as this one cobalt is changing from a Drago cosplay to Meta Ian to the blonde surfer Chris Hemsworth.
It's the blonde server at surfer at the moment. You notice at this point now a series of guards are starting, a natural circle at the fourth time to form around you, and guards will appear to be similar to to to weapons that you encountered in the house, somehow pointing these weapons at you. And all of a sudden you just hear, it's all right, it's all all right, it's okay, Uncle Bluey is here, everybody calm down.
Now, I'm sure these kobolds are willing to come along quietly and meet their execution with the good grace that they should. We have letters from Santa!
ah And all of a sudden, you is as you say that, he's like, the Kobolds, now the mayor turns to the crowd and goes, don't don don't pay attention to them. Kobolds are known to be smelly, and they are also known to be liars. They have no letters from Santa, pay no heed to the Kobolds, actually. Guards, if we can just get them out of the town. It's right here! Yeah, here's mine. Yeah, how many friends have you got?
um And as you hold up these letters, ah one of the guards just seems to come over and and and seems to be convinced like that Santa is pretty well known in Gumpleton and and his signature is pretty hard to forge. And the guard goes,
um about dave look the jet boss and the mega impossible kobolds can be known for forgery. And I suspect they are here and committing these forgeries because they're hungry. I can see it in their eyes. They're all planning on eating me right now. Beyond this kobolds, which one of you right now isn't thinking of eating me?
so And Chris is going to just grab his dick and just shake it at him.
See? See? Feral. Guards, I've had enough of this. Can we please remove the cobalt from the town square? Thank you. And the guards are going to start moving in towards you. Boys and girls, please. We need your help. After me, everyone, rep repeat. No.
no How long can you hold your breath? You hear hear a couple of voices from the back, just confused, go, no. The crowd is absolutely silent.

The Christmas games: Kobolds' redemption

and What have you just asked? I asked the guard, the guy who said, this looks jet, asked him, how long can he hold his breath? but okay He's going to try and grapple you as he comes towards you. i thought dog saved i yeah Going for a hug.
17, fuck off. The guards are coming at you, little shit, as he manages to miss you. Oh bloody hell, how often do you cry then? How much for Christmas? And as you say that, you all of a sudden... shit now not irging to go about your home where ah Clearly, we are meant to be captured in some form here. Like, we should probably just go along with this to be fair, because that's the only way we'll get out of this situation. I've got this fucking gun that I can't even use right now. Don't be so sure. You hear a voice and the sound of sleigh bells. Oh, it's Santa. As the crowd comes.
Correct. Santa emerges from the crowd and says... Oh, you better watch out. You better not cry.
Don't be so sure. Santa Claus is coming to town. Yes, thank you. I get the sense that this cobalt doesn't like the idea of someone else having the spotlight for a second. Especially at Christmas. In fact, if you would indulge me...
But what what version of? it It's still a meta Ian. I am happy to confirm that these letters were legitimate and these kobolds are, indeed, here to save Christmas. Yeah, fuck you, Billy!
Oh, shit, yeah. I mean, it's tricky for this. Every time he hears me, he rolls. Bam, we've got into the very highly dressed in green with a chilele, hornswoggle type Christmas.
Why, why, why has such hatred formed in Gumpleton for these cobolds? Well, Sam, tell if you will hear a silence, Mayor, as the Mayor falls silent. I may not have been here last year. I may have been stuck up an old hag hill, but I still know and I still make a list, but still check it twice. And be sure, Mayor Bluey, your name is on there.
As are the names of these fine fellows. If you are so convinced they are evil, I ask you, as old Saint Nick, to allow me to vouch for them, and for you to allow them into the great Gumpleton games this Christmas Eve. What say you, Gumpleton? For this year's we go, laughing all the way.
I'm so glad that I've made you here, though, because it reminds me. Chris Hemsworth's back at the table. and The crowds seem to murmur at that. A vote then, shall we, since the mayor is so keen on democracy. Those for executing the kobolds and the handful of hands go up. Those for embracing the kobolds. She nearly put his hand up. man mean um'm I'm all for living.
Santa just goes up to Chris Hemsworth and just gives him a little tap of his boot and just put your hand up. Oh, yeah. Get your hands down to to to ah to you, Will and guys. Chris Tingle. Get your hand off your dick. I can't. I can't. I've got to put something in my gob and it's not like that.
And he's now, for good sakes, looking around at the other cables who don't have their hands up. And he's like... ah Oh, man. Hold on, I've pushed both hands up. I'll put one up, I'll put one up. In the Christmas games of Great Gumpleton, they are then. And the crowd seem to murmur. Something to cheer at this. It seems to have gone down ah in quite a ah a multitude of ways.
and There does appear to be some hostility and some nervousness about the fact that Cobalt are about to take part in the great Gumpleton Christmas games. I'm a good Cobalt. Christmas Hemsworth, come here over a second.
it christmas yeah flash and through us or open slow Is that smoke in the air? Because they keep for changing each colour. That's why you're coughing. Who do we have now?
We have met at the table. hey lifts be up order ah what can you can i go do shoulders on it Yes, the cried of course. There you go. It's your high advantage point working. great people who've got to um you don't have stolen something What was the last time you had a full day without a snack?
What's the most you never sweated in one day? I don't know if you have any weird birthmarks. You can put everything down on a piece of paper. Bring it to me. I'd really like to know more about all of you individually.
Thank you. The crowd weren't listening to you. They lose you as and Chris Dingell, you notice that someone just about 20 feet away from you appears to be eating a hog roast.
who He's going to charge it in. The crowd the crowd all start to react to that and Santa just grabbed you and pulled you back. No. He gives you a a stick of Christmas candy. I almost bite his hand. and the speed at and And he lets go of his knob.
sorry about sir yeah right don Don't pay attention for a second, fine face of Gumpleton, don't pay attention for a second. And all of a sudden, Santa goes over to his sleigh and comes back with a with a sack, a sack for the presents, and he hands one to all of you. And as he's handing out the presents, he says to you all, I think a little bit of improvement might be needed to help you excel in these games.
And we're at the point where you will need to roll level four characters. Let's see what happened. create character random roll king all what we not we forgot So just again for listeners point of view, all of us who have yet to roll a character, we're doing that right now by pressing the random roll button on D and&D Beyond, shout out to them. And this is where we'll find out who we have. We honestly, we won't know.
Okay, and as Santa hands around these presents, you all excitedly start to open them. And what happens is a burst of energy and light comes out of them. is You're filled with the essence and so spirit of warriors, of wizards, of casters, of druids, of all sorts of magical, wonderful things as heroes. And what we're going to do is we're going to go around the room and we're just going to hear what you will are, what your level four characters are. So, Schnitzey, Schnitzey, whatever you're calling.
snively and what snively um I'm a level two bard, level one fighter, level one ranger. Amazing. How much do you regret not turning off lots of colours? I think this is going to be hilarious. Brilliant. Crips Kringle. What's Crips Dingle Kringle up to? Crips Dingle, rightly with his jingle with his, is a vengeance paladin.
i I love that. His food is God. Hallelujah. Amazing. The multiversal cobalt that is Ian, what are you? So originally my name was Fig Firebolt, but um yes, multiversal me is right. I'm ah i'm a wizard. You're a wizard? Yeah, which sounds boring compared to the other two that's just happened. What school?
bra that father she Where's Meta Ian? How far was it into playing Nyx that he realised he hadn't activated half of the class? ah duration Abjuration. Abjuration. Yes. A protector. That's good. Oh, is that what that... Okay.
your spells might not reflect yeah My spells don't reflect mine. Meta Ian is so delicious. Yeah, I know, I know. Of course you're a protector. You've got part of the... More in you. Can the... Really interesting. What's Crinkle Tinkle up to?
um I, too, am a level 4 wizard from the School of Necromancy. but Merry Christmas! Fuck off!
and but what's fli What's Flick up to, James? Flick, Flick. Flick, Flick. Flick is a level 4 monk. we rule and like of the drawer Ah, way of mercy. I have no idea what it means. It means I can heal, I can hurt. whatever i deb put Or whatever the audience might decide. I can literally punch you better. And last but not least, Hobnosh, Mark. What's hob not Hobnosh? Hobnosh. Oh, yes, Hobnosh. Hobnosh. Hobnosh. Hobnosh. I call Hobnosh. That's something else.
Hognosh Gobblegrabber is, again, a monk actually. He's the way of the ascendant dragon. There's the feet of a knight. So somewhere back in his past, he was a knight. Yeah, so I could do fun, punchy things. That's cool.
yeah Yeah and you all feel i a degree of inspiration, not heroic inspiration mind, and but a degree of inspiration that sees these essences of heroes just emerge through you. um We're going to have a Christmas montage, guys, that as you work your way through this, what's going to happen is that firstly, Santa takes you all to one side and goes, right, right, you lot. It's very important that you take this seriously. So first up, there'll be the fudge eating contest. Which one of you is going to be particularly good at eating fudge?

Inside the Gumpleton Christmas games

and Right, so we're going that we're going to put forward Cripp's Dingle for the fudge eating contest. ah Next up then, there's the Gumpleton sack race. Who's whose' potentially going to be quite good in a sack race? I'll have a crack at that. My question to you was when was the last time you threw up?
No, nothing. Okay, Santa. Santa, yeah, just pretends he hasn't heard that and just continues on. So that's the SAT contest then. ah Next up, then we have the we have a classic childhood game of pass the parcel. Who here is going to potentially be quite good at playing pass the parcel? Hi, I take that one on, no problem there. Okay, so multiversional Ian is going to be playing pass the parcel.
Can you wait? next Next up, next up, Santa is going to go another place, another classical game in musical chairs. Who's going to be good at musical chairs? I'll do that one.
Chairs is going to be Crinkle Tinkle. That's crinkle tinsel, you ignorant Santa tinsel.
And thanks for the class though. And then finally there's a game of what's the time mr kovold which is what's the time mr waltz versus someone dressed in a giant kovold. I'll play that! Okay thank you schnitzel schnooly.
even late
you are playing what's the time Mr Cobold, and that leaves you when he turns to you Fleek and says you will be in the song singing contest. I was made for this Santa.
So fucking glad that's not me. yeah So fucking glad. ah You may be at the mercy of Meta Ian if he reappears as to whether you have to sing the song live just to warn you. I am ready.
Okay right what's going to happen is if you've seen the film Grinch there is a moment where the Grinch is forced through all of these activities and like a montage. This is our fellowship Christmas montage as you take on the festive games of Gumpleton. First up we see a dwarf and a tortle and a dragonborn all alongside Cripp's dingle just shoving fudge into their mouths.
Are they packing fudge? Crips, as you sat down at this long table, the crowd are expectantly watching you as all this fudge is placed in front of you. Is there anything you want to say or do before this contest begins? I think listeners, we could probably imagine what he's going to say and what he's going to do. He's going to have one hand on his junk and he's going to say...
JINGLE RID! As he smashes his face into the food. Okay, brilliant. So, for all of you and for all of the listeners, this is a skill challenge alongside the residents of Gumpleton. To become the official heroes of Gumpleton, you have to collectively win more skills than the residents of Gumpleton. So it's a basic skill challenge where you win or lose. Similar to what you would have experienced in other D&D episodes. So, first things first then. Could you...
Firstly, look at your stat block and suggest what you might like to apply to give yourself a buff to this to the skill check. and It's quite a tricky one to apply to a fudge eating challenge, but anyone can do it. No, it's not. I'm going intimidation.
Amazing. yeah So you're trying to intimidate the dwarf, the tortle, and the dragonborn at the table. Yeah. um So Crips is standing on his chair with his hand on his junk, shaking it, turning from side to side, through mouthfuls going, Jingle me! Jingle me! Jesus Christ.
and can you Can you roll an intimidation check please? Yes. Come on. It's not good. It's an eight over all. Okay this dragonborn just snuffs and snirts at that and this white dragonborn just as this cold broth comes out of this nose just shoveling in this and fudge. Alongside that though you do actually notice that the total was a little bit put off by that and it slowed down a bit and and tries to say something to you about Michelle and how you don't seem very nice. um The dwarf however,
uh, is also just pretty much inspired by your inspiration, by your attempt to, uh, intimidate. Uh, this has all had a bearing on what's going to happen next, which is that you need to make a constitution saving, Frode, please. Okay. Uh, how's my con? It is, yeah, it's not too bad. that's no I'm not a one. run fuck okay Firstly, what happens is you are the first one to just throw up this fudge. You get to the point and you just spurt this fudge. You are out. Unfortunately, the dwarf isn't too far behind you because they rolled a two. The dwarf then also it gets to a point where they can eat no more.
and Oddly enough, this Dragonborn seemed very confident and pleased with itself. However, it, too, gets full. And had this have happened last year, this would have been a very good thing for the party, because the Tortle, who just might or might not be a hero of Christmas to the rest of the year, is able to consume the most amount of fudge by some distance and wins. Unfortunately, that is one for Gumpleton and one against the Cobalt. So, first blood to the Gumpletons. sorry and and Okay, yes. ah As you make your way back down to your group, would you do whether there anything be said by you, or is it as as Crips makes his way back down to you? I tried to jingle it, but it jingled me. Now, our children, our friend seems to be in a bit of a bad state. Let's all give them a very appreciated, very helpful, aww.
um so will What's the latest thing you've pulled out of your ear before?
Who's the weirdest thing I've ever heard? All right. And as Santa comes over and goes, i want ah but I think bad luck is in order. Anyway, who's doing the sack race? I don't believe. He throws a postal sack at you. Thank you.
It's like, I'll get over to the start line then. Well, I don't know where it is. Where is it? It's over there, over there at the bottom of the tree looking for it. Thank you, Christmas man. Yeah, and as you make your way over to the tree, you find yourself lining up in a sack and alongside your two larger creatures than you are a Tabuxy.
who also appears to be in a postal sack and else who appears to be in also as well what appears to be a postal sack. And another one that seems to have had some coal in it, it's a gnome. And on the sack is the ah words of where this coal has come from. It just says engine room. You are taking on a gnome who looks pretty similar, seems to be talking to you about the anatomy part that Crinkle seems to keep grabbing hold of and saying that his name is a big version of that.
um and do you sneeze i its
going to now require a series of checks from you. Firstly as well, ah you have your own chance, similar to Krinkle, to influence the check. Is there anything that you would do as you're lined up on the start line to try and influence what's going to happen? He's going to turn to the other individuals around him and he's basically, long story short, going to try and persuade them to to give up basically. He's going to start by giving an inspirational speech about Now, when was the last time your toenail fell off? You don't want it to be today, do you? How often do you get back here? I haven't got any yet on me. And my main question really is, have you ever had a rash something really embarrassing? This could just make it all worse. Why don't you let me just have a go? And he's going to basically convince him just to just either slow down or stop, pretty much. Persuasion. OK, that was beautifully done. You can roll this with persuasion and with advantage. Roll it. Kindly.
that okay okay it's gonna fix and beating anyway yeah okay ah that's an unnatural dirty 20 dirty 20 okay yeah um you know just a few of these seem to look at you and they seem to uh be um moved by what you've said and be a guy more yeah he's definitely moved that one was moved.
And again, come big guy yeah they all seem to be moved by this. so All of them seem to be moved by this. which probably be suck or just oh They're not going to do that. They they are they all seem to be sympathetic. What's going to happen now, then, is that you need to make athletics or acrobatics your choice. as you as the starter pistol goes and you fire your way down towards Santa's sleigh, which is the end of this track. I'll roll athletics, so that's okay, and I rolled a 16, 14 plus 2. Okay, yep.
Double grabber. Okay, I bloody got this.
You rolled 16, yeah? Oh, yes. But as can I say, can I just add something to ad hoc? yeah He's going to let out a cry they same oh at the same time when he used Draconic cry. Let out a cry at enemies within 10 feet of you until the start of your next send you and your allies have advantage on attack rolls. I didn't read the second half, I thought it'd give me advantage on... ah I didn't read the attack rolls, I thought it was... I feel your pain, buddy, don't you? why You're not alone on this table. But oddly enough, all of them are rolling at disadvantage. um Two of them rolled natural 20s and obviously had to re-roll them because they were rolling at disadvantage. Your 16 beats the next highest number, which was the little gnome who rolled 11. Indeed, one of them rolled a natural 1 and completely gave up based on your story. That was the elf. The elf just completely gave up on that. The Tabaxi was languishing a long way behind. He didn't even seem to realise that the race had started because he was so teary from your story. and As you get to the end, ah a cheer goes up from the crowd for the first time as they start to maybe believe that Santa is telling them the truth. It's 1-1.
between them. Take that, Gumbelton. Well done, Hobnosh. As you come back again into your park. Hobnosh, Hobnosh, Hobie, Hobie, Hobnosh. Teach us something, please. If anything's said or done as Hobnosh makes their way back over to you all. Well done, Hobnosh! You know I'm pretty bloody well. Hi, you did a fine job, laddie. Yeah, thanks. Have you got any weird birthmarks?
Actually, I do have one on my arse. And then, yeah. Fig would drop trowel. i ah like and It's in the shape of candy cane. Can you see? Can you see right there? so No, no, no, no. It's a tattoo. um It's not an actual candy cane.
Get your tongue out of my asshole! Have you eaten his Of course, your purpose, though. As Santa comes back over, I am trying to convince him that you'll stay hear of the truth. Will you get your tongue out of his trousers? Hello? Not yet! Oh no! on your nose! I barely know that. Chocolate! Which one of you is doing past the parcel? It has it to be me.
i then go with i and you over that Okay, so during this time that everyone's been doing their things, Fig has been yeah casting fine familiar.
okay And then Owl has materialised but is flying overhead. okay um and we say Lovely, Owl has appeared and is now flying overhead. Thank you, thank you for that. but You'll sat down into a circle at the bottom at the base of the tree. ah You look around and you notice that there appears to be a Goliath sat there.
and who seems to be quite angry just about lots of things. um You notice as well that there is also a human who appears to be excitedly there waiting to start passing this parcel and also a gnome, another gnome, this time a more foresty disposition who is just excitedly waiting for this parcel to come around. um Is there anything that you want to do to try and influence this before before past the parcel starts? Is there anything on your step block that you want to try and use or are you just happy to go in for it?
I'm just happy to go in for it, not even going to look at my character, I'm just going to sit there, I'm going to look everyone in the eye, yeah, feckin' feck, dear, I'm going to feck you. Okay, um what's going to happen is, is the age-old primary school methods of pass the parcel, the people are going to take it and then do that thing where they're kind of slightly slow at handing it over. Come on, hurry up. And um what's going to happen is, is that everyone is going to roll ah either slight of hands or performance to try and make their hold of it be more, more, more meaningful. Just let me know when it's in my hands. This accent's going all over the place. Someone say Christmas! and it's in your house through this in one whole Yeah, yeah, that's a d6. I take three points of psychic damage. ah You now track your hit points, I don't need to do it. Oh oh yeah. Oh fuck. Wizards aren't good.
Okay, cool. Is it in my hands? Yes. Come on, we need this to save the Christmas. That's brilliant. That's brilliant. Meta Ian's back. And Meta Ian's going to look up and find familiar that he's cast with the owl and go, Althea, can you just come and grab this? Althea's going to fly down and grab past the parcel and fly off.
MetEON will then get up, shrug emoji, and run.
ah After the owl. Yeah, that's my owl. OK. OK, make a... Oh God, that did make a sleight of hand check or but make a deception check to try and convince these people that you're not in on this. You can make it advantage because of the ingenuity.
I'm glad it's an advantage. Has Meta Ian got a cold as well in this? Meta Ian's also got a cold. It is. Unfortunately, it was only an eight. All of a sudden what happens is that one of the guards just goes, I see what's happening here, and it's just luscious and narrow at it, and the owl, it's got one hit point, right? Because it's familiar. Yes. Disappears. That's Althea, my owl. He's lasted all of five seconds. Okay, so as I run towards the parcel, all of a sudden this kind of flash of light is coming from the palms of my hands as Meta Ian casts Minor Illusion and it's going to copy the exact parcel that's slowly falling down and just put it over on the other side and I want to grab the real parcel.
Okay. Yeah. Again, for the ingenuity, I'll let you do it. Okay. and So you grab the parcel and um the crowd too just seems slightly shocked at that.
and What's going to happen is that Santa can intervene once. That's a rule I have here. And he's going to intervene as the crowds look at you and are slightly suspicious and Santa's going, what's a great catch? Thank you for stopping that fiendish owl and the crowd just ah just said, oh, yeah, yeah, that must have been what happened.
And then the crowd go up in a chair as the music stops and almost by default, because you've saved this parcel from an owl that tried to steal it, it's um giving you the prize. There we go. two one never a it's worth Just Ian puts his hands up. Yep. That's how you meta that.
Scumpletons, no, it's 2-1 to the Cobolds. OK, as you walk back over, and Santa says, well, you have me to thank for that one, I suppose. I mean, did you cast the owl? No, Chris. Shut the fu- Aww.
Cosplay Dragos there. Cosplay Dragos. OK, anyway, as that happens, you notice that the chairs are being set up and outside of, just outside of the front of the tinsel top tavern. Right, that one's me. you Yes, bike your way over to the chairs and you find yourself there, noting that there's a small ferry that's just floating around over one of the chairs who seems really happy and to just be a part of Christmas. You also notice as well But next to this fairy is a very disheveled halfling who um glances back momentarily at this barely moving, barely functional, still reindeer. and And as you look around as well, also at the chairs are a halfling and a human. So,
and The music starts and what I need you to do basically is... I was going to say, before the music started, I want to go in and help set up some of the chairs. What are you going to do? You know, I'm getting extra like, oh yeah, let's get some of these and I'm going to put this one here. So I'm adding extra chairs and I'm going to cast Mirror Image. So I have three duplicates of myself that are also playing this game. Fucking amazing. Well played. Amazing. Yeah, that's great. Okay. And I'm going to just say that you get a positive influence on the Czech without rolling for anything because that's really clever and you burn the second level spell slots. Oh, spell slots. Yeah. So yeah, as you do that, then the music starts and what's going to happen is, is that
There's going to be four initiative roles and you're going to get ah the ability to roll three times because there's three duplicates of you and you can use the highest basically. Whoever rolls the lowest is going to be eliminated. That's obviously how musical chairs works. And so I will roll for the fairy and I'll also roll for the others at the table as well.
Okay, what are your three rolls, Callum? I got a six, and then a 19, and an actual 20. All of you make the chairs with the exception of the half-link, who is eliminated from the game. um It starts off again. You're still rolling three rolls, please. I'm down to rolling three as well. You're right, I'm with a fountain pen there, Callum. Yes. Fancy fountain pen. Fancy man!
respect a seven and two fifteens okay the seven is eliminated ah so we'll assume that's one of your duplicates fourth just disappear as it is eliminated there was a 16 and 18 and a 13 there and it's another round then
do do did do do do So you're only rolling twice now? Yeah, and I we got three and fifteen. Okay, both make it through. One of them roll the two. So unfortunately, ah the disheveled halfling, and it's not the happy looking halfling, the disheveled halfling is also eliminated now. Remaining with you are the fairy and the human. Both are still playing alongside your two duplicates. So you roll two, I roll two.
yep What have you got? Nine and fourteen. Don't make it through, it's unfair he is unfortunately eliminated from the game. oh Down to you. This is the one remaining human. So roll initiative, please.
Okay, so I've got a natural one and a 12. The natural one is eliminated. o Was that the real you or the minor you? ah That's the minor. Yeah, so illusionary. So you're down. I'm down to one. You're down to one. Can we intercede at this point? Yeah, sorry. Can I do something during it again? ah Yeah. I'd like to give you body inspiration. and i Can I pull the chair away from the other guy? I'd like to give Califire a good spray for peace. and Yeah, as you go to move, Santa stops you. No, fuck off, Santa. I'm going to go and punch Santa in the face. ah Merry christmas birthday Christmas, Merry Christmas, Christmas. Santa can't understand what happens. It changed. It changed from Irish to Chris Hemsworth back to Drago.

How does Santa influence the games' outcome?

I'm punching him in the face.
I'm sure there are stats for Santa, so he is a god. Don't worry, I'm finding them. Yeah, Callum, you've got a D6-year-old. If Darren allows the inspiration to be used on this. Yes, allow it. There you go. How's that 10 on Santa's face? Okay, let's find out. No, he misses. Literally got his stats up. Fuck. Santa's stats are strong. Yeah, he's on the class isn't great though, but 10 does miss. and So yeah, you go to punch Santa and he holds your hand and goes, Merry Christmas, you little fucker.
I dash into the snow and run an open sleigh. I've got one that I haven't rolled for yet, which is a... ah So, it's you say that to what was Drago and then there's a smoke and a flurry, and then all of a sudden this ah this cobalt with a snowman outfit appears and just gives him nice big warm hug and thought Austin, Ty, for God's sake, I think I'd be rather be punched by the dragonborn. Anyway, back over here is the final round of musical chairs. So you've got to roll one d20. I've got to roll one d20. You've actually eliminated some of the better players here, so this should totally... I haven't already prepared it. 25.
They rolled a nine. Did you get a 19? I got 19. Plus my initiative roll and then Bartokin for the end of the five. So good job on using that ah mirror image spell because I thought this one would be a harder one to win because you have to beat so many initiative rolls. But you've managed to do it. So back at the end I just put my punishment the cobalt. free one to the kobolds, which means I think you need one more to guess to to successfully win them out. We'll do them all anyway, just because it's fun. It's all unsheathely. And as this is happening, a giant ah goliath have appeared in what looks like a novelty, almost like a donkey costume or crocodile costume from pantomime, as a giant kobold makes its way into the town square. And you see um lining up
A very dashing bard who appears to be saying something about women's boobies for days. um ah You also see and and two elves who appear to be twins and a dragonborn, this time a gold dragonborn, also line up alongside at the start line. That's me!
Okay, great. Tall, terrific. You also make your way over. Of course, the idea of this game, of what's the time Mr Cobol, is going to be a slight variation. It's instead going to be like red light, green light from um that TV show that's completely gone from my brain.
The one on that foot. Good games. Also his grandma's footsteps. Grandma's footsteps. So yes, you're about to play grandma's footsteps with this giant Goliath dressed as a kobold. Again, do you want to do anything to try and influence this before the game starts?
No, I'm going to do it in the game. OK, fabulous. It's going to be stealth roles, obviously. Oh, good. As you start to make your way forwards, can you roll stealth, please? Yes.
It's a 14. Okay. Yeah. Well, I'm through expediency. Want someone roll the four. So what happens is, is, is, um, this, the Goliath turns around and what you see is one of the elves is just a light comes on them and they look quite sad and they step out and walk out of the game. I thought it was going to could take a duck. Yeah, it's like now you're right sliced in half. Cobalt Goliath turns back around and it stealth rolls again, please.
Go on, sneezely. Go on, sneezely. How awful. I'm going to spend a luck point because I've got the lucky feet and I'm going to roll it with advantage. Because why not? Stealth.
OK, that one. that Deshi 20! You notice that the other elf seems quite sad that their twin has been eliminated and they're caught quite easily. ah Distracted by this, as the the two comely elves go, is also the bard who noticed that the titties for days are no more. He also seems to get distracted and steps out of the game. There's two of you left, basically two characters there roll, two. So once more then, you've got one more character to beat, stealth rolls.
14th? They rolled 13. You win. Yeah, so again, ah the Cobalt turned around and what happens is is that the Dragonborn, who was the final player standing with you, is also like comes on and they are eliminated. um It turns out that the Cobalt and the crowd start to realise this, that with one game to go, the Cobalt have absolutely thrashed the Gumpletons 4-1 so far. yeah All of us did it all together.

Kobolds' final challenge: Saving Christmas

And at this point now, there does seem to be and
quite a good feel, quite a good vibe in the town square and and people seem to be warming to you. It does seem that there's there's now quite a lot of festive cheer for you all and Santa seems very happy about this. Well, it's time for the song singing contest as you can see the mayor's stage and the the the mayor is but is gone now. You noticed that at some point the mayor appears to have just disappeared and appears to have gone and the stage is now set. and On the stage,
you notice that there is two gnomes, a halfling, and someone who inexplicably would claim to be the spirit of Christmas. yeah And as you make your way up onto the stage, and it's time to sing a song. If I performance check, or if you would rather sing the song,
He's thinking about it. I want to do an additional thing first. like Okay. Yeah, go for it. Warm up the crowd. yeah How big is that cobalt? That was in the last round. Is it still nearby? Yeah, it's still modelling around at the back. Yeah, it's still there. It's not a cobalt, it's a goliath dressed as a cobalt. Yeah, it's just a cobalt. Is there any sort of like nice tall object that I can make an entrance from?
Yeah, you noticed that there are... Make a perception check, actually. You actually want passive perceptions now as well, what do you do? That wasn't a deep dive in. You're on the D12 there. I might want to roll the D12. Because you're only going to get the 12. It's literally the same number. That's crazy. I rolled a 7, but my passive perception is 12, if that helps. Yeah, okay. I'll get you with a 12 then. It's going to be risky.
But the Follerspot Tower, as you know, it's running from them, or a series of Christmas lights that run down to the stage. If you want to go for another caressing entrance, if you want a caressing moment, if you want to go all Shawn Michaels and slide your way down from the Follerspot Tower to the stage, you're welcome to go and try that. Just make sure it doesn't go iron hard.
yeah ah but I will 100% do that. I'm going to go for the cool entrance. OK, yes. If I can identify that he'll do in a cool entrance, I wouldn't mind doing dancing lights as kind of he gets down to the stage and really kind of show him off a little bit as well. OK, yeah, yeah. We'll add that to the spell. Oh, I can do stuff as well. Hang on. You're going to need to roll athletics or acrobatics, your choice. I'm going to roll athletics. Now they're going to highlight your humiliation or brilliance.
Natural 20. Yeah. and What's happening is is, as you do this, you have a follow spot up and then the tower notices you and shines onto you. And the crowd all of a sudden just gaffers this cobalt with sliding down, ah deftly, expertly down this Christmas tree. It's the most wonderful time of
And then you land on the flat. Very good. It's the monkey ability slow-fall to really slow his fall down, almost like a jellic as he comes out. Yeah, um and and and the crowd now are completely in. Like like this skill check, you had to basically break even to win to win over the Gumpletons, with the exception of the Cobalt Vomiting. youve you This has ended up as a 5-1 skill check, which which are by fellowship standards is actually a really successful skill check. new m After all, it is Christmas. and say A Christmas miracle. A Christmas miracle, indeed, as you say that. Don't you need to roll something. Fuck!
Fuck. fuck As that happens, the k crowd of cheering and Santa joins you at Fleek on the stage and it's just gesturing to the other cobalt. Well, come on, get over here. okay blood other i don't it I was hugging Santa in my previous form. What happened when I changed? Where was I? and I would say that yeah Santa is currently hugging Drago.
I'm going to head bot Santa.
For two! As you go to do it, the hand comes out and stops you and just goes, Christmas. was up bobtail kim spirits bra I swear I will get your fucking hands off of me. He just pops you on the floor. Santa's going to make his way over to Fleek on the stage and you're all being beckoned to join.
Yeah, I joined him. Okay. As you can see, I told you these kobolds are not what they seem. They are here to save Christmas.
but will phone in it de ride and finger deny ah i'll jing your about tingle lo where And sometimes we just want to give each other a big, warm hug too. It's not all about saving Christmas, though. We don't know why Christmas is is in trouble. Oh, shit. Oh, God.
oh god We're going to take a long rest after this. I thought we'd eat it. That's five points of psychic damage to me. Is that twice or once you roll that? I've rolled it twice, um and I am now... Oh, that's nasty, that's nasty! Come back to the Irish! Okay.
and Fack! Fleeko put his hand on you and do a hand of healing, give you five hit points back. Ah, thank you very much. and You noticed that a trophy, a big trophy, that appears to be a replica of the ah old Star of Bethlehem ship that is used to bring people to the great Christmas town of Gumpleton. That is taken over to you and it's handy. This trophy is given to you on behalf of your team. And the crowd of Gumpleton start shouting to you all, speech, speech, speech.
I could probably take this one. ah and and ah Oh, God. He vomits again all down spell and sits back down again. yeah I don't know. I'm going to get Popgolf or Grabberwood stand up. Yeah, exactly. Well, he said. And he's going to try and vomit.
I should do this. ah Nothing happens. i don't a i
Can't wait for this edit. If you go back listeners, we have an archive of content from seasons one and two that you could just listen to while you decide you want to check out for the next couple of weeks. That's completely understandable. um As I was saying, as this happens, at Santa is looking at you or trying to see if desperately anyone is going to try and say something sensible. How many freckles do you have? For Christmas!
Oh wait, oh shit! Dashing through the snow in a whole heaven's place!
You alright? Um, part of my, now that I've got a character, I've got to blow my highest res resource. yeah ah What? What? What do you mean?
I randomly cast Algory. Why? i mean i mean one of them well Because that's part of my things, but I couldn't do it until I had. and if so hello yeah um So out of nowhere, ah the the blonde surfer Chris Edwards, I cast Algory and I receive an omen from an otherworldly entity about the results of a course of action that you plan to take within the next 30 minutes.
The DM chooses the Omen from the Omen's table, which is Omen, wheel, row, wheel and row, indifference. You've got to tell him what the action is going to be. So good, bad, good, bad, or I'm not sure. But part of the reason is to explain the action you're going to do. Save the holidays.
Is he talking to Santa? Indiffitable, yeah. Oh!
i say outside but No blown fucking good long rest after right head level spell Just gone just like that you got get good of spell ah and and Santa is still frantic if this happens is on your cobalt seems to be inspired and stops and then nothing happens Santa is still looking at you all this disabled He's glancing away from everyone who's spoken so far, as they've also done something. He's looking at you, Crinkle. He's looking at you, how he's looking at you, Fleek, and he's just looking for someone to say something.
that i That's the opening. Crooked egg! Jog! Hang on, everyone. There's someone at the door. Who's at the door? Steve Nee, I want to step forward to the crowd. Hello, everybody. We're going to save the holidays.
I can't, that's what I got. Snewley everyone! So scar the residents are now slightly confused as to why on earth Santa has allowed you less to win the great Gumpelton Christmas challenge. and So Santa himself will step forward and say, well Gumpelton's, I hope you've learned some lesson.
I'm going to find the mayor and I'm going to admonish him for ever convincing you that cobalt or bad. They may be many things, they may be know dysfunctional, thank you. They may be strange, weird, smelly,
yeah ah vomiting. to But as you can see, cobalt are not harmful. to the cobolds and the crowd cheer goes up from the crowds. As that happens though, the cheer goes up, the star seems to flicker again. Only this time it doesn't seem to affect you. It's as if you have been ah saved from its impacts. And those of you who were affected by it before, you distinctly remember that when the scar the the star at the top of the tree started to turn and change, that
Something triggered within you. You were triggered towards hating Christmas. Fuck!
It's not all about hating it, though. Sometimes we just want to hug each other. center the star Oh, gosh, that's strange. It makes people hate Christmas. Fuck! How far away is this star? It's all the way at the top of the big Christmas tree. So if you remember from previous episodes, there was a big festive tree that at the top of it, there is a plate that is used on new units. We fought there, haven't we? Yeah, you fought Han Zuma there one year. Yeah, you kicked Han Zuma off the edge one year.
And you notice at the top of that now, it's a star, which is there to commemorate that, that, that wonderful, that, that, that infamous Christmas Eve. Or New Year's Eve, as it turned out to me when you actually bought hands. We're going to bloody get rid of that bloody star. I was making us all hated. That's the one right there. It's not doing bad things. It doesn't make any sense. How can a star and all of a sudden, as you say that, the manholes and the sewers burst open and what comes out are cobolds.

What chaos threatens Christmas again?

oh hello when was the last time you were tony hassey of coal
It's anarchy, it's chaos. These kobolds are literally intently on destroying Christmas. They come up and they start ransacking shops. so They start throwing acid at the Christmas tree. They are, ah some of them seem to open up cages, which skunks seem to come out of and seem to start spraying their disgusting mist everywhere. These kobolds are just starting to absolutely terrorize for the population in this town. blood yo and As you will see this,
What do you want to do? Drago takes his shotgun and shoots the newest one. Rolled You'd be crying motherfuckers. This shotgun has one shot left in it because it has two shots and obviously one. What do I roll? roll day twenty two and You have to check the dungeon master's guide as to what it is. he ah ha ah so That was so close.
It's a two. Okay. and What's going to happen is, is that this shotgun is going to malfunction and instead you're going to fly, it's not going to damage, but you're going to fly 10 feet backwards and then that prone on the stage. As that happens, the shot though does seem to stop some of the other Kobolds who turn around and look at you. One of them moves forward and goes,
Why you got a trophy? Why aren't you destroying Christmas too? We're here to save it from you! Can't keep saying that. why Well you know, sometimes we just need to save each other.
Follow the star, follow the star. Madam Grint says, follow the star, follow the star. These kobolds start to chant. And as they do that, all of a sudden they are turning round and seem to instead be intently interested in all of you. Can everyone roll initiative please? Oh good and wait, hang on. I've got initiative here. it' still wall we god how
I realized my equipment is not I've not got a lot of equipment. ah Put it on. It's just my weapons like daggers. I say
I'm a ranger with Daggers. Daggers for days. I'm a bad ranger fighter. I've got all the weapon mastery in the world. I didn't know it was a weapon. It's this amount of sword. 20 plus. Yes. What have you got? I've got 22. 21 for me. Okay, what's your Dex modifier? Oh, geez. Two. Oh, geez, Rick. Can you roll a d20 and let me know the number, please?
11. Who did I turn? Oh, yeah. Okay.
Crips has just got a big fat pot belly. I rolled 18. um world eighteen
Crips gains a new attack, projectile vomiting.
Okay, 10 plus. I got a 13. 11. I'm sorry, 10. Did you get 10 Crips? No, no. And then Crips. Weird angle. And who's not revealed yet? Anyone not revealed yet? Have I got you all? Okay, that means the... Did you get there at the bottom of the initiative? Okay.
Okay, right. um All of these cobalt, there seems to be in a mass in the square now. There's no cobalt particularly in your vicinity, but they are turning towards you. There are a group of four at the base of the stage who seem particularly ah interested in you at this point. my Many of the other cobalt are still at just terrorizing the town, but there's a group of four who immediately seem interested in all of you. Schnitz, it's your turn.
ah So, Snivny, or Snivell, surges forward and leaps towards them and claps their hand. And because they're in a nice little group, I'm going to cast Thunderwave at them. Yeah, go for it. Could they please make um con saving throws? Absolutely can.
DC's 11. Yeah, well they do not have a lot of hit points. First one rolls a nine. Yeah, it fails. Second one rolls a 20, not natural, passes.
ah Third one rolls a 17, passes. Last one rolls a six. Okay, so two take half damage. Okay. Two take full damage. Yep, okay, roll damage. So ah damage is, so they take seven points of, ah that's the full damage is seven points. Okay, two of them just immediately fall back with dead.
but Okay, their corpses also get pushed back 10 feet, yeah and the other two take half damage. Okay, yeah, they're both still upright. It is their turn, and having been hitting you, what they're going to do is that two of these kobolds are going to turn, and they're going to ah take something out of their satchels. They seem to have these cage-like satchels on their back, and we're going to see what it is that they try to do, because it's not up to me, instead it's up to a D8. Okay, but the first one... so What have I done this to myself? Snivel, schnitzel, have you ever been attacked? See stick, the scorpion on the end of it. Because you have now. and It's going to roll to hit you. Is it a little shit stick? ah Yes. It rolls a 15 to hit. So it's kind of this stick that appears to smell quite bad. Oh God. they score ah Give me a sword over that any day. Oh, it meets its beats, yeah. Yeah, you've been hit. OK.
hit by this shit stick you only take one point of piercing damage but i do need you to make a con save please okay i can do 13 ah That meets by any you rather one on the damage anyway, so I can't half that. So you take one point of piercing damage, one point of poison damage, and you're not poisoned. So this one cobalt pulls out a stick with a scorpion, literally gaffer take to an end of it, and juts it in your direction. The other one is going to instead throw stuff in front of... It rolls... ah The other one is going to um lob in your direction the rest of you ah behind ah Schnitzel, a cage, and the cage is going to break open and inside it is a skunk. And the skunk is going to just immediately let this rapturous kind of disgusting cloud in your direction. So can everyone with the exception of poo there please make a constitution saving throw? Like poison cloud! Nice.
Crit. Crit. You're fine. 22. Yeah. 20 non-natural. You're fine. 13. You are fine. Chris as well. You are fine. 16. You're all fine. Wow. This one's actually quite punishing. If you fail, you can't take an action for a minute. Whoa. That was lucky. Let's go over. But you all pass. So you were able to do the just brave away this disgusting smell. Krinkle, it's your turn. Go. That's going to keep it all higher than me.
Sorry. Did he roll? Did you roll higher than me? No, it was you. Yeah. Oh, yeah. It's you. Sorry. Yeah. yeah she Why don't you go first? yeah Thank you. yeah You're tired. That's spirit of Christmas. You were completely tired with the cobalt. Okay. so Is there a cold ball in front of me? Yes. The one who's just, uh, yeah. Snivel was the, there's two of them and there's the one with the one who's locked the cage with you.
OK, unfortunately, given the current form that I'm in, where I'm dressed up like a snowman, I'm going to go in for a big fucking hug on the phone and go, it's OK, you're going to be OK. Just come rest your head in the nook of my your shoulder right here. And I'm going to pat the cobalt gently on the back of the head. persuasion check or disadvan I offer you love. but to check with disadvantages This is how I kill characters.
Okay, not bad for the first one. Here we go. and well ah How's a 10?
Not gonna do it. But we'll find that one. Your parents didn't love you enough. Krinkle, it's your will turn. One of these code models is now being hugged by multiversal Ian.
I'm going to ignore the hooking. I think we need to get the shiny star out of the tree. How far is it away? Is it within 120 feet? ah Yeah, it's high up. It's about 100 feet up, but it is within 120 feet. I want to fireball the star. Okay, fab. no rotter hit not no I thought it was big hands. I thought the tree was giant. man
Natural one. way the original tree was remember this course know I don't think the tree is going to be there anymore after fire is going to be held at it. You natural one you hire you you you absolutely hurtle this fireball at the tree. And what happens is is that the great Christmas tree of Gumpleton, the new one, just bus it residents of gumba It's about to descend into the square and that is where we ah the fellowship the table top
Ah, someone was going to set the tree on fire. Oh, damn. Why do you burn the office down? well it is PTSD PTSD. Wasn't the question of can we save Christmas? It was can we save Christmas for myself? We are actually just in a trench coat.
What if the Grinch has an X-Page? That's given myself a segue into saying that we do at Fellowship Table, and then we also have individual pages that you can follow. I'm at Ivar 1, Poop is at natural20well, Edgelord, Callum's at the d20gamer, Will's at Fellowship at easybeasy, James the F1, I want to forget. Chappy Dice Roll.
Oh, he does. Mark's at. And our Christmas VIP of the festive D and&D can be found at... Do I have to roll because I said Christmas there? Or is it a D6? Oh, yeah. right. Cool.
oh It's the Russian. Until next time, guys. Fare thee well.