Do you fear being seen? Showing up in your social media feeds? Recording yourself on video? Having your photo taken?
So what causes us to fear being seen?
Have you considered the disadvantage from not being seen? Especially as a business owner, selling your product or service.
If instead you put your focus towards who you are serving and how you can help them with their challenge or issue, taking the focus off what is not so ‘perfect’ about you.
Especially when you’re sharing a way of overcoming a challenge that you yourself have experienced & worked through, knowing it deep in your bones through your lived experience has more power in that than knowing something theoretically.
Small Business Month Workshop
My Business Health: Cultivating Business Wellness:
Navigating Mental Health, Cashflow & People
Embodiment Coaching Service
Creators Nest Online Store
Intro & Outro Music: Shaman Dance by slavamusic
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