Ep. 91 Celestial Reckoning - Bellum Draconis image

Ep. 91 Celestial Reckoning - Bellum Draconis

S2 E91 ยท The Fellowship of the Tabletop
39 Plays3 months ago

Emron makes his feelings clear, the future of the party hangs in the balance.

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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade

Music kindly provided by Fesliyan Studios

You know, sometimes, when I kick back, after a long, hard day of killing, I like to talk about it, but I've got no one to listen to. So recently, I started my own podcast, Drago Dribbles. Even though I know nothing about podcasting, I've found the best browser software to help. zenkaa It makes it easy for me to record studio quality sound and up to 4K video with your guests, which I'm going to be trying out because I am shockingly beautiful.
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Hello everyone and welcome to this week's episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop, Bellum Draconis. We are a live play 5e D and&D podcast set in the magical home-brewed world of Aerith in the Kingdom of Dralak. Joining you for this week's episode, we have five friends. They may not be friends at the end of the episode though. We've got Darrinny plays the High Elf Artifice of Rain's Hideout. What the fuck? We've got the hypocrite Willy plays the human cleric Emron. I feel like this party is going in different directions artistically. and We might have to split. Canum, played by Danny, who plays the War Forged Artifice at Alpha. Greetings.
Ian who plays the Tiefling to water Nick Skarell. Hey! Willy who plays the Dragonborn Druid Balvalcom. Oh, you killed the bad guys. My name is Mark and I'm playing the soon to be killed human blade singer Seth Barraweaver. And my last but not the nomi's least is our absolute fuckery of a leader, our ah moral compass pusher and butt tensor of a D&D of D and&D dungeon master Danny. Find me on LinkedIn. We're going to have some adverts for some players real soon, because there's going to be go be some and some empty seats soon. Squeaky bum time. Speaking of squeaky bums. Yeah, old girl. We didn't even get anything. It's just the screen bang appears and it's just old girl's yellow toothy face and the all-brine fan of it just staring at us. No time to fuck around here, guys.
Finish him! Alpha gets possessed or some shit, heals up Rains and dominates another surge manager like some sort of badass. Bow, get some sort of cool teleported shit and then get Seth out of danger and then Seth does some sort of cool blade throwing shit and smokes a fool, then that Rains does some cool magic missile kind of shit, and then Key Dark Bird Shadow grabs and teleports with Alpha and it's all fucking crazy the enemies start shooting up trunks so we start retaliating the party is fighting back with a vengeance and key dark kind of flips the finger up and offers Nick some dollar but it don't work Nick's refuses a cheeky tug off from the wildfire spirit but makes key dark a little bit crazy mad and Seth
Resurrects the fucking dead! Keydock turns out, come wild, shapey, some sort of druid shit. Bar cooks a fool, Seth downs. Keydock next goes in for the coup de grad. They all jump on Alpha, by which I mean the sleek-eyed surgeon. Seth just fucking cuts a guy's head off with a psychic blade! And then, one of the soldiers, still running by the way, fuck knows where that guy is, M. Ron gets all like, I'ma fuck you up set, then turns on set, and Barn and Raines do some sort of crazy, brutal finishing moves on the remaining Sleep God Surge. It's crazy! There is a beat.
as everyone just takes a breath as that hot wind just changes direction again for the fifth or sixth time in the last few minutes alpha looking around above a sea of corpses in sleet guard armour, in a chris kra armor the rest of you, clustered to the east of the cart a few meters away from a holidaying zombie just taking in this scene. Tensions. Very, very high. What do you want to do? Seth's going to instantly stand. Okay. All right. and We can't, we're going to stay in this initiative then because that was Kayla. Technically, next is next. not Okay. oh god So the last thing that happened in that was Baal, uh,
using Scratching Ray on those Sleek Guardians, you still have your movement? ah Yeah, if I know that that's the last of the sleep guard and the last of the the kind of the enemy forces around he's going to slip off ah the side of um Trunks because he's been on his back this whole fucking time and just be squaring off ah Kind of in an aggressive pose against the zombie That's my turn. Okay the rest of it Nix It is your turn to take a breath amongst all of this. What do you do?
So Nick slowly gets up from the kneel down position of the now severed face slash head of Kel'Dak and just kind of wipes the blood from his face. He's a aware that Emron has tried to do something ah magical, mystical against Nick's. He's just aware of the whole scene and just looks at Emron. Right.
Do you think now is the best time to talk about all of this? Or shall we get back on the cart a make way? Because there's a lot to unpack. You're very angry right now. I don't know why you're attacking us. We were just trying to save Alpha, who was also being attacked over Yonder. Let's just make haste to the cart. And then Nix will turn on a heel and walk towards the car. I'll take an attack of opportunity. OK. Go for it.
How very a leader were you? Thanks. That's an 11 to hit. No, you just failed horribly twice. So we're going to miss. And inside he's slightly fucking peacocking at the fact that he's just managed to just take everyone's best twice and just run away. Nice. So position where you need to be on the map. Yes, of course. Then we will top of the round Seth. ah Seth is going to...
ah make the shadow blade dissipate in his hand. He's going to take a breath. He's going to kind of push his finger and thumb to like the bridge of his nose in his eyes for a second or two and then walk exactly the same route Nix has taken, not even making eye contact with anyone else. He's going to get on the cart um and stare for a second and then he's just gonna, yep, with the reins, not gonna clip-clop. It's not a clip-clop time. um um He's just gonna, yep, and um he's just gonna be staring at the zombie with a full-on horrified look in his face as he just starts the motion of Trunks and the two-cut train ah forward.
Not speaking, not making any eye contact, he is dead to the world. he is For all intents and purposes, it's like no one's there and he's just on autopilot. Okay, thank you very much. brains Raines. Remember on. Our questions need answering. Start by searching his body. And Raines is going to walk towards the cluster of four fallen
sleep guardian shelters because them attacking us and them wanting alpha also needs answering and reigns is just going to go and search the bodies of basics he's going to start with the captain and then if that's a no-go he's just going to just search and all of them until he finds some form of orders why they were here um The Surge currently has no commander. As far as he's aware, Sleetguard is effectively a vassal state of the Sanguine Lands. So the fact that the Surge is active and is still declaring loyalty to Leopold Sleetguard in itself needs answering before we even get into anything else. So Rains is just searching bodies. Okay, you find the following. You find it will take you probably two turns to get, it'll take you a while to get through all the bodies. So let's say for the sake of this one you're going for the captain.
yeah and But if Rains is uninterrupted, I'll give you the full score of what you'll you'll uncover. ah You find a combined total of 144 gold. You find six longbows,
10 spears, one glaive. You find a series of black boiled leather armour and some scale armor and then that one heavier plate armor that the captain was wearing and what's interesting is the captain's armor and a choice few other items of armor on other members has the heraldry of sleek guard on it but then it also has these sort of golden
flourishes around almost like if you think like a military rank has sort of growing symbols around it like you know the private inter sergeant has ah another and I don't know chevron I think there and to sort of indicate an elite variant you you have very limited military knowledge of a sleep guardian um ah infantry but you can recognize where something is a higher prestige version of of a coat of arms, if that makes sense. And that's what you're seeing here.
Aside from that, you're not seeing any direct orders. There are some personal effects like um food rations, like um ah drawings, like um instruments, that sort of thing, tobacco pouches, nothing that's stating why they are there. The food rations are equivalent to about another two weeks worth of food. um
no real sense right now unless you do further and investigation as to whether they were bound for for scorcher or bound for snake run this this okay this is your plate that they're wearing that one individual full plate uh yeah reigns that that this military insignia the plate um
He's going to take it. He's going to take the plate, and it's going in the bag of holding. um it's It's too interesting. It's too important. it's too It poses too many questions. and He could scan it with with his Rubik's Cube and could get an image of it. But no he he he doesn't care at this point. He doesn't care how ridiculous it looks that he's taking this plate armor. um it's It's going in the bag of holding. He's got no interest in the weapons, so he's just tucking them to one side. He's got no interest in the levers. He's just topping that to one side. He'll pocket the gold. That's going straight in the bag of holding and he'll also take the rations and the tobacco pouch for all it's worth. um If the car rides on by, he's going to let it go. um At this point, he's not hostile, he's not aggressive, but Reigns has been robbed of some answers and he's not prepared to let them wanting to ride off, rob him of any more. If they want to go, they can they can go with without him. Okay. Thank you, Reigns.
Emron, you have been left by yourself. So when Reigns obviously said, because you said to Emron to search the bodies, didn't you? He was adjusted towards, he was adjusted towards, his name's completely gone. He was basically quite naked because Emron has stripped him already, but yeah. Emron's going to turn him in Reigns direction and he's not going to be Emron's voice. He'd be like, I'm afraid Emron isn't here right now. And, uh, I'm going to take angel form. Okay. Uh, these bright wings sprout from Emron. Uh, and he's going to launch himself and he's going to land on top of the cart and his hammer is going to be a flame. And he says, you will be judged. And that is the end of my go. but You are honor now on the on the cart.
Are you hostile? Will my hammers now aflame? I've cast searing smite on my camera. Is that like... That's on fire right now. Does that mean you're gonna cut a bitch? That's open for your interpretation.
Okay. Thank you. let in mygo cause I just cast a spell not attacking me. It's like good, healthy. That's what's happening now. In which case we'll go to Baal's turn. Okay, ah first and foremost, bonus action, flame seed on the zombie. I know the zombie's doing nothing, but Baal is kind of looking around frantically, wondering why no one is reacting that there is a fucking zombie. Leave it alone, man. No. Makes sense. Yeah, I mean, because he hasn't heard anything to the contrary, it's a natural one. So the flame seed will miss.
So that's what the wildfire spirit is doing. Great. ah What Baal is doing is he's kind of frantically seeing this. and so And also, Seth, you started moving Trunks on as well. He's going to just say, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Trunks has been hit quite badly by some javelins. just Just hold on, wait a moment so that we can make sure that he's okay. but What the fuck's going... Emron, what the fuck are you doing? Why are you glowing? What's happening? And if you look... Yeah, yeah, yeah. with With kind of a hammer over your head. He'll kind of look up and about and see if there's anyone on the hilltops, anything like that. And I'll use my action to equip my shield. Okay. And that's that's me. Thank you very much. ah That takes us back to Nix. Hey. ah Nix is so over it. He like rolls his eyes at this flaming kilowatt and just, yeah, whatever. We still need to go and we'll just turn his back and ah look to
sit near Seth as if the cart's gonna move, hopefully slowly. um And he's just looking around at where everyone else is, getting then hopefully on the cart. Okay. Alpha also gets onto the cart,
which takes us back to Seth. No one's taking a hostile action. We may drop out of initiative shortly, but whoa i will I will wait till we get round. No, Seth's just going to do some talking anyway. And when Elida, whatever his name is, fucking... Tillwall. ...Zombiefallman. Tillwall, thank you. He stood there, balanced me. He's going to glance his eyes back, glance back forward and just say, never violate a woman nor harm a child do not lie cheat or steal these things or for lesser men protect the weak against the evil strong and never allow thoughts of going to lead you into the pursuit of evil he turns with an own look towards tilwa then he's going to look back forward and say i killed my brothers for you
I turned against my creed for you. He's a look at till I defended your son for you. And after a moment, he's going to continue looking forward and let what come what may. I just don't. Thank you. but i go
spi my So you're still motionless, though? I've tried to... You've initiated it. I've been aiming... last but Last turn, that was my aim, was was to get get the cart moving and i kept picking up pace. And if people are on, people are on. If people aren't on, Seth's like, all right, well, i'm all I've got now is winged watch, all I've got now is that prisoner. Okay. I've killed the people. The prisoner's still onto the cart! No, we never check. He's thinking I've killed the people and I don't know if I can get him. Yeah. Raines, the car has started moving in the direction you're going. I said it takes me a few turns. I said I was I was searching those three Guardians. Yeah, it's not going quick. It will take a little while to catch up.
I mean, the fact is it's trying... the Trunks is trying to pull a cart over corpses with like metal and they're like trying to move over speed bumps that are put really close together when you haven't got any speed. So it's going to take yeah a minute or two to get out to you. So you're just continuing in that time just to collect what you have gathered thus far. Yeah, if everyone's not done, it rains will then go and search the corpse of the... um I have to check my notes. What was his name again? Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark. Keidark.
no prior is is oh we's already been searched if it's pretty a you've already been you why the bob were doing haven't yeah yeah the only thing that's caught you by surprise is the fact that you manage to somehow in some space in his body miss that tiny if he was able to ah pi bum as on the jap sign Keidark That's the way he fired it from as well. Foursquid? that one say aren I'm happy to wait, but once Rains has done such in the body, he's going to move over to the elephant. Okay. It was probably, I'd say that's your turn to just sort of do that sweep then. Yeah. Okay. We're at, we're at Tillwell Showtime. Tillwell will turn to Seth. Your actions have been your own. Your oath, you have broken to your comrades.
or your choice. And he will look towards where Burt's shadow corpse is still there. He was down. He was defenseless. He was needed. And then I will attack Seth with my flaming hammer. Fucking hell. Fuck me. Okay. Roll to hit. ah It's going to be an eight. Well, we know that's not high enough. don know ah Then my spirit weapon will move closer to the cart. That's it. That's the end of my game. Thank you very much. It is Baal, your turn. Fucking zombies. What the fuck are you doing? Stop! And he's just going to say stop, stop, stop, stop, stop. And when the attack comes in, he is ah just going to, in draconic, basically bellow, stop.
ah But it's obviously not going to be those words. And instead, as an action, what I'm going to do is use my metallic breath weapon, not my fire. I'm going to use ah the enervating breath feature, um which is going to be directed. If Till was on top of the car, I'm imagining I can do this to him and not the others. I might be wrong. It's a cone, right? ah Oh, yeah, it is a cone. Yeah. Yeah. Angle the cone appropriately. Yeah, if I can. If not, I can get closer and do it so that I can angle it and just get emeron. But I need emeron slash tilwha to make a con save, please. Okie dokie.
Mad seven. You fall unconscious calm until or incapacitated until the start of my next turn. Is it in encountered is it unconscious? It says incapacitated. okay Sorry, it's not unconscious. your Yeah, you're incapacitated until the start of my next turn. um as this is something that you've never seen from Baal before. So he kind of almost roars, but instead of fire ah coming out, you can see like heat waves billowing out ah from him in the air towards Tilwha. And it kind of, you yeah, you see it si kind of shake him and just daze him for a bit. I imagine he probably almost falls onto the top of the tent, as it were. ah Yeah, and then bonus action. What if our spirits kind of try and blast the zombie? Nice.
Please kill the fucking thing. I can't fucking hit it. 16 to hit. Mark does hit, that does hit. Excellent. There are nine points of damage, that was a big one. Which is... Over it's maximum now. But it gets unlimited fortitude. So it has a con save five plus damage. That took it over. So how much damage did it have left? It had three. So it's, uh, uh, eight, six rounds of damage. Oh, sorry. Yeah. Oh, sorry. 11. Yeah. Nice. 11 cons. Please let it die. Uh, is it going to die? Does it come back with one? It's a crit, it's a crit. It's back up to one hit point. Still on fire, just standing there. Sat down on the floor.
that's That's my turn, that's me. Nick's, you're up. I'll leave the fucking zombie. Nick's... oh M1, as Nick says, exasperated looking up at the sky. Why? We'll step over the back of the car over to where M1 is. I'm on top of the tent. If you imagine Red Dead, I'm on top of the the canvas. Nick's is coming up to you and he's binding your hands and your feet and basically replacing key dark for you.
in that position. He's still got wings at this point. He's still in angel form as well. Fuck his wings. He can fly off. His hands are bound. His feet are bound in some sailor motherfucking knots. And he's just, he's just adhering you. at The temptation for me is to push you off the fucking car, tied and bound, and just leave you to it. But Nix is gonna take the high road, although he's thinking about it. That's what's going through his mind. He's just like, if I just could fucking roll him off here, leave him in the desert, he knows where we're going. Once he's done his bad temper, he can come back. But fuck you, everyone, you're staying here. And that's it. So once he's tied and bound, Nix will then... Pop him in the spot that Keydak was occupying for your whole time. yeahp Yeah. And how much can you move?
Uh, enough to do all of this. I'm 253 pounds. Even in angel form? Yeah, i my weight doesn't change. Oh, cool. It's in your inventory. Okay, well, I'd bind you if you want to play it like that. Okay, and then I'd sit on you. Well, it's just, I'm just, just the rules here. Yeah, it's okay, man. I'll bind you and I'll sit on you. Sit on your wings, in the crease of your wings.
OK. Top of the round, Seth. But before you take your turn, you're just going to hear in your mind, Nyx. Can you drive this thing?
Father? Uh, um, uh, yes, but ball is better at it than I am. Mysterious voice. Good to know. Seth, your turn.
Clip clop. And we're going to continue. He's going to hear, I think as you said this thing and then he says thud. assumed something has happened behind him is not going to look back and is going to continue along the road. He's going to probably eyeball what Baal mentioned earlier about something on the road and we'll be kind of angling around that area where the corpses are. Thanks, fuck, you remember that? Thank fuck I wasn't driving. um whatever was on the road there. and He has blink of vision probably more so than Trunks currently has. And he's just got one thing on his mind. Get the fuck to snake run. Wait, where are we going? sco Yeah. gor go home you turn around i' going to stay um And he's just going to, that's, that's it. Get on this road, get this fucking done.
Let's end this and just get the fuck off. Um, that's yeah. Okay. that's Just going to stay in an initiative because there's a stun that comes back in after balls. Sorry, incapacitation, the ball is timed to two. So that means rains Europe. You've just seen everyone pulled in. Oh, sorry. Till we're pulled in, put on the floor ungraciously.
Yeah, Rains has taken this slightly differently to Enron. He's firstly going to see that the elephant is still wounded, is that correct? Fab, he's going to launch mission missile. No, he's not. For his butt crack. Reigns is like um someone else who used to talk with a similar voice who got, who, who despair that the actions of his comrades and his gang is just going to walk up to the elephant and just tap it and go, you're all right, boy. And it's just going to give him a a cu i can another cure wound of this to say, thanks for not worrying enough.
And so Rains is just going to just give this elephant a little bit more vitality.
Because it did go through the mill for us. it's gonna get another 10 points of healing. It's at maximum now. Okay. And without saying anything, is the second cart, can you climb in the back of it? No, it's one fixed cage on top of a wheeled wooden base. Okay. You can sit on top of it, it'd be very uncomfortable. No, no, no, no. Raines is just gonna, this thing is still moving slowly enough without saying anything, he's just gonna pull himself up into the back of the cart. Okay. At this point, everyone is in the cart.
bob bow ah But M. Ron, it is your turn and you're incapacitated, you can't do anything. Well, it is now your turn. Sorry, I didn't want to do that. That's just, can you can't fuck down ah trunks. And I'm going to kind of try and use half my movement to climb back up on trunks as he's moving. um Are all of the javelins out of him now? He's he's not like a pincushion. He looks great. He looks great, does he? Excellent, okay. I think Kia Woon's clothes is the wounds, doesn't it? Which means he's rather worse than him with just drop. Awesome. ah Yeah, and in which case I'll go full Mahmoot and climb back up on him and kind of I'll i'll go reverse cowgirl and face the the group at the back. So instead of being kind of moving forward. Yeah, I said it. Yeah, I fucking said it. And I'll be facing you guys at the back there and I'm just going to be watching what's going on and being like, none of this would have fucking happened if we stayed on the cart. Can we all just call it and just fucking do the job that we're here to do? This is bigger than any of you. Fuck. As he's kind of clip-clopping. clo clop ah But also as he's doing that as well, you can see see him kind of
Uh, I start kind of twitching a little bit or or drooping a little bit. Um, and he kind of looks down and he is pretty badly wounded, um, as well with that. But that's my action. Okay. At the end of your turn, what does M run need to do? Nothing. He's an, um, incapacitated he's capacitated. Um, M run, you have a choice here. Would you prefer if we stayed initiative till we come back to you? Yeah, that'd be great. Okay. In which case, Nix, it's your turn. Everything looks plain sailing right now. Is everyone conscious? Tillward is now conscious again, yeah. His eyes have just opened. Right, okay. So Nix is going to look towards you. You act so high and mighty with all your lido crap. But none of your supposed righteousness helps us. You don't think twice about hitting your friends or your party.
All we were doing was protecting Alpha. What makes you right and us wrong? And why does that warrant a new lay in hands on us?
Thank you, Nix. Seth, you hear all this, but you are clip clubbing? Anything you want to do? uh third level no i'm just going to have a quick look because um as soon as anything nope i'm just going to yeah i think just clip clop more clip clop oh no he's not he's also going to reach into his pat he's going looking forward sorry i was going to do this anyway looking forward but He's off to the back of the car, front of the car, and he can just see a reverse cowgirl dragonborn on the back of an elephant, which is a wonderful Friday night image. Imagine the riding, the motion, just the sleighing up and down. Decide, decide, just the hips, just the hips moving. Yeah, he's like a chicken with his gyro, scopic hands. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I like staying perfectly still. He's going to reach into his satchel and pull out his only healing potion, and he's going to toss that towards Baal.
Yeah, he hasn't got any other ways to heal, but he was just going to throw that towards Paul. Butterfingers, I dropped it. No, I'm joking. Yeah, I'll take it. Under her foot. No, I'll take it. I pour it on the elephant. Oh, no, it's healed more now. I think it's literally just a regular potion of healing. So it's 2d4 plus 2d4 plus 2 hit points. Legend. I'll add it to my inventory and wait until next round. Thank you. And you're sort of coming out of that.
messy area with terrain is even again and you just see when what was dug in was essentially just like a a handful of really quite barbarous spikes that were just plated dug in with an intent to slow the elephant down or to to cripple the elephant it wouldn't do anything to the car but yeah yeah passing that Seth would try and then pick up pace a little bit back to a um a good traveling pace and get a clippity clop a clippity clop yeah clippity clop not a clip clop clip clop but but're not We're not sprinting here, but just a clippity club, like a good travel and pace, ah you know, travel song, sight style. Okay. Rains, anything from you, Rains? And he comes out, Rains, without saying anything, undoes his water flask, poured it in, brews himself a Cure Wounds healing tea, because he himself took some stabbing, contemplates it and drinks it.
ah He'll take 10 points of healing himself. Nice, great. ah The other thing Rains would then do is he'd just say to NC, go check on Barley, look for the colour, and if he needs it, brew him one. Because Rains has only seen Baal also. When he walked back past Trunks, he saw that Baal was in a bad way. So NC is going to fly off and just see how Baal is doing, and if he's bad, he's going to brew him some tea as well. Okay. Fucking arrow press.
Canker Express. No, Aeropress is legit. No, I don't know. I don't drink coffee. It's legit. And see if he's the Aeropress, makes him good. He's probably at that stage by now. like when he When we were at Goldport, he was brewing. now He's in Aeropress, but now he's starting to brew in inverted methods and stuff like that. In Goldport, it was the teabag in the cup now yeah from full teapo he's yeah and And if you want to purchase a fellowship of the table tennis, Aeropress. You can contact Aeropress and ask them very kindly to make one because we have no affiliation with them whatsoever. And you have to taxidermy your own squirrel. That's the effort. Do that as well. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. One day, we'll get there. I'm sure Aeropress would be, there wouldn't be a verse to us killing squirrels and shoving an Aeropress up his bum. Tilwa, Emron, it's your turn. You are bound, but you are conscious. Tilwa's going to look to Nyx who, you know, just said Alito crap.
And it's going to be like, you'll blaspheme. And then I'm going to try and break out the bonds. Okay. I want you to make a athletics check. Well, maybe a strength saving throw is more appropriate. Oh, I ah can do either. What do you for? Strength save, please. Okay. Now, Ben with good rolling, the other one that's four. Okay. You remain bound.
that's it i've i've i've said you blasphemer and i'm going to keep struggling that's it um yo tell oh Not really both actions. So can I, can I just see everyone just literally just struggling still? He probably didn't even perceive that because he just, now that we're at pace, the trunks is makes a lot of noise when in motion. And that was said quite quietly and directly to Nick's sailor knots be good. So I haven't perceived that M Ron slash till Y is still actively trying to release himself. So to speak.
No. Okay. gonna I'm going to withdraw my rod, turn back to just cowgirl and help navigate. Great. Thank you very much. we get Rod in both hands. Yeah. I've no, well, I would, but I've got a big rotting slab that's on fire in one hand. of course you do And then my rod is firmly gripped in my other hand. Um, as I'm riding, riding, just, just going with the motions up, down, left, right. You name it. Joystick. Yeah.
yeah I blaspheme your faith means that you harm us. just because you want to or disagree with us. My own internal faith means that I protect, or try to, those around us. I wanted to kill kill Dark from the start. Sef stopped me. There's no way after he got out a second time and after what Rains and you have told me about the history of this guy, after he held a blade to Alpha
If we had the opportunity, I'd have killed him and I'll kill him again and again. Trying to protect those around us. I see you disagree. I don't intend to hurt you for it.
Okay. Thank you, Nix. Seth, anything from you? Clip, clip, clip, clip, clip, clip, clip, clip, clip, clip, clip, clip, clip, clip, clip, clip, clip, clip, clip, clip, clip, clip, clip, clip, clip, clip, clip, clip, clip, clip, clip, clip, clip, clip, clip, clip, clip, clip, clip, clip, clip, clip, clip, clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip clip
ah yeah you could you could quite clearly see that bale is operating at about a third capacity currently have aqueing thank you friend Have have of a really consistent 10 points of healing as this chiing chest opened and out comes this little ah coffee cup. I've been rolling shit ever since I've gone too well.
Find out. It's a sign. It's a fucking sign. Your bum would just smile and nod a thanks to, to Betsy. Till before you take your turn, Alpha just places a hand on yours and clasps it affectionately.
Says nothing, just looks at you in the eye and holds your hand. It's your turn. Oh, thanks. At least someone trying to be nice about this. I'm still going to try and break out the bombs. You stabbed a fool. You can't talk to anybody after stabbing a fool. I'll try and break out. The enemy. Yes. Absolutely. The guy that was killing your son. Yep. The guy that poisoned rain. I'm unconscious, but we'll do this in character. ah i Strength again, Danny. Yep.
ah Can't roll shit 9 again sailor bonds Nick's ties ropes. Is he good with bondage? tonight He's very good at bondage We'll love that and To whereas as you're sort of squirming. This is not a third time you tried to squirm out of this It's the squirm dissipating. Is it becoming more aggressive or is it sort of constant? I Think he's becoming more and more frustrated and annoyed by it. He's not, he's not coming up. The more he's being constrained, he is being, he's getting more and more angry. Okay. Next, in your head, do you hear, is this one my daddy?
This one, I just sort of does the head motion to, to, to her. Oh, your alpha. Are you in alpha or something? um Yes, ah this is alpha's dad, M. Ron, although he's currently in Tilwa.
So you're currently in Alpha and everyone everyone's currently in TILWA. So yes, there's an essence. i i don't This is all very above me, if I'm being honest. And I assume this is you talking and not the other voices in my head. I'm a little bit worried and concerned about this.
alpha knots and just looks back at you. Fucking you! Looks back at you, Tilwa, with just really well-performed affection. Over-dramatic. Melodramatic, you might say. Damn, you're good. I see what you're doing. Also, Tilwa, I'm very good at tying knots. Now, I can't restrain you myself, because I'm weak as shit, but my knots are pretty damn good. And my captain always said so, so... ah I don't want to unbind you because I don't trust you. And every instinct is telling me to leave you on the side here. But I'm fighting that instinct. But please take in that no one is hurting you. We have to do this to protect ourselves from you. Is this who you want to be?
in this crew.
Is everyone happy if I circumnavigate back to Emron's turn? Is anyone wanting to interrupt? I'm just going to drink that potion of healing that Seth gave me as well. cool Yeah, and brains is now very much just processing. I'm sorry, yes. I i do have a thing that might affect Emron on his next go. So it'd be your turn now before it's Emron's turn? If that's okay, yeah. yeah um
stuff would have been listening to this and what Nix has been saying and heard maybe this drug. I don't know whether your head's on or not, but he hears Nix saying this. you know I'm not going to let you go. He can can build a picture of what's going on behind him and he's going to quickly jimmy the reins onto a ah ah stump off to the side to hold the reins steady on their current trajectory. and He's going to, with a shaking hand, look back at the zombie that's just been following his eyes the entire way until he's kind of ah smoking still in the distance, still animated, still there. And he's going to reach down to his um to his left boot and pull out a small iron dagger. And the minute he pulls that out, you see a trickle of blood start to fall from his nose. It's just a regular iron dagger. And he's going to go. He's going to cut through the the side of the the back of the cart if there wasn't a gap there already.
manged till war and with the dagger is going to hold it in his hand and just say when does it end till war when do you forsake the code that lets so many of your kind to oblivion how can you follow when life is not black and white but shades of grey He's going to take the dagger high in his hand and he's going to stab it down through the bonds that Nix has set and rip ah through the hands. I don't think it's an I've got enough of an action to then do the feet as well. So you probably just release the hands. And if I have any movement left, step back off and go back to um
He's going to stop the blade into the below of him so it's bouncing and and next to him so he releases it. Blood is going to pour from his nose. I'm going to give myself a bit of damage because of that thing. And he's going to pick up the reins, wipe the blood away and just continue with the horse. Okay. but as do effect but it's okay who who And as the binds become unbound around your hands, Emron, immediately Alpha just fills your palm and holds it like a child would a parent. Just one hand. You have your right hand free, but just hold your left hand with affection. That's when I picked up my weapons and didn't fall off the cart. I was now left in the distance.
but I'll turn around. Don't worry. That's good. It's, it's your turn. and yeah Um, so till was going to look to, uh, alpha's hand and then to alpha. You are a good one.
Whoever You are or have been? It's Alfa, your son.
I'm not sure, Emron. He is going to... He is not happy.
And then Emron, Tillward, the globe will fade from his eyes. The wings will almost dissipate in golden light. And then like light light dust in a shaft of light will then twinkle away out the back of the tent. And then it will just be Emron. And he will he will look at Alpha.
and then he'll reach down and undo his leg ties. It'll take you a good 20 minutes. Such is the prowess of my knowledge. Well, yeah, I definitely won't be able to be free this turn. Just to be clear, only Reigns is in the car. Everyone else is on top of it, aren't they? No, we're inside the car. Everyone's in it. You're seeing this. I'm riding cowgirl. Apart from Baal.
Okay. Paul, it would be your turn, but without anything to add. Nope. I'm, I'm all good. Nick's anything to add now that he's sort of back to Emron and becoming unbound. No, I know that you hear this is Emron and still are, right? Well. Uh, I don't have to repeat everything I just said, do I? Um, out of game question. You are. I think you, I think till one has spoken about that. M Ron does see and hear things that till one season hits. Okay. So I've spoken to till one before. Yes. So and so you you have spoken to him and and yes. So everyone is aware. and one say Yes. There's a shared conscious. Okay, cool. Does anybody want to remain in initiative? No, you're okay. We'll call that ended then.
See, um just if you're untying yourself, you need to take the smaller one around this side and then... I think I'll just hit Enron Growl. The verberation in his voice, he says, Nyx, you're the last person I need to speak to right now. That's OK, but you're still bound and then you untie this bit and then the ropes fall off you. I'm just going to sit at the front and then Nyx will just move off and go to the front next to Seth.
Okay. So Seth and Nix, side by side, the Shadow Mendians in the back, Baal riding ahead. You have your private spaces if you want to speak. And they're not super private though, are they? Just quickly, what time of day is it? Roughly. it's ah It's a few hours from sunset, it is just sort of mid to late afternoon. Okay, I'll just quickly spin the head back. We should probably be looking for somewhere to rest up soon. I can keep my eyes open and let you know. Probably best to do it before the sun fully goes down and establish a camp. You might want to look for two separate camps, Baal. Oh fuck, what's happened? A lot.
Well, we'll find out. We'll see. It's all fine. I can build us a shelter anywhere. All we need is a good location. Yeah, steady as she goes. Keep her, keep her true. Well, I'm not technically steering. That's you. I'm just enjoying the ride. I ain't steering shit. um You steering? Um, meanwhile, I'm, I'm on the lookout for, uh, yeah, on the horizon, trying to find somewhere that would be a good place, um, to perhaps pull up for the Eve, um, trying to take in signs of. minimal disruption, be it wildlife, be it footfall, um somewhere that I know is, well, yeah, ah if depending on what the terrain's like, yeah, someone that hopefully or preferably someone that's a bit more sheltered than just kind of on the side of the road. but so So far that hasn't really been forthcoming. It's been relatively flat apart from the occasional sort of bluff, not not even a bluff, and just sort of a of gradient, but um you also haven't seen any travellers in a little while either.
The, every quarter mile, there is these these single posts with with this ambient glow that the crystal grow sort of torches. and And it's almost like they are starting to come on slowly. Like they are their source of light to the entire evening as well. um But you're probably a bit too early to be in the, let's find an appropriate shelter phase. Yeah, to the ground. Nothing, nothing yet has been forthcoming at this point. Nice. Okay. Yeah. That's just on my mind as we go forward. Cool. As we travel, everyone's going to rub his wrists where the bonds were. We're going to look to Alpha and look to Rains. And ah he's going to resort to Dwarvish, a little bit like Rains and him probably did when they were crafting Alpha, you know when they were worried about what other people might see. And so they would use the Dwarvish to try and avoid being overheard and in these deep sort of tones.
He will turn to him in into Orvish and say, what do we do now?
And Alfred understands it as well. because alphad do Just go to the character sheet to see if I can find that. Yeah, he does. But when you ask that question, Alfred doesn't seem to understand what you're saying. Just looks at you blankly and scratches his head a bit.
Rains will take a deep breath and we'll say, he'll humor Imran and reply in draw-ish and he will say, we get to Scorch Helm once that's done. I'll do this in character, we get to Scorch Helm once that's done.
I need to figure out what's happening in Sheldon, man. That means going home so bad.
He was no longer a threat against Alpha. He was down. He was dying. And he had answers. And he had answers that we could have made him share. And for the third time now, I've seen people we've traveled with attack someone we've tried to save. We've seen Marota kill a prisoner. We've watched Baal try and burn one alive from the inside. And now we've watched Nick's stab and then Seth finish.
Raines will say, we've always been a part of doing something bigger. Perhaps we've lost sight of that. Perhaps this is what we needed. I don't give a fuck what happens in that gladiator pit. I don't give a fuck about what happens to that dragon mornin' that cell. As far as I'm concerned, we get to Scorch Hell. We go our separate ways. This is done. Perhaps the apriskra captain we're at. Perhaps ah do we don't need to question the path we walk and who we walk it with.
I heard what they said. I know my oath. And there's fuck all in it about killing those that can't.
I fought folk in a fair fight. I fought folk in an unfair fight many years ago. But he was done. We asked him, Aledo. had stopped him and brought him back from the Tebrinka death. He was said to stop, and they chose not to.
I've never felt so angry for a long time. It's a long, long time since I've been that angry. Try not to... It's fucking lucky. that Baal took Tullwar out because he was ready to kill folk and let the gods judge him. Rainsville just said that there there's a lot that I don't fully understand, but my grandfather will find someone else to replace.
to replace what he's lost today. This is not done. This is not over. There is an immediate degree of safety that comes with him being dead. For now. That that could have happened anyway. We needed the answers. That was important. And we won it was something we could have done when we rested. We could have cast the spell to make him speak the truth. I could have done it myself.
And we can't do it now, because he's dead. Alpha just clears his throat.
I heard Alpha one or two times there. Anything you want to salute me in on? Anything to say? Alpha. What is going on with you? It was a big question. Yeah, I know. I mean, what do you think? Do you think these folk are giving everything we've now done and seen?
Can we stick with folk that will kill another defenseless?
As long as you just get me to, get me to Squatch Elm, I don't give a monkeys. Who are you? What? Who are you? Well, a little bit obvious, isn't it? The only person that also wants to get to Squatch Elm? You're not Alpha.
I want to say bravo, but I know you've just gone through a bit of a turn.
You're in the cage. Yeah, that bolts the question. Who are you? Correct. I am that thing you have just deduced. Is he still talking in Dwarvish back to us? No, he doesn't know Dwarvish. Okay. You're all hearing this. Does that mean that the... I mean, I was talking in Dwarvish because I see that Alpha can understand me. Okay. So, you're hearing Emeron and Rains talk Dwarvish, but you're hearing Alpha shout quite loudly in common. with a different inflection in his voice, but still his voice. Nick's already knew that that was an outfit. So, ain't surprised.
Why are we taking you to a scotch hell? Dunno. Need to get out of this cage. I've been in here for months. But we were warned that we couldn't open the cage. And would you? Stay with it. Haven't? No, not yet. I don't, you don't want to open it. It will literally hurt you so much, you will, lots of bad things will happen, lots of bad things. To everyone nearby. Yes, for miles, absolute miles and miles. Okay. Less ideal. So if you could all just park, park all this,
tom foolery just till i'm in the clear and then go hell for leather i couldn't care less who wants you in scorcher who knows who knows man don't know couldn't tell you but i'll take that why did you chris garr have you well it's better than it was before i suppose safer to be in prison than you know The other place? Where was you the other place? I can't tell. We don't know who, we don't know each other well enough. You've heard of me. I think you've heard of me. I'm Dribbo. Dribbo? I don't think... I'm going to look till it rains. Dribbo?
Nope, the only other person who might be able to answer that question. You're currently possessing his body. It sounds like something you sneeze. Mmm. That's what I thought. But kind of like how non-threatening it is, but at the same time comical.
Right. the bra but when When do we get Alpha back? When do you relinquish this? Whenever. I can't do this again for a while because it uses all of my energy. But um yeah, if you want to back now, I'll hop out and well that'll be that till we get to the capital, I think. But, you know, just please park your fallen outs till I'm in the all clear.
I've got one more of these in the tank and I'm just saving it just in case, just in case some of the Mianti turn up because I owe them and that they'll be watching. You want tea? No coffee.
a Always focus. Yes. You met the bull Beck, uh, harmless, harmless. Really shouldn't have slept with his wife. Uh, there could be, there could be some others. There could be some others on route. Uh, yeah, you're in for an interesting trip. Thank you for doing this. Appreciate it. Big time.
Okay. Well, that's just. Thank you for in no way illuminating anything and just adding more mystery. you know Orders are orders. I'm afraid you just got to keep it all very cryptic. It turns its focus to you for a second, Raines. That was really stupid. that was that that That whole run in there, run straight out idea. Stupid. Yeah, thanks for the commentary. i um
It was impulsive. I'll grant you that. But you've got this thing he's pointing to himself. This guy. He needs his parents, you know? Don't go on just running in there and doing stupid things like that. Yeah, I know, I know. I don't need you to tell me I did something stupid. But I'm something of an idealist, Dribble. Something of an idealist. And I've had, I don't know, in my naivety, I thought that sleep garb were friends of mine. And I thought that we could be friends and a friendly thing. and Well, I learned a valuable lesson to date. Not who I can trust.
Sucks to be you. Yeah, it does. It does, really. I could have stayed surrounded by an audit wealth, instead of sacking the value of a cop with a smart-ass dragon more than a cage. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm.
Well, since I have no choice but to see this little journey through the Scourge Town, I'll get you there. I'm ready to switch to Common now. That's where we part ways, all of us. Sounds great to me. Something tells me that's not going to happen. um Wait and see what's coming. Yes. Doubt that's going to happen.
Why? Well, you kind of want to, you know, just... Spoilers. It's not for me, it's not my news. It's a great story. I love to tell stories. It's a good one, but... I take away that. Yeah. Well, I've, I've gotten the version to, to, to not have an information relay to me. It turns out you never know when that information might be snuffed away from you. So if it's all the same, if you could just spill the beans or go back in the cage, ah two options, just just pick one and do one. From the front, Seth would just pipe up at that moment and go, oh, spill the beans. He's right. You two won't be going anywhere.
Huh? And how how do you mean to stop me doing that exactly? Well, Bart and I will stop you. Our lives literally depend on it. Am I free to go? That's a shame. Am I I don't know, probably not. Where are we going? I believe anywhere anywhere there was only it was only three of us four. Oh, cool. Well, yeah. I mean, you you can, you can follow at whatever pace you can try and keep up, follow at what pace you lack. Follow. And he's going to stop and do trunks. Follow. I thought you were following me on the one driving this. I am right now. If you want.
but If you want to, it's totally your decision. What the fuck is going on? Can we just, I don't know, put the fucking toys back in the box and act like adults? This is what they call a good old fashioned dick measuring contest. Is it? Because it sounds like babies fucking throwing toys out of the pram. That, Baal's going to point to the sky, is a new development. This, he's going to point to the prisoner, is a mission that we've been sent on. And that, he's going to point where we've come back from, was a complete and utter clusterfuck because you guys got off the cart. We made a plan. I like you and I healed you because I like you. It's not personal, but please don't lecture me. I was there that time you decided to set everything on fire because a few of dragon eggs went missing. Please don't lecture me on cluster fucks. I acted impulsively and stupidly the day. You did it then. I think we're even.
no you're right you're right sorry you're right when i was looking after my brethren my kin and was angry at their loss you're right i did lose my shit now your brethren slash kin he'll point to alpha he was being stabbed the fuck up there and you and he'll point back to emron We're trying to smash him up for the other person that got killed that you only found out about because, and he points to Seth, this guy decided to bring him back in front of you to help, I don't know, you get answers from him, but then and the moment he woke up, he poisoned you if you didn't quite forget that. He's tried to escape several times and oh, he also seems to be some sort of druidic force that can wild shape just like I can. ah There's no way that we would have restrained What the fuck were we gonna do? Tickle his balls and make him spill all the beans? You say, and he'll point to Emron, you could make him talk. what What the fuck were you going to do? Keep beating the shit out of him and healing him repeatedly, repeatedly, repeatedly? And who's to say that he would have told you anything? that sounds All I'm saying is...
It was a clusterfuck. We have once again survived. We have a mission. We have an end goal. There are things that play bigger than us. The blight might be fucking coming back. It definitely is. that Why are we... You're speaking some real good truth there, you're right. We do have a mission to get to Scorch Elm. And then I think some of us want to part ways. For what? For what? because some of us, I think, don't quite agree with
methods of others. Can I just clarify one of the methods you're talking about me cutting his head off? The last time we thought he was unconscious, he poisoned Reins. The second time we thought, um the second i shut up, I'm talking. The second um got off car okay the second time, is still so ah cliplo on the second time we told we thought he was unconscious, he then grabbed Alpha and ran across the desert. He almost killed me, Baal, a member of the abcriskra, and burnt down a barn with trunks in it. And you both told us how fucking deadly this man was. You told us he was the most dangerous force in the whole of an entire kingdom. I'm sorry, I want to agree with Baal here. We are not very good at fighting as a group.
Let's just put it out there. We're dysfunctional fuckers, right? And us against him, we don't stand a chance. whether or not he's on, he's half naked running through the desert on low health or at full fucking tilt running at us in a barn. We're fucked either way. The only way we survived last time was the abciscara. Emron, I'll tip my head to you and say, yeah, you were right there. Some of them- He's gone, he's gone. He hasn't. The moment that you said you're jumping off the cart, you were caught. Well, I need you to make a saving throw, please.
I want him off the cart. Can I bless him?
I'll give you every round of each other. Guidance. Guidance. I have guidance. ah Can you make a wisdom save, please? Okay.
Rollin' for shit tonight, it's 11. So the moment you attempt to hop off the cart, you are paralyzed as you just watch Alpha just wave a blue light in your direction. And he just, as you're frozen, he just sort of turns you, so you're facing back towards Seth's monologue. And he just has an arm over your shoulder but and listens. It ain't me, this ain't me. I struggle to understand something. Yeah, we might, I might have crossed, up fuck it, I crossed a line with that. My past leads me to those options. When I have people among me that I love and I care for, I will defend up, shut up, alpha, weird alpha thing. I don't know where that came from, but I don't trust that noise. I will defend them like they were my brothers.
Fuck it, I have defended them better than I would defend my brothers. My brothers, my kin, those who I was willing to die for, I just helped slaughter for you to defend one of yours. I killed that man while he lie unconscious on the floor to defend you lot. One wrong does not make a right, I understand that. But there were a couple of wrongs that I think I righted by cutting his fucking head off there, okay? Not to lay blame on you, Reigns, because I would have done the same. But, Emron, let's just let's just put all our cards on the table here. Reigns took all the money of the corpses of my brothers. Did I raise a fist? Did I get angry? Even though those men and what they stood for are closer to me than any of you? No.
Because as reigns rightly said, there are things bigger than these little fights we have. And let's be honest that cunt was slowing us down. Every chance he got, he was fucking with us. I almost cooked him back in the barn in which we found him. It was only Seth who actually said, no, let's bring him back to Reigns, because Reigns will want to speak to him that that that stopped us doing that. He tried to fucking kill us. He tried to kill Nix. like no almost He almost killed us multiple times. Not the pile on. I was going to kill him as well in that barn. And it was Seth that stopped me. And also, Alpha, when we brought him back,
to that room. Alpha Straight Up wanted to kill him too and said it was just the safest way. We just kept him alive for you, but he's dangerous if I knew. no i know And I told you before we stopped that the safest course of action was to kill him. I don't dispute that. given
yeah We just have a difference of opinion here. but My thing is the difference of opinion. One of us, with his difference of opinion, that leads to killing us. Our difference of opinion is let's just be silent for a bit and talk it through. That's an extreme And there's a conversation. We don't all have to agree all the time. ah brains I know you pretty well. I know that you don't agree, surely. I'd be surprised if you agree with everyone laying hands on us. I'm all for everyone having a differentness of opinion. Same as yourself. I like to think that we're, we've grown past the point where we have to fight each other on that opinion though. If we have to go separate ways, we have to go separate ways. I'm not going to, I'd be gutted man, but I'm not.
You got to do what you got to do. But please don't. If anyone wanted to, he'd fucking murder me straight up. I am scared of him. He was a champion that I chose for a reason. That can't be right, man. Just can't. Let me do, I would say one more thing and then I will just drive the car. I will not speak. No, I need to talk to you. and it's not I'm not looking for a confrontation. You say your thing and then let me say my thing. Of course, Rains, I understand. it and but You see the blood continue continue to pour out of um Seth's nose and he wipes it away. He will lie down on the floor, neck open and exposed to Imran. Whenever Elphard stops fingering your bum or whatever the hell he's doing to making you freeze like that,
ah Grab your sword, grab your blade and cut my neck. Like I cut that man's. And then you can explain to the others how that is different to what I did. And he's just going to lay there on the floor for a while. Probably a couple of hours. Am I still paralyzed? No, you're back. Okay. Everyone will look to you and go, I'm not going to strike someone. Who's unarmed when we're able to defend himself? Very well. He summons the Shadowblade and puts it in his hand. He's still laying there on the floor. I'm not going to fight you. You've given me no reason right now. We've all said our piece. Nyx, you can gesture all your fucking want with your hands. Everyone's just going to turn away. He's going to hang his legs off the back of the cart and he's he's his shoulder's going to sag a little bit. um He's going to look around. Where are his hammer and shield? they're on Pick them up.
Hell no. Was Hammer and Shield were left behind? No, they'd be on the car, because you had them when you fell unconscious on the car. Well, no, no, I was on the top of the car. I'm not sure if you'd fall. They would have fallen through. You did cast Divine Smite. You charged a Smite. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Check when I went and got it. Nick's wouldn't have picked up your hammer. He wouldn't have been able to pick up your hammer. Certainly wouldn't have thrown him over the car. If your weapon was on fire and you dropped it through the car, is the cart on fire? No, that's the whole conversation. The moment I think... I think because I wouldn't because it's a concentration spell I don't know whether I basically had it just drop because I was technically unable to in my mind that would have that would have ripped through the top of the coffin landed in the but that's I wasn't sure and I was just like I'm just gonna have it drop because it just doesn't I don't think otherwise yeah um fine everyone's gonna look around he's got his stuff and he's just going to sort of yeah so he's just gonna be getting a cloth app is um
of his pack and he's just wiping the hammer clean of any goo from the um state guardians and he's just he's hanging off the back of the car looking out the way they come. My turn.
I'm Prince Rains Haddow of the kingdom of shadow man. I left that kingdom because It was dangerous because there were people there who had discovered about Alpha and they befalls into their hands could be used to create something monstrous. Alpha is What's known as a Nakavolo. Now, a husk Nakavolo is an easy thing to build. It's effectively just like a ah metal soldier. You build it and you program it one function. There's more to Alpha than that. He has something inside him known as a memory room. It gives him his sentience. Now, Alpha's sentience is like a DNA thing. I explained it once before. It's part me, because I placed the room in his chest, hence why he can do out of history. And it's part someone else.
And every time we move along, every time Alpha gets a bit older, something else happens. This linking with Dribbo is new. This linking with that moon is new. You shut up. The me thing is not unique to Alpha. I could have done it to any of you, but he just looked like the most spare. Oh, okay. That's not, well, at least I don't have to worry about that.
I thought we were safe here. I thought Fleet Guard were allies. I thought that. in my naivety that the 17, 18 year old warrior princess who fought the black was a ticket for me to learn what I should do. She left her home looking to to to find purpose, looking to save her family. I'm doing the same. The people who hunt me, the people who that man worked for,
but belong to some of the most dangerous people in the world. If Alpha should fall into their hands, they will have what they need to make Nakavilla. They will find out what they need, they will strip Alpha for parts, and my grandfather will start building an army of sentient metalmen I have no doubt in his own image. Believe me, no good is coming for anywhere in the Earth should that happen. I'm running thin on allies on a national scale. I am a fugitive on the other side of the world. I am the only person fully aware at the minute, along with Imran. And now all of you, I suppose, on just what the stakes are. People are not looking from my kingdom, are not looking to get their hands on Alpha because of the morbid fascination. They know exactly what they can do with him.
I gave Alfa that burden the day I made him. It's my fault.
My job right now is twofold. I have one. One in the parent of me is to let Alfa find his own path and keep him safe while doing it. The second path is a macro political picture. And Rains is now going to pull out of the bag of the holding, the plate armor. You say these were your brothers, Seth. I know a lot about Sleek Guardian royalty and and and and Sleek Guardian military. The crest on there is Sleek Guardian. I ain't ever seen those military cold alarms anywhere else. Have you? I don't know, would he? Alpha pipes up. Seth, you wouldn't have.
They belong to the personal guard of King Leopold Sleekguard. There are only, well, a small number of them still in existence because King Leopold Sleekguard is nowhere to be found.
Then my family has some answers. I have a long standing plot or a long standing ambition for effecting that geopolitical picture. If the people on this cart agree to help me, I will help. I will see through this journey. I will stay with you. I will see and do what happens needs to happen. I'll do my bit to help you win that gladiator fight. And then you in turn, when it's time to leave, Scorch Helm will help me. We are not leaving by the road. We need to leave by a different method.
I'm going to find what I can. I'm going to find the crew as best I can. I'm going to sail to the Sanguine Lands, if that's where he is. And I'm going to rescue Leopold's sleep guard.
I need help. I can't do that alone, but I will try to do it alone if I have to. I need allies. I need people who are like-minded towards the sleep guardian cause. He'll look at Seth. And then he'll glance at Nyx and say, and I need a good ship. I mean, you speak my language. I'm not going to lie. This excites me so much that I've got a semi right now. As soon as you said I'm going to sail, I peeped and was my interest. But it rains. You didn't need to give me the speech. Personally, following... Love the speech. I've been following you long enough. I was going where you were going.
You say you're excited, Nix. I'm lying down, but I'm still standing up. My point still remains though. I'm worried about Emron. I know that in the heat of it, you wouldn't strike against me.
ah This that Seth would have sat, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. If there's a
We've got a lot of healing to do as a party before we can do what you set out to do. But you never had to ask me. I was always there.
But yes, Avi, I'll just i help you get a ship and a crew. i I'll fucking find you the best ship ever. We can name it, we can name it something glorious, something that's upstanding, but also subtle, so we don't just call it the Prince's reign. We just call it something a little bit more subtle, but oh my, the things that we can do. Do you think there'd be room for a cart on it? And an elephant. Depends on the ship. Depends on what we can find in Scorch Helm. I don't think Trunks has ever been on a ship before. Oh, Ryan's on your point.
You could have just said the word hell in a sleep guard and I would have jumped. I'm in. Just the same as what he said about your companion. He's good but of a fucking loose cannon. I understand he's got some morals but the world ain't as simple as that. Not these days. Not after the blight. But yeah, let's take back a kingdom. Let's go find a king. I'm in.
The only answers we're gonna get, and it's the only chance that sweet god has. So long as Leopold lives. Before you can say anything else, leaning in front of you reigns to sort of occupy the space so that no one's looking at you anymore.
I've got to go. But I'm really glad, I'm really glad you got to do this. Take a toddler that needs a piss. Points over to Baal. You started this, well done. You started this. Because of you, they've talked. He got grumpy, that's okay. But look where you are now. Guys, this is a good sign. It turns back to Rains. Put one arm over Rains like he sat like on Rains' lap one arm over. And just sort of says from the side of his mouth. Loud enough though for everyone.
I think you've got a plan there. I think it's a great plan. I think it's all going to change the moment you get to score a challenge. And I think you just need to be open to the fact that the plan is going to change because there is better information than what you are working off. Better information that will lead you to what you need quicker. Capiche?
Sure. Yes, it will change. World's views will change. Your mind will be expanded. You'll probably have a little cry and that's okay, but it's going to change. You ready for this? You're the Don. You're the man. It's gonna change for you. Go on then. Or is this it this cryptic for me to find out? I can't tell. But I can tell. You're all unifying. And that's good.
Looking forward to it.
Stick with me. Well, don't. Have some curiosity for me when you get to Scorcher. They'll see you right. I am really running out of time. I can do this one more time on our journey. I'd prefer to save it in an emergency. If I've got to come back into one of you to stop you all from killing each other, that's going to be really bad. That's going to just be bad. Okay. What kind of power do you have when you go into one of us? Just saying, is it is it a good power? you see You made Alpha better than ever. like It's not permanent. It's it's just me. channeling through someone else. I've never heard Alfa talk so much. It's amazing, really. I tried to perform. I only heard a snippet of what he spoke like, but the voice is really not for me. It hasn't got the pizzazz, you know? Here's the thing. This isn't going to happen again, okay? No more falling outs. You guys are doing some really good restoration. Sleep on it. Don't try and do too much in one night. Baal, well done for beginning this. I have to go, but I'm going to leave you with this one bit of wisdom.
Stay on the road. For goodness sake, stay on the road and get me there as fucking fast as you can, okay? Agreed? No more fighty fights. If I've gotta come out, it's not gonna end well. One of you is going to sleep for a couple of days. yeah And go easy on this one. And he puts a hand on Emron's shoulder. He's dealing with a lot. And he's a far, far, far away from home.
Don't make him the villain. Yet, unless he does like a really gross thing and then make him a villain. But right now he is not quite a villain. He's a bit of an anti-hero, but it depends on which side of the story you look. Read some of my novels. ah i'll leave I'll leave you a shopping list when we get there. Look, I have to go, I'm running out of time. And he sort of squats as though he's going to take ah a conversion in a rugby match. paul Goes to pull up some sleeves like he's always used to wearing cuffs and then realizes he's just got metal arms. And then goes, right. spatula, and then Alpha reappears as Alpha's regular self.
And that is where we're going to end this week's episode. The Fellowship of the Tabletop, Bellum Draconis. It turned out to be more of a fireside chat than an episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop, but we got there. GG everyone. GG. Sexy. That was sexy. I like that. That was deep. That was raw. That was powerful. Fucking loved D&D, man. Just evokes everything, didn't it? Will Smith, I love you. Oh shit, sorry. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine
but's it It wasn't at like 30 or 40, I think. it's pretty so We had the square off with Robin at 50. Sorry, we do we're still talking with calling, sorry. Yeah, sorry. Thank you for tuning in and listening, making this about you every week. If you are having in party fighting and your D and&D campaign and need to reach out call us on 0500 067 900 and we shall talk you through how to do it in character but remain the best of friends out of character to which we all are gonna do what's my bed i love you too nothing out the ordinary then
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He's thrilled again. Callum again, who's been a part of this episode more than ever. He's been amazing. He's been um amazing. can he is He is our MVP. He is the MVP of this. There you go. Asian Callum entered the room. It's he does it. its is how he does it it you give all ah but ah This could spiral down. Let's keep pushing forwards to our illustrious DM who can be found at Total Party Thrills. Till next time guys, farewell.