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Ep. 83 Smelly Alpha Activate - Bellum Draconis image

Ep. 83 Smelly Alpha Activate - Bellum Draconis

S2 E83 · The Fellowship of the Tabletop
45 Plays10 months ago

After gathering means to travel, the party now look for supplies to last the journey from Snakerun to Scorch-Helm

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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade

Music kindly provided by Fesliyan Studios


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Links to this can also be found in the description of the podcast via whatever podcast app you're using. Remember guys, slash pricing, offer code table top. Drago out. I am older. You sustain six points of lightning damage. No, no, no.

Introduction to Fellowship of the Tabletop Bellum Draconis

Hello everyone and welcome to this week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop Bellum Draconis. We are a live play 5e D&D podcast set in the magical home-brewed world of Eryth in the Kingdom of Dranak. Joining me for this week's episode, we have Darren, who plays the High Elf Artificer, Rains Haddow. Hello, Delboy. I've just sold a cart and an elephant to some idiots. We've got Will, who plays the human cleric, Emron. We've got an elephant. Callum, who plays the war-forged Artificer, Alpha. Oh, lovely, Babbly.
He only plays the Tiefling Warsura and Nyx Carell. Seriously, a motherfucking elephant. Come on, yo. Will he plays the dragonborn druid Baal Valkon?
My name is Mark and I'm playing the Human Bladesinger Seth Faroreva and by last but my name's least is our Maestro of Magic, our Commander of Combat, our DMD of D&D, Danger Master Danny! Look Frodo, it's an elephant! They come in pikes! They do! I love the delay that both people had there! Took some of you a bit long time to get there. Oh god!
This is a female elephant, right? I'm just imagining Mary and Pippin in the prancing pony holding a massive pint of cum now.
to the bottom like licking their lips I'm getting one you might have a whole half already here right

Marketplace Barter and Humor

Yeah, we see old girl oh shit No, just slowly Leaning on one hand over his bar. The Sun is shining outside and he he slowly rolls the orb from finger to finger and over his over his fingers of his right hand weird ends on the foot of the palm of his left
takes a deep breath in out and then clocks us
Oooh, shopping! The group done does a little bit of splittin'. Some goes to the armory, some goes to the little cart placey place near the tall house. There's a dragonborn in the armorer placey place called Assure Desert Wind. She's a tough old bitch. She got one eye, damn! Emron done does a little bit of asking for the good shit, and he finds out it's mostly too fucking expensive. He's like, what you got? She's like this. He's like, how much? She's like this. He's like, fuck.
Anywho, it turns out that she done seen some more Nakavolo other than Alpha before. Emron and Reigns are like, ooh, let's haul this bitch out for a discount. And then the rich boys find their rich toys and it's like, you get an item, you get an item, you'll get an item and we start stocking up. Meanwhile, Nix and Seth, they go into the upcrisp nest. They're all like, ooh, we gonna disguise ourselves as something that no one will possibly guess. And then they use the same fucking beat.
He dares that they've been using all the fucking game so far. Anyway, turns out it's Kareem that's in charge. He's a hairy fella. He's got a little bit of little man syndrome and he got the smarts. He done seen them coming a mile away. Nix goes in with the big ideas and then seems to settle for a fucking donkey cart. And then he's like, no, wait, bitch, get me a fucking elephant. And actually it's crazy. And Kareem's like, yo, you just leave.
that there elephant card down the road about a mile I give it to you for free and we'll take that card off your hand so he's some sort of shady fuck anyway next tries to charm him fucks it up and then counters with a bet he places 100 gold
pieces on the winner of a tournament, and he says if he's successful, then he gets 1,000 gold pieces. If he's successful, he gets all the money. If he fucks it up, then Korean gets all the money because Korean wants some sort of silence tax.
Anyway, Nyx decides that Emron is gonna beat a person to back in this here combat and cream. He goes to hell and drops that bombshell saying, no, no, no, I'm gonna put my thousand dollar runies on the Valkyrie. Let's see what the fuck happens next.
So in that moment where Nyx is clasping hands with Kareem and Sethe is feeling smaller than usual, we're zooming out and going back to the Dune Forge armory now in a private session. Alpha, you find yourself in a sort of
cold works equivalent to a forge. There is instruments, there are tools for crafting. It's not like you are in some sort of surgeon's chair, but there is equipment that would be used to pry open parts of your bodice, of your carapace, of your plating. And you're sat in, you're sort of lying down on this slab, like bed structure.

Alpha's Memory Rune Revelation

ancient desert wind just above you, this whole king black dragonborn. So, this is going to hurt. I thought you had said that I would be returned in the same condition. What is that you plan to do?
Get the Phillips screwdriver out, it's not going good man. I promise that you will be returned in that condition but it's going to hurt. I need to, I wish to understand what's going on behind the surface. The last time I met someone of your kind they spoke about something called a memory rune and I'd like to access that.
The object that I showed you before was a memory rune from another Nakavolo. Yes, but you're still living. The individual who once held that memory rune, I'm guessing by the fact that you have it, means he is no longer.
It is unfortunate, but no. It was my ill-fated attempt to save what might be left. I don't know what these things are. All I know is that I want to know more. To what end before you begin?
As far as I'm aware, there are two of you on this world. Imagine if there could be more. You wish to construct more? I wish to understand. I'm a master of metal, and I've found the metal I have not yet mastered. Surely you understand the curiosity. It is.
very tempting to learn more about myself. My father, or Reins, who was in earlier, has always attempted to explain to me the inner goings-on of everything that I am, the essence of what I am, but there is still questions that have never been able to be explained.
Still, stuff he is unsure of. Even now, I do wonder if I would some form of intended accident. There was many attempts before me. Perhaps there were some after that failed as well, I am not sure. But the ideal is ideal, as you say. I only ask that you be careful.
I'll try my best. I'm going to have to restrain you because I'm not sure if I do something, if I'm going to end up involuntarily hurting you or myself. I hope you understand. I understand. If it is possible for you while you are working,
I would very much like to hear your story of your encounter with the Nakavilo.
You begin to feel a series of sort of straps and metal clamps pull you down to this table, the neck, the wrist, the underarm, the waist, the legs, the feet, and then one across your belly equivalent and one across your chest. And as she's sort of adjusting the tension on these, she just says, it must have been about six months ago, seven months ago,
I was in scorch helm at the time, gaining supplies. And there were two travelers from a very distant land, a lizardkin and a more makeshift, more rustic version of yourself.
They accompanied me on the road back here to Scorch Helm and said that they needed to travel further to Goldview. Said they'd never been to Sleekard before I'd given them some directions. We were on the road together for nearly a week. They were an interesting couple.
This individual said, not very much. Kept repeating the phrase, I am older. I am older. I am older. Did that cause me any damage? Can I just ask? It does. Can you roll, can you roll this 3d4 poppy, please?
Okay, eight. You sustained eight points of lightning damage. Please do not say those words. And she just looks a odd reaction. She looks at you really curiously. This is interesting. Those words are triggers. She just says older.
Nothing happens. I am. Nothing happens. I older am. Nothing happens. So it is the words in those specific order most fascinating. It seems to be that way.
Has that always been the case? At this point, she's beginning to just sort of loosen various pieces of plate metalling around you. That's fine. You might hear him kind of go... Every now and then this is like strain coming over his body. His form as you are taking these bits and pieces out, he's probably starting to wane and kind of destructures himself. He's very, very finely crafted.
construct. So when you start taking bits out, all the bits have to bear that same kind of pressure. Can you make a constitution saving throw for me? I'm fucking myself over all these kinds of things. Shut up, Callum. I got a five. This is the most you've spoken the entire season. Don't shut up. This is probably the most damage out here. This is how Alpha dies.
You're beginning to feel a bit worse for wear now at this point that sort of essential covers and things like that are exposing like your core to the result that anything else you need to roll is going to be at this advantage going forward. She continues, I understand it.
your memory rune is located somewhere in your core. That is what I'm looking to find. And she begins to dig even deeper and then she comes across this section. This may hurt. What do you know of
My understanding of the memory runes is that there is another, there is the memory of another inside you. Is that much clear already? Indeed. That is a very apt description of my core. And who is this person? Alas, I do not know. I have
only recently come into some impressions of images of what they may have looked like and possibly even a memory. But names and other such important details still elude me. I have no recollection. But I always kind of feel that I am not just myself, but also another.
Whatever happens next, I want you to continue to focus on that experience. Is that clear? Very well. I need you to make a wisdom saving throw as you're beginning to lose lucidity, you begin to lose focus on who Alpha is whilst this is happening. At disadvantage, please. I got an eight.
You don't maintain consciousness. You wake up about 40 minutes later, repaired, completely unaware of anything that has happened as a result of losing consciousness. You just see, does it wind over you?
loosening the restraints, loosening the clamps. She looks more, she looks sweatier, she looks worked, and just says, you're back. I thought I might have caused something irreparable there. How are you feeling okay? As good as I normally do, there seems to be a... I am older. ...blank in my memory. She shouts.
You sustain six points of lightning damage. No, please. I thought we would agree not to say those words anymore. I thought I fixed it. Those words are triggering something quite dangerous.
quite powerful, but I can't get to the heart of it. Is there anything that you have learned? No, you lost the ability to communicate back. What I was seeing was just lights, lights and stone.
I'm sorry. I didn't want to push you too far for fear of losing you entirely. I thank you for your consideration. If you are able to garner any additional lonage on the construction of me and my kin, then possibly upon a return, we could attempt another procedure.
I'm no expert. I think you're in the wrong part of the world if you want answers. I can try, but these will be crude hands. Have you considered trying to find the means to access that memory yourself? Not with any third party interference.
It has come across my mind to do so. I have only attempted once, but I began having experiences and visuals that I've never had before. It was unsettling at the time, unnerving. I felt rather than a memory room within me that contained a soul, but I was within the soul of somebody else.
My actions were not my own. My thoughts were not my own. When did you say this started? Possibly only a

Escape Plan from Town

few days ago. And she pulls back a shroud that's covering a window. Was it when that appeared in the sky? Ah, yes.
Yes, it probably would have been around about the approximate time. Also similar to when the trigger word started causing me immense pain. You must not speak of this. If people know you are connected in some way to that thing, you are going to be very popular.
There's a lot of people unsure what that is, including myself. But if you are connected, you are important. And people have very different views of what that thing is. We are trying to keep a low profile. You've not done a great job so far, I understand it. It is difficult to hide one's appearance consistently. But part of me still wishes I didn't have to.
If you're going to blend in anywhere on Earth, it's going to be Scorchrealm. Did the other Nakavolo garner much attention when you was in Scorchrealm with him? No. Not many people do. Do you have any idea if they were heading anywhere after Goldview? Do you get it, Kin?
Speaking about wanting to try and find a prince or something. I see. I hope they found that prince. Maybe they did. Maybe they didn't. You're free to go. I'm going to return to my work. I hope you find answers. How do I?
And thank you for being as gentle with me as what you were able. I'm not a murderer. I will attempt to find my companions now. She just sort of returns, opens the door and steps back out into the forge.
And it's weird, Alpha, as you walk, you feel almost drunk. You feel like you don't have full control of your faculties. And it takes a long time for you to regain your balance as well. It's not an instantly recurring thing. It's almost like you've been under anesthetic and you're still shaking that off. Yeah.
But you emerge, you return outside, Emron, Rains, and Baal, it's been almost an hour, and you see a bit of a shake and a bit worse for where Alpha appear. During that time, Rains would have performed any tool for the job to create some Smith's tools, and just pop them in the bag of holding. And as soon as he sees Alpha, he'll go over, and, Alpha, are you okay?
Yes, perfectly fine. I'm trying to put on a best front. Insight check. And one roll. Insight, Alpha, I presume you're now rolling Deception. Yeah, I'm trying to put up a very strong front. I'm still doing this advantage as well. Yes.
So I got 14. I got a six or a passive of 15. I think because you're actively looking at this. Yeah. You're suspicious. So you believe him. Okay. Well, well done lad. Cause you didn't have to do that for us. It was mostly for the story. Was it good?
Unfortunately, not as detailed as what I would have liked, but I do believe that Magnus, the previous Nakavolo, did spend some time in Scorchhelm. Well, maybe we might find more information about him in Scorchhelm then. That is my thought. It's also reassuring to know that the Nakavolo trail doesn't spiral any further, that as far as we're aware,
Magnus and you. Had it had been someone else, that would have been a whole other killer worm. Well, yeah, exactly. Right. Do we want to head towards the traders? It's getting towards noon. We do. It's final call for anyone else but to get anything from in there, if anyone wants anything. I imagine Nick might want to go in there himself.
When he's back, once we've gone to the traders, the lads will be able to tell us what their situation on the car is. Maybe they've got like a donkey pulling something, I don't know. And, you know, we need to get some spell components and maybe the traders will do that because obviously our friendly blacksmith in there said it was limited stuff. So traders, that's where we're going to meet the others. We meet up.
We can then work out what else we need, and then we've got the rest of the afternoon to sort of get ourselves reeked. Bal, it's your final call for any upgrades for yourself. Well, I hate to be a beggar is all. Like I said, I have no money. I appreciate this deal. We're all in this together. Well, in which case? Please, if you are in need of things, do not hesitate to ask. I mean, and he'll motion to probably the bag of holding where I assume Reins has put the plus one
kind of armour that looks like it will protect you better. I mean, if there is another one of those, I'd certainly say that would be, well, that'd be wonderful. I would be indebted to you, obviously. I mean, we can go back in and ask. For the sake of expediency, Danny, if I was to kind of follow through with that, would there be another plus one?
studded leather in there, or was that like the only one they've got? For the sake of expediency, it could be made overnight when there is leather unreadily available that could be modified overnight. Yes, is the answer. You have it in the morning. What was the cost again? I'll tell you what, check. It was 150. For the plus one, it was the 150. Yeah, Baal will kind of pop his head back outside of the door.
She says it can be ready in the morning if you're willing to part with 150.
That will blow you a kiss and make his way back indoors and complete the transaction. Okay. So feel free to add that to your inventory now. Yeah. I'll swing by in the morning and grab it, but I'll add it now. Thank you. Cool. Okay. So as the four of you head over to, uh, the Nomads Bounty Traders run by the Dendy Bloom Brothers, we're just going to pan back in that last hour to Nix and Seth.
You find yourselves in the can of a caravanissary. I hope that's the right way of pronouncing that word. It's canon now. We'll call it that. Now, unshaking the hand of Kareem, he just stares at you, thanks you for your business. He says, I'll make sure everything's in order for you for the morning then.
You have my thanks. I look forward to seeing you in Scorch Elm. Yes, may we drink together and you pay me gold. I will take you up on that drink. I think you'll find that you'll be paying me though. But it shall be interesting either way and I'm all for that. He nods to you both and then just gestures a silent shush symbol to Seth as you leave.
What do you think you meant by that? I think he wanted just to. I don't know. Maybe you could do the same to him. Let's get out of here. We got what we wanted. Let's not dive here anymore. It's giving me the wigglies.
All right. But Seth, no, I'm Seth. Fuck. Next. Oh, we look so similar because I'm also. Yes. If that's what's confusing you, I'm sure. Listen, um, the thing I said earlier, you gave me a funny look. Did you not remember what Sparrowhawk said? But the call and response to know if it's the right person. Well, you're not paying attention. I rarely am. So if we're to complete the mission for the winged watch,
We have to hand over the prisoner near Scorchhelm to the person who answers that phrase correctly about the crude mud iron from the north. You pepper that in somewhere.
Yeah, I am blood iron. I've got it. You got it. See, you knew, but you gave me a funny look like you thought I'd fucking because what we were going to do, we were just going to ask him right then and there. Well, I thought maybe, you know, if it if they got things moved earlier because of something that happened, you know, I think we just whenever anyone asks about the prisoner, we just pepper that in just in case because I don't know the big sign saying winged watch.
You get a vibe on such things though, don't you Seth? You get a feeling in your jellies that tells you, oh, this is the person. Or you get a feeling that says, this isn't the person. I mean, Kareem, he's just out there making gold. The best way to speak to him is through gold.
Yeah, I know, but he still could be working for the wind watch. But he's not. But we had to check anyway, you know? I just wanted to make sure. Well, you could go and ask him now. No, I did. I did the check and he didn't pass, so I know it's not him. I didn't hear you make the check. That was very good. You're much better at this than you think you are.
I'm I've sweat you can't see the sweat because I'm still wearing the form of a tiefling but there is a lot of sweat. I mean either way we've ended up with an elephant and a car yeah that's pretty cool that's job done I think gold stars for both of us that we're going to go back to the group and they're going to be like wow okay did you get car we're gonna be like yes.
and an elephant and they're going to lose their collective shit. And we will just be like, that's right. Do you think we should tell them about the elephant or should we just leave it as a surprise for the day? I feel like one of these things is a surprise. And one of these things could be a death sentence that I've got in my hands here. One is an elephant. Two, we've bet on everyone to win this bloody tournament. That sounds worse the more I hear about it. I know you've bet anything.
You know, fine. I bet on him. I don't know if I'll tell anyone that straight away. So maybe, you know, and Nick will repeat the actions of finger to lips. I haven't seen this symbol before.
uh is there something on my face i'm wearing a tiefling so whatever's on my face is on your face it's a beautiful face won't lie to you maybe the elephant as a surprise is a good idea i'm going to allow you to to reveal that as well i said like split my face in half with the finger i don't
So we go and go meet the rest of the group. I mean, we can all go and collect individual supplies and rations, but we got the main thing. We got the car and we got a big motherfucking elephant, which we should name. What's your name? Does it have a name? Do you reckon it has a name? Don't name it Seth. I mean, that didn't work. No, let's never actually call me Seth again.
ever. I think I'll just change my name, but I think we should still try and get supplies in one big bulk to get a discount and then maybe don't even pick it up. Just say, can you send it to the cart for Nix down with Kareem? And then this, we never got to carry it. It's just there ready for us in the morning.
Yeah, I guess. Let's go find supplies then. No, no. It's midday. We've got to go meet with the thingy. Oh, Seth. I think you might be the first person to give me a headache. It's OK. And Seth's going to give him a smile and then just put his finger to his lips. Yeah, exactly. Did I use it right? Did I get it? You did. You did. You did. I'm starting to understand these Tiefling ways.
Right. Let's get out of here after you. I was going to walk out and then, um, as I kind of pushes through someone in the crowd, you kind of see him half disappear for a minute. And when you see him appear the other side, the horns have disappeared. The ginger hair's back and he's just kind of like, um, switch back into regular form. Um, and, um, yeah, continues to make his way up towards the, we going back to what's his name is the bounty traders. Yeah. Yep. I think it's time to find the rest of the group.
And you sort of all converge at the same point outside the shop. Again, passing people that are just staring at the object in the sky with real uncertainty, some with real hope, but it is hard to get a read on a consensus. Yep. You all sort of reconvene. There's anything you want to do before we go into the shop? Hello, everyone. How'd it go, lads? Did you fuck it up? What? Did we?
Well, look at us! How dare you say that to me? How could you have any assumption that we would fuck this up? Guys, you didn't think I was going to fuck this up, did you? That was a possibility. I had all faith in Nix to get it was a good deal. Thanks, Emron. I mean, to be fair, I've seen Nix talk his way out of some very, very tight situations. I had every faith he'd be able to do what we wanted him to.
That's much appreciated, Rains. Thank you. Fuck you. Did you get a good deal? Did you get a good deal? I'm going to allow Seth to explain more. We got a bloody good deal. Hype it up. We got the bloodiest of biggest bloody deals that it was the best deal since the first deal.
I think I did a good job there. I feel like you have a future in this. OK, so we've got what we need. Good. We've got a few more supplies. Nick's, when we get a chance, I think you should go visit the armory because there might be some stuff you might be interested in. Oh, I did. I had a look. I'm just not I'm not I'm not tuned in to your particular taste. So perhaps you want to go yourself at some point this afternoon, maybe.
Fair play. I should mention that we have not got rations yet. The area where they sell the carts, they didn't do the rations. We think this place might be good. I have been doing some sums and I reckon we need 10 days worth of rations each, just on the safe side. That's good because I said 15. That's why you're the math guy. It might be a bit less than that.
but what if we okay how long is it going to take to get there four days here's the thing yeah four days four days okay but what if we don't want to just take four days worth or do we
Yeah, we should err on the side of caution in case we have to get out of somewhere. That's why I say 10, because it's a nice round number. Well, that's more than double. Like, we're gonna end up in scorch elm. Just in case. Sooner. They do keep. It's worthwhile mentioning that I do have the ability to procure some form of sustenance for us. But we don't want to put any strain on you, Val.
in a pinch. Ah, you've already scratched my back. It's the least I can do to scratch yours. Okay. Well, anyway, I reckon we need, we only need five sets worth of, of rations. Cause Alpha doesn't eat or drink. I do not, but given the right time and properties, I may be able to help with the liquid part of your system. I mean, it sounds like we don't need 10 anymore. We could go for eight. Okay. Okay. Okay. But also, Emeron, we probably have to see the, the,
prisoner and he's going to whisper that and look around shadedly. Good point. We want the number live. So I know that water is in a premium here, but as may have happened yesterday, I don't know. I mean, it may or may or may not have turned my drink into water as opposed to being some form of tea, alcoholic beverage. So I can help with water. I believe spell wise, either by myself, I think I can probably
I had it prepped for when we fought the roper, so we can create water, so we're sorting on that. Speaking of spells, I need the materials. You're not the only ones. Hopefully this place will sort us out. I did ask the army if they know any good places to get things. I did ask for diamonds, don't have any. Maybe this place will have some stuff for us. Let's find out. We're open. Let's go in.
Seth is going to hang outside and kind of just stand back to the wall of the shop and just one leg up and just kind of arms crossed and just yeah I'll just I'll stay out here I don't need anything. Nix is gonna hold back. Seth don't you need any casting spells like it's fairly new for me.
I've got, I need wool, I need pinch of iron, I need sand. There's plenty of sand here. Everything else is, I just speak words and I make wavy things in the sky. We need a comment, we need a, we need to talk more about the way you cast spells. It sounds fascinating to the uninitiated, which is me, this guy. All right, enjoy the wall.
Okay, enjoy our friends. Okay, so you head into Nomads Bounty Traders and it's very much like a typical general store. There's aisles, low aisles, everything is sort of set to half length height.
low aisles of relatively fresh produce, low aisles of long life produce. There is a sort of small collection of magical components. There is some sort of knickknacks and treasures but nothing really of
sort of immaculate value here. There's a couple of customers as well. One, notably, there's this quite towering half-orc figure that seems to be quite jovial with the two halflings. But the moment they sort of spot five figures coming at once, they get quite nervous for a second, realize it's you, and then it's quite a welcoming atmosphere. Again, a lot of the...
interior architecture design here is that there are central kiosks, much like there isn't other shops and facilities here. Central kiosks and then sight lines all the way out. And as you sort of, you also come into the room and you can see that the aisle's stacked with food and provisions. Rolo just sort of pushes past a couple of customers and charges straight up to whoever is at the front of that and just approaches with open arms and says, oh, you're back.
How are you my friends? We're doing very well, thank you. You don't look it, you all look pretty glum.
I'm not. I'm fucking awesome. No, it feels fine. Every night at the Tea House, do you know how to do it? Yeah. Some of them made it quite hard. Okay. Well, yeah, yeah. I feel great. I don't know about you guys. I went through a trip. Yes. And then I feel really good about it. I'm holding a little bit of anger. Not going to lie about that. But I do feel good. You suck a big fat one, though. Be on the kill tried, have you?
I hard. First time? Through the blood. Oh, for a day flick. Took it like a fucking champ as well. Hardcore, I'd say. Hardcore. Now, what can I do you for?
Raul, we're in the business of looking for some rations. We're planning to take a little jaunt down towards... Scorchhelm. Scorchhelm, and we're in the business with some rations. Are you taking the road, or are you going by the long old fucking sands again? We're taking the road. We have got transport for it. I think that's good. Oh, and you've got transport. Raul, you say, how many days are you out for, you reckon? Four. The journey should take four, but we reckon we should probably take more than four. We were thinking about taking eight days worth just in case. For each of you.
we need six sets yeah six that was right six times eight game get the abacus about 48 about 48 all right so i will i'll round that down for you let's say let's say 30 gold cover you for that for that period yeah oh bargain well you saved us in a pinch so you know
We're also after water skins. Don't have to be full. Just empty skins, is it? Empty skins. Well, about silver a piece, so I'll just throw them in. We'll call that evens. Okay, so if we get... I'm going to do it, and then we don't want each, guys. Eight of them. Four skins each? Oh, wow. You clever wordsmith. We'll go for... It's because you don't have one alpha.
Okay, we'll go for five skins each. Oh, come on. It's 30. Okay, let's call it 50 gold or everything all in all. Water and food.
yeah and then we're also after some spell components right what do you want because we're a bit limited not many not many well we've got some we've got some I know specifically for myself uh can't talk there's others read them out i'll tell you we got them ruby dust no don't think so diamonds no i don't think so okay um yeah that's me
You gotta find a gym merchant, I reckon.

Shopping for Supplies and Tactics

Is there a gym merchant here? I mean it's a yes or no. Well, the marketplace, you never know who comes in town. There's no one in there today. Scorchhelm you'll have loads. Scorchhelm is a yes. I like that. Have you got any lead-based ink? Yeah, I reckon I do.
Ah, I would love to take 20 golds worth of that. 20 golds worth of lead based ink, but I got certainly about 10 gold worth. I'll take 10 golds worth because that's the exact spell. Right, you are? Rains is just looking round the shop. Danny, I have a request. Can I roll a D100 for the trinket table to see what I find to replace my broken potato peeler? Go for it. Brilliant.
I hope you get something really, really, really weird. I hope it's really fucking weird. Is it a potato peel? Is there anything else that's simply interesting in the shop? Yes. Danny? Yes. Let me tell you what your eyes are drawn to. Before we go to that list, can I have a jug? Yep. There'll be jugs available. Jugs are. I have that even here. Probably a pair of jugs. You can have one litre jug for four copper. That'll do a sexy episode tonight. Four skins and two jugs.
Okay. Are you ready to hear about the... Interesting shit. Interesting shit. So there's one cabinet in the centre, which again is sort of protected a little bit. There is a single potion of healing. There is one pellet worth of something called dust of dryness. You can look all these up. There is a potion of mind reading.
There's a potion of invisibility. There is some universal solvent. There is a plus one shield, standard shield plus one. And there is a burning dagger. I'm not gonna take a look at that burning dagger right there. I see there's a burning dagger.
It's one D4 slashing plus one D4 fire damage. Oh shit! You got one of those? You got more in the back? You got more in the back? You got more in the back? Just the one. This is all the stuff people who don't have coins or trade in. So yeah. How much is this beautiful thing? It's you. It's you. 550 gold. 550 gold. So 550 gold, yeah? I'd say.
Okay, I'm gonna put it back. Oh, maybe I'll come back after Scorch Elm. You never know, I might come into some money. Nix, do you not have enough water? No, but that's okay. Hey, we're all good here. I'd like, I've got my daggers. They're old and rusty and full of sea salt, which does me good. Try and site check Nix, please. Yes, you can. If you wish to. Nix, persuasion or deception based on...
because I know how much money we all picked up. I'm just checking whether Ian realised how much money he picked up. I'm just checking whether this is an Ian thing or a Nick. That's a natural one. Okay. I'm lying. Yeah, that's a 25 for me. Natural 20. It is lying. Yeah. Yeah, no, so I'm happy with my daggers. And besides, I'm getting more into the spell casting. When's the last time I even used a dagger? On the Ork when you got blasted 200 feet.
Thanks, Paul, I forgot you were here. Okay, could we roll or could we... The portion of Ealing, the portion of... Mind reading, portion of invisibility, how much are they? I do my rolo discount, my special rolo discount. I'll give you 40 gold pieces on the potion of Ealing.
I'll knock off a couple hundred on the mind read, give you that for 900. And the invisibility, let's say, 1500. Okay, let's just go for the Port of Eden then. 40 gold. Okay. And, uh, uh, uh, Reigns will look to Alpha and Reigns at, uh, um, plus one shield. Is that something you will need?
Have you got a shield, Emron? I have one. This is whether we need a better one for half. And I feel like you should really keep hold of the potions as well. I mean, I could do with a better shield. It's whether half wants it. Like how good of a shield do you need? How good of a shield is just one shield? I do it for 700. Unfortunately, I do not have such a substantial amount of money. Well, you got within a trade? Only my current shield. No.
Sorry to interrupt, but how much for this? And Reigns has found like a little novelty spider that is like just shaped like a skull and it's just like its little legs are just like like dangly and I just kind of like spinning it down. How much do you want for this? Is that knick-knack? Yeah. Go piece.
Gold piece. Fuck it. It's yours. Just flick a gold piece towards him. No, flick it. Just give it to him. Not everything is, you know, your highness. Just give it.
Yeah, I'm not listening to you, Nick, because I'm just having far too much fun. And what Reigns is going to do is he's going to take the small spider, he's going to put it onto the top of the broken potato peeler, and he's just going to start putting it around. And as he uses it, the eyes just glow up like a little kind of like light green and the legs start to spin. Nice. Oh my God. Yep. Thank you. It's insane. He's gone nuts where sometimes Reigns, even to me,
I've come across as Wade, and I'm with your friend sometimes. Well, weirdness is the mother of genius, Emran. I've told you that. I'm not sure if that's correct. You have said that before, normally after a few parts, and I thought it was just that, but OK. So you just find Reigns browsing the toys section, essentially, on the show. Alpha, do you want that? Oh, and C, they've got a hat. How much for the little hat, and C would like the hat.
That's not a hat. Oh, what is it? Calm Dom. It rolls down. That's a D&D version of it, Calm Dom. That's what we call contraceptive. Contracept. Reigns is just going to, NC is going to fly up. I know you've been taxidermied. That still ain't buying you that. Anyway, carry on. Alfred, do you want the shield or not? It is perfectly fine. You don't want it? No. No. Okay. I am okay.
Marshall, it's all right. Thanks for asking, Nick, because going back to your question, you're right. I just want to make sure that you feel as prepared as possible. Like, is there anything here that you feel would like bolster you up? I'm just saying, like, you could be the strongest member of our party and we need you at your best. Have you been to the Oremary? Two foragers? Okay. We have. Did you manage to get everything you needed from there? They've given us some, she's given us some good stuff. Given you some good stuff? As a group? As a you?
I've got some stuff out of it as well, yeah. Yes. Okay. And you're feeling pretty powerful. Feeling strong, everyone? Are you feeling strong? I'm feeling stronger. Flex for me. Let's have a look. Everyone flexes. Yeah. That's what I'm talking about. My man. He looks a bit confused, as he does so. And Baal's looking a bit jealous, holding his arm. Okay.
So we'll take the portion of Ealing and then the 50 gold's worth of animal supplies. And then everyone look to Nick's. Nick's, do we need food for the animal? For the wagon? I don't know. I mean, how much will it eat? I don't know. Okay. You told me to get the animal. I got an animal and a cart. I don't think the cart eats anything. Is it a horse that just gets bags of oats? I mean, like, yes.
Do you do animal feed for draft animals? Yeah, it depends what you bore. I mean, I wanted to keep- I thought now would be the time for transparency since we're actually getting supplies for said animal. Sometimes you could be an asshole. Just go and look over at the fucking toys. All right. The adults are talking over here.
I was trying to keep this as a surprise for you. Shut up, brains, I'm talking. So I was trying to keep this as a surprise for you all, and I really want it Seth to reveal it, but we've got... Nix, we'll just kind of look behind him. An elephant. No, you haven't. An elephant. Four days to scorch helm on a fucking elephant.
You've been sold up the river. Huh? Rolo. You ain't getting a scorch. You ain't getting a scorch over four days with an elephant. Nick, sometimes you can be a fucking idiot by the sounds of it. No, shut up. I want to know why. I'm only joking. I'm only joking. Elephants are well quick, they are. Yes! Fuck you, Raines. Eat your dick. Can I insight check Rolo, please? Go for it. Your boy's played a blinder, he has.
How'd you, how'd you afford an elephant? I did. Honestly, Rolo, I wish you could have seen it. For some reason I was feeling, actually, Bart, I've got a lot to thank you for because whatever you did with the old touchy touch really helped me. Even wait, guys, we've got a fucking elephant. Probably will need feeding. So, Emron. Yeah, that was smart. I got a 24, Danny.
Oh yeah, he's telling the truth. He was trying to have a joke. I was just checking you wasn't like... No, he was having a joke. Alright, well I could feed you. I could feed your elephant. I can give you the potion and everything else you asked for. Call it 100 gold. It was about 95 anyway. 5 to feed the elephant for the rest of the week. Call it 100. Okay, it's a deal. Strike a bargain and save a square.
You really fleece me there, there's about 200 gold worth of stuff you got out of me there, but you know, you saved our lives and all that. So, you know. Well, tell you what, we'll remember this in the future. If we can ever come by this way, we know exactly where we're coming. Can we like sponsor you on our cart?
That'd be lovely. What slogan would you like on that? Say the left-hand side is already, you know, that advertising space is already taken up, but the right-hand side of it, would you like something on there? Who else are you advertising? You know, I don't want to mix with certain clientele. It's Kareem, he's a well-offstanding gentleman. I'm sure you wouldn't mind being associated with such high class. Kareem's snake run is your other... Yeah, he's high class. He's either one of the words, the slaver.
He's the one who got us our elephant. Yeah, I mean, yeah, put our name next to his. He's the richest man I've ever seen. Well, there you go. See, you scratch our backs, we'll scratch yours. So do you want a nice cool motif? Yeah. In gold or green? I've got green. Yes, that sounds... I'll design something for you. What would you like, what name? Nomaz Bounty Traders. Okay, that sounds good. That's catchy and it's easy to remember. And son. I'll see if I can fit that on. If not, it'll be...
Alright, that sounds nice. I never had an advert before. Well, with us now, would you roll in in our circles? We will take you and push you up as we go up because we're only reaching for higher things.
We might be entering the tournament in Scorchum. We haven't talked about it yet, but it was certainly a plan. Have you signed up for the Jewel of the Desert champion?
championship. We were thinking about it. I'd mentioned it to the others in the armory. Now, I've heard about this. I don't mean to assume that we were okay with that. No. Well, here's the thing, everyone. It's like we're on the... And Nix will do that motion where he's trying to point at your head. You've done that before. We're on the same wavelength because I figured I've heard about this competition. I think you'd be pretty crafty and handy at it. I think we can enter as a team as well. I mean, we could do that or you could really like, you know,
show how good you really are. Are the rest of you going to do points at Rains, Alpha, Baal, and then look, see if Seth's around? I hadn't considered, but if it's anything like the Brawl of the Tea House, that was most enjoyable. Well, it's a bit more extreme than that. It's like the blood games in Shadowmind.
Do they often have, I don't know, members of other factions in there? It could be anyone. Not everyone declares. But you get groups that go in together and then maybe they'll fight each other at the end to use the best in that group. Sometimes they'll just walk out, leave one person there victorious.
that's an option so we could go in as a group and then there are no rules once it starts but there has to be one winner that's the only rule oh and you've got to stay in the fighting space whatever that looks like this year and you can pay extra to get picked up you pay extra to make sure you don't die yeah well permanently you will die see my big question is say that we all entered as a group and you say only one can win so say hypothetical
We champion M, Ron. What would happen to the rest of us if we're like... You get to walk out, you're not even going to wait. You just walk out. They put your name on us. Literally just walk out of there. Yeah. You can choose to walk out any time you like. And they put your name on a big ranking board so you can see who came where.
how long you lasted, there's times, and how many times you got eaten, or swallowed, or a bit, or punctured, or mined flame, you know? I reckon if we go in together, the odds will be in our favour. I volunteer. As tribute. If all six of you went in, that's a good job. They only allow 50, so in case your chance is pretty good.
The prizes this year, they haven't announced, but last year they were shit hot. And do we need to get, I suppose we need to get there quickly, hence we're getting there quickly so we can sign up. Yeah, so sign up's usually about three days, three days before, and you've got, there's some sort of proving you do, where you've got to like, you know, show off to all the people what bet. And if you pass the proving, you're in. Some people don't pass the proving. So you get about 250 people to play each year, about a third of it, about a quarter of them make it through to the final.
Okay. It's good to know. You've been a source of great information that way. Well, you know, it's just, just having a shop and, um, being around really. We're going to advertise your name and we're going to carry it all the way through to scorch home. And when we win, when we win that tournament, we'll make sure that we mention your name to all the like, I don't know, presses. And all my chickens will come home to roost. You'll be a very rich man. I will.
I appreciate it. I do. I do. Now, can I introduce you to someone? I'm gay. Wasn't looking for anyone, but yeah. Why not? Not in that way. And he just sort of looks around and razz, razz, razz Matass come over here. I feel like we could get Seth in. He's like missing out a lot here and he's just stood on a wall. Do you want to get him? I'll go grab him. Uh, uh, Nick's will just walk over to the door and kind of pop his head out.
Seth there. What? Did you come in, man? We've done our shopping. Now we're just kind of having some merriment. They're like, Rolo, he asked for you. And he's also wanting us to meet someone. And it's just, I feel like you should come in. It's like party bonding things. Come on. In you come. In you come. I'm coming. He walks in.
Yes, that's the other one, isn't it? That's the other one, right. I'd like you all to meet a friend of ours, and we just gestures to this quite aged, haggard equivalent in human years is maybe about 60, half walk that's just sort of been in the shop the entire time you have. This is Razan.
Right, this is Razan. He's a dear friend. He's really supplied. I have to shop with all the goods you see, to be honest. He's a bit of a treasure hunter, aren't you? And he just sort of turns and says, greetings. Yes, my name's Razan. I'm a relic. Hmm. What's the word? A hunter, I suppose.
No. Found anything good? Plenty. Rolo here says, use our adventurers. Is that right? I've thought, yeah, we've done a bit of a venture in our time. Maybe I could share with you a curious site. I've spied recently on the roads
I don't know what's causing it but there are occasional shipwrecks of actual nautical vessels that are just appearing in the sands and there are these tribes of creatures that are beginning to live in these things and they're quite good at hoarding really cool shit
so if you see a sandstorm anytime soon look out for like beached like proper beached like miles inland beached ships what sort of creatures you ever heard of a yuan tea yes yeah they're like lizardy yep those oh okay
And he says shipwrecks. Aye. But in the sand, it must have something to do with, you know, he ever come across one of those, uh, sea streams, I think they're called sand streams. They look like rivers, but they're not rivers capable of moving huge objects. Yeah.
I think that's what's doing it. Oh. And then this happens still to this day. It's quite recent or is this? I don't know. Or these are really old ships that are just being brought up from the ground from underneath the sands that no one has seen.
I'm not going to lie, guys, this sounds fucking awesome. So on our way to Skort Challenge, if we happen to see a sandstorm like this, we might want to investigate. It's sandstorm season, so you may want to look around. That's all I'm saying.
You sound quite worldly about these sandstorms and these ships and Yuan Ti. Yuan Ti are effectively cults who worship snake demons and gradually turn more snakey themselves. Welcome to Dralak. I was going to say, they hide in the deepest parts of the jungle in Wildheart. Are they present in Dralak? Are they like in cities?
cities, no, in the sands, subterranean. They come up to the surface to raid and such. At least those in the north of Dralak. The ones to the east are a bit more communal. But watch out. Rains will turn and he'll say to the group, you want to, but an early convert can be can look as normal as you or I. And they might just have like a fang tooth or something. But the ones who were quite far in their
Yeah, they're pretty fucking nasty. Just keep an eye out. You never know what treasures you'll find. I came across a particularly interesting item, and it just sort of brandishes this saber that is shaped, it's blue, the blade itself, and it's shaped like a tidal wave at the tip. And it has this really,
ornate golden hilt and then this huge sapphire at the base of the grip. Oh God, Nix's eyes like a boo in Aladdin when he sees the sapphire. It's like Nix is full on like a ghast at this, lust personified. This thing, apparently it can control tides.
I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I,
OK. Yeah. Well, today has certainly been a very informative day. In the silence, Gabe gestures out the window and starts banging on the countertop. Rolo turns, looks a bit confused to begin with, and then sort of motionless for a moment.
You might want to step outside or hide or something? Why? What's up? Your man with the one hand is there. Oh, fuck. On patrol. Ah, I see. They're another way out of the shot other than the way we came in. The back door.
Have you got somewhere underground we can hide, like a basement or something? No, underneath here is someone's house. I could always go out and talk to him. No, I wouldn't want to lead all such a thing. I believe he may not be as kind to the rest of us. Well, why don't you guys sneak out and I'll distract him? Because he still would then know that we may be travelling together. I think if we were to leave, it would be best to do so as a group.
Any of the drawn roads from that gentleman. We're a bit obvious as a group. That's my point. If you go up and I'm going with you, I also play the part in saving that person's life and he might be... Well, I reckon Raine's and ourselves might be able to talk to him with all the rest of you who go elsewhere. I don't think that's a good idea. But it's... It's two options. We go and talk or we all leave out the back door and we go and make a decision now.
I'll vote for us while we're leaving. We only need to stay hidden for a few more hours before we're out of this place. We don't have to worry of one hand. Well, we've got to stay the whole night. Yeah, and then we leave in the morning and we're gone. If something happens now, everything gets stalled. And my poor elephant will be stuck with that awful man Kareem. I told him about the elephant at war. I told him about the elephant. I'm sorry, Steph. Yeah, I heard. You were right there. I didn't think about the food.
I tried to keep it a surprise. What the fuck do elephants eat? Anyway, we've sorted it out, don't worry. Peanuts, let's all leave together. I think we've better off. Like we can deal with a situation that arises if for whatever reason they find us a long route. But right now we have the ability to leave through the back door. The range is right. Let's get out. And I do agree

Razan's Tales and Stealthy Departure

with Nixon, Seth, but I'll follow your call. Part of Mr. wants to speak to him.
They have questions I've got that I want answered. But... Yeah, but so does the devil. It doesn't mean you should... Everyone will look to the group. But for the sake of unity, I will put my needs aside. Let's go. How's the group then? Roland, where's this door?
Oh, just over there, right over there, the opposite way you came in, the back door.
Quick, just before I go, and Nick will go to Raz. Nothing I can do to convince you to part with that sword at all. Nothing that you want in this world will give me that sword, Nat. Now, that is very tempting. Time is finite. Just tell me. And he sort of perches down for a second, puts a hand under his chin and thinks, I suppose I always- I don't have time for this, Nick.
Always wanted a great big ship, a really big ship that I could just sail on. Or do I want a nice quaint house? You know what? Think this through. This isn't the last time that me and you will meet. I guarantee that. And turn and follow the rest. Bye. Seth's going to be at the front, at the back door, and can I just wiggle the handle and just
peek out and make sure that there's, you know, there's not an obvious, like, another part of the Chris group, group out there. They only make up one third of the sort of patrolling presence anyway. And there's a small group of them, they're not moving with any sense of urgency. He is still moving with injury, but they're not like actively searching, you get that sense? They're at the front door. Yeah, so they're sort of panning past the building itself.
Okay, so I'll peek out the back door and just check that the coast is clear and we're good to exuent that way. Yeah, they're not looking that way currently. Okay, and it's just that we kind of peek out and then kind of go, go, go, come on, let's go to everyone else. Okay. Thanks again, really. We'll collect all the supplies tomorrow morning. We'll take them down to your cart. Do you want me to be an elephant? I'm taking my jug, just saying.
right you are and you could take your spidery toy reigns already got it don't you worry about that or you got a what pulled up the broken potato the spider on the end I have a spider of detection Penglok the spider climbs up onto my shoulder and if a spider could look quizzical it looks quizzical
We'll have to unpick that clusterfuck later. That's more of a natural spy. Have you seen my squirrel? I mean, come on. It's literally a familiar. Not the time range. Not the time range. Let's go. So as you step out, Seth, you just see an arrow fire down in front of you attached on the back. It's a little piece of parchment.
What do you want to do? I quickly look to see where the arrow was fired from, realize that it's a note, quickly snaffle the arrow up the sleeve and then kind of pull the note off it and just subtly kind of look down at it whilst the rest of the group kind of come out, not hiding it from them, but just make
to the public, keeping it kind of almost like showing it to them as they come out and try not have a quick read of the note. It just says, they're on to you. Go now. Guys, we have well and truly outstayed our welcome. I don't know what to do.
Okay, we need to go get the car and the prisoner and... We can't get to tomorrow morning. What do we want? The prisoner exchanged, the contract starts tomorrow. Could we go get the car and stay outside of town until morning? I think that's probably a good shout, then come in, pick it up and then leave. I've got a tent. If we don't even want to go get the car tonight, let's just go, get out, come back in the morning, get what we need to go and leave. Yeah, I think that's a good idea.
What about, so we go, yeah, we go stay out in the, near that mine you saw. Just give us a bit of cover. Best thing. Oh, let's go. Okay. So here's what I need you to do. It is the middle of the day. You need to get the other side of snake run. We're going to treat this like a little skill challenge. Okay. There is one.
that you are aware of moving a CRISPR patrol. You can use any skill you want, but you need to think about how you can discreetly move a whole group. You can use a spell in place of a skill if you so wish, or anything else that might seem relevant. But you are, we picture this like a clock face, you are at three o'clock,
in the town of Snakerun. To get to that mine to the south that you're talking about, you need to get to six o'clock. The center of that clock is the central spire of Snakerun. Between three o'clock and six o'clock is the direction that patrol is moving, if that makes sense. So we're going to roll a quick initiative, and then we'll take it from there. Aikidoki, this is exciting.
Okay. I rolled shitly and I'm still not last. Uh, who's above 20? Uh, I am. As am I. Ranges as well. Okay, who's above, give me numbers. Natural 20 for a 22. Seth, what'd you get? I'm also 22 with a Dex modifier of four. Okay. Uh, you have a high Dex modifier than me. Uh, who's above 15? Who's above 10?
I got 14. But five? I got six. But one? I got one for three. Okay, cool. Right. I'm not telling you how many passes you need. I'm not telling you how many fails you need.
But we are over to you, top of the round, Seth. What do you want to do? You are at the front of this group. You are sort of squadron leading this operation. How do you proceed? So the first thing Seth's going to do is get the note, throw the arrow down and then quickly turn on the building that they've come out of for the shop.
the trade shop they've come out of, he's going to try and find some holes in the plaster that makes it up and he's going to jimmy himself up a bit just to peer over and get a little scout view ahead of the way they need to go and just
see if there are any issues, foes, problems, or criss-cross that might be on any movements that might give them a way to kind of give them a heads up, kind of scout ahead. Basically, I'm looking to use acrobatics to kind of shimmy myself up and have a good view of the next couple of stages of their movement. Go for it. Okay, that is a 12. Thank you for your role. Bar, you're up.
Okay, what I want to be doing is keeping an eye out specifically for the people that are around as well. What Baal's doing is he is starting to twitch down by his side again. He's getting ready to immolate and ignite, but he is looking around for signs of kind of shifty looking people, if anyone seems to be in hiding, if anyone seems to be kind of ready to
to jump out and kind of stop us or anything like that. So I guess what I'm trying to ask for is if I can either make an insight or a perception style check to see if I can alert the party if I notice any kind of suspicious style behaviors in the way that we're moving. Yeah, go for an insight check since you're trying to read people. Yeah, awesome. That would be a 18. Great. Thank you. Yeah. So as you saw,
skim around. What you're starting to read is that they're at that point now where revelers are beginning and you're seeing some various levels of intoxication. You're seeing people who are going back the day. You're seeing a lot of people confused about this object in the sky and a lot of the focus is there. There is a regular amount of shady. There are people who, you know, the laws are really loose here. So people aren't like discreetly trying to do drugs or discreetly trying to steal things necessarily.
other than the patrol you don't necessarily see anyone with that role that is giving you alarm bells but thank you for your role. Rains what do you want to do?
Rains is going to attempt to start moving stealthily, but before he does that, what he's going to do is he's going to use an action. He's got the Bracer on from his new studded lever armour, and he's just going to pull down on that. The Rubik's Cube will count the bag of holding, and the armour will just form around him, which gives him advantage on stealth checks. His new armour, I'd like to think of it's brought from
as it's bought from, sorry, Dralak. It's kind of like the Fremen from Dune, because it's like the area of sand, that the studded leather is going to be quite similar. And similar to the Fremen, the face cover will come across as Rains knows that his face is in particular one of the faces that can cause troubles. It's a long way of saying I'm making a stealth check. Yeah, go for it.
Oh, I'll roll to stop. Second one's coming in now, apologies. That's a natural 20 for a 22. Great, yeah. So you engage this outfit, for want of a better phrase, and yeah, you are able to just discreetly blend in.
looking more like a local than you did at the start of the day. Yeah, I'd like to think that Reigns' first studied level was very shadow-mendium, whereas this one is very, is very Dralak. Yep, yep. Thank you very much, Emron. You've got Seth on the roof above you, you've got Bao sort of scanning, and then you've got Reigns making steps and trying to blend in the space. Seeing what Reigns is doing, Emron will sort of
take an idea and go, oh, that's a good idea. And so from their gear that they bought, they did buy some traveler's clothes from the Emporium. So I'm just going to try and put those on, sort of blend in with the clothing of the area rather than what they're wearing. Okay. Make a performance checker advantage, please.

Alfred's Prank Setup

Okay. Thanks. That's a 10. Great. Thank you for your role.
Alfred, you're up. What I would like to do is grab possibly like some form of little stone or something like that just from the ground and I want to use my magical tinkering with it and I want to imbue it with an odor
but his most vile, foul-smelling type of odour that Alpha can possibly imagine and try and slip it into someone's pocket. Purely with the idea of a fart bomb. Technically, yeah, he's trying to draw attention to somebody else, so it's away from all of us. That guy shit himself!
I was going to say rotten fruit or something like that, you know, really when you get fruit and if you want that really salty, decomposed stage and you got little fruit flies all going round it. Okay. But yeah, that's what I want to try and do. So what are you doing? Are you trying to lob it into a crowd or are you trying to discreetly pop it in someone's pocket?
I want to try and discreetly pop it in someone's pocket. Just so that poor person, whoever it's going to be, is going to be just wondering why he's been carrying around this horrific smell when everybody else is going to get it as they walk past. Make a slight of handshake then to try and place this discreetly. I love this too much. This is one of my favorite ones. Ten. Thank you very much. Nix, what do you want to do?
Okay, so we'll see an alpha trying, I don't know, bump someone or touch someone. It'll be weird either way. Nix is going to just sidle up behind alpha and just in low voice. Trust me, I've been working on something. And then on your back, you feel Nix puts a finger on you and he traces a pattern. If you could, if you knew letters, it's like an I.
And then as he dispels a eyelash component in his deep pocket with his left hand on his right hand, he's going to rub out the eye. And as the eye starts to remove from your metal shell, you turn invisible as I cast invisible. It's a warlock spell.

Prank Execution and Aftermath

Nice. Okay. So here's what's happened.
Seth immediately just leaps onto the roof of the building to try and get a clearer view and to assess the situation. Ball, you get a good read on everyone's pattern and it sort of informs Reigns' stealthy approach based on where your sort of gesturing is safe to go.
Emron, you attempt to put on these clothes quite quickly and they just sort of get tangled and you're just stuck there for longer than you want to be trying to get these clothes on and just look like someone who can't get dressed properly. But, you know, it's that point where revelers are starting to appear and people are forgiving odd behavior.
And then Alpha, you drop this really stinky thing in someone's pocket and they turn and in that moment, you disappear. You disappear. And they are look, they're staring at Nyx, presuming that they are. Nyx had something to do with this. And Nyx, you just see this person sort of produce this object back out of the
pocket it was dropped in, and then they wince, drop the stone and sort of run away from you going, covering their nose, causing a bit of a scene.

Navigating Snakerun and Observations

But that lasts for a few moments. And collectively, you are all able
to map a safe journey around to where you need to be to leave Snakerun just about unnoticed. And as you venture out and find that mineshaft that you are heading towards, you do spy a lot of cream Snakerun iconography and branding on a lot of the cargo, the crates, the sacks, et cetera, that you pass. You're there and you're feeling in that place of safety again.
You haven't been thinking about this. You haven't been looking at this. But the second object in the sky is emanating a bit of a blue glow for the first time. In three, four days now since it's been around, it's changed property.

Episode Conclusion and Shoutouts

That is where we're going to end this week's episode.
The Fellowship of the Tabletop, Bellum Draconis. Oh, Donkey. Donkey don't know. Oh, Elephant. It's the aliens from Independence Day. Hey, boys. I'm back.
Speaking of being back, thank you for coming back to us as you make us a party every day week. We love you for it. If you wanted to find us on the Twitter, we have a collective page. It's at fellowship table, but we just don't post on it, but you can still hear us individually. I am at... I'm order one. Mark is at...
How's the world, DM? Darren is at. Darren Page of Six. Will is at. Natural20will. Oh, the Will is at. FellowshipNPCB, Bollocks. Callum is at. TheD20Gamer. And our amazing DM can be found at. Total Party Thrills. Until next time, guys.