7: I Think Knull Lives Here image

7: I Think Knull Lives Here

S1 E7 · Snap On This!!
48 Plays3 hours ago

Agent Venom came here to drink milk and kick ass — and he just finished his milk. 🥛😎

For our esteemed listeners’ consideration:

  • Lauren, Ben, and Rie tout their end-of-season accomplishments 🎉
  • Superior Spider-Man 🐙🕷️ comes recommended by the hosts as both a Doctor Octopus variant and a comic run
  • Lauren teases a conspiracy 😯🕵️
  • It is generally agreed that Agent Venom is an all-around good time while Scream’s entrance feels a little quiet
  • The hosts submit their tips & tricks for off-meta cards
  • Rie adds Zaboo to the Snap on This!! game shelf 🎲
  • https://www.twitch.tv/pwrongaming
  • 🏆 Watch Lauren and Rie compete in the Valkyrie Women’s Tournament of PWR at 2 pm EDT this Sunday (Oct. 6th)!

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Hello, and welcome to this lucky number seven episode of Snap on This. I'm Lauren Whatevs, here with my regular co-hosts. First up, it's just Ree. How is your week in Snap? And keep it snappy.
Okay, so I'm pretty snappy for me this week. I got, for the first time I think in a couple months and only my fourth, um an infinite avatar. Which, yeah, so that's exciting for me because I'm lazy about conquest.
It's so long. That's why you just do proving grounds over and over when I'm testing decks. I'm like, I'll have to remember their deck the next game. like I play a lot late at night and I'm very tired.
so ah Okay, so I did it and I did it with the Aranya Destroy Deck I was talking about last week. Heck yeah. With Deadpool, yeah. ah so And I put it on the Negasonic Teenage Warhead Avatar. That's the Flaviano album one. you know She looks super badass. She's a very good one. Right? What I was telling everyone was that it's some It's like in D and&D, you know how in charisma, yeah you can if you're trying to persuade someone, it can be through diplomacy or or intimidation. Intimidation. And Negasonic has charisma that is intimidating. That's how we feel about that. True. Yeah. So yay. So I did it. I stopped being lazy. I sat down on my couch, on my phone, played five games in a row. Well done.
yeah We did it. That was me. That's awesome. And our other co-host, Benjamin Roller, how was your week? I had a great week in Snap. It was the last week of the season, so I also... I don't always actually play my Infinity Tickets, but ah this time I did.
I got an Infinity Avatar of my very own. I went with Bass Art Polaris. Oh, yes! I saw! Solid choice. And I played the deck that I play when I feel like kicking ass for sure. And it kicked ass for sure. It's ah also the one that I played it a lot during my ladder climb. Oh yeah, hashtag pod goals part deux. I did once again finish in the top 1000 a bit higher up this time. I finished with 8,212 snap points, which put me at number
386 on the website leaderboard but in app. It said I was in the low 500s. So I think ah measuring from the meniscus or whatever. I don't know. I think maybe if for pod goals, part three.
Maybe I'll try to get in the top 500 for the October season? I don't know. You're turning into a Marvel problem, Ben. It's got to be more epic every time you're going to run out. That's the thing. I didn't mean to clear the 500. I mean, I sort of meant to, but I was like, man, you're not leaving yourself much room to grow here.
um So yeah, that that's been going well. um As I said, I've been playing a deck I really like. I've been playing it in the Snap Judgments League, so I'm not going to go too deep into the details on it because I plan to continue playing it. And ah yeah, I'm 3-0 there. I've given up finally a couple of cubes in the third match, but pretty feeling pretty confident in what I'm playing and how I'm playing it.
And I'm definitely making top eight in my pod. Are you using the same deck every time? Yep. Thanks. Yep. Glory to the pod. I have been playing the new cards, and they're a lot of fun, but we're going to talk about those in a minute. But yeah, I'm almost ah almost at infinite since yesterday or whatever. ah it's been It's been going well. Everything's coming up roses for for Roller in Marvel Snap this week.
as As it usually is, I'm sorry, I'm usually having a pretty good time playing card games. i I love what I do and I, yeah. I mean, that's why we play, right? We play for fun and... Right, for fun. Not to get our daily credits. yeah Sometimes you're playing to bridge the gap between fun times. That's true.
I think especially, I know I've referenced Johnny's and Spike's in a previous episode also, but we're talking about like magic player types and all three of us are are strongly in the Johnny camp. It's true. And I think that Johnny's are really good at making their own fun if Timmy's can do this too. But yeah, we're good at expressing ourselves and finding joy that way, deck building or something like that, even when Maybe the game meta isn't in our favorite state or something else is rough if you like. I don't know if I'm struggling with conquest. I'll be like, you know what? I'm going to go. I'm going to go hunt for a cool clip. I'll find something else that that feels like winning and and being creative.
Anyway, no, I was thinking this. Okay. Sorry. Someone was said something in a discord. I'm like, this is the spectrum of our podcast. Like we all like to play off meta cards and do things our own way. But Ben is like, I will win. i will yeah i do I do want to prove some points.
I will build the best deck for that. like doesn't It doesn't matter what those cards are, they will be the best cards that are fun for me to play that I will win with. And then I'm like middle of the road where I kind of want to be... I need it to win and I need it to be a good deck, but I'm willing for it to not be. I'm willing to make B and see decks that are fun for me and that do things I want to do, or are thematic for me in some way, or just fun. And that's kind of where I'm at. And Lauren also is that, like me, but she will make a deck just to get a clip. That is not about winning at all. That is 0% of winning. And I will not do that. I mean, I need to win. I do enjoy them very much.
It cracks me up when I post a clip of people are like, what's the deck list? And it's like, unless you're also hunting for a clip, this is not a real deck. You don't want no part of this, do we? Well, somebody saw. So one time I popped out six broodlings that in three lanes. That's really cool, but it took me an hour to do once.
Um, yeah, see, but like, and you'll do that. And that sounds painful. I think I saw it was like a Reddit post or something where someone was talking about, it's like, Oh, this person was clearly doing move bounties. They were just not trying to win the game. They were just dropping a bunch of cards in Heimdallung. And it was like miserable for both of us because it was proving grounds and I knew I was going to win, but I just didn't want to go through with it. And I'm like, Oh no, this is the bounties they've turned.
They've done it. We're soullessly, played we're soullessly Heimdall-ing, not for the fun of it, not for the pure joy of watching your cards slide across. But as like as some kind of, you know, like corporate drudge who needs to just get in their daily, daily eight moves in a game. Yeah, it's one of the problems with the bounding goals. But the bounding goals being so big, which I think they toned them down recently, right? The destroy and the move.
Which is good, because they used to be so high, you practically had to make a deck to do that bounty. It was absurd. like yeah You had to have werewolf or silk or both. Or just like, yeah, it's goofy. Goofy is all hell to expect you to move more than one card per turn. like yes And try to win still. And destroy more than one card per turn. like Just ask us to do it once per turn tops. I'm glad they capped him at five now. Yeah. OK.
Uh, my, my weekend and snap, my conquest did not go as well. I burned like, uh, five gold tickets and maybe one, one match, but probably wasn't playing a strong enough deck. But I got to the point where I was like,
Do I even like this Dr. Octopus variant? Oh, no. And for the first time ever, I skipped a conquest variant. You did? Yeah, so i got all the like I got all the credits and gold from the conquest shop, but I did not get nine rewards, so I did not get Doc Oc. And I was like, you know what? I already have a Doc Oc that I like better, the Noir one. And at this point, this variant's just worth 24-ish credits because it's just a variant and nothing else.
um Lauren, no, I'm proud of you. I could never do that strong. I would grind all night to be like, I won't use the stock. I put a stock on variance. I like better than it, but I can't. It's limited time and I can't not get it. I would be miserable instead of, I don't know, spending time with people or having a life or playing other video games. I would just grind to make sure I got that variance. So you're stronger and braver and better than all of us.
I mean, I know Ben doesn't have to worry about the Baron either, but he just plays too much conquest to not get it. Well, that's why I've become a ladder person. Oh, yeah, that's right. Oh, these past couple of months. You've all changed. But I did get the Doc Ock, even though I'm a superior Spider-Man kind of person. That's such a good one.
Yeah, it's one of the few comic books that I've read in the past year. I got a volume or two, actually two, yeah, two volumes of Superior Spider-Man out from my local library. That's how I roll. I also recommend this. I thought it was a great read. Dance along. Good fun. I liked his love interest. I thought she was good. Yeah. Yeah, I think I've only read the ones that directly tie into Spider-Verse, so I've read some but not a lot.
Let me the point of just the the basic premise of Superior Spider-Man is that Otto Octavius is in Peter Parker's body in each and he's trying to prove that he can be a better that's why he's the superior Spider-Man. So if that interests you, the writer is Dan Slott and it's a very entertaining read. Sorry, just butting into Oh, you're good.
So yeah, i've totally I have totally over several months had a transition in the way I play. It used to be I played so much conquest that it blew my mind that anybody struggled to get the variant. I was like, here I am getting you know thousands of boosters from conquest mode and and do more tickets than I could possibly spend.
And now it's like, I don't even know if I get two infinity tickets in a season. um i've just I found ladder to be so much more fun now. And it like it was really revealing to me that I was only playing conquest because it was a better source of boosters. And now that we get the bonus booster section of the shop, I'm like, what's conquest anymore? um I will still totally play if it's a variant that I like. I will grind out for that.
i Yeah, i I'm just gonna do a short teaser before we move on to the rest of it. I i ended my week with conspiracy theory. I've been chatting with several people and we have observed that maybe splits are not what they used to be. Personally, I've been working on trying to get a crackle from my Professor X and I'm, I don't know, 15 deep and I don't have a single one.
Uh, yeah, which like the official rate for a crackle, I don't know if official is the right word, but like the one that they extracted from discord conversations in the beta, it was like 10% chance that you get a crackle. Right. And I have since found in the data that it's more like 20, 25% somewhere in there.
um But anyway, I've had a bunch of people express like, oh, ink is a lot harder to get, or crack is a lot harder to get than it used to be. So I am collecting ah collection data from people and trying to see if we can observe a dip in in split odds that happened but was not announced. ah Early results say yes, but stay tuned.
i want I want a bigger data set before I proclaim that loudly. I want you to reveal it in ah in a like ah like a big short style movie. That's what I want to watch. Hop out another high quality one minute TikTok video that I spend 24 hours making. Okay. Lord, it's you. You beat 72 at least.
Okay, you're so fine. We are moving on. We started a new season. ah This week's cards, we have two because there's a a Season Pass card and a Spotlight card. Season Pass card is Agent Venom, a 2-4 on Reveal. Set the power of all cards in your deck to four. Thoughts? Yeah.
ah Yeah, my thoughts are hell yeah, great card. Very cool, very fun. Total blast. That's where I started the season. I was like, well, I've got an idea for an Agent Venom deck. And then I won 13 games in a row with it. It was it was ridiculous. i I climbed like right up into the 80s with, yeah, it was it was just bonkers.
I mean, obviously there were a couple bots in there, but like i I was immediately sold on the card. I was Agent Venom-pilled like from the jump. ah Great fun. I know that everybody else is playing them in bounds, and I mean, that's cool if you're into that sort of thing. ah I'm a surfer kid. Y'all know my style. ah And he's pretty good in there. Pretty good in there.
i Big sages, big Cassandra novas. Ooh, baby. I mean, big grandmasters, big forges. Big brutes. Yeah, big brutes. I mean, we're we're always we're always in the business of big brutes. So like, there's no Gwen pool in this deck. So the brutes honestly kind of come out about the same. it's It's like sort of a wash because, you know, you're still doing forge stuff, still doing Yeah, the big Aranya is a fun card to play too. Is this the one with Wong and Grandmaster? They turn into a different deck. It's this one. I played it a little bit. It's crazy. Why are you not mentioning these cards? The insane things you can do with those two in this deck. There's a lot of goofiness. I'm not usually a Wong player. I don't really... Trust him very much. Super telecast. Yeah, there's a big old target on his bald head. That's, yeah. Okay, but Wong Grandmaster. Yeah, Wong and Grandmaster is adorable. I love Wong Grandmaster. It's so fun because- There are different versions of it. You can put Wong in the middle and then Grandmaster a thing over to him, or you can put Wong on the side, do two on reveals there, and then close it out with a Grandmaster, make a little room.
and keep the fun rolling. And the Grand Master hits two things. It's so good. Yup, yup. It's such a bend deck, though, too. It's like, hey, I'm not playing move, but you still have to think about where all your cards are, because it's going to be in different places later. You do have to plan ahead, but it's working real well. You don't have to plan ahead.
I think it's going to be my deck in the square this week, except I've been playing with a whole bunch of different versions of it. All of them have bonkers stats, but like I'm sure one of these versions is better than the other ones. I ah really wanted Rogue to be in the deck, because like I'm like, I should play Rogue, because I like the character, but I don't like the card very much. um But I still don't like the card very much, even at 3, 4. And I swapped for Red Guardian.
even though he has less to gain from Agent Venom. Just such a good card. Red Guardian just clowns on everybody. it's It's a fantastic card. um So yeah, that I've been having a blast with Agent Venom. What what have y'all been doing with Agent Venom?
You want to go? Anything. OK. I'll go next. So I had to remember, we talked about this last week, Agent Patriot. That's the name of the deck. It's Agent Patriot. And in between those two words is the handshake emoji. But here's the gift. So I started playing with it. It wasn't quite there. And then Lauren, I think, actually leading us, like, maybe Misery missed that, because I was putting in more on reveal stuff. And I was like, yes.
Yes, yes, yes, and then I lost the will to fix it up because I need misery in it now. I set that one aside for next week. I played a bit of your surfer deck, which was bonkers. It was just fun to explore and find all the little things you could do with it. All of your decks are like that. Did you play the version with Fastos in it?
Yes. Yeah. Yeah. ah it That was where I started. That that was the first one. Okay. That was the one I played. So I played the OG. It's a phenom. And this is, like I said, so when you see Ben Stax and Squares, it's so fun when you're playing them.
The things you don't normally play is just the discovery of all the little cum. So you're like, oh, and this. In the next game, it's totally different. But then from there, I went, I would have made, see, it's a very different deck than I would have made. Yours is all in on power. I would have gone hard on tech. Everything would be tech and maybe a Gwenpool. But then I had surfered, you know, I had already surfed for the day. So here's what I did.
Here's what I did instead. I made a deck called l LOL Agent Destroy. It's a Deadpool deck, but it's also got a hood, which I know has a little bit of anti-synergy with Knoll, but it ended up being so good. It didn't... It only has anti-synergy if you don't Agent Venom it. Right? Exactly. In a lot of games, you're contributing to Knoll. You're not...
You know, it's it's there's not even one step back sometimes. um Sometimes it's all steps forward. Um, you think you're missing out because there's no death, which sometimes it's kind of hard to get death down anyway. And she ends up being more of a dead card in your hand. So there's none of that. But the benefit you get is that all those little cards like Deadpool or the hood or whoever else you have in there in one drops, they're good they're like one four is late. Or you can get once I, um, bounce the hood three times and I had like six, like,
demons to like gobble up with venom, and you still have a Zola in there who's maybe a 6'4", so you're not just leaving a zero in that lane. It ended up being so good. I don't know that it's better than regular Destroy, but it was so much fun, and everyone's playing Bounce.
And ah when you throw the hood down in Agent Venom, they don't know you're playing Destroy It. So you kill yourself a lot of Kitty Prides and they don't know to save it, you know? Because it can be hard playing against these bounce stacks if they're very clever to lose the prio you need to killmonger them correctly, that you can trick them to get leaving their stuff out for you. Yeah, he's not just the decoy, he's also great at throwing prio.
Right, yes, exactly. so And then you just finish them off with a carnage later or whatever. um So it's been fun and it's been winning for me. So um that's what I have been playing. Oh, I forgot to mention something else about my Agent Venom deck. ah this This may be narrow casting just for safety blade, but like I really wish I had Silver s Sable to try in one of these slots. Oh, me too.
ae I was wrong. I didn't think she was a bad card. I just thought she was a card I didn't like. And maybe maybe I was wrong about that. I don't know. I was wrong is exactly how I was going to start my section on Agent Venom. um But I was also wrong about Silver Sable. And I'm also thinking like, hey, I need to pick up either Hydro Bob or Silver Sable.
Oh, you don't have Hydra Bob? No, and it's like, I don't think either of them are necessary cards, but they are the two that are like, they're the highest power cards that don't have big downsides ah in the one cost slot. You know who I think is a little bit underappreciated though that Ant-Man, I feel like Ant-Man does not get the respect that these other more obviously-stated cards get, but is in fact just as good. I'm with you. I love Ant-Man, one of my favorite cards. And and he is he is in my Agent Venom deck.
um I'm rocking a Patriot Valkyrie, Agent Venom deck. A change that I made early on that I'm really enjoying actually is I'm rocking Bast and Agent Venom both. yeah So I can boost my hand and boost my deck. And Valkyrie lets me boost my board. So it's like, even if I get the hood early and I don't have Bast, I have, oh, it's okay, because Valkyrie can still hit him. i This deck is rocking a lot of my favorite cards. a Yellow Jacket, Ant-Man,
ah Mysterio, of course Mysterio. I've played like 20 games with this and it's doing very well, but I haven't been able to pull a single Mysterio hit by Agent Venom yet and it's making me so sad. I'm so excited for the day I can play that guy.
I did it specifically, too, for you, Lauren, because you you've opened my eyes to the ways of Mysterio, and I also have not been able to, and it infuriates me. Like, I just want to see it just once. RNG. I have in my notes that Mysterio is the most re-asked card that Rhea's not playing. I know! Now I'm exploring it. You love Okoye and Nakia and Mysterio triples them, right? He makes them worse three times as much. You love Gwenpool. He is such a great- Yeah, very good Gwenpool card. I didn't understand the interaction early and then he fell out of my brain repository of cards. No, I totally get it. You can't hold all the cards in your head. I mean, yeah. You have to ignore some of them. That's just how it works. But now I have better variance for him so I care more.
No, I'm excited. I want to do all the Gwen pulling and stuff. Next week with Misery and Agent Patriot. Yeah, I don't even think I mentioned Hood, who is literally, like, after Valk, probably my favorite card in the game. Like, this deck is rocking, like, five or six of my top ten cards. um Which, admittedly, a lot of them are my top cards because they work well with Valkyrie. But all the same, I'm loving it. I don't know how long it's going to last.
um Girl, girl's there, she probably needs to be cut, even though she's good for Patriot. Those little one, one things. You're trying to live that everything is three, everything is four kind of lifestyle. Well, I mean, Valkyrie can hit one of them, and Patriot hits two of them, but yeah, they take up a lot of space. Yeah. Yeah. So anyway, I'm having fun with it. I will continue to modify it, but I'm just I know in the middle of of last week's episode, when we were talking about Agent Venom, and I was like, oh my gosh, Mysterio, like I would have single-handedly raised his ranking if I had thought about the Mysterio interaction. I don't even know why I was so low on Agent Venom. he is He's a small cards card, and I love small cards. So many of my favorite cards benefit from this.
Even Yellow Jacket, even if I don't get Luke Cage out, a 0-4 Yellow Jacket can easily justify itself. right Also, so you know what's a real cool stat line? 2-4. Colleen Weng and pretty good cards. Cloak. On that yes myster um yeah on that note, please can we have 1-3 best?
thank you Yeah, for what what are we doing here? Like, come on. It's not it's not right. It's just serious three, right? Everybody's got best now. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, just do the right thing.
Prove that you have a conscious, i know or that you just like want your cards to be played. because like i'm not i mean I applaud Lauren for playing 1-1 best in the Agent Venom deck, but I'm not going to roll the dice on her. I can hit her with Valkyrie Agent Venom.
It's true. I mean, like, I'm not I'm not saying it like can't work. I'm just saying I would be a lot more enticing at one three and a lot less like, you know, conditional or whatever. I like things that work every time. but that Yeah, you like consistency. How dare you?
um Okay, let's move on to our next card. ah In the spotlight, scream a 2-2. When an enemy card moves, steal two power from it once per turn. Ben, you you take this one. All right. Well, I did play this one, not as much as Agent Venom, because frankly, I was having too much fun with the AV. I'm in the AV. I am the founding member of the AV club. No, i'm sure other I'm sure there are people who are even more... that's i'm I'm just the founding member of of the the snap on this chapter of the AP club. But yeah. Fair. I mentioned too little. Oh my goodness. um But no. ah Scream is fun too. Just not as much fun as Agent Venom in my opinion. And that's a little bit of a surprise to me because I'm um and historically a big fan of cards like Craven the Hunter and Kingpin the Kingpin. The Crylord.
Perhaps you've heard of him, Wilson Fisk. But yeah, ah Scream's pretty good. Not sure the deck is figured out. um I had great success in the early 80s with a Scream deck. It was very straightforward. It was all the cards that activate Scream, pretty much. Not not literally all of them, but almost literally all of them.
um And I had a Grandmaster in there. It's been a very Grandmaster-y few days for me and no complaints there. Great card, lots of fun. I'm really, I'm hoping I can roll an ink split sometime soon, tying it all together. um Yeah. Yeah.
ah Scream, you you're more likely to win the games when you draw a scream. It's true. The rumors are true. um Less so when you don't draw a scream, but I was already kind of playing this deck without scream before, so I sort of expected that.
And like it's been mid. like i These are cards I like. I'm always trying to make them work. I i had been trying to move your opponent's cards thing with Thena and Kitty and stuff and Hope so that like in theory you could play Magneto and Kitty Pride on turn six and do stuff. okay And that version of the deck seemed to be performing better than this more all in on moving the opponent's cards version of the deck with Scream. So I don't know, I might try to go for something in between those two ideas, incorporate some better stats and just more efficient stuff. Because yeah, you you do you do get great results when you have Scream and Craven or Kingpin on the board, but I just don't
I don't know. Very fun card, very independently powerful. I have not seen the deck. Also, I have taken to snapping against scream decks when I identify them just because they lose Tage and Venom is my experience. um So I don't know. if If you don't love the card or the idea of what the card promises to be, I don't know. You don't maybe maybe skip it if you don't love this stuff, but I love this stuff. So I'm i'm in the tank for this card no matter what. Scream. Team scream all day long. Just not as much as I love Agent Venom, sadly. that's That's my take. How do you all feel about scream? Have you been beaten screams?
I haven't seen much scream, but here's what, here's, I've barely seen any scream. Here's what I'll see. Someone drops a Wilson Fisk right. And I'm like, okay, they're trying to play scream. So I play a card there and I look at the Killmonger in my hand and I'm like, I'm not that afraid of him.
I'll wait that other turn so I get the extra benefit out of Killmonger because I'm not scared and and then I kill him and then I probably don't even see a scream or if I do they put her down too late for it to matter or I just filled the lane where they were obviously trying to like you know where they put down kingpin or you know they succeed and you know you know they take two or four off of one of my cards that's much larger than that I don't know. It hasn't been scary to me, but I haven't seen it a lot. How about you, Lauren? Yeah, I have not seen it. I don't think I've seen it once yet. Really? mean ah Yeah, even with the asteroid M location, maybe I saw a couple last night.
i Obviously it hurts her that she can't do as much played late, but you know, even one or two procs is pretty good stats for a two cost card. um I'm reminded you're all you're all in on the screen deck doing well, but like still feeling like it's lacking. um First of all, that's basically the vibe I've gotten from everybody is like, this is a great card in a mid deck.
um But it reminds me of like Ajax and Annihilus, where people were all in when they first came out, and those decks were fine, they were playable, but then it turned out that Annihilus is best in a three card package, and Ajax is best in a two card package. um I don't know about best best, but like that's good enough for them to do their thing. And I wonder if you'll see the same with Scream, if you put her in like a three or four card package that like,
You know, maybe you look for some other synergies, but you don't have to be all in on Scream and she can still have... Magneto is just so good by himself, you know? so yeah Make Magneto a 6-16, effectively, right? But then she's a 2-2, so... Be careful about how you're calculating those. yeah Also, very good Red Guardian target is Scream. C1 Red Guardian it right away. Don't wait on that. Just do it. Nike.
Yeah, that's true. she can't really She's not a very good defense card, which we talked about last week. like You don't run scream just to counter move meta. You run scream because you're doing scream things. yeah I'm interested, but ah i I'm quite sure I will pass on her first spotlight appearance.
yeah Oh, I forgot to mention, while I was opening for Scream, I got speed! So that's cool. I can do speed things. ah speed and shout That's awesome. It was a four-key week, but if you get two cards out of four keys, it's fine. Yeah, yeah. I still have never pulled a new card from the random slot. Me neither. And and before spotlight before Spotlights, I never got a Series 5 card from Collector's Caches. Oh, for real? that's That's how, you know, the other the other episode, we were talking about my Galactus Phase. That's how I got that Galactus Phase was like, it was my one Series 5 card.
I was like, well, i I better do something with it. Cause yeah, and so I wasn't even done with series three. Yeah.
Okay, we're gonna move on to next week's card. ah Misery, a 4-7 on Reveal. Repeat the on Reveal abilities of your other cards here, then destroy them. And before we get too in depth about it, we did have a team answer in the official Discord where Glenn clarified that Scream's on Reveal only destroys on Reveal cards.
which is not how I read that text at all. And I still think it's proven. Frankly, I'm surprised about that. And like, you know how sometimes they answer things and then it turns out to be wrong? like I wouldn't be shocked if this was one of those. OK. Yes, but also I was thinking there is that. And I am kind of not surprised either way. But I was thinking, you know what this means? She doesn't.
Like you can put Wong in that lane um without worrying about order. So you could do, I mean, like stuff like, I was just thinking like, what if you did like a Korg and then like a Ravona or something and then a Rock Slide and then a Wong and then a Misery and you just, you Ben Brode the shit out of them.
It just rocks everywhere. I don't know. It's like once I realize I'm like, oh, but if we have Wong there, then everything goes off again. And I get that's two slots, but I don't know, still seems fun. Yeah. And maybe you can find something to do with the leftover Wong afterwards, right? and The leftover Wong. Grandmaster, Grandmaster Misery to free yourself up some room there for more Wong shenanigans. I'm still curious about how Grandmastering Misery works.
like i just like It reminds me of, I don't know, like when you when you Grandmaster Niko with the with the demon spell, like weird things happen. Yeah, I have what might be a good answer, because I did this recently. um So it's fresh. ah it's fresh ah If you Odin, Grandmaster, he can push Odin mid, but Odin does not fire again. So I assume misery works the same way.
I think you're probably right. Where he can hit misery, but she doesn't trigger when she's pushed mid. Really? Yeah, I think it's because what ends up already in them but fair yeah but i think it's like Odin's already in the middle of doing his action, so he can't do it again. Okay. I don't want the dolls to nest that that many times or whatever. Probably for the best.
Yeah, it would get really wacky with Arnim Zola, I'll tell you that. It's what the fast forward screen is for. Yeah, you don't need to know. Magic happened. I need to see the results. Sure, sure. I haven't been able to think through yet what the implications are that Misery doesn't destroy other cards. I think it probably is a buff overall. Yeah. It definitely changes how you use her.
ah She remains the card I'm most interested in this season. I just think she's got lots of potential and has the highest flexibility. She's she's probably not the best at her niche job um compared to some of the others, but I think that like and think she fits in the most decks. I think there's going to be interesting things you can do with her.
um And i so I still think that she's going to work through armor. You think she's going to work through armor? I'm not sure, but I could believe it either way. yeah the I feel like she probably does. I feel like she I feel like armor stops it. That says destroy a card.
Oh, and stops her ability. I don't know, we'll have to find out. but um yeah i i just like I wouldn't count those chickens before they hatch is is all I'm saying for people trying to plan things out. Yeah, until we get a team answer. Find out if that works, if that's part of your dream for the card. I i honestly am excited about the card even if it doesn't work through armor.
Some cards that I think would be fun to play with misery include White Widow, Hazmat, Electro, Ironheart, Shuri, White Tiger, whatever you're into, I don't know your life. But that was just stuff that came to me in a short burst earlier and I was like, I'll shoot. If I came up with all those like that quick, there's got to be something here, right? And she's only four costs. She's only four. You can play around four, five, and six with other cards, perhaps first to also hit with her. It's just so good. And the stats are so good. The body is good usually when these doublers down of the on reveals, these repetition things. The problem is usually
They're too shrimpy or they're too fragile. Like the the shrimpy ones are things like Grandmaster or Wong and the fragile ones are things like Spideyote Spider-Man or Wong.
yeah Like Misery doesn't have those problems. Misery like 4-7 like dang like we play Wiccan even though he doesn't work half the time you know.
Like, 4-7 is a good stat line. It's not great, but it's... You're gonna be getting value if you're playing this card. Like, you you will have targets. And ah yeah, I'm excited for it. I think it might be one of the strongest cards of the season, but it's really hard to tell until we know exactly how it works. You're here. hear and I wonder, I was just thinking, because you're listing off all these, which are the obvious targets for misery, the low power cards with big effects. I wonder if she goes in some weird flavor of bounce, because that has a lot of those cards in it where they're on reveal effects you want to hit over and over again. It's like but a lot of them are tied to the bodies of the on revealers, things like Rocket Raccoon, Silver Sable.
but then you have those mono Those ones stay away from your from your misery lane, but then your Iceman and your Nikko, depending on the spell, and your hi Hood, Hood especially, goes over in the misery lane. So that's pretty good. That does seem pretty good. I think you're onto something. um Probably not the best bounce deck, but a cool one. Maybe.
I don't know. I don't know. Okay. Any other misery thoughts? That's an exciting card. Yeah. Excitement is high on this podcast. It's flexible. It feels like she'll go in a lot of things. Yeah. Speaking of... ah Excitement. Her spotlight friends are Nomura and War Machine. I think this is probably the best spotlight of the season. I don't have the rest of them let me i don't have the rest of them in front of me, but yeah but all these cards are good. I'm looking forward to picking up Nomura. I don't have her yet. And she's high up on the list of cards that I would actually probably play.
I am, I don't, I want a spotlight for her. She doesn't have one you can get outside of spotlights, but she's very fun. You have to build, obviously you have to build with her in mind because she has a very narrow ability. um But like she's so fun to like Odin and want, you know, trigger multiple times. She works with symbiote, Spider-Man. There's a lot of stuff that can be done with her. Yeah, Ben. I should also mention I'm still a believer in Scarlet Spider, I'm telling you, he's gonna get out of control. And ah maybe after I have Nomura, I can dedicate a little more attention to making that happen. You can accelerate the process of getting Ben nerfed. Yeah, we'll we'll see. i have a I've been playing a few games with the Scarlet Spider deck that seems to be performing well, but
then Agent Venom happened and now, now, Agent Venom is my best friend and I only want to talk about Agent Venom now. Yes. Friendship over. New friendship. But I will come back for you, Ben Riley. I will come back. That's what they all say to Ben Riley. Have you, what do you, do you have any special no more thoughts, Lauren? Uh, it's a cool variant. She's a fun card, but I just,
She is fun. i like I actually do enjoy playing a Nomura deck, but you have to build for her, and most of my decks are small card decks, as we've talked about a million times, and they tend to kind of flood the board. so um But there's definitely cool things you can do to to make her work anyway, right? You can use move cards, or you can ah pop down a venom. or like that There are lots of clever ways to play Nomura, so I do really enjoy her.
Um, for what she is, which is what she, she five cost. Yes. Yeah. Which like five cost isn't quite all the way to six where I'm like, Ooh, I don't want to play with you unless you do something really cool. Um, I feel like five is like the most unwieldy of all the costs. it is It's a tough like time. slat It's such a weird one, but, but Valkyrie and Cersei are in there and there are some of my favorites. So.
She's a card that's fun, you know what I mean? like There may be easier ways to do the things you do with Namoya, but you won't have as much fun. She's a lot of power, and it's kind of undeniable. And she does cool things with like, I don't know, Ms. Marvel, Doom. Yeah, you do have to worry about the clock meta happening with her, though, or at least prepare for it. Yeah. It's true that it does really hurt her.
Um, but, uh, the other card, war machine is so meta now went from like, who would have thought I eat war machines for breakfast. i but We're going to get to that in a minute.
for For part of our homework, ah the card I selected to talk about is a card that's very good against war machines. So I'm i'm trying to i'm trying to bridge things. um i'm I'm foreshadowing. wrote How do I eat war machines for breakfast? I will tell you.
later thirty yeah upside later the rise of war machine and later ben will orchestrate the fall of one um but like when she and but like an in six twenty if you're not if you can't like uh shang it you know like you don't like you have no answer to it and like an ebony ma like i mean they have to hit the war machine right and they're putting all these cards in their hand that are going to be difficult to play without it but like i'm seeing i'm seeing a lot of war machine running around with storm yeah the storm legion
quite a bit, became more meta than I think some people were ready for. Of course, War Machine took a small hit for that. i Lost one power. Well, it occurs to me, I was excited to get Nomura this week, but I guess I could also get War Machine. um Probably will. You don't have War Machine? No, I don't have War Machine. A three card week?
Oh wow. It happened. Dang. And we're done. Yeah, I have not had ever had a three card week. I've tried so hard to save for two card weeks and then use them, and then like the two I've had, I've been like, I still don't want Corvus or Proxima that much. Oh, I get FOMO'd the other way. I'm like, I want this card.
i I need to get Proxima next time she comes around. She's she's so good. yeah I played discard like just enough that like, and she's in every discard deck of every flavor. I'm like, yeah. Like I thought I was going to be a Corvus gamer. I'm not a Corvus gamer. I got him on day one and then he has proceeded to gather all the dust in my collection. um But Proxima, he's Proxima just in everything. She's just so good.
Her animation isn't as fun as Makari's, but like all the joy of ah of a card falling out of your hand onto the board for free, for no energy. um Very fun. Well, for like for better than free, like you yeah you get to discard her. That's exciting. I'll say Mike's. Fulfilling a thing, yeah. Yeah.
ah My favorite deck of last season is a War Machine deck of my own making, but you know, he kind of re-enabled Lockdown a bit. ah Instead of going Storm Legion, I went Storm Professor X and had a few other ways to move things around, you know, ah Captain Marvel, um ah Madam Web. I love Captain Marvel. I think he's very fun to play with War Machine. He's definitely good enough, but I also... Neither Nomura or War Machine are critical.
Yeah, that's that's absolutely true. And they're both cards you're kind of building decks around more than like generally versatile cards, you know? Which is fun if that's what you're into. If you like playing a variety of decks or if you think this deck type sounds fun, it's always cool unlocking a new deck instead of just like, oh, a small upgrade to a deck I already play. um Oh yeah, I don't mean to like, if you enjoy War Machine gameplay, get that War Machine, yo.
I just, yeah, do it up. if if it If it's for you, then do it. If it sounds unfun to you as it sounds to me, then stay away. And now on to side quests. We are starting with our weekly challenge. our Are we calling it homework every week? That makes it sound a lot less fun.
I mean, but it is. It is homework. I like it being secret homework, even though it's like not secret. We call this secret, and it was never secret. There's at no point was it secret. Well, I thought that one was secret homework because it came up on the fly. And like, it was. But that's what I want to call it now forever. It's nice to get out of the air. Secret homework. Ether homework. OK, well, we're going to go on to our secret homework.
um Vri, it was your challenge. Do you want to pitch this section? um so also'll Yeah. Let me kick it off. The homework was to pick a card, an off-meta card that you like to play and just give some tips and tricks for playing it, maybe like interactions with locations or combos with other cards. you know um And I picked for mine Spider-Woman, who you really don't see much around anymore. A little bit since Ajax came back, I've seen her a little bit more, but still very rare.
um Before even Ajax though, I used to love Spider-Woman and I have a great re-invariant, and also I've gotten her comics for years, so Jessica Drew. So I'm a fan of the characters well, and a while back I set myself the challenge of building a Spider-Woman deck because I had not played her since pre-Annihilus junk. That was the last time she was really good before Annihilus changed junk forever. and um So the challenge was to build a deck that I didn't want to cut Spider Woman from first. And I built a high evo deck, right with Abomination and Shuri and Blink. That's called Spider Bay.
um And, uh, it's, you know, Cyclops, White Widow, Red Guardian, because he's just all around tech. There's little anti-synergy between White Widow and Red Guardian. Okay, but the point is, sorry, Spider Woman. Some fun things you can do with Spider Woman. So if you shurry a Spider Woman and you hit a full lane, um which we see a lot of full lanes now,
um She's a 520. I mean, four with Shuri, right? But that's that's a big swing. um If you play Spider-Woman and you hit four targets, then you can Shuri Abomination. That's a four-two on turn six um if you have a high Evo Abomination.
you can blink her out from a from like a enchantress or a high evo right so like there's i mean and these are all like She does, you need to put her in a deck that supports her, but like in the deck I built for her, she's crucial. I would never take her out. I think she's still fun. It's not that she's a bad card. She just has trouble finding. It's what Ben said earlier with five cost cards being so awkward. you know um She's not a bad card. She just you know struggles to find home these days. Misunderstood.
Yeah, that was mine. We might as well let Lauren go last. She's got the new homework, so what did you pick then? Can I say about Spider Woman real quick? She was she was in my deck that I took to Top 1000 in January. um She replaced Yeah, it was like a rushdown, lockdown type deck, um which lockdown is a rush deck, but ah it's the one that focused on priority. ah And I had Gamora in there for a while, but she got shanged enough times that I was like, nope. And and became Spider Woman, who gets but just as big or close to as big, depending on how full the lane is. Not strongable though.
yeah And that was exactly it. Shang proof. And ah that was the critical decision that made me run. Anyway, that's what I wanted to add in. Like, that's a lot of power for not being a target of shongs. Yeah, i'm I'm rooting for Spider Woman. I played her a lot in early series and have positive associations with the card, which I had more occasion to bust her out nowadays.
But maybe that's just a failure of creativity on my own part. You have to think for her? She's not a natural fit when you're building other decks, I think is the problem, you know? You don't have to start with her. Yeah, it's hard it's hard for a five cost to be like an engine card. It's usually your payoff card. I don't know. Yeah. She has good stats, though. Yeah. That's what I'm saying, you know?
a spiderw womanman shii abomination in your haio deck I might try to work her into my next affliction thing. I yeah ah play a little secret affliction that I don't talk about on the show very much. I've got a deck called Stacks on Stacks on Jax. I'll see if maybe I can fit Spider-Woman in there. Jump on the bandwagon. I'm very i'm very suggestible.
and love to see it All right, I'll get back to you on that. Maybe maybe next week there'll be something. Who knows? Is it my turn to talk about the card? All right. So the card I picked, I realized that like off meta is in the eye of the beholder a little bit. um The card I chose, I wanted to pick a card that I really do play, like a lot, and the card I picked Nocturne. And it's not that off meta, but she did recently receive a nerf 2-3-4 that seems to have significantly decreased her play rate, which is absolutely goofy as hell. This card is still nuts. What is everybody thinking? Still a very good card. Also very good in this moment, this very clog heavy moment.
Now, I don't want to go into too many details about the deck that I'm playing her in, but um yeah I don't know. People can probably figure out what it is if they if they if they want to do the research and you know come prepared for my snap judgments league stuff. I don't know. Point is, I play her in a deck that also has Jaff.
And i'm I just love filling up a lane with Nocturne and Jeff. So many goblins go unfulfilled. They're just like stuck there on the other side of the board, and I can play two more things in that lane if I want to. ah The deck I'm talking about has hope, so like that's that's a great default place to start your your moving pieces.
um And also, she just wrecks all these stupid Legion scams. like The thing is, you have to time out Nocturne sort of like an activate card, though, because you need her on the board to solve the problem the next turn. So like if you suspect that like it's coming, you need to preempt it by playing your own Nocturne. So sometimes that means you'll skip another play that might Like, as as I've already mentioned, the deck I'm talking about has hope in it. Sometimes maybe you don't play hope on three like you would want to, just because you think some bullshit is coming. ah Also great for deciding whether or not you want it to be a seven turn game. um There's just, Nocturne is good for so many things right now in this meta. And like my stats with Nocturne in the past 30 days are like,
Her when drawn cube rate is 0.9 according to my snap dot.fan stuff and like she's outperforming the decks I'm playing her in and I just i think people should really think about stuff when cards get nerfed and ask like, and was that enough? Does that change anything? Because in Nocturne's case, I really don't think so.
I, uh, I think a 3-4, I mean, we all know I love 3-5s, but that was too good to be true. Like, she should not have been 3-5s. Like, it's ridiculous. And 3-4 is, uh, that's 80% of the whole thing. And, like, so much of the ability is so much of the point of that card. That, yeah, if you're not playing Nocturne right now, please ask yourself why and make sure that it's a good reason, because she's so dope.
And yeah, yeah, tends to win games. That's what I, yeah, I trust Nocturne. When when I'm taking things very seriously, I'm packing Nocturne.
All the cards that can move on their own, you know, at a time of your choosing, all retain their value. I mean, sure, Jeff's not what he was when he first released, just because we have more... his Nocturne is out for one thing, but like... But he's still so good. That's what I'm saying! A Nightcrawler still as a very early card is still played in plenty of decks. They're just so valuable, so, you know... It's a very strong ability, yeah yeah. You know who I don't trust and never have liked? Vision.
I haven't played Vision since the Thor lock job days. Ah, that's sad. I was thinking just the other day, Vision and Nightcrawler should swap abilities. Yep. Like, Vision's ability is so cool, and...
He's a five cost, so you almost never get to use it. yeah It frustrates me. like i just why would i That makes me not want to play the card. The fact that like you're paying for the ability to move him multiple times, in theory, like that is somehow factored into his cost. But like you don't. like Yeah, he's not worth ramping out. How many magic decks are running Vision? I don't know. It's very strange. I feel like that makes Nightcrawler too good, though, right?
He's still pretty vulnerable, and he's got a ton of power. If they kept him at 1-2, I think it probably wouldn't be a problem. And it would be so flavorful! yeah That's the part that I liked. Working around, bamf, bamf, bamf, you know? I want to see that animation every time.
Yeah, okay, and you're saying give Vision a way bigger stat line, but you can move him once. I don't know that he needs a way bigger stat line. How often do you move him twice? But what do you want to move him once for? You want to move him once maybe because he's so big you want to avoid a shang, right? What else do you want to move him for?
and and know And that does make it a fun mind game, because they've got one turn to shang him. That's what I'm saying. And if they guess where you move, yeah, take vision to 5-10, make it once per game. Yeah. Look at us. We're just crushing the date. It's only all the problems. The problems that we've identified that maybe no one else thinks are a problem. I don't know. Other people seem to play this card. I just don't like him.
That's just me. It's a personal preference thing. Okay, I'm sorry. We got off topic of any more Nocturne thoughts? She's just good for everything. She solves a zillion problems. ah Oh, my other tip.
don't move her unless you have a particular goal in mind. And hey, sometimes the goal is ah let's see if we can make it so that their on reveals don't go off at this location where I'm expecting on reveals to happen or something.
Like, you know, it's a long shot. I think that's good advice for any mover. Yeah, but specifically Nocturne because Nocturne can lose the game for you. If you just like are in YOLO mode, you're like, well, I can move the card once. It's the end of the game. I should probably move the card, right? No. Nope, you can bring just like unforeseen difficulties upon yourself. And yeah, yeah.
So just like make sure you know what your desired outcome is. like Are you trying to lock that lane down? Are you trying to hopefully roll something that makes the card played there die? you know like what what What do you want to happen? You should know.
You mentioned the ability to determine whether or not turnser turn seven happens. and And also this, like, don't move her unless you have a good reason to. I think it just goes to, like, threatening that is so good. Are you gonna get rid of Nexus? Are you gonna get rid of Limbo? The answer shouldn't automatically be yes. If it's yes every time, then your opponent knows, like, they they can play around that. And it's definitely a strength to sometimes not.
Okay, I prepared two, and I'm not gonna do them both. So I'll let you choose if you want the ah the most re-asked card that Rhee doesn't play. Mysterio. Mysterio. Or if you want a little, uh, probably the least played zero cost card in the game. Yellow jacket. Tell us about yellow jacket. I know. I would thought I for sure I was going to pick Mysterio, but like, nah, tell us about yellow jacket. It was not part of the assignment to make a deck for these. Um, and I had actually picked both of them.
ah early in this week. It's just a coincidence that, that might, well it's not a coincidence, these are cards I love, but it just so happens that my Agent Venom deck contains both. ah It was not for the sake of the homework. um There's a lot you can do with Yellow Jacket. He's a heavily slept on card. His 0-2 is very good stats. The main thing that you do with that is take Prio, which is probably not as strong now as it used to be, but it'll come back. You know, there'll be a deck that that wants Prio really bad.
and ah Eliath is the main reason for that, ah but there there can be others. um Maybe you want to throw down a Cosmo on your opponent's Wong Lane. Anyway, um obviously being zero is very unique. It makes him a great interaction with Pixie ah to throw a zero cost to one of your other cards, or with Jane Foster to pull it out of your deck for free and thin your deck.
um But I think, or and just like cards that care about things being played, your Bishop, your Sasquatch, your Hit Monkey, all those where it's like, it just, it's a card that you can play for free and that's a very strong ability. I think people are scared of of Yellow Jacket because of his ability where he takes one power away from your other cards there. But that's not you that much. And you can play him first in the lane and you can work him with ah Valkyrie and Yellowjack or ah Valkyrie and Luke Cage and Shadow King.
um There have been many Valkyrie decks I've run where I save him until the very last turn and he's just an extra body and it doesn't matter what order I play him in if he does his on reveals and hits a bunch of stuff because Valkyrie sets it all back up to three. Okay, two, three other options maybe? Somewhere in that range. um One is that he can have something dogshong and you know Generally speaking, having the one extra power is better. But hey, if you know your opponent's running Xiang or if you smell Xiang coming, you can hit something down ten a 10 power card down into safe range. I have definitely dodged Xiang that way before and it's very satisfying.
ah ray We related throw him into an Annihilus deck and you can hit a Mysterio illusion or a rock or something like that and Now you're setting up one extra thing to clog and send over um When you play Annihilus or Or a Viper would be fine too. And my last, the silly thing to do with him is Cerebro 2. Don't actually do this, but if you play Valk and then Yellow Jacket, the whole lane becomes 2 power. Wow. That is true.
I got a clip hunter once doing that with Ultron. Ultron and C2.
a It's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Don't sleep on your low jacket. um Yes, he takes up a deck slot, but I think people really underestimate how much 2 power can swing a game.
Okay, I want to play more. I'm intrigued. Yeah, I really like the the making the the things smaller so you can annihilate them or whatever. That's that's neato.
Yeah. If you, if you need more, uh, I love, I'm a hipster. I loved yellow jacket before this, but if you need more persuasion to play yellow jacket, this is like a year old team answer, but Glenn was once that once asked which card he thinks is, he thinks is like underplayed, under explored. And he, he said yellow jacket. Just saying the designer of the game wants you to check out yellow jacket some more. yeah Um, okay.
That was the secret homework and now we have the secret homework. The new secret homework. I'm assigning this week. You're going to make a deck using the two cards that your other co-hosts taught us about. Oh, okay. Wait, with both of them.
So this would be, for me, this would be Yellow Jacket and Spider Woman. That's actually, maybe there's something there. Yeah, I was going to say, I think I got the good version of this challenge. Wait, what did I get? I got Yellow Jacket. We both got Nocturne. Yeah. That's fine. Not even that tough of a challenge. Okay. I can do it. I want to play with Yellow Jacket. I'm intrigued. Okay, I decided that before I knew which cards you two would be bringing, so.
I like it. I like it too. All right, and now for our our final side quest before we wrap up for the episode. It is finally, drumroll, Ree's turn to run a game. ah So we'll hand it right back over to Ree. Okay, so this game um I thought my twist on a game would be that it is it is a co-op game, right? The two of you are going to be on the same team um and you are going to be trying with your points to climb the ah to climb the ladder. I won't lie, it's going to be very difficult and almost certainly will not get infinite.
But you know, we'll see where you end up. It'll be fun. um The game is called Zaboo. If you are familiar with the party game Taboo, um this is the Marvel Snap version of it. That's so cute. Great. I credit to my friend ah Frank who thought of the name and also provided a cute graphic.
Okay. Very fun. So if you're not familiar with this game, the idea is there is a set of cards, right? And the two players in the same team, one person has the card, and they're trying to get the other person to say a certain word. Why underneath that word is a list of five words they cannot say, as well as, you know, whatever the word is, obviously. um So they're trying to get someone out the other person to guess.
um And while Ben and Lauren are trying to get each other to guess, I am monitoring and I will beep them verbally with my voice if they say one of the words and then they lose that point and they have to go to the next, that's a lost game, that's a minus point.
um ah But if the other person guesses, then um you go onto the next card and this is gonna be done in one minute timers and to keep it true to old,
Taboo rules. I'm going to run it in the stopwatch for my phone, so I'll have to keep an eye on that. If I'm not watching the Sand Timer metaphorically, so to speak. Oh, no hourglass? Then perhaps have the fun. I could have, I should have gone to the basement and gotten it, but I didn't think about it. It could have been fun, but I will watch. I don't have it on a timer. I'll watch it. So if it runs along, that'll be on me. And I will keep score for you, obviously, because you are focusing on the game.
I don't approve of this. You can't set this precedent. This is dangerous. This is how we will do it. Some of us are trying to run games in future weeks, Rhee. This is only for co-op games. Audience acclimated to this. All right, all right. Yeah, the scorekeeping, it's- Co-op exception. Yeah, right? It's bizarro world. Instead of versus, you co-op. Instead of meaningless score, score. Please, please judge yourself worth by it. No, just kidding.
I just play too many video games, to be honest. okay so um i The goal is I hopefully have enough cards to get through, and the rules are this. They could be characters, they could be locations, they could be random things to do with Marvel Snap or around Marvel Snap.
um If it is a card, you are not allowed to describe the ability. That is way too easy. There's no way you guys will not get that in two seconds. Or the stat line, presumably. You are not correct. That's the next thing. You are not allowed to give the stat line of the card. um You can say the ark type if the ark type is not in the description of the card. So if the card says, like discard something, you cannot say it is a discard card. But otherwise, you could give Right? If it is a destroy card that does not say destroy.
Right. Okay, we say things like late game, or early, or like... Yes! Can we talk about the series of the card? um Yes. You can say friends of the card. You can say... Here's the thing. If I put... A lot of times I put the alias of the character's name in parentheses next because it is too easy. Yeah. If you have to give the alias. If I did not put the alias there,
then either I missed it or it's fair game. So if I wanted to get Lauren to guess the Shocker, I could in fact say Herman Schultz, obviously. Yes, if I did not put that in parentheses next to Shocker, which I probably wouldn't have for Shocker, because kudos to you. I wouldn't have known that. If you have that knowledge. So the same thing with locations, you cannot say what the location does exactly, but you can talk all around things.
Can we talk about lore and appearance? Yes. Yeah, can we talk about who played them in the MCU? you Yes, unless and there happens to be ah the a name. Unless that's a weird word. Okay, all right. The parameters have been established, I think. All right, you feel good? No, I want one more. if if it's like If it's Miles Morales, does it count if Ben just says Miles? No, it needs to be. it Has to be the whole thing that's written down.
parentheses of like they don't have with a name aren Are you talking about me guessing miles as the answer or would I have to say oh I think I think as long as we know that I'm talking about the I mean like Which other miles would I be talking about what I'd be talking about professor? miles bor the jackal so nice bud So what would happen is you would say Miles and Lord say, yes, and then you'd say Morales. And then okay that's more of your time gone. You should have just said Miles Morales to begin with, Ben. yeah Yeah, but he's Spider-Man. I should really just i should just say Spider-Man and be done with it because Miles Morales is Spider-Man, damn it.
Okay, so, um, the goal is I don't, we have never, this is a new endeavor we've gone. We're no snap on this podcasters have ever gone before into this land of series. So we're going to try for each of you getting four rounds of one minute a piece.
and unless I run out of cards or ah other factors happen. um But that's where we will start. You can determine who goes first. I will DM you. I will DM you the ah the card and then I will tell you go. And you are also allowed to pass. If you pass, that's a lost game. That's a point against you. You just say pass and I'll give you the next one. All right.
Who wants to go? Who wants to be given the clues first? Me. Okay. Lauren. Alright, let me get my... I'm looking for DMs from you. Yes. I will DM you. Okay, ready? Here it is. And... go!
He sent it in a group chat. Oh, I sent it in the wrong. Hey, well, guess what? I had already switched over to my conversation with Just You Re. so i it was It was a group chat with Snapdex, actually. I haven't looked at it yet if you want to restart the timer. yeah Okay, I will. I saw your picture and I'm very... Okay.
All right, ready for round two. I'm in the correct place. Okay, I'm sending it now. And go. Okay. um This is Scarlett Johansson. a Black Widow. Yes.
Mystique's Child. Knight Krolloth. Yes.
I, whew.
Can I say ah what type of clue this is? What type of answer it is? The category? Okay, this is a location. um One of the earlier ones, if you're winning, it helps you at the others. That's describing the mechanics. All right, moving on to the next one.
ah um Okay, ah yeah, don't talk about the mechanics. This guy has got a metal arm, just on just one. a Winter Soldier. Or perhaps Bucky Barnes. Got it. ah Okay. This is how you... This is ah very early on, let's say before... I'm trying, sorry. Oh, okay.
You got an extra 15 seconds before I notice. Finish it out, though, because it's fun, though. OK. I liked it. It's very hard not to talk about mechanics.
um Tell you what. OK, since I don't want to leave one hanging that you started on, if you can finish the one I pause on, I'll negate one failure per round. Oh, negate a failure. It's not a positive point, though. OK. Oh, but I can't time it.
We're going into like overtime. We got to take our sweet time. ah Give me like, I don't know, 15 seconds or something. Fair enough. Or it could be worth no points, but we can still just do it for fun. OK. Go for it. OK. Before October 2022,
um this was like the way to get cool stuff and lots But lots of funding into the game. I didn't want to leave it hanging. It's before my time. I'm a global launch kind of person. I'm negating one failure. It's a bonus. All right. Now we are going to Ben. I will click correctly this time. Okay. Ben, are you ready? I was born ready. Excellent. And go.
Oh, shoot. Okay. I'm going to pass. Okay. Pass. Next one. Paul Rudd. Oh, shit. That's one of the words. Damn it. Fail. It was Ant-Man, of course. Next. We clear these to get our goal. No, these are solo.
Uh, mission. Weekend mission. yep Got it. ah In the context, you know, the environment that we play the game, what's good right now? Metagame.
ah Well, I can't talk about mechanics. um That's impossible. I'm going to skip that one. There's no way to do that without those words. um
Time! On the gate, one of your failures, if you get it in another 30 seconds, go. Oh, okay.
A family member of one of those galactic people. There's a sibling relationship that's very fraught. Oh gosh. Not the one that's romantic with the Star-Lord. Nebula.
Yeah, there you go. You did it. 20 seconds. All right. I was thinking like cosmic beings, not the galactic people. sorry Guardians was a forbidden word. Can you say it? Yeah, I'm sure. The galactic people. I couldn't put Karen Gillen's name for a minute there. Dang. I don't even know if that would have helped. That's why I didn't put it. I'm like, I bet that's hard to think of in the fly. I could have gotten that. Gordon's like, no problem for me.
I'm not saying I could have come up with it, but I would have known it was Nebula. Lauren, I'm sending you and go. Okay. i This is a ah great Twitter account that kind of like recaps dev answers. Snap daily bugle or something. Nice.
Um, this is like our co-hosts jam. Uh, or at least it used to be back when he had wild magic. Now he's too straightforward featured on our podcast artwork. Oh, moon night. Okay. Um,
i has different powers in the comics than the MCU and that was frustrating to me. Light based powers. Light based powers only in the MCU.
only in the mccu um
Let's see. Time. All right. I will i negate a failure. You have another. I don't think I have a failure, Ms. Marvel. I want to bend. You would have been so. Yes, you got it. Fine. OK. How many other cards can you both not say inhuman or mutant?
Um. He's revealing two new secrets. Okay. Back to Ben. This is round. This is your second time. Okay. All right. Ready and go. We've already had this one. Oh, I copied the wrong one. My bad. No, I'm resetting your time.
Huh? I don't know where that came from. All right. I bet.
Okay, giving you a little extra time to look as recompense.
ah This character has died in the MCU, and ah much of the current television offering is about the aftermath of of this character's death. Captain in America, Iron Man? No. um but think think Think of the ladies and the the sorcery, or rather not sorcery. It's not sorcery. Scarlet Witch? Yep.
ah it's the It's the thing that the whole... I can't say game. Okay, let's skip this one. I was just talking about how much I hate this ah sir card.
um It's like Nocturne and Jeff. Vision! It's the one I don't like, yep. Spider-Man um Green Goblin? scientists yeah Yeah, there we go. Oh, I wasn't allowed to say Spider-Man. Shit. Oh no! The one we got in one clue! All right, now you're over time. Okay. All right, this is the third round with Lauren. You guys,
are not yet iron. What's our rank? Oh, shit. We're starting at zero? You're starting at 3 card back. Wait, iron is 10, right? Yeah.
I don't know how it would be. We'll finish the recruit season. Can we snap more aggressively? Right. You know, people aren't, you know, often getting infinite. You guys are fine. All right. OK. Lauren.
um Ready and go. i Arrows. ah Hawkeye. Yeah. David Bishop Hawkeye. Clint Barton Hawkeye. Superior. This guy. Dr. Octopus. Spider-Man. This is a limited time mode where you can snap lots.
ah Deadpool's Diner. Okay, home of this game's namesake. The game we're playing right now.
of so Home of it? um Yeah, our Smilodon friend. Oh, second dinner? An extinct mammal.
oh um With large teeth, a tiger-like friend of... Oh, this game we're playing Zabu. Uh-huh. Yeah, the home of this game's name. Oh, the Savage Land. Alright, and then time. You got it just in time.
Well done. You guys have passed Iron Ring. Good job. We're tied back to you. We're not noobs anymore.
All right. We're kicking off Ben's third round and go. Um, so there was a shoot. Um, I can't talk about the mechanics. Let's move on.
Uh, Wong's friend who thinks he's better than him, but isn't Dr. Strange. Yep. ah Skip.
I think Knull hangs out here. Location. No, I don't think we're gonna get this one. Let's skip. Okay, the Void. Yeah, I have no idea. ah James Spader. The second of the team up movies. Oh, Ultron.
ah the The affable ringmaster of the whole... Grandmaster? ...game thing. Came from a different game. A lot of people play this game because this person's name was attached. Now this is a real human. Oh, Ben Brode. Yep. Oh, time. I'll let you go over it, Ben, that one. I'll get you a... Well, I only had to skip three of them to get three of them.
yeah doing telling um Some of these are really, really hard to get. okay If you pass, is it just minus one? Yes. Oh, but if you get it right, it's only it's only plus one though, right? Right. ah Yeah, but some of these were not going to happen. You weren't going to guess Klyntar if you didn't get it off and all. Oh, Klyntar. Yeah, there's Klyntar. And like, how how am I supposed to get you to say Black Knight without saying discard or hella?
Like, were, what, what it was he, like, K. Harrington in internals or something? But like, I wasn't sure if you were gonna get that. And like, how am I supposed to- It's also gonna have to be harder to make up for the ones where you just immediately were like Scarlett Johansson or something, right? Like, it's gotta be a variety of difficulty. If Ben happens to get all those, I put this on random, it's not my fault.
Okay. Uh, this is the final round. No, this is your last chance. Why historically you have been the games winner of this in the terms of the giving the clues. So it's co-op. Um, correct team effort. Okay. And go.
Okay, a defender character, a Netflix, uh, belief in two seasons? No, uh, angst in cops like him, even though they shouldn't. Oh, Punisher. Uh huh. I don't know if he's actually a defender. Anyway, he's nu but this is where, like, is where like ah Sebastian Shaw is the boss, I think. how far Yeah.
Um... hmm... Trickster deity... Loki. Stories. hu
Uh... Phew. Can't talk about mechanics pass. Next one. Uh, a new Not Deadpool's Diner coming out in October. Yeah. Oops, okay. I double clicked this thing.
Uh, your, your favorite period. Uh, but not, not one that moves. Uh, not one that moves. I mean, sorry. It's time. Okay. I'll give it to you because I said pass and stuff. Does saying what it doesn't do, does that count as talking about the mechanics? No, no, I think that's fair game. I'm giving it to you. Okay. We have the final round. I'm so glad I had enough cards for this.
Ben, are you ready? I believe in your clue giving ability. We'll see. I think I'm a better guesser than a clue giver. You are a very good guesser. Okay. and ah we oh Oh, I can't say the word I was going to say. um These are things from which goodies come. Collectors reserves, collectors cash. yeah You got it.
um yeah he If he's worthy, he can lift his thing. or ye up We these before things shift.
um They're emissive that we receive alongside things that shift. It's not second dinner, it's ah another party. Nuvers.
ye ah Josh Brolin wants six of these, I think. Thanos? Infinity Stones. Yep. Willem Dafoe hangs out here.
It's a location. I don't know. Yeah. Time. A Green Goblin location? Yeah. I'll give you another 30 seconds. It has to do with his name. Part of his name is in the company. Really? Yeah. Oh, Oscorp. Yep. Towers. Yeah. That's it. I knew the locations would be hiding. Dang, I cleaned up on that one. You did really well that time. That was six for six. Yes. Like all good games, we hit our stride right as it's coming to a close.
Wow, that was a lot of fun. I would absolutely do that again. I would do that for like two more hours. Probably wouldn't even get up to drink a water or anything. Okay, okay. really like That tickles the part of my brain that crushes standardized tests. You did really well that last round. I definitely probably missed some things because I was trying to do a lot of stuff at once, but to be fair, that's every time I've tried to keep score ever.
I tried to be honest about the words that I wasn't allowed to say because I feel like you maybe I could have gotten away with it if you weren't super sad. Well, if you do a funny voice and I'm laughing, then i I forget that I'm supposed to be yelling beep. I counted 25 points for it.
um so it's it's There's a margin of error in there. We're going by averages. Does that make us bronze? But then you missed. I have five after negation. So you're down to 20. So yeah, you just... We still made it to that tier though. You did. You got the, I don't know, a couple credits or whatever's on tier two. And the free purple card back or whatever. I think that's at rank five, isn't it?
um um I still think that's one of the best card packs in the game. so is it so is this Did you intend for everything to be very dark where you are, Lauren? No, I'm just running out of daylight. Oh, okay. I wasn't sure if like maybe a light had gone out or something. No, I mean- No, that that totally happens. The sun, it goes down. You can watch the transition of time over the course of this video.
We are humans. We can turn it into an ASMR-like type deal. Some soft music. Watch the light fade. Okay, so that's Zavu. Thank you for climbing the ladder. That was so much fun. I knew it was going to be impossible to get to infinite, so thank you for your patience in that regard.
Oh my gosh, i I would totally do that again every week. Not not literally, every I mean, I would, but you know. So, no, I feel like if, you know, we'll see if it's...
you know if it sound if it If it works out, then maybe we do enough. We'll let you like climb the ladder and get all the way to infinite. Oh, keep our score. Yeah. I love it. I'm not going to be able to do more cards. Eventually, it's that's definitely good. We will have permanently defeated Zaboo. Yeah, i kind of I kind of feel like that's where it's out. So this is a limited time mode of the snap on this podcast.
And, you know, we'll return to see if Lauren and Ben can reach infinite before Rhea is too tired to come up with more cards. Listeners, I don't know if you could be bothered to keep your own score, but I would love to hear how many of those you got. the How many of those you beat Ben and I on? Well, the thing is, I worry that the listeners will be like, man, they're so bad at this, but they don't know about all the words we couldn't say. That's true.
I mean, i could put we could put them up on YouTube maybe. But then it spoils the surprise if you want to guess. So one location I passed, I had no idea about it. I should have looked at the forbidden words that would have given me an idea of what it was. I let them get tired because some of them were too easy. Let me let me try to sell it to you. But i wouldn't I wouldn't have known this if you were giving me clues. It's where it's where Benedict Cumberbatch does battle with his big bad.
Oh, uh, the dream dimension? Yeah, but it's like, it's not light. It's... Oh, the dark dimension? Yes! The dark dimension! Yeah, I had no idea that's what that was called. That's where he comes to bargain. Was bargain one of the words? Probably. No. That would have been great. um Yeah.
I don't think I would, I wouldn't have gotten that without the nudge. You did just get it. I didn't use any illegal words. That's exactly how taboo works though. You're supposed to like guide someone into the answer. But I didn't think in the moment to look at the forbidden words to figure out what it was. um we Lauren, were there any words I could have said to make you guess the triskelion? Without speaking about mechanics?
Yeah, like ah like, and I wasn't allowed to say shield or helicarrier. That's the idea. I was just like, there's no way there's no way I could be like, sounds like a three sided set of bones.
the yeah The next time, we'll set it up better so we can go kite, so I'm not multitasking as much, because my biggest regret of this whole game was I was so excited to scream beep into the microphone at you. And I didn't do it like even once. Oh, do you not have the buzzer that comes with Taboo? OK, here's the thing. Next time, you should get out the accoutrement. No, because the old style Taboo that I grew up with, it was an electric-based buzzer where you could hold it down and be like, ugh.
And it's so noxious. It's so noxious. And you could do it in someone's ear, and that was the greatest trait. But in new editions of Shibuya. We shouldn't do it in someone's a ear. Well, when you're younger, you don't have respect for, you know, here that's that's why they have all those public awareness ads for hearing loss, you know, at concerts.
got it You don't know. Anyway, so, um, the new ones you get though, they, they got rid. It's no longer the battery operated ones. It's probably better, but it's a little like squeaky toy deal. It's just like squeak, squeak. And it's so lame. Really? yeah It's so lame. So I was just going to do my best to give you the nostalgic experience of the obnoxious in your ears. And I bet you could find it online, the taboo sound.
Yeah, I know. we should I should probably soundboard it. Probably. Yeah. All right. Podcast goes. That was so fun. Thank you. Thanks for playing. That was just a blast. I had so much fun. Okay. My face is glowing now that I have a white screen going. Your face is always glowing.
so Um, yeah. Okay. Uh, if you liked what you heard, if you had fun, follow us, like, leave reviews, subscribe, all that good stuff. Um, the Twitter handles for all of them, just keep clicking. Um, except for when you get to a thumbs down, uh, Twitter handles for each of us and the show itself are listed in the show notes or YouTube video description. We are on YouTube or your regular podcast players. Uh, if you're listening in one place and want to listen in the other, uh, you can send us questions and suggestions. We got snap on this pot at gmail dot.com. I don't know. Maybe you've got ideas for a good, uh, secret homework challenge or something like that. That'd be a lot of fun. Get some listeners submissions in there.
Yeah, maybe we could do a four-week rotation instead of a three-week one. Okay, Ria and I, this coming Sunday, are competing in Power On's Valkyrie Women of Power Tournament. ah There are 12 women-aligned people ah competing to see who can be Queen of the Valkyries. um see Tune in and see if I'm running Valkyrie in my deck. Yeah, come watch how Rie and I do and support us. Check it out. It's going to be on Power On Gaming's Twitch at Sunday at 2pm Eastern. um Their thing is PWR on gaming. ah We'll have links in the show notes too.
Anyway, we are proudly, gladly part of the Snap Judgments Network, where you can find several other great shows, including our Grand Pod Snap Judgments, the namesake of the network, where Pulse Glazer and Roy on Saturdays talk to illustrious guests, um cover the game. it's like It's a great time. We've all been on it.
I've just watched, um, Glazers, like, I think it was one of the more daily videos, so we had a cool Agent Venom deck. And I still need to try it. It also had Bast, like, uh... Thank you, Declan. Interesting. he's he's the He's the best in the YouTube space, especially if you care about good decks. Oh, for sure. OK. So if you want to find out our thoughts about misery, tune in next week. Same snap channel.
I have like two obscure TV things, though. like um I want to be like, in the year after colony, 195. I think nobody will get it, it's Gundam Wing. I know, this is like my life. This is my life, old anime that nobody else knows. Even though I'm kind of missing problems here. Yeah, real deep cut Gundam Wing. My friends loved it, I just never watched it. Oh, mine just got cleaned. Oh, no, say go ahead. Do you think you get hair this floppy if you didn't fucking read some Gundam Wing? Come on.
I was so into it. Along those lines, do you know old video games you played that like nobody else did for some reason you had and the sound bites get stuck in your head and nobody else gets those references?
Okay, I need to hear one from each of you. Mine is from Majesty, when a gnome who were like, they were little like builders who would like repair things and build things fast, but they died very easily if you were attacked. And when one died, they would go, but I'm just a gnome. And there's so many times in D&D that it's an appropriate joke and no one gets it. That's mine.
Ben go. Mostly I just like want to quote stuff from Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri all the time. I want to be like, please don't go. Drones need you. They look up to you. That's what it says when you like start to quit the game. a Also, like every time you discover a new technology, there's some like alternate history future quotation that accompanies it. Like, ah life is nothing but an orderly decay of energy states, and like blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And like they've got like great voice actors for all these faction leaders and other characters. and This whole thing was a plot to get you to do voices, Ben. Great game.
if you If you haven't played Sid Meier's Office Centauri, it's still fun today, even though it's from like 1999, a quarter century ago. I've heard of it, but never played. No, I want to. It holds up in my opinion. I think it's a dang blast and it made me smarter and stuff. That's what I think.
Did you think of one word? I'm a huge Nintendo fan girl and Nintendo doesn't really do voice lines. I mean, they do, but yeah, great sound effects in music and all that. But what I thought of that were like the first things that came to mind is like quotable lines, which maybe isn't what you were asked for. But no, I like it.
They were all Warcraft, Warcraft 2, Starcraft. These are the ones that I just like I've heard over and over again. You know, the trolls like, who you want me to kill? And, uh, you know, I love for iron. It's like these stones I've just heard millions of times.
I almost went with like, you must construct additional pylons or something, but like, that's not a deep enough cut. Join me on you, they said. See the world, they said. Rather be sailing. Right? Did you guys, if you clicked on a guy for long enough because you were bored and you were waiting. I had so much fun with that. that You could just. Yeah. Yeah. Or like you could blow up sheep if you clicked on them enough. ah Yeah. But then the problem was like, then your talent would be attacked. You're like scrolling.
youre um edge of the map You don't have the cheat codes on? No! yeah I was a child. I was a multiplayer.