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28: But I Must Grind image

28: But I Must Grind

S1 E28 · Snap On This!!
219 Plays6 days ago

🔮 Lauren, Ben, & Rie encourage you to be the Sorcerer Supreme you want to see out there in the Sanctum 🙌🫶

For our esteemed listeners’ consideration:

  • 🫰 It’s been a sanctimonious Week in Snap
  • Diamondback 🔷 & Agamotto 🪄 sure are some cards
  • The cohosts give a rundown of the (Sanctum) Showdown 🥋
  • Secret Homework: ⁉️ What If…? pt 2

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Featured decks:
(sorry the Sanctum decks are already useless 😅)


  • Cover art by Lauren
  • Snap On This!! Theme by Ben
  • YouTube thumbnail by Lauren’s kid, Reggi


  • 0:00:00 Intro / Our Week in Snap
  • 0:16:55 New Card: Diamondback
  • 0:23:00 Season Pass: Agamotto
  • 0:38:27 Next Week's Spotlight: Eson, Beta Ray Bill, Wiccan
  • 0:46:02 Sanctum Showdown
  • 1:18:31 Secret Homework: What If... We Designed Cards?
  • 1:31:44 Next Week's Secret Homework
  • 1:32:02 Housekeeping / Closing Remarks
Hi. Hello. Welcome. Thank you for listening

Introduction and Weekly Highlights

in. It is Snap on This, a Marvel Snap podcast, episode 28. I'm your host, Lauren Whittes, here with my two amazing co-hosts.
ah First up, it's an even week, so we're going to throw it over to Ben. Ben, how was your week in Snap? And keep it snappy. Well, endeavoring to keep it snappy, as I always do.
um yeah it's ah it's been an alright weekend snap. as As I like to mention most episodes. We record on Wednesday, so there's been about a day of Sanctum Showdown going on.
i played some of that. i was doing some, you know, regular snapping before that. wasn't a hugely busy deck building week for me. I sampled ah friend Thursday's cooking.
had a... fun Red Wing Dracula deck that ah I had some some times with. That's Bird and Bat. And ah that'll be in the show notes. And I i thought that was super fun.
Also, I had my own deck with the Red Wing in it because i'm I'm about like a week behind on cooking with new

Deck Building and Strategies

cards. Although very often I i wait much longer than a week to cook with a new card. I just...
I acquire them when they come out and then I build with them when I feel like it. Damn it. I was going to say a week behind is pretty good for you. Yeah. Yeah. This is a page. It sucks. Like play a little bit anyway.
But my red wing deck is called Nelly Furtado as in i am like a bird. um So it's got a Aranya, Madam Web, Iron Patriot, Craven, Captain America. That's Sam Wilson, Captain America, Cosmo, Voltour, Hope Summers, Red Wing, Cull Obsidian, Heimdall, and Magneto.
And um you may notice that it's pretty similar to a secret homework deck that I brought a couple of weeks ago. And that's because it it is. It's two cards off of my secret homework deck from the episode we recorded on the 12th, I think it was.
um So, yeah, it's that that worked pretty well for me. i I swapped Iron Patriot in for Dagger. I swapped Red Wing in for...
some, uh, uh, Thaddeus Ross. Yeah. Dagger and Thaddeus went out and iron Patriot and red wing went in and that's been a fun deck for me.

Gaming Experiences and Challenges

I've been enjoying that. Red wing is, I don't know.
I, I'm not sure this is like, I don't know. It's just a thing I've been playing some games with. I, I wouldn't swear by it. It's like high quality deck will take you to the top, you know, anything like that. But that's what I built this week.
Other than that, yeah, been playing some Sanctum in the past day or so. Tried some people's lists. Haven't really done too much cooking for it myself. I did ah did bring a retooled version of my Joaquin Torres bounce deck into it. And yeah i i could I knew it wasn't going to be like you know super optimal for the format. But ah yeah, I thought it was fun.
Been having fun with Snap little bit here and there. a little that's A little bit of fun or a little bit snap? Well, no, I just I haven't been like playing super prolifically because you know me. I like to play when I'm in a good mood because it makes you win more games. That's my theory.
And ah yeah, it's been a light week, but I built, I played, I did the snap things. Yeah, I'm i'm glad ah the time you had was good. Our other co-host, Rhi, how was your week in snap?
a Okay. ah Well, unlike Ben, I have unhealthy relationships with my games, so it was a very prolific week for me and Snap. But it will be a snappy week in Snap, because most of what I have to say is about Sanctum, which will be its own topic later.
And ah so I was trying to think before Sanctum, before I decided I was called upon to take the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme. um I was like, what did I do before then? I know I played a lot of Snap. I was trying to eat like dust off Spider Bay and stuff.
But it's like, oh, I had one shining memory of the joy that was playing with fun meme decks. ah for before we got into a Sanctum and went into pure academic mode.
And I was playing the deck I talked about last time, ah which is like a move surfer with Red Wing and Heimdall and Madam Web importantly.
ah Because, okay, i I had this moment where, okay, it was it was turn five and they played Ajax on Space Throne.
um Which is a location where you can only have one card. And I was like, okay, i see your meta Ajax, which I didn't have at the time. But I've since bought out of envy with tokens.
And was like, let put up that one Spider-Man 2099.
And a sombrero. And ah place that on the Madam Web. And then... I never saw this coming. This is why i loved it. Like... um Snapped. Okay.
So obviously, at that point, they knew I was killing Mid. Because, like, you know, yes, I moved my Spider-Man 2099 onto Space Throne, killed their Ajax, but then I played Heimdall, which we've talked about before, is being a great surprise card, on the right, moving Spider-Man 2099 power into the left lane, winning me the left lane, moving Madam Web herself into moving the mover into the space zone, which you only need to win a lane by one point with Madame Webb. And it was just like, this is what I live for.
Like, get wrecked, MetaDuck, with my, like, nonsense. like That's very crafty. Anyway, I know. This is why I love it. It's like I feel so like a little finger. Like, you were so you're so busy watching my stupid jester dance. You didn't see I was weaving a spell of daggers behind you, you know? Like, anyway. um ah but okay ah But what happened.

Sanctum Showdown and Strategies

And then Sanctum started, which I was i was worried I missed the start of.
See? I was like, oh no, what? But it started and I was like, okay, so like you have to picture for this, like the meme and you can take your pick of SpongeBob or friends, right? But it's like, what is it? Rachel and Joey.
Okay, SpongeBob. I actually haven't seen SpongeBob, just the memes, just lots and lots of memes. So, but it's like, okay, so on left side, we have reasonable Rhee, who doesn't really exist. She's just the figment of my imagination. And then me, and she's like, okay, Rhee, like, you have priorities. Snap isn't the top one. And I'm like, yes, Snap isn't even the only game you play. Yes.
me And, um, okay, like, it's okay. You don't have to be collection complete in games. You don't have to get everything. Just because a game says grind, you don't have to hop on that treadmill and say yes for how long and how fast.
um I'm like, yes. And they're like, okay, so we're not going to grind Sanctum until we hate, snap our life and everything. Like,
No, incorrect. We Sanctum, we will try to get all of the cards, we will be Sorcerer Supreme and we will rule the world. And I am a librarian in Sanctum, which is one level below the Sorcerer Supreme. I have all three of the new cards.
Almost enough for my first series four. ah I've played so much Sanctum. So I have a lot to talk about the deck of the play, but we'll talk about that later.
Lauren, our third host. i probably I probably threw you off on Sanctum starting because offline, before Sanctum actually started, i was playing it with Safety Blade.
Playing it. he he ah cooked up that he used i know He cooked up a little... like so ah you know that would randomly decide where the Sanctum was and and would keep track of the turns and which players snapped and all that. And so we were practicing Sanctum in regular battle mode.
And so all of us talking about that, that's what that was. um It was really good for like testing. We tested so many things into like, i don't know. I felt like I went into sanctum very informed just because I'd played like two or three hours of practice sanctum.
Uh, I ended up, I mean, again, we're going to talk about sanctum mostly, in its own topic. Uh, i I am not quite librarian, but I'm at Disciple. I also played a very unhealthy amount of of Sanctum yesterday.
Granted, part of these is from the Twitch drops, which contribute to your Sorcerer track, which is interesting. um But those definitely give you ah a quick boost up. you should get the twitch or You should do the Twitch drops this time if you're not normally a Twitch drop user.
Yeah, for those who are curious about, like, exactly how much do the Switch drops get you, that's 12 scrolls and 1,000 charms if you watch for the whole six hours. Right, which is huge, especially because the 1000 charms move you up the track, which gives you even more charms. so I've played like probably, like i i if I were to estimate, I would say 10 to 15 games of Sanctum total. And somehow I'm at Disciple, probably a lot of it off of the ah the Twitch drops. because the that Yeah, Disciple unlocks it.
These are such arbitrary numbers, but yeah. So yeah, if you get the Twitch drops, you're like practically a disciple already. Yeah. So highly recommend those. um Other things I've been doing. i i think I mentioned last episode, I was playing a weird Arishem deck where I had thrown in a ah handful of album variants that I was seeking. Well, characters whose variants I was seeking.
um Heimdall was in there, and I've been having a blast with Heimdall. But I've got like six or seven of my target album variants this past week. So I don't know if it's actually the shop algorithm or just pure coincidence, but I have been but i have had many hits this week.
um i got From a premium mystery variant, I got the Flaviano Heimdall, which finished off getting Negasonic Flaviano. I'm so excited I finally have that. It's such a good variant. my gosh, me too!
I got a Flaviano shop and I bought three Flavianos all in one day. Mike's steadily been working towards it. I think I bought two of them and then got the Heimdall in a premium mystery variant.
um and And now I'm done with that variant. I don't i don't want the Galactus Emo, or that album. I don't want the Galactus Emo, but I really wanted that Negasonic. And I got Dan Hipp, Werewolf, and so now there's only two albums left. Oh, is that the Galactus that says okay? Yeah.
Uh-huh. Yeah. Oh, okay. I know with that face, too. Yeah. It's not... I don't know. Some people love that emote. I think it's dumb. Good for them. I also think it's dumb.
Not my speed. um I want to be rude in different ways, like Spider-Man Woo and Cyclops Blasting. ah and I don't even think those are rude. I just think those are fun.
like Yeah, I like being silly. And I use them mostly when I lose, not when I win. So, you know... ah yeah I only have three more to get. And so my, my Arisham deck is increasingly becoming a stereotypical Arisham deck.
um Again, don't know if it's worked, but like these cards like Forge and Heimdall and Iron Man and Iceman that i haven't played very much lately, all of a sudden they're showing up in my shop. Could be coincidence. Like, you know.
No, there was a team answers. I think I saw where someone asked that and they said, like, no. Like, what you favorite doesn't affect your shop at They said the favorites don't do it. But there's been this, like, Reddit post going around where, like, ah really the cards you play theoretically affect the shop algorithm. Oh, okay.
Yeah. And you can make it work even more. I thought you checking guy. Oh, no, you're all good. It seems like the kind of thing that they could find in, like, code somewhere, but that maybe... It seems difficult to prove with without, like, actually, like, showing the mechanism by which it happens.
but Yeah, yeah. I don't know. um i think We know there's a shop algorithm. They have talked about that before. And if the shop algorithm, i I figured it would be like, you know, um characters you've bought variants for before or like variant styles you've bought before. You know, like if I buy all the Dan Hips, like why aren't you selling me more Dan Hips, for example?
um But it it hasn't seemed like it's that way at all. And so it's like, well, if it's not based on the things that you actually spend your gold on, Could it be based on the cards you play? And if it's not based on that, what is the algorithm even doing?
i So, yeah. The theory, by the way, ree is like you can play two or three different decks exclusively that all have your one card in common. That's like the best way to make this work. Oh.
okay And the theory is that like weights that part of the algorithm that considers the cards you've played. It weights that part heavier towards the one card that is the common one across all your decks. um But I haven't been doing that. I've just been playing one silly deck with these cards and that they've all been showing up. So who knows?
I ended up buying the super cute Goose and Lockjaw because I needed gold for how many variants they're throwing at me in such quick succession. Anyway, the other thing I did, they changed character mastery. They, you know, lowered the banana rates and ray rates and things like that. So I was doing math on those.
um You can check them out on my Twitter, or Blue Sky, if you want to see the tables. They're good tables. They're great tables. I don't know how to hear any more about tables.
Okay, sorry. I just, I had to say that. we can I'm very excited about these tables. I would hear about these tables all day. It's just a thing. I mean, they are cosmetic sables, so I wouldn't be offended if weren't super into them. Somebody's really loving it that I said that, I promise.
I hope you're right. I'm sure you are. You usually are. um And then Sanctum Math, i've started been doing I've been starting to do behind the scenes, but the short version is, and I'm not going to go into the Sanctum mode, but the Sanctum Shop is actually quite generous.
Like, Ben, I know you're usually giving us a Token Tuesday forecast. Buying a season ah Series 5 card in the Sanctum Shop just with gold is cheaper than Token Tuesday. Yeah.
I have noticed that also, just for the record, the the Token Tuesday that happened yesterday was trash. I hope you didn't buy it. OK. Does that mean the next one's good? Probably, yes. I haven't checked, but that's almost almost always, like very nearly always, like it so rarely is not alternating that like I almost like feel like I'm misleading people by suggesting that it isn't going to alternate because like it almost always does.
So, yeah. OK. Got it. Anyway, if you've been stocking up on gold, it might be worth it just to buy things directly in the Sanctum Shop. It kind of depends on how many charms you can get from your scrolls and how much time you have to do that. um but Also, there are more good gold bundles coming up down the road. like There are more that are...
a good deal. I'm like, I'm i'm a little bit cooled off right now on Token Tuesdays. That's why I've been bringing it up quite as much the past. Well, I mean, like, there was there was that one She-Hulk bundle that had, like, decent value, right, that was gold for credits. There's another bundle that's, like, 1.5 times that bundle, just, like, it's a larger scale version the same conversion rate. We're going back to good gold bundles, huh?
Yep, we just had that good anti-venom one. I think there's another good one, the specifics of which I don't recall, but, like, it might be, like, if if you If you don't love the token Tuesdays and the consistency and the predictability the way that I do, like ah you know there really is something to be said for waiting for an even better gold bundle, if that is your speed.
So follow your heart. You know your wallet and your life and stuff. I don't. Okay, this week we had four new cards drop, but I think we'll talk about the Sanctum cards next week.

New Card Releases and Impressions

ah Diamondback in the spotlight. A 3-3. Ongoing enemy cards here. Afflicted with negative power have an additional additional negative 2 power.
Did you get her? What do you think? Yes. I did get her. I spent tokens to do it because I was not impressed by the ah the spotlight, friends.
Yeah, same.
I, you know, I'm not real excited about this card design, but, you know, I i did in the sanctum, I did get Laufei.
Lofi. Lofi. like Like low fidelity. But anyway, anywho, anywho, I figure if you got Lofi, you might as well have Diamondback because they seem like they go together like good friends and fun.
um Yeah. I don't know. haven't played it yet. haven't really run into... I think maybe I ran into one Diamondback yesterday, but not enough that I have like strong feelings about the card and what I've seen it do.
Fair. I've seen a few. And I also got her with four keys. Oh, dear. Oh, wow. Yeah.
And I'm not going to use either the Nimrod variant or the Phoenix Force one. They're both decent. But I have other ones I like more. So. Hey, how do we all feel about the the portrait variants? You know, the ones that are just like, you know, looking looking at the face like the Nimrod one?
Yeah, I mean... bit one like that there's a i love my Luke Cage like that.
The one where he's got of like the bullets smashing up on his face. Oh, yeah. And the yellow background. have that actual comic book cover. I still feel cool every time I'm like, oh, yeah, found this. I attention to my variants that much before.
Snap, to be honest. Okay. Okay. it was just a quick question I had because like there were there was a portrait variant as one of the spotlight friends. And i was like, I know some people have strong feelings about it. And I...
I guess I mildly disapprove of them, but like not... and oh I think I'm the same. like i'd I'd rather have an action pose. You disapprove of large pieces. I'd rather know what their character's costume looks like so that I can recognize them the next time I see them around. you know I don't know.
In general, I think I agree with you, but ah some of the face ones are cool. No, I disagree. I think that's why the nameplate is very prominent and always the same, so you can get like...
you know, a big variety in cards and looks. Variety is good. do like that sort of thing. So you can give them some kind of finish and flair that makes them really hard to read, but you still know what card it is. Okay.
Rhi, did you play Diamondback? Did you... Yes, so I have been working on two new versions of my Spider Woman deck. She's fun. I mean, she's a card, right, that you're you're putting into an affiliate. You're all in on what she's doing, or you're not going to use her as a card.
um ae I um i mean didn't make the decks to share, because I'm still tinkering. I want to play with them more, but I'm working on two new versions. One with High Evil and one without, just because, like...
High Evo, once again, if you're not playing Magic, skipping Energy, it just gets rougher and rougher of thing. And it's so tight when you have to include a High Evo himself in enough cards to make it worth it. But yeah.
So, ah you know, like Diamondback. Because I just, I don't know, i decided I liked her before she even came out and she goes with Spider Woman. But I don't think by any means she's like a must-get for people unless you're a huge Affliction player.
yeah Uh, you two have matching hair. i I, played some diamond back. I tried to do more listeners just for you. i have run maybe, uh, like a dozen or 15 games with diamond back in my deck and drawn her like twice.
And one of the times I played her and she was cool, but she didn't even win me the game. If she wasn't on the board, i still would have won. Um, but yeah, like a diamond back and hazmat combo or diamond back and laufe combo, uh,
a lot of points, especially if your opponent's playing a lot of cards. um and don't I don't think she goes in anything besides Afflict. Eh.
Maybe there's a place for her in like a spectrum that's rocking... Luke Cage and Man-Thing and US Agent, like, a half a flick? Like, ongoing a flick? Maybe. Although, it doesn't Luke Cage... I mean, like, you'd have to play Luke on, like, six if you wanted Laofei lafeta eat your own... well I guess it doesn't matter to you if Laofei eats your own stats. Yeah, that's the whole...
Because you keep it in the lane. Yeah. But this is my problem with Diamondback is that, like, I can't get a good read because everyone's playing Affliction. So everyone's playing Cage.
playing And playing Affliction. So for both reasons, I feel like I need Luke Cage in my deck. But my deck is so, you know, have i putting all these ideas in a deck. It's so tight. It's like I really don't want to have Cage in it long term. don't want to have an in just to play it right now, which is why i don't like playing cards ah the week they come out. So I went i just was like, all right, cool, and I went back to Sanctum, but we'll come back later.
think I love how we're just in the slow roll of second dinner you're giving us enough that every archetype can have its own surfer sub-archetype I think that's great.
I love that. not I like it too. To be honest.

Discussion on Arcane Arts and Mechanics

Next week starts the new season.
ah Normally we would just briefly mention the cards coming and then go into our season rankings. But because we're going to be talking about Sanctum Maybe for a while, we're going to save our season rankings for next week.
So we'll have a thorough conversation about Agamotto and Eson. ah As always, I'm assuming we're all getting the season pass. Oh, yeah. Okay. This is Agamotto 510.
Game start. Shuffle four ancient arcana into your deck. I still don't know how to talk about these cards that have a million tokens. um It's got four arcane arts. They're all um spells that have- there one? We had some confusion about that.
There was one that was datamined, but it never got stats or an ability, so I'm guessing not. So we think it's the same four spells every time. It's not like you're getting four out of five. Okay. yeah No, I think it's just a four. Okay.
But there's an OTA tomorrow, so I guess it's possible that they OTA the other spell? kind of doubt. That would be sort of under the wire. Yeah, I just don't think they're that fast-moving.
Yeah. I... When they tried, they held back um the data mines for like two months to keep i the December, what was it? Marvel Rivals to keep that a surprise. And ever since then, I've been like, okay, so they could be holding these back if they wanted to. And maybe it causes difficulties for them. Like, don't know why these things are in the game in the first place for data mining. Is it like...
I don't know, an alternate server where you can play them for testing and they're still in the live version of the game, like the live client. I don't know what the reason is, but they could be holding them back and they're not. And so I think there is some intention.
of letting the players have the data mines. Absolutely. the The first time it was an accident, but like the, a it's, it's like, it might as well be on purpose after like years of this pattern. Like, yeah, I really think it is like that. You can't pretend you're not doing a press release. It's a press release.
like and And I appreciate it. I understand them maybe wanting to control the narrative themselves, but I appreciate like how much content we can get talking out about the upcoming cards. And I don't just mean as a podcast, like i want to I want to talk about upcoming cards. It's like, as somebody who loves the game, I love theorycrafting about upcoming cards and planning my resources.
Yeah, exactly. It's good for the the player. You need to be able to anticipate stuff. It's like how in in television shows, it's like people want to do theory crafting. It's how people get a community and get cited.
In the card game, we all just argue and call each other names for opinions about future cards in the game. You have no idea. don't know. I'll look it out.
we all hit and miss on you know the cards. with Although I do wish they would like go through a more official like kind of channel and maybe they could just announce the cards a month or two in advance.
i do too. even just like saying, like hey, these are subject to change, but like it does kind of stink that we have to like you know, pa through the, well, not us personally, but like people have to, you know, paw through the the code and stuff and go through the files and find the conspicuous things that are seemingly left for them to find. But like, just like be upfront and direct about a thing if you can, is my feeling instead of this weird channel. Yeah.
knowledge. could just be simple blog posts. Yep. ah Very much like the data mine blog posts on the data mining sites. Um, um But yeah, they don't have to pay people to do that.
That's a very good point, Rhi. Don't you understand? Anyway, these arcane arts. um I'm going to go through them in cost order because there's a 1, 2, 3, and 4.
ah Temporal manipulation, a 1, 0. On reveal, give Agamotto plus 3 power. Put him into your hand if he's not in play. And then banish this. All four of them have banished this. They remove themselves into a ah third pile distinct from destroyed and discarded.
The Yondu pile. Yeah. You can already... The Yondu don't have banished yet, but he's going to, right? They've said they're going to put banished on old cards, and they mean Yondu, right? Oh. Like, Yondu's like the poster child for a card they meant to put banished on, right?
mean, Kang banishes himself, right? Yeah. Yeah, but like they're going to put it on more cards. And I'm i'm telling you, Yondu, for sure. Because like destroying a card off the top of the deck is so weird.
it's It's a weird thing that they don't... like What happens to Wolverine? He doesn't regenerate. But like that's it's ugly and like messy, and they know better. They're going to put Vanish on Yondu.
I agree, it's weird, but... like You play Yondu in decks with death, like, whether it's a mill or Destroy. you're not going to do that anymore. You're only going to play Yondu in Mil now. Maybe they'll make Yondu stronger.
don't know about that. I'm thinking more, like, eventually there are going to be cards that interact with the banished pile, and it'll be more on to your advantage, because it'll be like, bring back banished card, you know, or whatever.
So I feel like eventually you'll be you't want to be wanking stuff out of your banished pile, right? Could be. It doesn't seem very banished to me. gotta say, that seems like a level of complexity creep that, like, I think they're actually trying to get away from. Yes, magic does interact with the... It lets you hit your exile pile?
Yes. Oh, I didn't know that. Okay. Okay, no, but I was talking about, like, Marvel magic, like, in the lore. mean, it's just, like, it's magic. Anything that's banished will eventually get unbanished. But yes, also magic the gathering.
Okay. I kind of thought Exile was like, no, this is out of the game. It's gone. Just one more layer of complexity. All right. That's removed from the game. I see. Those are two different things. I understand.
I play a lot of board games, so like the the exact phrasing of things is very important. all I'm thinking of like legacy games where you literally rip up the cards that are removed from the game. If you want to correct us on the Magic the Gathering stuff, I guess you can if you want, but like, I don't know. I'm not going to read it. Sorry.
I've definitely played Magic. It's just been like... think someone wants to explain that exiled and removed from the game are, in fact, the same thing, and they started as different things. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. You know, like the exiled came into the keyword eyes removed from the game, and the I don't know. Maybe they are separate things, again.
i don't know Magic. Sorry, like, while we're talking about magic, they have... They are so desperate for get for card gamers. They are just, like, like hitting everyone up late night, like, hey, you don't play magic anymore?
What if it's Lord of the Rings? Don't you love Lord of the Rings? There is something a little bit. Don't you love Marva? Spongebob, X-Men, Lara Croft. They lately have FF14. or cra
Final Fantasy XIV, my game. Is it going to pull you in? No. I was like, no magic. We're done. You and I are finished. I've told you over. You brought Lord of the Rings. You brought it all.
Like, if if that's not going to get me. I was so tempted, though. Someone popped up in the subreddit, like, hey, how can I learn more about Ishtola? And Estola's like a very ah sexy white haired cat lady.
But I love her too. and Not for her sexiness, but because she's like a true scientist. she's She's like something for everyone. Okay. Anyway. Sorry.
Magic aside, didn't mean to do that. Back to Snap Things. Okay. For the record, my excuse is I haven't played Magic in like 20 years. I don't know if that's a valid excuse. Maybe Exile was already distinct back then.
No, ex Exiled, I think, got introduced around, I want to say, 2009-ish. Okay. okay yeah ah Maybe we'll hear. So, yeah. Temporal manipulation.
Pulls Agamotto into your hand and afterwards 513.
good. I mean, you're thinning your deck after after already adding four cards to it. um Winds of Watum, the 2-0. On reveal, afflict an enemy card here with minus five power and move it right.
Banish this.
and Are we going to talk about the spells or Agamotto? Okay, just real quick. This island was known as removed from the game before it was renamed as part of the Magic 2010 rules update.
So Exile is the same. It changed around 2010. So... Okay, and it was synonymous then? Sorry. Okay, sorry. No, it's my favorite thing when Ben can't let things go. Okay.
Um... nice yeah a
focus just go on to the next spell bolts of balfak one that grew on ben of on reveal is a three zero on reveal next turn you get plus four energy banish this which is really it's just letting you skip a turn and keep all that energy into the next turn plus one good although you know it does take a card and you are playing with an extra big deck but like i do think that this card is probably like the card that makes it an rshm you know
not not Not a card that makes it go in Arashem, the card that makes Agamotto an Arashem. Like, justifies what he does to your deck. Yep, like, yeah're you're playing a big deck...
that gives you extra energy and lets you do stupid stuff and you're sacrificing consistency and like subtlety for it. Yeah. Uh, images of icon, a four zero on reveal, transform your other cards here into copies of the highest power. One banish. This, um, could be copies of a five 13 Agamotto.
Um, good. But also, if you've been drawing a bunch of arcane arts, they're not on your board. so i I really think it's going to be a problem when you draw multiple of these, which is weird. It is a bit.
yeah I really don't know what kind of deck he goes in. He looks fun and interesting and different, and I trust that they puts you know they choose season pass cards with intention.
Also, you know what? I just like that this is getting this is giving work to King E-Tree, and I like it. Yeah, me too. King E-Tree is just like, you see someone with a hammer, and you're like, that's someone who works.
Oh, yeah.
I think it's like from video games right like we're like the hammer guys get shit done anyway so my brain is very off topic I have no clue what it'll do with like Agamotto like I don't even I'll probably I have no plans to build with this card like not if I get around to it it won't be next week that's for sure it'll be some nonsense when I get around to it it'll have Ravonna when Rhi gets to it Yeah. will I have heard that these spells, these arcane arts, these ancient arcana, whatever they're called, I've heard that they don't actually have power.
That's what I heard on Snapchat. What? No! Wait, you're saying they just don't have it? Yeah. like they are missing that way icon like they are missing a power. thing. No. That's what I heard on Snap Judgments a couple of weeks ago. i haven't heard any more about it since.
I don't know if our grandpa disagree. We just seem to think they wouldn't have ah power thing so that Ravonna would not qualify because they just don't have a number there. I disagree. I think Go ahead, say it. I don't know on what basis like he came to this. I think he had seen with his own eyes versions of these cards without a power thing. See, I think Glenn has said before that they don't want to make different types of cards, right? They don't want an equipment card to be a distinct thing from a character card. And I think that is smart and good, and they should keep up with that. That's what I think.
And so how would it interact with like any cards that would buff it? Would it then gain a power? Would it just completely? I don't know. That's like, that's what I'm like. I'm not sure if this is like, yeah I'm not sure if, but like Glazer seemed pretty certain. And I'm thinking though, like zero deep space, like things that wipe out their text when they're sitting on your board, they're just not going to have any power.
It doesn't make any sense. Yeah.
anyway I think like maybe the idea was that so that like Jane Foster wouldn't pull them all out all at once or something. I don't know. You have to use Mr. Negative to make her pull them. Should I message Glazer and be like, what were you talking about? yeah well What were you on? Because I want some. okay We're going to get him. He's the season pass card.
He's interesting. I'm looking forward to what people are going to do.
I have no idea what to do with this card. um Besides Ravonna and E-Tree. Like, big stuff so that images of Icon can... tra But you want little stuff too, so there's bodies for images of Icon. I know, if we don't even know if we can Ravonna them or not, like this is just an unknown quantity.
It would make no sense if you couldn't. Okay. specifically says power zero, not just on the icon of the card, but like the stats, it specifically says power zero. And I feel like it would say like power NA or, you know, dash or something. Maybe.
I mean, like, i I want to believe that they have zero power. I just like, I meant to bring it up last week that I'd heard this thing on snap judgments. And it's, yeah, just didn't, um,
Man, I want to get to the bottom of this, but I also like kind of don't give a shit. don't know. right. um Find out next week.
Yeah. Well, you'll not like you know by next week, but yeah I don't know. Ask Glazer if you want to ask him. Well, like Friday, we should have the... I mean, sometimes it runs late, but oh yeah Friday we should have the YouTube announcement video. They might give us some knowledge then.
I feel like to enjoy the updates, and now I kind of, like, am bored. I'm like, I've already, like, looked at all the data mines. It's problem with the data mines. The cute stuff doesn't feel as, like, cute anymore. And I'm like, is there anything interesting?
Like, any new announcements that I wasn't expecting? Okay, anything to say. The opening 30 seconds of animation is usually pretty good. Yeah, yeah, that's true. Okay.
Eson, This is the spotlight card next week. After each turn, put a card from your hand that didn't start in your deck. Here.
um it goes in Arisham, I guess.

Card Mechanics and Synergies

um We talked about... Arisham can play at a turn early and also has tons of targets for Eson to play.
um We also talked about Wave being a great way to ramp him out and get three hits. But you need like... hand gent like card gen or something. feel like you want to moon girl stuff. I was just thinking about this. I'm like, what do you actually want to do with this card?
And it's like, you don't want to do Arishem. Because the thing with Arishem is all the time you get cards that you don't like I don't want to fucking yellowjacket this lane or whatever. So you don't want to like, you know, you have the you need the agency to like put stuff.
Yeah. um places so like this is the kind of thing where you want to control what you've generated and you probably want higher cost cards or cards with big abilities on them you know to make it worthwhile so moon girl
yeah moon girl but like so you moon girl on four and then do stuff on five and then on turn six you play east on and he plays one of them like it's just it's a very weird card and a vamp I have heard back from Glazer.
ah Someone did say that to him, but ah he claims he's not the one who mentioned it on the podcast and he has been unable to confirm. So you know what? I bet they got zero. That's what I bet. Oh, I appreciate your follow-up though.
Glazer didn't want to challenge them on the podcast. That's what i that's my suspicion. I don't know. Well, we just don't want to be... It's good that we didn't put words in our grandpa's mouth.
Yeah, well... you're listening, we love you. It's all true. We do. um If you're... Now that you're done researching, do you have Eson thoughts besides, like, Arsham?
I don't like this card. No. I don't either. It's a hard... You can cheat it out early with, like, Wave or something. you can yeah But it's just an R.H.M. card. It is like you you do need to have R.H.M. installed to play this card. This is R.H.M. Brood War.
You need a copy of the original R.H.M. game to to play these bonus missions. But that's what I'm saying. I disagree. Like you want to control what you're putting down. Like something that's random could be bad. de carter If you could Zola him somehow and ramp.
And he pulls down two cards. Is that what you're saying? yeah um i mean You can limbo to get an extra turn out of him. like There are things you can do. it's just Okay, Psylocke to Moon Girl...
to wave to us. I don't know how you do it. It's very awkward. you do this? You're probably only getting one or two uses out of him most times, you know? It's also very Red Wing-y.
e Like, doesn't have the setup of Red Wing, but also has a restriction on what cards you can pull. oh Yeah. Now I want to pull him out with Redwing.
Alright, looking at the spotlight, friends, which sometimes gives us a hint, Wiccan and Beta Ray Bill. So he's going to play your Stormbreaker for you. You're free.
Yeah. Wiccan would let you get Ysan out of turn early. And Wiccan also often does hand gen, like with a snow guard or a... Yep. Wiccan is friends with hand generation cards, for sure. That's... Yeah, it's Valentina or... So maybe Wiccan is real with Eson.
Maybe. Look, cheating energy is good, right? Yeah, life for sure. so he even if you only get one hit from Eson, still cheating you could could be three, four, or more energy.
Red Wing does the same thing. And Red Wing's right. Yeah. It's a card from your hand, and this one's just a more specific version of that. They can do it more times. But but it's also here. It's in the same spot where Eson is.
Right. So like... It's... Even if he does live more than one turn, you're still just like super densely committing to one lane. yeah Yeah. I don't know. I don't get this card. i think it'll probably be... It was like Tribunal and stuff, right? Like he's that kind of a... where your strategy bonkers. But also, I mean like maybe if he's not just an Arashem friend, like have we considered just like the raw stats of the dang thing? Because like 6-9 is a bad stat line if you're not...
putting a whole extra card onto the board. But like, if you are putting a whole extra card, like this is like a very big Zemo or a Malachis. They have a lot of they have a lot of power and and I think he will too.
um I guess maybe he's not an Oscar card. I don't know. i I have difficulty being imaginative with this card because it just there's nothing inspiring about it for the imagination.
So not your speed. I think it's weird that he's coming out with Agamotto because it's like, okay, he could play the spells for you, which is kind of cool. The spells actually have cost. But yeah.
Isan pulls images of icon. I guess go to together, you know. That's not It's not bad. That's also commonly true, that the spotlight card on season pass day is if you can play them together.
Anyway, I don't know how much more we can say about them. the Both of these cards are just weird, and maybe I haven't thought about them enough, but I... i don't Or they're just too high cost for my taste. Since we are mentioning the Isan-Agamoto connection, it's worth saying that two Agamotto's spells are bad on the last turn.
So I don't... Like, on on turn six, if you played Isan in the Agamotto situation, you don't want to be ah Bolts of Volfacking. You don't want to be ah Temporal Manipulationing. They're not bad. They're just nothing.
Yeah, but like that's the same as being bad. because that's like If you add other generated cards, they're like diluting your chances to get a real hit. Which gets back to my point with Ysan. You very much want to control, which is why I don't see him as an Arsham. He's very much card you want to control exactly what he's going to pull to make sure it's something good for you.
Which is going to be very specific. That's a good point.
maybe he Maybe he just goes in hand gen as a big guy on the last turn. Yeah, especially if you're generating large things like you might with an Iron Patriot or a Nick Fury or something. You're not trying to Maria Hill around here. mean, he already goes in a ramp deck, you know? So you probably already have big things in here. I don't know. I think he's just a Wiccan card because that lets you play him early and you already have hand gen going on.
ah And maybe you, I don't know, if you have Limbo and you play him a turn early, he's filling all three other spots next to him. Like, that might be overkill. ah That's definitely overkill. Yep. Don't play it don't play Magic.

Sanctum Showdown Mode Insights

Let's talk about our new game mode, Sanctum Showdown. It lasts for two weeks. It is, in in my experience, the most distinct game mode we've had to date.
Um, I, I mean, I, I think I've probably played the least of it. I've played like a fair amount though. And i think it's fun. i think it's more fun than Deadpool's diner.
i'd say it's, you know, I think maybe i expected, I would like it more than high voltage. I think maybe I like high voltage a little more. I'm not sure.
I do notice that like, I don't know. Things are pretty homogenous, uh, in terms of like what I'm facing. You're seeing a lot of rocket raccoon on one. yeah,
I don't know. Like I, it's fine. I'm, I'm gonna keep going. I've got plenty of scrolls, so, you know, I'll probably work through my scrolls. I will try not to need to buy more.
Um, yeah, I don't know. Does anyone else have more, uh, Yeah. Strong thoughts about Sanctum Showdown. So much. um And I did find, okay, so first of all, feels so grindy because it's like the games are long and it's like, it took me so long to realize I'm like, oh, the charms are getting are just like what I got in game.
ah So Max, you're getting 20 something games. Um, you know, it's just like... that's if everything really, really, like, rolls your way at the end there. Like, that's that's if you get, like, all the bonus teeth in, uh, inscription or whatever. Right.
so you finally find... So the little tricks. like, I didn't realize... one, you don't really want to retreat unless you're just that tilted and you want to deny someone some extra charms. Unless you're playing against Scream.
um Yeah, unless like you just, I mean, like if you're not just dipping out early because you just like screw this match because it's like that is the number of charms you get. If you win, you get a like scroll.
So you get to keep playing and you get however very many charms you got in game. So even if you lose, you still get many charms. So if you still can win locations, it's still kind of. Sometimes worth it to see it out for, like, one or two charms, which is where the grindiness comes in. It's, like, ah one or two charms is worth, like, a whole waiting out fucking long turn sometimes.
But, um... So there's that. And also, there's, like, what I found, and people started doing more later on, was just snapping on the last turn regardless, just to, like...
get everyone max charms. You know? That's good. Yeah, that's good. Yeah, i I think that it's probably like, if you think to do it, that's probably a nice thing to do for your opponent if you're losing or whatever.
um Also, i've got yeah I've got a question about something that I think I observed. ah While I was playing, I expected that priority would work like normally. But if if I am correct in what I have seen, priority works based on who's ahead score wise, which I think is a terrible decision. Personally, that's just my like the again, I've only played like 10 games or so. But like that seems like not how it should work to me.
But whatever. You're correct. That priority is based on who has the most points and it's not based on who's ahead on two lanes. So it just snowballs. And like, once you're ahead, you get to keep being the prior person forever. Yeah.
Yeah, i'd I'd personally built two decks going into it, and then had a third that I kind of like hybrid built with with ah Safety and Scott. and like when we were When we were testing the game mode, we made a move deck.
And y'all didn't know about that rule, did you? We did not know about the priority rule. So one of the two decks that I went in with is a wide deck, right? It's Shauna and Squirrel Girl. It's like, let's get prio quick and then use mean things like Negasonic Teenage Warhead, which is still a real strategy. That's just that's not how you get prio. They're doing that, yeah.
So yeah, that that wide deck is useless. It's it's gone. um Yeah, I don't know how I feel about that. The prio. That is how Snapworks. Whoever's winning gets prio Oh, another weird thing that bothered me that didn't make much sense.
ah End of turn, like the the scoring thing happens at a different timing than Murder World things, than Bob things. so like I really like that, actually. Murder World happens before Bob moves.
So if you snap to move Bob off of Murder World, he's still going to die. But the scoring for Sanctum points happens after Bob moves. So Bob moves to a new place and then the winners of lanes are calculated.
And yet I just think that is needlessly ah confusing and nonsensical. I think it's a little unintuitive, but i I actually like that the scoring is exactly between turns. It's after everything end of turn happens and before everything start of turn happens. Like it is exactly between turns is when the scoring happens.
But why does Bob happen between the two things? Bob is after turns. He's at the end of the turn. so Murder World happens like before Bob moves.
Why does that happen? like and And other location effects. like All the other location effects will happen before Bob moves. like Murder World is just an example. It's just locations and then characters. That's the priority of things. seems weird to me that he's sandwiched between the... because like Iron Patriot checks end of turn and... like Bob is still in his original position for Iron Patriot checks.
Like, it seems weird that the only check that happens after Bob is the Sanctum check. I don't know. There's just something, like, very strange. Like, Havoc. I think Havoc has the same timing as Bob. Hmm.
And Adam Warlock. I think those two all... I think those three all have the same window. Yeah, yeah I can see how it's, like... Confusing. That's just like, you know, technicalities. Right. And Iron Patriot is like Iron Fist or Nico, where he continues to work, even if he's destroyed.
And so that the ability is not attached to the card is attached to the location of the player. That part makes sense. It's just like the timing of it with the Bob movements is what I'm getting at. I'm saying that's why the that's why the timing is different, is because player abilities, location abilities, and and card abilities happen in that order.
Okie dokie. But Sanctum is a new thing that is added. And then a fourth thing, the Sanctum scoring. Okay. Yes. um Look, I'm not saying you're wrong. Like if you're confused about it, I imagine many more players are confused about There are these like contest locations like Hala and stuff where like it's about who's ahead at the end of the turn, right? Except like there are so many ends of the turn where matters who's ahead.
I've been harvesting people who don't understand ah Bifrost. because they load up on the location where the sanctum is and it's like no bifrost is gonna fire before scoring so you need to load up left of the sanctum yeah um
it's Okay, can I talk more now? Yeah, please do. So I've played a lot and I'm just like like less interested in why the technicalities so much is learning them so I can conquer them.
Because here's why I did find some joy in this mode that's probably over now because i found it and now it's just going to be a grind for like, what, two weeks?
How long has it been since we've had Sanctum? um i One day. I wish I could push up my glasses, but I replaced them with laser eyes. so um Okay, went basically going into a game without a game guide, which is why i didn't know like how the charms worked. It me long time. I just figured it out while I was playing. also hadn't really looked at lake a lot of other people's decks or what people were planning or doing or what people other people's experiences were. was were
i really just played Sanctum. like a lot, a lot. So um like i said, I have all the new cards already. um So put together, I started with a deck and this was the fun. I started with a deck was just kind of like a mix of cards we thought might be good for Sanctum, I think generally.
And my deck that I've ended with, that I have like, I have won quite a bit, as I have said. I'm like sitting at like Like, 22 scrolls, I think, right now, and I'm almost a Sorcerer Supreme. I mean, really, to be legit, there should only be one, but, you know.
um It's a game mode. That would actually be cool if they only gave that title to, like, the No, it would be a nightmare. People would die. I wouldn't go for They did that in Diner 1. It was like the top 100 on the leaderboard got a unique title. Yes. Like...
It's too much to make people. Because you're making people compete with their time. And it's just like, it's not cool. um But so my card, and then I like just started swapping out cards like that, like didn't work for me or cards that I saw work really well for someone else.
And then you start playing the third mind game where it's like, okay, cards that get around all the cards that you're seeing. And my deck, I think it's probably pretty part of the homogeny you're all talking about. Like I said, I've just played Sanctum.
So I don't know what other people are saying about it. But these are cards I've also seen quite a bit. um Some of them. So I assume my deck comes in there. But first, okay, like a lot of people, I put in a lot of movers. I had Nightcrawler. I had Jeff. Both of those are gone now.
One, because there's Scream everywhere. Yeah. There's Scream everywhere, and that is one of the reasons why this deck has a ah Red Guardian. Red Guardian is just such a good tech. What I found often is that sometimes I'll just purposely miss the first four points because it's worth my time more to ah take out a Scream with a Red Guardian or some other power card.
Early in the game, very early in the game, like, then, like, strategy becomes, can be more important than, like, for future turns than winning the lane that round.
As the game goes on, obviously, that's a less and less good of a point. you know Then you're really trying to get it every single tick. But on the flip side, that's where those early turns come in to ah come into play. Because when you first start playing, feel like you start and you're oh, I'm going to get them all. I win the one. I win the one if I can.
And then you're like, well, you know, it's just one point compared to what, four to six that you're going to get later on. But then third round, you're like, sometimes having that one or two extra points really matters for that turn where you want to win, you know, like crossing you into that 16 point territory.
ah point territory to win And this is the fun, finding all these little strategy points of playing the game. So Red Guardian taking out a card like that or setting up a card for success. There's that new location now where the highest power, or not the highest power, the highest cost card gets an extra...
ah Power each turn, that's sometimes worth skipping a like a first turn to set something that's going to increase, especially if it's going to sit for a while or sending a nebula somewhere early on.
um That's worthwhile. the And little cards, when I started to, I had, I still, this is still full of little cards, but I had even more little cards, like I said, Nightcrawler and Jeff.
And I find a lot of games go long and then they start to just clog it up for you and they're fodder for for things like screen. yeah the game has been a lot slower than I thought it was going to be. I thought most games were going to end on turn and I've had many games go to turn seven.
Um, yeah So that's like another piece to it. But that's where cards like both that increase in power time, like Nebula is a superstar in this game.
Like I had a theory early on of like, there's so many Nebulas and Hydra Bobs and stuff. I'm like, what if I play Killmonger and Null? You know what I mean?
I retain any power i built up in Nebula. like I kill their ones that they have out. And it was fun when it hit, but it's still just not more valuable.
like Not enough other people are playing Killmonger Elektra or whatever. And it's like Nebula being out there, every turn gaining power. Captain America, you see him a lot. Sam Wilson, Captain America.
You see him a lot out there, but he's valuable because, one, sometimes the shield just gets you that early point early on Two, he's a card you can increase.
Moving the shield around lot is important in my deck. I have Elsa in my deck. So, like, being able to just move the shield to get that little one Elsa on the lane I'm trying to win and then move it back off and hit him, super valuable for me. um That's cool.
Yeah, I have a few movers in this deck still. Rocket, Raccoon, and Groot. Another card that is just like, hey, every time they hit something here, it's going to build. You can move it once.
That's valuable. I'm generally always trying to take out a scream. And I still have Hydra Bob. So easy to put out to win an early lane. um you can move them around the entire game this time since they're unlimited snaps.
um Kitty Pride. I've had so many giant, giant-ass Kitty Prides. And once she's giant because you're Elsing her and your lanes are all filled because you're at that endgame, you can just move her to whatever lane you need to win.
So many games I've been i just intentionally kind of lost at the beginning. it's It's a tricky thing. Just to, like, in the mid, get really... And then I'm unstoppable. It's like you can't... Negasonic.
Negasonic. is everywhere, and she will try to take out your kitties. Usually, I cannot get it. Usually, they can't get me on a surprise with it, and that's where your movers, like Rocket Raccoon, like moving into that lane to win it, as opposed to set where they think they want because they've got a Negasonic there.
That's where that stuff's valuable. Makari has won me games. Makari's in this deck. Cannonball. Didn't ban him. Stephanie often wins you along that turn.
That was some foolish. Yeah, I've been i've been rocking Cannonball. Yeah. Right? Galacta. Galacta with my Elsa, making giant kitties, making 11 power cannonballs to give that the extra edge to win a game. And have I mentioned literally? Okay.
I did Iron Man and he was rocking for me. And I put him in because I saw other people using him to great effect. Because here's the thing. If they don't have an I don't to do To the Iron Man, if you don't have an answer, like they don't specifically have a rogue, enchantress, red guardian, but also you can save him because I have Galacta, I have Elson in this deck. If you get it where you're beefing him up, you know what I mean? To where he's not vulnerable to a red guardian, that's what a lot of people are running. and That's what you have to protect and think about.
is um the Red Guardian. Then he continues to stay in that lane and just power it up turn after turn. Once I got Laufey, who was the first card I rolled, I replaced Iron Man with Laufey, who's then also been great in that spot. Interesting.
The only card I haven't mentioned, um and this was the last card that I like filled in from like trying other things, Star Lord. I've played against... The first Guardian deck I played against trashed me.
But then once you see it it's so easy to avoid. Because Guardians are so worthless. That Rocket Raccoon filling up one of their valuable four slots in that lane with only one power that's vulnerable to, like, you know, your other nonsense you're doing...
um you know, it's once you see that, you can out-strategize them, but they're very good. They're also very good when they hit, you know where they're going think the Guardians are great in this mode. Yeah, it exceeded my expectations.
When you were talking about like the early game thing, and like how those one or two first points can really matter at the end, or Pryo matters too, like turn three Negasonic when you don't have Pryo can be terrible.
I've been like, when I'm rocking Rocket and Star-Lord, I'm like, do I want to play them on turn one and two or hold them for later? Because they're better later when you can play both of them. Hold them, usually. Yeah. they're What are they, like ah a five and a six? They're a 311 in one turn if you can play them on the same lane? Yeah.
um It's mostly a mistake to play Rocket on one, because you have no guarantee that they've drawn a one card to play, you know what I mean? Yeah, I agree. oh yeah Yeah, it's like, then you're just wasting, you're just throwing it away, you save it for that five power later.
But I've also lost because I skipped that turn one Rocket, yeah and they got Pryo, and they Negasonic to me on three, and they have a huge lead, and... but Okay, I saw this and I thought about going to like Negasonic and Guardians because I saw them doing But my deck is about, I can out and play them. Like I said, the value of setting yourself up early, even at the cost of losing the first four points or whatever.
Because then, like I said... the Usually they'll play them early, let them whiff, let them win the first one and get really low power while you've, you know, either taken out something they really needed later on or you've set yourself up um for basically every other turn.
on so i found so it's like the guardians are powerful and i think they're a good aggressive strategy like if you just want to you're like you're not like me and you're not like fucking homeland meme like like analyzing ah this i think they're like a really good they're just really brute force like boom boom boom they're always gonna hit but like the thing is is like you can outthink the guardians so You know what I mean?
Like, they're not the team with all the super scientists on it is what I'm saying. So, like, but, like, I did want one Guardian because you just want that power and I wanted it low cost.
And, like, you know what A 2-6 Star-Lord is already great. A 2-6 Star-Lord, even if you draw him late, that you're hitting with, like, a Galacta and an Elsa...
That's giant Star Lord. I think Star Lord's, if you're going to put one Guardian in your deck, I think Star Lord's the perfect you know cost. It's got a good sweet spot. It's that balance of like you can't you know of that early game late game. I had a lot of fun. Are you sure? like One, paying two energy for Rocket Raccoon plus one.
Yeah, I like Rocket Raccoon better, but they're both yeah at that sweet spot. I'm saying if you're goingnna play two Guardians, you play those two because Star-Lord is still the second best of the traditional Guardians because it's almost Rocket Raccoon.
I think where I come in is just my bias to ah like to a two-cost being better protected. I do love that it doesn't die to Killmonger. That has always been one of the sweet things about two-costs.
I've been seeing some Electras now because of all the Nebulas. I've seen Electra, yeah. Because of the... so this is why... And I already have three one-drops in my deck. I have Kitty, who's generally pretty protected because I'm playing her, you know, I'm pulling her back every turn. i have Nebula, I have Hydra Bob. So it's like another thing that could die to someone's kill mark. Because I'm afraid...
so it's got to happen because this is where I'm at. I had fun. i i played this game. i i bill I get this is probably a deck that's similar to a lot of people's decks, but it's really built based on my experience of playing the game. and i've been Like I said, I've played and I have won.
believe that. Points-wise, right? Here's the thing. When you run out of scrolls, you're done. so you know plain enough I've won enough. I have not run out of scrolls.
Man. so um So this is what I put together. And that's fun, but here's what's not fun for me now. It's like, what's the future look like? Is it going to change? Are people going start playing Killmonger because of all the nebulas now? you know what I mean? And then are we going to have to react to that? Or is it going to be the same? Or, which doesn't, it's like, but i I build this and I had my fun. i don't know how much more I want to change it.
Or B, like, are we, am I going to, is everyone just going to play the same thing? Yeah. How much is the meta going to change? yeah I just play the entire mode in one night? i think that's It seemed like it was getting really samey after just like six hours.
like People figured out what was best. People started net decking or copying each other's decks.
I sort of think that's kind of always the case with these limited time modes. That's just inevitable. not like and not like real They're not like real full game content. yeah like that They're not designed for replayability. They're not designed for like, yeah it really is like, let's all have a fun three hours from ah you know whatever whatever time in the afternoon reset happens for you.
ah you know For me, it's like from 1 PM to 4 PM, we're all going to have a lot of fun with Sanctum Showdown and then it's over. you know That's where I'm at. like The fun is over.
Yes, the fun's over. I had my fun. figured out the mode. I built the deck. proved I was clever at it. um And it's like, now we're done. We're ready to go back to memeing on ladder or whatever. But no, I have to grind until I get...
I don't even know if I'll be able to get all of the season or five cards, but even if I get all of those, I know I'm just going to go for borders. It won't be done until Sanctum, for me, until Sanctum is over, and I'm not looking forward to this grind, and I wish I could rise above and be a better re-e-win. I also wish you would, honestly. If I thought I could say something that would help you over that. Not do it.
Yeah, because you really know that it's not going to make you happy. and I know, but I'm missing so many cards, and this is a way to get them for...
yeah ah one of my One of my biggest takeaways after the first couple hours was this game would be so fun if it wasn't so fucking sweaty. yeah Attaching seven new cards, ah three new cards plus four missing cards.
Attaching seven cards to the game mode inevitably made it so sweaty. oh yeah.
Yeah, that's where it's like, okay, I had my fun, and and now we go to the mines every day. Anyway. mine our charms. As far as expectations go for me, like I'm going to get the three new cards. i'm I only need 100 more charms to get the third new card, and then i can pretty much ignore it. after i mean like I will use up the scrolls, because I would like to get a series four or five card. you know after the Do we know anything about the weighting of those? Are they weighted towards series four? They're even.
They're even. So it really doesn't... Okay, well then I actually don't really have to wait for series drops because nothing I need is dropping to series 3 or anything. I don't have any series. Yeah, I have all the series 4 cards, so... Unless Supergiant go into series 3? I don't think so.
no Okay, so yeah, I might as well open my presents early, you know. Are you going to build Supergiant decks, Ben? Maybe. I mean, are they going to give her a couple more points of power?
If you build a Super Giant deck, I would play it. 4-7 Super Giant. Decks are so sequency. What's Ben going to do with Super Giant? I want to know.
Probably shoot myself in the foot like a lot of times. ah sorry She's a weirdo, that's for sure. yeah um yeah Overall, I had a lot of fun playing ah new mode, a new meta where different cards are strong, but also like...
Playing the same things over and over again is boring, and meta just already isn't as diverse as regular old ladder. So... Yep. ah It kind of stinks. like A lot of effort went into this. like I love the art.
No. I was impressed by the amount. They tried. you know Sometimes you can tell when they aren't trying, and they tried on this one, for sure. You open your presents, and then you can't play with them. I have a diamond back. I have three new cards. What am I doing? Grinding Sanctum with a deck I know I win with. Maybe should take those new cards on the ladder. Do something fun with Gorgon.
Don't you want to play Gorgon? i want to play Gorgon and Black Widow. But I'm a scribe. But I'm scribe. You really mustn't, actually. i know, I want to meme.
And it's Infinity Conquest week. give me all the room Am I going to make a single run at Infinity Conquest this week? Probably not. I don't even know if I'm so in Sanctum that I don't even know if I'm going to Maybe when you run out of scrolls, maybe you will slow down eventually.
yeah right Once you get through that initial 10, think it's 12, initial 12 plus Twitch drops, then you're only getting two every six hours, every eight hours. yeah It's going to slow down.
and well It will. It will sure. Anyway. The mode's generous. It's fun. um Yeah. yeah I like regular old Snap better, which is good. yeah

Deck Strategies and Challenges

I think part of it is the games are so long.
love those games. Yeah. if it If it were that most of them were ending on turn five, I think I'd like it more. ah Even if that would possibly homogenize the decks even more, because it it would make it harder for decks like yours that have like the slow setup, but then they shut everything down.
So it's like we like the shop, but High Voltage still wins for being the most casual mode. Fastest casual mode. It is the most casual for sure. I think I like the more strategy of the more different strategy of Sanctum Showdown the most.
I only liked it briefly. Now we have to play. Yeah. orwe yeah um figured it out now i'm din and okay By the way, the way i've ah i've I've mostly been playing a move deck, which is very good. If you get the like the draws, your Human Torch, you just you know ah move it every single turn and it takes the Sanctum and it just gets bigger and bigger. That's a lot of fun.
um Of course, Scream can be a nightmare, but as long as you boost up your Torch enough, then it's like, even if they move your Torch for you, you're like, okay, cool. You took two power and then doubled it. It's fine. Man, Scream is such a menace.
Sorry, I haven't done a rep. Like, some people hate Arch. There's some kind of, for me, that is Scream. hate Scream, Every time I see a Scream, I'm like, kill it with fire! Kill it! Like, I hate it. I've mostly been playing Scream. When it's a discard deck, I have no way to take her out.
Except for Gambit. And it's just like, people are always, I'm like, I'm moving my cards and I'm getting all negative power in their butt. I hate it I hate Scream. I murder it with a red guardian every single chance I get.
I would give up the lane. always hate Scream, but I hate her it is so much more in Sanctum. That's for sure. Maybe I'll get her from Sanctum.
My original theory crafted deck. That'd exciting. Yeah, i'm ah I'm waiting for her to rotate into my token shop so that I can be what I hate. um Become the thing you hate. She's a really fun card.
but She does seem like a fun card. she get To get rewarded for something that's already strong, the yeah placement ah disruption. and Anyway, my original my original deck, hey go ahead I named it Sanctum, as in, you know, dumb.
um And it's mostly what I'm playing. I'm playing 11 of the same 12 cards of my, like, pre-Sanctum planned deck. And this is the deck I'm having the most fun with, even if move is a little bit better. But it's basically Guardians...
negasonic makari stegron cannonball like we've got some move disruption on here and some free cards but then my my secret sauce is venom ghost fighter and doc strange because it's really cool on turn four to venom your stack of guardians ghost fighter it over to the sanctum and then the next turn you doctor strange it over to the new sanctum it's super fun although uh it makes you super vulnerable to cannonball um venom has been a blast and catches people off guard i replaced hydra bob with werewolf werewolf is a little bit of a slow setup but once you get him set up he just he he is especially helpful in the mirrors because i'm using guardians so it's like every single time i'm hitting a sanctum i get a new guardian and werewolf comes over and here he is he's 10 power 15 power by the end of the game like he's big um super fun
he He'd be so OP at two when it's like really you really want to put him down. Sorry, I do love me some werewolf. Yeah, they should buff him. They can't buff him too much though because he really does get big.
I want him to be two. It's like not enough at three, but it's so fun to move him around. the thing like they They need to keep him at three, but buff him is what they need to do. Because he would be just busted at two. Getting him down a turn earlier would just...

Creative Card Design Discussion

He'd be off the chain. Okay. Maybe affliction. Because then it'd make, if you don't draw your dinky little, like, you know, like hazmat and scorpion and stuff to late, still you can just, like, ping around your werewolf. Okay.
I haven't thought anything fun to do with werewolves since Starcock. no That's what i'm just wondering about, too, Lauren. I don't think that's what. But I love it. No, I mean, you put werewolf out and you're playing Affliction and you don't get your small Affliction cards until later in the game, like Scorpion, stuff that you would normally play early, um then it's like, well, then you gives them it because you can you'll be pinging around the werewolf gaining power.
Yeah, and you're Sable and you're Casinova. The most one I've ever had. Isn't there some X-Men character that barfs something gross a lot? that There's at least one X-Men that does gross. There's a lot of X-Men characters. There are a lot of gross barfing X-Men, right? There's so many X-Men. I feel like that would be like fun. like Werewolf by night, except it's a gross barfing X-person and they go around afflicting things wherever they move to.
That's such fun idea. And then you could play both of them. Uh-huh. Yep. You would definitely both of Oh, Batroc the Leaper with Werewolf? and I mean, we're we're doing that already, right? Oh my gosh, we just have an entourage of cards.
On to our side quests. Yes. Yes? Can we do it? The weekly secret homework was from Ben. What was it? What was it? What was our assignment this week?
All right. The assignment was inspired by the upcoming what if season of Marvel snap. We were tasked. I tasked us. I'll be honest. I'll take, I'll take personal responsibility for this one. I tasked us with designing cards based on characters appearing on the Disney plus what if television program.
Um, just anything that isn't already on a data mind card that's already come into the game. So there were many options because there are a lot of characters on what if lots of different versions of different familiar faces and so on.
You know, there there were so many good options. I felt a little bit bad. i decided to go with a character from the episode that I had seen most recently, the final episode of the.
The most recent season, ah the eminence. That's right. Uatu, the watcher's boss, the the head of their order of non-interfering,
Grumpy Gus watcher folks. um You know, he just, he hates that Uatu is getting his hands dirty, meddling with outcomes and things, not strictly observing. He's participating. How dare he? ah Yeah. So anyway, I felt like the the perfect non-interference stat line for the eminence is zero cost, zero power.
So ah the eminence is our game's first zero, zero. love it. It's got Game Start. You can see the unrevealed locations. That's right. That's Uatu's text.
ah But there's more. okay The Eminence has an ongoing ability. Locations are not revealed here. I also thought about starting the eminence in your starting hand like Quicksilver, but I thought that that was too many lines of text and I just opted for simplicity.
And ah i I think that, you you know, if you draw the eminence early enough, you can stop a location from revealing. Also, if you wanted to like...
if you wanted to reroll a location later with Nico or Scarlet Witch or Nocturne, it just wouldn't. Yeah, I was wondering, and does he stop that? You would the location to non-revealed location, and it would stay that way. Protect your limbo.
Yep, so like, this this card, the Eminence is all about just saying like, no, no, no. no No to all these multiversal hijinks and shenanigans.
if If your world was meant to stay unrevealed and this stuff. No interfering. Yep. So I'm not sure that this is like the most desirable card for people to play. Like, I'm not sure that like, fun I'm not sure how this is going to contribute to a consistent game winning plan. And usually when I design cards, I like try to make that a little bit more of a priority than I did this time. But I just went with like sheer flavor this time.
The non-interference thing. If it's... I think you said if you play him, the location goes back to unrevealed? No, no. Oh. So you could protect your limbo. That would be a real thing people did. They would play limbo and then they'd protect it Yeah, yeah. You could protect limbo with eminence or any... No, because you said it's not turned over... No, couldn't protect it. would still go back to unrevealed. Yeah. That's sweet.
At least that's how I think the rules would work. It's your card. You get to decide. yeah ah yeah yeah ongoing Ongoing is weird because it works backwards, but not always.
my My thinking was like if you play this card during the first two turns, if you happen to have it, you can like stop some location from revealing that you don't like because you'll know about it because he's got Uatu Vision. Yeah.
i I don't know. No, but also, like, but also just to, Matt, if you build in, I like it, because already it's just, like, think of all the fun if you, like, you know it's, um... The Nexus, and then you Enchantress him.
Which one's the one where you lose power? Bar with no name? Yeah, Bar with no name. Oh, yeah, yep. So you could do shenanigans like that. Like, it'd be pulling Legion scams, which, you know...
It's known to be a pastime of mine. Where you quake the location off of where he is. See, there's tons of fun to have. would love to pass around with this. like that.
A winning game plan. I'm like, nah, just want have fun. I want the card to chill. It'll be an exciting card when you get it generated. makes Scarlet Witch be fun again.
But only if you get it generated on the first turn. I don't know. I probably should have given it the line about starting in your starting hand. No, no, no. I like it. Because like you said, how works if you would change a location is that that location would just go to unrevealed. So you could just Scarlet Witch the location and then, don't know, destroy it or move it or something if you want to reveal it later.
and I don't know. I'm like waiting for your card right now. I want this card more than any of the February cards that we actually got. What?
oh my gosh. Even Red Wing. I feel like you made a card I can't, like, off the top of my head that was about changing locations. And me and Lauren were also like, oh!
We love shit that changes locations. I this about you, yes. You love good quake scam, a good leaking scam. Just, you know, it was so fun.
Okay. God forbid a girl change of location. Okay. um okay I don't know if I can follow that. Okay. I think you can. You'll be fine.
I was less epic. I mostly, okay, really, just wanted to make a zombie card. It's not even one of my favorite episodes of what if to be but it's like zombie card mash it on so we have Dyne patient zero version cause you know and she started zombie apocalypse and um so ah here her text would be ongoing the end each turn move a card here to another location and replace its text with this card's text
Make zombies.
So it would move a card and the that card would be stripped and it would be be replaced with a text ongoing at the end of the turn, move a card here to another location. and So everybody's catching red guardian's disease.
he Yeah, except for not losing power. So that's kind of what I was thinking with it, is that it'd be another Sauron, right? you This would be a card where you'd want to strip cards of their text. Oh, yeah. You'd want to strip, um like, Typhoid Mary, you know?
you could get an Ebony Mon. This is like a symmetrical thing. This is happening to your cards and the opponent's cards. I thought about, I wanted to make it the opponent's cards too, but I figured that's too OP.
Maybe. If it was a random card. Because it's a random card. yeah Maybe it wouldn't be too bad. And this was hard to pace. I wanted to put it at five costs because it's episode five, just to be tricksy.
But I really thought that that would be. ah But that's like, that's not enough. That gives you two procs. I wanted to give you three. um But so I put it at cost four and then to mirror wasps power.
um i put it at one. And it's for them. It's a strong ability, but 4-0 is bad stats. So I think that's probably... Oh, 4-1. Sorry, you're right. Because it matches what? Yeah, I was thinking of her cost.
Anyway. Also, Dracula. Very cool.
yeah Who always stays with the Who is more of a zombie or a vampire than a zombie, but, you know, like, it's undead. Oh, yeah, yeah. Yeah, that's true. Also, you would maybe making a... rev but you wouldn't you would just never want to hit drag with Dracula does not want to catch the zombe.
and Yeah, this is not a Ravonna card. Almost all of the Ravonna cards are, you have them for their ability. That's what I thought. Maybe it'd lead to something different. Mostly it was just like, how make a zombie card? Marvel Smith. I also think they're going to do ah they're goingnna do a whole Marvel Zombies season and it's going to have cards that, you know, you know how I love multiple versions of the same character.
i can I honestly didn't even want to do it here, but you know, that's how we make a zombie card. and they No, it's it's inevitable. It's fine. I've come to terms with it. In our Discord chat, there were people doing zombies for the secret homework, and they were doing, like like, Zombie Captain America had, like, an ongoing ability that was Affliction. So that was, like, and then I think it was Scott. Somebody had the idea, like, well, what if all the zombie cards were, like, just twists on the original ability, the original card's ability? on like, that'd be kind cool. Oh, you think you would run, like, a a high Evo but, like, a zombie thing instead, and it would have, like, a list of cards that it zombifies or something? Would that fun? Oh.
Yeah. Wouldn't it be cool? That would be fun. And also it wouldn't make people buy a whole bunch of new cards just to get on the zombie magic. That's also a great way to like make the you know your Captain America and ah Hulk and Thor, like all these early game cards that are like popular characters, but not necessarily the best cards.
Another way to revive them. and like it. would be cool. Yep. Although it would be complicated because they you know you can't just say vanilla-ass cards HaEvo does. Yeah, that's true.
It's fine. You could just tap through the cards behind it. do think that could a way, though. Yes, I i think we could designers could be made to make it work, in fact.
It would be very cool. um They they could add a zombie filter to the to the collection screen.
I did Cosmic Queen Agatha Harkness. Hell yeah. I thought about doing this. I wanted to do this one. I love Agatha. Oh, that's very cool. I almost did Birdie, but I decided to do Cosmic Queen Agatha Harkness instead.
um i didn't realize until we were reviewing Eson that I maybe gave her a very similar ability. But anyway, I made her a 14.6, which I know is ridiculous.
But here's my thought. she's extremely powerful and how do i represent that i don't you know i so she's the inverse of agatha harkness you know that's 614 14 6 and also spoilers let's skip ahead 10 seconds if you care um she absorbed the power of two celestials rshm is a 7 cost she's a 14 cost anyway here's her here's her ability Game start.
Add Agatha to a random location. That's the Sam Wilson shield ability. um Each turn, she plays a card for free. If you do not win every location, you lose.
Oh, wow. I love it. design, Lauren. What a quest. Oh, wow. I love it. That's very so very Agatha-y, but also very strong. You get six power for free. and When did you lose the base? You play the Game of Thrones, you win or you die. How would you not lose the very first round? Because I assume you can't ties don't count. You have to win Yeah, you have to win. and so has I originally had you must win every location, but then I was like, but what what happens if your opponent wins only one and you win two?
Like, do you both lose? i think Yeah, you lose, but but but I wanted it to be so that your opponent won. So that's why I worded it as if you do not win every location, you lose.
I guess, yeah. Oh, at the end of the game! thought you had every single round! You've been playing too much sanctum, that's what's going on here. How do you even get to round one? At the end the game, you have be winning three locations. Three lanes! Okay, okay.
Alright, alright. That's cool, i like it.
Um, yeah, you would need hand Jen or something because ah her text is very long, but cone shoes is longer. I, no, it's fun and different. I like it. yeah Next week's homework.
I'm doing another card design challenge. We tend to do those the most. I think they're the easiest to come up with. ah yeah But in honor of Agamotto, the card design challenge is to design a card that uses the keyword banish.
yeah Okay.
Okay. I gotta pull up my notes. If you like what you heard, give us a like, follow, subscribe, leave ah leave a comment, review, whatever. All the things. um If you're listening on podcast, you can go leave us a comment on YouTube even if you're not going to watch the YouTube. I don't know if that's bad for the algo, but I also don't care. I just like yeah talking to our listeners.
They're cool people. Shout out to whoever said I should talk more about comics. You are very intelligent and amazing. Just saying. Wise and attractive. um Yes. You can follow us, social media, if you want to. That's in the show notes and video description, email ah instructions on how to get to the Discord. It's a challenge. If you can do it, I will be impressed because it's a little tricky, but it's fun once you're there. It's not that hard. We get we get a person or two every week.
I'm exaggerating on how tricky it is, but it is a little tricky. yeah Hit us up if you need help. um We're part of the Snap Judgments Network, where you can listen to other shows, like our grandpod mentioned previously on the show, Snap Judgments with Pulse Glazer and Roy on Saturdays.
They usually have guests Saturdays. it's great. Um, so yeah, if you want to hear next season's card rankings, which of course you do, that's the best thing. Tune in next week.
Same snap

Comic Book Culture and Closing Remarks

time, same snap channel.
All right. All right. Do you have comic thoughts? Oh, yes. Do you want talk more about comics? Always. Um, okay.
In particular. It's fine if you don't. I know I'm putting you on the spot. No, no. Okay. No, it's fine. What I'm laughing is because when you said that, it's like, yes, immediately.
Always do I have comic thoughts. My comic list this week will be about how comic outrage, such as I mentioned last week, is pretty stoop. To be honest, as much as I talked about it.
And it's an interesting thing. I don't engage in a lot of discourse online about things that I like so that I can continue to like them. Probably for the best.
other people. don't talk about comics. And one of the reasons for this is people, I think, get outraged about like ah silly things. Now, okay. like For example, looking at what...
What I talked about last time, which was some outrage over Gwen Stacy. Like, which is, okay, but it's a mixed topic. Because, like, we look things like, okay, getting upset about how they ah fridged Ms. Marvel and made it a trauma for Peter Parker out of nowhere, that's bad writing and just bad decision-making, right?
And that deserves outrage. Yeah. Like getting mad about digging up Gwen Stacy. Well, it is like, let let the poor poor girl rest in peace. It's like, they be digging up characters constantly. No, this is what they do.
Like, you know what I mean? To ask them to not resurrect Gwen Stacy is to ask them to betray their very nature as superhero comics. Right. Constantly there's little one-offs where it's like, we brought back this character from the dead for you to kill again, you know? And then she's forgotten about several issues later.
Maybe they're clone. Maybe it's Miles Warren, the Jackal. Sorry. Right? So, and here's where, like, I got, like, this is one reason I didn't, before was briefly on um like, Twitter or whatever, and I wasn't involved in comics discussion. I was actually reading a Sam Wilson Captain America run.
um That's one of those. That was really enjoyable. It's by Nick Spencer, but there's an arc with Steve Rogers, the original one. Someone gets their hands on an Infinity Stone and they rewrite his past. So he's like a secret Hydra agent all along is the storyline. So while Sam Wilson, Captain America is dealing with everything he has to deal with, um mostly problems from our own country, as we usually are dealing with.
um you know, he's out here, like, undermining him. It's devious. And it's like, I really enjoyed it and thought it was good written. And my friend actually reached, she's like, did you know that they made, you know, Captain America, like a Nazi? Because, you know, like...
know, Hydran, are Nazis. And i was like, yeah, been enjoying this run. And she's like, well, that's, you know, a lot of people are mad. And it's just kind of like, one, have they read it? Like, what you mad about a thing you're not even reading? i am actually at the comic book store on Wednesdays buying comics.
And two, it's like, have you not? They make all characters evil. There's been even Superman. There's even Wonder Woman. Everyone gets evil for a time. It's silly to, like, be mad that a character...
You know, with you because they that's you know it's how comics do. But... Getting really passionate about things you like and having strong opinions about them is just one of the ways we enjoy the things we enjoy.
So, like, outrage is stupid and silly, but also what else is the internet for besides cat pictures? You know what I mean? So, I think it's... I still think we can tone down the outrage over things that are stupid and silly. but that's what I'm saying. It's about...
even Getting into and having passion, but not like attacking other people or you know stuff that's just about bigotry or whatever. that is' Just writing that conversation off entirely.
But you know what mean? As long as people can be civil about
Yeah. Alright, sorry, that was long. Do I have comic slots? Always, Lauren. Always. I love that for you.
I meant you sincerely. love that for you. Get in the car, loser, but going snapping. Like...