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💓 Khonshu feel the love tonight? It is in the (fire) hair 🦁❤️‍🔥

For our esteemed listeners’ consideration:

  • Week in Snap 🫰: post-Sanctum catch-up 🏃🏼‍♀️
  • 🔥 Firehair 🌖 Khonshu 💀 The First Ghost Rider
  • Secret Homework: 🦸‍♀️ Women of HeroClix (but not of Snap)
  • 🎉 Title Tu5sle 5: Will They Snap or Cap?! 🏆

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Featured decks:


  • Cover art by Lauren
  • Snap On This!! Theme by Ben
  • YouTube thumbnail by Lauren’s kid, Reggi


  • 0:00:00 Intro / Our Week in Snap
  • 0:20:13 New Card: Firehair
  • 0:31:30 Next Week's Spotlight: Khonshu, Scorn, Corvus Glaive
  • 0:41:16 High Voltage / The First Ghost Rider
  • 0:47:20 Secret Homework: The Infinity Challenge Challenge 2: This Time with Women
  • 1:00:57 Next Week's Secret Homework
  • 1:01:40 Title Tu5sle: Snap or Cap!?
  • 1:27:03 Housekeeping / Closing Remarks

Introduction and Episode Overview

Hey there, dear listener! It is episode 31 of Snap on This, a Marvel Snap podcast. I'm your host, Lauren Whatevs. It is an odd-numbered episode, so we're gonna go hear about Rhi's week first.

Rhi's Week and Snapping Reflections

Rhi, how was your week in Snap?
And... keep it snappy. I won't lie, every time you say keep it snappy, it reminds me of the fact that I'm incapable of snapping. And if it was ever required for the podcast, we would have to fake it.
Yeah, I can't snap. Yeah. That's a snap, right? was like, I'm sure you can snap to the game. Okay, anyway.
Like, this week in Snap. Okay. This was the biggest thing that happened for me is like I got infinite finally. It's very late infinite for me.
hope I do not lose respect to these esteemed listeners for this.
Like, those cuckoos haven't flown the nest a long time ago. Okay, um but we had Sanctum, and I was just, like, all in on Sanctum until that was done. In my in my limited snap time, had to, like, split between that and Conquest, because I'm also very behind Sanctum.
um And Conquest Matters. It's like next week, is right? Like the last week of the season already? ready. So I did finally it last night.
And honestly, it was like, feel like I've heard other people say like later in the season it gets real sweaty or something. But it was like pretty easy for me. I just climb mostly through missions, um doing whatever I want to whatever i wanted felt like very like like red carpet i don't know just like were you running into a ton of bots by any chance um yeah i mean i was but like not more honestly than like the normal climbing experience i think for me yeah that's my main experience with waiting versus rushing is if i rush i feel like i get more bots
I definitely recognize some bots on my climb. I want cross the eight, the eight cubert across the end line was definitely against a bot. I'm just surprised they stayed for it, to be honest, because they're so much better at retreating now, unless you're pulling a sneaky on them.
yeah. But yeah, no, was very, it was, honestly just felt like people were testing cubes at me. It was like the most like paparazzi experience I've It's not, honestly, because I got some spider points.

Gameplay Strategies and Decks

I'm like, do they know?
don't know.
um A lot of whatever I wanted. Oh, heck yeah. I was just going to end because I crossed the line with my Firehair deck that had actually been and been a while since I built a deck for a card coming out that I'd been working on ahead of time.
But along the way, I did um I built one of my little party buff stacks, which is basically, you know, like if you've ever played an MMO and at the beginning of a big raid and everyone is like putting all their buffs on each other, it's just a good time where you're like supporting your friends and getting hyped to do something together. Anyway, that's the vibes of party buffs.
That's why I love buffing cards in games. It's just one of the strategies that's really fun. Like in Magic, I will, I mean, there's a side of me that plays red black decks. I won't lie.
But like, you know, a good white, a good white green blue deck all day long. Just biff up your cards and heal them. um Anyway, so, but Party Buffs always has America Chavez, Okoye, and Nakia.
um And this version had Phastos for fun, Galacta, of course, and like Black Panther. Because despite being a Wakanda card that goes with all these cards, makes sense.
It surprises everyone, because most people playing Galacta buff decks aren't playing Black Panther. It usually goes in Zola combo stuff. um And Black Panther still gets very big.
When hit by any number of buffing things, finished out with a Galacta. And it's a fun big drop where they don't think you have something like big enough to win. It's like, oh, you haven't seen Black Panther. I also built for fun. Okay, 100% the idea this deck was based the idea of this stack was based on um Bruce Banner, the fact that he keeps his, ah you know, what we talked about, keeps his, like, buffs, which, yeah, he eye gets sex. Yeah, he keeps his mother higher
But I'm like, know, maybe we may put him in an Agent Venom deck. You know, then he'll be like, what, like a 214 Hulk? Yeah. ah ah Which would be fun. Well, I guess the six ones he morphs.
But it was a lot of fun, to be honest. Like Agent Venom. You know, White Tiger, Iron Man. That kind of nonsense. A Ravonna, if you don't hit the agent. And Bruce.
And yeah, Bruce hulks out. It's fun. Sometimes you gamble on him doing it, and he doesn't. And then you mute them before they mean emote you.
But like... You know, I'm serious. And then, yeah, and then, like, from, like, 97 up, um i ah played my my fire hair deck that I'll talk about when we talk about fire hair. But, yeah, it was very, like, you know, like...
there goes Reed down the ladder. Look at her variant. She's wearing a Ferraro in ink. ah That's what it felt like, honestly. I'm like, maybe I'll just take it chill all the time.
is you know is is It a good time. um Slow and steady is less stressful, that's for sure. yeah long as you're not you know leaving it for like three days left.
yeah And there's extra pressure. I haven't been doing much Conquest at all for like months. And it's like, I want some more. I want some more borders and some more stars. I'm too lazy for it.
Just give it to me. It's so time consuming. Right? That's where I'm at. And like my other game that I'm playing has someone called Hulkenberg. So, you know, compete with that. my Yeah, I know. I know what you're talking about.
Yeah. the shit She rules. Yeah. Right. ah Love a tall lady with like gorgeous deep red hair. Great set of bangs. Okay. Anyway.
And like elf ears. Gotta love it. Okay. and Those are some top shelf ears for sure. Right. ah Anyway.
Okay. Yeah. I've been playing. I've been playing some metaphor. ah that was. I wondered if that's what it was. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Ben, how was your weekend s snap? And keep it snap.
My weekend snap was pretty cool. There were several commonalities with ah with Ree's weekend snap. I also played some Fastos, I'll have you know.
i ah Mostly I was playing this in Conquest because I had a feeling it wasn't good because... Fastos and stuff. But um i was I was working on a new little surfer idea. No America Chavez in this one. No one drops of any kind.
called it Sea Star after the boon formerly known as Double Up in Hades 2. All of my surfer decks are named after Poseidon boons. That's just how I roll. He's the master of the seas.
Anywho, so what this deck has in it is Forge, Spider-Man, Brood, Silver Surfer, Fastos, Red Guardian, Hope Summer, Sebastian Shaw, Copycat, Absorbing Man, Galacta, and Gwenpool. And it's fine.
It's fine. Fastos is Fastos. And Hope Summers is Hope Summers. And sometimes one of them is better for what you're hoping will happen than the other one. ah But yeah, that that deck just feels real mid, not as good as Wave Flourish.
um I played some Wave Flourish on ladder. That's what got me up to 80. But then I decided I was going to get Scientist. It would have gone very quickly if I'd kept playing Wave Flourish but was my thinking. But I decided I wanted to do a little science with Firehair.
So I built some decks. One of them I have already deleted, so I can't tell you exactly what was in it. But it was a Ronin Darkhawk deck that just wanted to play Master Mold a million times.
And it was a lot of fun. My favorite thing is when they play, like, Iron Patriot or something, and they don't get their card because their hand is too full of Sentinels. Yeah. Like, you know, that's very entertaining. And I didn't entirely move away from the memier side of things. Like, we're we're still doing some some novelty in the next deck that I built with Firehair, which was a little more practical, a little more destroy-oriented, and also sort of afflicty. But Affliction is one of these...
one of these themes that is sort of its own reward, like moving cards or shuffling rocks into your opponent's decks. Like, sure, we have cards that, like, say thank you for doing this thing that you should have wanted to do anyway. But, like, the thing I said, you should have wanted to do it anyway. It's a good thing that makes the game be won.
Yeah. so Yeah, this is my Affliction Destroy deck with Firehair. The first version of it, anyway. um I'll tell you about the second in a second. Aha! So, this one's got the hood. You gotta to play the hood if you're playing Firehair. If you're not playing the hood, what are even doing?
um Silver Sable. This one, you you don't have to play with Firehair. That's just what this deck is about. This deck is about making them draw cards that don't work. Um, so yeah, we got silver sable, Nico Minoru, carnage, fire hair, scorpion. I just wanted to play scorpion and he's, he's very much in keeping with the theme and he's fun to and fire hair up again.
Not quite as a profitable as stealing cards with the next card or not stealing cards, but stealing power from cards with the next card. Cassandra Nova. Cassandra Nova is a premium fire hair target. Y'all want to be Cassandra Nova a few times that that feels good.
Um, Oh my gosh, Ben, wait, can I say, so in my, I also have Cassandra Nova in my fire hair deck once, and she was in the same lane as my fire hair and someone shamed her and then fire hair copied her ability and rewond the lane. It was amazing. there's a real cool, there's a real cool turn five play that I think that maybe a lot of people aren't thinking about. And that is fire hair and venom on the same lane on, on top of like two on reveals that you like.
So like if you have... Oh, because she reprocks and then you keep all that power. Yeah. So like if you've got Silver Sable and Cassandra Nova on the same lane, turn five rolls around, Firehair Venom, do it, do it, do it. You got to do it. That's yummy. And then on turn six, play Null somewhere else and you win.
Anyway, anyway, point is, ah yes, Cassandra Nova, Venom, Misery. You got to play Misery. um Although there are ways that things can go wrong with Misery that are strange and that I don't always understand when they happen to me sometimes because of fast forwards that make things unclear.
um Atuma, Null, and Death. So that's that's version one. um i noticed that if If there was a game when I got to generate certain cards like Arnim Zola, things really things really worked well. But yeah, so the second version of the deck is a little more destroy-y.
The three cards that were cut were Scorpion, and Carnage and Atuma, and I cut those three cards for X-23, Killmonger, and Arnim Zola.
And I'm not sure if that version of the deck works better, because the first version of the deck carried me all the way through the 80s and up to 98, and it would have carried me to the end, except then I realized I would not be able to test...
my next version of the deck if I you know got to infinite. and you know Because like I was beating up on a lot of bots and I just wanted to give them the same sort of footing. um Anywho, so that second version of the deck I called Firehair Don't Care. The first version of the deck that is slightly more afflict-oriented and still adds Scorpion and has Carnage, who I think should go back in the deck, is Hermageddon. Both of these decks seem to have good things going for them and I think that the best version of the deck probably has one of the cards from the old version and two of the cards from the new version and i'll figure out what that is but you know it's uh feeling good update us next week cool played that bad fasto surfer deck played the good old surfer deck those were the decks i mostly played i guess i also played a little bit of my joaquin torres bounce deck um
For those who are interested, that's Joaquin Interest 2. That's The Hood, Silver Sable, Rocket Raccoon, Nico Minoru, Toxin, Joaquin Torres Falcon, ah regular old Sam Wilson Falcon, Grandmaster, Agent Venom, Sage, Hitmonkey, and Beast.
And yeah, those those were the decks I played. And other than that, did anything interesting or exciting happen in Snap in my week? i am I you know, the the straw has broken the camel's back as far as G-angle offenses. So I am now going through and unfavoriting all the pixels and the the G-angle chibis because they've done...
I don't know. They just seem shady as all get out. and Yeah, I think Goose was my last one. And finally switched it out for like the cute new one. Is it Moon Colony? I don't know.
There's a new cute one that I grabbed. They do the pixels? Does that mean you're not playing your Absorbing Man pixel anymore? Yes. The iconic... I win!
what second is horrible Even though like I am fond of the Absorbing Man pixel, I have positive associations. We've had some great times together. Absorbing Man, Pixel, you you've done what you needed to do. And now that I'm wondering about how you came to be, I think it's time to move on to maybe Noir Absorbing Man.
although That's what I'm rocking, yeah. His stripy pants with that vest. I'm like, why are you wearing like inmate pants with this? like Your outfit just does not tell a coherent story of any kind, Noir Absorbing Man.
And what are we doing here if not telling stories? Anyway, that was my weekend staff. On our variants. Yeah. ah Great. I am thrilled to report the variant hunt is over. Baby Hulk showed up. i I'm going to stop torturing myself with Hulk decks.
I have used eye roll. Iron Man ah couple times when people sassy Deadpooled me inappropriately. like those i was very clearly doing fire hair shenanigans. I don't um wasn't trying to win.
a I mean, I was trying to win, but I didn't because I didn't draw the nuts. like It had nothing to do with you. um lost, but it had nothing to do with you. It had to do with I didn't draw the perfect combo.
I don't always feel that way, but when I'm doing an explosive, stupid Clip Hunter combo, it's because I didn't draw my combo. um I have to report on Hulkling. I did it. I did the Lauren-specific homework, which was... i said if and if I get Hulkling from from Sanctum, then I'll i'll make a Hulkling deck and play it, and I did.
um This deck... My dog's asking me to go outside. We'll see if we can make it through this without interruption. um has a terrible name. ah it it's ah it's a casino deck. I pulled out something that I was i was playing this like January 2022, like when I was first getting into the game.
You know, we've got Lady Sif and Ghost Rider here to pull out some big stuff. We have Lockjaw to pull out some big stuff. um It was really fun. um Anyway, the first word was a Portman 2.
What's that? Oh, yeah. Lockjaw's a fun card, but much harder to He was a fun card. Yeah. Much harder to play it for. Is Lockjaw a fun card? don't know. Was a fun card.
Was Lockjaw a fun card? don't think I'd share that video. Man, my old staple deck way back in the day was it was like Lockjaw, Thor, Vision. I mean, this is all olden days.
When we walked up to Snap School. up Those the cards that went in that deck. It's true. I
Wasp! You would not play those combo of cards like anymore. said it is like It's heartbreaking when you put a bunch of cards into Lockjaw and what comes out is like the cards you just put in. It's like Wasp, Baku, Zabu. Great, that lane is toast. But I'll tell you, more often, you put a bunch of cards in and what comes out is...
hulkling infina like anyway here's the list wasp mbaku because that's like if you're gonna play mbaku in anything it's lockjaw right you throw him in there over and over again and then at the very end he fills the spot uh and there were like a couple games i won because of mbaku which is one of the funnest ways to win uh zabu sif dracula ghost rider lockjaw The flex spot is crossbones. I tried a bunch of stuff because this version of the deck has a really high curve, but this one was performing the best. I still don't love crossbones there, but there he is.
ah Vision, Jane Foster, of course. We want to pull out our wasp over and over again. And Hulkling and Infanat. Was Hulkling the best thing here? I would say most the time Giganto would probably have been better or or Magneto even. Yeah, Magneto. But when Hulkling is Doom, that's very cool.
Zola, very cool. um Those two were kind of just cool. I would say Leader was the only hit that just like won games. God is often good.
Yeah. gore gore's good too but also like if i'm dropping a ton of power already um but yeah you're right uh gore with 13 extra power i'm not upset about but leader i found to be the most swingy leader was when hulkling was like i won because of hulkling anyway fun card not a good card not reliable in any sense to deck build with and yeah yeah So I started with ah with a portmanteau of of gambling and M'Baku and Hulkling, and that came out as Gambolkling, and it looked like deep speech to me, so I ended it with Fittagen from Cthulhu lore. Anyway, ah that'll be in the show notes if you want to play my terrible deck.
um It's fun, though. It's really fun. Finally, my weekend snap, I got... surprise in the mail that I pre-ordered so long ago, I forgot what it was. The joys of ADHD. You can give gifts to yourself.
Um, it's a Marvel snap art book and it's really lovely. It's made by dark horse comics and, you know, just like a coffee table type book. And it has like 30 to 40 variants in there that aren't even in the data mines yet.
um This is a podcast, so I'm not going to show them to you. But there is lovely hood that I'm very excited for that comes with a custom token. Is it going to be an ultimate or a bundle? Probably. So hopefully not too expensive. But it has a gorgeous demon ah by Wild Blue Studios. And I am excited for that.
There's also a Maria Wolf Giganto, which I will get because I get all the Maria Wolfs. Unless it costs like $50 or more. Don't do that. Okay. Moving on to our new card this week, Firehair, a two three We've already talked about her because we all got her and played her because she seems so fun.
ah When

Firehair Card Discussion and Strategy

one of your cards is destroyed, this uses that card's on reveal. Did you play it? Did you love it? Was it as fun as you thought it would be?
i Yeah. no No, you go ahead, Vee. Okay, I was like, you kind of talked through, unless you had another firehair deck. and I mean, I got i got more firehair thoughts. yeah You're like, I got firehair decks for days. I'd like to hear yours.
um So I did. I tried to put together with Werewolf again, and Werewolf actually got cut from my Darkhawk deck. Maybe will try him again.
now, Gorgon? Clutch? Because originally I a Black Widow who also didn't make the cut. She's just like, what does she go with? Maybe I can figure out some kind of surfer thing with her. don't know.
She doesn't look quite right. That was one of the thoughts behind Gorgon. But, like, everyone's playing Hood, right? With fire. So Gorgon's pulling a lot of weight. And on top of all the, like, Kate Bishop still running around, just tons of, like, card gen, right? Like, just in all decks now.
So, you know. um Gorgon's in it, but my other two biggest fire hair hits are going to be Iceman and Korg.
um And then I messed around with Grandmaster. We ended up cut as well. Cassandra Nova, of course. I had a lot of overlap with your deck. I had a Killmonger, though.
Killmonger is another. One, I did put this in after Lauren talked about it last week. One of them did end up with Killmonger. and Okay, great. The second one happened with Killmonger instead of Carnage. Right? When you set up a Killmonger and like all the fire hairs happen at once, it is as glorious as we all imagined it last week.
So plus, once again, everyone's playing Firehair and everyone's playing Hood. So, you know, I got a lot of like when I forget to meet people, like I don't believe you's when I just lost Pryo, waited till they played their like four or five demons and then just Killmonger them all in one else.
I even played my own three demons after that. They deserve it. It feels like one those, like, you know, like, rat battles. Like, yeah. need a mic drop email. And then play your own demons. Like, not their demons, but you know.
Their strategy. It's just like... and ah Anyway. um So yeah, Killmonger is great. Some of the stack would would definitely change, I think, once the meta would. I mean, Killmonger is still good. He's still like an alternate way, because I also have Misery, obviously. That's like...
You know, chief way to trigger fire hair. um Red Guardian, I actually miseried a good number of times. You don't hate hitting them for minus two sometimes.
um and And then because it's like a ah Dark Hawk deck, rock slides in there, obviously. My last addition to the deck, um that was just an Iron Lad. Ireland does so much work because in this because I don't have anything else. I honestly hate running Mystique if she she's only got one target in the deck. I just won't do it.
So like for my replacement for Mystique is kind of Cassandra Nova because if I didn't get Cassandra Nova early in player and I'm getting late, but I got in like a bunch of rock slides and corgs that were replicated by fire here and stuff, Cassandra Nova can still be pretty big at the end of the game.
um you know well and Plus, if you filled their deck with that many rocks, they're not having a good time. But Iron Lad was key.
A lot of times, because there's not a lot of bad hits for Iron Lad in this deck. So that's one reason I thought of it. And it can make you hit that. like You need to you know hit the Dark Hawk, hit the Misery, um that kind of stuff. Hit the Killmonger.
and Good stuff. I love good Iron Lad. Um, so that was what, that was what I was running with. And Fire Heard to me, my experience with her felt like she is so, when you set her up properly, like, she feels so powerful.
But she's one of those where it's like, when you're deck building for her, you're all in on her. Like, you don't draw her every game. So, like, you know, you're still doing a lot of stuff to, like, get her big payoffs that, like,
you know, maybe is is a little less synergistic when you don't draw. mean, you know, it's just handy. yeah ah She's lot of fun, though. i She's so fun.
ah I had blast with her, but she fast forwards if you do anything too cool. Yeah. Fast forward is so heavy handed right now. And of course I'm trying to do cool stuff. i'm she's a She is a great card for doing some cool clips.
And I tried two different things. One of them was semi low hanging fruit. We're going to go Zola into Absman. So the Zola makes two fire hairs. Then you Absman the Zola. So then both your fire hairs are doing Zola things and it just panthers everywhere.
Funny you know You can see the setup and then you can see the aftermath and you're like, oh that's cool, but it like loses so much cool factor for like watching the fireworks happen.
And the other thing I tried was Destroyer, which is like, that's the other thing but besides Killmonger. If you want to proc a whole bunch of stuff all at once... And I was really silly. I was doing it with a unprocked Mystique on the board.
and then the last thing I would play was Colossus Destroyer so that when I destroyed Mystique, Firehair took Colossus's ability. Like, I don't know. yeah was No, I was trying to do a Mystique thing with the Darkhawk Ronin deck to trying to sometimes turn Firehair into, yeah, ah it it would have been cute.
but I never got it to really work, though. And it's pretty silly. Like, there are times when it is... maybe efficient because like it might be cheaper to destroy something at the end of the game than it is to play mystique.
Um, or ah you can certainly surprise your opponent that way, but mostly i just wanted to do something cool. And then fast forwarded too. And I was like, yeah, it works, but like, this isn't fun to watch. I'm not posting it anywhere.
on yeah so it's disappointing. I just like, and it's not just about making cool clips, which like, that's important, but it's also like, what did your opponent's MODOK discard?
What did Bullseye do? real There are practical reasons that, like, fast forward is too heavy-handed right now. a lot of stuff is weird. Like, the Yondu is weird now, because i I got really used to old Yondu animation. I mean, I think you touched on this last week, but now I am seeing it. <unk>s like It's like, I have to go into and look at Banish. I have to look at it?
yeah and i'm sure they'll oh I'm sure they'll fix that, but... um Also, I've heard maybe, i are there like bugs with fire hair that we know about?
is Yes. I feel like there's been some of that, and some of it has been hidden behind fast forwards. So like I've had board states that I didn't understand at the end, and I think they could be attributed to a bug, but like I'm not sure because I didn't actually see it happen. And like sometimes things happen that you don't understand, and like you know you you cry like foul play or whatever, but there's a perfectly reasonable explanation. happens most of time, yeah.
I kind of think that like there were some unexplained things that like did not add up at the end of some of these fast forwards. I've seen a couple that were like clearly wrong. And what's happening, at least in in the ones that I've seen, what's happening is fire hair gets destroyed in the chaos, but she keeps firing even after she's destroyed. Yeah. Like I would end up with like, there'll be a bunch of venoms and then they're all, everything is gone.
And it's like, ah that can't be right if fire hair is destroyed she shouldn't keep doing things um i will say if fire hair uses mystique's ability and takes an on ongoing ability she stops doing on reveals because her text changes like completely that's working um but yeah there's some some wild stuff um Oh, I saw everyone talking about the trick with, like, acid. If you acid arrow and destroy it, you can steal the fire hair. Killmonger somebody's acid arrow and their fire hair joins your side.
um Your fire hair's text box is being rewritten. Alright, it's a Bioshock. Thank you.
a game I've played, but of course a reference I don't pick up on because i'm just that's not that's not my skill set. um Did you all see the Galactus clip? It was staged. like I saw people really worried about this. Oh, the KM Best one? but yeah I guess people were freaking i only heard people talking about people freaking out, so like I don't know what the freaking out actually looked like. I saw some of it. People were like, I can't believe they didn't test for this. And I'm like...
do you know how hard it would be to reliably proc galactus in two lanes and one of them only has three power like like the edginess of this edge case is so extreme that like no i don't think they needed to test for this i don't think it's a bug and i don't think also it's not unintended that's how the cards work that's like what they do like this is just normal business as usual Anyway, if you haven't seen the clip, but there's a Galactus that pops off, which kills Galactus in the first lane.
So Firehair in the second lane pops off as Galactus, and you end up with all three locations destroyed. And it's beautiful. Yeah.
And it's a tie game if that happens anyway. Like, very, very hard to stage... on your own. But even if you did, you're not getting cubes from it. So, like, it's fine. It's the perfect way to tie.
Everyone loses! There's, like, no opportunity for abuse. Like, it just... It's it's fine. i don't know. which Which is already something Galactus does sometimes, right? Like, sometimes Galactus has an escape hatch, which is you know, altar of death or death's domain or or ah rickety bridge, where you play there, And and you're just going for the draw. yeah Because the tie is better than losing.
yeah I think it's totally fine, and I think it's an amazing interaction. um Overall, I think Firehair is decently strong. Mostly, I think she's she's more fun than she is good.
but i think she's going to be a lot better once Kid Omega shows up. Yeah. We have some Destroy cards coming up, and she's good in Destroy. like I saw people doing some clever Nimrod-y things, and she's...
I see people saying that she's good in Thor's and that's like the best they've had with fire hair. i just don't know if Thor's is good. Like, okay, being good in Thor's is cool, but like, is Thor's good enough? anyway at Anyway, I Anyway.
The Thor's are fun. Yeah, I would get the cardigan. I bet it's good. The people who are saying it's good, they they know it's good. So I know. Trustworthy. She's finally what makes Thor's real.
Thor's hasn't been real for a long time. Okay. Next week's card. Kongshu. A 6-5 with the longest text box in the game to date. By character count. I don't know by character width. I'm not not going to calculate that. um When discarded, returns in its next phase.
On reveal, resurrect a card you discarded to another location with its power set to 5. then of course, it you get the waxing version. It's a 6-8 with the same ability.
Sets the power to 8. And the final form is a 6-12 that sets the resurrected card to 12. Don't discard the 6-12 because he doesn't come back.
are you Are you getting it?
Definitely. You're definitely both getting it right. We both play enough discard. Yeah, and this will be a new archetype. Obviously, I started while I was ah in the ah the infrequent but ah blessed state of having finished the show notes more than like two minutes before we start.
i started putting together a little deck, and I thought about le um you know that The problem people get sometimes with this discard stuff is they get too quite far from discard. They think about all the possibilities of things they can resurrect.
and forget You have to have enough stuff that discards in there and that takes advantage of discard and you're not always going to you know, Khonshu or whatever. I think Ben was saying this about Hela, but like Morbius...
is a card ah that you used to not like Silver Samurai to discard from your hand. ah But like, right with Kanchu, it's like, that's fine. i mean, maybe yeah even even hit it with like a first Ghost Rider or something. And that's fine because Kanchu is going to rez it back at a set amount, right?
and um And wanted It's been a long time. my used to love... My first infinite month, my favorite deck I was playing was like a Black Bolt Stature Knight deal. And I miss them. So i what I want to try first, I think, is a Let's All Discard Together deck. You know?

Khonshu Card Excitement and Strategy

Throwing Fenros Wolf in there. We might try this new Black Cat. I did try to put together... a Smalls deck for her, like I had talked about, and, like, I didn't really believe in it. That's okay. I put this together, and like, this is a lesser deck, clearly, than other things I could do with this idea. so But, yeah, some Ghost Rider action.
And think about it. This is the kind where, like... Proxim is still good because you still want narrow your targets for Khonshu. You know what i mean? We're all discarding together. Maybe we res them back with a Fenris Wolf.
If Fenris Wolf isn't that great for this game, we don't mind him being a Khonshu target kind of stuff. So um that's kind of the direction I want to go I want to check out first with Khonshu.
Yeah, my first thought, the first four cards I'm going to put in the deck are Khonshu, the first Ghost Rider, Morbius, and Iron Man. that's ah Those are the four I'm going to start with, and then I'm going to see what happens on the collection screen.
i yeah I think he seems fun. I don't play a ton of discard, but i'm I'm interested, and also I don't have Scorn. Discard Curious? um Oh, you gotta get Scorn. Scorn is so much fun. Just a very fun card.
Oh, yeah. you don't You don't get two card weeks. I don't get two card weeks very often. This would have been a three card week for me if s Sanctum didn't give me Corvus. I want this to be a three key week for me. I don't have Scorn variants or Glade variants, and as you know, I play a fair share of discard.
Yeah. They're both decent variants, Scorn and Corvus Glaive. So those are the spotlight friends. um I should let you two talk about this card, but my understanding is that it's good. And Corvus is very good.
like No, I mean, talk about Scorn and Corvus. Oh, Scorn is super fun. Corvus, honestly, Corvus has, ah before Corvus came out, I thought Corvus was going to be one of my road dogs. I was like, is this the ramp card that I'm going to fall in love with? Because, like, I don't think we had, we didn't have ah Hope Summers yet, did we?
This was before Hope Summers. That's the chronology of things. month before. Yeah. yeah OK, so I was like, Corvus Glaive, this is going to be my ramp card, right? No, just like played it for like five seconds, decided I didn't like it. ah I was better off doing other things. I was having more fun generating extra energy by discarding x23, even if that's like not you know the most practical thing.
But at times, it has felt practical, and it has been cool and good and fun. And I just don't like Corvus very much. But people play him, and they have a good time. So he likes Corvus very much. I play him. play him a lot.
in ah Moon Knight Helicarrier deck, which is one of the places think he probably... Yeah, that's where he goes. He's great with Helicarrier. He's still amazing with Helicarrier. I've just never been a Helicarrier guy. Yeah, but I think he's one of those cards where his time will probably come around again, um like, sporadically, based on meta things.
Because, like, an extra energy is very powerful, you know what I mean? And as soon as the right conditions line up based on cards that are out in their current ah balanced states, there'll be another time where he'll feel OP.
And he is a 3-5. It's hard to keep a 3-5 down, you know? Yeah, Ben.
just, I'd never, like, I was never a Helicarrier discarder, so, like, it just never clicked with me. No, even when played, mocked him constantly, because he was always, you know, discarding cards I didn't want, so. That's the thing. I like the target. Targeted discard is so much better. Oh, man, I'm just, I'm a little more excited about...
Except for with Moon Knight. first Ghost Rider. Oh, man. ah I mean, these two cards in conjunction with each other are really, like, I'm just i'm excited to play them as as a unit, as I say. A bunch of unruly employees.
I'm sorry you're going to have a few days where Kone True's available, but not first Ghost Rider because the event's starting on Friday, not Tuesday. um can't believe we're already there. still in post-Synced. missing Synced.
yeah Next podcast is the one where we rank the April cards. um and I was sitting here... eyes glazing thinking about beautiful things to do with Kounshu, and I'm like, Wong, Grandmaster, like, that's a lot of power if you can pull it off.
Whatever, Lauren, you get these big discard eyes. I've seen it before in the podcast with Scorn and stuff, and you're like, the things I could do, but then do you take a bite?
yeah I haven't seen it yet. I tried Bullseye. He wasn't nearly as cool as I thought he was gonna be. um Yeah, I agree, though. Bullseye is just... Yeah.
yeah He's disappointing. There's just no opportunity for, like, you can't can't multiply it any interesting ways, is my feeling. you're You're never going to make a cool clip just afflicting everything with minus two once.
ah The Dokken stuff is probably the coolest in it, and it's fine and good. Like, don't get don't get me wrong, Bullseye is good. just he just wasn't nearly as fun as I thought he would be.
You had a comic where he used teeth as a weapon. They're like, ha ha, you have no weapon. Can't he turn anything into a weapon? I know, but it gross. I think Ultimates he flicked his fingernails at people after he was restrained. They're like, let's find the weirdest thing. don't like it. He uses weapons. I feel like Ultimates, they were very often just trying to prove how edgy they are.
Yeah. Like, yeah and been there and All right. The first Ghost Rider is the prize for high voltage, which starts on Friday.
ah going to last for a week. That's the game mode where there are only three turns, right? It's been a while since we've played it. um And you get a random amount of increased to your max energy every turn. was i I was conflating Hawkeye and Bullseye for a second.
they're They're kind of the same guy, right? Oh, was Hawkeye using teeth and Bullseye was using fingernails? Yeah, but bullsey Hawkeye was using his fingernails. Bullseye is the cereal. Still gross, even though he's the hero. No, but like is isn't he also the Dark Avengers, Hawkeye? Isn't isn't that the thing?
Yes. Yeah, I mean, but that's, you know, because that's the back. No, no their their moral compasses are differently aligned, but like ah their power sets are they they're basically reskins.
yeah disagree with that. Hake's power is that like he's got cute little arrows and you're just like, oh look how beat up he gets because he's not superhuman.
And Bullseye is like, what a psycho. don't know. Okay, anyway. I'm a big Daredevil fan.
We'll talk about high voltage in a sec. Let's talk about Ghost Rider first. The first Ghost Rider riding a mammoth. Very cool art anyway. A 2-5 on reveal. Discard the lowest power card from your hand.
Remove that card's power from this. We know that with negative cards it won't gain power.
um It's good, right? Targeted discard. You were just talking about it. I would like to pick what I discard. Thank you. yeah I like knowing. Yeah, I'll put him in the deck I just talked about. Like I said.
Res it with Kanshi, you don't care. like He's great. It's so easy to run next to Silver Samurai if you're already targeting low power stuff. I miss playing Silver Samurai. Just pitching gores and Iron Man. Or a 4-5.
Maybe sometimes you would rather play Ghost Rider even if you have them both on the same turn 4. Yeah. um mean i don't know what you're doing with your other two energy, but still
playing Morbius or something.
Yeah. It's a pretty exciting card. I mean, like, it's also a fairly straightforward card. ah It's big. And sometimes you'll have to discard a thing that makes it a little smaller.
And yeah it's probably fine. It's probably still good because you picked the thing that you discarded and you're probably okay with it in whatever circumstance you chose to do that. think he's going to end up being ah one of the better event cards. Oh, yeah. You're going to see a lot more of this this one than King E-Tree is my feeling. And ah Lasher, yeah.
Probably going to see more first Ghost Rider than King E-Tree and Lasher combined. I would agree with that. um Okay, high voltage. We've talked about it before. I think it's fun. i part ah Part of a new game mode coming out, is or like a temporary game mode, is like it's fun to explore the mode, right? and it's like I think this is part of the problem with that with game modes returning, is we've already explored it. We know what the mechanics are like.
The meta's already solved unless they change the ban list, which we we have no idea. Maybe they will and maybe they won't. We don't know if they're going they haven't said about the high voltage ban list.
I don't know. ah I said before, high voltage, the thing I like best about it is it makes it very easy to knock out alliance bounties. How much energy can you...
I'm just asking about this because i I was taking some screenshots on my phone last night when I was doing fire hair things, and I was like, have I ever seen this much energy in a game before?
you know You never get... How much energy do you ever see in in high voltage in a single turn? What's what's the the highest amount of energy they they show you? I forget. It'd be like an 18 if you rolled 666.
six Oh, okay. Well, then I guess... That's a bummer. Can't see it. How much did you get? 18. 18!
Yeah. that It was nor dimension. Nor dimension things and fire hair things. And I was like, I don't think I've ever seen 18 energy before. Time to make a fat sunspot.
um Oh, wow. Yeah, that that would have been the thing.
um I've seen i seen some big energy recently with people doing Bolts of Bulfak on ah Sinister, Bar Sinister.
You can end up with a lot of energy that way. um Oh, would it be fun to play? I mean, like, I was just thinking about this Noir Dimension nonsense I did. and And I realize we are we are so over talking about Firehair. Firehair is yesterday's news, last week's card.
um but yeah Would it be funny to play Psylocke in one of those decks? I also thought about doing a Wiccan thing in one of them. I was like, you know, this curve almost seems like I could maybe play Wiccan in it if I wanted.
Like, you know, like, it would be funny to, like, get a little extra juice. Are you destroying Wiccan? Yeah, i'm I'm talking about, like, cards that have on reveals that give you energy and then you destroy Yeah, it's extremely greedy. i'm I'm, like, I'm not saying it's practical. I'm saying, like, would it be fun? is there, is there? It would be fun.
don't know. But you have to do like Moon Girl She-Hulk or like Zola Sunspin. You have to do something to spend all that. No, I haven't figured out to what end we're doing this. This is this is a means. not yeah this This is just the journey. I have no destination in mind.
and Sorry. ah I support you doing things for fun. Okay. All right. Do things for fun and Snap. That's all I do.
Do you two have any ah any other high-voltage thoughts? Oh, high-voltage? I just hope it's like high-actual time. hate high-voltage. think it's not fun. We've all had enough grindy stuff lately, or at least I'm sure not everyone, but like, you know, I'm ready for like just some...
Some casual, yeah, knock it out and help with those lines, bounties. I was unfair. I mildly dislike high voltage. I'll play it and tolerate it and it'll be fine. I'm not going to be upset about it. It's just not exciting. I'll only be upset if they put the grind in it. If they decide to make it grind either. There is a way they could upset me with this.
i We'll see. We'll see what happens. Yeah, let's keep it light, please, after that ah i Sanctum grind, which I loved Sanctum, but also don't love... feeling like I could imagine that being nightmarish if I was having a different kind of experience there. yeah that That Sanctum grind could have been, I'm sure it was torturous for some players.
Right? And like, like ah but when that takes your snap time, it's like you can't do that or you can't catch up in Conquest. And if you're someone that normally gets all those rewards, now you feel like, you're behind.

Secret Homework: Designing Female Character Cards

On to our side quests. First up, Secret Homework. This week's Secret Homework was assigned by Ben. Take it away. Oh, great. Okay. Well, that should tell you about the quality of my secret homework that I'm turning in this week.
ah The assignment was to design a card based on any of these fine ah female presented characters from the first, well, from the second through fifth sets of Marvel Heroclix.
Um, and, uh, these, these sets came out between 2002 and 2004. And I'm just fascinated by like, which characters we cared about back then versus who we care about now.
What happened to these people? Do we still care about them? Are we going to get around to them eventually? Like, yeah, it's interesting how it cycles. Yeah, like, how are are these people on the scrap heap? Are they coming back?
I don't know. So I don't have the list in front of me right now, but there were like 15 names and they were, okay, now i've got the list. Spiral, Madam Mask, Boop Boop, Deathbird, Hepzibah, Mero, Calypso, Morgan Le Fay, Rinceth, Python, Callisto, Anaconda, Vindicator, Goblin Queen,
Destiny, Brood Queen, and Hellcat, and those last three we have already designed for cards for for previous secret homework assignments. The card I chose from that list was Callisto, ah sometimes the leader of the Morlocks.
I learned many more chapters of her later history that I had not read about, but yeah, the the Callisto I remember, ah you know, she... fought Storm and stuff and Storm was like hey Morlocks quit like abducting people and being fucking creeps and stuff ah is it was a great moment ah this one time I think she like tried to marry Angel or something it was the 90s I don't remember why does everyone be dating Angel mean he's very pretty I get it but like he's got wings it's pretty cool yeah a fly boy
um Anywho, the design i chose, my my understanding of the Morlocks between Leech and... I think I designed a location for them. In in my mind, they hate expensive cards because they're they're pretty and like they they just that they they hate all these presentable-ass expensive cards.
ah So Callisto's deal is... The stat line I ended up with was 4-6. Not sure I love it, but whatever. Cannot be played on turn 6. At the end of the game, destroy all cards here with the highest cost.
Ooh. Wait, I'm sorry. Wait one more time. Okay, Callisto. four six Cannot be played on turn 6. um So, like, I wanted to steal the text from Magic, but you can play Magic on turn six. It's just her ability doesn't work. But, no, Callisto can't be played on turn six.
But at the end of the game, destroy all cards here with the highest cost. And there's a fun little loophole for Limbo. Yeah, was going to I can play around seven. If Limbo happens, go ahead. Go ahead. Fucking snipe him on that last turn. It's ah yeah it's a special occasion. you earned it. Leafier, baby.
You know, like, just do it. ah So but that's my thought. You know, she's got a very, like, harsh sense of justice, ah does Callisto, at least at least in the appearances that I've read back in the day.
um Yeah, to just like, ah like ah yeah, yeah. this seems this felt This felt fitting to me that she would, like, myrtle-ize any pretties who wanted to wander into her territory.
That's my thing. like it a lot. I would definitely play them. This is fun. Okay. I chose Boom Boom for my card because she's one of those characters that I'd kind of seen around. And i'm like, she seems kind of cool. I'd like to know more.
And i thought I would use this as that opportunity. um i had Grand Ambitions when I started because... um My good friend Frank pointed out that she was in season two of X-Men Evolution.
you remember that old cartoon? I i do remember that old show. Yes. It was like, yeah, it was a bunch of them. Like they're in high school, like Rogue and Jean and Cyclops. um is kind of the deal. And i was like, I'm going to rewatch all of that show, which i it turns out I did not have time to. I watched most of the first step episode, one of which, okay, the best part, I think, honestly, a very little moment where Storm uses her ability to send a little cloud to like water all of her potted plants. And I was like, hmm...
I would totally... I know. I just want for, like, the background of my working, just, like, cozy X-Men scenes. Just, like, X-Men using their powers for, like, cozy abilities. that would be so relaxing.
Yes, please. Okay, anyway. but um So then I just watched a YouTube short that, like, had all of her, like, power uses together. And what I have learned about her is she is a very, know, lovely...
woman who is definitely about fun like unlike my usual experience of finding out about characters i'm interested in i don't know that i'd want to hang out with her like her ability is she has these like little she can make these little bombs that she throws which sounds really fun but like a lot of the way she likes to use it is pull pranks and my thoughts and pranks are that I do not find it fun to shame or humiliate other people.
So like, and I like the way she's, it's like, once she uses it to like blow the pants off these boys and it's like, they're just innocent basketball players. Like get like, sometimes there are villains that like deserve, you know, deserve some, some public shamery, but like. Deserve some pantsing.
Yeah, but not like random citizens, not bystanders. How is that fun? so anyway and that She's a little stinker.
think that's hilarious and fun and a good time to like upset and troll random people. And I was just like, oh no, I don't know that we would be friends.
Like this isn't how I use my time. I mean, we have things like video games and stuff and we want to slaughter people for no reason. so like, I, you know, I, anyway, it was just kind of disappointing for me. Cause usually I find out that they're very cool and I'm like, hea and this time I'm like,
You know, but like she can do her. That's cool. Not everyone has to be, you know, enjoyable for a respectable citizen to hang out with.
All right. So, sorry, the card based on all that, the card I thought I would make for her would be like a two, three. um And, i you know, into interesting, more to be explored subgenre of destroy move.
um When this moves, destroy a random card that costs three or less from the old location. Is the idea.
And that would be from either side. didn't want her to be. Because you can move one card around a lot. You know with a little effort. So I didn't want to make her OP. So I put it the three or less.
um And like both sides. i thought it fit her random nature. And it may not super powerful now. But you know. Could be. Yeah. you Do a lot of damage to some decks.
I don't know. uncaged spider-man 2099 yeah well caged in a different way aren't we all in cages though spider-like rage okay anyway uh i picked calypso who is different from callisto ah not a character i was familiar with but she she hung out with with craven and fought spider-man and daredevil um you're muted ben Maybe he knows he's muted.
um No, I don't think Ben knows. No, I was muted. Okay, so you're telling me that you're unfamiliar with Calypso, which means that you did not watch Kraven the Hunter now streaming on Netflix, capturing the hearts and minds of the nation, and definitely its film critics?
Oh, wow. Y'all y'all haven't y'all haven't seen Kraven yet? be real This movie is bonkers and Calypso is in it. Okay, I'll give it a walk. Because this one movie didn't succeed, we know that films that star men just no good.
yeah Nobody will watch it. That's the conclusion to Rob.
I'm still better about the old Halle Berry Catwoman. It's like, come on now, people. If I enjoyed Madam Web, and possibly did enjoy it because my expectations were properly set very low... I found Kraven the Hunter to be more entertaining than Madam Web.
But it's a matter of personal taste. course. I...
the i i I had more sympathy for Madam Web. I was like, how did we end up here, Madam Web? But like with Craven the Hunter, this was just like bad to sit. Like, I mean, not that there weren't bad decisions in Matt.
Yeah, I don't know. I was sort of rooting against this movie a little more than I i was for Madam Web. Madam Web seemed I felt bad for it, you know. But Craven the Hunter has too much confidence, and in my opinion, makes it easier to root against.
Right. I feel like as a comic fan, like both of these movies could be a good time for me at late night with a lack of sobriety, you know? yeah That's what I'm planning to watch.
With some friends. ah There are so many minor Spider-Man villains who get a little moment in this one. i like it. Our good friend, Professor Miles Warren, a.k.a. The Jackal, gets name-checked at least once.
As we know, half of the joy of watching a comics movie as a comics fan is playing, like, oh, it's this person, or oh, no, this was different. In the comics, it was like this. Everyone loves that.
Everybody loves it when you do that, absolutely.
Anyway, she's a ah voodoo high priestess. ah Fight Spider-Man and Daredevil. um I went for kind of an abstract take on her ability. but Partially because I thought it was a cool ability that doesn't exist in the game yet. and Anyway, um so she she makes zombies and stuff, but also she sacrificed her sister to get her powers, which is kind of messed up.
So, here's the Calypso I made. two one on reveal, merge the lowest power enemy card here with this. So say it's kind of abstract, because she's gaining power, she's draining the enemy, you know, ah moving power to your side, maybe like zombies or mind control, but not literally switching the card over.
um I like it. I'm rooting for more merge. Like, let me play more Penny Parker. I don't know. We currently don't have any way to merge with your opponent's cards to grab them.
So I thought that would be mean. But it's also kind of red guardian-y, which is why I put her stats so low, 2-1. Because if you merge something, you're taking away its ability.
Hmm... I always have a secret fantasy of turning my enemies into my friends. Like Steven Universe. Yeah, who doesn't want to that? Yeah. Or like the Age of Empires. Yeah, card that lets me live that out.
oh man in age of empires i would do that i would build armies of priests and just send them out and convert the normally i'm against proselytizing but it's just too fun to like be like no no your army is my army i religion harder than you well i mean all of these like computer games and stuff they're all about like rewarding you for doing the evil thing that has created the world that we now inhabit today. You know, like if it's like, yeah, if it's civilization, like, Oh, you better be getting your colonialism grind on. Uh, you, you, bet you better be perpetrating some, some sins of empire.
I live respectfully by building my culture and making my citizens happy. And eventually we go to space on our own work. Um, Unless someone from another nation threatens us. Sometimes you don't have a choice. Their entire country.
Okay, sorry. You're good. Next week's homework. i i This is semi-nebulous. Oh, I had it written down somewhere. There it is.
um I want to review your past card predictions. Just you know pick one that you were really wrong about and one that you were really right about. It'll be more interesting if it was one that you got and like you know being high on red Hulk is not as impressive as being high on cannonball uh for example oh can I can't even remember that far back you don't have to go that far back but I um want to hear like a like a call that you're proud of and a call where you were totally wrong you thought this card was going to be trash or excellent and it ended up being completely the opposite yeah okay
We have something else

Title Tussle Game Rules

for a secret. Nope. For side quest this week, we have title tussle five, um five till tussle.
You pronounce it five till tussle, but you spell it with a five replacing one of the S's. um If you haven't ah played this game with us before, I mix together actual titles in the game and fake titles and give them to Ben and Ri, and they have to distinguish which is which.
ah In this case, and the last few times we've played it, all of the real titles, or almost all of the real titles, are from the latest patch. So, there's always... Whoever wins getting a gets an imaginary tiara.
Mm-hmm. Yep. Ri has three. ben has one. If I remember correctly. you know it's the same tiara. no What, we gotta imagine a new T.I. every time?
What is this, Lauren? It's the same T.I. that goes back and forth. Yeah, we just reimagine it. Is that... Okay. It gets an extra point every time, though, right?
This is getting increasingly fancy. It gets stronger with each transition, yes. Yeah. I'm gonna give you a sense... I'm going to give you a set of three, just like in Marvel Snap with locations.
If you get two of them right, you win the set. Each title and each set is worth one point, and you can snap for doubling. Um...
It is possible for the entire set to be real or the entire set to be fake. Traditionally, this game has been 20 rounds today. We're taking it at an easy breezy 10. Who's going first?
I have a question. oh shoot. Are we still... I think in the past we've had like a 50-50 distribution of fake and real titles. Are we still with that?
It is approximately 50-50, but may or may not be perfectly 50-50. Okay. Okay. okay Yeah. It's hard because I don't want you to metagame, but also like you know if we know that more of them are real, then it's just safer to guess real.
Decide who's going first. Oh, Ben for sure. He already spoke. Ben it is. i do I do not plan ahead of time. I just have an odd player and an even player. So it's not like these are targeted at either of you.
Okay, Ben, here's the first set. I'm going to put it in the Discord. Speed carbon dating. Rock, paper, snap. Cave pixel collector.
Oh, is that like a cave painting? How do you... I mean like...
The thing about cave paintings is that traditionally, they're sort of affixed to the wall of a cavern. It's true. And collecting them is ah very difficult.
Hmm. Wow. ah Rock, paper, snap is like...
entirely inoffensive. It's such a nothing, such a, such a breath of old dust. Um, wow. ah speed carbon dating.
I mean, i guess there is sort of nominally some word play afoot here. um
a i I hope they're all fake, honestly. um But I bet... Let's go... You know what?
I'm going to guess that they're all real. Al. You going to snap on this?
Yes. Okay. ah Speed carbon dating is not real. I invented it, although I did. I was immensely inspired by a real title, Carbon Dating Champ. Oh, wow. That's...
the Worse? yeah Yeah, so much worse. Wow. yeah um Okay, so you got the set, you got two, but you lost one of them. So, ah that's ah two points doubled to four because of your snapping.
re here is your set.
By the eye of Agamotto, Domo Agamotto, Mr. Roboto, I spy with Agamotto's eye.
Oh, man. Okay.
Oh, man. I feel like Domo Agamotto, Mr. Robato. I feel like that is a fake title. And I think...
I honestly think these are all fake titles. I'm going the opposite of Ben. You're going snap on that? probably wrong. Yeah, just because it creates a nice symmetry, like Strangers on a Train. Okay, what? Haven't we already had all the the prehistoric Avengers titles? Weren't they added in a previous patch?
They just added Cave Pixel Collector. oh I guess they did.
I don't know, man. Okay, all fake. are you I feel like I'm wrong about one, but I don't know which one. Yes. Okay. ah You also get four points because ah By the Eye of Agamotto is real.
um Oh, really? Okay. Yeah, Domo Agamotto is by Brian Wood. Thank you. ah You'll notice this time there are fewer contributors. It's because I asked for help today. Okay. No, one our listeners.
I don't know, maybe maybe Ryan Wood is also a writer. And I Spy with Agamotto's Eye is mine to round out the set. Okay.
Ben. Set three. Anointed at random. Tamed at axe point. Lost at sea. Hmm.
Well, I read a graphic novel by that title. I recall thinking it was all right.
I have the the first two are giving me nothing. um Anointed at random. I mean, I guess that's like chosen and anointed or, you know, and not anointed.
somewhat synonymous in certain context tamed at x point i mean like
i bet that one's got to be real nobody's gonna make that up um Oh, I just had a nightmare that, like, I was forced to be in a very deep lake that had sharks. I'm very afraid of, like, the deep water.
Yeah, deep water's scary. Yeah, that's, uh... It's pretty terrifying. One of those fears that's, based on real danger. I'm gonna go, I'm I'm gonna go... real...
fake real
I think that the... Why why why is at capitalized in all of them? I try to be someone consistent. They know about like lowercase... like they you like i'm I'm looking up at by the eye of Agamotto. I guess the the listeners don't know about how these are...
I failed to do so, but I tried to capitalize every word to be consistent. The actual real titles in the game are extremely inconsistent. Some of them the title case. Some of them use all uppercase. Some of them use like only for the first word.
ah drives me nuts. um Anyway, so I think anointed at random is fake. Tamed at X point is real and lost at sea is real.
Snap on it. Fake real real snap. Oh my goodness. Well, you shouldn't have because this was correct. ah So that's a ah minus four. That's okay.
Anointed at random and tamed at axe point are both real. Of course, tamed at axe point is real. What the fuck does that mean? ah Lost at sea was mine. Again, just to round out the set.
Okay. Three.
Stegasorcerer Supreme. Terror of the skies. I know it's a silent P, but I wanted to make sure that the listeners could hear it. Mammoth Wrangler. Oh, I know why it's tamed at Axe Point.
Is there a reference? Yeah. I was like, I wonder, is that a reference to Terax the Tamer? and yeah, it probably is. Although I don't know if that thing he's holding is technically an axe, but yes, I think they're talking about Terax.
in It's not just the axe, that it's the Terax point. anyway Well, he's this dark side looking guy. Like, seriously, like, yeah but I'm gonna share this image for you. For everybody.
For the whole class. This guy. This guy.
Terax the Tamer.
Why is this so hard? my turn Is it my turn? Am I ruining everything? Okay, I say you keep going. i was Okay. um Okay, I feel... Wait.
Tell me that's not Darkseid, huh? It looks just like Darkseid. Although I would say that that's a halberd, not an axe. Yeah, exactly. It's not an axe. It's a halberd. It's a polearm. Yep.
But i think i think that's close enough for axe. You're telling me this is a Marvel dude? Yeah, that's a Marvel dude, right? know. I know.
Alright, it was worth. That very much is a rip-off. Okay. For mine, okay. Stegas Sorcerer Supreme, and this one I think is fake, because I know they have Tyrannosaur Supreme, because I actually for the first time like ever might buy a Conquest title.
just like I do love, I do also have a bucket list wish to travel the world and see all the best dinosaur recreations and skeletons and museums. Oh my gosh. Come out to Utah sometime. we have an amazing museum. Actually, we have a bunch, but there's one in particular that i love.
And it's fun to scare yourself with the big underwater ones because they don't exist anymore. So it's okay. Safe scary. Okay. Anyway. um So I fake. I don't think maybe they put both out, but someone might've made that up. It's similar my guess.
Terror the skies is like too good. i don't think it'd be real. And I love dinosaurs. So maybe that's skewing it, but I think that's fake. I do think mammoth wrangler is real.
Cause I don't know. and It just strikes me that way. Snapping on it. So I don't remember what I said for each line already. And don't feel confident. I don't think I'll snap.
Wait, no, did Ben snap the last time? I sure did. I lost four points on it. Then I'm also keeping the snap streak going and I will also snap Don't be the first person to not snap.
Okay, you got two them correct. Are we snap chicken? and yeah I think so. Stegasorcer Supreme is real. Okay, so they put both in the game. Why?
I'll probably get both just because the dinosaurs. The other thing that bothers me about it is I believe Tyrannosaurus Supreme spells it soar like dinosaur. I didn't swear And this one spells it sorcerer, which is entirely unsurprising. Why? No. And it's not consistent. don't like it. Terror of the Skies was my own invention. Mammoth Wrangler is real.
Have they never created like an alternate world fantasy? You need to keep your rules consistent or it makes your world unbelievable. Anyway, like, hello, people! Fantasy Building 101. Alright. Okay, Ben.
Self-published. Ain't I a thinker? Iceman, go brr. Brr.
Uh, you know what? They all sort of make sense. You know what I mean? Like, okay.

Fictional Characters Debate: Real or Fake?

and so I believe there's a, uh, the thinker, you know, isn't that, uh, is that, is that, is that Reed when he feels like being evil? Is that what you said?
are do I have, that's the maker. That's the maker. That's it. Well, the thinker is somebody else, right? Like there there's, there's a bench thinker. Uh, yes.
Other than the famous statue. Um, you know but, uh, I don't know. So yeah, I, I, I'm going to say they're all real and I'm going to snap on it.
Although Iceman Gober is probably too good and ah they it's probably fake. Actually, you know what? They're all real and I'm snapping on it.
ah Oh, you shouldn't have. it and They're all fake. Now I was just imagining this is why you take so long in your snap turns. You're like... like No, it's true. i like I drag the cards around to like all the places I could pop. Usually the first place I drag the cards to is not where I put them. it's I would play better if I played slower. For me, it's like the first thought that pops into my head, hit and turn, and if they take long enough and I think of something better in the it how often I do think of something better is like, I should really just play

Gameplay Strategy: Quick vs. Thoughtful Decisions

slower, but... Right?
I think the same thing, too! Did I change, though? No. Hey, their name was Please Play Fast, and, you know, I'm just and just people pleaser like that. If there was a mode you with shorter timers, I would play it almost exclusively.
um Give me Speed Snap. Anyway, self-published from Mod Supreme Models. Ain't I a thinker from Scott Denham fame. And Iceman Go Brrr by me.
ah Yours truly. three Wait, so did you say they were all real and they were all fake? i i said they all I thought they all seemed a little too good, but I thought they all might be real anyway. Oh, they've gotten good at tricking us. Oh, no. yeah The game almost doesn't work when it's... Also, I am fully... I'm in YOLO.
Let re... just stomp me. What? No! Not that that would have happened if I were trying harder. You can't just throw a game. Even if you're really behind in the board game, you must continue to play so that everyone else is a fair shot.
Alright. hey I don't want to win by eight. No, but i'm I'm just saying, like, I'm not gonna let it bother... I'm not gonna worry about it as as hard as I've worried about it in the past. I want this to be a joyful experience.
And, uh, you know, um I'm too blessed to be stressed. That's cool. Rhi, here's your sign.
Number one Avenger. Can I have your CL number? Vishanti, number four.
I mean, can I have your CL number? trying to say, because like you can see that, right? You can drop down, absolutely. can already see that. So like is what a facetious thing ask.
So does that make it more or less likely to be real? It's a good question. Um, I'm going to say it's fake, though, because, like, please say second dinner. You didn't do this to yourself. I get if they put it in before they added that, but come on now.
little self-respect. No, no, we've seen the titles. Some people might, like, take it out, actually, if, uh, just because maybe they had it in earlier, if circumstances change, they might adapt and, like,
They might revise something about their earlier intended output. I don't know. that's That's just what some people might do. but Some people. feel like number one Avenger...
is real because i feel like they are getting more into actually using just, like, Marvel terms with fewer, like, bullshittery around it.
So, like, just the number one in front of... So I think that's real now. So real fake, and then Vashanti, number four... gonna say fake.
I think, uh, I feel like I'm... I think I'm going to de-escalate the situation, though, and not snap. What?
I'm a big enough woman the first to This sounds like somebody safe.
that's what i I'm used to trash-talking board games and starting to carry into my snap experiences. okay it's It's going to be more entertaining that way. okay So you're you're not snapping?
No. Confirmed? Okay. That's a two-pointer. ah you The number one Avenger is real. Can I have your CL number is mine? and I knew that it didn't make any sense, I thought it kind of sounded like cell number, even though we don't call them cells anymore.
Vishanti number four is real. Because there are three Vashanti and you, the player, get to be self-proclaimed number four. Ben. BC me rolling.
BC. ah It's a living. Fire bad. Cards good. a Well, the first one's much too good. yeah The first one's much too good.
You know...
I'm saying fake, fake, real. Snapping? Snapping! Okay, that's four points.
BC Me Rolling is real! It's a Living is from Ryan Wood. Fire Bad Cards Good is real. ah They also have another BC one that I did not use. BC Ya Later is also real.
No. That one's not good. Not as good as BC Me Rolling. um Okay. Reset.
has comic Has cosmic pants needs belt. Healing from Fire Lord's autographed. I can't... I'm speaking so bad.
Herald of Goose. I love Herald of Goose. They want it, but like...
feel like that makes it less likely to be real. So automatically I'm going to say that one's fake. Someone cool probably made it up. um And then the other ones are tough. um
I kind of just want to say those are also fake, but I keep saying everything's fake. So I'm going to say those two are real, but I'm not going to snap because now I've, in my mind, I've morphed this into a tortoise in the hair kind of thing. And, you know, tortoise, as I recall, maybe won the race. So we're just going to take it slow and easy because they lack confidence in my own decision making.
Okay, that's it that's a two-pointer. They are all real. Harold of Goose actually is not from this ah patch. There are one or two that I pulled from older patches.
I'm going to get that. I'm going to it on squad small. one's cute. Okay. Ben. Oh, I'm glad you got this one. Not my circus. Not my Morlocks.
Don't talk to me or Isan ever again.
It's the adamantium claws for me.
ah You know, i don't think I'm cultured enough to appreciate these. ah that's That's what I think. You're not... You are definitely familiar with the don't talk to me or my son ever again, like, meme, right?
No. Oh, dang it! How are you... Like, you are also on the internet all the time. Okay, anyway. I don't even know where it started, but it's funny.
I mostly listen to podcasts. that's ah That's how I learn about things. That's entirely fair. Anyway, there is meme that is... All these visual are like lost on me. There is a meme. Don't talk to me or my son ever work again.
Can you describe it? Is there an associated image? What's the vibe? What's the energy?
mentioned a few weeks ago how I don't like vibe, and every episode I say vibe once.
I drive a vibe. that we should have a segment just like i i don't uh okay i'm gonna say i'm gonna say i'm gonna say fake fake fake and i'm snapping on it no actually you know what fake fake real and i'm snapping on it i do i do think i kind of think you're right i i Okay, and you're snapping. I think that's minus four.
um It would have been positive four. ah Don't talk to me or Isan ever again is real. And it's very good. um the other two are mine. Okay, final set for this mini session.
Tidal Tussle Five. fial tussle Godlike train wreck. Fast forward my life. Inevitable layoff.
These are really depressing to be honest. Kind of a downbeat, Lauren. I'm just saying. next time Next time I'll save the self-deprecating ones. I'll plug them earlier. so We can end on a high note.
You know they love them.
Yeah, that you're right. they
Inevitable layoff doesn't seem funny. It just seems sad to me. So i'm going to say hopefully that's fake. hate like. That make it more like. Oh, OK.
Just first instinct. Let's say fake. Fast forward my life. Let's say it's real. Depressing. like train wreck.
Also, it's just kind of like, you know how, like, have you seen this thing where they're, like, anti-memes now? Where people just post, like, normal, it's, like, meme format, but it's just, like, a normal thing, and it's, like...
It's just like the arc of art is like it's like the next movement just has to be the opposite. is And this feels like that's what these titles feel like to me. Anti-titles. just These are just adjective noun.
Like, what? Okay. um What did I already say? Okay, so an inevitable layoff was fake. First word my life is real. So we'll say godlike train wreck is real. Are you snapping?
Yes, because I'm so far ahead of Ben, I feel like it's fine.
Very consistent strategy. ah You get four points for that. um Godlike Trainwreck is real. Fast forward my life from Scott Denham. Inevitable layoff from Snap Judgment. Mod Supreme Models.
um And the final scores. Surprising. and i don't think there needs to be a drumroll or anything like that. Ben is at negative eight. Rhi is 16.

Community Engagement and Network Promotion

Rhi did not go negative on a single set. um I gave Ben a hobgoblin. That's why you're at negative eight. All right. right
If you like what you heard, You know, like, comment, subscribe, do all the things. I don't have the notes in front of me, which is fine because we want to keep this short anyway. For your sake, just go to the comments.
Go to YouTube if you want to leave comments there or Spotify. It's fine too, I guess. um We check them and share them with each other and it's great. ah We have a Discord. and we look at It's not, we don't own the Discord. It's Snap Judgments Discord, but we hang out there. We have our own channels there. You should come join.
It's a little bit tricky to get there, but it's great when you're there. So there instructions in the show notes or video description. There's a whole section for Ree's Comic Corner if you like talking about comics.
There's also channel for climb accountability if you want to, ah you know, be accountable to somebody when you're trying to climb and make better decisions with your snapping and retreating. Anyway.
Um, you find us on social media and stuff like that. Uh, if you want to hear our rankings for, and need to talk about snap judgments network. We are probably part of the snap judgments network where you can listen to other great shows like snap judgments.
That's why we're on their discord is because there's a whole podcast network. Um, that show comes out on Saturdays with pulse glazer and Roy and various guests from the community. Um, often cotton content creators, but I don't think always, uh,
If you want to hear our rankings for what's if, what if April season, I really struggle when I'm not reading this, tune in next week.
Yeah. Beautiful, glorious mess. Thanks for playing my game. Yeah. It's fun. It's always fun. Oh, goodness. I love the titles.

Game Difficulty and Comic Book Discussions

I mean, you didn't do that bad. Your score is bad, but if you actually looked at how many you got right and wrong, you didn't do that bad. It's okay.
It's title tussle. I mean, like... It's life or death. I already... I pre-absolved myself for losing real bad.
Good, good, good. Love to that. Bree, do you have any comic-y thoughts lately? I know the answer is always yes, but... Do you have anything you want to share with the class? um Yeah, always. What have you been reading lately?
talking about Storm is an interesting ah thing Because I've been trying to get... like Well, X-Men's always been a weaker, until recently, area of knowledge...
For me, I've tried to get into store multiple times over the years, and she's one of those characters who's always so different, always being kind of reinvented.
like there's you know in the Ultimate Universe, she's like this car thief. you know that that they, uh, joins the X-Men kind of from the streets, you know, at times she's been worshipped as a goddess. They had, like, a motorcycle, riding face for it. And, like, all of the solo titles I've gotten for have, like, just never really hit it for me.
And some of them really didn't, like, feel storm. And it's, like, She has a new ongoing um that I'm enjoying, which is one reason i'm thinking about it. Reclasing her iconic on reveal?
If only. Immediately she's like stripped. There's actually this really cool moment. I believe this was in the new a Storm title, if I'm not confusing with some of my other X-Men titles.
But like she's she's going... um she's She's got this problem where she's like you know like dying and stuff. So she goes to see this mutant doctor and he's like, no, I won't see an X-Men. And she's like, ah The bigotry, you know, she kind of has this line and about bigotry and he says like, oh no, it's not like, it's not you as a mutant because I'm a mutant and I serve mutants, specifically X-Men that I'm mad about. And the reason he's mad is because they didn't like donate more. like
Like, he's working like a free clinic to serve mutants and you guys are about mutant kind you're like the most powerful organization and how are you not like supporting...
this purely like humanitarian effort. And she's like, that's a good point. Very thoughtful. And digress. So that's part of the new ah storm ongoing that's going on. But looking at the past, it's like, she's just one of those.
This happens to multiple female characters. um where like sometimes they kind of get lost in this like they're just constantly being written rewritten and what's their personality it's not super established and i feel like with storm it's because like they gave her this kind of like she needs to be like this oracle wise woman figure right and that's not like a protagonist a figure that's a figure that like gives advice or like just displays power Yeah, right? It's hard to, like, also humanize, like, this kind of archetypal character. And we won't get in discussions where I feel like that, you know, it often can happen maybe with women like her and stuff like that. But, like, it's just, like, it's been an interesting conundrum to be, like, you know, like...
how do we make Storm both human and as cool as she is? Because I read run of hers um that humanized her very much. It made her fall for this who convinced her that, and I was like, what?
The Storm's too smart for this. This wouldn't be her. and don't know. It's like the problem of Storm. Maybe there's some really cool stuff from her way in the past that I haven't read. But the coolest stuff I've read from her was actually in Black Panther.
Where she gets to come in and be a cool character, you know? Like, I want her to be her own title holder, you know? not just, like, storm leader of X-Men. but like What did she do in the first episode of X-Men Evolution that you almost finished watching?
Oh, where she, like, yeah, that was the perfect video. Where she's, like, watering the plants with a little cloud. Is that she did in the first episode of X-Men Evolution that you almost finished watching? She's like, see, once again, she's almost, she's in, like, all the other characters get to be, like, young, like, in high school, going through the drama. because oh is she not? It honestly doesn't matter how old she is.
No, she's kind of like an aide, it seems like, to Professor X, you know, and kind of more of a chaperone type figure. And it's just like, yeah, I feel bad for her. And it's like, but when they try to break her out and, like, make her really different, um...
Okay, sorry. I'll save it for another time. but It's interesting that she can be so iconic, but have such like nebulous identity. Yeah, her her qualities are so up in the air. um I was wondering, anybody else want to watch the first episode of X-Men Evolution?
I want to watch I to all of it now, to be honest, the whole show, because I just... I know that it's not my way to assign any secret homework or anything. Wouldn't we all watch X-Men Evolution and came back next week and talked about it.
don't know. We can change the secret homework or somebody can use it next week. I'm just like, I saw was on Disney Plus and like, vaguely recall that show from my childhood.
I mean, like, was not my X-Men animated series, but, you know, whatever. Alright, I'm calling dibs on my next comics when I talk about Daredevil. Too many thoughts to share.
three assume we've already cut and this is no longer thing that people know about but I did read that you hadn't seen the most recent two seasons of What If that did not speak to me no I read that I felt betrayed. I know.
I live so far behind on TV. This is a betrayal on levels that no one has ever seen. almost told you guys before the podcast started and then we were starting like, it is fine. up pulled off.
It's a few way to work.