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Ep. 116 Aftermath - Bellum Draconis image

Ep. 116 Aftermath - Bellum Draconis

S2 E116 · The Fellowship of the Tabletop
36 Plays26 days ago

We join our group on the aftermath of the Desert Jewel Championships. 

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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade

Music kindly provided by Fesliyan Studios


Reflecting on Life and Mindfulness

As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, that I take a look at my life, and realize there's nothing left, because I've been, I've seen a blessing so long, but my mama thinks that my mind is gone, but I never trust a man who didn't deserve it, because you're like a punk, you know, that's unheard of. A better stop where you're walking, or you're talking, or you and your homies will be lined in chalk.

Welcome to the Fellowship of the Tabletop

Hello everyone, and welcome to this week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop, Bellum Draconis. We are a live play 5e D and&D podcast set in the Magical Homeward of Aerith, in the Kingdom of Drolak. Joining you for this week's episode, we have Daron who plays the High Elf Artificer, Raines Hidal. I am very much in a class case of emotion. Pooh Bear, who plays the human cleric, Emron. Hello listeners. We have the edgelord Callum, who plays the Warforged Artificer, Alpha.
hello neon who blows the eland waryra corpse next to corral and really
wherelu plays the dragonborn druid baal valcon winner of the games meat is murder My name is Mark, and I am playing the much maligned human bladesinger, Saphara Riva. And my last but my number's least is our executor of exhilaration, the enforcer of the eerie, the embodiment of excitement, Dungeon Master Danny. Eat more plants.
um The thrum, the thrum is the thrummer word.

Arena Battle with Chimeras

It could be. The thrumming of noise reverberates through the stands around the games as you hear the click clack of toes on wood as old girl returns to his seat, slack in hand and a very large pouch full of gold in his pocket. He holds the orb in front of himself and begins.
Doesn't he begin? Oh shit! I don't need help at all! I've not fucking been here for the last couple of sessions! is an oversight oh yeah I was just like, you you'll send out to someone else, won't you?
um This is as much of a clusterfuck as last time we did this. like Cast down, we need it we need a favour here. Okay, okay but he's ready, he's ready, he's ready. The clacking of toes diminishes and the sand and dust of the ah the arena begins to enter into our nostrils as a lone figure is stood standing. His toes are encased in shoe, unfortunately, and he stands proudly alone in the arena. Very fine leather shoes, I have you know, and I'll have you know that those chimera were fucking awesome. Anyway, so on our last episode, listeners, I think you'll find
that I decided to poke the object in the middle of the arena because why the fuck not? um And things got a bit interesting. Our intrepid heroes who accompanied his Royal Highness reigns had our fought the Chimera. Not one Chimera, not two Chimera, but three Chimera, which quite frankly, I think that's all the DM could fit in the arena with the amount of space allowed. He probably would have put more in if he wanted to.

Humor and Game Mechanics Discussion

So there we were, fighting the devilish chimera. I'm not going to reveal the identities of Rains' friends. We want to allow Rains to do that and allow the story to evolve for Baal's sake, rather than you know spoil it, even though Ian looks really shocked by that. Because the listeners already fucking know. yes will I'm not going to reveal what you already know. That's such a cast and line. Look, if you want to do this, you could do this yourself, but you know what? Fuck off.
Anyway, I'm sorry. and say Can I also just, I appreciate the fact that Karsten is talking to the characters because his perception is so high. He knows he's in a game. Karsten breaks the fourth wall. He's yeah that high. He's like D and&D Deadpool. That's what it is. The old girl does as well. old girls so Anyway, we're getting into mechanics here. Anyway, the Heroes, Reigns as well, he was there for a bit, fought the Chimera, Reigns becoming quite injured but saved. The Chimera defeated and our heroes received a summons from their masters and they had to leave. And so within this very arena, you can see this ladder and I'm going to leave now, leaving Reigns here while perhaps he does whatever happens. Oh yes, look, there are things falling from the sky. Goodbye listeners.
things, us, things. I like to think that... rain I'm not a thing. I like to think Rangers stood there watching Karsten talk to nothing. That's not canon. But in my mind, that'd be hilarious. Yeah. Sorry. Sorry. go
the john was the dead champion The Jewel of the Desert Champions has come to an explosive end, and Scorchhelm stands in awe. High

Aftermath of Battle: Loss and Victory

above the city, Baal the towering volcano Valkon stands victorious, alone in this floating arena that hovers a mile or so above the sands.
Exhausted but triumphant, Baal descends so slowly amidst waves of thunderous applause and this this explosive glow of fireworks filling the sky. Down below the battlefield tells a different tale. Raines, who is really just catching his best breath, recovering from and let's say a near-death encounter, watches as the dust settles. The skirmish almost claimed Raines' life, and were it not for a few brave friends, intervening
Well, it's best now that he is being re-united with Alpha. As Alpha, you now begin to slowly descend upon the ground. The lifeless form of Rurik Ironforge, that once brilliant, imposing, dwarven, artificial lies cold on that arena floor, and a bit flatter than he was before.
nearby nix let's call him nix the undying correll now spared from death by this mysterious light that that seemed to leave the body of marota broken tusk who now finds you see is just a pile of ash ses who struck the final blow and some will whisper was really the champion of this tournament stands alongside Emron, each one taking in the gravity of the battle they just fought. As the crowd cheers, echo and reverberate in the distance around you, the weight of loss and victory, and the mysteries of of life and death in this moment press upon you.
All but Baal, who's still descending, and it will take some time, Baal, for this arena to sort of reset. The five of you stand waiting for your champion to return.

Nyx's Emotional Revival and Marota's Sacrifice

Questions surely lingering in the air. Which prize will Baal claim? As if that isn't already pretty much set in stone. And what unseen forces have intervened in Nyx's death yet again?
What will you five do now? Bao, feel free to go ahead and take a short rest because it's going to take a while for this platform to sort of descend and you cannot exit from it at the moment. awesome Thank you. What will you five do? who like go Oh yeah um my God. God. Whoa, whoa, whoa. What happened? What happened? Oh God. Anyone?
Anyone here? Seth's gonna punch him in the face.
Right, legit. I think he's the undead. like I was ah bracing for me to get KO'd. Yeah, that's a 22. Yeah, I'm down. Nick's, in fact, you are very much up. You are level six.
Oh shit. You are full of vigor. You are the best you have ever felt. Fuck. And your dexterity has gone up by two points. As you feel lighter on your feet, you feel slightly stronger. Oh God. Um, so many things are circling through Nick's brain.
on a player's side, it is worried that this has something to do with Marota's death and the spider who swims. So I guess from Nick's point of view, was he aware that he kicked the pocket? No idea what's happened. Yeah, you've took your last breath, do you know that? Yep. And you have no idea why you feel amazing, and this clearly isn't the afterlife, as far as you can tell. By the way, Mark, that Seth, sorry, that Fullon hits.
Two points of damage and when he gets his chance, he's going to just go again because you should be alive. Hey, why, why, why are we punching me? Why are we punching me? Raines are going to intervene and stop Seth. No, I'm just going to try and fight against him. I'm going to, I'm going to, I'm going to slow this down. I'm going to slow this down. Raines, what are you doing?
As soon as he stops between Seth, he's going to then just look at Nyx and just with a sorrowful look on his face, because Reigns obviously saw Marota hit the deck as well. It's just going to give a very sorrowful nod towards the wit that remains of the same Marota's body is gone, but he's going to give her... She's gone, Nyx.
as yeah Sorry, there's a lot going on. ah You fell. Marrola behind you. You died. There was a glow from both you and Marrola. No. You're here and she's gone. No, no, no, no, no, no.
Uh, sorry Nix, I wish I could tell you different. No, no, this isn't happening. and This is not happening. Wha- Why? Oh.
fuck Next is gonna depending on what sets during cuz I realized that we stopped that though. Good good question Seth in response to their rains is intervention. When everyone you're nearby is there anything you two are doing.
um good ah I'm going to go up my early substitute to walk over to the pile of ash and remember it was last known place. and it is But unless I get stopped, that's why that's why I'm like, and sense that's if you if you see him turn away, he's not going to punch me in the back of the head. He's not M1, so he's going to.
i I punch Seth.
Seth's going to storm off off off off ah away, away, away, not just to the edge. He's gone. He's just... yes so You're you're in this ah on this arena floor that is sort of repairing. yeah You can get like 60 feet in every direction, but there's no way of leaving. You could easily distance yourself from this group.
you're in like a bowl and it's sort of slowly reshaping again. um Yeah, he'll go to the edge and sit down and back against, back to the group and just, um ah he's very empty of everything and um yeah, he's moving himself away too. I can't be involved in in this.
and Cool. So with that space, Nix would go over to where Raines pointed at the pile of ash and Nix would get down on his knees and just kind of still shaking his head. And his mind is a mixture of everything, emotions, shock. ah He's feeling strong, sad. Confusion is the big one and he's just, he's not going to grab the ash.
But he's just there and he's like, no, no, no, this this isn't this isn't real. This can't be happening. Is there anything we can do? anything Is there anything we can do? Rains will walk over and just put his hand on Nick's shoulder and kneel beside him and say, I really am sorry. What? How? What happened? I know you said, I'm sorry, I just haven't taken all this in. ah Why is she dead? How is she dead?
You must have I don't know what you know felt next but you died first you hit the deck Then she did She had that this glow. I want close enough to say any more than that And She Vanished rains will pick up the whip at this point Save for this and just hold it out towards Nick and As you go to reach for the whip, there is just this blade, not this blade, but this cane that whips your hand away, not aggressively, just, ah, ah, ah.
And you see the games master, prego the majestic, above you. Cool. If you will, don't mind. Rains. Nix will... There's a few way back when ah we were dealing with Baal's mother. Prago was the one who sent and told the group that Marota was the one... He was the reason why he sent Marota away. Sent Marota away. And since then, Nix has harbored some fucking ill world to him. I believe the last words were, I will kill you.
um So, given that his heightened confused state and mixed emotion and Prago being there at the foot of Marota's would-be grave, Nix is going to flare in anger and stand straight up and he's going to grab him round the throat. Okay. Is this you? Is this because of you? Is this you? Is this your dealings?
Reigns will try to intervene. Not this way, Nix, come on. Let him go now. Remember what he did to Elph. I need to hear him speak. What's going on? Get her back. Prager makes no effort to push you away, to contest the strangulation of a mind with one's strength. Just stands there and allows you to grapple his throat. ran But it doesn't smile in a snarky way like he has been used to. look Looks upset, looks sad.
and just lets you lets you do this. Okay, so as as he's letting me, there's one hand on the scruff of his collar and the other hand it starts to beat against his chest. This is your fault! Everything you're doing, manipulation, you're treating us like puppets, get her back!
when the beating starts, that's when Alpha's going to try and jump in as well. He'd seen one felt firsthand what happens when you mess with Prego and he's not going to want that for Nick. So there's probably a couple of punches that Nick's will get in before Alpha gets the chance to intervene, but I'm going to try and hold back the fist. ah Go ahead and and attempt to grapple Nick's then.
And you can make acrobatics or athletics check. Please make sure you're adding a plus one if you choose acrobatics now. Okay. ah
Let's go for acrobatics. Cool. yeah If your decks increases, actually I think you're going to plus three now, by the way. That's ah

Prago and Nyx's Confrontation and Breakdown

that's a healthy seven. okay was' I rolled a four.
Nice, I'll break through and keep you on the guy. You break through. I get knocked on the... Nix, please stop. This asshole has a lot to answer for. Why are you not talking?
What's your role in all of this? It still doesn't smirk like he has been so used to doing at this point. Just holds your gaze. I have access to spell slots. I rinse through them from the. You are fully recovered, fully operational, a level higher. Cool. I'm going to ah detect thoughts. i'm I'm going straight in as well. No fucking surface level. I'm going all in on this bad boy. Bite the pillow, Prego. Bite it. I can't detect thoughts.
Why not? Because I took it off. Unless it's part of my features and traits, but I don't think it is. You're packed? Is there anything to do with your um warlock? No, I rearranged my spells because we were going through a fucking life or death situation. No, you haven't got it. Yeah, I got nothing. I got no and ah got nothing. Nothing on this guy.
Give me some answers! Please! She was my best friend! The... Just... No, this cannot... There's gotta be some way. Why? Why are you just... AHHH! And with that outburst of... harness, there's gonna be hellish rebuke. No damage has been done to you.
You've not cast it, can I? No, there's nothing. this I just, he's, he's just way shocking grasping. Nah, he's, he's not, he's, so he's not of mine. He's trying to detect thoughts. He doesn't have it. He's trying to hellish rebuke. It doesn't happen. He just collapses on his knees, still feebly punching his knee. Why, why is this happening? Raines will look at prego with one mix does that. And he'll just go where the fucks are egg.
He'll take time before he turns to you, Reigns, and we'll just read every emotion that Nix is needing to feel and is sharing with Prago. Say nothing, keep eye contact, very rarely blinking. And then we'll just turn to you, Reigns. You are not the victor. The victor chooses the prize.
Okay, cool. The victor will choose the egg. I'm fairly confident about that. Oh, and also, just in case you can't tell by all the corpses behind you, you had quite a severe security breach before you were up there. No. That's so.
The games that you were involved in ended, so did our protection. When in the relic. Huh.

The Pact and its Consequences

Nix is just sobbing on the floor now. im When Prago turned, he's just sobbing ah by the ash of Marota at the feet of Prago. It's a very pathetic sight.
After a few moments of this, Prago will offer you a handkerchief from his cuff, immaculately clean.
but Nix would push it away, just fuck off! And just carry on, just sobbing, he's got nothing. I've got nothing left! She gave her life for you.
She made a pact. Much like, and it's just gonna look, doesn't spot Seth, then sees Seth um and by himself about 60 feet away.
others have done. But she didn't make it with me.
Nick's hand, as soon as he said the words, she gave your life for yours, she made a pact. Nick's hand had gone to the sheath of, I want to say the blade's called Moonlight, um as if he was going to with withdraw. But it holds on that latest revelation.
What do you mean, not with you? This is not your friend as you left her.
When I first introduced myself to you all, and when she came looking for me, she found my brother. And my brother locked her in a prison for 40 years.
Her mind was altered.
but huh i The details are difficult to explain. It didn't happen on this plane. I'm gonna skip some details, they're irrelevant. But can I get her back? I'm afraid not.
She made a deal while she still knew you. When it was clear, she was not going to see you again for a long time. And that pact was, if anything happened to you, she would give her strength and her life to prevent it. Just you, Nyx Carell. How poetic nightmare that it happened while you were together.
Yeah. Fucking. Great. Poetry. Oh my god. ah
Where can I find your brother? Hmm.

Hope of Afterlife Retrieval

It is not possible. Fuck that, anything's possible. I'm here! Where can I find your brother?
We do not need to darken said times more than they have. Lots have died today. Those who chose to enter bloody did, knowing there was a chance of this. This is a day of celebration. Your ally has bested the best of them. It is time to celebrate, no?
Next doesn't give a response, just looks at the ash. Yeah, Rains also won't respond to that. He's going to turn, go grab the Adam Antion chest plate, and just summon the suit back to him. And he's just going to glance up at the arena and try and see if the Shadow Mendian delegate is still there. Make a perception check.
Can't see him. The banners are still there, um but it's impossible to pick them out of that crowd. The perception is changed is like returning to normal. So before it was like that sinking bowl, it is now ascending back again. So you are you are looking towards something that's slowly heading in your direction, but with a six, there's there's no way you're making that out. I'll then go to the body of Kedark and just kick it over and be like,
fuck are you still alive? um How the fuck did you come back and are you dead again? And I'm going to start pulling the part. Just seeing what I can find on it. Okay. Yeah. Takes a couple of minutes. He's not wearing an awful lot. It's just sort of traveling clothes and light leather armor. Nothing on his person saved for 45 gold pieces. ah A potion of healing and a plus one scimitar.
That is all. No documentation, nothing like that.
As he does say, Reigns will just kick his face over in the direction of Emrom. And without saying anything, we'll go, fuck, did that motherfucker come back just to die again? So, while everything's been going on, Emrom was stood watching um Prago speak and watching um Nick sort of wailing and knowing that sort of trying to sort of do anything to prego is probably unwise given what um what alpha went through. um
And as then, Nix is searching through stuff, and one's actually leaning beside Nix, and he's just carefully collecting up rotors ash and putting it into a small pouch quite carefully. um You notice in the action, takes it takes a little while to sort of scoop that into a small pouch.
While you're doing it, there are about a dozen spiders that are taking singular grains away as well. And you can shoe some of them, but it's just too much for you to be able to make sure you're catching every single piece of those ashes. And time um and sort of, and everyone's going to sort of, with Nyx, beside him go, sort of quietly go, don't worry, Nyx. There are things we can do. There are ways we can try and get her back.
And then he's gonna... Sorry, keep going. You go on. Really? And there's a... Imagine...
puffy eyes from mass amount of crying suddenly looking up at you, but they're still wet. So they're glistening, but there's that glimmer of hope wide in his eyes. Yeah. I've, I've, I mean, I've, I've heard of, there's a power. There are powers out there that can bring people back from the dead. They don't need a body. And you know, everyone, you're beginning to hear in your mind,
Prago's voice, but it's clear that Prago isn't looking your way. In fact, Prago's elsewhere now, casting spells that are sort of making this look like a red carpet ceremony almost. There is a carpet being laid out. There is like tables of cornucopias of fruits and that sort of thing. And he's very much conjuring the scene. And while he is, you're just hearing in your mind, do not give him hope. She will not willingly return.
she willingly forfeit her life. And if, you know, she don't want to come back because these spells do need her to want to combat me. Why wouldn't she want to come back? I don't know. We could always go and try and find her. There are ways to go to where people go after they die. I mean, it's fucking dangerous as far as I'm aware, but there are ways of doing it.
There are stories of folk who apparently have gone to the underworld or gone to the afterlife. So it's doable. We could find her if we wanted to, if she wanted to come back. She's not beyond reach. Might be hard.
Nick's attention will turn back down to the ground and he spots all the spiders as taken pieces of Murat as Ash. There's a darkness that kind of scowls his um his features.

Emotional Reflection and Leveling Up

Maybe I can find someone a way to talk to her. Oh, we can do it together, mate. There are ways of doing it. There are people who can speak to the those that have passed and we can try and communicate. And if we need to, if she wants to come back, we can do everything we can. But with these things, they have to want to come back. You know that, right? I don't have a clue, Emron. I know. I don't know what's going on.
Neither do we. You were dead mate. You were and dead and done. I know, but that was my choice. I just, I can't, I'm spiraling. Okay. I can't.
We'll deal with this.
We'll sort it out. We'll put a plan together. We've got friends now. It's not just us anymore. There are others who can help us.
The watch, they can help. I love that. I know. Not like that, but you know, it's just... Oh, this is so messed up.
And everyone's going to look over of his shoulder because he's heard, um, Raines say something. Everyone's just going to put a hand on, on Nix's shoulder. Sorry, Raines. What was that? ah And Raines will just say towards everyone, Keelok's dead again, but the bigger problem was he was alive again today. He's going to look around. What the fuck happened down here, mate?
That's the question I've got for someone up there. And Raines will point to the descending dock. And he's going to go over to one of the guards. There isn't any, you are alone in a bowl. Sorry, I mean one of the corpses of the mercenaries. And he's going to inspect the tabard to see if this star that's aligned with the with the sphinxes of Chatham end.
to just see if he can if he recognizes the star, what it means, if it's any kind of, or is it just a sign of this military ah mercenary insignia? Yeah, this that's the the sort of heraldry of the Kalvashari, calvashari that the sort of most notorious mercenary group that that hails from Shadowman.
Raines will rip the tabob off, he's going to wrap it round the scimitar plus one, he's going to go over to the nearest lion's head on one of the big ass chimeras and he's just going to stab the scimitar into it with this tabob arm head and he's just staring at this shadow mendian insignia that he's descending.
and in from the crowd above. So as the crowds get closer, Reigns is just now one foot on the head of this, he goes for the dragon's head, on this dragon's head, and there's scimitar in it with this insignia of these mercenaries wrapped around it, just pierced through it. He's just staring with daggers at this descending platform.
And Descend, this platform does, but not as quick as the arena that this bowl you're in, it sort of has um broken earth that's slowly mending.
and allow you all to take a short rest now. In that time, Nix, it would be appropriate for you to decide what the heck you're doing with your with your level six level up. Irrelevant of what's happening, your dexterity is permanently increased by one. So just add that that in.
Can I check yours is not rains you need a long rest this this is a magical means of why acceleration yeah yeah so ah about that now talking as Ian I assume my level up came from the death of a rotor and the spider who swims infuse me with more power cool so with that in mind.
uh my because obviously i'm a warlock slash sorcerer and if you will the warlock is the spider god and the sorcerer is more sexy long toes so In this instance, because the power came from the warlock side of me, that's the level that I'm going to be taken. So it'll be warlock four and sorcerer two. Okay. Um, there we go. I'm going to click through it now. Yeah. Cool. So I'll allow the rest of you to take short rests. Um, so please make a note. I think some of you has spent hit die since the last short rest. So please just locate the hit die you had spent at that point.
But Baal, in the time that you've been resting, what's in this isolation of just like the occasional firework you you you hear, is there anything you were doing in this time whilst resting?
um So the last thing by in his mind has happened is ah he was basically saved by Emron, found out that Nyx had been blasted off to his death and was pretty much carried to victory by the rest of them. There's no joy ah really in his victory here.
there is Obviously, there's going to be that that that determination for the prize that that the whole reason that he was there for, ah but it's arguably outweighed currently by grief. um So all he's going to be doing as he realizes that it's just a very slow descent is right in the center of that arena that was a mile in the sky.
um He is just kind of sat there at the moment, his wildfire spirit kind of circling almost ferret-like around his body. And when the hour dissipates for that, which will be before probably he gets to the ground, he is going to use a ah wild shape action to resummon it literally on himself as a kind of explosion there. And he's just going to be sitting with his with his own thoughts, not triumphant.
um I don't think he'd be doing anything else. He's just in grief waiting exactly.
And nothing nothing really comes to you in that time. It's a really lonely hour it takes to to get back to ground.

Hero's Welcome and Mixed Emotions

At any point before you hit the ground are you tempted to sort of peer over the side and and see? Is it those that you can't bring yourself to even um look at the idea of what happened to your friends that fell?
Because he knows that the guys kind of when they gifted him the victory, their intention was to kind of feather fall down. He knows that they'll most likely be safe down there. um No, I don't think he'd look over the side. I don't think he would because he he is already in fear of what he would see. um He's already in his mind's eye.
pictured what he would see down there, which I know above the table is completely different to what he's imagining, but yeah, that's not a scene that he wants to see before there's anything to tell him about it. Then in which case you descend for 45 minutes and you're in that hemisphere, that's the right term, you're in that layer now where you're inside the dome shape of the Coliseum and you're seeing the top layer of the crowd, the second layer of the crowd slowly descending in.
And that applause is getting greater and greater. There are certain people in the stands that are casting the sort of major image and projecting you on the sky as the fireworks continue to erupt.
The stadium hasn't emptied in any capacity. This is this is like um the the World Cup finale and everyone is just waiting to see the person lift the trophy at the end. And as you slowly make contact back on that clay colosseum floor and you look up to your friends, you see Emron, you see Alpha, you see Reigns, you see Seth,
And you see Nyx stood, however you five are standing, waiting for you. And that blue ah ring that has been the force, the force feels that has manipulated um gravity almost dissipates. And this warm air just fills your lungs again. What do you all do in that moment?
I think that'll be all have been stood up as the, as the kind of the last little bit descent is coming in as the crowds are theyre kind of roaring and things like that. And he's like, like exactly the same as he was before, but the moment it touches down, the moment he kind of locks eyes on the group and certainly the moment he sees Nick's there is just going to be full bewilderment. And he's just going to be staring at Emron and Seth as well. Cause they're the people that basically told him the news of nix's death and he's just kind of this grief kind of lesson somewhat is mixed with concern he knows what bloody means you can't be resurrected in this arena that that was the whole thing that it's just kind of complete confusion complete bewilderment um but his eyes are kind of flicking back and forth and back and forth and he's just kind of standing there a little bit confused a little bit of gape uh i think he just stand there like almost bewildered a little bit longer as well depending on what other people are going to do
and the rest of the party. I like that maybe there was a subtle hip wave from Nyx there, but that might have been Ian performing. That was me. Nyx is a broken shell of a tiefling. He is ah kind of dull. His senses are dull. His vision's blurry. He's not really taking in what's in front of him. He's still trying to process what's going on around. So for your benefit, well, he's just kind of in this muted ah state.
ah not even really clocking that you're here. But also from your point of view, he doesn't look injured. He doesn't look harmed. He looks lot sad and he you can tell he's been crying, his puffy eyes. Other than that, he looks fucking great. I do say so myself. There is deafening cheering. like You'd have to be 10 centimeters from each other and shouting to hear what each other have to say. like audible range doesn't really exist here. And Balaziv sort of descended and that force field has gone and everything is sort of, in terms of physics back to normal again, that royal circle of sort of VIPs has sort of been descended into the arena and there are now like 60 people fanning in.

Contemplating the Future

Rains, you're looking for one person in particular, not there. There is there is no one with Shadowman territory.
and There's no one of Dashkal Rai Heradry. In fact, there is very few Easterners that still i exist ah from that. As I imagine you're avidly studying for that moment, really. Yeah, as soon as rain sees that, he'll pull the scimitar out of the creature's head. and like Oh yeah, and Baal, this is the other weird thing. There are three dead, large chimeras scattered around the floor. oh yeah Welcome back.
wait Frego has sort of dusted them to one side and there is this beautiful red carpet banquet and they're the the competitors who did compete that weren't bloodied or those that were bloodied but stepped out voluntarily. They are sort of fanning in and and they're having some like light buffets, people are drinking, that sort of thing. um But yeah, just just a one side of this this sort of 120 foot dome, there is this three corpses of of these nine headed
Six-winged, three-tailed beasts.
Normally have to pay extra for that kind of a... But I will approach the the group definitely. um Probably not straight to Nick's. though. He would probably go to Emron first. Is Seth still kind of petulant-childing elsewhere? Snoping in the corner? Yeah, he is, yeah. Cool. At this point, Seth, there are about 120 people around you, so it's the way that you sort of... Blending to the crowd, hood up maybe, and just quietly watching from the outside in.
In which case, it's definitely heading over to to Emron. And he's just going to say, is he an illusion? Is that real? What the fuck? Emron's got up and is leaving Nick sort of with the spiders and the bits of ashes that Emron hasn't collected up. he's He's got what he needs now to for what he wants to be able to do in the future. um He's now got his grave ash. No, um he's got his...
yeah my love ah girl I'm here deep in fucking character changing, levelling up and I just hear. ah play i Well played. Throw my dead friend out there when you make a spell. so I'm joking, but that'll be funny. No, um he's put that aside. That's not any small component patch. He goes over too well.
It's him. He was dead. Deader than death. You can't bring him back. We didn't.
Marotta, when she hit the ground, because she was dead before she hit the ground, um some weird fucking shit's happened.
Like she started to glow and then the glow went on to Nyx and then Nyx is alive and she's a pal of Ash, but don't worry, I've got her in a bag so we could do some stuff. Later. Do some blow. We still do a line of my motor. Oh, this is going to be some, cut it with some Peltran side off. Oh shit. Is it, is the ash orange? is People are like, do you want to have a snort of the valkyrie? I saw that for millions. This stuff gives you wings. oh Oh, Mark, you've been away for like two minutes, but... ah Anyway, I know. i'm Sorry. Back in the room. Yeah. ah I just going to kind of, again, look over at Nick's in whatever state he's in, kind of take that in, take a moment, take a breath.
nod. He's not going to smile, but you're going to see the grief somewhat recede. And that's when he's going to start taking in the the rest of what's there. Fucking what? What the fuck are those? This is is this something for the arena. the ah No idea about that. I might have talked to Reins about that. Something happened while we were up there. That sounds like a Reins thing. ah You know, the the assassin that we killed in the desert. He came back apparently. Nix was kicking his body over there.
i so I don't know, honestly. Apparently all of this hoo-ha is for you because you won. um Seth and I came joint second, don't worry, it's fine.
um But you won. You get to claim your prize. Prager has made it very clear that you get to choose your prize. And I will say this quietly. I know that there's a big hubbub going on as well, quietly, but an old loud enough for Emron to hear. And I will just say, I didn't win, Emron. I was the last one left. And he's going to put a hand on your shoulder with that and kind of just stare and try a little bit and just give you kind of a nod.
And I'm going to play go yes sir and when i'll put his hand on on the shoulder to to to in so of reciprocate.
and Umber will turn back and try to scout out Prago. Prago is walking towards you really at this point with a goblet in hand and and as that extra is a bit fair distance as that's walking past Seth you just feel someone brush up against your shoulder and also like um I'm imagining you're sort of leaning against the furthest point you could possibly get away from from your friends looking at the scene but just being isolated and this this individual of kriscra head to toe helmet on to perches against the wall next to you and hands you a coin purse what the fuck is this we had a long standing bounty
Unofficially for the Valkyrie, as she calls herself, her head. Thank you. This is yours. And she just pushes herself off the wall. She walks with this stride and this confidence, heads back towards the assembly in the center and this, this thousand gold pouch just sits at your feet.
Yep. He'll um open up wide eyes for a second. He's never had that much money ever, ever, ever. Anyone near that my money. He'll look around quickly and um, um, Bock is it. And Kintal's going to look from his, look from his pouch, watch Prego approach, uh, bowel, um, from a distance.
And it's again, it's really difficult to sustain conversation here. So Prager doesn't attempt to raise his voice. It's the one sort of redeeming thing about him is that his composure is unbroken always, just telepathically communicates and says, congratulations.
if you wouldn't mind following me, the crowd wished to take their final cheer. And then you'll see this this or this podium that's been erected about 15 feet away from me. On this marble plinth, that almost ah Greek in stature, Roman in stature, with this this this red um ah fabric and then this ivory drape around it looking incredibly prestigious.
I just sort of gestures in that direction.
Yeah, Baal will kind of follow, he's not gonna nod, he's not gonna acknowledge, he'll follow. um His wild, fast spirit, all this wild is kind of coiled, um serpent-like, ah around his neck, they're vigilant. um But yeah, he'll follow. And there's there's like a a smile of approval from Praco, he likes that there's a showmanshipness about this, like,
you are flexing here and and he's he's he's in he is really appreciative of the the entertainment value you're providing. And as you ascend on up to this podium and you can sort of see everyone around you, you're seeing various VIPs that you can just about recognize. Dame Edna Fizzlebank is amongst this assembly. Delmon Trace amongst this assembly.
There are sleep guardian banners around but none of the sleep guardian dignitaries, you you only know like the royal family and and faintly at best. There is Lord Vossen being carded in like Jabba the Hutt with on his own sort of platform with four orcish servants.
and you stand there and you the stadium around you almost turns into like a menu wall as you see these images being conjured of the 30 or so different prizes that exist in this tournament and then this this fireworks stop and prego holds up this hand and clearly casting filmaturgy just announces to this huge stadium
Valkon, they working inferno, and there is just screams of jubilation. Now to the Victor Godus spoils, your champion, which of these beautifully donated gifts are to be yours? ah If I can, I'll say kind of just for Prago and me to hear. I don't know whether my voice is magically enhanced. He's close enough. Yeah, he's close enough. If it's not, he'll just turn to Prago and say, you know what the fuck I want.
He laps. He chuckles. Of course. And you watch as coming out on this
sort of open top golden embossed chest of about three or four foot by three by four foot chest open hatch lid open lid and then on this really nice carpeted cushion is this beautiful dragon egg about the size of a bit bigger than a rugby ball.
with colors that are identical to your own scales. ah And it comes on this really opulent stand that's being sort of levitated in by four blue glowing hands. And you watch as all these dignitaries part, almost like the parting of the sea.
And it comes right in front of you. What do you do? Take it. You pick up this egg and it feels heavy in your hands. Look, it's like lifting.
I hate that D and&D is set in pounds because in the UK we have no real reference for pounds whatsoever. But you pick up and it's like, it's about 30 kilograms. You need like both your arms underneath to to to really get good purchase on this. 66 pounds. 66 pounds. Thank you for the... Could you just do that constantly? If I make the wrong metric, could you just translate the adjacent metric? Absolutely. When you talk about meat, I'll make it tofu. Don't worry.
How many steaks is this? Well actually it's 14. How many cu fourteen cubes of tofu is this? Two hipster hats and one pair of glasses. That's about a vegan triple that's called. You get both arms underneath this egg and just not allowing you to look un... prepared or weak in any form, you just feel the strength come as Prago supports this and you lift it triumphantly and and almost like that that um Rafiki ah moment in Lion King as Simba is thrushed amongst the pride, there is again ruptuous applause coming around. And then you watch as something really instantaneous happens as you ascend this egg slightly towards the sky. Are you resisting that in any way by the way? I should have checked that.
ah I don't think he would kind of parade it as the spoils of war, knowing how important this kind of is to him. So if Prego's trying to lift it up, he would make sure that he's got this almost. He's not ah making contact with you. He's almost empowering you for that lift more than chaos.
I think it would be more of, instead of like a Rafiki moment, it would almost be more of like a parental hug, okay like close, holding it in, having this this part of his very being and past and essence and history that is is is reconnected. and That's what this is.
then seeing that you aren't going to necessarily flourish that. Instead, Prego just slowly rotates that platform you're on to just give it a bit of um presentation. And as you grip that egg with both arms, something happens to you. Your tattoo on your right arm glows white and cool. And you watch as almost like ah how a image used to load on the internet 20 years ago from the top to the bottom, like a fax is being printed. This tattoo is disappearing line by line out of your arm entirely.
And then it leaves via the fingertip and it creates this identical white light. The rest of you, Bal, you wouldn't have seen this, but Nick's not with you because you were dead. um This white light leaves your hand and darts towards Seth.
And Seth, you are like almost lassoed in by it and you feel this compulsion to pull yourself in as you're brought closer and closer to the group. Like it's a dance move. Yeah. I do you attempt to resist this in any way. It's um almost like you are being magnetized. Okay. So I need you to make a strength saving throw as you're being pulled in by this white light. I'll have you know that Seth is incredibly strong.
for seven. You cannot you try and hold your footing. and It's like you are just being pulled in rhythmically to the sound of the the orchestra that's playing around you. And your this white light makes contact with your hand, the hand of the arm that doesn't have a tattoo. And it's almost as though that white light spreads up your arm settles And now you have an identical tattoo on your left and right arm. Motherfucker. And I'm in the middle with with them all with Prago. You're about 30 feet away, so you've been pulled much closer. What spells have I got left?
What have I got left? I've got nothing left. Would Baal see that? Obviously he knows and he'd feel and he'd see that. Yeah, so you're being spun around and you you you can feel because it's cool. You're just watching it happen. Yeah. Would I know what's happened to Seth? It goes to it goes to Seth like this white like kind of a head to all right light. Yeah, you watch it.
but I don't necessarily see it grow upon his own. I just see it. Except I'm not sure what what what your arm wear is. if If you've got like a coat or anything on, if your arms are covered, only you would know something's happening underneath your sleeve. But if your arms are open, then everyone would just see this tattoo up appear. He's still got his travellers cloak on. That'll cover your back.
Yeah, so no ah he's why no, he's got long sleeved. Okay, so you just saw this white light go into Seth's left, as a right hand. I'd feel it. You're feeling that coldness just crawl up your hand. And you might do a cheeky little undershirt at the neckline look and you can just sort of, you know you know that there is this
added weight to your hand. Like when you extend your arm, it almost pulls and sticks like sunburn. Okay. Okay. Okay. So it's going to be lying towards prego and try attempts to grab them by the scruff of a shirt, at the front of a shirt, probably be looking up to him and say, I have a lie. He needs to say it for him to be heard. What the fuck is this?
And Prager turns, not appreciative of you sort of pulling on his clothes, so does, is able to show you off quite quickly, but opens his mouth. And just before he's allowed to speak, Alpha, Emron, Rains, but Nix, I'm not sure you're this perceptive. I think there's just a lot going on. Yeah, he's, there's a, he's still in that muted state.
And Reigns, you're quite diligently looking around. Your back is up, your tail is up, and I understand that. Because the three of you just make perception checks. That's Reigns, Emron and Alpha. Reigns advantage because you are, you're threatened.
Alpha? Eighteen. Emron? Eight. Reince? Nineteen. Emron, I think you're more cautious about what's happening to to Seth in that moment and you're just making sure that he's not about to be hurt in any way. Alpha and Reince just trying to take in a lot more. Reince, you're looking for danger.
Alpha you're not necessarily, so you're just seeing some of these important faces that you know you need to do something about. Like Delmon Trace is 20 feet away from you and you're consciously aware of that. But Alpha remains just in those scans. You look around the stadium and there is this sort of three pronged shadow, colossal shadow.
that just fills part of those rafters, part of those seating banks.
You start looking directly up to the source of where that shadow is, because where there's shadow something is obscuring light. It's approaching evening. The sun is not in its zenith, but an object is in its zenith and hasn't moved this thing that's been in the sky for weeks this moon this sun whatever it is you watch and at this point if any of you start pointing it would be appropriate to do so this happening quite slowly
as 12 separate metal or metallic shapes sort of come out of it. One, two are heading north.
Nine are heading eastward. One is quite rapidly coming directly towards you. So this thing almost looks like like an octopus, right? It has this big, bright, circular, domed light. And then these 12 metallic threads, chains, shootout.
And Seth, just as Prego is beginning to respond to you, looks up instinctively and says, the final player enters the stage. And you see this bead of sweat from the side of his head drop. And he's shaking.
And he just rests a hand on the hilt of his rapier. Takes a deep breath. And this glow begins to just bubble in his hand. He turns to you. You may wish to get Emron. He may be fine. Alpha cannot be here. Do you understand?
The next time I see you, we need a proper discussion. We can talk once I have saved your life. And that is where we're going to end this week's episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop. You really want to hate him. You really want to hate him. I really do and I love him. That was delicious. ah Oh, donkey.
That was layered. That was a layered episode, guys. Oh, lordy lord. So.
That leaves me to say, talking rip Morota, don't snort your friend's ashes. but a PSA for you all. so was In case you just thought that was a good idea. You're looking at that urn in the corner of the room and thinking, you did have one last, one last joint. Get high with grandmas.
and yeah if you like what you've heard right
believe us two seconds obviously you probably didn't like that so Oh, I don't know. ah that I don't know. I think that that comedic humor spreads why far and wide, Darren. Far and wide. Hopefully, your love does too for us because we love you for tuning in, listening to us, making us a party you every day, a week. If you wanted to check out our X page, we do post updates every now and then on there. Like the map of Scorch Elm, go check it out. It's at Fellowship Table. I'm at iRolled1. Darren's at... Darren page 06.
Pooh Bears app. Natural20will. Edgelord is app. TheD20Gamer. Where is that?