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Ep. 36 Teacups and Fire – De Profundis image

Ep. 36 Teacups and Fire – De Profundis

S1 E36 · The Fellowship of the Tabletop
140 Plays4 years ago

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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade -

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Chaotic Exchange and Podcast Introduction

Right now, nothing's working! Welcome to my world! Shut up! Your friend teacups had it! What did you expect?
Hello and welcome to this week's episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop. We are on live play 5D D&D podcast set in the magical world of Aerith. My name is Mark. I am the Dungeon Master and also with us for today's episode we have Casey who plays the human champion Hell in a Sleepguard. Hello. We've got Will who plays the human bard Karstan.
Hi, everybody! Callum, who plays the known sorcerer for the fizzlebang the knife. Hello, hello. Danny, who plays the human cleric Claude Bonjour. Ian, who plays the dragonborn barbarian Drago. What up. And Darren, who plays the human fighter rogue Robin. Goodness gracious, great bar to fire, Batman. It's the first time we ever got through that all, just

Setting the Stage for Battle

taking a moment. Well, don't just take a moment, guys. Take a moment. Have something special. It's because serious shit is about to go down. What the fuck has happened to Tally? It's about to be done. You're about to watch your head get crushed and just brains everywhere.
Gave it away now, man! That's ruined it! I don't know if that's the point of me saying that now. As you probably aware, last week we left the battle a real kind of cliffhanger at a midway point. Just to remind you of what's happening, because it has been a week, the party's scattered in a cavern deep underneath Blackmouth, one of the most southern settlements of Sleet Colors. What less is in that?
They're underneath the Skelroid Mountains trying to figure out why this guard was killed and trying to clear the name of a man, Hentler, who was captured outside the town and accused of the murder of a guard. Underneath the mines we have come across these weird

Encounter with Skeletor Creatures

Skeletor fire creatures that seem to use blink as an explosion to move from place to place and slam these fiery fists of lava down upon members of the party. Five of them have appeared, three of them out in front. Helena is engaged with one, Claude is engaged with another, another is in the mix of our spellcasters in the back and very last but not least with Drago right in front of our martial fighters far away from the scene. A larger one of these creatures had
blinked into existence behind Tali and then reached out a hand over her head and just as that happens we're keeping in your initiative order so just so you know we're at the bottom of the round at the moment it's Drago, Tali, Robin, Folly, Claude, Karstam, Helena and then these creatures.
This creature reaches out her hand, looks up towards Robin and Folly, who are the two nearest people, wraps the hand around her face, and another explosion quickly disappears. And they appear on the other side of the battlefield reappearing again. Tally's there kind of trying to grapple over her face as you can see the kind of flames
moving around but not reaching into burning eyes. You can see panic in

Dramatic Rescue and Teamwork

our eyes. Drago, you can see this as she is nearest to you now, right at the front. He's blinked away with Tali in her hands, okay? We're at the top of the round. Drago, it is your turn. You're about 30 feet away, at least from the party, from all the other forces that seem to be here now. There's an even number almost of them to you. As you know, it's five to seven.
What would you want to do? Okay, I'm going to turn to the grille that has Tali charge straight towards her, hit him, hit it, and... You're still raged at this point, aren't you? Still raged, thank you. And as I'm, uh, I've got Dengon's deception in my hand, running full pelt and, uh, yelling, Get your fucking hands off her! And I look to circumnavigate so I don't hit Tali to go to the back of the...
Think and strike at it. Okay, roll the hit. 26. That hits. Would you like to roll your damage? I would love to. One day he's going to say it doesn't hit and we're going to cry. And then I'm going to cry. I'm going to cry. 19 points of slashing damage. Ooh, lady. Going for my second hit. Okay. 19. Hits. Hey. Adding 10 to his damage and attack roll.
22 points of slashing damage. Fuck me. You made it with the pad. Do you want to describe what you've just done to this spectre? So as I circumnavigated him, I bring Dengon's deception down in one, with both hands obviously it's a great sword, straight down and then literally straight back up again along the same slice. So it's really deep, really deep into the skin of this thing.
And you can see the skin, what looks like skin, pierce open along the line you've cut down, and this, this, uh, large sprays out of this creature. Can you make a dexterity saving throw, please? Fuck! Um, it's totally gonna have to be one. It's totally gonna have to be one.
It's a 20, okay, I have got advantage so I can roll again. 20 is more than enough, thank you very much. So this creature, as you slice through this creature, some of this lava pours out of it, not an aggressive weapon as part of it being, comes towards you and actually dodges you out of the way, but unfortunately as Tali is kind of
Grappled by this creature, she does get some on her and she takes, oh lucky her, only one point of fire damage from it as it kind of burns her shoulder ahh a little bit. Her face is still kind of covered by these claws that seem to be over her face. Anything else you want to do, Drago? Well then just say, let her go and fight me.
Tali is going to try and break the grapple and fail miserably, but she's still stuck there looking... Well, you've got to go back to her at the moment, actually. Robin, your turn. You've just seen this creature take Tali off when it reappeared. You can see Drago pelted over and taking some big shots of it. Every time the lava kind of pours out, the room almost kind of flashes a little bit brighter with the light as well, so you know he's done some good damage. What would you want to do? You've got one really close to you between you and Folly because of Agony. Sorry, Folly. Robin would do what Robin does.
And he will sprint in this direction. So kind of north into the battle to our drag go Tali. He's not going to get a shot on it from there, so he will bonus action to dash and get to there. So kind of a T junction, so if Tali is the T, the cross of the T or the long stem, yep.
And Robin, as he's running over there, oh, Tali will shout her name. And as he gets there, he's going to attempt to shoot the one that is currently between Drago and Tali. Okay, roll to hit, please. Okay, what's that d4 as well? Okay, that's gonna be a 20 plus, not 28. Yep, that hits. Okay, it takes, I still haven't used ghost bait yet, but it's not appropriate for him to do so.
It does get sneaky tap though because it's engaged with Drago. It takes nine points of piercing damage and can it please make a strength saving throw? It fails the strength saving throw. It should then, because of the force, break its grapple and give Drago an attack of opportunity. In doing so, it takes two points of force damage and goes to there. And Drago, you've got an attack of opportunity. Did it roll to hit, please Drago?
15 points no yes 15 points of slashing damage
Thank you very much. So as this arrow slams into the creature, pushing this creature back away from Eudraga and from Tali, Tali's grasp has fallen and this creature gets thrown back further and deeper into the chasm and you swing your sword, trunk quickly, cutting out one of the arms and there's another flare of fire seems to shoot up into the sky of this chasm. Thank you very much. Robin, anything else you need to go for an attack? Okay, go for it. All I can do really is... No, you cannot matter this. He would shoot
You can't meta, but you're not. You shouldn't meta, you shouldn't. That's another 20 plastic. Yeah, that hits. Oh, it's good. It takes 13 points of piercing damage. Yeah. Just out of curiosity, what kind of arrows are you using? Silvert. Okay. This thing is tanky. And yeah, I want to use them all here, but proximity to Talia, strength saving throw please, and Drago, these are the two people I care about most in the world.
18. So nothing bad happens. It doesn't fall over, which is what I want it to do, but it does take another two points of force damage. It's not like this is the first room of a dungeon, I think. I don't care. It's called RP, Will. I know. The creature you can see now glugs with his, well, kind of oozing out of it as his footing seems in front of you. Fucking hell. Don't mess with Tali. Woo!
Another 20 plus to hit. Yeah that hits. It takes 10 points of piercing damage. 10 points of piercing damage. This creature is killed, what happens is as this arrow slams directly into his head it kind of seems to swell up for a second then a mini explosion takes place. Almost at the blink but then you can see more of this ash fall to the ground. A kind of visceral and violent explosion.
That creature has been killed, Robin. Well done. I'm gonna give you inspiration for following your gut with Robin for that question. I still have a second attack because it resets my action. I'll take the inspiration back then. No, I'm kidding. I will immediately, if I see this thing die, think that someone else will have become quite fond of Folly and go, Folly, and turn and shoot the one that I've left next to Folly. Lovely. Roll it here, please.

Creative Strategy and Spellcasting

behind you in melee range as well, just over there. And the arrow just shoots where? And it would have been a perfect hit, probably, you imagine, but it kind of slams into the wall of the cave and is missed. Do I still have that inspiration? You do have the inspiration. Yeah, I was only lying while taking it off. You bastard. You bastard. Thank you very much, Robin. Why emotion-filled ran. Thank you very much. Folly, it's your turn. What do you want to do, my man? Run away.
It just goes off the corridor, that'd be amazing. Ollie turns round, takes the diamond and leaves. Oh shit, Elfie, number two. You're going to join them, aren't you? I know where he is. Just as a precaution, I'm going to cast Blade Water on myself.
Which is a cantrip, and I get to have resistance against bludgeoning, piercing, slashing and damaging out. Okay, fire weapon attacks, just in case. But aside from that I was going to try and blink out of existence again. It's okay. It's going off.
No, I'm still stuck here. And you had D4. It's not going to be enough, even with the D4. Why, what did you roll? Five. It's a straight D20. Callum has got to be out of ten. I've got to get above ten. And then you've got a nine. And even with the D4 added on. So again, he's just literally fizzling in existence right now. He's always looking constipated, really trying to disappear into the f-hole.
Yeah, yeah, fair enough. There's a little fizzle and then a bang. He fizzles and then just, they're not even a bang, he's just like a ping. A ping. Yeah, a little little drizzle of smoke that comes off his house. Drizzled. Thank you very much for what you think of Aang. The third? The third? Good night. Good night. Claude, it's your turn on that one. Hey Claude. You're currently embroiled in combat with one of these creatures. Come on Claude, hug him. Hug him Claude, hug him. No, that would heal him.
He ain't a tree. Oh, it's got to be a tree. It's got to be wood. It has to be a tree, but I only hope wood could heal him because I don't really know what it is. Okay, so I'm going to cast Word of Radiance, which is basically like a picture like that.
like a ground pound and then light just spills out everything around me in five foot which is only that dude so that dude that fiery flame fuck needs to do a con saving throw please DC 17 you iron manning him hmm fuck yeah you are
He gets a 17. Fuck yeah you're not. What does that mean? He means these. Is it half damage or nothing? It's 10 trips, nothing. That is a shame. Okay well that is only my action. As a bonus action, I am going to close my eyes.
floating in midair behind the guy that's currently engaged with me so it's sort of flanking it and it's now my spiritual weapon. My spiritual weapon is gonna get a free attack.
I think it's Force. It is Force. Force damage on the one that has a Lunadrago in me thus far. Yep. Got him. Thank you. Yeah. Brilliant. Thank you very much. That's the end of your turn, Karstan. You're up next. So Karstan has seen lots of things happen, seen Robin sort of sprint past him, screaming, Charlie! And he sort of means and sees stuff happening. It's fine. Looks to see Helena.
Uh, battling this one and looks towards it and he started to look like, look, let's move and he whispers, I'm gonna cast Dissonant Whispers at it. Can it make a, it does psychic damage, it needs to make a DC-17 wisdom saving throw, please. Maximum rolling record, god. Yeah. 19. So that's fine, it only takes half damage, it takes 6d6 damage.
So it takes eight points of psychic damage. It looks back at you. Nothing seems to happen. What the fuck? That's an immunity. Character shit, mate. Bring that outfit. That's fucking bullshit. Nothing seems to happen with that. Thank you very much.
I would like to, yes, I think I can do this, as a bonus action, I would like, hit it princess and give Helena inspiration. Lovely, so what do you get for that? She gets one D10 for the next 10 minutes, she can add to one roll. So that's 10 roll. Oh, so at some point you can use that. Yeah, D4 to every roll, so you've got like a real good chance to boost yourself. Buffed AF. So, speaking of

Climactic Battle Moments

boost. So you can use it whenever you want. You can use it after the roll before seeing the outcome.
Helena, it's your turn, you're currently embroiled on the left hand side of this map with one of these creatures that's blinked around you, you've taken a few flail hits to the face with it. You can see cast on every shoulder, more bugging you than anything else but seeming to try and help but not really doing much really. What do you want to do? Yeah, I think as much as he's helping me, he's sort of adding to my frustration which is probably really, really good because it's just sort of helping me get rid of these things.
So I'm going to continue the way I have been fighting and just continue to fling my flails. Fling your flails? Fling my flails, but accurately. Hopefully and efficiently. Okay, roll an accurate d20. Add a d4 to the d24 as well. You feel blessed? Oh, 20! Crit! Up again, up again, up again! Yes! So, you're rolling damage for that? 13.
Lovely. Bludgeoning, yeah. You take a big old chunk out of it with your first here. Yeah. How much was it again? Eighteen. Thirteen. Thirteen. Sorry, thirteen. I did hear that. That's just your same file. Yeah, and then that first flail, it will just get sort of lodged in its ribs. Yep. And so she has to whack it back out again. Rip it back out again. Oh, cheeky. And as you do, this lava kind of follows up. Can you tell me the dexterity saving throw, please? So it's a deep 20. I'm 15.
and meet a beat. Okay, so as this lava kind of comes out, you manage to just end. You feel the heat pass by your breastplate of your abdomen area as it passes by this lava, just spits out and missing you just as you yank your flail back, ready for your next attack. Cool, thanks. I'm going to add this. I'm going to add your Bardic Inspiration, giving you an 8. You've got a 5 plus your 3 plus an 8. 13, 14, 16. Yeah, 16 or 26. Perfect, yep, absolutely heads. So then my D at yanny D8.
Fourteen. Fourteen points of damage again. Lovely. Thank you very much. And do you want to go for your bonus deck if you're having one that hits? Yes, I will. What do you mean? Seventeen. Seventeen hits. Okay, cool. Hitting machine.
Yeah, and taking some large chunks out of this creature more of this goo flies off this Lava seems to fly off this creature and it doesn't look happy with what you're doing at the moment. Brilliant. Thank you very much. Hell and that. Now, it's their turn. So first we're going to do the one closest to claw that's currently in combat with you with the spiritual weapon floating behind. What the creature is going to do is... I misread this in the last one. It does have multi attack. Sorry.
It's going to take one big swing at your face to begin with, with its big old fiery slam. It's going to be a 10 against your armor class. It's then going to turn. Can I attack the spiritual weapon? No. I'm going to take another swing directly at you again with this offhand. 22 to hit your armor class. 20 or 22. 22. Hit. Oh yeah. 15 points of damage. You need to know specific lore types there. Do you have any immunity at all? I do. I don't.
No, I need to roll a concentration, though. Natural 20 in the concentration. Lovely, so that's fine. That's your second crit of the evening. Do anything for a concentration, though. But it's still a second. Let's celebrate the 20 when it rolls up. I've had nothing second in a row, as well. Oh, yeah. That's second in a row. Shit! So nonchalant about this, as well. 1 in 400 chance. That must sting you, Callum. Go for it, Hardly. I knew you were going there. Go for it, Hardly. Five contribution to this fight so far.
everything's going wrong yeah it fully hasn't really moved much in a moment so the one nearest to actually before that happens the one in the center that no one seems to have gone near is going to stand perfectly still the flames are going to slowly slowly to almost dissipate and dissipate and dissipate it seems to drop down to its knees for a second
as the flames really start to lower and lower that's something more ashen and ashen and suddenly it almost freezes and around each of these creatures
flames, so the ground is just on fire, it's like casting a large style bonfire around itself, around the creatures. The one that's here currently then kind of staggers back up to its feet but that's its tone kind of done. You notice the other creatures kind of let out this weird, high-pitched shriek noise of kind of isolation and glee at this as they take on kind of a more aggressive mentality towards you guys. So the one nearest Robin is going to take
It's not actually it's going to try a different attempt here. It's going to reach out its hand towards you and look up and what you notice if you were to also look up this little twinkle of light and then this flame kind of come down as it was a cone above you casting something called vortex of flame. Can you make a dexterity saving throw please?
So 17

Session Cliffhanger and Setup

plus 5. Yeah, you're absolutely fine. So I'm over 20 plus. Yeah, it's no problem. So that misses totally. This wall of flame that seems to appear then disappear goes away. The one nearest to you, Helena, is going to do exactly the same thing. This bolt of flame is just going to seem to come out of nowhere. Can you roll a dexterity saving throw, please? Yeah, 22. Right back at you, dear. Yeah, 24. Fuck you guys. You can roll well, team.
That also misses portfolio. I don't know if it's surrounded by flame. She is surrounded by flame. It'll be the start of your turn. We'll try to tell you about the bonfire spell which means at the start of your turn you have to roll the dexterity to see if you can get out of it.
The two engaged with Claude and with Helena are going to both simultaneously as these flames erupt their eyes are going to glaze over these these become black almost and the flame you can't see the flames anymore and both of you your armour starts to become hot and hotter and hotter and hotter
your skin starts to get warmer and warmer and red hot, it starts to become really rather very uncomfortable. Now it's not heat metal, it's not quite that, it's called molten metal. What this involves is you can leave it on, it's burning your skin slightly if you were to leave it on, causing damage per turn.
Or you can spend a turn to remove your armour. What you can do is do a constitution saving throw if you want to maintain it and almost continue to burn. It's almost like a poison.
you now you've got to kind of either constitutionally deal with it or tend to damage by turn okay so at the start of your turns you'll have to deal with that. Is it a magical effect? Yes okay there's a magical effect. We finally get a girl in this campaign and you're burning off her armour. Not burning it off it's just burning it's like there's a spell heat nettle where you're gonna have to heat someone's armour and it causes it to burn the skin so you can actually kill baddies sometimes. He's hardcore. Yeah I've got one as well.
Yeah. Mark, does it say an action to remove the armour? The D&D rules say it could take several minutes to remove player armour. Will, what are you doing? Just let the D&D... That's a very good point, player armour, it would take a while to do. What I might say is you can get half of being generous. Sorry, I was just... No, you've trained in this armour. You've grown in this armour.
I will say it takes you two turns to get off the majority. Let's say that it's mainly going to be your breastplate and the leg portion of your armour, two bits to take off. If you manage to take one part of that off, that can halve the damage. If you take the part of that off, it can halve the damage. So you take half off.
Half the damage, all of it negates the damage. Take all of it off, we'll take two turns. That's a very good point. What you also notice when this happens at the same time is the other creatures around seem to stand a little bit taller as some of the injuries which had
been caused by, you should say, for example, Helena, you're cut to the midsection with the flail, you cause a big rift, that starts to heal up ever so slightly. That seems to close up ever so slightly, okay? That is the end of their turn. What do you want to do, Drago? I want to run at that asshole that's decided to heal the damn fucking party. The one in the middle. Yeah, I'm gonna run headlong at him, don't go in deception again in my hand. The idea is to pierce the blade straight through the middle of him.
As my first attack. Okay. Twenty. He uses his reaction. Disappears and forms directly behind... Folly. Oh shit. Okay. He appears there. How far did I move? You moved about 20 feet. Assistant, you found 25 feet.
I'm charging for him. So another 20 feet towards him as he's gone to Folly. So I'm going straight for him and Folly. And I want a frenzy. Can I frenzy at the same time? I'm going to frenzy because I'm pissed off.
So Ian gets pissed off so Drago gets pissed off. That all works. Yeah man. You're frenzied. I'm just pissed off that twice that this has happened to me. What does frenzied do? Frenzied while raging I can choose the frenzied and then after this turn I can make another attack but then after the combat my rage ends I suffer a level of exhaustion. Lovely. Thank you very much Drago. Tali is just going to
Collapse onto the floor. Drago, as you'd have been close, you'd have noticed that the hand that was over her face has left some rather damaging scorch marks across her face. There's a lower portion of her face as she kind of just collapses on the ground. Would I have noticed that? No, because your friend's in. So I think you'll turn when she starts playing.
Robin would have noticed, or might have seen that happen, depends on if this explosion behind and the creature appearing would have distracted you enough. Wouldn't change, I'm still, like, getting long in there. Absolutely. That's Charlie's turn. Robin, your turn. You have this creature appear behind you. Charlie's just doing a little boop. It's like when you win. Oh, poo. On that roll. Or you don't have to do Robin. It's Charlie making any noise.
From this distance you can't tell. Because the noise of this creature behind you and the battle that's in the ceiling and Drago screaming is drowning out pretty much everything. We're gonna die. Have I noticed how we go down? Yes.
I was hoping you said no. It took away the equation before. No, no, no. Did he take away a moral dilemma? I don't think so. Bonus in action, Robin will disengage from the flames around him and he'll sprint entirely as direction. Thank you very much. As you get over to her, you realise very quickly she's just fainted. The damage on her face looks like it's going to cause some marks to be left there, but she seems stable.
It hasn't taken much damage. It looks like it's just in the sheer shock of what she's just been through. She seems to be breathing up. Her heart is racing, hopefully. Well, not racing, but her pulse is going. I will consider you have this check kind of taking one of your actions. Oh, okay. Unless you don't want to check it. I've already told you. You've already told me, so, um... Well, I'm considering it almost like a medicine check. Okay, can I factor in bringing up just standing over her and bringing up blood? Yeah, yeah. That's part of that on my shield. I imagine you've gone checked and then gone, and then turned back to this creature. Yes.
Yeah, okay, so the arrow, the sword and the arrow, the sword and the arrow. The bow and the arrow is now away. Robin's pulled out this almost ethereal kind of ghostly like elven blade. Do you think you'll ever try firing the sword with the bow? I will now. Do you break your sword? Both break. Yeah, and kind of like when Eowyn steps out when she fights the night king and says, do not touch him.
I was thinking more kind of Jon Snow about all the bastards. Standing over target. I wanted to help people but I'd rather play Robin the way Robin would do it. That's me done. I was just enjoying that image of seeing, having that image of this massive dark cavern around us and just these spots of lights
like battles taking place and bodies just appearing and then disappearing is these creep like I'm really like movie style so para pictures when I get involved um penguin millions and I'll um describe what I just described right here
Yeah. You've tried to blink twice and you've just done a little fart both times. You now have one of these creatures standing directly behind you. Yes. You can feel the heat almost through your backpack on you. What would you like to do? Folly is going to, usually movement to run and it goes run away from the creature. It's good. So it's actually kind of level with Drago. It's going to get them an attack opportunity. Has it already used its reaction to warp?
Yes, it has, so it can't. Thank you very much, Danny. Thank you, Danny. It's not that I've been playing that team to check back to help us, rather than... Oh, by the way, that armour takes two turns to go. Technically, it should take ten. Twenty-five turns. Twenty-five dollars, that's... Well, two and a half minutes. Stop talking, Will! And that's with help. I'm sorry, I'll shut up. If you think it takes damage, it will break the concentration.
Sorry, you move to where you've moved. I'm right next to Drago. As he's running towards you, you've kind of run out to him. Yeah, and just back to the comedic kind of swipe by. He's going to use his action to stop the effect of blink, because he's not having much luck with that at the moment. So instead of blinking, you've ran. You've decided to go...
I'm going to spend two sorcery points and cast quickenspell. So no level restrictions on it. I can just basically spend two sorcery points to
use a spell as a bonus action, instead of an actual action. What spell are you using there, I ask? Well, here's the thing. What Folly is going to do, as he is running, he's going to start popping the little junk bits of object out of his rucksack, just round about 10 small hand-sized objects, and he's going to cast animate objects on them to turn them into weapons. Okay.
Does animator make them animator therefore? They are basically classed out creatures, they have their own stats and everything. It's like the tree he made. Like the tree, but instead, when they're smaller, I can have up to ten. And do they kind of act as one body to you? I can decide if I want to use one.
Two, three, all of them at once. And you're making ten. And I'm making ten small objects. You can keep track of all that stuff. I will be doing. Thank you. What kind of things, what kind of things have you grabbed at your backpack that I'm thinking kind of like... Teacups? Yeah, yeah. A beauty of the beast kind of thing, there's a sweeping panda in the area. Yeah, candelabra's in there, there's a teacup in there in the teapot and just random bits of junk that he's literally accumulated he's now going to be using as weapons.
Brilliant. Lovely. And they're all basically hovering around in a circle. Amazing. And that's your, what level spell is that? Just F1? That's a level 5 spell. Okay, so can you roll a d20 please? No! And... big mess. And then can you roll it again? Because you quickened the spell so that's two, and you counted that as two separate attempts. Oh, that one was 11. Thank you.
And that one's lead to you. Okay, thank you very much. And that will be the end of our session. I really want you to roll a one on that. Well look, you don't. As to what ya is, what is it? No, I don't. Especially when he's not next to me. Okay, okay, no, no.
Every time he uses a sorcery point. Every time he uses a sorcery point, it's... Well, no, it's every time he uses a level, a spell above, a centric. Sorcery points, I would determine if it's worth it for sorcery points, but if you use a level, a spell above, level one or above, I can ask him if he wants to, to roll a d20. If he rolls a one, he then rolls on the Wild Magic Table, which is a percentile dice and a d10, and anything can happen. He's got something called Tides of Chaos, where if he chooses to use that, he can cast a spell and without rolling, Mark can go...
But it gives you advantage on the spell, whatever it is, which is great. Feel free to use that any time then. Not that I love that. That's the reason I'm playing as a sorcerer in Down's Cave. The unpredictability. Oh, I got it. I love it. Chaos that can come from it. Sorry. So we're getting away. So you've got these random, picky-potty bits. Do they float? Or are they on the floor? They float. They are hovering. So literally, Folly's about two feet in the air, and they are literally hovering around his head height, just in a big circle. What an image. What an image.
If anyone wants to draw that for us, that would be... I would love that. I would love you for that. So, have you got anything else you want to do? I cannot do anything else. I'll be leaving it there. You are spent. Claude, your armour is burning hot now. What would you like to do? You said it's a magical effect. No, no, if I could dispel the magic... What? I'm going to dispel it? You're going to dispel it? Dispel. Oh, let's say M-A-G. Dispel magic. I cast it.
Is it level 4 or lower? It is level 4 or lower. It's instantly gone. Then your armour cools. Okay.
I'm for Helena as well. I'll just be for you. Just be for Helena. It's 120 feet. Can I pick one target? I knew you were going to do that. Yes, you can. You're not on fire anymore. Well, you're not on fire because your arm was right off. Yeah, that's not happening, of course. You didn't have to do that. No, I didn't. No, I didn't have to do that. But I'm a selfless human being. And to continue the trend and to make sure this guy doesn't use his real... Well, I know, it's such a bug. I'm going to now break...
melee range from the... He is going to use his... Guys? Okay, go for it. ...of opportunity against you. And that is going to be a 9 against Rama class. Okay, Mrs. Swings out hand and it hits just back. Am I doing anything about the fact that I'm on, like, Malton? We're going to have to kind of do all that first. So can you give me the... Like, at the end of the round. It should be at the start, really. Can you do a constitution saving throw, please? And we're looking for... Okay, I'll tell you the DC just so you know. That's 50.
Oh yeah, that passes. Okay, okay. Right, so I'm also gonna move away, but we said that doesn't hit. Five, 10, 15, 20. I'm gonna sort of move in the direction of Drago, who's like locked in on that target. Tap him on the back, and for a second, he will hear the voice of Akiva say, I just punched my face! It's not what Akiva said, I just punched my face.
And as I gestated with my hand, gestured, gestated with my hand I punched myself in the face
I sort of imagine the moment Drago hears this voice, he pints himself in the snout. Yeah. Get out of my head! Yeah. God, what do I hear? I'll let you voice it because you do it right. I am here, Drago. And you are resistant to all damage now of every single type. Holy shit! Plus one to your AC and plus one to all saving throws.
Each time you take damage, I also take damage. What the fuck is this shit? This is warding bond.
Damn, oh my god. Yeah, there's only second level and yeah, I've got a stave in 60 feet druger Which just looks like I will do yes, basically We're like so linked so anything that hurts him hurts me But his AC is higher saving throws higher and he's resistant to everything to a house that I'm insane Yeah, does it do anything to you anything? He takes I take does he know half the half then because you know so we talked about this and no it's
He is now resistant to all damage, not just the three that you get from beating a bar. Reginald. He spreads the cost. Okay, lovely. Thank you for that. Wow, that's a hell of a spell. That's a good spell. For example, it doesn't affect your AC or anything. No, it's just a full-on buff for him, but it opens me up to damage. I'm aware that we are connected.
So, you would have heard a key word speak. But I'm not aware that your essence is in me. That's up to Mark. I mean, you would probably feel that your AC is. It's called essence in me. You have no idea at the moment if you're frenzying. You've got a close call then.
However, what we will say, because of the way you're frenzied and you're raging, you will be taking half damage. That you will also then, Claude, take the halved damage and not, obviously, the full damage. No, so it's the final damage he takes. Oh, that's it. Okay, brilliant. Yeah, do you want to check that stat there? Lovely. Thank you very much. Interesting. Come on, you bitches. So, we have that. We've got a little clump of the group in the middle. It seems to be like a circle of these creatures with hell of a fight on the outside.
Kastan standing guard over her on the outside and then these other creatures kind of on the out on the on the peripheral around this group in the middle of Drago, Folly and Claude and we are moving over to Kastan now your turn what would you like to do?
I was trying to work out things that don't do psychic damage things, it didn't work last time. Castan's going to turn to Drago, seeing sort of charging with his sword out, and Castan's going to go, go get him dragon! And so you're now got Bardic Inspiration.
I am mighty! I am so mighty! I got this image of this dragonborn running and with every step there's like another little... makes him bigger or can't know what else. I feel like in the middle of the room you just accidentally did a little jump up and got one of the mario mushrooms. What is part of inspiration? So you get a D10 to A-roll after you've rolled it. So you can roll a D20 and they go, no shit, I want to add my D10.
A bit of a check, attack, roll off saving throw. For the next 10 minutes. Like Bless, but you decide when you want to use it. And you get once. Bless always. This once. But you can do it after you've rolled everything else. So, let's just step up and try and go. He's blessed. He's got soul of Claude. Soul of Claude. He's been inspired. He's inspired. Can he be inspired for frenzy? I'm not friendly! I'm an inspired, frenzied soulful. Bless!
Now I would like to cast... Is that a bonus action? Yes. And then he's going to turn to the one that Helena is fighting and Karsten will get another feather out, wave it at this one and he's going to try Tasha's hideous laughter at the one Helena is fighting again. Okay, one more roll into that please. Wisdom saving throw, DC 17.
Jesus. And, um, you saw it. I witnessed swords of vests, guys. Swords of vests. Now junk is the best and you will see. I hate you for everything you stand for. He's going to then move into the middle and stand with the hero group because he's going to stand on the other side of Folly. He's going to feel like positive. 360 camera. Certainly. And we're all there. Swords up, spells up. But Carson's got some pipes.
What's hilarious is that this is just a split second in time because... Kord you're making like a diagonal line across. Folly's running the opposite way. You're always running down towards this other creature. So as you appear and would have stood next to him, they all would have ditched you. Yeah. All of a sudden they'd be still instilled. They're like, what? Where'd they go? Because they all would have run up in different places. Basically, yeah. But it's brilliant. For that fun, fun moment, he saw everyone running and was like, yes, I can be part of the team! And then on to the picture.
Thank you, Rich Castan for that. Helena, your turn. Waiting patiently there. Get with this one-on-one. What do I have to do? Same as always. I'm going to get both of my flails and I'm going to do it at the same time. Oh, damn. Oh, like you did with that guy earlier. Yeah, Bashman. Yeah, either side of the head or one of the core. Yeah, let's go for it then. Roll the hip, get your buss as well. Oh. 18. Get that hit. Oh. Damage.
Eight bludgeoning damage. And my second hit. 31. 31. That would be ridiculous. It's so high you actually miss. 13 bludgeoning damage. Jesus. That was in Jesus. And then my last one. That's a crit for you.
Just to give listeners a context of what's happened, Case plays path of champion fighter, so she also crits on 19. Which you just rolled, therefore you don't get the chances of getting a crit. So you did that time and rolled a massive amount of damage, went from 35 damage down, loads and loads of damage. I'm going to tell you what too, Screech is still alive though, but as you smash, I do imagine as you said, you smash these either side of the skull,
pushing the skull in, some more as well, the squirt out in front of you, his head is still kind of on. I would like to do a deck save. I would like you to do another deck save, please. At your D4 as well. 13. 13, so you do take a little bit of damage off the back of that, you take one point of fire damage as some of it hits against your armour, okay? Cool. So any of D6, but it's a good system. Is that the first round we... No. This is the hell of an attempt to stop hitting yourself. I don't think so. I don't think so. No, I think so.
some damage done. I'll tell you, Charlie's fucked, so man. I've nearly got him, it's fine. You have indeed. So will it. It's their turn now, and we're going to go in opposite order, so he's going to go the one against you. Actually, sorry, I forgot to mention, we are currently in fire, can you do a Dex saving throw?
Not for the armor thing. Not for the armor thing, but for the fact that you're stood in fire. Okay, so, um, you managed to, you, I've worked dexterously down to other flames, the burst of flames that have jumped up, because you realize it's not the entire, it's not like one big bonfire, there are kind of areas, spits and bursts of it, which demands the creature seems to try and aim to stand in more than stand out of, okay?
So you're fine on that front as well, but this creature is then going to attempt to attack you back. I'm not going to make you make another dexterity saving throw. It's going to do an attack with his hand against you. Calvin, can you just confirm that for me please? Stop! I would like to... Yeah, I'd like to use my reaction to cancel that, so it's not... I was going to use my cutting words on it.
I love a warm, now I love a warm, who's got a high dexterity modifier between the two on this one? That's plus four. That's also what Gasty has, the little up on the reaction. So, Karsten, you've got the up on the reaction you're using. I need to use, I'm using cutting words, I use a use of my body inspiration and I reduce your roll by 1d10.
You unrolled about 15. You rolled 21 to hit you. Just. Yeah, it is just though because you've got bare armour. Yeah, it wouldn't have hit if I hadn't got my two flails to put it in. Of course if you had your shield up.
What would it be called if you actually had bare armor? You take seven points of damage. Do you have any immunities to bludgeoning or fire? Just necrotic. Just necrotic repair. It doesn't get any damage then. It's going to hit you again. There's a 10 against your armor class.
Oh no. Oh. I think she says that as well as this hand slams down. Oh no. No, no, no, no. One does not deal with that. So that's the creature near you's turn done. What this creature up nearest to Robin is going to do is he's going to use its reaction to disappear.
Appear in and amongst the party that seem to have amassed themselves in the center about to break off for their kind of party shot But he's managed to jump in there just before and he's going to then swing and attack Karstan Because if you don't know damage taking a swing howdy maths
Let's help you. 13 against your other pass, Carsten. Carsten batshed away with his pipes. Ooh, my bad. Very nice. It's going to swing at you again. Fucking natty one. Oh, he's breaking, guys. We got him. He's used up his good rolls. Doesn't matter. Molten metal.
Uh, bonus action at the end of his turn, the creature can use all metal within 10 feet, becomes red hot. Physical contact with heated metal causes some damage. So, your armour's already on so that doesn't change. He's naked. Your health of your sword does become burning hot.
on your lute your bagpipes have some metal stuff become warm and also I'm gonna say ah do you have long hair no he had like shoulder length hair I don't know probably what else metal do you have let's screw you over other coins in his purse
The buckle on. You can get rid of one coin per turn. The buckle on. I was just thinking, I can imagine if it was earrings or something. Sorry, you've got a big buckle on and that goes red. It does, it does. It goes on top of a picture. Yeah, yeah. So the buckle, you haven't got a lute, have you?
I know he did, he has a bag. There is a lute there as well. Okay, sorry, I thought it was just bagpipes. So the lute strings are gonna get really, really hot, but also... Ah, mess with the instruments. That shit's going down. The belt buckle gets really, really fucking hot as well, okay? This also is the same for Drago. Your sword health is now burning hot, okay? And... Claude, you're already kind of burning it. Yeah. Folly, have you got anything metal on you, not in your backpack? No. Okay, that's fine, let's see what else. Nothing metal. Nothing metal. Funny. About your gold tooth.
What about your cane? I thought he said that, what about it? It's wood. You know, that gold tooth, you definitely told us. Yeah, of course. Say, that's happened there. What's also then going to happen is the... I'm already in. He's already on. On it.
The creature, furthest where the dragon you're about to absolutely corral down on, is going to... Try and hit you with a vortex of flame. Can you make a dexterity saving throw, please? You got advantage. Oh yeah, Christian. No, I thought I'd just do it for fun. I was just asking you. 16.
Yeah, that's fine. It misses, I guess. And, okay. Yep, that's not gonna move. It's gonna stay there. And this last one that's currently in range of kind of the spiritual weapon of you is going to Vortex. Now it's not, it's gonna stay right there. But looking directly at Robin now is going to do the same thing at Vortex with flames. Can you make Robin a dexterity saving throw, please? Ah, that's so difficult.
I shall, my friend, I surely shall. 13 plus 5, that's 17. 18. 18, close. That also is fine, you bitch. So that's fine as well. Okay, and that's the end, I guess, of his turn. Drago, your turn. What do you want to do?
I'm using all the might from the party, taking it all and charging to that motherfucker. That is 20 yards in front of me. The one that tried to just hit me. And I am running towards him, dangling on deception over my head, and I'm going to strike down on his fiery ass. Okay. I have three attacks, okay? To which I've got all the dice in my hand, color coded up for this. Okay. He's going to use his reaction.
And you've got all your dice, you've got all your attacks. What was it like how far I was going to let you go? I was going to let you add it all up and then tell you down. I thought that would really be it. He's going to explode as your anger starts to bubble over almost in a pip. That's quite a different one isn't it? In the flames over where Robin is.
How you doing? Just for the listener, Drago spent the entire battle running after things and missing. Drago, having had this happen to him three times, frenzied in a state of every power going through him, is just gonna release his icy dragon breath out in front. There's nothing there, but he's just pissed off, so all of a sudden he's run, he's ran, he's ran, he's frenzied, and he just goes,
Straight and fun. Okay. Lovely. That's my dragon breath use. Thank you very much. Anything else you want to do? Do you dragon? Cry. I'm having fun just kiting dragon at the moment. You can't catch me. You can't catch me. That one's good. Yeah, Draghi's going to turn around to the nearest enemy around him and book it. I got 20 feet. Yeah. You got two more attacks. Easy rate. I've rolled them all in front of me.
But you wouldn't have used all three, trying to hit one. You only would have used one, so you can use two others. Use your next two. Which one do you normally use? Pick two sets I could just use them. I love it if he's letting you do this, just to then have this one go... Okay, so the first attack... I'm very hesitant about this. Is an 18. That hits. And just for expediency, the other attack is... Give me that one first.
because I tried to get you, I tried to get you. These are expediency on me a bit. Yeah, well, you know, trying to happen. 11. 20 points of slashing damage. Thank you very much. Second attack is an explosion. As it did. It disappears. We don't know. Anybody else want to do a dragon? Yeah. Claude's axe is next to me, isn't it? Yep. I'm going to swing at that.
Just because it's there, and that's 24. Okay? It just moved straight through. Yeah, that's fine. Just because. Just because. That keeps you running. Now I'm swinging at everything. Just keep swinging at the axe. I'll just keep your age going. Just swinging at a wall in a minute. Thank you very much. I am so annoyed. I don't understand why that thing's gone.
If I told you, I think I might've ruined the mistakes. I don't understand. I can tell you about the story on this too, but I don't think that will be much fun for anyone. So, it's Tali's turn. She is going to gingerly get back up to her feet and that is all she's going to do for that. Robin, your turn. She kind of grabs hold of the back of your cape, let's say, just to pull herself up, so you're aware of her kind of coming back to her senses. So she's saying things to me. She just kind of just stumbles back up.
Robin's hand comes and just guides Tali up to her feet. He takes a look at her. He sees the pain in her face and he feels a rage for the first time. He feels all it's like to be Drago. Although it's nowhere near as impressive, quite frankly. Because, well, his rage is all rather humanly and not dragonly. But rage nonetheless. And similar to Jon Snow, when he's staring at the ice dragon, he lets out a scream.
There goes charges like... That was quite Jon Snow yet. And charges over. I should have gone BUSTED! With Blighbane out. And it's just going to attack. You've still got your inspiration, haven't you? Yes, as one has already used his reaction, I feel as if I should be pointed out. It has lead anyway, I'm more than aware of that. Please hold the hit. I'm more than aware of that. Please hold the hit. Are you close enough? Here we go. Blighbane. I'll run into a fire if I have to. Fuck it.
9 plus 11, 20 not natural. That hits. Is this thing undead? Yes. It takes 2d10 as well, really. So that's 20 points of slashing damage on the first one. Lovely, thank you very much. Yes, this big hit of this ethereal weapon comes slashing across its body, seems to open up larger wounds than the actual cut of the blade, but you seem to get the expression that this...
Radiance within this blade seems to emanate stronger near this creature. And as I drag the sword in, Robin will pull it out and with a strike it again. Okay, roll to hit. Natural one. That's better. It's not great, but it should be enough. And the D4, which I didn't use.
11 plus 11, 22 to hit. Yep that hits, not bad I guess. Mark time, I need to up the AC on these things. 27 points of damage on the second 20. Maybe I did OP that laughing a little bit.
How much? 27 on the second swing. 27? I rolled an 8 and a 6. It is a living. It does get boneless against a living. I rolled 8, 6 and 5s on my... The dragon doesn't normally get jealous about his swords. It's like Claude being up against a load of trees. I want to see that. He's in his fucking element, you know. The end to come alive. And you're like, hoke, hoke. And you all just simmer down to nothingness. Lovely. Anything else you want to do, Robin? Yes.
action, disengage, and I got literally just five feet out of flames. So the creature is going to shout back out, PUSSY! The way one will have done that is swing, swing, and then with the deptarious effect of the rogue, his back foot on the second swing will turn, and then one swift turn will turn,
I'm bringing to a defensive stance to face this thing. Okay, lucky. Twisted-eyed bushes. Bastard. Challenge horse. Challenge horse. Frankly, he's better at this stealth melee than Alfira ever was. He says to himself. No idea who you are. Folly! What would you like to do on that? Folly's going to look around and see that everybody, all these fire creatures have disappeared. See's one behind him, so he's going to move.
behind the demo and basically roll to attack it with, well, it acts as a bonus action. So I can basically get all my ten objects to go and attack this thing, basically. Because I can decide how many I want to do, I'm going to do one first. I'm going to do one at a time. It might take a while. I'm going to do one first.
Well, that one's 22. Actually, that one's 30. Really, get the bless? They're not in blessy teacup, mate. No. No, you did not bless my teacup. My apologies. Just the 19, unfortunately. Well, actually, no, I still get a cluster hit, so it's actually 27. Dad does just about him. But I will roll for damage. You're fine. No.
Which is six points of damage on the first one. What's happened to damages, is it? You know what I'm saying? Mild scalding. I imagine it's bludgeoning. Tea bagging. It probably is just like slashing up, depending on the vitamins you picked. I'm going to boop you with a cup. Yeah, and bludgeoning damage. Okay. It doesn't seem to have any effect. You have no effect whatsoever. From your perspective, it doesn't seem to have any effect.
Oh screw it. The other nine I'm just going to go whale on it. Okay. Whale away on that. Whale. Whale away on it. The rest of it. So 22 to hit. They all collect to be hit. Which is 6 times by 9. 6 times by 9. 54 points of damage. 54 points of damage.
If it takes any damage. As the porcelain brigade wails down... I love it. Can I imagine, you know, with all the cups in the Merlin cartoon? Yeah, yeah, yeah. They were all cleaned up. Yeah, yeah. I feel it's all done. Bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk, bunk,
So, it brings tea cups to a firefight. I can't bring fire to a firefight, I'll make them stronger. Water, man! I don't have any water! You burnt water at ages ago! Yeah, how did you do that? It was a burning building. It happens to control flames. They are fire, they are flames! Control them! I've got them in a freaking camp trip!
We'll try it. Better than teacups! I was thinking of some controlled fighting teacups. I tried to be creative. This is not funny, we'll do it anyways. Exactly. Claude, it's your turn. Your call is on fire. Can you please roll the constitution save me? My body is burning!
25! If you're just like, ugh, and push feet but burn away and you're feeling for this to happen, you are still on, not on fire, your armour is shit hot. Yeah. Right, Claudia's going to point at the little fiery shit that's attacking Helena. Also, he's going to point at the little fiery shit that's over by Robin, so one of the henchmen and the headhunt show.
And he's gonna damage them both. Can they both make a charisma save? DC is 17. That's what I was hoping you'd say. Okay, so we're gonna do the one next to Hannah first. What is the DC? 17. Ah, it's a 15. Come on.
And the one nearest to Robin, that is a 513. So they're gone. If they are from this plane in the distance, they will return in a minute. If they are not, they are gone. Okay, thank you very much. And any concentration-based things they're doing, they are gone. Oh, and everyone doesn't have bless anymore. Okay. Okay, and Claude is going to move away from the fire redeemment of hell.
but shake his little tail feather to try and encourage a reaction, but it doesn't happen. And that's all he's gonna do. He's just gonna move back away so he can see everyone in one eye sight.
with his road revision. Okay, lovely, thank you very much. As you've done that, it's now moving on to Karstan, your turn. You have a flaming creature just behind you and your bits and pieces are on fire. Could you roll a deck, a new constitution please?
That's 20. Yep, that's absolutely fine, but I'm gonna say just for comedic value, maybe. Oh, good, Carson's about to shout, ah, my sex is on fire. I think better to remove the damage so quickly, I think what you do is you just pull your trousers down. Because the main damage is the burning pelvis, and just now your trousers are down. No, we also take the clothes off. Yes, fine, yes, Carson.
class fan under his belt quickly and then he will dart around the creature with a void but staying in three doesn't trigger the effect of opportunity yeah and then i'm going to grab hold of folly and i'm going to cast thunderstep
Okay cool, well it's got Thunderstep too. Thunderstep, you teleport yourself to an unlikely space to see within range. You can bring along objects, you can also teleport one willing creature of your size or smaller with kind gear. So basically, and then there's an explosion of thunder as I leave. Awesome, where are you on the move to? Basically over in Italy. Is there a check if I'm not willing how to carry on? Yeah, you would stay there. You would say no.
Three. No, no, I'll go. All my teacups are proved ineffective. I think Folly would like to get out of there. So there is a, so we need to make a constitution saving throw please. 18. So it takes half damage. It takes 11 points of thunder damage. Yep. And the thunder can be heard from up to 300 feet away. And this massive boom goes off in the middle of the room.
This cracks out through this giant chasm and you can hear we're going to echo, echo, echo, echo further and further away. I didn't do as much as I wanted to see but never mind. All I could do at this stage other than pick up his trousers. Do you want to pick up your trousers? Yes. Okay, no fakes in action, no joking. Really tight trousers you see. Helena, your currently standing in flames can make a dexterity saving throw to make sure you avoid some damage.
You don't have that at all. Oh, sorry. 11. Okay, you are going to take forward to fire damage, but now you can do whatever you like.
What was I just doing? You were attacking somebody. I was. No, no, no, no. So I just wanted to know if the person that has just gone, well, I know that they're coming back. We don't know that. You've seen it happen before. I have. You've seen it happen before. Yeah, because it's happened. I can't tell you if it's going to reappear. I mean, it could be really funny. I think it would be good if...
And then moves out of the fire. Do you think? No. She loves it, mate. So, yeah. Fire queen. Five, ten. I'm gonna go fifteen. I'm gonna go twenty feet out of the fire, round to the back of where the creature once was. So if it does come back, she's able to be in flanking. Anything else you want to do?
No, I think I'm just gonna sort of wait, prepare. Okay. Lovely, thank you very much for that preparation. The creatures that remain. First creature, one of them that did disappear, it's gonna appear behind him a minute ago. It's not the banished one. Oh yeah, there's another dude. And that's gonna happen and he's going to take a swipe. Bring it the fuck on. And Drago.
Because Draugr is not actually looking at him at the moment. 18 against your upper class. That's a B. Yeah it does. Even with my butt. Yeah it does. I'm sorry. You're so upset. I'm going to take damage. I'm very naked. Oh you are going to take damage. So you've got to tell us the type. No, it's half for everything. You both take five points of damage. Wow. The next one.
Yeah, that's a nine against your armor class. Nope. You need to roll.
going to get bring to come to that drop from 13 to 1 so slowly. Were you ready in attack for this one? Yes I was. Am I thinking that if these creatures are not from this plane of existence the concentration is only holding if they're from this plane of existence so they're gone gone like dang gone.
Oh, my mother! It's so hard, man. The record's causing a blow there. No, that was me. That was me. That was me. That was me. That was me. It wasn't Claude. There's a picture that's still stood in the middle. It's going to turn to the thunderclapped people who have moved away and is going to cast its vortex of flame right between the two of you. It's only a five-foot radius, but we'll get both of you in this. Can you both, that's Folly and Castan, make dexterity saving throws, please. 27. 27 is fine. What? Saving throw? Dexterity, please.
17. We fucked this off every time you tried it. Are you stood there flossing? No. I watched you while you were rolling. You were flossing. Actually you can't stand it. 27 dozen feet. So you tried this burn off.
He's got spares! What a surprise, actually. So that's their turn. They aren't really enjoying this at the moment. So, yeah, that's... Fuck's sake. I'm doing more damage, you bitches. Drago, your turn. The guy's behind me, isn't he? Yep. So Drago, in his fit of frenzy, is just going to swing 360 and try and level the sword at this dude's neck. I am saying this very...
Okay, you want to roll to hit? I'm rolling to hit. How does 18 do? Before the damage comes in though. I hate you.
I hate you so much. This spectral creature seems to disappear from your vision and appear right next to Pifoli and Karstan. Okay cool, I'm gonna fucking charge at the nearest guy in front of me who is 15 feet away at the center of the room.
And I am unleashing holy hell and dropping a sword on his head. And I'm going to see... No, it's his reaction. He's laughing. Because they go reaction per round and drag him to the top of the round, so when he gets to the top of the round, they always reset. So whoever you go after, they'll always have the reaction.
So you're never going to get to hear them!

Combat Strategy Discussion

And he's trying to get that up here. Well, no, no. The reaction only resets in the next day. Yeah, exactly. Oh. Not top of the round. I'm treating him as the top of the round. It's been a round since they've last used it. Fine, sorry. I tell you a bit of truth. To make that clear in my head, because it goes to their bottom, it's their turn, then Drago's the next. So that would have been a whole turn. I have one more attack. And I have a...
Sorry, the creature is going to move. Fuck that shit. Unless it's near me, I don't want to know. Wait, is this how he's going to go first of all? He's going to go behind Robin. I have an axe on my hip called the Great Axe of Olaf. Yes, you do. I would like to throw it in between. Oh, God. It's a change weapon. It doesn't need to be an action. Come on, man. You're not going to do anything. That's OK. Don't worry. No worries. I will...
We could throw Danglin's deception. Do it! Do it! I was thinking about like 20 foot range. The image of this massive sword flying that solid. That sword is my life. Anything else you want to do, Dragoon? Have a wee wee wee. He's sort of discovered how he can defeat the fit of a barrier and just don't fight it. Just avoid. Avoid the fire barrier. Okay, motherfucker.
I'm gonna move my remaining 20 feet close to this dude. I'm using intimidate presence on this motherfucker behind Robin. It needs to make a 14 DC saver and fro, and if it fails, he's fucking frightened. What skill.
Wizz. Thank you. I thought DC fell off. That's a 17 plus two, so it's 19. I'm sorry, I wanted to roll that open just in case you were thought I was fudging him just to be a dick. Right now, nothing's working. Welcome to my world. Shut up. Your friend teacups had it. What did you expect? At least I'm hitting the goddamn thing. What have you done? I'm hit. I'm hit. This is in character. There's so many lines to take for the intro. I love it.

Robin's Powerful Attack and Regret

Tali's going to, um...
She's still not really sure what's going on. She just kind of takes a couple of stumbling steps back away from these creatures to start to come closer to her. Robin, your turn. You have a creature just appear behind you. Robin swings around the creature 10 feet so we end up on the back of it. And he goes, I think there's someone who wants to work with you, seeing this raging dragonborn. And firstly, I'm going to try and hit it, and I'm going to try and push it in Drago's direction. Yes! Fuck yes. I'm going to ready my dice. I'm going to hit it straight away.
Let's do a 22 to hit. That hits. That's 30 points of damage. Hold on, hold on. And a strength saving throw please. DC 17. Another 8 points of force damage.
Fuck off! The push doesn't work, it's like a natural 20. And Rusev, I wanted you to push it. It had a reaction to it. I wanted you to push it, no, because you've killed it. So as the word pushed for it, as drag on the song, it would have just exploded into ash. And it's right, it almost doesn't notice as you dexterously get behind it and you literally just almost whisper into what you assume is the air as the heat and the scorch starts to hit your face, you drive the blade of
Blight. Blight. Go Spain. Go Spain. Up into it's what you imagine with this abdomen and ribcage pulling it out. The creature kind of falls off into an explosion on the floor disappearing. We now, thank you very much for coming. I've got that. So as that happens I would look up at Draghi with the sword and I'd go, sorry Draghi. And I would use my bonus action to dash around Talia.
and Roman Reigns style, just jump through the air. I'm going to launch the sword at this one behind out of nowhere. These attacks are so cool, I want to give you more inspiration, but you haven't used your current inspiration, so I won't give you any more inspiration. Go for it. Do this jump to the tail. This is what I like robbing in combat, in close combat. That's a nice 25 to hit. He's got a buffed fucking sword. He's a battle master fighter. He has more to the
then goes to surf so I'm gonna fucking get rid of it. I mean you can keep blinking people out of my fucking way I guess. 20 points

Continued Combat and Revelations

of damage and can that make a strange thing? Wait did we hit? Yeah 25 to hit. 25 to hit. Didn't even ask. He did. No it's fine. 25 hits. Let me have a look.
Slashing damage. Flashing damage. And can that also make a DC 17 strength saving purpose? It can definitely try. That's a 19. I'm out of those but it will take another 1.4 damage.
Ooh, that doesn't mean it's that Pokemon design. And the damage you've caused to it has then again caused some ooze to leak out of you some lava. So can you and Folly make, next time if you're saving the rose please, because that's the kind of angle it would probably go and cast then you'll find. Natural 20 from Folly. Oh no! 16 plus 5. Yep, absolutely fine. 21 to fine as well. So that's all passed. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Folly, it is your turn. This quickie's run next to you just kind of spaffing lava.
Having you just thunderstepped there, with a man with his barn and his trousers round of ankles. You're not the only one that's done no damage so far, so don't worry. I kind of just want to turn round and hit it with a big water spout. Sorry. I had a one. Piss off. Kind of wanted to just turn round and hit it with my quarter strap, just like do some damage on it. Do it. Do it. Do it.
Yeah, fuck it, why not. In fear, these things are popping around everywhere, and you're just gonna randomly turn around, whack it, almost accidentally with the quarter stack. It's like turning around to face this creature, and just clongs it on the head. Okay, roll to head. He cares for it. Just for the fun of it. 19. Okay. Roll damage.
Two points of damage. A minus one! It's a strep attack! I have a minus one. I have a minus one. I have a minus one. I have a minus one. I have a minus one. I have a minus one. I have a minus one. I have a minus one. I have a minus one. I have a minus one. I have a minus one. I have a minus one. I have a minus one. I have a minus one. I have a minus one. I have a minus one. I have a minus one. I have a minus one. I have a minus one. I have a minus one. I have a minus one. I have a minus one. I have a minus one. I have a minus one. I have a minus one. I have a minus one. I have a minus one. I have a minus one. I have a minus one. I have a minus one. I have a minus one. I have a minus one. I have a minus one. I have a minus one. I have a minus
I think it doesn't seem to notice it at all. It's immune to blood doing piercings and nonsense. Claude. So I have a confession. Claude is very stupid as is the person who plays him. I don't know my class.
I can stop all undead creatures from having a reaction. Of course you can, which would have made today a lot easier. I can only apologise to everyone who has fallen somewhat by the wayside with all the warping around. Can I imagine that that is your action was to do that speech? Oh yeah! What if the ability turn undead? So I'm going to do it now. Can it make a wisdom save?
Am I still past the wisdom? No, if it does pass, I'd ask it's challenge rating because it might instantly die, which I also should have remembered to do. What is

Combat Resolution and Aftermath

it wisdom? 17. Wisdom? Yes. It's plus two, so 18. Your role's tonight, man. But yes, I should have really done that since the start of the fight.
I've got to bring my spiritual weapon by my side and that is all I can dually do. I'm going to move myself back actually. Thank you very much. Lovely. Karsten, your time. So you've got this burning creature, stupid burning creature just appeared in front of me. Karsten's going to stumble backwards. Charles is still around his ankles. He's going to pull out his little holy symbols again.
Daphne in front of them till they work. I'm gonna get the banishment on it. Is this guy like the mummy? Yeah. Throwing up holy symbols until something works. Okay, you're gonna cast banishment. Yeah. Christmas saving throw please. Do you see a 17? I'm keeping these open just to prove I'm on such a fucking roll with this. It's passed to you. Ooh. That's a lip. That's a top. Is that a card? That's a card. That's 16. What was it? 17. 17. Oh! What was the 17? Yeah, it passed. It's passed. Oh, sorry. Oh, that came to banish. I was not gonna add something.
And he's lying on the floor with his trousers, sweating a little bit. And combat ends as the flames, the three patches of flames slowly and slowly start to go out. No, because they've gone, it stops. Do I know that it's gone forever? Yes, you know it's gone. Because you no longer have the connection to its soulness, so to keep going.
gone. So it's not from this plane of existence. He disappears and a calm and a silence returns to the large, large cavern as you look around the space and darkness seems to return back as your light has gone out. Claude. Put it back on again. This is a country. Put it back on. You can see a light around Tali, around Claude, Castan and Folly out where they're kind of grouped together at the far end. Hell I know you're out on your own taking a bit of a beating. Well actually you haven't really.
A couple of hits here and then, Drago is just out of breath from running around like a crazy fucker. He's got a point of exhaustion. As you all kind of look around at each other and you remember what happened to Tali, as you look at her, she's standing looking up at you, you do see the blistered marks across her face of a series of fingers across her face that seem to have left rather bad marks across her cheek that seem to be more permanent than
of you

Session Reflections and Social Media

and the quiet returns to the cavern. That's what we'll end it for this week's episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop. Thank you very much for tuning in guys and making this part of your everyday week. We love you for it if you wanted to follow us and
Find out more about the goings-on. Join in on the mad bounce. That doesn't seem to happen, but will start to happen a little bit more and more. You can do so on our Twitter page, which is at fellowshiptable. If you wanted to go one step further and follow us individually, you can do. You can follow me at Ivar1. You can follow Will at... Natural20Will. You can follow Casey at...
Unicorn crits. You can- I love that one. That's so good. You can follow Darren at- Darren page 06. C-3PO style. It's crazy. I suppose it was. You can follow Calamatt. The D20 Gamer. You can follow Danny at- The... Total Party Drills. And you can follow our fuck end of a DM at- Hastily Roll DM. Until next time guys.
I think that's the most frustrating episode I've ever been a part of. I'm partially sorry, mainly because... Not one bit, are you? No, I'm not at all. Before we started recording these in our first arc, my first ever big bad of the first ever campaign I ever did, the first time I ever approached, you know, I planned...
This really, it was, we were doing, and what we were doing, what was the... Some consider that. Some consider that. We got to the final dude at the end, the druid type figure, and I planned this monologue. And I spent quite a bit of time, you know, drawing the background, planning this monologue, ready to go, and just as I approached, I think I let him out, have a bit of a laugh.
and if you step forward finally you have approached him and started a speech drag and went nope I run up I hit him and he critted with his weapon and then critted the crit which is the reason why the nathal campaign went on which meant it was an instant KO, instant KO so that was a bit of payback I think actually. It's the only time I've done that I've never done it since. I know which is well I'm just tired and exhausted and so is