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Ep. 03 Anchorman - Bellum Draconis image

Ep. 03 Anchorman - Bellum Draconis

S2 E3 · The Fellowship of the Tabletop
111 Plays2 years ago

Roll for initiative we have our first battle!


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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade


Introduction of Characters and Setting

Ladies and gentlemen, creatures big and small, this is the event you've all been waiting for!
Hello everyone and welcome to this week's episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop, Bellum Draconis. My name is Mark and I am the Dungeon Master and also with us for this week's episode we have... Ian who plays the Tiefling Warlock, Nyx Karel. Hello! We've got Darren who plays the High Elf Artificer, Rains Haddow. Howdy High Tabletoppers. We've got Danny who plays the Half-Ork Monk Morota, Broken Dusk. Bonjour. Will who plays the Human Cleric, Emron.
Hello there. And we have Callum who plays the war-forged artificer, Alpha. Welcome, adventurers.

Recap and Potential Conflict

So thanks very much for joining us, everyone. On last week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop, we had made our way through the sewers after falling through, after the dragon attack, falling through into the sewers of Goldview. We started to make our way through our five intrepid travellers, two groups of people that have kind of come together to survive, basically. We walked along a long, deep set of the sewers, came across a larger thoroughfare where some of the sewage water was moving around, and noticed off to the left, to the south of where we were,
that there was a small entrance that had been broken away and there were piles of rocks outside it. Upon investigating deeper, we came across a number of individuals who we could see, one of which Marota chose to kind of choke, I think, not like that, but like choke them out and silently subdue them down. Not dead, but subdued down. And I think we left the episode with
a noise being made by either one of our party members or indeed the person being subdued and the other folk within this small cavern going, what was that?

Cavern Exploration

And that's where we're going to pick it up. Everyone's standing in a thin kind of cavern
where a kind of cave entrance towards a larger area. So only about five feet wide. So we're all kind of one in front of the other, in front of the other. And we have Nyx followed by Marota at the front, Alfa a little bit behind then. And then about 10 feet behind that, we've got Emron and Rains at the rear nearest to the main part of the sewers. The walls are dark and cave like. It's pretty much cave like. And this is obviously away from the main sewers. This is either a natural,
cave or something that has been dug for probably some nefarious means. There's a silence and you can hear the faint dripping and flowing of water from the sewer system outside and the shuffling of feet further in the cave.

Performance and Battle Commencement

What do you want to do? Okay everyone, follow my lead. I've got this. This is what I do. Morata, just do me a favor. Keep hold of that guy really strong and bring it in when I say okay.
Everyone, send to yourselves.
Do what I do. And on that, Nix is going to turn towards the mouth of the opening in the cave. He's going to arch his back so it's straight, put some breath in his chest and just walk full on out as if he had an audience in front of him. And before anyone would talk, he would just go. Ladies and gentlemen, creatures, big and small, this is the event you've all been waiting for.
May I introduce to you your entertainment for the evening? You're so fucked. First, introducing, standing in at six feet tall and weighing in at 168 pounds. A high elf from the lands of Shadow Men wearing golden brown leather armor reigns the Artificer Haddo!
I'm just going to slightly interrupt here. Just as Rainn's Hidoe is actually introduced, I'm going to cast Light Cantrip on Rainn's Hidoe. It's like a spotlight kind of thing. What the fuck is happening? What's happening? I'm going to do that for every character. I can see where this is going. I'm so confused right now, but okay, I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming. Hello. Hello. Hi. Hello. Hi there.
Joining him, standing in at 6.4 feet tall and weighing in at 194 pounds, a human also from the lands of Shadow Mend, wearing maroon attire and wielding a huge hammer, the forged domain cleric, Hamon.
Everyone sort of saunters out, sort of gives Nix an eye. His hammer still has light cast on it, so the head of his hammer is still glowing slightly. And he sort of stands there. With him standing in at six feet tall and weighing in at a handsome 294 pounds, a war-fought who is only six years old, adorned in black and gold leather, the artificer!
Alfa is going to walk out into the spotlight, look around for a bit, and then he's heard stories of gladiators from Emron quite a bit, so we're just going to do a little bit of flexing with his robotic muscles as well.
and my best friend. She stands in at 6.2 feet tall and weighing in at 260 pounds. A half-orc I met in the town of Goldview. Adorned in blue tattoos

Combat and Strategic Moves

from head to toe and numerous piercings. Moorta, the monk, broken tusk. And the corpse of their friend is just going to fly
through the spotlight in the direction of the audience that are watching your sermon.
And as she does that, I casually place one of my boots on this person's back to pin him down as I conduct the crowd. And finally, your host for the evening, standing at a commanding 5.7 feet tall and weighing in at a huge muscular 155 pounds. A light blue tiefling from the most well-known sailing vessel in the world, the Esmeralda.
sporting the long dark blue leather pirate coat, Nyx Correll. Yes, that's right. You need not worry. We are here and we have come to claim that their chest in the corner of the room. So let's be striking a bargain with you. Your friend here for that chest there, you savvy. Would you like a performance check after that?
Why not? I think you deserve it. And also you deserve a bit of inspiration as well, Ian. That was sick. That was an awesome opening. Thank you very much. Yeah, give yourself inspiration for that. And yeah, you can give me a performance check, please. As that's happening, range just starts to applaud. Oh, I'm reading the room when I clap in there. Okay.
The performance is stunning. Many of your party members are just blown away by the charisma, the energy, the way your voice manages to echo around this small dripping cave. As you look around, you see five
Men dressed in shabby clothing who are all mid-action, mid-doing something, reaching down, grabbing something, who all pause the minute you came out and have not moved since, eyes big, eyes wide, watching you as you do this. You see four of them who are armed with scimitars and one armed with a crossbow.
And one of them is much, much larger. The one to the north is much, much larger than the other, standing probably at six foot three tall, quite wide of the chest as well. I'm not wearing anything from the waist up. I was going to say from the waist down, he's topless and you can see his rippling muscles and just bulging arms. And they all stand for a second and they all then look to the chap at the north and this larger guy, this would be a very just the captain. He just slowly nods his head.
And the man at the south who has the crossbow brings the crossbow up and quite quickly actually, quickly fires a single crossbow bolt into his friend's head on the floor. Danny, you're jumping. I would have taken the lifting of the crossbow as an aggressive action and thrown my boomerang at the person as soon as their crossbow was fired.
Okay, cool. It's all sort of a disadvantage because Alpha's within five feet of him. Not to piss on your chips or anything. No worries. I rolled a natural 20 and then an 18. So I think he's still getting hit anyway. Just keeping you honest. No, no, no. Don't worry. Don't worry. Don't worry. So yeah, I think if we're going to start doing that, let's roll initiative then, guys. Just go straight into it. Straight into initiative. Alrighty, Ru then. Let's do this. Did anyone get 20 plus?
This is going to be good. 15 to 20. This is going to be very fun. 10 to 15. 12 for Marota. A couple there. So we got Marota with a 12. Nice. Then we got Rains and Emron on 11. Is that right? It would be my dexterity modifier. You've got the dexterity modifier for that. Rains.
and run and then we've got alpha below on 10 and then nix on six way that works nix on six and nix
That's what I was saying. That's what I was saying, Nick. I loved your... Are you... What did you say to him then? You're savvy or something like that? Are you savvy? Are you savvy? That's nice. Okay, right. So, that works actually more to you being the top of the round. So, the crossbow gets lifted and as it gets lifted, you throw your boomerang. So, it happens simultaneously. So, both shots are going to get kind of fired at the same time. I'm treating this first shot as I can...
a little surprised than the happens before it. The arrow thuds into his friend's head, kind of giving you, I think, your answer that you were looking for without saying any words. So are

Looting and Negotiation

you attacking the man with the crossbow? Yeah, it was sort of a reflex. I would have just interpreted the lifting of that crossbow as an aggressive action towards us and not really letting that play out. I would have just thrown it instinctively. So it's like the crossbow bolt was shot at the same point where maybe the boomerang arrow was coming in.
Yep. So it's more of a defense reflex sort of thing. Not a problem. Okay. Um, so roll to hit. 15. 15 hits. Five points of damage. What? Hot diggity dam. It's actually called Doom Rang. That's fucking hot.
It flax into the side of his head, knocking the crossbow up and out of one of his hands. He manages just to hold onto it as he pulls it back in. His kind of broken and tufted brown hair on his head, now bloodied as it has a big welt on the top of his temple there. He says, ow, that hurt. And that's his response. Anything else you want to do? You've got some movement. You're all kind of bouncing there in the face of this cave.
I will do that. So I will take... Sorry, which individual is the one with the crossbow? The one to the south? The individual with the crossbow is to the south, yeah. He's the one with the crossbow. Really close to Alpha. There are about 30 or 40 feet away from you.
to the west near the chest. There's one in the very center who's about 10 feet away from you and our friend who looks big and looks like the leader, the captain, is to the north nearest terrains and nearest to what looks like a small mini tunnel off from where you currently are. Okay, then I will, yes, sort of follow through. I'll like almost
It looks like you're throwing a discus. That's how I would have released the boomerang. So I spun around, threw it out, and then as part of the same movement, traveled in the direction of the one with the crossbow, just so I engaged them face to face. So I sort of, if I can get round, I assume that's alpha, if I can get around alpha, then I will just square up to this crossbow wielding guy. And there's this bonus action, just produce my whip with a little flourish against the floor.
Very nice, excellent. Now, here's my question. Now, we've never played with a boomerang before. Boomerangs return to where you've thrown them. Only if I miss my target, it comes back. If I hit, it sort of contacts, then just falls to the floor. Gotcha. Okay, thank you for checking that. I was about to say, if it comes back, but it would come back to where you previously were, where you threw it from, and not where you... Yeah, yeah, yeah. If it misses, it comes back to me. Gotcha. Oh, that's quite cool. But if it hits, it just falls to the ground. It's the trade-off. Like, it only goes into four of damage, but it comes back to you if you miss.
No, that's quite cool. I like that. Awesome. And you have the whip, which is fun. Whoopah. Awesome. Thank you very much. Great first round, Marota. Rains, your turn. You've just seen Marota fire off this awesome boomerang and then move into position. You've got a guy 10 feet in front of you, 10 feet to the north of you. You've got now the corpse of a bandit at your feet and Nick's kind of standing on it looking resplendent. What would you like to do?
I don't think they savvy and I'm just gonna summon my tattoo arm and bring it up by summon.

Climax of the Battle

Really glad to be able to lift my arm up. That's the most dramatic way of saying lift my arm up. And the evocation symbol on the right of the moon tattoo starts to glisten as a firebolt
appears in my right hand. I'm going to cock the fireball off and I'm going to throw it in the first instance at the one who is currently closest to me. I'm going to assume that from where I am, I won't have paid any heed to the big guy. I'm more focused by the person who's got the sword in front of me. So I'm going to throw a fireball at him. OK, roll two hits. That's a natural one. Oh, oh no.
I started the last round with a natural 20. I started this one with a natural one. Could you roll at me a d20 please on a 1-5? Sure. What's the worst I could have? You hit something else? Yeah, yeah. Oh, I wonder. Yeah, well, that's a... I've just got away with that. That's a 9. Okay, that's a 9. Not a problem. It starts harmlessly into the wall off to the left, missing the target.
Unfortunately. As that happens, yeah, what's going to happen is the kind of wristband that is concentrated around the tattoo, a little bit of that's just going to catch an ember and catch fire. I don't think I savvy, and I'm just going to back up a little bit just down the corridor as I try and shake my hand and
put out the fire that I have accidentally just kindled into my own wristband. Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, n
and he's going to do something with his second once he's moving, once I've done the other moves. The chap that's one of the guys that's near the chest is going to make his way directly towards Emron and Marota, kind of sandwiching him in there nicely, and the final guy is going to move in towards Marota. The large guy is going to move 10 feet forward and just stand watching for now.
So the chap who is currently mounting his friend is going to go into a jump attack on next. It's just a normal attack, but a little bit of flavor. Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. That's a nine against your armor class. Ah, that misses.
I thought it was a natural one to begin with. That's absolutely fine. So there is a guy that is currently engaged between Emeron and Morota. He's going to aim for Emeron. You're looking more like the big, bad chap that we need to take down. So he's going to roll for you. That's a natural 20. Oh, shit. Who's getting that 20? Emeron. Oh, okay. Okay. Okay. Okay.
Oh, come on, I literally rolled the minimum damage you could get with a crit. Three points of damage. Three points of slashing damage. It's a DA. Two ones, yeah. Two ones, and it's a plus one. Ouch. Which I only added once. All day. So, yeah, three points of damage. I am, I'm not happy with that. Anyway, so moving swiftly on, the one that is currently engaged with Marota, it's gonna roll to hit you with a scimitar, and that is an eight against your armor class. Miss.
And finally, the chap who is with the crossbow, he doesn't like being hit in the head. He's going to try and skedaddle and move. He's going to take the dodge action and then move away. Do you want to engage? Yeah. Do you mean disengage? Disengage will get him out without triggering an opportunity attack. Do I want to do that? Because then you're going to shoot him again. Dodge will basically mean every attack for the next round of that disadvantage. Yeah.
What would he do? What would, what would villain NPC do? Think of his family and his stick lady love. Yeah. Okay. No, he'd, he'd like it. He'd like it. Uh, so he's going to take the disengage action and he's going to move five, 10.
30 feet away, he's going to move up towards the north in an empty area, have his back against the wall and turn around with his crossbow ready to go for the next round. He can't obviously do anything in this round because he's taking a disengage action. That is the end of the Bandito's turns.
They're Banditos, Raiders. Emron, your turn. You've just been booped on the snooter. So as this blade sort of come in and it's looking like it's sliced into him, almost like catching at some point and it's pierced his side but clearly not hit him that badly and he sort of grunts in pain as this blade slices into him and he's going to slide on in between the two diagonally.
to put the one that Nix is facing, flanking, hashtag flanking. And hashtag flanking. I'm so cool. It's taken you three years to come up with that. And I'm here for it. Thank you. And then everyone sort of, as he moves, he goes,
The fires of a leader will have you as he looks at the big man. And I'm going to cast searing smite as my hammer lights up. So ignore that damage roll, because that's me casting the spell. Let me roll to hit first, because that'll be more important than that. So roll to hit. That's good. You're speed rolling, which is useful. That is a 14 to hit. And you're aiming for the big chappy? Big chappy. Yes, that does hit.
excellent in that case he will take he will take nine points of bludgeoning damage and five points of fire damage as the the flames from the hammer as it contacts there's this smash of flame and it starts to engulf this big man
He starts screaming in agony as these flames start writhing up around him. He's still up as he furiously pats them down and tries to pat them out. His skin is badly burnt and he is coughing and spluttering through the holy flames. Really nice. Anything else you want to do, Emron? No, I'm going to stand there and tell you whatever they then give back.
Worth. Sounds like a classic Saturday night for me. Right, so awesome, everyone. Thank you. Alpha, your turn. You've got Morota stood in front of you. Just to your left diagonally, you can see a bad person who's trying to attack Morota, your de facto friend at the moment. What would you like to do? I would like to attack the person attacking Morota who is on his left. I'm basically going to
walk up a little bit closer to them, just so I am level pegging with them. I'm afraid that person still has interest to me. You are not allowed to do her any harm. And just out of curiosity... You asked Miss Moneypenny. No, you asked your question. My bookcase fell on my head the other day. I can only blame it on my shelf.
I was thinking he sounded more like a male version of the first Resident Evil film with the weird scary, eerie girl voice. She says, you're all going to die down here. I think he sounds a bit like. All right. Yeah, I remember that. Yeah, it's a compliment. It was more for daddy. How much does your boomerang weigh? Can I ask? Do you know?
Stop asking me about hats. It's quite a personal question. You've got to ask a girl about her boomerang. It's a metal-bladed boomerang. I'm assuming it's a little bit heavy.
At least £1 to £5, I think. Is that what you're looking for? If the DM permits. No, no, it's not if the DM permits. Bolly's bag of bollocks is back. Yeah. I mean, isn't the boomerang also... It's Alfa's arsenal of bullshit. Further to the south of... Alfa's arsenal of arse. Yes, it's five feet to the south of Morota, so about 10, 15 feet away from you. Two pounds. There you go, baby. Actually, the weight's two pounds.
Yeah. Look at this beautiful mind maths, Matific. It's going on right now. It's just like, conceal the equations happening. It's two pounds in between one and five. Yes. I, yeah, I'm like to cast Catapult on the Boomerang. So it basically flings back to not going past Marota, but I kind of want her to see it anyway and attack the person that's been attacking Marota.
So from its current location, the spell basically means that it flings it from its current location, full speed, in a direction of your choice, correct? Until it hits something, whereupon it causes damage, yeah? Because if you do it from where it currently is at, it will hit Marota first. It's like under my foot, right? It's just to the south of you, that's where it felt, that's where the character was.
yeah okay unless you move it diagonally if you hit me i'm punching you next you said you said where which is fair
I didn't think, I thought I could aim the catapults to see this happen. I thought I could aim the catapults. You could technically aim it at the one on the diagonal. It does say, it specifically says, if it impacts, if the object would strike a creature, it doesn't say whether it's friend or foe, if it strikes a creature. And if the first one misses it, it keeps going until it finds something else.
Just seeing it later on the line, Callum, when you try and shoot your gun through someone, no, the bullet can't just go around them, unfortunately. Yeah, it's not like who frame rods around it. No, that's fine, then. I'll scrap the boomerang. All I'll do, instead of a gun, I will pull out a dagger that's basically just tucked away on the inside of my cloak and just attempt to stab the person in the gut. Come on, game. What a boring move. What would you have in the gut?
could have been so much cooler. It could have been. 3D8 damage to a level 1 character. That would have turned out really good. 12th to hit. That hits. Oh good, that's always something. We are level 1 remember guys, this is not. Yeah, 5 piercing damage. Wow, oh my god.
That's pretty good for a dagger, isn't it? It's not actually bad. It's 1d4, isn't it? Plus, I got a 3 plus 2. I critted and got 3, so, you know, you're doing pretty well. It did the same as narrow to the boomerang. Whoa. Don't talk about girls' boomerang. Right, I've already made that joke and it wasn't for the first time. So, thank you very much for wasting all our time. Anything else you want to do? No, I'm not going to ask you that. Anyway, moving on. Some of the dragon teeth. Some of the dragon teeth.
They have everyone else's turns decide what to do and then that guy I know still don't decide still another spells anyway, this is why it's lucky I don't have D&D beyond I can see all your damn spells like I actually tell you how they fucking work right next you are stood With a bandit guy in your face. He's just like I'm jumping thingy Troy
from Troy jumping attack on you and it didn't work it missed Achilles Achilles thank you thank you thank you and Achilles attack on you and it missed and he's right up in your face what do you want to do you still stood there with a dagger now haven't you have a dagger
I have a dagger, yes. You have a dagger on your butt. OK, so you have got a weapon. And Nix takes the dagger and he does a little flourish with it, which includes basically almost as if it was a microphone flipping up in the air and catching it one handed. And he flourishes it and smiles. Oh, yes. Alpha, I'm coming to help you. And I'm going to disengage and run down the towards the cave wall. Before you write it where I am. 100 percent. Could you just do a sleight of hand check to see if you can do that little dagger flurry, please?
Oh, no offence, but please drop the dagger. Twenty. Absolutely fine, not a problem. You flick it up and actually it flips back and then you like, bounce it up on itself again and you catch it. Absolutely fine. So you're disengaging and moving down the corridor. Yes. Nice. Awesome. Does he get an attack and a pop?
No, you've disengaged. No, you've disengaged. That's your action. Did I use the right terminology and everything? Yeah. As I said, Alpha, I'm going to help you. Nyx is just going to kind of sidestep to the right and he's going to follow the cave wall edge, which kind of, if you could imagine, the cave is like this bowl shape and it's got the openings at the top and to the side. And all Nyx is doing is following the bottom part of this bowl shape and sticking to the wall. Very nice.
So what, to the south or down the cave where Raines has gone? To the south. Oh, to the south, okay. Oh, I see, near the treasure. Interesting, interesting. Oh, that's just happenstance. I've said that I'm here to help Alpha. Very true, very true. He's just scuttling around the edge there. Brilliant, thank you very much. Awesome work. Next. Oh, Capitano is not happy. He's not having a good time.
No, El Capitano. My little captain dude. He's burnt. Is it his go? Yeah, it's his go. He goes on a separate go. I've given him a separate order. Yeah, he hasn't moved yet. Oh, he did move, didn't he? Ignore me, ignore me, ignore me then. Morata, top of the round. No, no, no. Thank you very much. This is why I called you Ian then. Thank you very much, Will. That's why we keep you around. You're welcome, man. I've got a legendary action at level one. Deal with it.
Well, he will. No, he won't really. Morator, your turn. You're engaged. You've got one to your north, one to your west. Alpha's just off your side. You saw him look at your boomerang. Then you saw a glazed look in his eye as he did numbers. No, no. And then you got a dagger and then stab, stab, stabbed. And it was very violent.
some rotor flanked with a baddie on her left and one dead ahead of her is gonna sort of just again, return to building that momentum in the whip and then just take the whip and hit the person to her north on her left flank. Okay, nice. All right, roll to hit. 24 for a natural. Yeah! That's a natural 20! Holy shit. Roll for that. Roll for all that. Just double damage.
8. It's a whip though, that's pretty much max damage. That's good, very good. Oh and I'm a half orc so I had to add savage attack. It's done it for you twits. It has done it, yeah it's done it. Slashing damage of 5, the crit.
was a four, and then the savage attack was a four. So the total damage is five, and the total critical damage is eight. That's... So what, 13? 13 in total. May. 13 for one win. First level, man. Shit, that's good. So this is how I imagine it happens. You twist yourself around, the whip comes uncalled down, you're ready, suddenly they move in, and then you just fire this whip up, and you just catch the perfect weight of it, and it perfectly wraps around his neck, and then tightens, and it builds, and you can hear the leather.
creaking as it builds the pressure as the rest of the whip continues to move around his neck building pressure and pressure and pressure his head turns purple and then he's just still as the whip stones you pull it down bang his body hits the ground and his face impacts the ground as well and he is motionless he does not move
I fucking love describing things with a whip for some reason. There's loads of stuff you can do with it as well. That's thank you for taking your whips. That's not a spare time, isn't it, mate? It is very cool. Absolutely. I knew you'd make that joke again. And you'd know because it was on you. Anyway, so, moving on. What can I say on whip? I've got more, I've got more. Sorry. Yeah, I was going to say, back to, back to, back to you, back to you, Maroater. I'm all flustered now. I'm all warm on the face. Tell us more, Mark, about your, your, your experiences with whips. No. Well, as I put the gag ball in, no.
So as, yeah, as Maroja does exactly everything you've described and sort of yanks this person to the floor, the whip eventually just goes free. She turns her attention dead ahead of her to the other gribbly, just goes down to one knee and just does a low stomach shot and then attempt to wind him. Nice. Okay. This is your bonus action, isn't it? Yeah. Right. Go for it.
17. That hits. God, you're wrong so well. It's gonna end badly at some point. Three points of bludgeoning damage as I just go for a pot shot and try and win this guy in front of me.
Nice, and did you hit him? He doesn't quite hit in the very center of his solar plexus. He hits slightly off to the side as he's twisting as you do it, causing a bit of damage to his midsection. He grunts in pain as it happens, but you haven't quite got the right kind of winded position that you wanted. Okay. And yeah, as I sort of make the impact as part of like the
I think they're called cutters in karate where you like follow a punch with a move. I'll just sort of step through and under this person to get to the other side and flanking from behind, just so I can just turn to Nix and be like, put myself between whatever Nix wants to do and bad people.
or good people. We really haven't interpreted this situation well enough to understand things. Best friends forever. Nice. Okay. Awesome. Thank you very much. That was an awesome round there, Morrota. Thank you very much. Reigns, over to you. You're down the kind of alleyway just to the left of this kind of circular cave, moving about 10, 15 feet away. You've seen Nick Scadado and Emeron just light this dude on fire. What would you like to do?
Okay, okay. Something going a little bit wrong with the old evocation magic that I've got synced here. I tell you what, why don't... Let's throw fire at the guy that's on fire. Yeah, that works. That makes sense. And I'll just throw a fireball at the guy who is on fire, which I think is the guy directly in front of me. Yeah. Yes, directly in front of you near M-Run. Absolutely. Okay, roll to hit, please, Reigns. Absolutely.
17. That hits. God damn it you're rolling well. I did roll a natural one first. Here comes the 1d turn for eight points. Coming up on your screen right now are fire damage. Eight.
Nice, you hit him and it hits on his back, on his shoulder and onto his chest a little bit. Already hitting areas of him that are badly burned as he screams out again in pain. And the fireball eventually fizzles out, but he's done quite a substantial amount of damage to him. Nice, any movement rates? Emron, if you could just hit that guy with your hammer, I'd much appreciate it. And I'm just going to keep backing up a little bit because he is big and I am scrawny.
Okay, very nice, thank you very much. He is, it's the bandit's turns now. The chap who's been on fire now twice is going to roar out and shout it off! And make Ernie's consave first. At the start of his turn he has to make a consave. Sorry. That's okay, no problem, 19. Er... Yeah, the spell ends and the flames go out. Sorry at that point.
Thank you
he's going to stand there again and he's going to look to his right which is down this little cavern area that you can't see this little this little tunnel you can't see and from there two more guys with scimitars in hands come out even more dirty you'll cover like soot and stuff like that they must be digging or something down there or mining or something like that come out with with uh scimitars on their hands and approach and rush towards you emeron um
putting those two, now you're kind of this three around you and Alpha now. He's gonna actually take one more step forward, so you're kind of surrounded on three sides, he's flanking you. Three sides around you, everyone, and one near Alpha as well. With that in place, the crossbowman is going to take a shot at Nyx. What the fuck? Here I am, just minding my own business. Here we go, 19. Well, you were the mouthpiece of this group. Have you rolled the disadvantage mark?
No, because he's within five feet and he can't make it. No, he's not. If you know, no, he's on the crossbow. Oh, yeah. Three points. Yeah, you're wrong down by the way. Three points of piercing damage to Nick's as this crossbow. Yeah. Hits you in the shitter. That's that guy's that he's going to stay exactly where he's in a good position here. The one that's facing off against Morota is going to take a swing 13 against your armor class.
Miss. Lovely swing, just catches air as you dodge just off to the side there. The one that is sandwiched between Alpha and M1 is gonna take a swing at Alpha.
Eight against your armor class alpha. Miss! The one that is on the other side of the flank is going to use his advantage on Emron and go for advantage. Nineteen against your armor class. Hit! And you're taking, alright that's a bit better. Five points of slashing damage as this scimitar comes slashing down. The chap in front is going to take a swing at you for...
11, 13 against your armor class. Miss. Bangs off the armor that you have on your shoulder, the chain mail you've got on your shoulder, chinking off and away. That is the end of their turn. Emron, your turn to respond.
Emron staggers slightly as the guy to his right stabs him and you see like there's a spurt of blood that looks, it's arterial, there's a spurt of blood that comes from his side and he sort of casts a look around and he sees Nyx and Marota and Alpha and Rains and he's like, people better get involved here.
Or we're not getting out of this. And I'm going to take the disengage action. And I'm going to back away.
And he sort of staggers back using his hammer, sort of ward off those blows that come in and he disengages from the fight and sort of backs up his backs against the walls. He's got a little bit more opportunity to defend himself, but he does not look good. And he sort of casts a look at others to see what happens next. Okay, very nice. Thank you very much.
M. Ron, Alpha, your turn. You've just seen a bloodied father. Yeah, he's father, isn't he? Yeah, he's father. Stumble back behind you, looking the worst you've probably ever seen him. What would you like to do? Alpha's going to move south a little bit, and he's kind of just putting himself
quite literally in between the one that's attacking Marota and Emron. And he's kind of turning left and right at the moment, he's trying to decide what he has to prioritise more because he wants to help Marota, but obviously father's looking kind of badly. And he's going to turn to Emron.
is who he's going to focus his attention on. And he's just going to pull out from his arm. He's got a flap on his arm that's going to open up. And there's just going to be a little bit of a salve in there that he's just going to start wrapping up quickly as what he can do on Emron. So I'm going to actually use the spell and cast Cure Wounds on Emron. OK, nice. Roll up that hit die.
Six points of healing. Nice. Solid, solid, solid. Yeah, you were not looking good there. Where are you, M1? And I'm going to turn to M1. Well, I'm still already facing M1. I'm going to look at M1 and say, it is OK, Father. I am at your side. Sounds creepy as fuck. Ah, it does, yeah. It's like a robotic voice. That's good. I like it, though. I'm here, Papa. Right.
Well, don't you worry daddy, I've got you back. That is the voice.
That reference was IT crowd for anyone who didn't get it, you need to watch it. Yeah, we got the... Well, just the listeners as well, if you haven't watched it. Cult brushes TV. It is brilliant. We get £1,000 for every view they have. So if ITV could sort us out, that would be grand. That would be amazing. That's the end of my turn.
Thank you, Alfred. Really nice. Nick, your turn. He's been shot in the leg or the foot. Fucking hands as well. Crap. He's in my leg. He just looks down at his legs like almost Ace Ventura style. Both hands just... Why, man? He's looking across the room at the guy with the crossbow going, why? What did I do? And then he's going to just stumble the five foot towards the chest and open it.
absolute cunt. So you're just, oh, language, Callum. I hate Nick so much. I hate Nick so much. Unspiration. I really hate him. Really hate him. Unspiration. You can choose to have a disadvantage on a role or something like that. You are. Alpha is going to have unspiration for that. No, Ian doesn't. He's C-bomb. I'm not happy about that, Callum. I'm going to have words with your mother. Right. You want to know what you see inside? Yes, please.
You want to know what you see in some memory on the right table. It's a mimic. It's a mimic. It's a mimic. It's not a mimic. It's two mimics. No, it's not. Inside the chest, you see a rather sizable amount. It's quite a large chest, but you see it's pretty much empty, except for you do see a rather decent amount of copper pieces, quite a large amount of gold pieces, and quite a few silver pieces. There's a small silver ring within it as well, and a scrunched up piece of paper.
I take it all. That's what I'm doing. 64 gold. Just into my big pockets. 64 gold pieces. 22 silver pieces. 77 copper pieces. A ring. And a note. A silver ring and a note. Well, it looks silver. Silver ring. Awesome. This is going to get interesting, I feel.
Because we've all seen this, yeah? Well, I don't know. I would assume you're in the battle. Like, I haven't seen everyone get hit. I'm focused on my job. That's what... Marota. Marota can see.
You're the side of amaran and alpha is pretty blocked by the bandit and marota So that you haven't got like to start there the bandits can see what you're doing though. They're but I'm not going I'm just full on like in the heat. I've just been shot So I'm shoving the chest open and I'm feeling my fucking pockets cool Have you got all the other stuff that was in there in yes, I have got all the stuff I'm surprised I've not tried to climb in
Can I still have, do I still get movement after that or am I done? Yeah, I'll give you movement. I'm going to say that whole thing is your action of you kind of shoveling shit the same way that you were, you know, getting something out, running. So yeah, if you want to move, you can.
Cool. I'm going to turn around and use my full movement and walk back the way I came as I pass my rotor. I've got it all. I've got it all. I've got it all. Come on. Come on. And it's just going to. Yeah. All my movement, which is five, 10, 15, 20, 25 as I pass everyone. All right. Oh, man, we got this. We've got all our stuff. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go. And yeah.
That's my go. Lovely. Thank you very much, Nix. Moro to the top of the round. You've just seen Nix skirting around the edges after emptying the chest. You've got a bandit to kind of on your back left shoulder and a guy with a crossbow in front to the north of the area that's kind of closest to you. What do you want to do? I'm going to make use of Alpha's position and just strike this one that's immediately next to me with advantage please with the whip.
So moving to... Yeah, I'll step 5 foot north. In order to get the advantage. Yeah, that crit. It's 21. 21 hits. Five points of slashing damage.
He is not happy about that as the whip slashes across his back in pain as it kind of whips up round onto his throat, leaving a huge red welt on his throat, and then also down across his back, across his old white shirt that he's wearing as well. And he still stood, but he's almost like shaking a little bit with the pain. He's like he's been kind of flayed a little bit. It's a vicious whip he got there. And then I'm going to just go for a kidney punch as well. Oh, poor man. Yeah, go for it. Roll to hip.
With advantage, that's a 13 to hit. 13 hits.
three points of bludgeoning damage. It's exactly like he had you back catch him just with the right bit and he kind of a two knuckle punch. I imagine back just right in the right place. It's like almost quite a slow methodical movement. His body was arched up and everything was exposed to you and you just looked over him and a Robert Downey Jr. playing Arthur Conan Doyle. What's his name?
just gets him right at the right area and he just stops and just stays perfectly still, then just topples over forward, just kind of on, not onto you, but kind of down to the ground forward as his body just shuts down. Vicious. Okay. Well, and Morota is just going to use the rest of her movement, step onto him and then off him, stroll past Alpha, Emron and Nix.
and just taking Nix's idea of sort of moving towards an escaping-like position. But this one remaining hoodlum that is sort of blocking the way, Marota is just going to casually stroll by and just give this person the snarl with all the friends sort of blood and detritus over the whip in her left hand.
Nice. Am I right in thinking because if you go the open pathway, you would have instigated an attack of opportunity. Are you going through the spaces of Alpha and M1 in order to avoid that?
Yes. Cool. Yeah, I thought so. Just wanted to double check. All right, let's give you the aim. Okay, lovely. Thank you very much, Morota. Rains, your turn. You can see Em, you watched Emron back away. You haven't seen Alpha, you haven't seen Nixon in a while, and now suddenly you see the front of Morota as she growls at this, this, this chap that's in front, still standing on the corpse of his mate. You're down the hallway, about 30 feet away now. What would you like to do?
Rains has heard enough. He's an intelligent man, but he's not a wise man. And upon hearing Emron and Alpha appear to be in some distress, without even saying anything, he's going to snap his fingers, summon another firebolt, lob it at the one directly in front of him, and make his way down towards the cave. Okay, roll to het, please. We'll get to the... One second.
Yeah, that's gonna do it, 24 to hit.
That hits, very nice. Is that not a crit? Nope. 19, which is one off a crit. Hey, there you go. Nine points of damage. Nine points of damage. I accidentally rolled it twice. It was a nine I rolled first. No, yeah, no, I got that. Absolutely fine. This far bug was smashing into the sides of his face. The flames explode over the side of his ear, but singes his blonde hair off the side of his head. As he reels back, he's dizzy, he looks, and you see blood starts pouring out of his nose and out of his eye socket as well.
His eye is very badly burned as well. He's still upright, but he's not now in a good state at all. Really nice. Anything else you want to do, Reigns? That's all I can do. Lovely. Thank you very much. Bandito! The chap you just throwed a fireball at, he's going to turn towards you and he's going to run down the corridor, the 20 feet to you, and he's going to roll to hit you.
13 against your armor class. I believe misses because yeah, misses. Nice. Okay. It's lucky for you. The chap that is nearest to.
Marota is just gonna turn and he's gonna swing at you, Marota. That's a 10 against your armor class. Man, I'm wrong, shit. They all know what you've done as well, Nick, so they are gonna move in to block you guys from escaping. Of course they did, they watched you, and it's all their money. And the other band is gonna move in to block basically the pathway out, and in doing so, puts themself very close to Marota, and he's gonna swing to hit Marota. Again, that's a 16 against your armor class.
which you're going to get five, sorry, seven points of slashing damage. That's full. I'm down. The first one down. We're all dead. But because of relentless endurance, I am on one hit point instead. Yeah. You got this. You just here.
Cool, thank you very much for that. Okay, so you're still up, so you take the hit, and you drop to a knee, you drop to another knee, and your hand goes down, and then just something starts raging through your blood, and your blood starts pumping, your heart just starts to pick up, pace, pace, pace, goo-wah, goo-wah, goo-wah, and sorry, bang, you're back up on your feet again, one hit point, blood pulsing, bloodied face, bloody scars, but your fists are hard as nails now, as you bore eyes into the guy in front of you.
Awesome. Emron, your turn. You've just seen Nix feel Nix around your back. You've seen Morota go down on one knee. You're feeling a bit more revitalized. You're on a bit more health now. Alpha to your right. Nix to your left. Morota in front. Three enemies in front. And the guy with the crossbow off to your diagonal right. What do you want to do?
So, lots of things happen. Seeing Nick sort of scuttle past, um, everyone's gonna shoot him, um, a look. I gotta say, where did you get a pistol? And everyone's gonna take his hammer, and no, um, everyone's gonna shoot him a look, and his, his nostrils flare. I'm directly behind you. You hear in your ear. And he looks to Alpha and goes, Good lad.
Now, let's try and get out of this with a little bit of dignity. And I will then surge forward, seeing Morota go down, but not out, and attack the guy dead ahead of me with my hammer coming slamming in over my head. Nice, Morota here. And he's doing this two-handed.
Oh nice. Crush that skull. So that ups the... I rolled twice. Ignore the second roll. Sorry, 18. 18 hits. And we'll go for the damage. Oh, that was naff. Four points of bludgeoning damage.
Lovely. This shot comes in and thumps him on his left shoulder, knocking his arm down slightly. He's right handed, though. Not an artist, particularly. And aye, dine, but he's de-symmetised on the right hand and he keeps that up. Yeah, no damage done, but he's still upright. Anything else you want to do, Emron? No, that is all I can do. And that is it. Lovely. Thank you very much. Alpha, your father's just surged forward. You see dad off to the right, engaged with another one of these guys.
Next is to your left. What do you want to do? Everyone's now looking a lot better, but obviously I can see that Marotta is in very, very bad shape. I still have a vested interest in Marotta, although I don't know why at the moment. So I'm going to use my movement and just kind of squeeze myself in between
Well, far to the left, I've got Emron just to the right of me, knitted south of me, and Marota's just above me. And I'm going to go to Marota and say, you two look like you could use summer systems. And the same south that I'm still holding from my first cure wounds, I'm going to now apply to Marota as well. So I'm just going to go up there and just kind of dab on the wounds a little bit. Dab. OK, nice. Roll up that cure wounds.
Ah, bollocks. I got a 1 out of a d8 plus 3, so 4 points of healing. 8, 4 points of healing at level 1. But props for being the artificer who picked the useful spells. I'm only using Firebolt because all the spells I've picked are fucking useful. What else have we got? What else have you got, Darren? I've got Expedia Spitry, Alarm, and Detect Magic. For daily situations, these ones are a good bet. Fair days.
Thank you, Kyle. It's all good, though. Absolutely. So four points of healing towards Morota. Back up to five now. Wow. Pretty much a full health. Oh, you're fine. You'd be fine. Very nice. So is there anything else you want to do, Alfie? Moved.
No, I'm basically going to stay put there. I've healed Morota. I will probably just kind of slightly turn a little bit to the right and just try engaging the battlefield ready for my next action. Awesome. Thanks very much for that. Nix, your turn. Your way is slowly becoming blocked as you try to assume, make your escape. You can move through other characters that are friendly to you. So at the moment, at least Alpha and Morota.
counts as difficult to rank, you pass through, yes, I've just looked it up, to pass through anybody, counts, it's in there, player handbook, combat, default rank, the space for another creature with a half arm. We ain't gonna look up dude, we ain't gonna look it up man. Danny, Danny, Danny, photo's brown.
By the way, is it as far as well? We'll play that. We'll play it for us. For now, we're doing this episode. I can double check. I can double check. It's just something I've I always assume you can move freely through an animal. You can as a friendly an enemy is different. But according to the playbook, just for it. Look at on D&D Beyond.
another creature's space is difficult terrain. You can't willingly end any part of your movement in another creature's space. Yeah, that makes sense. Okay, so difficult terrain means it takes doubles. So if you want to move five feet, it's going to take ten feet. Okay, well, cool. I didn't know that. Sorry. That's completely new to me. I had no idea. It's good to know.
makes sense then you can't just like move in and out of people how you want it's going to take up there's a cost to it as well okay that's useful so nix if you want to move through the two spaces of marota and also alpha it's 10 15 feet of movement but it'll basically take you 25 feet of movement in order to get
That makes sense to make cool with that. How many enemies are around Marota? You've got three around her. Yes, one to her right, one to the above, and one to her diagonal left as well. And if you move through Alpha and Marota into that free gap, you will trigger an attack of opportunity. Correct. From the one. Yeah.
OK, well, Nix is a very smart person. I'm reading the room. He will go towards the center of the room and turn towards the captain, so the guy in north. OK, OK, OK. Since as we underestimated what was happening here,
I've gone and had a search through that chest of yours. I don't know if you've had the liberty to do so yet, so I've taken it upon myself to do that for you. And I have the goods. I am more than happy to give you your wares back if you let us be on our merry way. What'd she say? Do you want to give me a persuasion check, please? 22. Yeah, boy. I mean, you can be as persuasive as you like.
We have killed three of them, I was going to say. He's also killed one of his own, you never know, this might work for him. Perhaps. Okay, thank you very much for that then, Nick. God, you've rolled two 22s, haven't you, on Charisma? I know you're good at Charisma anyway. I'm feeling 22.
You wish. Right, top of the Rhine, Marotta. You are surrounded, Marotta, by three of these people that are defending their home. What do you want to know? What do you want to do? Do any three of them look worse than any other of them? You want to give me a perception check? Yes, but I don't want it to be an action, so it's too much and then I won't do that.
Uh, let me get, let me have a look at your posts. Yes. Your passive is 12. Okay. Let me have a quick look for you then. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Okay.
They've all got their generation. They are all actually trees. No, the one that is closest to Raines, half of his face was on fire. So his eye is missing, his right eye, half of his face is burned and his ear is missing. You would have seen that kind of happen as he moved towards Raines.
So he's not looking particularly good. The guy in front of you is looking rather well and dandy. And the guy that's in kind of the center of the room is midway between. He's been in a bit of, you know, he's not in the best of states. He could do with a nap and some bandages. Let's just say that. OK, then I will. Am I in a advantageous position there against the one that's encountering rains? I don't think so. So I will know I will take a whip and I will strike the one that's squaring up with rains.
Go for it, roll to hit. And the beast was done. 23 hits for 5 points of slashing damage.
And again, for the second time, with this guy to the back of you, you whip this thing up and around, kind of backhand, forehand, around, and kind of catch it. You know, like when you curl up a towel and then whip it like that. I imagine it's like, because it's quite close quarters, this whip has range, but you kind of have to keep it tight, keep your elbow in tight. And as you get around, again, it whips around the neck and again, just tighten, tighten, tighten. And just as the end of the whip is about to kind of spin around and hit, you pull on it as well, causing both ends of it to tighten.
up on his neck. His neck shrinks two or three inches as it holds him for a couple of seconds until his body just slumps to the ground and the whip uncoils. God, it's fun describing that. Thank you for picking a whip. It makes it so much more fun. The nuances of whip work. Yeah, you really do have a thing about whips, don't you? No, I don't.
No, it's just like, I think it's because there was a while ago I wanted to play a sorcerer that had a whip and the whip would go on fire, that was my thing I was going for. And then my character died. So then I got this book called Fifty Shades of Grey and I have so many ideas. I cut out there, all I heard Mark say was I'm into saucy things and I have a whip.
Now, guys, let me just take this gimp mask off and I'll explain. One second. You say, oh, but you bought it for me for Christmas, Darren, so it's on you. I like to think that we've just got some leather paint down. We could make your face into a nice sort of gimp mask. Hey, that's my life. But the thing is, it's easy to slash, hit, slash, hit, or fire an arrow. It's just a bit different, which is nice to describe. Sorry we all can't have interesting weapons. We'll try better next time. All right, hammer boy.
Hey, some of you had whips. Hammer time. Hammer time, worth. Right, we're still in combat, guys, you bish. Right. Yes, I'm sorry. Yeah, thank you. Your turn. Anything else you want to do? Yeah, so as I regain control of the whip, I'm just going to take the shove action as an attack on the guy that is encountering Emron. So... As a bonus action.
Yes, I'm just reading this to make sure I can do this now, because when using the attack action, it has to be in the action. Never mind. Then I'm just going to... So facing the one that went down, regain the whip, see the one that's squaring up to Emron, as well as just gesticulated with my elbow, just aim for the tempo of the guy behind me to try and disable him a little bit.
Nice. Yeah, absolutely. Okay. And that might also, the elbow actually might have freed the, freed the whip as well. Sorry. I need to get off the subject of the whip. That's just the whole campaign, Mark. Dig in. I know. I don't need to worry. Oh, so much fun with that whip. It's getting magical whips.
it's gonna they're gonna glow up they're gonna have little spikes on it red lights anyway sorry uh what we got that morator uh 18 to hit oh yep six points of damage max damage lift my elbow holy shit uh this guy um
You catch him, he's in the side of the temple and he just tweet, tweet, tweet. You see little birds flying around his head and he just kind of rocks from one side to the other. He's fully dazed. I'm going to count that because you caught him in the side of the head in such a good way. I'm going to put him down as incapacitated. I think he's just like dead. He's literally like on his feet, but just like there's, there's not much going on there anymore. He's alive, but he, he, he's just, he's just dazed. He's just gone.
Absolutely. Whatever you say. Level ones. Monks are like overpowered. Gods. And then the rest of the game, not so much. You're a god. You're a damn goddess. Nice. Thank you very much, Morota. Rains, your turn. The guy that was right up in your face suddenly just gets throttled by this whip. His face goes purple and he falls to the ground. There's another guy behind him as Morota turns and elbows another chap in the skull. What do you want to do?
Rain still hasn't got a look on either Emron or Alpha. So there is, he's not saying anything. The PlayStation 2 glyph on his wristband is just moving frantically around as he keeps summoning fire bolts. And I'm going to throw another one at the guy in front of me. Okay, nice boy. Besties for life. Goma. Goma boy. Besties for life. Go my boy. Gotcha. E-boy.
Natural 20. That's the power of friendship right there. Power of friendship. That's the power of the PlayStation 2 loading screen. Indeed it is and it's max damage for 20 points of fire damage. I rolled a 10 on the d10. You've just won this fight.
The glyphs on your arms as part of your bracer and bracelets are caught and singed slightly. It seems to now glow with a more effervescent energy. It's almost humming slightly. You can hear the glyphs on your arms. It feels slightly vibrating and erased. As you fire out this firebolt, it not only strikes perfectly, but it seems to double in size as it moves towards the target, almost flickering for a second like a fireball before...
shooting back down again as the as the kind of the magical energy you release returns to its previous state but it has something of a fireball energy fireball energy to it and as it slams into the side of his face it causes a kind of a little cone explosion over the side of his head again and as the flames and light because there's quite low light in here and it causes a large flash of light and as the light clears his head is just clean off
It is just not there anymore, and there's singed remains of his head, of his torso, as it slumps to the floor and falls. If you were to look around, I mean, you'd good luck finding his skull. He's gone, he is dead, he is... Yeah, that was fucking sick.
Arrange is then going to look up at the guy with a crossbow bolt and he's going to see now that M Ron and alpha are both still standing but he's now slightly angry this and he's just gonna go drop the crossbow bolt if you drop start again drop the crossbow if you follow your luck if you I'm sorry I'm here we go he's gonna go take three he's gonna go
Drop the crossbow if you value your life, dipshit.
Dipshit. Nice. OK, brilliant. Thank you very much. And so it's their turns now. So he's going to respond. The guy with the crossbones is going to look confused at you for a second, a little bit like with a smile on his face. He's heard you say all three, and he's going to take a single crossbow bolt and look confused and then just drop it on the floor. And then bring up his actual crossbones, shoot you with it. Well, I did deserve that. 13 against your armor class. That misses.
Ooh, the boat slams and just next to your head, missing slightly. I suppose the public deserved that. I did burn your friend's head off.
The guy that is engaged now between Morota and everyone is going to turn and take a swing. He's incapacitated. Oh, he is. I'm so sorry. Thank you very much. He just stands there and goes slightly as he just tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet a little bit. The captain to the north, though, is going to rush in towards Nix and is going to grapple you. Could you make either a acrobatics or an athletics check, please? So it's dexterity or strength. Saving throw, yeah.
No, it's an acrobatics check. You can choose whichever's highest. It helps when you all speak to me. I find that rude. Words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words, words
and do 16 on the acrobatics. He's going to try and cartwheel on one hand. It's a big guy, man. 17. 17. That's fair. He's going to pull you up into like a... He's got your back against his chest and he's going to grab your head. So he's got you in like a headlock. But no, he's grabbing you more like around the chest area and with his left hand and with his right hand, he's going to hold a dagger up to your throat. Whoa, whoa, whoa. This stops now.
Shoot him. That's the end of their turn. I was hoping you'd say that. That's the end of their turn. Emron, your turn. You've got an encaster guide going, just in front of you. And you've just heard this man. I have really have. Just bellow out. This stops now and hold the dagger up to the throat of Nyx.
Okay, is Nyx, if I were to cast Sacred Flame on Nyx, because it's a deck save, on the guide, is Nyx going to take damage? What's your ruling on that? Because 10% is one target. I'm going to treat it like bonfire.
If that makes sense. Surely it'd be further into flames. Yeah, and that's why I think about it. Well, it says flame-like radiance descends on a creature that you can see within range. It's a single target. That's the wording. It's not five foot square, it's a single target. Yeah. So it's like a... It's probably a small cone rather than... But it's a deck save to get away from it. So what I'll do is this.
Yeah, you're definitely going to do it, but this is what's going to happen. So like the bonfire spell, you get a deck save if you go through the space of a bonfire, which is a five foot square. I know we're not going to treat it like a five foot square bonfire. He's going to take his own save that he has to do. If he bursts into flames, Nyx then gets a deck save to see if he can then dodge out of the way of the flames and get away. Because obviously he'd release the grapple if he's on fire. I don't think anyone else would hold on to something. We would probably go, ow, ow, I'm on fire.
I love the person in your holding them up in flames for a long period of time, you'd hold on to them. Nah, not sacred flame, baby. Right, yeah, yeah, should we do it that way? Does that make sense? Things are fair, then you get your attack. Yeah, so everyone's gonna heft his hammer, and when we're with the bottom end, just push the incapacitated guy over, and then shake his head at the man, and he's gonna look and see. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I told you.
Elidor's flames will have you and can you make a deck save please? That is a seven that fails
Oh no, oh no, oh no. I had a voice ready for this guy as well. So he takes seven points of radiant damage. He bursts into flames and the flames engulf him fully. Eventually, when the flames subside, he's dead. He is dead. However, because he has engulfed himself in flame, we're going to treat that like the mini bonfire. Nyx, you are free from his grapple, but could you please make a dexterity, yeah, dexterity saving throw. The save is 13 on me, unless you want otherwise, sorry.
House of 21. No, that fails. You die. And all the gold melts as well. I do have, I have fire resistance. So that might help. Oh, nice. Oh, that works. That might be a nice combo. Oh yeah. True. True. True. True. True. True. Yep. So it's absolutely fine. So as he bursts into flames, it's almost like you'd heard everyone say this before and you know what happens next. And so the minute it happens, you duck your head and you start to jiggle yourself out.
slightly as he burst into flames, you duck just low enough at the last minute, drop into your feet as the flames burst up and over his body and you are now free

Post-Battle Reflections

from it. Our captain is dead and we have one incapacitated man lying on the ground and our archer in the corner remaining. Emron, anything else you want to do? Emron's going to peer around Nyx or over Nyx because if Nyx is down on one knee, look at the crossbow bot person go,
I believe my friend said, drop it, dip shit. Well, I'm in a bit of a mess of it, but you're up with words to that effect. Amazing, thank you. Alpha, your turn. Bursting into flames. The guy that's currently kind of your diagonal in front of you has just been pushed over. He's not dead, but he's just been pushed over. And everyone's just said, drop it, dip shit to the chat with the crossbow, who was the last kind of unink,
Capacitor, no, uncapacitor, no. A live person left on the map. Yeah, that's fine. Isn't it still on the floor from the whole sacred flame dodge dexterity shit? I like to think he's kind of down on one knee, but like on purpose. So he's not like to the ground. He's just... Yeah, he's not prone or anything like that. He's like dramatic superhero drop position. Oh, nowhere near as grand. You would think that I was damaged with the way I'm playing it up. Right, if you're on all fours, crying. No, no, no, no. Just panning heavy.
That's fine. Alpha will quickly look at the last person who's remaining, the guy with the crossbow. And he would got a very kind of glazed look over his eyes and go, I am sorry, but I would prefer if people did not know we were here and I am going to take my pistol out and shoot him anyway. Okay. I'll give you a line of sight on that. I can move if it's easier.
Just move. Oh, he can shoot me. Now, if I have to move, I'll just move north up a little bit to there. Yeah, it is. The Incapacitor person gets an attack of opportunity on you and he drools on your boots like that. I'm like, god, damn it. I just cleaned these. 13 to hit. Oh, that hits. Great. Roll for damage. Oh, that looks shit. Two.
two points of damage two points of piercing damage as you shoot him it catches him on the on the on the wrist of his um firing trigger hand and he's instantly shocked by this noise that echoes around the space and echoes down the corridor
and around the edges of the cabin area that you're in, as this crack of gunpowder releases this huge vestibule of noise. Vestibule of noise? Yeah, let's go with that. He's still alive, he's still up, but he is unhappy with his predicament in life. Anything else you want to do, Alpha? No, that's it. That's all I'm going to do. Next, you're down on the floor. After someone has been burnt to death with holy flames behind you, what would you like to do?
Yeah, Nix will stand back up in the shot and go, whoa, whoa, that was close. Oh, I can smell him. I can smell him burning away. Wow. Was this your captain? And he's turning to the guy with the crossbow. Was this your captain? He stinks. It's like a barbecue here. I'll tell you what.
We won't kill you. You just run away and tell your friends that this new group in town is here and this is we're gonna stay and we're taking charge of everything in this town. Off you go. This is your opportunity.
Okay, thank you very much. It's not his turn. He can't move yet, but thanks very much. Couple of the round. Morota, your turn. You've just heard Nix do that. The guy in front of you has been pushed over and he's drooling a little. Alfa's taken a shot that's cracked a huge amount of noise across the space. That is the first time you and Nix will have heard
a gun being fired as well, just FYI. But obviously, Nick, you've got your own thing. Our bodies have been burnt behind you. So there you go. But yeah, for you guys, this is the first time that weapon, that thing has been heard.
ever really in your life. I fought it last week. He's fired it in the air, he's fired it in the air during crown. Yeah, he's fired it during the drawing. There's a very big opportunity there that maybe it wasn't noticed by them. Carback firing if noticed. Yeah, exactly. A horseback firing. Horseback fire. If you consider light and things like that, this is probably the first time you've seen the weapon clearly and nowhere else. And there hasn't been a dragon bearing down on you as well. You're probably bigger fish to fry.
So there's what, four, five, six bodies on the floor at this point, four of which I am personally responsible for. I will just straight, there's one I know that is immediately like to the floor next to me. So I'll just lean down. You said that all have scimitars. Yes. Yeah. I'll grab one of the scimitars and I'll just walk towards Nick's.
And while Nix is sort of outstretched, open palm, trying to talk to this individual in the corner, I'm just going to give him the hilt end of a scimitar. Don't forget these, they're quite valuable. And then I'm going to throw my boomerang at the guy in the corner. Yeah! Oh no, it's keeping him alive! Boomerang to the fudge! All right, well to hit. Boomerang that best.
14. That hits. God, you boom in his ring. Do better damage than me. Five points of bludgeoning damage.
The boomerang clicks to the floor as it falls. I'm imagining a close zoom in on the boomerang falling to the dirty, sodden floor. And then the knees and then the crossbow falls to the ground and then just head forward as this boomerang came in and basically sliced across his head, causing a massive hemorrhage of blood as he falls to the ground.
and silence returns to the group. We are now in no longer initiative order. Combat is over. The chest is empty. We still have our guy in capacity on the ground drooling a little bit. But apart from that, we're out of initiative order.
Ranges are still in the face of this cave, the face of the cave, the mouth of the cave, near Alpha and Emerald with the zinc-abastic guy. Morota, Nyx, you are both in the centre of this area, looking around all the bodies of these humans that you've just killed. What do you like to do? This could have gone south quite quickly.
Indeed. He looks towards next. Yeah, you looked really hurt at some point. Are you okay? You looked really hurt. Thanks to Alpha. Yeah. Yeah, you're walking medic thing there. Oh, you're a lucky man. You should feel proud of your team and yourself. You overcome a horrible situation here. You are very strong and you have my admiration. Good. I'm sure your admiration will
materialised as a split of whatever comes out of this. Absolutely. Would you like your split now? No, I think we should. No, no, no. And Nix runs over to you and he gives you 10 silver and 10 copper. There's yours. And he goes over to the rest of you. He goes over to Alpha.
Do you, do you, do you take coin for your part in the battle anyway? Hang on, hang on lad, hang on lad, hang on lad. Then he goes over to Reigns. Reigns, of course, how can I forget you and your amazing, what is that one-handed fire? Bless you, this has been an emotional ride. Hello, what are we doing here? I'm blessing you with ten silver and ten copper. That's rare, thank you. Your hand in this battle, you, you wrecked. Morata, I will square up with you later.
I mean, can I actually make a quick perception check before we move on? How much is... Because this gold's got to be somewhere, yeah. I've got to say, this gold's weighing down his coat, it must be. Yep, okay, yeah, if you don't know how to put gold before. Ah, Callum, Callum, Callum. I mean, I'm with Callum on this one. He's got deep pockets, but it's not a bag of gold. I'm reading bullshit on this. I mean, it's not...
Just for the sake of what I'm contributing here, I'm confused as fuck. I've taken the silver, but I'm just stood in front of this guy, and I'm kind of like doing the hello. Can you see me in there? Hello? What's going on with this guy right here? Anyone know? And my only trepidation around it is, M1 does the role, only because M1 is a world-traveled man, and you have, for all respect, Alpha been living in a laboratory and been reading books. I've seen. So I might not have come across
creatures like Nyx, who is a Tiefling obviously, first of all, but then also the charismatic nature and the gaslighting basically that's going on here, which might not be something that comes up in the heroic novels of Shadow Mend. So I'm giving you a layer of naivety maybe, if that is fair to play upon you. It is. What I will say, obviously, if you consider my backstory as well, I have met somebody who's very similar
It's to Nick. Okay. No, okay. Let's, uh, let's go with, let's go with everyone for now, but yes, I will. Cause yeah, I agree. Go with everyone for now, but just put in that, lay in that ground, collectively sigh when Callum starts talking. This is a guy who in the prologue was told something might go over your head and looked up as in fair, fair, very fair.
No, yeah, I will bear in mind. And actually, it's quite interesting you mentioned that actually, because there's we have a website, you can find all that backstory information out as well. I'm sure it will talk about later anyway. Anyway, I am. But I've got a deception check to make in the meantime. Do you do indeed? Right. So I know 15. Okay, I'm gonna use the 15 bitch inspiration here. Which was nice. You roll a d6 and add that score. Yeah. Okay.
So first off, 24. Oh my god. That's before the D6. Get 30. Just get 30. Let's just use the D6 as well, shall we? Go for it. Why not? 26 in total. Ian, you've been rolling so well tonight. I'm looking forward to Nick's paying for everything. So as that happens, the money gets handed out, handed out, handed out, handed out. Everyone, your eyebrow goes up for a second and then
and you kind of come to terms or maybe it's right.

Moral Debates and Decisions

I'm just going to go to the bodies. Yeah. I would be passing out scimitars one each because they're somewhat valuable to offset the coinage that they don't know. Yep. So there's a scimitar to each. There's also a crossbow.
up for grabs as well. There's nothing on the captain apart from his scimitar. Nothing else apart from that. Next, on what you do notice, there are two things. You had two other items with you as well. You got the score up and the ring.
The only thing you notice about the ring though, well no, what you notice about your current situation is, as you look down, you can see ants, you know, just kind of regular knickknacks and insects of the animal. What the fuck are you doing? Just near you coming towards you. There's the odd spider kind of crawling towards you. Just take little tiny little ones. Just something you notice on the ground below you there.
And that's it. So as you're going to hand out these items and everyone's kind of looking around a little bit confused and yeah, okay. And you know, you might have given into this because of the fact that you have been in combat and you're bloody as hell. And you know, you've got bigger things to deal with wounds and stuff like that. And check if Alpha was okay. And his reigns are right. You haven't seen him in a while. So there's other things on your mind as well. Nix, you've been handing these items out. What else you wanted to do whilst Marota again was handing out the scimitars?
Yeah, so when Morota was handed out the cinematized, the guy with the crossbow, Nick would go to his body and retrieve the crossbolts because he received a crossbow. Crossbow bolts. Crossbow bolts. Yep, there are six bolts now on his person that are now usable. You also find one spare one on the ground separate to that, so it's seven in total.
I'm just going to guide the dazed and spaced out remaining bad man, bad guy. The chest looks quite big on our map, is it like...
Yeah, it's quite a big chest. It is a larger than normal chest, but it was pretty empty. I think you can ascertain from that that it was going to, at some point, maybe be used for bigger purchases of golden items, but there wasn't much in there. If the space is going, what I'll do is I will lead the dazed individual to the mouth of the chest and then tip him in. Hang on there, lad.
I think... Lad. That's a lady, actually. Can you look a little bit more closely? Oh, I was talking to that guy, but okay, he's off by us either. Okay. I think, because I've watched, I was about to bend down and move him aside. I think it's best we take him above with us rather than locking or putting him in chest. I'm sorry, in the time it took you to get your words out, I just shut him in.
Everyone will go over and open the chest and get him out. I'm sitting on it, so... Listen, lass. We've had a fight. Has anyone got a haste spell? And we won. And I reckon it's pretty best that we don't just murder someone. He's been beaten. Now let's not lock him in a chest where he can die.
Look, we're all friends here. You burnt someone alive. You've, well, you've gone around and hit everyone with your elbows and everything like that. And let's just say that right now, this isn't the time to deal with this. So let's just leave, let's leave matey in the chest. Let's be honest. That's probably where he wanted to be in the first place. I know I would want to if I was going to die. Maybe we should just get out of here.
I'm kind of up for just leaving this guy. As long as we're not locking him in, he'll get out eventually, by which point we'll be long gone. Captain, he gets it. He understands. Oh, I don't know if I'm much of a captain, but anyway, I am sick of being in this sewer and I'm starting to agree with the solemn blast. I'm quite willing to get out of here. I would actually move over to Emron myself at this stage and go,
Please consider this. We are already, and I'm saying this quietly, we are already wanted individuals. It's best not to draw attention to ourselves. Perhaps if this individual were to pass within the chest, it would be better. We already know there is a bounty on our heads. It could be worth talking to him before we go. We do want to probably make sure we haven't messed with the law.
I'm not saying that he's gonna die in the chest. He's just being put in the chest. Oh, no, I'm not. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then we leave and then when he's done shitting himself, he can get out and leave at his own time. Exactly. In my mind, he doesn't die. He goes on. He has a family. He lives his life. He turns his back on crime. This is great. Now let's just kind of, let's get out of here. Can you hear us in there? I'm gonna say in the direction of the chest.
Yes, this is the plan. I just want you to go. I think that I'm really sorry about everything I've done. I've got to go and I've got to live my life free of crime. Just drink and just go. I bid you farewell. Well, you sounded awful like that. Alpha's basically just going to look around the cabin at this moment. I mean, hang on, because I also want to reply to Alpha at some point about his comment.
Yeah, so as well those guys are chatting about that stuff everyone will look to to Alpha go There's a difference Alpha between killing fork in a fight and then Put him in a situation where you just murder him in cold blood just like when we left pirates leave and run away Killing someone in a fight is different to just murder and beat folk and
And I think this is the best way to educate your son. One of you saying one thing, the other daddy's saying something different. Oh, we're not cut out to be role model parents. I can't assure you. But anyway, are you in there? Can you hear us in there? I mean, I don't know if we can hear a lot. You hear no response.
okay well if you can hear me you count to 100 assuming you can count when you've got to 100 you can leave and go about your merry way and pretend you never saw us and we'll pretend that we never saw you I can't remember your face and it'll be good right I think that's probably dealt with it I think we can leave
Agreed. And he's not gonna die. He will live his life. We put him in there alive and we're not locking the chest out. Marotta, you're not gonna lock the chest, are you? No. Exactly. So, M. Ron, it's okay. I mean, if you want to, you can come back down and see if your best friend's still alive later on. That's fine. I didn't say out about him being friend. I just... potential friend. Potential family. Something.
You are akin to this person in some way. Everyone will look at Nick to be like, let's just get out of here. Yes. That sounds like a great idea. I'm glad you thought of it. Okay.
after you. I assume the bodies have nothing else, Mark, other than obviously the scimitars. They do, they do. And you're doing a proper little look around. Well, it was just a case of just checking the ones that we have killed for whatever. As you go around and loot our bodies, let's go old school D&D, Emron, you would have collected 18 silver pieces and 20 copper pieces on them along with their scimitars, which have been handed out already.
And you've had a good payday. As Nix watches this happens, you've had a really good payday and you killed a few folk without how many how many cattle were there? Sorry, Mark, sorry. There were 20 copper pieces and 18 silver pieces. Thank you. Big strong guy with your big hammer.
The cheery one of the group as well, I can tell. Hey, hey, hey, Alfa, Emron, if you're feeling bad, I'm going to hold up a silver piece, which I assume has Leopold Sleepguard on it and go, we felt Leopold Sleepguard after all. Let's just go and find a pint.
I agree with you again. We're going to become fast friends, you and me. Reigns, please lead the way. Can I look in that top tunnel? Yeah, I want to look in the little crevice as well. Top tunnel, where the other two came out of. The other two came out of. As you gander down it, it goes down quite thin and was like three, four feet wide for quite a while before narrowing down. And you do find at the end a number of pick actors
and a small bucket where they were shoveling mining parts of it to dig a deeper tunnel. There's nothing else really down there. You can assume this was them either trying to tunnel through to another part of the sewer system or indeed just trying to make a little secret area where they could store loot or something upon those lines. There's nothing else of interest down there, unfortunately.
Yeah. So as I turn around, I'll go, yeah, I'm happy to lead the ways. Get out of the shittle. I'm going to flip the coin in my air, catch it, put it in my pocket, and then just turn and walk up the aisle way. And as I go, I'm going to turn back to Nick's and just be talking. So you say you come in on this fancy ship. Is that right? I'm still going to sit on this chest till everyone has gone down the corridor. Okay.
Alpha will wait at the back with Marotta. I would wait near the mouth. I wouldn't be near the chest where she's sat, but I'm just kind of making sure we don't leave her because I still have this unknown vested interest. As Rains and Nyx walks past Alpha, and Rains is talking to Nyx. Nyx is just going to take a glance at Alpha, just kind of watching Marotta.
Uh, she really doesn't like people staring at her too long. I wouldn't if I were you and we just carry on walking. Yeah, so, um, yeah, my ship and... Hey, Alfalfa, this guy's telling us about a fancy ship. You like ships.
as you start making your way across. Alfa, you continue to look at Morota. Morota, you're sat still on the chest. Enron has made his way, kind of following along, huffed, and then made his way, thinking about that pint, behind the chatty nicks and reins as they walk out the mouth of the cage, maybe putting a hand on Alfa's shoulder, patting him as he kind of walks past. It's just the two of you left in the cave at this

Deception and Conclusion

point. Alfa's looking directly at you, Morota. I'm just going to get a dart from my sort of
my satchel, my side satchel. I'm just going to spin it on in like my fingertips and just wait for privacy. There's going to be a few seconds delay just as Alpha's kind of watching the dart and watching Marota and he's just going to kind of in a lower tone as well because he doesn't want it echoing through the chambers. Would you like me to lock the chest? No.
after you. And I'm going to gesture a handout for Marota as well. She's just going to stare and wait for you to go.
Okay, I'll leave it a few seconds and then Alpha will withdraw his hand and then just slowly start making his way down. Aye, aye, aye, aye. Morota, you're left on your own in this room as everyone else starts to make their way down the corridor. Is there anything you'd like to do? Morota is going to...
open the lid of the chest. Is the individual still sort of out of it? He's kind of coming to you. You can see him kind of rubbing his eye a little bit. Oh, what the fuck is happening? He's kind of murmuring and he's kind of like coming out of a really, really, really deep sleep. It's okay. What's the last thing you remember?
I'm a doctor. I can help. Oh, we had some bread and and Pax told a joke about about some squirrels. I think I was I was just in the morning. Yeah. Okay. Okay. You need rest. I'm a doctor. Just just take the rest. Okay. Okay. Where am I? You're at home. Can you roll deception?
18. Yeah. Yeah, I guess I am. Oh, I'll just, I'll just have a bit more of a sleep and then we'll, uh, yeah. I might feel better soon. It's okay. Thanks doc. Appreciate it. And I'm going to shut the lid of the chest and then I'm going to leave. And as Marota turns and pads out of this room strewn with bodies,
That's why we're going to leave it for this week's episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop. Oh my god. That was so dead. Oh my god. Interesting. Cool. Interesting. Guys, that was fucking awesome. She's a fucking vampire. She's a vampire. I didn't know what he was going to do. I was waiting to see if he could recall what had happened. Yeah.
Nice. Very, very nice. Wow. Oh, what an episode, guys. Good stuff. Oh, wow. I'm full of energy from that. That was really good. That was really good. Hopefully everyone out in the world is full of energy, too, from listening to us just talk and role play and roll some dice. That was digital dice. And yeah, you are full of energy.
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