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EP 20: Let's Be Real - Ins and Outs for 2024 image

EP 20: Let's Be Real - Ins and Outs for 2024

The Business Playdate
98 Plays1 year ago

This week, Lindsay and Betsy jumped on the trend of sharing their ins and outs for 2024 in business and daily life. From online business marketing tactics that give us the major ick to some lifestyle changes that we plan to bring to our daily routines to help us feel better all around. 

As a reminder, these are our personal opinions on these topics. Everyone is different, and we're not here to judge your choices or what you feel is best for your business or situation. We're cheering you on as always, and we hope you find a safe space to just be you in this community we're building together! 

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Welcome to the Business Playdate, a podcast hosted by Lindsay White and Betsy Moorehead, two internet strangers turned business besties. We're two marketing professionals living across the country, raising our kiddos while running our own individual businesses. We built these businesses based on our experiences working in corporate management roles with the end goal to be able to show up for our families first. And we did it. We're so happy you're here with us. Now let's get into this week's episode.

Coffee Preferences and Challenges

Hey guys, welcome back to the business play date. We are excited for another fun episode. How are you, Lindsay? Oh, I'm good. Just another day, another Friday. We ran out of coffee again, so we need to go buy some more coffee. Oh God, we've started like keeping a back stock because we use
K-cups and we buy this very specific coffee from H-E-B, which is like the mother load of grocery stores in Texas. We drink this very specific coffee, it's called Texas Pecan. It is delicious and I can't ... Other coffee tastes disgusting now, so we keep massive boxes of it in stock because we always run out.
We use an espresso and there's an espresso store in town. And when we lived in Tampa, the Nespresso warehouse, I guess, or dealership or whatever you want to call it, was right down the road from us. So I would order it on my phone and it would literally arrive a few hours later. They were like, oh, overnight shipping and it would arrive within hours. I was like, this is fantastic. So since we've moved, I've not been able to
get my coffee situation under control. So I always wait until we have two pods left and then I'm like, oh my gosh, I have to go to an espresso store or we're going to be out of coffee. And so I'm constantly running to the mall. Can you order it? Yeah, I can. Can you order it on my subscription? Probably, but that would be too clever. That would be way too clever for me. That would be too easy. Too easy. Why would I do that? For delivering to the front door.
Like it's 2024 and I just figured out I can get my groceries delivered. Okay. So like happy delivery. That's too clever. Maybe 20, maybe 2025. Yeah. That's the year for that. Yeah. Well, how are things going besides the coffee? Oh, we're good. We're all healthy. So that's always a good thing.

Weather and Regional Preferences

The kids are back in school, which is also a great thing. Yeah. How are you guys?
We're doing good. We're doing good. We have had like a couple of really nasty days of weather here. And so it's like finally, it went from being like 19 degrees to then like three days of like nonstop rain. And so now it's like finally like getting back into some regular weather. So being able to get back outside and see some sunlight and feels nice. It's actually like 60 something degrees here today, which is unheard of. I mean, it has been in the twenties for the last two weeks, so it's very welcome.
That's nice. I know. It has been so cold and I am not a cold weather person. Yes. No, I know this. I prefer the cold. Do you? I do, but I'm also very like hot natured and so, you know, and it's usually like a hundred plus here all the time in the summer for like four months. I would take a hundred plus any day. Oh God. I didn't know we were that different.
Any day of the week. It's the Florida showing. Oh, man. You know what? On par with what we wanted to talk about today, but 100 plus degree weather isn't out for me. I'm not having that this year. In for me. It's an in over here.
Oh my gosh. Yeah. So to dive into what we were going to talk about, we're just going to kind of riff today and see where this

Income Marketing Trends and Pitfalls

goes. But we've seen this trend going around and we might be a little late to the game, but who cares? Because we do what we want over here on the business play date and it always works out for us. Um, but we wanted to talk through some things that we've seen, um, when it comes to marketing and business and just life in general and kind of walk through some ins and outs for us in 2024. Yeah.
So why don't you get started? Should we start on with some outs? Just lay it out there? Yeah. Let's start with outs. I feel like we're a little bit more fiery about those. All right. I'll go first. Income marketing. Oh, that's out.
That's out. That's an out for me. It's funny because I feel like everyone is so, everyone used to be. And I think that there's still obviously people who are pushing this narrative, but it's to me, it's just not true anymore. But the like numbers are sexy. Data is sexy telling, giving people, you know, showcasing your 10 K months, you know, whatever months is like the thing to do. And I just think it's a turn off now.
It's just an ick. Like it's just, it makes me like immediately unfollow somebody if I see that. Not only is it an ick too, like, first of all, it's kind of slimy and skeezy, but second of all, it is we're, we're all smarter than this now. Like, okay. Three years ago in the online industry is obviously constantly changing and it's changing fast. I mean, marketing has always changed really fast, but in the online space, exceptionally quickly and in
this space now, it's like it changes so quickly. And we all know now that like you're using ads, you are spending money, you have a team supporting you. So you're 100k month, like you could easily be paying out 99 of that.
Yeah, absolutely. And it's very- We all know it. Oh yeah. And it's very clickbaity. It's very- It's bro marketing now. It's bro marketing, right? But I see these huge names talk about how much I made in a year being a content creator or being an influencer
It's like, that is wonderful. I am happy for you. How much time have you put into that before this year? Yes. Yes. How much time? How much effort? You didn't just start making $20,000 a month from brand deals. You worked with- Do you have a full-time nanny and a house cleaner and someone doing your laundry for you and a house manager and all of these things? I'm all for-
Yeah, I'm all for transparency and I think it's great if you want to be like, here's the potential of what if you put in the work could happen. I'm all for transparency, but just to be like, I'm a content marketer and this is how much I made or I'm- You can do the same. Yeah, I'm a Jenna Kutcher and this is how much I made or how I made the 10K month. It's like, that is wonderful. I'm happy for you.
But don't give false hope to somebody that they can just start a business and do this and immediately start making that much money. Like, let's get a little bit more transparent. Let's detail out how we did all this. Because I know when I first started, I was like, oh, hell yeah. Like, look what I could do. I could probably make that much money. I'm smart. Look what my background is. I can put in the work. I could do that. Right. I'm sorry, but it is like you have to sacrifice a lot and put in a lot of work to really get real lucky.
Yes. I think I saw something and I don't want to like misquote anything. So I'll have to look into this and maybe it can link something in them and their show notes. But I think I saw something about like the FTC is like kind of cracking down on income marketing a little bit. Like people can't falsify these like, and I think, I think we talked about this not that long ago, not on the podcast, but just in general. Um,
I know that there was some talk about the FTC cracking down on MRR and things like that. My dog's about to freak out because we just had a package delivered. I can't hear Friday. It's Friday, left Friday bark. Yeah, it's her day.
I'll have to look that up and then if it's true, then I'll link it in the podcast notes. But I don't know. It's an out for me. It's a no. Anytime I see it immediately unfollow, immediately have a little bit of less respect for the person. It's icky and it feels very used car salesman to me. I said it. But I think too, I mean, speaking of ins, this is a
not very exciting in, but you're mentioning the FTC and they're cracking down. I mean, Google is cracking down on their email transparency and spamming and phishing and all of those things. And I think we're going to continue to see that this year. A lot of just rules and regulations being put in place for some of these tactics that have been commonly used for the last 10, 15 years that aren't necessarily best practice, aren't necessarily
ethical, I think we're going to start seeing a lot of actual regulations being continued to be put in place and evolved into things that will have real ramifications against them.
Yeah. I mean, and you know, the online space has been growing immensely, especially in the last three, four years. But it's still so new. It's still so new. So of course, eventually there's going to be all these rules and regulations put in place. And then, you know, it's kind of like, um, like direct to customer, like direct to marketing, like a multi-level marketing, like direct to consumer, like.
or no direct marketing sales, like an MLM type thing. Before, there weren't as many rules and regulations, I think, around that type of business. But as things kept going, as some more crazy things started happening, more rules and regulations got put around it. And now, I think it's a better opportunity for people sometimes to know what they're getting into. Right. It's less of a fad now, and it's more of a real thing.
Yeah, so I 100% expect to see more of that coming in the online space, coaching especially, and offering digital products when you're the expert of something and you're offering a service.

Navigating Advice and Authenticity

I remember when I first started my business, and this goes into the next out a little bit, but when I first started my business, thinking, do I need to get
cybersecurity insurance, you know, like I'm going to be taking on like, you know, so this probably goes to the next out, which I'll talk about is like going to Facebook groups or like Reddit threads or just anything where like random people are commenting for legal or business or any type of medical advice is a total for me. Total out, especially like Facebook groups is like such a big one where anyone could be behind that profile photo.
Yes. You never know. I'm getting scammed on Facebook marketplace, left and right a few days ago. You never know who's on those things. I got scammed on Craigslist recently. Oh, dear God. I didn't even know. I tried to buy Kelsey Valerini tickets. I should have known I was going to get scammed. Oh my God. How funny. But yeah, I just think
There's a lot of not great people in this world. And I don't think I'm going to like go to a Facebook group for advice on, uh, like some legal issue, like with my website or with, um, whether or not like I've got someone, uh, on my list and I can email them or text them accurately, like coming from the background. And I think that there's a difference between like
crowdsourcing information and actually seeking legal advice. I was just about to say that. Or medical advice. You want to know how long to cook your sourdough? We got you there. I got you. There's a Facebook group for that. You get 50 different answers. But all of that is great. But when you have a serious business question, do your actual research, go to a reliable source, find somebody
Call a lawyer, call a business consultant, somebody that has a CPA if you have questions about taxes. Don't rely on strangers on the internet for that information. Vet them. Exactly. Let's be smart people because anyone can get taken advantage of. Right? I would even rather be going to YouTube where at least there's a little bit of credibility there where someone is
likely stating like, hey, I'm a divorce attorney. I don't know any other kinds of attorneys in my head right now, but I'm a divorce attorney and I am qualified to answer these frequently asked questions in a generalized way. If you have a specific question, come to me with your specific circumstances. But in a general Facebook group where there's absolutely
No accountability. No one knows if you're actually a lawyer or not. People are just putting their opinions out there. Not to say that we think everyone listening to this podcast is going to Facebook groups for advice, but we have seen it ourselves. I think the best thing you can do is either
comment, hey, maybe you should go ask an attorney or hey, maybe you should go ask a professional and not like, and you would think that people would do that, but you just never know. You really just never know. Especially in the mom groups, people asking medical advice. It's like, have you called the doctor? Have you called your nurse line? My child is bleeding terribly. I don't want to take him to the ER because I don't want to get the flu, but we might need some stitches. What do you guys think I should do? These are my favorite.
I know. God bless it. We're all just, you know, we're all just doing the best we can, but like, you know what? Let's leave the professional business legal medical advice to the people who earned those degrees. Let's talk about an N. Let's talk about an N. Let's talk about something positive. Yes. Yeah. Organic community. So while we shouldn't be going to Facebook for our legal advice, I do love the sourdough group I'm in.
I did put you in there. You know, last night I had a question about my sourdough and I got like five responses in two minutes and fixed all of my problems.
But I think building an organic community of people that you like and you trust and build friendships like you and I are, we're an organic community now. We were linked up together in an organic way. We didn't pay to be part of a market or a mastermind where we were brought together that way, but like organic community where everyone is in it for the benefit of the relationship and not some sort of personal benefit.
Yeah, no, I agree. Um, I think that is so necessary in this type of business setting, but also in like, do you hear my cat? Sorry. He's obsessed with me. Um, my cat needs some good organic community over here. Um, maybe you should get another one. Oh God.
face that you just made. And would literally leave. He would be like, I'm out. I'll come back when both the cats are gone. Thanks. Thor was with me before I met Ryan, so he's been around a long time.
But I think it's true, the organic community, I think that's true in every aspect of your life. I mean, it's hard to make friends as an adult. It's hard to make friends as a mom. It's hard to make friends when you move to a new area. I know both of us can attest to that. So maybe put yourself out there a little bit and try to figure out how you can build some organic community. And I think it's maybe a little easier when
Oh, it's a little more difficult when your kids are so young because they're not as active in things and activities. Yeah, even though I think both of our kids go to schools and childcare facilities, it's difficult to make friends in those environments as parents. And so now we're dipping our toes into some extracurriculars and I've made some friends through Ellie's dance and then when
some other ways and church and like all of that. So it's really important to have organic community, people who are in it for the right reasons, you know.
Yes, definitely. And I think too, like doing this kind of goes into like our next in but doing whatever you want. I've been thinking about community and just like who I am as a person, right? A lot lately because I don't have very many friends here in Atlanta and trying to make friends. And it's been really hard to make friends because I am busy. B, my kids are still really young. So I'm not in these like circles of
soccer moms and whatever, you know, um, but like I was thinking about it the other day. I'm like, I don't want to make friends that aren't my people or like pretend to be someone that I'm not just to make friends.
That's not something I'm trying to do. I want to be authentic to myself. And whether I look like a hobo when I go to school drop off, like if someone's going to judge me for that, then that's their problem. That's not my problem. They're not my friends. It is. I saw a TikTok or something that was like, 2024 is the year of the low-key, low-stress,
friendships, basically like a friends that you don't have to clean up your house before they come over. You're not worried about like they're going to, like they can tell your kids not to do something. Like you're there, you're a true village. Like you can just sit around and like your pajamas and it not matter. And I'm really trying to cultivate those friendships because I have a lot of friends that live in other States that are, those are my friends. Like that, that that's my people, but they live in other towns or other States, right? Like those are,
Anytime we get together, it's just like that. We are each other's people. And so when you make new friends, it's a little bit harder to show your true colors right away. You're like, I don't want to show you all my crazy up front. But I'm trying hard to go into new friendships or friends that maybe have only been around a year or two and just be like, OK, I'm tired of trying to act like I'm something I'm not. Here I am. This is who I am.
Mm-hmm. My laundry's not done. My laundry's not done. Yeah. No. My house is a disaster. My laundry's not done. I probably haven't worn makeup or wash my hair in, I don't know, a week. This is it. So, I'll bring the wine. I'll bring the wine and the cheese. Exactly. At least I'm here for a good time, okay?
Yeah, right. Always. Always. So doing whatever you want. And I also think that that pertains to businesses too as well. Like you should be, as we always say, authentic to yourself and your business or you're going to be resentful of it.
Yeah. Don't feel like you have to do what somebody else is doing or not do it. Like if you want to do what somebody else is doing, do that. If that feels right. And if you're like afraid to do what somebody else is doing, cause you think they're going to think you're copying them, like whatever, just do it, but like make it your own.
Yeah, this leads to the next out that I have, which is social media pressures. I think that's an out, which also doing whatever you want. I think a lot of us have been present. I'm going to sit here and bash on social media like I have been for the last month. My favorite thing is that we've both bashed on it, yet we're still a little active on there. Still a little active. I've been trying to be a little less active. I still don't know what the future is going to hold for me in the social media space.
Um, I think that we've all created these businesses on social media and I still can't figure out why. I was actually listening to, um, I was doing some research for the business play date website and I was looking at other podcasts websites. And so I looked at the bossy podcasts website and cause they have like kind of like similar size to us, but she,
is slash was a money influencer. And I actually have always followed her. It's money with Katie. And she's good. She has great content. And she was saying in their podcast recently that she started her Instagram as just like a fun way to track like what she was doing on her
like journey to retiring early. And I mean, she graduated from college in 2017. So she's significantly younger than me. Right. And so she was like documenting that journey. And she's like, I think, and it just started morphing into a whole lot more and not because I wanted it to, but because of
the pressures that social media was putting on me where I needed to keep up with like what the other people who were suddenly in the same space as me were doing and I needed to launch this and I needed to hit these numbers or these goals and I was putting all of these goals on myself and it was becoming something that it was never intended to be and I didn't love it. I didn't love it anymore. It was work. It wasn't the enjoyment that I had started it to be. Yeah. And I find that fascinating because it's like, why?
My computer's going to die. Oh no. Charge is not plugged in. Uh-oh, we came real prepared today. There we go. But it's like, why did we all, I think that we get told so much, especially when you're on social media, right? You're on Instagram, all of the Instagram
business influencers. Instagram is going to push that content to you because they want you to stay on Instagram. That content is so prevalent and we're getting shown this content over and over and over again. In order to be successful, you have to be on Instagram where at the end of the day, what is it doing? If you love it, that's amazing. If you're seeing great ROI from it, amazing. I love that for you, but I'm not.
I mean, I know a lot of people who aren't and then you get these pressures like, I have to make three reels a week and I have to create all these carousels a week and it's taking me 20 hours a week to do this. And it's like, well, why are we doing that? We don't need to be doing that. Like don't let the pressures of society tell you you need to be doing something when in reality you could be creating something that's your own, that's more authentic to you.
Yep. Snaps. Love that. Love that so much. It's so true in business, in personal, like the pressures of social media are just unreal. And yeah, it's definitely an out for 2024. We're no longer allowing social media to dictate how we feel about things. It's not going to be perfect feeds for me. That's for sure. No, no, there's no aesthetic over here.

Setting Priorities and Boundaries

This is another out doing it all, trying to do it all. Pick one thing and become good at it or focus on it or make it your priority. I'm talking in your business because I'm the queen of trying to feel like I can do it all. I know you can relate to this because we've talked about it before.
It is so overwhelming to feel like I need to be everything all at once to all of my clients plus everything all at once to my family plus everything all at once to myself. It's exhausting. I need to pick the one thing that I'm good at, the one thing that I know is going to be the most beneficial for me in the long run.
And I need to run with that. And then eventually, if I feel like it, like we talked about last week, I will decide if I need to get out of a plateau, I will make a bold choice and I will move forward. But for now, I'm going to just really focus on being great at the one thing that I know that I could be great at. So I'm done with trying to do it all. It's an out. It's an out. It's don't be a yes person. Honestly, maybe be a no person.
Wouldn't it be so nice to be a no person, but like, and this is also another out, but like being able to say no and set boundaries without people thinking you're being aggressive or like you're just being assertive. This might sound kind of mean, but, um, I love it. My mom and me talk about it a lot. My grandma is a no person. She's constantly saying no. Like you, if you come to her and you ask her to do something or you invite her somewhere immediately, you're going to get a no.
Like, every time you know the answer is no. But then she comes back, like, you know, a couple hours later, a couple days later, a week later, you know, depends what it is. And she's like, Hey, I've been thinking about it. And I actually do want to do that. And it's like, there's nothing wrong with that. I love that. You said no, you set a boundary. And then you thought about it. And then you decided it was actually a good yes for you. And I think maybe we should all be more like that.
She's being intentional. She's saying, no, I can't answer that right now. I don't want to do it. And then she's thinking about it a little bit. I love that, grandma. I love that. Yeah. I need more of that in my life. I do too. I'm such a people pleaser. I know.
you feel that way as well. And I think I'm always constantly feeling like if I say no to something or if I put a boundary up, it's like going against everything within me to do that. I feel like I'm offending someone. Yeah. I was talking to a friend of mine, she just turned 40 and we all went to lunch together for her birthday. And one of the things I said was, what are you most excited about for this new
this next decade, like what are you excited about for your forties? And she was like, you know, I've really been thinking about that a lot. And she was like, I am so excited to just be who God intended me to be and be a grown ass woman and, you know, put everything I truly believe that I was put on this earth to do out into the world and not really give a shit what anybody else thinks. And I was like, damn.
I love that. That's what I want. Yeah. I am so ready for that. And she said that, you know, she's, a couple of things she had mentioned was like, you know, I'm not going to like allow bad behavior to happen. I'm going to put up boundaries. I'm going to say no to things. I'm going to do X, Y, and Z, all of this stuff. And I looked at her and I was like, you know what? You're really good at being assertive without coming off as aggressive because I think a lot of the times
society and the generalizations, which is another out for 2024, is that if a woman is assertive, it comes off as aggressive.
And I know not everybody feels that way, but it is like, it is a generalization. That's a generalization that is made. And I think, you know, it's like the whole, like, Oh, she's being bossy, but it's like, Oh, but he's a boss, you know, like, and I have to like get into all of that talk right now. But I just think that I'm, I loved hearing my friends say that because I know she has struggled a lot with.
figuring all of this out. And now she's like ordering her forties and she's like, I don't give a shit what anybody thinks. I'm just going to do me. I'm going to do what makes sense for me. And I was telling her, I was like, yeah, I heard this like quote that said in your twenties, you care what everybody thinks about you. In your thirties, you care a little bit less and you start like figuring out what you want. But in your forties,
you don't give a fuck what anybody else thinks about you or anything else. And so I just, I loved hearing tracks tracks. It does track because here I am 36 and I'm like starting to finally like care a little bit less. What people think a little bit less about all of that and just really find myself and, and sit with that and be okay in it. Um, so yeah, generalizations are out for 20 or
We're all just going to be who we want to be and we're not going to worry about what anybody else thinks about it. We're covering some ground. We are. We are. Let's do another N. This is a personal favorite of mine, but personal development is a big N for me. I think it kind of goes hand in hand with probably what we were just talking about.

Focusing on Personal Growth and Well-being

I like to think of personal development, but professional development too on the business side, honing in a skill, learning something new, really tapping into something that I know is going to move me forward as Betsy, as a human, as a mom, as a wife, as a just living, breathing creature on this earth.
taking care of number one is what my husband always says. He's like, you got to take care of number one. I mean, and that goes with the second in that we have underneath that one, which is like putting yourself first, you know, like those two go hand in hand, knowing what you need and giving yourself that and developing yourself into the person that you want to be.
Oh, I love this. I love where we've gone with this. It's a good episode. It is. It is. But I think, what are some tangible things when it comes to personal development or professional development? Do you feel like those go hand in hand with each other? I do. Well, I think I'm going to refer back to, I don't remember what episode number it was, but our episode with Jennifer about mental health.
I think that you can't put professional development ahead of your mental state. If you are in a burnout spot or you are overwhelmed, you need to put yourself first with movement, getting outside, building community, drinking water, nourishing yourself. Sleep. And if you can't do those things, then that's where we're starting. That's where you should be starting.
And so once you have those things nailed down and you're like, all right, I'm a sane person. Like I am sane. It was like, okay, now what kind of person do you want to be? Like, do you want to hone in on the next level of your skill set? Do you want to learn a new skill? Like right now I'm kind of like really into SEO and I want to dive into learning a lot more about that. Um, so that's something that I know.
when my mental state is in a spot to take on more, that's probably where I'm going to push forward. But right now, I'm focusing on those burnout pieces, which I think is just so important, like going for a run. I know you've been really good at that.
Yeah, I was talking, I was actually, um, I had a therapy session this week and I was talking to my therapist and like, we were talking about some stuff I'm working through and she was like, why don't you like take a step back and look at all the things you have accomplished this year and like for yourself and like, kind of like to kind of get my mind off of all this stuff we were talking about. And it's like, okay. And I started like naming off all these things that like I've been doing over the last like six to eight weeks that I.
like two years ago. Okay, what are they ever imagined? So like running like every day almost like or moving my body every day. You have been so good at that. I would have never like I am shocked. I'm so proud of myself. It's like I am not even doing it for the physical benefits as much as I am the mental benefits. I mean, I think like you've heard me on like a boxer with you before and after a run and how different I sound.
And I think it's truly just been like, I'm not even trying to like run a 5K or a 10K or half, you know, all the night that like I'm just getting out there and doing it because it makes me feel better. And I'm so proud of myself for that. I like picked up a hobby. I know it's silly and we talk about it, but like the making the sourdough, like I've literally done it once a week since the beginning of the year. And it is like this therapeutic like hobby that I'm finding.
I'm using my hands. I love it. I feel like there's something so great about using your hands to create something and watching it come together. Yeah. Yeah. It's challenging. You have to be specific with it or not and see what happens. I think that's really fun. This is also silly, but here I am 36 years old and I'm finally starting to make my bed every day and not even make it put all the pillows on it. But making it for me means
We're pulling the sheets up and the comforter up and making it presentable so that at night we're getting into a comfortable bed. Even my husband was like, who never makes the bed, he was like, it is really nice to get into a nice bed. I was like, I know.
Now it's just part of our morning routine. It's so nice. Yeah, the other thing I mentioned to her was staying within my work blocks and not feeling so overwhelmed by the house and being really intentional with
Keeping the counters clear at all for like starting the dishwasher at night or making sure there's toilet paper in every bathroom, you know, like little things around the house. Like little things that you feel like adults should be doing, but it's hard. It is hard. And so I think all of that is stuff that
a year ago, I would have been like, I will never get there. And here I am. And I think I do. I owe a lot of it to putting myself in a vulnerable state and being willing to put my mental health first over the last year. And I think it's just only going to go up from here.
Anyway, yeah, so doing that exercise with her where we stepped back from the conversation we were having, she was like, okay, let's step back and let's focus on the things you have done versus worrying about the things you want to do. Right. And so that was a good little exercise.
I think everyone could probably do that, writing things down, journaling, tapping into the stuff that makes you feel good. Sorry guys, we just lost some power, so we're back and we'll cut this in somewhere. Not the beginning, but in the episode with Jen, you were talking about you were making that costume for Lila and how using your hands and how it brought you joy and you just loved the creating
aspect of it. I think that just goes back to like the sourdough thing, right? Like using your hands to create something brings you joy and find what brings you those moments of excitement. Yes, absolutely. And bring it to like whatever aspect of your life you can. I agree. Okay. Another out, and I think this is maybe the last out that we have written down, but it's like doom scrolling.
Zoom scrolling and I've noticed a little bit of a less productivity in me this week because I've like...
Been in like the world. Yeah. So like I find myself like after I eat lunch, I'm just like 30 minutes later. I'm like, Oh gosh, I'm still sitting on the couch looking. What am I doing? I changed my phone to grayscale mode. I feel like I mentioned this on a podcast before, but I never actually did it. And so yesterday I did that and it actually really works because it is terrible to look at a grayscale phone.
Oh my gosh. Okay. You're going to have to tell me how to do that. I have the instructions written down. Yeah. I think, I mean, nothing good comes from doom scrolling. So let's just get that out of here for 2024. Quit doing that. And then let's end on an N we haven't really said this one, but it kind of goes back to what we were talking about last week. Making bold choices. That's an N for 2024. We're not going to be afraid.
of doing, get kind of like sums it all up. We're not going to be afraid of doing what we want. We're going to make bold choices for our life, for our business, take care of ourselves, all of that. Make a bold choice. Yes. I love it. I think both of us have some bold choices we're going to be making this year. I think we do.
I think we do, especially when it comes to the podcast. Cause if you didn't hear Lindsey drop it earlier, we're working on a website. We are working on some 2024 goals that we recorded so we can held ourselves accountable. And we're just, there are, we're very excited. We've actually had like some really interesting people reach out about possibly being guests on the podcast. And so we're kind of working on getting all of that together. We've had like some really awesome.
feedback from listeners. We've had some bigger accounts kind of like recognize the podcast and talk about us a little bit. And so we're just very psyched and excited to see where this goes. And we just thank everyone for being a part of this ride and listening to a 45 minute long episode of us talking about ins and outs. Yeah. Riffing on social media pressures. Oh my gosh. Well,
I think that's it. That's it. I'd love, I'd love to hear other people's ins and outs. Yeah. Drop them in your review that you leave for us. Yes. Drop it in review five stars. We would so appreciate that. And we'll talk to you all next week. We'll talk soon. Bye guys.