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EP 16: 2024 Goal Planning  image

EP 16: 2024 Goal Planning

The Business Playdate
100 Plays1 year ago

We're holding ourselves accountable by putting out an episode that is a real-time look into our planning session of 2024 goals for the podcast. It's raw and real, y'all! 

This episode highlights how we developed our list of broader goals, from increased reviews and downloads to generating revenue from the podcast. Listen in as we dive into workshopping these S.M.A.R.T. goals (any good marketer loves an acronym), and let's see where the New Year takes us!

Thank you so much for being here with us and for listening every week!

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Introduction to 'Business Playdate'

Welcome to the Business Playdate, a podcast hosted by Lindsay White and Betsy Moorehead, two internet strangers turned business besties. We're two marketing professionals living across the country, raising our kiddos while running our own individual businesses. We built these businesses based on our experiences working in corporate management roles with the end goal to be able to show up for our families first. And we did it. We're so happy you're here with us. Now let's get into this week's episode.

Vulnerability in Goal Setting

Hello, Betsy. Hi, Lindsay. How are you? Good. I am very nervous and excited for our call today. Me too. Not only is this our last episode of the year,
But kind of a vulnerable one. Vulnerable one, yes. We're being a little just raw and real and real-time planning. What's funny is I have absolutely no issues with being raw and real when it comes to my struggles or things I'm trying to overcome or the absolute insanity that is my home at all times. Yes.
I have no problems with that, but today we're getting raw and real around business and setting goals, which I don't know. It's a little nerve wracking. It is. I think that maybe after our conversation with Jen last week, we both are feeling a little just like more Zen. Yeah. Like some type of way, like we're just like fired up. And so we knew we wanted to do this and we knew we wanted to,
plan like this openly on the podcast. And just if you're listening, we have no set structure here. This could go great. This could go terrible, but either way, we're going to put it out there.
We're going to put it out there. And you know what? If this episode is terrible, just go ahead and skip. Go to the next episode. Don't use this episode as a benchmark for the business play date going forward, OK? We don't know what's going to happen. We're just bringing this to you because maybe it'll help one person. And if it does, then absolutely fantastic. And if it helps no one, it's still an accountability for us. There you

Workshopping 2024 Goals

go. Yeah. So essentially, we are going to be workshopping, brainstorming, talking about
our goals for 2024 for the podcast. And we have some ideas and we have some things that we want to do, um, to talk about and how we're going to do this is we wouldn't be marketers if we didn't like do some sort of like, uh, like evaluation, if you will. So I think we're going to like talk about the things that we have on our list, the, these kind of wider goals. And then we're going to maybe try to back them into a smart goal.
Something to make them a little bit more attainable for us. Yes. We love an acronym as marketers. So smart is stands for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant time bound. So we're going to start big and then we're going to hone them in. Yep. We're going to roadmap this shit out.
All right. Well, here we go. Here we go. You go first. All right.

Monetizing the Podcast

Oh, so I think our first goal for the business play date rolling into 2024 is to start bringing in or even attributing some revenue
towards the podcast, right? We want to be able to bring on a podcast manager or an assistant, someone who can consistently help us with show notes, creating new episode graphics. I would love to get a Pinterest plan out there and some visibility plans out there, which I think goes into a couple of other goals that we have, but it's kind of like this big picture. In order for us to do that, we really need to be able to attribute revenue to this.
Because not forget, we both are also working our businesses on the same side. So we want to be consistent with the podcast, but sometimes life just gets in the way. And we've been very consistent and good about obviously putting out an episode every week and posting on Instagram to promote it and posting on our own individual stories and Instagram to get on it. But if we could have some way of
Like Lindsay said, like having like a podcast manager eventually come in, but we need a source of revenue to be able to pay someone to do that. So that's the bigger goal here. Yeah. So in order to hit that, we need a revenue source. Yes, we do. Okay. Um, do we want to like, go ahead and create some kind of smart goal around that or talk through the bigger, broader ones and then, and then go into it.

Content Strategy for Engagement

I don't know what you mean.
What do you mean the bigger, broader ones? Well, the little list that we have here. The list of all of the other ... Do we want to go through all of them and then go to smart golden? And then smart golden. Shocking them out. Gotcha. Okay. Real and raw, guys. Let's do that. Let's go down the list of what these high-level levels are and then
workshop amount. Cause we got like four different kind of broader goals here. Yeah. Okay. We're back. We're back. Sorry guys. Um, the next one, and maybe these all kind of fit within this, this creating a revenue source as our, you know, as a big smart goal. But some of the ideas like we want to build out a content plan, mostly around like reels and different valuable content that we can bring, that we'll be engaging for listeners and bring in new listeners. So.
We've kind of done our research. We've, we are podcast listeners ourselves and we have some ideas about how we want to be able to utilize sound bites in different pieces of content from the episodes in a broader spectrum and not just on Instagram. So like Lizzie said, you know, like a Pinterest plan or maybe even some kind of like email blog situation that we can do. So some way of like building out a content plan that
expands the reach of the little tidbits that we want to put out and that aren't just like, go to the link in our bio and listen to the episode, you know, that are really like, actually valuable, valuable pieces of content. So I think again, that probably goes back to creating a revenue source so we can bring in someone to help us with that. Yes, definitely. And I think too, part of our workshopping right now should be identifying some channels that we want to build out and putting some timelines on that.
Um, okay. Awesome. The next broader goal that we have is, and this one's pretty, this one's pretty smarted out already.

Boosting Podcast Credibility

It's pretty lofty though. Uh, I see you think it's so lofty and I don't, Betsy and I were texting last night and I had a glass of wine. So, you know, maybe it was the wine talking, but I still feel this way. I feel like, so this is the goal. We want to have 100 reviews by the end of the year. Yeah.
Betsey thinks it's unattainable. I mean, I wrote the number down. I don't know why I feel like it's so unattainable. I guess in my mind, it's like.
We have like eight or so right now. And, but we had eight and we've, the podcast started in September, you know? So like I'm such a numbers person that I'm like, we only have eight right now. And I think two. So we started the podcast in September and we really, we were just kind of like, okay, let's just see what happens. Let's see if we even enjoy it. Let's see if this is something we want to keep doing, you know, instead of talking about it, let's just be about it. And we did that. And I always say, you can't be what you don't see. Can't be what you don't see. So.
we're out here trying to be. And I think that 2024 is where we're going to really put pen to paper here and put some more, I don't know, onus or effort into it. I think that we've had a chaotic fall. I mean, every fall is going to be chaotic. Every season's going to be chaotic, but I think that
We're going to put some more oomph into it. We're going to create some revenue sources. We're going to create some different channels for visibility. We're going to build this thing up, and I just feel like 100 is totally doable. Okay, let's do it. Let's do it. 100, I wrote it down. 100. 100 used by the end of the year, so by December 2024. Yeah. Okay, cool.
And then the last

Increasing Downloads

one. Yeah, also 100. I guess I was just feeling like 100% yesterday, but 100 downloads per episode is a goal, if not more. So we're averaging about 50 to 60 right now. Which I feel really good about. Which I do feel really good about considering the
minimal oomph that we've had to put into marketing and everything thus far. I feel really good about it. I think we've got some really solid listeners, obviously. Hi. And I think 100 downloads per episode would be great. Yeah. And I think, too, again, back to 2024, we're going to put some oomph into this.
We've had a process, but I would say our strategy hasn't been super strong or strategic. It was more like, let's get this out here, and let's show up consistently. And that's been the main goal, is to show up consistently. And we've totally knocked that out of the park. Yeah, absolutely. We have not missed a week. In fact, we've put out a couple of episodes early on accident. Yeah, we are so eager. So I think that.
I just think it can only get better with time, especially the more emphasis that we put on this and the more strategy and strategic we get with putting it together.
Yeah, I agree. Um, another one that's not really a goal, but just something that I want to say out loud so that we hold ourselves accountable. We've talked about this, but I want to do like an end of year retreat with being you next year. Yes. That like where we do this, what we're doing right now, but in person. So maybe this podcast that we do for next year will be in person together. We've never met in person.
No. How wild is that? That is crazy. We've talked about this. I probably talked to you more than I talked to my husband. Oh yeah. Easily. Easily. I mean, my husband is constantly working. I mean, they're working and me and you are right here. We're right here. We're right here. Okay. Well, there's four there. Do you have anything else? No. Four is good. Okay. Yeah. There's a lot. There's a lot. A lot of tackle here. Okay.
Do we want to start with low hanging fruit or do we want to? Yeah, let's start with those. Let me those last two. Yeah. Okay. So a hundred downloads per. So let's start there. Okay. Um, and I am actually writing all of this into fun little plug here for the hustle, sanely, uh, uh,
What is this, planner? Oh yeah. Has a insanely planner and she has like these really cool little goal mapping things. So I'm going to write it in here as we go. It pretty much smarts it out for you, but. Oh wait, that's cool. I wonder if mine has that. Yeah. Like this would be a cute, a cute easy way. Cause like, I know if I wrote it on this piece of paper that I pulled out for this, I would just end up rewriting it into here. So it's like, that's what I'm doing. I'm just writing it on a scratch piece of paper from a Chelsea Jo workshop that I took. There we go.
I don't have that in this planner that I see. The plug here, this is the Horatio planning one. I love that one. I used that a couple years ago. Yeah, I know. I think you told me about it and then obviously CJ over there. Yeah, I don't have something like that in here, so I'm just going to write it on my paper. There we go. All right. I got mine down. 100 downloads per episode. Let's see. Let's pull up our cheat sheet on smart goals.
Uh, I remember from my corporate days, like sitting in like personal development, um, like seminars or sessions like this, and there was actual worksheets for how to smart out a goal. And I wish that I had something like that, but we aren't that prepared people. We can use a mix of this smart goals. I have like how to write smart goals up. Um, it's from at Lassen, which I think is actually who owns Trello now. And then this hustles anything. So I have some questions to guide us.
So why don't we start with like, why does this matter? How's it going to make an impact? I mean, I think that 100 downloads per episode means that we are reaching obviously more regular listeners. So the impact that we're trying to make with this podcast is to help more women and moms see that there is more out there than just corporate life. There is more out there than
you know, living this nine to five like grind, there's more out there than having this like hustle culture type of thing. And I think that we want to show people what a highly professional, high revenue generating business can look like, but doing it on your own time and be able to show up for your family and in a way that works for you. Yeah. And we were talking about this last night when we were texting, but you know,
I think when you're on the inside in a corporate setting, it almost seems silly to think about having your own business or unattainable, but just like, oh, I could never. I think part of that is we want to show women and moms specifically that this is possible and that it's not a pipe dream.
It's not like I remember me feeling like everyone's going to think I'm crazy for starting my own business. Who do I think I am? I'm leaving corporate where my boss had 20 plus years of corporate marketing experience. Who am I? Who do I think? Look at us. Look at us. We're doing it. We're doing it. 35 years worth of really strong
revenue generating businesses. I think one of the things that I pride myself on so much and that I want to show other moms and women who are in a situation that we were in three, five years ago, is that you can create something that's highly regarded. My agency is highly regarded in the industry. A lot of people come to me because they've heard of me or they know I'm really good at what I do and I put together
work that's like excels past their expectations of what they could get from a Fortune 500 company. I just feel like it's so scary to put all of that onus on you and be like, how am I going to create something that's professional enough to the standard that I'm used to working in my nine to five without the team? And it's just little old me, but you can. And you can create something that is
you know, highly regarded, highly professional, puts together great work. And that's why we do the podcast. I was just about to say that that's exactly why we're doing the podcast so that we can bring this conversation

Effective Audience Targeting

that we have all the time with each other to people who were in that situation and in that, um, in, in where we have been.
I saw it. I think bringing our guests on is continuing to show that. Bringing on Jen. That showed a whole different kind of business, but it's still the same model. It's getting out of that corporate mindset and starting a private practice. That's something that will work for you however you want to make that happen.
And Jackie, she's the same thing. She went through the same process, and now she has an amazing CPA firm that's serving other online businesses. And there's so many different ways that that can look. It doesn't have to look just like how Betsy and I's.
our marketing services business. Because our businesses are totally different from the other two. Yeah, they are. Definitely. So the reason why we want to have a specific 100 downloads per episode is, again, it adds credibility. It makes us get in front of the right people. I saw this stat today, Sarah with Podcasting for Educators actually shared it in her Instagram. And it says, it was from a newsletter, and it said that
500 media buyers across five countries report that marketers rank podcasts as the top performer for accurate targeting and unduplicated reach. Only 16% expressed concerns about excessive advertising on podcasts. So podcasts are a massive, I mean like this is
one sure-fire way to make sure we're reaching our target audience because you're not going to listen to something if it doesn't. You're not going to spend your time listening to something. If we could see that number of our downloads go up, we know that we're reaching the right people. Yeah. It's the greatest KPI for us to look at to see if we are on target growing the podcast.
And that our content's hitting with our listeners.

SMART Goals for Growth

Yeah. So measurable. So we have a specific, right? We have a hundred by the end of the year, blah, blah, blah. So measurable. So the ways that we're measuring that is obviously like we use Ncaster for our recording and there's a lot of analytics in there. Um, but as far as like, it's just checking in on it monthly. Is that. Yeah, I think we need to implement a KPI dashboard. Oh, okay. Okay. So maybe we.
I mean, maybe that's the first action step we take is create our KPI dashboard. Yeah. Okay. I love that. I just wrote that down. And you know what? While we're at it, let's just sign this out. I'll take that on. I'll take that on. I'll create a KPI dashboard. Go girl. So we'll start that effective January 1. Okay. And on the first of every month, we'll track those KPIs. Love it.
Love it. We can also add in there. I know this is jumping to the next one, but you can also add like a little spot for the reviews, the review count. Yeah. Yeah, that's perfect. And so I think that the way that we're smarting this goal out is just going to kind of duplicate over to the reviews. Yes, I agree. I agree. We'll walk through it with y'all so that you can see that process. And then I think maybe quarterly we check in on the KPI dashboard and see if there's anything we need to add or remove. Love it.
Do you think you'll just do that in Google Sheets? Yeah. Yeah. Perfect. Yeah, I'll throw it in our Drive Drill folder. Okay. Attainable. I think this is pretty attainable. I think, yeah. Achievable, attainable. I mean, it doesn't seem unrealistic. No, it's relevant. We can reasonably accomplish that. Check. It's time bound.
It is time bound. It's relevant. It's time bound. Yep. By the end of the year. So well, okay. So are we saying that come December, 2024 by December, we want to reach a hundred episodes downloads per episode. So like if like October, November, we're, we're like covering on like 80, 90. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. And I think that if we reach it earlier, amazing. Yeah. Okay, cool. Look at us. All right.
I think those just go over to the reviews thing, but I think that for the reviews, there's a certain, like there's another measurable or like specific thing we can implement to help increase reviews. Obviously like at the end of each episode, you know, we're encouraging people to go and review, but I think we could probably add something like that into our content plan or do some sort of, um,
like giveaway or like, you know, encourage people to like screenshot their, their reviews and send them to us. And like the whole coffee thing. I think that's so genius where people do like a little Starbucks gift card. Um, so I think we just kind of maybe add some strategies behind that strategies behind it. Yeah. How we're going to reach that. But the goal there is a hundred reviews by the end of 2024. So that's.
attainable, relevant, time bound. We can measure that like we were with the KPI dashboard, checking quarterly, and then kind of like redo our strategy if things aren't working. Okay, perfect. I am with you. I want to see how many we have right now. Well, and Spotify doesn't have like specific
I know when you told me you don't use Spotify, I was like, oh. I don't even know how to, I don't even have the app. I don't know how to open it. I don't know how to work it. Like that is like a whole world to me that is absolutely non-existent. Oh, how funny. It's funny because, so Betsy makes all of our graphics for like when a new podcast episode comes out and she always shares one that's an Apple podcast slide and then one that's a Spotify slide with a link. It does it for you. I don't do that. Oh, does it? That's really nice. Well, so didn't even know that.
And so every time you do it, I'm like, because I have to re copy the link and add in my own link over top the share because the links don't work when you share a story or whatever. Oh, bless you. So I always I'm like, I'm going to skip this.
Because I don't even know how to get a link. I would say though, looking at our analytics, most of our listeners are on Apple. Yeah, that's good. And so we do though, hi, we do have some Spotify listeners. Actually, I had a friend yesterday who was interested in listening to Jackie's episode and she and her husband are
They were like part owners in a business, but now they've bought it out completely. And so she was like, we need to talk to a CPA. And I was like, Oh, you should talk to Jackie. We just interviewed her. She was like, send me the link. I can't find it on Spotify. And I was like, here you go. Um, so looking at our reviews, we currently have 12 five star reviews and a couple of, a couple of written reviews. So in my mind, I'm like a written review is exponentially better than just a five star review. That said,
I'd be very content with 105 star reviews. That's on Apple. I did not know that we had 12 star, five stars. Amazing. Five stars. Yes. But if you're listening to this, our last written review was October and I would love it if you would go give us a review. Just write something out. Tell me I'm funny. I don't care.
I would love to see some more written reviews in here. I know. It really does help. As a podcast listener myself, I've now tried to be better about rating and reviewing podcasts that I listen to because it really does help. My understanding of how it all helps is higher rated, higher reviewed podcasts get pushed out more in the podcast world
algorithms. So our podcasts may show up in searches, someone searching for a marketing podcast or a female business owner podcast or something like that. So the more reviews that we have, the better. And we're at 12. Okay. I thought we only had eight. So 100 is attainable. So I think, no, write this goal down. It also feels like a little cringy being like
rate and review, but that's just the world. This is it. This is what we encourage people to follow us on Instagram. We encourage people to go to our website. We give everybody a call to action and every other line of marketing that we have. So this is just part of it. Uh, so I think creating that KPI dashboard is the way we're going to track this. Um, so that's going to be created on the first and then we kind of need to, maybe each quarter we implement a
strategy or a tactic for using those reviews. I agree. Try something different each quarter. Maybe at the beginning of the year, we can make a quarterly plan or after this call or whatever. We don't need to get into the quarterly plan here. No. I'm going to write create a quarterly plan, create quarterly strategy. Some sort of tactical thing like the coffee or the giveaway or something like that. Perfect.
Let's put a date to that. Let's say the end of January, we'll create, we'll figure out what our plan is for that first quarter of the year. Okay. Love it. I love a quarterly strategy. I do that with all my clients. Like we look at each quarter or like, you know, every month or two together so that you're kind of like projecting and looking into the future. So you're not, you're being, what is it that you always say you're being proactive versus reactive. Love a good proactive strategy. Love it too.
Okay, well, we're just knocking this out. I hope you're still listening because I think this is going really well. I was just thinking to myself inside of my brain. We're really letting people see how the sausage is made over here. We really are. I don't know if it's good or bad, but we'll find out. Let us know. I think this is very relatable. Let us know in the reviews if this was relatable. Yeah. Okay, which one next? Content plan or revenue source? I think we need to start with revenue source.
So this one's going to get a little tricky.

Funding and Revenue Ideas

And I think what the way we need to approach it is we don't need to identify a revenue source right now, but I think we need to put some timeframes on ourselves. Okay. So I think if we're creating a revenue source for the podcast, the why does this matter is because we want to impact more people. And in order to do that, we need to
We want more of this content that we're creating to be digestible in formats that are for our audience. So that's not always podcast format. Maybe that's an infographic or an email series or an ebook. If we can bring on an assistant and a podcast manager, someone who can do content repurposing, stuff that we don't have time for, we can create more content in a valuable format.
Yeah, I agree. For our listeners and our audience. I agree. In order to do that, we need a podcast manager. We need a podcast manager. I know. We need dollars to pay said podcast manager. Yes. All of you listeners out there, if you're a podcast manager, don't pitch us yet because we don't have any money. At some point, we will have it. Yes, we will. Yes, we will. In fact, we will have it in 2024. We will.
Um, okay. So, so, I mean, I think, I was going to say we go, let's go backwards. Let's go. Like, let's put some time frames on this. Okay. So maybe like, let's write our first action stuff should be just like brain dumping ideas, like a revenue brain dump. Oh, we can do that in, um, mind Meister. Yeah. And so there's a good brain dumping mind mapping software there.
Any source? Brain dump. Okay. So that's our first action item. Let's try to accomplish that by end of January. Is that what you were thinking? I know that's when we were going to have some other things thought through or mid January. I think we could do that by the end of January. Mid January. What do you, I mean, are you thinking like a shorter timeframe? No, no, no, no. I'm definitely not thinking shorter.
My kids are out of school for like three weeks. I know. Okay. So yeah. Cause I don't think that this is something that like, we're going to have some sort of revenue source right out the gate in 2020. You know, like maybe it's like, come Q three is when we can maybe launch something out, which is what we did with the podcast. We started talking about the podcast in January last year. I mean, before then, but like really talking about it. Yeah. I do think that there's some low hanging fruit we could implement, you know, as soon as the first quarter of next year, like creating.
smaller ticket offers for each of us separately that we just promo on the podcast. And then we can do a promo code to attribute to the podcast so that we can see the dollars. I don't know. I think that there's a couple of low hanging fruit. But I think bigger pictures, I would love to get something out there that really packs a punch for the business play date. Yeah. Like some sort of
Um, ebook, like you said, or like, uh, some sort of like workbook. I think we talked about that, you know, something that like workshops workshops. I love a good workshop too. It'd be so fun. Okay. So maybe, maybe our like end goal timeline for that is to launch something in the third quarter. Yeah, that sounds good. And then we can like brain dump and we're brain dumping everything else. We can like talk about the, the mini timeline speeding up to that.
So launched by Q3, end of Q3 would be fine, but sometime in Q3. I do think this is an attainable goal. I keep going back to how you were like, we're giving it more oomph this year.
It's attainable because we're passionate about it and we want to work towards this. And it's a necessity for moving forward. It is a necessity for moving forward. I mean, I love having a business. I love working and I love watching my efforts come to fruition. But at the end of the day, we have to be doing this because we're a business. Money has to be coming in. I always feel this weird twinge of guilt when I'm like,
especially on the agency side, I don't because it's very service oriented, but I feel like when I'm helping others, like this is truly like a passion for us is to help our listeners grow their businesses. And I, I always feel that guilt of I should be helping people for free. Yeah. Why do I feel like I have to charge a dollar amount to help someone? I get that.
but also in order for us to impact more people and be able to bring this to more people, which is the goal here. At the end of the day, we want to help show other people who haven't been shown this, we have to be able to bring in money so that we can have a podcast manager to continue the trajectory of this.
I think I always get stuck on the like, there's so many coaches, there's so many businesses out there doing similar things that are trying to help women grow their businesses. But I think that what makes this a little different is like the value that we bring as having similar backgrounds and building the same kind of business. And I know, I know that there's other women out there like that. I mean, you're listening right now, like, so we're very niched, but at the same time, like,
We do just love helping people and I think that's one of the whole, one of the many reasons, but one of the big reasons why we started this podcast was because we just felt so strongly about how can we reach these people that we're looking for in a way that feels natural to us, right? Yeah. Because natural to me is not getting on my Instagram story and hawking something. That's just not natural for me. Right. But then talking is natural.
Talking is so natural to me. So I think this all just goes towards the greater good of what we're trying to do. I agree. I agree. OK, measurable. So this one seems a little less like KPI-ish.
I think that you're wrong. I think the measure is that it is successful if we have brought in one single dollar. The goal has been met. The KPI is revenue. At this point, it's really not even profit. To reach this goal, it's revenue. Revenue of $1 at minimum. Okay, I love it. I wrote that down.
I mean, I just think that we could put a higher dollar amount on it. Sure. But at this exact moment, it's really, let's find something that's a revenue source for the podcast. Yeah. Yep. Okay. I love it. Why does it make me so nervous? I don't know. I don't know. I'm like the nervy one. I'm always so nervous about stuff like this. And once he's like, no, let's just do it.
What? Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. We're just going to do it. We have no other option. I know. They're in my planner now, OK? You wrote it in pen. I can see. Yeah, blue pen. Relevant. Yeah, it's relevant. OK. I think we smarted that one out. I think we did. All right, last one is content. I mean, it's creating a content strategy.
And I think the content strategy is going to evolve and grow over the course of a year. So I think that looking at dates and chickens and stuff, we need to look at it every quarter to see what's working and what's not working. Okay. I agree. Chicken.
uh, realistic, like attainable. I mean, I think that's all like based on how often and like, you know, all of that. I think that makes so much, a lot of sense, but I mean, again, this goes back to like the specific, the why of it all. Like if we're, if we're just willy nilly, I mean, throwing spaghetti at the wall for, you know, a lack of better. Right. When I think some of the things that we need to, okay. So if the broader goal is really creating a content strategy,
getting a little more granular with that is I really feel strongly we need an email list for the business plate. I had that written down actually in something. I really want us to be capturing who our listeners are and building relationships with them outside of just talking to them. I want it to be more of a two-way connection. Yeah, I agree.
Okay, yeah, some sort of content plan and strategy that kind of helps us to build a list to speak. Create that two-way communication channel, but also to increase visibility. Yeah, so we talked about identifying some channels, so email.
I love the idea of Pinterest. I think that makes total sense. Me too. But I think to have Pinterest and any of you listeners who are Pinterest managers, you chime in on the DMs.
think we're going to have to have some sort of landing page or blog situation. Yeah, that was my next thing, landing page blog, which, um, we've kind of talked about like repurposing the, I mean, we get a transcript right of each episode. So turning that into a blog post, I know a lot of podcasters do that. That way, you know, Google we're searchable SEO, um, kind of coming up with some keywords to make sure that are thrown in there so that we can show up in
How can i leave my corporate job and start my own business. Broad action step number one is i think we need to.
Get a website. Yeah. Um, you know, those costs money and they cost money. We're not bringing any revenue in. So, you know, we are probably going to start a little in the red here, just like, or investing, you know, from our own business side, but you have to invest. I mean, we all start somewhere. And I think it all makes sense. We're investing in this podcast software that we use as well. So we do have some expenses that we do. I mean, this mic wasn't cheap. No.
Neither were these massive headphones. What's the tax write-off though? So there's that. There you go. Good thing we know a CPA. Good thing we've got one. Email, Pinterest, blog, and then obviously we're doing Instagram. That's fine. I know I had one time said, should we do TikTok? And you were like, not yet. Yeah, I'm like, absolutely not. No. We are not adding more to our list of things to do without any sort of solid strategy in place yet. No, no, no, no.
Don't mind me. That chronic stress is coming through in the bronchitis. Oh my gosh. We got to get you healthy. That's our next goal. Yeah. Get Lindsey out of bronchitis world. Seriously. Well, now I'm going to start sleeping. I'm going to start moving my body more. I'm going to get out in nature more and we'll be back at the baseline.
Yeah, there you go. Baseline. That's all we're trying to reach. Trying to achieve the baseline here. Okay. Content strategy, content plan. What is our, so we said quarterly check-in, but do we have like a, do you have like a thought in mind of like that first like step? I think, yeah, we need to identify channels. Okay. But I mean like from a timeline perspective, when? I would say let's identify channels as soon as possible. Like, okay.
Because I think to identify the channels, that's the first step that we need to take. And then it's going to be like, okay, once we have those channels identified, what is the content?
content area of focus or that content bucket, if you will, for those channels. But I know we're going to need the hub, which is going to be the website and the blog because this podcast content is going to influence that. Those blog posts will have a repository for... People can go there and find our episodes and easily click to them. So I think identifying the channels and building out that strategy is going to be the first step and then actually executing on the said strategy.
Do we want to make that like an end of Q1 goal or before then? To build the strategy out. Yeah. Just to like get that, like the landing page, the landing page, all that going. I think website and blog going end of Q1 is a good idea. Okay. But we will then have like a pre-conversation of where we're brained up again, identifying the channels and stuff. Yeah.
Yeah, I agree. The landing page and the blog is the first step. I think maybe email might be the next step. Yeah. And then adding in some sort of Pinterest strategy sometime this year to kind of help drive people to the website. Yeah. So, all right. I have three spaces for broad action steps. So I have the first step is the website and blog. Well, the first step is really like identify the channels and create the strategy, but then create the website and blog.
then by end of Q1 and then we have an email which we'll probably implement at some point in Q2. And then the visibility slash Pinterest strategy would be after that. Yeah, I love that. I love that. And all of this goes back to the greater goal of, I think, to
I know what I was about. Thinking about this like a funnel. Yes, and all of this. Not a funnel in a marketing sense, but like in a funnel of like where the goals are shooting off to. All of these goals, all of these like smart goals, they all play off each other.
By having a content plan and a strategy and more, uh, like content channels, essentially that is only going to help us then reach more people to then get more downloads than to get more reviews and then to be able to have a revenue source. Like, so all of these. Essentially are the greater good of like expanding the podcast, expanding beyond a podcast and, you know, world domination. I'm kidding. It's easy.
easy. But I mean, because I think if you, if we're thinking about the business plate, it's not a business.

Podcast as a Brand and Inspiration

So there are no actual business goals here, but if there were business goals in place, I mean, it would really be to increase revenue, establish revenue and increase our, our listeners, our, our brand awareness and our footprint here. Yeah. Wow. We did it. So guys, this was a messy, uh,
It's really a messy brainstorm session of you guys getting to peek into us. Yeah, but I think it was good. I think hopefully, you know, after listening to this, like everyone's inspired to have their own little
end of year meeting, if you haven't already, I think also it's December 15th when we're recording this. So we're like a little late probably in like this end of year, next year planning, but I don't think we're that late. I mean, at least we're not doing this like the week of Christmas, you know? Yeah, exactly. And I mean, I did this for my business, you know, a couple of weeks ago and I sat down with my CPA and we forecasted and put, you know, pen to paper and
Just trying to, I think that's part of what going into 2024 looks like for the business play date. It's like, yeah, this might've been a messy goal planning session where, you know, it wasn't the perfect marketing strategy that you and I would ever create for a client, but we're sitting here and we're trying to give more of ourselves to the business play date. To you guys. Yeah. So we can, we can like
just be there for each other. I think that's like the ultimate one of the, you know, we want to provide a sense of community. And we didn't even say the word community in all of this, but like, we do want to create community. Yeah. Some sort of.
It doesn't have to, by that I don't mean like a Facebook group or like a, you know, a weekly call or anything like that. Just foster a sense of community. No, you're not alone. Yeah. My like, my vision is that just like I do with, I have like two podcasts that I rotate listening to on my walks. I want our podcast to be something that someone goes on their walk regularly listening to, like they get fired up after hearing us.
And we're just making a difference. And yeah, that's, that's like, what gives me the, the feels on the inside, you know? Yeah. Well, and I want, I want to show more people that it's possible for them. And I feel like this is the best utilization of the skills that I have and the education that I have and the value that I can provide. Like this is the best.
use of all of that to bring to these people that I want to show, you know, it's possible. Yes. I love that. No, it makes total sense. I love it. Well, I think that's it. Thanks for listening guys. I know. Next year you can expect another one of these and now we have all of you to hold us accountable. We do. We do. Hopefully like 40 to 50 more of you. Exactly.
Well, happy new year, everyone. We'll see you in 2024. Happy new year, guys.