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EP 23: A Recap on #MomLife, DOM Program Re-Launch, and More image

EP 23: A Recap on #MomLife, DOM Program Re-Launch, and More

The Business Playdate
75 Plays1 year ago

Welcome to another real-life Business Playdate between Lindsay and Betsy, y'all! This week's episode looks into how balancing life and business has been for both of us lately, from sick kiddos to new clients and feeling excited for what is to come for the podcast to sourdough mastery.

We may have come to the mic with zero idea of what we would talk about, but we're sure that if you are a freelancer or marketing service provider AND living that #momlife, you will undoubtedly relate to this one!

PLUS, don't miss out on the re-launch of Lindasy's Director of Marketing (DOM) program! Doors for the next 3-month program open on Monday, Feb. 24 at

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  • Betsy Moorehead's Instagram:
  • Learn more about Lindsay's marketing program here:
  • Learn more about Betsy's marketing services here:

Introduction & Hosts' Background

And you have to pretend to be a kitty cat. Oh, I get it. You're like, you're the cat and you catch the, you catch the rat. Okay. See you later. Welcome to the Business Playdate, a podcast hosted by Lindsey White and Betsy Moorhead. Two internet strangers turned business besties.
We're two marketing professionals living across the country, raising our kiddos while running our own individual businesses.

Transition to Entrepreneurship

We built these businesses based on our experiences working in corporate management roles with the end goal to be able to show up for our families first. And we did it. We're so happy you're here with us. Now let's get into this week's episode. Well, should we just jump right in? Just jump right in. Let's do it. How are you?

Podcasting Challenges with Kids

Oh, you know, we've had a time over at my house. Yes. Oh my gosh. The kids have some, they have their lunches out. They brought their lunches out at nine 30. So nice. Uh, so you know, we're going to see how this podcast recording goes. We're going to see it's been, um, like this is going to be one of those where we don't really have a plan. We just getting on catching up. Lindsey, they've been surviving over at their house. Yeah. We've been, um, in the thick of it over here.
Hmm. Yes. And I'm going to definitely have to cut in that Asher, me and Asher chatting there for a little bit. It was too cute. It was too cute. He was like, I got my microphone and the headphones out to get ready to record. And he's like, Mommy, you have a microphone. And I was like, I do. And he goes,
Can I sing a song through it? I was like, you can actually. Desperate to play with it.
Oh yes. Um, we are microphone loving family over here to LA saw mine the other day. Cause now that I've got my like desk set up, I kind of keep everything out. Yeah. And it's like, she comes down from being upstairs and she sees it and she's like, so can I like play with this? And I'm like, Nope. No, you cannot play with this. This is not a toy actually. This is cost money. Cost money. Well, yes. So we are coming to you live on a Tuesday, which is not a normal day that we record.
And both of my children are home and they've also been home for like a week now. Oh my gosh. So we have been in stomach bug hell over here.

Family Anecdotes & Health Challenges

I don't wish that on my worst enemy to be like, like that's like the one sickness. I just know.
No. We are like not newcomers to the stomach bug. We always get it. It always happens at the most inopportune moments. But it always lasts like eight hours. And then it kind of goes away. You know, everyone's gonna sit for eight hours. Like, no, we are on day eight. Like one of my children is on day eight over here. I don't understand.
That's not fun. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. That's all I can say. The good news is that my stomach can handle coffee today, which is great. That's good. That's good. Well, is the weather nice enough? You can open the windows and air out the house at least. When I find when there's a stomach bug situation in our house, I lice all everything and then I open the windows to just let some fresh air in.
So, this is a funny anecdote. I live in a 100-year-old home. Oh, yes. It is all redone. It's beautiful inside, but it is... The bones are old. And a lot of our windows don't actually open. Open? Mm-hmm.
Because some of our windows are new, some of them are original. Because I mean, when you have these 100 year old panes of glass, they're just gorgeous. And it's

Living in a Historic Home

a super hard decision to be like, oh, let's tear out these gorgeous original glass windows to put in new ones. But it's also like you can't open.
Over the years, it's been a whole thing. I did open the doors to the house, which did help. That kind of aired it out. Got to worry about the kid wandering out. Yeah, exactly. Today, it's freezing out, so probably won't be doing that. Oh my gosh. It was good when we did it.
It was so, they've been learning about the weather in Ellie's preschool class and this morning she came downstairs and she saw out the window. She goes, oh my gosh, there's a cloud outside because it was so foggy. And I was like, yeah. She said, what kind of weather is that?
I was like, it's called fog. And we like for the whole like rest of the drive to school, it was like, well, what is a foggy? Like, why are we driving in a cloud? Like she was so curious about, she was like, I can't see the sun. Where are the clouds? I was like, well, we're kind of driving in one. Like I was like trying to explain to her about moisture and all this. It was like interesting, but at the same time I was like, I don't really know. And I can't Google cause I'm driving sun.
Four is literally the funniest age. Oh, I was just saying that. There's so many questions. And they're not bad questions. I mean, they're valid questions. Like, what is fog? And then you're like, oh, I don't know. That's like something I take for granted. I don't know. And I just sit there and Google, like, three answers before I can figure out what I'm supposed to tell you and teach you on what fog is, you know? I know. I know. Because I don't want to give you the wrong answer. But I also don't want to give you the technical answer either.
You kind of have to like find a balance of like answering their question. Like the other day I was answering a question for Ellie and I, and I answered it and I go, did that answer your question? She goes, yeah. And then she didn't ask about it again. And I was like, maybe this is the magic thing. Maybe I just need to say, did that answer your question?
But yes, it is a very fun age. It is a very goofy, it is a very, like, I'll be very honest. We haven't been struggling with a stomach bug over here, but I have been struggling with this child, like, and her just sass. And she's very much, like, we're very similar personalities. And even my husband will be like, y'all butt heads so much because you're just alike. And I'm like, I understand that.
But you're struggling. It's so hard. It's a fun age, but boy, it is hard. I don't know if you experienced this, but now that my youngest is almost one and a half and is getting a little bit more independent and finding her own little personality and becoming her own person and not just doing whatever her sister wants, there's so much more arguing and fighting. But also, Ellie is kind of reverting. I can't. It's the arguments.
Yeah, Ellie's like reverting on some stuff like she'll you know, she'll be like well I I want to be a baby like I don't want to be for I want to I want you to hold me like you hold Maggie and I'm like I do hold you and I did you know, it's just like oh It's just like non-stop all the time, but we're getting through it a little therapy here a little wine there, you know
Coffee, wine, and therapy. The three things.

Balancing Work and Family

I know. I'm sure somewhere that's on a t-shirt or a purse sticker. It's got to be. It's got to be. And if it's not, we should put it on one. Well, have you been able to work at all this week? No. Not at all. What is that? Yeah. I actually brought on a new client last week. And we had their first meeting last week. And I called my assistant. I was like,
I hate that you're going to have to be, I had my kids home. I was wiping out what's left and right. I was like, I don't know what this is going to look like. And I don't want to reschedule it because it's our very first kickoff call. So we're just- It's like the new big client that you just brought in. Yeah. And I was like, we're going to have to figure out how to get through it. This all hands on deck. Yeah. I mean, it went great. It went perfectly fine. There were no issues. The kids were good, which was great.
It was really nerve wracking. So you were able to get on the call. Yes, I was able to get on the call. It was just a lot of stress, but no, I have not done pretty much done just enough to get by. Luckily I have, you know, team members who help and they've kept things in motion, which has been great.
Um, but it's, it's been a lot and I'm actually launching the director of marketing program again next week. Like I've been seeing some emails about this. Yeah. So the doors open next Monday for the next cohort, which is like a three month group coaching program. She must plug.
Yeah, it's amazing. It's really fantastic.

Lindsey's New Marketing Program

I love it. I can vouch for it. It's a great program. And so the doors open on Monday and all I can think about is like my clients are in a good place. We have really good processes and structures in place for clients, their stuff to get done, like great, whatever.
But I was like, oh my gosh, all of the, I'm like a big, I work under pressure fantastically. Like I always happened that way in corporate. I worked like hand in hand with this girl for my first couple of years and her and I worked the same way where we'd be like, okay, we have to give ourselves an arbitrary deadline and it needs to be like very quick turn because that's how we get the best work done.
And I got that about myself. And so for some of my launch emails and just things like that, I'm creatively at best when I'm under pressure. So I've gotten nothing done because my whole house got the stomach bug. Oh, no. This really bit me. Well, this episode will come out in a couple of days. So we'll have to follow up. What day is it launching again? Next Monday, February 26.
February 26th, yeah. So what, Yeah, backslash certification. And yeah, the doors open on Monday. They're open for a week. It's a three month program. So the first month we're focused on, there's three marketing milestones that we'll be hitting throughout the program. So the first month is all around crafting an offer. So I know you and I talk about that a lot, but this is very hands-on. We're going to create a very custom offer.
for you, for your business, what you've got going on, where you want to go. I mean, you and I talk about this all the time. Like I've never wanted to build a business that I need to be dancing on TikToks to sustain my income. I want it to be a long business that I can run for a long time. So taking all of those values and considerations into mind when we craft your offer so it's sustainable for you and feels authentic to you. Month two is all about
marketing that offer. So marketing it to the right clients, figuring out your UVP, figuring out your target audience and really converting potential customers over to paying customers. And then month three is all about actually delivering your services. So making sure that we have a like top tier client experience for your clients who are going to be going through your offer with you. That's amazing. What like in like three months sounds like a long time and like, but before you know it,
you'll be done and you'll be like, just killing it. Yeah. I mean, we're almost, we're two whole months into the year at this point. That's crazy. I know. Well, I'm excited for you. I think like I loved being a part of the DoM program. I think I was in like the beta version or the very first group, but even me like having such a robust like communications, corporate marketing background.
I wouldn't be where I was today in my business had I not found the DOM program and joined you and that. I love that. I just wouldn't. It helped to give me confidence to take my business to the next level. So if you're listening to this and maybe you feel like you're at a plateau, kind of like we were talking about a couple of weeks ago and you're looking to make a bold choice, the DOM program is definitely an opportunity too.
up level your business. Definitely. I love that. I also think like, similar yet separate, the online business space is such an interesting because you and I, I mean, you started your business what, three years ago?
Yeah. And I was about five years ago. I was actually before the COVID boom. And I feel like during COVID was when things really went like balls to the wall. It was insane

Online Business Insights

in this industry. And I think it's funny because I feel like you look at business cycles and what business cycles are doing. And in the online
business industry, we're definitely kind of at this like role in the business cycle where it's not moving like it was. And people need people you're seeing people either bow out or not see success. And I think a lot of that has to do with not creating these sustainable business models where I would agree, you know, you're riding the fads rather than
you know, creating something that's authentic to you, that's sustainable, and that's more growth specific, rather than just hoping for a quick buck kind of thing. Yeah, I think like you said, writing the fads like
I think that's one of the things about social media and not being on social media as much because I definitely have taken a major pullback step back. I was actually, today I posted a story just before we started recording that was breaking my silence because I wanted to share this podcast that I was listening to, the one I texted you yesterday because I just thought it was a really good one. Every now and then I'll share stuff like that to my stories, but I haven't posted it in my feed since December 25th.
And I am totally fine. I don't care. I could care less. And so I think that not being on social media as much, not taking in as much business content and whatnot, has made me realize I can still do what I need to do and not have to worry about what FAD is here, what's next.
where next do I need to try to grow things or what next do I need to, um, like try to build and like get out there and, you know, make sure I think I was feeling a lot of pressure when I was trying to figure out if I was going to do like, uh, the like add surety thing. You know, we had talked about where I was going to build this whole like almost coaching program for.
learning how to run Facebook ads. And it was bringing me too much anxiety. It was bringing me too much stress. And I was like, I feel like I'm trying to do this just because it feels like it's what everyone is doing. And I need to do this as my next step. When in reality, like I just needed to focus on what I was taking care of now and master that and make that good and put my energy into the things that are like bringing me joy versus just trying to put out something because everyone's doing it. And I, why not me? If they can get it, if they could do it, why not me?
Right. No, I get it. I totally get it. Yeah. It's an interesting, I feel like I have like these two very distinct areas of business. Like I have the DOM program and I have my marketing agency and they both have different ebbs and flows, right? Of like income comes in and how they, how they work for me. But I do always, I always feel very torn in two directions. Like I'm never giving anything 100% or giving it, you know,
what it needs to grow to the next level that I would love for it to get to, which is really hard. It's like a big mind hurdle to deal with. But it's also one of those things where I'm like, I don't want to shut down one whole side because that's scary. That's a scary change. And you really enjoy, I mean, you enjoy both of them.

Balancing Multiple Roles

I do, absolutely. And I would say my marketing services are where my income comes in.
And the DOM program is just so close and dear to my heart. Like you said, you did it a few years ago. And I just love being able to empower other moms and women and help them create something that makes sense for them. I know we are, we both went through Michaela Quinn's Live Free Academy.
Yeah. And that was amazing. If you have not started freelancing and you want to become a freelancer or you're not doing it and you found us, I highly recommend going to check out Michaela Quinzel of Free Academy. She was posting something on Instagram yesterday or the day before about
So Forbes maybe put out an article that said millennials would take a 20% pay decrease to have better work-life balance. And then she posted a poll that was like, would you accept that? And what's funny is I was thinking back on would I have done that back when I was in corporate? And my answer is I actually pondered on this question for 24 hours now. It keeps coming back to me.
My answer is still absolutely not. I left corporate to have better work-life balance and make more money. Yeah. Yeah. And I think that that's the opportunity a lot of people aren't thinking about and being able to listen to podcasts like this and see what is feasible out there for you is so important. Like you can't be what you can't see. Yeah. I know you say that all the time. I love that.
You can't be what you can't see, which is why you created the DOM program to begin with. You weren't saying that wasn't anywhere. There wasn't any programs like that out there and I wanted people to be able to.
feel like they could leave their corporate job and create a professional sustainable business that is for them, can make them a lot of money, but also give them, you know, the work-life balance that's important. Like right now, I'm working right now with you and my kids are in another room and they're playing, you know, maybe they're being babysat by a TV. That's okay. It's 30 minutes. It'll be fine.
I mean, I'm a testament to what you just said, right? Like you want to help women do these things. I was looking for support. I couldn't find it until you created this DOM program that I found it. And now I've created a business that is sustainable, works for my life. Does it make me feel like I have to keep trying and trying and trying to make it more? Like I have, I feel very like comfortable and confident with the clients that I have with the work that I'm doing.
Um, and maybe one day there'll be something else, you know, or like obviously the podcast, like this brings me so much joy and we're working towards making this more than what it is, you know, like in the current. Um, so like, we'll just see. Yeah. And I like going back real quick to that podcast I was talking about, like now that we are podcasters and we have our own. Channel where we're trying to put information out. I have been doing, um, I've been trying to find more podcasts that like.
are like this, whereas like, yeah, they serve as entertainment for me, but then I'm also learning while I'm listening to them. And so there's one in particular that I listened to a lot and it's called Be There in Five and her name's Kate Kennedy and I think I've talked about it on here before, but
she kind of went off, uh, like of what she normally talks about. Normally what she talks about is like, she's, her book is called one in a millennial. Like she talks about a lot of like pop culture, like current events, like millennial life, all that kind of stuff. A lot of like women, like centric topics, female centric topics. And, um, she went off and she had, who I'd never heard of before until you mentioned her, she had money with Katie on and,
I was listening to this story of how she got started money with Katie and I was just like, that is who we're talking to. Like her, you know, like someone who was like in a corporate job that was looking for more that like kind of started a side gig that wasn't really sure where to take it, but knew that like there was something else out there for them to do to make their life
what they want to charge and make their life what they want it to be, but they never felt this complete fulfillment. I think that for me, I loved the organization that I used to work for, but I just never felt like this complete fulfillment from it. It was more like, I've just been here forever. This is my identity. I guess this is what I'm going to do forever because there's people who work there for 20, 30, 40 years. It's funny because it's one of those things where it is your identity
But at the same time, it doesn't feel authentic to you because it's not so silly. Yeah, it's weird. It's weird.

Podcast Inspiration & Personal Experiences

But anyway, so I'm still trying to finish listening to it because life and kids and everything. And I really have enjoyed finding other podcasts that kind of make me want to be a better podcaster and to bring different topics to our audience.
Um, and you know, I know we send back and forth a lot of, like a lot of different things that we hear and like different podcasts that we like to listen to. And so I think like that's what I'm just really excited for is like giving myself the time to research while learning and kind of bringing that then into what we're doing here. Um, and just like evolving this more. I'm very excited for that.
I was at dinner recently and I went to a very interesting school growing up. It's not your normal school. We've never talked about that before. No, we haven't. I usually keep it pretty close. That's a boxer for another day. Yeah, I keep it close to the chest. I love when I went to school. I had the best experience. It totally formed me into who I am today and I attribute
everything actually to going to the school. But yeah, it's a conversation for another day. So the class, the structure there, the academics are very rigorous. And so I was talking to a neighbor about that. And they were like, Oh, well, you know, what, what was your best subject? And I just sat there and I was like, huh,
I don't know. And my husband looked at me and was like, cause I was like, I was a terrible student. Like, I don't know. I just like wasn't, I was not your straight A student. I did not care. I could have been if I wanted to be, but I didn't care to be. And my husband looked at me and then looked at them and he's like, she's a really good learner. She really likes learning. You're right. I do really like, like, I love learning something.
excelling at it and then I like to move on to the next thing and learn.
Yeah, same. That's the old ADHD right there. Yeah, you might have it too. Touch ADHD right here. In general, I would be super curious to see how many marketers like fall into that like bucket because I mean, that's what marketing is like you constantly have to be learning because there's so much it's constantly evolving, you got to figure out the new program, you got to figure out the new like this and that and
one thing that I feel really strongly about is you got to know the basics. You got to know, you know, what are tactics? What are the goals? What are the business goals? Like there is a structured marketing that does not ever change. Um, and you got to know that so that you can keep learning and keep like growing your skills and the things that you're doing. I totally agree.
I totally agree. I also love learning. I think it's, you know, it's just, it's fun and exciting to learn new things. And, you know, you don't have to become like an expert at everything you learn, but it's nice to have like those things in your back pocket. Like you said, to excel at them and like feel good about, like you're a professional sourdough or no. Yeah. Speaking of kind of messed up a couple, like I kind of messed up a couple of loaves the other couple of weeks ago and ended up turning them all into, um,
croutons. Oh, yeah. They were good, but then it was just like we had like all these croutons. So how did you make the croutons? I just cut the bread into, you know, little squares and then I like put olive oil on them with some different seasonings. And then I, what did I do? It was like four or five minutes. Yeah. And then you like move them around and then another five minutes.
I mean, they were good, but then after a few days, it was time. It was time to go. I like to do croutons. I make homemade croutons when I make soup and I throw a bunch on the soup. Yeah. See, they would have been really good in soup or like a panzanella, I don't know if that's, or pozzoli. What is the, I'm trying to make it. It's like an Italian bread salad with bread and
tomatoes and oil and basil. Sounds delicious. It does sound delicious. Let me tell you, I'm on a massive snack kick right now. And I think it's because I, I like on my personal Instagram, I'm obsessed with this girl and she's on TikTok.
called Cheese Gal. I love her.

Food Cravings & Preferences

Yeah, I was going to say, I sent everybody all her stuff all the time. But she's been doing this bougie snack series. Yes. Oh my gosh. And let me tell you, I'm going to need to get another client so that I can afford some caviar. Truly. Because holy shit, it is like $90 for a little tin of caviar. I know. And that's from Costco. Could you imagine? I know. I was buying at Whole Foods.
I know. I think the whole foods was the one that I was looking at. But I didn't know Costco had it. Maybe I'll have to go out there. I know around New Year's they did.
Yeah. I like, I'm like, Oh, so now all I want, like I'm like craving like a salt and vinegar chip with like a little dollop of all these things, cream fresh. And I'm just like, Oh my gosh. And like cheeses, uh, I'm on such a major snack kick. I'm the only one that eats that and I'm home all day. And so it's like, you know, but no.
I'm on a big salad kick right now. I'm also on a big Mediterranean kick. I don't know what it is, but chickpeas. I'm like really feeling chickpeas right now. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. So I made like a big Mediterranean salad last night, which was probably not great for the stomach bug, but I need some green in my life. Like I have been surviving off of toast and applesauce. I made a big salad. It was really good, but I've been very into, I think because I see like the very end of winter, like we're so close. I know.
I really want to be done with winter. That grandpa didn't see his shadow, so it's coming soon. It's coming. We are on its way. I keep looking at all of these pretty salad, TikTok recipe type of things. I am feeling it. I think I'm in my salad era right now. I love a salad, especially when I was pregnant with my second kid.
oh my gosh i ate so many salads that you would have thought i would have been like i'm done with salads but no i could eat a salad every day all day like for the rest of my life and be so happy husband love salads like he is just under the influence that all salads are healthy which
They're very much not. But he's like, this is his diet food, I guess. And he loves salads. I'm like, I think this will be good for us. Make a big salad, keep it in the fridge, be able to just dole it out. One of my favorite things to do is go to Whole Foods every now and then and get a big salad box. It's like $25 by the time you get it all together. I don't know what that is. The Whole Foods salad bar?
Oh, salad bar. I thought you said salad bar. Well, you know, it's like you get the box or whatever. That is really good. They always have the best stuff, but we don't have one near us. So I have to drive into Houston for that. I got to go into the big city for the big city store. I'm in the big city. We have quite a few.

Curiosities & Parenting Stories

Yeah. Speaking of having to go into the big series, your girl got a jury summons for next month. And I haven't had one of those in a long time.
You know, you can contest it if you have kids under the age of like six. Oh, really? OK, see, but like one thing about me is like I really hope that I get picked up for like a wild criminal case. Like I'm going to go just for like the excitement of maybe getting picked.
My mom got picked for a really big case one time and she was gone for months. It was like three months that she had to travel an hour every day to this jury place. And my parents used to own hotels, so it ended up being really hard on them. Oh my gosh. It made it through. I was like, oh gosh. That's crazy.
It sounded like she, you know, at least got some enjoyment out of it. She's like, it is like, I'm learning a lot. I'm taking a lot in. Like it's not boring. Yeah. I know. I, the one time I almost got picked, I made it to the jury room and they were like, they came in, the judge came in, they were like, okay, everyone could go. They settled. And I was like, what? I'm like so weird.
Like knock on wood. Now I'm going to get a letter tomorrow. If you're registered to vote in your county then you're... Well, I'm not registered to vote in my county right now. Okay. Well, I probably need to figure that out because I moved. Tis the season. We're about to get bombarded with a whole bunch of political stuff. Well, hey, this was great.
This was great. Hopefully our listeners didn't hate it. This is like, I mean, this is like how our boxers are. So, um, hopefully you guys could resonate with some of this. I thought there was some good stuff in there. Um, I'm staring at the fact that I need to renew my Costco membership. I guess I need to do that before I try to go. Oh, they'll usually just renew it at the counter for you. Like when you go to pay, they'll just tack it on should have known to ask you the Costco queen, the Costco queen over here.
I, and in my next life, I'm going to create a whole business around Costco. I already have it in my brain. Can't talk about it because it's a really good one. Um, I also want to just give a quick shout out to the bribe that I gave my children where I told them if they just left me alone for 30 minutes and played and you know, I didn't like, they could watch a show, they could play together.
They could eat the snacks that I put on the table for them. But if they didn't bother me for 30 whole minutes, they would get whatever toy they wanted at Costco. I actually have proof of that because I had already started recording when you were telling them that. So I know you told them that. And I mean, it worked. I will just say that I don't bribe my kids often because it never works. They never do. They're going to bother me.
We are very like, we don't have a lot of toys in our house. We're not a big toy house. So it's not a bribe that I would ever have used. But I was like, I just need 30 minutes here. I haven't been able to work in like a week. I just want to record this freaking podcast. I know. I know. Well, this is great. Yeah. We'll get this out there. Hopefully everyone enjoyed it and text me later. Let me know what you got at Costco because I'm planning on going this week.
We'll do a little haul for you. Okay. Sounds good. Well, I'm glad you're feeling better and glad everyone's doing well. And we hope you guys enjoyed this and hey, leave us a review. Like, you know, let us know what you think and how it's going and we'll see y'all next week. Bye guys.