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Ep. 72 The Tourists - De Profundis image

Ep. 72 The Tourists - De Profundis

S1 E72 · The Fellowship of the Tabletop
100 Plays3 years ago

We've finally reached Goldview, however, not all is as it was leaving some of the party feeling like strangers in their home town. 


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Introduction to the Adventure

if this leads us out of the wild goose chase i'm going to send you 600 foot into the air and turn off the spell
Hello and welcome to this week's episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop. We are a live play 5e D&D podcast set in the magical, magical, magical, magical home-brewed world of Eryth. My name is Mark and I am the Dungeon Master. And also with us for today's episode, we have Will, who plays the human bard Karstan. A magical hello to you. We have Callum, who plays the gnome sorcerer of Folly Fizzlebank the 9th. Abracadabra. We have Casey, who plays the human champion, Helen, a sleepguard. Wingardium Levios.
We've got Darren, who plays the human fighter, Rogue Robin. Holy expaliosis, Batman. And we've got Danny, who plays the human cleric, Claude. You have her eyes. God, that got weird. That was creepy, but beautiful at the same time.
Darren, just quickly to point out, I hadn't forgotten Robin's name. I try, I do this now without, look, I used to write it out, but now I kind of go on a whim and I did. I was about to call you a human cleric, Claude, but obviously you're not.

Arrival at Goldview and Mysterious Letter

Anyway, on last week's episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop, we managed to finally, after what feels like an age, get to Goldview and not only get there, but get into Goldview via the
mid-range tunnels, if you will, between the under the walls and into the city of Goldview to meet Kennard at the half-hoof Inn, the pub which he had taken over from Jamers Hard Group, his friend who was killed up at the Gallan in Hollows. God, there's so much exposition here. On the way, though, we also came across an old blind man who helped them to find and say Kennard owes me a pint, and he was the person who let us into the city, Claude
cast a greater restoration on him and cured his blindness, which was an incredible feat. I definitely was totally prepared for that. And it really meant that, well, you've made a friend there. Absolutely. So moving forward from that, we've managed to get ourselves in, but the big last piece of information we found out was that the letter that Kennard allegedly given to the party
had not actually been given by Kennard. He physically would not have been able to make it there in time and therefore someone else had written this letter and he is at odds to figure out who it is. We find ourselves sat around a large wooden oak table with Kennard sat down looking rather concerned over this letter, poring over this letter with the group sat around him. He looks down one last time and looks up to you and says, seriously,
Who could have written this? Who would know all this information? We found it with an arrow pinned to the tower that supported the siphon down from the mountain. If it wasn't written by you, are we safe here? Well, the long and short of it is no, probably not. But to be honest, if they wanted you caught, they wouldn't have told you to see the Stables man. They wouldn't have got you into the city. They could have stopped you at the gates. Somebody wants you to be here.
I mean, that's worrying and also comforting at the same time, I think.

Debating Safety and Intentions

Well, I think we need to leave, especially me. I'm sorry, I can't stay here. And Helena's going to stand and walk towards the door. Where are you going to go? Well, anywhere but here, surely someone knows we're here. Someone knows who...
And where and why people have been asked to find us? I don't know, I just know that it's dangerous and we can't be seen. It is safe to assume though that if somebody was indeed expecting us that this location could quite possibly already be monitored and you at the very least leaving it alone, Helena, would not be the wisest course of action right now. Excuse me everybody, what if whoever got us here wants us to do good? Or what if, what if
It's not a bad thing. They should have let themselves noon by now if it was indeed to be employed for some kind of good purpose. Well we say this but you have to remember that we're being hunted by some very dangerous men who could do some very nasty things to anyone who was trying to aid us. I would understand why anybody would choose a nominee. What if?
What if someone simply wanted to help the princess, saying under my breath, out? But what if people are using this as a means, maybe they think we have ties, maybe they think Claude or our presence here will unveil other things that they're hunting. We could be inadvertently being used to expose other things that are being hunted as well. Yeah, it's huge, it's big. Listen, this is my hometown.
And I'm not going to be a prisoner to it, and Helena's going to leave. I've just been a whisper of prayer very quietly, Mark, under my breath. And invisibly, just a small blessing will aid Helena's steps.
We will return to Helena and Karstan momentarily, but let's just focus for now, Kanard, Folly, Karstan, sorry, Kanard, Folly, Claude, Robin, and Tali, who remain in the tavern. A few of the patrons watch this rather irate woman leave, along with a bard following in tow, but then return back to their drinks nonplussed, really. They've seen worse here.

Political Intrigues in Goldview

The five of you sit around the table, six of you.
No, five of you sit around the table, two NPCs, and kind of look inwardly towards everyone. Tali, it looks up towards Robin, and there's a moment of silence. Um, so why do I want to go see Alfie's house? Uh, yeah.
I'll be honest with you there, Claude, I'd rather see, I'd rather very much like to see where this whole cacophony of crap that you seem to be spewing about Elfia's house is coming from. Or it's going to my house? No, no, no. It's got me to this house of Elfia. Okay.
But before you go off and whatever you're going to do with your time, you're always welcome back here. I can't put you up in a room because sometimes the Chrisker will come in and check room by room. But downstairs, I've got room in the cellar. It's not comfortable, but I can pack up a couple of pillows and stuff.
you could stay down there. So you've always got a place, it won't be comfy, but you won't be bothered. And I'll put a bolt on the door as well to protect you. If I may, Kendra, my good friend, I think what will be safest is if I, this evening, opt to sleep in, well, the barracks of the hailstorm surge, at least then I have the protection of my own, you know, military force. Should anything happen?
and I could hide within their ranks and then these guys could have really nice rooms because that was a long trip up the mountain. I'm sure your feet have barely recovered. Yes, a good point. I don't want everyone to be uncomfortable just because, you know, I practice illegal religions.
I heard nothing, don't worry about it. I'm still reeling from you insulting my accent earlier. But listen, Claude, you need to know that things are changing here. From what I've heard and from what I've picked up in the day or so I've been here.
Things are changing and they're changing fast. The UPCRISCA, they pretty much run the place. Hailstorm Surge aren't really a presence here. Most of you guys have left. You've gone to join Lucian on the front and it's just a husk, it's just a shell. It's some administrators there. Not much in terms of a force to hide in. You would stand out. You look like a soldier. People will ask why you're not on the front.
So just be aware of that. You could pull it off, I reckon. Just be careful with your words if you can. Can I ask something?
Goldview doesn't have any connection to the Sanguine Lands, does it? I'm confused by the political job. No, this would be the capital of the Kingdom of Sleekard, wherein the royal line of Sleekard exists in harmony. The Sanguine Lands have not known much of it. It's not part of our kingdom. Which leads me to my next point, then. The Obcisca are from the Sanguine Lands, is that correct? I don't know. They are painting my bum.
that is correct they are they are an arm of the government there then why do they have such a strong presence to the point where they're running the city in the city run by the royal family of sleep guard
That's a very good question, Robin, and one that I fully do not know the answer to. But some things are for certain, and that the forces of the Sanguine Lands, well, they are the de facto capital of the entire realm of Erith. They run the place. Their government stretches over most of the kingdoms here, at least nine or 10 of them, depending on how much of the
the high jade-hard lands actually play ball. They supply most of the nations with their money, their income, and keeps certain groups in power. Broth Hawkesplitter being the leader, and underneath him, a legion of administrators and governmental officials that run a number of large, very powerful institutions, one of which is the Obcisca. And there are many, many arms
their place here in goldview though i don't know they shouldn't be that powerful they shouldn't be that strong a force but for some reason
All I know is they've had new leadership, and that's changed things, and it's accelerated the pace at which things change. Delmont Trace, this guy came out of nowhere from what I've heard, and it's very much accelerating the pace of expansion and growth for the Abriskra. He's aggressive. Very aggressive. That's all I know, really. But yeah, the Sanguine Lands, they run the place. The King's always been good to him, but
You know, this is something else. I'd be surprised. I'd be interested to know what the King says, actually, if ever she manages to get in, if you know what I mean. Well, hopefully we can give you a report when you know more. We do. It'd be very useful to pass it back to Blackmouth, just so we know where we stand with the Rangers. Yeah, we really, really could do with you guys at North. Yeah, I know.
And if I may ask, Kriska, you say they have patrols. Do they come in here very often? Not since I've been here. But then again, I've only been in a day or so. It's a big city to patrol, and there's not thousands of them, but there are hundreds of them.
The people I spoke to, James' family, they said about a week ago they had such a patrol come in, check people, ask them questions, break up groups, go into rooms, search around a bit, you know, just shake the whole place down a little bit, shit everyone up a bit. But no, not since I've been here, but then again, I haven't been here very long.
Have you been able to ascertain the attitude of the actual city to the Krikkur? I mean, is there any strong army going off? Do they flex their power, as it were?
Everybody? No, most of the city is quite happy with it. They bring money, wealth, the people they get in, the Upkistra are rich and they buy goods, they buy land, they buy things that members of Sligat don't afford or can't afford.
So it's good money, good commerce for the city. And uh, Delmon Trace knows that. I think he must anyway. And he brings, he gives them, he pays them massive salaries to keep the city rich and to keep the people happy. Of course there's grumblings. Many people who don't benefit or lose family members from these people who just disappeared in the night. Yeah, they get angry. But do they talk about him outside?
No, probably not, and I really shouldn't be talking about it with you either. I know most of these patrons, but you can't know everyone in the city. Fair enough.

Character Dynamics and Financial Confusion

Mr. Kennard, before we leave, are you in contact with James's family?
Yeah, they've got a little place just north of here, well, quite near the northern walls, actually, up near Claypeac Hall, actually. Yeah, I am. I go into the most times. Most of the money I make from the place, I ship back to them. Oh. I'm going to reach into my pocket and produce my last two gold pieces and give them to Kennard. Not letting him know that my last two, but just give him a small coin first.
Would you please express our sympathies to James's family? At the beginning, as you get the money, a disapproving hand comes up almost to turn away your money thinking you're paying for the drinks. But as you mentioned, where the money goes, he nods his head and humbly takes the two gold pieces, stacking them one on top of the other and put them in his top left jacket pocket. I'll make sure that this morning goes to the right people. Thank you, Claude.
You're welcome. Tell him that his soul will be forever protected now. I'll pass on your message, Claude. Right, who wants to go see the freaky man's house? I thought you were going to show us where Elf here lived, not you. Sick Baron! What? Never mind. Claude, before we go Claude...
it's important that we make sure there's no misunderstanding here when you say elf ears house you don't mean an elf with ears you mean elf ear as in the elf ear has a house here yeah elf ears i think you better show us this yeah and then i've got loads more on the tour loads more on the tour not too much though
I've got loads more, Mark. I've got loads more

Planning and Speculations on Magic

on the floor. That was entirely being a teenager. Never mind. It could be either, to be honest. I'm not here for cycling, Claude. Well, I was going to show you a really cool place to do with that really scary business you like to get into with stock magic.
But I mean, if you don't want to see it, I understand, Folly. We'll spend more time showing Robin all the things that he'd like. And Charlie? A very kind of judgmental and curious eyebrow reasons from Folly's head. Just as he starts talking about the stock magic kind of thing, his head also slightly slanted to the side. He goes, why don't we start with Dows of Eldia? OK, it's a little bit of a walk.
Actually I need to be in the surface because I don't know where on earth we are in the city. Can I just remind us all before we leave that we're in a city that's pretty much occupied by men who want is dead and that discretion is going to have to be a priority. Yes you can remind us but I'd like to remind you that this is my home and I will not be a prisoner here. Sometimes Claude we have to sacrifice
things in order to protect those around us. You should be grateful... I have sacrificed quite a lot so far, Robin. I don't dispute that, but you should be grateful that you have the means to freely walk into your home. I would cherish the chance to do the same thing. And you will do so again, my friend? By the way, we should speak to your sister later. Wait, your sister? What? Yeah. Elfie's house anyone? This day is just getting weirder.
I'm out, I'm getting, let's go, and Tally's going to stand up, kind of nod to Kennard and start walking away. Doopie doopie doo, going out the door now. I've got to say, it's Claude leaving, because if Claude's going to leave, then Folly will kind of reluctantly follow, still a little bit of a pace back from Claude.

Roph Hawkesplitter and City Tensions

Can we see an eye sight, but not so it looks like we're travelling exactly together.
Robin will get up from the table last, and just as he goes to leave, he will just turn back to Knarv and go, you have to forgive me. I'm sure you're fully aware I'm a stranger to pretty much everything about Aerith, but I have heard the name Roph Hawkes explicit before. Who is he?
He's the man that controls the kingdom, all the kingdoms. He controls the realm. He's the de facto leader in the Sanguin Lands, leader of the government, and a national hero. He pretty much single-handedly saved the entire realm during the Unmending. The cataclysmic events where the Faith of Mixawas raised a demon from the Nine Hells
He slew it, saving the kingdom of the Sanguine Lands, but also the rest of the realm. He's a legend. He's out in the right place, or so we think. But you never know with these people. The more power, things change. Between you and me, Kanal, that wouldn't place such high faith in the man who appears to be persecuting people for what they believe.
Hi. That's good to know. It's important. I can't speak for Claude, but I suspect myself, Folly and Talia will be back to take up your offer of refuge in a discreet place. Absolutely. I'll leave the door ajar. If there's a torch lit outside, it means the doors are still unlocked and you can come in. If the torch is out, that means you've got to come round the back and I'll make sure the side doors open.
It'd be no problem. Don't worry, though. It's just if they're tortured and lit, come to the side door, OK? And Robin, well, I've got you here. I know Claude's got this whole journey thing panned out. People are scared. These letters of being wanted, this group of wanted individuals, has scared people a lot. The events that took place in Evershire scared people a lot.
They genuinely think that the faith of Miksoas is returning in force in sleep guard. People will be looking for people who seem odd, who seem different.
everyone even if they mean well they'll be looking to protect their own i don't think we can blame them for that so just keep an eye on Claude keep an eye on the others you have a habit of making an entrance not you but your friends so just just be aware of that wise words it's good to see you again
and yourself. Stay well. See you and I'm. And Robin's going to head outside the door. As soon as Robin gets outside the door, just one very quick thing. Robin's just going to glance around and just try and take in what the demographic is in terms of wildlife, birds, alley cats. Is there anything that seems to be in abundance in Golgi?
birds, primarily birds that are seafaring, so to speak. There are lots of kind of seagull or seagull-looking creatures, crows, a whole multiplicity of birds. Many of them focus around the docks in particular. And do they make their way inland? Are they the ones that tend to particularly, I'm just trying to gauge, are this like a seagull city, a pigeon city?
Seagull primarily, but the whole city is kind of sea-shaped, cupped around a coastline. So they're pretty much anywhere and everywhere. Most places would include the markets. Anywhere where there's refuge or food, they tend to flock towards, but you can pretty much see them throughout the city. That's good. Okay. And then he'll catch up with Folly and Claude.
Okay, brilliant. Just a heads up on how this is going to work. I've got two different kind of groups of people. We're going to go back to Helena and I'll stand in just a second.
Every time I make a journey out, I run a perception check, not for you, but for the general public of people.

Navigating Goldview's Political Climate

Depending who you cross along that path, it necessitates the difficulty of that. The more of a kerfuffle you make, the higher their perception goes up because the more likely they are to be looking or keeping an eye out for something strange taking place in the city.
I'm not going to tell you them, but they start very low to begin with anyway. And then if they do pass that, they have to pass an intelligence check to put two and two together, then I will roll an allegiance check to see whether or not they side with the Obcrisco, they didn't give a shit, or they side with you. So there's a few checks that will be taking place. I won't tell you the answers to them, but that is how, if there are any NPC
Sorry, journeys from place to place. Well, I will always do one of those checks. And if someone stops you on the way for any particular reason, that's because a role has gone one way or another, which I won't tell you about. It will just happen. The NPCs you meet in places, when you go places, they will just play as normal NPCs for all intents and purposes. You'll have to raise suspicions before they give a shit. They're more interested in their business than the other politics of the land within reason, unless you go and speak to a politician or
dumb one trait, head of the abciscra, or the king, obviously they will have... Or an avenue that you follow in legal religion. Exactly, yeah, yeah. What's the legal religion? So just a heads up, that's the way it will kind of be working as we go around. So we're going to pass over to Helena and Carstan. You have just left and are making your way out of the city, sorry, out of the city, out of the half-oof inn. Where do you want to go? Helena is walking quite purposefully.
to where she knows her father should be. To the Slickar Palace? Mm-hmm. I would imagine that's where he would be.
Oh, Helena, you can certainly get a good stride on when you want to. Right, what's the plan? Yes, well, Carson, I didn't want to hang around there any longer. Thank you for joining me. I didn't expect company, but I quite like your company. It's OK. I'm a citizen of the Sanguin land. So thankfully, I hope there's a bit of protection in that, maybe. Henry, what's the plan?
I'm going to find my father. He should have the answers that I need. Oh, good. So I probably have the answers he needs, actually.
So as you make your way out of the store, you pass by the three-book store, which is a local store on your right, before you join the Union Pass, which is one of the major roads into the very centre, the epicentre of the city, which is a large, large square with a large blessing well in the centre of it, but nothing else really around it. It's kept very pristine and clean for most of the time, and clear of other market shops and beggars and patrons, etc.
A couple of guards, local guards, are there, and quite a few regular patrons, none of the abcrisca as you walk your way there. You then take a sharp right to cross the Avlath River and pass by Traitor's Bay Pass, which is one of the bridges over the river.
And on the other side of that, you see, just to your right, and Helen, it fills you with a sense of joy, actually, when you come across this. As you come over the brink of the river and over the bridge, you see, just to your right, a giant garden. And you know this to be one of the largest gardens in Sleetgard, one of the largest gardens in the realm dedicated to that of Tiriani.
you know that just behind that is where the you can see the walls of the palace just behind that made of pure marble and the reason was very carefully put that the castle was put there next to the gardens because one of your great great great ancestors appreciated the gardens of Tiriani at the time.
So as you walk past the garden you can see the long white fence of the garden upon the path on your right hand side as you pass along it. This journey hole probably takes you about 20 minutes to make. Upon that you then come across the walls of the castle and this goes on for quite some time before you come to one of the gates where there are two
where there are two guards which are kind of sleep guardian guards stood outside and both stood with pikes in hands, helmets on, looking quite bored outwardly as you approach the gates to the castle. So before we get to the gates, I would have just been saying to Carstan on the walk, do you remember this route?
you're familiar? Yeah, don't worry, I remember I was in the city for a few days before I managed to catch up with you and fels drop leaving the city so I am familiar. Yes, what were you doing again, sorry? Well, I was sent here by my mother to, you know, find a story and that kind of stuff so I spent my time, I
sang at a few inns and that kind of stuff and then I heard on the old rumour of a very well-dressed princess leaving the city so I thought I'd follow along. It's funny we'd never met before. No, yeah, I didn't, it wasn't my play to sort of approach, come to the castle and announce myself. I wasn't here on like a
an official embassy visit or anything like that. Though hopefully if we get the chance we can pop into the embassy of the Sanguin Lands, I can send some messages home. That's true. Well when we enter,
Don't be alarmed. Everything is quite opulent and beautiful. But just don't touch anything, will you? OK. No, that's fine. I will follow your lead. It's your home, as it were. I know how to conduct myself around courtly things, so don't you worry. Good. And I'll just go to the gates. Hello.
And the guide on the left, which kind of double takes towards you. Hello. Do I recognise him? No. Perhaps you should get out some of your stuff that might show who you are. Maybe anything that suits you on it. Yeah, I'll get out my robes.
And just to show him, I won't actually put them on, I'll just show him my sigil on my robes. That unfortunately means very little to me at this time. And could you be more specific on this for bribing me with a robe, in which case I will accept the bribe, yes? No. Helena, Princess, King Leopold's daughter, if you will.
His face drops very quickly and he, with a shanty, slanty-eyed, looked over to the person next to him, kind of like, what do we do? The other one at this rate comes over and says, in hushed voices towards you, I'm very sorry, madam. He's kind of looking back over his shoulder whilst saying this as well, you, you, you aren't welcome here.
in the nicest possible way, you
Things are changing here, Your Highness. And I think, and before he gets to finish, you hear from behind them both, they both return to their places. And in between them, you see, for all intents and purposes, a member of the abciscra, for what you recognize. The blue robes, the gold trim, but this is also embossed with kind of a deep blood red in the center top of his robe, as he wears it. He doesn't have a staff with him.
And he slowly walked down towards the centre between the two guards who have returned hastily to their posts now. May I ask what you did? I was about to ask the same thing. This is my home. I'm the princess. Helena. Yes. And you are? Taryon Levien.
Um, no one. For all intents and purposes, I am a mid-ranking member of the Order. May I ask what you're doing back in Goldview? Can I ask the questions? Where's my father? Weren't you out of the city not too long ago, heading towards Blackmouth? Why should that be any of your business?
Well, it's just interesting how quickly the journey turned around and you returned to the city that you left not too long ago. It strikes me as odd. I don't think it should strike you as anything. It's what I would like to do. It's my decision. Indeed. Now, my father... Can we help you here? Yes, I'd like to speak with King Leopold. Unfortunately, King Leopold isn't seeing anyone at the moment.
I'm sure he would see his daughter should he know of her arrival. I'm sure he would, but he will not know of your arrival, unfortunately. And why is that? He is not here. Where is he? Away. Your very hard work. What is it you're not telling me? Many, many things, Your Highness. Many, many things. I have a message, however, from Delmon Trace, and during this his eyes quickly flittered.
before looking back up. Could you both make perception checks, please? That's a nice five. If it's my passive, it's 10, but if it's not, it's five. Passive. Karsten? Passive of 26. Let's go with that. Karsten, you know, and with your iconic background as well, you know that something has just been told to him.
through magic in some way. His eyes flitter for a second as he pauses. I'm sorry to interrupt your Majesty. Master Levian, I believe it was. Correct. I believe Her Majesty wishes to enter her home, perhaps to see her mother, which is of course very important to her, and perhaps also given that this is her home, it's a bit odd that she's being barred from it.
We wouldn't bar a member of their own household from entering their home. However, this is not anyone's home. This is a symbol. He turns around gesturing up to the marvellous, majestic walls, marble walls. This is a symbol to all in sleep guard of the might and power that comes with a kingdom working together. Wouldn't you agree, Your Highness? It was always working together.
It doesn't have to have somebody else being in my home. I don't understand. I'm going to try and look past him. What's behind him?
You can see the path leading up to the larger gates, which would be the centre portion of the house, if you will, which would enter into the central room. There are two members of the Chriska who have just walked out and are just in discussion, but also looking down towards you. As you do look to the side of him, he moves his head to, not block your view, but just obscure it slightly in his obtrusive way.
and your highness if may be so bold this has not been your home here for quite some time and many number of years if i'm correct in thinking you haven't lived here and it's difficult to have a home in a place you haven't lived would you not agree well in which case i don't have a home and that's barbaric this is where i was raised this is where my parents
live. They own this place. It's owned by the people of Sleetguard. Their taxes pay for these majestic walls and they are maintained now by money from the Sanguine lands, from Roth-Hawksplitter and the government there. I'm sure that whilst Her Majesty may have not been here for many years, she has of course been conducting herself as a princess should and
you know, joining and being trained by the Obsidian Order as any hero of Eryth would, as to show the rightful allegiance of Fleetguard to the greater good of Eryth. Surely you cannot bar her from entering home, even if she hasn't been here for a few years.

Confrontations and Political Messages

Is her mother home? Give me a persuasion check, please, Karsten. Very eloquent, Will. Well done.
uh yeah 26 he agrees with you he not just heard that would be very true she has conducted herself incredibly well up to this point up to a point up to leaving goldview and joining up with a heretical group of mercenaries who terrorize villages within her own kingdom burning down sections of cities and
joining and siding with the rebellion portion of the kingdom. No, you got that wrong. Yeah, I do apologise to interrupt. Imagine if you don't mind me speaking on your behalf. That's okay, go ahead.
I think you'll find that any accusations of any associating with any heretics is a very serious accusation. And of course, given that it is being a family being accused would have to obviously be tried and investigated. And of course, before it is actually said as being the whole truth,
shouldn't really be uttered out loud as it could be slanderous against the royal family as a whole, but Her Majesty's travels are her own, she's been travelling for a very noble purpose. As to the Blackmouth rebels, I can attest that the people of Blackmouth have actually been brought round to a cessation of hostilities towards Sleep Garden have actually committed their military forces in supporting their overall war effort against the
He pauses for a moment at this well-worded, logical argument. Firstly, I would like to recount what I previously said regarding the slander. Your Highness, of course, I would never assume that a member of the Royal Family has any misgivings in going through terrorism, heretical forces, or anything else that would go against the very moral code and fiber of the Fleetguard Royal Family. So I will also conduct myself straight to Dunlawn Trace and partake in a very serious investigation as to my morality
into this question, so leave that with me. On the question of the Blackmouth Rangers, we have had word that they will join the fight in the Blight, and many of which have also joined ships off to Clearguard in order to fight with Lucy and Blightbane, your brother, who is doing heroic work over on the Eastern Front. So your work outside of Sleetguard, outside of Goldview, apologies, is excellent. Outside the city, you are a hero.
Why return then? Why not continue your work? Elsewhere? Again, that is my business and my business alone. But if your business involves the heroicism of the Sleek God people joining the Blackmouth Rangers to the cause and other areas that might try and dissuade themselves from joining against the Blight, then why would you stop? It is not exactly between myself and my father. Why are you being so difficult?
I'm just trying to understand the thinkings and misgivings of a troubled princess, maybe in captured, maybe not, by forces against her will. For all we know and from what we have seen, that you are a person of great interest and... I'm tying myself up in words here.
And again, his eyes flutter for a second as he looks down and then his eyes look up again. I've had a message that I've been asked to share with you from Delmon Trace, the leader of my order, if you would be so kind as to here. Go on.
many of my of his thoughts I have worded in my own ways and I hope you do forgive me for the paraphrasing of that. However, there was one phrase he was quite apt that I speak plainly to you, Helena, sleep guard, your Highness, Helena, sleep guard. And he pauses for a second. Yeah. And I quote, I quote Delmon directly now.
Let me explain that first. Okay. And he pauses again. He's almost having a conversation within his, within his head that he speaks out loud. Delmon Trace asks that you join your brother. On the front line. Correct.
He says that might be where your best power and prowess is. Your place here in the political machinations of the Sleetguard Empire within goals you do not seem to suit your skill set, if it were. There was one quote directly, I am careful with my wording, but he is quite persistent now. He says, ask her to give the kingdom a reprieve and come back on a shield.
And then he pours us and folds his hands quite, quite calmly in front of his chest. Can you just repeat that so I can write it down, please? Sorry. Of course, no problem. It was asked her to give the kingdom a reprieve and come back on a shield. Carson's going to look slightly shocked by this. His normal veneer is going to be
sort of broken slightly as he understands the implications of that phrase. I'm sure that master trace is quite... I'm sure that those weren't his exact words because I'm sure that would be
a little insulting. And I'm sure that as a citizen of the Sanguine Lands, I'm sure there's been a mix up in the translation there from some more of the lauded and high phrases of the Sanguine Land courtly language. But whether Princess Helen is best served being elsewhere, aside, perhaps it would be nice for her to at least
go and collect any things that she might wish to take with her to the front, as well as perhaps stop in to see her mother. The translation was perfect. It was verbatim. He has a very terse way with words, Delmonde. So forgive the intrusion, first of all, on the language he used. I am only passing upon a message
For the question of goods in the palace, in the castle, your goods, as you remember, are not here. They have been kindly put on board a ship and sent to Cleargard, awaiting your arrival on the Eastern Front. So you want the new tea out?
Correct. Delmon thought it best to give a clean start to moving some of the administrators necessary to run the city effectively. So that I may join my brother? They're all with Lucian, are they? Your belongings are, yes, absolutely. And what about my father? My mother? Can you tell me of their whereabouts? They are. I'm exhausted of your name games, your word games. Very well. I will speak candidly then.
Your mother and father and your brother, your other brother, are not in sleep garden. They are taking a journey across the scene for a well-deserved break abroad. Insight check. These... Okay, go for it. Sorry. No, no, no. That's what it's there for. This guy's a bastard with a capital B.
21. He's telling the truth. Up to holiday. What did I say? I forgot the word now. Did you say a big break abroad? Yeah. A break abroad. A break abroad, yeah. That bit, a flitter in the eyes, something's not quite right there. But they are outside of the kingdom. For all intents and purposes, you believe that to be true.
So I'm having a think. Right, I think our time has come, Karstan, that we need to leave. I think this is a... I think this is a losing battle, and I think we need to rethink our steps here. You are more than welcome to stay and continue to converse with me. I have many things to talk to you about, if you so wish. I'm happy to converse. Quick question. I have nothing more to say to you.
Very well, Johannes. Quick question. Mark, it's obviously the castle in the middle. Obviously, on the map, it has lots. I assume it's almost like it's a castle. It's almost like a town within a town kind of thing, as it has its own. Correct. Would I know whether the, because I imagine given the Sanguine Lands prominence across Aerith, whether it has where the embassy is or the sort of that kind of place for
the sanguine lands is in the city. Is it inside the castle complex or is it elsewhere in the city? It's difficult to say because there was never really a specific embassy given their prominence has always been there.

Communication Challenges with Sanguine Lands

However, the nearest thing to an embassy is now no longer an embassy and it is the abcreta center for administration found in the south of the city deep within the kind of rat running within the city.
So it's been basically renamed and kind of repurposed, they would say. Master Levien. Yes. As a fellow son of the Sanguinlands, I'm sure you could direct me. Is there a place that I could ensure that letters are able to be sent home and or messages sent back to my family in the Sanguinlands?
Absolutely. There are many, many ships that take most of our letters and parcels of salaries back to our families. I myself send many letters back to my wife and four children and letters along that way as well. The best person I could recommend you to speak to in terms of the speed and expediency of getting letters there, and he speaks with purpose and haste at this moment, Will, is going to the
Green Barrels Barrels, which is one of the largest trading companies that works with the city of Goldview and to Obsidia directly. You might have heard of them. They're quite famous. Run by a very famous family of
merchants, if you will, but their ships are second to none. They have the top-notch crew. Your letters are there incredibly quickly and delivered in person by hand to whoever you need to give them to. None of this namby-pamby threw the city into the centers for postal services, nothing like that. It's hand to the person you speak to. You have to pay a bit more, but it's a fantastic service.
What of more instant replies? So what I'm getting at so much, Scott, I've heard from it is I imagine that like in order to facilitate a more speedy communication that perhaps the government of the Sanguine Lands has like majors in the major cities and what they do is they have almost like a form of telegraph. They have people who send sendings to each other kind of thing.
And I imagine there's like a system where you can go and ask someone to send a message to someone and then, like a telegraph, then gets transmitted and then written and sent off. Yeah. So I'm just going to go back in character for a minute. That's right. Thank you for that. So what about utilising a sending? I assume there is a mage of the Sanguine Lands who is able to transmit a sending through the diplomatic communications to the government house.
Yes, there is indeed, but their time is very limited, you can understand, Baden, that not every message home would be applicable via the mage. Their workload is incredible, the the Arcanic drain is incalculable, I'm sure you can appreciate. Of course, I mean, I am, I'm sorry, I haven't introduced myself. I'm Carstan Finbin of the family Val Horne. My mother is a loyal servant of the council and quite prominent within
The council though not holding a seat. She certainly is a valuable servant I'm sure she would appreciate a message from me to ensure that I'm safe a Valhorn Interesting you didn't strike me as one. I'm the youngest son. So I do not perhaps feature in court as much as others That would That would
OK, sorry, I just do a quick roll. It takes a second, it clicks his hands. I've heard of you. Yes, you played that song. You played that song in court, didn't you? Well, I've I've I've I've I've I've performed many songs, some of which are quite well known, others less so.
This one was very well known and very badly received if I remember correctly. Yes.
You're infamous. There you go. I've heard of you already from an awful song, no doubt. But still, it went down an absolute storm, I believe, outside of the council and the commoners among the streets. I absolutely love this rendition you created. The lyrics leave me now, but I hear fantastic things nonetheless. I will pass on a message if you want. I can pass a message directly to your mother that you are safe and in Goldview, if you would like.
Unfortunately, the mage that we'll pass the message on is within our centre for administration and is very busy. But I, of course, will pass the message on if you want. It's fine. I'll just send a normal letter. I did have someone, hopefully, send a letter already. So there may be a reply that has arrived. But thank you. Can we stop having the mother's meeting and get on with the day? Yes, of course.
If you do indeed want to collect any mail or anything, obviously, Your Highness of course will know her way around the city perfectly as she thinks she owns it. The Administration and Taxation Centre would be the place you would want to go in order to pick up any mail, etc. It's located
in the northwest of the city, up near the gates, near Ashcroft Road, you should be able to find it there. Any post, that's where it will be. One cast and more. Just one last thing. How dare you insult me and my family in the way that you have. Your time will come, Levian, believe me. And she grabs Castan by the wrist and pulls him. And as you're walking away, you just hear
Your Highness. And you won't see, but he bows very low. If I have indeed insulted you in any way, please take my all-forgiveness. And he just keeps talking as you walk out of sight. Where do you like to go? Bode well, your Majesty. It seems like I'm sorry that the sanguine lands appear. Does it bode well? Who does he think he is? I don't know. I can't believe it. And you were engaging with him with...
with mail and chat. I was simply trying to ascertain as to the level of control. I find it really strange that things have gotten this far, that Roth-Hawksburther would allow the of Chriska to
exert so much control over an independent kingdom. I know we're all united under this one banner, but the idea that... I think he was lying, Your Majesty. I...
But you told him your name, you gave him your trust, you said about sending mail to your mother. What do you think it's going to do with that information? I was trying to see whether it would have any pull with him, and I have his name as well. It's difficult to... It was going to get out anyway. If there are enough Sanguine Land people here, then it was only a matter of time. It was perhaps
just cement our position and whatever it was within this city. What I find strange is the fact that when he said your family had gone away, that your mother and father and other brother had gone away, he was telling the truth up to a point. Yes, where have they gone? And Helen has now just stopped in the middle of the road and she's slumped on one of the walls nearby
head in her hands. I can't see a way out of this. I need to speak to Felsdrop. I need to get word to him and Lucian.

Helena's Isolation and Potential Allies

Perhaps. Maybe if we go to the training grounds or... Or Claude. Claude will have the telepathic thing that he does and he can get word to them that way, perhaps. Do you have any other friends in the city that might be loyal to your family?
I know anybody in the city that might be able to give me some information that has some sort of loyalty to me.
The majority of your time you spent in Goldview, if you did in your formative years, you stayed within the castle grounds for the majority of it. You're quite a sheltered, protective childhood. You didn't really venture out to the city much. However, you spent some time in the gardens of Tiriani, just to the north of the city, sorry, north of the castle, which is where you gathered your faith. There was also one person that you accidentally had spoken to on a number of occasions.
And her name, all you know is Lucy. Her name is Lucy. And she was quite a tomboy, quite rough and ready, just kind of a scoundrel on the streets. You ran into her a couple of times when you ventured slightly outside of the city walls once or twice. That's the only other person you can think of. Aside from that, everyone you knew were other servants or members of your family or emissaries that came from other lands that obviously wouldn't be there. And with your family gone, allegedly gone, and with
With probably their servants going along with them, you almost find yourself in a stranger in a strange land in your own home, so to speak. Kirsten, I didn't really have many friends, I'm sorry to say. Do you know, I think I'd like to go to the garden just to feel something familiar. And I want to just walk over to the garden with, well, Terry and his garden.
With luck, I mean, maybe one of the priests there or someone, one of the followers of Tirani might be able to give us some more information than Levian. I mean, there's a chance. Well, he didn't have any loyalty to me, so I can't see why he'd ever give me any information that was favorable. I'll see if I get something from my faith. I trust that. In his smugness, he did give us some information.
I just don't know how much I can trust. Well, if he was lying, I would have known about it. And the one bit I did know he was lying about was, your family may have left the city, but I don't know. They've certainly not gone on a holiday. Well, that I could tell myself. I'm going to start walking over to the garden.
Okay, and as you walk over, the camera will just pan back out and move over towards our other intrepid travellers as they make their way out of the half-oof inn. Stop making their way somewhere else. We'll wait for Danny just to join us. Will and Casey, really good stuff with him. I tried to make him as annoyingly smug and glib as possible and you tackled him really fast. I was so close to doing Detect Thoughts on him, but I was like, he's a bloody mage and it's only going to go wrong. Kind of.
Yeah. Who knows? Who knows? Because he didn't do it. We'll never know. So we've just got to pass back over to, we need to get Callum's attention. We're going to pop over to you guys now. So we just panned over and we've just left the half hoof in a few minutes after that of Helena and Carstan. Claude, you've led the way.

Exploring Goldview's Changes

Clankity clanking with your helmet on. Tali has followed behind along with Folly. And then as a few moments later, Robin has also appeared. Where do you want to go?
Claude will just take in a deep breath, smelling his home once again, taking in the surroundings, taking in his bearings, trying to figure out where he is, and then, yes, looking for local landmarks and spotting the bookshop just across the road from the half booth inn, and then a lightbulb moment as he says, I know where I am. That's good. Are you ready?
Yes, outfit house with experience. Yeah, so we need to go that way. I'm going to head west and I'm going to go to for your reference mark number four. No one else look. So as you make your way out, you see Claude kind of turning around a couple of times. I'll give you the journey then if you want to talk on the way, that's absolutely fine.
You make your way down a number of smaller alleyways as you take yourself off from the Union Pass, the main road that you would have seen on the way just to your right. This is a smaller path. There are less people, but still a few people. And if you go in your dappled route, a couple of people at a time, not working this one group of four, then no one really pays much attention. The odd person moves out of the way of Claude as you start to make your way west through buildings further and further. There is a sense of
Desperation in the air almost. This is a poorer area within the city. It's dense with lots and lots of houses. Two three-storey houses packed in close together. All the similar colour scheme. All very similar in design as well. These have been built with some haste within the city walls.
There are a number of places for refuse, barrels on the side, people stood around eating bits of bread and watching you as you walk by. No one seems particularly perturbed to buy you as you walk past. It's about three o'clock in the afternoon by this time. So people are kind of having a break or just busy with their trade. No one really seems to notice you or approach you as you make your way across. You zigzag through more and more and every now and then Claude takes you a different route, double checks and goes one way then the other way.
until finally you come to a shop and this was a shop and the next bit is this other building and this building stands three stories tall has a kind of a painted white exterior on the bottom floor the next two stories are regular the same color scheme as the rest of them which is the the stonework of Sleekard dark stone of Sleekard which dominates the city
outside it there is a young boy sat on the step picking his nose and eating a small piece of bread with a cup of water as you approach club okay everybody here we go and i'm just going to do like a tada flourish with my hands with this shop behind me welcome to the elfie i'm pretty confused i mean elfie is here your shop says right there i'm not shop
Elfie! Tally looks at the sign, and then the little boy who sat there also scrunches his face up and looks up at the sign. Uh, Claude, that doesn't say Elfie here. It does? The Elf's ear! Nope, that says the Tiefling's ear. Nope, you're wrong, this is the Elf's ear! Uh, little boy, what does the sign say above your head?
Ah, the tieflings here, I think. I can't read myself, but I got to know it was the tieflings. It says the elf's ear. Well, no. Can you not read, Knight? It obviously says tieflings here. Teeb starts with a cross and a... What? Oh, wait a minute. It used to be called, when I was younger, it was called the elven ear. Yes, that's what it was called. Not elf's ear. The elf in ear. Yeah. Yeah, but everyone else...
Um I thought that's where Elfie lived. Now it's it was the elven ear now it's the tiefling's ear they changed the name because elves were too nice and he wanted to be a little rough and ready so he changed that changed the name to the tiefling's ear because tiefling's are you know a bit bit dodgy on the side sometimes so he changed the name
Well, maybe the same people still go in there. Maybe if you go in there, Robin, and follow Ian Talley, then maybe they'll know where Elfeir is. It's his house. It was his house. I don't know why he changed the name to Tiefeir. What is it? Tiefling's here. My dad runs the shop. He is in Elfeir. His name is Bernard. But does he know Elfeir?
No, I don't know. I can get him if you want. Yeah, because he used to be off at his house. I'm very confused. This is pretty much what I was expecting, Robin. Robin doesn't say anything and just walks into the shop. Very well.
Folly will follow Robin into the shop, just have a gander's round. He's not expecting anything. This is literally, there's a look of intense disappointment and resentment towards Claude on Folly's face right now.
So as you go to the door, the little boy who's sat on the step moves a little bit to the side and lets you open the wooden door. And as you walk into it, usually this seems to be kind of a tinkerer's shop with small little glass ornaments with little clay pots and all kinds of bits and doodads and pieces and other things around. It doesn't seem to be of anything of a particular note, maybe for an adventurer, but it has kind of lots of small little tinkerer goods, more ornate or
pottery and cutlery, bits of silver, bits of gold items here or there, but nothing of particular note. But there was a haggard looking kind of middle aged man stood behind the table looking a bit forlorn with kind of a shock of black hair, scraggly black beard, a head in his hands as he looks down at some paperwork down on the desk in front of him and looks up at you. Ah, customers.
Yes, we're here to sing Elfie, please. Elfie? This is House? No, my name is Bernard. I run the shop here. I don't know an Elfie who doesn't work here.
I see if I may interject my name is William Goodfellow. This is my friend Nicholas. He was dropped several times. I assume several times anyway on the head of the baby.
And he is slightly confused. He believes this shop was formally called the Elden Ear. Is that correct? No, it was the Elden Ear was the name of the shop before I thought it sounded too polite. So I changed the names of two things here. It's got more of a punch to it, don't you think? Yes, very. It's
Get in the patrons, you know, get them in. May I ask, what is it that you sell? We sell trinkets to dads, I can make some good metal work as well, screws and nails, the like for boats on the riverside and also in the sea for building boats and the like.
major trade, but I also dabble in pottery. I have a friend who works up at Clay Peak and I get some clay from them and I build things from the clay. So I sell it. I'm a trader by trade. Robin, would you like to buy a pot? Not particularly there, Claude. I always thought Robin would like a pot.
As you can see, my dear dear friend here, Nicholas. Who's Nicholas? You are Nicholas. He lied and gave you the name and he called himself William Goodfellow, which also was a lie. He rolled a natural 20 on a perception. Sorry, I've just jumped the gun. Do you want to roll a deception for that, Darren, just in case you do beat a natty 20?
sure i mean i'm pretty good at perception yeah it's 21 overall you got plus one on perception now what happens if it's a if it's the same because i've just rolled a 21
meets it beats but which way round does that work? Will, let's bring in the oracle, which way round did it work? So in this situation, I imagine it would be a roll again because I would roll off again at this situation and then obviously go from there and add your relative bonuses. We'll do that, that's a good shame. 17 in my second roll. No problem, let's wreck on that slightly. You are
The name he just called, what did you just call him? William Goodfellow and this is my cousin Nicholas. No, you are Nicholas. It's the name he just made up for you. William just told you that. You know, don't you know your own fake name in this city? I do now. Thank you, Barnard. You're welcome. Barnard!
yes mr bernard sure um do you sell anything other than metalwork and pottery and and to come back to the point no i don't want a plant pot william don't insult the man i've got more than plant pots i've got jugs as well and small cups to
put water in. My son here has one outside as well. Aside from that my friend, no nothing else. My hands are good but not that good at building stuff. Fair enough. Can I help? Sorry for interrupting my s- I get tripped in my words you see. Please continue sir.
Robin will take a gold piece out of his bag and he'll just grab a bag of shrapnel, a bag of general brickerback, screws, bolts, and he'll pop it down and goes, he'll pop the one gold down and goes, I'll take these, you'll keep the change. And my friend's name is Nicholas. And he would like a pot, please.
but I was just gonna without kind of taking his eye off the goal please reach down under his desk look up at you both and pull out a pot this is my sorry a small one if you can I don't have a small bag it is a small one I can't make the tall ones that keep falling over and flopping and he pushes over this is my prize possession it's the best clay pot I've made it's yours
Nicholas, please take it. And William, it's been very nice to meet you both. And he takes the gold piece over and puts it into his pocket and actually looks down at the piece of paper now and goes, I can pay that one off now and I can pay that one off. Thank you very much. Both of you made my day. Very good. Thank you, Bernard.
You're welcome, Nicholas. And he shakes his, nods his head too many times when he says that. Okay. Well, Team Huddle, I think we've wasted enough of Mr. Bernard's time. Perhaps we will reconvene outside. Thank you for your time, sir. Goodbye, Bernard. Let the Trumvera bless you. Good day to you all.
and it waves you away. I'll chuck the bag of shrapnel to folly and go, I trust that this isn't a completely wasted venture, you can turn that into something destructive. I will do whatever I can, but it's certainly not how I expected to be spending my time today. How many inventive ways do you have to waste our time? I've got loads of stuff that you might like. Listen, if
If, right, there was a place called Follies here in the city, you'd expect Follies Fizzlebank 1 to 12 or Folly the 13th to be there. If there was Robins here, you'd expect Robin to be there. So why, when there's Elfs here, would I not think Elfer would be there? I mean, come on!

Interest in Stock Magic and Financial Realizations

Yeah, yes, absolutely.
Claude, in your own kind of twisted logic, you sometimes make one iota modicum of sense. I don't understand you sometimes. Look, let's try not to waste the rest of the day. If you'll permit me, Robert, I believe Claude mentioned something of a stock magic depository. Yes, so be very quiet and go into just a little look around, Mark, to see if there's anybody around.
didn't give me a perception check then let's roll a stat I don't know if I'm gonna be good at oh so the d20 be always in your favor it's okay it's okay it would be a 14
You look around, there are two people passing, a male and a female walking away from you to the east. Aside from that, the street is empty. Save the young boy sat there still, picking up a piece of bread. And as you notice now, a rather ornate clay cup of water.
Okay, I would just say to these guys then, so, but when I lived here, I used to get bullied by Prince Sebastian. Prince Sebastian used to say that I grew up in the rat run. We were in the rat run before, that's the little sewery bit that we used to, you know, get in. He used to say that I lived in the rat run because of something called challenged academic ability.
Yes, yes, I completely agree with the judgement there. I don't know what it means. OK, well, I thought I might live here. So one day I went to explore it and I found a weird symbol, which I didn't recognise at the time. And then there was that time that you showed us what a stock magic scroll looks like. And I think the symbols match.
It's very far in the direction we didn't just go. If we go east, towards the docks, I can show you there. Very short, Claude. You are one of my companions.
For one reason or another at the moment, I still seem to time myself trusting you. If this leads us on another wild goose chase, I'm going to send you 600 foot into the air and turn off the spell. I don't like to be threatened. I don't like to have my time wasted. Shall we move on? Yeah. Well, we're on our way. There's a couple places you might like, Robin, in that direction. Go on.
Well, there's the place where all the police work. That's quite a nice place to hang out. I sometimes used to pick up reprobates from there and then chop their heads off. There's also a place called the Admin Center. Apparently, when you work somewhere, you actually get paid for it. And that's why I was supposed to collect something called a wage.
Wait, are you saying that you never collected any money when you worked here? No, I just thought they just gave you a room when that was it and fed you. Um, but apparently there's money there waiting for me. And as you're walking for, uh, Talish is going to kind of grab your wrist and just turn you to stop you from moving Karsten, uh, Claude, and just say, Claude, how long did you work as the executioner here? Uh, almost three decades.
You might, or I suddenly go big. So that means there's probably quite a lot of money there. Um, maybe, I don't know. What do you normally get from a wage? It's not a lot to the Eclord, depending on the service you provide. Um, why, why don't we go that way and we can pop in and just see if there's anything there. I wish to add a downer to this, but may I remind you that we're in a city that's currently occupied by, uh,
people who might have. Yes, we are in a city occupied by people, Robin. OK, fine. But I do not think it wise to go towards the admin centre at this present time for that very reason.
Okay, well, what about somewhere like a place what sells fun bows? I can go there. There's a library, but we should probably avoid that, because A, I can't read, and B, you don't know what book you're gonna get stuck in. Folly. Yes? This place where there's stock magic.
that Robin will look around at himself being very discreet while Claude's run off clanking around the city and just kind of look at the amusement as Claude tells him to approach for subtlety. Folly, is it going to be safer if you undertake your own errands?
and he'll glance at Claude with his eyes before going without assistance. I do believe that, Claude, you're not a big fan of stock magic, are you? I've returned to Frog, and that was quite unpleasant, because it was a few months before I was turned back. But, you know, swings around about, swings around about, mate.
There were a lot. Why don't you give Robin and Tali a grand tour and just put me at the entrance of the Stockman? I wasn't planning on going in. Good. I think that would be possibly the best thing. Yeah, I'll do that. And Tali, what would you like to do? Because I've got a bit of everything. I know where there are animals. I know where there are more books. I know where there are cool stuff that you could like.
Like, we could go laugh at some unfortunate orcs. We could go look. There's a skin changer in town. A skin changer? Yeah, yeah, yeah. There's a place called the Nagar's Wands. They sell wands, but every day there's a different person working there. With the same voice.
So it's a shape changer. It's like a mimic or something. I've never known. I liked it on my morning walks when I was here. Just go have a look and see what they look like today. It was always something. It always looked different. Always a different person worked there. Sometimes a man, sometimes a woman. Sometimes you don't know.
Interesting, but that does sound like something I would be interested in, but I was planning on trying to find someone to maybe get some help with my book actually, with my dad's book. There's some libraries, there's a place where people go to learn things and get better at being smart. Yeah, one of those might work for me, which
I can't believe I'm going to say this. Which book, which place of academia would you recommend, Claude?

Tristan's Library and Deception

I don't know that word, but I assume it's something to do with understanding things. Well, there's the library, Tristan's library.
Or you could maybe go and have a look at the magical Emporium. Or you could go to the Lodge. The Lodge is a place where very smart, intelligent people like to go and socialise and network and look down their nose at people that don't understand how to spell. No, I don't think that please sounds pretty good. What was the first one again?
The library. Library, okay. So it's three, I mean, I've just rolled D6 and decide from that. It is, it's the library. Oh, is it Tristan? Yes, yes. Tristan's library, was that the first one? Number 14. She's the one, that's where she wants to go. Yeah, at some point- It's on the roof, it's on the roof. It's on the roof. Okay, but I don't wanna, you know, I'd rather get all these things done, you know, I'm in no rush, I can wait.
Well, what I could do is I could, we could go to the library, you could stay there, I could show Folly the thing and come back to the library and meet you, or protect Folly from his inevitable doom, if I stop my cheek. Yeah, you said a lot of words very quickly there, Claude, I can tell you're passionate. Yeah, you, I'll tell you what, you take the lead, and Robin, you just give me that look if you feel like we shouldn't do it. Here's a plan.
How about you take us past this library. Myself and Talia will go in. You can take Folly on, show him where he needs to go, and then return to us. How does that sound? Yeah, I'll do that. Everyone happy? Yeah, I'm happy. And then maybe we can find somewhere secluded to speak to you, sis.
Yes, this evening perhaps. Okay, and with that you start making your way east across the city towards Tristan's library, east and northeast actually too. So the way you probably would approach that, Claudis, you take us up through the northern routes, continuing up through this kind of
uh, thin alleyways up and through lots and lots of closely packed residential buildings. Again, it feels like slightly rough, but at the same time feels quite safe. There's no real sense of threat or imminent danger. These are just people. And this is the, these are the homes. That's all that really is.
As you continue to make your way through North, you snake left and right, left and right, you come across a building on your left which seems quite grand. It shares bits and pieces of marble within it so it stands out ever so slightly and it says at the front of the ES1
center for curing and you know this called to be an area where some of the best nurses and those clerics which trained to fight or to supplement fighting usually kind of practice their works. This is one of their centers set up in the middle of the city to help those within the city for free.
So you pass that along your way and I'll finish this and then you can have a chat if you want and then you reach onto Ashcroft Road, one of the main thoroughfare roads of the city in the north and you take a right turn and you follow that road down slightly and on your left
is this large, large single-story building, quite squat and low to the ground, but kind of wide and deep. These two large dark oak doors stood in front of you with tiny, tiny little windows that let small bits of kind of blackness blot the otherwise white front that has been painted over this single-story building, which is Tristan's library. Well, this is the place.
OK, do we just go in or? Yeah, I mean, I will be back in a bit. Oh, in case we were separated, remember, we said we'll meet at the Double Ork Park, which you can see. And I'll just walk a little bit down to the sort of joining of a few streets and point to the south from there. It's down there.
Okay, and down that road you can see a number of buildings, you can see a couple of signs standing out, you assume it's one of them, and further down you can see the central square which you recognise from your earlier journeys. Okay, so we'll meet you there after we're done, right? Yeah, I could either come back to the library or I could just wait in Double Ork Pub and I can stare and pull it at the Ork through the window like I like to do.
Oh, this is the one with the two-headed orc. It's a marvel. Well, I look forward to seeing that. And Robin, what do you think? Should we meet him there or meet him here? Robin's going to process this and think probably having Claude come in the library is going to undo any alias that Robin comes up with. And he's just going to go, we'll double up pub. I assume there's two orcs there, Claude.
No, while you're up two heads, it's great. Well, that does sound quite wonderful. Fair enough. We will meet you there as soon as we have achieved everything that we need to achieve within this library. We'll probably be no longer more than a couple of hours. OK, I won't be in the pub. I'll be rounding the back to looking through a specific window. Wonderful.
OK, we'll see you both in a bit then. Tyler gives you a little wave. Bye. And we're just going to follow quickly to round this one off. Sorry, we're going to assume Folly and Claude, you start to make your way off and we'll start the next episode with you guys.
Robin, you entirely approached the doors to Tristan's library and pushed them open. And akin to most libraries you've been on the Sword Coast in Neverwinter especially, there are an array of candles let out in this very, very dark dim place. You always think it's weird that there are low light in an area which is designated for reading. As you open the doors, dust kind of fills the air. These shafts of light are let in through the very small dotted windows of the first store of this very low building.
You can see in front of you eight or nine really long lines of bookcases lined on either side, stacked to the absolute hilt with paper, books, parchments rolled on top of one another. The kind of system of bookings now has additional books placed on top of them on their sides, all array of colors of spines as well. Some needs some
some not so neat some absolutely ruined but a real mix all over and around the edges are long long tables where there are a number of chairs all these chairs also have books and papers on them save one or two which have been kind of cleared spaces for work then you can see one individual who looks deep within a book off to your right and straight ahead of you down the corridor you can see a table with a short man stood behind it who notices looks up over glasses
pulls his glasses back down, opens his eyes, and then comes kind of waddling over to you. But he's about 80 feet away, probably. It's a very long building. And so it's going to take him a while to get there. Robin, can you see the man? I can see him.
This is awkward. He's already made eye contact with us. Do we have to wait here? I assumed so. It's rude to walk too far in without invitation. Oh, that's a good point. If anyone asks, you are my sister. We have traveled from Leekmoor and you are looking for ways to further your education in the arcane arts. Sister, Leekmoor, further education. Got it.
Who are you going to be? I am going to be a ranger of Bleakmore, fleeing the Blight, looking for a better life in this city.

Librarian's Emotional Response and Book Search

Okay, that sounds pretty good. God, you're good at this. And just as she finishes that up, she's a little too light to figure, the person off to the side looks up from his book, and he's got a really quite neat goatee on his face, quite young looking as well, white shirt on, quite open down. He just goes, shush, and then goes back to his book again. The old man at this point has kind of scuttled his way down and finally reached you and looks up at you both expectantly, but slightly hesitantly as well.
Sorry, Berwith, wrong screen. Ah, greetings to you both, young lady, young sir. Lovely to see you both. How can I help? Hello there. I hope this isn't too intrusive, but we're new to the city and we're just trying to find our way, if you don't mind me saying.
Yes, of course. It's a rather confusing city if you're not thrown round here. It really catches you off guard sometimes. No, of course. And then when we saw this place and we were guided here and told it was a library and we're better than a font of knowledge to expand our understanding.
And he takes that compliment with quite a, he rises up from a stout four foot tall to a four and a half foot, four foot one, whatever, that bad joke. Anyway, he stands up tall. Compliments will get you very farward here, young man. So thank you very much for that. So what is it in particular I may help you with?
Well, it's not so much for me. I'm a humble gamesman from Bleakmoor. This is my sister Ella. My name is Dustin, Dustin Fogg, by the way. And this is my sister Ella Fogg and short for Ellaria. I didn't question it. I hadn't heard it before in quite a while. And well, basically, the area around Bleakmoor has become a little bleak.
It's quite difficult to hunt game there, so we've vacated, looking for better pastures for me to pursue my craft. Now, of course, with that, I have in mind my own sister's educational needs, as you can see. Well, she's quite the keen student, and Robin will glance at Talia and go,
student, the word that you call it, scholar, researcher. Anyway, she's keen to pursue learned crafts such as yourself. And I am of no use to her in such things. And I promised her that when we arrived at Goldview, one of the first things we would do was seek out someone who would have the means to assist her.
Well, absolutely, we'll be able to help with that. Absolutely. What is it in particular? He looks towards Tyler at this point. What is it in particular you're looking for? Robin, as you look over, she's sweating profusely at this point. Her eyes go wide and just goes, further education. I'm from Bleeckmoor.
I'm his sister, and he says it all a bit too light. The man with the goatee looks over again. Shosh! And he goes back to his book. I'm, um, for, for education. Oh, yes. Don't mind him. He's always, he's, he's reading all the books. He's quite the, he's quite the fod to acknowledge too, Dusted.
Well, of course, I know almost, I don't want to brag here, but almost every single book by name that has been released and has made its way through some of the libraries in the Sangri lands and in Moonrise and then into Sleepguard, into Goldview in particular. So if there is any book you're looking for in particular, I specialise in an array of books. You'll have to forgive
My sister, you can see that she's somewhat nervous and hasn't traveled far out of the bleak all before. This is all rather new to her. Yes, especially given everything that's been going on there with the attack or the assault on it not too long ago. I do hope you weren't caught up in that. Well, I was there and we escaped with our lives. But I promised mother and father before they died that I would keep Elia out of danger and well,
It was dangerous. It was brutal. I mean, each word you say about mother, father, death, dangerous, brutal. It's like, he's like taking these hits, like personal attacks on himself. He pulls out a small kerchief from his top pocket and dabs his brow. Oh, my Lord, I'm so sorry for all of that. But everything that happened. Oh, no. I rolled too low. I rolled too low. He slowly just sleeps, sleeps, sleeps down onto the floor. It's OK. I'm just going to wipe that. Is he still conscious?
Yeah, he's unconscious now, but he's breathing. He's just slumped down onto the floor in a sweaty mess. What just happened? I don't know, but I think... Are you alright? He doesn't respond. Is he dead? Did you kill him with words?
Robin will kneel down to inspect him. Is he still alive? Do you want to roll, I don't know, medicine or do you want to roll investigation? I'll go investigation just to check he's alive. I can't do anything to help him. I can check he's alive. 14.
Yeah, he's breathing. He feels quite fevered and warm. You can discern that something you said upset him and he's passed out. That's about all you can really get to. This seems very odd for anything, really. Okay. Robin's just going to just kind of snap his fingers in front of the man and a couple of claps in front of the eyes and just see who he comes to. And the man in the corner with the goatee again.
Josh! I'm trying to read! Yes, sorry to interrupt, but this man appears to be having some kind of a bout of death and Robin will just continue to snap his fingers in front of the man's eyes. Unfortunately, he's rolling nothing but fours. He's not coming to at all, but the man with the goatee is going to stand up to stretch his back out a second, reach for a jug, pour out a small cup of water, walks over to you, use this, and thrusts a cup of water into your hand.
Robin will try to gently pour it into the man's mouth. What the moustache man behind is going to do is just tap the bottom of the cup, pouring it over his face. I'm wet. You appear to have had quite a nasty episode there. Do you want a hand standing up?
I'm finally gonna grabs the bookcase and pulls the book. It's been the head Oh as he tries to pull himself up what she does eventually and stands the tallies they're kind of helping him up a little bit You could have just you know clapped in front of my face or snapped your fingers, you know I Tried that and Robin will just to the goatee man He doesn't seem to like you very much
No, don't mind him. He's another scholar here. We have a healthy relationship, don't we? Piss off. And he goes and sits back down by his book. Yes, it's a joke we have. He says, piss off. And I read the store. Yeah, that's how it works. Sorry. And he pushes the water up his face. Now, books. Now, yes, as I was saying,
And Robin will just take the man to one side. My sister's quite shy, as you can see from her introduction. And what she's really into is she's one for fables and stories. Anything you've got of legendary spellcasters or great wizards would fascinate her. And she would love to study such tones.
Yes, yes. In fact, I do. I have some really interesting books just on that. Some of the most impressive spellcasters that have been on these lands for quite some time. Actually, there were quite a few that were involved in the Unbending a few years ago. Oh, quite a few years ago, actually. I read about it. And they helped close the rift. One of the portals that the Faith of Mixer was allowed some of the undead to come through. And Goatee Man again will go, it wasn't the undead. It was one of the Nine Hells.
Shush, I can hear you from here. I've only tried to sell some of my wares, tried to sell the business. Okay, well, one of the demons threw into the portal, the Faith of Mixamas, and some of the mages there have written these fantastic books. Some of them are in here, actually. Are there any other interesting areas of study she'd like? Robin will glance at Talia.
Sounds in line with what you're interested in, dear sister. Is there anything else you can think of? No, books are good for me. I'm interested in furthering my education.
Brilliant. Well, you're in the right place. Don't worry. Books can be very, very unnerving sometimes because if they fall on you, they can hurt. But aside from that, they are absolutely your friend and will really help you further your education as you keep saying. Let me just go and find you that book on one of the major. I can't remember whose name off the top of my head. I've got a list at the back and I'll bring up the list and I'll find that book with you. Yes, it might take not long, two, six hours perhaps.
It's quite a big library, you see. The other chat doesn't help me very much. OK, fantastic. I'll be back in a little bit. And he starts to scurry off down the middle corridor. Well, I think that went well. It did. When he comes back, we're supposed to be looking for a very important book. Do you remember its name?
Let me just roll a history check to see if I do. Nope. No. Do you? Often it's something, the world's away, something to do with the... Yes, that was it! The world away, wasn't that? Yeah, that was it, wasn't it? Now, I highly doubt going to find it in a shop, but this might be the type of man who knows where to find it.
But that, Robin, is a good shout, actually. OK. Should we ask him, like, straight out, just say, like, do you know this book? No, we should. When he comes back, leave it for me. Leave it with me. OK, because I'm not going to lie. I think I'm getting quite good at this lying thing now. And I could take it if you want. But if you're happy just to run with it, Robin, you know, I can share the, you know, share the glory if you want.
let's um let's see how let's see how we get on shall we okay it sounds good and at this he hit and he comes shuffling up with a bit of paper now i do have the book actually uh
It is one of the aisles on the far side, which my friend relies on for his studies. But I will ask him if I could just pop in and get it and see if I could find this specific book, which is really excellent, I think. It has some excellent stories and will really suit your studies in furthering your education. So would you mind just holding this paper for me while I trace down to find the number? By all means.
thank you and he passes you a really long roll of paper and he starts running his finger down 8 1 6 a v okay 8 1 6 a v 8 1 6 a v right thank you very much and he rolls it back up again and pops it down i'll be back in just one moment
and he starts to kind of pass between you both and move round and very quietly whispers to a goatee man in the corner who huffs and puffs and points at a specific area. There you go. And off he goes down another corridor to find your book. A couple moments later, he does actually come back with this kind of thick book. Here you go. Unfortunately, this is from his private stash of books. So I couldn't say you can't take it with you, but I could clear the way a station and you could read it here if you'd like.
We can't take it with us. Unfortunately, I guess it's a library, very true, but you don't have a membership here. If you are new to the city, unfortunately, I'm not sure if I can trust you yet with such a valuable book, plus it's his book and what he says goes. I understand. None of the books here are for sale.
Not many, no, particularly. We get funded through the Sleeker Kingdom to offer education to the masses, but no one's interested. And a donation of 20 gold in exchange for that particular time couldn't... Absolutely. Not a problem, that's yours. And then the book's mine. Yeah, not a problem. Okay.
Just don't tell him in the corner. No, of course. I think we're all acutely aware of the nature sometimes of just favours amongst friends being kept between friends.
Absolutely. I totally understand what you're meaning and understand the context, the subtext of what you're saying as well. I understand you might have a favour approaching me. Sorry. Anyway, here's the book and you get given a large thick tome, which is almost in thickness of Tarly's spell book called Ogremoth's Fables, which gets handed to you and he looks quite proud of himself. Are you handing over the money then, Robin, or have you already given it?
As Robin brings out the money, he'll clasp it to his hands and go, do you know, to my shame I don't think I've ever spent this amount of gold on literature before, foibles of pursuing, he'll gesture to the bow, more vocational
hobbies but there was one story that just rings back to something that father used to used to tell us it's probably just an old whispers tales i don't understand it but you strike me as someone who might be able just to lean if there's any truth into it he said that there's a a book called a world away something to do what was it he said earlier wasn't it something to do with
a magical weapon i i don't know any more than that but i don't know you're a learned man does that ring any bells yes it does it's uh
It's one of the most sought after books in many libraries across the realm. It's a book that many shouldn't have, but many scholars like myself would love to read, just to understand, not to undertake the teachings of it, but it's a book which would help us to understand the plight
that our realm went through not so long ago. But it's total banishment from all civilization and destruction has made it incredibly rare. Yes, the world away. Yes, it's connection to the faith of Pixelas. It's connection to hatred across the realm. It's, it's renowned. It's named, he looks from side to side, should not really be mentioned outside of the school of academia. You do understand that? Yes. I do know someone you could speak to.
I do know someone who could help. And we'll find out who that person is on next week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop. Everything's frozen. Are you still there? Yeah, you've gone. The rest of us are still fine, but you've gone. OK, OK. For a second, I was like, you're kidding me. Just lost that. OK. You were fine. Thank God.
Dany and I were absolutely killing our choice to ask about the starting book we've come here to ask about. Oh, that's brilliant though. No, that worked perfectly. That was a really good check. Ollie, we did the sign off. Who wants to do the sign off this week? I think we make... Will do it. Will, do you want to do it? Yes.
We need an awkward segue in, don't we? And on that awesome segue, if you wish to continue your listening later on, you can indeed do that. Thank you very much for letting us entertain your ear holes. We appreciate the hell out of you. You can, of course, follow us on the Twitter at fellow table.
If you wish to follow my fellow tabletop adventurers, you can. You can follow Darren at... Darren, page 06. You can follow Katie at... Unicorn Crit. You can follow Danny at... Shush! Hang on, Danny and Katie... At Toe Pie Thrills. Muted on the mic for Zencast. Sorry, what was that?
For some reason, Daddy and Casey's... At Total Party Thrills. I'm getting them through. Yeah, I can see it. I can see it. You're showing up. And you can follow Callum at...
the d20 gamer and you can follow me at natural20will and you can follow our marvelous majestic uh malicious sometimes because he's very cruel to us all and also quite frankly a sheer genius of a dm at hastily rolled dm until next time everybody