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Ep. 67 BladeSinger - Bellum Draconis image

Ep. 67 BladeSinger - Bellum Draconis

S2 E67 · The Fellowship of the Tabletop
70 Plays1 year ago

Our newest hero, Seth, introduces himself to the group. Baal has to come to terms with his failures. 

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Intro written and produced by Joseph McDade


Introduction to the World and Characters

11 from the spider, Tilwa. You're muted, my angelic friend. I'm trying to be really good so Wayne doesn't have to like, do any testing. Well stop fucking it up.
Hello everyone and welcome to this week's episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop, Bellum Draconis. We are, all in all, a live play by the D&D podcast set in the magical homebrewed world of Aerith in the Kingdom of Dralak. Joining you for this week's episode, we have Will, who plays the human cleric Emron. I don't quite know what to do now. Galam, who plays the war-forged artificer Alpha.
Will who plays the dragonborn, Baal Valcom? Poached, fried or scrambled?

Recap and Chaos at Sea

Ian who plays the tiefling warlock, Nyx Karel. Hi. My name is Mark and I'm playing the human blade singer, Seth. And last but by no means least, our Maestro of Magic, our Commander of Combat, our DMD of D&D, Dungeon Master, Daddy.
Bonjour you bunch of scrambled eggs. We fire off over the coasts of Dralak into what seems to be a rickety and shanty rather large ship that seems to kind of slowly crawl its way across the oceans to the Gabron's storm sea and upon it stood at the very
front, looking out over the water's edge, off into the distance of the bronze and illuminated sky that makes off the coast of Sleetguard. We have flapping, beard flapping in the wind behind him, hair flapping back with an orb in his hand.

Battle with Captain Yor

Old girl. Who turns to the camera?
Oh fuck nuggets, what a rampaging sandy river of doom! Damn, and there was a new power on the block as well? Shit! Oh fuck, don't forget that big ol' sandworm done did the eatin' the rains. Oh man, poor ol' Nick's tryin' to save his ass with a bit of shatter, but he's shat all over rains instead!
Emron gone full angel mode trying to do the flying away. That didn't work. He got dragged back in. He got to be saved by some sort of wildfire spirit shit. But that wildfire asshole done broken more eggs. What a bitch. Only five of them eggies left. Hot diggity damn. Meanwhile, Seth, we found out that guy's name. He done did the blade song. He done get all up in people's grills. He be slashing. He be blocking. He be parrying. It's some really cool shit.
Oh, fuck! Yeah, that captain your guy, he... Oh, girl, sorry. Oh, shit, no, she's a lady. Big old lady. Fuckin' huge lady, bigger than big lady. She done been warnin' everyone about who gonna die, cuz somebody gonna die. Then she eats a bitch into that sandy river, and she turn round, flip over her wrist, and show the signs of Alito. You wanna know what happens next? Well, you better listen close, boy.
The only fucking thing I'm gonna hate about doing this is following on after Wills just dropped Howlers like that. I just... I can't finish on Yeats a bitch. I can't do it seriously. I can't deal. Madman can finish on me anytime. And there's the opening of the episode.
All of that is the opening of the episode. I've got my opening keys now to this. I don't have to go much farther. Okay, so welcome back listeners.

Post-Battle Strategy

We find ourselves at the...
Fucking hell. We find ourselves at the IPCRISCR. You never struggled until you took the helm. You have the power. Just say overnight they changed their name. No. Can I say Mark named this. He planted his head early that someone is going to struggle to say this in the future when I am sipping tea, enjoying this from a player's point of view. And that muggins is me. Hell yeah. So we find ourselves at the IPCRISCR trading post once again.
If you followed along last week, you will have heard that whilst the party are trying to recover the dragon eggs of Sean Dralakar.
The Bcriskra fight turned in multiple directions. Now they find themselves fighting against the captain of this operation, a Captain Yor, who revealed themselves last week to be a follower of Alido. On the other side of the map, swallowing, swallowed, our companion, our friend, Rains, is this colossal landworm at which we can only really make out 20 feet's worth of their figure. The rest still burrowed underground.
Elsewhere on the map, Alpha has taken it upon himself to put himself inside one of these boats that are suspended and floating above this sand stream. It's Captain Yor's turn. To the right of Captain Yor, engaged, is Seth. On the other side, Tillua, Emeron's angelic companion.
Captain Yor is going to just take a step back, still remaining within five feet of both of you, so please don't say, I'd like to do an opportunity check because you have not got that opportunity at the moment. Just take a step back to change the angle a little bit and still with one spell being held in one hand, the other hand is going to swirl up in a circular motion and you just see this
Small tornado sort of appear above the wrist of Captain Yor, and then she casts this spell westward, and this almighty gust of wind follows. And caught in this radius of this spell, Emron slash Tilwa, Baal and Alpha, and the arachnid companion of Seth,
I need all four of you to make strength saving throws. Alpha, yours is at disadvantage, sorry, advantage, as you are at the very end of this range and you are somewhat protected by the bow of that rowing boat. Sweet. So please, strength saving throws from you all.
Question for your spider companion, however, Seth. Yes. Is it under the effects of anything like spider climb or things that will keep it tethered to surfaces? No, nothing at all. Okay, then strength saving throw, please. Okay, so this spider just off the back, I rolled a 19 minus two. Yeah, so, I rolled a 19, Jesus rolled a 13, so 11.
11 from the spider, Tilwa. That's a dirty 20, Danny. Dirty 20, thank you. Bal. 16. 16, Alpha. 18. 18, okay. So what happens is Bal and your spider companion, your arachnid companion, are both pushed back 15 feet in a direction of the choosing of Captain Yor.
for you, Baal, essentially you're knocked straight back to the very bank of that sand stream. And were it not for your... Sorry, remind me the term, what it's called? It's a wildfire spirit, yeah, yeah. Thank you. Were it not for your wildfire spirit, just there to offer just a brief fencing you would have fallen in. However,
Your spider, your arachnid companion is thrust into the sand stream. Seth.
Okay, cool. Sorry, sorry. I thought there's something that's going on after that. Yeah, into the, I assume it will. Straight into the sand stream, 15 feet into it. It will just, you'll just see after a couple of, after like a second it disappears and then this little puff of red smoke come directly out of the raging torrent of the sand river. And yeah, spider is no more.
And we've hooked up now, Danny. You've killed John Wick's dog. Well, someone was going to die. So thankfully that's it. We're all fine now, right? We fulfilled the prophecy. Captain Yor just reaches to her back and pulls this huge maul in one hand, but would take any of you to wield and just raises it forward towards your shadowy blade, Seth.
That's the end of Captain Yours turn. Baal, you've been pushed back, but you are not in that sand stream. What do you want to do? Thank fuck. I like to imagine that Baal had like a claw in the sand as he was getting pulled back as well, just to stop him that little bit more. And the Wildfast Spirit's there. It's going to kind of circle around him. He's going to fling it forwards, like coiling around his arm and flying forward. So with his bonus action, he's going to send the Wildfast Spirit only
probably 30 feet kind of towards the eggs rather than towards where this bad guy is and it's going to use its flame seed attack
on nasty pasty for a 30 20 to hit. 30 20 will hit.

Captain Yor's Retreat and Mysteries

Excellent stuff. It'll take five points of fire damage as as it's kind of making its way over there. It will just puff a kind of not fireball, but like a fire bolt style thing out of its mouth to hit this target. And as with one fluid motion of his hand, as he's doing that, he's going to reach up to the sky and bring down like a fist as a lightning bolt is going to strike just behind Captain Yaw as well. I need a deck save.
Absolutely. Which egg were you targeting with your fire spirit there, Will, just to clarify? The egg of, go fuck yourself. The deck saver's a 17. That's a pass, so they will only take half of my rolly rolls and hopefully it'll be a bit better this time. It's a fucking decent roll. It's 24, so it takes 12 points. Oh man. Of lightning. Of damage. Correct. Okay, great. Thank you very much. And then with my movement,
I can see that you've got people around what I'm going to do. I can only, I'm assuming it's still difficult terrain.
Yes, where there isn't wood or stone, so where you are stood on pure sand, it is difficult to reign. Yes. Okay, then I'll use full movement to go 15 feet kind of between the two eggs that the vulture left last week and where Captain Yor is. So making my way forwards, not directly to them, but making my way forwards. That's my turn. Perfect. Thank you very much. Reigns. It's Reigns' turn.
Hello, M. Ron. Question. Is Captain Yor still having a spell in one hand? Still has one spell in a hand. Does he need to make a concentration check? Thank you very much for the reminder.
You're welcome. You just got lawyered. Passes, but I appreciate the reminder a lot there. Thank you. Sorry, I was just aware that because I need kept mentioning it. So I was like, that's daddy telling us he's concentrating on spells. So I thought... Yes, appreciate the reminder. Yes, passes though. Reigns is obviously incapacitated in some capacity, but Nyx is the person close enough to hear it. You do just hear whimpering, crying, screaming.
general sounds of distress that you would attribute to Raines' voice. That is the end of that turn. Again, standard for Raines. There is a commotion within the tent that some of you would hear, but not really amongst everything else. It's almost like there was a breeze, but there was also a bit of a rumble of structural material. Top of the round, then, Seth.
fuck me right okay okay okay fuck him up Seth kill spider fuck him up you don't fucked up kill man spider like that right Seth is going to turn and in an instant just
all or kind of blade song this drops it doesn't drop it's just for the taste he goes his arms just go down by his side and goes fucking ping-glog really and he's just going to jump off the little platform and a big overhead strike cutting kind of across from right side of the neck down and across the throat and chest
He's going to roll a big old attack. He's not gonna put booming blade on it He's just going to hit this person in the face as hard as he possibly can to to fuck them up Really? Okay, that is to begin with a twirl them 19 to 25 to hit very nice Yeah hits and guessing it's gonna hit you the rice the rice dice aren't rolling. That's okay It's not too bad. That's ten points of psychic damage as I can
who is nearby. Emron you would just hear like very faintly from Captain Yor this whispering from in her head and you can't quite hear it but um this psychic damage kind of goes through and you can see maybe a little bit of blood from the ear maybe or I don't know something like that as this blade kind of cuts through and causes no damage across the the body um
Have I got anything else I can do with a bonus action? Not really, no. I also misused in my last, in the last episode, I talked about using something as a, I misused it. I'm still learning, I'm sorry. Misty Step wasn't a bonus action. It was, it was a bonus action. I used it as a full action. And so that's on me.
But aside from that, that's all Seth is going to do. He's actually going to shift his movements slightly to put himself directly next to between Seth, between Captain Yor and the eggs behind him. So he's got us back to the eggs, not protecting them, just in a better position there so he can kind of get the corner and hoping that Enron would match it. He's kind of trying to mirror the position as Captain Yor moves back. He's pushing forward. That's the end of this turn.
Great, thank you very much. Which takes us through to Nix. Nix, you are standing in this shadow of this 20 foot colossal landworm. Okay. Rain's engulfed inside. What would you like to do? Right, so I am now 15 foot away from this creature. Having my last turn, the dagger just goes straight through this kind of creature. Nix is just...
walking towards this creature, hearing Reince's cries.
And Wimpers, he's trying to control the stress that's building up. It almost can taste the stress in his throat. And he's just listening out. I want to hear, what's the soundscape of this creature? Is there a roar? I can hear rains, but can I hear the creature move? Can I feel the sand move around me? Like, what's the atmosphere like as I move closer? And I am taking
this in as I move my 15 feet to the base of this creature, looking up at this thing. Make an investigation check for me. I should have guidance my fucking self before doing that. 13. So you look at this creature, really concerned for your friend. And as you look at this creature with a sense of intrigue,
The only thing you're hearing is the sounds of the desert and Nick's whimpering. As it moves, no sand at the base of that is responding to the movement. As it flails, you don't hear any of that sort of visceral anatomical sounds that you'd attribute to a creature that's digesting something like this.
It doesn't have an odor. Okay, so just like I am as a player, Nick's with a furrowed brow, confused to hell over what's happening. He's got one dagger left and he summons up some bravado and he looks up at the creature.
A vast motherfucker and Nyx is gonna just push the blade and his hand all the way through the base of this creature.

Rescue and Recovery

Go ahead, roll to attack. Okay. Let's do it. I'm so confused. That's a 24.
You reach out with this dagger in a very controlled and steady motion galvanized by the fact that you are suspect about it. And it's just you beat no resistance. You push that knife in and it's like you're just going through water, going through air. It doesn't change. There's no reverse friction. That's the end of my go because I've used everything I think
that I can think of right now, but I've gained a lot more information. Moving on. I thought Daniel was going to have you stab Raines then. I'm out of the base. You slowly push your dagger forward and it slips into his throat. A natural one. You maybe pull an elven toe out with you, but you didn't know that. Oh, shit. I'll do it again. Just try and put it back. No, no, no. Alpha, you're up.
You are in an untethered boat that is now about to move 100 feet in six seconds. So you can elect where you'd like to jump off, but that boat is going to keep going. No, that's fine. We'll do the boat.
I'm basically going to try and keep it straight going south, and then just as this sand river bends, I want to try and ground it if I possibly can, just against the sand itself, rather than take a jump out as it's going round. So I'm just going to keep the momentum of the river flowing with the boat, but literally keep me aiming for the sand just at the bend. Are you proficient with vehicles?
No, absolutely not. Okay, could you make a thought-ex jacket disadvantage for me, please, to see if you understand how a rudder works? Fuck yeah. This would be interesting. Is the rudder Dutch?
13. You're able to just sort of put everything into steering this thing so it just collides with the riverbank and then it sort of breaches the riverbank and rests on the bank itself. So you are grounded right near the carcass of that camel that the snakes were picking away at. You haven't used any movement to do this. This is just your action to steer that boat. So you still have your movement, you still have your bonus action.
Cool, yeah, I'm going to use the rest of my movement, which is 15 or so feet, or precisely 15, I would say feet to start moving towards the sandworm. Alpha doesn't know any better, he sees at the moment, Nyx, I mean, I've got a...
I'm not looking too intently at it, and I only have a passive perception of about 11. So I'd imagine I would see Nick trying to fight this sandworm that is where Rains used to be. I think I would consider it an enemy, and like Nick's actually done, I also have a dagger. I'm just going to attempt to hurl one at this creature. I'm aiming for the head. Yeah, it's 45 feet away. Roll to hit, please.
17. Yeah, so you throw this dagger and it's one of your best throws you've ever done. You're quite impressed by the angle, the direction, the pace on it. And again, it doesn't contact and work with flesh as you understand it. It just seems to dissipate, go through. And then a few seconds later, you see a little movement spray of sand in about 20 feet behind the creature.
Yep, nope, that's pretty much what I was expecting. That's fine. While Alpha is going to be doing this, Beta is going to try and fire another force ballista bullet off of the only remaining member of the Uprisca. Big, nasty.
human orch type person, but actually eight to hit. That misses I'm afraid as you you set that cannon off and it directly hits the tent marquee structure behind you and sort of it's not fire so it doesn't blaze it but it sort of leaves like a scorched ring in some of that that fabric.
Okay, I'm rising it's not it's force isn't it damage not fight it is force if I hit something though It's supposed to move five foot back, but I don't think you can move like an entire building or something Yeah, the part of that that that fabric will just sort of inverts. That's all. Yeah, and baited good It's gonna move a little bit closer towards where they literally got about five foot on difficult terrain anyway But he's just moving a little bit closer. Okay? Fantastic. Okay em run everything
Right, Tilwha is going to, or Enron Slushawar, is going to match Chef's move. He's seen the, the symbol of Alito on Captain, yeah, yours. Was it on the forearm? Yeah, the underside of the wrist. Yeah. And Tilwha will look, his face perplexed for a moment, his angelic feet just frowning.
And then he offers a salute and then moves to flank and will attack Captain Yor. Go for it with advantage, please. Thanks. That took me 20 to hit. That hits. Go ahead, roll damage.
So that's seven points of bludgeoning damage. Okay. Accompanied by four points of radiant damage. Yep. And... Don't know why it rolls two dice. Six points of fire damage. Okay. And could it make a constitution saving flow, please? It can.
She can, I should say, that's A16. That passes, so your doesn't set on fire.
Yeah, so the flame as the hammer comes swinging in as it hits it almost like a hammer on an anvil there's this spark of fire that almost flickers across yore before petering out and there's the accompanying glow as the radiant damage slams into Captain Yor as well. And then Captain Yor has also shifted five feet towards the river. Okay, cool. So pulled south. Yes. Great.
Thank you very much. Everyone, as that spray of warmth from that fire damage that you base, so that the regular contact hits as you'd expect it, the radio damage empowers your strike, but as that subsidiary damage, that fire that you would expect to sort of soak in, it almost begins to sort of reveal other parts of her flesh and
where you saw this sort of sandy-skinned human. Her forearm now looks entirely red. Her opposite forearm this time looks completely red. Oh, shit. And like a really dark crimson.
That's all you notice. Thank you. And has she made a... A concentration check. She rolled a 19 on the concentration check, so that sustains. It's kept in your turn. Hang on, sorry. And there's a bonus action. Yep, sorry. The hammer will, because the spell was still up, the hammer will move 20 feet towards the entranceway of the tent. Great. Thank you very much. Sorry to interject that. That's okay.
Captain Yore is just going to look down for a moment. Her eyes are really only focused on Seth. She's only just sort of lifted an arm in your direction, Emron, to sort of just protect herself from some of your incoming velocity. And as she looks at Seth, she just smiles. And then where this forearm was revealed read her entire body.
turns red, and then these two red wings produce out of her back. And then in the spaces between the wings on the shoulder blades and her shoulder bones, a set of black legs.
lower down, the base of her ribs, another set of black legs. And there is this eight-limbed creature with two wings, the same physique, but almost unpacked now, standing in front of you.
And she's continuing the smile for a second longer before pulling back and unleashing this almighty strike with this maul against you, Seth, for a 27 to hit. That hits. That fully hits. So you're being hit with a wrathful strike
So I need you to make a wisdom saving throw to check against being frightened. Okay.
So that is an eight for wisdom saving throw. Uh, wait a minute. Let me just double check, double check. Now it's con. No, that's that. Yep. Nope. Nope. Eight. Take seven point, sorry, 17 points of damage in total. That's 11 bludgeoning six psychic and you are frightened. Okay. I fucking am as well.
So that will drop that. Yeah. I'll figure out that. I think that drops blade song cause I think cancer is incapacitated, but let me, I'll, I'll figure that out a bit. Yeah. Okay. And as a second action, she's just going to step over your shoulder, allowing an opportunity to attack from you, Emron and place one hand on one of the eggs on the jetty. I will, I will take the opportunity to attack. Thank you. Go for it.
Is this her turn as well? Yes. Okay. Cause this will, if I hit this also triggers my crusher skill. Okay. Nah, roll one. Natural one. Yeah. Okay.
Yeah. You outright miss as you just make this swing sort of distracted by the crew, the, the, the, um, additional appendages that you, you spy upon this, this figure, you just basically hit, slam your hammer into the deck. I'm really sorry, Danny. It's just thing. I forgot the, um, the breakdown of the damage. You told me you split it up. I was to, uh, a gog by the 17 points of damage bludgeoning six psychic.
Okay, I'm going to use something, sorry, as a, I believe I can, nope, doesn't work for psychic. Nevermind, ignore me, thank you very much. Okay, okay. Also to answer your question, Mark, I don't think fighting doesn't affect your blade song. No, I've just had a quick check and I'm all good. I just have to use my blade song to blade song the fuck out of here. And skedaddle. So she's taken her strike. She has revealed herself.
The one hand that has been holding this purple spell the entire time is just going to cease. And as it does, Nyx, Alpha, this colossal creature just disappears in an instant as though it was never there.
And then she's going to turn to you. What happens to Reigns? Reigns is just there cowering on his knees, hand over his head, uncertain of what's going on. Right. Okay. And looking out across the battlefield with this now free hand resting on one of the dragon eggs. She's just going to look in your direction, Nix. And shouts.
You're next. And then in a second, the figure disappears and the egg she was holding goes to. She's gone. She's gone, removed from the battlefield entirely. And the egg that was with her. So four eggs remain.
Are we still in initiative order for this? There is no perceivable threat. The worm dissipated as though it was never there. There is no perceivable threat. You are out of initiative. So that's going to sprint towards the door of the the huts and check inside, limp, sorry, away towards the huts and and check to see if there's any remaining members of the chryscra. Absolutely. So as you get to, that's just hidden it, hasn't it? It's hidden it more, yeah.
As you get to the trading post itself, you see what was once this sort of half tavern, half space of commerce with a base of storage. It's been completely rang shackled inside. It's just overturned cargo, overturned crates. And there is one injured vulture in there trying to break three that's been thrashing about for God knows how long.
that there are a number of acrypsical corpses that are half mangled. It doesn't look like there's been any other sign of activity that breathe still. Just this trapped vulture that's trying to claw our way out but has injuries everywhere. If I may just take a second thing to do then just to get this over with, he's gonna look over his shoulder to make sure no one's close by and he's gonna reach into his,
spellbook again and whisper Dar-Dweez the end comes to himself yank down on a bookmark and forms a clapper of a massive red smoked bell and the clapper smacks into the side of this eagle who throws a bookmark to one side and i'm going to cast toll the dead and hopefully with a d12
Uh, because it looks already damaged. I get through the D 12 instead. I'm going to try and just kill this creature outright. It's going to roll a straight D 12. Cause, um, I can't adjust the role on, um, with it with the thing itself. So that's five points of damage. What's the, I've got a role to. Oh, yeah. Sorry. I'm sorry. It's a wisdom, wisdom saving throw wisdom say, uh, that is an 11.
Uh, my spell save is higher than that. Oh, yes. Uh, 14. Cool. So it fails. And so whatever I previously said, so seven, five, five points of damage, five, five. So the, the, um, told the dead to that, that, that, that bell, that sound just rings out. And this creature just in a second releases all of that pain releases all of that, that chaotic energy

Regrouping and Tensions

and lies flat.
And as you take that second to just sort of regain your breath and you're looking into that tent, to your right, you sense activity from the Dragonborn acquaintance bow.
Yeah, so seeing this, your character just suddenly disappear and another egg gone. Bala's just basically out loud, gonna be saying, no, no, no, where is she? Find her. And every six seconds from this point onwards, until I say otherwise, he is raining down lightning bolts on all of the structures, everything nearby, including where,
Seth has just gone as well and he is just basically raining hell down from the skies as lightning damage but he's just trying to set this whole fucking place ablaze. Okay and it lasts for what nine more rounds?
No, it lasts for 10 minutes. So I've got about nine and a half minutes left. Okay. So what's going to happen is you're all going to have to sort of navigate this as these lightning strikes are happening every six seconds. Seth, as it kind of said, you're not inside the tent, you sort of just opened up the fabric door.
cast your spell, take it in the scene and let it drop. So you're not necessarily in immediate danger, but if there's enough structural damage hits, or if Bowel's unfortunate aim continues, you may be in the firing line a little bit here. But what the rest of you want to do is you're just seeing these strikes happen every six seconds. What's happening?
So as the creature disappeared, M1 slash toolbar will have gone towards where it went. Can I make some kind of like, I don't know, history check or something? I want to know whether what he saw, was it some kind of fiend or something like that? Was it of the hells rather than anything else? Yes, make a history check. Nah, it's a six.
Red skin, maybe it's a devil. Who knows? That's your deduction. Fine. Could also be a tiefling, half-devil. Could also be a dragonborn, not a devil. Could be a human who likes red paint. Like, it's a hard deduction to make. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You synonymize red is danger and anger and evil things, but you make a really base connection. Fine.
M1 will go back over to Baal, because this won't last long, and Baal will turn to Baal and be like, you must be calm. We must take what we have and get them to safety. And then I'll let the others do stuff.
Yeah, but I'll just respond and say, this is not a time to be calm. This is a time for fury. And again, raining this down. And also he's going to turn around and with a dragon's breath, unleash it on the structure behind as well. Obviously all of this, yes, he's angry, but he's not an idiot. He's not going to be damaged the eggs. He's just trying to burn any of the abcrisco filth away from this land.
Seth you're in an immediate vicinity of danger and you sense that are you doing anything to just sort of change your position a little bit? Oh, no, and he's going to see this and kind of like open-eyed nod nod nod to everything that he's just heard Bal saying and he's gonna move he's gonna look around and the guy that he hamstrings two weeks ago or two episodes ago, but only literally like
18 seconds ago that fell on the floor literally where he's kind of stood just to the east of the the large tent structure he's gonna pick up and wherever Baal has just dragon form the dragonborn has just breathed fire he's gonna hoik the corpse and make it land in the fire and basically wherever Baal lights something up he's throwing a corpse on it anybody full stop anything
that was a Chris Scritt. He is burning out corpse-wise. He's not lighting fire to anything, but he's moving bodies around without breaking a sweat, without saying anything. Just nods, and then he starts moving in a very, very quick and formulaic fashion. So you have this- Sorry, that's whether or not he gets burnt or not. It doesn't matter. Whether he gets hit by lighting, it doesn't matter. He's moving the corpses.
so you have this this um out of control dragonborn that's just sort of flailing magic everywhere and you are seeing this elemental um force and you're like fuck yeah fuck these guys and you are just participating in trying to eradicate what what you have been around for however long you've been here i think minus the fuck you fuck them i think it's more just like a
I have no idea what this is about, but I'm going to make it work to my end as well. You're doing something, but that kind of works for what I want to do. It's kind of like, okay, that's fair enough. And a little bit of fear. He's still got that residual heart thing from what the captain had just done. So he's a little bit fearful. And this is a group of strangers that I can
He's formed a fucking thunderstorm above his head that's lightning. They've set fire to things. There's windwalls. There's death and destruction from snipers or whatever, you know, serpents here. Your boat's exploding. The guy's chest exploded next to him. So he doesn't know what the fuck this is, but he's just going to make use of what he can do before he eventually has to fight them.
as this this chaotic scene is going about until you are trying to calm the emotions of these two relatively well one absolute stranger and one you've known for two and a half days at this point we're just going to pan to the other side of that that sand stream and you just see this
This light, Phil reigns his body language once again, as he's no longer in this, whatever he perceived inside this illusion that existed. And he sees his mechanical son and his ally, and he just smiles, and then falls to his knees, exhausted again, onto the sands. Nyx, Alpha, what do you do?
Alfa's running towards Reigns as best as he can. A really heavy kind of boot prince, probably slowing him down as he's trying to get enough friction onto the sand. This is as close to a panic run as Alfa has ever actually felt for Reigns to be in such a deep state and him to be.
very very aware of it at this point and he's going to kind of get to him go to his knees do straight away i suppose he's going to kind of check for any wounds or anything like that he's dabbing his head testing for moisture um just trying to see if he can determine what kind of state if he's in if he needs immediate help if he's on death door or god knows well well make a make a medicine check if you wish nine
He seems, as well as the conditions he sort of began the day with, this overwhelming sense of exhaustion, he seems to have temporarily gone into this state of shock. He's clutching at his head as though he has sort of deafened temporarily and he's sustained this sensory-based damage that is hard to ascertain, but he is sort of clutching at his ears and he is in pain, but he is
He is unconscious, but safe in the same regard. But he's conscious. There's pain, there's sounds from him. Yeah. When I say he's unconscious, he's like in and out, but he is exhausted and he has got like the worst migraine ever. You can see a breathing pattern, even if there's no kind of sensory reaction to anything. It's fair enough. If that's the case, then
Alpha i think would literally just try and scoop him up i need to walk over to you as you start making that motion and just put a hand on your shoulder. I might be able to help here alpha just just bear with me a moment and next will sit down next to rain. Half his mind is.
just going through what's just happened with this apparition and then the the devil woman who nicks didn't really see like all of a sudden direct and then shout towards him you're next um he's trying to shake that off and he puts his books in front of him and he uh he grabs a pinch of sand as he reads the instructions of the spell that he wants to cast and he kind of just sprinkles it
over Reigns at the same time he digs into his pouch and he takes a rose petal and he splits that in half and he's going to cast sleep on Reigns just to just to put him out.
And he is in no state to resist. And because of your shatter damage, he does not have the hit points to contest that sleep. That's the reason why I did it. At all. So as long as you can roll above a three, he will sleep. I rolled 18. So as the sand kind of falls on rains and it kind of mixes in with the broken
rose petal, a sleep takes hold. And I like to think it's just, again, because it's Nyx and kind of that trace magic that he uses, it's not like a golden sand color. As the sand falls from Nyx's hands, it changes from the golden sand that you'd expect into like this purple kind of hue. And as it hits, it kind of absorbs into Rains's skin and his body falls limp. And Nyx isn't looking at alpha at this point. Nyx is in a deep kind of
trying really hard to make this spell stick and the reason why it didn't work before is he didn't use the right components and he didn't read now he's got time and he's read the instructions and he's trying to attune himself to every spell that he does this spell is from the warlock
No, it's the sorcerer side of me. So, old girl's broken orb glows a bit stronger as the magic kind of draws from that through Nix's hands and as the sand hits Rains and he goes slump, Nix opens his eyes at the same time that Rains closes his eyes as if there was some bond in the magic that took place. Could you roll a d20 for me? Ah, here we go.
Here we go. I think there's enough chaos in everything you've just described to make you a bit unsettled. A two? Fuck, that's close. What does that mean? It's only if you're all a one. Oh, okay. Yeah. Well, that was close. You're fine. You're fine. Alpha, uh, Reigns goes limp as you were going to cradle him anyway. So I'd like to think that you hold him as he goes and you understand what I've done.
There's probably a brief moment of panic as Reigns goes limp in Alpha's arms, but then he notices that he's still breathing at the very least. So he's going to just kind of, I don't know, curl him upwards, closer to Alpha's chest, just to try and keep the body contained close to him. And so there's no arm that's dangling down or something like that.
Alpha skipping is close to him as what he possibly can do. As Nyx kind of comes back to, he's gonna walk over up to you and just kind of poke Rains to see if he's gone. Does Rains move at all? Yeah, you poke him and you just sort of hear a... and he just sort of thrashes while snoring to his other weighted side.
So you hear Nix just shout YEAH and jump up in the air. BOOM! BOOM! He's a sleep alpha! He's a fucking sleep! I did it! I did it! Nix! Please resist in jumping, shouting. Raines has entered a slumber. He needs rest. Yes!
I know he's entered a slump, but never mind. It's a big deal, as Nix then picks up the orb from the ground, his book kind of dust the sand off it, then makes his way 35 feet to pick up his dagger that flew through. Just going, well, I thought it was cool. It's the first time, Alpha. As Nix walks away, kind of muttering and shouting to himself as he goes to pick up his dagger, he's going to take a long, pandering look at Reigns and just
Look to Nix. Nix? He's not dead! Thank you. Yeah! Welcome! Nix saves the day! Raines would be proud. He keeps saying you are making wiser choices every day. Hey, if the wise choice is to put Raines to sleep, I'll do that any time. On this occasion, I believe it is.
I thought it would. He's in no state to walk. If you're okay carrying him, I feel like that's just best all round. It doesn't matter. Anyway, we should probably make our way to the group or the big thunder cloud that's just apparated over there. Could you retrieve my dagger as well on it? Who the fuck do you think I am? Yeah, of course I can. Thank you again.
Why is your blade better than mine? Where'd you get this from? I took it from the armor package. These daggers I've had since the Esmeralda, like I was below level one. That reminds me, I must also retrieve the boomerang. I don't know where the fuck that is.
It is on one of the pedals and I like to think that as soon as Alphas gestures towards where the boomerang vaguely landed, a lightning bolt just comes down and it's nearby a vicinity. It's like, I think it was over there. Yes, you won't be happy if you lose that. I like to think we're walking towards the big impending group here. Are you carrying reins as well?
I'm carrying rains, absolutely. I think we're going, well, I'm going to be going the long way up north through just like the little dip where the river just kind of slightly breaks up and then coming round that way. It takes two or three minutes just to tread through that already difficult terrain and then double with the weight and then to just sort of get to that point, safely propel rains across without waking them up and then stepping over yourself.
If you followed, then it would be a similar route. And as you're approaching that crossing, Seth
What do you want to do? So as he sees them approaching, just making their way over the river, you'll see Seth still on the other side after piling up the bodies on fires, and it's black smoke billowing from where him and Baal have managed to burn many of the bodies. You'll see him again looking directly at you, Alpha, and pull out another one of the tabs of his spell book, and a wisp of smoke will start forming like pottery, forming a large disk that gets larger and larger and larger.
He then kind of places it down, it floats, almost like a hoverboard, quite a large disc on the floor. He's cast Tense's floating disc and he's then going to push it out towards you. He moves effortlessly across towards you and he just says, put your friend on net or carry him back.
Alfred, this floating disc comes towards him. He's going to turn reins away from on this floating disc. So he's kind of putting his own body in front of him. And Nix is going through his book just to say, what the fuck spell is this? Fine. Clicks his fingers, just dissipates. Cost me a fucking bookmark though. Come on. We're not saying no. Like we don't know who you are. He's gone.
Right. Alpha, who the fuck was that? I have no idea. I thought he was a member of the Obciska. Oh, shit. Hang on. And Nix is trying to work out how to get rid of the spell on him because he's currently an Obciska as well. I don't know. How do I turn this off? How do I turn this off?
Um, I have no idea. No idea. So he's going to Chris. I think Alf is going to take him over to try and position reigns a bit better and just try and slap Nick's across the face. You're seeing if damage kind of breaks concentration on the spells as he, as he understands it. No, no, that's not how you turn it off. Evidently not. Perhaps a different location.
Different kind of turn off alpha need to teach you about these things.

Loyalties and Backgrounds

How do we get the fuck over there now because I feel like he was helping with the disk thing and we might have pissed him off. That was not my intention. I've never seen such capabilities before. No and I can't see anything that resides to a floating disk in here. As Nick points towards the spell book that he's carrying.
Is Seth in full of Kriskra gear? As I understand it, Seth has not done anything to change his appearance. Correct, yeah. Though you can see underneath that, he has got like a secondary set of gear that none of the others did have upon them though. So he stands out, but he still has the purple robe on top. He hasn't taken that off yet, no.
Okay, exit. So whilst these kind of bolts are still raining down around as well, if I see Seth kind of moving away from the river and back to us, I'm going to square up to him, up to the front of him, and just kind of stand there staring, eyes blazing. You stink of their filth.
Yeah, I've spent a bit of time with them, you see. And because of that, I smell a bit like them. But I'm not one of them. I can promise that.
but I was going to maintain the stare as well and the gaze and through his mind is going to be racing kind of parts of the battle as well, specifically what Seth has done within that. Um, moments are going to kind of flicker through his mind as well. Seeing Seth stepping between, um, that kind of what turned out to be multi-armed nasty pasty and, um, and one of the eggs as well. But he's still going to maintain that gaze.
Where were they taking the eggs? They didn't tell me. My job was just here to defend the outpost. I was not privy to their kind of information. I didn't even know the eggs were coming in till a couple of hours ago. A bolt of lightning's gonna strike ten feet away from you, just on the ground to your left. Bell's not gonna flicker an inch, maintaining the gaze. Where are they taking?
the eggs. He semi-reacts to it, but with all his might and will tries to not give the kind of like flinch reaction he thinks you're looking for with it. And he maintains to stare back. I'm telling you the truth. I only joined the guard here a few days ago. They didn't even trust me. Didn't you hear what she said? She doesn't even know my name.
If she knew my name, Yah, she would have trusted me with information. She didn't even know my name. I hamstring that guy that I then burnt. I killed that other guy who, let's be honest, he gave me a drink yesterday. I could have been his mate. And there were probably a few more. Yeah, I gave your friends a disc and they told me no.
Didn't tell you no, just didn't know what it was. All right, fair, but if I'd waited till now to reveal my true identity and who I was, Yolo would have killed me. Are you doing the lightning? Yeah, you would have struck me by now and I'd be dead. I tried to prove then what I can do now. You are a much more powerful force and let's be honest, a much more interesting group of individuals.
than the abcrisca and I have ulterior motives. I don't like this lot. I never did like them. I had other means of getting here and doing what I have to do here. So I'm not about this life. I'm avoiding this. If you could stop the lightning, it would be beneficial. It's kind of triggering me from things in my past.
fancy work. I love the spell. I'd love to have a look at your, you know, how you figured it out one day, but I don't know where they're taking the eggs. I don't know where the river goes. I knew nothing about this place until literally a couple of couple of days ago. I've got a passive insight of 17 Danny or I suppose. Yeah, I'd ask it to you. Do I believe
truly believe what Seth is saying. I'd ask Mark to not roll on anything that we can see and a role of persuasion or deception.
I'll roll a d20. No, I won't on here. And then add your relevant modifier. Yeah, it was going to roll on there. But if you just, you can't just roll a d20 and it won't, because you then won't have to tell us what skill you've added to that. This is true. This is true. Would you permit me to make an insight roll as well to see if I can beat my, yeah, I didn't beat the passive. That is a 15. 17 is a passive. 17 is the passive.
Okay, then in which case, I'll ask Mark to reveal whether you're telling the truth or lying. Because that is what Bao will believe.
He's telling the truth. You can see there's a slight, despite the facade of this chap, which I haven't actually described yet, of this chap's one eye that you can see and make out through the large scar on his left side of his face. There is a slight look of fear in his face, though he's trying to mask it very well with excellent posture and posturing.
he's on the level. And Tilwa sort of steps towards this conversation and there's the light that radiates from Tilwa sort of throws a bit more on this scene and the campfire hits Seth from a different direction. Who is Seth? What is Seth? What does Seth look like?
Oh, thank you very much for that segue. I need to find the bit where I've written stuff about him now. So Seth, he's got a mess of light ginger hair swept back and sweated now because of the fight over a dappled and spotted white skin, really pale skin. His nose and ears seem reddened with perhaps like frostbite, like on the tips and on the ears as well. And he's got this long scar down the left side of his face that goes through the eye socket and down his face further down.
Over that left eye, he's got a dark brown eye patch covering it, obviously damaged. He's got underneath the CRISPR robot, which he does quickly now kind of remove from himself a kind of a two-color traveling coat that rests over his shoulders, masking like he's really, really quite a skinny frame underneath. It's a dark blue on one side and then directly in the middle swaps into a bright white. It's held by a
a pin that's made out of two brass molded pair of arrows pointing in opposite directions with the circlet in the middle you can make out on his hip a number of items tied to like a sturdy military style belt small multi-use knife water pouch and this
really out of place spellwork he's got on his left side of his hip. He still has the shadow blade in his hand, but as he kind of shakes and shoulders off this coat, he pushes the blade into the ground and it kind of sits there perfectly, jutting out. His chin held high, impeccable posture, not a crease, even though he's been fighting seems out of place. Despite the build, he does give kind of like the air of this kind of like some kind of military training. That's what you see.
until we're steps closer in.
And as Tilwa sort of steps closer in, I mean, he should disappear shortly, Danny. So I was just going to have him disappear. How long does it hold? It's a minute, so it's not very long at all. I think as you start to approach Seth, then a couple of steps and then the last step you are Imran. Yeah. And as Tilwa slowly dissipates the wings almost fading into nothingness and just leaving a twinkling of light that slowly scatter around him, Imran puts a hand on Baal's shoulder.
Listen, he's doing right about us in that fat. So how about we stop the lightning so we don't all get fried and maybe we can work out how to salvage what we got from this. You're achieving nothing.
I am achieving exactly what I want to achieve, which is the eradication of their filth from this plane of existence. You're going to kill the rest of us soon. And I'd rather not be it. I don't think I have so little control over this. And he casts his eyes up to the sky and another lightning bolt strikes the largest tent behind as well. Well, and this is gone.
Cloud ends. All right. Well, when you finish having your tantrum, then that's fine. I'll be carrying the eggs over to others and we can start getting this movement. So while you do you, you don't have a tantrum fan. Rest of us are going to sort this shit out and everyone will start moving the eggs over towards the others. So towards the more Western fire near where that gap where I see Alpha and
And as you mentioned, Nix.
Nick, what are you doing? I was wondering where I was in position to this because I... Yeah, you cross here at the north west of the map. Sand thing. Where the sand dunes are a bit closer together and it's easy just to do a little hop over the sand stream itself. So you're coming in from that sort of curved north.
Brilliant. So yeah, everyone, as you said that, I'd like to think you see me and Alpha walking towards you and you rightfully so back on task. Under everyone's command, I'll take out the bag of holding.
Reigns' bag of holding and just goes, yep, we can put them in this and let's put the eggs in here and we can carry them back a bit easier. Good lad. Well remembered. Well done. Another good idea from Nyx. Does the bag of holding open to a four foot diameter? I don't know. This is not mine. I don't think it would expand that far.
Hang on, how heavy are these things? They are... 200 pounds. Depends how much other shit's in there. About 2,000 gold pieces. That's being taken out right now. No, we're not putting it in there. I've got this, don't worry. We're empty this out, everyone. This is a great plan. And...
As you're kind of going through all this and you're going over to the eggs, eventually like a five, six, seven more strikes will be coming down from Baal. And I imagine, Danny correct me if I'm wrong, I imagine most of the buildings will be alight by this point, at very least alight, not destroyed. Your strikes are now striking twice in locations that you have very little real estate left to hit. Yeah.
Yeah, no worries. And what Baal will do is he'll turn to the group and just say, it is not your job to lift, to touch, to move any of Shondra Lekar's children. I will inform her of what remains here.
And we will get support in that regard. Enough has been lost. And with that, I'm going to drop concentration on the cloud above. And I'm going to start casting my eye around for, are there any
I know that with all the storms and things going ahead, I'm going to be spending the next little minute or so just trying to find a small creature. What I'm going to do, just for your information, is I'm going to be ritually casting Animal Messenger. And the intention is to find a small beast, just a tiny beast, whatever it is, and inform them, or basically send a message, if you like, back to Chandrakar.
Yeah, you wouldn't need to go far. You know that there are hundreds of thousands of sand roaming serpentile creatures that exist as part of this sand stream. And it wouldn't take an awful lot. It might get itself scratched a little bit to reach a hand in and hand fish for some of those serpents and ask one of them to send that message.
Yeah, I do, I do exactly that. And if damage comes in, so be it. But with that, you'll kind of, you'll see Baal.
whispering to whatever this creature is. I imagine is, is druidica language? I'm not sure. Yes, it is. Excellent. Then it'll be in druidic specifically to this and I get 25 words. Um, I should probably make a note of them as I, because I kind of say them off, but I, I haven't done. Um, so shit, here we go. A CRISCR have been dealt with.
Collateral. Inflicted. Send the Grove. Retrieve what we can. How many have I got left? We've got 10 left. 10 left. I've counted 15. I've counted 11. Yes, sir. I've counted 20. 20 and 10. I've got 25 overall. 25 words. I've counted 15. And left overall.
Forgive me, sovereign mother." And I'll leave it at that. And as you say these words into the serpent, who one of thousands every second makes up this sand stream, you release it in a completely different direction. And while the sand stream to you all is traveling from north
west to southeast on your maps you watch as you send this one serpent and it heads south westerly and a few minutes pass 10 minutes and now your entire sand stream has changed direction as this flow runs
back towards the lair of Shondralakar at a rate of 100 feet per second.
Picking up the very heavy emotion layered in Baal's voice, Nyx is just going to do a glance towards Enron and then just kind of put the bag of holding away and move away from the eggs.
just reading the room. I mean, while that was happening, everyone would have sort of been looking at Nick's and Reigns while he's, you know, doing his telling us off and then getting his creatures and be like, well, Baal seems perfectly calm and controlled, don't he? Hey, hey, hey, hey, everyone. Reigns isn't dead. He's asleep. Well, I'm very impressed. I mean, because of me, I'm an alpha talent and sees the burning alpha talent.
Tell him. Nick did indeed put Reigns asleep. Magic! I know. You're a growing boy, it's great to see. Everyone's going to be surveying the wreckage of the tents, but it's a shame that
uh Baal didn't think you know let us search the place just in case there was any information about where the uh eggs were going because you know that'd be convenient for us to find but you know what he's done his thing it's fine i'll be honest everyone i feel very out of my depth here like i don't feel like our group is
fitting in with this new area. No, maybe Balan used to stay behind next time. I don't think he quite fits in your app. Well, not so much that. I just feel like there's a lot of... There's things happening that are beyond my level of understanding right now.
Well, there's lots going on, and I'm sure plenty of conversations. And everyone's going to look over towards Seth. What's Seth doing right now? He's staring directly back at you, listening to everything you're saying, and just kind of flitting between the conversation. He's throwing a brow, just the one brow, and trying to figure out what's going on. Come over here, lad. It's a pleasure to meet you. What's your name? Greetings. My name is Seth Ferroriva. Who here is your captain?
We don't have a captain, we're more of a... This guy right here is our captain. Nick's pointing to everyone. This guy. I thought so. Where did you train? You have a military air about you? Well, I trained under the dwarves of Clan Shadow Shield in Shadow Mend. Not a military outfit, more of a guild, as it were. A fellow soldier on the list. I'll salute you, sir.
My name is Seth Farareva. I was a spearmen of the 12th Division and the 4th Battalion of the Sleetguard Surge. I have fought the Blight, stood toe to toe against the enemy of the undead, and in the defense of Spiritbond Redoubt, I've served in the Hentis Empire. My search commander was Caladian Hathorow, who served under his Highness Lucian Blightbane, the true prince of Sleetguard and his territories. Oh, made an arm for him. You what?
It's a real shame that Reigns is asleep. He would have loved that. Alpha, did you remember every single thing that he said so that you can tell Reigns when he wakes up? Because I will not repeat it. You look at Alpha, he's still concentrating on Reigns at the moment. He's not listening to Seth at all for any of that. Can we get a DM check on the passive perception there to see whether he did passively perceive a speech? You built an arm for him.
A few years ago now, Rains and while we were working in Shadow Men, we created this arm. The right arm. The arm that was lost. This is Rains, by the way. He's asleep. I put him to sleep. I imagine. Rains did the artificial to make it, do what he did. I just made the shell and whatever it was. What you gave him saved countless lives. I commend you for that.
I think control of both arms gave him control of his weapon. And because of that, you saved thousands of lives. Thank you. I just did what we were doing at the time. Yeah, the Blight was a bit different. I didn't really have a Blight over where Shadow Man was. Give it time. Yeah, well, hopefully. Anyway, thanks for watching. Hopefully.
Yeah, that's one pick. There's lots to one pick just now. Just that. What do you mean by awfully? You said hopefully. I swear down. I said hopefully the Blight would come to where you were from. I don't agree with it. I might have to kill you if you want the Blight. No, no, I didn't say awfully. You're the one that said awfully. I didn't say hopefully. You definitely said hopefully. Listen, the lightning might have deafened your senses slightly, but I definitely heard hopefully.
from someone over there is your friend okay you said he's asleep he's asleep i put him to sleep he's absolutely fine trust me with some magic he's asleep he looks dead but it's not it's magic he's asleep i assure you i am uh you're not the only magic you to hear sir what was your material element then sir
What did you use for it? Just the sand from the desert. Just the sand from this desert. I was out earlier drinking some water and then some eyes came up at me. It was weird. I've had such a day, but I managed to take some sand with me because I've read in this spell book here about components and I didn't have the necessary. Well, I've tried to cast this spell before and it failed.
I've got a long list of spells, I'm very trained. I've got sand, I don't have the spell, but I've got sand as a material component, so if you come short of it, you just give me a shout. I'm going to throw these petals in crickets as well, and I don't know if you mash them up or you tear them up.
trying new things chewing that works best and spit spit spit him out and chew him it gives you the best this the saliva helps to plug down the the bug and it it works but if it spells listen i'm going to stay with you as a group um that's going to happen
I was gonna say, yeah, why were you here at first place? I've got a question too. Can I look at your spell book? Yeah, totally. It's a bit confusing because it's not mine, but absolutely, you can have a look. Why I was here, it's a very long, complicated story, but let me attest to one thing. Number one, firstly, I don't lie. So if you ask me something, I will tell you the truth. If I don't want you to know it, I'll tell you fuck you. Secondly, my intentions are only for sleep guard.
Okay, I know, you can probably tell from the accent, I'm not from Sleekard, I'm Hentis, through and through, okay? From the right side of the combat that's going on there, the civil war. My family grew up in Sleekard, it is a home to me, okay? My blood is there, my life is there, my mom, my father, they are both living there still. And I will die for that kingdom, I will die for Lucian Blightbane. Yeah, I might not have met the guy, might not have built up an arm, but I will frighten him, die for him. But listen, I,
No one thing for certain, my friends, my soon-to-be friends and travelling companions, my companions, my unit, that I know the undead will return at one point. And I don't know what the fuck that was back there, but that was not one of the Amcriska, okay? I was told by a source of mind to infiltrate this lot here and just watch. I don't know if it was for that or if it might have been for you lot.
Either way, I'm going for power here. Yeah, that thing look powerful. You guys look more fucking powerful. She fucking scarpered. You lot remained. Okay. So eventually what will happen is this. I will follow you for a while. I will talk to you about how much you are going to help sleep guard and defend its territories. And eventually you will come with me and we will put Queen Hellen asleep got back on the throne. Right. And we will kill anyone who gets in our way. Yeah.
You know, Riggs is really going to be really noisy. I'm so gutted that he's going to be alone. The wrong time to put him asleep. Riggs is all about an asleep guy, literally. That's a lot of information to receive in like 30 seconds. Let me sum it up for you. You're going to do what you're going to do. I'm going to follow along. I'm just going to follow along and listen. I'm a soldier. I will look after my own. He pulls the blade out, who disappears. I can handle myself. Just be aware that
Anybodies we find, we are going to burn them. But they have to be dead, obviously, because that's how the dead come back. They are born from the souls of those that are dead in the ground. In Slickard, we burn corpses now because of the blight. As I just did here, we are going to burn everything. Every corpse we come across, he's going to turn to the dragonborn that's been burning things and go,
your powers you have sir might come in handy for that would you be okay if i did ask you every now and then to light a fire so that i could burn corpses upon it i can light a fire um yeah but i'm asking the dragonborn okay sorry just thought like that he's not the only magic user yeah i know but he he caused the entire play look we are standing in a big pit you don't know right now i made him sleep
You did. I'll give you that. Okay, fine. You did make him sleep. I don't know what you think. He's a very powerful man. You don't know this. And he's not in his best form right now. Trust me, when he's had a rest and he's a hundred percent, he'd fuck a bitch up, right? I put him to sleep. Yeah. So just so you know, this is an errand or point to raise. This is the Crown Prince of Shadowwind. Are we telling people about that? Well, fuck it. Anyway, so why not?
He's gonna- You like princesses? He's a king in waiting. I don't like princess- No, I just- I want the right person on the throne of my home. What's your name, Tiefling?
Nix. Correll. That was a very long pause for your name. I wanted to lie, but then what's the point? We've already just said that he's the crown prince of Swillikard. Everyone seems to be very honest right here, and he goes very against me just to tell a stranger my name. But there we go. Nix Correll. When you share something in a fight like this, Nix, there's a bond beyond, you know, just the material. This is with, you know, we've spilt blood together and we face, quite frankly, death.
And whatever. I feel like this is a bromance in waiting. I'm just going with the flow, Emron. So, yes. As others can testify, Nick's corral of the Esmeralda. Okay, just wanted your first ember. You gave me a lot there. Sorry. Gave you a lot? Gave you a lot? You gave me like a 40 minute backstory. Yeah, it's called introducing. You know, you asked who I was and what I am about. This is Alpha. Hello. I don't want to look up from Reigns and then back.
Sorry, I got cut off. I asked you a question, sir, and I don't know if you chose to ignore me or not, but I'll offer the question to you again. Will you burn corpses if I throw them at your feet?
staring throughout this at the cracked... He does this a lot, by the way. Stares up in distance all the time. Staring at the cracked dragon egg that he himself threw and kind of missed with a scorching ray. And without even looking at his shoulder over at you, Seth, he's going to say, you say you fought for the sleep guard search against the blight. I was tasked with cleanup.
purging the land, purifying the land, bringing nature back into itself. You need not ask to burn and purge the dead. It will be done for you. Oh, good. He's gonna kneel down next to the egg and place a hand on it and in draconic just say,
I am sorry, my cousin. And I'm going to cast bonfire at my own feet with it as well. So setting both of us ablaze and willingly fail the save as well. Okay.
Um, so it's only six points of fire damage, but the intention is to half to three for myself. Um, but the intention is to basically, uh, burn the egg that I have murdered. We thought old girl was crazy. Yeah. This guy is lighting himself up. And where do we get these characters from? Talking to everyone. Well,
Yeah, I honestly don't know. Maybe we attract him, who knows. Anyway, I feel like...
I don't quite know what to do now, because if we're not taking the eggs back, they're going to come for the eggs. You know what I quite like? Grains need a place to stay. We should probably find a place for shelter. And I don't know, Seth, you seem like the kind of guy to share a pint with. I think we've only got one, because Bay doesn't tend to travel well, but that'll do.
Why don't I rip off some of the material of the burning tent over there? We fashioned some kind of bivouac thing and we can sit under there, drink some wine and share stories of the war. Are we a bowel? Are you cool with staying? Like this seems to be a very, and rightfully so, emotional place for you. This is where my brethren will be.
It makes the most sense to stay here. I don't imagine that the abscurable will return anytime soon. I'll have to see whether there is Queen. I actually feel about the fact that we didn't quite... I mean, maybe there's more eggs for us to save. I don't know whether these were just the eggs we had to save, whether there's more, you know, after you got given your gift, I don't know quite where we stand.
So just to check from what I've gleaned so far, and I believe I understand this right, you lot killed all that of Crisco a lot, apart from that one weird skeleton lady, definitely one of the Blight. Or a demon, I think a demon. Definitely undead. And you then are working for not just this dragon fellow here, but also a big fucking dragon.
that is your mate? Well, we were summoned. We rescued a wyrmling in Schlietgar many months ago now, and it had a message for us that we had to go see another dragon in Drolak. So we came down here, we killed a roper on the way because it was on the way.
And then we saw the Dragon Queen and she asked us to do her a favor and in exchange for her giving off the gifts, we were going to rescue some eggs for her. And at some point we'll go back to the keep. We've got a gold port keep just outside a gold view and hopefully be able to work out what the fuck we're doing. Yeah, okay. We seem to be bouncing from think the thing at the moment.
I definitely picked the right side then. You have dragons on your side. Excellent. This is what Sparrowhawk wanted me to find then, you guys. Okay, I'm with you. Take off then. I'll die for you. Anyone? No, you don't have to die. No, no. I've said it now. I'll stand by my honour and by my oath. And don't worry, we'll burn your body for you. You better fucking burn it or I'll come back and haunt you.
Well, I'll put you down after you've done that as well. Well, okay. All right. All right. I agree with all of this, I think.

Mysteries and Discoveries

What the fuck were they doing with the eggs?
transporting them. The best bet is probably not here in the middle of the desert. I'm assuming they're center of power. They are formed in sleep guard. They might have been taking them to the coast and then off to sleep guard perhaps across the sea to the capital.
gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold, gold,
Oh, okay. Right. I'm going to go search tent just to check. How much money are they worth? Whether they left a note saying, you know, this is what our big plan is. Please don't let this fall into any hands, you know. I mean, I would have found that if they had a note like that, but, you know, I didn't look very hard.
Well, exactly. Well, I'm going to go look to see if we've got any other pointers about whether you're a prisoner or going to jump on one of these boats and find out where this kind of weird sand river goes. Probably back to our dragon friends. Just changed direction. Yeah.
What just changed direction? Oh, the river. If it changed direction, does that mean that the boat, Sonic changed direction, so now the eggs are going to go to... The eggs are coming back to us. So the way it happened as you saw it... It cut off half a few. Yeah, the serpents who were carrying the stream continue to do so. At the point where Baal sent the animal messenger, the next row of those
serpents completely change the direction and it is absolutely due the direction, due southeast towards, back towards the layer. It's following that messenger one that's leading it. M1 doesn't know how fluid dynamics works. He doesn't know. Yeah. M1's going to go search the half-tenants, not burning please. Yes, absolutely. As you head into the half-tenantism,
burning. You step over the carcass of the now cooking, well, post-cooked, more burnt, lightning-burnt giant vulture that Seth mercifully ended the life of. There is this back room at the far eastern side of this tent that remains intact and untouched. And Seth, you know that you were never really permitted access here. There was like a jobbing of a crisper area and there was a bit that was reserved for
those of rank and you never had the ability to step foot in there, purely because it was guarded through the night as well.
Some of this has been reduced based off of Baal's fury. So what you're finding is a lower amount than what you would have found had that not happened. But you didn't need to say that. I think it's okay, Baal. You've showed five eggs and it's fine. Are you doing a full site sweep? Is that the plan?
Yeah, basically, everyone's looking for, you know, supplies they need if they need to go back into the desert. He's also looking for, you know, a master plan saying my master plan by me bad guy, you know. You find about six days worth of individual water skins. You find various baubles, trinkets and coins to the value of 38 gold pieces.
12 scimitars, some on the body of people you've felled, some just as a reserve supply, you find three full crates of unopened cactus fruit wine from a vineyard called the bellowing fruits.
you find a ledger containing, quote, special cargo movement, end quote, which details nearly six dozen, quote, successful harvests, end quote, and quote, shipment to gold warehouse, end quote. I'll repeat that. So there's a ledger moving special cargo
to about six dozen successful harvests to an end destination of gold warehouse. Okay. I'll pocket that as well. Okay.
You find a series of toll receipts that are all stamped to be cleared for travel and inspection. There are various documents issued by the OCC, or the Apocryscra Crossing Control, which is essentially the force that borders the road between Sleetguard and Dralak, all signed off by an officer signature of Deltus, an officer Deltus.
I'll keep those just in case they're useful for us to get back across. We need them, here we go. You find a wanted poster, a wanted polster, a wanted poster for the fugitive named the Valkyrie. Oh, motherfucker. You find... No, that is... I'll take... He's going to pocket that, just hold it up, see where the Marota looks, anything like it. You find a map of Dralak, accurately locating the following locations. The capital, Scorchhelm.
the town slash village of Snakerun, the port town of Beach Barrow Port, a location marked as Steel Horn, a location called Flame Star, and a holdout called the Red Fort.
And there is a purple triangle stamped at each of those locations as well, almost like it was an original print of that map. And then afterwards, purple markings have been made on top. You find six scrolls of the spell mold earth. Okay. I'm going to pocket. I'll take those and I'll eventually give them to next cause he likes things. You find one potion of invisibility.
And finally, you find shelves of these sandals, all of which the criss-cross wearing, one of which Seth wears as well. They are June Striders. They offer a minus one to your AC, but sandy terrain doesn't impair movement. Oh, that's quite useful. I'll take a pair for everyone. How many of them are there? Lots. Yeah, dozens.
Oh, we might be able to flog them. Fine. Nix, I need bag of holding. We got stuff. And that's about all you can sort of like, like a really stretched sweep of what remains. I've given Nix the stuff, pocketed, put all the other stuff in the bag of holding for distributing later. But I've given the scrolls to Nix because he likes that kind of stuff. Thank you. You can put one in your book. I don't know.
Seth, do you want one of these as well? As he's passing to Nyx? What is it you're passing? The shoes? It's some kind of... It looks to me like a magic scroll. I never really added flavour for it. It's not my kind of magic. It's your scroll up. He's going to open the scroll up. Mould Earth, yeah. I'll have one of those if that's okay. Yeah, sure. Sorry, Nyx. I thought we'd share, you know. Be nice. Yeah. Yeah. It's fine. You've got more magic uses the better, right? You've done this one before, Nyx? Yeah. Old hat at it. Bullshit.
I think you're lying to me, Nix. I've been nothing but honest. So, Seth, just something to know. Nix, bless him. Let's not do this here. Like, there's better times and places. Probably surrounded with some ale. Guys, I've got, so, there's three crates of cactus wine here. Good vintage, apparently, from what I can remember. So, Albert, we carry this out. We'll bevel whacking, I believe Seth was planning on doing.
Yeah, I'll cut some stuff down, we can make it. Or, I mean, Danny, is the tent still on fire? Or is it kind of... Not really, it sort of dissipates after the initial burning. Okay, good stay here. Why don't we just stay here, leave the wine safe moving it. This is a good plan. Okay.
I'll go get Alpha to bring Rains into bit of cover. I'll go get the Dragon Ball. Is he still outside? Is Ball still outside? I think he's in a bit of a mood. I won't lie. He's in a bit of a paddy. Don't care. I'm going to go get him in. Seth's going to make his way out towards Ball, who I assume is still on fire.
He's probably dead. We've ignored him. He's continually burning. Meet Val, ultimately. What you'll see is, while going around, like you said, there's various bodies, there's various things there, specifically with regards to the egg that he set on fire as well. You'll see that around his bandolier, he's got loads of different
to small glass vials and things in he's going to remove one of them and within it you can just about make out some form of plant life some form of flora or fora you're not sure which and again with no regard whatsoever to the the damage that the fire will take he'll place carefully this glass vial within
within the kind of the burning area around the egg and he'll do the same thing. There's just that one egg remaining locally to us, isn't it? Because the other one was destroyed in the river. Yes. And the other ones were taken. Yes, they have the four that remain on site at the end of the fight. The one that you lost as well. But everything else has gone. OK, yeah, not a problem.
Yeah, he'll save something before they leave this area, but I know that's not going to be any time soon, but related to what he's just done there, but effectively he's placed a glass file within the fire. I'm happy to take more fire damage if needed. I think it's easy enough for you to manipulate that. Cool. Yeah, and I'll see you come out. Seth would pop out and see, while doing this, the stand,
uh polite five or six foot away from the situation many does not get burnt and um we'll just kind of stand solemnly looking and understanding something's going on here there's there's a there's a definitely some kind of emotional connection there and just kind of shout out over there crackling to the flames it's difficult to lose those close to you i've experienced it many times
I will not tell you it gets easier, friend. They will haunt you. All we must do is move on and live their memory as best we can. Anyway, we're drinking some wine in here, so when you're done out here, that's where we'll be. Also, shout if you need me to put you out, I've got some water." And then he's gonna turn back and head back towards the tent and leave Baal to his mourning.
Yeah, he'll nod, and when he's ready, he'll make his way in, but it'll be a while. Okay. And while Nick's Alpha and Emron are inside, cracking open the first,
of many, perhaps, bottles of wine. Baal is taking in more solemn tones.

Reflections and Revelations

Seth's just trying to really place himself within this dynamic, having now the chance really just to breathe again and not feel necessarily the disguise. Everyone else for a nix. You hear a sweet tune being played. A stringed instrument.
A melody that is calming, but you don't really recognize. Could you all make wisdom saves? Correction. Just Alpha, Nix and Emron, as it happens in this moment where Seth just steps outside briefly. What the fuck? Oh shit. Wisdom saves, yeah?
Um, and I hear this music. Do I, do I know that this is, um, before I make the wisdom save? Cause it will affect my check. Am I aware that there's a magical property? Is it, is it sparking anything of my Arcanic nature where the song itself? No, I won't tide of chaos. It's straight roll wisdom. Here we go. Where's my wisdom, please.
When you wish you had advantage. 15. 15 for Nyx. Alpha? 3. Emron? 24. 24. Okay. Nyx and Alpha, you start hearing this music and... Bucket. You can't help but want to get on your feet.
And as you hear it, each of you with a bottle in hand, alpha the bottle is very ceremonial, you're not actually consuming it, it's just in your hand because you're taking that lead. I'm holding a minty bottle. You start doing this dance, this very flaily, rhythmic dance as though
What you're hearing is the first time you've ever heard music and your body is just giving in to the nature of performance. Everyone, the two friends have just started dancing in front of you. Raines are still asleep. It's like they have gone from one sip of drink to being absolutely hammered.
And on the dance on the far side in there staring at us. Don't be awkward dance with us. It's amazing. This song is the best song I've heard in my life. And I've heard some songs. I could tell you some songs on the Esmeralda, but this is the best one. Number one. It is quite freeing to join. Well, that's what you're doing. Chancing. Let the rhythm take you.
Right, I don't hear no rhythm, so, you know. You hear the rhythm, you hear the music. Oh, I can still hear it, but it doesn't. It's not compelling you to dance. Yeah, no, OK. The music's got me. What can I say? Seth, Bal... And just as you shout, you see a very thin blade pierce through the tent edge and cuts out a circular hole.
Outsteps a familiar face, reaches in and grabs one of the bottles. I heard there was cactus wine. Who the fuck are you? You should dance, Emron. Take your load off.
No, I refer you to my previous comment. I introduce myself only but once, and he sort of puts the cork of the bottle in his mouth, yanks it out, and you see this half-elven face once again, takes a sip. Good thing no one fell into the sandy river, wouldn't you say?
I would, but... Who are you again? Hey, Macarena. Oh! The half-elf raises his bottle to you. I only introduce myself once. Ciao for now. And walks off out of the tent.
and that same cloud of smoke appears. And as you're stood looking in that cut-out shape, Peter Pan-esque almost, your two friends dancing all manner of contemporary performance in front of you.
Bump and grind. That's where we're going to end this week's episode of The Fellowship of the Fable- The Fabletop, for fuck's sake. Fable- Oh, God. The Fableblop. You know what? Just stick the landing. That's all you had to do. Stick the landing. The Fellowship of the Tableplop. This is where we're going to end this week's episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop.
I like to think that Nix has grabbed Reigns and is kind of dancing with him as well. Dancing with a corpse. Yeah. A sleeping- Not a corpse. A sleeping, yeah. Limp as a corpse. Oh no! There's a side story where Alpha and Nix take Reigns now and have a fucking full adventure. Just like Weekend at Reigns. Thank you! Absolutely. Oh my god.
Thank you for saving me from the embarrassment of knowing the film but forgetting the title in that instance. You're fine. I got your back. Thank you. So much to unpick. Not just thanks to Callum, but thanks to everyone tuning in and listening and making this a part of your everyday week.
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