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Ep. 81 Start The Clock - De Profundis image

Ep. 81 Start The Clock - De Profundis

S1 E81 · The Fellowship of the Tabletop
107 Plays3 years ago

Our heroes continue their chaotic clash with the Nalfeshnee, a 24 hour gauntlet is thrown down, and one party member disappears...


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Introduction with Humor and Host Greetings

Oh man, I don't want a pig to bite me. Have you ever been bitten by a pig? I have that slobbery. Horrible. Like putting your fist into like a huge sex doll. Ooh. Tasty.
Hello everyone and welcome to this week's episode of the Fellowship of the Tabletop. We are a live play 5-year D&D podcast set in the magical homebrewed world of Aerith. My name is Mark and I'm the Dungeon Master and also with us for today's episode we have Casey who plays the human champion Hell in a Sleepguard. Hello then, mate. We've got Danny who plays the human cleric Claude. Soon may the will of man come. Oh lordy. We've got Darren who plays the human fighter Rogue Robin.
Hello Governor, what's up your bum? Callum who plays the gnome-saucer of Folly Fizzlebang the 9th. Let's get ready to rumble. And we've got Ian who plays the dragonborn barbarian paladin, Drago. What up? So disappointing. We haven't got will for this session but as things will play out actually you'll see what happens really, you'll see what happens. On last

Discussion of Bentham's Panopticon

week's episode... Castan is dead? What the fuck? He can trace the party again.
Now, he unfortunately couldn't make it today, but we have a way around it, didn't we? Well, it's not a way around it. It's about the story, guaranteed, 100%. Nothing here is ad-libbed. Everything is pre-written and preordained. Nothing is of free will.
It's like Bentham's Panopticon. There you go. Look that up. So on last week's episode of the... Wow. Wow. That is just pulled straight from your ass. Bentham's Panopticon. Yeah. Hilary Bentham. No, I can't remember his name. Don't school me. Yes, I don't know. Yes, you're smarter than me. I think we can all establish that. It's a really interesting concept, actually. On last week's episode of The Fellowship of the Tabletop... People want to know what that interesting concept is now.
Okay, the concept is he came up, Bentham came up with a prison idea where you'd have a single tower in the middle and a doughnut prison around, a shape of a doughnut like the, and basically the inside wall would be open and you could see into every single cell. The tower in the middle would have slotted windows so you couldn't see if a guard was watching you, but everyone would assume, there you go, everyone with all the inmates would assume you're always being watched and therefore adjust their personality accordingly.
So big

Recap of Chaos and Magical Prisons

brother, but medieval style. Yeah. But in a way that means you'd always adjust the way you act because of the fact you assume you're always being watched. Always being watched. Yeah. Anyway.
George of human experimentation. Exactly. It never really got put into practice, but it's an interesting concept. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, what happened last week? What? Fucking good thing, you know, I'm literally pumped right now. Try and keep this energy up. Our last week's episode, The Fellowship of the Tabletop, we ended up going into a rather strange bit of combat after Italian Hellfire, the Dragonborn leader of the rat run, a stock magic holdout under the city of Gold's view.
had freed Drago and Folly from Spellhold, the magical prison which held them there after they were put there after Drago and Folly had attacked a few members of the Obciscra. We learnt that the Obciscra and those in the rat run were working together but it was an unsteady alliance and
Italian Hellfire was very keen to see this alliance fray and pull apart and become the hotbed the center for the rebellion against the obciska who are taking control of the city piece by piece through some rather governmental but nefarious means kicking out most of the royal family much to hell in this dislike and dismay. We find ourselves finally though they were free
And then the rest of the party ended up coming down and retracing their steps and coming to the door, meeting the goblin, being allowed entry finally, and stepping through into the strange corridor. And this corridor seems to, every time you enter through the door, it takes you to the place you need to go. The idea of being telly and described it as, you have to walk through with someone who knows where they're going. If not, it literally will, well, no one really knows what happens. It just kind of fires you anyway. That's the beauty of the rat run. That's why no one has been able to break in. The chriska hasn't shut them down and why they are working in unison with them.
And finally Telion Hellfire, I like saying the name over and over again, said that if you want to leave, if you want to escape, if you want to get out of here, I'm willing to let you go because you are good comrades in the rebellion against the kriscra.

Magic Scroll Trials and Rebellion

However, the council won't stand for it. I can't just let you free. You have to show some willingness to be part of and understand the glory that is stock magic, the chaotic form of spell casting, potion making and item enchanting.
And part of the trial they had to face was that everyone had to use a 30-stuck magic scroll, which was a very dangerous, randomized spell scroll, which could backfire massively, and also fight off this incredible beast, this Nalfishni, which stands in front of them. In a large hexagonal room with pillars stood adorning the corners, the intrepid travelers all used their scrolls quite quickly. Multiple things took place. Helena cast Earthquake.
Karsten could control water, but didn't do anything with it. Folly Karsten, ninth level spell prismatic wall, which has done nothing so far. Pillars had been knocked down. Robin was ensconced in crystal for a round. All kinds of shit has happened so far. And this officially has now broken through. Everyone in the party has used their stock magic scroll. And so that is out of the

Battle with the Summoned Demon

way. The next big thing
is defeating this demon which stands before them, which again seems to have been randomly created through a stock magic spell. With three rounds in where we stand at the moment, the last thing I remember happening, please correct me if I am wrong on this, then I'll officially just cast out its horror Nimbus causing
Sorry, causing Kastan to become frightened, a form of frightened. And I think we'd ended it just after that, which means we are second to the bottom from the round. It would be Claude's turn next, Claude. Is that right?
You didn't do anything, did you not? So just to give you a sense of the battle for this Nalfishnee is in the middle, right up close to Helena. Helena is toe to toe with this incredible beast that has stood in front of you. Karsten is about 10 feet behind you. Folly, you're in the middle of the arena with facing the back of this creature. Robin, you're on top of this fallen pillar, about 15 foot up in the air, taking pot shots at it with your bow and arrow from about 50 feet away. Drago and Claude, you are toe to toe with each other.
on one side of the prismatic wall about 30 feet away to the north of this creature you're kind of starting to surround it this huge creature taking up i mean 30 feet pretty much in terms of the space it's a large creature um and it's barreling down
on Helena as we currently stand. Claude, you're stood in front of Drago. This prismatic wall is just behind you. These lights, these colours, these array of effects seem to, as you walk through them, you've just cast fire, you teleport it and then a fire has formed behind you for no fucking reason. You have no idea why. Drago's there. What do you want to do?
Okay, so, akin to last week's episode where I did an Avengers reference, I've got another one here. This is like Endgame, me coming out of the Doctor Strange portals onto the battlefield through this prismatic wall, and I'm just going to look at Drago, look him up and down, sense his aura and just go, I knew you were worthy! And I'm gonna stroll
in the direction, quite confidently, of the big hairy crazy boar with wings guy. And I'm going to cast a fifth level Blight on it. Whoa. Dang. Could you make a consave, Mark? Unless this guy is undead or a construct, then I've wasted my turn. It's an undead construct. No, it's not really.
Wow, 22. Oh, passes. 11. Oh, fuck. It's going to take half damage of my 98. Wow. What kind of damage is this? Necrotic. Cool, thank you.
half of that. 14. What the fuck? That's awful. 19. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for the maths. 19 points of necrotic damage. So what happens when you cast Blight? What does Claude have to do to make it happen? Most of the stuff that comes out of Claude is quite white and healthy and healing-y. This thing is very much
This thing is very much the opposite of that. I am fully healed. It's just going to generate a big orb of sort of black
Iko, and he's just going to slap it, Dragon Ball Z style, into the chest of this beast. And it's just flying black, Jollosma's orb just blows at him. And it moves with such pace towards him. It catches him, arm is up mid, strike to Helena, with a claw high in the air. There's massive, massive claw up the air. And it does hit the chest, but kind of underneath the ribs on the side of it as it's kind of facing slightly away from you. But catch it on the side, and you see it start to eat away at some of the flesh on the side of it.
Cool, thank you very much. Top of the round, Folly. You've just seen Claude approach with this black ichor splat into the side of this Nalfishni. You are about 30 to 40 feet away with its back to you. What would you like to do? I'm going to do a fifth level fireball at it for the hell of it. Okay. But obviously it's in the same kind of area. I think if I cast it just behind the actual creature, I can
get it into a good bit of the 20-foot range without hurting any of my comrades. Yeah, because Claude's to the north and Helen is to the west, you've got the east and south that are free, which means you can position it in such a way that it's only going to catch partially. Is it a deck saving throw? It most certainly is, yes. 14? That fails.
It takes the full damage of my 39 points of fire damage. Oh my lord. You've seen fireballs from a follow before. This is literally kind of almost sucked in the gravitational force around. It is crafted this ball of fire in the almost like a miniature sun and he just hurled it at this demonic creature.
And as it comes smashing down about 20 feet away from it, and this massive wave of energy pushes out towards it, you see the wings burn up slightly on his back as feathers and flesh start to sizzle on its back. It takes a good bit of damage. You can feel it kind of tensing up, hiding its disgusting tusked face and pig face away from the damage behind it, but it's still facing the opposite way because it's not its turn to turn around yet. Yes, good bit of damage there, Folly. Thank you very much.
Kastan has been made afraid. This beam of light that's kind of pulsed out has entered into... Helena, you would have felt it but managed to push it aside last time with the Wisdom saving throw. And it's just driven this sense of unnatural fear in Kastan. And Kastan's going to use his entire turn and action to run as far away from this creature as possible. And in doing so,
is going to end up right to the south between the pillars, closer towards the kind of entrance where you guys came in from. Helena, can you give me, and Claude, could you give me perception checks, please? Natural 20. 10. So Claude, you wouldn't have been able to hear this, but Helena, it works because he would have run past you in the process. You'd have just heard him kind of muttering under his breath, I can't do this anymore, I can't do this anymore, I have to leave, I have to leave.
And he started to move away from this creature as far as he can. That's what you've seen, okay? Folly, you would have seen him. You wouldn't have heard that, obviously. You would have just seen him moving away.
I assume I would have seen the look of fear on Castle Energy Ran Away. Yeah, 100%, 100%. You've seen this kind of thing before anyway. Lovey, that is the end of his turn. Drago, your turn. You've just seen two of your spell casting mates fire some serious damage into the side of this creature. What would you like to do? I would like to almost return to my old ways and charge at the Beastie.
with my full movement, which gets me, I'm going to the hand which is wielding, if the image is true, I'm going to his right hand, which is wielding a weapon, is that? No, it's just for aesthetic, he's clawed up, he hasn't got a weapon, he's just got claws. Cool, cool, well, either way, I'm gonna go to his right side and just gonna slash with my, the mighty Axe of Shader. That's a 20 to hit. Yeah, I think that hits.
I shouldn't be sassy, it does hit. I should probably tell you that because... I like a bit of sass. But we get to a point where 20 won't hit, so... That's 12, 11 points of slashing damage and one point of lightning damage. And as he slashes down from north to south with the axe, he's now gonna... same axe, cut mid-width across. Lovely, roll that down. Try and hit again. That's a 28 to hit. That hits.
feeling my buddy feeling my old buddy with me hell yeah that is 15 points of slashing damage and seven points of lightning damage damn shade are you got some power shade I was with you the creature feels that he feels it bro and and
You gotta cut into its arm and into the kind of abdomen area this creature tries to rear up to get away from you or try and slap down or try and avoid your parry or hits at some point. But to no avail, these hits come hammering down causing a good bit of damage. Thank you very much. Anything else you want to do, Drago?
No, Dragos. Drago is remembering why he likes battles so much. Hell yeah. That's the end of your turn then. Helena, you're up next. This creature is barreling down, now not feeling quite so alone, given however slightly concerned at what you just heard. Karst, I'm running away pretty much in the opposite direction. You see Drago slashing, you feel the damage and a massive fireball go off, reminiscent of the battles perhaps you faced in the Heral Empire in your past.
This creature is barreling down, looking directly at you. What would you like to do? Helena Will, as hearing Carstan running past, she's going to be quite disappointed, shakes her head slightly. She feels quite betrayed with Carstan running away from this big beast that normally he would attempt to fight with the rest of the party. But she's going to feel quite a lot of fire inside of her and she's going to take her flails and does what she hopefully does best.
Hell yeah, roll to hit. Kick ass. 24 to hit. That hits, roll that damage. 13 damage. So my second attack, 20 non-natural to hit. Yep, it hits. With 11 points of bludgeoning damage. Okay, as your second flare comes hammering down on this creature, catching its claw, drawing blood, this ichor pouring down off its body. Amazing. And the third one,
It's only a 13 to hit. That misses. As you swing back round with your right again, he manages to bring its claw up to parry the hit at the last minute, forcing the flail above and over your head as you bring it back into control. Okay, and then my bonus action, another hit. Oh, 12. And the same thing happens without almost bringing it in, trying to catch it off guard slightly. Unfortunately, he notices the move and stops you from that. Okay.
Lovely, cool, that's nothing else from yourself. Robin, you're preaching now. Can I ask you, I'm so sorry, Mark, sorry, am I able to action surge, please? You can do, yeah, of course, yeah, absolutely, let's roll that back then, yeah. Action surge away. That's a 29 to hit. Hits. Yeah, so she's going to be so disappointed in just, you know, hitting this thing, seeing it make contact twice and seeing it make damage twice, she's going to go at it again. That's another seven bludgeoning damage.
Lovely, thank you very much. That's a 21 to hit. That hits. On my second. And nine points of bludgeoning damage. Lovely. Third and final is 16 to hit. That misses unfortunately.
So you've got this massive surge of energy and seeing your comrades kind of coming in around you to help you defeat this demon. Unfortunately, feeling slightly let down by cast, and like you just said, you build up the second wave of energy and suddenly these attacks start coming in more and more and more. And this is the second bit of combat now where you've become this kind of dangerous force.
causing 50 points of damage in total over those hits give or take maybe a little bit more actually a really good move Casey nice thank you very much uh Robin like I just said you've got this
horde of of your friends now corralling themselves around this this chaotic beast you can see in the middle of the strange arena you are on top of this fallen pillar about 40 or 50 feet away seeing the sword take place this creature has us back to you you can see folly you can also make out one figure moving away from the battle which is karstan anything you'd like to do
Yeah, Robin goes, I knew we couldn't trust him and it's going to shoot two arrows into Carstan. I joke. I joke. I joke. Do it. Do it. I just, I had to do it. Genuinely wouldn't have been surprised slash at the same time. Like, Oh, fuck. Yeah. Yeah.
as the fury of the battle unfolds in front of him he's just going to let his bow drop to his side whilst the mage hand continues to pluck out two arrows he's going to notice the hum of the prismic wall next to him and robin's just going to shout out folly what the hell is this thing and is it dangerous and who is it dangerous to
knowing I can't get a return this round, he's then, upon doing that, just going to reach out for one of the arrows that's being held by the Mage Hand, pull back and is going to shoot into the creature. Awesome, that was sexy as yep. Roll to hit and take an inspiration for that setup Darren, that was sexy. Thanks mate.
Is that the second inspiration you've got for two episodes? Yeah, it is. The first one's a 25 to hit. That hits. Sweet on Darren. That's what bribery gets you, you know? He buys

Victory and Aftermath Discussion

me some Harryboe and I give him an inspiration. Damn strobes. So damage from the arrow plus sneak attack is 19 points of piercing damage. Lovely. Thank you very much. As Robin then sees the creature take the shot,
grabs the other arrow from the mage hand and unleashes that one as well. I've rolled another natural 19, so that's a 30 total. And one away from a crit. Yes, that does hit. You guys are rolling so well. It only takes six points of magical piercing damage though. 14 away from a crit.
Lovely, so this first arrow comes thudding into its side, side of the neck almost, and it lodges itself in deep within the muscle of its thick, thick neck. The second arrow is more of a glancing hit. It gets stuck in the wing of this creature, but still causing a good bit of damage as it kind of stunners down to its feet, landing on the ground as it's been kind of trying to hover over the battlefield for that time. It's taken a good bit of damage now. Blood is kind of pouring off its haunches, so to speak. Anything else you want to do with that, Robert?
No, Robin would wait for Folly's reply before he does anything else, so that's me done.
no problem so first things first i have to roll on a recharge oh and that is a six so it's going to cast horror nimbus again and this again almost like as bright as the prismatic wall behind you all that comes just bursting out of this creature but there is like this there's something haunting about it it feels unnaturally terrifying it's the closest thing that you can imagine to the sound smell
Sights of one of the nine hells you have no recollection of what that is because no one's ever been there But you just feel this is what hell Feels like it looks like tastes like smells like just for a second
And it only passes through in folly. You can see this, Robin, you can see this from a distance, but it doesn't really affect you. Those closest within 15-foot radius, Claude, Drago and Helena are affected by this. It's the same spell that was used last time. Could all three of you make a wisdom saving throw, please? Piss. 11. Claude, roll a 21. Lovely. And Helena? 12.
So Helena and Drago, this smell of sulphur, the sound of, it can only be described as a scream, it seems to bounce round your head. You seem to get this sense of
of something otherworldly, of something hatred, of something disgusting just happening and coming over you and this sense of adrenaline that fuels you towards battle now fuels you towards running away. Helena and Drago you are both frightened for one minute you can retake your wisdom saving throw at the end of your next turn however you have to use your turn
and action to move as far away from this creature as you possibly can. Repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself if you're successful. If you pass it though, you're, wait, Helena, oh shit, sorry, Helena, you've already beaten one of these, haven't you? I made you roll wisdom saving throw at the end of last week's episode, didn't I?
Oh. And you passed it, which means you are a mean, so it doesn't affect you, you're a mean to this effect for the next 24 hours, that's a stipulation of it. So you're absolutely fine. It enters into your head, but you managed to push this away, actually. Apologies. But Drago, you haven't experienced this before. You're frightened. One minute, you're running away as far as you can, but you can retake it at the end of your next turn, the wisdom saving throw, DC 15, in case you need to know.
It's going to take a couple of attacks now at a number of the individuals. Firstly, it's going to take them against Helena and it's going to, with its massive tusked jaw, bite out towards you. That's a 19 against your armour class. That misses.
So it reaches out with its mouth and just misses off to the side as you manage to duck just out of the way of that. It's then going to be really annoyed at that and it's going to slash its claws at you. That's a 24 against your armor class. That hits. And a 21 against your armor class. That hits. It's got three attacks.
You take 20 points of slashing damage as this creature comes barrelling down two big fists across you there. And what it's going to do is it's basically like a form of demonic action surge and it's going to take another action again. But this turn it's going to turn its bite towards Drago. And as he's almost mid-turn about to start pegging it away, he is
going to be bitten by this incredibly ugly pig creature, okay? Oh shit, that's a 29 against Serama class. What, motherfucker? Yeah, that rolled a 19, it's got a plus 10. This all hits. Whatever you're doing, it's just all pain. No gain. Aw man, I don't want a pig to bite me. Have you ever been bitten by a pig? I have that slobbery. Horrible. Like putting your fist into like a huge sex doll.
Oh, tasty. Anyway, you take 21 points of piercing damage as this creature bites down into you, but then it's going to turn its attention back to Helena for its chlorotax again. The first one is a 19 against your armor class Helena. The second one is a 25.
I'm assuming the 25 hits. You're going to take 17 points of slashing damage just from the one set of claws as it comes smashing down into you. One missing over the top. You manage to use your flail to move his wrist up and over your head. The second one though catches you down low around the abdomen area, cutting in through your armour.
and causing quite a bit of damage to yourself there. That is the end of its turn. Claude, bottom of the round, your turn. What would you like to do? You've just seen Helena take a bit of damage. Drago's got this look in his eyes. What do you want to do? Mark, is this creature a large creature? It is a large creature, yes. OK. I'm going to slam my shield onto the floor, and I'm going to charge up like a bull, and I'm going to rugby tackle this guy.
I'm going to just run behind him so he can't see and I'm just going to put all my force to try and topple him over. I'm taking the shove action to knock this guy prone so that these guys can hit him with advantage if possible. So it's like a strength offs. I roll athletics and then you roll athletics or acrobatics, your choice. Does it matter that I'm a size bigger than you? No, I can do it one size bigger. If it's two sizes bigger, I can't do it.
Gotcha. So I can pick either athletics or... Acrobatics, whichever is the preferential skill, but I get to make it an advantage because I'm flanking. That is a 24. I got a non-natural 20, so he is a knocked prone.
Uh, and I'm just there, bear hugging, like his, his lower bodice, pinning him down. Give me a wrestling move, Darren, that involves those on the floor and grappling them. German suplex. The ankle lock. Yeah. The ankle lock. Yeah. Yeah. I'm doing the ankle lock. Thanks Darren. Thanks Darren. Uh, yeah. And then, uh, with my bonus action, I'm going to cast spiritual weapon.
I drop my shield, it's now gonna animate and come up and like Captain America style, like go once around the guy and smack him in the head. That's the second Avengers reference, I like it. We've got two Avengers on here, oh shit. A 18 to hit. That hits. Nine points of force damage as the shield smacks him in the face. One of the tusks near his mouth is chipped and now falls off and breaks.
He's not happy. He's got to go to the dentist to sort that. Boom. And that's the end of my tip. He is fully pronated. Folly, your turn. This creature is now being tackled. This is almost like Kurt Angle, ankle locked down. This big creature is handed centimeters from the mat. Is he going to tap? Suddenly, hella comes out. Striped shirt there. Call out, call out. It's a whole scene going on. The crowd's going wild here. Dry guys have got to feel what's going on.
and then suddenly Roman Reigns appears. What would you like to do? Basically, the creature's prone is being surrounded. What would you want to do? Well, I did have something in mind, but knocking the creature prone is just like there was no point in me doing it anymore. So I'm just going to cast Firebolt at the bleeding thing. That is a disadvantage because it is prone. I'm still confident enough. Yeah, you are. Got to miss now. Hit it. Hit it. You get it. You get it. Mm. OK, so on the first roll, 23.
Going for the second. He got it. Which is 24. Okay. 24 misses. So... It's disadvantage, so it's actually 23. 23 hits. Something wrong with math there. Nope. It's my world. No, yeah, it hits, Callum. Please roll the damage. That is 26 points of fire damage by Fire Bolt.
I rolled well on that. So it's just three minutes of firebolt, so it's straight towards the creature. Anything else you want to do, Colin? Yeah, I'm just going to turn quickly to rob him. We're safe from the wall. It's fine. Just get him there. And then it's quickly going to glance over to Drago and then yell in his most inspiring kind of voice. Drago, don't get scared. Get angry.
Nice. And that's all Folly will do. Is that just a little bit of flesh? You're not casting anything like that. I'm not casting anything. That is literally just a little bit of... You just like, maychan slap him in the face. Get angry, you son of a bitch. Invisible handout would no way. Stop trying to hit me and hit me. Nice. It's cast and go and he's going to continue and you can... Well, no one can actually hear him because he's too far away and there's too much going on. He's going to use his turn in movement and his turn.
to get pretty much towards the exit, which is to the southeast of the space, a long corridor off, and he's pretty much at the corridor there for his turn. And that's all he's going to do. The whites of his eyes, he's failed the second wisdom saving throw, and he continues to run. Drago, your turn. You can't do anything except
Wisdom saving throw please, let's see if you can break this. At the end of your turn, so you have to first of all use your movement to move as far away from him as you possibly can. So once the fear overtakes Drago and it hits his veins and his heart starts to race as you do when you're in fear, he drops the axe to shader and he puts his hands to his temples and close his eyes as he's trying to suppress the fear
And the fear starts to dissipate as he enters rage, which breaks fear. And he, uh, he's mind becomes a little bit clearer, but a little bit redder as he withdraws Dengon's deception and is ready to fight. Yeah, absolutely. I've just had a look and that's absolutely right. Yeah, absolutely. That is, that is a fucking, that is sick. And that, yeah, that needs good clever. And that gets away offending the surprise, like Ian coming up with that.
Don't be. Look, okay, I might be new to mel casting, to spell casting, can't even say it, but barbarian, I got down, mate. It's more the rules of D&D that I'm kind of surprised about. Yeah, well. That's the rules of the barbarian. That's what you shouldn't be surprised about. He knows what he needs to know, whereas I know nothing. Nothing more. Yeah, I hope you guys know. Lovely. Yeah, so I'm assuming you're going to hit him.
Yeah, so with that, he's also going to, yeah, he's entered a mindless rage. So I don't, that is my bonus action. Yeah, he's just going to swing down with ye olde trusty from his back down across the neck of said demon. Right, roll to hit. Everything's with advantage because he's prone. Holy shit. This worked out really well for me then. Go on, go on, go. Crit it baby.
25 for the first hit. Oh, man, I love to hang on to deception. Roll the damage, but it has one hit point. I know you'll want to roll damage. Roll the damage so you can... All right, well, the second, because it was an advantage, it was 20. So 25 goes for it, and he's going for the damage. 16 points of slashing damage.
This huge hulking behemoth of a demon, triple tusked, the devil eyes, pointed ears, black wings now, black feathers, but now singed by the fire boars, hanging bitch tits, huge belly passing into, that's what I'm describing them in case, from being honest, huge claws down by its side and these hooves, cloven hooves for feet, standing towering over even the likes of Drago, has been brought down to this now shimmering,
puddle of pus for all intents and purposes of a creature. As Drago, you lay your sword at Dengon's deception, entering rage and killing the Nalfishni. How would you like to kill your first demon? As I was with, oh, first demon, I love that. As Drago reached back in a rage, both hands behind his head to grasp the hilt of Dengon's deception, it was just going to be one foul swoop from back straight down across his neck, decapitating him.
And the head rolls, thuds onto the floor, then rolls towards Helena's feet and sits kind of face up, facing her, flails in hand as you look up and the body of this creature slumps down Claude, you feel the leg of this ankle lock go limp.
Kurt Angle has, you know, you basically squeeze so hard, the head's popped off for all intents and purposes. And for you to see, you just see old Drago return and Robin from a distance, you get an amazing kind of action shot. I imagine this being replayed like five or six times from each character's perspective. And Robin's is the last one just from a distance, this creature very unceremoniously thuds to the ground, heads there.
and silence returns to the battlefield as this demon creature lay in front of you, slowly rotting, slowly you can hear kind of the fizzing of a kind of pus and acid almost as the creature starts to decompose slowly, slowly, slowly away. We're out of initiative order.
Dragos just stood there with the tip of Tengon's deception embedded in the floor from the weight of the hit. And he's breathing, he's gripped the hilt of the sword like the whites of his knuckles showing. He's breathing really heavy with this rage kind of cursing through his veins and his veins are popping and his muscles are pumped. And yeah, there's this sense that he's raging hard and he's just there panting heavy and...
Well done, Drago. What would you like me to do with this? And she's pointing towards the head. Drago kind of looks at you, but he's got this wild expression in his eyes as he's trying to calm himself. And you see a flicker of recognition as your voice, as he hears your voice and he looks at you and
Flicker of recognition makes him just breathe a little bit deeper. Still knuckles right on the sword. Just trying to breathe. But you can see that he's struggling to kind of catch himself here. So he's heard your voice, not heard what you said. Kostan, you can come out now. You get no response. As you look around towards where he ran, you can see nothing. Kostan! We killed it!
Sorry, your voice echoes through the space between the pillars that now fill, adorn the space, down towards the corridor. You wait a few seconds, no response. Um... Helena's gonna pick up the head with both hands and just sort of clutch it towards her chest or her stomach. You're keeping this head? Yeah, I don't know what to do with it, yeah.
Oh wow. Can Folly wander over the tusk that got chipped off by this shield? Folly wants to go and pick that up. Yep absolutely it's quite clear where it is there's only a thin layer of dust across the entire floor so it stands out and amongst the scuffle marks of this creature moving and everything in the battle that's taken place the scorch marks from fireballs from fire bolts you can see this white tusk there or this like black tip to the end of it
and a broken, jagged edge on the floor. It stands at probably about five or six inches in length. So yeah, it's a pretty decent, hefty size, but yeah, you find that folly and can pick it up. Decent size by six inches. But I think Carson's gone. We should probably try and catch up with him. Is everyone feeling okay after the big bear?
I'm just trying to come back from it. Dragga straightens up, A puts Dingle to search him back on his back and leans down, picks up the axe of Shader, attaches that to the hip of himself. Where is Kastan? He ran away. Did anyone see which direction?
Well, down where we came in. I think it's the only direction where you could go. Did we all manage to get our scrolls on? I do believe so. If I recall correctly, it's what Mr. Hellfire said. This creature wouldn't have died if we didn't all read the scrolls. With the very least, I think we've done that.
We have limited time in this city, time which has been eaten into by our escapade here. We need to get out of here as soon as we can and think about what we're doing next. Robin, we've only really been in here about 15 minutes. Surely we can't just let him walk away.
Wherever Castan is gone, I'm sure he will come back to us. A good amount of faith, but I'm gonna go after him. You go, fine. Helena, what you said about what's underneath this city, we have limited the amount of time to decide what to do about it, and I fear it impacts you more than it does the rest of us. We need to make a decision.
We came here as a full party. I don't want to leave anybody out, because that's all I'm thinking at the moment. I don't want to go anywhere and not have everybody by my side. But if we decide to split up, then I understand. I think the longer that we talk, the quicker he gets away. I'm sure he's not quite quick, folly especially. We could catch up to him.
I'm going to start running in the direction that fully pointed to the back where we came. And I'm just going to shout, Jogger sister, can you catch my car stand if he's heading your way? And I'm just going to head out of the arena.
And as you look down towards this long corridor in which you entered in, which is the only way aside from the entrance that the demon came through, you see at the end of it, the tall dragonborn figure of Talion Hellfire, long purple cape, huge plate mail armour and a massive sword at his hip, stood at the other end of the corridor, no cast

Meeting Talion Hellfire and Mystical Explanations

down in sight. He looks down at you.
looks back towards the the kind of port the door behind him the single door and then looks back to you i told him not to run but he didn't listen you won't find him now why not you go through that door without me or one of the rat run not
You'll end up anywhere. I literally don't know where he is. He will have opened a door and entered into a room, a place, a cliff, a dungeon, one of the nine hells, another dimension. I literally don't know. That's the beauty of these doors. That's why no one's ever got in. Have you ever found a door called the Sword Coast Door? No.
I help build these doors. They work because I make them work. I don't go anywhere I don't need to go. I have no control. Listen, I can get us from place to place around the rat run, but it's stock magic that controls these doors, and it's my control over it which keeps him going the way it needs to go. If you enter through it without following the proper instructions or without the proper person leading you, as I did, to get you here, you end up anywhere. I don't know where your friend is.
He looked terrified. I almost felt sorry for him. I'll just silently nod and then I'll turn to everyone. Dravo's sister says the curse downward in the door and could be anywhere now. Claude, he's not my sister. Dravo's sister. Brother, sorry, his brother. No relation.
No relation? No, we've been through this already, Cleric. We were referred to it as slightly racist actually, that you just see two dragonborns and assume they're related.
It's a long way to go, yeah, before it enters his mind, Talion. I think if we're all good here and we've passed the trial, we have matters to attend to. So if you say that we cannot follow where Carsten's gone, then we have other matters that we need to get to. Shall we just? And Drago tends to the rest of the group. Helena, do you want to take point?
Helen is going to throw this head down and she's going to say, what a fucking liberty. And she's going to barge past tell him to go through this door. I wouldn't go through there without me. Well, are you fucking coming or not? A couple of things before you run off. Firstly, I feel your pain. I've lost many comrades through these doors when we were testing them back in the day. Some of the council, I managed to bend their ears and a few of the more
Scientific among them are interested to see where your friend ended up. To see the extent of these doors. I've asked them to look into it. Any information I will make sure get back to you. Where can I reach you? If I must. Do you have access to clerical magic? No. That's the shame. Sorry. Well, he's got a bird. Robin, you've got a little messenger service in that one. But home in Pigeon?
Neuro with Talia, I'm reluctant to remove her from there. So Robert's not going to help? I'm thinking like more just, you know, a place you're staying. Oh, the half of in. Half of in. Half of in. The half in. Got it. Yep. Yep. I know the place. It's, what's his name runs it? Canard. No, hard grieve. Hard grieve runs the place, doesn't it? Yep.
And yeah, I'll send word there if I hear anything regarding your friend, Carr. Stan, Stan, Carr, Stan. Yeah, it's hard at first. Next. I've spoken to the council and like I said previously, when the abcrisk will come searching for you, Drago, and you, Mr Fizzlebang, I can buy us some time. It will break all relations we have with them, but
There's something special about you. That creature should have killed you all. There's something powerful within you all, and we need you on our side. So they are willing, and I am very willing, to let you out of here, get you gone, and get you free.
But know you'll have 24 hours before they lock this city down, and they will be swarming the streets. They will search every barrel, every sewer grate, every room, every bed, until they find you all. So whatever you need to do in the city, do it. Uh, Cleric, you haven't got to raise your hand. It's not a classroom, but feel free.
Just remember, tell them that Claude the heretic took the fugitives to Dranak. That's what you tell them. I remember. I will tell them after I've locked them in spell hold for a while and pretended to lose the key. I'm thinking he's going to do it, you know, like in...
not a knight's tale, what's the Emperor's New Groove, where the kids lock easement in the cupboard, they're like, oh, we can't find the door handle. He's going to do that, but in spell hold, but it's going to be telling him, hellfire doing it. Like, what do you mean? Just find the door, you idiot. That's why I'm like, oh, let us out of here, you annoying dragonborn. He's like, that's useless. Oh, very great. It's a great comedy sketch as a whole. Can we record that? Can we hear? I think that's that. That's a whole other episode right there. Very. Yeah, maybe. Was there a number three?
Yeah, and he turns to Folly and just says, I know what you made in there. Just could play, well played. And if you make it back to the city alive, we could do with having a chat. Just be careful where the fuck you ingest that potion. Just be careful. I will. I'm very well experienced myself and not want to take stock magic lightly. No, but still, what you brewed in there in the dark,
That was impressive, even by my standards. So just, yeah, enjoy it. It's a hell of a potion. I shall. Tell Ian, before we go, Drago's going to walk over to him and do the same thing where he's standing as tall as him.
Can you make me on tiptoes? I don't know. If I recognise that Drago is doing this, I'm just going to very subtly cast Levitate on Drago, just to lift it up. You got my bag, dude. A little bit, just to make sure he's actually above... Got my fucking bag. Italian doesn't notice. He's just rolled a very low perception, so he doesn't even notice this. Yeah, so you pull them up just an inch or two higher, but not in an intimidating way. We're just going to look at me being tall the new way.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's not like massively over-dominating, just making sure it's a little bit above him. You see just the corners of Drago's mouth upturned into a smile as acknowledgement. Drago extends a handout. You're the first dragonborn I've met in Aerith.
I don't think you're the last. When this is all over, is there a known place here where our brethren live? Is there a society?
We were shunned from wherever I'm from at the Sword Coast. Is it the same here? Just quickly, if you know of anything about us. He smiles and nods his head. It seems that even if we're on different planes, we are treated the same. But yes, there are quite a few of us here. Many of which you can find down by the docks,
The workers in Goldview seem to take well to our natural strength and use us on many of the trading routes we have here. A few of our kin have also taken to running ships and there are a few crews out there who are primarily or totally run by Dragonborns. It's quite a sight if ever you see them. They run the ships like none others.
yes there are quite a few i'm surprised you haven't run into one before now but maybe it's because the dm's voice won't handle it who knows maybe it's because he monologues too much we'll never find out anyway it's quite the strain on the voice box i can confirm absolutely one dragonborn per episode i think uh and his voice is changing as the episode goes on anyway um god so much meta with this guy telly and stay in roll man right um
He takes your claw at this point and gives it a firm shake. He feels also that Drago is probably squeezing slightly harder than he is squeezing.
I'm assuming you do that. And he's going to naturally, he's going to let you have that up. No one lets me have that. No, no one lets Drago have that. He takes it. And he even has the pronated kind of the lower position of the hand as well. So you've got the upper hand over the he's given that to you. He's given that to you as a sign of respect for you've been through in cost. Squeeze his hand harder, break his hand. And he falls to the ground. God, he dropped the C-bomb. Jesus.
I can't stay in character. So he shakes your hand in a polite, in a polite, you know, kind of beta position and kind of says, yeah, I wish you all the best, all of you. But one thing I will say just before we go through the door, and it will be the last thing I say, I promise you, I know how they know you are egging to leave.

Future Decisions and Dragonborn in Aerith

Funny how I know all your names all of a sudden is I know what irks you in this city. I know many of you and I have people
who know who you are, and I know many of you have your separate personal qualms within this city. Some of you, and he looks towards Helena and Drago, it is personal. Some of you it might be misplaced looking towards Claude, and some of you looking directly at Robin, or some of you have been here longer than you actually know. Well,
The living are not your enemies here, not for the meantime anyway. Remember what is encroaching upon our front. Remember what is growing with force every day. We can withhold, and we can sustain, through whatever the chriscra throw at us. I know why you're in this city. I have my spies.
And I know what it is you seek, and I wish you all the best in your endeavors. But when you come back, and come back you shall, come back with a plan.
And with that, he's going to leave a pregnant pause in the air and turn towards the door. He's going to touch the doorway, concrete, single, solid piece, put his hand on it and close his eyes for a second, only for a very slit second, no effort included in it, and looks to the group. To the surface. To the surface. Yeah, I imagine Drago has not seen the sunlight in a while. Yeah, I thought it gets a nod.
and he's going to just walk through, disappears through. Helena, I assume you're next. Yeah. And then everyone following and after that, who's taking up the rear just so I know. I'll wait till last.
Okay, Robin, you're in last. So we'll follow up from your perspective, Robin, so you see everyone go in and Robin, you end up going through and again, you get this chaos, this aurora borealis of lights flashing, the sense of excitement, not of terror, but of excitement and of elation and of joy and of something uncontrollable like love or hatred or anger or death, everything all in one together, but it feels so passionately exciting. And then the light blinding you, one final light stays in your eyes longer and longer. And as your eyes start to adjust, you realize,
it's a torch nearby on a wall and as you start to adjust you realize everyone's doing the same thing and you have literally come through a wall and you look behind you it's a solid brick wall of a of a nondescript building and you look down from you and you can see you're in an alleyway on the surface of Goldview now the sun has gone down it's night
And you can see the humdrum of traffic moving just below you, just maybe 30 feet away from you, further down the street, as you find yourself in another small alleyway without Italian Hellfire, but the one, two, three, four, five of you together on the streets, on the top of the city together. And before we figure out where we go or what we do with our 24 hours,

Episode Reflections and Social Media Shoutout

That's what we're going to leave it for this week's episode of the fellowship of the tabletop. Thank you very much. Yeah. Oh boy. You smashed that. Like that enemy was, I even buffed up the, the from the, I buffed up the HP 50.
And that was like four turns with stock magic scrolls. We did have some pretty epic rolls on our side though. I don't think there wasn't a lot of fails in there. So the power of the dice behind the power of the mighty is strong. That was epic. If there was a, like where the, where the monster had come from, I wondered if you could go in that way. What was in there? I didn't. Yeah.
Yeah, because I didn't know if this fucking... I didn't know if this thing had come up from the ground. I can't remember if it came through the cracks in the ground, if it came through the mines. There was a gate to Parry Hall. There was a gate and there was a vial which you assume had been smashed to cover stock magic potion of enchantment or something like that. And it had summoned this random beast of a nondescript level and that's what it created. It was actually of a d6 role as well. It was going to be that. It had six different enemies it could have been. I really didn't make it easy for myself, that combat. It was literally everything was randomized.
That was awesome. You did a great job. You literally smashed that. I need to make combat harder, I think, by the looks of things. And we've got a time limit now on us for Helena to do what needs to be done. That will be interesting. Until next time for that.
That's a really bad segue to talking about our social medias, but I'll take it regardless. If you wanted to keep up to date with the podcast and follow us and find us on our Twitter pages, please do. We have a combined one, which is at fellowship table. And if you wanted to go one step further and follow us individually, you can do that too. I'm at Iroder 1. Casey's at. Unicorn Quit. Danny's at. At Total Pie Thrills. Callum's at. In V20 Gamer.
Darren's at. Darren, page 06. Will is at. Natural 20 Will. Thank you so much for that. And our brilliant DM is at. History Roll DM. We are the Fellowship of the Tabletop. Once again, thank you very much for listening and tuning us in and making us a party every day week. We love you for it. Until next time. Farewell.