Introduction of Hosts and Podcast
Hello, welcome everyone to our brand new podcast, the Tap Tap Cast. My name is Martaj, you may also know me as Inelquence. And I am Amanda, also known as Lundberger.
Guest Introduction: Marcus Aurelius
We are two casters for the play Pokemon Circuit, casting over mostly the European region. And because of that, we can't think of anyone better to have on our first ever episode, the most recent winner of the Dortmund, Germany regional, and that is Arceus Aurelius.
Hey, I'm Marcus Aurelius and my name is Marcus. But thank you for wanting to have me on this brand new incredible podcast. I couldn't be more flattered and that is actually my feelings that I'm incredibly flattered to be asked to attend to your brand new shiny adventure.
Marcus's Passion for Pokemon
No better guess, right? Can you tell us a little bit about yourself? You've already been here once, but this is your second time. You are the only one to have been here two times. I just want to point it out as well, by the way.
Oh, now I assume you're talking about your other projects, your previous project that was also podcast related. And yeah, it's my second time and I'm very flattered that I can pop the cherry of this podcast and for the second time in a way.
That's a paradox, but I'll take it. I'm very happy that you asked me. I've been playing Pokemon Go since forever, like everyone else, and I'm just super passionate about the game. I just love what the game brings to my life, I guess.
How did you get hooked up with the game originally? Were you like a Pokemon fan for a long time? I mean, even before the play Pokemon circuit came about too, like were you more into the catching Pokemon for us or the PVP portion?
I played a lot of Pokemon Showdown back in the day. Well, a lot is maybe a stretch. I played like for a couple of years. I like the highest I was on the ladder or a single random battles. I don't know if you guys are aware of like know what it is. Yeah, you're not a Pokemon personality. You're a Pokemon spokesperson, aren't you? She never played another game before this.
Pokemon Adventures and Preferences
it's absolutely ridiculous. Anyway, so I was 2000 ELO or something at random battles for anyone who knows what that means. I think it's like top 500 in the world or something. Yeah, so I played it a lot for a couple of years. So I was super into Pokemon. I played Pokemon Go, of course. I played almost all the main series games until I was like around
Yeah, actually, I think I played all main series games apart from, or at least every generation, apart from generation five, which apparently is the best generation. So, sorry. How's the profanity, by the way?
That's a good question. We haven't really talked about it. Martijn, how's our profanity for this cast? Are we bleeping? Are we cutting? Are we just letting it roll? I just cut some F4 F-bombs. We don't need to be like super clean as well. Okay. So I've been like a Pokemon.
person. I've been super into Pokémon my entire life.
Mastering Pokemon Go
So for me, Pokémon's been following me forever. And when PvP came out, I just made my mind up that this was something I was going to master. And it's taken some years, but here I am. And I'm doing quite well.
So why didn't you actually like stick to VGC, right? Because that's what Pokemon Showdown is. Is VGC not your competitive thing? I really like it and I devour VGC content. Maybe that's a stretch, but I enjoy VGC content a lot. But I've... It's just too much of a...
time drain to actually like get the Pokemon. Maybe that sounds dumb as like Pokemon Go is also like very resource heavy. But like you need a lot of resources to be able to compete. But with Pokemon Go, I was I was in from the beginning. Like I didn't start like from I didn't come from far behind. Like you would like in VGC.
So because I didn't realize that I wanted to do well Pokemon until like in my mid 20s I guess. And then Pokemon Go was just I was playing it and PVP came out and I also had this feeling that you know what this is my Pokemon. I've been walking around catching them and
Like, as a kid, I wanted my own Pokémon. I wanted to go out and beat everyone else with my own Pokémon. So it's that kind of ownership of the Pokémon that I actually use, which I really enjoy. While in BGC, you're getting a new game every year. So I don't feel connected to it in the same way.
Interesting. So do you think that the pacing of Pokemon Go is actually good? Because I think there's a lot of complaints from people there as well. Like, oh, they're not releasing Pokemon often enough or, you know, like, oh, they're not updating things often enough. But the way you're making it sound is they're doing it too often in the other games.
I feel like the way they're doing it and the other games makes it so your connection to the Pokemon isn't as strong because Pokemon Go is made as a forever game while the main series games, you'll play it for a year, maybe three, but after that, when the new generation drops, you're onto the new generation because that's like how the competitive scene works.
Competitive Strategies and Team Building
and for me that's just less personal because like the toxicrogue that I've been using forever is the toxicrogue that I first built for Nightmare Cup back in like May 2019 and I've been using it so much it's
It's a 13 attack, but it wins CMP against all other toxic rogues, and the way I like to play toxic rogues is winning CMPs. And I also know that my toxic rogue has a better chance at farming down Shadow Swampert than the two's than high rank toxic rogues.
So that is like stuff like that. It's just I'm connected to this Toxicroak now. While if you play the remakes of Diamond and Pearl, you're not trading like your old Toxicroak into the new game. So yeah, I feel like I feel more connected to Pokemon Go.
Yeah, I can tell if you know exactly from which year, which month that specific Toxicroaks still is. Yeah, that must be a partner Pokemon, right? Yeah, it kind of is. Toxicroaks is also what got me to my first legend, first time I made legend. Same. Oh yeah, it was? Yeah, in Ultra League.
Oh, well, screw ultra league. Anyway, I got it in great league with shadow Lapras and Galarian stuff. So I got it with shadow Lapras, toxic croak and Snorlax.
in ultra league it's an amazing team like like obviously as you can tell i hate that team like that team just owns my gengard the whole time it was so sorry dude i'm so sorry uh no but um yeah i like my favorite pokemon it's been lapras for years but uh i i'm also really connected to toxic rogue to be honest so uh those i guess those two are still on my on my list of um
very, very cool Pokemon use, to put it that way. Speaking of Lapras, I don't want to... They say this in Flemish, I don't know if they say it in Dutch Martin, but digging dead cows out of ditches, do you have this saying? Yeah, yeah, we have something like that. We don't use it, it's like outdated, but I guess not just...
Yeah, they're way behind everything, right? I don't want to bring up a sore subject, but speaking of Lapras, the first time that you made a day two qualification in the Pokemon Go Championship Series was in 2022. And I believe you had a Lapras on your team, but you couldn't use it.
in the tournament, correct? Not entirely correct. I did have a Lapras, and I used it. I could use it, but I also had a Toxicroak that I misregistered. Oh, okay. The Tox, no, no, wait, wait. It was Toxapex, no? Was it Liam? Yeah, I remember. Okay, yeah.
put in the CP of the rank one, because that's what I've been simulating on PVPoke. So my head is just, oh yeah, it's 497, but mine is the rank three. So I have a different CP, but it's like basically the same. So I just never bothered checking it. And my mind just, oh yeah, I know these IVs, I know these stats. So I made a mistake and I weren't allowed to use it again in my,
Losers round two against Etho Tactical. So I lost to him. Yeah, I've never heard of him. What is he like? I don't know. So it comes off as a really... No, he's a super super. And, yep, he brought Venusaur, Medicham and Lickitung all games and Tonga, Toxapex would have been really nice to have, man.
Yeah, so but so we played some RPS games with obstacle instead and I lost But yeah, so Lapras Lapras has been I think
I think Lapras was the best Pokemon in Great League until Jellison became a thing and then Jellison stopped being a thing again and then Lapras was just back to being the best Pokemon in my opinion. This was before Walrein and before Dewgong got Drill Run and Lapras
Like all the seals, I usually have a lot of play in almost every meta. So I've really liked playing them because there are always ways to turn a bad situation around. I even played, I remember a South Cup that I played Shadow Lapras with Ice Beam because on a switch, you can switch Lapras
And you can beat Medicham with Psychic if you land the Ice Beam in One Shield. So I didn't get the chance of using it ever, of actually landing the Ice Beam in Flipping Switch, but I've looked into a lot of Lapras matchups and I really enjoy that Pokemon. So, hereby, I dare you to now win a regional championship with Lapras. Do you think you can do that?
Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Of course. It's easy. Why not? Yeah. Let's do it again. Just use it instead of Abomasnow this time and not run it. It's sad to say, but I didn't run Abomasnow a lot in my day two.
Well, for the fourth and sixth place finish, I did bring it, but it was not my win cons to put it that way. So I feel like I could definitely make Lapras work. I'm sure of it, especially now that Medicham is gone and Lantern usage is so low.
Yeah, Poliwrath, that is the absolute worst for Lapras. But when water damage becomes slightly better again, like against Talonflame, if Talonflame starts becoming a thing, I think Lapras is better than Dewgong. But as a generalist, I would say Dewgong is better because of the icy wind debuffs.
I really feel like, uh, lepers can, can, can work again.
But I gotta ask, so if you're gonna use Lapras, are you gonna use the Ice Beam or would you use Skull Bash and Surf? Skull Bash for sure, because you want... Ice and water has amazing synergy, but you can't hit other water types. So Skull Bash is just for neutral matchups like Umbrian, and for water type matchups like Azumarill, you need the Skull Bash.
And against Umbrian if you guys like if anyone needs to needs to know this to beat Umbrians with Lapras just go straight for the skull bash and Twice and then you you tank the final moves to get to your serve you always win shields or no shields, that's good to know I Perhaps in the next meta. Oh Yeah I've made my mind up
I'm going to Utrecht. Yes. Very good. I'm glad to hear it. Are you going to do what's called Padel with Colin as well?
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, I'll definitely text Colin so we can do paddle. Because I don't know if like for the ones who's not aware, paddle is like tennis for dummies. Tennis within like a glass cage and you can use the wall so the ball bounces off the wall. And it's a lot of fun. And I apparently Colin plays as well. So I'll text him and see if he's down.
I got to beat him there as well, don't I? Yeah, yeah. I have an alert. It says participant inadequance is having a problem. Oh, yeah, I saw my camera flicking. I don't know what that was. Is it a problem you want to talk about, Martijn? I feel outclassed here. Yeah, it looks fine. Everything on my site. You're looking fine. Trust me. You're fine, dude. Super fine. We don't put that in there as well, right?
Oh, no, we're keeping all of it. I mean, you need some chit chat. Yeah, for sure. For sure. Kind of going off of that, we talked a little bit about your Lille season or your Lille top cut. How did you do in the seasons before this season? You know, we'll kind of build up to to this year.
I've been doing okay, I feel, in the seasons before this one. My first top cut was Lil. I only did a single tournament in the 2022 season, but in the 2023 season, I had three top cuts, and I believe it was three. I had a sixth place in Lil,
And I had a fourth place in Bochum, but maybe that was it, that was it, actually. Yeah, I don't want to leave that moment. No, Malmo, I went one and two. It was like, wow, we don't talk about that. Yeah, thanks for reminding me. But so twenty three season was like pretty good. And but at the same time in in a little I did very well. I beat a lot of like good players and I played very well, in my opinion.
But in Bochum, I faced a lot of like TCG dads who came to support their kids.
Mental Challenges in Competitions
So that was not a very good tournament for me because I felt like I was supposed to win.
And then when I faced, I did have a convincing win against Mount Spang, but then I faced Logan Rocket and lost. And then I faced, I did beat Talonflow, but I also lost to EJ, 23 EJB.
So you lost to the champion and the runner up. Yeah. Which like in hindsight, and when you put it like that, it's not, it's not bad. It's not bad at all. But like, I felt like I'm at a level where, uh, okay. I, I'm expected to win against mouth to pain, but I'm not expected to win, to win against lurking rocket. And I've not been able to like, uh, overcome those hurdles or like make those upsets. Do you know what I'm saying?
Yeah, no, I know exactly what you're saying. Do you think that partially this is also in your head though? Do you think at some points people are like, oh, like they're using you as the standard? Like I know that I can beat X person, but yeah, obviously I'm not going to win against Arceus Aurelius.
Maybe, yeah. I'm sure other players do that as well, like everyone does that for sure. But for me though, how I felt is that, okay, I have...
I have an idea of players who are better than me and I struggle beating them if I believe that they are better than me. And that's been a very tough hill to climb to stop thinking about it that way.
but I feel like I've taken massive steps about that and not thinking about it as like a constant skill of how good you are at Pokemon, but more of a floating kind of dingus where like on your day you can beat anyone. And I've,
I kind of realized that when I played its accent two times in GBL and I've never lost. And so it's like, I know. Does that make you the world champion though? I think it actually does. I think it does.
So no, yeah, but it's been a struggle and I felt like in season 2023, I did ask how I expected of myself, but I never surpassed like those expectations. So it was a very fun season, but I wanted to take it further.
to put it that way. Of course I wanted to compete at Worlds, didn't manage to and it was like a slight disappointment because I really wanted to but at the same time I felt like maybe you're not ready and that has changed this season I guess. Yeah, how does it feel to be qualified now for Worlds?
You know what, it's absolutely insane. The feeling I had after I qualified for Worlds was just such relief. It was a feeling of, you know what, I can do this. Like in whatever situation I am,
I will be able to find a way out. This is a game and I'm here to have fun and I do want to have fun. And that's just, my mindset changed after I qualified for roles. I can't even lie. It's just how it is. It's an incredible feeling. So yeah, I believe it kind of like confirmed for me that I am a really good player in a way. No, that makes sense.
We're skipping a little bit ahead, but if we want to talk about this already, can you explain to everyone, because you've been talking a lot about plot armor and people who maybe aren't playing much video games or don't really understand what you're meaning by this, can you give some examples of why you thought you had plot armor in Dortmund?
Okay, so I haven't looked up the definition, but plot armor is basically what happens when a character in a TV show or a book or a movie or whatever is crucial to the plot, like to the storyline of the show. So they don't die in situations where they should die.
and for example against Nessa Beethin I didn't play like in day two I didn't play a great set in my opinion but he mistapped on the swap timer and when he realized he did not want to swap anymore but he had already queued the swap because he pressed on the side of the swap and then oh shit
yeah and then he and then he pressed the so he queued the swap so he the only loose con he had was doing exactly what he did and he didn't intend to so I should have died right there and also in the finals against Colin
in game four in like our first set, he throws fly instead of flame charge into my registeal when he definitely like he should just
Strategic Insights and Plot Armor
flame charge, but he made that mistake and that's my plot armor for
for this tournament. And I felt like I've given people plot armor before. So this was my time to get it. But I get at the same time, I just don't want I don't want to be in situations where I need plot armor ever again.
You know what I always say, right? The person who makes the least mistakes wins the tournament. Yeah. So even though these kind of things happen, that's sometimes how tournaments are won, right? Sometimes you need a little bit of luck, and for the rest of it, you just need to play well. That is true. That is actually true. And I played really well, in my opinion.
The best part of my game was realizing what my opponents could or could not do.
and how they would approach the game. So I could have a battle plan that was so strong that even if I didn't like execute it perfectly, I would have such a strong advantage just because my plan going into the game was very good because I'm
When I'm on stage, I really struggle keeping track of energy. Like against Cashdome, I had no idea how much energy his Wish Cash had. But I just swapped and threw the Play Rough and he wasted like 90 energy. And against Cullen, when he threw the Fly into my Registeal, I didn't know how much energy he had. If he had 100 energy or if he had 50, I had no idea. I just knew he'd done some incinerates
That was it, basically. So I just lose track because it's so much to take in. So, yeah. Okay, you know what? In those situations, I knew, I knew. Like, with my crocelli against Wiscash,
Yeah. And I usually do that. And it's like, it doesn't even matter if I get debuffed or not, because it's always going to take two grass knots. So I don't care about debuffs in that situation. He can debuff me as much as he wants. I'm going to stay. People who are less familiar with Cress maybe would have swapped out to clear the debuffs.
But there is no reason to. You always need two grassnuts. But in that matchup, I'm pretty comfortable. But when situations get sticky after a lot of swapping and you go back and forth, then it's tough to keep track when there's so much going on when you're playing the game.
the way i saw your battles i felt like you always already were prepared for what you were going to bring against that kind of specific team so like what i mean is like when i brought like i also brought teleflamina bomb snow team to live pool i sucked but let's not talk about that but i practice a lot against teams like that of abhinav right which was very popular right then
And against those kind of teams when you face them again, you just know exactly what to do. Is that something you also had there? Did you have practice with friends or your faction? We had more theory crafting than actual scrimming against each other.
I scrim more against people that I'm not familiar with to not be prepared for a specific playstyle or get used to playing this type of player and then be surprised when someone else comes in and plays it differently.
But we have a lot of theory crafting in my group about how to play out specific matchups and that I managed to remember, even though I don't necessarily have played it out.
So, uh, but, but, um, it's, it's a lot of work going into match-ups, uh, like against cashton. Um, he had a similar team to nighttime classroom, one Liverpool. I think they had the exact same team. And it's a very similar team to the team's doom bug who won Knoxville as well. Uh, he just had charged a bug instead of do gone. And.
We talked a lot about how to approach that match, because how can you break Skarmory with Skash consistently? Yeah, it's almost impossible. As you realize it is the matchup into both. I think it's only really polyrats, but polyrats are so difficult to play nowadays.
Yeah, I don't like playing Poliwrath right now. Shadow Poliwrath might even lose the 0 to 1 shield against Annihilape, or 1 to 0. I mean, it's just not a Pokémon I'm willing to be. Yeah, regular does. Shadow actually wins once if it goes straight to Shadow Ball.
Polarad's actually not bad still. Polarad is decent. Polarad has a lot of good matchups, but it's just so bad into Annihilape. And also Charged Bug is really common. So it's not a risk I'm willing to take.
If I were to play Polarad or if I were to play Annihilape, I would never bring it either of them into another team with another Annihilape because it's just so uncomfortable playing against the other.
So I kind of would have to build my team in a way that I wouldn't have to rely on either Poliwrath or Annihilape for any specific matchup, and then why bring it? That's just how I approach the game. But at the same time, Alolan Sandslash exists, so you do need a Fighting or a Fire type. And I prefer Talonflame.
So let's kind of dig into this. I mean, for those who know of you, they know that you like to theory craft. You've helped a lot with building metas for like some of the grassroots tournaments as well. And yeah, you sit and like to talk about the different Pokemon matchups and what goes well together. Do you build your team like by yourself and then get kind of feedback from your teammates? Or is it kind of like a pick and choose together sort of deal? Or what are you even looking for when you're building that team of six?
I've always built my own teams until Liverpool and Dortmund, which is a blow to my team building skills. But I was onto the Abomasnow talent flame core by myself, but I didn't like to play Reggie Steele. I've never really liked to play Reggie, so I've
I've never put Regi on my team, but it turned out that Regi was exactly what that team needed. So I was running Claude Sire instead of Regi, which is just not great in a meta with a lot of Skarmory and Wiscash.
I needed the help to overcome the hurdle of just, okay, put the Regisela in the team and build it from there. And then I could fill the team with, like, the rest of the team were filled with Pokémon that I really enjoyed to play. And then I just had to bear with the Regi. And
To be honest, Reggie was incredible in the grand finals against Colin because it denied him so many ABA lines. Because of Reggie, he did not have any safe or soft ABA's.
And what I mean by that is if, especially because he has such a high rank Lickitung, it's so bad into my Regis deal. So he can't have Lickitung in the front and the Bomesnow in the back if I lead the Regi, because then he just automatically loses the game. So he had to play ABB teams always into me. He had to play a lot of safe teams. And that gave me so much freedom to play the teams that I wanted to play.
So Reggie was really good for me there, but I needed help to overcome that specific hurdle. But I really liked the theory craft and I really liked to look into how to build a team. What do you need for a team to be well-rounded and how do you approach the meta that you have right in front of you? Like what's common to play?
So I was scared to face Kashton because he had the team that I thought this is going to be somewhat of an RPS matchup because I don't have like a clear core breaker to the entire team.
But it turned out okay, because I RPS them, I guess, somewhat. It was RPS, but you just won. Exactly, exactly. And I loved when people were running Anihilape into me, because I was very often triple strong into the Anihilape. Especially in the Grand Finals, yeah. Yeah. Don't give it any room, because it's going to ruin your life.
Annihilape is incredibly strong, but I don't like playing incredibly strong Pokemon, apparently.
Yeah, it's like CressReggi or bad indeed, yeah. Yeah, CressReggi. CressReggi and Ozu, I guess, incredibly boring Pokémon to do well with, but... If you win a tournament, who cares?
Yeah, I don't give a flying. I don't give a damn. You don't give a fish, yeah. Yeah. So I'm very happy with the team, but that was not my creation alone. I was onto parts of it, but it was finished by someone else. And then I just stole that team.
But yeah, I really enjoy the theory crafting and I really enjoy digging deep into how you can approach these kinds of things and how to find the best strategies.
I'm more visionary in a way. I don't think I can iron out all the details to make it perfect, but I have an idea of what is good and how I want to approach this entire thing that we have here. So I come up with a lot of ideas. Some are not the best, but some are really good. And then,
I get a help with like finishing it up, I guess. Doing it all by yourself is often not the best idea, I believe. All right. What are your goals for the remainder of the season and the next season?
Goals and Aspirations
You're still going to the UIC as well, right? Yeah. You have to defense against the Americans with us. Yes. Yes. That's all. That's all we care about. Americans are the worst. Am I right, guys? Am I right? You are absolutely right. So I'm going to all the European tournaments that's left, except for Bologna probably.
But I do have a slight, I have a dream of trying to cast tournaments sometime. I don't know if it will actually be possible, but I think it would be really fun.
And I've tried to be on my best behavior when I've interviewed to actually have a chance. But I don't know. I'm a bit, I struggle being aware enough of myself to what's smart and how to be strategic about how to improve my chances of actually getting to cast.
But it's a dream I have, so that's something I'd love to try out at least. And it would be nice for Europe to actually have a regional winner as a caster, am I right Martijn? Yes, yes, it won't take longer, I promise.
Okay No, but my goals for the rest of the season is I'll try to aim for the travel award because it's a lot It's so much cheaper traveling around the tournaments in Europe than traveling to a Y so I'll try to go Fred. Well now that I got a lot of points in my last tournament. I am I'm at Like I I do have a shot
So we'll see how it goes. Yeah, you're like almost at 500 down, wouldn't you be? Yeah, 487 should be right. So I believe I'm like top six maybe, and top eight gets the travel award. But I know players like Status Dan, Tonton Batous, other like stone collections hovering right around like somewhat in the same area.
Look, if anything, I will make sure stat sound does not get many local points. Oh, that's all I can ask for, dude.
And we have some Norwegian players that are trying to deny me the local points as well. I mean, people might be surprised by how strong the Norwegian community is, because no other player is actually going to any regional tournaments than me, almost.
going to a tournament in Oslo, you might walk out with three losses. Sometimes it just doesn't go your way. And it's not happened to me yet, but I've been on the brink of defeat so many times, and getting wins in Norway is way tougher than you'd expect.
Yeah, I think that's true with a lot of players in general, especially if you know what you were saying before. Oh, I expected that I was better than this person, but I think I'm not as good as this person. A lot of times, if you don't even know a person's name, you maybe even get a little bit cocky or too self-assured. Like, I don't even need to really think too hard. It's like, you know, where you're playing GBL against when you're in like the
you know, 2200 Elo, you're like, they're not counting. They're not going to try to catch. I don't need a way to turn. And then you're like, oh, no, someone else is also tanking. Or maybe they just started the season late or something. They have some big skills. I wasn't expecting it quite at this level. But I do think that's true. A lot of times you have a player that you're like, oh, I've never heard of this name before. Clearly, if they were like someone I needed to be worried about, I would have at least seen their name in passing.
Tournament Logistics and Anecdotes
Yeah, exactly. But you'd be surprised by the quality of players that are around now. And in my opinion, especially in Europe, because I feel like in regionals and Europe, everyone can attend basically all the tournaments because they're hosted in Germany and the countries lying basically around it.
There are two terminus in Germany and then England, France, Netherlands, Poland. I hear no Belgium. I hear no Belgium. I don't think so.
And that's like 80% of the tournaments. And then you have one in Spain and one in Italy. And that's it. I guess Sweden, but it's very close. Anyway, so for us in this part of Europe, it's very easy to go to all the tournaments. And that makes basically every tournament incredibly stacked. But that also makes it incredibly worse when the American comes over.
and wins the super stacked biggest European tournament that we've ever had. We're just not used to that play style like against Lurgan Rocket. Like three times week two Reggie? Three times! Three times! And he just doesn't bring the Reggie because in my opinion Lurgan Rocket
sometimes overestimates his opponents and that's it against nighttime clasher when you have players that you are not confident will not take those risks shove it shove the regi down their throat
That's what I do. Against Tonton, I wasn't sure he was not going to be ABA to Regi, so in game two, with Dugong in the front and Lekitang in the back, I shoved him the Regi.
and it worked out. So yeah, Nighttime Clasher covered the ABA's and you'll be okay. Did Logan tell you what he did after he beat Nighttime? They played again in Dormo, right?
Yes. Yeah. Did you tell him out of the tournament? Yeah. Yeah. He told me that he, uh, he, he won the game. Then he, uh, threw the grass, not on this Tarzan, uh, got the shield and one HP KO then threw the shield. So, uh, so yeah, that was, that was fun. That was really fun.
Leergan said that Nighttime Clasher wasn't even going to shield, but Leergan said, no, no, please shield this. So the shield, so it would have the KO through the shield. He's hilarious. So yeah, that's a fun fact for trainers who maybe don't know. I think most people know by this stage, but even when the shield comes up, one HP damage still goes through. So if you only have one HP left, you are still going to be knocked out.
Are you on stage right now Amanda? People are listening and they might not know this. Maybe they're just tuning in to hear the soothing voice of this Norwegian Viking warrior. So a personal question for me, which name do you like more? The number one European hype man or the Viking warrior?
I think I preferred Viking Warrior to be honest, but I'm going to take the hype man of Europe as well. I mean, if you have nicknames for me, just bring him. We did. We came up with, what was it? Pickle mix spice or whatever?
For context, I didn't know, apparently, there's something called relish, but in Norwegian it's called cucumber mix and like directly translated. So I just went for something that I assumed was correct, but apparently relish.
As Americans lose their minds when some some of the food they know is just named differently. They lose their minds. Trust me. Yeah. I mean, that's not the only one. No. And like I had no idea hot pocket actually was food.
Yeah, it's a brand, it's a brand. How am I supposed to know? Like, what are these references I'm not taking? Are you expecting me to take them? Well, I'll tell you about smaller hover. I love smaller hover. It's the hoaviest of the smaller. It's like a ball, right? No, it's the head of a sheep. Damn. I was guessing, because it sounded kind of like smotabolan, which is also a
okay did you say the head of a sheep head of a sheep yeah it's the head do you eat that yeah yeah yeah absolutely that's why you're so big and strong
I've never had it, but it is like a very traditional dish in Norway where I'm not sure if they cook or boil the entire sheep's head and you eat the eyes and the brains and the tongue and whatever. Yeah. Apparently the eyes are like this. This is a great topic. Let's talk about something else.
Um, something non-Pokemon related. I heard you were on a reality show before.
Yeah, I've been on a reality show in Norway. How did that go? Well, it went pretty bad to be honest. But I actually got in, though. It's like 5,000 applicants every year. And I was one of like 20 people who were elected. And it's a long process. You have like three interviews before you get picked.
It was like a trash dating show like X on the Beach, right? Exactly. It's the Norwegian equivalent of X on the Beach or Love Island or something like that. It's a competition where you make relationships basically to try to win money in the end. So there was a friend of mine who applied for me. I had no idea about that. So when I got the call, then I was, no.
I what and there and I hung up and then I thought why am I not going on this interview by the way so I went just went on the interview and I fell immediately when I it was a group interview and immediately when I got there I felt like oh yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna be casted if I want to
And it was just so weird because I have an ability to take a room if I need to, like socially.
Reality TV Experience
Yeah. Can you imagine? Because I talk a lot and I talk loudly. And you're like three times taller than a majority of people in a room. Maybe that's not true in Norway.
No, I am totally Norway as well. So yeah, I got it though. So I landed the show and I went there and I were there for two weeks, which are like two game rounds in the total of 12.
So it was not like such a long participation, but it was really good. I had a lot of fun and it changed my life. I'm going to tell you, because even though it's just like two weeks on TV, you become instant celebrity.
I've never been bought so many drinks on bars or had like, it's never been easier to pick up girls. Like girls are, okay, I'm gonna be a bit careful, but some girls think it's very interesting when you've been on TV. So it was a lot of fun. It was a very fun period of my life.
And you're like, and that's how I met my fiance. Yeah, she did not want to go on a date with me because of the show. So I told her, wow, you're extremely judgmental. And she said, no, I'm not judgmental. Then go on a date with me. So I basically blackmailed her into going on a date. And she did. And now we're engaged. So I'm not saying blackmail girls, but
strong arming them a little bit, it might not be the worst idea. Get on a TV show or strong arm them into relationships. These are tips for dating from Marcus Aurelius. Whichever you prefer. Now, I worked incredibly hard to get my fiancé interested in spite of that reality TV show.
But, and it paid off, work, hard work usually does. So that's basically that story. And it was incredibly fun. You get invited to like these events and you're paid or get free drinks to show up. And yeah, it's just a lot of fun. But at the same time, you're kind of like,
taking a risk with your integrity and people are also people do get like an opinion of you uh that's maybe not like rooted in reality at all which might be frustrating but it's um
For me, I didn't have a real problem with that. I'm not too concerned about other people's opinion of me as long as I feel like I can stand for the impression that I have of myself. And I'm trying to be humble, I'm trying to be nice, I'm trying to be generous.
And as long as I feel like I'm acknowledging that whenever I see interviews I've done or ways I interact with other people, and the way people interact with me, I feel like I managed to. And then I don't have a problem with some people potentially have a problem with me.
You know, you should just tell them, because they don't know, right, that you're a Pokemon champion. And then that changes their opinion. Yeah. Right. I see you already wear the medal. Do you wear that to work as well today? I considered wearing it for remarkable. Hell yeah. Yeah. And I'm like, all the people I'm working with are like 40 and above.
And they think it's super cool that I travel Europe around to go to Pokemon tournaments. So yeah, I'm having a great time. But at the same time, it feels like I'm living a double life, you know, because with you guys, I'm a Pokemon master, and with these other people, they have no idea who I am. To them, I'm just a regular guy, you know.
Yeah, no, but it's, I really, I'm just trying to be as best of a guy as I can be, and then we'll take it.
It's not really on the subject of this, but what you just said reminded me when I saw you, I think it was in Malmo probably last year, we had this conversation. Cause of course, you know, when there's a big group of people, it's not that you know everyone. And so sometimes if you're talking with someone, you don't want to be like, oh, cause especially if they know who you are, you don't want to act like you don't know them. And so I had asked you one time, I was like, Hey, do you know who this person is? And you're like, no, but you know what you do. You just act like you know them. And sooner or later, someone's going to say their name.
And then, and I was like, I've been thinking about that. And you're like, this is what guys do all the time. Guys will hang out for like four days and not know the other person's name until one person just randomly happens to say it. I'm like, I'm going to check on this. But then I never did. So Martine, is this true? Is this a guy thing? Like, if you don't know who someone is, will you just kind of act like you do until somehow it gets put into your aura? Yeah. I added last Sunday. Oh, yeah. Still don't know the name actually.
They were cool. And then you wait for someone to go, hey Jonathan or something like that. Or we just say bye and we meet at the next event.
Yeah, I mean, sometimes it's just you got to roll with it. Like, I don't want to come off as a dick. So I'm not gonna or arrogant. So if someone's talking to me, I'll give them like what I have.
but I'm not able to remember all the names or the faces that I've encountered. And sadly, I'll admit, I'm not going to speak of myself as a celebrity, but at
Community Interactions
some point- But I was on a reality dating show, guys. Exactly.
And for like a month in Norway, I was an A-list celebrity. It was one month, but that was enough. It's like you meet so many people. It's insane. One guy that I ended up living with, I greeted him three times before I could remember seeing like meeting him. But it's like you go around shaking hands. That's, that's
basically what you do whenever you're outside of your house every day. Like Martijn, I'm sure you're partly familiar. Maybe probably you two don't end up because Pokemon players are coming up to you because they know your face from the broadcast or from YouTube videos or
from something Pokemon related because you're in like your faces of the community in a way and people come up to you and talk to you like they know you but you have no idea who they are but you still want to be nice so you strike a conversation and then you don't really think more of it.
Yeah. But when you're with friends and there's a guy you've met twice before and you should remember this name, you're not going to say it. Yeah. Hey, dude. Yeah. Just got to fake that until you make it. Yeah. Until someone else makes it for you. Eventually, someone's going to say their name. Well, as one person being even more direct with me and actually asking me straight up, do you still remember my name? Oh, that is very direct.
I didn't. I remember this face so clearly and I knew it was going to be there too. I just couldn't think. Like you said, there's so many people sometimes, right? Especially a Pokemon. Yeah, it is. And I do want to remember everyone, but it's impossible at times.
But and I'm sorry if I offend anyone saying this, but it's just sometimes you just meet too many people. And for outgoing people like myself, I meet a lot of people and speak to a lot of people. And I'm sure you guys are the same. So I'm sure you know how it is. If you get like something like shirts or jersey with snowboard up sometime, could you put the Viking warrior on the back for me?
I'll consider it. I'll definitely consider it. It started because someone said in the chat, what did they call them? The Nordic God. But I don't think I can say that. So then I said, yeah, we should do like with a Viking or something.
It's true. He had a really clever thing. Yeah. The final boss versus the Viking warrior. No, I liked it a lot. It was like built up a good storyline. Such a good branding on that final. The final boss, I guess the Viking, I mean, who doesn't think that's cool. I know. And I got to say, Colin's nickname, the final boss.
And it fits as well. Holy crap. You guys also just have such like stark, different personnel. Like he's always like very, you can never read them really. Like he's very calm and collected when he's playing. And it's like, you can tell there's a lot of calculating, but not a lot going on.
I'm sure he plays poker or something too. And meanwhile, every single thing that you're doing is written on your face for the most part. And like when you recognize, when you swapped in the Azumarill to the Annihilape and they're like, when you knew his talent flame in the back, you're just like... Yeah, I realized. Yeah, it took me a couple of seconds, but I realized and then I thought, oh, why did you do this?
But yeah, it's, and then you just have to readjust, but yeah, that's how I am. And that's the difference. Those are the differences between me and Colin. Like I, I saw some people in chat making a crack and joke saying, oh, the one with the red beard is going to win because the filter makes both our beards red.
the color correcting. So yeah, I guess we can seem similar from a distance, but on stage, we're pretty different. Yeah, I'd say, but I'm not sure if... I haven't seen that many players maybe as animated as I am. There are a couple for sure, but... Martijn's pretty animated as well. Yeah, yeah. You guys are probably two of our most animated in Europe.
Yeah, I saw, I saw, I make faces as well was very, but he's not European though. Who, who are you saying Martijn? Zefima sticks. He's like showing some, he, whenever he recognizes play he does like this. Yeah. Or like, yeah. What do you think of, uh, what do you think of goes a beast?
I don't even know who that is. I haven't heard the name, but I don't know. Yeah. He played on stream against momma classroom. And he's also very animated. And I think I, uh, I'm definitely up there. Yeah.
I can't wait for my tournament to win and I can all type and jump. Is it really just purely personality or is it like slightly the fact that you guys are good enough that you can do? Because I imagine for a lot of players, you have to take a lot of concentration. Obviously, if you're trying to keep track of counts, if you're trying to do this and then to have an opponent, like really get in your head a bit with, you know, how, how lighthearted they almost seem to take it. Or like, you know, with decks or a tragicomics when they're just like completely
completely leaning back like they could not give a crap about what's going on. It's like, I feel like a part of it is showmanship to get in your opponent's head. Yeah, I think from my end, like, I've been on stream many times, like, also stream myself, right? I know many people are watching and off their rooting for me when I look back at chat. And I just have no shame. I don't care how people look at me if I make a weird face. I don't care. I know what I look like.
Yeah, I feel that way too. And I feel that it's more interesting to watch when, for me at least, when people are animated. So I thought to myself, you know what, I'm not gonna keep it in because when I play at home, I'm swearing and I'm making faces and I'm going,
because when I make a bad play and I'm going when I make a good play and yeah exactly and I've decided that whenever I play as like especially on stream I need to be as comfortable and I take it as close to back at home as I can be because it's such a fish out of water situation for me
I'm probably for everyone playing on stream. So I just like got to make it as close to my regular playing environments as possible.
So that's basically what I'm doing. But it's a lot harder down at the tables because then you're sitting at crunch together and you're so close to your opponent. So being that animated would disturb maybe a whole table. So I tried to tone it down then. Yeah. I think also you want to keep the respect for it. If you're like, yes! And then your opponent hears that, it might be a little bit uncomfortable.
Respect in Competition
Yeah, absolutely. And like I mentioned earlier, I don't want to come off as an arrogant prick. So I save my emotions for stream when I feel like it's more acceptable. Sure. Yeah. So I don't want to step on people's toes when we're down by the tables.
I have one more question about the stream before we get into the end stuff and it's it's something that because yeah you did your little recap stream and Colin was in the chat as well and they were talking about the red beard situation and the thing and then we were talking about your guys's shirts because you guys had very matchy kind of outfits and then also your guys's beards and I asked Colin who he thought had the better beard and so I just want to ask you too who do you think has the better beard between you and Colin?
I like I say it's an open shot question. I do have a better beard than Colin. I don't know. Yeah. Okay. Get a better shirt than me. But but like I'm a bit older. And
He's blonde. He's like light blonde. I'm like dark blonde, I guess. So my beard kind of just looks... Well, when it's darker, it's more... I don't know the word, but it's more clear. It shows more. It's more of a contrast. Yeah, I know all about it.
Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Like you hardly have a beard at all more time, but it's actually... Honestly, if I let it grow another week, it's big. It's massive. Okay. Show us. I will not do it. No, it becomes annoying.
There's like the threshold, right? If you shave it off and you have to like regrow it, there's a point where it gets really itchy and you need to like, how do I say it? Like outlast it, right? You need to get over that point until it's not itchy anymore. I just cannot bear with it. If you clean shave with razors, then that happens. If you only use a machine, it doesn't get as itchy.
Yeah, I guess what if you use like beard oil? Does that help at all? Or is that am I just throwing out random suggestions? That's like using hair oil for your hair. Does it like it makes it smooth? It doesn't like help you. I think it would actually probably nourish I bet it would.
That's like, that's like what lotion does. I mean, like if your skin's, you put lotion on it, it makes it less itchy. Now you're talking about lotion, not oil. Well, and you don't put a lotion in your beard. Exactly. I don't know. I feel like that was making a lot of sense. And I think that you guys are taking that a little bit. Okay. Yeah. I don't, I don't have those problems though. I guess. Okay.
So at Worlds, who are you really looking forward to playing? Who do you hope you get matched up against? Or on the flip side, who do you just hope that you do not get matched up with? I had some incredibly tough questions, to be honest.
I actually kind of don't hope I'm faced up against Nighttime Clasher because he's just such a wild card. You have no idea what he's going to do. Just plays anything, right? Close his eye, picks Lee, and hopes for the best. And he's very good with his mechanics and how to play out the games.
but he just locks in a random three. There's just like no real strategy to it it seems. He's safe swapped and a lowland sand slash against Wudash. Wudash just brought in his deity and farmed it down and won the game instantly. So to me it's just he would be a really tough opponent because I don't have like the same
I can't apply the same approach that I used against Colin, for example. But I really want to play Ryze to occasion. He's a player that I think really highly of, and I respect him so much just for how he approaches games and how he explains the thought processes that he has. And I've played him
I think I played him once or twice in sales back in the day and I remember specifically beating him in a brawl or a cop for the OGs who remember that and so but I really really liked
to play him on the big stage. And he's just a phenomenal guy as well. So he's got all the respect for me. And he would be an opponent I'm looking incredibly much forward to facing. Cool. Martin, you want to lead us into the last?
Player Predictions and Enthusiasm
Yeah, so that will begin the crap roller enemy champion question. Okay. In this case, the crap roller is someone who you think is really good, but not really well known yet. And the other one is someone who's already well known and someone who may or may not win worlds, for example. If you were to pick a person for those, who would that be?
You may say an eloquence for the winning. But no one ever does. But I don't feel like you fit into either of those categories.
No. Careful what you say. We might still match somewhere. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So the crab roller for my... The answer for a crab roller would be Andy Youth. I know that he's very well known amongst a lot of veterans because he's been around for a while. He plays just meticulously.
And we had a local challenge right before Dortmund. I played the same team and he played a similar team to what this is wireless and brought to Liverpool.
And he 3-0ed me. There was no doubt about it. He just steamrolled me completely. So I almost changed my team only because of him and because of how well he did against me. Because I felt that if I faced this team and I played well,
I just don't have a chance but I feel like I've faced an even worse team but Andy just outplayed me in every sense of the game. He's an incredible player in my opinion.
He's your guys' meme maker, too, isn't he? Yeah. Well, we make a lot of memes together. Oh, okay. He's not the funny one. He's not the only funny one, is what you're saying. Not the only one, but he runs the Twitter account, so he's got a lot of wits. But Galax Kaboltan also is a great memer.
Excellent, Mimir. But yeah, Andy, you're a super fun guy and an incredible battler. But I need to put some respect on his name. Excellent. And what about you're a champion, someone who's really well known and you think has a shot of winning worlds and you can say an adequate. I really believe that Martijn do have a shot of winning worlds like he was top eight last year. I mean, it's a given, isn't it?
Were you top 8 or top 10?
top 10, I guess. Oh, okay. Sorry. Yeah. I mean, still though, still, it's still phenomenal. Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely incredible. Uh, and I was rooting for you. Uh, so don't mind that, but, uh, for me, the biggest favorite, the biggest man champion is Potomam. And that guy's just insane. Uh, he's whenever he, like he, he can find wind conditions in any situation and he plays so clever.
in any situation that he is and when he won in Gdansk, I believe it was Gdansk or if it was when he lost. Yeah, it was Gdansk. Yeah, no, actually, I think it was in Barcelona. The one he lost. Yeah, the one he lost. Oh, yeah, yeah. I believe he caught his gligar on the way there because he didn't have a gligar.
So it's like a super high attack mid defense, super low HP or something like that. And he's just, well, this works. And he's got it in and it just worked out for him. And he's just such an incredible player that it doesn't matter if he has the IVs or like he's just going to take the tools he has and it's going to force them down your throat until you throw up.
Well, I haven't seen that happen yet, but yeah, he's been pretty good. Yeah, I feel like on his day, he's unplayable. I'm scared. I'm really scared of Python, actually.
Oh, I have one last final question then on that note. Last year, because you have a YouTube channel where you like make a lot of content about mostly the show six format, a couple of go battle league battles as well. But you made like a top 10 contenders to win worlds. How did it, how are your predictions? And then also, are you going to make one again this year so we can see the comparison for who will make it? And will you be on your own predictions?
I'm putting myself in number one. He's making the whole tier list now. No, I did pretty all right. I had Vudash as number three, which he got. Zardid didn't end up playing. He didn't make it there. No, he did. But all the Brazilians... I don't know what happened, man. But they did not do well. Like fish out of water for Brazilians outside of Brazil.
but and also I had its accent on top 10 I believe I had him on top five but apart from that it wasn't as impressive I had some Latin Americans I had
Oh, I can't remember all of them. Babylicious human catcher bug. They didn't, they didn't follow through. Uh, but I did have as a dark horse for the entire thing, Rubik's master. I was the only one who brought up Rubik's master before worlds as a potential contender because he's, he's team building skills are on points.
Like second to none, I'd say. Well, I'm excited to see your new tier list when all the candidates get put in. I think it's NAIC, right? That's the last point in the season that people can get championship points. I believe so, yeah.
plenty of time to make a video Marcus. Yeah. So I need some funding to go to an AC guys. Yeah. I mean, a lot of people are, I mean, like more times put out the call for, I think I'm going to be there as well. Cause I'm going to be in the US. Yeah. Yeah. I've never been to New Orleans before. Will you play as American or European? Uh, European.
very good. Yeah, don't feel I mean, there's only one answer to that question in this company. Exactly. I don't know what if I do really horrible, then maybe you guys want me to say it. Exactly.
All right, well, I think we had it for this episode then. Thank you so much, Markus, for coming on once more. It was a pleasure. Thank you so much and thanks for having me on. It's been a blast. I truly enjoy just chatting with you guys. And yeah, I appreciate you giving me the stage. I'm super, super grateful. Yeah, no worries. In fact, it should be the only one you should say yes to.
Yeah, it should be at least the very first one if you were going to be our first guest. But that's beside the point. I haven't done any other podcasts yet. Don't worry about it. She's messing with you.
Yeah, well, I actually feel kind of bad about that because I did say yes to you guys. And then I wanted to do yours first. But he said, hey, can you do it Wednesday? And I thought, you know what, I can do it Wednesday. Oh, Valentine's Day, thank you so much. What a wonderful gift to all of us. Oh, yeah, it's because I heart you.
Don't worry about it. Anyway, sorry about that, but also thank you so much for letting me just speak my mind and say what I want to say.
Yeah, I mean, tell you what, if you win another regional, it doesn't matter the time frame, we'll have you back on as a, you'll be our first third guest. So how's that sound? So after Utre, right? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. See you in three weeks. And for all of our new listeners as well, we're going to put out content, I believe every Thursday is the day that we're looking for. So look for new episodes every Thursday with members of the PVP community talking about this wonderful Tap Tap game.