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E08// YOUweedle, WEweedle, MEweedle, the 2024 EUIC Champion! image

E08// YOUweedle, WEweedle, MEweedle, the 2024 EUIC Champion!

S1 E8 ยท Tap Tap Cast
186 Plays11 months ago

Join us for this episode of Tap Tap Cast where we chat with the 2024 EUIC Champion and defender of the EU realm, MEweedle! MEweedle only wins, adding this title to his list of first-place finishes (2022 Sr. Division EUIC, 2022 Sr. Division World Champion, 2023 Stuttgart Regional Champion). The crew talk about how Inadequance once beat him, the 200 members of Tea and PIzza, and how to improve Go Battle League!

Follow the crew! Amanda //
Martijn //
Special Guest //


Introduction and Recap of EUIC

Welcome into tap tap cast where we talk about all things Pokemon Go PvP and what a week for it as well because I mean you look well and refreshed Martine but you had a pretty busy weekend. Yeah I had to catch up on some sleep after casting the Europe International Championship. It was a
It was quite an honor and it was quite a tournament. It was very exciting. We saw Emmy Weedle win over Doonbug. Doonbug from North America. I think everyone, especially Europeans, really feared him. Maybe expect him even to win.

Doonbug's Tournament Performance

And he got so far. I told him at some point, please don't go further than top four.
Would you laugh? He said, no, I'm going to do better. I did. Oh, I loved how, like, slightly antagonizing he was being, too, just like coming out pretending he was an eagle and saying, like, thank you to all my North America friends and everything. So it's like he.
I mean, it was definitely a show. And since Pokemon Go, this is only like our third ever EUIC. It was like, oh, it's the first time like a North American has really made it this far. This season is a lot of seasons of firsts.

Martine's Support for EU Battlers

And yeah, I have to admit, even though I think that Dunebook is probably the best player in the world right now, I was I was happy that the title stayed with EUIC. Really? But aren't you American?
I am American, yeah, yeah, but you know, my heart and loyalty lies with the most of the battles that I've been casting. I know the EU battlers a lot better at this point. So what would you have said if he wanted, huh?
I would have congratulated him. And obviously I think that if he beat Emmy Weedle, he would have deserved to win it too, because he, like just those matches that every match that Doonbug played was like scary good. And I think like the hearts of many Europeans were dropping the further and further he got

UIC Winner Speculations

in the tournament. There was a lot of Americans who made it to day two even. I mean, like there's some heavy competition coming over.
Arrow. Yeah, those were so those are yeah, it's accent world champion lost the first game that he played then all the way today to pretty Yeah, you might be world champions against Kalfia a Belgian brain, right? Yeah, that's pretty cool. Did you think who would win the UIC if you had to pick before oh You can't say me because I was casting
Yeah, I thought that a scaffold had a pretty good chance of winning it just because like he did really well the year before that he played really well in Utrecht as well. So I mean like he was on a good trajectory. I think he still made it pretty far. He was in the top 12.

Upcoming Events and Scheduling Conflicts

Yeah, yeah. Maybe or something like because Paula ended up mix knocking him out pretty late on into the tournament. So like I
I didn't have anyone per se in mind, but it wouldn't have surprised me if Scaffold won it. Yeah. No, I had him in my prediction as well. Oh yeah, you did, I guess. Yeah, yeah. Obviously, obviously. Great podcast host. Think alike.
Yeah, question for you, Amanda, since you, you know, let's just start with the controversy right away real quick. Oh, boy. You have played like any other Pokemon game, right? Just Pokemon Unite. No. Yeah. Now now I'm playing Pokemon Unite a little bit more. Yeah. We're going to get Necrozma I believe with Go Fest soon. What do you know about this folklore?
That's a really good question as I start googling some stuff. I'm actually checking if I said it right. Is it a ghost?
it's a it's a legendary pokemon i believe it's psychic it's a it's a psychic legendary pokemon everyone knows that martin duh yeah um i don't know too much as no i i know i know nothing but it can change forms and it gets to pretty high cp as well i believe to the one of its forms gets to about 5000 cp which is pretty cool okay but then again the typing psychic ghost
Not so great. So it is a ghost. One of its forms, yes. You were 33% right. And the other one is psychic steel, so maybe that is viable. Okay. All right. All right. Yeah. Are you going to go first? Yeah. You know, I'm thinking about it, but so the one that is in the US is, because I'm in the US right now for people who don't know, I'm visiting family and friends.
That is the same weekend as I have Taylor Swift tickets. So I'm not going to be able to do the U.S. Go Fest. And then I'm just getting back from the U.S.
like right after that. So I don't know if I will be back in time to go to Madrid for that. So I might be, quote, stuck playing the just the global go fest. Hopefully I'll find a crew that I can play with in the US if I

Travel Plans and City Preferences

can't make it over. But I really want to because I've never been to Madrid, even though I absolutely love Spain and all the cool, fun people are going and I have complete FOMO and I hate missing out. You will also be in New Orleans, right? That's the weekend before, I believe.
Yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. So you can like fly with me as well, right? Okay. Thursday morning fly out Thursday evening. Yeah. I don't know how you're going to be able to do that. I don't know either. I haven't thought about that. I haven't thought about it. Surely I can sleep on the plane or something, right? Oh man. Sure. Yeah. And then when you're going to get there, I've seen like, uh, the, the nut came to visit me, uh, and we walked around Antwerp a little bit and he was just like, man, I'm so glad we're taking it easy today. Cause I had a hard workout the day before. I was like, dude, we walk more today.
What do you mean, take it easy? I can't imagine like going and walking Go Fest with like two hours sleep on a plane. So good luck to you, my friend. I could talk about in which city he prefers, Antwerp or Brussels. Oh, Antwerp by far. He likes Antwerp way more?
Oh, way more, way more. Which of your friends was really into Brussels? Was that Splene or was it Abi? Yeah, Splene and Abi both live in Brussels. But yeah, I live in Antwerp, the best city I think in... The better one, the better one, yeah. In Belgium. Ghent is also nice. Ghent is also a very pretty city, if we're talking about it. Rotterdam is the coolest city in the Netherlands, in my opinion. Why? I appreciate that. It's also because you had a good tour guide there, right?
Yeah, I also did a lot of walking that day, more than I'm used to. You're welcome. There was another little bit of news announced,

Community Day and Competitive Strategies

Amanda. We have the Community Day being published for, I believe, near the end of April. Victory, Bill. Are you excited for that?
Oh my goodness. I will say that a good friend of mine, he doesn't really play much Go anymore, Kevkiller. He was the person who actually originated Grasshole. So we played that at the beginning because he, yeah, and he talked to Wallower about it, I think too. And so like Wallower helped adapt it to make it with the defense deoxys.
But I mean he knew all the break points and that was before razor leaf got nerfed, you know So it's like oh it can win the two shields against Regis steel if you acid spray it which wolf Yeah, and now it's magically which is like, yeah Well, it has some yeah fast attack pressure, but it's you know, not as oppressive. Do you think it's gonna make any soul? I mean, maybe it's a really good thing in that sense if people are not going to be using razor leaf and
Yeah, well, they can still use not a raised leave. Yeah, that's true. That's true. They're just doing a favor in that sense, but I don't know. I will say I've

Viability of Victory Bell in Competitions

definitely played Victory Bell. Do I think it's a high skill Pokemon? Yes, absolutely. Okay. No, no, disagree.
It's very frustrating to lose to teams with like Bastiodon and Victory Bell on it. And it doesn't matter the third. Lately in Go Battle League seasons, now I've also seen it with Wigglytuff. And then it's just like, yeah, what we call, I mean, it's what our cast is kind of named after. It's what our podcast, it's a tap, tap team.
It's true, it's not because we're playing it, right? No, I'm not playing it. Oh, did you play it? Yeah, my first... When I was streaming with Cecio, Cecio was here last week, he recommended a victory ball on Wigglytuff, and I was like, well, let's just do Empoliunstel, pass it on. That sounds a little bit too much, right?
Yeah, I was hoping it would get like a usable charge stack as well to maybe core break wish cache car me a little bit. Unfortunately it doesn't. So I think it's kind of just, you know, stuck in the same position. I think Venus was always still better.
Yeah, I was going to say, do you ever see it viable for the Show 6 format? I don't know. At least not at this stage. Maybe I can beat up my locals a little bit with this and make a video about it. Yeah, but you're doing that anyway. I mean, I think last season Onion Frank used Victory Bell quite a bit in the regional competitions. I remember seeing that a couple times. He had it against me in hard force. Yep.
Yeah, so I mean like it's definitely made its way into competitions.

Introduction of Emmy Wiedel

Although I think Cindy also used it at Worlds the very first year. So okay, it definitely has some place in the meta, but it's an off meta pick. Yeah, exactly. Well, maybe we can see someone do well with it. However, today we are going to have a very recent champion on our cast. We have
Thanks for joining us. Thank you for having me. Yeah, good to have you here, my friends. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself for those who strangely enough might not know you?
Yeah, so I'm Emmy Wiedel. I won the 2022 Senior Division World Championships. The 2023 Stuttgart Regional Championships. And just recently, I won the 2024 European Championships. Yeah, quite a few gold medals to your name there. Have you ever won a different color of medal? Or price? No. Only gold. That's unfortunate. It's been gold or nothing.
Yeah, it must be tough not winning like silver or anything. But yeah, OK, let's let's walk it through because you have a title to your name that no one else, at least for now, will have and go ever again. Hopefully we'll get a senior division back at some point, but you are the senior division world champion. That was the very first season for Go. And if you look at the names that were in there, there's a lot of really big names in that list. How did you

Recognition Disparity in Pokemon Divisions

feel playing in the competition in Worlds that year?
To be completely honest, nobody knew who I was. And at the same time, I didn't know who anybody else was. So all of these big names, I had never heard of them before, because I had just never really, you know, seen any kind of self content really ever. All I knew is that like, Woodage once hit number one on the leaderboards, and that was about it. Right. So
I was quite confident with my pick of Araquanid, but I obviously didn't know that I was actually going to win it all in the end, so. Yeah, what made you choose the Araquanid? I think it was mainly just, it's good against Walrino, it's good against Trevenant. It was just generally, there wasn't much in the meta that like hard beat it other than Registeal.
uh so it was generally just quite neutral and bulky and strong i don't remember the exact meta from back then yeah so but you wanted to rps your opponents basically that's what you're saying well it wasn't rps if it was good against all of their moms right
I remember after you won the event too because this was the first time that I had met you as well because I was helping out shooting some stuff for a documentary that is I think in production to be made about the Pokemon Go Championship Series. And I remember I had sent you a message and I was going to meet up with you and you were there with your parents and your dad was basically like, yeah, I'm not trying to be rude, but who are you?
I don't remember that, but I can imagine that happening. Yeah, yeah. I thought it was pretty funny. I was like, that's a good parent, though, too. Like, okay, I'm not sending off my son to meet with this random stranger to quote get interviewed

Emmy's Tournament Participation and Strategy

about his podcast. But look at where we are now on a podcast a couple years later. Was that another tournament you did not participate in, Amanda?
Yeah, yeah, I was obviously I would have ended up. I mean, I think Stone Collection and EGB can really thank me for not participating in the last chance qualifier.
Yeah, surely. But yeah, I was I was there taking a lot of footage and everything. I mean, and to be fair, it was that was such a cool experience overall, I think for everyone for go, right? I mean, I was just like seeing go up on the big stage like that. And yeah, you're absolutely right as well. I didn't really know who you were. I knew that you were on maybe the B squad of tea and pizza, correct at that point?
Yeah, I was originally kind of just asked to join after reaching number one on the leaderboards and stuff.
And yeah, because they were making the second team, I was just going to be part of the Academy team. But then after I won Worlds, they were like, nah, nah, we can't have him just on the Academy team. Right. You know, wait, hold up, hold up. So you hit rank one on the GBR leaderboards. Yeah. And that was impressive enough to be on the B team.
It wasn't impressive enough because if this random name hits number one on the leaderboards, there's also a good chance that it was just a bit of luck, right? Anybody can hit the leaderboards if you just RPS all your opponents. That's how it goes, which shows six corners as well.
Let's just say it's all pure skill, you know, there was no RPS in these grand finals at all. Yeah, no vigor only. I want to ask a little bit more of a sensitive question, because I know that, like, they may have been a little bit of a difficult comparison, I think, right? Where everyone was always like, we have the world champion dancing Rob, and then perhaps a little bit overlooking you as the senior world champion. How did you feel about that?
Oh, I actually thought it was just fine. I really did not have that much against it, you know, because I kind of just understood that, like in the VGC, you hardly hear anything of the senior players there, right? For example, everybody might have heard of like Wolfie, he's, you know, very well known for even people who don't play VGC, right? But if I asked you to name any kind of senior division VGC player, you'd have no clue probably.
I assume, I don't know how into VTC you are. But yeah, it's kind of just a similar thing. And especially since there were so few people even playing in the senior division for Go, you know, it's not surprising completely. So fair. But I believe like every time after that, when there was like a grassroots competition, where you played against that throw, I think you never lost it, have you?
I've never lost to him before now. I'll come. I'll come. If he's the, the, the master division world champion, you're a senior world champion. I'll come. Like technically he should be on the higher level, right? But that's why they removed age categories. It's just because we're not worse. It's just because it was called senior division, it was less recognized. Right. So, right.
So do you feel that this is, again, I don't know your understanding of the card game or the video game either, but do you think this is true across all of the different leagues that there should, like the senior division isn't a lower skill cap? Or do you think that because there are so many more players, chances are, yeah, maybe there is a little bit of a gap between that.
I have no clue of the other games exactly. I just sometimes watch some videos of VGC just because it's... I still find it a bit interesting, but I'm not really that into it. I couldn't really tell you what people are thinking on the stage when they're playing.
Yeah, I don't know if there's that much of a difference between the seniors and the masters. I just assume that the best seniors could compete against the best masters, but I don't know how much exactly, you know, kind of like the average senior division player would compare to the average master division player. Another question for you. I believe you already had an international championship title to you, right? From the seniors as well? Yeah.
yeah it's not like um it sounds like like yeah kind of it's a title for being the only one there but we'll ignore that part uh yeah i have a title for that that was like easy money wasn't that like you get the full prize right yeah well it was
I mean, not that much. It was a lot for me at the time. It was like 1.5 K, but, you know, compared to the five from this EUIC, you know, it's not that much, but to just be the only one there and then get 1.5 thousand US dollars is pretty not something I'm complaining about. Right. So I would have brought my kids there. That's what everyone says afterwards. You know, you don't at the time that that would have happened. Right.
I didn't know at the time that that was going to happen. So. Yeah. Yeah. I think after this started going on, because we have a Belgian player who is also, I think he's around your age as well, uh, named boom. And we were

Team Strategies and Meta-game Evolution

trying to get him to go to every single, like boom, just show up for an event. Like you will be qualified. You can compete at worlds. You're just as good as these competitors. Like you were saying the skill gap is not different. In fact, if you look at most of the names on that list, I think that there could top
the, I mean, they have been topping the regular division as well. And you kind of proved that right away after winning Worlds for the senior division, you came in to Stuttgart, Germany. And also, yeah, sorry, Martine, picking up that first place finish there to become a regional champion as well, your second gold medal.
Yeah. Third if you count the other, I see. Well, kind of, yeah, I guess. Can you walk us a little bit through your Stood Card Run? As painful as it will be for me. Yeah, so basically there was this winner's finals. No, no, no. I understand that. It was, I think I was planning before they, you know, because I think it was just after a move update, right?
I think until then, I was planning on running a requinit again, because I thought it was still semi-solid, but you know, I think was noctown already started appearing. I don't think lantern was good yet. Did it? Yeah, it was, because Frika used against me. No, but in Stuttgart or before? In Stuttgart.
But did it have served before the move change? Before the move change, like Iraq, when it was still fine, except for the fact that people started bringing Noctowl, you know, even when the wing attack wasn't buffed yet. But then when the wing attack got buffed for the move update, you know, it was like, oh, God, Noctowl is going to be everywhere, which it obviously was.
I think then people were trying to obviously find good stuff against it. So, you know, you always use PVPoke for that. And that's how I came to the Mantine, right? I don't remember all of my battles from Stuttgart. I remember Double Fly or something.
Yeah, yeah, I had Double Steel, Double Flyer, so like Noctowl, Mantine, and Double Steel was, I think at that point, it was still really, really good with, you know, Lickitung and Noctowl. Lickitung wasn't really around anymore afterwards, wasn't it? I think it was for the first few, because people weren't really knowledgeable of the impact of Noctowl, but afterwards Lickitung was...
Yeah, but I think that, I think that double steel worked really well because other than fighters, like Gfisk covers for Trev kind of a bit, you know, it's not good, but it's neutral enough. So there were some teams, even with Medicham lead that you could kind of run ABA steel into with a, like a Reggie Steel Gfisk. So the double steel core was still pretty, pretty strong for me. Um,
And I think I just generally had some other Pokemon that were good against fighters. I think I had like Trev, Medi, and Double Flyer, right? So I had four answers to fighters and two steals. So yeah, I think that was pretty good at the time. I mean, if it was that bad, I probably wouldn't have won, but- I don't know. I was looking at the player list and there wasn't really any competition in that one. No, I mean, I think that you'd- It comes from the woman never.
Well, laughing now, but you know, the next two tournaments that I played Martijn afterwards weren't as nice, weren't they? I think I remember playing Jonkus there as well in Stuttgart, wasn't it? He was there. I'm not sure. Yeah, I may have been on stream. Yeah, I think it was. Yeah. I think it was. And I think it was like my Reggie Steele lock-ons down his Trevenant perfectly. And he, you know, he would have needed the
the DRE to get off the move, but he didn't get it. So, yeah, I remember really liking Reddy's deal back then, but I think now it's just, I don't know why, because it's not even that much different, right? And I mean, their incentives arguably got worse, you know, so I mean, I don't even think that... The GFS got worse just because EQ got nerfed and Annihilape is everywhere as well right now, so...
I mean to be fair, Arceus Aurelius won with the Registeal on his team. True, but how much did he use it? I don't remember. There's not a guy who won with a Registeal.
I don't remember who you were talking about. I think Regity was still good in the things it's supposed to do, but the main thing that Annihilape just wins the Zero Shields, whereas Medicham did not use to its sidekick. I think that's one of the big game changers, because Regity is not as good as a safe switch as it used to be. I think it's just the problem that it's so easy to play around. I wish I had of course. Oh yeah, I wish.
I think it's just easy to play around with how slow it is. You can never beat something and come out with a move, or whenever you throw a move, the opponent can just safe swap for free without being threatened by another move coming in soon.

Interactions with the Pokemon Community

With Wiscash, if you farm up to close before two scolds, it's hard to safe swap into it, because then you're just going to get debuffed maybe 50% chance. Stupid stuff.
Yeah, I think that was one of the other issues. And just a bit like Azu, it loses a lot of two shields, even against things that kind of don't do that much damage with a singular move just because it just gets outpaced, right? So I think that's one of the biggest issues with it right now. Yeah, but would you say Regity was your best spokesman at the time at Stuttgart?
I mean, I would have to say it's probably like Mantine. Really? Yeah, I like Mantine. I didn't think I used it that much in the like the day two bracket, right? Yeah, you didn't use it against me, I think. It was, yeah, I think you had like Dunspass and... I think I had Dunspass and Red. Yeah, I think I was just so scared of the Dunspass being pretty...
pretty neutral or, you know, having like moves against all of my Pokemon except Medi. Yeah, you were kind of disrespecting the Medi. Yeah, but it was just bad, you know, I had Regi and Medi and even though it has drill runs, they didn't two-shot. Because like, yeah, Rollout was still like a bad move back then, wasn't it? It didn't have the damage buffer, I don't think.
Not in Stuttgart, I don't think. No, I don't think so. I'm not sure if it makes a lot of difference. I think it just got roll out then. Yeah. And that's why we're using it. Didn't roll out like get buffed and now then it is one more damage to Reggie. I thought it flipped back. You still lose, though. You still lose. Yeah, well, yeah. I mean, Dunspus sucks. I mean, there's a reason. There's a reason we're not using it anymore. Yeah. Your captain might disagree with you. I think that he was using it quite a bit at that time as well. I think everybody would just laugh at him.
Now, speaking of metas like that, so that was the beginning of a meta. You won a gold medal with that. This was also the first European chance to play in the, quote, new meta that just came out, the World of Wonders meta for Pokรฉmon Go. Do you have a preference over which one you like more when you were building your team of six? This one, a hundred percent. It's so easy, you know.
There's no, there's nothing, you know, that's necessary on teams. Nothing. I mean, you could argue Lickitung, Gligar, or Wiscash, but I didn't have any of those on my team. True. Maybe I think the closest thing to being a must-have might be Cresselia at the moment. Yeah. Or I think not a must-have, but just super good. And I don't know why you wouldn't bring it is Altaria.
because exactly we were talking before how ready steel is not really, really around anymore. There aren't that many ice types. And it's just basically good against everything else. Yeah, I hate it though. As it was kind of dead as well right now. I think we had a small resurgence. No, do we not have it in the top 12 in day one at the USC? I think there was a zero on the very final spot. Yeah, maybe, but
as we saw in the top 32, was there any, I know there was Stone running as who? He may have been the only one. But was, yeah, if he was the only one, yeah, for it to be in the top 12 overall, and then only like once in the top 32, maybe it was more, but if there was more, then they didn't do very well, did they? Yeah, it's just sucks against Leaky, Chris and Lantern, like,
Yeah, yeah. And those three Pokรฉmon are very, very common, right? So if you get like debuffed by a Skuld against Whiskash, it's not great. But then if you don't get debuffed, you know, it's 50%. It's pretty silly, actually. Controversial question time. Who do you think is the best of your team team pizza? You've like
200 members right now? Who's the best? Yeah, so our legends hype elite is Yeah, it's pretty big we have you know, we merge with hidden powers. Well recently it's been a while now, but but yeah before four teams and so we're about 40 people 40 to 50 It's a bit hard to say
Who's the best, right? I mean, it's hard to say that ever, you know, even just generally, who would you consider the best player in the world right now? Other than me, obviously. If you had to send one person to any SC of TMP, who would it be? Only one. And you can say yourself. No, you can, you can. If he's confident, why not? That's what I said, he can say himself.
I mean, this is a bit of a silly question for me because I would send David just because he doesn't go or doesn't have the opportunity to go to that many regionals. Does that mean he's the best? No, does it mean he's the worst? Definitely not. But yeah, I think it's a bit hard to say. I haven't seen Memi play Show 6 that much in Open Great League, but I know he's amazing in GBL, for example.
I know Stan is super consistent. Farid can either do super well or just average. Sorry, Tomahawk. Yeah. I may have heard of him. But yeah, I think it would have to be David right now. Yeah, for me. Yeah, not Colin. Yeah, you're leaving out your two-time regional champ.
Well, I think Colin's done well, like already. He's done well. You're playing a very diplomatic. We're asking you for representation. If you're wanting someone to take home the gold for you, for Danica. And it's going to be a child. Menรฉ is going to be destroyed by David and they're going to be like, oh my God, we just lost to a 16-year-old, whom Martin calls a copium kid.
He does! He sends freaking books after losing a game, man! As much as I like him, don't get me wrong, I do like him. But like, one time he bragged so much against me about winning, I could never lose again to that. No. Ever.
It was great seeing him play at the UIC though, and man, like, the moment he was up against Dumas in a game 3, you could just hear the crowd ready to erupt if he would have won the last one and then deflated so much. Aw, that was such a pain. What I find crazy, sorry, what I would like to say is just... How did nobody know who David was? Like, actually? I was just curious because he has the...
Well, hardly anyone, or like the casters, I don't think you were casting his battles, some of them, but I think like day one against Colin.
They were like, wow, this new David guy, he seems pretty good, right? You know, it was not me. He's reached number one and into boards before, you know, he's got the regional champion t-shirts as well. So it's not like, you know, I don't know. I mean, it may be a little bit tough, especially I think, because I think it was like the very last battle of the day or something. So, you know, I know butter is just like putting up drag of his the whole time looks up trainers

Community Controversies and Fair Play

as well.
If you're casting a couple of bells in a row, you may be even toasted after 10 hours. It's possible you may have missed it. It definitely puts in the effort, but maybe just miss it out, especially if he's not super familiar with GBL players. I can understand that. I just want to say it wasn't me. I know him. He's not a new player by any means.
Yeah, but I just find it a bit kind of, I mean, I would guess it's just from my perspective, right? Because I know who David is.
And then for people to be saying, wow, there's this new battler. He's somewhere you should look out for. It was just a bit weird, but you know. Yeah, no, that's fair. That's fair. I especially think that way about teammates and people. I mean, we have to also remember not everyone, including Martijn has played like solo Silph really. So if people were around from these sorts of days, I mean, I think a lot of people even.
aren't really sure who CCO is. Like someone said, oh, CCO in the chat. And some people were like, who? Like, why would this even be important? And it's like, that's true. It doesn't really even stream much anymore. I mean, the first seasons of Silph is no longer really relevant, I guess. But yeah. Speaking of seasons of stuff, what do you think of Devin? Are you competing in solo competitive PvP stuff now? Or is it really only group at this point?
Absolutely no clue what like Devon really even is. I mean, I'm competing in Battle Frontier, but that's about it. I never really competed in Silph, solo Silph. I think I played like, you know, maybe like four tournaments or something, but I just didn't really have the time and I didn't really think it was worth it with play Pokemon just being like a better show six thing to concentrate on. Um,
Yeah, I just know that some of the Devon Metters are now in Battle Frontier, right? So, yeah. I guess in that sense, I'm playing Devon, but I don't really know anybody who is, or like at least nobody's, you know, kind of said, hey, I'm playing in Devon or anything like that. I know it's a bit of a random thing to simply say, but like you always get some people
your faction for example asking for help in a certain meta if they've kind of got a tournament coming up but just no sight of you know Devon or anything and they never really see any kind of
people bragging on or bragging kind of showing on Twitter, hey, look, I just won this this big Devon Cup. Whereas with self, you'd get that quite often, you know, because it's it was a big thing. Just I haven't heard anything about Devon really. So, you know, speaking of bragging on Twitter, at what point on the leaderboard do you hit that it's acceptable to be posting? Oh, look at me. I'm on the leaderboard.
This is a tough question for me to answer, because for me, it's like I would only do it when I'm top 10. But that's because I've reached number one before. But I can completely see it from a perspective of you've never been on the leaderboard before to say, look, I just hit leaderboard for the first time, right? So yeah, I think
you've hit it before you shouldn't brag about or brag you you can but i wouldn't consider it you know a good achievement if you hit it for a second time but i think like there's always these nice milestones right like hitting it for the first time hitting top 100 then top 50 then top 10 top five and like number one or something so those are always good things and
Yeah. I think instead of leaderboard, maybe yellow, just showing a high yellow is always nice. Like whenever it is in the season, legend posts, it's always a good way to kind of show off a bit and it's kind of a bit less bragging. Obviously it's still a bit of it, you know, it's always a bit when you're kind of showing your achievements, but
Yeah, the format you called luck, right? Yeah, totally. Only luck. That's why I'm hitting number one sometimes. Oh, you only hit number one. We see with all the gold medals. Yeah, only gold. In GBL, I'm the number two specialist, aren't I? All right. Speaking of GBL controversy, what's with you in the Japanese? Are you guys like close or something?

Potential Inclusion of Show 6 Format

uh okay uh or no i've kind of forgotten a bit of that you know it was a bit it was a bit weird i consider like lots of the japanese kind of friends i chat with some of the japanese players sometimes i think they are extremely nice i remember uh having uh dinner with uh katunari and uh wanko in japan and that was that was really enjoyable um
But I was just a bit kind of shocked, surprised to hear that they weren't, you know, like actually coordinating snipes against players high up on the leaderboard, right? Because to me, I always thought, you know, they're good players, they kind of play fairly, or I thought, and that they were just, you know,
nice people and there's they were just friendly and happy and everything and they were just so good that they could always hit number one but if it when it changes you know from being so good from hitting number one or to be able to consistently hit number one to being so good at coordinating snipes and hard countering people you know after they after a friend plays them you know it was just a bit
kind of at once, I was just a bit surprised. And I've heard that it's not only the Japanese, right? I was only making claims or only saying stuff that I have proof of, right? I don't want to accuse people who I haven't seen or heard anything from or about.
But it just happened to be that it was the Japanese I heard stuff from. If it was like the Europeans were sniping people, then I would have made the same claim against Europeans. So it's nothing to do with where they're from. It's just got to do with what I heard. And the principle of, yeah, don't snipe. Yeah, it was kind of just saying, hey, look, this is the awareness you can get if you cheat or do
stupid things that are just kind of unsportsmanship like in the in the game then you know people people will call you out people will you know tell you to stop and won't accept you in the the community as much right we always see always we've seen it you know multiple times with people kind of getting
kicked out, kind of remove, I don't know the right way to phrase it, but kind of disregarded. Yeah. Yeah. Unliked in the community for, for doing bad things. Right. So I, I was kind of just hoping that the fear of that might be enough to stop people from, from just doing these kinds of things. Right. So.
yeah it was it was a hard thing to to do yeah uh i was talking with sorry yeah sorry did that affect your relationship with with them no not at all really you know there were obviously some people who kind of quit gpl a bit i won't specify any any names but i did hear from some people or some you know very few people
that they would kind of stop doing GBL or do it a lot more casually and less hardcore and stuff. But yeah, but before I said everything, I was actually talking to like a lot of people, you know, obviously people who were high up on the leaderboard from various different places. I talked to some people from India, some from the US, some from Europe, you know, so,
There were a lot of people who kind of were. You weren't just making claims to, you know, make excuses for your losses. You seem like you really came about this and it seems like you in general, like you come about things from a very thoughtful manner. You don't want to, you know, be throwing out accusations that probably comes a little bit from your mom being a lawyer. Maybe, but I don't
I don't know where I was on the leaderboard at the time of making that climb. I think it was a new season, wasn't it? The season just ended, didn't it? And somebody shot up way high above the second place person. I think that's how it all started. But yeah, the last thing I want is to
start a random drama it's all wrong and then people are like what's this guy saying is he you know really trustworthy and anything like that you know yeah well it was relevant enough to be my timeline for a few days it definitely that's the that's the awareness i wanted right you know kind of everybody
wants to be in Martine's timeline. Yeah, yeah, we get it, we get it. So on the subject of Go Battle League, but maybe a little bit different, do you think that inside Pokemon Go itself, we will ever have a show six pick three format, or do you think that they're always going to stick with this blind three? Given that it's Niantic, yeah, I think you can see where this is going.
don't think there will be a show six. I would absolutely love it if there was, you know, I think it would really, you know, get people not only, you know, into show six, who kind of already played show six kind of, you know, more into it or
I don't know if they're like Battle Frontier people who never really tried Open Great League Show 6 that might get into it. But I think just anybody who plays GBL, it would just be a completely different thing. And I think it would be really, really cool to have something like that. I mean, to be honest, there's so many different things they could do. That would be pretty nice. Just a practice battle thing where you
where you don't have a limit to how many battles you do and you can just practice against anybody. It doesn't have to be with ELO or with a kind of a matchmaking kind of rating. You don't find the Candela practices fulfilling? Absolutely not, no.
No, I thought about this recently because I also, I've started playing Pokemon Unite and it's kind of fun. But once you hit the master ranking, the top ranking, which is like 1200, once you hit 1400, you can start competing in a completely different format, but it's in-game and it's not every single battle, but it's a draft.
So essentially the six people that you're playing with, uh, you're like banning Pokemon versus the other teams and it's, it's live going on. It takes a little bit longer, but obviously like, I think there's something like that could be implemented for go, but it's like, okay, fine. It's only people who hit.
veteran or expert above. So people who actually care or invested or maybe even just the ones who make it above the 20 wins or whatever, not 20 wins, you know, rank 20, then they could start competing in a show six format. And it doesn't have to be every battle, but it's like, Oh, what is this? And that could be, I don't know. Yeah, yeah, no, I think something like that would be, would be cool. I didn't know
why really you would kind of like lock it to kind of a certain rating. I can understand that, but imagine, I don't know, it's the start of the season and everybody's yellow resets to zero, right? Then nobody can do it for a while as well, which would be it. That's true, that's true.
Do you think it would be like an option, like a show six or a blind three or? Yeah. Yeah. No, I think, I think that would be the most ideal thing, right? I know there were like, I'm not, I'm not sure. I thought that maybe some people were like working on a show six kind of thing, you know, unrelated to kind of GBL, but I really don't know very much.
But I just think it would be a lot better if there was an easier way to do show six rather than having to go online. Because like for me before I really started to play Pokemon Circuit, I didn't really have Discord.

Rematch Scenarios and Tournament Integrity

So I was just playing GBL and I would never have known what show six is if there wasn't like some kind of
in-game news about EYC now is soon or something, for example. So I think it would just kind of, lots of people who don't really
uh, follow social media or just generally use like kind of any social media platforms. It would just really help them get into it and maybe be more interested and then look stuff up and then see, Oh, look, there are these tournaments you can compete in and then go to them. And then, yeah, I think it would just be a lot better for the community if there was, uh, just some kind of option to do show six in the game. Yeah.
Fair. Um, I want to go into the final topic, which is actually the talk we haven't talked about as much, which is obviously the EUIC 2024, right? I want to go a little bit first. Let's go back to 2023. I don't want to interrupt you, Martijn. So this is always the joke before when we had our old podcast before the rebrand, every single episode, we would bring up that inadequate beat Emmy Weedle.
In EU, I said the crowd favorite. No, no, no. He was begging me before. This is not true. Make sure to mention that I beat the senior world. No, no, he never said that. But it just became like the sort of running joke. So how happy were you that Martijn was casting EU? I see. I mean, it depends in what way you
what way I'm happy, you know, I think he he deserved to cast EUIC in terms of for sure, for sure. It's in terms of, you know, a cost being a good caster, right? And I think
You know, he applied to be a caster and I'm happy for him that he, you know, got to be a caster. I think he's one of the, I mean, there's so many good casters, but he's easily, you know, one of the best ones. I know there were, there's still some kind of, you know, level of these are slightly worse casters and these are slightly better casters, but I think they've really been good with their casters recently, but yeah.
I was kind of thinking the same thing of, you know, like, yay, he's not competing, but exactly more as a kind of joking way, you know, he can't beat me again. They won't talk about it forever. Yeah, I wasn't really happy that I didn't have to face him. I kind of found it a bit sad, not really sad. It would have been cool to see him competing as well, you know,
He can lose and then I can laugh at him. No, but if he'd won EUIC, that would have been cool as well, you know, right? So, I mean, he wanted to cast, he got it. He's a good caster. I'm happy to have him castings my battles. Yeah, that's a good way to summarize it, I think.
that's fair that's fair all right now we can proceed yeah go ahead ask your questions so about UIC I think you have you didn't before UIC you didn't have like a great performance for like about a year how did you go with what kind of mindset into the UIC it was about a month ago a month ago that I
made the team. So it was like a long time ago. And I made this team and it was like, yeah, that's pretty good. I'll do some practice with it. I've only ever lost two scrims with it. And I've done, you know, well over like 10 or 15 or something. So like out of all of the 20, 25 battles or matches I've ever done with it, I've only ever lost two.
Uh, one was, uh, Josh, uh, sir Corey. He did. He just hard ABA, RPS me shame. Yeah. The other was to, uh, kazim 33. You probably, oh, you might've heard of him. Uh, yeah, he just, he just outplayed me. Uh,
Yeah, it was sad because I think he would have had a good chance of doing well in the UIC. He didn't do badly, right? He got to his, I don't know, I think he got to the losers finals of his group, right? So he was like just one win short of day two, but
I think if he ever does well in a tournament, it might be a similar situation to David of like, wow, this new person and we haven't really heard of him before, right? Not on me, not on me. That's not how I described him at all when I casted his battle. But I think that, I think there are a lot of, there are a lot of people who do well in GBL and who are good, just haven't had the right luck, for example, or, you know, just a bit unlucky.
But yeah, about the previous tournaments, right? I felt quite good going into Liverpool as well, for example. I thought my team there was pretty solid. And it was annoying because the only people I lost to were from tea and pizza. So. But again, when you have 200 of you. Yeah, exactly. It was like all the tournament, bro.
That's true, that's true. But I mean, to be fair, we were still quite unlucky to be put in the same group as Nezabethan and Tomahawk, right? Those are the two people who ended up beating me. But then as we saw, or as I saw, at least afterwards, I won the cup there, right? Thomas was there. I beat him, you know, just going to add that as well, because why not?
my favorite dutch player is neither of you it's we've got hello yeah i love flinging over the locals too well call anyone who wants to meet through against me that's what i want
It's crazy. We always go on about how to stand and call and keep letting you win all the cups. The fun part is, I sent my team before to Tomah, I say, is this too spicy? And he says, I'll dress up. He said something like, I'll dress up for... No, he said Nellis is cancelled if you win with this. That was the Castform team.
I came into Liverpool with a team I was pretty confident in and it didn't go well. The team was good. I just had a
I don't remember all of the battles. I think Nezabethan's Goliathopod was pretty good against me, or something stupid like that. I had Skeletorge, Cresselia, Azumarill. I only had Wiscash, so I only had Lickitung as my answer, which, yeah, so it didn't go too well, although it's a terrible Pokemon, you know? I agree. I can't believe I lost to it, but it is what it is, right?
But yeah, I think the other one, Stuttgart was just my fault, purely for running a bad team. I was five times weak to charge a bug.
Yeah, I didn't think it was going to be as good as it was.

Emmy's EUIC Journey Recap

Dean Osky was also like five times a week to charge a bug. I'm not saying that obviously. I think he had I think he had a bit more. He had Guzzlode, which is okay. And Claude Sire. Did he also did he also have Licky? I'm not sure.
I can't remember. I just remember looking at that team and being like, this team is so soft to charge a bug, like with only like Claude Sire as an actual hard answer. That's why people ran charge a bug at that time, right? Because it was pretty good as a core breaker. My only answer to charge a bug was also like Claude Sire, right?
Clods had been so easy to cover. Basically, all it took was for Charger, Bug, and Wiscash to be in the same team, and I was like, right, well, I've lost. So that was kind of, I think, the worst tournament I've been to so far ever, just because I just made the complete wrong meta read. That was also right after move update again, wasn't it? Yeah, it was. This last stroke out. Yeah, you want to talk about it as well?
Yeah, I was going to come to it, but, you know, I lost to this very weird looking guy again, you know, the one who I beat and still got two years ago. No, no. Damn, Shadow Magnezone, right? Yeah. It was a good team that he made against mine. Well, it wasn't specifically against mine. It was exactly for your team.
No, no, no, no, no. It was well-designed to beat a team like mine because I was like, my two answers to Magnezone were Medi and Swamper, which are pretty good answers. But then he has, like, Superior, Pelipper, and it's like, well, can I bring Swamper into a Superior Pelipper team? And Medicham against, like, Sableye, Pelipper,
Even against superior, it's not the best right. Then I think he might have had like a Medi Slayer Medi or something. I do. Not sure. Yeah, there you go.
I remember just it coming down to him having dynamic punch. And of course he had it, but I think it was like the better move at the time. So it's not like, you know, he had like a spicy move set to beat me, right? It was not even open team sheets then yet. So. Oh yeah, that's true. So yeah, I remember running Lickertung with Reggie still in the back and thinking, right, if I lead against Medi, then that's good because Lickertung can do stuff in the twos. And then the Reggie in the back can do pretty well.
Um, but he ended up baiting out like my A9 or something. I don't remember the exact game, but basically he swept me with the dynamic punch medi in the end. So yeah, it wasn't, it wasn't the greatest. But EYC.
Yeah, I see. Not bad runs, but not so stellar runs. Not bad, you know. But your confidence level going into EUIC was like, I know I'm a good player. I'm basically top of the GBL leaderboard once again. I have this unbeatable team that's only getting wrecked by ABA. I'm going to win EUIC.
Oh, yeah, kind of. That's what I thought until I went into my first match, at least anyway. I think that's something that would be interesting to bring up as well, is I was going to lose my first match, just of the tournament. It was like Altari against Sableye and he had like a full health annihilate in the back and I had a full health A-slash in the back.
And it was basically, I was farming down the Sable Eye. We both had no shields left. And they were trying to get to the power gem just in time, right? But in the middle of the eighth Shadow Claw, they kind of panicked and used the foul play. They weren't sure they were going to reach it. They survived with one HP and got to the foul play because they panicked and didn't press the power gem.
Yeah, and that ended up letting me survive the foul play and get off a Sky Attack and then win. And I just would have lost if they just went for the power gem. They just committed. So it's a bit weird to say the hardest match of the whole tournament was the first one. I just want to point out that in every good tournament run, there's always someone throws, even in mine.
It basically comes down to who makes the least amount of throws. You just gotta take them, even though sometimes they don't feel as legitimate as just outplaying. I think Stan said the same thing to me afterwards, like, yeah, that's why we make it today, too, and they don't. It's because we just don't make those kind of mistakes. Yeah, exactly. That's exactly how it went. Remember, Maxi against me in Utrecht? Horrible play, but it happens. He's a great player.
yeah you know it comes down to who doesn't make those mistakes so you should just take yeah there's nothing to you know feel iffy about there something something else about EUIC like iffy things is I just remember
Logan's like spammed me with a bunch of messages about about our our third game it was but it really got me thinking as well because it was like uh i don't know if you remember but he miscounted on the crocellia and then we were both in like a bunch of calculations you know
If he had counted properly, would he have won? And it was just all kind of crazy, weird things. But yeah, he would have won if he hadn't miscounted. If he had thrown the night slash there, it would have caved like exactly so.
Because he was going for the charge attack priority, I believe, but you were one psycho cut ahead of what he thought it was. Yes. But you guys put in your specific IVs is what you're saying to see if it would have been enough to knock out the Cresselia. Yeah, because he had like a super high attack annihilate, right? So it gets like a break point against Cresselia and everything.
But I just, I didn't even think I was in night slash range there when I got that second grass knot, but apparently, apparently I was. So, you know, there's another thing that if he had just counted correctly, if he had just not, you know, I don't know if he'd just forgot or didn't see it, or if he'd just not lost track of the energy, he just would have won there as well, so.
But that's another high level player. I mean, like with all the swaps, everyone does keeping track of the exact energy that things are on. I mean, that can be definitely difficult, especially in the late game. But he also said it himself. He needed that to knock out because he needed the energy for the Pokemon in the back as well. So it's like on another Cresselia, perhaps it wouldn't have knocked out and stuff too. So I mean, there's still so much up for chance.
Yeah, about the swapping out and keeping energy. I don't know if anybody at all saw it. It's not that bad if they didn't. I bring some paper to the tournaments. I know that these people who write down a PV poke matrix and then choose their teams based on that.
or like take a bunch of notes during the game. The only thing that I take notes on is when the opponent swaps out with energy, how much did they swap out with, right? Because exactly as you said, it's really, really hard to keep track of energy when they swap out, right? Because you always need to keep it in the back of your mind and it's really easy to forget. So yeah.
That's really smart. I should have that. Tips from people who are actually taking notes. It's like, what are they writing down half the time? Yeah, yeah. I write a lot less than most people do, so I don't think I wrote down anything until like day three, because I just never needed to. Speaking of day three and iffy situations,
You had one more kind of iffy situation, but I really think that wasn't on you. That was just on the game. With the leads, you had a really good lead. And then the game was the game. Yeah.
I would just like to thank him because he didn't notice it when it was happening, right? Because it's hard to see with dragon breaths or just generally sometimes with one-turn fast moves, the animations are just a bit wrong. But yeah, I was having like two-turn dragon breaths and everything.
We agreed to do same teams, but for obvious reasons, I was scared as hell that he would change his team and start leading Skarmory. And I can not do anything about it because he's technically out to change his team between rounds when there's a rematch, right? But he did do the same team and I'm really grateful for that. It's just nice seeing that
you know, they're good players who don't accept kind of like cheeky ways to cheat the system to take a win, right? I think Dunbug has grown so much as a player, a person and like, I think for himself as well, if he was to win, he wanted to win
on skill and not on like having to trick his way to get to that point. I actually talked about him. I talked to him about it. Because I also told him I think, like, like he said, yeah, I think was the right thing to do, which I definitely agree on. Because the thing is, if you don't, and you're like on stream, and everyone sees that, you don't get away with that.
He has experienced it already before. Well, they didn't know that it was going to be the same teams. No, of course. But if you were to lead the Altair into Wishcache, and everyone who's watching the stream sees that you are lagging, you tell them that, and it's going to be a rematch, an obvious one, because both of you are top-lefting. We see that on the stream.

Emmy's Future Plans and Strategies

And then he changes his lead It would not look very clean to towards him because you had such a good lead that he was in a commanding spot And it's the freaking grand finals Right that that would yeah, it would be tough on him It will be very tough and he knows he has experienced something like that before I don't think he wants to get into a particular situation like that, right? No, no, I I see but
Yeah, there are some people, I don't want to say any names, of course, for very oblivious reasons. But I have heard, you know, people who do exactly that, you know. Yeah, it's a little bit scary off stream, maybe, but on stream, most people read it.
I know it happened to somebody that I know one stream as well, not in the exact same way. It was kind of a similar thing. I don't want to get into the details of it in case anybody recognizes anything. But yeah, it was not nice because he was going to win. Then he lagged. And then they did this rematch and they agreed on something. They both stuck to their agreement, but they kind of
It was maybe not the best agreement, but it was just a bit silly what happened afterwards. So yeah, it was a bit really annoying for the person that it happened to, obviously, because he was going to win. Yeah, that's hard. I mean, I think there's so many things that
I say it like almost every episode too, but Pokemon Go is in its infancy stage, and while I am super thankful for all of the refs and judges and everything, I think everyone's trying their best at this point. But there are no deaf wins in the game, which sometimes I do think
they theoretically should be awarded. Like if something is supposed to win charge tech priority and it doesn't, I mean, it's up to the player themselves to be like, okay, no, you can have the win. But I think in the moment that's so hard for people to do. I have seen that happen as well, but that's not common. If people get a chance to rematch a game that they were going to lose nine times out of 10, I think that they would take that rematch.
And, you know, just things like that too. It's like, or maybe not quite knowing a mechanic or sometimes, I mean, people can watch a stream and say, no, I think that should have been a rematch, but the judges don't think it is. And they definitely have the reasons for it. And the reasons are following the guidelines. So things, things will continue to change as the game continues to grow.
What I think would be appreciated, or at least by me and I assume some other players, is whenever there is a dispute like this on stream, if they were to afterwards have an exact judges' reports on why they gave the rematch and firstly, what happens and what could have happened if it didn't happen, how it changed the game, just anything like that would be really helpful.
just, you know, so we get kind of an insight on what's going through the judges' heads when they kind of making these decisions, right? So. Yeah. No, I think that would be good. And like I said, like maybe we'll end up getting things like that in the future. Yeah. I mean, like even for people who want to be judges, like they have to take the exam off of the card game. There's no like go related judging thing yet. So, I mean,
Surely, as Pokรฉmon Go continues to gain some followers and some respect to more players, they will have to start, you know, starting to bend it a little bit more to the Pokรฉmon Go players.
I think that's also where the rematch rules come from, right? Because I think it's in the VGC or something, when there's an issue, it's just a rematch. And I guess when they made the Pokemon Go rules, they were like, well, what are we going to do? Let's just take that rule. If there's something wrong with the game, we just do a rematch.
But also I can understand like, if a judge is relatively new, and I know there's arguments against this as well, but I mean, we can't have tournaments if we don't have judges. I don't know how comfortable some judges would feel making a call for a deaf win on something that they, so then that's not fair either. It's like, okay, but then we don't get deaf wins unless we have this judge or so, I mean,
I think, because I don't know if you played gym breakers, I know Martijn maybe, I don't know if he's doing any right now. Yeah, he just lost my battle actually. Yeah, right before that. Bad timing, weirdo, bad timing. In gym breakers, we're kind of pretty easy when it comes to deaf wins. We kind of just
do it from, like, quite a simple perspective of, right, if they hadn't lagged, would they have won? Yes or no. But I remember, like, in self, it needed to be, like, completely obviously a death win. So, like,
was my Altaria against your Whiz Cash and then I lagged out that's a death win or I lost CMP that I should have won that's a death win or like I lost I didn't sneak a move I got denied and I would have won CMP then that's a death win but like anything else
Like if I if you lost a move early in the game that would have made you end up winning closer to the end I don't even think you get a re sorry a deaf win because it would have liked the rest of the game would have played differently or something or they just They really only gave deaf wins when it was Just the end of the game glaringly obviously yeah, okay. Yeah so uh
I think if the play Pokemon did it a bit more like Silph did it, then there would not be much to complain about. Because it's just like a simple straightforward thing of, right, if it was just super obviously a deaf win, and it was like the final match up and something bad happened, then they should be able to give it. But I still do see that it's hard to be able to say, right, well, when is it one of those cases? And when is it when is it not? Because
Like in the VUGC, you can probably have like quite easy, simple list of scenarios, right? Kind of like the game crashed or, uh, I don't know. It didn't let me click and move. I don't know if that's ever a bug, but in Pokemon Go, there's so many different small things that can go wrong. Yeah, it's a bit hard to list when is something, you know,
big enough to be able to be a deaf wind or anything really. All I'm saying is we got to maintain a positive outlook on it. I am hopeful that things will continue to get cooler as we get more people involved. Yeah, yeah, we do.

Podcast Reflections and Future Aspirations

All right, shall we add into our final question?
Yeah, but just before that final, final question, I do have a question. You beat Martijn at Stuttgart to become the regional champion. He beat you to knock you out of EUIC, a couple other regional competitions. You both are regional champions. You just won EUIC World Champion. Who do you think would win in a battle between the two of you? I love how both me and, I mean, we do are like, here we go again.
I don't know, man. I think he's pretty good, especially after seeing UIC. I mean, it's... I always enjoy these questions of who would win, but what teams are we using? Magnezone. He's going to use any Magnezone team. Well, I mean, let's say I say he's using Paula's team from UIC, and you use your team from UIC. Okay. His Magnezone is pretty bad against my Skeleturge, isn't it?
Do I not have like a... I don't even know what... I remember what I... Probably I wish, guys, right? I actually do have a team prepared for the next tournament that I play. Yeah. Leak it. Leak it. I will say one thing. It has guerotine on it. I need guerotine up to be in a... Wait, that's the only reason you're doing it, so it will...
Yeah. But you know it's only going to be in a special research if you win NAIC. Yeah, exactly. Could you be difficult? That's your next tournament. Look at the place it's in, bro. I'm kidding. Probably won't be easy. It's not good. It's not good. Yeah, no, I agree with you. But that's one of my things. So maybe it's not good, but it won't work. Yeah, so Polashe does have Wiscash, but that's the only, that's the only Skeleturge answer.
Right, so I just get it. I like that. I just get it. I like easy. Well, we do have some neutral answers as well, like Altaria or... Yeah, that's it. I want scrimmed against her and she said, oh, God, no. Yeah, that didn't go super well for her when I had a Skeleton on my team.
There you go. So is that an acceptable answer? Yeah, that's fair. We'll let that slide. And then we'll slide right into our final question, which is on a similar subject, but maybe not between you two. So we always end this podcast with the question of who in the community do you think is a crebrawler? And this is someone who is maybe not super well known within PVP, but you think that they're really, really good and probably going to make a name for themselves. I joke around and say David, but you know.
And then, who do you think is a champion? This is someone who's, you know, probably already qualified for Worlds, and you think probably has a good shot of winning Worlds. Or NAIC. And you can say yourself, but you've been pretty humble so far. I think somebody that should be considered as a Crabrula,
I don't know how serious they're kind of playing the game or how much, how into it they're getting, but Colin's brother, I know, has done some tournaments, has been doing pretty well. I wouldn't be surprised if at some point in the future, you know,
he could he could really make a name for himself and compete you know with Colin that would that would be cool have a Colin brother grand finals right yeah you see another Dutch man that's better than Martijn yeah uh someone who is like a champion
I really want to say Wadaaj, but he's not in the game anymore, you know? It's so sad. He told me he was gonna play. In London, he told me he was gonna play Worlds. At Worlds? Yeah. Yeah, okay. That's my answer, Wadaaj, yeah. But I haven't seen him play for a while. I really hope he gets back into it. Yeah. You know, just like tired people, they always come back after a while. Apparently, like, washed-up players can do really well. Look at Sanadu.
I mean, yeah, it's funny though, like one of the players that has been out of it for a while, plays the tournament again, gets to talk to me pretty crazy. Yeah, but he's been playing quite a few this season and he's always like done relatively decent, at least this, I mean, because what did he play? In Utrecht. Yeah, he played and he got day two. Didn't he? Because he lost to EJ, I think, also because he miscounted. Oh, yeah, it happens. Yeah, no, he had a fantastic run though.
Yeah, yeah. But yeah. Well, thank you so much for being on. Thanks for making time right after your big, big run. Are you competing in any others this season? Are we keeping our eye out for you or just seeing you in the world? I'm definitely not coming to NRC, I can tell you. The Americans are still... We need to get out of the Europeans! If you pay for everything... What? You got a trouble of more than that? Well, you don't tell your niggas yet, but you definitely have the prize money. Yeah.
I don't have time. I'm not around then. We're still seeing about potential Stockholm or Bologna. We had Stockholm booked, but we don't need to go anymore. It costs a lot. Is it worth it?
I would obviously like to go. Are you competing for the, so you're not competing for the travel award then? I am, but I'm probably going to compete for it by just doing two more cups. I've still got two more cups left to gain points. I've got points from four of them already. And that would take me to just, just under a thousand points, which I am hoping, well, assuming I win both of them. And I hope that that's enough for the travel awards.
You know, 980 points. I guess we'll see. As long as, you know, you doesn't like top eight at NAIC. I don't know anyone going there that has that capability, so. I think my time, if he does well at NAIC, which I can imagine, he will probably get the travel award then.
I don't think too many people are going to NAIC, which works out well for me. Still waiting for the leaderboard to update. I know it will take a while, right? It takes a long time to gather all the data. But yeah, I'm hoping two cups are enough.
I'm hoping I can maybe go to Bologna or Stockholm, but we'll see. Just depends on what my family wants to do. Nice little vacation to Italy. Yeah. Well, you say vacation, but we're just going to be there for the weekend and then go back immediately afterwards. I don't have time for everything. I know the feeling. Yeah. Speaking of your family, tell your mom hi for me. And for me.
and uh yeah for next move we'll be back next week for the next episode of tap tap cast on thursdays bye everyone