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E18 // BOEM(20) shakes the ROOM(...20)!!! image

E18 // BOEM(20) shakes the ROOM(...20)!!!

S2 E18 · Tap Tap Cast
119 Plays4 months ago

Join us on the Tap Tap Cast, where apparently a new season means a variety of NEW face and winners! This week we chat with Boem20, who won the Lille regional, the very first official tournament he's every played in! The crew talk about Boem's notoriety in the grassroots scene, his thoughts on how the meta is evolving and the differences between the Dutch and Flemish language.  

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Amanda //  
Martijn //
Boem20 //


Introduction & Special Guest

Welcome into Tap Tap Cast, the PVP for Pokemon Go Podcast, following mostly, you know, that really special circuit. And we have a very special guest for this episode. Why don't you tell us all about him, Martijn? He played his first championship this weekend, and he won it immediately. That was crazy, mind-blowing, and he did it with a boom.
His name, by the way, is also Boom20. Welcome in Boom. How are you doing? Thank you. Thank you very much for having me. ah um'm doing I'm doing fine. I'm getting recovering a bit because I didn't have a lot of sleep during the weekend. But at this point, I've recovered and I'm feeling great. Back to the normal life.

Boom20's Pokemon Go Journey

Well, for those who maybe don't know you, could you give a little introductions? Because, yeah, this was your very first tournament for Pokemon Go. I mean, but obviously even kind of known within this grassroots circuit. ah Yeah, I have been playing GBL since season six, I think. First time legend season eight.
and I've been playing a show six victory like self mainly around that time. I think I started around season eight. It was ah not the last season, but the one before that I played pretty heavily. I think I played the entire year and I ended the top 25 on the leaderboard. So I have quite a lot of a show six experience even before my ah I first played Pokemon tournament and I've also been playing factions for a long time. I started out with the Belgian Smurfs. Oh, yeah. And then ah around a year ago, I joined Pogoats. I see, yeah. Amanda, you can cheer, but if we're really Belgian here, we'd be speaking Dutch right now.
and How did you actually like get into Pokemon Go and Pokemon Go PvP specifically? So Pokemon Go, as most people, ah I started in 2016 although it was mainly my my dad that actually made the account and then I played on his phone because at that point I was 10 years old so I didn't have a phone so I just ah sometimes played on his phone ah yeah and ah but then also like most people I took like a break for two three years I think I played like most summer vacations I played a bit but apart from that not a lot and then
Like I said, around season six, I think it's 2021 or twenty two end of 2020. Yeah, I started playing PvP. I liked it a lot. And I watched some some YouTube content. And obviously, the first season wasn't amazing. I think I got to high veteran, but don't think I reached expert. And then, ah yeah, the the next season, i I did manage to hit expert. And then the season after, I hit legend.
so I think that's really cool. Like that. It's not like you just started out because of course when you come onto the scene now for a lot of people don't know you, it looks like this flawless gameplay that you just, you know, came poof out of thin air. But really you were saying from the beginning, you know, I wasn't the greatest. It even took me a couple of seasons to even hit that highest rank. But I think from that point on, you haven't really looked back because you've been topping leaderboards and go battle league.

Achievements and Future Plans

You've been topping leaderboards.
ah when Silph was around, I remember when Silph was a thing, you know, you could click by the country, so you could see like the ranking order of, you know, how good players were. Because it was always like a joke, because Belgium is quite a small country, but we had ah a decent amount of good players. And all of a sudden, it's just like, boom 20. Who is boom 20? Yeah, I remember because I think I actually started the the last meta of the third season. So obviously,
I was low on the leaderboards, but then like my first meta, I think I ah actually swept the tournament 7-0 before I even hit legend. And ah I think that's when you or or Spleen or Count Sivius actually invited me to the Belgian team for Gym Breakers. And yeah, I've been playing that as well since since then. So was it like like a regional tournament that Silv had? like did Did Belgium also have one of those?
ah Yeah, Belgium did, but that the third season I wasn't invited because I think I didn't even start before the invites were sent. So I didn't play that. And then the season after where I did try out the entire season, I think I couldn't play at that moment. So that was unfortunate. So I never really played a regional and for myself.
Yeah, you know, this is literally the the life story of so far of boom joining a team, you know, because we we had them on the smurfs for quite a bit. We have them still on the gym breakers team. But when the play Pokemon circuit came about, you know, there was like, Leo, there was so many close by, and we we're like, Hey, boom, come to especially the special ah very first year.
where i'm i'm not throwing shade at the there was just not enough players who were under seven or eighteen years old yeah so so it's kind of like if you even just showed up to a competition chances are like you could maybe get an invite to something higher yeah stages and we're all like boom just show up and it it was free money but i did i did actually uh talk to my parents about it. But unfortunately that weekend, they were not home. And I was 16 years old and they didn't let me go on my own, which is kind of understandable. But yeah, it's unfortunate I couldn't go because I think PVP David was the only other person that showed up there like in the age bracket. So we both would have had ah an invite for sure. One of us a travel award and offer some free money. So it was definitely worth it to go. But like I said, I couldn't go unfortunately.
Yeah, know for sure. um I mean, you're not exactly short on wins now either, right? i was so How your future competition looking like? You you just swept Leo, right? There's a lot of potential that many players see. I think I said the the line, um if you don't know Boom yet, you will know him now, like 10 times or something. on Yeah, I think I've understood it a couple of times as well.
oh Are we going to see you more often? Utrecht maybe? EYC? Honestly, i've I've nothing planned for now, but I will look into it because obviously I want to continue this streak if possible. But no, I've not nothing planned at this point. I'm looking into Stuttgart maybe. But the the difficult thing is with the with the studies, I think Utrecht is in me. And it's like right before my exam. So it's a tough one, even though it's pretty easy to get to. ah But yeah, like I said, I have to have to look into which regionals I can actually go and which ones are I don't have. Can't confirm anything right now, unfortunately. Yeah, that makes that makes sense. i'm Just circling back to participating in LEO. How did you and I want to go a little bit more in depth on like how you felt about it, like,
the the team that you brought the practice that you did how did you feel like going to start into this tournament and when you see the matchups that you're looking into I bet like you heard a couple times oh you're not seated you're gonna have a difficult time there yeah I you know ah the main reason I went was not actually to do super well, I just, okay, nevermind. This was an accident. It was just a fluke. No, I wanted to meet some people I felt like I had to at this point, right? I've been playing for so long and I've barely met anyone in real life. But yeah, I know I wasn't seated, so I just accepted the fact that I would have to

Tournament Experiences and Strategies

You probably faced some top opponents, but I mean, if you want to make it far, you have to face top opponents anyway. So, but like I said, my my main goal wasn't really the the tournament itself, but yeah, I practiced quite a lot in in your ah server, tried some different teams. a And the yeah, I was pretty sold on the Melmar and Drapien really early on. ah But then like Dortmund and Lewisfield happened and like everyone started using it and preparing for it because it was top meta all of a sudden. And then they had some difficulties trying to find the team. And then actually just the Friday evening we were eating with some other Smurfs and a nickname joined us.
And he helped me out with the final touches of the team, ah suggesting me to to switch out the dugong for the Dunsparce because my team was way too soft to opposing Eriados. And I think it was actually a great switch. Even though i I didn't use it a lot, I feel like just the pressure it it brought on the four opponents, I think it did great.
Yeah. Yeah. I think you went through a lot of renditions of a team because I remember you were brainstorming and I think there was like a, a good score on your team at one point. And then you're like, Oh, I'm not going to bring Malamar even though. I mean, a lot of people don't know this, but you were like a huge Malamar user and fan before it even got the side wave buff. So we're like, boom, why aren't you bringing Malamar? Like this is your signature pick.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. So like after Luis Phil, I did some some practice tournaments and it didn't go super well. So I was like, I need to to find something new, but I tried Shadow Gligar with the Furecutter. That's what it was. Yeah. To break the Malamar Marat core. But I mean, it didn't really work out because like it was super disappointing in in most matchups. Furecutter did like no damage into anything.
So I dropped it because I just brought back the moments I felt comfortable with. And then I came ah came up with the, I realized that a lot of teams were with the Quacksire, mainly the Lyle Jeffs team. And even though people were using Ariados instead of Toxapex, like still, it was a clear weakness to Quacksire. And I think ah that read really helped me this tournament using the Ariados and the Quacksire. What was, this is a two-parter.
First off, what do you think you're, in your opinion, the MVP of your team? I've got to say, every of those, I think I brought nearly every game. i There were only a few matchups where it it wasn't like the best one on my team. ah Yeah, and I think ah as a close second, it's probably Quack, Siren, Drapian, those two, they all just are really, really saving to most teams. So I managed to bring them a lot. and Yeah, it worked out. We noticed. um So in the, what I noticed in the semi last battle of the grand finals and the last battle, did you know that that quack sire on the safe switch would beat the Ariados in the twos if it went straight through all this? I didn't until Friday evening when I tested out my team against Nickname just to like test if if it was too soft to Ariados and then I know this because he
So I just wanted to make sure, like face a good, a really good player like Nickname ah to test out if like, if he completely destroys me with Ariados, I know it's it's way too, too annoying for my team. And he did. But in one game, he did like the same I did against Colin Sase, which is quite sire. And I noticed he could farm me down. So I didn't know it at that point that most likely and I would be able to do so also because I saw that Colin won CMP against Polasha's Eredos, and Polasha won CMP against mine, so that probably meant he had a pretty attack-weighted one, so I was banking on the fact that that would be possible, and Colin himself even told me he didn't know that that was possible. ah Like the first time, the second time, obviously he did, because I did the same thing the game after. He still fell for it, though. Yeah, but at least at that point he switched out.
Yeah, ah that would definitely clutch those last two games probably for me. Yeah, I felt like there was a pith to moments in that grand finals where you're like, I thought like you figured it out in the moment that you're like, wait, if I say switch Quackstar, you go straight triplet. I just farm down in twos.
And then you just did too that was like it I felt like just like a strategy he would not be able to overcome just because if he didn't get like, um you know, I felt like if you just lead strong into Quackstire and then say switch your Ariadose, you would never be able to have a a really reliable answer into your Quackstire say switch, right? Yeah, exactly. ah I think I ah I didn't practice you sometimes quack-style save switch, but I really didn't like it against the zoom rail because ah zoom rail can tank to stone edge and get the two moves. ah But I was noticing Colin really was not bringing me as a zoom rail at all. So I felt like the quack-style save switch, especially in that grand finals reset, definitely was the play. And I probably did it too late. I probably should have been using it earlier. but
Yeah. let Let's actually build up to that. Because while we're on the subject of Lille, we got to see a couple of your games day one. But day one, you didn't drop a single battle. So you two owede you you boom two-oed all of your ah opponents there. Walk us through who you played against and kind of your thoughts going into this first tournament. Because, because yeah, like inadequate said, you were not seeded. And since this tournament is put in a way that higher level players or player players who have been playing more ah usually play against newer opponents or people who haven't gained as many championship points. So you had a pretty hard run from the very beginning of the tournament, I would say. Yeah, I obviously had to play an extra round because I was not seated. and So my first round I not played against Claudia FPS, I think the name was.
And her team was pretty weak into against Dunsparce. So that was a pretty, and Malamar as well, so that was a pretty comfortable matchup for me, allowing me to do out there. And then I faced Dana, www, who is obviously really, really good. and That was probably the one I was most afraid of in the group, apart from any Weedle, of course.
But yeah, he had a team with Toxapex, Diggersby, have some other stuff. I don't remember exactly, but my Malamar was super strong to that, especially since I had the breakpoint. So yeah, that was just such ah such a good matchup for me that it also wasn't much difficulties. And then I played against Taimon Cash, I think, and he had the Pangoro, which was annoying, but a game too, I think. I read him perfectly. I managed to...
aligned the Azu onto the Bangoro in the end. He had two shields. That's a good feeling, I'm sure. Yeah, yay who was saving the shields for the Bangoro, and then I just aligned the Azu onto it. And I said, like, GG. And he was laughing as well. Like, yeah, not a lot I can do there. but And then I played against Chun on stream and and Michael Shiny on stream. But I was very happy. I ah i managed to dodge Ami Weidl in the finals.
I mean, I would have liked to see him go far as well because ah we've been in touch as well. He's helped me with practice ah a couple of times, but ah for my own sake, i was I was happy. I did not have to face him in the finals. Who was the one you feared the most in tournaments?
ah definitely Colin. Colin, so tactical because he he just absolutely clapped me in a practice tournament. I'm still traumatized. okay I think he is now. yeah no it And then after day one, when I saw the teams, I was most afraid of Logan Rockets because the matchup really seemed impossible. But yeah, and in the end, I faced like all three of those, but I managed to come out on top. So I was really happy with it. The Magnezone was... ah What do you think of the Magnezone? I thought it was an insanely good read. Like there's always one ground type, but the other five are usually weak. I think his team was insanely smart. I think he probably had the... I would say the best team in the entire tournament. The most clever team at least.
because like with a chestnot and the and so ah he had some other counters to ground types. I think my Quaxire was okay purely because it's the most flexible ground type. I think he had more counters for K-Wax compared to the Quaxire.
ah But yeah, i ah after day one, ah so I went to the socials obviously, and but right before I went to to sleep I rewatched his battles on stream and I noticed he he wasn't bringing it. so I just made a hard call that he's mainly using it as bench presser, trying to bait out the Magnezone counters and then just countering those. And it worked because I went ABA three times to the Magnezone and he only brought the game one. Yeah, that was ah I think that was probably my my best call of the tournament because that was definitely the the most difficult matchup I had.
Yeah, I think everyone was, ah I was laughing with a Tomahawk about it because you guys were chatting and the and Tomahawk said, Hey, could you just knock Lurgan down to the loser side of the bracket because then I'm not going to have to face him because I'm going to be so technical, you know, and then, ah and then he ended up losing the technical and you want, so he had to face Lurgan anyway. So he was like, Oh, the plan did not go according to my actual plan here.
But so yeah yeah, you went through, I mean, you I think you you didn't lose very many matches until the first set of the grand finals where Colin ah was able to flip the bracket against you. yeah How were you feeling at that moment? Like I had to imagine that your confidence was fairly high. you You surpassed already the expectations that you wanted to for the tournament. But obviously when you're in the grand finals, then you're like, well, yeah, I got to do it. I got to win. Yeah.
No, it might be weird, but the grand finals was probably the moment I felt most comfortable ah before the reset and also after the reset. I know I just i was just really happy to so already be there. And I knew Colin was it's insanely good. like No shame to losing to him. But I just knew I had a decent matchup. The matchup was probably my favor. So I just ah tried my best and ah it worked out in the in the reset.
Yeah, it probably helped that you beat Paula with the same team just ah a little bit before that, right? So you're like, okay, no, I can do this. Yeah, but it was it was interesting because I feel like both played it really difficult. Palasha was a really relying on the Kewak and the Azu while ah Colin mainly brought the Malamar also a lot instead of the Azu. and Personally, I found it way harder to predict the ah Colin is lines and then when I did because I let the I used the Dunsparce once and I let it into the area dose but I still lost because Melmar just It was shielded through my Azu and then I had to switch and then and did the Dunsparce was on the K-Wax so Did not work out ah But yeah, I kind of realized as well that the Melmar was actually way better than I was originally thinking so that's why I used it as and myself in the in the reset and
did did shop I think I used the same team three times in a row. I lost the first one because my Malamar was too attack-weighted, so I won the CMP. But that because of that, my Malamar was debuffed, so so his super power killed. But yeah, I realized that that team was really strong, and I had played to basically everything, so I just ran it three times in a row then.
We have a lot of pokeballs there. what What do you think actually of the meta or how it has developed? Because it turns into like a Claude Seiffer alligator show into what I call the spider season. Yeah, I think and less people are really going to try and counter the

Current Meta and Gameplay

spider. I think this meta was really, really healthy and because spider just is is really neutral. And the thing was, I was like looking into countering it because I knew a lot of people would bring it. but the Most of its counters are really more on the RPS side, like the Alolan Sandslash, like the Skarmory. I mean, Skarmory was actually pretty neutral, surprisingly, in this tournament, because like electric types don't exist. But yeah, I think... you're you know ah Oh, boy. Yeah, that's why I had the Dunspars, obviously, too. For all the Giratina that I was going to finish. No, I think the meta was really, really good. I think it was...
really dominated by energy management. I think like every matchup, I had a lot of options. It's not like, oh, those three are clearly my best. I cannot use anything else. Yeah, I really like the meta. Yeah.
I feel like it's, I have mixed feelings about it. So the positive is, I feel like there's very little Oracle RPS, right? There's not really matchups where you're like, oh, I'm stuck in this, I lose this 100%. On the other hand, you know what I do miss?
Like a blast burn from Charizard or something. yeah It's just lunch and it does 20 to 30 percent. um And it's also not a bad thing per se, right? it's Because you don't have a lot of baiting or debuff things right now. Especially, like, I cannot express enough how much I dislike the Digger's Bee that's bulky and like scorching sand, 30 percent chance with other hundreds of his he's gonna throw. um I totally lost where I wanted to go with this, actually.
Well, that's kind of ah a thing that I feel like that we kind of miss in this meta. Now I remember where I want to go. How do you feel about that? if you'll lose It's impossible to lose like an Azuma in my opinion. And you know why? If you lead into Aridos, you switch out. Aridos is so quick with getting to an attack and launch you that you're debuffed to your next matchup and it just looks hopeless. How do you feel about that?
this is a thing now with Ariados being so popular. Yeah, Ariados, it's really yeah really hard to lead weak into it because unless you have a Drapian in the back.
They just, like you said, lunge and switch. ah But that's why like every time I did lead week into it, because I think I beat Colin leading ASU into Aeridose, I just need to have the draping in the back because then I'll base you the Aqua Tail and at least do like half its HP and then its Ice Beam range. So then it's doable for later. ah But yeah, it's, ah you know, the Aeridose, it reminds me a bit of the Lickitung, right? Chip and and dip, ah and then bringing your own ah arios I feel like you did that a lot, but I felt like that was one of the only ways to like deal with it because yeah the Airdos with the most HP usually wins it unless the other has a crazy energy lead. That's usually not the case. Yeah, I remember in the matchup that you had against Paula, you had the really good play of where you had like you were one poison sting away from an Aqua Tail, so she had to throw an attack to take out the Dropion.
And then you had to cleared your lunge deep left on your Ariados and you ended up knocking her out with your own lunch. But it's like, it's so hard to tell at that range, even like if that would have been enough to knock out. I was thinking she obviously, cause she won a charge attack priority against you. I was like, she must have a pretty attack weighted one. And so maybe that's why she didn't have the bulk to serve because I think if she would have had the bulk to survive it, then you obviously would have lost cause she was also very close to getting her own lunch. Yeah, that was ah that was really close. But I think that same game, she caught an Aqua Tail on her K-Wet. I was like, I've been waiting a turn like the entire tournament. So I was expecting her to wait a turn and then switch. So I just threw it immediately. But clearly, it didn't work. I was overthinking it. But yeah, that was ah my only hope right here recently, the debuff. I think that this, not even this meta, but this whole new like 50-second timer as well,
really plays into your play style specifically because if anyone has played against you in the past or knows like your picks, you pick really interesting Pokemon that don't have a lot of bulk to it normally. And you're not afraid to let your Pokemon get very low because you have like some of the best energy management out of anyone that I know you like, you know how much you can comfortably tank and then you will swap out like you've always done it. But now that there's even more flexibility of being able to get out of a bad matchup 10 seconds sooner, it just seems like that it's made you even skyrocket even farther? Yeah, obviously with the but like the lightning-fast pacing of but basically every meta-mon, the 50-second Swiss clock really feels a lot quicker because, like, Josh moves are being thrown left and right. yeah There are, ah like Martin said, there's not really, like, something like a shadow blast burn. It just does, like, every move feels more like chip. There are not a lot of nukes anymore.
ah So, yeah, that really allows for ah some dynamic gameplay with the with the Switch clock. Although, like Martin said, I do also miss like ah the Shadow Blasphere from the Charizard or something.
but I remember like one time it was one of Martijn's practice tournaments and it was just for like some meta that he had picked because Martijn you do like these ones where it's like now we're focusing on this Pokemon as like the and it was ah it was a Mewtwo one so a great big Mewtwo which you know just hits like a truck but can't take anything at all and you're playing against TripTondo because I was ah sitting over Trip's shoulder and it was just like The way you maneuvered around that was insane. And I have to wonder if they can give you any team or any Pokémon to focus on, and you can build a team around it to make it work. Yeah, I did really like that meta. It was ah just pure glass cannons, nothing could take a move. Was that done with the CGI? Yeah. Yeah, yeah. The night off, yeah. And the Sirfetch'd Mewtwo being top meta, that was a crazy meta for sure. That takes a lot of bounce.
Yeah, but yeah, I do like ah playing with some glassier ones that have that one shot potential, but I don't think there was a lot of that in there. There's a lot of that in this meta. I feel like Like Eriodos, Quaxire, they are like glassy, but they're not glass cannons, you know, they're not, they can take a hit if needed. It's not like Shadow Charizard or, I mean, what what else did we have in recent matters? Like even Shadow Swampert is a lot less bulky than and those. Yeah. Well, I mean, Martijn Traal was trying to convince ah Kazim to bring, and what was it, a Mewtwo and Wigglytuff core?
That's the core I really like. yeah make you wiggly stuff So maybe we, maybe you Boom, who's someone who does like the glass cannons, could try to make this work if you end up going to a next regional competition. Yeah, but I think I saw that that episode. I just don't see what what should I need to be supposed to be honest.
It takes out Claude's side stuff so easily. The thing is, we're kind of shifting away from a Claude's side for alligator medal. So that core doesn't really make no sense right now. Yeah, I guess they're actually quite a lot of double dark teams with the Drapian and the Moltres and or Malamar. Those are way too common, I think. The Drapion is a problem. The Malamar not so much, right? Because I have Wigglytuff, he just RPS, he's a collapse. Okay.
yeah Have you looked into a more PECO ah boom? yeah No, I saw a a clip that and it changes typings or something, but I don't know how it works exactly. I have not looked into it at all, but it seemed like an interesting idea. Yeah, just want to like include that segment as well on the podcast real quick. that I don't know how much is going to make a difference, of course, like similar it to Magna Zone, that was very threatening, right? I think electric types actually are pretty good. Also like, you saw the, that crazy core from Tondo Batais with Greninja's Karma rechargeable. That just also protects the electric types so well. And I think, if you see an Aura Wheel, I think it's like 45 energy and it does 100 damage or something.
even better than side strike. Yeah, I i just saw homeslice Henry had posted a screenshot of how much damage it it did to something. So it was like 80% to a close side. That's probably after like a psychic fangs has been shielded. But what it does is after every charge stack being thrown, our wheel changes from electric to dark type and vice versa.
um With this in thought, i want I want to ask you as our experts on our podcast today. Do you think this could have any effect on the meta? Like, it could be pretty interesting into Pokemon, into a core like that is Drapion plus Malamar, right? Yeah, because it's an electric door tap, right? Correct, yeah. Yeah, I think my team will actually have quite some issues with it. If I don't land it on the coaxire, and even if I have it on the coaxire, I assume that, like,
It's really classic as well. So even if it's like the dark type aura wheel, it probably still does 80% or even more ah because it also boosts your attack by one stage. I think it has a chance to. Oh, okay. earth But yeah, I think it probably is the best move in the in the game. And I think it's typing might be underrated. I think it could work. I think it's not some dumb spies. I think it's if you built your team around it, you can probably make it work because with the dark typing, you you don't take any damage from the sideways or Malamar. You just have to watch out for the the superpower. But I mean, those classy months, you you kind of want to face something that doesn't have any fast move pressure into you so that you can like set up for a sweep.
Mm-hmm. Yeah, I just checked it the 61% to a quack sites by the way a hundred percent chance to boost boost your oh actually okay yeah that is done But it also has 15 on stat distribution and to compare that's about as fragile as like a gov Angela I don't know if that's gonna shape things up It could definitely be interesting and especially because the the thing that you also say it's difficult to farm something down right now and that's actually why I like the shadow mutual idea as well because if you think of like Poison Sting? Let's do that much damage. Sighwave Resisted? You can have that. I mean, I don't want Mutal Molomar, you know, but you get the idea. that You can take a live for a second. Yeah, those Glassy Monks really only work if there's not a lot of fast move pressure in the meta because, like, even the slightest bit of it and and your mon is just gone, so...
But yeah, I think that... I'm sorry, I was just going to say, do either of you even have a Morpeko on your team, though? because Are we going to see it? Are you practicing with it at any point? Oh, man. I i am trying yet again, and I'm not going to make any promises, but I am trying yet again to make your Tina team. um And I will pair this with something like a Bollywood.
Amanda, what is the core breakers to those two? Amorpeko? Amorpeko. Well, I guess it won't even get the two charge sex into fully round. Yeah, definitely. But still, you know, it's kind of foiling my plans. I'm more afraid, actually, of the Rage Fist Annihilape slash Primape. That's actually what I'm really afraid of. That might be because I believe that the Shadow Primape is able to win the two shields into Azumarill plus come out with four boosts on it.
Yeah, I think primary piss is going to be really good, or at least a really fun pick to bring, but also so versatile on the move sets, right? You have Ice Punch, you have Close Combat ah to pair it with Matrix, because I think Ghost and Fighting is completely unresistant. I mean,
Either one is going to hit for a neutral, so I feel like you have played into most things. There's only one typing that resists, and we don't have that in the game yet. That's Hisui and Zork, which is normal in Ghost.
oh yeah And that's also super fragile, so you probably still like faint to be too richfist. Yeah, because it's a really good move, right? 35 energy, 50 damage. Yeah, it's like a drank lower breaking swipe and boosting your attack. Yeah, it's going to be a really good sweeper, potentially. yeah I'll definitely try it out in GPL. I don't know how good it will be in show 6.
GBL good that you mentioned it. I saw you're just like me never hit ranked one before only ranked two I'm the same. Is that gonna be a goal of yours? ah I Don't know I just played GBL when I feel like it ah Usually also not with the most optimal team I usually mainly played for fun or if I need charged yams Mm-hmm But I've hit legend for the first time I I mean, I was the first one to hit legend one season so I kind of do count that as... something number one, but yeah, I've never been officially on the leaderboard. That's what I was going to say too. I was going to say, I know that you were the first person to hit legend because it was there was when that glitch was going on and you couldn't actually claim it. So you were just, there was this video of you like trying to click for your sets to get to get the the legend. but That was a season 16. Yeah, 16. It was ah exactly a year ago. and so Yeah.
I usually somehow I always do well around this period because my first time high on leaderboards was and August two years ago and I managed to hit the 38-11 Elo. I was season 11 I think and then a year later I managed to hit first legend yeah since 16 and now a year later I win Leo so maybe I'll just need to i only need to play around this time. yeah
And you after your teammate, Wadaj, hit one in Baltimore, now you've won in Lille, nickname came in third? yeah and dar end door I mean, I think the pogoats are making a pretty strong showing so far. I'm gonna ask them our tiny evil question because your team is like literally a team of youngsters who seem to be doing so well. Who do you think on the pogoats is the best player?
You cannot be diplomatic. You have to name name someone. Yeah, ah definitely with us. No hesitation. No, I feel like it's run in like around a year ago as well. He was like self world champion, third in the play Pokemon world champion, won NAIC.
one a regional I think right before that is I think that everyone everyone cannot be talked by anyone and then he stops for eight months come back spins spins another regional I mean yeah yeah that's true but how many times have you clapped him let's be be honest I beat him once I think in some priced open great victory But I think he clapped me a couple times in practice as well, so okay okay I feel like yes he has the advantage I think if we look in at all the matches playing How did you actually end up there? Were you sick of Amanda?
careful careful yeah we're losing that we lost connection oh so sorry boom
ah No, I ah So it was around after I was the first with Legend. I was in the server for quite some time. And yeah, with Ash, and Nickname actually asked me a couple of times before that, but I also always declined because I wanted to stay at the Smurfs. But then I was kind of looking for a new challenge. I wanted to to play against the the top the top of the factions. And I felt like Pogots was a good place to do so.
In NA though, right? so Yeah, yeah. I see. So you don't consider Europe good enough competition. I see how it is. Yeah, it's exactly like that. Definitely.
Oh, that's another evil question because yeah, you do play against a lot of NA battlers. And we just saw you beat all of the EU battlers in Lille. If you, if, let's just say Wadaj doesn't go to it since you're so fearful of him. But if you went to a tournament in NA, do you think that you would have as good of run knowing how you kind of have played against opponents in factions and in different show six tournaments? I know that you know a lot of their names.
Yeah, I feel like it's hard to say because I don't think I can replicate this run. I feel like I made a good read on the meta with the Quicksire because that was really in common, but was really good into basically every team. I think it kind of depends on on the meta. And I think I could probably make it. I would feel pretty comfortable making it to day two there. In my opinion, in my hard honest opinion, I think it's easier to make day two in NA than AU.
but I think it might be harder to actually win a tournament in NA because if you looked at the day two in Lewisville, that was really, really stacked. Yeah, I mean arguably I would say but no offense besides your name who a lot of people didn't know if you also looked at the the Bracket in Lille. Yeah, that also was like, oh we have a you know, a three-time winners two-time winners ah People who did really really well at worlds people who have now talked cut more than they haven't talked caught in tournaments I mean, I think Lille was also very standard Yeah, I posted a
a picture on Twitter. ah I think it was a meme, what I was a polar bear doing. and it's It's like that meme, because I felt like I just didn't belong there, but I think I proved that ah that i I kind of did.
Yeah, it's actually why Toeong UK also goes there to it and went there to NA because he finds the day two is easier to reach. But as you say, I i think it's like, the how do I say this in English? Like the group of people that are on that highest skill ceiling is a little bit smaller than it is in in Europe. And I'm not saying that anyone ah no one outside that group could win in NA.
But if you look at like the names that are likely to win, I feel like if you had to point someone out that the list will be smaller in NA than it is in Europe. So that makes sense. you know I'll figure it out myself in two months. roller While we're talking about Dutch, because you already gave me a little bit of crap about it earlier about how we're not speaking it, but um I just want to point out that Flemish is very different than Dutch. And I would like to give just a couple examples of like, Martijn, if you were to say, I'm tired, how would you say I'm tired in Dutch? ahg bamboo And boom, in your Flemish region, how do you say I'm tired?
bau No, you don't. You're such a liar. You're such a liar. You got him. I really don't know what you're talking about. Oh, really? In Antwerp, they say Semmuh. That does not sound like a language. That's as more the the accent, right? Yeah, but Semmuh is not the same as Iqbenmuh by any means. Yeah, I think that's more that's more the yeah the dialect that they're because Flemish is a ah lot. They they speak ah a lot different in different regions because if you go to like the the west of a ah Flanders, it's ah I mean, sometimes I don't even understand them. So now now I'm scared to do the other one because I mean, it's like, OK, you're just do do you normally speak like proper Dutch when you are in school and at home with your parents and everything? No. You have your dialect.
Yeah, a bit. Fine. No, I'm not even gonna do the other one. You've already just ruined the point. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you. You proved that oh different that. If you do the next one, I'll do so say something different on purpose. Yeah, you'll just yeah exactly, exactly. is Okay, then you don't have to do it. No, no. I think there are definitely some differences, but yeah. and where I think they use the Z a lot. like Vis-in or something like that. Maybe that's why also yeah, there's a lot of like French leaning I think in uh, oh another I mean you guys say we um How do you say like sleep well, you know like ah have a good ah, no, that's not that's no how If someone say how you're saying good night.

Cultural Nuances and Language

Goodbye. Sleep. Well, how do you say it? I would just say boom Slap out
Yeah, me too. No, you wouldn't! You're such a liar! His podcast has gone off the rails! Okay, okay, truthfully though, i I do say that often. I do say that often. It's not per se a Flemish thing. But yes, generally in Nellis we would say Slab Lekker.
Yeah, that's that's pretty different because I never hear anyone say that in the. I often use Slapwell as well. It's not that much different. I think the biggest difference we have between Dutch and Belgian is the way we say fries. Yeah. We say patata. But it's not everywhere. You guys say sinus apple sap?
Don't you? we and And a lot of people call it the Jews that are orange or something. That's French. That's not even a holy Dutch. Or Apple scene stop, which I'm also like, why are you calling it? Like now it's ah now it's all these different things. That just can if anyone said we probably lost like 800 listeners here. but we happy even If we you lost the plot. Yeah. Anyway, point is Dutch is hard. Yeah.
I think for foreigners, definitely not easy, no. But on the other hand, though, I don't know how it it is in Belgium. In the Netherlands, pretty much everyone speaks English. I don't think if you would move here, you don't need to. Well, maybe if you live in farmer's country here, but otherwise you would not need Dutch to come around here like everyone speaks English. Yeah, basically everyone is able to speak at least a basic Yeah, some people some people are so good at English at a young age that they even can rap really well in English on voice calls while they're doing their battles. So, I mean, I wouldn't know who who would who would do anything like that. I was going to keep it off the podcast, but if you're... That's crazy. I see why you left the Belgian Smurfs. Should we go into our... ah
Our final questions, Amanda. We should. i don't know Yeah, I don't know how familiar you are with the podcast, Boom, but we always ask a staple question at the end, and it's a two-part. Yeah, I watched a couple episodes, so I know what's going on. Okay, so you're already familiar. I'll brush other people up just in case they're not aware. But so the first question is, who in this community do you consider a curbrawler? And this is a person who is maybe not super well known within a, you know, this PvP scene, but you think that they're really good, and that people should keep an eye out for.
And who in this community is i'm a champion? And this is someone who's pretty well-known already. You think that they have a good shot of winning the world competition. You can say another question so loud. Yeah, I assume I can also only say one name. yeah Well, I mean, we'll be lenient with you. Yeah, it's hard. So so what was the the not so well-known called again? Crabrawler. It's like that little crabby you know fighting guy. yeah how I have to say that I think that's one that was the most difficult because I know the the champion is definitely with us in my opinion that I know the bait but the the curb roller has to be yeah that's a that's a tough one I
I would like to say someone from ah from Belgium who made I think is really doing his best and I think could definitely make a top cut or make a deep run soon. It's Gaffia00. He has been going some quite some tournaments and he's really trying his best to improve and I can see him go so far. Rumor has it he beat the inadequance in a Belgian ah cup last season. i I will never forget how he ran a cresselia with a huge shot in grassknots and lantern in the back against my potential guzzlers, which landed on the zoom, of course. yeah That was ah fun. I do think that kind of
is indeed one of those players that, you know, he could make a deep run. I feel like maybe if he's more aware of his compositions ah because he doesn't do that ABA. Sometimes he does, actually. He's like, oh, I really want to make fun. I'm like, please don't do it. Please don't do it. Yeah, I think he sometimes also ah tries to overcook with his teams. Yeah.
sir Because I know we brought register to this tournament and it was good into my team. and he We practiced before and he actually beat me pretty comfortably, but I feel like it was still a ah tough pick to bring, but he always uses some interesting picks to say the least. Amanda, can you pronounce that name one more time? That's what I was just going to say. Kalfia. No? It's somewhat Kalfia. Kalfia.
seems but yeah Yeah, okay, but that that's also the thing. for For actual people who live outside of the Belgium in the Netherlands, Kaffia is the name of Tin Tin, the cartoon character, and the yeah he thinks that they have similar hair, and that's why he picked that name. Also on the subject of name,
everyone I was like reading the chat afterwards and there was a lot of confusion because they're like oh they keep calling him boom but isn't it bohem and like one time I was talking with your teammate elite about something and I was like oh what did did boom say about something or other and he had no idea who I was talking about and I said your teammate boom he said oh I've always just been saying it bohem because Dutch is hard once again yeah and the o and the e together make an ooh sound so yeah My name is basically the Dutch translation for boom in English so it it is pronounced boom but
if If someone says, boma, I don't blame him. that It's just, we we everyone uses the correct French and Spanish pronunciation for their words, but when it comes to Dutch, we have to use all the English pronunciations on our words. Well, you want to know why? It's because you put weird letters together that shouldn't go next to each other and sound like that. like in french The French don't pronounce all the letters. Like an I and a J together? When does that go together? How does that make a... In Dutch it does! It's not English!
and The French don't pronounce all of their letters. that The Spanish change their V into a B. It's just cultural things. Do you know what's easy about it is that Belgium is so small and the Netherlands is so small, so why I feel like I can make these statements because if you you can't say anything bad about the French or the Spanish because there's a lot of them and they're going to gang up on the other ones. Oh yeah, it's not like Americans are made being made fun of all the time. Yeah, I'm going to have to go. My backing is all my people behind me. I just remember the pronunciation thing. I also have that with snowman because he often asks if I can cast his bells because I'm the only one who can pronounce it. I don't even try. I know that it's a um translation of snowman. So we just call him snowman because it's... Yeah. Honestly, I think that's the best way to do it because like if you butcher or you try to pronounce it and it butchers like schnoo man or something that that goes nowhere. But snowman at least is the little translation.
Yeah, that has to be one of the hardest part, I think, of casting like some of these names that are in native languages. Yeah, yeah. It's definitely not easy. I screwed up a Reiki last time too. And I was like, oh, crap. I was like, I even said it. I was like, ever oh, gosh, I don't know how to say his name. but What was it? I said, a Reiki. Yeah, it's basically it's a Reiki. Yeah, yeah. So it's good. Yeah, yeah you did you did well. Yeah, I'm aware that like, not everything's pronounced English. amount Yeah, yeah.
like this. Yeah, no, English pronunciation is often quite bad and confusing because, but I mean, Boo's been calling it Lewisville and I haven't corrected him. what Well, what's the what's the correct pronunciation? It's more like Louisville or like some people people call it Louisville, but then the people that are native from that area don't like that. they do that take If you tell Ross RBH, if you ever see me in Twitch streams, he will definitely agree with you on Louisville. All right. One way to make friends with him.
Well, it's been such a pleasure having you on. It was actually a really cool face reveal because though we've been friends and teammates for a couple of years, Leo was the first time that we actually got to see each other face to face. So I think that was really cool. Yeah, because ah a lot of the the Belgian people were there. So it was, it was, I chose a good tournament to to go to, to meet a lot of people. I was really happy.
Yeah, I hope you can make more of them work. Hopefully not the ones I'm competing in. I'll have to take it, I guess, if I lose. Maybe win. I mean, i've I've already beaten the best and the second best Dutch player, so I'm not worried about the third.
This is unbelievable, the shade that I'm always getting. Now I invite you to come to see me. This is going to be the clip. You know, yeah there's always a social clip. That's going to be the clip. Unbelievable. I was hoping that Tho would would like go with it as well on the interview, but he spared me. Last time I did, he said, like, oh, certainly not you.
But yeah, I think that's going to wrap it up. Do you have any last things you want to say to anyone, Boom, before we kind of cut it? No, I think I've said everything I wanted. I really appreciate you inviting me over here. I had a good time. And yeah, I'm just really happy. I want to live. I never expected it. But yeah, here we are. Yeah, we're happy for you too. Yeah, again, congratulations. And so of course, thanks for coming on with us.
And for those listening, we normally put these out on Thursdays. We're not always most consistent. I mean, Lyle Jeffs won the weekend before, but we've already interviewed him. So, you know, we didn't go into that, but stay tuned guys. We're still here. We're still here on the tap tap cast. We're still relevant. We're still relevant. Goodbye. Dooey.