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E19 // MartoGalde is throwing Trophy Moves! image

E19 // MartoGalde is throwing Trophy Moves!

S2 E19 · Tap Tap Cast
104 Plays3 months ago

Join us on Tap Tap Cast as we dive into the world of MartoGalde, the PvP powerhouse who’s been throwing trophy moves since the early days of Pokémon Go! With a recent #1 victory at LAIC, a Special Event triumph in Lima, and a stellar #3 finish at the 2024 Worlds, Marto has secured automatic qualification for Worlds in three distinct ways! The crew chats about who Marto believes belongs on the Mt. Rushmore of PvP greats and why he told Inadequance to shut up at Worlds.  

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Amanda //  
Martijn //
MartoGalde //


Introduction and Guest Welcome

Welcome into the next episode of tapt Tap Tap Cast, your Pokemon Go PvP circuit thing. We are really excited. We just got back from LAIC, and there is a guy this season who's been doing pretty darn good. I have no idea what you're talking about, Amanda. I see him looking left and right as well. Just kidding. It's pleasure and honor to have you here. How are you doing?
Oh my God, thanks so much. It's a pleasure and honor to be the champion. I mean, to be here. To be, yeah, okay. It's like an honor to be a champion or to be here.

Journey into Pokemon Go PvP

Both. Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and following up with how would you get it started actually? Because I know you have like a small account, right? Yeah, yeah. I'm i'm a very chill guy. I yeah i like Pokemon Go. You know, I enjoy it a lot. And yeah, that's basically it.
Sure, but okay, let's give a little expansion. I know that this season you definitely has been your season, but how did you get into Pokémon Go PvP? Oh, PvP, okay. Well, I downloaded the game when ah when it came out, then I left it because it was a bit stale. And then Akasin wanted a Taurus, which I got from the trip.
And I downloaded back the game just to give him the Taros. And when I came back, I think they added PvP like one month after that. And then I just started playing and and nonstop. How did you find PvP players or Sylph? Is that where you started, Sylph?
No, yeah, I was in a community in my in my city, and I had some friends that I just raid with, and ah I just convinced a friend to start being with me. We we used like a golem, it was funny. And I started Sylve because I wanted a melting box, and I went with some friends to a tournament, which they offered the melting box.
And I really didn't want to play a tournament because I was just bad and ah I didn't see the point in playing. just And my friends just convinced me to to play, like might maybe force me a bit. And I was so engaged. The adrenaline was crazy and I couldn't stop since that moment.
When you were playing at the very beginning, um I assume, unlike me, this was maybe not your first Pokemon game, so you had kind of an understanding beforehand of like typing advantages and what Pokemon beats what, but did you did the skill of actually like the counting and everything also come quite naturally, or was that something that you started to learn as you continued in PvP?
Yeah, I played the... The reason I wanted Pokémon Go was because I was a huge Pokémon fan and the skills was just me being like a very competitive person. I just want to be like the best or at least win some tournaments, which was all for just the bragging rights, I guess. So I just started getting better using people just to learn how much energy you got from fast moves and trying to improve myself.
Just a little bit of background there. Amanda is actually one of the very few Pokemon Go players who has not played any other Pokemon game, not a single one. exactly That's the face I made. that's That right there is the face I made. And now she's looking for someone who's a little bit similar in that. Surely I will find someone along my Pokemon journey who has been like, I also just started with Pokemon Go.

Unique Player Experience and Streaming Transition

Legends ourselves, no?
no No, no, no, I don't know what that means. She played Pokemon Unite. You know what happened with that, Marto? in And that is in Belgium. They removed it! Really? Yeah, because loot boxing is not allowed. True. Makes sense. Yeah. every other sundaymon Every Pokemon game that I've picked up has been since Pokemon Go. like ah So yeah, I started playing Pokemon Go when it came out because Everyone was playing it, right? And so a bunch of my friends in Belgium were like, no, you have to download the game. You have to download it. And I would have probably been on Team Instinct because yellow is my favorite color. ah But they're like, no, no, you have to be on Team Mystic. And so I'm on Team Mystic. The best team. should You should swap. Yeah, I should swap. Okay. yeah maybe you see maybe i'll use Maybe I'll use my medallion. You're on Instinct, Martso? Yes.
It's like the... that's just like there's There's basically two teams, and Instinct is just basically, you know, somewhere... It's a hard-working team, you know? The others are just easy. easy yeah ah Yeah, for gyms, right? The most entertaining content that we have, exactly. Yeah, it doesn't really matter at this point in the game, but... Yeah, what what what other Pokémon games have you games of you played, Marto?
Pokemon games. I started with FireRed. My dad actually bought that game for me. And then I think the next one was Pokemon XD in the GameCube, which was... It's a Colosseum or Gale of Darkness? No, Gale of Darkness. I didn't play Colosseum. I'm sad. Okay. Well, I'm 50% happy, you know.
Someday I will play it if if I can get it. It was epic, though. I wish we had that same Shadow Lugia. Yeah, me too, guys. Yeah, so cool. It was like dark purple. Yeah, your favorite.
Yeah, it was great. And then it was just like ah platinum. just like I stopped at a black, I think, black one. um I kind of lost interest or I played a lot of games and then I came back for Pokemon go Yeah, that's why you got into Call of Duty No, I mean I played ah black ops was it called like the zombies one the first one Yeah, or are the second one you are like the Argentinian version right now Yeah, we're more time
I mean, the non-Dutch people usually start off calling me Martin, so we already knew it was nice. Martin Galday, that's what you said. Best name.
very okay interesting interesting a backstory. So, yeah I mean, like not only this, so you you picked up Pokemon, you're playing these other games. Are you streaming other games besides Pokemon Go? And when did you first decide that you wanted to start streaming? Because ah for those who don't know, you've been a streamer for quite a long time and usually almost ah you're you're streaming, you know, in ah Spanish. But even so, it's super fun to watch because you're like one of the most engaging streamers. like You do like funny things during it that keep people ah watching it, even if they don't necessarily understand everything that you're saying. And obviously, they're they're watching you for your skills as well.
Thank you. Yeah, it also blows my mind when people say that, that they don't understand me, but they still enjoy it. I started in in the pandemic. It was like the best moment to start. It was mainly due to King. King wanted to get people into streaming PVP. And I thought it was a good time to do it. I wanted to do it before, but it's just very hard to start like without anyone there. So I just was very lazy to do that. ah and And he he like just wanted to grow up the community.
And I think he raved me my first stream and it all started from there. And I have stream other games. I tend to like to stream games that I feel like are fun to watch, just not ah like all the games, just the ones that I feel like are engaging. But I don't do that right now. Like it varies time to time in the year. And also depends on how bad Pokemon Go is, which is maybe a good time to start playing our games.
You used the stream in English as well, right? Right now, the only thing I understand is, ah oh my god, hot what the hell? What happened with the English streams? Yeah, I started in English because everyone in the community, you know, that's the universal language. We all spoke English. It was just like the connection between everyone. I just felt a bit chained by the language barrier just because, i of course, Spanish is my native language. So I just felt like I could have more creativity with the but Spanish it was it was a long decision and it was rough for me because you know, it's it's you have to pick a side kind of And it took me like like half a year to take that decision. I was also not very good at taking decisions at that time But yeah, I did end up switching to Spanish because I started ah doing some Spanish streams because people requested them Then I did like 50% and then 100% wait, so you started streaming in English? Mm-hmm
Actually, no, my first stream was in Spanish And I was doing like a challenge that Kianga started ah But the the official I guess first stream. Yeah, it was in English okay

Role of Sylph Arena in PvP

um and then because of the language barrier you prefer or you just prefer speaking spanish you decide to drop english did you also have like one thing that well i probably don't have that concern because dutch is not that big everyone's like please speak dutch it's such a but beautiful language everyone understands i can i can imagine that you probably also have like english speaking people like myself interrupting your spanish streams or spanish speaking people interrupting your english streams is that also something
Yeah, yeah there there are people that don't know Spanish and and still just kind of interact with the chat. Of course, they don't understand a lot of stuff, but maybe sometimes they they learn some some words. At the same time, I speak so fast in Spanish that probably not even my my Spanish speakers, viewers understand me, so i only nobody understands me. Nobody understands me. Nothing else. Yeah, I just i just scream and do stuff.
And then make clips of it. Yes. yeah When did you realize that you were, cause I mean, if people pop into your streams, there's so many people watching it ah normally and your name always comes up as like a very, very good PVP player. When did you notice that you were starting to get kind of popular in, in that realm? Because there, I mean, there's plenty of really good players ah who are also streamers and stuff, but I would say that a lot of people recognize you and recognize your name and have been, you know, since the, almost the beginning.
I feel like I just felt like a big. ah Advantage you could say which is in the seal of days I was like very well ranked and people just wanted to see a ah I guess a good player and I guess if you were like I ranked you were like kind of good and I just explained like how I played and I think I feel like that was like the my my started advantage and it just was just never like really I Never started like really low. I started with the like people yeah coming from seal fan. It was all from there. I
can you go through with us um how that how silk actually works in in your region at the time like just for my understanding I hardly ever really played silk like when though try to introduce me I was like well what's the incentive actually why would I do this like like some people may have right now with locals Yeah, I guess we have more and more incentive with locals right now. But yeah, at the time, it was just people that enjoyed the PVP and just wanted to you know battle their tournament. And it was free, so you could just go and play and and maybe win some prizes. The Nidos community had prizes, and it was like just like the biggest tournament. so
It was the most important in the in the month and you get more points as as more people come into the tournament if you have more rounds. so So you are more incentivized to go to like the biggest tournament of an all and wait it because you can only wait one tournament which was like 10 times ah the amount of points that other tournament could give. So it was just like a lot of stuff, the ah the points, the rewards, you know, hanging out with the community and enjoying PVP. At the time it was like a new thing, so...
When new stuff comes out, I think people enjoy it the most at the beginning, maybe, unless somebody makes it really good after some time. But PVP has been a bit stale. They have a lot of new stuff, but since the beginning, it's very similar. Did you also have those mega tournaments they talked about in the US?
yeah Yeah, I think we have the biggest tournaments with Chile as well. We had like ah nine rounds, which was, you need like 200 something people. And at the time it was just crazy. like Of course we had like more advantage because we got more points than other countries. So our players were ranked higher because we just got more points. ah But yeah, the tournaments were insane. It's something that you don't even see now maybe in official tournaments.
Yeah, so pick so to piggyback off of that, because that's so true. If you think about self, there there was no prize money to be won. It was only kind of some like prestige and some like, you know,
glory, but only people within Silph knew that. If you think about there's so much that you can actually have for the Play Pokemon tournaments, how how do we get that level of excitement where there's 200 plus people showing up for a free event that they get absolutely nothing for ah versus like, there's there's actually quite a bit to play for now, but like you said, people are starting to feel that it's getting stale or that ah that it just doesn't have that same excitement that it once had.
Yeah, I think it's a very complicated problem. Pandemic, I think, hurt the game a bit in the community side of gathering. I feel like a lot of people got very comfortable. Then the money is also a problem.
at the entry fee to the tournaments, especially in in Latin America. And oh, yeah, the the amount, the importance of the tournaments, right, because you could just go in a silve to like a 30 minute drive and it would be like ah as as good as it gets. And maybe here you have to like travel to another country if if you don't have a tournament or maybe travel far in in in your country.

Tournament Costs and Prize Disparities

So I think it's a lot of variables, also the game just not being fixed and being stale. The resources to to play those tournaments. I think it's a lot of things. Also, a lot of people are scared to play like better players, ah which I think it's harder than before. So, you know, I think I feel like it's a topic you can discuss like for an an hour or two.
Yeah, I guess there's something about frequency as well, right? Because now you only have one tournament in Argentina for the whole year. And it maybe used to be one per month or maybe even more. How much just also from my perspective, because you know, I write all this article nonsense and whatever, how much does it cost to enter a special event in like Buenos Aires, for example, um how much did it cost to enter and what kind of prices do you get?
Okay, yeah, I'm gonna be ah on hinge with this. ah So the price for a special event is almost the same as a regional, which is mind-blowing because you you get almost nothing. ah For the Buenos Aires, it was $20 to $25 and you got like a pen.
Wait, price? Or... That's the price. There was no price. I think it was just like... ah We should ask Nisabiffen, but I think it was... ah What's it called? The the packs? Card packs? Oh, like a poster pack. But no, it's not even like a whole pack. It's probably like just like eight or something. We should ask Nisabiffen. And I think you like a trophy, but it's not a trophy. It's like a plague. Yes. and so So in Argentina, it was just like not good and the experience was not good. In in Lima, I got like a plague, a medal, not official, but I got a like a champion playmat, a top eight playmat, a competitor playmat. I think a competitor playmat, you have to pay extra for it though, which was very expensive. But it seemed way better, like the prices and the the experience in itself. So I guess it depends on the country, but I feel like the price that you pay for a special event
ah it's not It should not be the same as a regional because you you don't get the the same competitor kit and the experience. And the entry cost, how much is that? Is there an entry cost? Yeah, yeah, the 20 to 25 dollars. hourlys okay Okay, interesting. we wait Which is the same as, I think the international, the the Latin American international was also like 25, so it's just, you don don't get the same stuff. I see, I see. Yeah, for for our special events, um you don't pay, like entry is free, but you also, like I guess you you get the official medal and you get two booster packs. Yeah, that's crazy. Like, only in itself, like the medals in itself, it's just like very different.
Well, here's the thing, right? You know beforehand, there's the offsets with, with a lot of special events. I'm like, wait, do you pay to win nothing. That is yeah that is that's ah yeah an interesting concept. I guess maybe someone has to be given incentive to host it or something or to make money out of it. i thinks Yeah, it depends on the organizer. I don't think it's very ah um controlled, I guess. So yeah, i'm I'm not a hundred percent sure how it works, but yeah, in Buenos Aires, it was just not, not the great.

Achievements and Future Tournament Plans

but we should kind of talk about in general obviously you're very happy that you uh registered for it and played at a special event because you got first place and that was a special event right in uh lima oh lima yes yes lima yes yeah i just wanted the top eight yeah so you have qualified for worlds already in the 2025 season essentially three times. So you got a first ah automatic qualification at Worlds by coming in third overall. Then immediately after that, you won a special event, ah which automatically first place gets a qualification. And then on top of that, you have the audacity to win the Latin America International Championship and also secure basically your next Worlds. And so the real question is, Marto, are you going to be at Worlds in Anaheim, California next year?
I think about it, I'm not sure. i felt yeah like that By that time, ah you're also qualified for the championship points, probably. yeah Yeah, you'll probably be top of the leaderboard too. Yeah, to be honest, I don't generally look at the ah instant qualification. like I don't really care about that, but that's maybe because I'm ah privileged to be in 711 that take me to tournaments. And I'm not worried about qualifying for Worlds, ah because it and it's easier for me than it was before. um So I don't generally look at the instant qualification, or I don't know what's it called.
Yeah 7-eleven good that you mentioned it because I have some a question about that that confused me Marto Marto, are you Mexican? You're not right, I'm not um ah good but 7-eleven I believe everyone's Mexican except you yeah, why did they pick you? Because I'm very good now oh no No, no, I'm not good. Okay. Yeah I've heard he's mad. He's mad. No, i I was just... ah I just got like a very good season like winning need the the Mexico tournament and then got getting top five worlds in 2022. So I think I was just at the right time, the right place, and that got me in. But yeah, I'm the only one out from Mexico in the team.
How much of a team do you work together? like Do you scream together? Do you make teams together? I don't think you guys play in Battle Frontier or some of the other Latin formats I'm in. yeah so um we It depends on the player, ah someone practices or not. For example, why I don't generally like to practice. um But we do team build together and we we have played some other tournaments. For for example, now we're playing a box tournament, which is fun. And it's the one we won last time. So we're like defending champions, I guess. Wait, hold on. Which division are you? I'm not really sure. i' I'm very lazy. Is it the the primary one? Machamp.
Ah, you're lucky. You get to avoid us. I don't know. But yeah, um we we we kind of play sometimes this type of tournaments, but it just depends. It's not something ah strict.
just So of the 7-11 crew, you played against Richie in the winner's finals at LAIC. Besides yourself, because let's let's face it right now, you're kind of on a hot streak. I think everyone would probably call you one of at least the best players in the world. If not you, who do you think in 7-11 is the best player? Well, that's always a difficult question because I really like to That's exactly what we're asking. yeah we're We're here to ask the tough questions. We're here to close the blind in the team. i Don't worry. I'm about very, very hinged. But I don't really like to say someone is good due to his achievements. Because if you like in this game, you need a lot of stuff. And and luck is definitely a luck, good matchups. It's it's definitely a
ah some considerations you have to have. I guess Richard got you know third place at LAIC, so it's is just like at in this moment he's... and And the way he played the tournament, I feel like in the moment it's probably like best player in the team.
That makes sense.

Analyzing Top Players and Strategies

Okay, let's let's continue on this divisive sort of ah topic, making you name people then, because it kind of became a joke at the event, because you've won so many events this season, because you've been so well known for so long, ah people have been saying that you are going to be ahead on the Pokemon Go PvP Mount Rushmore. And for those non-Americans, Mount Rushmore has, well, no, it actually started with Arrow.
Uh, he said it, um, basically they're like the four probably more important presidents, uh, that were, that have their their heads constructed. And so he said, Marto Galdes, for sure, one of the heads of the Pokemon go PvP. A president. What other people would you put on your Mount Rushmore?
Yeah, so the problem with that is is, I think it depends on what are you analyzing when you put someone there. If you just put achievements. So yeah just so let's let's go with, um because I think there's like Pokemon Go PvP founders, right? Like I think a lot of people would put King and Totectical on a list of like people who are very important to PvP, who maybe brought people in. Let's go off of actual accolades. like Since Play Pokemon has started, who are some of the big names that you think deserve a spot on this this monument?
Does Sylph count? Sure. Sure Sylph can count. Sylph counts. That's tough. I will humbly put them myself first because of Sylph. If it was not because of Sylph, I will probably not put myself first.
ah Things like, I don't know if there is someone that has been like dominant itself and played Pokemon's tournaments right now. Because I would just put with Ash, Axan and... Okay, I blacked out again. Dumbo? Yeah, Dumbo was also a pretty good itself, no? Back in the days or no? Yeah, Dumbo was pretty good. Yeah, I saw, yeah.
Yeah, the the thing you were saying, like, Dunbok didn't get a good world placement. I guess it depends on if if you want to put a lot of weight in that or not, because if if you just take that out, it's insane what he has done. um But yeah, i'm I'm not sure if Axiom has played so a lot of Sylph, so it also depends on how much weight you put on Sylph.
Botaxum has the everything you can win in Pokemon Go. I guess he likes Special Event, but it doesn't matter. Yeah, those are the most important. And I i don't know if Wudash played Sylph that much. I think he did. But I think he was the the last champion ever of Sylph, wasn't he? Yeah, I think I think it's more the earlier ones, you mean know, when there was like Legends Ring.
and I feel like the the first seasons count more because a lot of people just drop playing Sylph due to burnt outs. and speed So Speedy is potentially on your list then because he's our first ever Sylph world champion, isn't he? Yeah, but but then ah in tournaments, in Play Pokemon, I think he hasn't participated as much. Yeah.
And no, I just feel like if if you just wait still, it should be with Ash and me. Doombug. And Axon has to be there just because he won everything. So yeah, I guess that's my top four. I think that makes sense. Four more time. Just missing out. He sucks. Yeah. He didn't play Silph. That's true. That's true. It automatically disqualified. yeah All doesn't count.
I do not mind not being on there. If competing was a priority, maybe I would not be casting. Yeah, yeah that's definitely something to take into into consideration. And the ah the amount of tournaments as well, like someone can win like a lot of stuff, but if they play 20 million tournaments, it's not the same as someone that played, I don't know, six and one, two, for example. So you can also like do a lot of maths with that.
I think some honorable mentions of it. to I have you and Madaj for sure. And I think there's a lot of good points for a lot of other players, but I hate finalizing something without saying for sure. um So I think its accent is is definitely up there with being able to win a regional.
an international championship and winning worlds. Harjef has also a pretty good record of, I mean, he's our only player who hasn't dropped a single game. He won an international championship and of course Doonbug with the three times in one season, best losers bracket run that we've ever seen. ah So those are the big contenders right now, but my my list isn't quite complete.

Mental Challenges in Tournaments

Yeah, the thing with the Raghav, I think he's like the best best Latin American player ever. Interesting. It's interesting that he likes the world's art. He doesn't seem to perform outside of Latham so far. Sorry? He doesn't seem to perform outside of Latham so far, I believe. he He did the top five in NAIC, I think. Oh, wait, you're right. youre I forgot about it first. Yeah, yeah, okay.
Like he at the time he was like one of the most consistent IC players because he got top four LAIC, top one LAIC, top five NAIC. So he was like the one yeah are most the most consistent player in ICs. Yeah, somehow I only remembered his regional over at the NAIC. Oh yeah yeah, the first time he went over.
And Worlds also has been super successful for him, I believe. I don't know. It's just difficult to say by those tournaments. Just like with Doombug, yes, he has a performance in Worlds, but I don't think that the opponents he has in the regionals, at least most of them, are not much worse than some of the players you face at Worlds, right? Yeah, sure. I agree. I don't know what that can be. Maybe it's an anxiety anxiety thing. I don't know.
Somehow I do well myself there, but I don't consider Worlds per se. it's kind of Which is kind of weird to say, right? Worlds is where the best come together, but playing at Worlds doesn't feel like, oh, now I play better opponents than some of my regions. Like at U2F, I played EJB, for example, right? that That's just just as good of a player as, for example, Logan.
but that doesn't really feel like a lower level. So I don't know. It's difficult to make a comparison between regions, ICS and Worlds, other than the amount of games you may have. Yeah, I feel the same about Worlds. It's a bit inflated, but it's Worlds at the end of the day, so... It's what matters the most, I guess. Yeah.
Do you think some of that, because both of you are like pretty confident people in general, do you think that that is just something that has to do with it? Because Martina, every week on the podcast that we have someone, you you always say, like oh, I think on my good day, I could beat anyone.
And that was essentially true like at Worlds. You were ah playing against all of the the top top level players. Everyone's out the best of LATAM, the best of India, APAC region. You're playing against them all. And you're you're coming out on top for the most part. I mean, same with Marta. I mean, you were like right behind him. Do you think that it's a mindset thing at some point over an actual skill set thing? So let me be clear that I am only confident And I love PvP after I played the event right before I hate everything I really dreads. I feel confidence for Suga, but I dreads playing You know just for the sake of Possibly going negative and feeling or regretting going going on the trip So I don't know if the confidence has anything to do with that honestly
The first rounds of a tournament are the ones I dread the most, because if that's where it goes wrong, it's for nothing. But I feel like if I'm two rounds, if I want two rounds, maybe I'm okay at that point.
Yeah. Okay. So I feel the same. I feel like the first rounds are the most the hardest ones. I feel like when i when i when I just win one or two, I just start flying. like My mind just goes ham. And I also think like in Worlds, you the the most important thing you need is your head. You need to be like very clear-headed.
and very, you know, think about stuff. So I feel like the most important thing you you need is that, which matters a lot in the day.

Technical Difficulties at LAIC

And not always in worlds, the the best player wins. It's just the one that has like a good day, some people say, or or like is very strong mentally.
especially on the big stage and being on stream. I know a lot of people just get anxious or nervous. And I think it's something I have an advantage on, which is I just enjoy being on on stage. I prefer to be on stage than in the and dis tables. So so yeah, there's there's a lot of factors. So I i don't think the the person that win wins Worlds means he's the best per se. I also prefer playing on stage, but for a different reason. There's less likely to be lagged there than at the tables.
i excepting stop And if I get screwed up by lag, at least everyone will see it. Yeah. I guess one turn lag is always there, but yeah that makes sense. Yeah. um it's It's difficult to factor all of that in what what makes tournaments you know easy or not. I definitely could say that there's something to say about consistency, right? Because if if if it's if luck is so much involved, then how is it that we see the same names usually?
bit of a two sides there. How do you feel about the regionals in La Tom, compared to like an IC in general? I believe it at special events you play on there, let me on on your own phones, right? But in Brazil, I believe you got new phones now, right?
Yeah, in for Joy and Bill, they rented some iPhone 15, I think, because they were getting iPhone 16 for LAIC. So it was 16 for all all iPhone 16 at LAIC?
I think so, yes. um So the experience was much better than before. Before it used to be just like Samsung, just like terrible old. And it just you just got like a lot of stutter. It was like the worst experience. A lot of rematches and a lot of angry people. Sad. Yeah, no, I get the feeling. I rage quit the LCQ because of that. Oh, man. Oh, really? I remember that.
Yeah, I lost to the Shadow Swaner guy. Dan V. Listen, listen. I thought left of the game. And then the people standing around were kind of like peer-pressing him, like, yeah, if you're like a gentleman, you'll give a rematch based on that. He didn't need to, but I felt like he was pressured into that. Then ah I lost it on the CMP, I believe. but But just the way that process worked, I was so frustrated. I still wasn't lose bracket, but I couldn't do anymore. I was so upset with that. So those Androids, those times, I don't miss them, per se.
Was the connection better at LAIC than in Joinville? No, definitely not. LAIC was... I'm not sure if what was it was like the worst experience in terms of internet. It was just like a lot of game freezes. I actually really wanted to just go on stream to not playing the tables. Just like I like being on stream, but this tournament specifically, I just don't want it to be on the tables because the game just froze on you.
And it was just like a very bad experience. the the cable The cable was pulling the phone from you because it was like the security measure. So you you had to play like pulling the phone. And I was like thinking about pulling the phone and at the same time in in the battle. So I was just like very mad. And then the the the same thing was trapped in the phone. So it it covered a bit of the of the screen. It was just like Really bad it look it seemed like so some phones were set up by people that didn't play PPP Which is probably true. So like that it was tied to the to the holder
Not tight, but it was like very strong, and it covered up the screen, so it was just annoying. It covered the screen? What? and just like Just a bit, but what I remember placing some bubbles, and my my finger just stopped, because so there was something that was stopping my finger. Oh, no. It was like, oh my god. And it was like close to the switches, so it's just not great. So they secured it way different than, i'd like, rules or other things? No, worse was, I don't think I ever had a problem with the rules. No, just a way to secure it. it
I don't remember Worlds being annoying to play, but maybe... Maybe I just forgot about the first rounds. But yeah, the cable's just annoying. I guess it's neither, but... there might be better ways I always just feel like a it's everything about LAIC is a double-edged sword because it's so cool that there's such a big event down there and honestly the the crowd and the hype at LAIC is like incomparable to any of the other even worlds doesn't get as as excited as like the crowds do at the LAIC but then there's also a lot of like
I mean, we had a lot of problems even backstage with the microphones. we like Every time there was an interview going off on any of the other games, ah we were hearing it in our headsets while we were casting. and you know we it's like We just felt like there was like some loose microphone in the crowd, so we were like just constantly hearing noise the whole time that the things were going on. But then we're seeing some really, really good battles. and so it's like I always have so much fun at LAIC, but I know that it's also the IC that's going to have the most technical problems, probably out of all of them.

Personal Goals and Regional Challenges

Yeah, yeah, Latin America moment. Where you said. At near the end, and sorry, near the start of the season, Marto, you posted about two goals that you have. You already reached those, or three goals. What's left for you to do this season?
I mean, I guess what everyone's saying, like, win Worlds. But I don't see, like, I don't i never see that as a something that's possible. I just play and whatever happens. So I guess the next thing would be winning UIC. Europe should be easy, so excuse I'm just kidding. But I guess nobody has ever done, like, two ICs in a row. So I guess that would be an objective. But at the same time, I never expect myself to win an international. so I just want the travel awards, I guess, and that's my objective. Do you expect to go to NAIC as well? um Maybe, yeah. um You know, the future is anything that happened, but I guess ah the best tournaments you can go with are RICs, so I might probably go.
The travel awards are are such a very good incentive, especially for Latin America, that it's probably worth it to just fight for those. That's what I've been saying, like not just Latin America, but also Oceania, for example. I don't think a lot of Oceania players are going, but because they're so far and it's so expensive, they can really use the funding to get to other regions, right? So no, I do i do like travel award a lot. I haven't been able to Try for one myself, hopefully NAIC Trail Awards. um Maybe. yeah Yeah, it's great. all and and For example, now we're going to have a lot of representation in... um mean I think we have last year, but we're going to have like specifically four players that go with everything kind of paid. So it's just like very good. I think it's very healthy for the competition and also very good for players.
you I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but I was thinking about the fact that you have all of these auto qualifications and what would you say to someone who feels this is unfair? Cause I think, I don't know if there's actually any of this talk in LATAM, but I know like in every single season, there's people who think that the system is not fair for X reason or Y reason. ah Do you feel like you're taking away spots from LATAM by doing this? And if so, do you, I mean, do you even care?
I'll answer that first. I don't really care. I'm really sorry. um For me, if the people that qualify to Worlds are the best players. Now, the the the main the the the way you qualify to Worlds definitely is is not perfect, because yeah it's a lot of pay-to-win or but at least pay-to-play. You need to go to tournaments. I feel like if you're a very good player, you'll probably qualify. The problem is,
if if you just cannot travel and, for example, in Argentina, right? you You go to the special event in Buenos Aires and you just go like, I don't know, Ariel, round two. And then you you don't get any points, right? And then what do you do if you you don't have ah money? So ah you you kind of need money to qualify to Worlds or somebody that funds funds you. So that the I think the system in itself, it's it's a bit flawed. I'm not sure how can how you can improve it, because at the same time, I feel like ah local tournaments were a bit too strong last season, because you can just qualify only through locals, I think. I don't remember that much, at least in Latin America.
um so So, I don't really have ah an answer to how to improve it. At the same time, i as I said, I'm very privileged. Like, Assemblyman takes me to a german so the the opinion I have, is it's a bit biased. So, yeah, that's why maybe I don't really look at qualifications, like, taking quality auto-qualifications from yeah latino married guy i guess I mean, I agree with you. I just, I think that it's like definitely a a subject as the, cause each year the qualification system has been a little bit different and each year different people complain about it for

Fairness in World Qualifications

different reasons, right? When they think like, Oh, like people who already qualified for worlds shouldn't compete or, you know, all of these different things.
And now that we have a new system, and you're actually the person who is the only person who's benefited it from it in this way. So of course, I just wanted to go directly to the source. I don't think that you should have to care about it. And it's not your responsibility or your fault that you're so damn good. But yeah.
um I mean, imagine going to a tournament and and you're about to just win, and you're like, oh, no, I don't want to take a qualification out of my my my region. No, I'm just going to lose. I don't think that's ah reasonable. So i I care more about like winning tournaments than taking qualifications. And if somebody doesn't like that, I'm just very sorry. I don't think he's really sorry.
I think, honestly, to give more incentive to play them as someone who already won, and I think they, do they do it in VGC, TCG, or they used to, that if you're like, double qualified, or you're like top, I think they did it with like, top of the CPD report, by the way, that you get, and I'm not saying you need to skip the first two rounds, but that could potentially be right now. If you get like, per qualification, you get one extra qualification you gotta buy.
Yeah, I'm not sure how it works, but yeah, you you just skip day one in Worlds. You just go to day two, which is like crazy. Oh, you go to day two even. I think you just go to day two from what I know. I don't know what's the what do you need to do that, but I know they have that. I would have i would like that. It's pretty good. I don't hate it. yes Only 1,500 players points from above. I like that.
Yeah, I don't know how much you thought about this Marta, but if you looked into the the move set updates. Yes. What do you think of it? i I really dislike that they... I didn't like the nerf to annihilate just because we had two weeks. But at the same time, I just wonder you were i just wanted Veral to just like be insane. And because they are not nerfed, the ape, I feel like Veral is just a bit worse now. So I'm a bit sad about that. ah The rest depends on the numbers, but I feel like the meta is going to be very similar, just maybe we get...
like a new Pokemon that we're not thinking about right now, maybe Biberl. So you're not bringing Starmie to EYC? Starmie? I will win EYC with Starmie. Yeah. Yes. You heard it here first. We'll see about that now. I'm just checking something. How is Biberl doing in Jumpluff? What, you lose? What a shock. What? Easy, easy for Jumpluff. Why is it possible? Jumpluff does Pokemon.
ah You do win the 1 to 0s, I guess, so that's not bad. I think Jump Love wins. um i think jump bluff wins I already checked that, don't worry. ah Do you you really like Jump Love? I'm not buying this. You're just saying that... to two two to to I think it will it was very important to me and in the tournament and now it has a very special place in my heart. Did did you use it a lot, Elie? I see.
I think it carried me the most important games. Game three against Dunbog. Oh yeah, you played ABA guys, didn't you? With the leaf tornado superior. Everyone played ABA, so it just carried me. I mean, it also was annoying against, I think it was nighttime, but he used like Moltres. And the Moltres matchup, you just need acrobatics to win. So um it's not always good, but I feel like the team and the jump off was very important. Would you run it again?
In the new meta? I feel like Aesla is going to be... Maybe Vibrale instead of Feralia. Jump love Vibrale is a very good core actually. I'll think about it. It's not core broken as easily with a lowland Marowak, that's for sure. I see you're getting ready for gear, Tina. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't know how much between Vibrale and Jartina is, but hopefully Vibrale wins.
Against the normal type. Yeah. Yeah, I think they were all probably I don't know everything existed. You don't know You around dragon tail What is uh, what is the next storm that you're playing us? I think there's this one a lot. Um, yes, it's in two weeks Or one week and a half. It's in Colombia. You're going

Regional Playing Styles and Predictions

there. Yes Holy moly. Okay. Yeah, I need the trouble award. Yeah Oh, and it's also Rio de Janeiro in the same for NESC. Dude, you have four tournaments for NESC Trail Awards? It's also played in Mexico, February. Mexico and UIC and maybe Puerto Rico. That's cool.
<unk> rio dude I feel like after last season people found out wait only five people went there for production points Everyone I hear so many people saying like I'm going there. Yeah, yeah the same happened with Columbia Columbia was like 17 I think or 18 and People told me there were like 15 out. I'm not sure if that's true, but that's a lot of people and That's cool. Like yeah. Yeah, I expect the less but I yeah um might ask you more about that in chat later because now we're going to see Martijn down in Puerto Rico. That's a I know nothing. I want to write about it, but I don't nothing about anyone. I guess I know one person going now. Maybe he seems as well. You also will are you going to all since 7-Eleven is sponsoring? Are you basically going to all of the Latin ones or are there ones? It's like it's just the schedule doesn't line up. I'm not sure right now. ah For example, I'm not sure if I'm going to Rio de Janeiro.
um But I really want to travel the world, so I'll i'll make and like it happen, I guess, if I need to. I mean, you do have EUIC that can help you snowball. Yeah, that's right. But you can also just go O2. It's true.
How do you feel, I mean, cause at this point you've you've definitely played against players from all over the globe. And do you notice that in that different players have different play styles? Because if we looked at the metas at the very beginning when the max out meta first came out, I think the NA meta was so different from Europe, which was also so different from LATAM and the the the very first tournament of each. Like I think LATAM at the beginning was very like Toxapex, Diggersby,
And like the and name meta was very like quadsire for alligator at the beginning meta and Europe was somewhere in between. Is there anything specifically you're like, okay, if I'm going to Europe, chances are I'm playing against more Europeans. Are you just doing whatever you normally would do, or do you prepare a little bit differently knowing that you play against different people?
ah Yeah, Europe, I have never played in Europe, except Worlds, I guess. ah and They used to run a lot of spies. I don't think right now they do, except, you know, Swylus and Ton-Ton. But i to be honest, i I don't really mind who I play. I just try to use a team I'm comfortable with and... Even even against calling right? I know calling weights and you cannot catch against calling but I Didn't even take that into consideration when I try to catch so it's I'm not really thinking about who I'm playing um which Which is good and bad, I guess like you play like more automatic I guess but you don't pressure show yourself that much I
Makes sense. like it doesn't It doesn't matter who I play against for me. Are you hoping for a rematch against Inadequance if he's playing? Are you taking some suggestions for Worlds? The only person I don't like to play is against Inadequance. What did I do? You beat me the first round. um Yeah, but I just had to align my Pokemon and then... In fact, in the game that just... You are up against me, I'm just saying. ah True. You're 4-3, I believe, right? Okay.
Yeah, but that doesn't matter. That doesn't matter to me. I just don't like your teams. I don't like... I like that you have a unique playstyle. I just don't like playing against you. I feel like you're... I might be wrong, but I feel like you're the only person that nobody wants to play at Worlds. Nobody. Excuse me. Thanks, I guess. When I saw the bracket, I'm like... It's probably next round.
Yeah, that you want to know. Nothing to worry about. Yeah, I don't know how. I don't really know how, but I... You know why? Because I didn't trust my guts, dude. I was discussing with though, and I said, bro, I'm feeling a hard ABA here. Lantern lead, gear teed on the back. There's no way he leads when he's called.
I didn't have the balls to do it. You know what Marto had? Scar elite, lantern in the back. Should've done it. yeah yeah then And then yesterday, now this was in a practice tournament, so there's obviously not as much stake, right? I play against Zzweilos in a practice tournament. And, um, his team composition was super hard. It was like a Chargerbug Malamar core, and Chargerbug beat four of my team, Malamar the other team. So I'm like, I'm just gonna...
I'm just going to perform a crime here. It's going to be triple weak to A slash. Call that he doesn't bring it. Lead Galarian Moltres into Malamar. He thinks, oh, then there's no Claude Sire in the back because then he'd be ABA into A slash. Say, switch to Charger Buck. I swap with Claude Sire.
And I had Sapir in the back, he had Azur, but he top left before that, so we didn't see that. Yeah, I feel like ABA's strats are much better than they used to. Do they use those strats? It's just calling. It's just risk, yeah. It's like... It's calling, but at the same time, you mess with your opponent on how they play. Like, sometimes I... In LA, see, I don't remember specifically one time, but I think he went, like, ABA week two sand slash, so I'm like, nah, this Pokémon's not gonna be here, and he just got that Pokémon.
So it's just the mind games. And I don't like... Did you see Sacramento? Yes. It was ABA versus Superior. Almost every single game, dude. LAAC was the same, right? I can't remember. ABA is a lot in Superior. Yeah.
I don't even think Vitorula used her period against me. I should watch the games back, but I kind of studied him, and he used her period a lot, so I was just a bit scared, and then he never used it against me. Okay. Was a good read, I guess, because he... Yeah, I just started the ABA, like, for Alligator or Asumaril. I have the same thing. You know this player as well, Amanda Kaifje. At my first local, at a Belgian... in Belgium. I played against this guy and he's good at the game, right? But he just sits across me and he says out loud, dude, I really want to make a call, but it's so risky. I'm like, please don't do it. Please don't do it. I had a Gus Lord on my team. He leads future side, Chris Elia lands in the back.
I was so molding, dude. And now every time I play him, I'm like, yeah, maybe he leads Azur and I've superior on my team, but he's still gonna have Gastro on the back. Like, this guy doesn't care. It messes with you, dude. I'm actually traumatized by it. I'm traumatized. ah Yeah, yeah. It's something very powerful. Like, it definitely can work, especially if it's unexpected. I traumatized Zee Zwila, so I have that advantage over him. He's gonna think, oh, this face is just gonna play the worst team composition, trying to make it all rather than a strategy.
So maybe I feel like Colin six ah changed his play style after Arceus Aurelius beat him in Dortmund, because afterwards, like Marcus said it himself, he's like, I knew that you were going to play. There was nothing unless you took a risk. Like I could just play these simple lineups and I would always come out with an advantage. And because Colin was kind of playing very risk adverse at that time, um Marcus ended up winning.
And I feel like ever since then, Colin's been like, okay, fine. Now I'm going to start to take some more risks. And you see him playing things, especially at LA, I see that I was like, Oh, that was a little like different than I feel like he would have played last season. Yeah. Yeah. I think he used a multris clots higher against me. Like I just won an A slash in the lead. That is just over. Yeah.
It was very risky. Honestly, Moltres with two shields up, and he may actually have gone that from me, not the wars into A-slash. Well, I guess regular A-slash is the worst. Of course, yeah. That definitely is a way to play. You just made a soft loose, and then you got that hard counter out of the other Pokémon in the back, so it's not bad. I think you need to be unpredictable. That's the best thing you can do in this game.
i think I think you do have a good point there, Amanda. I also played Cullin in like our locals and then I found him quite predictable. Like I played with a freaking Deyansi in the local and i it it beats one Pokemon on Cullin's team. I lead it into Altaria. If I remember well, he still won the battle because Deyansi just...

Player Strategy Unpredictability

kill Because it's Deyansi doing Deyansi things. That was also at Worlds, right? Where you played like... um He tried to play unpredictable. Yeah, like played like vigor into my team and clothsire and stuff, which is so good. I told him right there. I know Marta tells me to shut up, but Colin didn't. So I talked to him. Do you tell him to shut up? Yeah, I don't really like it that. That's one thing. Yeah, I don't like people talking to me and I like to concentrate. I just want like the best battle.
Okay, ah listen, listen. It wasn't like I was talking and Marten said shut up. It was not like that. He kindly requested beforehand, I know you Europeans like to talk during the battle, I want to focus on the battle. that That's how it went, okay? you did say He didn't actually say shut up. Lurgen did.
even funnier though you Lurgen did tell me that beforehand. He told me I need you to shut up during the battle. And I was like, dude, I always see you having fun with everyone and talking. And now you're telling me to shut up? Hello?
Yeah. I just prefer to concentrate on this. So now and now we know your kryptonite. The lawyers are just going to talk to you the whole time while they're battling. I will just tell the judges. but so when i came or something When I asked Marto a question during like at the end of one of our battles, I actually felt bad. I actually felt bad. I was like, wait, shit, he's no longer concentrated. Didn't matter at that point. but that that ah dude but when I'm like streaming I feel that as well right I'm focusing for a second or something else you lose count it's it's actually pretty deadly yeah I just like I just need to concentrate and
ah yeah I don't like to be to do other stuff, like do you just need to be in the game. But yeah, I feel like come going back to the other point, I feel like the best thing you had at Worlds was ah very being unpredictable. I think that's one of the things that were the strongest about you. That's why a ah lot of people didn't want to play against you.
And I think I remember like you you didn't really like to repeat ah lines, or at least I didn't see you repeat lines, and then you just repeat the line against me, and and that won you the game five against me, I think. It was a Poliwrath. So I was like, no, this guy doesn't repeat the lines, and then, boom, the Poliwrath against me. I'm like, OK, GG's. The last game wasn't playable, I think. The the last game, you you actually almost had me, no? because like No, no.
Listen, I thought it was lantern the whole time. I had to call lantern. No, I thought it was Liktang. Because you stayed away pulling the scar. I'm like, okay, this has to be lantern or scar or Liki in the back. and Yes, in hindsight, I RPS the shit out of you. There's nothing you can do there, right? But if I thought that it was Lantern, I would have brought Skarm into Ape. like That was something I was thinking about. If I did that, it was Jover, because you should have all boosted on my Skarm. Also, what I could have done is just not let you farm my Skarm and just ah force my swap into Ape, just calling that you don't have a Willy tough. and at that Because I feel like, oh also, I throw energy against your Poliwrath, because I've just farmed down and you have an energy.
So I would have would have reached the ice winds because you throw on CMP. No, but then like I come up with energy and like the energy. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I guess you could shareable like so. So I did have misplaced that I could have played the game better. But I just said, like, no, this guy's not bringing Poliwrath. And if he ah in the lead, if he does bring Poliwrath, I just have a and AC. But yeah, you you were unpredictable. Yeah, that's why I didn't want to play against you.
It actually teaches me that you don't want to ah talk during your battles because you're a streamer and like you just said it too. Like you're streaming, you're looking at the chat. I'm impressed that you guys can still keep counts and stuff because I just started streaming and it's impossible. Like you're trying to read the chat and be engaging. And then I'm like, I completely, I forgot what the last Pokemon that was swapped in was. i like It's a new one. Do you watch me, Amanda? Yeah. Do you watch me? Because I lead in something, I win the lead, they swap out. And one second after they swap, what was the lead again?
Yeah, literally things like I, I, I separate, uh, both like, uh, I just don't really care about how I do in GBL. Yeah. And, uh, I really want to, I really want to do the best in tournaments and I'll have a good battle and everyone's concentrated and like do the best

Balancing Streaming and Competitive Play

level. So, uh, the only thing I do that I, maybe I shouldn't me when, when I want her lag, I, I, I make sure that the camera gets it.
I just look at the camera or like just modeled. For for the people to notice that something happened, because there's a lot of times that you like it, just people don't notice. And I just want to make sure like it is. And things like that messes with my head, because then I just tilt and lose counts, which happened against, I think against Doombug, I just ah bait with aerial ace, and Yasuo was not getting to recharge mob. I just lost counts. And there's another matchup as well that I just lost count, because I just want to No, it definitely has effect into it. I think I also had a few games to where I was less sharp because I was just straight-up molding. Yeah, it's something you need to be strong against, but it shouldn't happen, right? Impossible. I mean, I think you became a hero for a lot of people, not only because you won LAIC, but because of a little...
little four-second comment that you made in your interview before going into the mic. I think it was clipped and it was probably one of the most retweeted things for Pokemon Go PvP. Yeah, it was a great reply as well.
Yeah, the the the one-turn lag was so bad in the tournament that I just needed to do it. I just did it i just ah don't like that I started a bit when I said it, because I wish I said it like more clearly.
um But yeah, I feel like it's is the best way to put the words out in in an interview. I wish they did the same at Sacramento, but I cannot force people to do that. So. Well, trust me that there's plenty of people who are thinking about it. Hopefully.
lovelyly Yeah. All right. Shall we ask our final signature question here, Amanda? I think we should. ah Marto, I don't know if you listen to this podcast, but we always end it a very similar way. And it's with a question and it's a two part question. So I'll give you both of them and give you a little bit of time to decide.
But who in this community, this Pokemon Go PvP community, would you consider a crebrawler? And this is a player who maybe they don't have like a lot of recognition to their name yet, but you'd think that they're a really good player. They're a scrappy player, someone who has a lot of potential to one day be really, really, really good. And then who in the community is him a champion? And this is someone who you think hesitant them to win Worlds, probably already a well-known name.
And you can't say more time, but no one does. can't you can't You can't say that. And people ah one person has done before. Who was it again? I don't even remember. I think it was you. one foot It wasn't me. Someone did. I i think it was Tomok. I don't remember. That's such a tough question. Does re recognition mean like ah anything or like win a tournament or like and so like yeah results?
It's up to your own kind of idea. like That's the framework. you can You can mess with it as much as you want. Okay. I'll say SS Thorn for me is one of the best players in the world. He's just not competing that much. I think like i think he just played two tournaments or three. Things like he's recognized. like right He has hit number one in GBL and he is insane, but he hasn't done that many tournaments. So hopefully we we will see him more.
And Worlds? I think I will say Martijn, yeah. Whoa! What's number two? Oh, I don't know about this. Oh, we stopped recording. Oh,

Conclusion and Future Plans

unfortunate. but it was Just because, you know, he has gotten very, very close and he has the consistency. So so yeah, Worlds is just very hard to be consistent and to do well a lot of times.
and I think once I can do it, World Champion 2025. I mean, I think the same can be said about you when you got top five at 2022 Worlds. I mean, that was a smaller one, but still pretty good and far. I'm i'm very ah rough on and with myself. I don't feel like I'm one of of the best players in the world, so I wouldn't put myself there to win Worlds. Interesting. words Because you won LASC. I got lucky. Sure, sure, sure. Amanda, are we airing this this Thursday or next Thursday? um I don't know how much time. Yeah. Well, we can say tomorrow. Yeah, that's fair. We'll put it out tomorrow. Well, hopefully I can keep the consistency there, because otherwise we would know when this episode airs if I was consistent in Stuttgart or not. That's true. That's true. Stuttgart is coming up. Marto, with the team I sent you, do you think I have a chance? No, you get a team of six. Boy, that hurts. You're going to get clapped by a jump off.
That is unlikely. um I will annihilate Jumplunk like no one ever has before. All right, we heard it here first. Spoiler alert, what a shock Martijn might be bringing Jiratina to Stuttgart. Oh wait, I revealed it? Yeah, this is the draft that I sent you. Okay, cut it, cut it.
but well what I actually, okay, so this is the draft that I had for three days. um I do have two teams that I call emergency. ah One of them's from Scaffo, the other one's from Colin in my practice tournament. So I do have so more serious teams, but we're trying to play not serious and win. Yes. Yes, to make it more ah wow, more amazing. Not that, but because that's Girtina. Sure, sure, sure.
yeah or Or does it? Thank you so much. I'll turn. The legs. Thanks for coming on, Marto. It's been a lot of fun to talk to you. And a yeah, we appreciate you taking a little bit of time for us. Yeah, thanks so much. I had have a very good time like the time flow. So it was amazing. Thank you.
For those who don't know, do you want to give a plug for your Twitch or anything? Or do you stream specific days? And where can people catch it? No, it depends. But yeah, it's too smart to go there in every single platform, even in YouTube, which I kind of left. But I'll come back. I'll come back.
Yeah, thank you so much Martin for coming on. May we play again at Worlds and as always make sure that you check us out on Thursdays where we may or may not upload an episode every week. It's going to be a surprise. Bye guys.