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E21 // Lundberger's order is up (with a side of fries)! image

E21 // Lundberger's order is up (with a side of fries)!

S2 E21 · Tap Tap Cast
104 Plays1 month ago

Join us for a special episode of Tap Tap Cast where Lundberger stops being a host and starts being a competitor! She and Inadequance talk about how she got into casting, why she was so late into the Pokemon scene, and what inspired her to FINALLY compete in a regional competition. Inadequance also badgers Lundberger into telling everyone who her favorite casters are in the other Pokemon games.

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Amanda //  
Martijn //   


Introduction and Guest Welcome

Hello, welcome to a brand new episode of Tap Tap Cast. My name is Martijn, you may also know me as an Adequance. And here's my co- Where's my co- Oh, I have no co- this time. Unfortunate. But I do have a very unique guest. It is going to be her first time competing. And you may have heard of her, you may have. Let's get her in. Amanda, I mean, Lundberger. Welcome in to the Tap Tap Cast.
This is your first time on there. Welcome. It's a pleasure to have you. How are you doing? What a sneak attack that we had for everyone there. Yes. Yeah, I'm excited to to be here. I'm excited to see you again. It's been a while. ah let's Let's get into it. Where are you going to see me again?
um I'm going to see you in Birmingham.

First Regional Event and Casting Dynamics

So this is going to be my first time that I am competing in a play Pokemon regional or special event. And you are going to be casting it so I know at least I won't have to play against you.
There's going to be a lot. I have a whole list of things I'm going to ask you, Amanda. and this soon But first, we're going to get to the origins of Amanda, aka a.k.a. Lundberger. Amanda, you live in Belgium, but you live in the United States. how How did you get to the name Lundberger? Where does where does it come from?

Cultural Background and Family Dynamics

Well, my last name is Lundberg. So this is this is a lot of confusing things. I am a Korean adopted person. So I grew up ah with a Swedish-American family. And so our last name is Lundberg. And so, yeah, I just grew up with that completely thinking that's normal. And then when I moved to Europe, it turns out that makes everyone confused because they see the last name Lundberg and they're very much expecting a tall, blonde Swedish woman. And then they're like,
I'm not sure where to place you. Which which tall blondes of women did you marry? for that name But you've never been to Sweden before, right? I went to Sweden for the very first time last year when we went to Malmo, no, two years ago to went to Malmo. But according to almost everyone from the Nordic regions, ah Malmo doesn't count to towards Sweden. So but I guess I don't know. I don't know. I thought it was a cool little city. I'd love to go back to actual Swedish places, though, maybe do some sightseeing at some other point. I tried to convince everyone. I don't remember if you were there last year, but to I tried to convince everyone to stay after. I was like, let's stay for like a day or two after. Let's like go ahead and check out everything. No one, no one wanted to stay.
For Momo, I was not a mom. I think I was at the same time at Hartford at the time. Oh yeah, that's true. That's true. There was probably another event. I did cast Stockholm. I believe that's where you were not, right? Yeah, I wasn't there. I was in the US at that time. We're just always trading off when it comes to Sweden, apparently. You were in the US s when that was going on. Apparently, there was this big, weird storm when you were there, there, right? I mean, there was like something that was interfering with the connection, but everyone got to see the Northern Lights, which I still have never seen, so it's a trade-off.
Okay, well, it's good to know that we already have your second tournament to compete in established. That will be so cool. Good to know. All right, that's a little bit about the origins of Lamborghdia. How did you get into Pokemon Go, actually? um like Like every other person who gets addicted to things very, very easily. Back when Pokemon Go first came out, it was a big fad for everyone, not even Pokemon fans.
Did you start during the very first days? like When was it?

Discovering Pokémon at a Music Festival

2016? I did start in 2016, not the very... I don't know. I think probably close to the very first days because I had some friends ah like really living all over and they were saying... you need to download this game. It's so much fun. And so I was like, all right, I'll download the game. And then I was like, Oh, what team should I pick? I remember I was actually I was at a music festival in Belgium. And I was just like, I decided to download it because I was just kind of bored waiting for the next act. And then I was spent like most of that music festival walking around like trying to catch things. And I
was my very first ever Pokemon game. So I had no idea what any of the Pokemon were. And I don't know if you remember back then or if you had it back then, but there was these footprints instead of like telling you where things were located. So it's like, you'd have to like start walking in the direction, but I didn't know if it was a good Pokemon or not. I was like, oh, a bunch of like birds, a bunch of rats. Oh, this one looks kind of interesting and something I've never had before. Which fast, was it Tomorrowland?
No, it was something really small. It was in Ghent. It was like some jazz music festival. Yeah, Belgium is very small. I'm very cultured, Martijn. I go to lots of music festivals and plays and very, you know, snooty, important people. Of course you do. I should take a sip of water.
Now, we're going to dive a little bit deeper into something I want to expose, which I have, of course, before on broadcast. How come Pokémon Go is your first Pokémon game? yeah um I believe you are not... You're you're like 21, right? You're 21. So yeah how come you've never played in your childhood before? I don't know. I think I just... You find yourself too cool?
I mean, if anyone knows me, they would definitely know that I'm definitely not too cool for it. I don't know. It just like kind of went out of my radar. I never had like a Game Boy or any of like, I mean, I had like other things. I had a Super Nintendo and I had a Sega Game Gear, but I never had like any of the systems. I think that she would have the regular Pokemon games on and I was collecting trading cards, but a more like basketball and no, not like cartoon game, not like anime stuff. It was like, yeah, basketball cards and football cards and those kinds of trading cards that you couldn't actually do anything with. You just were collecting them.

Late Start in Pokémon and Trading Card History

I really, I have no excuse for it because it's it's so addicting. And i if I would have played it since I was a kid, I probably would understand typings and stuff a lot better as well.
you had no game consoles or anything i had game game i had a super nintendo and a nintendo but i don't think that they were built for that were they uh i believe there was pokemon stadium only for nintendo 64 i don't remember super well it's been a while i also am 21 of course yeah 28. But do you play any other Pokemon games right now? You used to play Unite, I assume right now you don't. Yeah, Unite is, I mean, it's still available in Belgium. But it's getting cancelled in November of next year. And they're not updating it anymore for so you can't like get any of like the game mechanics stuff. I thought about it. um Also, pocket is not available in Belgium for the same reason. So you have that?
No, I can't ah can't download that. I i have been thinking, you know, since I do live in the U.S. a portion of the year that maybe I'll just redownload the U.S. app store. So, you know, it's applicable for when I'm there and perhaps other places. Are you familiar with that game? With the Pocket? Uh-huh.
I mean, I know how to play the card game. I like playing card games. I play a little bit of Magic the Gathering. um So I know how to play that. And I have played a bit of the Pokemon card game, but just like with the world champion deck that you would get at like the store that's already pre-created that you can't use in actual NA tournaments because they're not like regulated cards. They're the cards that the champion used.
ah You remember how we have within the European classes group this leaderboard of how nerdy the classes are? You just gained like four spots here. Did I?
Because I know how to play card games? Yeah, all the magic, the gathering. Well, I'm not going to say I'm not as nerdy, but I'm not super familiar with it. No, but you play some weird like other gaming game. What was it? You're always on playing until the wee hours of the morning. Yeah, exactly, exactly. Look, CCO plays that, so it can't be nerdy. That's true, that's true. CCO is the coolest person we all know. Yeah, of course. Good point.
Do you ever see yourself casting Unite or ah TCG? um I wouldn't mind. If I was to choose any of them, ah Unite would probably be second because if you watch the time frame of how long it goes for the card game, that i mean they' they're there from like 6 o'clock in the morning till 11 o'clock at night. I can't be there for that long. i've I'm on on Pokemon Go.
But the yeah I mean, I think I would need to have a much better understanding of the games to be able to cast them. I mean, it's like anything, right? I mean, people listen to us and it... I hope. Yeah, they they just stare at our pretty faces.
But, you know, it's like there there has to be some sort of thing that they're getting out of listening to us besides like an entertainment. There has to be some value added thing. And I don't think that at this point I would have any added value to any other game because I just don't know it well enough.

Favorite Casters and Fun Anecdotes

Okay. um Let's start with our first controversial question. Oh boy. I have teased you many times with who's your favorite go cast. I'm not going to do that this time. That is obviously me. um Obviously. Who is it for Unite?
You can pick only one. Oh boy. And who for TCG? And who for VGC? Let's add them in as well. I like VGC people. Just since you're not super familiar with typing and stuff, I don't know if VGC is much of a discussion for you. I mean, this is, this is incredibly mean. That's my second name, you know. Yeah. All right. Now I'm like afraid I'm going to forget people here. Okay. So we'll go with.
the card game first, because we've been around them the longest. And I would say that I would pick Shay. Because he brings high because he yeah he's a big hype man. And I think our first event events were actually the same first events. And we have a very similar trajectory. Let's do card. Yes.
And so, um yeah, like ah he's but he's been doing really well for himself and it's been really cool to see him like getting more and more events throughout the time and watching him grow and get better and better. And at the beginning, like he really always wore either like this pink suit or this powder baby blue suit. I don't know if you remember it. yeah And so then it was like, yeah, the fact that he can pull that off just already speaks volumes to what a good personality and character he has. I dreamed to be that person one day.
Oh, we can make that happen Martijn. You're casting in Birmingham, right? What's your sizes? I'll get i'll get a suit brought over for you. Well, if it looks really good, maybe, but I have two picks out already. so oh All right, so Shay for TCG. And I will also say that, I mean, most of these, they're most likely probably going to be European because I just see those more, right? We end up watching each other's stuff a little bit more often. You know, you say you have the same trajectory. I think that's pretty literal, right? Because yeah your first, no, wait, he didn't have EYC, but your second IC was LAIC. That was when we were official to European cause. And that is also both your first rules. Yep. Yep.
Pretty cool. All right.

My PvP Academia and Video Editing Challenges

VGC. There's no question. No, no, no, no, no. You can't take Lu. You can't take Lu. There's nothing else we can talk about. Lu is go. Lu is go now. You can't take Lu. Who is it besides Lu? That was the catch. You didn't even let me put it. If you don't get the catch out in time, sorry Marta and then we didn't have the catch. The answer is Lu. There's no discussion.
You think you're smart. Who's your second favorite VGC cluster? I don't have one. I love them all equally.
Okay, fine. And the same with the Unite. No, this is hard to pick my favorite people. Yeah? Who are you going to offense? Yeah, exactly. right That's the real thing. That's the real question. Just be sure I will be tagging them with the clip.
um Man, that's hard because I like them all for very like different but similar reasons. I will say this, Unite is the most fun hang out of all of the ah casting crews. They actually like go out and do stuff like as a unit, yeah so i think it's I think that they're really cool. um Now offends one of them. Now offends all of them.
having said that they all suck and I don't like to them as caster I like them as people but all of them are pretty horrible casters i'm not buying if they're not ah no I would ah yeah I would probably say it sprinkles is My favorite tea's ah got a comedy and improv background. And you can just tell in conversations with them. Like I'm always entertained and we always end up seeming to do bits back and forth without even like intentionally doing it. And then it's like, okay, yeah. I feel like he's kind of a kindred spirit in some ways. Is that someone you could cast unite with? No, I mean, have you seen Doop Snacks? Like he's so big and tough and they're like a ah ah paired partner. i you're Doop Snacks. Exactly, exactly.
Fair. Fair. Okay. um I'm not satisfied with the VGC answer, but maybe I'll get to that later at some point. It's Lou. Yeah. Yeah. Second favorite person there. Lou is go now. Lou is ours. She's one of us. um My PVP academia. yeah I think that was you, Abi and Splene, right? Yeah, yeah, me, Count Zivis and Spleen Lejeune. So it was actually because we were in the Belgian national team together for Gym Breakers. And um I ended up, I was playing online during when COVID was happening. It was like when I first discovered the Big Silph mega tournaments that were put on online. And there was a a Belgian one.
And so I played against Count Xevious in it. And I can't remember what the cup was, but I remember I was running a bite to Drapion and that was like confused a lot of people. And there was gold bats, there was toxic croaks, and there were Steelixes. I don't know if you ever played whatever this meta was or if people will even remember. But I remember I have won one game, Xevious won one game, and Uh, the team that I had before was like three strong against Steelix. So in the third game, I was like, there's no way he will bring his Steelix because that, that Pokemon just had nowhere to go the last game. So I led a Golbat and he led a Steelix and it was just kind of a game over at that point. But I remember when we were trying to add more people to the Belgian national team.
They were like took looking at names and looking at the Belgian leaderboard and someone was like, oh, this Count Sivas guy is really high up on it. And I said, oh, I just played against him, actually. So I have his contacts and stuff. ah Do you want me to see if we can add him? And so we added him in. And then I think he added Sergio. And after that, when we were still looking for others, because they were from a similar area and we all just started talking and. ah both Sergio and Uspleen and Concevius were talking about how they wanted to start like a YouTube channel for PVP specific content for Silph and I was like oh well I'm a video editor in my day job so if you guys want help doing videos or like doing any of that stuff let me know I can help you do that so originally my role was more behind the scenes like editing
the videos and then I'd help like make some as well, because if I had some free time, and then if we were ever doing like Twitch cast and stuff, I would set up the cast and I would always like run the streams and stuff, but usually not be on the streams very often. How long did you guys do this for? Because I believe you were out for two years, right? And then you added Ilya as well to it?
Yeah. Yeah. I mean, we, we added a couple of people here and there, we added like James de Blasio as well to help with some video editing. No fun pain done helped us out for a little bit as well. So there's just like some people who could add some value. We were always trying to find people who had a little bit of time and a little bit of knowledge, but it just got hard to do because no one could do any video editing really, except for me. And that's why we added on James near the end as well. But yeah.
why where it's uh i believe it's not there anymore is it now no i took over it i you changed yeah yeah i changed it and and i took a lot of the subscribers as well we had to talk about it now because we hadn't updated it at all for like eight months or two a year almost and i was like do you guys have any Ambitions to keep it going because if not like I will just start trying to do some stuff here and there Back when I was a little more ambitious on it as well. And and then they all agreed that yeah, it's fine What happened to your YouTube? I've been looking forward to all your I know I know videos and I'm just like my favorite content creator abandoned me. How do I know I
I tell you what, those vlogs were super fun to do, ah but you know, you're making vlogs now too. Vlogs are super time consuming and I don't- No, for me. Okay. ah Sorry to interrupt. No, no, no, no. Walk me through how it can be less because I would gladly take any tips.
So I think it was the LAIC video, that one I had done in three hours or so. oh And the reason why is I just recorded all day through the LAIC and I just put all those small fragments after another because most of the things that really take editing is like the battles, like taking that from the stream yeah that's true and making that look a little bit more pretty.
you know that that is what was more time consuming but but that one it was like okay i have 108 videos just put them all in talk a little bit over it and i was that was easy but then um Sorry, I had another one. Was it Hawaii? Maybe it was Hawaii. Or it was the one before, any I see, I don't remember, but there was one that took like two full days. And yeah there's like three K views, not the worst, but like if I put a GBL video where I just blandly talk about and now I do this with the Quacksire into the Town of Flame, yeah lo blue bla I have seven K views. Yeah, you know, you get the idea that maybe I should not put that much time into a video that doesn't get all of the views of something that takes not as much effort.
Yeah, and it's it's so funny too because I watch your videos and I'm highly entertained when I'm watching them and everything. But when I'm doing my own, if it's not perfectly angled and if it's not color graded, and if it's not like ah then like it drives me personally crazy. and so i think like half of the time too because I'm also going through and just finding like little funny clips throughout the day so I'm like re-watching all of the streams essentially and then it's just like okay well that's already taking at least eight hours because I'm like trying to find the right clips and then I'm like okay now this video is too long now I'm taking these clips and trying to get it down to this amount of clips I do want to continue I think next year I will
Or at least at some point. Next year? I know, I was like maybe 26? Maybe I'll pick it back up again for... E.U.I.C. Should I make one for E.U.I.C.? It's next month. For Birmingham, when you reach day two. Oh, hey, actually that's not maybe not a bad idea because it's like the first time that I'm competing, right? So... And look, you can already have this podcast put in like multiple fragments, saves you a lot of editing. I like it, I like it. See, this is why we're such a good team. We look out for each other, Martijn.
Yeah, well no I know what you mean. like well The problem that I have, I'm sometimes a little bit just near the end of the video when I'm almost done. I'm like, okay, let's just wrap this up. And then I watch it back and I missed like a transition. So I'm like, i see so you're like oh, this took like three hours to export as well. So I don't want to change it for this one small fragment. yeah i don't know maybe Maybe you don't have that problem.
Well, it it does take me three hours to export usually. Maybe my art not that high quality or something. I don't know. Yeah. Okay. That is my PFP academia and your YouTube channel. now oh What are you, what are you focused on the most now to grow as in your brand and content? Yeah, that's a good question. I've been thinking about that a little bit because I think that out of, I don't want to say all the casters, but Of the casters, I have a different skill set. Like I'm an okay battle. yeah i mean I'm um'm a content maker beforehand, not specifically for Pokemon, right? So I mean like I do video editing and I do all that stuff and I have a marketing background.
I also play the game, I think, more than you guys do in a different

Travel Content and Unique Niche Exploration

way, though, right? I mean, like, I'm traveling almost constantly, so and I'm going to all these different places, which I think could be cool to showcase somehow, but I haven't figured the right to niche for it. Because I don't want to, like, with all love to, like, Zoe, who I think is great, you know, or, like, ah trainer tips and these. There's enough of this type of content out there. yeah So i'm I'm trying to find, like, a good bridge between PVP content, but how you can get like PVP Pokemon or like, you know, showcasing different communities. ah beenhow video Yeah, that's true. That's true. You the bridge you know, I was supposed to make a
I was supposed to make a a video with Zoe at some point. We discussed EUIC, then Worlds, and we both have not sent a message to each other. I also don't have an idea on what to make. Yeah, yeah. I mean, there's also like a guy who lives in Ghenta. His name is Yurun026. And he's like a pretty decently sized content creator for regular Pokemon content.
And we talked about it too at one point. Oh, we should make some sort of like thing together or do a collaboration again. Yeah. I mean, we even live like 40 minutes away from each other and we're not even sending the messages. so Yeah. Hey, I mean, if anyone's listening to this podcast and they have great ideas of what they would like to see in a channel, feel free to let either of us know. I think that would be helpful. But yeah, I mean, that's the main thing is like, I want, if you think of Pokemon go as this overall pie, PvP is just like not even a slice of that pie. It's like a sliver. It's like the crumbs that got left over of the pie. And now it's three days later. never fixed right Yeah. So, I mean,
If we could even get like a slice of the pie and of a slice of the pie of viewership I think that it would be absolutely incredible for the game though. The the goal is figuring out how to do that, right? I mean, yeah um One more thing about might be beginning I think it felt I think it's like it was like a step up into casting Yeah, how did you get into casting?
I was thinking about that because again, when we were doing my PVP academia, I only stepped into cast if we couldn't find other casters because gym breakers, as much as I loved doing it, that was like a six hour time commitment just for casting, right? but you did You did the stream, right?
yeah We did the stream, but not only that, everyone has to send me the video footage. so i was like setting up the yeah so i mean like i was It was days of work for for me and I was like doing everything in the background and then also sometimes casting it and running it at the same time if we couldn't find other casters to do it. But I was like, it's fun and I like doing this sort of work.
And then when like the play Pokemon circuit started up, I was thinking this could actually be kind of cool to try out because I've already been doing a little bit of this. oh I think I'm better at that most likely than I am playing.
And then see online, it wasn't even like, I think I just mentioned it on Twitter at one point, too and then JR Honda, Vulpix, or Dusco, and like three other people sent me a message um saying, oh, here's a like a link that this guy is saying, ah this guy, Connor TCG, with the TCG.
was wanting people's reels and wanting some background because they were extremely low on casters for Go um at that time because they didn't really have any Go connections. They had more connections in the video game and also in the card game. And since they had no one better, they took you. Yeah, basically. I just begged and pleaded and gave my way into it and look where we are now.
No, I submitted an application and I, um, I took a reel that I had or I like of different things and I had casted in the past with, yeah, with you and with Totectical, it was like, you know, obviously like pretty well known in the scene. I had some stuff with Caleb and Speedy.
Um, and actually, um, it was really nice. and And I think about this a lot. I was sent something to Butters who I didn't know super well, but saying like, Hey, could you have a look over this reel? Cause we had casted together at the world championships for CILF one year.
And then he's like, Hey, can I call you? And so then he, we had like a 40 minute call and he was just like, yeah, yeah it was like actually like really long. And he was just like, I really liked how you did this. Um, and he just kind of wanted to know what the process was like for Europe because it was quite different than what they were doing in the US as well. And just offering some tips and saying, Oh, well, if you have, if you ever want anyone to talk to about it too, let me know. And, uh, And I remember thinking that that was like really cool. And I also am trying to pay that forward too, because I'm sure you get a lot of them too. But I get a lot of messages of people asking for like tips of casting or like different things. And so I tried to take some time. Only from you, actually. all right yeah I'm like, please help me, Markz. I don't understand this at all. Only ever gave me a 10 minutes call. So you're already ahead of me. yeah He likes me four times more than you, can I just say.
No, but I mean, like I've worked with some of the Australian casters and like some of the people and the girls at PVP doing some different casting stuff just to like help people get better, offer some feedback, and just get some practice in. Because I think that that's a main thing for a lot of peoples. They just don't know how to do it because they've never done it before. And the more you do it, the more comfortable you get.
Yeah, I tried to simulate a bit of a regional stream Monday with Marcus. Let's give him a little bit of a feeling, but I feel like just in-person casting feels more natural than online, especially when- Speaking of Marcus, how cool is that, right? We can actually talk about it now and everything too. I am so pumped that Arc Israelis is officially joining our casters group.
Yeah, um I mean, ah for a first time, you'll never really know what to expect. But like, just yeah as as a friend, I think he's he's awesome, right? and I think it's great to have someone like that. It will make a great hype man. He's already the the European hype man. exactly exactly i So to have him. Here's the thing, Amanda, do you think he can be louder than Butters?
and oh so here's the thing right here's another thing that i want to add to that by the way because i say louder as in it's it's good it's not always good to be loud right just clear but but butters does it in a tone that it's that it just sounds uh hype right yeah butters is like genuinely hy Like I don't know how, since i he he makes this sound and with some people I think, yeah, it could come across as fake or too loud or of obnoxious, but he doesn't have that. I say this in the most loving way. He's like a golden retriever or some very like energetic puppy dog who's just like, has to spill out all of this joy everywhere. And that's hard to replicate, I think. yes
yeah But yeah, he's got a loud voice. I don't know, um but I think that with everyone, right? Everyone has their own kind of unique style and I'm anxious and the excited to see what Marcus's will be. I think it will be hype, but I don't think it'll be the same type of hype.
And I think in the same breath, if he's trying to replicate that, it's not going to come across as himself. I think he will. Yeah, i know he definitely needs to be himself. But I feel like he can be similar in a way when he. But again, we'll have to see that we'll have to see what happens. Okay, man, that's time competing. Okay. Are you nervous? Um,
No, but I also don't have, I don't have, I don't have any expectations either. It's like, I don't think I'm going to do well. I think that realistically, I think I'm a okay to good battler. Okay. And on a good day, I can beat a decent amount of people, but I'm not like a highly competitive, really good battler, like a lot of people. And I wouldn't kid myself to say that I am. And so um I don't think that like, you know, you've going up against some of the people who have been competing who aren't like aren't maybe super well-known names but are pretty good i don't think i will fare well against any of them
Okay. um If some annoying Dutch guy will be pushing for you to be a around... Well, just imagine, right? yeah Or maybe around... it Can you only imagine if this would happen? It's possible. they're they're around If you're ever on a holiday, you probably recognize some Dutch. They're everywhere. It's so annoying. Yeah, they're wearing like maroon pants. Go on holiday to escape them. They're just like freaking out. Anyway, um if they if he would push you on stream your matchup, would would you then be nervous?
hello I mean, I will, I will be nervous a little bit in general, I suppose. I think playing on screen is a different ah beast in general, because I started the streaming again. And even just when you're streaming, it's different than when you're just playing because I'm like talking with the the chat and stuff. And I'm like, I've completely lost count. And I think it's much more embarrassing to make common mistakes or if someone catches an attack or something, you know, like these things, it's only, you know,
brought up tenfold more because now people are watching it happen. Did you see my Stuttgart match against Stone? I know how it felt. But I've also saw like the one of the very first times that you were shown against Aziré when you caught. Yeah. So I mean like you've been on both ends of it into and that was one of your first times playing on stream and you already showcased that youre you're good at it from the start. so Okay, but i'll be I want to be humble, but I guess I can't here. My one claim to fame is I beat Zionic in this one random thing that we did for EUIC a couple of years ago when we were both ah all the casters, but it was just like a random pre-show thing. so Okay, so you do have some experience there. Do you have your team already?
No, I was going to actually ah ask you about this. I've been gotten getting a lot of different team recommendations. So how about I tell them to you and you tell me what you think about them?
Sure, sure. Let's start with everything that does not have Azumru and Drapion cut them out. Okay, okay. That's a good start. So a team that was given to... Okay, so I have to find the team that I used. I used this team in a cup and challenge. Okay. So I used... What you guys went to without me. Yeah, the one that we went to without you. That was lovely, right?
I played Shadow for Alligator, Ariados, Azumarill, Digger's Bee, Talonflame, and I originally had Superior, but I changed it to Shadow Drop Beyond. Ah, good. Otherwise we had to cut the team. Yeah, yeah. I think that's okay. It's okay. It's just okay. Well, the thing is like, I feel like um that I forgot what I wanted to say. I mean, I did top cut with it, but I didn't win.
The team seems pretty good. One thing that I had, let me think, you had Talonflame, Drouppion, Ariados. Yeah, that's what I had in my Toronto team as well. So my Toronto team was like, you had Feraligatir, Zumrah, what was the sixth Pokemon you had? Digersby. Yeah. That's maybe not as weak to superior, but something that I found in my team was that I was like three times super strong and superior, three times super weak to superior. It always became a game, a gamble, right? Yeah. Yes, I can bluff my opponents.
But you know, against Shady Equation, he brings it and I just struggle when I have the wrong alignment there. And it's a walk in the park when you do have your Tunnel Flame on Superior. yeah This is something I struggled with. And also in GBL, sometimes when I play like ABB to Mandebas and I don't bait it out, it could be in the back. You know, it's just him, I had like, man, this person is staying into these soft balls. Maybe they have Mandebas in the back.
um That's something that I kind of have. I mean, with Feraligatr and Diggisby, you have more flexibility than I had with the Shadow Canton Marrow again, the B Barrel. So, I don't know. I think that's it. What do you think of B Barrel? Leo and I were just playtesting some stuff because he wanted to battle, and they were very fun battles. I wish people were watching it because it came down to an attack, but he was running a bit barrel, and I was like, this is kind of annoying to deal with, actually.
and general I love it. I made a draft for EYC where I will be competing and it has P-barrel on it. Of course, that is that was only my 27th draft, so it's very much open for Chase who is a muscle weight still. So we'll see. yeah again Again, there are three drafts with Giratina. He's back. If he will be back ah for EYC, I don't know. I don't think so. but My friend Fabio, who actually he top cut it, I believe the last tournament in Stuttgart. Or not. Yeah, he did. He did. um He gave me a team with the Giratina, but I don't have one. So you want to practice storm with it. But I think the last few ones didn't go as well. I don't think it Giratina something right now. I'm clearing Corsola, obviously, but I don't have enough candies for it. And I don't have like, I have one if I invested every single resource I have, it would be ready in time. But it's not a good
one for pvp i'm like well it's not really worth it then at that point um it could give you an edge if you win chart security in the mirror because that's true put the decision on the opponent to put up the first Protect Shield or not. um the One thing that I really hate about Galarian Core Slice is that you kind of need good IVs, in official terms, low attack, high defense, and HP, to win Shadow for Alligator in the one shield. um Mine does that, but what it doesn't do
is win a zoomer on the zero shields and shadow canto american in the two shields you need i believe 142 hp amanda that is a lot for a gilean corsna i have that but that takes like a usually like a ranked top 10 So it's not easy to get and that's what I kind of hate about it because you can't catch it in the

Competitive Play and Galarian Corsola's IVs

wild. And I feel like right now if I weren't, if I didn't have the one I have right now, and I really want to play Galarian Corsola, Hondo, just build the Hondo. Like that's the cheapest one to invest. Yeah, it's true. It's true. But yeah, I mean, at the same point, then you're not going to be able to ah yeah have a lot of scenarios go your way.
um you lose meel zero on yeah I'm not going to build a Galarian Corsola for for this tournament. So you have Giratina's alternatives. And i my Giratina is 1464.
four so you you You get all the breakpoints. so i wouldn't be Look, I tried. All right. All right. I'm listening. The thing is, dances like this. I feel like ah it does. it It does like this, um which looks really wrong now.
Anyway, it doesn't have coverage of that, right? Cuz you want shadow punch and shadow punch. Yeah, you do. You want them right there. You want those attacks. That makes it perfectly to be walled just like my guerotine origin was against the Lickitung in the grand finals. But it's such a good move set into anything that's not normal and not dark. The problem is, instead of drop, you're on probably top two, top three usage. That is a lot.
Yeah. So the real question is, is ah is Scaffold competing in Birmingham? He's not. Then I'm going to message him because didn't you tell me before when I was talking to you about, oh, you can help me team build for Birmingham. You're like, honey, I just steal stuff from Scaffold. That's ah that's what I'll have to do. We're like, Scaffito, give me a team. I did that once for four Worlds and he took my team for Utrecht.
um except that he had Sableye instead of Giratina, which actually, in the end, was worse for him because he lost to a Chargerbird. What do you think about Sableye right now? i I know some people are bringing it back because Annihilape and Primate are there. No, not good. All right. My boy is benched. Okay.
Diggus beats your problem. You need a high attack, shadow, save light to get breakpointed for alligator, farm down to two shields. I believe, I'm not even sure if you can throw an attack in in two shields. Yeah, that's true. I mean, there's a, I mean, it doesn't win against anything really in the top meta, besides maybe Annihilape. I feel like even Annihilape is not great. as If Annihilape throws a Ragefist, can it not count you down even double shields? Yeah, maybe, maybe. I'm not feeling right. Right? All right. so back Back to the save light, crossed off.
I have a graphic in my ah and my server, no longer on X, but BlueSky, and there's 13 winning teams. um I could say that at least 12 of these are good. The Morpeko, Star, Migastrodon, maybe not so much. but but i've been What I've been basically told is, hey, if you're stuck, just run jump pluff, a a shadow dropion, no jump pluff. Jump pluff is for people who don't like to win. ah and Unfortunately, oh well, fortunately for them, sometimes they accidentally win with it. Okay, okay. Like Marto? Yeah, yeah. All driver, no car. he He was on a bicycle.
what I don't know. I feel like Jumpluff, especially with Shadow Council of Merrick being back in Rockets, increases in usage, Jumpluff is probably the best counter to it. So in that case, maybe not the worst. But we'll see how that shines because soon, you know, it's also going back Corviknight. Or as Tho would say, and I tried to correct him one million times, Corviknight makes no sense.
um which is like a better Skarmory. It has like higher HP, makes you look better into like dragons and stuff, or just your worst matchups either way. so But that's on the board for this time. um But that means you haven't scrimped with anyone either. No, no, I like literally I just got back from Istanbul last night at 10 p.m And the internet there was horrible. I don't I'm not saying the whole ah Country of Turkey has horrible internet. I'm saying the hotels that I'm staying in I couldn't even get on discord without turning off my Wi-Fi and just being on like the data for that So I think it was something that had to do with like
probably the hotel connection and not wanting you to use too much bandwidth, but it was like I dropped so many points and go badly because I was just getting lag and I'm like I can't tell if it's the way that the things are going right now because sometimes that also happens or it's just not never know if it's not great or if it's my connection or a little bit of both but Yeah, no I have not. I mean, the the last time that I played seriously-ish was at that local cup and challenge that you didn't show up to. I was so looking forward to seeing you. You didn't tell me and I would have. Would you have come?
maybe it was on 31 December or something. it was kind of yeah i was like yeah I honestly, I wasn't going to go to it. Because there was one in Ghent at the same time and the Ghent was a little bit closer. And so Sloeking and I were saying, oh we'll go to one of them, either it'll be closer for you or closer for me. And then the day of, I was like, I completely forgot that they were going on. So I was like, I'm not going to go. And he's like, but Leo is going to be there. And I was like,
All right. All right. Let's go for Leo. You will go. Yeah. I don't see very often. I mean, he lives in Germany. Yes. that i If it was like also the other way, if they were like Leo's going to this one and Martine's going to the one in Ghent, that would have been a harder decision. I would have definitely gone to one of them. Right.
yeah Yeah, which one?
ah Anyway, beside so so why did you actually attend those logos? Just for fun? Or yeah are you trying to get championship points? Well, I have 94 championship points now. so That makes you top 500 best players in Europe. No, it doesn't. Does it not? know I don't know. Maybe it does. um um um It makes me top 10 in Belgium, which I think is cute. There you go. Top 10 in Belgium.
oh Maybe you should be player to watch. Oh boy. Oh boy. No, I don't think so. um I just wanted to go. There was one night I didn't have really have much going on because i I travel quite a bit, but I was home and Slowking was going to one of them. He said, hey, I'm going through Antwerp. I'll pick you up if you want to come. And so I said, oh, yeah, sure. I'll just come along. And then there, you know you meet a lot of people in the community who you don't get to see otherwise. And then I was like, oh, this is kind of a cool like feeling ah that I was like,
seeing people and getting to know other people. And then they they joined the server that we have. now We have surf the Smurfs and the baby Smurfs. And so a lot of them joined the baby Smurfs team because they want to get more into PVP. And so it's like, wait, it's cool. Did they join the actual team or just the server?
Um, the, the server, I think a couple of them joined. Um, but this was in the past, like not this from this specific one, but a couple of them joined from a local tournament, uh, from both Leo side and forum from the Belgian side. Leo took a like Odin who you stole from us for, uh,
for your stupid Emperor's team. yeah's me I know, I know. I remember we were talking about it because ah you had like asked him once before, like, Oh, would you even be interested? And he had said no, because he was talking to me and he said, I know i think.
Yeah, and and and he's like, I don't want you and Leo mad at me. And I was like, I would never be mad at you for switching to to go to play for a like a good team. like So don't ah don't worry about that. And then you can see that it changed in his eyes a little bit. like then Oh, well, goodbye, Dan. I was like, well, all right. Peace out. We've had a lot of really good players who are like, you know, I feel like the Smurfs in a way is like, I think all the players are good. They just haven't had their moments yet. And a lot of them, it's like a passageway to something else too, right? You know, like, boom, who everyone is pretty familiar with. He, the only reason he left the Smurfs is because he wanted to play with kids his own age in the the the best moments in the world, you know, like the pogoats. So it's like, he's ah on the team with Wadaj and, uh, 21, you're only on that much older. Exactly. That's what I tried to tell him. Crazy. Or like a mega junco Fabio.
I mean, it was on on there as well. Yeah, he's leaving though. He's going to another European team in the top tier. Top tier teams. Team Pizza? They'll take anyone.
king cal cal yeah lay's biden he's on our team he's He's still on our team though. He's going to stay. Okay. Okay. um Yeah. Some of them still have to have their moments. one of For one of them, maybe in Birmingham, what what is your goal?
for Birmingham. I'm going to wipe the floor with everyone. that's no i ah i mean the the goal is and I don't even want to say it's a goal because if it happen if I go 0-2, I'm going to be a little bit annoyed that I made it a goal not to go 0-2. But the goal it's it's everyone's goal. right No one wants to go 0-2. That's the main goal is if I could at least have like So if you have one win, you'll be satisfied. Because yeah the truth you' probably your first round is probably unseated. It is possible you may get, respectfully, someone who is not as experienced, has hardly played. Either they are good, and they but they just never ever played Pokemon. I know a couple of those. yeah like like um
Yeah, be careful. But it could also be just a TCG player. Or, you know, that's also possible. It could be either. Yeah, like it could be someone like boom. I'm really in trouble. I think like sometimes it's just hard in general because
with all due respect, I think sometimes you play a little bit differently when you know your opponent's skill level, right? So it's like, ah you don't know if you don't know the person, if you should be waiting a turn necessarily, or if they're going to like throw right on alignment, or if they're gonna make really

Mindset and Expectations for Birmingham Event

interesting team compositions that you were like, oh, that was not expecting any of these Pokemon. So I was playing different things. So I think that a lot of times this can happen as well. And I know realistically, like even good players like yourself, like, you know, ah Marcus, ah I mean, people, people go zero to it, it happens or people will lose the first round. So to say that it's, I would say it's a goal, but who knows?
Okay, makes sense. Yeah, it can happen to the best of us. Not to call myself that, but... No, I would argue that you're one of the best. A lot of us. Yekai, 02, 2023 rules. Yeah. I want it next. My next few questions, Amanda, are going to be rapid fire questions. Okay. I'm going to ask you a question. You have to say the first thing you think of, okay? Okay. Just a warm up first. What's your favorite food? Sushi. Faster, faster. Sushi, sushi.
Favorite Pokemon? Sableye? Favorite holiday destination? Ooh, Japan. Favorite United... ah U.S. state? Favorite U.S. state? Oh, man, that that's way tougher. I don't even know. It's a slow fire. Colorado, Colorado. No, North Carolina, North Carolina. Okay. Favorite color? Yellow. Favorite music genre? Indie. Best Dutch battler?
Martaj. Yeah, I took too long.
I was thinking of being a jerk about it, but then I was like, no, i think I do think that you are the best Dutch battler. What is your favorite thing about Colorado? What is there? to Explain to a clueless European. So there's two things ah about, but I said North Carolina, I changed it to North Carolina. But colorado love five things Colorado has the best um weather, theoretically. So it has like really, really cold winters, but it also has the most sunshine out of any state, apparently.
So if you have like that seasonal depression disorder or anything like that, you should live in Colorado. Colorado also has Red Rocks Theatre, which is this outdoor amphitheater where you can see concerts. It's really, really cool. Lots of really cool hiking, skiing, different like things that you can do outdoors in Colorado. Just for other clueless yeah Europeans, this is like the mid mid-middle of the United States. It's like the Midwest. I think most people... Colorado's awesome.
um North Carolina, however. oh the Crap, um North Carolina. North Carolina is on the East Coast as well. North Carolina has all more seasons, but more mild, very, very polite people. If you want to see a beach, there's a beach. If you want to see the mountains, they've got the mountains. i would you like They have accents, like little southern accents. It's like Western DC, right? Yeah. Okay. I've been there. Oh wait, this is where the Charlotte Regional was.
oh Also, yeah, they had the Charlotte Hornets, which was the one of the best basketball teams. Do you go often there? No. I've only been a couple times, but every time I've been, I've been like, this is a, if I lived in the US, I'd probably want to live in North Carolina or Seattle or Colorado. What's your question? Do you like, what do you like more, Europe or the US? I like Europe by far more. By far? Yeah. As American, I'm a fan of America. Why Europe by far?
I think there's a lot of things about Europe that are just a little bit... I mean, this is like anything where, you know how it's like, you you have a brother, you can make fun of your brother, but if anyone else makes fun of your brother, you're like, don't you dare talk about my brother that way. I don't know if you're like that. It's a little bit more go, right? If TST talks shit about us, it's not happening. Only we do that. yeah Only we can talk about it, yeah. so This is how I feel kind of about America, like if people can shit on it a little bit, but then I'm like, hey, well, ah did you know that at least we did this? And ah kind of giving an excuse for it. But Europe has like, okay, history behind it. So everywhere you go feels a little bit more weighted and like, real in certain like, you know, you walk around the growth mark, and you're like, dang, this has been around for longer than the US has like, been an established country or you know, and there's,
up I mean, not to get too political about things, but healthcare care um and living wages and just ah just kind of the disparity between the rich and the poor is not as prominent in Europe, at least least in Belgium or what I've noticed. um So it's just the the way of living is a little bit more in line with how I actually view things.
right Right, from which state were you going from? iowa Iowa. It's a swing state, ah which means like sometimes it votes for Democrats, sometimes it's vote for Republican, which is cool because it gives a lot of like different viewpoints. It's also very, very hot in the summer, super cold in the winter, a lot of flat land, a lot of farm, not a lot going on. You usually go there in the summer, no? I go there in the summer, yeah. yeah Because I will never go back in the winter. Last time I was back in the winter, it was like freezing out. Like you couldn't walk outside. And I was just like, why am I back in this weather? Like I will never go back in the winter. How many degrees in Celsius? Negative 40. Negative 20. How many of Fahrenheit since you're American? I was just saying the other way around. It's negative 40 sometimes at its lowest Fahrenheit. It's like negative 20 something probably Celsius then.
that that is That's cold. I've had friends where their cars have like stop the engines have stopped working in the winter because it got so cold that it was just like, the car's like, nope, not today. So you can work from home. That sounds great. It's true. It's true.
Okay, so you only go there in the summer, that makes sense. Well, now there's a perfect time to go there between June and August because there's no Go Fest anymore. I know, I know. Oh I was so annoyed when I saw ah the dates of stuff for Go Fest this year. that was ah That's a little unfortunate, I think.
Are you going to any of those? The GoFests? I mean, it's in Paris, right? So it's pretty close by. That's nice. But the dates are like... No, any answers with me? Yeah, I mean, I would like to. But I won't be in the US at that point either. So... And there's also New Jersey a week before that. Yeah, yeah. Here comes another European question. Okay, okay. Right next to New York, right?
New Jersey? Yeah, it's very nearby. I can just stay in New York and go to New Jersey now. Yes, but I wouldn't do that because New York is more expensive than New Jersey, so it wouldn't make as much sense. If you're going to actually be in New Jersey... Is there a lot of New Jersey? I don't know. You've been watching Jersey Shore, or you know of Jersey Shore? Absolutely not, no. I've seen the characters... You should do some research, yeah, exactly. Start watching that. New Jersey has not really... I've seen South Park episode almost. There's not a lot, I would say. I think a lot of Europeans, however, love New York. And I think it's probably because it's the most like Europe out of any of the US cities.
But even having said that, I don't think it's very European. I've been to New York like ah when i was to when I went to Hardforce. But I think there's more to see. yeah is It is definitely a ah bit expensive. But if I can just win any, I see real quick should be no problem. What did you say your favorite music genre was? Indie.
In what? To all Americans. Pogo Rash also says in the, like. Yeah, because it's the best music genre. She clearly has good taste. It's like this genre where you're like, okay, this is popular. I'm going to go with this just because it's not popular. you know no it was I also listen to NPR, which I do, but it's a national public radio for those Europeans who maybe don't understand.
Thanks. i I was just letting you yap on that one. It's like a good co-caster does. so you
Favorite foods? Sushi? I'm not surprised.

Culinary Journey and Love for Sushi

And has it always been that? Yeah. I mean, ever since i i why is it not hamburgers or something? I never really liked hamburgers that much. I didn't try sushi until I was 21, like just last year. but Cause I'm 22, I'm not actually 21. And then I was like, Oh man, I've been missing out my entire life. But I grew up in a really small town of like 800 people. We didn't have a sushi spot. I mean, like I would not have been able to try. I tried it when I was in the university.
Yeah. No, I actually have to say, I started with Asian food quite late. I never really felt anything in Japan. When the world was there, I was like, do I have to go there? Let's just do it, I guess. I'll never go there again. Now I want to go there every time. Yeah, I was so jealous. I was watching Alessio and Susie and Rob. And I was just like, man, I don't want to go back to Japan. Japan's awesome. Yeah. You know what? Let's go tomorrow. All right. Yeah, let's pack up with screw Birmingham.
Yeah. Um, just, I, I said, why no hamburgers. I didn't mean to offend any the Americans there, but just have you met arrow before you've met arrow. Yeah. ah yeah It's, it's a lot of that. I do like, like text mexican stuff. So here, here is my thing. This is America's contribution to world cuisine is Buffalo wings. We ever had Buffalo wings. They're delicious. I don't like them too much.
No, no, listen, listen. Are they too spicy for you? No, my hands just get too sticky. It's so inconvenient. So I'm a weirdo and I eat it with a fork. I hold the thing on one end and I take the fork and I pry the meat off of it. I know. It's also... Chicken wings with a fork? It's also very un-American. It's very un-patriotic of me, but I am a clean eater. What can I say? Because in the United States, you also eat fries with your hands, right? Yeah.
normally, like ah someone, when I ate it with a fork the last time I was there, people were looking at me like, what are you doing? Look, I'm eating my fries. Hello. Well, I would say the difference is too, in the US, like fries are usually a small side thing and like a fast food and in Belgium and the Netherlands and some parts of France, it's like a meal. Like you can just get fries with like a bunch of crap on top of it. And then of course you're going to have the you're eating utensils with that. Cause otherwise you're going to get the sauce all over your hand.
Yep, I did that today. Do you know Brahm La Dage? No. You don't have that in Belgium. Do you say Petat or Fried? No, Friedges. Of course, of course you do. Well, i actually, do this is incorrect, but that is incorrect. But I went to school in the South of Netherlands, so that that is why. I mean, I think that is where we are going to wrap it up. I have one speaking of food. It's about dinner time for you. You told me it is about dinner time. I told mom I want to eat at six because I have to interview this very unique guest competing for the first time ever. I believe she's going to be the 2032 world champion of Pokemon Unite.
because she quit Go. After her horrible burning fire in Birmingham, she moved on to Pokemon Unite. But I have one more staple question for you, and this is something I usually ask with my co-host to Efron, but she's not here today, Amanda, so I'm sorry about that, Lumberger. I'm going to ask you our traditional question, and I hope you prepared for this, because I will be upset if you didn't when I have... I have no idea what you're about to ask me, so I'm really excited. I'm on the edge of my seat. Okay, very good, very good, very good. it's All right.
um We usually ask our guests here if you had to pick someone who is not as well known in the community but could just surprise everyone and win Birmingham this weekend. We would call that the crap roller. Who would that be? And also, we have the mad champion. That is the person who's already well known, who could win everything. You may say me. Just saying. Who would that be? But but does anyone actually say you?
uh someone did i think it was was it Marto someone someone did someone really good actually you know what it's been a while i should remember this better yeah you should be taking notes of everyone who says yes it doesn't happen a lot so i will say that i think more people know him now especially after um night time clashers oh horrible butchering of his name but uh kofia a belgian trainer i think he is one more time cal week is it good or not One more time. Kofia? One more time. It's fine, it's fine, Kofia. It's passable, Kofia. Passable, passable. See, sometimes I say it like more Dutch and then the Belgians are like, how did you say that?
it's It's fine. just I just do that with everyone. like po It drives pogrash crazy. She tries reading something in Dutch. yeah I mean, Dutch all ah is difficult, though. I did it with Fort of Battles. I told her it pronounced my name. She pronounced it perfectly. I say, nope, that's not it. that's That's what Dutch people do. yeah Yeah, I mean, like my husband's name is Jeroen. I mean, that's also like not a common name across anywhere else in the world. But anyway, so I would say... ka and Okay. He's quite good. oh is He is pretty good. I think he, is yeah, he also has that hunger in him right now where it's like, I remember when I was learning PVP and I was just like trying to soak up all the information and I was writing down different, the typings and stuff but with the silk cup. So I knew, uh, what Pokemon was good against the other ones. And well, he's much more advanced than that. He has that right now going on for him. He like watches a lot of dip videos and he watches a lot and yeah, he does. He joins a lot of elements.
So I mean, I think that he's ah he's well on his way to being a pretty well household name. Unfortunately for all casters who aren't Dutch who will have to learn how to pronounce his name. No issue for me.
And then you're my champion. And then I'm a champion, which is a good question. um So I will say you.
And I will also say, this is a fun backstory with this too. So at Worlds, 20, 23, 24, yeah, 24 Worlds, technically. The one you casted. The one I casted. Yeah, 24. When you were in the finals against Ikai, the night before,
They were like, you know, they have to do this cast your predictions of who they thought was going to win. And everyone's heads were kind like supposed to be the profile picture was below who they thought was going to win. And everyone had to say at the same time who they thought were going to win. And everyone said, yukai but I said, Mark time, not inadequates. And everyone thought I said, youre okay And so they were like, no, she said, you guys, she's just trying to backtrack now. Cause no one said lot more time and stuff. And so they made, uh, they were like talking with Dan, the graphics guy and they're like, Dan, put up, put her on your car, put her on your car. And so he's making the graphic and, um,
the The graphic isn't even made to be built, so all the casters vote for one person, so they had to make an additional graphic, and I'm like, no, I said Martine! Put me on Martine's side, and they they wouldn't do it. And finally, like after we all left that evening, I messaged Dan, and I was like, I i like i said Martine, can you please put me on ah on the inadequate side? And he said, yeah, no problem.
and so But if you talk to any of the other casters, they're like, no, no, she said, you guys, she's just so scared now that the Europeans are gonna be mad at her. I was like, no, no, that's not true. I said, Martine. Very good, very good. The one person who believes in me. Yeah, yeah. Well, I believe that you will not go O2. You will not go O2. That's the starting point. Let's see. That'll be the goal. All right. Thank you.
Lundberger. Thank you, Lundberger. Thanks for having me on. Yes, of course. Unfortunately, Amanda wasn't here, but next time she'll be here. um Thank you for coming on. Looks like my mom is texting me right now, so it's time to have Dutch dinner at 6 p.m. Yes, the Spanish and the Italians will be mad at me again. Well, tell her ah hello from me. And everyone else will see you on the next one.
See you on the next episode on Thursdays or sometimes Fridays as well. Make sure to just follow us and you'll you'll be notified. And this is where the Gliscor attacks are, right here. Bye, guys.